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Guitar Hero Reddit

2010.01.29 06:45 spermdonor Guitar Hero Reddit

This is a subreddit for all of your Guitar Hero needs! Need help? Help is here! YOUR PS3 LES PAUL WON’T SYNC AND NO SELLING CONTROLLERS IN THIS PLACE! NO NEW POSTS ABOUT “GH REBOOT”, IT’S 🦀GONE🦀! Have a question about getting DLC/license transfer? Get a RGH! Just passed Through the Fire and Flames for the first time? Don't be afraid to post about it! If you play on real guitar, good for you! Please take your idiotic questions to Rhythm Games Community Discord: https://discord.gg/0SrIUyiiarDafGL2

2011.05.24 00:33 767 Polandball

Wiggly mouse-drawn comics where balls represent different countries. They poke fun at national stereotypes and the "international drama" of their diplomatic relations, combining history, geography, Engrish, and an inferiority complex.

2012.05.24 05:07 AlexCail Overwatch

Subreddit for all things Overwatch™, Overwatch 2™ and the Overwatch™ Universe, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment.

2024.05.21 18:40 Inner_Lengthiness697 Faceless short maker tool makes $30k MRR

From 0 to $30k MRR in 4 months using Affiliates and FB/IG ads
Eric, an ex-Instagram employee and successful Indie Hacker, already makes $50k/month with his other two tools.
At the start of the year, he decided to build an auto and faceless shorts/reels/TikTok maker. With the rising trend of short faceless videos on these platforms, Eric saw an opportunity. The process without a tool is tedious — writing a good script, generating AI voice, and matching it with a background. Autoshorts simplifies this into a single step: choose the script style, and it takes care of the rest.
Eric launched Autoshorts in the last week of January. By March, he had already reached $2k MRR, thanks to ads and posting his own shorts on TikTok (using his own tool to grow — amazing, right?). The growth was insane; in just 2 weeks, he hit $4k MRR. He shared his FB ads strategy with everyone too; check it out here.
However, Eric learned that relying on one channel is risky (FB blocked his ads for a while). So, he started focusing on affiliate outreach. This strategy paid off, helping his MRR grow to $12k (a 3x jump) with a successful affiliate video.
As of his most recent update, Eric hit $31k MRR on May 9th.
Marketing is all about trying different strategies, being consistent, and doubling down on what works. Now, it’s your turn to give it a shot!
To read more such tips and stories around building on the Internet, consider subscribing to our free Newsletter BuilderOS :)
submitted by Inner_Lengthiness697 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 SuperRefrigerator526 Stuck on 2.5, very slow progress

I’m so frustrated and just need to vent to people who get it. I’m stuck on 2.5 because 1- shortage 2- I was dealing with some constipation, and have only lost about 4-5.5lbs in 3.5 weeks. I’ve watched my eating habits and am on we still counting points, still hungry and fighting urges. I’ve worked out twice per week every week…. Still losing only 1-2lb per week. It doesn’t feel like I’m being ‘helped’ by the medicine. I’m not complaining I have to do the work. I am doing it, and obviously understand it’s important, but it doesn’t really feel like it’s improving my progress, satiety, increasing loss, etc.
Can anyone else relate?
I hope it feels like an aid at 5, whenever I’m able to up the dose 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
submitted by SuperRefrigerator526 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 Crocott Caisse invalides supermarché - obligation ?

Bonjour aujourd’hui j’ai accompagné ma grand mère de 90 ans dans un petit supermarché en bas de chez elle pour qu’elle face ses courses.
Elle ne marche pas bien. A une carte d’invalide. Le supermarché a une file invalide.
Je mis dirige je pose les affaires sur le tapis.
Un peu plus tard j’ai une caissière qui viens m’expliquer que la caisse invalide est fermer et qu’il faut aller faire les queue avec les autres. Il y a 2 files avec 5 a 10 personnes qui attendent a chacune.
A force de discussion nous avons pu payer les courses sans aller faire la queue.
Dans cette discussion j’ai dis a la caissière que c’était obligé d’avoir une file invalide et que la caisse invalide ne pouvait pas être fermer.
Je viens vérifier cela, est il obligatoire pour un super marché de faire passer d’une manière ou d’une autres (caisse spécifique ou coupe file) les personnes identifiées comme invalide plus vite ?
Merci pour votre aide.
submitted by Crocott to PasDeQuestionIdiote [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 Elkomolozupo Vuelta Superclasico de Roblox el domingo

