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Como transformar foto em desenho com adobe photoshop

2024.05.14 03:24 caricaturaedesenho Como transformar foto em desenho com adobe photoshop

Transformar uma foto em desenho com o Adobe Photoshop oferece uma série de benefícios interessantes para aqueles que desejam explorar a criatividade visual e dar um toque artístico às suas imagens. Aqui estão alguns benefícios:
  1. Expressão artística: Converter uma foto em desenho permite expressar sua criatividade de maneiras diferentes, adicionando um estilo artístico único às suas imagens.
  2. Personalização: Você pode personalizar o estilo do desenho de acordo com suas preferências, ajustando parâmetros como linhas, sombras e texturas para criar um resultado que se adeque ao seu gosto.
  3. Destaque de detalhes: A conversão para desenho pode destacar detalhes específicos da foto de uma maneira que não seria possível com a imagem original, tornando certos elementos mais proeminentes e interessantes.
  4. Apelo visual: Desenhos muitas vezes têm um apelo visual único que pode atrair a atenção do espectador de uma forma diferente das fotografias tradicionais, adicionando um elemento de interesse e surpresa.
  5. Uso em diversas mídias: Os desenhos resultantes podem ser usados em uma variedade de contextos, desde redes sociais e blogs até impressões para decoração ou criação de materiais de marketing.
Desperte sua criatividade e dê vida a suas imagens com o Adobe Photoshop! Entre em contato conosco agora para aprender como transformar suas fotos em desenhos incríveis e surpreenda-se com os resultados.
submitted by caricaturaedesenho to meudesenho [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:14 EuMartinFerreira Um Guia Abrangente sobre Ferramentas de Criação e Edição de Conteúdo para Todos os Perfis

No mundo digital de hoje, o conteúdo é rei. Se você deseja se destacar online, precisa criar conteúdo de alta qualidade que seja informativo, envolvente e visualmente atraente. Mas, com tantas ferramentas disponíveis no mercado, escolher as melhores opções pode ser um desafio.
Neste guia completo, vamos explorar as principais ferramentas para criação e edição de conteúdo, divididas em categorias e com opções para todos os níveis de conhecimento e orçamento.

Ferramentas de Escrita:

Ferramentas de Edição de Imagens:

Ferramentas de Edição de Vídeos:

Ferramentas de Gerenciamento de Conteúdo:

Ferramentas de Pesquisa de Palavras-chave:

Dicas para Escolher as Ferramentas Ideais:

Com tantas ferramentas disponíveis no mercado, é fácil se sentir sobrecarregado. Mas, ao avaliar suas necessidades, definir seu orçamento e experimentar diferentes opções, você poderá encontrar as ferramentas ideais para criar conteúdo incrível e se destacar online. Lembre-se, a melhor ferramenta é aquela que você se sente confortável usando e que te ajuda a produzir conteúdo de alta qualidade que engaje o seu público.
Para levar adiante:
Esperamos que este guia tenha te ajudado a entender melhor as ferramentas disponíveis para criação e edição de conteúdo. Agora é hora de colocá-las em prática e começar a criar conteúdo incrível!
submitted by EuMartinFerreira to RedesSociais [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:16 BrunoXande O que faço? Design gráfico

Recentemente me encontrei num beco sem saída quanto ao design gráfico, até que vi alguns posts sobre aqui na comunidade e decidi me expressar também.
Eu terminei o ensino médio a um ano e quero seguir a carreira de design gráfico, estou fazendo faculdade e ainda para me aprimorar faço um curso que ensina a prática dos softwares da Adobe, mas não consegui oportunidades no mercado de trabalho e me encontro sem emprego.
Será que realmente vale apena insistir no Design Gráfico? Ainda acho meus projetos amadores e não me vejo ganhando valores como 5K ou mais que isso, deveria insistir na área ou ir atrás de outra profissão?
E se eu continuar no design, como posso me aprimorar? Tentar algum curso de UX Design ou algo parecido? Quem puder me ajudar, já agradeço!
submitted by BrunoXande to conselhodecarreira [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:23 Top-Distribution1430 [HIRING] Short-Form & Long-Form Full-Time Video Editors Wanted

