How much money is one gold in the olymipics cost?

Reddit's gift idea lab

2008.12.12 07:39 Reddit's gift idea lab

Ask for gift ideas. Share awesome gifts you have given or received. If the community helped you, we'd love to see follow-ups of how well your gifts were received.

2010.07.18 18:28 obschart /r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

A place for all of those interested in solo travel to share their experiences and stories!

2008.03.04 00:47 Frugal Living: Waste Less, Gain More!

Frugality is the mental approach we each take when considering our resource allocations. It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors.

2024.05.14 04:52 Bubbly-Age-9363 I can’t really look at K-pop the same nowadays.

Further tags: talks about extreme misogyny. Anti-feminist propaganda, Racial fetishization.
I ain’t really want nothing fr, just a place to share my thoughts on the K-pop industry+ the fetishizing of Korea through its media. I will I can’t really speak on the whole perspective as I am not Korean, but as a feminist I still feel like I have to say something and take the proverbial plank out of my eye.
I was reading this really good thread on Twitter from a feminist in Korea. She details many systematic problems in the county that women face and are harmed by. Fem-scide, extreme misogyny, abuse, etc. I share it because I feel like her voice needs to be heard on a wide scale. I know everyone in this sub is cool, but I say it for brevity sake to go and read about what she says and engage with it respectfully and show her just as much respect. Do not harass her! Thread talking about that:
Now, I read a pretty interesting quote tweet about the thread ( same demand engaging with this tweet and to not harass the creator:
Now this gave me some pause, I’m not going to lie. It’s not everyone’s problem, but it sure is the problem of a dangerous amount of people, and that scares the shit out of me. The thread is making me look twice at how I consume K-pop and K-drama as an outsider looking in. Yes, both of these things have introduced the world to a wider perspective of Korean culture, yet I still feel like people are falling for some bells and whistles, and I feel like I’ve fallen for it at some point in my youth as well. People are spreading their personal problems with fetishizing a whole Country and its People to create ideal images and spread these “ refined” ideas to others, causing this weird “ they can do no wrong attitude” to happen. Flawless images like that penultimately hurt movements like feminism.
The reality of women in Korea is very scathing, too scathing for people to have back’s and forth’s about how “ unproblematic” a certain idol member is compared to others. Spreading useless “ He would never” when in reality, he just might be, hell maybe he totally would. Like yes, not every man is going to be horrible, but aligning every one of them to a media stereotype not only blinds women to the reality of character, but also puts a unrealistic and dangerous stereotype on Korean men, no one deserves to be thought of only as an idea to be lusted over. 
I have already met so many people who absolutely have these gross ideas of Korea and Koreans, and when that happens, nasty results is all you get to see. Now I’m kinda scared because I feel like engaging with idol culture, I’m actively giving money that harms a human rights movement, I’m giving my money to an industry built to be a beacon of misogyny, and intended to spread it. Paying the bills of the people who create these distractions from liberation. And that really scares me. I can’t really look at my groups the same way again.
submitted by Bubbly-Age-9363 to kpopnoir [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 coolnavigator Don't run away from discomfort. Run to it.

I want to quickly dismiss a couple associations that this post will have.
  1. This is not masochism (ie pleasure through pain).
  2. This is not a method of achieving or "proving" self identity (ie "challenge yourself and find what you're made of, bud!!!")
This is a direct shot across the bow at what I see as the major cause for mental illness in the entire 1st world. In the physical health world, you have stages that lead towards obesity: there's the early stage (often termed "pre-diabetic"), then there's full on metabolic syndrome. Somewhere in between, you go from 20 lbs overweight to 100 lbs overweight. It's much easier to save someone in the early stages, as permanent long-term weight loss is extremely rare. Thus, to complete my analogy, it's my belief that there is an equivalent to this "pre-diabetic" stage of poor mental health across most of the 1st world, and the people we traditionally label "mentally ill" are merely in a more advanced stage that has become more difficult to recover from.
What ails us is that we were born into a successful society that provided for our needs without much effort on our part. Consequently, our primary daily concern is pleasure, rather than survival. We seek pleasure from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to bed through: food, entertainment, sexual gratification, and more broadly ego gratification. These are the things that give meaning to our lives. In other words, we create short and long term goals that ultimately result in the fulfillment of these objectives of pleasure. People pursue whole hobbies and careers solely for sexual gratification (get fit, make money, get chicks!). We fill up all of our spare moments with entertainment (most recently, in the form of social media, but older media forms still apply, particularly streaming television). And given that something like 70% of the US is overweight, we literally cannot help ourselves but overeat.
We'll blame these things on anything that we can. We're pursuing entertainment only because we're lonely! We're only overweight because we eat poor quality food or don't exercise! We only pursue porn because we aren't getting laid enough! No, you lack self-discipline.
But alas, this is not a post about self-discipline either. This is an attempt to illustrate your current orientation, it's core failing, and what it could be instead.
The feeling of surviving something is euphoric. Surviving a hard work day, a stressful moment around a wild animal, a taxing hike or workout, a risky move in an extreme sport, or even an act of heroism... all of these things trigger something extremely satisfying in the brain similar to what pleasure is doing for you now. Imagine if you could get yourself addicted to this form of success instead of pleasure chemical success. You would have new capabilities, a satisfaction with yourself, AND you would also be happy like you feel for brief moments right now. Now imagine how you could build up this feeling of happiness all day by pursuing these goals because your brain would be rewarding you in anticipation of more success. This is what pushing yourself can actually do.
Note: the amount of joy you feel from surviving something is NOT equivalent to the amount of pain experienced during the activity. At least, not in the narrow sense of physical pain telling you not to touch a hot stove, for instance. This is why this is not a masochistic philosophy.
To be blunt: instead of recoiling from pain, lean into it. Accept it. Think about how hard you can make yourself, and the cost/benefit for basic decisions in your life will be transformed in ways that I can hardly describe. If you were born in an era that wasn't so comfy, or you were born into unfortunate circumstances that made your childhood difficult, you already know these things by heart. But if your life thus far has been comfy, it might be time to experience something else.
submitted by coolnavigator to IntellectualDarkWeb [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:43 Rorschach_81 How to deal with (jerk) neighbour?

