Neck virus


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2024.05.14 07:27 whatifitallworksout_ Neck (CCI), joints, ligaments & cartilage

Hey all, I have hEDS and took 2 days of cipro and then two weeks of levo. I didn’t know I was supposed to avoid these. I had an initial scary reaction and went to the ED (intense head pressure, extreme dizziness, chest tightness, heart palpations – I could barely walk). After taking magnesium and B vitamins for a couple weeks things calmed down. However two months later I got some virus and had a delayed reaction and now have widespread joint pain, weakness, and constant clicking/popping that’s not going away. I’m not talking like a couple times an hour, but literally any time I move my joints. This includes my back and neck. I also have all the symptoms of CCI/AAI aka floxie neck now which is slowly worsening. My neck symptoms were the first ones I noticed, and I’m going on two months now since the delayed reaction started. My neck is getting worse but my other joints seem to be staying the same. Any expert/veteran tips out there for these types of injuries? I have scoured most of the threads here. Thanks all, from a previously relatively healthy 31 y/o female.
submitted by whatifitallworksout_ to floxies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:52 Strange-Cold-5192 Extremely loose, baggy skin (EDS-like), but only from head to shoulders

This has been bugging me for awhile now, and I think I have some pictures up on an old post showing me pulling skin off my neck/jaw area (and note: it got even worse since). My doctor gave me a referral for a dermatologist, but I still have some time before the appointment.
As I stated above, I can pull my facial skin almost like I have EDS; however, I have no other symptoms of EDS, and the skin laxity ends around my shoulders/collarbone. EDS was the first thing my doctor said before I showed her I did not have the same laxity on my forearms.
I’m only 27 (and male, 5’10”, 225lbs— probably useful info), but I’m becoming horribly prematurely aged, and it’s killing my confidence. The bizarre thing is, though, is that my skin quality is actually looking really good. Red light therapy has made my complexion look better than it has in years, cleared old scar tissue from pimples I popped, and gotten rid of all but a few stubborn forehead wrinkles I’ve developed from raising my brows to keep my vision clear of excess skin and my nasolabial folds. My skin is soft and thick, almost too thick, and it’s like almost like everything underneath the skin has melted. I really think that’s the problem— the fat and muscles that once held my face together are either disappearing or dropping, and I’m left with one amorphous, gelatinous blood pooling into my jowls and neck. Despite being overweight, I can feel every last bump and crevice in my cheeks, around my eyes, along my jaw and brow, etc. Yet the skin just covers over all of it like a mask, and it just makes me look fat (and as I just said, I am overweight, but my upper body does not look horribly so. I have massive legs, so people often think I’m a good 20-30lbs less than I really am). But it’s like all the fat has drained off my face and is sinking downward.
I’m at a loss. I keep thinking it can’t get worse, but it does. It’s affecting my vision, it makes my head feel heavy, I can feel my skin fold with every movement of my neck. Obviously, it’s destroyed my confidence and desire to be in public or date. And now as I read about stuff like acquired cutis laxa, I’m worried it could even be tied to stuff like cancer.
It’s worth noting that these symptoms really took off after a COVID infection. My case was very mild, but it was afterwards that things got bad. Tremors, spasms, heart palpitations, blood pressure spikes, brain fog, joint pain, muscle strains, you name it, I probably had it. I lost fat passing in my hands and wrists as well (strange thing to notice, but very evident as a powerlifter, golfer, and baseball player. Things start feeling different in your hands, your gloves stop fitting right, stuff like that). The tremors, heart palpitations, and all that cleared up last November after I upped my water intake from about a half gallon to at least one gallon a day, and all labwork was normal, if not better than before I was sick (no more vitamin D deficiency, testosterone up as my prolactinoma was finally under control after several years), except for positive antihistone antibodies. The rheumatologist said not to worry about it for now because everything else was normal, and he expected I had had an inflammatory reaction to the virus and the flare up was over.
I’m at my wit’s end. This is ruining my life, and not one doctor aside from my PCP seems to care because they dismiss it as a cosmetic concern.
submitted by Strange-Cold-5192 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:48 Average_Boi_4879 ZomDrones Those Unturned A2C3: Four Strangers

Morris stayed hidden for days, of course he wasn’t the only one left behind. A burned drone who would not wake up, a student named Kerr, and a drone seemingly losing all touch with reality named Luther. They barricaded the room of the patient, and stayed in there for weeks as the room was well off the beaten path. One day, Kerr asked “So what are your stories?” when there was nothing to do. “I was part of the WDF at one point, as I was part of the military grade drone experiment. The others left me to die, but I didn’t and now here we are…” said Luther. Morris decided now was a good time to reveal his crimes, “I was part of a test of drone software stability against viruses, unfortunately I never regained complete stability. The parts of my software that were for sympathy and morals were corrupted, along with a thirst for violence appearing… have you heard the stories of the drone named Morris? That’s me, and most of them are true… I also killed several drones here. I was gonna torch the bodies but the undead stopped me, and the events up to here were (Go read the last couple chapters except for Fade to Gray).”
[Malkor hosting enabled] I saw the shocked expressions on their faces, and smiled slightly… I then told them of the transmission I got from the teacher. “What’s your story Kerr?” I asked calmly, knowing very well the free oil supply that was the burned drone wouldn’t speak. “Well… I was studying to reinforce the doors, and also founded a little group called ‘Delta Company’ which basically was enforcing military restrictions on the other students…” I cracked up, “Alright we got a drone in white plaster, a fascist, Yossarian, and a psychopathic killer… well this should be a great group for Delta Company.” Kerr rolled her eyes, “Sure, it didn’t become a thing because the zombies had to show up… also you and your friends lit up most of the members and the others… well you can probably guess what happened to them.” I thought for a second, “What’s stopping us from rebuilding it? I mean we can head to the dead zone, which is in need of leadership anyway, and start recruiting people and drones.” Kerr snickered, “Well if we even survive this bunker…” Luther was seemingly able to comprehend what we were saying, “I could be security…” he said off handedly. “I probably won’t join you though, I’m already a member of a faction in the zone.” I lowered the neck of my shirt to reveal a tattoo on my shoulder, two sideways Vs intersecting each other. “Well, it never hurts to have an ally… especially with the Invisibilia.” The sound of banging on the door was heard, considering the somewhat frantic banging along with the smell of gasoline it’s probably Uzi and N. “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the enhancements that came with the software corruption… I can alter the perception of reality to an extent.” I got up and started to bend reality just a bit, and slung my AK over my shoulder with a tire iron in my right hand. They gave me good luck or rather, the illusion of Morris good luck.
This will probably be a good test to see if those undead feel fear, or have some semblance of their old selves in there. My intuition of N and Uzi being at the door was right, and I try to hit them through the crack of the door. After getting them off I use my schizophrenia giving powers to their fullest extent, I alert V of my presence but that is subsided by the hesitation to come close. Apparently they do feel fear from me, now let’s see if they have memories. “What’s wrong N? Couldn’t deal with having to fight your girlfriends? You’re almost as pathetic as Nori… correction moreso, you just had to steal the kill from me.” This of course sends Uzi into what I can only describe as shock, so that answers that. Either way I turn all of them into slices of swiss cheese, however the bunker is still full and the others opt to leave the injured drone behind as their practically dead weight… no matter, for the dead won’t stay down for long and we have to keep moving. I stare in disgust at Uzi, a painful reminder of my past… I would spit but drones physically cannot (unfortunately?). No matter, through the forest the three of us unturned go…
We make it through the forest, and into the dead zone. Thankfully I was not exiled, and rather went outside on a significant purpose (which I will not disclose as of current), and Kerr immediately runs off to go recruit the entirety of the refugees of the outside to Delta Company. She’s off and away, then me and Luther are left to our own devices… Luther goes and wanders off, possibly to get drunk on coolant though I wouldn’t judge him for doing so. [Morris hosting restored] I walk over to one of the Invisibilia hideouts in order to communicate all the shit that went down within the past week, and considering I think in English I’ll transcribe the conversation afterward in English; “Hey P4! Why the hell didn’t you kill the admin while you had the chance?” said a Russian colleague of mine, “I have a name you know… also that fucking bitch would probably have gotten the upper hand, that surprise you fleshbag?” did I just call him a slur for human? Yes, yes I did, but we’re actually on good terms so the insult is very lighthearted, “Yeah Morris I know, you also brought a fascist clanker over here… hope to god they aren’t in a ‘Kill all humans and native drones’ phase”, so yeah we basically shit talked each other. Pretty good considering Copper-9’s only safe space is a dead zone which was more devastating than Chernobyl, but hey that’s better than turning into a zombie right?
submitted by Average_Boi_4879 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:37 MyInnerCulture Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery - Reducing Triggers

Will this make me cough?
Will this make my head hurt?
Is seven too early to go to bed? I just want to get away from the world.
Will I ever live without pain?
Why am I always sick?
These are the types of questions I don’t have to ask myself anymore. I’m here to say, loud and clear for anyone listening: Chiari doesn’t have to rule your life. You can take it back, one moment at a time. There’s so much more to life than an affliction you can’t control.
But you HAVE more control than you think.
What triggers your symptoms? What questions do you ask yourself before you decide how to spend your time?
At my worst, pain ruled the day. I did anything to avoid it, which usually meant doing anything to avoid the cough that triggered it. For many years, that looked like this:
Prescription asthma medication (pre-Chiari diagnosis)
So, sooooo much cough syrup
Drinking wine
Calling in sick to work
Avoiding parties
Avoiding friends
Avoiding family
Avoiding any kind of gathering
Shrinking my world

And the more I avoided the things that triggered the cough, the smaller my world became. Reducing triggers has become one of the most important parts of living well with Chiari. BUT living in constant fear of those triggers didn’t serve me. It only served the pain. The more I withdrew from people and situations, the worse I felt.
I could never make my world small enough to avoid the pain.
In doing an inventory of my life, I knew there were many ways I was living WRONG. After I stopped taking all my unnecessary asthma medication in 2016 and started feeling slightly better physically and hopeful for the first time in years, I began making changes to how I was living to feel better overall. Some of these, consequently, also reduced the cough triggers.
Reduced chemical use: This deserves its own post—or several—because of the massive difference it made, both with the Chiari and my general health. Some of the steps I took to reduce chemical use included:
Addressed/Reduced Stress: Stress was (and still is) a major trigger. Just the other day a hiccup with my health insurance sent me into a rare and unexpected coughing fit. Reducing stress is so broad a topic and looks different for everyone. For me, the quick version went something like this:

Improved physical health: Since my biggest pain trigger was from coughs, it follows that I also had to improve my overall health to catch less viruses. This is ongoing and constantly evolving (the bugs my son brings home from preschool are tough and linger forever), and involves:
Reducing triggers isn’t managing symptoms. It’s a constant effort to prevent them without making the Chiari the star of the show. For me, it’s actually removing Chiari from the scene entirely. These changes didn’t happen overnight and don’t have to be expensive and add additional stress to your already overloaded life.
Start small. Start where you are with something that will make the biggest difference.
submitted by MyInnerCulture to chiari [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:14 dungeonsandsaddies Continual fatigue. Lymph node swollen 1 month+ after abx. 31M

Demographics: 31M. 5’11” 220lbs
Dx: depression, ADHD, OCD(much worse in childhood, well managed now)
Meds: Prozac 20mg daily, Adderall 5mg BID, Lamictal 50mg daily (titrating up, problems started before this med)
Hi. I’ve had problems with fatigue and depression for quite a while but they have recently gotten worse. I saw my PCP to run some labs, but everything looked more or less alright and no explanation for the way I’m feeling.
I had a sore throat and a swollen lymph node in my neck with debilitating fatigue that put me down for days. I was negative for Covid, flu, strep, and mono (and maybe other viruses on a panel). They gave me augmentin and said follow up with PCP if swelling doesn’t go away.
So I’m about a month post that appointment. My lymph node is still palpably swollen but not very tender anymore. No sore throat. Still very fatigued. I’m scheduling with my PCP.
The fatigue has been something I’ve been treating as depression/ADHD for years now and it feels like I’ve thrown everything and the kitchen sink at it, and still hardly any relief besides some momentary improvement when starting a new med that eventually doesn’t work anymore.
I feel like something is really wrong with me and this is really touching every aspect of my life. Any insight or advice?
submitted by dungeonsandsaddies to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:19 911roofer [let’s build]D100 exotic zombie types