Short-Form & Long-Form Full-Time Video Editors Wanted
Company Overview: Join our exciting team at BuckBoysTV, a thriving YouTube channel dedicated to delivering engaging and entertaining content to our audience. We are passionate about creating captivating videos that inspire, educate, and entertain viewers worldwide. If you have a love for video editing and a knack for storytelling, we want you to be part of our team!
Position Overview: We are currently seeking talented Short-Form & Long-Form Video Editors to join our team. As a Video Editor, you will have the opportunity to work on a variety of video projects, including YouTube Videos, TikToks, Instagram Reels, and more. You will play a key role in shaping the narrative, enhancing visual appeal, and ensuring the overall quality of our content.
Why Join Us:
How to Apply: If you are a talented video editor with a passion for YouTube content creation, we want to hear from you! If you'd like to discuss how to follow up on a job offer or any other topic privately, feel free to send me a direct message, and we can chat one-on-one.
submitted by Top-Distribution1430 to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:13 Top-Distribution1430 Short-Form & Long-Form Full-Time

Short-Form & Long-Form Full-Time Video Editors Wanted
Company Overview: Join our exciting team at BuckBoysTV, a thriving YouTube channel dedicated to delivering engaging and entertaining content to our audience. We are passionate about creating captivating videos that inspire, educate, and entertain viewers worldwide. If you have a love for video editing and a knack for storytelling, we want you to be part of our team!
Position Overview: We are currently seeking talented Short-Form & Long-Form Video Editors to join our team. As a Video Editor, you will have the opportunity to work on a variety of video projects, including YouTube Videos, TikToks, Instagram Reels, and more. You will play a key role in shaping the narrative, enhancing visual appeal, and ensuring the overall quality of our content.
Why Join Us:
How to Apply: If you are a talented video editor with a passion for YouTube content creation, we want to hear from you! If you'd like to discuss how to follow up on a job offer or any other topic privately, feel free to send me a direct message, and we can chat one-on-one.
BuckBoysTV is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We encourage applications from all qualified individuals.
Thank you for considering BuckBoysTV. We look forward to reviewing your application and potentially welcoming you to our team!
submitted by Top-Distribution1430 to torontoJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:41 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 13 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 13 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:41 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 13 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 13 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:20 myreddit333 KINews Update Montag 13.5.2024

Apple bald mit ChatGPT als bessere Siri?
Künstliche Intelligenz revolutioniert die Telekommunikationsbranche
NVIDIA AI-Agents die Zukunft der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Google DeepMind Künstliche Intelligenz: Was steckt hinter der Faszination?
OpenAI COO Lightcap prophezeit: Die wahre Ära der KI beginnt jetzt
AIFF – Künstliche Intelligenz im Kino
Oxford THRONE – Erkennt Fehler von Sprachmodellen und Halluzinationen
KnowHalu – Neue Methode erkennt Halluzination in KI-generierten Texten
Tsinghua-Universität ADELIET: Bessere Informationen für Menschen
Game Development mit Künstlicher Intelligenz mit neuer Forschung
Anthropic veröffentlicht Prompt Engineering Tool
IBMs Granite Code schlägt alle Open-Source-Code-Modelle – Novum bei IBM
Kontroverse um Adobe-Werbung: „Skip the Photoshoot“ sorgt für Unmut
KNews24 – AI-Science-Update April
  1. Microsoft GeckOpt optimiert die Ressourcennutzung in Sprachmodellen und senkt die Betriebskosten erheblich.
  2. Google DeepMind NExT verbessert das Verständnis von Programmcode durch Sprachmodelle und erleichtert das Finden und Beheben von Fehlern.
  3. Neural Flow Diffusion Models (NFDM) erzielen Spitzenwerte bei der Dichteschätzung und erweitern die Möglichkeiten des generativen Lernens.
  4. Adobe VideoGigaGAN ermöglicht eine beeindruckende Verbesserung der Videoauflösung ohne sichtbare Artefakte.
  5. Profluent hat mit KI-generierten Gen-Editoren erfolgreich menschliche DNA editiert und damit neue Möglichkeiten in der Genforschung eröffnet.
  6. Apple OpenELM gibt einen Ausblick auf leistungsfähige On-Device-KI in zukünftigen iOS-Versionen.
  7. DPO optimiert Sprachmodelle durch direkte Präferenzoptimierung und ermöglicht feinere Anpassungen und bessere Ergebnisse.
  8. TriForce von Meta kombiniert effiziente Modelle und Caching-Techniken, um die Verarbeitung langer Texte zu beschleunigen.
  9. AgentKit ermöglicht die Erstellung von KI-Agenten ohne Programmierkenntnisse durch natürlichsprachliche Prompts.
  10. Amazon CoT-Forschung nutzt kleine und große Sprachmodelle zur Optimierung von Aufgabenbearbeitungen.
  11. Infini-attention ermöglicht es Transformern, unbegrenzt lange Texte zu verarbeiten und reduziert den Speicherbedarf.
  12. Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass KI-Systeme aufgrund ihrer Analysefähigkeit und Neutralität emotionale Hinweise besser erkennen können als Menschen.
  13. Amazon Chronos ist ein leistungsstarkes KI-Framework für präzise Zeitreihenprognosen in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.
submitted by myreddit333 to KI_Welt [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:13 SonicnParappa2287 drake