Some preliminary info:
My mum and I have lived in our townhouse for over 10 years. During that time, we have constructed planter boxes that are set on our driveway (we don't own a car, so we use the space for that). For many years my mother has carried out her hobby of gardening there. We received new neighbors approximately 1.5 years ago. For the longest time, they would be throwing parties that would leak over to the AMs of the next day, as well as do renovations. While being understanding, it got to a point where my mum couldn't take the noise anymore at night. After numerous attempts to contact our new neighbours to decrease the noise of their parties, she finally made a noise complaint to a city. Parties started to occur less frequently.
THEN came the REALLY noisy stuff. The majority of my neighbors' renovation was to finish the basement. It was during this time when OUR house would start to shake at times. Aside from the fact that this distracted my mum from doing her (remote) job, it drew a concern as to what could possibly be happening in their basement that would cause OUR house to shake. Again, she reached out to them numerous times, with vague answers. And again my mother filed an anonymous complaint.
Turned out, they did not have the permits for the type of construction they were doing in the basement. They got super-peeved at us, as they now were delayed and had to spend a bit more money.
Anyways, fast forward to 1.5 months ago, I'm helping mum with gardening stuff. The male neighbor (of the couple) decides to approach us. He decides to "apologize" and be the "bettebigger person". Following his apology though, he makes a complaint about one of our planter boxes, the one that borders the property line between us. He says that some of the wood pieces are falling off/poking out onto his property (fair, though my mum reckons he purposely took some of the pieces of, but that's speculation). He decides to give us an ultimatum: either move the planter box more onto our property (an inch our two, but with soil and wood, probably weighs a ton, so not happening), repair the boards, or destroy it. Otherwise he will complain to the city that the planter box is on his property. So.... he's still a little butthurt that we complained to the city of his actions, and wants to have something over us.
But my mum remained positive. Understanding that the outer pieces of the planter box ARE weathered (some scrap 2x4s, some decent pieces of wood), she set out to buy sheets of new plywood that would be weather-proofed, and would replace those pieces after I took them out and drilled the sheets in.
This evening we were measuring the dimensions of the planter box to figure out what lengths I would need to cut the plywood. To make one of these measurements, we had to step into our neighbors' driveway. He saw what we were doing, and asked us to get of his property. We explained what we were doing, to which he responded "unless YOU have a permit to do this, the only thing you can do is destroy it, otherwise I'll be filing my own complaints" (not verbatim, but that was the gist of it). My mum and him at a little tiff, but I got the last of the measurements for us to then leave his driveway.
I am not a confrontational person; I'm not good at aggression or telling strangers to fuck off. But I do not like the fact that I have this intimidating dude trying to scare my old mum and threatening her to destroy something she's worked years on. Furthermore, I have the following contentions:
Anyways, I think we'll try our best to fix up the box as efficiently as we can. We won't be covert about it, but to avoid the neighbors yelling at us again, not gonna loudly advertise it. Just drill out screws, take pieces out, and drill in a big sheet. But does anyone want to chime in on what rights I have if this guy calls the cops on us or makes a scene? Again, we're doing this at HIS request, and he's making it difficult to do. Or if you believe there is bias on my part, feel free to point it out! Free to answer questions as well. Hope I was able to get my points across. Any law stuff would help also!
submitted by Rorschach_81 to toRANTo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 stormyfuck bridgerstoned 2.1

Dearest gentle readers, did you miss me? it’s time for season 2! I’m gonna try to do all 8 episodes before s3 drops
Episode 1
okay good night! thanks for reading
submitted by stormyfuck to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 ExternalFollowing I watched all 22 demo videos of OpenAI’s new GPT-4o. Here are the 9 takeaways we all should know.

GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”) was announced a few hours ago by OpenAI, and although the announcement livestream is good, the real gold nuggets are in the 22 demo videos they posted on their channel.
I watched all of them, and here are the key takeaways and use cases we all should know. 👍🏻
A. The Ultimate Learning Partner
What is it? Give GPT-4o a view of the math problem you’re working on, or the objects you want to learn the language translation of, and it can teach you like no other tool can.
Why should you care? Imagine when you can hook up GPT-4o to something like the Meta Rayban glasses: then you can always have it teach you about whatever you are looking at. That can be a math problem, an object you want translated, a painting you want the history of, or a product that you want get the reviews of online. This single feature alone has incredibly many use-cases!
🔗 Video 7, Video 8
B. The Perfect Teams Meeting Assistant
What is it? Having an AI assistant during Teams meetings, whom you can talk to the same way you talk to your colleagues.
Why should you care? Their demo didn’t expound on the possibilities yet, but some of them can be…
  • having the AI summarise the minutes and next steps from the meeting
  • having the AI look up info in your company data and documentation pages (e.g. “what’s the sales from this month last year?”)
  • having the AI work on data analysis problems with you (e.g. “create a chart showing sales over the past 5 years and report on trends”)
🔗 Video 5
C. Prepare for Interviews like Never Before
What is it? Have GPT-4o act like the company you’re interviewing for.
Why should you care? What’s changed is that the AI can now “see” you. So instead of just giving feedback on what you say, it can also give feedback on how you say it. Layer this on top of an AI avatar and maybe you can simulate the interview itself in the future?
🔗 Video 11
D. Your Personal Language Translator, wherever you go
What is it? Ask ChatGPT to translate between languages, and then speak normally.
Why should you care? Because of how conversational GPT-4o has become, the AI now helps not just with translating the words, but also the intonation of what you’re intending to say. Now pair this with GPT-enabled earphones in a few years, and you pretty much can understand any language (AirPods x ChatGPT, anyone?)
🔗 Video 3
E. Share Screen with your AI Coding Assistant
What is it? Share screen with your AI partner, and have them guide you through your work.
Why should you care? Now this is definitely something that will happen pretty soon. Being able to “share screen” to your AI assistant can help not just with coding, but even with other non-programmer tasks such as work in excel, powerpoint, etc.
🔗 Video 20
F. A future where AIs interact with each other
What is it? Two GPT-4o’s interacting with each other, that sounds indistinguishable from two people talking. (They even sang a song together!)
Why should you care? Well there’s a couple of use cases:
  • can you imagine AI influencers talking to each other live on Tiktok? Layer this conversation with AI avatars and this will be a step beyond the artificial influencers you have today (e.g. the next level of @lilmiquela maybe?)
  • can this be how “walled” AIs can work together in the future? example: Meta’s AI would only have access to facebook’s data, while Google’s AI would only have access to google’s - will the two AIs be able interact in a similar fashion to the demo, albeit behind-the-scenes?
🔗 Video 2
G. AI Caretaking?
What is it? Asking GPT-4o to "train” your pets
Why should you care? Given GPT-4o’s access to vision, can you now have AI personal trainers for your pets? Imagine being able to have it connect to a smart dog-treat dispenser, and have the AI use that to teach your dog new tricks!
🔗 Video 12
H. Brainstorm with two GPTs
What is it? The demo shows how you can talk to two GPT-4o’s at once
Why should you care? The demo video is centered around harmonizing singing for some reason, but I think the real use case is being able to brainstorm with two specific AI personalities at once:
  • one’s a Devil’s Advocate, the other’s the Angel’s advocate?
  • one provides the Pros (the Optimist), the other gives the Cons (the Pessimist)?
  • maybe Disney can even give a future experience where you can talk to Joy and Sadness from the movie Inside Out? - that would be interesting!
🔗 Video 10
I. Accessibility for the Blind
What is it? Have GPT-4o look at your surroundings and describe it for you
Why should you care? Imagine sending it the visual feed from something like the Meta Rayban glasses, and your AI assistant can literally describe what you’re seeing, and help you navigate your surroundings like never before (e.g. “is what I’m holding a jar of peanut butter, or a jar of vegemite?”). This will definitely be a game-changer for how the visually impaired lives their daily lives.
🔗 Video 13
If this has been a tad bit insightful, I hope you can check out RoboNuggets where I originally shared this and other AI-related practical knowledge! (The links to the video demos are also there). My goal is not "AI daily news", as there's already too many of those, but instead share useful insights/knowledge for everyone to take full advantage of the new AI normal. Cheers! 🥚
submitted by ExternalFollowing to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 helpmeplsno Trying to overcome travel anxiety & general/social anxiety when you're not at all excited about the trip

