Smartlipo ankles photos

Padded Top Pain

2024.05.15 00:50 DrakkenheimMage Padded Top Pain

I am looking to see if anyone has experienced a similar issue. Before anyone says it, I work in Law Enforcement and have worn boots for 18 years for 12-14 hours a day so it's not a delicate skin thing. I decided to upgrade and get a pair of Nicks Tactical Boots. I ordered them with the Padded Top for additional comfort. They look absolutely amazing and can see they were made with quality. However, the stitch on the inside is not flush with the rest of the boot and sticks out and digs into my upper ankle causing great pain. Everything else fits fine and have even tried different styles of lacing it up which has not worked. I tried to walk them out and have a few hours in them with just walking the dog around the neighborhood but that does not seem to help and becomes extremely painful where the stitch digs in. I have taken a few photos that show how the stitch sticks out and digs in. Has anyone had a similar issue and if so, how did you fix it.
submitted by DrakkenheimMage to NicksHandmadeBoots [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 EnviousJigsaw Crowther Statue in Franklin Square??

I’ve heard on the grapevine that the Crowther Statue has been chopped off at the ankles. I’m nowhere near there, but has anyone seen this? Or got a photo?
submitted by EnviousJigsaw to hobart [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 Ok_Entertainment9355 A negative entity was attached to my mom's ex husband

Hi Courtney! I'm a huge fan of your channel and I've been watching you for a while now, and I would just die if you read my story! It's gonna be a little longer since I don't want to miss any important details. Also tag warning for some serious topics (drug use and pedophelia)
Okay so, let's start back in 2012. My mom worked in the NICU taking care of little premature babies. (I had been 6 weeks early, which inspired my mom) I was 11 at the time that she met her ex-husband, my ex-stepdad. We can just call him B (for bastard lol). They worked together, he was funny and stole her heart. Well at the time he was going through a divorce but lived in a house twenty minutes from where we were living at the time. B had told my mom that things were over with his ex for sure (he told his ex wife at that time that he wanted to work on things! She was so blindsided by the divorce papers!) <--- of course we didn't know about any of that until recently End of 2012 comes, he marries my mom and my older sister move in with him and his 7 year old son in this three bedroom house. Two rooms upstairs and a master bedroom downstairs. Now of the top two rooms, my ex stepbrother (lets call him C) had the larger room, while my older sister (who was high school age, I think she was a senior) and I shared the other room and slept in bunk beds.
Now C had a problem with sleeping in his room at night. He would tell us about how he was afraid of the closet (the closet also had a tiny door that led up to the attic). Ever since he was little it was always the same problem. C was simply terrified of something in the house. He had an experience where someone woke him up and warned him that there was a spider, he started screaming and sure enough they found a brown recluse spider under his bed.
Then my mom gets pregnant and gives birth to my little brother, H. My sister had moved out pretty much as soon as possible. B was awful. He would belittle us and talk down to us, constantly try to make everyone feel stupid around him- he had to be the smartest one around at all times. He was an asshole, and he would say rude stuff and then complain that we were taking him too serious and he was just being sarcastic. That we 'didn't get his sense of humor'. And for a while, he had my mom wrapped right around his finger. He was manipulating her from the very beginning. He even treated her like shit most of the time. 8th grade all the way through the end of my senior year I endured his treatment every day. I had to be careful about what I said at all times, about who came over, about being too loud at night. If my room was messy, he would take a garbage bag and take all of my stuff- I had to 'earn' back my stuff.
When the baby was born they had to do renovations on the house. There was a ton of attic space, so they ended up breaking into it- a game room leading to two bedrooms and a bathroom. This was when things went from humanly hellish to supernaturally chaotic. During the renovations before any walls went up and it was mostly just wood and plastic, C and I had seen a dark shadow of a man pass behind a plastic tarp- and it was so clear because the sunlight was coming from the other side. When I checked there was no body there. Once everything was completed the feeling changed.
My room ended up being on the other end of the opened up attic.
At the time I was watching a lot of Supernatural- so my spooked ass started putting salt barriers on my bedroom door (which guess what! Yeah! It was one of those attic bedrooms!) and also on my window too. My mom and B would ridicule me for this but I stand by my decisions to this day!
This was mostly because of the feelings you would get in the game room. Even if you were just passing through. There were always eyes on you- especially when your back was turned. I never ever walked through that room without the light on. I didn't even sleep with the light off in my room. When I would I would get really bad sleep paralysis,
One of the worst ones I was laying on my stomach with my head turned to the side. I opened my eyes and I was utterly frozen. At first I know it's just sp, so I try to stay calm and take deep breaths but then I start to feel this pressure starting down on my feet. It feels like two hands grabbing my ankles and pressing down. Then the hands move up my body and then there's more pressure- like someone's whole body is crawled over top of me. It gets closer and closer to my head. All the while I'm trying to scream but I can't open my mouth so it's just coming out as quiet whimpers. I can feel it breathing on my neck and then in my ear. That's when it finally stopped and I jerked up and immediately turned on the light. I remember just crying for a while. At the time B had made it impossible to trust my mom- and they would've just gotten mad at me for waking them up.
There was another night where I had been up late, probably 3 or 4 in the morning and I was drawing or something just sitting on my bed. All of the sudden I hear 4 distinct knocks from INSIDE my closet! No joke I shit bricks. There was no rational explanation. Because there was siding on our house that was damaged and it would make noise but it was always specific like a scraping/tapping. But this was a knock, like someone is at your door with your DoorDash meal type knock. I always tried to rationalize what was happening. Make excuses for the weird stuff.
Then one summer, my cousin had come up from another state to stay with us. We spent a lot of time in my room, just hanging out. One day, we're both up there just chilling when all of the sudden I notice something under my door.
Someone was walking back and forth in front of the bedroom door. You could even hear the floor creaking on the other side. You could see the shadow pass to the right and then to the left. I remember locking my door and calling my mom to see if it was an actual human, nope. She ended up sending B up there (of course this made him mad for some reason) to verify that there was no person up there. Basically they just said we were being kids with overactive imaginations but I can tell you right now there was no rational explanation for that experience.
A lot of the time at that house you could feel constant eyes on you, mostly in the attic. Like always- at all times, someone or something was watching.
There were also times when there was a sort of 'mimic' situation where you could think you heard something upstairs but you really didn't; one time my sister went to pick up our dog- and she thought she heard the dog crying upstairs, she started to go up and get her when her boyfriend who was there at the time stopped her because the dog crate was downstairs in my moms room AND GUESS WHO WAS IN THE CRATE and NOT upstairs.
There was also one time I was babysitting my younger siblings and it was pretty late when I heard giggling upstairs. Thinking it was my brother, I went up to reprimand him and basically tell him to go to sleep but when I entered his room- he was dead asleep. Like fully passed out. I just shut the door and quietly went back downstairs. Nope nope nope.
B ended up doing work out of state- I was like 20 ish and moved back in with my mom and the kids. What was weird that during this time I didn't really have a lot of paranormal experiences. Once or twice you would hear weird things or my cat would get tiffed up staring at blank corners of the room. It was mostly really nice when he wasn't there.
A few years ago we ended up having to leave that house. B as it turns out had gotten himself addicted to meth and also started downloading explicit photos of underage girls (11-13 approx.) I was at the house when the police came and everything. He's still not in jail btw which is such bull. When it first happened, my mom reached out to B's ex wife to talk to her.
Turns out from the moment B and his ex bought this house, she immediately noticed negativity. Weird things and scary things that would happen. We sort of deduced that HE was the one bringing that negative energy into the house, which totally made sense because most of the extreme haunting stuff was happening WHILE HE WAS THERE. So yeah I blame him because he is a disgusting demon himself.
Anyway that's all I've got for now- thank you so much for reading! Love you girl!
submitted by Ok_Entertainment9355 to spoopycjades [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:10 dj399 I can't get over the box on my left pointe shoe...wondering why?

