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Reddit Trivia

2009.01.16 22:10 Reddit Trivia

Trivia quotes, facts, questions and other shenanigans.

2009.01.04 11:38 GED and High School Equivalency Information


2010.06.20 00:47 bbatsell FreeNAS (Notice: the r/freenas/ community has moved to r/truenas)

FreeNAS is now TrueNAS. For more information, use the navigation tabs on this sub and don't forget to join TrueNAS!

2024.05.15 16:33 Which-Ad6521 3 rounds of anti biotics failed. Resistant Chlamydia?

Had Chlamydia for a minimum of two years now.
First diagnosed 1 year ago. Took 7 days doxy. (I didn't retest, ignorance)
Retested this year and I'm still positive: I've done two rounds of doxy. 7 days followed by 14 days.
Then I did one 7 day round of Azithromycin soon after.
Tested positive 3 weeks after the first round of doxy.
And Tested positive 4 weeks after Azithromycin.
No traditional symtoms like dischage/burning/pain, but I have developed a very weak stream when peeing over the years. I'm 40 yrs old so thought maybe was due to age.
I think I'll visit a urologist tomorrow instead of clinic doc. Anyone experience this kind of thing? What can I do? Doxy side effects took a real toll on me so don't want to revisit it.
submitted by Which-Ad6521 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 Prestigious-Big4960 What should I expect?

Hey guys. I went to a DSP interview near Philly and am going to be working there as a DSP driver. I did my interview, passed background check and now I’ve been waiting on my drug test for about a day or two almost. What happens after I pass my test? And what are some tips that you guys have for a newbie? Thanks.
submitted by Prestigious-Big4960 to AmazonDSPDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 tempmailgenerator Resolving NuGet Gallery Server Email Dispatch Issues

Understanding NuGet Server Email Functionality

When managing a local NuGet Gallery server, one critical functionality often overlooked is its ability to communicate effectively through emails. This feature is pivotal for various operations, including account verification, package updates, and notifications. However, administrators frequently encounter challenges in configuring the server to send emails reliably. These issues can stem from a multitude of factors, ranging from incorrect SMTP server settings to network security policies blocking outbound emails. Understanding the nuances of these configurations and the common pitfalls can significantly impact the server's operational efficiency and the smooth dissemination of information to users.
Furthermore, troubleshooting email dispatch problems requires a comprehensive approach, starting with verifying the server's email settings, ensuring the correct SMTP server details, and testing connectivity. Additionally, it's essential to consider the security aspects, such as SSL/TLS encryption and authentication requirements, which can vary significantly between email providers. By addressing these issues systematically, administrators can enhance the reliability of email communication from their NuGet Gallery server, thereby improving the overall user experience and trust in the server's capabilities to manage package distributions effectively.
Command/Software Description
SMTP Configuration Setting up the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server details to enable email sending capabilities.
Network Policies Verification Ensuring that network policies do not block the SMTP traffic necessary for email dispatch.
SSL/TLS Setup Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt email communications.

Troubleshooting Email Dispatch in NuGet Gallery

Setting up a local NuGet Gallery server to send emails efficiently involves a comprehensive understanding of both the software configuration and the underlying network infrastructure. The process begins with configuring the SMTP server details within the NuGet Gallery's settings. This involves specifying the host, port, and authentication details required to establish a connection to the email server. However, the challenge doesn't end with configuration. Administrators must also ensure that the SMTP server is accessible from the server hosting the NuGet Gallery. This can involve modifying firewall settings or adjusting network policies to allow outbound SMTP traffic. Moreover, the importance of securing email communication cannot be overstated. Implementing SSL/TLS encryption ensures that sensitive information, such as passwords and package details, are not transmitted in plain text over the network.
Beyond technical configurations, understanding the operational aspects of the NuGet Gallery server's email functionality is crucial. This includes monitoring email delivery statuses and being proactive in identifying and resolving issues that may arise. For instance, emails may be marked as spam by recipients' email servers, leading to delivery failures. In such cases, server administrators might need to work with email service providers to whitelist their sending IP addresses or domain names. Additionally, maintaining updated documentation on the email configuration and troubleshooting steps is invaluable for ensuring that the server can reliably send notifications, alerts, and other communications essential for the smooth operation of a NuGet Gallery server.