Vuelta Superclasico de Roblox el domingo submitted by Elkomolozupo to CARiverPlate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 Anal_Lover18 Greatest run ever

I will never have a run like this again. Got the medallion and beat life for the first time, over 10 prismian and ridiculous luck.
submitted by Anal_Lover18 to haveanicedeath [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 Strict-Lake-2022 The bus came by

So I’ve been listening to the dead pretty strong for a little over 2 years now. I love the music with all of my heart and I’ve watched documentaries, recorded shows, listened to records, even have a playlist with all of their songs on Spotify. I really love the dead but with all the love I have for them it also brings a sadness, since I never got to experience them live because I was born in 03 and they’re all about gone now. I saw D&C and while they were amazing it’s just not the same yknow. I was just wondering if y’all had any advice or it would be nice to hear how others feel about it!
submitted by Strict-Lake-2022 to gratefuldead [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 East_Chemical_9164 Recurring strep in 7 year old

My kid specifically one keeps getting strep throat and no matter what we do it keeps coming back. This is literally the 4th time in 4 months. So she basically finished a course of antibiotics only for it to come back 2 weeks later. I’ve changed her toothbrush, washed bedding, dish rags and sponges etc. sanitized the house with Clorox wipes and she takes her own water bottle to school to avoid the water fountain. What more can I do? She keeps bringing it home and infecting us all. She’s 7 so right at the age for strep. We are changing antibiotics because we probably created a super bug at this point. Any advice
submitted by East_Chemical_9164 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 meggie_doodles What is the best way to display and preserve these schematics? Details in comments

What is the best way to display and preserve these schematics? Details in comments submitted by meggie_doodles to ArtConservation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 dd-330 THIS FREAKING LEGEND AI 🤷🏻‍♂️

that keeper just save every fugging shots on goal oh my god. and every of the shots was not directly to the keeper AT ALL. 2 stunning shots from booster rumme to the top corner, 1 70-80% shot to the too corner from booster pirlo and a freakiny curl shot to the bottom far corner from nc hp griezmann ALL STOP 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
submitted by dd-330 to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 1percentsociety We completed your HLR request but..

-We completed your request for higher-level review on the following issue(s): · Depression
-However, we need to develop for additional evidence before we can properly decide your claim.
This was in a letter I received 2 months ago. What does this mean and does anyone have similar case as me?
March 16, 2023 - I had a C&P exam for the above issue.
March 20, 2023 - I received the letter.
Could it mean that they are reviewing the exam results?
submitted by 1percentsociety to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 ExtensionAd4940 3 phones 6 orders

3 phones 6 orders
3 phones, 6 orders, 2 orange flats, 3 carts All smiles though…..Thoughts?
submitted by ExtensionAd4940 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:39 LegendsofLost First look at the Peanuts Halloween Pops!

First look at the Peanuts Halloween Pops! submitted by LegendsofLost to peanuts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 Storm-Panda I tried my best…

I tried my best…
Probably one of the highest damage output I had in one game. If it wasn’t for AFK Shaco and Le blan, we might’ve had a chance even 🥲
submitted by Storm-Panda to Caitlynmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 AzizzB Extended Range battery not charging or turning on

Extended Range battery not charging or turning on
Hello guys i’m having an issue with my battery where it would randomly shut off while i’m riding it, then when i try to turn it back on it doesn’t turn on. if i wait wait 20min or so it will turn back on. Today i was out with it and it turned off mid ride and now it won’t turn on at all even though i know it’s charged. sometimes it would charge and sometimes when u plug the charger in nothing happens and when i remove it the board turns on for a few seconds and dies. this is the only thing the battery is showing now..
submitted by AzizzB to boostedboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 Professional_Echo411 5.0 back to 2.5?

I have done one month of 2.5. My Dr. put in another 2.5 (in case I couldn’t get 5.0). My 5.0 came in and later my 2.5. I decided to start the 5.0 since I had it, thinking the 2.5 would be a buffer if I ran into problems with supply.
My side effects were minimal with the 2.5 and I lost almost 10 lbs. I’ve taken 1 dose of 5.0 and it’s been really rough- this is day 5 and I’m just starting to feel a lessening of fatigue and nausea. I’ve also had sulfur burps and still have diarrhea.
I am leaving on vacation next week and am afraid dose 2 will be just as bad. I’m thinking maybe I should go back to 2.5 for a month, but not sure if it’s ok to go down after up?
Anyone have info or insight on this or been through it?
submitted by Professional_Echo411 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 Blue_Slime-3886 Did someone else got lucky in this event