drake submitted by SonicnParappa2287 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:47 No_Meet2050 Don't trust these scam Adobe Crack video

Don't trust these scam Adobe Crack video
I want to warn you about fake Adobe Products Pro links on YouTube. These links are Trojan viruses disguised as legitimate software. If you download them, hackers can take over your computer remotely, gaining access to your personal information. Never turn off Windows Defender as suggested in these videos; it's like inviting a stranger into your home. Instead, consider using legitimate software like DaVinci Resolve Studio, a one-time purchase used by professional studios. Don't fall for these scams; stay safe online!
submitted by No_Meet2050 to CrackSoftwareDownlaod [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:41 No_Meet2050 Don’t trust these scam Adobe Crack video

Don’t trust these scam Adobe Crack video
I want to warn you about fake Adobe Products Pro links on YouTube. These links are Trojan viruses disguised as legitimate software. If you download them, hackers can take over your computer remotely, gaining access to your personal information. Never turn off Windows Defender as suggested in these videos; it's like inviting a stranger into your home. Instead, consider using legitimate software like DaVinci Resolve Studio, a one-time purchase used by professional studios. Don't fall for these scams; stay safe online!
submitted by No_Meet2050 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:19 ZillionTab Qual o melhor formato para se salvar fotos RAW após o tratamento?

Olá pessoal do sub, Guilherme Taborda - fotógrafo freelancer iniciante atuante em Porto Alegre - RS e região - postando aqui novamente, desta vez com uma dúvida.
Queria perguntar pro pessoal mais experiente daqui qual o melhor formato de arquivo a se salvar fotos RAW após tratá-las? Sempre procuro salvar duas cópias de cada foto pós-tratamento - uma em PNG com o mínimo possível de compressão e uma em JPG padrão (8-bit) com configurações normais -, mas gostaria de perguntar se há algum formato de arquivo "fora da curva" que encontre o entremeio perfeito entre esses dois formatos e que seja aceito pela maioria dos sites, programas e serviços de fotografia (principalmente o Reddit, o Instagram e o Flickr).
Aproveitando esse post, queria perguntar também qual o melhor perfil de cores a se salvar as fotografias que trato. Sob recomendação dos professores da minha faculdade (sim, ainda estou na faculdade), sempre salvo-as em Adobe RGB, mas como tenho um desgosto/pé atrás por tudo que seja da Adobe (questão de ética), queria saber se há alguma alternativa open-source a este que não seja o sRGB, que percebi que "estraga" muitos dos meus ajustes mais finos em certas fotografias.
Se é de ajuda, eu uso o Darktable para tratar minhas fotos RAW.
submitted by ZillionTab to fotografiaBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:26 Salt-Culture3088 Keying Multiple Vertical Video Clips