I've never been out of the country. Some friends "convinced" me into going to Europe for a month and a half. There's also some educational conferences pertaining to my degree I can go to while I'm there, in which I'd be sponsored by my university. Those conferences are the ONLY thing that has mildly intrigued me about the trip. Attendance to these gets me out of a few course requirements as well which is killer.
My friends also really want me to go and are super excited and have been pushing and pushing me and I've been going along with it for a few months now. But now the trip is in 3 weeks and I'm dreading spending the money and going through the absolute misery of traveling and airports and ugh. I can't discern what's anxiety and what's not.
For background, not sure if it's relevant, I grew up poor. Global travel was never emphasized in my life or even an option. I did, and do, like taking road trips within my country (US). I know this is so bad and I'd probably be considered narrow minded for saying these things. It's just this has never, ever been a life goal of mine. Not even a consideration. So when I started considering it, and seeing how much goes into travelling at this capacity, I started to panic. I've been through so many anti-anxiety pills. And again, I can't tell if it's just my anxiety telling me I'm not interested and making it seem "lame" (my idea of fun is extreme simple- I don't light extensive sight seeing, tourist stuff, etc.) or just the fact stuff life this has never been on my radar. Not to mention money, again. I hate spending money. But part of this trip is funded by my school.
There is the educational aspect, which like I said has been the only motivating factor for me. But now that I get closer it seems so high cost and so low reward. So many things to get in order: I don't have many clothes (I rotate between like 5 shirts and 3 pants), I own 2 pairs of shoes (non adequate for traveling), I need to pay extra to get my RXs filled early so I have enough for the trip, I takes controlled substances that I can't go without, and the idea of a 10 hour flight there and back (as well as some smaller flights in between) sounds HORRID. I have contamination OCD as well so airports are a nightmare to me. Although I do have the benefit of not having plane anxiety in the sense I'm worried the plane is gonna fall out of the sky and crash. I'm worried about having to ask people to move when I need to go to the bathroom and bring trapped in a tube for 10ish hours.
My thoughts are so disorganized and I'm not at all prepared or remotely excited for this trip. How can I be excited when it might not even be anxiety as the core reason for me not wanting to go? How can I overcome this?
I'm so anxious rn I'm worried about posting this bc of hate I might get for not wanting to travel since I think that's a controversial opinion.
TL;DR: Can't tell what's my anxiety vs what's me genuinely not wanting to go on this trip. Not sure how to cope/overcome this anxiety when I think it's the baseline fact I don't want to go holding me back (but then again, maybe it is anxiety???)
submitted by helpmeplsno to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 Rorschach_81 Advice for dealing with neighbour

Some preliminary info:
My mum and I have lived in our townhouse for over 10 years. During that time, we have constructed planter boxes that are set on our driveway (we don't own a car, so we use the space for that). For many years my mother has carried out her hobby of gardening there. We received new neighbors approximately 1.5 years ago. For the longest time, they would be throwing parties that would leak over to the AMs of the next day, as well as do renovations. While being understanding, it got to a point where my mum couldn't take the noise anymore at night. After numerous attempts to contact our new neighbours to decrease the noise of their parties, she finally made a noise complaint to a city. Parties started to occur less frequently.
THEN came the REALLY noisy stuff. The majority of my neighbors' renovation was to finish the basement. It was during this time when OUR house would start to shake at times. Aside from the fact that this distracted my mum from doing her (remote) job, it drew a concern as to what could possibly be happening in their basement that would cause OUR house to shake. Again, she reached out to them numerous times, with vague answers. And again my mother filed an anonymous complaint.
Turned out, they did not have the permits for the type of construction they were doing in the basement. They got super-peeved at us, as they now were delayed and had to spend a bit more money.
Anyways, fast forward to 1.5 months ago, I'm helping mum with gardening stuff. The male neighbor (of the couple) decides to approach us. He decides to "apologize" and be the "bettebigger person". Following his apology though, he makes a complaint about one of our planter boxes, the one that borders the property line between us. He says that some of the wood pieces are falling off/poking out onto his property (fair, though my mum reckons he purposely took some of the pieces of, but that's speculation). He decides to give us an ultimatum: either move the planter box more onto our property (an inch our two, but with soil and wood, probably weighs a ton, so not happening), repair the boards, or destroy it. Otherwise he will complain to the city that the planter box is on his property. So.... he's still a LITTLE angry that we complained to the city of his actions, and wants to have something over us.
But my mum remained positive. Understanding that the outer pieces of the planter box ARE weathered (some scrap 2x4s, some decent pieces of wood), she set out to buy sheets of new plywood that would be weather-proofed, and would replace those pieces after I took them out and drilled the sheets in.
This evening we were measuring the dimensions of the planter box to figure out what lengths I would need to cut the plywood. To make one of these measurements, we had to step into our neighbors' driveway. He saw what we were doing, and asked us to get of his property. We explained what we were doing, to which he responded "unless YOU have a permit to do this, the only thing you can do is destroy it, otherwise I'll be filing my own complaints" (not verbatim, but that was the gist of it). My mum and him at a little tiff, but I got the last of the measurements for us to then leave his driveway.
I am not a confrontational person; I'm not good at aggression. But I do not like the fact that I have this intimidating dude trying to scare my old mum and threatening her to destroy something she's worked years on. Furthermore, I have the following contentions:
Anyways, I think we'll try our best to fix up the box as efficiently as we can. We won't be covert about it, but to avoid the neighbors yelling at us again, not gonna loudly advertise it. Just drill out screws, take pieces out, and drill in a big sheet. But does anyone want to chime in on what rights I have if this guy calls the cops on us or makes a scene? Again, we're doing this at HIS request, and he's making it difficult to do. Or if you believe there is bias on my part, feel free to point it out! Free to answer questions as well. Hope I was able to get my points across. Any law stuff would help also!
submitted by Rorschach_81 to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:40 No-Willingness-5252 I can’t tell if I’m right in feeling like I’m being mistreated or if I am victimizing myself while trying to hide from my own faults.