  1. Drones The strangest and most benign form of the zombie, although thankfully not the most rare, is the drone. Some people are defined by their jobs and metaphorically do not have a life outside of it , and in undeath this can become literal. The drone continues to perform the job it did in life to the best of its ability to the exclusion of all else. They retain their intelligence, but their minds become…limited and they lose creativity and imagination. A drone will not lift a finger to save someone getting ripped apart in front of them unless they’re a client, a customer, or in their custody or under their protection.
  2. Screaming Speedies It’s runs fast and it screams when it spots prey, alerting other zombies. Not complicated.
  3. Vegheads Zombies that eat plants instead of meat. Not benign. A horde can devour an entire orchard or field in a couple of hours. Famine on foot.
  4. The diffusion Aiming for the head doesn’t work. You’ll have to hack it to pieces to kill it.
  5. Glowies Zombies dipped in nuclear waste. They’ll kill you with radiation as well as their bites but they’re literally glowing so they’re easier to avoid.
  6. Bloated Ticks These are not actually giant bloated undead bloodsucking ticks. This is the only thing about them that’s not disgusting. They’re hideously bloated decaying corpses that explode when they attack. Hard enough to do damage. They’re destroyed when they do this but that’s cold comfort when their spine just went through your skull.
  7. Lovechunks The lovechunks is slightly more clever than the typical zombie and has am IQ about room temperature. They also don’t eat people. This does not render them harmless. Lovechunks want to “spread the love” and infect humans with whatever is causing the zombie outbreak. They’ll bite if they must but their preferred method is to vomit chunky bile into human mouths . They prefer to wait until people are asleep but they may wrestle a victim or beat them into unconsciousness if they can’t catch them that way.
  8. Mercies Constantly crying zombies that have just enough selfawareness to realise what they are doing. They still need to feed but tend to kill as painlessly as they can. Suicidal survivors often seek them out.
  9. Bagpipes Bloated with decomposition, multiple slits in their throat, these corpulant gas bags can inflate and then release a harsh air through their slit as a disonant and disorientingly loud chord.
  10. Masterminds A rare strains who retained most of their sapience, boasting unnatural intelligence, and even being able to converse. They are picky eaters who prefer to feed on high INT creatures and are clever and sadistic enough to manipulate situations, other zombies and even survivors so they can feed their refined pallettes.
  11. Preta usually formed from turned looters, these poor souls had their mind warped by the curse of undead gluttony and their own greed that they have a compulsion to consume currency and especially shiny gemstones. Their stomachs bloated and jingling with their haul.
  12. Franks Their bodies act as capacitors and electricity literally courses through their veins. They still feed on humans, their tazer like attacks make feeding easier, but they are also drawn to sources of electricity to recharge. Like shelter generators.
  13. Hydras Some bonds transcend even death. When a group of people turn, they may seek familiar arms for comfort. There they will lay, rotting and fusing not unlike the rat king, until the call of hunger gets strong enough and this shambling mound prowls through the night, moaning through multiple mouths.
  14. Virophage Illness is a lesser brought up issue for survival but imagine being ill for all of your unlife. These pathetic, constantly sniffling wretches were turned while sick and their wracked bodies became the perfect breeding ground for a particularly strong airborne virus thats being called ZomFlu. They can disperse this virus in an area the size of a small neighborhood.
  15. Spellcarved A necromancer has added glowing runes to this zombie's skin. When slain a spell will trigger. Stinking cloud and fireball are popular picks.
  16. The Colossus A giant of a zombie. Built like a body builder on steroids. Their muscles have muscles.
  17. The mannequin These zombies are ambush predators. They find mannequins and stand in among them. They wait for people to get close before they pounce on them.
  18. Memorials The type of zombies from iZombie. They retain their whole personality and most of their appearance so long as they eat brains but are always at risk of going feral if they starve. Named them "Memorials" because of how they get the memories from the Brains they eat, so they serve as a remembrance to not just their former selves, but all the people they've eaten.
  19. Kitbashes Not all deaths leave tidy corpses, and an infection (or whatever wild magic that may be causing zombies) can't be expected to know what a person was supposed to look like. Whether it's a single corpse or multiple fused together, the zombie phenomenon has fashioned this flesh into something that can move and infect, but could never pass as whatever species it was before undeath. Maybe what once was an arm is used as a leg, Ribs used as teeth, (dog) heads used as pincers.
  20. Sleepers. These Zombies retain enough intelligence and appearance to pass as survivors, but have no long term memory. Usually they'll passively infect people with coughs, shared equipment, kisses; if found out, they're still capable of infecting with the more traditional bites once their Zombie Instincts kick in. They'll always forget what happens to the groups of survivors that took them in before; they don't know they're zombies, so they don't have to lie to the next group when they ask to be adopted. Zombies ignore them which is the easiest way to discover their condition apart from a cursory health exam.
  21. The Lost These creatures are technically not zombies anymore, as they've been cured, but they've been zombies for so long that their minds are still like that. Zombies ignore them, they can’t be reinfected, and they can follow simple commands, but they’re about as bright as a particularly stupid dog and aren’t good for much more than carrying your stuff
  22. The Grind These zombies are essentially aloof to anyone, stuck inhabiting the motions of their former lives, before they ultimately decay. You see them going about elements of their life, stuck in a cycle. Sometimes they're standing in front of a sink mimicking doing the dishes. Others walk around their yards in lawnmowing patterns. Others are seen walking the aisles of supermarkets, inspecting empty shelves. Still others are seen camped out on couches and in lounge chairs, watching static or broken tvs, while others sit at empty dining tables almost as if in conversation.
  23. Regenerators Rare zombies gain the ability to steadily incorporate biological flesh into their own forms, instead of simply converting the life energy they contain into necrotic energy, they instinctively twist the consumed flesh into becoming part of themselves, in a parody of living, biological consumption.
  24. The Screamers (Regenerator) Like Regenerators, these can shape their forms by consuming flesh. These gain flesh and hunt their prey by stunning them using highly focused necrotically-infused sonic screech-beams. Their rotting flesh warps to resemble that of a frog, sacs inflate on their neck before an attack.
  25. Proto-Ghouls (Regenerator) They tend to consume fast-movers, zombies so fresh they haven't rotted away to shuffling mindlessness yet (and thus able to move fast and furiously), in addition to consuming their normal prey (the still-living). Because of the infusion of fresh necrotic energy from the fast-movers, live meat from normal prey, they develop beyond even fast-movers, their limbs often stretching into longer, sharper versions, and their necks extending and gaining great flexibility to both swallow their prey whole, and whip around to snatch it and prevent fleeing.
  26. Tongue-Lashers (Regenerator) To facilitate prey-entrapment, these bloated parodies of toads transform much of their consumed flesh into massive, long, sticky tongues covered in nasty backward-facing, keratin-based spines. Tongues go out to about 30 feet at maximum extension. A single lick can seriously wound a living victim, infecting them, if they manage to escape, but more likely trapping them, as the tongue-spines grip strongly. They tend to not move fast, instead waiting for victims to come to them, and sit bloated upon the corpses they consume, digesting them slowly.
  27. Rust-Tongues (Regenerator, Advanced Tongue-Lasher). Those Tongue-lashers that grow powerful and have consumed armored foes, metal weapons, or other metal objects begin to incorporate metal into their bodies, making them even more dangerous and difficult to destroy, and increasing threat range to 60 feet. It usually seems to imprint the metal on the tongue-spines, giving it a chain-saw like effect, and. The more metal, the slower they move, however.
  28. Armored Rust-Tongue (Regenerator, Boss Tongue-Lasher) Having consumed massive quantities of metal-infused prey, their entire body has hardened and been reinforced by metal, making them slow, but giving them a massive 120 foot threat range on their tongues, as well as greatly increasing their natural armor. They even gain the abilities of rust-monsters as Legendary Actions.
  29. Flesh Maiden Flat and mostly soft pieces of rotten flesh that move like ooze where the bones now serve as spikes, can grapple with the its former intestines and encase prey in a spiky ball. Can squeeze thought small places like grates.
  30. Dau'das Blind but a great climber, navigates through superb sense of smell and hearing.
  31. False vampire Decomposition has made this type look like a nosferatu, they weight very little and can sometimes soar downwards with wing-like skin under arms and legs.
submitted by 911roofer to d100 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:47 LifeWeek4394 Been sent from pillar to post with this infection. Sore throat, rash, fever and fatigue (UK)

On Monday, I developed a really nasty sore throat. After struggling to swallow and sleep for two days with the pain and a high fever, I went to see a nurse practitioner at my GP practice on Wednesday (impossible to see an actual GP there). I said I was coming in to check if it wasn't strep throat or something else nasty and she said it sounded like it might be and gave me penicillin V.
After taking it, the sore throat decreased almost entirely but the fever (at one point around 39°C) and fatigue remained, though in constant flux. I also developed a cough, lost my appetite and began to feel very bloated despite having barely ate anything, particularly on the left hand side of my abdomen. On top of all this, on Friday, a rash appeared on my torso and spread very quickly down my extremities. I also developed a white hairy tongue coating. I called NHS 111 and they told me to get to A and E urgently. I got to A and E urgently and the doctor urgently told me to take some antihistamine as the rash was "just probably the infection mixing with the antibiotic or maybe a reaction" and then sent me on my way.
I wasn't too happy with this explanation, so yesterday I called 111 again and they told me to go to my local pharmacist to have a look. I was planning on going but my mom rang and told me she had arranged an appointment with a private GP that she'd been to before, the appointment being within the hour. Out of desperation, I went along and the private GP looked at my throat and said "nah looks viral to me" and said I had mono which was causing the rash by reacting to the penicillin and that I should stop taking it.
He took bloods and sent them off and as I was coming back home, the local pharmacist called (having been notified by 111) and said that they thought I had scarlet fever and that I should keep taking the penicillin. When I told her that I'd just been told to stop, she said "Oh, well maybe you should then." I called up the private GP and was like "you haven't got scarlet fever, don't worry" before calling me back a few minutes later saying "I've had a chat with the doctors and just on the safe side keep taking the penicillin."
Now today, I have kept taking the penicillin and the rash has spread to my neck and face but looks lighter elsewhere but I'm still getting mad spikes in temperature and this ache in my left side is growing a bit. My chest feels a little heavy and I'm coughing much more. I'm so fatigued and weak but I can barely eat more than a few mouthfuls of anything. I also got the private blood test results back and they came back that I don't have mono but apparently I do have a virus because my white blood cells are low but that I should keep taking he penicillin. He also said my liver is healthy but my AST is 101 and my LDH 348 and Gamma GT 84.
Aiming to get a GP appointment tomorrow but I'm having a real flap atm. Was feeling slightly better this morning but now I can barely move without aching or breath without coughing. What the hell have I got?
29M, 171cm, 58kg, Penicillin V 250mg, don't drink or smoke.
submitted by LifeWeek4394 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:20 Ok-Radish-24 Leukemia or lymphoma?

My symptoms:
Erythema Nodosum for 10 weeks (just now healing)
Swollen lymph nodes for several weeks, different ones get swollen at different times
Petechiae on my neck (2 days now)
Heart palpitations
Knees get red, hot, at least once a day
Waking up hot like I have a fever
High blood pressure (just started)
Dry eyes (2 months now, unable to wear contacts)
Random gum sores, like canker sores
Just not feeling myself. I have a history of shingles 4 times in my early 20s-mid 30s. I am 39 right now. History of chickenpox multiple times as a kid, which they said was not possible. I was wondering if I may have undiagnosed Epstein-Barr Virus also... bloodwork came back unable to measure platelets due to significant clumping. Elevated protein 8.7, elevated albumin 5.03.
Any ideas? Waiting for a referral to call me back about an ultrasound for my swollen lymph nodes. So far, I only feel some in my neck.
submitted by Ok-Radish-24 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:53 Parking_Wolf_4159 [26M] Does it sound like neurologists did all they could have done for me? It will be 4 years this year of dealing with vague, chronic neurological and physical issues. Concerned that there was a lack of interest/care with my situation from previous doctors.

I randomly got very sick a few years ago. I am not sure of the cause, but I believe it may have been COVID, which I believe unfortunately spurred on a pretty severe autoimmune/inflammatory reaction. It came on very sudden, first with brain fog, then a dull pressure headache, and then muscle twitching, what felt like a fever, neuropathy on the left side of my body (It began in my face and went downwards, used to affect both sides but only the left side now), ear ringing, throbbing headaches, upper body burning pain, dizziness, memory issues, neck stiffness, sinus inflammation that caused watery mucus, and other issues. I remember one day about a month into my issues, I had an extreme warmness in my face and nearly constant ear ringing on and off. It was the strangest thing.
I was able to see a PCP about a month into my issues. My PCP did not seem to consider my issues of an urgent nature, even with sudden neuropathy, memory loss, dizziness, etc. I had a CT scan of my brain 3 months after initial illness which showed mild volume loss and possible encephalomalacia.
It took me a year to finally see a neurologist for it due to waiting times. The first one I saw was dismissive and literally told me to "wait it out" and see if I got better (I didn't). The second one I saw, and saw the longest, didn't even see me personally the first time, and had his nurse look at me instead, and did really nothing for my issues save for trying a very small dosage of Gabapentin for a few months as well as vitamin supplements, which I stopped taking due to it not doing anything for me. The third one I saw for a second opinion of the second one told me "I don't know what's causing your symptoms" and just left it at that. I saw a rheumatologist in 2022 who also didn't do anything for my neuropathy, just more blood work testing.
I recently found out the second neurologist I saw who I saw for years was successfully sued for malpractice while I saw him, but in another state. I believe he does telehealth neurology. He was sued in Georgia and settled for 175,000 dollars in late 2022. I had been seeing him since late 2021, and last saw him in person in late 2023 where he blamed my issues on "stress" and left it at that.
I told numerous doctors/specialists about chronic body inflammation feelings, such as intense upper body burning, head pressure, dizziness/vertigo, memory issues, neuropathy, etc. and they have never ordered a spinal tap to see if there was something in the CSF causing the chronic feeling. I have had brain MRIs that showed possible idiopathic intracranial hypertension with mild CSF buildup in the optic nerve and a partially empty sella turcica, but again, no spinal tap was ordered because my eye exam by a neuro-ophthalmologist was clean and showed no swelling. My brain MRIs also showed volume loss possibly caused by encephalomalacia, again, no spinal tap done.
I've had blood work for lupus and celiac that was negative, and an ANA rating that was barely positive. Normal rheumatoid factor and negative for Sjogren's as well. I just checked and I believe I am negative for vasculitis as well, Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody test was negative looking back at my testing in 2022. I also had a sinus CT scan a year into my issues that showed mild sinusitis. I am not diabetic but I was pre-diabetic when this began. Glucose testing has been normal, cholesterol is fine, lipids are fine. B12 is normal, but vitamin D is low.
It has been almost 3 years now and I still have neuropathy in certain parts of the left side of my body (mainly my face and genitals, I'm male and was born male) and again, nothing was done for me regarding a spinal tap, which is the only test outside of a PET scan that I haven't done which could be helpful for me as far as I know. I saw that third neurologist for a second opinion, and all he did was say maybe to get a spinal tap if I have chronic headaches, but other than that, like I said, he said outright he didn't know what was causing my symptoms.
I cannot work with how I feel, and it feels like neurologists and doctors in general left me to rot and deal with the chronic issues on my own, and now I'm going to be stuck with long-term, permanent issues such as nerve damage in my face and genitals because no doctor cares. I have ED and anorgasmia now along with the neuropathy that affects my genital area. It's just on the left side for some reason. It used to be tingling/burning on the left side of my genital area and face and now is reduced sensitivity issues. In 2021 I had a very sharp pain on the left side of my penis when I touched the right side of it, it was very scary and made me believe the nerve may have died, but that went away with very slow improvement, but that side is still not back to normal.
I still sometimes have dizziness and headaches, for instance, if I'm in a car and I watch the cars speed by us at an intersection, I'll feel sort of dizzy. It's not as bad as it was, but it's still not normal to feel like that, and no doctor has done anything for that or suggested it.
Am I wrong to think a spinal tap should have been ordered? Is there any reason they didn't, even after I asked? 0 out of the 3 neurologists I've seen in the past three years or so recommended one, so I did try getting second and even third opinions. The first neurologist genuinely just brushed me off, he didn't even order any testing. Just sent me on my way without a follow up appointment after saying to "wait it out".
I live in America and am on my state's Medicaid. I recently switched PCPs (my previous one was condescending and didn't seem interested in my issues) and the new PCP referred me to a new neurologist I'm going to see later this year, but it just feels at this point all they can do is assess the damage and not fix it due to it being so long since I got sick and my issues never really totally fixing itself.
I had an MRA of my head last month that was clean thankfully, so I think I didn't have a hemorrhagic stroke or some sort of blood vessel damage in my arteries. I saw a neurosurgeon about two weeks ago that I last saw in 2021 who still believes my cerebral atrophy (which I'm guessing is the volume loss likely caused by encephalomalacia) is abnormal for my age (mid-20s). The neurosurgeon's notes say my current neurologist believes I may have small fiber neuropathy as well as a cognitive disorder, but he has not prescribed a single thing since the low dosage of Gabapentin over two years ago.
The only real testing I have left is neuropsychological testing which will be a few hours. I am 90% positive that my issues are from something, likely a virus, causing severe chronic inflammation all over my body including my head. I was never in the past 3.5 years given anything to treat that inflammation.
I recently saw a new neurologist which is my 4th neurologist since 2021. He seemed genuinely interested in what had happened to me and found the symptoms frustrating because of how vague they were/are, but it was in a "I wish i knew so I could help you" way, which I've never seen with a previous doctor I've seen. He said a spinal tap in 2021 may have been useful but didn't think it was essential testing for my issues, said he might have tried Prednisone for a couple of weeks to see if it helped with inflammation, but that was it. He said since I'm still seeing very slow improvement, my nerves may still heal, but is that true, even this late into it? I feel the previous neurologists I saw didn't care at all, and I finally found one that does, but it's too late to make a difference. He said trying B12 supplements and Cymbalta might help. He wants me to get a lumbar MRI to see why I have nerve issues in my genital area. He didn't think I had GBS/AIDP or something like that either, but he did think a viral cause could be possible. He was all I could ask for a specialist like this, but again, seems too late to matter. I just don't know what to do.
TL;DR: Got very sick years ago, told doctors of body weakness and pain, what felt like inflammation in my body, nerve damage, memory issues, etc. was not given any real treatment for what was still occurring in my body, which seemed to be chronic severe inflammation going on. If I get told I have permanent nerve damage/brain damage that was most likely from what I believe it to be, what would constitute the doctors I saw falling below the acceptable standard of care? Does anything in my story so far seem like negligence from doctors?
Please feel free to ask questions, and apologies for the length of my post.
submitted by Parking_Wolf_4159 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:17 FearPodcast I enjoy being a zombie