I've got two vertical video clips, greenscreened. I keyed them both to remove the background, then placed one clip above the other, offsetting them so that I could see them both in the preview window.
The trouble is, each clip has a hard mask along the right and left side (it's vertical video), so if I put one timeline on screen left, and the other on screen right, I can only see one of them, the other is obscured by... nothingness? Can't see the background clip either.
I tried creating a vertical timeline (to match clip) for the first clip, keyed it, and applied an alpha output. Looks good. I did the same for the second clip, also on its own timeline. I then took both those timelines, and placed them on a new horizontal timeline. IOW, the two keyed clips are nested, using adobe language. I have a third clip on the bottom, a generic background.
The same problem ensued.
I'm sure it's a question of how the alpha transparency passes down from the original clip timeline, but can't figure out the setting. Any suggestions?
In Premiere pro, I could have both clips on one timeline, apply a colour key, done. Something weird going on in Resolve to achieve this?
I'm working with DaVinci Resolve 18.6 in Windows 10.
submitted by Salt-Culture3088 to davinciresolve [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:10 ssaajjkkoo Revolut - Da li mi je potreban

Pozdrav, trenutno sam u Hrvatskoj i razmišljam kako prevariti sistem da napokon uspijem sebi uplatiti Adobe Lightroom paket. Inače sam iz Crne Gore i kod nas je trenutno nemoguće kupiti samo taj jedan program i da ga platim ispod 50€.
Ako bih otvorio nalog na ovaj Revolut na Hrvatsku adresu, sa virtuelnom visa ili mastercard karticom da li bih mogao da sa mog crnogorskog mastercard računa prebacim novac na tu virtuelnu karticu i platim traženi Adobe servis?
I tačnije da li je taj Revoult uopšte suguran za korištenje sobzirom da nikada nisam čuo za njega?
Edit: Traži mi lični dokument za registraciju. Da li postoji ikakav način da mogu napraviti hrvatsku platnu karticu a da mi ne trebaju njihovi dokumenti i da je mogu online dopunjavati?
submitted by ssaajjkkoo to finansije [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:49 damon016 THE INSTA360 X4 IS JUST BAD.

So did a review for Best Buy, figured I’d share for those they have no clue.
Sure, it will trigger fanbois, cool… I have a block button. Really don’t care. And unless you have footage that you took, with the x4, in raw format.. sit down. You have no skin in the game. So, this camera has a lot of issues that people need to be aware of. None of which were explained by insta or its influencers. No gps, no watch support, nope.
  1. It’s not true 8k and despite that being across a sphere the quality should be really good. It’s not. All the footage looks like bad 5.7k footage upscaled. And it’s not good unfortunately. I did really want to like the camera.
  2. When these people claim this is super clear resolution, they do NOT explain it’s just over sharpened footage. When you watch videos online they are super fast, all very well lit, but nothing zoomed in so you can see how bad the footage is. It’s bad. Do not attempt low light type footage. Nope nope nope.
  3. The artifacts in the video are awful. Move in just a tiny bit on any part of footage and you can see the artifacts and bad focus issues. The image drastically breaks down.
  4. Ah the focus issues, they are bad. With and without screen protectors. Nothing fixes it. Since they used the same bad lenses from the x3 then upscaled it with this supposed game changing chip, you just get bad footage upscaled and really blurry. Center is okay but 10% outside of that, and it’s just bad.
  5. Color banding IS a thing. And it’s really bad on this camera. Worse than the x3 and 1rs.
  6. App support. You cannot export 8k on a phone or an iPad. They don’t tell you that.
  7. You cannot use the GPX data on a video that is not reframed. So if you have a Spherical video that needs that data on it. You cannot do it.
  8. You cannot use this as a dash cam. You can use the GoPro as a dash cam but you do not want to use this camera as such. The video quality is bad during the daytime. You can’t grab a tag number if you wanted to. After three or four in the afternoon when the sun is starting to set, it gets way worse. There’s no starvis 2 sensor or anything like that on this camera
  9. On their desktop app, you can export insv files to mp4 w logo etc. HOWEVER, if you want to keep the spherical video, you’re not able to edit that with music and text and keep the sphere. You can only reframe flat video to 2.7k in their app. Only way to edit their footage and keep a sphere is to use daVinci resolve (big learning curve) or use adobe premiere (expensive and more learning curves).
This is not a good camera. If you want to see examples please look up TappedOutTravel on youtube or look for my dropbox folder here on reddie. I have prores422 edited files there (youtube) and out of camera footage on dropbox.
Lastly, footage out of camera in raw format is bad (RAW meaning out or camera unedited, other than whatever bull *** upscaling the x4 does) which is bad..
Has nothing to do with YouTube compression. Bad is bad.. and if there is no headroom “ie really good out of camera” then you’re just going to get bad output going forward. Garbage in garbage out.
And unlike 90% of those acting like they own the x4, I actually do. And unlike those same people, I’ve shared raw footage with people since the day the camera was available here. People talk the talk but can’t walk the walk.
submitted by damon016 to Insta360x4isBad [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:27 Dimkeey Hire your video editor today! Make your videos look professional with me!

