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2023.11.16 22:59 Xenc FortniteFestival

The developer supported, community run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Festival game mode by Epic Games.

2017.08.21 23:02 rodneyck A fan sub devoted to Damian Wayne, aka Robin, Son of Batman

This is a Reddit sub for DC’s Damian Wayne, aka, Robin, the Son of Batman. Consider this the Bat Cave for Robin and his family, and that includes Bat Cow.

2024.05.21 22:42 GhelasOfAnza Indie games marketing guide — from someone who’s NOT an expert

Over the years, I’ve done a lot of different work in the games industry. I want to start this off by saying that I do NOT consider myself a marketing expert; maybe intermediate. I’m making this post to address the most common misconceptions my clients have had regarding marketing. Quite frankly, this is the biggest point of failure for indie games. Take it all with a grain of salt, share your own experiences, and please: correct me wherever you feel I may be wrong.
Marketing should start at the same time as development. You have a great idea for a game — awesome. Do you know who else is going to want to play it? Do you know how you can reach large numbers of those people? How can you make branding and messaging appealing to those people specifically? This should be day one stuff. It almost always isn’t.
Going viral on social media is an outdated concept. Social media wants you to pay for ads. That includes X, Reddit, and everything in between. Many will throttle you for unpaid self-promotion.
Don’t spend money on short-term engagements with content creators. Even if you catch them on a day when they are energized and having a blast playing, their first priority is their audience, not your sales numbers. A one-time payment will not change that.
Don’t hire unverified marketing help. Unfortunately, the indie games space is full of scams. Lots of people offering marketing help have no experience. Ask to see multiple case studies and successful campaigns.
We’ve gone over a lot of stuff that doesn’t work. Let’s cover a few things that do!
Know your ultimate goal. You should strive to create enough of a presence on multiple platforms to start getting noticed organically. Throwing a few hundred bucks at some ads isn’t going to do it. A somewhat successful post on Reddit isn’t going to do it. Align multiple marketing actions in such a way that they help amplify each other — make a new trailer, use it in your media outreach, promote it in various ways, use it to announce a demo and a contest — now we’re talking!
Optimize your Steam page. Make sure all of your art is high-quality, distinct, and gives a player an idea of what they can expect from your game (capsule art especially.) Figure out what the best tags for your game are. is a decent place to get some insights. Do this ASAP.
Create a community hub. I like to use Discord for this. All of your socials, Steam page, your game demo if you have one, and just as importantly, the game itself — everything should funnel players into one place. This will become an invaluable resource. The first committed members of your community will help provide insights into how to reach your demographic, help you find bugs and quality of life issues, and keep your team motivated. Don’t wait to do it — a year or more ahead of launch is ideal!
Reach out through content creator platforms. The ones I have personally had good results with are drope and lurkit. Your mileage may vary. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a few content creators that love your game and want to keep engaging with it.
Reach out to content creators for free promotion. This is really a numbers game — you might send out 100 emails and get 2 or 3 people who cover it. Focus on creators that absolutely love your genre, and love showcasing promising new content. Send them a free key along with a personalized message. The odds of success are honestly pretty low… Nevertheless, if a sizable YouTuber covers you and is genuinely intrigued by your game, this will be well worth your time.
Run contests, giveaways, or tournaments. Let’s face it — you have a lot of competition. If you want people to line up to try your game, a little extra incentive might help! Make sure that your prize(s) are hefty enough to overcome any barrier-to-entry. A caption contest would have a low barrier-to-entry, while a leaderboard competition would have a fairly high barrier-to-entry. Keep in mind that the likelihood of winning a prize is a barrier-to-entry factor as well. “Winner receives $100” < “10 random contestants receive $10.”
I hope someone finds this helpful. This is not a fully comprehensive guide, just an opportunity to compare notes. If you have questions about any of the things mentioned in this guide, feel free to DM me! If you have something to add or correct, please let me know in the comments.
submitted by GhelasOfAnza to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:42 boringestnickname What are the things that stops this game from being fun over time?

This seems to be the number one critique of the game at the moment. It's killer fun for x amount of hours, and then it peters off somewhat, mostly because it becomes too easy in one way or another.
So, could we make a list of what it would take to make it a satisfying loop for a longer amount of time, or even endlessly (or close to endlessly)?
I'll start (with the obvious):
The government database
This is a given. It's simply way too easy to solve any case with the government database. I think the general idea is a feature that will make cases you are completely stuck on possible to finish, just to restart an unsatisfying loop. Which is perfectly fine as a concept. It just doesn't work in practice, because it invalidates most other features of the game by simply being too easy to access.
I think the idea could work if it was heavily gated. Imagine that in order to gain access you would take the elevator to the top of City Hall to the top enforcer brass. Here, you could ask to meet The Commissioner – which by the way is a nice way of introducing a variant of The Commissioner Gordon/Friend on the Force trope
"I know him, he's me!"
A lot of times it seems borderline ridiculous how fast and loose the citizens are with information about themselves using "do you know this person?" dialogue. They can be entirely adamant about not revealing their name, until you show them a picture of themselves. This makes sense if you have a lot of information, and you're sort of cornering them with a "you already know I know" proposition, but in a lot of cases, it just feels too easy.
A solution to this problem would be just to match their reluctance in all dialogue "trees", and to have a bit more stringent threshold in terms of the amount of information you need to corner them.
Infinite memory
When you've played in the same city for a while, your character tends to basically know all there is to know about a substantial part of the populace. This can make cases trivial.
I suggest that the character should actually forget things over time. Gatekeep getting rewards behind closing cases, and let there be some forgetfulness algo that picks random details to disappear if they're not up on an active board. This seems pretty realistic, and it would stimulate people to use their own memory (and notes) to get ahead, if they want. An alternative that has been suggested elsewhere is being able to buy filing cabinets to put in your apartment, where all your previous cases/boards are. To remember things, they will have to be pinned in boards. When the cases are closed, the boards will end up in your filing cabinet, where you can transfer information to an active case, if needed.
What are your biggest gripes regarding the longevity of Shadows of Doubt? What are your suggestions?
submitted by boringestnickname to Shadows_of_Doubt [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:40 Icy_Future9035 23m from UK looking for new friends:)