My name is Everett and I never thought I would enjoy being a zombie. I thought that when you become one you lost yourself to the virus. That may be true to a point. You do lose a little bit of yourself but it’s only the bit you wouldn’t miss. It was the most terrifying and freeing day of my life when I turned. I don’t think we all come back this way because the one that turned me definitely didn’t seem all there.
I was one of the people you see in movies who doesn’t make it past the first day of the outbreak. I was walking home from work when this man began to chase me down the street. I thought he was running away from something at first but realized too late he was after me. He jumped at me and tore a huge chunk out of my shoulder. I fell to the ground and he must have accomplished what he wanted because he kept running down the street, probably after the next unfortunate soul.
I load there for what felt like hours but was probably mere minutes. I felt the blood draining out of me as I slowly and painfully drifted away to nothingness. That’s actually exactly how it felt when I ended up getting back up. It felt like absolutely nothingness. All I could feel was an ache in my head and the odd urge to feed. Other than that I was very much myself.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been out but the town was in total chaos. There were people running everywhere screaming. I heard gunshots coming from down the street and the sounds of sirens were deafening as an ambulance when flying past me. There was a car across the street from me that was on fire and it looked like someone was trapped in the back seat.
I ran over to the vehicle as I regained my wits and tried to help the person trapped in the back. It was a young man who looked absolutely horrified. It looked like both sides of his vehicle had been hit and it looked like it stopped him from opening the doors. I told him to back up as I grabbed a nearby large rock and threw it at the window to try and break it open. I had to do this a few times before the window finally broke open.
I grabbed him and tried to pull him out of the wreckage but for some reason was hit with a sudden urge. I bit down into the man’s neck and blood spurt everywhere. I pulled myself back in horror as the man pleaded. He fell back into the car and stopped moving soon after. The blood felt amazing on my lips. I also noticed the ache in my head had subsided for a moment.
It’s been about a month now since that first day on the street. Since then I’ve had to embrace the good and bad of being part of the undead. I tried to hold off as long as I could before feeding again but the pain in my head was unbearable. So maybe a week into the outbreak I broke and made my first real kill. It was a young couple that was holed up in an old apartment building. Apparently not all the zombies can speak because they took me in without much convincing. It only took them a few moments to realize they had made a mistake when I pounced on them and finally relieved my splitting headache.
I find that I need to make a kill at least once every few days to keep the splitting headache away. If I don’t then my body takes over and I have no choice over who dies. At least this way I can keep it mitigated to one person every few days. I also enjoy choosing the person I’m going to consume. I make sure there isn’t anything left to come back when I make a kill. I wouldn’t want someone else like me around. Might spoil all the fun.
submitted by FearPodcast to GhoulGathering [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:32 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XI: Truth Seeking and Corporate Divides-

"Wade! Good to see you back buddy!" Nathan said aloud as he and F approached Wade and Tina, the two breaking their embrace before looking to their friends.
Wade chuckled a bit as he responded to Nathan's greeting, Tina giving a pleasant smile as she stood behind him. "Same to you, man. How're things here?"
"Better than any words I could use for the situation!" Looking behind him, he gazed at a group of the worker drones that were rescued from the factory, having been brought aboard in order to transport them to a safer location. Their faces were of varied gratefulness and smiles as they made conversation with some of the troops onboard. "The rescue-ees are happy to be out of that place, far as I can tell!"
"They sure look like it." Wade said with a pleased smile, admiring the success of his and the Coalition's efforts as Nathan's friend Kurtis came over to the four.
Catching sight of Tina, the veteran drone gave a sly look as he correctly guessed the identity of Wade's accomplice. "Oh, and I see you found your girl you were telling me about."
The drone in question gave a blush of embarrassment as Wade held her hand, chuckling smugly as he introduced Tina. "Ah, yeah. Nathan, Kurtis, F, this is my girlfriend Tina. She's one of the best pilots I've met and known in my life, along with her sister Jasmine."
Tina's blush intensified heavily at Wade's words, a laugh breaching her mouth as she spoke to Wade's colleagues. "Well, I don't like to boast, but my sister and I DID fly for the military a while back."
Nathan and Kurtis gave impressed laughs as F chuckled at the amusing meeting, the former of the duo speaking as he shook Tina's hand. "Heh, well it's a proud pleasure to meet you, Miss Tina! You've got quite the partner with you, I'd say. He helped save F and Gerard from an accident during our time on Ceres."
Tina raised a hand to her mouth in shock as she looked to Wade, surprised by the news of his heroics at his new job before chuckling. "Well, it's not too surprising, I'd probably be dead if he didn't come in to help us." Remembering that F was involved in her rescue too, she glanced to the disassembly drone before quietly adding, "You too, darling."
F gave a thankful smile at the pilot drone as Wade spoke up on Tina's statement on her rescue. "Well, I'd also be done for if you didn't save me back there, with that disassembly drone squad." Tina nodded as Nathan looked to the drone couple in surprise at their stated feat.
"More of them? How many? Three? Fo-" The miner drone asked as Wade answered him mid-sentence.
"Three, and they put up a nasty fight. One almost got me before Tina shot at her with one of those guns these militia guys brought. A trooper must've dropped it during the fighting." Nathan gave an uncomfortable look of shock as Wade added, "One of them looked kinda like you too."
Tina pulled out her gun before holding it at attention, Nathan nodding in admiration of her efforts as she spoke up. "Think I could keep this one? We pilots usually carry sidearms like these, but I lost mine when they kidnapped me aboard the station in orbit."
Nathan and Kurtis looked to each other before nodding in agreement. "Sure, gonna need a holster though. Wouldn't want it to fall out that nice coat there, would we?" While Nathan gave his answer, Kurtis was already heading to the storage bays at the back of the ship, planning on grabbing the sizable holster wrap for Tina's weapon.
"Of course." Tina replied as Kurtis grabbed the desired gear, shutting the cargo door as he returned to the group. Taking the holster in her hand, she handed the pistol to Wade before speaking in between her efforts to attach the holster to her upper leg. "Thanks for the compliment, by the way."
"Don't mention it." Nathan replied back as F stepped up in between the group, wanting to add her own praise as the group looked to her.
"Glad to see so many together in arms here, especially when it's work colleagues like the boys here." Looking to Tina, she continued. "And Nathan's right, Miss Tina. Your partner is quite the guy, I'm a little surprised he didn't join the service. Him and his brother would've made great men if they fought in the ranks."
The positive air was quickly shattered upon the mention of Ron. Nathan, Wade, and the others all looked to F as her eyes became golden rings, the warrior drone realizing her mistake too late as she began to raise a hand to her face.
"...Yeah. Yes, we sure would have." Wade said solemnly, nodding lightly with a slight smile in his attempt to lighten the comment and, in turn, the mood. His smile faltered once again as he saw the others still frowning in sorrow, Wade joining them shortly after before remembering something. "Uh... Nathan? You did bring his body back here, right?"
Nathan nodded hesitantly as he glanced to the cargo bays at the back of the ship. "Yeah, I uh... We put him near the others we managed to recover before we left."
Tina listened with concerned eyes as she held tightly onto Wade's hand, the former worker drone tightening his own grip while speaking further to Nathan. "Good. Maybe, after this is all over, we can... Make preparations for a service. Ron deserves that at the least."
"So... h-he's in one of... those?" Tina asked dreadfully, observing the body bags lying next to each other in front of one of the cargo bay doors before looking back to Nathan, who looked down at the floor before replying.
"...Yep." Initially, Tina started to move, morbidly concerned over Ron's exact fate before stopping herself, still holding Wade's hand as she stood next to him again. Catching a glimpse of her attempt to see Ron, Nathan raised a digital eyebrow at her. "You, uh... want to see him?"
Wade looked down to Tina, who returned the gesture as they pondered over the uncomforting idea. She admittedly didn't want to see Ron, fearful of seeing what was left of him after that battle, but in a twisted way, knowing Wade wouldn't lie to her about a close relative like Ron being dead, she desperately felt the need for even the slightest sense of closure.
Looking to each other, Tina finally built her strength up, giving the faintest nod to Wade as her answer. Accepting her willingness, Wade slowly looked to Nathan, who needed no further gestures or words as he slowly walked over to the body bags, Wade, Tina, and their colleagues in tow. Upon reaching the bags, Nathan knelt down as his friends stopped behind him, Wade and Tina watching as he slowly unzipped the bag open. Despite her effort to be brave, Tina couldn't help but let out a horrified gasp upon seeing Ron's body, immediately noticing the large wound with dark, dried blood at his chest.
Nathan shook his head in dismay as he looked upon the sight of his fallen friend in the flayed bag. "It was when we made our second attempt in raiding the factory back there. We... We managed to pass through most of the halls without much trouble, but... we we're ambushed as we got close to the conversion room."
"G, the disassembly drone that helped the company abduct me, attacked us, along with several other troopers he brought with him." Wade added, him and Tina holding each other tightly as he continued. "We fought them off well enough, but G got an upper hand on me. He almost killed me, but.... Ron got in the way." Tina felt herself beginning to cry as she collapsed into Wade's chest, the former worker drone embracing her ever more tightly as she wept for their friend.
F shook her head in dismay, disappointed in herself as she spoke up. "I could've saved him, if I hadn't let myself get beat down like that. I-"
"F!" Wade said sternly, F ceasing her self-degrading as he tried to ease her guilt. "We did the best we could. If anything, it could've gone a lot worse."
Kurtis patted F on her back as he spoke up on his co-worker. "He was a good man, tried to bring out the best in people. Taught Wade that ideal well, too." He looked to Wade with a smile, the drone taking the compliment with the same gesture as he lightly patted Tina on her back too.
"*sniff* Y-Yes... He d-did try to make life brighter with his actions." Tina croaked as she slowly lifted her head up off of Wade, wiping the digital drops off her face as she added, "He... Him and Wade did well to so many with their farm they had back home, Jasmine and I helped transport their harvests all across the colonies."
The group gave looks and nods of admiration at the labor Tina described, Wade nodding in affirmation as he added, "Yeah, we held that place up for a long while. But if it weren't for the recent storms that ran through this place, we probably would still be farming." He began to chuckle slightly as he noted the events after the storm. "Heh, then again, we probably wouldn't have gone to Ceres if that was the case. So, I'm quite glad life changed our course on that endeavor."
Nathan was about to speak on the matter, but was stopped as Kelly walked out of the cockpit area, speaking to Wade specifically. "Mr. Wade? Our operative and her boss wants to see you and some of your team, says it's about the trouble you and the others went through."
Wade and Tina looked to each other with raised eyebrows before looking to their friends, F raising a hand as she spoke to the couple. "Well, you heard her. Let's get up there." Looking to Nathan, she motioned for him to follow her before glancing to Kurtis, who nodded to her before kneeling down to seal Ron's body bag.
Turning back to Wade and Tina, F smirked at them as they quickly made their way up to the small bridge of the ship, Tina speaking to Wade about the interior and where to go. "I do remember these ships a bit, now that I think about it. There should be a smaller room at the top above us. Come on."
Holding her hand, Wade and Tina made their way into the cockpit, F and Nathan close behind as the four walked up the small steps to the pilot seats. Right next to the ascending steps were another set of such steps, albeit going the other way into another room as Tina mentioned. The lover drones walked up the second set of steps as they entered the room, catching the sound of a conversation in their ears.
"Yeah Tess, they did a number on the security forces from what I've been told by Mr. Kurtis. He seems quite pro-" J stopped as she heard a startled gasp coming from the entrance near the cockpit, spotting her requested visitors as they took notice of her.
Wade, however, was immediately in shock, Tina also spooked by the familiar face as her love drew a sword before holding it out defensively. F and Nathan looked to the two in surprise as the former raised her arms slightly as to calm down Wade, knowing this J wasn't an enemy.
"Whoa there, easy now." The human hologram said with her hands raised as Wade and Tina gave a faint glare at J, who stared unamused with her hands to her hips.
Easy, Mr. Wade. I'm a friend." J stated as Wade kept his blade trained at her.
"Didn't we just kill you out there earlier?" Tina asked as she held onto Wade's arm, J smirking as she took in the amusing detail.
"Oh, yes. I believe you must've taken out one of my clones, not surprised. I killed a few myself back there." The corporate drone replied as Wade lowered his sword, surprised at J's words as she looked to him.
"Clones?" Tina said in bewilderment, confounded by the idea of multiples of the same drone running around.
"So, there's more of you?" Wade asked as he swapped his sword back for a hand.
"Indeed there are, Mr. Wade. Effective disassembly drones get cloned more often." J answered as she cringed slightly, remembering part of the reason she ended up here. "Though, admittedly I wasn't efficient enough recently. I'm a clone of one of the old units dispatched about two decades ago, before the Disassembly Division was officially instated."
Tina raised an eyebrow at J's explanation. "Recently? If you were away all that time, what could've possibly stopped you now?"
The murder drone groaned in slight annoyance as she reluctantly explained her answer. "Well, the colony we were supposedly sent to wipe out was quite persistent. During one of our raids, some brat with a ray gun blasted me in two." Regaining her composure, J flicked her hair with a smirk. "Then again, my clones should be better than they are, the Administrator seems to have a dislike towards me, as far as I can tell."
Wade and Tina glanced at each other as they took in the news, perplexed at the story they were hearing as the former spoke up. "Well, I sure hope so. Your clone didn't put up as much of a fight as I was expecting."
"Right..." J said with a look of disappointment before clearing her throat. "But besides that, we don't have time for THAT kind of backstory. We've got a lot of talk to do, Mr. Wade."
The holographic human raised a finger, drawing Wade and Tina's attention as she spoke. "Say, didn't J tell me about a human friend you had? A 'brother' guy?"
J nodded as she now also became curious over their missing acquaintant. "Ah yes, Ron, I believe. Do you know where he is, Wade?"
The two drones looked down in sorrow as Wade answered in dismay. "He uh... he didn't make it."
J allowed a concerned look to breach her shield of confident pride as her human friend spoke up, sounding sad at the news. "Oh, I uh, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. W- er... Carter."
"It's alright," Wade replied as he held Tina's hand, looking up to J and the hologram before continuing. "at least he's not hurting anymore."
"My... condolences, Mr. Carter." J said, calling Wade by his last name now as she recovered from the tragic news. "But, it seems you've found someone else important. Who's your friend?"
Wade perked up a bit as he prepared to introduce Tina again. "Ah, yes. This is Tina Fowley, my girlfriend. She was among those captured by the company, I got her out before they could turn her, however."
"She's a pilot too." Nathan chirped from behind Wade, J and her boss stifling laughs as they took in the amusing description of Wade's partner.
"Well, she's quite the cutie, I'll say." The holo-human said in amusement, Tina blushing at the compliment as J spoke as well.