Email Configuration for NuGet Gallery Server

Configuration in NuGet Gallery settings

Testing SMTP Connection

Using PowerShell for SMTP test
$smtpClient = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient('', 587) $smtpClient.EnableSsl = $true $smtpClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("yourUsername", "yourPassword") $smtpClient.Send("", "", "Test Subject", "Test Body") 

Enhancing Email Reliability in NuGet Gallery

Email integration in a NuGet Gallery server is pivotal for a range of functionalities, including user registration, package updates, and notification services. Ensuring the reliability of this feature demands attention to both software configurations and adherence to best email practices. The initial step involves correctly setting up the SMTP server details, which includes the server address, port, and the necessary credentials. This setup is crucial for the server's ability to send out emails. However, simply configuring these settings does not guarantee successful email delivery, as email servers and clients may have stringent rules to combat spam, which could affect the deliverability of emails from a newly configured server.
Moreover, the security of email transmissions is a significant concern that administrators must address. Utilizing SSL/TLS encryption for email communications is essential to protect sensitive information from being intercepted. Additionally, administrators should regularly monitor email logs for any failed delivery attempts, which can provide insights into potential issues with the email setup. Resolving these issues may require adjustments in the server's email configuration, negotiating with email service providers, or even changing the email sending strategy to ensure messages reach their intended recipients without being filtered out by spam filters or rejected by the recipient's email server.

Frequently Asked Questions on NuGet Gallery Email Issues

  1. Question: Why are emails from my NuGet Gallery server not being delivered?
  2. Answer: Delivery issues could be due to incorrect SMTP settings, emails being marked as spam, or network policies blocking SMTP traffic.
  3. Question: How do I configure SSL/TLS for email in NuGet Gallery?
  4. Answer: Enable SSL/TLS in the SMTP configuration settings of your NuGet Gallery server to secure email communications.
  5. Question: Can firewall settings affect email dispatch?
  6. Answer: Yes, firewall settings can block outbound SMTP traffic, preventing emails from being sent.
  7. Question: How can I test if my NuGet Gallery server's email functionality is working?
  8. Answer: Test by configuring the SMTP settings and sending a test email to verify if it is delivered successfully.
  9. Question: What should I do if emails are being marked as spam?
  10. Answer: Ensure your server is not on any blacklists, consider setting up SPF and DKIM records, and contact your ISP to whitelist your IP.
  11. Question: How do I update SMTP settings in NuGet Gallery?
  12. Answer: SMTP settings can be updated in the configuration files or through the administrative interface of the NuGet Gallery server.
  13. Question: What port should I use for SMTP?
  14. Answer: Typically, port 587 is used for SMTP with STARTTLS, while port 465 is for SMTPS (SMTP over SSL/TLS).
  15. Question: Why is it important to use SSL/TLS for email?
  16. Answer: SSL/TLS encrypts email content, protecting sensitive information during transmission over the internet.
  17. Question: How can I troubleshoot SMTP connection issues?
  18. Answer: Check your SMTP settings, ensure your server's IP is not blacklisted, and verify that there are no network or firewall restrictions.

Final Thoughts on Enhancing NuGet Gallery Email Deliverability

Mastering the art of email dispatch within the NuGet Gallery server environment is essential for maintaining a seamless operation and enhancing user engagement. The journey begins with a meticulous setup of SMTP configurations, ensuring secure transmission via SSL/TLS, and extends to navigating through the complexities of email deliverability and spam filters. The significance of these efforts cannot be understated, as they directly impact the trust and reliability users place in the NuGet Gallery server for package management and notifications. Moreover, the proactive approach in monitoring and troubleshooting email issues underscores the importance of a robust email strategy. It's not just about sending emails; it's about ensuring they reach their intended destination, fostering a reliable communication channel between the server and its users. In essence, the ability to efficiently manage email dispatch is a hallmark of a well-maintained NuGet Gallery server, pivotal for its success and the satisfaction of its user base.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 THELastUnNoWn My Experience with GPT-4o: More Flexible but Ethically Balanced

Hey everyone how's everyone doing?
I wanted to share some insights from my recent testing of GPT-4o, especially since I've been commenting about it here over the past few days. As a cybersecurity and AI researcher, I've had the chance to dive deep into this model, and I think there's some valuable information that might interest you all, please note this is not me fan Boying for open AI these are just my honest thoughts and observations condensed down to a reddit post because I've seen a lot of questions about the new open AI model and it's censorship, so here we go enjoy, and I hope that this information is informative.
A Shift in Flexibility: Compared to previous iterations, GPT-4o appears to offer more flexibility. While it still makes an effort to avoid NSFW content, it doesn't outright refuse to engage. For instance, if it initially declines a request, insisting on proceeding often gets it to comply. This seems like a significant shift from the more rigid refusals seen in earlier models.
Potential for More Freedom: Through my testing, it feels like OpenAI might be providing developers and users with a bit more freedom. This isn’t something officially confirmed, but it’s the direction things seem to be heading based on my experience. It makes the model more adaptable while still retaining a layer of ethical consideration.
Balanced Approach: Overall, I appreciate this nuanced approach. It offers greater flexibility for users and developers but doesn't completely abandon ethical safeguards. For me, this balance is crucial as it allows for a broader range of applications while still maintaining responsible use.
I'll continue to test GPT-4o and share further observations. I’m curious to hear what others think and if you've noticed similar trends. Cheers everyone have a great day!
submitted by THELastUnNoWn to SillyTavernAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 optimistic_9826 [Hire Me] A+ Writing Services, Affordable and Authentic Work!!