23m from UK looking for new friends:)
Hi I'm George 23 from England south west near Bristol looking for new friends and people to chat to on a regular basis :)
I love being outdoors as much as possible just done a solo camping trip last weekend! Looking to go again soon. Really enjoy walking miles and miles without a goal and getting lost! I live in the countryside too which is a bonus, love having fires and watching the sunsets and the moon/stars. Listening to music too of course whilst I'm doing it listen to anything really. Eminem, Metallic, Billy Idol literally anything goes!
Big into tattoos and piercings my first couple tattoos were rubbish so planned and got some I really like and keep expanding on them as well. Got my nose, eyebrow and my ears pierced too! Love to see other people's tattoos too. I got a ps5 and gaming laptop but don't enjoy them anymore really, kinda depressed right now so trying to just go walking more :)
Feel free to message be cool if your local to Bristol could meet up and do things this summer 🌞
submitted by Icy_Future9035 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:40 Still_Performance_39 An Introduction to Terran Zoology - Chapter 37

Credit to u/SpacePaladin15 for the NOP Universe.
Hey, I hope everyone's doing well!
Today we return to the namesake of this fic, an actual lesson about animals. This one focuses on Koalas! One of Australia's most recognisable critters. I hope you enjoy.
It's hardly worth mentioning, seeing as I'm an infrequent poster at the best of times, but I'll not have another chapter out for a few weeks due to limited free time and devoting most of my writing time to an upcoming ficnapping. Be sure to look out for that!
[First] [Previous] [Next]
Memory transcription subject: Rysel, Venlil Environmental Researcher
Date [Standardised human time]: 8th September 2136
Bernard’s energised voice boomed through the air as the classroom's monitor flickered into life, images of this paws lecture topic popping up one after the other until the entire screen was filled with a collage of furry quadrupeds.
Squee! I’ll never get tired of this, it’s all so cool!
As usual the sight of something new stirred immediate discussion, hushed murmurs swelling into vibrant discourse in little more than a heartbeat. Most of the class swiftly huddled together into small herds to bounce ideas around while the rest opted to stick to the solace of their own thoughts as they took in the display.
I’d be quite happy in either situation, though seeing as Sandi had already sunk into deep concentration and Kailo had peeled off to talk with Ennerif and Solenk, it seemed the decision had been made for me on this occasion. Wasting no more time on idle inspection of the people around me, I focused my full attention forward, eager to form first impressions before the lesson began in earnest.
Now then, time to make some educated guesses. What traits does this animal have? I wonder if I’ll get any right this paw?
Professional assumptions went paw-in-paw with the lectures, examining and coming up with hypotheses about the specimens was only natural. Recently however, I’d started to make a little game of it to make things even more interesting than usual. A veritable bonfire of ideas had been set ablaze within me, fueled by my newfound knowledge of Earthen wildlife. Every flash and spark of the flame was a fresh theory I could try to apply to the lectures. It was an invigorating exercise that further stoked my unceasing wonderment.
So far I’d only done this once during the previous class and, to my disappointment, I’d not done too well.
I was right when I guessed that chickens were omnivores, but wrong in my assumption that they could fly. And that red thing on their head, the um… what was it called? The comb! Yes, the comb. I thought that was to attract mates, but it regulates body heat instead. It’s fascinating. Oh! Stars damn it I’m rambling!
I bapped my tail against my leg, the soft thud being just enough to snap me back from my runaway thoughts before I went completely wall-eyed. I was becoming more and more accustomed to getting lost in my own head while remaining conscious of the fact; it was happening so frequently now that it was pretty much impossible not to. Now I was able to pull myself back to the world around me without having to rely on someone else shaking me out of it. Most of the time anyway.
Sandi still keeps an eye on me, and Kailo even decided to help out once without being too snide about it. Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, Koalas.
Glancing at the furred animals, two things immediately stood out. Firstly, their eyes were in a more central position on their face. And second, all the images showed them being on or close to trees. There were other noteworthy observations of course, such as the Koala’s prominent nose and rounded features, but they fell to the wayside as I honed in on these points first.
Hmmm… ok. I already know to discount the idea that they’re predators just from eye position, so let’s get that thought out of here. Maybe omnivorous? Herbivore? Agh no, I can’t just guess that for the sake of guessing, that’s the same problem! Hrm, it’s tough making these assumptions now that everything I thought I knew has been turned on its head.
Nevermind, I’ll focus on the other thing. All the trees make me think they’re arboreal, that seems to be a reasonable assumption. I wonder what else they-
Clearing his throat, Bernard broke my concentration, his call for attention silencing the murmuring conversation and redirecting everyone's focus to the lecturer's podium.
His gaze panned across the room as he waited for everyone to settle, a beaming smile lighting up his face, “As ever I’m delighted to see you all get so into the subject matter from the get go. I’m looking forward to hearing what you were discussing should you wish to share. For now though, how about we get started, hm?”
A chorus of merry bleats rang out from across the audience, ears and tails flicking happily in agreement. Bernard's grin grew in tandem with the class's fervour, clasping his hands together enthusiastically as he launched into the lesson, “Excellent! Then let’s get started.”
The pictures on screen dissolved away until only one remained, enlarging to cover the entire monitor with the fluffy grey face of a Koala peacefully reclining in the crook of a tree.
“Ah, there we are,” Bernard’s baritone timbre drifted through the room as he looked up at the image, his own tone reflecting the relaxed attitude of the animal on screen, “He looks so comfortable doesn’t he? Perfectly at peace with the world, not too surprising considering they sleep almost 20 hours a day. A full paw!”
A wave of beeps and gasps rippled through the herd, punctuated by a single yawn-dressed comment from Rova, “A full paw? Hwuuu… jealous.”
Her drowsy remark elicited several whistling giggles from the herd, Bernard's own jovial chortle joining them as he turned to face her, “Late evening Rova?”
I twisted a little in my seat, panning an eye in Rova’s direction just in time to see her bleary eyes bulge open and her ears shoot up, now intensely aware of the fact she hadn’t been as quiet as she thought she had.
Sitting up abruptly, she hastily tapped down errant tufts of wool that’d flared in surprise as she composed herself, though her nervousness at becoming the centre of the class's attention was still plain for all to hear, “Uh- I um… achem, a little bit yes, um- …sorry. Lokki dragged me out to a movie viewing in the rec centre. It went on pretty late.”
A melodramatic bray from the other side of the room drew everyone's ears away from Rova to the now aghast Lokki, paw splayed across his chest in faux indignation, “Dragged you? Well excuse me for trying to broaden your horizons with human movies. That’ll be the list time I- …Ahaaaa…
Lokki’s theatrics were cut short by a heavy yawn of his own, a swell of whistling laughter rolling through the herd as vibrant bloom lit up his snout, a sight that elicited a particularly amused bleat from Rova.
Turning away from the duo I looked back at Bernard, pleased to see that he was chuckling along with us. Behaviour like Lokki’s would never have been tolerated in my school and university days but, in stark contrast, Bernard revelled in it, the liveliness of his students fueling his own bombastic style of teaching. It was a pleasant change of pace having a teacher who let us all be ourselves in class; provided we weren’t too disruptive to the lesson plan.
Speaking of which.
His laughter still rumbling through the air, Bernard clapped his hands to pull everyone's focus back to him, “Ok, ok, let’s get back to it then shall we? Rova. Lokki. Hopefully the two of you can stay awake long enough until you can grab yourselves a coffee.”
As the class settled down and the last few giggling beeps petered out, Benard pointed a hand to the screen, “So, the Koala. Let’s start simple shall we? They are herbivorous marsupials native to the eastern and southern coasts of Australia. Easily recognised the world over, they are a well known and beloved symbol of their homeland, along with other animals such as the Kangaroo and the Emu. The former of which you might remember from one of our earlier lectures.”