"Indeed she is, good find, Mr. Carter." Chuckling to herself, she remembered that she hadn't even formally met Wade earlier, prompting her to return the effort. "Well, now's as good a time as any to introduce ourselves." Looking to the hologram, J spoke. "Though you probably know who I am, name's J. And this is my boss, Tessa."
Looking to the human girl with a pleasant smile, he spoke to her. "Well, pleased to meet you, Mrs. Tessa."
"Good to meet ya too, Wade!" Tessa replied energetically before bringing herself back to a more serious stance, Wade and Tina feeling a bit surprised by the change of air as she spoke further. "And as much as I hate to cut the pleasantries so short, J and I have some important things to brief you on. So, take a seat and get comfy, everyone."
Noting the pair of chairs in front of the small table J and Tessa were standing on the other side of, the couple took them as Nathan and F stood behind them, simply listening in as J began to explain the matter at hand. "So, you both are probably wondering what this whole mess was all about, correct?"
The two drones nodded as Tina spoke up. "I heard it was having to do something with being recruited for the Disassembly Division, that group you spoke of a second ago. Why did they need to steal me away from my sister up there?"
"Well, the thing is, they didn't." Tessa answered, putting her hands to her hips as her companion explained further.
"Indeed, a simple memory transfer and body scan would've sufficed, but it seems the Administrator was in a bit of a rush." Crossing her arms, J continued in disgruntlement. "From what we gathered, this was done by her as per request by the company CEO, Mr. Jenson. He wanted the Administrator to recruit more drones under a new model of disassembly drone, with slight upgrades that would presumably remove most of the persistent issues each of us have." Shaking her head in disappointment, J finished with, "But, it's clear she cared little for how they were acquired, and way too far overboard with her efforts."
Wade held back his anger as he felt his certainty on the ones responsible grow with J's explanation. "So, it's true? Your people did all this? Got my brother and countless others killed for us?"
The corporate drone seemed to give a sluggish wave of her hand as she replied to Wade. "Well, you see, this whole ordeal is much more complex than it seems." Readying a holo-projector from her hand as it showed the image of a worker drone, dressed in a maid uniform. The hair was silver, two strips of it going down the sides of its head, as well as bearing a bow at the top of it all. Though the hologram made it hard to tell certain details, the drone's eyes appeared faintly as yellow through the blue hue from the hologram light.
Wade, Tina, and their companions eyed the seemingly innocent worker drone in puzzlement as J spoke again. "Now, you should count yourselves lucky, cause what I'm about to tell you is something corporate wouldn't let me spew out to anyone under certain statuses." Looking to Tessa, she continued with a sly smirk. "Then again, it'd probably be forced out of us anyway later on even if we didn't decide to tell you. So, now would be the best time to give you a run-down of the truth we have to share."
"Truth?" Wade asked with a raised hand, J nodding in affirmation before replying.
"Yes." Clearing her throat, J began. "You see, the Administrator was not a creation of JCJenson. At least, not in the way they intended. In fact, she was once a normal worker drone, just like you and I were." Wade raised an eyebrow as J's holo-projector shifted to show a building, a large, very old looking manor that went up a couple of stories high. As Wade and his cohorts observed the structure, J continued her story about her and this Administrator's origins.
"A long time ago, at this place we'll call Elliott Manor, my boss, who was still a child at the time, brought in a few worker drones left outside in a dump near the mansion, mostly composed of scrapped worker drone bodies. Upon bringing us in, Tess would fix us up so we could be her friends. I myself, along with three other drones, were her closest companions. Her family weren't so keen on having us around, but, to keep their daughter happy and to make us useful, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott put us to work keeping the place tidy." The disassembly drone's projector shifted again to show J and her three fellow workers, dressed in the same maid attire J was shown in earlier. Wade and Tina stared at two of them, as they resembled the disassembly drones they fought earlier, most notably N and V.
"Among the four of us here, THIS one would be the biggest problem." The hologram zoomed into the worker drone displayed earlier, postured in a strange, slouched over posture.
"Her name is Cyn, and, unlike J, V and N there, she was more broken than I had surmised back then. Spoke like some old artificial voice generator thing." Tessa stated, pointing at the highlighted drone before Tina decided to speak up on the backstory.
"How broken? Was there something wrong with her coding?" She said as she put a hand to her core.
J nodded lightly as she gave her answer. "Most likely. Do you remember the protocol tape for proper disposal of worker units? Seen it at all?"
Tina and Wade shivered a bit as they thought of the presumed tape J spoke of, dread creeping in from their memories of seeing it as the latter of the duo answered. "I think so, once during a little maintenance time I had years back. I think it was called... 'Zombie Drones'?"
"That's exactly the one." J said with a nod before continuing. "Well, if you saw it all the way through, the pie chart diagram points out the outcomes for OS complications should a worker core be improperly terminated. Out of those outcomes, the smallest, least likely one was 'potentially hazardous mutations'." Pointing to Cyn on the hologram, J continued further. "As for Cyn here, she befell said mutations, and they would come to not only affect her, but all of us at the manor too."
Tina's eyes went wide as she started to click the pieces together, recalling herself reading up on the incident J was hinting at years earlier during a class she took at the college she and Wade attended. "Wait... You, you don't mean SHE was the one who caused the Elliott Gala Massacre?"
J nodded in affirmation as Wade spoke up, confused at the revelation. "Wait, I remember looking into that too. Didn't the news say it was some mass murderer that did it?"
"That they did." Tessa replied as she added to the story. "However, that was a cover-up by the company to hide part of what really happened."
Pulling up what appeared to be a large room full of people inside, J explained the tragedy shown on the projector. "Tessa's parents didn't treat the drones under their service well, and Cyn seemed to despise them for it. On that day during a gala hosted by the Elliotts, Cyn, utilizing the mutations I mentioned, slaughtered the entire attending party there." Glancing to Tessa, J finished with, "Tess and I tried to stop her, but... it was too late."
Holding their hands to their mouths, Wade and Tina looked on in horror, Nathan and F sharing similar dismay as the four looked to Tessa. Knowing their desire to hear how she was spared, Tessa spoke to them. "Despite seeing her kill my parents and everyone in that room with my own eyes, Cyn spared me from the carnage. Took me away to some place so I could be kept quiet."
Raising a hand, F spoke up. "Well, wait a minute, how did Cyn join the company after all that?"
"Good question." J replied, pulling up an image of Cyn and a man, whom Wade recognized as Halloway before the corporate drone explained. "Upon the arrival of law enforcement and agents sent by the company, they found Cyn, who had already turned me and the other worker drones from the manor into the first disassembly drones. After some chatter between the two, Dr. Edgar Halloway, a simple materials recovery officer at the time, struck a deal with her. Talking with the authorities, they managed to convince them to keep the incident on the down low while they took Cyn and her drones in for study. Through said study, addition of protocols and official installation of Cyn into higher company positions, not to mention the creation of the Disassembly Drone Division, the rest is history."
The four drones looked on in stunned shock, taking in Tessa and J's story with unease as Wade spoke up. "So, this new body, the crazy shit that we just went through... it's all cause of this Cyn being? And those who are helping her?"
"That's right." J answered as Tina raised a finger, still concerned over the capabilities of the Administrator as she spoke.
"But, how did she convert you all into what you are now? What were these 'mutations' exactly?"
Tessa sighed a bit as she prepared to explain the origins of this horrible program. "Well, from what information I could gather before I got out of Cyn's clutches a while back, the researchers put to work studying Cyn and her abnormalities came to regard the latter as some kind of program, which grew stronger and more capable quite fast as it was kept under the company's leash. Eventually, they gave it a name: AbsoluteSolver." Pulling out what looked like a smartcomm, Tessa flicked her finger over it as she explained further. "Despite all logic, the AbsoluteSolver program, or, Solver, could generate various things out of thin air, as well as manipulate objects and living beings in many ways. To be blunt, it's like some kind of freaky magic powers for drones.
"Seeing that they could learn a lot from this program, as well as use Cyn's abilities to wring out all kinds of products and items for them to sell and use, the company instated the Solver Project, a research group dedicated to understanding the AS and its potential." Raising a finger, Tessa looked to Wade as she finished her explanation on the Solver. "Said program has been branched out to several other planets over the years, helping to spread this virus as far as possible for purposes we're certain aren't good, given that one of those planets got devastated by an experiment one of the teams did involving the virus."
The news that this infection brought harm to one of the colony worlds didn't sit well with the lover drones, both of them looking on in dismay as J gave more details. "And with that in mind, this recent effort has only cemented our belief that Cyn is up to something sinister. So once we reach the base here in Nevada, we have to make preparations for bringing this Solver Project to a halt... BEFORE it can harm any more people."
Smirking deviously, Tessa raised a finger as she glanced to Wade, who looked to her with concern as she spoke. "By the way Mr. Carter, that Halloway guy you ran into earlier? He leads one of the main teams working on the project."
Wade scoffed in annoyance he was reminded of that man. "Doesn't surprise me, seemed like he was really close to the Administrator from what I saw." Then, thinking on the reason for this briefing he was attending, Wade looked to J and Tessa curiously. "Why are you telling us this?"
J crossed her arms as she explained. "Because, Mr. Carter, YOU are the only disassembly drone we managed to recover from that place. And, given your exceptional performance there, your help would be much appreciated in our mission."
"Mission?" Tina said with a raised eyebrow. "So we're not done yet?"
"For us, not in the slightest. We've got some explaining to do with the government officials stationed at the base we're heading to. As for you all," J answered before looking to the four, all of them returning the glance as she continued. "...that depends on what you all have to say. Can you lend us a hand?"
Glancing to each other, Wade and Tina gazed into one another before nodding in agreement, turning back to J and Tessa before giving their decision. "Well, after what I just went through, and what happened to my brother... I'm sure as hell gonna bring those bastards to justice in one form or another."
"Yes, Wade and I have some talking to do with this 'Dr. Halloway' fellow before this is all over." Tina added, her and Wade holding each others hand as J gave a smirk at their vigorous determination.
"I'm glad to hear you two feel the same on the matter." J said as Tessa put her hands to her hips, slumped slightly as she spoke in a disappointed tone.
"Unfortunately, it may be a minute before we see some action. Once we reach the base, you all will find a place to rest for the time being. Since it's a military base, it should be safe from any major retribution attempts by those blokes at the company." Pulling out her smartcomm again, she continued once more. "As for us, we'll talk to the leaders there and see what their decision will be on the matter."
The quartet seemed to grow concerned over that last part, Nathan raising a hand before speaking his mind. "So, if they say no? Does that mean...?"
J and Tessa glanced to each other before the former answered the veteran drone. "Well, in that case, while it will be harder without official military support, the Coalition will take us wherever we need them to in order to put a stop to the Administrator. Shouldn't be much to worry about."
Taking this somewhat comforting news to heart, Tina and Wade nodded in understanding before the latter spoke to the operatives. "Well, that's good to hear. Whenever you do get an answer, give us a heads up."
"We will, Mr. Carter." J replied to Wade before shifting in her stance, Wade and his friends standing up together as their disassembly drone superior spoke once more. "With all that said, you're all dismissed. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask."
"Thanks for clearing this up, Mrs. J. You too, Tessa." Wade said gratefully before turning to the exit, Tina walking with him as F and Nathan walked over to the operatives.
"Wade? Do you mind coming down to the bay below? I... I have something to show you." Wade nodded to her before they made their way down, the four people behind them continuing the chatter as the couple went to have their long overdue privacy.
Stepping out of the cockpit behind them, Wade and Tina sighed in comfort as they saw the troops busy with their tasks, not giving a glance to the two as they walked close to the sealed door of the transport. Admiring the enormous view the large window in the door gave for a moment, the two drones looked to each other as Tina dug into her pocket. "I was hoping to do this when we got back home, but... I got this from Eridanus while I was visiting." Finding her token of love to Wade, she pulled out the small box she showed off on the call earlier, opening it to reveal her present.
Wade admired the blue gemstone with wide eyes as Tina pulled it out with great care. "Wow... It's beautiful."
Tina chuckled as she extended the gem's necklace band out. "I knew you would, I just happened to stumble upon it while exploring the forest during a tour." Putting the two necklace bands around Wade's neck, she clipped the present together before pulling her arms back, adoring Wade's new add-on as she finished her sentence. "I felt it would be something nice for you to remember me by, while we're away from each other."
Wade smiled at Tina as he expressed his appreciation for the gift. "It certainly will." Stiffling a chuckle, the former worker drone held Tina's hand holding the box as he spoke further. "But, no matter how far apart we are, nothing could fill the space you hold in my heart."
"Same in mine, dear." Tina replied as she gazed into Wade's eyes, noting the faint green in his yellowed visor as she looked on in hopeful amusement. "And yet, even after all they did, I can still see those eyes. Changed from the soft, cool grass to the warmth of a blazing sun." She said while putting the box away, then placing a hand onto Wade's face as he looked off with a blush.
"Tina, I..." Wade began, unsure of how to put his thoughts to words as he tried to find them. "I don't know what they did to me, but I won't let it ruin our relationship." Holding her shoulders, Wade spoke to Tina further. "You're the most beautiful being I've seen in the whole universe, your warmth, your flight prowess... I want to protect that. I want to protect you."
"Oh, Wade." Tina murmured as the two touched their heads to one another, holding each other close in their efforts to provide affection. Such affection intensified as the two joined their metal lips, sharing a long kiss as they enjoyed their moment of awkward romance together.
Location: New Nellis Staryards, Nevada
The Chameleon transports zoomed over the large military air base as they arrived at their destination, several A-20 planes flying about over the base as they either carried out flight sorties or, more likely, investigated the arriving craft coming towards the base. After about an hour of flying over the country, the Coalition-USN task force finally arrived at the designated area to begin unloading their rescued drones to an area they could be protected more efficiently.
As the transport began to descend, Wade, Tina, and their friends observed the sight outside the window, spotting several landed aircraft and even a few docked warships. They admired the many ships resting for repair and refurbishment while they prepared to land and disembark for the base outside.
In the small bridge of the dropship, one of the two pilots tapped a button on the control panel, putting a microphone to their mouth before speaking into it. "Base Control, this is Transport Chi-729-B, we've got assets from the recent op lead by Captain Preston aboard. Request permission to land."
"Permission granted, Chi-729. Welcome back." The officer on the other end replied as the transport descended further, two lightningrod jets breaking off as they permitted the craft to land on their grounds below them.
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:37 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 10 2024