Hello everyone. If you are looking for a distinction, then you are in the right place. I'm Crystal, a professional tutor and a superb academic writer with years of experience in English literature, Sociology, Business, Psychology, Nursing, Law and Social Sciences.
For assistance, please send detailed instructions to
Email: [](
Discord: Highgradewriter#7788
What's app: +15203464074
My rate is from as low as $15 per page of quality work (Harvard / APA / MLA / OSCOLA, CHICAGO).
I graduated from Western Governors University with a bachelor's degree . I have gained progressive experience over the years in all types of Essays including admission Essays, Research Papers, Online Tests and Quizzes, Dissertations, Thesis Writing, Editing Services and Presentations. To ensure quality services, I review and check tasks at hand through Turnitin, Plag Scan and Grammarly elucidating authentic and unprecedented work.
To guarantee quality work, make payment only when satisfied with job order and have ensured all instructions are followed.
Please refer to my profile for sample work and a copy of my curriculum vitae(CV)
Long-Term partnership and reliability is guaranteed.
Thank you for your time.
Stay safe!
submitted by optimistic_9826 to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 Necessary_Seaweed998 Am I (accidentally) falsely self employed? And if so… what can I do about it?

Just want to preface by saying : I know I have made many mistakes here, please keep in mind that I am used to working on zero hours contracts and I know I was very naive and stupid going into this job.
I recently started a new part time position as a group fitness instructor. I had been a client of the business I now work for, and they approached me to ask if I would apply as they thought I would make a good candidate. I am a self funded post grad student, so I jumped at the chance to earn some extra money through my hobby. In the interview I was told that if I got the job I would be hired as an independent contractor so I would have to cover my own tax, insurance and training - which sounded pretty unfair but I wanted to do the job and figured it couldn’t cost that much. I also had no idea what it meant to be an independent contractor as I have never been self-employed! I was offered the position and accepted, signing a contract that was sent to me by the business - which included the set rate that they would pay for teaching classes. I didn’t question the content of the contract at the time as it seemed similar to other zero hours contracts I had been in before with set rates for work completed- and again- I did not know what it meant to be self employed.
During my training period I noticed some issues with these rates - it seemed that instructors were really only being paid for half the work that they were doing. The contract also required instructors to transport the equipment required for classes in different venues and would be responsible and liable for any damage that occurred to it - but we do not use our own equipment - it’s the businesses. I did some googling which led me to the HMRC CEST test - which said that I was employed based on the information I put in. So I did some more googling and the more I look into it the more it seems like I am not self - employed , although I was told I am. I have to deal with all the monetary implications of an independent contractor with none of the freedom. I do not have my own business, nor do I want one!
Stipulations of my contract prevent me from freely working as an instructor with competitors of the business or advertising my services to anyone outside of the business during the contract or after its termination without their permission, I am not supposed to stray from a teaching format that they provide and they claim class formats or innovations that instructors make for their classes as the businesses intellectual property. I work at venues that they decide on and at hours dictated by the class schedule. As far as I can tell, these stipulations all contradict the criteria for independent contractors - I feel like an employee of the business! I really enjoy the actual work but it’s losing me money and time that I should be dedicating to my degree.
I dont want to take legal action against my employer and I do want to keep instructing but I also believe this contract is ridiculous, I want to be able fight some of this and be paid fairly for the amount of labour I am putting in! So I want to know - is this contract legally binding given that it states I am an independent contractor but contradicts itself with its terms? Could I be persecuted for going against it? Could I be persecuted for false self - employment?? Any advice as to how I should proceed would be much appreciated!
submitted by Necessary_Seaweed998 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 Ill_Orange_9054 Personality tests for jobs