Indeed I did remember, along with how angry Bernard had gotten after some speh-head had derided the Yotul after he explained how he held specific disdain for such attitudes.
Uuuggghh… I never want to see him angry again. So chilling.
I shook my ears in an effort to dismiss the unpleasant memory, panning my eyes back to the monitor to try and distract myself by inspecting the Koala’s physical appearance once more. Thankfully, by some Star's blessed intervention, Bernard had the exact same idea.
“Koala’s are rather squat in stature, ranging around sixty to eighty-five centimetres in length and weighing little more than fifteen to sixteen kilograms at their full size. As you can see, the fur of this fellow before you is a lovely silvery grey, but their fur can also sport a chocolaty brown hue as well. Arguably the most distinctive part of their appearance is their head, being rather large for their body size and having rounded ears, a large nose, and a pair of small eyes. These are often brown but variations do occur.”
It didn’t slip past my notice that Bernard didn’t bother to point out that the Koala’s eyes were forward facing. I didn’t think he’d simply forgotten, so perhaps he just felt it wasn’t necessary given that he’d already stated it was herbivorous. Either way, no one stuck up a paw or tail to question him.
“Now this will hardly be surprising considering how long they sleep, but Koala’s are largely sedentary and it’s rather easy to see why when you have a look into the contents of their diet.”
With the press of a button the Koala on screen was replaced by images of vibrant green vegetation. Soaring trees and flowering shrubbery weaved together across landscape framed pictures pulled admiring trills from the herd, the diversity of the plant life being shown standing as a reminder that it wasn’t only animal life that flourished on Earth.
After giving everyone the chance to take in the picturesque scenes, Bernard casually hammered that point home, “This is eucalyptus or, more accurately, a choice selection of more than 700 plants belonging to the eucalyptus genus, though the Koala itself favours 30 of them in particular.”
700!? Stars…
Realising that my ears had drooped in my momentary awe, I twisted them back to tune into the lesson, only for them to splay out in shock at the next words to come out of Bernard's mouth.
“The leaves of these plants are the primary food source of the Koala and there are a couple things worth mentioning when talking about these plants. For starters they do not have much nutritional or caloric value, leading to the Koala’s low-energy lifestyle. Additionally, they contain toxic compounds.”
A shiver instantly ran through the herd, ears flicking rapidly in confusion and alarm followed by a few quizzical whispers. It didn’t take long for someone to decide to give a proper voice to the murmuring.
“Excuse me Doctor. Did we hear that right? Their diet is made up of toxic flora?” Vlek’s grumbling incredulity cut through the herd's mutterings with ease. Until Kailo’s recent change of heart, the fifty something rotation old blonde Venlil had been a close second in terms of scepticism. Mercifully his rebuttals had always been relevant questions as opposed to ranting diatribes, so he at least remained on topic if nothing else.
Bernard nodded in confirmation, smiling back at Vlek while absentmindedly twirling the end of his moustache, “You heard me right, they do indeed consume plants that are toxic. Just not to them.”
Any worry or uncertainty still clinging to the herd was swept away by the provision of the glaringly obvious answer, leaving me chuckling inwardly at the oversight.
Ah of course! The plant might be poisonous but they’ll have evolved to deal with that. Stars… I’m so used to expecting the unexpected with Earth that I didn’t even consider the simplest solution.
“I see, thank you Doctor,” Vlek replied, a tinge of interest still audible in his tone, “I assume they’ve developed some adaptation to become immune to the harmful effects?”
The question immediately evoked a smirk from our teacher, but he hurriedly suppressed it while bobbing his head, “They have indeed. There are several factors that aid in their digestion of eucalyptus leaves without succumbing to the plant's baleful properties. The first is a part of the intestinal tract called the cecum. It contains a microbiome that allows the Koala to digest the eucalyptus. Coupled with this is an enzyme in the Koala’s liver that helps them break down the toxins. They are also capable of sniffing out the plants with the least amount of toxins, ensuring that they ingest as little as possible.”
Pausing for a breath Bernard looked back at the screen before turning to face us, another grin curling at the edges of his mouth as he continued with his explanation, “This is mostly for adult Koala’s, because while their young also possess these same adaptations, they don’t just go straight to munching through foliage right after being born. No, they need a little help making that jump and getting a stomach full of all that good gut bacteria. It’s nothing bad, but those of a sensitive stomach may wish to prepare themselves for this next part.”
Bernard’s assurances did little to assuage the concern that his warning had foisted upon us. Having been exposed to so much of the weirdness Earth had to offer everyone always ended up on edge whenever Bernard gave advice like this, even if he did say it in jest.
What strange nonsense thing do Koala pups do then? Judging by the way he’s acting it probably isn’t something as simple as drinking milk from the mother. Hmmm…
“So,” Bernard began, snapping us from our pensive stupor, “Young Koala’s, known as joeys, have a gestation period of thirty-five days on average, which is approximately forty-two paws. Once born they travel from the birth canal to a pouch in their mother so that they can continue to develop and grow. In the pouch the joey finds and latches onto one of two teats and these provide the newborn with a steady stream of nourishing milk. It spends the next six to seven months growing in the pouch, its eyes, ears, and fur all developing as time goes on.”
Okay, interesting. But this is exactly how I thought it’d go. What’s different?
The unexpected normalcy of the Koala’s birth and growth cycle had calmed everyone's nerves, only to be replaced with an air of suspicion as we waited with rapt attention for Bernard to drop the other claw and upend our expectations like he always did.
Not wanting to keep us in further suspense he forged ahead, the tempo of his voice picking up as the smile started to crease his face once more, “Now to make the switch from milk to eucalyptus, the mother also feeds the joey a substance called pap. It comes from the cecum I mentioned earlier, and contains all the gut bacteria required to help the young Koala in making the switch to eucalyptus.”
He stopped and looked around, searching us for a reaction to what I felt was a rather bland statement of fact. What was it he was saying without actually saying? Koala pups drink milk to mature and then include this pap substance so that they can start eating plants. I don’t see what-
The cecum is part of the intestine.
I blinked.
I blinked again, the intrusive interruption scouring my brain clean of any other thought bar the one it’d just implanted itself in the forefront of my mind.
Oh stars. They-
“They eat their own poop!?”
The shocked bleat shattered the peace of the room to reveal that most if not all of us had come to the same tail curling conclusion. As the hall filled with unrestrained vocalisations of disgust, an ‘Ugh’ over here and a ‘Blegh’ over there, Bernard’s own bellowing laughter joined the throng of voices.
Ha! Everytime! Each and every time. Clearly it doesn’t matter if my students are Human or Venlil. Whenever someone learns about the Koala’s dietary development the reaction is the same!”
Pleased with himself beyond reason, Bernard chuckled away while the rest of us grappled with this ghastly reality. While there were plenty of animals that feasted on things that ranged from simply unappealing all the way to the stomach churningly grotesque, I’d never heard of an animal that actively consumed the excrement of its own species. Benefits aside, the prospect of having to do that to survive to adulthood sent a shiver of revulsion down my spine.
Ewww… Stars, I hope I forget this feeling by 2nd meal. They’re serving sturen and magamroot stew later. I was really looking forward to it.
With the herds mood beginning to temper Bernard tapped the podiums controls, removing the verdant collage of eucalyptus to display several similar yet distinct environments, still chortling merrily to himself in the process, “Ok then, with that little foray into their diet complete, why don’t we look at their habitat in more detail? As you might imagine given their diet and arboreal nature, Koala’s live in forested regions, and can be found in tropical and temperate zones. About a century ago they were classed as a vulnerable species, however efforts were made to turn this around and increase their numbers. Sadly the largest factor in their decline was human activity, as the fertile lands that gave rise to their bountiful forests were coveted farm land for our settlements.”