DAY: MAY 10, 2024

MAY 10, 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:45 Prudent-Archer-223 Race to Apocalypse (PART 4)

Greetings fellow lovers of all things macabre and disturbing. Please find the fourth installment of my current work in progress below! If you'd like to catch up on previous editions, you can find part 3 here
Pertinent characters: Erica, and her Daughter Alison.

Chapter 2: Under the Scope

From what she could find, there were mostly scattered reports here and there that seemed authentic and not the ravings of a conspiracy lunatic, but the information they contained was sparse and cagey, at best. It seemed no one was confident enough in making a definitive statement regarding the pathogen’s origin, its efficacy in spreading between victims, or even a ballpark idea of when it first became known to the public eye. One obvious conspiracy insisted it was manufactured by a foreign government agency meant to be utilized as biological warfare. Another claimed it was unleashed to cleanse the earth of all sinners for the world’s misdoings, a classic Christian ploy that the general public had long since dismissed off hand as being bullshit. COVID had shown everyone that even the most pious could be struck down, and humanity had done little to prove otherwise via masking or social distancing causing the largest uproar in decades. Funny how everyone laughed at the now known harbinger of end times, years before this horrible virus would be released.
The one theory that caught her attention was that a group of researchers had uncovered previously undisturbed ruins of a city, miles underneath the ground in an almost perfectly encapsulated tomb. While in the wreckage and surveying the scene, one of the researchers stumbled upon a mass grave, filled to the brim with skeletons of every shape, size and gender. During this excursion, one of the researchers had the misfortune of losing his balance and falling directly into the mass of skeletons.
It was reported that all seemed well with the researcher and they’d had him checked out to ensure he hadn’t inhaled any harmful chemicals or mold spores- however, days after the researchers returned, the man was reported missing, and found in his apartment a week later, his flesh and skin strewn across the floor in a gorey mess, leading in a hansel and gretel trail to where he lay still in the corner. He had ripped his hair out and seemingly gnawed his own fingers to the bone, his forearms and face the evidence of his self inflicted torment and his eyelids peeled back in a permanent look of horror. After this incident, more and more members of the team befell mysterious ends, most involving gruesome acts of self harm. Eventually the last of the team was reported to have shot herself at the first signs of any symptoms. The excursion had begun with fifteen members, all varying in nationality and age- by the time the last of them died, almost all 5 major inhabited continents had been exposed when the researchers returned to their homelands.
Upon reading this, Erica felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle, and her eyes stung with unbidden tears. It had to be the most logical explanation. There was something, some insipid and insidious thing that had been sitting, underground, dormant for god knows how long, a likely ancient and indiscriminate *it* that was now freely running rampant as smoke through a jungle. There wasn’t even information regarding the excursion itself, how long the ruins had been hidden, what year the findings were from, nothing. There were several photos from the excursion but they were dark, grainy, and looked like they could be any generic archeology excavation site. The only detail that seemed to differentiate it was the obvious angle looking down through a ten foot hole, sunlight pouring through into the cavern and lighting directly upon the grave. There, she could see the hazy outlines of rib cages, skulls, appendages and surrounding them, hundreds of scrawled runes in a language she didn’t recognize as any known language carved into long pillars of stone, wood and other materials.
The city was vast, and past the grave and marketplace, there were buildings resembling temples surrounding the perimeter of the dome. The closer she looked, the more it became evident that the dome shape of the rock previously covering the city had inscriptions, carvings and sculptures covering the entirety of it, some depicting great masses of people and others depicting foreign gods and idols. The scenes varied from graphic and disturbing to breathtaking beyond measure- all from a grainy photograph. Erica felt her head grow light again with the dawning horror that this may actually be the closest theory to reality yet of all that she’d read online. It was far fetched, but how else could one explain the deaths of an entire research team?
Erica rubbed her eyes and checked the time on the kitchen stove. Almost 2:30 in the morning. Christ, she had to get some shut eye. Who knew if they’d actually get peace and quiet on this first chaotic night, where monsters guise as humans wrenched limbs off clean? She was certain she wouldn’t soon be able to erase the images seared into her corneas from today’s events, and she shuddered at the idea of what may still be to come. She shut the laptop with a quiet thump, and gasped to see Alison standing behind the laptop, peering at her fretfully.
“Alison, you scared me! What are you doing out of bed?” Erica quickly fumbled her notes under the newspaper, only haphazardly noting the headline from that morning that read “mystery archeological team identified, next of kin found deceased in homes”. Funny. What she’d been searching for for hours was just under her nose.
“I couldn’t sleep, I keep hearing a rumbling noise from upstairs and it sounds like someone is dragging furniture around their room. Do you think they’re building a fort like I do sometimes? Maybe we could check on them?”
Erica felt herself stiffen at the suggestion, and the creeping realization dawned on her that the noises Alison may be hearing upstairs might be that of burglars, squatters or worse. She felt her nerves quicken as she sheepishly responded, “I’m sure they’re fine sweetheart, and we don’t want to invade someone’s privacy. I’m sure if they need any fort building help, they’ll let us know”.
Alison nodded, rubbing her eyes sleepily and yawning “Okay mommy. Can I sleep in your room though? Some of the blankets they’re using for their fort are falling in front of my window and it keeps tapping on the glass.”
Erica stood there, contemplating what her daughter could possibly mean, knowing the blanket fort idea had been a ruse to throw Alison off the scent of any sci-fi-esque goings on in their humble apartment building. Erring on believing her daughter and investigating later, she placated with a simple “Of course, sweetie”, and deposited the small human into her bedroom, being sure to draw the blinds and curtains so no extraneous noises or lights can disturb her further.
submitted by Prudent-Archer-223 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:14 ChubbyGodOdThunder 4 year old boy Matthew Maison murdered in 2018- only 2 people in the home at the time

4 year old boy Matthew Maison murdered in 2018- only 2 people in the home at the time
TRIGGER WARNING- EXTEME VIOLENCE AND DEATH OF A CHILD In 2018, 4 year old Matthew Maison was found dead in the morning by his babysitter in his bed. The mom and her boyfriend left for work, telling the babysitter he was asleep. She called 911 but he was already long dead.
There has been an autopsy, investigation, but no prosecution. Autopsy was signed and released in 2021, stating homicide via beating and strangulation. (attached pic of the autopsy report) The only 2 in the home at the time were the mother and her boyfriend, and the boyfriend had multiple allegations of child abuse to CPS concerning multiple different children/occasions, including the mother calling CPS for abuse against the child who was murdered, but she later recanted. The entire case is horrific and if you read the autopsy report you will see he was tortured, beaten, including multiple blows to the head, chest, torso, extremities and genitalia, before being manually strangled. And prosecutors claim there is not enough evidence to prosecute. There is a Facebook page, Justice for Matthew Maison, that if anyone could join and help spread it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by ChubbyGodOdThunder to UnsolvedMurders [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:48 ShadowSV-U1 Self-promotion Thread

Use this thread to promote yourself and/or your work!
(Descriptions of fictional crimes investigated by the story's main Character Max.)
Detective's Fate
It's august of 2008.....
Max is a detective living in Chicago He checks his pistol and puts on his police badge as he walks out his front door.
He has been searching for a serial killer known as the Caller for years and always been one step behind due to the red tape.....
More importantly the chief's lazy attitude towards getting search warrants and actions approved by the courts for raids. Twice Max had good intel on the suspect's locations and photo evidence showing him at the sites.
The department needs more vigilant, caring officers and leaders but no one steps up to do it, instead they just complain about the slow progress and officers. And hinder investigations.
Now Max has decided that it might be time to stop playing by the rules and catch this scumbag.... .... ....
Starting his car Max sets his GPS to the address that "The Caller" was last seen and pulls out of his driveway as the 50 miles of directions pop up.
The killer's nickname being for his signature of calling in as he is committing the crime.
As he drives he remembers his first case, five years ago now..... ..... .....
A woman, Joane Taylor, was found dead in an alleyway after going out for the night. She showed no signs of struggle leading the police to believe she had drank to much and expired from alcohol poisoning.... ...
The death was written off as a "party gone wrong".... That is until several more were found and the coroner decided on a whim to test for other substances.
Once it came out that the deaths were possible murders...
The calls started coming in, almost like the suspect wanted credit before revealing himself....
Then ways of the deaths began changing as the Serial Killer explored his twisted desires searching for his preferred method.
The last case being a young woman found stuffed in a dumpster after the killer apparently got scared off.... Max will never forget it.... .... ....
The GPS finishes and the car beeps its final direction, taking an exit off the highway. Ramps out here are always confusing... Which is funny since he has driven this one for five years now...
The chief says he should sit this one out but he can't... The latest victim 3 months ago.
Marie Spelner, a waitress out on her smoke break talking to her spouse on the phone.
Survived by her husband, no children or living relatives. ....
Max Spelner turns into the driveway of the house he was directed to... Stepping out of the car he walks up and knocks on the door. Looking at the house he knows the family must be doing well if they live here.... Raising his hand to knock again he hears a scream from inside....
A second later the door is answered by a middle aged butler holding a tray with wine glasses on it... "Hello Sir, I'm sorry but this house does not wish to partake in any offers at this time..."
Max calmly says. "I'm not selling anything."
The butler looks confused for a moment before his eyes dart over Max's shoulder seeing his unmarked cruiser and he nods.
Looking past the butler Max sees that a woman is cleaning up after their dog.
"Have you seen this man?" Says Max holds up a picture of the one suspected of being the killer.
The butler gives it a once over before replying. "I'm sorry sir, no I have not." His tone sounds like he is lying... ....
"Are you sure?" The detective asks.
"I would not lie about something like that, sir." He states, his eyes not meeting Max's.
The woman calls from inside "Fletcher, who are you talking too?"
"Some man asking about a killer" he calls back.
"The killer is an inside job!" The woman quickly states.
"What?!" Max says.
"The Killer, it's an inside job." She says again, louder this time. In the same Max also hears a child begin to cry in another room.
"We should start from the beginning, it will be easier to explain trust me." The woman says.
'She seems to know what is going on....
"How do I know your story holds water?" He asks out loud.
"Oh I wouldn't lie. I have been following the case myself and it seems like an inside job to me." She states, somehow sounding hurt.
"Is there anyone else in the house besides you two and the baby?" He asks noticing the baby isn't crying anymore.
"Just Fletcher and I live here, the baby is my cousins but he just stays the night sometimes." She replies.
Max draws his gun and enters the house upon reasonable suspicion of an emergency in progress or suspect on the premisses as the man seems to be deceiving.
While the woman still seems unconcerned that the child is now silent.
He pushes past the butler and rushes towards the area he heard the crying. passes the entryway, the dinning room, and a kitchen before finally finding a child in a playpen.
"There there..." He says in a sing song voice picking up the child. "I'm officer Max, do you know where your mommy is?"
The child just cries louder.
Then he sees the man from the photo walk out of the bathroom, upon seeing him he bolts for the door and Max sets the child down gently then gives chase.
He runs through the house, following the man as he can hear the woman screaming at him to stop but he doesn't."
"Stop or I'll shoot." The man doesn't even break stride.
Instead he runs out of the front door and jumps into his car.
Furious that the man might escape he fires at the car as it drives away.
The back window shatters and he hopes he got his tire, but he doesn't wait to find out as he runs to his car and initiates a pursuit....
He flips on his concealed lights in his cruiser as he reverses down the drive and into the street.
The suspects car is fast but he manages to keep up with it weaving in and out of traffic as people move over for the siren.
As they approach a red light there is heavy traffic in the intersection..... ....
The suspect slams on his brakes and Max's cruiser only just stops short of hitting it. Jumping out the Detective points his firearm at the vehicle running up beside seeing heavily tinted windows.
"Get out of the car and on the ground now!!" He shouts as he moves to the driver's side door.
After seeing no response....
Max throws open the door and the driver is gone with the passenger side open.
He quickly runs to the other side catching the man trying to sneak off tackling him to the ground and then takes his arms putting them behind his back.
Max grabs his radio and calls it in as the man cries.
As he is waiting he hears a noise that sounds like static.....
"Wrong guy moron.. Did you ever stop to think I wanted you close for this one. That I planned everything...Even framing the pothead..... I almost lost interest until you pulled in the driveway... The attic is kinda cramped tho... I think I'll go carve some meat. Maybe graduate to other things to. I'm not sure yet. Lets see if you can catch me before......" A familiar voice says over the radio then cuts off... ...
Max looks at the man on the ground. "Why did you run from me?" He asks.
"Cause I have like 19 grams of marijuana in my pocket." He replies...
"Do you know how stupid that is?! I don't care about that I'm looking for a killer."
Before he can answer Max hears the woman from the house screaming for her life and a child's cries on his radio.
Then from below Max. "He's in the house, he's in the house! My mom and the baby!" The man on the ground says crying.
Max uncuffs him and runs to his car heading back to the house as he lays down rubber on the road... ... ...
As he approaches and pulls into the driveway he notices the front door is open.
"Hold on I'm coming!" Max screams jumping out of his cruiser...
He runs into the house finding the woman's body arriving too late. Moving over to her he checks for a pulse but she is gone, a large gash in her neck.
As he stands up he slips in a fluid but gains his balance and tries not to think about what it is....
He rushes to the room the baby was in finding the play pen empty. He leaves the room searching the rest of the house and still doesn't find the child.
"Where are you!!!" He calls out....
"This is the Callers first kidnapping and the media would eat up the fact I failed to stop the man." He thinks as he blames himself.
Sirens begin to blare in the distance as backup is about to arrive... ... ...
"There's a woman dead and a baby missing! The woman is in the dinning room straight ahead of the front door, Hurry!" He yells into his radio...
Looking over at the mother seeing a piece of paper on the floor.
He walks over to it seeing writing.
"So close... Looks like I'm a kidnapper now.... Good luck finding me.... And... I so enjoyed killing that sweet wife of yours. Might do it that way again. Not to the kid tho....later Max. Ps. This game is so fun.." It says.
"He was here..." Is all he can muster as the team enters.
"He was right in this house and I missed it because her son freaked over weed and ran..." He says as another officer speaks to him gently.
"Don't beat yourself up Detective, it's not your fault. He must have hid before you got her and left after you arrived." The words do little to comfort him "First day back on the job and the killer escaped taking a child..." He says as he walks away.
The chief arrives in his new lexus with a screeching of rubber as he lurches to a halt.
He quickly exits and leaves his door hanging open as he rushes into Max's face....
"I told you to stay away from this case MAX!!!!....(takes a breath)...
"If I catch any flak from my superiors, I won't suspend you.... That'd be to easy. Desk duty and an entry level demotion. The new guy will have a higher rank than you if things go my way.... Now get outta my sight...". "(Sighs)...
"This job is gonna be the death of me..." He says walking away from Max and towards the Coroner's van..... ..... .....
On the way home the detective stops by the store close to his house which is unlike him because he usually follows the same routine.
He nears the front door and he hears a kitchen timer ding loudly from behind him as his car explodes throwing him through the storefront windows as they are blown out..... .....
Alarms around the lot and others nearby create a cacophony of noise. His head pounding as his body aches, Max pushes himself up and collapses as the store manager runs over to him telling him not to move as he dials 911.... .... ....
Waking in the hospital Max recalls the feeling of the Shockwave as he flinches in phantom pain.
"Who woulda thought its like holding a ringing metal bat that hurts your hands but all over and way more intense." He thinks.
He suddenly feels tired and falls asleep.... .... .... ....
The next time he wakes, he sees a breaking news story that Jane Saltani is reporting on....
"Young toddler Accidently Shoots Serial killekidnapper ending his life and Alerting residents in the Area." The news anchor says.
Sighing to himself Max thinks about how crazy that is and laughs.
Tho he really wanted to bring the guy in. He closes his eyes to get some much needed sleep as his door opens.
Max looks up to see a man with a silenced pistol pointed at him.
"Hm. Now they think I'm dead. Funny how they just assume they got the right guy. Just like.... You did Detect... ....." Max hears but then hears no more as his end comes at just over the speed of sound....
The Caller leaves the hair of another intelligent convicted murderer that he obtained in a spot that's believable and quickly leaves.....
He disables the surveillance system and sends a virus out to any device that has received video data from the hospital.
Erasing and corrupting the systems. Leaving a master hackers finger prints on a glass from his home....
"Sorry, no witnesses." He says to the security guard as he fires... ..... ..... .... ....
submitted by ShadowSV-U1 to Shadow_Demon_Slayer [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:31 relishboi Predator's Disease Chapter 30