I started a beginners pointe class after years of ballet. I simply can't get over the box with my left foot (the foot that's in the right of all these photos).
Here's a bit of info:
  1. They're the Suffolk Solo Prequel and I really like the support they gave my feet.
  2. I didn't do any manipulation to the shoe so I'm wondering if maybe that would help? I just wore them and let my feet break them in. I've had them for six months, so at this point they're dying, but I'm wondering if a 3/4 shank would help for my next pair...
  3. I have greek feet with low arches
  4. I've been working on ankle strength and flexibility outside of class but that hasn't led to any improvement.
Since this is my first pair of shoes, I have no idea what my next option should be and would love some insight.
submitted by dj399 to BALLET [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:35 GentlemanGorath Question about posing the feet on RG Wing Zero, plus a smidge of painting display

Question about posing the feet on RG Wing Zero, plus a smidge of painting display
Finishing up my RG WZC but I got excited and wanted to pose it with a One-Winged look. That said, I’m having trouble with the articulation on the ankle joint. I know the foot connects with a ball and socket but I can’t seem to manipulate it to get the feet to stand flat on the ground or move much at all, really. Am I being dumb here? I’m probably just being dumb.
As for light customization details;
*Hand painted with Gundam Markers, dolled out into paint trays and applied with a brush. The yellow pieces with EX Yellow Gold and EX Plated Silver Gundam Marker on the Vulcans (I did redo the paint on those. Looked bad on the photo included but I haven’t taken another photo of em since). Also, I decided to make those shoulder disc pieces gold cause I just always imagined them as yellow.
*The head lenses and the eyes were also painted after the eye sticker got a bit scratched during application. I traced over the stickers with a brush and EX Metallic Green Gundam Marker, but still happy with how it came out haha.
Any feedback, advice, or criticism is appreciated. It’ll help when I hand paint my Leos.
submitted by GentlemanGorath to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:36 Ok-Company4574 6 year old cane corso suddenly unable to walk on leg, lumps appeared today.

My 6 year old cane corso is suddenly unable to walk on his left hind leg as of today, a few lumps also suddenly appeared on the leg (the ankle/hock according to a dog anatomy diagram).
He is whimpering in pain and just wants to cuddle. He will still eat treats but not his regular food. He cannot put any weight on it. It appears to hurt constantly, but he also flinches if I touch it. The lumps feel soft and spring back when gently poked.
He was fine this morning and by this evening was in that state. It's raining so he did not play in the yard (he hates the rain) and had a very chill day so I can't see that he could have injured it on anything. I will try to link a photo.
Vets have closed for the day and will take him straight in tomorrow. What can I do to help him be more comfortable tonight? And what could this be?
He was recently diagnosed with arthritis as he had become quite slow to move from laying to standing and seemed stiff from time to time, could it be to do with that?). I am really worried but don't know if this is an "urgent after hours animal hospital" situation, or a wait for first thing tomorrow? (It's 7pm)
submitted by Ok-Company4574 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:57 Immediate_Peanut5096 Red circular raised itchy rash keep appearing on mainly lower extremities only.

I am 23 y/o F, H: 5' 2", W: 145 lbs, Race: South asian, currently living in US.
cc: experiencing red, circular, raised, itchy rash, warm to touch mainly on my legs. REFERENCE PHOTO
These rashes first appeared when I traveled to South Asia last summer. I woke up with chunky rashes all over my thighs and shins. You could see each individual bumps, they didn't all mesh together into one huge mass. They were circular but not perfectly. About 1inch in diameter. I used a very strong steroid to cope with the itching. As the rashes healed, they became blue bruises and then left small dark scars on my legs. It took about 2 wks for them to clear up.
After coming back to US, I had 1 flare up of these rashes about 4 months ago. Same in appearance and healing time as the initial rashes.
1 month, I started getting these rashes out of nowhere again. Same in appearance and healing time. Unlike the last 2 episodes of these rashes, where I would about 10 bumps all at once and they would go away within 2 wks, this time, I keep getting 2-3 new rashes every other day. Right now, I only have this one big rash at the back of my right knee ( SEE HERE ) and 2 small ones on my ankles that are almost done healing. It's extremely itchy and hot. The one behind my knee is SO RED. I have never seen any of these rashes look THIS red so it's kind of scaring me.
Also, noting that most of my rashes have only been on my legs. Except for the current episode that started 1 month ago, I got some on my lower back-upper buttock area and 1 bump on my arm.
Please help me figure out what might be going on. By the time, I manage to get any derm appt, the rashes go away and I always end up consulting the docs on the scars rather than the active episodes.
I do not drink/smoke/do drugs. Don't have any severe food allergies that I know of. I have gotten allergy tested before for ~30 allergens and nothing causes me hives. I haven't been spending time outdoor where I can attribute these rashes to bug bites. I haven't used any new cosmetics or eaten anything new. Nothing foreign in my environment that I can note.
submitted by Immediate_Peanut5096 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:24 Educational-Act9347 Where to find uncensored photos of injuries?