It was strange to hear Bernard so matter of factly admit to humanity's negative impacts on other species. He’d alluded to such things in the past but always with an air of caution, carefully pawing the line between honestly answering a question while not painting humanity as uncaring and destructive. AKA, the ‘predators’ we’d all initially expected them to be.
Perhaps his comfort in making such admissions was a reflection of the class's comfort with him, for no one so much as batted an ear. Even Kailo, who I would’ve expected to jump at the chance to use this as a prime example of predatory danger, only flicked an ear in stern yet silent concern.
A cough from Bernard drew my attention back, a new picture on screen that showed a forest from a bird's-eye view. Drawn across the image were around a dozen ringed areas, some bordering one another while others overlapped to some degree. It took me a moment, but I soon recognised that what I was looking at was a map, the rings representing what I assumed to be territories. And it didn’t take much effort to guess who each one belonged to.
“From habitats we move onto behaviours, so let’s start with territories. Koala’s are solitary animals. Yes, despite being herbivores. Considering they’re only awake for roughly four hours of the day I can hardly blame them. Lots to do and not a lot of time to do it. Jokes aside, once they mature they are quite independent, carving out a little slice of land for themselves, as displayed in this example, called a Home Range. That is not to say they go it alone and leave everything else behind however. Rather, as shown in the map behind me, they live in their own space while still being part of a larger social group.”
With another press of his pad the picture was updated to show one of two symbols in each segment, along with a key to the side of the map displayed in helpful Venlang. A quick glance told me that the symbols were representing whether the territory belonged to a male or female of the species.
“As you can see there is quite a bit of overlap between different Koala’s territories. It is in these areas that most of the socialising takes place between neighbours. The trees in these locations represent the few areas where intrusion across territories is acceptable for the sake of social interaction. Outside of that the Koala’s stick to their own territories for the most part, with the exceptions of Koala’s who are passing through, attempting to become part of the social group themselves, or dominant males who sometimes go off into another Koala’s range. But how do they know where one range begins and another range ends you might ask? Well, this brings us onto the next part of the lecture. How do Koala’s communicate?”
Wiping away the map from the monitor, Bernard loaded up a video of a Koala sitting in a tree and pressed play. Head held high, the Koala’s body shook as it belted out a reverberating call into the wilderness that could only be described as a garbled combination of a car engine failing to turn over mixed with the hiccups of someone with a particularly sore throat.
That’s how they sound? Oof that must be rough on the lungs.
I clearly wasn’t the only one to share such a thought, because I clocked Sandi tracing a paw along her neck as the noise went on, ears fluttering in discomfort at the noise.
Bernard himself cleared his own throat as the video came to an end, minimising it and replacing it with another image of a tree with a Koala rubbing up against the bark, “I think they’ve got me beat on who’s got the deeper voice!”
His joke garnered several amused beeps, a rare reaction that caused a beaming smile to shine across his face at lighting speed, “Oh you’re too kind. I’ll be here all week. Now where were we? Oh yes! Communication. As you’ve just heard, Koala’s are capable of loud low pitched bellows that can carry over vast distances. These express everything from ‘Hello I’m over here’ to ‘This is my turf, stay away’. Bellowing is more common in the males than the females, opting for shouting matches as opposed to outright fights when it comes to asserting dominance. Other vocal expressions include grunts, wails, and snarls if they’re acting particularly angsty. Mother and joey pairs also communicate through gentle clicking, squeaking, and murmuring sounds. And there’s one more thing worth mentioning. Something they have in common with Humans and Venlil when it comes to emoting.”
Really? They do something we do?
Curious, I pressed myself against the desk, straining as close as I could to once more scrutinise the Koala’s features. Not a lot stood out to me at first, the grey marsupial not sharing many similarities with a Venlil that I could identify.
Ok think. We show emotion with our ears, tails, and our wool on occasion. They don’t have tails so it’s obviously not that. Wool standing on end is more a reaction than a conscious expression. So it must be the ears then.
To my quiet satisfaction, my hunch was soon validated by Bernard, “As well as their vocalisations, Koala’s are very emotive through their facial features. Just like humans, they use their mouths and lips to show how they feel, but these tend more towards the aggressive side of the scale than what you might see on a human. Regarding yourselves however, Koala’s utilise their ears in tandem with their mouth movements when showing strong emotion.”
I was delighted to hear that my assumption was correct, a little happy flick twisting out through my tail and bapping against my chair with a muted thump against the plastic.
Hehe yes! Got one right!
“Now then, we are getting close to lunchtime so I’ll finish this segment off with something I think you’ll find particularly interesting. Diplomacy.”
Perplexed mutterings followed in the wake of the bizarre inclusion to the lecture, my own thoughts being dominated by bewilderment as I tried and failed to make sense of how the two could possibly be related.
Why would Koala’s, or any animal for that matter, be linked to diplomacy? Hmmm...
I could understand dispatching exterminators to deal with a predator issue as a show of goodwill, that at least includes animals, but Humans aren’t like that so I think I can safely scratch that off the list.
Maybe the humans who live in that region benefited from Koala’s in some way. Could they have gotten something from them? But what?
Hopefully not what the pups get from their mothers.
Agh no! Begone awful intrusive thoughts. Blegh! I don’t need that in my head.
As I wrestled with the short-lived revulsion inflicted upon me by my Star's damned subconscious, Bernard placed a new image on screen, one that was decidedly different from all that had preceded it.
On screen were more than a couple dozen pictures of humans. Some were pictured alone while others congregated in large groups while cameras surrounded them from all angles. Across all the images, I noted two common themes. First of all, a solid majority of the humans were wearing formal wear similar to what I’d seen worn by UN representatives on TV. If the gaggle of journalists in the background of the photos didn’t already confirm my suspicions, then it was this similarity which made me conclude they were all people of some importance. Likely politicians judging from context clues.
Secondly, each of the individuals was interacting with a Koala in some form. Some cradled one against their chests while others were feeding it eucalyptus leaves or pellets of some kind. One of the assumed politicians had become an impromptu bed for a snoozing bundle of fur, a gleeful smile spread across their face as they lovingly gazed down at the sleeping Koala in their lap.
As I continued to stare at the assorted photos something clicked into place, a sudden spark flickering into life. A burgeoning light of comprehension that flared and swelled with every wide-eyed breath I took. Some things still escaped me, things I hoped would soon be explained, but in staring at all of the humans happy smiling faces, I was struck with an instant of pure understanding.
If someone, say a Nevok for instance, offered to gift me a creature that was common to them but which might exotic and breathtaking to a Venlil, how could my feelings not be swayed? How could I walk away from that encounter and not have grown closer to them as a result?
“Koala diplomacy,” Bernard waved his hand up at the monitor, a slight reverence in his tone, “My favourite kind of soft power diplomacy. Where political leaders take photo ops with Koala’s and, on occasion, the Australian government loans Koala’s to other nations for a time to bolster positive relations. It certainly helps that Koala’s are a beloved animal worldwide, drawing large crowds and revenue for countries fortunate enough to host the adorable critters.”