Greetings! I'm Dušan, a dedicated full-time video and photo editor eagerly seeking both short-term and long-term opportunities. With over 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in crafting engaging short-form videos tailored for social media platforms, although I'm versatile enough to tackle various other editing projects with equal finesse.
In the realm of photo editing, my expertise lies in proficiently manipulating images using Lightroom, having meticulously edited over 5000 photos to date. Similarly, I've honed my video editing skills through handling a diverse array of projects, including gaming content, vlogs, real estate promotions, and more.
My proficiency ratings stand as follows:
Lightroom: 5 out of 5
Adobe Premiere: 4.7 out of 5
DaVinci Resolve: 4 out of 5
Curious about my rates? I charge $15 per hour or per video/short/reel, although I'm always open to negotiation to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.
For a glimpse of my work, feel free to peruse the following links:
Photography Portfolio: https://www.eyeem.comdusandinic/photos
Video Editing Showcase:
Shorts/Reels Example:
Gaming Content:
Short Ads Content: /
Additionally, I've worked extensively on reels and TikToks, although this content remains private due to client confidentiality.
For further inquiries or to view more examples of my work, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Discord or DM on Reddit. You can find me under the tag: .dusan.
I look forward to potentially collaborating with you and bringing your creative visions to life!
submitted by Dimkeey to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:26 Dimkeey Hire your video editor today! Make your videos look professional with me!

Greetings! I'm Dušan, a dedicated full-time video and photo editor eagerly seeking both short-term and long-term opportunities. With over 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in crafting engaging short-form videos tailored for social media platforms, although I'm versatile enough to tackle various other editing projects with equal finesse.
In the realm of photo editing, my expertise lies in proficiently manipulating images using Lightroom, having meticulously edited over 5000 photos to date. Similarly, I've honed my video editing skills through handling a diverse array of projects, including gaming content, vlogs, real estate promotions, and more.
My proficiency ratings stand as follows:
Lightroom: 5 out of 5
Adobe Premiere: 4.7 out of 5
DaVinci Resolve: 4 out of 5
Curious about my rates? I charge $15 per hour or per video/short/reel, although I'm always open to negotiation to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.
For a glimpse of my work, feel free to peruse the following links:
Photography Portfolio: https://www.eyeem.comdusandinic/photos
Video Editing Showcase:
Shorts/Reels Example:
Gaming Content:
Short Ads Content: /
Additionally, I've worked extensively on reels and TikToks, although this content remains private due to client confidentiality.
For further inquiries or to view more examples of my work, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Discord or DM on Reddit. You can find me under the tag: .dusan.
I look forward to potentially collaborating with you and bringing your creative visions to life!
submitted by Dimkeey to HireAnEditor [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:26 Dimkeey Hire your video editor today! Make your videos look professional with me!