I (33f)have the CPTSD Ive known about it since a 2012 and have struggled since then to get treatment other than ssris. I recently had a mental health flare up and have finally found a therapist that I like. I lot of this have been coming up in therapy where my therapist thinks I should be kinder to myself or stand up for myself. I’m not sure because I’ve been trying to do so but it’s not seeming to work.
My husband works for himself/ works from home/ teaching himself to run a business for the past year. We live in hcol I work full time and pay for our health benefits, (he has an office in the apartment and we still split rent 50/50 (when he has the money to) and pay for all household goods and groceries (unless he is working and he will pay for half) I do most of the large purchases, car, insurance vacations, electricity and water and cell phones and he has the internet. He had liked to live month to month while trying to work as little as possible. I enjoy being with him when he has time for his own pursuits and he doesn’t like 9-5 life so I’m very happy with him not working as much as I do.
The thing is, is that he has been telling me that I don’t do enough, or that he doesn’t ask anything of me, or that I don’t spend enough quality time with him. He doesn’t like that I spend time after work reading or listening to audio books, scrolling Reddit or watching Tv. He says that he wants to see me being productive. He talks about how I need to have more productive hobbies. Like instead of reading, writing, or if I’m reading, blogging or reviewing it. He wants me to go on walks. He says I’d be less depressed if I did more things. He calls the time I spend in the evening mindlessly scrolling and said today that all the time I spend on my phone I could be spending with him. My screen time average is 2.5 hours/day. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m just wasting my whole life away, it makes me think that he thinks very low of me.
This past year he wanted to start having dinner together at the dinning room table every night. (Like we are “supposed to” It’s been hard for me to rally for them. We would fight because I have a hard time eating without relaxing first and I would be so keyd up after a long shift he would get upset that I wasn’t appreciative. It took a lot of conversation to get him to understand that I need that wind down time before I can face dinner and conversation and real life again. I hurt my back and was unable to sit at the table so he has been understanding about sitting at the couch. After dinner and watching a show together he gets upset if I get on my phone when he goes in his office to work. He wants me to spend the time more productively. On my phone I read and listen to audiobooks. I read 5-6 books a month usually. Sometimes more if they are short stories. Idk how to explain to him that I like reading and it helps me relax. I suggested we read the 5 love languages book and he bought it which made me so happy, after he read it he said he excelled in all the love languages and that it was me who didn’t know how to speak his love language. What am I supposed to say to that?
He does most of the daily household chores ie dishes and laundry. I’ve told him in the past that if he paid for part of the electricity and the health insurance I could afford to get a cleaner. When I was in school and working part time I kept a better house but it’s a lot harder now because my job is stressful and mentally exhausting. I thought the cleaner would solve the issue. He doesn’t think we need one but gets upset that I can’t keep up with half of the duties. Dispite the fact he is home 24/7 and I’m only home in the evenings. Sometimes I work up to 14 hour days. Also, some days I need to be in bed. I give a lot to my job and I thought to was worth it to keep our lifestyle going weather he is actively working or not but now I’m hearing that the only thing I contribute is money and that it doesn’t count because he is going to pay me back.
It’s still hard for me though because I always have to make sure I have the money because I never know if he will be able to contribute or not. I don’t really want to work a bunch either. I am also just a work enough to survive kinda person.
The biggest issue I have is that I don’t think he respects me. Because how could you have such a low opinion of someone you respect? Why does he keep saying that I don’t do anything or that he doesn’t ask anything of me. How can he love someone who doesn’t do anything? He says that he is just trying to better me but I’m okay with myself. I’m not perfect but I’m not bad.
It’s true, I’m depressed and love to get cozy in the couch for hours at a time while listening to an audiobook and scrolling Reddit . I do clean on weekends that I don’t also work. I do the dishes twice a week and vacuum and clean the toilet every weekend. I do the litter box every other month. (It’s the crystal that get changed monthly) I buy the cat food and we split feeding them unless I’m working. I don’t do the dishes daily though(I get depressed with the endless daily tasks) I offered to buy a dishwasher because I had no problem doing that daily but he didn’t want me to spend money on it. I prefer to do larger weekly tasks because it’s hard for me to have the energy daily. I don’t like to cook after work so I’ll order us dinner or pick groceries that are quick meals. This is not what he considers healthy though and prefers to cook us healthy meals.
To me this relationship is me finding compromises and him finding reasons why I’m not doing things right. I am trying my best but I just feel like it’s never enough.
Am I crazy for being hurt by his attitude towards me despite him saying it’s to better me? Is my depression and laziness after work making me a bad partner or is my partner not being understanding of my needs?
submitted by No-Willingness-5252 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:40 Zachm512 How the place i served at shitdown