The truly alien concept predictably sparked instant discussion in the herd, two polar opposite schools of thought swiftly cementing themselves as the most popular opinions. Simultaneously, I heard one voice trill excitedly while another scoffed at what they clearly saw as a ridiculous and offensive notion.
Squee! That’d be so cool! I’d love to get the chance to see a Liri from Coila. Remember the Rainbow Boa? Think of that shimmering effect and colour but put it on a bird! Ah! I’ve only heard their song on video. It’d be a treat to hear it in person!”
Ooo! I’ve read about them! I’d love to get up close to one.
Loaning. As if animals are property to be hoarded and traded? Pugh! Another predatory trait the humans don’t want to acknowledge for what it is.”
Ugh, typical. Jump right to the worst possible option.
However, despite my dismissal of their disparaging fumings, an uncomfortable thought pressed upon my mind. While it was plain to see how much humans cared for the Koala, it didn’t change the fact that humans did keep animals as property just as the scornful herd member had said.
This begged a rather important, disquieting question. Aside from keeping some animals as cattle, a stomach tightening minefield I had no desire to step a claw onto right now, how else did humans keep other creatures. And how did they treat them?
Before I was fully conscious of doing it my paw was in the air, the question primed on my tongue.
Noticing my elevated paw Bernard pointed at me, smiling warmly, “Yes Rysel? What’s on your mind?”
Sorry Bernard. I hope this one’s not too awkward for you to answer.
Flicking my ear in appreciation, and waiting for everyone to settle enough so that I could be heard, I voiced my concerns as neutrally as possible, “Thank you Doctor. I uh, just had a thought. We know that humans keep certain animals for… particular reasons, and we know why. From how you’ve spoken about Koala’s I think it's fair to say that the same cannot be said for them. However, this makes me wonder, what other reasons do humans have for keeping animals and how do you treat them?”
A flash of surprise blinked across Bernard's eyes but vanished so quickly that it felt like I’d imagined it. Had he not expected such a question? Maybe he was just shocked that it’d been me who’d ended up asking it?
Stars, am I so predictable that no one expects me to ask difficult questions?
Unfortunately, a quick glance at my deskmates seemed to prove that to be the case, as both Sandi and Kailo were looking at me with differing degrees of astonishment flapping in their ears.
Well speh.
“A very good point Rysel, certainly one that’s worth raising. Yet another example of you all anticipating what I have to say before I can bring it up myself.” Bernard tapped the podium, switching off the monitor before returning his focus to me, “We won’t be needing that. I’ve nothing prepared that I can show you and we’re heading to lunch in a few minutes anyway. Still, that’s plenty of time to give you a bit of an answer.”
A bit? What does he mean just a bit?
Made even more curious by Bernard's preempted admission that he wasn’t going to fully answer my query, I dialled both my ears on him, fixing him with an inquisitive stare as he started to explain with a tone that was noticeably more nonchalant than any of his previous explanations.
“So, animals in captivity for reasons other than what you already know. Honestly I would love to delve into other reasons regarding why we keep animals. However, I have a lesson plan in the works that I hope to share with you all in the not too distant future. Some of it touches upon this very topic and I’d quite like to bundle it all together. That said, I can tell you how animals in captivity are treated. In short, the answer is very well. There are a mountain of laws both on private and public interests that govern the standards and ethical treatment of animals, and breaches of these laws are quite severe even for relatively minor infractions.”
While I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed by the vague answer to what was really the bulk of my question, I was at least satisfied by Bernard’s assurances that animals in captivity, such as the Koala, were well looked after. Considering the barely subdued grumbling coming from some corners of the audience it was clear that several of the herd didn’t believe Bernard outright, but I trusted him to be honest. Additionally, the mention of an upcoming lecture focused on humans keeping animals caused quite the buzz.
I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation at exploring the topic further. He’d pretty much confirmed we wouldn’t be talking about cattle farms, for which I was relieved, but that still left a huge amount of uncertainty in what was to come.
Humans keeping animals as cattle was a forgone conclusion. As horrifying as that reality was, it was one I could understand from a detached and strictly clinical point of view. Being predators they ate meat and therefore they kept cattle. But the concept of keeping animals for any other reason baffled me.
What could be the purpose? The diplomacy thing makes sense now that I have context, but what other reasons could they have.
The class's discussions were interrupted by the recognisable ring of the break bell, the shift in attention eliciting a change in conversation from confused hypotheses to peppy conversation on how everyone was planning to spend their break and what they had in mind for 2nd meal.
“Well I can see everyone’s excited for lunch, and who am I to disappoint,” chuckling Bernard waved us all up from our seats, pocketing his pad from the podium and heading to open the classroom door for us, “Enjoy your break, get a good rest along with a hearty meal, and I’ll see you all back here at the usual time.”
As everyone else filed out I stayed behind, waving at Sandi and Kailo as they left, and pawing over to Bernard once he and I were the only ones left in the room.
Ears folded down and with an apologetic tinge in my voice I greeted him as I sidled up to him, “Hey Bernard, I uh… sorry if that last question was unexpected.”
Chortling in reply, Bernard waved a hand through the air in a sign I’d come to understand meant ‘not a problem’.
“No need to apologise Rysel. It was a good question and most certainly not a problem.”
Heh, called it.
I sighed, allowing tension I didn’t realise I’d been holding to relax itself from my shoulders, “Phew, that’s a relief. I’m glad. I’m curious to hear what this new lesson is you’ve got in store for us by the way.”
Bernard wagged a finger at me, throwing up his eyebrows in mock amazement, “Oh are you now? Well I’m afraid you’ll have to remain curious for the time being. It’s going to be quite the surprise if all goes to plan. But…”
He trailed off, glancing at me before looking to the door like he was making sure no one else was around.
Wait, is he going to tell me? Oh please yes let me know now!
Stopping myself from jumping on the spot in excited anticipation, and trying my damndest to stop my tail from wagging in equal measure, I stared up at Bernard as he stewed in his thoughts before turning back to face me.
“I can’t tell you the specifics, but I’m working with Alejandro and Tolim to get something together. A trip that’s not a trip as it were. And when it happens, I’m going to need a few of the more accepting members of the class to lend me a hand. I’m hoping you and a couple others will be able to help with that?”
A trip that’s not a trip? What does that mean? Agh who cares about that right now! Bernard’s relying on me to help out!
Still trying not to keep myself from bouncing around with pup like glee I swished my tail and nodded my head in joint agreement, happy to help with whatever Bernard had in store for us, “Of course! Anything you need I’ll be there to lend a paw. You can count on me!”
A broad warm smile lit up Bernard's face, a hand patting me on the shoulder in appreciation, “Thank you Rysel. I knew I could rely on you but it still warms my heart to hear it. And, as thanks for this and for the many times you’ve shown your support, the surprise includes a little something special I think you’d appreciate the most.”
If my earlier enthusiasm had been at a nine, then the implication of a supposed gift sent it rocketing all the way to a hundred in a heartbeat.
“Wait… WHAT!? What do you mean? What are you doing?
As impossible as it seemed, Bernard's grin grew even wider as I almost lost myself in wool shaking exhilaration, “Call it my own form of Koala diplomacy. But I’m afraid that’s all I can say for now. Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise even for you!”
“Oh you ass!” Whistling jovially I bapped my tail against Bernard’s leg in fake indignation, evoking a barking bellowing laugh from the man himself.
Still laughing, the two of us departed the class and made for the canteen, my rumbling stomach leading me on while my mind spun with fantastical thoughts as to what Bernard had prepared for us.
And what specifically he had in store for me.
submitted by Still_Performance_39 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:40 BroMandi [Samsung] Samsung EPP: 55" Odyssey Ark 4K UHD 165Hz 1ms Quantum Mini-LED Curved Gaming Monitor (2nd Gen) $1,485 + Free Shipping $1485 [Deal: $1,485.00, Actual: $2,999.99]