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Memory transcription subject: Jakiv, arxur scientist
Date [Standardized human time]: August 31st, 2148
[Day 24]
I woke up on the couch swaddled in a soft blanket. The light filtering through the windows illuminated and highlighted the red in Nuri’s fur. She was sleeping soundly on a pillow on the carpet. We were up late last night watching more movies and just talking about anything and everything.
For once I wasn’t feeling held down by sleep as I stood up from the couch. The yotul barely stirred. I went to the kitchen to make some coffee and eat breakfast. She’d ordered some food last night that I finished quickly because the time was 10 am and I was late for work.
I hastily swept up the folder with my report in it and headed for the door, my claws loudly clicking on the floor.
As I gripped the door handle, I heard Nuri call out, “Jaki?”
I turned around to see the yotul, draped in her blanket and smiling warmly. She approached and hugged me, “Have a good day at work,” she patted my back.
“Thank you, Nuri. I’ll see you later, okay?”
She nodded and waved as I stepped out into the warm sunlight. Today was going to be a good day.
Memory transcription subject: Daniel Stat, human virologist
Date [Standardized human time]: August 31st, 2148
[Day 24]
Jakiv should’ve been in by now. I figured it didn’t matter too much, today we were going to be testing the vaccine and seeing how it interacted with the venlil body. He’d have loved to take notes, but a man like him would have a reason to call out of work, so I didn’t bother dwelling on it.
I stayed by Silvon’s side as we worked. I knew she still wasn’t feeling great after the email, and I was pretty on edge at the thought of Humanity First tracking us down. I promised her nonstop last night that I’d keep her safe.
“Danny?” she spoke softly.
“What’s up?”
“Can you pass me that sample there?” I handed her a vial of spliced cells and watched her drip them onto a slide with a myriad of other venlil cells. Various tissue cells, brain cells, and a couple of miscellaneous things like bone marrow and a tuft of fur. “Thanks, hon,” she smiled.
I felt giddy watching the cells harmlessly coexist. Then, she dripped a sample of the rhinovirus. Immediately the spliced cells got to work destroying the virus and protecting the other samples in the dish. “That’s looking really promising,” I observed.
She nodded, “I think it’s ready for the real test.”
“Got it. I’ll run these to the infirmary then. Be back in a sec, hon,” I promised, blowing a kiss since I was still suited in PPE.
I went through the decontamination cycle feeling like I was on cloud nine. Today was going to be a good day! As I started for the infirmary, sounds right out of my worst nightmares echoed down the corridor. Gunshots and screaming.
Memory transcription subject: Aaron Clemont, Humanity First rallier
Date [Standardized human time]: August 31st, 2148
[Day 24]
Today was going to be a good day. Jatsen Labs was almost completely unguarded. The UN only sent two armed guards to stand outside the door, which were dispatched so easily, that they might as well have sent nobody at all.
While the peacekeepers were staining the sidewalk outside, I entered the building flanked by Landen and Vernon. We were immediately met with a pencil pushing yotul manning the front desk. Before she could even look up, a bullet blasted through her skull from my rifle. Landen and Vernon only had handguns, unfortunately. The local HF branch was rather poor. But they made do by squeezing off rounds into the panicked scientists who desperately ran down the halls to escape us.
Sprays of green soaked the walls and floors. I reloaded my rifle after eviscerating a Xeno and motioned forward. There was a map of the building on the wall that I scanned. We were pretty close to the virus lab, just a few short turns and Stat was at our mercy.
As I finished registering the info, the lights overhead dimmed and flashed red. “Good mood lighting,” I mused. As a trio we moved down the hall, leaving no survivors in our wake. We got to the door labeled ‘virus lab’ and used a keycard ripped from a corpse to unlock it.
“Let’s fucking do this,” I growled.
Memory transcription subject: Daniel Stat, human virologist
Date [Standardized human time]: August 31st, 2148
[Day 24]
The gunshots were growing louder outside as the decontamination cycle came to an end. I threw myself inside the lab. Silvon looked panicked and was pressed against the far wall. Those plexiglass windows wouldn’t survive a bullet, and my love wasn’t making herself less of a target.
“Silvvy,” I spat hastily, “C’mere!” she hustled toward me as I threw open a cabinet beneath the lab and moved aside enough equipment for her to squeeze inside. “Get in here. Don’t even think of coming out. Whatever you hear, whatever you see, keep quiet,” I breathed.
“Now!” I roared.
“I love you,” she said. I could see her goggles fogging.
“I love you too,” I said, closing the cabinet door. I ducked beneath the wall under the plexiglass. The other yotul seemed to have run out. I was thankful Tinasi wasn’t at work today. I heard the sound of the decontamination cycle going on and steeled myself for the worst.
The door swished open slowly. The barrel of a rifle extended through the doorway first, followed by 3 humans. The one with the rifle scanned the room, finding me immediately. “Dr. Stat,” he smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you in person.” I stood, ready to fight for me and Silvon’s life. Then, for whatever reason, the man set down his rifle. “Where’s your Xeno, Danny?” he growled.
“Her name is Silvon,” I spat, “And she’s far, far away from her.”
I cracked my knuckles. “Y’know Doc, you’re pretty infamous among Humanity First. Killing one of our own, undermining all our efforts at every turn, fucking the locals, it’s awful,” his voice was suave and matter-of-fact, but filled with the kind of vitriol only a terrorist could muster.
“Is that so?” He asked, then chuckled. “Guess she won’t know she’s a widow for a while.”
I raised my fists, and one of the other humans chimed in, “Aaron, what are you doing?”
“Quiet!” he barked, reaching into his pocket and procuring a switchblade. “I’m doing good on Stephan’s name.”
He clicked the blade and lunged toward me. I quickly grabbed his wrist and tried to wrestle the blade from his hand. He slammed his fist into my face and I lost my grip on him. He fell to his knees on my chest, putting his full weight on my ribcage, and tried to slam the knife down on me. I took both his wrists in my hands, desperately pushing him back as the blade got nearer and nearer to my throat.
I simultaneously released on hand and moved my head aside, the knife clattered next to my ear as I punched him in the stomach and pushed him off of me.
“Do you need help?” The other human called.
“No!” He barked as I crushed his nose with my fist. “Watch the fuckin’ doors!”
He grabbed the knife and slammed it into my arm. I howled in pain as blood spurted from the wound. He laughed maniacally, his crushed nose seeping crimson. He ripped the knife from my arm and swung again, cutting me up further. I got a grasp on his wrist again, continuing to pummel him. We rolled over, he was once again on top, each punch made me see stars.
“It’s the end of the fucking line, Stat,” he coughed. Aaron punched full force into my throat, and I struggled to breathe. He got up, towering over me with a sadistic grin.
“DANNY!” a shrill voice screeched. There was a flash of auburn fur and a scream as Silvon jammed a partially shattered test tube deep into Aaron’s back. He whipped around, catching the venlil across the snout. Under the PPE I could see blood.
“Silvon,” I gasped, “What- are… you- doing?”
Aaron stamped down on my hand as I reached for her, the bones snapped beneath his heavy footfall and I cried out.
“I knew she wouldn’t be far,” the human growled.
“No-” I wheezed as he ripped the mask off Silvon’s face. We locked eyes. “I’m sorry, Danny,” she whispered.
“Boys,” Aaron chuckled heartily. “Grab me one of the samples.”
One of the humans by the door reached into a handheld cooler, withdrawing a small orange vial I knew all too well. “NO!” I screamed as Aaron knelt by Silvon. I tried to stand. One of the humans by the door swiftly raised his handgun and fired into my leg. The hot lead seared my flesh and my pantleg grew warm and wet.
“Sweet dreams, Xeno,” he laughed, forcing open her mouth and forcing the sample’s contents down her throat. He threw her aside while she tried fruitlessly to cough out the blood, then returned to me.
“There’s no way out for any of us now, Stat,” the knife gleamed, covered in my blood. He held it to my throat, I could feel the blade cutting in, then-
“HOLY SHIT!” The other Humanity First members screamed in unison. The plexiglass shattered, there was a blurry gray mass that landed with a heavy thud. The human who shot me turned his gun on the imposing figure of the arxur and popped off several shots.
Jakiv staggered, clutching his chest, but no blood pooled around the holes in his hoodie. “Stupid human,” he growled, slashing his throat in one smooth motion. He turned to the other terrorist, shakily holding his handgun out. He fired, striking Jakiv on the arm, but the arxur literally shrugged it off, clawing the human’s face.
Aaron was pale and stood, knife in hand, to face the arxur. “B-back off, gray!” he spat. He dove for his rifle, but Jakiv was faster, grabbing the gun and chucking it through the broken window. He stomped Aaron’s hand, his claws impaling the appendage. The terrorist groaned in pain as the arxur slowly bent over and slammed his jaws shut around Aaron’s windpipe. The human’s movements halted with the sickening crunch of bone.
I caught my breath, and leaned against the wall, pain shooting through every limb. “Silvon,” I reached my non-broken hand toward the venlil, who ran over to me.
“Danny, oh stars,” she examined the wounds on my leg and arm.
“Are you two okay?” Jakiv asked, catching his breath and wiping the blood from his lips. He approached slowly, I could tell he was worried about scaring Silvon, but she ran to him and threw her arms around him.
“Thank you,” she sobbed, “Thank you, Jakiv.”
He awkwardly patted her back, “You’re welcome?”
She broke away, getting back to me, “Help me lift him, we need to get out of here.”
“On the count of 3,” the arxur said. “1, 2, 3!”
“Aaaugh! God!” I cried out as they helped me up.
“We’re getting you out of here, Danny. You’re gonna be just fine,” the venlil said half pleading. The edges of my vision began to blur and distort as my legs threatened to give out. Jakiv steadied me with his tail as we began walking toward the decontamination hall.
“Silvon,” I groaned, suddenly remembering the sample. “Silvon,” I tugged her arm.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“You’re sick,” I wheezed, stumbling slightly. “You need the- the-” I pointed frantically toward the container full of the vaccine I was supposed to run to the infirmary.
Silvon left my side only long enough to secure the case. “We need to leave now, Danny,” she told me.
I pressed myself against the wall as the decontamination cycle completed, then Jakiv helped me down the main hall. My legs were getting weaker with each step, and I could no longer feel my injuries. I felt lightheaded, and put more and more of my weight on the arxur, who eventually just threw me over his shoulders.
I heard voices up ahead, but the world around faded to black before I could see their sources. My last conscious thoughts were Silvon.
Memory transcription subject: Jakiv, arxur scientist
Date [Standardized human time]: August 31st, 2148
[Day 24]
Dr. Silvon was great at keeping pace as we raced down the bloody corridors. At the entrance, there were several yotul police officers and zurulian doctors filing in.
“HELP!” I screamed at them, rushing toward one of the stretchers.
“Stand down, gray!” An officer barked, pointing his gun at me.
“Help me, please, get these two to safety. The venlil is infected with the flu, the human is critically injured. Please,” I urged.
The yotul eyed me suspiciously, I figured it was 50/50 whether or not he’d pull the trigger. “Listen to him officer,” Silvon begged, “He saved our lives.”
Two zurulians rushed over, I carefully lowered Dr. Stat into a stretcher. My claws and hoodie were soaked in blood, hardly any of it mine. “Please help him,” I begged. The zurulians exchanged nervous glances before hurriedly hauling the human off.
“You say you were… saved by this arxur?” The officer asked Silvon as another pair of medics rushed to her aid.
She coughed a bit, “Yes sir. He’s a hero…” she trailed off, noticeably growing weaker. “Where’s… my husband?” she groaned, falling into the stretcher and knocking out cold. Poor venlil overexerted herself running. Before they could wheel her off, I stopped one of the zurulians.
“Please, take this,” I said, handing the doctor the case we recovered. “It’s for the flu,” I explained as the zurulian took the vaccines and escorted Stat and Silvon through the lab doors. I registered my burning lungs at last, and leaned up against a wall for support, suddenly feeling weak in the legs.
I sighed heavily and let myself slip down to the floor where I could more easily catch my breath. The six shots to my chest stung badly, but a quick glance over told me they didn’t break the skin. Suddenly, the door swung open, and someone far off shouted “You can’t be here!”
In a flash of red fur, Nuri was at my side. “Jaki?!” she cried, her voice wrought with concern.
“Hey, Nuri,” I waved a claw, “What’re you doing-?” She wordlessly began running her paws along my chest, unzipping my hoodie and feeling the dents in my scales. “Nuri?” she looked up at me, there was fear in her eyes.
“Are you okay?” she asked frantically.
“Yeah, I’m just fine,” I answered. She threw her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug that almost hurt. I didn’t know how to react besides returning the gesture, leaning into the marsupial.
“I thought-” Nuri’s voice broke, “I thought I-”
“Hey, hey,” I cooed, “Everything’s fine, I’m okay, Nuri,” I reassured the yotul. She sniffled, but said nothing, just pulled me tighter. We stayed like that for a while before she finally broke away. She sat down next to me and leaned her head against my arm.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you,” she confessed.
“Oh please, have some faith,” I smiled. “I’m a big strong arxur, I can handle a little tussle.”
The marsupial perked up slightly at my words. “You know you’re a hero now, right?”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” I dismissed.
“You saved a bunch of people today,” Nuri said. “What about that isn’t heroic?”
“I guess that’s true. Fuck,” I chuckled, “I need a drink.”
Nuri stood and extended a paw to help me up. “Let’s get outta here, Jaki,” she smiled.
Memory transcription subject: Daniel Stat, human virologist
Date [Standardized human time]: September 1st, 2148
[Day 25]
My head spun as I came to. I was in a hospital bed, hooked up to all those wires, with a cast on my shattered hand and nose. Directly across from me was Silvon, typing away on her holopad. The second she saw I was awake, a smile crossed her features.
“Good morning, Danny,” she greeted.
“Hey,” I groaned. Speaking hurt. I rubbed my eyes, and yawned, then instantly snapped up, “Holy shit, Silvon,” I cried, “Aaron he- you’re sick!”
Silvon seemed unbothered, I couldn’t keep the confusion off my face. “I was,” she smiled.
“I was sick, Danny. But they administered the vaccine, and it worked,” she explained.
“It did?!” I laughed in disbelief, clutching my sides as the pain hit, but smiled regardless. “Oh thank god,” I cried. “I was so scared,” I breathed.
“You’re not losing me that easily,” Silvon giggled.
“Good,” I sighed, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. “Good,” I muttered. A tear rolled down my cheek that I hastily wiped away.
“Danny?” My breathing hastened, and it was suddenly hard to breathe. “Danny, are you okay?”
Silvon’s words echoed, drowned out by the beeping heart monitor. I failed to hide the torrent of sobs that escaped me as I buried my face in my hands. “I thought it was over for us-” I choked out, “I don’t want to lose you.”
A paw found its way around my neck. I ran my fingers through Silvon’s soft fur. “You won’t,” she promised.
“I’ve been having so many nightmares,” I sobbed, “I’m so afraid,” I confessed. She sat on the edge of the bed next to me and wiped the tears from my eyes.
“Nothing can tear us apart,” she said, “Nothing.”
“I-” I gesticulated, every emotion possible swirled in my chest.
“Shhh,” she cooed, “You don’t have to speak.” Silvon hugged me, and planted a kiss on my cheek.
submitted by relishboi to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:11 it_is_well_ Hit in the face with a 2x4?