Did someone else got lucky in this event submitted by Blue_Slime-3886 to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 LoveFromElmo Dog Jumping on Counters and Eating EVERYTHING

Hello all, I’m not sure if my dog still qualifies as a puppy but these behaviors have gone on since she was a puppy so I’m hoping this post is allowed. I have an almost 2 year old Bernese mountain dog/poodle mix. (My mom picked the breed pls don’t come at me bc she’s a doodle) She’s about 50lbs and is tall enough to put her paws on the kitchen counters. She will grab anything and everything off the counter and eat it (food, mail, plastic bags, etc.). My family does their best to keep things off the counters but it does slip the mind sometimes. It’s quite annoying not being able to have anything on the kitchen counters. I’m also concerned at all the things she eats. Lots of dogs chew on things but she eats them. Examples of things she’s eaten: dry wall, baseboards, toys, clothes, phone chargers, home decor, etc. I know it’s likely because she is bored because we don’t have a fence in our backyard so she can’t run around. I’ve begged my parents for one but they don’t listen so I just try to walk her and play with her as much as I can. Any advice on getting these behaviors to stop?
submitted by LoveFromElmo to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 Cushywake Pasteurized or Pasture Raised?

Pasteurized or Pasture Raised? submitted by Cushywake to traderjoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 chervilcake Increased to 30mg, my paxil update

Day 1 increased to 30mg from 20mg. Reaching my total 2 month mark on Paxil 10mg to now 30mg. Hoping this dose will do more for my mood 🤞🏽I’ve been having a weird symptom for the past week or two of sore lymph nodes on my neck..I’m not sure if this is attributed to the new collagen supplement I started so I stopped that. If lymph nodes are still sore by Friday, I’ll see my PCP.
With the new increase in dosage I may get the wired feeling I have when it’s time for bed while my body is acclimatizing to it, so gonna start with taking the med in the AM until that feeling goes away.
submitted by chervilcake to paroxetine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 yaapops Discounting what is left! Looking to move all my low - mid end cards. Mostly football - RCs, Autos, Numbered, Team lots. Pricing in description

Discounting what is left! Looking to move all my low - mid end cards. Mostly football - RCs, Autos, Numbered, Team lots. Pricing in description
Looking to make some more deals! Comment/ message me teams or players you are looking for.
Page 1: Adam’s downtown 210, AOC RPA 50, Howell RPA 50, AR auto 65, GW 8.5 75, Saquon psa 9 50.
Page 2: Discounted team lots! Some teams have autos/patches. All rookie cards / numbered stuff
Page 3: Raiders lot 90 shipped
Page 4: QB lot 40 shipped
Page 5: Numbered lot 40 shipped
Page 6: ZAPPE IS SOLD. Other 2 autos for 45 shipped
Page 7: rookie lot 35 shipped
Page 8: mixed bag 45 shipped
Page 9: patch lot - STROUD SOLD - 55 shipped
Page 10: Falcons lot 70 shipped
Page 11: Swift RPA IS SOLD
Page 12: Pokémon! All 5-10% below TCG
Page 13: DISCOUNTED baseball lot 130 shipped
Page 14: DISCOUNTED basketball lot 100 shipped
submitted by yaapops to footballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 minimumattic Lovely X31 from my collection

Lovely X31 from my collection submitted by minimumattic to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 Bad-at-platformers (US,US) [H]Vintage to Modern, 151 RH, CZ GG, TG, Hits, Slabs [W] Binders, Paypal, Wantlist GG

Hi all!
Hey everyone! Here is an assortment of binders. I would love to just look through stuff so dont be shy to ask if I see anything!
I have a ton of 151 RH for sale. Nearly every card 1-151 Priced at TCGPlayer. if over 6 cards going to need to do BMWT so would be +4$ from price.
Galarian Gallery Needs:
54 Zamazenta V
60 Cynthia's Ambition
66 Roxanne
70 Arceus VSTAR (Gold
Also have a lot of random V,EX, GX and other cards, plus promos, WOTC
I am going to try to be a little more organized but in the end it is going to feel like a lot of random cards so enjoy the scroll and maybe youll find something you like!
Miscellaneous Binder 1
Miscellaneous Binder 2
Slabs and Packs and Singles
PP G&S, BMWT is $5. PWE is 1$ for cheaper cards!
Thanks for looking! Priced at tcgplayer, slabs at ebay last few sold
submitted by Bad-at-platformers to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]