[Samsung] Samsung EPP: 55 submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:39 Brelievee Looking for girls to play csgo with!

Hi! I'm 22f from the Netherlands looking for some girls to play csgo with. There's so many men playing this game, some of them rather toxic towards women, would love to have a 5 stack of just girls. I've never had that before. Can't imagine what the voice chat would be like, I am rather excited to find out! I would really appreciate it if men could abstain from commenting :)
If you're interested, feel free to comment down below or dm me! Hope this is within the csgo community guidelines/rules of reddit, I looked around and didn't see people asking for this in the past 8 years of reddit :)
submitted by Brelievee to csgo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:38 QA_Nerd [USA-SC] [H] MSI 4080 Gaming X Slim, ASUS ProArt 4080 Super OC [W] PayPal

Please comment before sending a PM. Chats and messages without comments will be ignored. Open to reasonable offers, so if you are interested in something, feel free to send me a message. Discounts offered for purchasing multiple items.
Please PM with any questions. Thanks for reading.
Click here to send a PM
Item Condition Notes Local, Shipped
MSI 4080 Gaming X Slim White Open Box - Excellent Open box card in like new condition, briefly tested to verify functionality. Original box has minor damage, but card is in pristine condition. Original box, 12VHPWR adapter, and support bracket included. $975, $1,000
ASUS ProArt 4080 Super OC Open Box - Excellent Card is new, briefly tested to verify functionality. Smallest 4080/4080 Super card, making it an excellent choice for Small Form Factor builds. $1,025, $1,050
Note: I have several items still available in my previous post as well.
submitted by QA_Nerd to sffpcswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:38 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] My gf and I love games like Everdell and Castles of Burgundy. But they are a pain to set up. I would like to have a nice cardgame that can be set up quickly. I am interested in Race for the Galaxy but unfortunately i already know that my gf will not like the look of it. And that