Greetings! I'm Dušan, a dedicated full-time video and photo editor eagerly seeking both short-term and long-term opportunities. With over 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in crafting engaging short-form videos tailored for social media platforms, although I'm versatile enough to tackle various other editing projects with equal finesse.
In the realm of photo editing, my expertise lies in proficiently manipulating images using Lightroom, having meticulously edited over 5000 photos to date. Similarly, I've honed my video editing skills through handling a diverse array of projects, including gaming content, vlogs, real estate promotions, and more.
My proficiency ratings stand as follows:
Lightroom: 5 out of 5
Adobe Premiere: 4.7 out of 5
DaVinci Resolve: 4 out of 5
Curious about my rates? I charge $15 per hour or per video/short/reel, although I'm always open to negotiation to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.
For a glimpse of my work, feel free to peruse the following links:
Photography Portfolio: https://www.eyeem.comdusandinic/photos
Video Editing Showcase:
Shorts/Reels Example:
Gaming Content:
Short Ads Content: /
Additionally, I've worked extensively on reels and TikToks, although this content remains private due to client confidentiality.
For further inquiries or to view more examples of my work, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Discord or DM on Reddit. You can find me under the tag: .dusan.
I look forward to potentially collaborating with you and bringing your creative visions to life!
submitted by Dimkeey to CreatorServices [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:26 Dimkeey Hire your video editor today! Make your videos look professional with me!

Greetings! I'm Dušan, a dedicated full-time video and photo editor eagerly seeking both short-term and long-term opportunities. With over 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in crafting engaging short-form videos tailored for social media platforms, although I'm versatile enough to tackle various other editing projects with equal finesse.
In the realm of photo editing, my expertise lies in proficiently manipulating images using Lightroom, having meticulously edited over 5000 photos to date. Similarly, I've honed my video editing skills through handling a diverse array of projects, including gaming content, vlogs, real estate promotions, and more.
My proficiency ratings stand as follows:
Lightroom: 5 out of 5
Adobe Premiere: 4.7 out of 5
DaVinci Resolve: 4 out of 5
Curious about my rates? I charge $15 per hour or per video/short/reel, although I'm always open to negotiation to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.
For a glimpse of my work, feel free to peruse the following links:
Photography Portfolio: https://www.eyeem.comdusandinic/photos
Video Editing Showcase:
Shorts/Reels Example:
Gaming Content:
Short Ads Content: /
Additionally, I've worked extensively on reels and TikToks, although this content remains private due to client confidentiality.
For further inquiries or to view more examples of my work, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Discord or DM on Reddit. You can find me under the tag: .dusan.
I look forward to potentially collaborating with you and bringing your creative visions to life!
submitted by Dimkeey to JobFair [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:25 Dimkeey Hire your video editor today! Make your videos look professional with me!

Greetings! I'm Dušan, a dedicated full-time video and photo editor eagerly seeking both short-term and long-term opportunities. With over 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in crafting engaging short-form videos tailored for social media platforms, although I'm versatile enough to tackle various other editing projects with equal finesse.
In the realm of photo editing, my expertise lies in proficiently manipulating images using Lightroom, having meticulously edited over 5000 photos to date. Similarly, I've honed my video editing skills through handling a diverse array of projects, including gaming content, vlogs, real estate promotions, and more.
My proficiency ratings stand as follows:
Lightroom: 5 out of 5
Adobe Premiere: 4.7 out of 5
DaVinci Resolve: 4 out of 5
Curious about my rates? I charge $15 per hour or per video/short/reel, although I'm always open to negotiation to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.
For a glimpse of my work, feel free to peruse the following links:
Photography Portfolio: https://www.eyeem.comdusandinic/photos
Video Editing Showcase:
Shorts/Reels Example:
Gaming Content:
Short Ads Content: /
Additionally, I've worked extensively on reels and TikToks, although this content remains private due to client confidentiality.
For further inquiries or to view more examples of my work, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Discord or DM on Reddit. You can find me under the tag: .dusan.
I look forward to potentially collaborating with you and bringing your creative visions to life!
submitted by Dimkeey to YouTubeEditorsForHire [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:25 Dimkeey Hire your video editor today! Make your videos look professional with me!