I 43f, 5'3, 130#, have been experiencing these incredible pain bouts for over a month. History: I am healthy, exercising 1.5-2 h/ day at the gym - warm up with a 5k run or equivalent on stair climber then lift, climb, do HIIT. I drink (well, drank) lightly, average 4-5 drinks/week. I work a technical, multi-facted job that requires my brain. I have a history of migraine so take daily magnesium and ubrelvy as needed for abortive. Also take 75mg levo and 1000iu vitamin d (dxed Hashimoto's 16 years ago and low vitamin d 13ish years ago).
I had experienced something like this 4 years ago, which started off as pain then moved to tingling on my face. MRIs didn't show anything to speak of. Pain was limited to face area only. Neuro at the time was annoyed I didn't get enough root cause done at primary care, so this time I wanted to get this right.
Recently: my menstrual cycles have gone completely haywire, from 23-30 day cycles to my last 3 being 18, 21, and 13 day cycles and my breasts are tender for 10 days at a time. I had noticed some hot flash symptoms last summer but these were alleviated by watching my alcohol intake and exercising more. I have also noticed it extremely difficult to lose weight lately, not necessarily watching the scale but the extra 10# that I'm carrying around my midsection and hips. Like I said I'm very active, have run half marathons, triathlon, competed tough mudders, and I know how much my body should be carrying (I have honest conversations with myself about calories in/out). Maybe this stuff is related to my current situation, maybe not.
Current situation: about a month ago, one night after skiing (moguls all day) I was going to bed and noticed some pain on the left side of my face and asked my husband for Ibuprofen. Next morning, it was gone but on the drive home midday it came back and I couldn't talk until it passed. NP I saw blew off these at my annual at day 4 of pain, as "you're in your 40s, look online for perimenopause information, and you have trigeminal neurologia - I'll prescribe you gabapentin". I'm like "do we try to find a root cause for my pain?" And basically the answer was "no". (See note about my previous neuro above). (Another side note at this appt my annual my blood work was run and all came back perfect, fasting and all).
Anyway, I left that office without the gabapentin to see if I could ride it out. Maybe this was a temporary, weird thing.
Pain episodes got worse. Often they start behind my jaw/under my ear and are accompanied by excessive salivation. Sometimes I feel like I got punched in the throat on my left side. Sometimes I feel like someone is drilling a chisel through my cheek into my brain. Sometimes I feel like I got hit in the face/jaw with a 2x4 wood plank. The standard trigeminal "dental pain" is so intense I cannot speak and generally involves my parotid. The other day I put on mascara and it felt like I was poking spikes into my eyelid. I get tingles on my face, scalp, down my arm on my chest.
What I've tried: I saw my dentist to rule out TMJ and dental causes. I saw another dentist to rule that out again. I saw my eye doc twice because I feel inflammation around my eye and my contacts were becoming uncomfortable to wear and I had to take them out midday. Eye doc can see corneal inflammation that is different than allergic inflammation. I changed contacts, switched them out for glasses. No change.
I asked for a shingles test and antivirals (on recommendation from an NP friend as something to try), which two docs sort of messed up, that is I finished a 1 week trial of 5/day 800 mg acyclovir before I got a shingles IgM results back, negative. I have never had herpes virus in any form including cold sores.
A different doc at that office, a DO, who had been my primary care previously, tried a 5 day trial of Prednisone about 10 days ago. At this appt I was getting a pain flare at check-in and my bp was 136/100. It is normally 100/60. I called that pain 8/10, where it was hard to talk.
I took 50 mg for 5 days which turned out knocked down the pain but did not eliminate it. I think it was around this time my neurologist (a different one, all the docs move around so much) called in gabapentin. 300 mg, to increase over time. I had been messaging that DO doc about possibly extending the Prednisone until I got to my next appointment (neuro), but then he went on extended vacation, my pain returned level 9/10, the covering doc wouldn't extend or taper the prednisone, and I cried more on that day, partly out of panic at the pain level, than I had in the past several years combined. Hope I don't have to do that again. Did I mention I have a job? Good thing I have an understanding boss, who I'm married to. My neurologist, who I was in contact with, said they didn't feel comfortable prescribing more Prednisone but started me in carbamezapine.
So I'm currently up to 1500mg/day gabapentin and 200mg/day carbamezapine. I still get significant breakthrough pain episodes - yesterday it was a from about 9:30am -2pm with only an hour break. My typical evening pain episodes were alleviated by bourbon, to which I have become quickly accustomed to drinking neat (but only in the evening, and only more than on drink on weekends).
IN PARALLEL to all this, I saw my neurologist in March for my annual ubrelvy script, and she told me an MRI last year picked up a thyroid nodule that should have been flagged and followed up on. Oops? I got the follow up u/s about 3 weeks ago, in the midst of this pain situation, and it was confirmed to have grown from 1 to 1.5 cm, is isoechoic, and there is mild hyper vascularity in the area (glandular parenchyma). My primary care DO doc had said it is not related to any of this pain situation, but put in a call for a biopsy - he also said since I had imaging done last year I didn't need it again.
Biopsy was this Wed. The pain I felt during the biopsy was exactly this "punched in the throat" pain that I have been, and am still getting. I was a mess most of Wednesday after that biopsy, it was so, so painful. Results still pending.
I have asked for an ENT and Endo referral. I have asked for endocrinologist referrals for the past couple years (I moved here 5 years ago and used to see an endocrinologist once a year. The endos here are so few and overbooked they don't see hashi patients). I did see my neurologist last week who wants to image the area, including my neck.
Currently, I still go to the gym. My threshold has gone down both in max weight and cardio push, but I am guessing that's because I'm heavily medicated on the gabapentin and carbamezapine. What actually helps the pain the most, instantly, is whiskey, which I don't feel is an option most days that I need to function/work/drive, but it was nice to enjoy a Friday night pain free for several hours (I hydrate/electrolyte during my drinking, and have not been really hungover).
What am I missing? What should I ask at these appointments? Thanks for your input. I know this was really long, but it's been a wild ride and it's miserable and not over.
submitted by it_is_well_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:43 SpoolinV37 Visceral Hypersensitivity

Can anyone with this condition let me know if this may be what I'm dealing with?
So I'm not diagnosed with IBS and I don't think I have it, but I think I may have visceral hypersensitivity.
In mid March I came down with a respiratory virus from my kid. 9 days into the virus, I went to lay down in bed and my abdomen had this very tense, uncomfortable feeling to the right of my belly button, almost like my ab muscle was stuck in a tense state. Not an upset stomach type of feeling. However I did get the urge to run to the restroom and had diarrhea out of nowhere.
Ended up going back and forth between bed and toilet several times before my guts were empty. The tense feeling was still there and I started shivering uncontrollably. Had to use several blankets to get warm. Took a muscle relaxer and sleep supplements to try to sleep which barely worked because of the abdominal tension feeling.
Since then, I have had this abdomen/chest tension/energy feeling that starts early every morning and lasts nearly the entire day and never really fully goes away. It feels like my abdomen is tense inside. It feels like my nerves are going crazy and sometimes feels like electricity goes from my stomach to my head. I'm having lots of anxiety and depression now stemming from these physical symptoms. Touching my abdomen doesn't reduce/increase the discomfort and it doesn't seem to be linked to bowel movements. It just feels like my nerves in my abdomen are connected to some type of electrical stimulator causing tension and shocks and twitches.
I had woken up several mornings at the beginning of April with an ulcer and was treated for H Pylori.
Other symptoms I'm having: insomnia, vision issues, feel floaty/dizzy, headache, neck and leg weakness, extreme fatigue, cold intolerance, anxiety/depression, muscle twitching, no appetite, light nausea, brain fog.
Does it sound like visceral hypersensitivity? Something else? Treatment ideas? I've been on FMLA for 2 months already because of all of this and am pretty much bedridden. Any help would be great.
submitted by SpoolinV37 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:07 Popular-Mechanic8708 10 month old with unexplained multisystem issues

10 month old female, 20 pounds, 30 inches. Currently taking lactulose and a probiotic.
10 month old has had a non-blanching petechiae rash for 3 months. Primarily on her neck, but also occasionally on lower back, sides of torso, on face, and under arms. Petechiae is accompanied by red eczema or miliaria type rash. Skin biopsy showed focal mild spongiosis and parse perivasculaperiadnexal lymphocytic inflammation.
Rash comes and goes, notably worse in the evenings. New spots come and go daily but never completely clear. No other correlations noted. She also has reactions to adhesives from bandages, and gets very scaly red rashes on her face when she has respiratory viruses, not sure if these are related. I am trying to get imgur to work but will put a photo in the comments in the meantime
She also has several gross motor delays (can’t roll belly to back, can’t move from laying to sitting, can’t pull to stand, is not steady when standing assisted, legs and feet are rotated out), Gl issues (constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting), chronic fluid build up in her ears, some feeding issues with gagging and difficulty swallowing, and some potentially neurological symptoms (head wobble episodes that may or may not be related to fluid build up?). Video of head wobble
She is not meeting caloric needs at the moment, probably related to the constipation (bowel movements maybe once a week, she has episodes where she tries to poop but she lifts her leg and shakes and begins breathing with stridor and retractions, ped thinks this is a pain response) she has always done this when she’s very constipated, here is a video of these episodes from recently as well as when she was younger
She also has one pupil that is noticeably larger in low light. We see ophthalmology this month. She has oral ties that have not been released yet.
All lab work has been normal (CBC, several clotting markers, inflammation markers, celiac test, metabolic panel). Normal abdominal ultrasound, x ray showed constipation build up in colon. Normal 20 minute EEG.
She has had GI issues her whole life, with severe reflux, mucusy and bloody stool, as well as rashes and vomiting. Here is a video of a reflux episode from when she was younger, this was brought under control when we finally found a formula she tolerated (we think corn intolerance)
We are scheduled to see Gl, hematology, rheumatology, and neurology, as well as a follow up with dermatology, but all of these have fairly long waits (neurology and rheumatology are not until late fall). But so far no one is looking at all her symptoms, just the ones related to their specialty. She has a brain MRI coming up.
Could everything be related? And I blowing this out of proportion? The petechiae freaks me out, but dermatology said it’s just heat rash or eczema? She doesn’t touch it, so I’m not sure where the petechiae would be coming from in that case.
submitted by Popular-Mechanic8708 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 12:13 ankkbsnplko Is this website legit

This is the link
Rabies annually causes 20,000 deaths in India and this figure has not changed for the last decade. This review was done retrospectively to analyze the reasons for deaths due to rabies, registered at Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla since 2009. We investigated 19 deaths due to rabies in the past 7-year period. Of these, five were caused by “scratches/abrasions without any bleeding” and no postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) was sought. All injuries were caused either by unvaccinated pups below 3 months of age or by stray unvaccinated dogs. Four deaths were of patients who received proper wound care along with minimum 3 doses of intramuscular rabies vaccination, but rabies immunoglobulins (RIG) were not given or were not available. In eight cases, no PEP was sought as the patients were either not aware of its need or the PEP facility was far away or the PEP cost was not affordable or deceased believed that pups below 3 months of age do not carry a risk of rabies. In one case, the patient was bitten by a cat 2 years back. Majority patients belonged to rural and remote areas. Five of the deaths in our study were because of not seeking prophylaxis as abrasions/scratches without bleeding were not thought to carry a risk of rabies. In the Philippines, a rabies death review of 1839 patients demonstrates that all deaths were due to dog related injuries including bites and scratches.[1] In Iran[2] four people having scratches on their hands were infected with the saliva of rabid animals and died due to rabies, there was no history of bites. In our death review also, deaths caused by “scratches/abrasions without blood” amply demonstrate the ability of the rabies virus to enter nerves through dermis due to broken skin and its capacity to cause rabies. In our settings, the minimum incubation period was 22 days due to scratches on the face in front of Lt Tragus and maximum incubation period was 102 days due to a trivial scratch on right Forearm by a furious rabid dog. Rabies due to bat scratches[3] is known and hence can happen due to rabid dog/animal scratches as well. Pathogenesis studies by Kuzmin et al.[4] state that after delivery into a wound, rabies virus can infect several types of cells and replicate at inoculation site, as has been shown for skeletal muscle cells and fibroblasts. Human skin dermal layer is populated with fibroblasts that may allow the entry of the rabies virus and subsequent infection if left unattended[5] and needs further evaluation. Latest guidelines of the WHO (2014) prescribe that the type II wounds, that include minor scratches or abrasions without bleeding, need to be given only rabies vaccine whereas additional local RIG infiltration may be required.[6] The confusion of scratches with blood or without blood need to be rectified in the type II classification of the WHO bite wounds and need to be replaced by “Bruises that don't involve breach of the skin surface.” Breach of skin surface can easily be identified with spirit test, if there is burning sensation, breach of skin is likely. Many national guidelines, for example, USA,[7] Canada, and Switzerland do not make a difference between category II and III wounds and recommend rabies vaccination alongwith RIG administration on potential exposure to rabid animals irrespective of the type of wounds. More such rabies death reviews may throw light on this unusual phenomenon of deaths due to scratches/abrasions by rabid animals, especially on the head, neck, shoulder region, hands and arms, in rabies endemic countries like India.
submitted by ankkbsnplko to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:24 Spartawolf Galactic High (Chapter 121)