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:38 Funny-Awareness8026 What if the USA didn't nuke China in time?

Ok I'm sure there's a lot of evidence that they did but I haven't played the 2D games and we never actually see anywhere other then the US to my knowledge.
I'm just saying what if the Chinese plan to nuke the US worked and they've actually been living in a utopia the last 200 years while the US is a wasteland?
Thought that would be an interesting twist, but feel free to rip the theory to shreds lol
submitted by Funny-Awareness8026 to falloutlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:37 Dirtybeef0101 [H] Games [W] Lego games, Ziggurat

Looking for trades for steam games only. I am located in North America (NA). Open to seeing any list, but i also have a pretty big Wishlist below!
My rep page
My List (A-Z):
•Alchemist Adventure
•Bing In Wonderland
•Bravery And Greed
•DOOM 64
•Double Cross
•Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen
•Drug Dealer Simulator
•Dust Fleet
•GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon
•Golf With Your Friends
•Humankind: Definitive Edition
•King Of The Castle
•Mediterranea Inferno
•Monster Train
•Moving Out
•Pike and Shot: Campaigns
•Rain World
•Slain: Back From Hell
•Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
•Strategic Mind: The Pacific
•Super Panda Adventures
•Survivalist: Invisible Strain
•The Anacrusis
•The Dark Eye: Memoria
•The Deed: Dynasty
•The Dungeon Beneath
•The Excavation Of Hobs Barrow
•The Legend Of Tianding
•The Pale Beyond
•The Red Lantern
•The Wild Eight
•Time Loader
•Tropico Reloaded
•Unity Of Command II
•Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
•Victoria 3
•When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
•Worms Pinball
Im open to seeing any list!!! But i also have a pretty big Wishlist here
submitted by Dirtybeef0101 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:37 wildfireeetrtret How can I find Indiana Pacers vs Boston Celtics live Streams Options?

How can I find Indiana Pacers vs Boston Celtics live Streams Options?. Hey fellow NBA Basketball viewers. As I’ve been watching NBA for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Celtics vs. Pacers Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams live for free...

What app/website are you using to watch the NBA Streams? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the NBA Streams.

NBA Conference semifinals Games:-

Celtics vs. Pacers Time 8:00 pm et

East Finals - Game 1, Series starts 5/21

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams for free live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:36 ProfessionalLeg7557 (COMMENT⬇️) on Ass ✨ fantasy OnlyFans videos Tits Homemade Amateur Tattoos Blowjob on Ass Full Tits slut Deepthroat OnlyFans

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submitted by ProfessionalLeg7557 to char_jam5366875 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:36 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] My gf and I love games like Everdell and Castles of Burgundy. But they are a pain to set up. I would like to have a nice cardgame that can be set up quickly. I am interested in Race for the Galaxy but unfortunately i already know that my gf will not like the look of it. And that

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 wildfireeetrtret Where&How to Watch free the Pacers vs Celtics live NBA?

Where&How to Watch free the Pacers vs Celtics live NBA?. Hey fellow NBA Basketball viewers. As I’ve been watching NBA for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Celtics vs. Pacers Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams live for free...

What app/website are you using to watch the NBA Streams? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the NBA Streams.

NBA Conference semifinals Games:-

Celtics vs. Pacers Time 8:00 pm et

East Finals - Game 1, Series starts 5/21

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams for free live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 wildfireeetrtret What's ways of streaming Celtics vs Pacers Live?

What's ways of streaming Celtics vs Pacers Live?. Hey fellow NBA Basketball viewers. As I’ve been watching NBA for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Celtics vs. Pacers Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams live for free...

What app/website are you using to watch the NBA Streams? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the NBA Streams.

NBA Conference semifinals Games:-

Celtics vs. Pacers Time 8:00 pm et

East Finals - Game 1, Series starts 5/21

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams for free live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 ZealousidealSeat6222 Looking for Destiny 2 friends!

Veteran player looking for some chill, friendly people to play the game with! Looking to form a close tight group to run raids, dungeons, the Day 1 raid and all sorts of endgame content with.
I run a small community aiming to grow a little bigger, where we just have a good time, chill and play together. Also have Sherpa and teaching runs so whatever you need we are here to help!
Also looking to form a consistent static group to continuously run a variety of raids especially for the Day 1 race
Also wanting to form a solid team to run the last week of Pantheon and finish getting the godslayed title. No RR or emblem checks required.
No toxicity, just good vibes and having a fun time. Open and inclusive to all! New players or veterans, everyone is welcome.
Located central time and usually play late nights. Send me a request on Discord: ItzWoo
submitted by ZealousidealSeat6222 to Fireteams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 wildfireeetrtret What is the Way to Watch free Indiana Pacers vs Boston Celtics live stream legally?

What is the Way to Watch free Indiana Pacers vs Boston Celtics live stream legally?. Hey fellow NBA Basketball viewers. As I’ve been watching NBA for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Celtics vs. Pacers Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams live for free...