Greetings! I'm Dušan, a dedicated full-time video and photo editor eagerly seeking both short-term and long-term opportunities. With over 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in crafting engaging short-form videos tailored for social media platforms, although I'm versatile enough to tackle various other editing projects with equal finesse.
In the realm of photo editing, my expertise lies in proficiently manipulating images using Lightroom, having meticulously edited over 5000 photos to date. Similarly, I've honed my video editing skills through handling a diverse array of projects, including gaming content, vlogs, real estate promotions, and more.
My proficiency ratings stand as follows:
Lightroom: 5 out of 5
Adobe Premiere: 4.7 out of 5
DaVinci Resolve: 4 out of 5
Curious about my rates? I charge $15 per hour or per video/short/reel, although I'm always open to negotiation to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.
For a glimpse of my work, feel free to peruse the following links:
Photography Portfolio: https://www.eyeem.comdusandinic/photos
Video Editing Showcase:
Shorts/Reels Example:
Gaming Content:
Short Ads Content: /
Additionally, I've worked extensively on reels and TikToks, although this content remains private due to client confidentiality.
For further inquiries or to view more examples of my work, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Discord or DM on Reddit. You can find me under the tag: .dusan.
I look forward to potentially collaborating with you and bringing your creative visions to life!
submitted by Dimkeey to forhire2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:53 Fancy_Compote6541 Everyone with 1 life (As of EWOW 2B) Part 2

Once again, let me know if you're here!
S1=Season 1 Contestant
A draw-er
A Duck
A EWOW contestant
a fridge
A Funky Book
A Generic animator
A hylian
A Late Rat
A little kid
A lucky six KB
A Metallic Fruit
A name cooler...
A Nintendo Fan
A Normal Person
A Proud Eraser...
A Purply Dude
a random name
A Random Ruby
A rubber room...
A Silly Sketch...
a story from s...
A very small h...
A woke person...
A wonderful star
A.M. comics
Aarz Zarf
Abang Johan Je...
Abe is SUPER
abe the gay guy
Abeca Dash
Abhorent book
Abraca dabra
Acai in Soap
Acid Booket
Acid Eater
Acid Vomiter B...
Acid woman
ackewt angle
Adam GamesHD
Adam Stadium
Adam the acese...
Adequately ade...
Adobe Flash
Adurite Topaz...
Adventure toy...
Adventurous Dr...
AEY Animations
Afternoon Dark
Agent Kobe
AI Robot
AI Undertaker
Aiden Boi
Aiden Tube
Air Cloudy
air fryer
Air Horn
airy with brim
Aizee Gamer
AK Knocks
akidummy dum dum
Ale four !
alexlion0511 (S1)
Alexo el Random
Alfred the Ket...
Algerian Books...
Algobelt Official
Algodoo User
Alhaurin el Gr...
Alice Margatroid
Alienated Grunt...
Alistar The Great (That's not how you spell his name!)
Alix and Luca
almighty rats
Alpha da arson...
AlphaBet Noob
Alpha Fan1238
alt account lol
Aluminum steel...
Alvin The Champion
Amazing Mathman
Amo Bishop Roden
Amogus (Really...)
Among friend
AMR 21
An average person
An EWOWer Pers0n
An object fan
An Original Name
An Original User
Andra AB
Andy Carter
Angel Script
Angel was a po...
Angels moonlight
Angry Birds Re...
Animating Pains
Animation Expl...
Animator Braixen
AnimeLoverr :33
Announcer with Body
Annular eclipse (One actually did happen!)
Anonymous Mako
ansmg4fan (Me too!)
Antarctica Summer (AKA IRL Midnight Light)
So yeah, that's the next 250, giving us a total of 350!
I've got so many contestants to go...
I'll see you all next time!
submitted by Fancy_Compote6541 to tenwordsofwisdom [link] [comments]