I’m writing a scene where one of the characters breaks another's ankles, and as I haven't broken anyone's bones (yet) I thought a reference photo would be helpful, but all google returns is pictures of casts or illustrations. Not great if you want to describe a broken bone using something other than “jutting at an unnatural angle.”
This isn't even the first time this happened. So, my question is, where do you go to find explicit photos/videos of possibly-gorey medical conditions? Or, what else do you rely on when writing injuries you have no experience with?
submitted by Educational-Act9347 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:36 Gnarkillo Our resort managers haven't got our cellar lift fixed in nearly a year so we (minimum wage slaves) have been taking down 50lr beer kegs down a flight of stairs without any protective gear, because it is what is expected of us...
Here is a link to the photos to prove.
Do we have any legal leverage behind us to put in a formal complaint to HR?
I asked them for steal toe cap boots and they said they'll get me some but keep pushing it back.
50lr kegs are really fucking heavy. And it's been a strain on our backs. Even if we two man lift them. Which is extremely cumbersome down stairs.
I do worry that one bad move and we can easily crush out foot leg or ankles.
The company is incredibly stingy with money. This is among many things it refuses to fix or pay for.
submitted by Gnarkillo to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:28 Lord_Long_Rod Hunting Sasquatch for Communists, Featuring Ms. Anna Conda

During the course of my career as an alpha Sasquatch hunting, Dogman destroying, pussy crushing, luxury watch loving dude, I have run into this particular woman a few times. She is one part uber sensuality, and the other part deadly. Yes, I am speaking about the lovely, Anna Conda. I bring her up because I had another run-in with her last year.

Anna and I first joined forces, so to speak, when she acted as a go-between in my business deal with the Chinese to sell them bigfoot parts. See, I would hunt and kill the critters, cut them up, deliver the parts to Anna, who in turn gave me a suitcase containing unmarked American hundred-dollar bills, then she would transport the bigfoot parts to the Chinese. I was never really sure of what the sneaky-ass Chinese were doing with the body parts. All I knew for sure is that they are extracting certain materials from them, then synthesizing them with some other shit, creating some sort of drug. Whether it then becomes a bio-weapon or a dick stimulant, I do not know. Neither do I care. As long as they kept the hundies coming, I was good.

Now, while Anna is of Russian descent, she is a freelancer. She will work for any sick, skeevy motherfucker out there. She does not care. She has no conscience, at least not in the traditional sense as we understand it in western civilization. Today she is working for the Chinese, and tomorrow she may be working for Hamas. She is a slippery motherfucker.

So here is how it went down. At 11:32 p.m. on a Friday in September of last year I get a call on my cell phone. When the call came in I was balls deep into this hot little lass I picked up at the bus station a little earlier in the evening from an old swarthy chap named “Colorado Joe”. He wanted to sell me the girl. I was assured she was over 20 years old. I told him I needed to take her out for a test ride, which he agreed to.

So, there I was, balls deep in “Bing Bang Yun”, and my phone rings. Of course, I silence all incoming calls not in my contacts list. Thus, I knew that I must know the caller. In mid stroke I reached over to the nightstand to retrieve my cell and looked at it. It was a call from “Sergio”. I thought, “Oh shit…. I am going to have to cut the Oriental bang circus short.” When Sergio calls, I have to respond…immediately. He has the best blow on the east coast!!

“Hey, Serge! What’s up?”, I asked. All he said was, “Hooters. 2:00 a.m.”, then hung up. This was obviously the rendezvous for the transaction. Now, understand that Serge was not talking about the chicken wing restaurant. Hooters was code, in case the feds were listening in on the line. “Hooters” meant the titty bar out on Highway 69 called “The Plump Rump”. We had a communications code we used.

It was a long haul to the titty bar, so I needed to get moving. I had no time to return the girl to Colorado Joe, so I took her with me. I had her blow me on the way to the meeting with Sergio, telling her that her performance would make the difference on whether I save her from Joe or not. Of course, after she was done I tossed her out of my speeding truck and down, over the bridge, and into the Wendigo River below. I did not need any complications in my life right now.

I arrived at The Plump Rump at 2:00 a.m. on the dot. I saw the manager, Lou Skunt, sitting at the bar when I walked inside. I nodded. He walked over and said to me, “Use my office for the meeting The parties are already in there waiting for you.” I nodded and then headed to Lou’s office. Then it hit me: Lou said the “PARTIES” are already here. That is, parties, meaning more than one person. It was not just Sergio. It was 2 or more people! Lou was probably in for a cut of whatever was about to go down.

Something was bad fucked up!! I know for a fact that Sergio never brings anyone with him on a deal, at least not with me. He is too distrustful of people to do that, and too fucking mean to need protection. Something was wrong. I was just as likely to get whacked when I enter Lou’s office as anything else. I needed a moment to think things through.

I took a spot in front of one of the performance poles to watch a young, swarthy Mexican lass perform. My mind quickly strayed from the problem at hand to this brown chick’s ass and tits. She was not a great looking chick, but her body was smoking!! I quickly became aroused. I thought to myself, “Goddamn Asian bitches!! They are just like Chinese food – after 2 hours you are ready for some more!!”

When the little Mexican chick went on break I motioned her over to my table. “Hola Senior!!”, she said. I pulled out a clear plastic baggie of blow and dropped it on the table. Her eyes grew wide and slobber starting falling from her mouth. Blow is like catnip for strippers. Thus, she fell under my spell immediately.

The next thing I know, this brown girl was on my lap, dry humping me like a feral bitch dog in heat. I had to bang her. I NEEDED to see my wang penetrating her. Just then, someone taps my shoulder hard. I look up to see Lou standing over me. He bent down and said, “Did you forget about my office, asshole?!?!?!” I replied, “Damn, Lou!! You read my mind!!!” I arose, with the little Mexican bolted onto my mid-section, and hastily retreated to Lou’s office. I figured Lou would prefer me to stain this chick in private rather than out in the open.

The door to the office opened easily. The lights were on inside. In a lustful haze, I set the little Mexican chick on her back across Lou’s desk and started pumping the shit out of her, completely unaware of the others in the room with us. In a moment I heard someone call my name. I twist my neck around to see Sergio sitting on Lou’s jizz crusted couch. I think to myself, “Oh shit! I forgot about that shit!”