I started working at this little pizza and grill restaurant in a pretty wealthy part of Austin when i was 16 and stayed until i was 20. The tips were insane for a large period of time i was making 450+ a night which was just mind blowing to 18 year old me.
Despite how successful we were the management was always a bit stupid, and so the owner apparently borrowed 100 grand or so for some sort of gamble and ended up losing everything.(not super clear on the exact story here) They had to sell the restaurant or they’d go bankrupt, this led to it getting sold to this new guy jeremy who after we did some research on, we found out we was fresh out of jail for investment fraud of 15 million+ and had never had any restaurant experience.
When he started we were immediately all so shocked and this mad would walk into the kitchen everyday with his flip flops and little yorkie(YES DOG BEHIND THE LINE!!!), and he spent most every night getting wasted with the regulars at our bar wellll after close.
initially, despite how insane he seemed he seemed to be much nicer than the previous management. he carried around ginormous wads of cash(everything about this time seemed so so illegal) and gave everyone raises etc. that didn’t end up lasting though. he overhauled the menu and the quality of ingredients went down the fuckin toilet as he doubled the prices. during this time he also changed to only doing cash payments or us individually taking venmo’s which was the biggest fucking nightmare and pissed off the customers so much. as time went on he got meaner and one evening he exploded at me because i hadn’t brought out the half of a ticket that was ready(because we bring out the tickets when all the food is ready). lots of stuff like that happened and he eventually stopped paying all the staff and kept telling everyone if they quit they would not get the money they had been owed. anyway he tried to call me in moment of one night and got pissed that i could so i told him he could go fuck himself and i quit on the spot. the place ended up getting shut down a few weeks later i think because all of the kids who he hadn’t payed for over a month or two took him down.
anyway i just wanted to tell how absolutely insane that whole time was for me and that’s just the tip of the iceberg for the shit that went down during that time.
submitted by Zachm512 to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:38 OpenThoughtSyndicate Level 30 in 24 hour playtime and 2.5M+ Koen in 48 hours. What I think needs to be updated.

My main concern right now is that these types of changes I have listed have taken tarkov YEARS to update. So what I do not want to happen is players having to camp the ABI patch notes for another 2-3 years just to get back those quality of life changes missing in this game that tarkov now has resolved. I do expect ABI to be much more efficient with the patch releases but none the less for someone who has played tarkov for many years some of these changes feel like "starting over with an old version" waiting for the same fixes that already exist in tarkov. They copied a lot of the bad design aspects of tarkov along with the good in my opinion.
At the end of the day this game is fantastic and really blends the casual and tactical mix to hit a wide audience. If you do not currently have beta access please do understand watching the game really does not do it justice. You have to play it to feel all of the small quality of life changes that make this title rival tarkov. I personally could care less if the game is copied or not. They did it better and BSG had 6 years to get thier act together. Someone like myself has been praying for this exact mix of extraction for a long time now. As long as the monetization does not impede the hardcore looting aspect AKA buying gear than I think this game will be just fine for the long run. Good luck out there!
submitted by OpenThoughtSyndicate to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:37 JpBlez5 Be refined by fire

“““I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:15-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Christ had come to send a message to the church of Laodicea. The message would rebuke them of their lukewarmness, causing the lord to threatened to spit them out of his mouth. While many may not understand the full context of the verse, “spitting out of his mouth” leaves a bad connotation. What does it mean to be lukewarm, and how do we avoid being spat out?
The city of Laodicea( the location of the church this message was written to) was located between two other cities, Hierapolis( north of it) and Colossae(south of it). Hieapolis was filled with hot springs, heated from a volcanic mountain nearby, and is known for it’s hot springs even today. The people of Hierapolis believed that the hot springs obtained a healing nature, and would use the thermal springs for patients. This obviously makes the water good and useful.
However when water flowed from Hieapolis down to Laodicea, it took so long to do so that the water cooled, turning from hot to lukewarm. So when it came to Laodicea becoming lukewarm, it lost its healing properties, and thus wasn’t useful anymore.
Think of a Christian who’s lost their saltiness. A lukewarm Christian is one who isn’t living for God, but living for the world, and thus useless to him. It’s not someone struggling with sin, but one who fully embraces it, or has backslides into it.
”This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all.“ 1 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬
If this is you, don’t fret yet, there’s still hope. God didn’t come for the healthy, but the sick. Like all sins, we must repent and turn to God. Not only this, but we must be “refined by fire.
”So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference. “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.“ ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Laodicea had a decent amount of gold, seeing they were quite wealthy. But God cares not for ones wealth, but for ones faith. Paul in 1 Peter 1:7 describes faith, which is tested by fire, much more valuable than gold. We must have a living faith in God, but like all living things, it must be made strong through trials and tests.
Laodicea was also famous for its glossy wool. But here Jesus offered pure white garments, representing the covering of sin and putting on righteousness. God’s people must be righteous, or set apart from the world, living like Christ instead of the world.
When we do these things, even if we face struggles, our faith with shine like the brightest flame.
submitted by JpBlez5 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:33 EnthusiasticPhil I only had her (my pet goat) for less than a month, so why does it feel like this?

I’ve never felt anything like this before. I feel hollow, like part of my spirit died with her, it feels like I’m constantly dying with her everytime I remember that she’s gone. And maybe that’s extremely dramatic, but I don’t know how else to describe it.
She died yesterday, and I keep expecting to see her, I keep remembering that she’s dead. And maybe the worst part is that it’s all my fault.
I had spent nearly every hour of everyday with her, pulling my hair in frustration some days because I was still learning and figuring out how to care for her. She wasn’t an adult yet and she was always by my side whether I liked it or not lol. I couldn‘t be out of her sight otherwise she’d start calling for me loudly. She came running to me when she saw me and she would cry out for me when I went inside the house. She was so smart and easily learned tricks.
I finally figured out a feeding routine, we were saving up to buy her a companion, we were planning to make her a proper house. And It’s all gone. She wasn’t even an adult yet. I’ve been reading posts here about people who’ve had pets for years and years and I realised how short the time I spent with her was. It felt longer. She meant so much. Somehow today is even worse than yesterday, I keep expecting it to be better after every session of sobbing my eyes out. But she’s still gone. How could it be better?
Maybe one day I’ll forgive myself for making such a simple mistake that cost her her life, but I just can’t right now.
I thought our family dog was in the dog cage, and I tied her up in a flimsy rope. She broke the rope and headed over to him and he bit her on the neck.
For a couple of weeks that I had her I was going through mental health issues and she gave me a reason to look forward to today. She would wake me up and 5 am calling out to let her out of her pen, I had to take care of her regardless of how low I felt and how I felt incapable of taking care of even myself. She loved cuddles and I gave her so much of myself in ways I didn’t before. Idk what to do with myself.
Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense grammatically or structurally. I didn’t really have anyone else to say this to and it came out like word vomit.
submitted by EnthusiasticPhil to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:33 Qryiser1 Oh yeah, she's evil incarnate! But just ignore her. How though?????