What app/website are you using to watch the NBA Streams? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the NBA Streams.

NBA Conference semifinals Games:-

Celtics vs. Pacers Time 8:00 pm et

East Finals - Game 1, Series starts 5/21

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams for free live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 wildfireeetrtret Where Can I Streams Free Pacers vs Celtics live?

Where Can I Streams Free Pacers vs Celtics live?. Hey fellow NBA Basketball viewers. As I’ve been watching NBA for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Celtics vs. Pacers Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams live for free...

What app/website are you using to watch the NBA Streams? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the NBA Streams.

NBA Conference semifinals Games:-

Celtics vs. Pacers Time 8:00 pm et

East Finals - Game 1, Series starts 5/21

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams for free live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 wildfireeetrtret Is there a ways to Watch Boston Celtics vs Indiana Pacers Live Streams OnLine fRee NBA?

Is there a ways to Watch Boston Celtics vs Indiana Pacers Live Streams OnLine fRee NBA?. Hey fellow NBA Basketball viewers. As I’ve been watching NBA for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Celtics vs. Pacers Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams live for free...

What app/website are you using to watch the NBA Streams? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the NBA Streams.

NBA Conference semifinals Games:-

Celtics vs. Pacers Time 8:00 pm et

East Finals - Game 1, Series starts 5/21

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams for free live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 wildfireeetrtret How&Where is Way to Watch free Celtics vs Pacers Live NBA Streams 2024?

How&Where is Way to Watch free Celtics vs Pacers Live NBA Streams 2024?. Hey fellow NBA Basketball viewers. As I’ve been watching NBA for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Celtics vs. Pacers Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams live for free...

What app/website are you using to watch the NBA Streams? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the NBA Streams.

NBA Conference semifinals Games:-

Celtics vs. Pacers Time 8:00 pm et

East Finals - Game 1, Series starts 5/21

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NBA and haven't found a great way to watch Celtics vs. Pacers Streams for free live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 Kat-is-sorry USA Method of “Winning”

Hey all, I figure I can provide some helpful guide for the US which I find always successful and useful to achieve global dominance to achieve a victory.
So, let’s get into why, then how.
Why : an easy way at capitulating the future problems and threats will ensure that your average player can figure out how combat works and all the intricate systems through victory. The biggest rivals at the moment include ; Russia, China, and their allies which is usually Iran, Syria, and North Korea.
How : to get started, you need to solve your economic issues, this is a stopper which prevents us from waging full scale war without suffering intense economic consequences and saves you from worse outcomes of the 2008 financial crisis, which is inevitable as the US.
First, get rid of the cartels, ensure Bush is elected and lower corruption to the minimum level. These three things ensure our victory. Electing Gore will result in minimal benefits, but we’re aiming at being able to tax citizens to keep up with costs of our military which also is paid for easier due to the benefits of Bush’s party in the code.
To get rid of the cartels, you need to keep clicking focuses to raid certain locations or capture people, it helps to time the end of the decision with the decisions which improve your chances of a successful raid, like military and police support, so be sure to select what you want to do, usually the highest chance of success decision, and pair that with whatever other decision of support to end at the same time.
At the same time, if possible, save political power and use it to lower corruption in the government screen, it takes a LOT of PP, so keep saving and you’ll be okay.
After the Cartel is done, Bush is elected (try to support him in the ideologies tab by also giving him a bit more support if you don’t believe he is going to win the election, a few times should help) and corruption is lowered, your economy should be much better!
Now, be sure to increase population tax in the screen for economy until you’re earning more than you’re losing. Last time I played I believe it was 30-40% pop tax.
War time!! - With that cleared out of the way, do NOT go down the focus tree for the “War on Terror”, this will result in heavy penalties with not a lot of benefit, usually you want to go down the middle where you get a lot of breathing room.
Declare war on Iraq, and send land and air volunteers to Afghanistan, and select the western puppet president when you win. Usually you want to send transport planes to Afghanistan, you do not get enough volunteers to send a decent air force, so this should suffice! I usually send one tank brigade (no need to make them, they are already created and deployed), and a special forces unit. If you don’t have enough room you can just send special forces, and let them chip away at the Taliban until you inevitably win.
Iraq is also easy, deploy a sufficient force of Marines, Special forces and tanks / infantry, I cannot remember the specific number, but roughly half of all of your units will be enough. Cover the area in air support and air superiority fighters and you will win within a year of declaring. Be sure to PUPPET Iraq so this raises world tension and allows you to be more war-mongery.
Next, the fun part begins. This is a long haul sometimes so be patient. Keep your influence on Ukraine and only Ukraine, it will eventually allow you to puppet Ukraine, which shares the biggest closest border with Russia, one of three major enemies. When your influence is high enough, more than 70 usually, keep pushing your political party on Ukraine, until it is over 60% I believe, then you can puppet Ukraine once your influence gains back what it loses from boosting ideology in Ukraine.
Once Ukraine is puppeted, station all or most of your army there. Use most of your mills to produce infantry goods, like Manpads, anti tank weapons, and IFVS. Also be sure to prioritize supply trucks. Planes are not insanely necessary, but keep a few mills on multirole and CAS planes, which you will lose fighting Russia.
Because Russia by the time you are done with this has provoked by attacking the donbass usually, you are free to declare war on them and make sure your offensive lines are aimed at the Ural mountains behind Moscow and at Kazakhstan, because they will continue fighting till then.
While this is all happening, keep building civs, they are the most cost-efficient building and get you the most income for your building.
After the war is over, puppet Russia, and that’s the strat, yep that’s it. In-between, a few funky things can happen, but are easy to deal with ; Iran declares war, Turkey attacks Syria. So be sure to use Iraq as a landing zone to attack them before Russia on some runs, and your game will go much smoother. China is pretty easy after, as well, you can station all your troops on north China and push.
Mods I play with : Millennium dawn and Player Peace Conferences.
submitted by Kat-is-sorry to MillenniumDawn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 wildfireeetrtret How&Where to Watch free Boston Celtics vs Indiana Pacers live?

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ESPN, ABC or NBA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by wildfireeetrtret to LiveToWin [link] [comments]