I figured I would just move forward with the deal as it was proposed to me. “Hey Serge! What ya got for me, dude?”, I asked. He replied, “I have a very special deal for you. I need, uh … yeah, ……Hey, Rod, you want to stop for a moment so we can talk?” I picked up the little tamale and laid her down onto Sergio’s lap as I continued to plow her. She stayed on my cock the whole time. I told Sergio, “No, man. I’m good! Lay it on me!” Slowly, Sergio lowered his face into his palm.

Then it happened. The voice cam from behind me, in the dark corner of Lou’s office. It was velvety yet hard as steel. “Rod. Went need to talk”, it said. Even though I did not stop pumping the little brown chick, a chill went down my spine when I heard those words. It was the thick timbre of the voice, I think, that alerted me.

I turned to look across the room. There, sitting in a red leather captains chair against the wall was the source of the sultry voice: Anna Conda.

I picked up the little taco yet again and turned her around so I could face Anna as I continued pumping her. At this point the Mexican girl was merely a masturbation toy I was using. I increased my pump so I could dump my load and get this over with. Then BAMM!!!, it was over. I removed the lass from my huge rod, after which her body crumpled to the floor. I did not know if she was dead or injured, or what had happened to her. But I did not care either, so I did not dwell on it.

I tried to compose myself the best I could, then walked over to stand before Anna so I could get to the bottom of all this business. “Well, well, well. Anna Conda. We meet again. Tell me, what brings you here, to my little neck of the woods?”

Anna replied, “Rod, put your dick away.” I looked down and, indeed, I had forgotten to stow my cock. Out of pure curtesy, I packed it away. Then I returned my attention to Anna. “Alright, Anna, what’s going on here?”

Anna launched into a startling tale about what brought her to me. As she spoke I became lost in her wanton beauty. She got up from her chair and walked about the room as she relayed her story, presumably to make it more dramatic and demonstrative. I got a full-on view of her body, and it was fantastic!!

She stands 5’10’’ and weighs 105 lbs. She is lithe. She was showing it off too, wearing a black, silk dress that landed just about her ankles. The top was low-cut, betraying just a bit of cleavage from her C-cup wineglass titties. She was not wearing a bra. Anna never wears a bra. Her nips were perfectly outlined through the silk. In fact, I think her nips were hard. It was probably something she did on purpose in an attempt to influence me. It was working.

Anna’s ass was perfect. It was not at all fat, but round enough not to be skinny. It was a fit figure skater’s ass. As she walked, I could see a tiny bit of jiggle emanating from her ass flesh, and then reverberated in the silky black dress she wore. My cock began growing hard again.

Her face was beautiful. Think Scarlett Johanson and Phoebe Cates rolled into one. But any sweetness this may evoke is quickly dispelled by Anna’s throaty voice with its thick Russian accent. I have known Anna for 20 years. Yet, she still does not look a day over 25. Jesus Christ!!! If ever there was a chick to die for ….. If I was one to delve into the belief of the paranormal, then I may conclude that Anna made a deal with the devil. But, I am not such a person.
And literally, Anna Conda is a chick to die for. She is deadly as fuck. She will kill you in a split second without a thought just because she does not like the shirt you are wearing. She can do it too. She is always armed and she knows how to use her weapons. Moreover, she is a total psychopath. This makes her doubly dangerous.

Anna and I have always gotten along for the most part. Like Anna, the dollar is my primary motivating factor. Such a mindset allows for understanding and predictability among people, which are elements that are sorely missing in many business dealings today that go on in the color of darkness.

Suddenly, Anna snapped me out of my thoughts. “Here’s your gun, Rod. Now let’s get started”, said Anna. She and Sergio were halfway through the door exiting Lou’s office when I said, “Hey, wait a damned minute!!! What are you talking about?!?”

They both stopped, and Anna walked back in and looked me in the eyes, saying “The plan, Rod. Let’s get on with the plan.” A little embarrassed, I sheepishly asked, “What plan?” Anna folded her arms and looked cross at me. After a moment to allow me to simmer in my shame, she asked, “You were not paying attention, were you, Rod?” I shook my head and looked down.

I heard a hammer cock. I jerked my head back up to find myself staring down the barrel of a pistol pointed at my head that Anna was holding. I protested, “Look, it is not my fucking fault!! Put that fucking gun down!!!” I continued, “You were distracting me with …. Well.. you know, how you are dressed, and that hot, sultry voice…. You know?”

“So, instead of paying attention to the plan, you chose to eye-rape me. Is that what I am to understand your position is, Rod?”, she asked. Knowing that my life was on the line, I said, “Anna, look, you know I am horny to a fault. Then you come in here, swinging them tits around, wearing that silk dress showing off the crack of your ass…. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT TO HAPPENED?”

Anna lowered her gun. She knew that my explanation of being a total cocksman was truth. “Let’s go”, Anna curtly said. I obeyed.

Anna explained the plan to me again on the drive from The Plump Rump. She made me wear a blindfold so that I would not get horny during her explanation. Here is how it went:

Anna Conda was now working for the Russians. It seems that Putin caught wind of the Sasquatch project that the Chinese were working on. He also knew that the American government have been fucking with sasquatch for decades. Thus, he was very concerned about the existence of a bigfoot gap. He ordered the acquisition of a Sasquatch specimen immediately.

Moreover, said specimen must be prime. It needed to be the biggest, baddest sasquatch of them all – a true alpha – so as to speed things along. Putin did not want some weird shit-creature, is-it-a-sasquatch-or-is-it-a-dogman, kind of monstrosity. He wanted purebred, badass sasquatchery, and preferably from the American Pacific northwest.

Anna got in on it because she sold the intel to Putin about China’s Sasquatch operation. She then told Putin she could produce sasquatch corpses for him. She told him she had a contact (i.e., me). Thus, with Putin’s blessing and promises of riches to come, Anna set out to America to find me.

Now, here is where things got a bit squirrely. See, I agreed to procure some more dead sasquatch. I have no problem with killing sasquatch because, in my opinion, they are an abomination on this Earth. I kind of feel like I am doing God’s work by wiping out as many of them as I can. And given all the not-so-Godly stuff I have done, I feel like killing Sasquatch kind of offsets that to some degree.

But Anna, she was stuck on Putin’s instruction that she must supply him with apex Sasquatch. So she did not want to take my advice of heading to the Pacific Northwest or Alaska. Instead, Anna claimed to have pinpointed the whereabouts of a particularly gruesome sasquatch beast that she KNEW would win her a fortune from Putin if she brought it to him.