My poor late boyfriend's evil older sister, "Queenie" (as she likes to be called🤮). I've posted about her here before.
She would get on some raging jag and send him texts, FB messages, call his cell phone and his house phone, berating him, or telling him how terrible her life is, or going off on how she's glad their other sister died or his wife died or... (Have you seen Baby Reindeer? Like that.)
I told him to block her. He couldn't. He needed to know what she was saying, and what she was saying about him on social media. She said some awful, mean-spirited things.
He felt he always had to keep track of her. She fed him lies and drugs. When she had an up day, she'd write some beautiful letter praising him for being the best brother ever, and giving him suboxones or whatever other drugs she had on hand.
Their sister (who took her own life in 2016) used to put flyers up all over town about how horrible of a person he was.
He truly wasn't a bad person. He had so much goodness and love that he just couldn't see, due to all the trauma...
At some point in the past few years, he stopped using social media as much, but still wanted to know what Queenie was up to. I made an extra account and have been tracking her and other unsavory family members for him. For several years.
I have screenshots that would make anyone go blind with rage.
My boyfriend, the absolute love of my life, my favorite, died at the beginning of February. Alcohol and drugs. Both things that Queenie introduced him to at an early early age.
When he died, she posted a happy video of herself and her family laughing it up at karaoke. Days after the funeral, she posted about how sad she is that she's the only one left alive in her family, and how she had to walk away because he didn't want to be loved and saved.
She made no effort to love him, ever. She made no effort to save him. She took out a restraining order against him and took him to court multiple times in the last couple years.
When he was at his lowest, drinking and having seizures in his house, she sent police to do wellness checks on him constantly.
This is not love. This is abuse.
And now. I can't stop tracking her.
Her house is up for tax sale at the end of the month because she didn't pay property taxes or her utility bills for the last two YEARS.
Today, she posts that the Universe gave her some "fun money" and she was going to have a blowout anniversary.
The taxes, Queenie.
But then says that her plumbing is fucked and she has to pay Roto-Rooter to come out.....
I... I need to get away from this. I don't know how. I don't even live there anymore.
But I have a righteous anger against her. I am writing what I want about her here and on tumblr, and even mentioning on my tiktok how her actions his entire life ended up killing my boyfriend.
I wish Karma would just SMITE her.
How do I get away? I know I could just ignore and forget, but I am still protective of my boyfriend's adult children too.... I don't want her to somehow ruin their lives....
submitted by Qryiser1 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:29 MoonbirdRising How people are able to afford the gacha

Often I see comments on people's posts like "HOW DO YOU HAVE THIS ALREADY" "what??? how can you afford this??? how much did you spend?" "oh so are you rich rich?" "I don't judge how others spend money but GOD DAMN WHY" "idk how you do this I could never"
I'm going to take these comments genuinely, cause otherwise they're incredibly passive aggressive and bitter. So here are the answers.
With luck, 100$ and cautious purple gem spending can get you a full 5 star gacha set. Worst case scenario it can cost 200$. So, how do people afford this?
First answer is careful money management. You don't have to be rich to periodically spend that much on entertainment every once in a while. Do you enjoy takeout? Someone who prefers spending on gaming may cook instead of 4 takeout orders and boom, gacha set. Do you like coffee? Making it at home for 2 months instead of getting 8$ lattes all the time can result in a gacha set. Do you party? With how expensive that can be, skipping one or two nights out can probably cover a gacha set.
So how else to people afford it? It is helpful to be an adult. Many whales are just grown ups with jobs. When you have two adults in a household especially, a gacha set now and then can be very affordable. People choose what to treat themselves with, and if someone prefers not go out much and doesn't spend a lot on other hobbies, why shouldn't they get something they like after all their hard work?
Other whales are gifted their black gems! Some might have partners that enjoy spoiling them. Every once and a while, someone might even be gifted by a friend. It's true, by cultivating relationships and having a tolerable personality, a gacha set is a possible outcome!
I hope this clears up confusion for those that always seem to comment on others posts :) and remember poor gacha rates are not the fault of individual players, good luck on your pulls 🫶
submitted by MoonbirdRising to SuitU [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:29 DefinNotHer Scarcity Mindset

F53 and M57 married. NW $5.2MM plus $500k house. No debt. I have decided to stay with my employer for another 2.5 years until I am eligible to buy my healthcare through them. I have 66% of my NW in long term CDs (average 4.8%), the remainder in ETFs. Very risk adverse.
I know I can retire at that point. My life is entangled with my work. No kids, I’ve been relentlessly pursuing wealth for 30 years. Work has become my identity. Our spend without the healthcare costs is about 75k a year. Salaries combined are about $250-$300k annually.
I know that the answers have been “see a psychiatrist” to understand the scarcity mindset and fear of running out of money. I would love to die with zero. I have no one I want to leave the money to. What techniques are employed to rid oneself of this scarcity mindset? I haven’t had much luck with therapy.
submitted by DefinNotHer to fatFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:29 weedsack RYAN COHEN BUYS ALL THE STOCKS... HBC's

Do you remember this tweet?
If you don’t remember, RC tweeted this meme the moment BBBY hit $4.07. Could the time on the meme “4:07” and tweeting the meme the moment BBBY hit 4.07 be a cohencidence? Yes, knowing RC it was intentional because you will probably have better odds of hitting the lottery than tweeting the meme the moment BBBY trades at 4.07.
Do you remember u/Theorico’s DD
The delisting of BBBY/BBBYQ on May 3rd from NASDAQ prevented the public from knowing HBC's BBBY/BBBYQ holdings as of June 30th 2023 on August 2023 and on further 13F report dates.
The Chapt 11 Plan provided for a complete cancellation of BBBY/BBBYQ equity interests, and the Plan Administrator indeed requested their deletion from DTC by mid October, thus also preventing the public from knowing HBC's holdings of BBBY/BBBYQ upon their 13F report on mid February 2024.
The ongoing narrative was that HBC had "death spiraled" the company by converting and immediately selling their shares. If by August 2023 it had been known that this was not the case, Retail would have had discovered that HBC was holding a big position on a bankrupted company, so that there must have been much more at play here. This would also may have hindered the company to complete any other still unknown actions related to the change of ownership and the equity distribution of the new surviving entity. Thus, it was then crucial to avoid that at all costs by cutting all possible reporting options of HBC's holdings as depicted above.
Disclaimer: this post assumes that HBC still held BBBYQ. This is an assumption, not yet proved true nor false.
The short swing profit lawsuit against HBC, answers u/Theorico’s assumption that HBC did in fact hold BBBYQ shares.
Here are some of the reasons why I believe HBC is on our side using logic:
  • HBC did not dump their shares to the retail and onto the public market. The short interest and borrow fee did not go down until the “At-the-market” financing until late March 2023. If HBC did in fact dumped their shares to the retail, then the short interest and borrow fee would've dropped.
  • HBC was able to instantly profit 15% if they exercised their warrants and instantly dumped their ~300mm shares.… So How the fuck did HBC profit $300mm trading BBBY? BBBY "death-spiraled" from $4 to $0.07.
  • HBC is a multi-billion dollar global investment management firm, are you telling me that HBC does not know what Section 16(b) is and risk a lawsuit on a stock that already has an active Section 16(b) lawsuit against Ryan Cohen that everyone, including the apes, know about?