“No! Jack!” Sephy cried out as she saw them fall, quickly swapping to her plasma rifle to try and give him some covering fire.
“Sephy! Enemies close!” Nika warned with a yell as she blasted a gutter punk that had tried to rush her, destroying the left part of the amphibian’s torso with a powerful shotgun blast that stopped him dead.
“Shit!” The Skritta cursed as she dove into cover on the opposite side of the alcove as plasma blasts zipped over her head, pummelling the plastered walls where she had just been standing and spitting up dust. Scrambling to her feet and unclipping her plasma rifle she blind fired around the corner, not caring who was on the other side as she bought Alora and Chiyo time to use their powers.
Dante barked loudly, as a dome of the most translucent sparkling blue settled over the girls. Recognising it as the same kind of shield the ‘dog’ had summoned when they were ambushed by the Red Legion aspirants on the way back from the Oracle, the Skritta grit her teeth as her brain caught up to what had been pure instinct. Holy shit this was bad!
Chancing a peek around the corner she could see a scrum for the stairs as a few of the more sober and less combative-looking patrons wisely decided to make their escape while they could, meaning that the stairs were clear enough to descend quickly if she and the others could get there. Unfortunately the path to get there was packed with many, many more of the rougher-looking mercenaries, gangsters and other toughs fired up by what was going on!
“ERE WE GO BOYZ!” A loud drunken voice yelled out from somewhere nearby. “WAAAAAAAGH!”
As two heavy-armoured Xarak wearing purple gang symbols charged into a group of avians wearing green, the resulting drunken brawl quickly escalated like wildfire into a full-blown melee, drawing nearby bystanders into the mix as drinks were spilled, bottles were smashed and bodies hit the floor.
‘Shit, getting out won’t be easy.’ The Skritta thought to herself, before suddenly getting an idea as she looked to the overhead turrets that looked like they were powering up.
“Cover me!” She called back to the others, as a translucent AR feed highlighted her vision to reveal the poorly maintained and vandalised local Matrix. Looking around the display, she could see poorly coded glitches rampant throughout the area making it difficult to perceive the local connections, with what looked like years of virtual graffiti scrawled everywhere else.
‘I’m surprised that any electronics work here…’ Sephy thought to herself, sending a scouting program to work out what she had to work with, while in the real world she moved to the balcony to try and look for Jack. She couldn’t see anything through the chaos and her view of the Matrix before she had to duck down back into cover as several plasma blasts were sent her way from the opposite side.
A quick blip from her scouting program told her that it had found what she was looking for, and Sephy wasted no time as she switched her view to that of her scouting program, holding back the nauseous sensation caused by the sudden perception shift, as almost immediately she had to focus on bringing her defensive programs to bear as several hostile nodes honed in to attack her.
‘What the fuck? These IC are way too powerful for a place like this!’ Sephy thought to herself as she backed away, maintaining her defences and cursing the fact that she couldn’t fully fade into the Matrix to speed things up. Looking up, Sephy saw the connections for the local turrets defended by a wall of advanced Blocker IC too advanced to be part of the local system, and she also saw the reason.
‘Oh you motherfucker!’
Hiding behind the defences, Sephy spotted a shrouded ghost-like shape by the turret connections, working an intrusion program on them to bring the turrets under their control.
Another slicer was already in the system!
As she sent a data bomb their way, the defences quickly acted to protect their charge, intercepting the digital attack and exploding in a debris of code lines and pixels. Turning around, the other slicer grinned as his hack of the turrets continued automatically, indicating that he was fully sliced into the local Matrix.
“Ah, yes. We were informed that the outsider had a slicer amongst his group.” The figure cruelly cackled, though Sephy was unable to tell their species or gender due to them both being in cyberspace. “I would normally tell you to surrender, but our Lictor gave us orders to eliminate every single one of you. But hey, if you’re lucky you’ll be alive long enough for me and the boys to run a train on you and your friends while you stare at the Outsider’s bloody, broken corpse. What do you say?” The form gave a wicked grin even as he knew the answer, summoning more Defender IC.
“Go fuck yourself,” Sephy snarled as she programmed another data bomb. “Doesn’t matter if it’s cyberspace or in reality, you’re not leaving this shithole alive!”
“I doubt it!” The other slicer chuckled as they summoned more Attacker IC, easily done for them as they were fully immersed in the Matrix, unlike Sephy who was attempting it in synchronised real time as she stayed in cover in reality. “We were told you were the dumb one in the briefing, you are no match for me!”
‘That’s what you think…’ Sephy thought to herself as she tried a new plan, seeing that the other slicer was too well entrenched. Quickly pulling up her pre-prepared list of viruses she shot out her virtual hands as what looked like several paper aeroplanes shot out to go for the other slicer. They were weak, unable to do any damage to the slicer, and most were easily intercepted, but enough hit the slicer to do what she needed them to do. Just for a moment, the avatar dropped and she saw the slicer for a brief as he actually was, an obese toad-like being in some kind of uniform.
More importantly, she was able to pinpoint the exact direction and distance of his real body from her current location.
“Hah! Pathetic!” The other slicer cackled again, not noticing what Sephy’s attack had actually done. “Was that meant to hurt? Take this!”
Sephy grimaced as her Matrix defences took a heavy hit as she quickly backed out of cyberspace to return to the real world, grunting and shaking off the disorienting feeling of treading two worlds and being violently ripped back into one. Had she been fully sliced in, it could have caused her some serious injury.
“Guys! We have a problem!” She shouted back to the others, as she saw the turrets begin to swirl around to aim their way…
“Dessenta!” Alora gasped as she finished the spell she had been casting, causing blurry illusionary duplicates of her, Dante and the other girls to randomly appear near them, before with another word of command she caused them to run out and scatter to hopefully confuse the enemies targeting them. Ever since the trick had worked when they fled from the Cult of the Destroyer, Alora had been practising this technique, though it was still far from a perfect distraction.
Some of the illusions ran off the balcony only to dash uselessly through the air, while others waded into the various fights that were breaking out, even going through some people as they yelped out in confusion before trying to attack them.
“We’ve got to get Jack and run!” She yelled out, though she wasn’t sure if the others could even hear her over the blazing music and the veritable moshpit that had formed on the ground floor under them. She turned to the crew of River Giants that were still with them, standing there with weapons brought to bear, but not really knowing what to do. “Where is your vessel located?” She asked them sharply.
The River Giants just stood there with a dazed look, and Alora realised they were probably in shock at seeing what just happened with Jack.
“Captain! Where?” Alora yelled, and that seemed to awaken the giants out of their stupor.
“Far right side of the docks, lass!” Captain Ripples-On-Salt spoke up hastily. “Largest vessel there, it’s called the Siltskimmer, you can’t miss it!”
“Alright.” Alora nodded, trying to remain calm. “When you get the opportunity, get away from the place and get everything ready to leave. Pull out of dock a little bit if you need to but do not leave without us. We’ll join you as soon as possible.”
“Lass, we’re not sticking around if things get bad!” The captain warned with a panicked look.
“If it spreads that far and you need to protect your people, then do so,” Alora acknowledged. “But we’re here for a reason, and our mutual friends won’t be pleased if you lose your nerve!”
“Alright, alright!” The captain nodded, raising a hand placatingly. “We’ll do what we can and wake all hands, they’ll be sleeping around this time.”
“Good!” Alora nodded. “Stay back and as far away from us as you can be, then make a break for it!”
“We can fight, you know!” One of the crew spoke up, as the captain rounded on them.
“You’re drunk off your ass Dips-In-Bog! And we have our orders! We’re not sticking around, but at least we’ll probably have to batter some fools to get out!”
Glad to have resolved that, Alora turned around to assess the situation. She could see Sephy covering the right side while she was looking up towards the turrets, no doubt trying to take them over, while Nika was holding the right, and was attracting the most amount of fire. Seeing where the shots were coming from, Alora quickly ran towards the edge of the balcony near a wooden pillar that would hopefully give her some covering fire as she quickly cast a spell.
“Pyrallis!” She yelled out as she pointed her wand at the group of enemies aiming for Nika, as a jet of fire roared out, zipping around, above and below anybody not shooting at them as it smacked into the trio on the opposite balcony that were, immolating two of them, but the third, a great hulking Balnath with a huge overgrown maw of teeth, was able to shrug it off. Alora dove to the ground as they returned fire, completely obliterating the pillar she had tried to hide behind.
‘Well that got his attention’. Alora thought to herself as she rolled to the side away from the pillar, out of sight of the Balnath as they let rip with their gatling plasma gun, though fortunately most of the wild shots had been intercepted by Dante’s shield. Waiting for the sounds and lights to dissipate, Alora quickly got to her feet and cast another spell…
“Come on then you fuckers!” Nika growled after she dispatched her amphibian attacker, quickly switching to her plasma rifle as she checked her side of the balcony alcove, quickly dispatching a figure that looked like she was heading for them. Nika didn’t allow any sliver of doubt to shake her, this situation was dire enough that anyone even remotely looking like a threat to her or her friends was going down!
‘We need a way out, Sephy has the stairs.’ The Kizun thought to herself as she spotted a sharpshooter on the opposite balcony far too assured of themselves to be just an ordinary patron, an assumption that was proven correct as they moved to take aim at Sephy, before a burst from Nika smacked into him and threw their aim wide, though didn’t finish them.
‘They’ve got good armour, maybe shields too, these guys are professionals.’ Nika concluded, though grinned as she spotted a group of some blue-feathered avian species mob the sharpshooter, clearly looking to grab their weapon in the midst of all the chaos. ‘Stairs were at the back of the building, so my way leads to the front. Maybe we can blast a way out and jump down? That plan worked out for us before…’
She contemplated the idea, knowing that she hadn’t taken as many breaching charges as she normally would for an urban mission, having dismissed the need to have as many in a rural environment, but she had one on her just in case, with a couple more distributed among a few of the others. However, the building they were in wasn’t the most structurally sound, and she had a real fear that enough damage could bring it crashing down above their heads!
The decision was taken away from her, as from one of the far alcoves ahead of her, a group of three strangely uniformed soldiers of some kind advanced towards her, with the Kizun having no doubt they were enemies, as two of them carried tall, broad riot shields locked into place, while the third shot at her with an accurate burst, cracking her shield and thumping into her heavy armour as she retreated. Where had these guys come from? She could have sworn she hadn’t seen anyone in uniform, but realised that, like them, their opponents may have been in disguise and had needed to quickly gear up before engaging.
Immediately, Nika reached to her belt for a grenade, electing for a smaller yield as she activated the timer and waited a few seconds before flinging it back from cover with a well-practised blind throw, sending it bouncing and clattering in a straight line before detonating right on target. Grinning with the roar, she dashed out from cover, going full auto as she unleashed hell, keeping low as she pushed forward, not letting up as she saw one of the shield guys drop to the ground while another couldn’t hold on, stumbling and falling back down the freshly blown hole caused by the grenade, which must have slipped under the shields and taken out the third guy.
And as she looked at the freshly blown hole, she realised now they had a quick way down!
Those are Regulators! Chiyo warned, though she had no idea if any of her friends were paying attention as the Ilithii drew her power in to assist Dante in maintaining an energy barrier, before taking out her magic staff and channelled her power to lash out with psionic power at whoever she could detect down below, sensing that they were going after Jack. She heard her friends acting and knew she had to do everything in her power to get them all out in one piece!
Sensing a lot of magical energy flaring up, Chiyo activated her astral sight to check what was happening, and cursed as she did. There was a lot of ambient mana dissipating in the air from several illusionary spells, likely from their attackers, and she detected three strong signatures in particular, and two of them were situated on the ground floor.
The third was on the other balcony!
Responding to the imminent threat, Chiyo focused on her attack as she saw the astral form of the physically obscured wizard on the other side of the room whispering words of power and weaving their hands in strange patterns for a complicated spell of some kind that didn’t look good.
Her meditations with the Essence of Water they had looted from the Pallid Pit had proved fruitful as she had quickly learned to combine her new affinity with her existing psychic powers to weave together some new tricks, her most basic one coming into play as she quickly drew in the ambient water from all around them to cluster in one great ball, before launching several blasts that shot out to catch the enemy mage completely off guard, battering their body and cracking several ribs, causing them to flail back and, more importantly, completely disrupting whatever spell they were trying to cast.
The enemy mage appeared physically as their illusion mask was dispelled, revealing a diminutive blue furry mammalian with a long, thin snout in a set of traveller's robes with the insignia she recognised as belonging to the Order of the Infernal Harmony. Chiyo saw them angrily motion at her, ordering several more Regulators on the other side of the building to aim at her.
‘Well, I’m flattered…’ Chiyo thought to herself as she put more of her energy into maintaining her personal shields and hunkered down to avoid the gunfire, which took some of the heat off Nika, before the inevitable explosion went off several seconds later.
“We’ve got a quick way down!” Nika called back after dashing back to them, a sentiment that Chiyo quickly repeated to Alora to get past the deafening noise.
“Understood!” Alora shouted. “Chiyo?”
Lead your crew to the left and drop down the hole, the Ilithi told the River Giants, imbedding the thoughts directly into their minds over the noise. We shall follow promptly. Get everything ready for a quick exit. We’ll cover you, go now!
Quickly nodding in agreement, the band of River Giants needed little prompting to run the fuck away from the ongoing shitstorm while the group covered for them, with Chiyo unleashing her power and levitating a Regulator from behind an overturned table, only for Nika to cut them down mercilessly with plasma fire.
“Guys! We have a problem!” Sephy yelled in a panic. “They have control of the turrets! I can’t take them back from here!”
We’ve got to get off this balcony! Chiyo warned the others. Nika has an exit! We’ve-
But then she sensed it.
Scatter! Now! She warned as the entire balcony suddenly collapsed violently from under them…
With a roar, Jack braced for impact as the ground rushed up to meet him with terrifying speed as he struggled with The Redeemer, before they both collided with the dancefloor in a bone-jarring smash, breaking the grapple as The Redeemer slammed hard onto his back, with Jack faring little better as his shoulder took the brunt of the heavy impact, sending shockwaves of pain radiating heavily through his body. The air was knocked from his lungs as he had the presence of mind to roll away, quickly scrambling to his feet with a fierce determination as he gathered his bearings
The room span in a disorienting blue for a second as Jack blinked away the stars dancing in his eyes, but Jack could see a crowd of gangsters and mercenaries forming around him, whooping and cheering, having seen his fall but not having any idea what just happened.
“Where is he?” Jack managed to gasp, as sudden movement from the side caught his attention, springing him into action as he quickly drew his heavy rifle, dodging the Redeemer’s enraged charge at the same time as he managed to get off a risky burst of heavy plasma that caught the Redeemer dead centre of mass as they passed and crashed into a table of avian mercenaries wearing what looked like biker leathers.
“You fat cunt! You spilled my beer!” One of them squawked at the Redeemer, who simply pushed the speaker aside as he quickly assessed the hits he took, a decision he quickly regretted as Jack put another accurate burst into him, staggering him backwards with many smoking holes in his now ruined brown overcoat, but not dropping him.
“Go down you fucking wanker!” Jack growled as he levelled his gun to shoot again, before several shots smacked hard into his shoulder, sending him careening to the side in a wild spin as his shots were sent wide, blasting smoking holes through the roof that allowed the evening light to shine through as he barreled into a group of furry beings that closely resembled silverback gorillas in matching military fatigues that denoted them as part of a militia.
“Fucking kid!” One snarled as he bodily shoved Jack to the ground, flicking a telescopic baton as he approached again to try and do him more harm before Jack got his gun up.
“Back off! Back the fuck off!” He yelled in a panic as he got back to his feet, warning the gorilla-men who cautiously took several steps back as he scrambled to his feet again, as he was shoved and jostled by alien bodies writhing and thrashing around in a frenzied melee of fists, feet, tails, claws, paws, teeth and fuck knew what else.
The pulsating thudding beat of the music jarred like a rampaging heart attack to provide a rhythmic backdrop to the rapidly escalating brawl, punctuated by the gunfire, the crash of breaking glass, and the roars of the combatants locked in drunken combat as he found himself in the middle of a full-blown mosh pit.
Risking a glance to the side, he saw The Redeemer rip off the smouldering remaining scraps of his brown overcoat to reveal the dull thick metal plates of his own heavy armour. He could see that his heavy plasma rifle had done some kind of damage, though he couldn’t tell how much from the melted, blacked, smoking marks from where Jack had shot them, or if his shots had even penetrated past the layers. But he could see that the Redeemer wasn’t going to go down easily as the avian gang was piling on the Ogar, who lashed out at them with his huge powerful fists as plates extended around his neck and head for extra protection.
Suddenly, Jack caught another movement out of the corner of his eye as he spun around, before a pincer deflected the barrel of his rifle, as a spindly insectoid quickly closed the distance, hostile intent abundantly clear in their snarling expression as they snapped a pincer at Jack’s face, who ducked out of the way and shunted backwards.
‘Shit! This place is too swarmed!’ Jack cursed to himself as he tried to aim his gun through the ongoing brawl. ‘I can’t risk firing into an open crowd! The rest of these people haven’t done a thing to me!’
Realising his rifle wasn’t the best choice of weapon now as he was knocked about by the horde of bodies, Jack flicked it around and behind him, relieved upon hearing the magnetic clips on his armour do their thing, latching his rifle in place so he could retrieve it later.
“Aegis!” Jack yelled out as the pincer of the insectoid came at him again, summoning his shield to take the blow before he lashed out, taking the bug in the maw and knocking him back, before he followed through with a quick draw of his sidearm, putting two controlled shots in the thing’s chest and missing the shot to the head as several bolts of blue light smacked into him, though his shield took a few of the hits as he disengaged.
‘Shit! How many of these fuckers did the Redeemer bring with him?’ Jack thought to himself, as he heard an explosion from somewhere up above him. ‘And how the fuck did they know we’d be here?!’
His Ring of the Berserker was flaring up as Jack tried to regain his bearings, trying to spot the source of the magic missiles that had just been flung his way, before he suddenly brought up his forearm, reflexively parrying a swipe from the gorilla-man that had tried to blindside him with the baton. His armour held, only causing him to feel a slight tingle as he lashed out with a punch, clocking his attacker in the face as his gauntlets instantly reacted to cap his knuckles with a metal coating, adding to the power of the punch, sending the gorilla-man to the ground in a daze.
“What’s up retards? May I have your attention please?” A sneering voice called out over the speakers of the music, and though Jack looked for the source of the voice as he tried to get away, he could see the DJ still at his podium looking confused at who was talking. “I know you crackheads aren’t very bright, so I’ll try and use simple words so you understand."
"You are currently being graced by the presence of the Order of the Infernal Harmony, along with our very special guest, The Redeemer! The reason why we’re here is the Outsider practically shitting himself on the dancefloor of this dump, along with a few random bimbos dumb enough to tag along with him. Anyone that gets in the way of our business or takes any action against us should be prepared to accept the consequences, up to and not limited to your brutal death, so if any of you losers are actually lucid enough to understand me, I’d get the hell out of our way.”
“Fuck you, bitch!” One drunken patron yelled out above the noise as he drunkenly shot at the nearest speaker, missing several times before reducing it to slag.
“Oh golly gee, what an unexpected answer from a bunch of fucking crackheads!” The voice mocked sarcastically as Jack saw the turrets above glow with power. “Time to die motherfuckers!”
Yep, these bad guys came prepared! Shame Jack can't just start blasting with all the people around!
Don't forget to check out The Galactic High Info Sheet! If you want to remind yourself of certain characters and factions. One new chapter a week can seem like a while! Don't forget! You all have the ability to leave comments and notes to the entries, which I encourage you to do!
I am now on Royal Road! I would appreciate your support in getting myself off the ground there with your lovely comments, reviews and likes!
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submitted by Spartawolf to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:42 Popular-Mechanic8708 Long term petechiae rash in 10 month old

Long term petechiae rash in 10 month old
10 month old has had a non-blanching petechiae rash for 3 months. Primarily on her neck, but also occasionally on lower back, sides of torso, on face, and under arms. Petechiae is accompanied by red eczema or miliaria type rash. Biopsy showed focal mild spongiosis and parse perivasculaperiadnexal lymphocytic inflammation.
Rash comes and goes, notably worse in the evenings. New spots come and go daily. No other correlations noted. She also has reactions to adhesives from bandages, and gets very scaly red rashes when she has respiratory viruses.
Baby also has gross motor delays, GI issues (constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting), feeding issues, and some neurological symptoms (head wobble episodes)
All lab work has been normal (CBC, several clotting markers, inflammation markers, celiac test). Normal abdominal ultrasound, x ray showed constipation build up in colon.
Dermatologist is saying this is just eczema or heat rash, but to me, that doesn’t explain the petechiae
submitted by Popular-Mechanic8708 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]