“So, where is this beast?”, I asked. Anna replied “Martha’s Vineyard”. I paused. Then I asked her to repeat herself. It turns out that I was not mistaken about what Anna had said. I continued, “Uh, Anna, there are no sasquatch on Martha’s Vineyard, just a lot of wealth New Englander schmucks.”

Anna looked at me and told me I was wrong. Then she decided to attempt to taunt me. “Oh, Rod, mighty slayer of Bigfoot! Yet, you fail to take notice of where the biggest, most foul and rotten beast of them all makes its home. Jesus, Rod!! What kind of bigfoot hunter are you, anyway?” Anna then spit at my feet and wondered aloud whether she even needs me for this job.

I decided that I needed to straighten out the hierarchy here in order for this here deal to move forward. I said, “Well, Anna, feel free to truck on over to Old Whitey Beach and battle that beast. But, if there is a big old mangy sasquatch lurking around over there, then it is probably a fucking Nazi-Squatch. You know, those fuckers out there hate the Jews.”

The work “Nazi” visibly shook Anna. Her great grandfather died defending Leningrad. Her entire family there died of either starvation or cannibalism during Hitler’s siege during Operation Barbarossa. Anna despised Nazis. But she feared them too. After landing that punch, I decided to push my luck.

“Now, I am still willing to help you catch this here Nazi-Squatch, but you have to do something for me”, I said. Now Anna’s eyes were on me, and they were narrowing. I continued, “I want you to get bare assed naked and pleasure yourself while I stand over you and jack it.” Anna stared at me silently for a long moment. Then she replied.

“After the job is done, and you can get none of your … fluids… on me”, she said. I shook my head and countered, “Now, and I will ‘try’ to not get my spunk on you.”

However, Anna then turned the tables on me. In fact, she picked up the table and bashed my head in with it. She looked me in my eyes, then matter-of-factly said, “You get the beast, and your prize shall be a night with me, anything goes, darling.” Well, since this caused all of the blood to immediately drain from my brain, I had a lapse in judgment. “DEAL!!”, I said. Then we shook on it.

“OK, tell me more about this supposed monster sasquatch on Martha’s Vineyard”, I said. I still was not ready to believe there was a monster out there. “I show you photo”, said Anna. She took out her phone, scrolled to find the photo, then handed the phone to me. “There. Sasquatch”, she said.

I stared at the photo and remained silent. After a long moment, I turned the phone so that Anna could see the photo and asked, “Uh, Anna, is THIS what you intended to show me?” She replied. “Yes! There…Sasquatch! The biggest, grossest monster around.”

Now, I could not argue with Anna that the image on her phone is a big, gross monster. Hell, it could actually be a sasquatch, and THE UBER sasquatch. It is most certainly the grossest thing on Martha’s Vinyard. But I somehow do not think this is what Putin is expecting.

I turned to Anna and said, “Anna, this is a photo of Michelle Obama. I know it looks vile, and has a huge, hulking body with large appendages where a woman should not have them. But, sweatheart, that ain’t no sasquatch. That’s a big, hairy Chicago street negro.”

Anna did not believe me at first. She was hard in her conviction that Obama was a sasquatch. “I have seen the Sasquatch beast you deliver to me for China. This … Michelle Obama …. It is big, and hairy, and ugly like the sasquatch beast, but worse.”

When the truth finally set it, I could see that it had kind of broken down poor Anna, if only just a bit. I put my arm around Anna and told her, “Look, Michelle O fooled you. Hell, she and her Hamas Hubby fooled millions of Americans, twice! At least you saw Michelle for what she is, to wit: a big, gross sasquatch, and NOT some kind a retarded leftist messiah.”

After that, things took a rather dark turn. “What if we still take her to Putin? We can make deal; sell her to Putin!!” At this point I held up my hands and said, “I’m out”, then turned and walked away. Anna followed, trying to get me to stay. At this point, I could tell that Anna was coming undone a little.

See, she had to produce for Putin. There is no telling what kind of secret deal she actually had with him. She had to deliver a big old mangy Obama …. Er, uh, I mean … Sasquatch, to Putin.

“Ok, Rod, we do your plan. We go out west to kill bigfoot. Huge, monster bigfoot. she said. I turned and looked Anna in her eyes and said the following: First, we bang for 48 hours straight, right now, so I can get my fill of you. Second, you pay me $10,000.00 cash upfront. Third, upon delivery of the dead bigfoot, you pay me $1 million immediately.”

Anna agreed to everything, but noted that at the present time it was her “time of the month”. I grimaced, as I will absolutely not go there (and she knows that). “Fine, next week we bang”, I said. She pointed out that I would be in the woods next week hunting sasquatch. “Fine, once I come out of the woods, then we bang – 48 hours straight”, I said. “Of course, darling!”, she agreed.

Well, it took several days to set up the hunt, but it finally happened. I was in Washington state at high elevation based on intel I has acquired that indicated that there was a monstrous 15’ tall sasquatch on the mountain range that had been murdering and eating hunters and hikers. After 3 months in these mountains without a trace of the creature I began to lose hope, thinking that I probably got some bad intel, or bad coordinates.

I got my satellite phone out to call for an extraction. Winter was setting in fast, and if I did not get off this mountain soon, then I would freeze and/or starve to death. Unfortunately, my contact did not answer. I tried for 2 days. No answer. I had been fucked. I wondered what had happened back in civilization that caused me to be abandoned like this. I resolved that I would get off that mountain and get to the bottom of this shit. There would be hell to pay for this betrayal!!’

I was able to get in touch with contacts from back home. I got old Billy Ray from Ellijay and Rattler on the phone and got them to come out here to Washington State to extract me. Rattler use to fly helicopters in the Army. He has an old Huey sitting in his front yard, to the chagrin of his HOA. He fired that sucker up, and him and old Billy Ray flew out here to my coordinates and extracted me.

After landing at a convenience store to buy some beer for the flight home, we headed east. Through the skies a way, Billy Ray said, “Well, Rod, I guess you is bout ready to git back home to Georgia, eh?” In fact, I was ready to go home. But I had to take care of some business first. I told them both to take me to New York City. They were both perplexed. All I said to them was “I have an old friend there I have to see before I can go home.”