Now, you’re probably wondering who HBC sold their shares to profit $300 million.
There is absolutely no way, HBC could have profited $300mm via short swing trading unless…
HBC sold their ~300m shares privately to an investor who was willing to pay a premium….
I can only think of one hero who is willing to pay more to save the retail ... Warren Icahn.
The same CEO who receives $0 salary to run a multi-billion retail store and puts money where his mouth is.
I would like to end this tinfoil with Ryan Cohen's speech to shareholders during GME's annual shareholder meeting in 2023:
Thanks, Mark and hi everyone. I'll speak briefly. My father always told me "talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words". My responsibility is making sure Gamestop is run by managers who treat company money like their own. In corporate America the people in charge, the professional directors and management teams, are not aligned with shareholders. They're always the recipient of stock grants, however they rarely purchase company shares with their own savings. There's a big difference between risk free compensation for showing up and putting a meaningful amount of your own money at risk. As a result, money is wasted, work is delegated, and a lot of time is spent managing to short term expectations and pandering to wall street. I like people who roll up their sleeves and do real work. People guided by principles, not robots who seek to rest and vest. In corporate America there's no shortage of overpaid executives, bad capital allocation, and chronic waste and serial delegators. Much as this behavior is both predictable and reprehensible, it's precisely what creates opportunities. Thank you for being a shareholder.
Looking back, I think it is safe to assume that RC is man of his words. His track record demonstrates his commitment to taking action and making meaningful changes. Just take a look at GameStop's balance sheet and GME's share price now compared to when RC revealed his position and sent his letter to the board in 2020.
In RC we trust.
submitted by weedsack to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:28 idotoc Am i(18m) the asshole for asking my dad(62m) to pay for/ own up to his mistakes?

Am I the asshole for asking my dad to pay for what he did. I(18m) am playing senior assassin and my dad(61 m) caused me to get disqualified. My dad is a drunk there is no denying that despite how much he tries to. He drinks to get “release his anger” as he says because he is constantly worrying about his cancer, finances, and my grandma’s dementia. I understand this and gave him his space but as he grows sick he grows bitter. He has been meaner and meaner. He called me a slur when describing how I looked. Despite this I tried to be nice to him. Anyway I am in my final year of high school and doing senior assassin. It’s a game where you get assigned targets and have a week to get them out but also people are coming after you. In my school to cut down on time we had something called bounties. This means everyone can get you instead of their target. I was a bounty and was the last one of seven. I spent the whole day dodging people. Someone hid under my car outside work. Despite this I escaped. After all of the hoops I jumped through my dad got me disqualified. My dad came home plastered with my cousin and my cousin who went to a private school didn’t understand why there was four cars outside of my house. Fyi I told my dad I was in senior assassin. My dad preceded to have him and my cousin hit on the cars and threat the occupants. This broke a major rule of not threatening or getting parents involved. I was promptly disqualified. This hurt more because I was in the running and if I survived three more days I would’ve been in the top five. This would have given me a chance of winning around 1000 dollars. My dad’s actions costed me this. The next morning neither my mom or me talked to him. He gave me a half assed apology and was angry when I didn’t accept it. When I went to school today I was asked about if my home life is ok by a teacher and made fun of by other peers. I did go over board in defending when I called someone an et look alike but despite this it was mostly just attacking me. Later I told my dad what he did and what he caused. Another slightly more effort apology. I told him later what he could do to try to fix what he can do.
Pay me half of what I could’ve won: I was offered around half to get out but I turned it down. This money would have allowed me to take the summer off. This would’ve allowed me to have money left over for college and still work on myself for college. My dad isn’t poor at all btw. He argued that he is paying for part of my college so I can’t ask for more. I asked him for 400 dollars
Pay for tux and transportation to prom: he ruined a major moment of my senior year he better make sure the other one is great
Calm down on the drinking: I understand his struggles but that doesn’t excuse getting black out drunk and threatening to beat a bunch of teens. i like when he’s not here but I don’t think he should get super drunk every Thursday to Saturday,
When going over these he said I was shaking him down and he was a good father (debatable) and that he was a good provide husband (strangled my mom years ago and said the racism she was experiencing was real not to mention he doesn’t want to bring her anywhere). He yelled at me so I took a shower and don’t plan on talking to him for the next week. Also when I first confronted him he brought up when I cracked the tile in my backyard. I had to drive through it when I was getting chased by my assassin. It sucks because I tried so hard and it was for nothing. Despite this I do understand that he is in constant mental and physical pain but I don’t like how he brings it up anytime I argue with him. He said to me he doesn’t have a lot of time left and I should get over it. I do think he should be more appreciative that I turned out with a high gpa and I don’t like substances. He is the many reason for the latter but I could’ve been so much worse. Sorry for the rambling but am I in the wrong for asking him to pay me back and own up to his mistakes.
Also sorry for any grammar on mobile.
submitted by idotoc to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:28 sensative_soul I've watched at least 200 puppies die and my family is a mess.