I have intel on where Anna Conda stays when she is in the United States. She stays at certain hotels depending on what month she is here, and whether her check-in date is an odd or even number. This is for undercover work. I came across the code for her stays while doing the sasquatch work for China. She an I were caught in a snowstorm one night in Buffalo, NY, and had to share a room at the Holiday Inn near the airport. We had like 10 big Igloo ice chests with iced down sasquatch body parts with us in the room.

Anna was like, “No hanky panky, Rod. I am tired and I want to go to bed. Tomorrow we finish business.”

Frankly, I did not blame her for withholding her magnificent muff from me. I was tired as hell. But, I could not settle for nothing. So, when Anna was in the bathroom taking a shower, I started going through her suit case. I wanted to find some of her panties to jack off into. Instead, I found a little black notebook. Inside it contained her lodging codes, and some other interesting things. I photographed the contents with my phone and then put it back.

When Anna got out of the shower she was already dressed in her night clothes. She saw me lying on my back, nude on the bed, and jacking it. “Rod!! GROSS!!!! Go to the restroom to do that shit!!!”, she commanded. I just did it to get a rise out of her. LOL!!

So, if Anna is still inside the U.S., then using the codes I stole from her I can locate precisely where she will be that night. I studied it for a few moments then had my answer. Tonight she would be staying at the Dogman Inn on Hwy 95 South, Room 355. I told Rattler to get me there stat!

We had to stop several times for fuel and beer. Those Hueys go just a bit over a hundred MPH, you know. But eventually, we got there. I gave the boys some money and told them to go to the Waffle House for some coffee to sober up. Then they would fly me home.

I should mention that I also had Rattler’s fully auto Russian AK-74 with spare mags. During the long flight with 2 drunks from Washington State to New York City, I had worked myself up into a towering rage over how Anna fucked me on this Putin deal. She had clearly thrown me aside. But for what, exactly? I figured I would storm the hotel room, get some answers, then shower the room with gun fire.

I busted through the door of Room 355 at exactly 3:35 a.m. There she was. My entry roused her from slumber. I was pointing my rifle at her, center mass. She was shocked at the appearance of a gunman in her room at this time of night. However, she was not as shocked as one would think (this was not the first time something like this has happened to her).

I raised my face from the receiver just enough so she could see it was me. “Rod!!!”, she exclaimed. “What happened to you?!?!? I thought you had died up in those mountains when we never hear from you!” I replied, “Shove it up that cute little ass of yours, Anna. You fucked me. And not in the good way. What the fuck was all that shit about needing a sasquatch for Putin?!?”

Anna played dumb. But it struck me that I had been deliberately put out of the loop for 3 months. Why? Who wanted me away for that long, and why? What went on in my absence?!? I was just dying to know!!! I set my rifle down and pulled out my fixed blade knife, ready to get down to some real nasty work on Anna so I could get some truth. The pure evil of what I was about to do to her caused a wide death grin to grow on my face. Anna saw it. She knew what it meant. She swallowed hard and her eyes betrayed the shear terror she felt inside. I was engorged with blood lust. She knew she had fucked up one time too many this time!!

Suddenly came the sound of the toilet in the bathroom flushing. I was momentarily shocked. I did not expect anyone else to be there with Anna. Anna saw it in my face. I glanced at her and saw that the terror in her face was replaced with pleasure, a slight smile creeping over her face.

I was going to have to face off against this person in the bathroom, who would be out in a split moment. When I do that, I will have to turn 180 degrees from Anna, thereby making me vulnerable to her. I had only once choice: Shoot Anna first.

Just as this came to me, but just before I could act on it, the bathroom door opened. I had to deal with that person before Anna now. I spun around to see that it was a completely nude, and fat, white man. He was a real oafish blob. He looked surprised to see me. He also looked sort of familiar.

I next heard the crack of something hitting my skull hard. I remember the immediate hateful pain that shot through my body and the sound of blood rushing through my ears. I remember the dizziness, then falling to the floor. Clearly, as I fixed on the man from the bathroom, Anna had cracked me over the head with a blunt object.

I came to the next morning, Billy Ray and Rattler had manage to track me down based upon coordinates I left in the chopper that said “IN CASE OF EMERGENCY”. Billy Ray filled up the hotel room ice bucket with cold water and doused my head with it to bring me conscious. I was disoriented at first. But after a bit, what happened in this room the night before came back to me.

Honestly, I am surprised that Anna did not just kill me. I presume that she thinks she can leverage her drop-dead hotness to get me to do more shit for her in the future. She is absolutely right about that too. Rattler then said, “Hey, Rod, that snake bitch left a letter fer ya.”

He handed me the letter. This is what it said:

“Dear Rod:

Sorry about the boo boo on your head. Hope it heals soon. Also sorry about leaving you in the mountains. I was not running a scam on you Rod. Rather, an opportunity arose for me to acquire a sasquatch body from another person. You may know him since you are a sasquatch hunter. His name is Matt Moneymaker. Anyway, until next time…..

Yours truly,
Anna Conda”
I could not fucking believe it. That was fatfuck Moneymaker in the hotel room earlier. Anna fucked Matt Fatfuck Moneymaker for a Sasquatch! That fat son of bitch!!

Billy Ray asked, “You ready to go Rod?” I stood up and said, “Yeah, let’s go.” Then Rattler said, “Hey, ya wanna stop and git some beer fer the ride home?” I replied “Hell yeah.”

I felt like I wanted to die. Thank God for beer and buddies. I don’t blame Anna. She is a fucking snake, and I knew that before this started. Also, I cannot really blame fatfuck Moneymaker for wanting to get some of that hot poon pie Anna serves up. I guess I have to blame fate for fucking me over this time. I even started thinking that next time I will just avoid Anna. But I know I won’t, thus making me subject to this sort of shit again. I had Rattler set us down in Charlottesville so I could buy some hard liquor.
submitted by Lord_Long_Rod to Sasquatch_Jihad [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:13 SirMechanicalSteel Gobi Sneaker Premium Leather - returning after a single day

Hello everyone,
I recently took the plunge and tried out a pair of "barefoot" shoes for the first time. Here's a breakdown of my experience:
First Impressions:
While I wanted to love these shoes, the discomfort, poor adaptability to various activities, and difficulty maintaining them clean are major drawbacks. I'm left feeling unsure about their practicality for my lifestyle, especially given the quick wear and tear. I'm curious to hear if anyone else has had a better experience or tips on how to make the most out of these types of shoes.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
submitted by SirMechanicalSteel to vivobarefoot [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:57 TheMrblockheaded Maskepetoon trail cave

Anyone know anything about it? I didn't bring my phone with me and I've got a bum ankle so I'm not going back today just to grab a picture of it, I'll try later this week. If you go down the trail and down the stairs, at the bottom the trail forks off and the left trail leads over some rocks to the shore of the river. Standing at the shore go left a small way down the shore and look up, and there's a whole ass cave. There's some graffiti around it and it's pretty high up on the cliff. The trail going up to it looks really steep. Doubt I could make it up there with my bum ankle so that's why I'm here asking if anyone knows anything about it at all. Is this where high school kids go to party now, a cliff side cave? What ever happened to good ole faces or kin, kids these days I swear. Or is it just a homeless shelter? Will post photos this week to update.
submitted by TheMrblockheaded to RedDeer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:20 injuryviews Looking for students/athletes with experience on crutches

Looking for students/athletes with experience on crutches
Hey all! Hope it's ok to post this here. I'm looking for athletes who have experience on crutches to help out with a paid project. You'd essentially be going over fit and how to use them, so it would be pretty simple. Attached I have the details! Please contact me on here or my Instragram page injuryviews
submitted by injuryviews to uichicago [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:18 LadyKirkland What is this on my skin?

What is this on my skin?
Hi Guys,
I (41F) had this strange bump showing up on my skin near the knee a couple of years ago, but it has never gone away. See photos 1 and 2.
I'm noticing that what seems to be similar type of tiny bumps appear to start appearing on other locations (last photo is near the ankle).
What is it and could it be spreading? What should I do to get rid of them?
Thank you very much!
submitted by LadyKirkland to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:28 PunkPrincess_02 Hosting blow and go on the westside

You found my page on Reddit and fantasized about being in one of my stories. You felt brave and reached out months ago but the problem is you’re married and you didn’t want to send pics. Plus, it would be hard to get away.
This afternoon I received a message. It was a couple of pictures with the caption “come suck me.” I was taken back. I wondered what changed? Turns out your wife is out of town and my last stories had really turned you on.
You invited me over to your house where you were alone watching the Cowboys play. I was hesitant. I don’t usually travel and I didn’t want to get caught. Turns out you don’t live far from me and you reassured me we wouldn’t get caught.
You asked for me to park down the street on the opposite side of your house. I was nervous. What if this was a set up?
I walked towards your house when I saw the side door of your house open. You stood there in a blue jersey signaling me to come towards you. I didn’t look around to see if anyone was watching. I quickly walked up your driveway and to the side of your house.
“Come in” you signal again standing in the middle of your living room. You’re short, muscular, and have these big beautiful brown eyes. I smile because you have the goofy mustache every guy has grown after watching the new Top Gun movie.
You must be really into the game because you have small talk with me without looking away from the tv.
I awkwardly sat on the end of the couch trying to avoid family photos etc. You asked what got me into writing. The more I talked about it, I felt the more aroused you became. I noticed your cock jerk in your sweatpants. You must have been thinking of my stories.
That’s when I asked “I bet you are wondering what it would be like to have me down on my knees. Licking and sucking your cock while you watch the game.” You took a swig from your beer and asked, “how do we do this?”
I grabbed a pillow from your couch and tossed it between your legs. I then positioned myself between your legs and slid your sweatpants down to your ankles. Then I used my tongue to tease you for a bit. I also gently stroked your cock, finally sucking on your balls, placing them in my hot, wet mouth. "Fuck yeah," you had moaned. You don't look down. You kept watching the game but I could tell you were enjoying my mouth. "You like that, you like sucking my balls?" You ask. With my mouth full I nodded and continued licking and sucking your balls and stroking your hardening dick.
Once your cock inflates you reach down and stroke your cock before rubbing it across my face. You briefly look down to enjoy the sight before returning your attention to the game. You brush your cock head across my lips leaving a trace of your precum. I lick my lips and enjoy the sweet-salty taste. Then you finally push your dick into my mouth.
I build saliva in my mouth before sliding down your dick. I make sure to hold my lips pressed tight on your shaft and don’t stop until my nose reaches your pubes. I ascend upwards slithering my tongue on your shaft then stopping at your peehole where I lick your precum once again. Mmmm…. It tastes so good.
I return down your shaft, deep throating you at a steady pace. “Fuck yeah! Take that dick! You’re better in person.” You exclaimed. This got me to sucking you harder and faster.
I hear a commercial break. You asked me to hold up. I thought you might need a beer refill. You stood up for a bit to pull your sweat pants off. Then you took a huge chug of your beer before sitting back down and swinging your legs up. “Are you going to eat it?” You asked. In front of me were your cum filled balls swinging above your exposed hairy hole. I didn’t know where to start.
I leaned in and slurped on each ball before moving down to your taint. That’s when I felt your hand on my head push me down towards your hole. I did as you wished. I squatted down and spread your cheeks apart sliding in my tongue as deep as I could. “Fuck yeah, get in there.” Then, I used my tongue to travel up and down your crack while my fingers played with your hole.
I could hear slurping sounds from the friction of your hand moving up and down your cock, covered in my saliva. You aggressively stroked your dick while I rimmed you.
I heard the game start up again. You push your legs and feet back down, and your veiny cock springs up. It was harder than I had seen before.
I continue working on your dick. At one point your team scores a touchdown. You get so excited you thrust into me shoving your entire dick down my throat without warning. You then held my head and repeatedly thrust in me accenting each word with a thrust “you’re” thrust, “mouth,” thrust, “feels” thrust, “so good!” Thrust then you held my face down till I started gagging.
You sit back down. You held your dick up with your left hand while I continued to suck. On my way down I noticed you were wearing your wedding band. I thought it was hot. I abandoned your dick for a moment and grabbed your hand. I placed my tongue under your finger and slowly sucked downwards till my lips reached your ring. I looked up at you. Your eyes were wide open looking at the ring and your mouth had dropped. So I did it again.
You have now stopped watching the game. This move must have sent chills up your spine. You quickly stand up. I’m thinking you’re wanting to stop when you put one foot on the couch, hold my head in place as you begin to plunge your cock back down my warm wet throat.
My cheeks were hollowed with the force of the suction. I sucked on you with a mission and that was completely emptying your balls. My lips held on to your shaft forcefully sucking as if I was going to extract your soul from your pee slit.
“I’m going to cum” you whispered. “Oh fuck I’m going to cum!!!” You repeatedly warned me. I didn’t let down. I sucked even harder. Your cock released watery hot cum. I made sure to suck extra hard as if it was a hot summer day in Texas and your cock was the straw I was slurping from that was going to quench my thirst.
You collapse on your sofa trying to catch your breathing. I started gathering my stuff when you asked “where are you going? The game isn’t over.”
submitted by PunkPrincess_02 to ElPasoWhores1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 12:58 nyquillstan I'm a bit confused