Essay ahead. TW: Animal abuse, child abuse and neglect, fire, and mention of illicit substances. Please don't read this if you are highly sensitive. You might not sleep tonight.
My mom ran a puppy mill starting when I was about 9. Until I was 24 I worked for her, her dog grooming and breeding businesses. Toy breeds. At one point we have over 200 dogs and the same amount of puppies, but when I left she had about 50 of each. She was a narcissist and I was trapped trying to make things better for the puppies. She also used money to control me. Starting at around 13 and maybe earlier, I stayed up with puppies some nights, getting up every two hours to feed them and turn the heating pad back on. I have narcolepsy now, and I often wonder if messing up my sleep schedule so young contributed to it.
We were selling these puppies for $600-$2000 but she told me we couldn't afford better equipment to take care of them. A lot of the money went down my dad's throat, up his nose, in his veins, and in his brain. He's gone now, passed before he reached 50.
I've seen parvo and other viruses run through her kennel due to bad decisions. My mom lamented each time about the amount of money she lost, not at the horror of the death. I've held countless puppies in my bra and in my hands as they breathed their last breath. I've seen puppies and fully adult dogs be thrown in the trash with the dog shit. I watched in utter heart break as weak puppies pushed aside by their mother's were removed and left alone to squeak and squeak until they squeaked their last breath. I always picked them up and comforted them. They didn't squeak and cry so much if I was holding them next to me. The end was easier if I was with them. So I stayed. And died tiny deaths with them.
I've seen more dog fights than I care to think about. Dogs torn apart by other dogs then throw in the trash. Even now, part of my consciousness stays awake at night because I have to be able to hear if there is a fight in the kennels. I don't live there anymore. This definitely contributes to the narcolepsy.
About 4 months ago her kennel burned down. My grandmother and medium support needs autistic cousin saved as many as they could, but the three of them saw the kennel burn and the dogs with it. Less than half survived. I will never forgive my mother for owning the mill that allowed such a horrific thing to happen. It was due to improper wiring and having so much wood. Wooden runs in a wooden building. I will never let go of how much she has hurt my cousin. He is precious and loves those animals.
This has also caused a rift in my family. My uncle was the one who told me that day, and when I called him back he told me that he couldn't comfort my cousin because he was my cousin's dad. I lost it on him. I watched this man neglect his son during my childhood and immediately pawn him off on my grandmother the night my grandfather died. My mom basically raised my cousin because he was so neglectful. The neglect got to me and I made sure he knew it was his decisions that led to this, but that's not what my family heard.
My brother also texted me that day to tell me to call my grandmother. I was trying to reel my emotions in and not make any of this more difficult on her, as I was ready to do not nice things to my mother. When I explained this, my brother decided that that was the straw that broke the camels back and went no contact with me very abruptly after an unnecessarily mean message. I didn't know there were any straws on the camels back, being as he lives states away and has since he was 21. The words in his message made it clear that he thought very poorly of me for a long time. We aren't even 30 yet, but you really only get one time to tell me I don't contribute anything to the world and mean it before you are cut from my life forever. I thought I would have my brother until near the end.......
This has, predictably, been wildly painful for me. I'm cleaning out infected wounds that tell me that products have feelings or that I can't be sad over puppy death. I hate that my brother didn't free himself of my mother's influence and get out of this empathy crushing system we were raised in. I worry about his husband often.
The silver lining, if there is any, is that my family was bad for me and now I've gotten out. I've got a slew of disabilities that they blamed me for, but I don't have to be there anymore. I'm happily married to the amazing man I've been with since highschool and we have a house of our own with two pets. I'm cleaning the wounds, been going to therapy since I was 18, and know that I need to get my psyche cleaned up so I can live a happy, fulfilled life. It's a process, but I've made a lot of good progress. If you made it this far, thanks internet stranger. It's a long, painful read.
Be good. Be safe. Have fun. You deserve goodness.
submitted by sensative_soul to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:25 VLTurboSkids 335i N54 Repair Prices

Thinking about getting a 335i Convertible, I’m aware of the issues that do exist, does anyone know how much they would all cost if I were to run into some of them or even all of them?
Also mileage is a good range? Most that I’ve been looking at for sale are around the 80,000km to 120,000 km range, none with less, and not interested in buying one with higher.
submitted by VLTurboSkids to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:23 Eu-ph-or-ia Time to upgrade my 2019 intel MacBook Pro and in need of some advice!

Okay so I’m currently using a 13 inch 2019 MacBook Pro I5 8GB model, and although it served me okay the first couple years, over the past year or so it seems to have really become toast, like my logic sessions constantly give me CPU overload errors (even after trying to optimize everything in the DAW), the touchbar is failing as well as the battery.
My productions nowadays have become much more layered (often 50-150 tracks, lots of plugins & automation) & CPU heavy now, so I’m in need of more power to really allow me to breathe creatively within logic so it performs smoothly, quickly, reliably & without almost any limitations on what I want to make within my projects.
From what I understand, the jump from intel to Apple silicon will be significant so I’m really excited to see what it feels like and how it performs.
However, I’m slightly overwhelmed by the number of different models and which would be best in terms of the cost - performance - longevity, balance. I’m ideally looking to spend as little as possible but I know I want at least 16gb ram (although 32 would be the dream) and a 16 inch screen.
Would an M1 MacBook Pro 16GB 16 inch sound like it would serve my needs? Or is it truly worth spending a fair bit more to go for the M2/M3? Also are there any huge differences in the ‘pro’ / ‘max’ models?
I’m also slightly conflicted as to whether to wait and see what the upcoming M4 offers although it’ll probs be out my price range anyways lol
(Also not nessessarily essential but it would be cool to be able to do a lil bit of gaming on it too - I wanna play Death Stranding & cyberpunk if anyone has any experience running them on one of these MacBooks!)
submitted by Eu-ph-or-ia to LogicPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:20 Informal_Town_5652 How can I (24F) help my husband (39M) believe in himself?

My husband and I just got married after 3 years and together we make base salaries of 50k each plus bonuses at his job and commission at mine. We live in South Florida so this means all our bills are paid and we have all the necessities but there’s very little ability for leisure. And we want to have a kid which is another expense.
By my calculations, we would need to make at least $50k more to raise our child, vacation 1 or twice a year and be a bit flexible in our ability to work. By flexible I mean he and I could take alternating sabbaticals off of work to be with the kid or just bc sometimes it’s nice not to work full time and also not worry abt money.
Eventually I’d like to be financially independent and travel more in 15-20 years.
The solution? I’m trying to go back to school to finish an engineering degree and I want my partner and I to start creating passive streams of income on the side. He is incredibly intelligent, quite the problem solver. The owner of the company he works for is always going on and on abt how much better he makes them when im at the office. I’ve helped my family’s business grow into a success up until last year so im not just talking abt things i don’t understand. We are an amazing team.
The problem? He thinks he’s a bad luck charm. On three occasions in life he was supposed to move up in a company to make good money or loved his job and made reallyyyyy good money, and they went out of business. Three times! And the most recent was during the pandemic. Couple that with a few bad money decisions when he was in his twenties and he doesn’t think he can bring something profitable to fruition.
Life has not been kind to my husband and he wants to focus on being happy with me and our future baby but I grew up very poor and I have anxieties about money. Idk if I can chill abt this. Our family and life is down here so neither of us want to move.
Side note: I’m not leaving my husband. Our therapist had great things to say abt us during premarital counseling so I have it on good authority we are a solid couple, though we haven’t felt the need to go to counseling since. Focus on the situation and try not to project your fears onto me. We met virtually during our training class at a job we worked briefly in the pandemic so neither of us knew the other one’s age until we were already interested in each other. No he did not groom me.
submitted by Informal_Town_5652 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]