Hello! I am not ex-Muslim and I am a white girl so if you want to stop reading I can understand as I am probably ( definitely ) not the main demographic. I am a little perplexed tho.
Two of my somewhat closer friends are Muslim girls — one has, for as long as I have known her, worn a hijab and the other has started wearing it in the past year. They are both very involved in their Islamic communities here ( we live in Canada ).
The one who has been wearing it more recently has always seemed to participate in a way that was motivated more by fear. I remember that during our 9th-grade graduation thing, she wore a long-sleeved dress that went just above the ankle (no hijab at the time). When our other friend posted a group photo on Instagram her older sibling ended up seeing it and threatened to show their father if the photo wasn't taken down. Throughout the years more things like this have happened often involving her sibling. I feel very sad for her, and along with all of that, she seems very sad herself. She plans on eventually moving to a country in the middle east. I don't know for sure but sometimes I wonder if the reason she is so strongly involved is because she doesn't want to lose the only connection she has to her community as it's only her immediate family here.
The other girl I know seems much more comfortable with her situation. She has a lot more family here and I don't think that her relationship with Islam is related to a feeling of shame. I will say though she spends a lot of money on it. She told me that she went to an event where the ticket was $300🤔 I don't know about you but to me, that's a lot of money. Why is that? She also has been helping girls in younger grades convert. I don't know if I am out of line with this but I find that strange. Mostly because it's usually a secret that they have to keep from their parents. The Mormon or Catholic school kids I know have never converted anyone to my knowledge so it caught me off guard.
I also have an ex who I am still very close with who is exmuslim. He doesn't like to talk about it but when it did come up he called Islam very hypocritical. His very religious parents abused him verbally as well as physically, they had also kicked him out. He called very religious people high and mighty. Of course, this stuff has affected him a lot and I believe his temper is the way it is because of that. I love him so much I wish I could fix everything that had happened to him, he is very depressed.
While I was writing this I remembered another thing that happened to another girl I know that I won't mention that.
Anyways, I doubt that for people on this sub these are unusual stories or barely extreme but I guess what I am wondering is: Why isn't Islam allowed to be criticized? I don't believe that Islam is an overall bad thing but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be criticized the same way as perhaps Christianity. It seems very oppressive in many ways but it's probably not spoken about due to anxiousness about being called Islamophobic. I will say this is probably not a good time to start more critical speech about it. I guess I know my answer but maybe what I could say is there are people who are hearing you and are willing to support you. I don't get the absolute chokehold this religion has on girls. Well sending lots of love :)
I understand this is from a very western perspective
LSS: I know a lot of Muslims who are either trying to convert people or have negative experiences with it or both. Why is nobody allowed to say anything????
submitted by nyquillstan to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:34 permanentthrowaway87 Almost made it all the way through high school without breaking something

Almost made it all the way through high school without breaking something
I was in a nice little nature spot and while I was stepping over a log, My foot slid out at an awkward angle and I managed to dislocate my ankle and break my fibula. It didn't hurt. Nearly as much as I imagined a broken bone would feel, It mostly felt like a 5 out of 10 pain, but because I was freaking out and having a panic attack it felt a lot worse. I'm getting a surgery tomorrow I think.
The X-ray machine operator was nice enough to take a photo of the screen for me after they put on the temporary cast.
The coolest thing is that I was recording myself when I fell. I'm still a bit out of it from the pain medication so I can't really tell but I might have caught the pop or crack on the mic. Or both. I was doing a little tour of this little island in between two knee deep rivers. The poor 911lady probably thought I was dying. I remember I told her " I'm not dying or anything, I promise I'm not dying, I just broke my ankle and it hurts really bad and I need medical help"
I had to drag myself through a lot of mud to get to where I could be seen by EMS. I'm a bit sad that I might have ruined my favorite sweater, less sad about how my pants are ruined since they were shitty sweatpants anyway. It's going to suck being covered in dried mud for the foreseeable future
submitted by permanentthrowaway87 to XRayPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:32 Careless-Subject-374 Does anyone have recommendations for affordable dresses.

I'm new here I've been dresses more modestly over the past year like wearing wigs to cover my hair that's why its not shown in the photo and I only have 3 below the ankle dresses but their all heavy material that I can't wear during the summer does anyone have any recommendations on affordable dresses/skirts that are ankle length without one of those slits in the side I'm average high 5,6/168cm
submitted by Careless-Subject-374 to ModestDress [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:40 permanentthrowaway87 Damn I almost made it through the entirety of school without breaking something

Just broke my ankle 14 days before graduation. Would post a photo of reddit let me 💀
submitted by permanentthrowaway87 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:01 injuryviews Looking for lacrosse players/athletes with experience on crutches

Looking for lacrosse players/athletes with experience on crutches
Hey all! Hope it's ok to post this here. I'm looking for athletes who have experience on crutches to help out with a paid project. You'd essentially be going over fit and how to use them, so it would be pretty simple. Attached I have the details! Please contact me on here or my Instragram page injuryviews
submitted by injuryviews to lacrosse [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:45 injuryviews Looking for athletes with experience on crutches for a small project

Hey all! Hope it's ok to post this here. I'm looking for athletes who have experience on crutches to help out with a paid project. You'd essentially be going over fit and how to use them, so it would be pretty simple. Attached I have the details! Please contact me on here or my Instragram page injuryviews
submitted by injuryviews to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:36 BackSlashUpperCut My Retro Destro’s legs…

My Retro Destro’s legs…
Just nabbed me Retro Destro and is it just me or does his lower legs (knees to ankle) look off to you? Like they should swap sides?! Or is it just me and they are sitting funny in the blister pack…
If you have this figure and experience with it, I’d love to hear from you!
*also he’s necklace is sitting in his mouth. Not a biggie, just thought it was funny. (no photo of that ha!)
submitted by BackSlashUpperCut to GIJOEClassifiedSeries [link] [comments]