I’ve applied for a number of jobs and internships over the years that have included a personality test. I don’t always do the best on these tests I try to answer the questions in the manner they want but I still don’t do very well.
As personality tests are becoming more and more popular amongst employers I worry those of us who are neurodivergent and have personality disorders will find it harder and harder to be employed.
Often the personality tests are before the interview therefore I don’t feel we get a chance to show employers our strengths.
Happy to hear any other views or experiences on this matter 😊 Thank you
submitted by Ill_Orange_9054 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 mysecret52 My friend said this was misleading and I feel bad. I (25F) keep regretting that I didn't tell him (28M) my boundaries in advance because I have a hard time finding dates and I feel like I messed up a good thing

I need help letting this go. Long story short - I (25F) was on a 3rd date with a guy (28M) and I was drunk and we kissed for the first time that night and I invited him up to my place because I wanted to kiss him more. I wasn't thinking about sex cuz I was dumb and drunk (I even had to throw up a little bit after we got to my place), so I had to stop us in the middle of doing stuff to say no to sex and I explained to him my boundaries (I wait till I'm in a relationship to have sex and I'd need him to get an STD test for oral sex).
After this, we talked about other normal stuff in between. We also tried making out here and there in between and at some point, he made what sounded like a passive aggressive comment about blue balls. This bothered me so I made a couple comments later that came off quite rude. I tried saving the situation by explaining myself and my boundaries (I told him I haven't had the best dating experiences in the past but didn't go in more detail). I was having a hard time trying to fix things because I was drunk. Things were super awkward and when he was leaving, I could tell how annoyed he was by his face.
The next day, I sent him a lighthearted message that I was feeling better about things and still had fun before the night ended weirdly and he sent a text back to shut things down with me right after. I feel TERRIBLE about this still cuz things seemed to be going really well before and I have a hard time finding dates in my city. Man, I screwed things up and I keep thinking that we still could have been talking if I just hadn't invited him up or told him my boundaries much more in advance.
submitted by mysecret52 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:31 OGMinorian Small tips to enjoy pacing?

Do you have some tips for enjoying the game's pace? I tried playing a year ago, and it felt like such a miss for me. I completed the introductional phase, escaped Skalitz, got to Rattay, and the main game seems to be ready to begin.
Well, right after the combat tutorial, I thought it would be fun to test it out in the the tourney. Turns out the reward is maybe the best armor in the game. I then meet a woman from Skalitz, and start "A Woman's Lot". Apparently that means being locked in for several hours on more non-combat prologue, when I was already a bit fed up from the Skalitz prologue.
Any tips to avoid this? Should I follow the main quest for a while? This game is always talked about in "from zero to hero" threads, and I feel hyped to give it another go, but my first experience was the polar opposite.
submitted by OGMinorian to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:31 SPICYFALAFEL00 Mold in my house

So I moved into my apartment in June. We immediately noticed the house being pretty damp snd it continued to get even worse in July. Everything was constantly damp, including our furniture. After begging, our landlord finally got us a dehumidifier (which we’d have to empty twice a day).
Anyways, for the past couple weeks, me and my three roommates have been suffering a sickness that we can’t seem to recover from (NOT COVID). Could it be mould sickness?
Is there a DIY test anywhere in town we could purchase a mold testing kit (without damaging walls). Our landlord refuses to check it out.
submitted by SPICYFALAFEL00 to StJohnsNL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:31 Arocklobsta File Explorer previews and App protection policy

We have been recently testing our app protection policy for our Windows devices. I have added all the apps to the app list in the policy and that has resolved a lot of the issues. We are running into Office files and PDFs not having a preview in File Explorer. The message says it is not a trusted location or does not have access. We can open the files just fine. I have added all the trusted locations into office and confirmed preview handling is turned on in Adobe. Is there a policy setting that I am missing that marks those as trusted? I saw some info on the Configuration Manager with the tenant attach. Would that be the way to go?

Thank you all!
submitted by Arocklobsta to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:31 Rigamorphius [Academic] An exposition into player awareness exposure in Cyber security-Game Based Learning (Everyone)

Hi everyone, I am currently a game development masters UX research student at the University of Skovde in Sweden completing my thesis with the purpose of researching how player learning can be increased in cybersecurity education games. I have designed a survey and simple game for data collection using the platform as well as a separate survey for testing knowledge of cybersecurity topics with a simple test for comparison between the two. Feel free to participate in either one. Your participation in this study would greatly contribute to my research in understanding how to effectively leverage gaming platforms for educational purposes. If you love games but don't have a lot of knowledge in cybersecurity then you are the right person for this study. I would also advise completing this on a PC but whatever can work for you would be fine.
Study Details:
Purpose: To investigate strategies for increasing player learning in cybersecurity education games.
Methodology: Participants will engage with a specially designed cybersecurity game and provide feedback through a survey.
Time Commitment: Unlimited time for game play followed by a short survey for feedback and data.
If you are interested in joining this study or would like more information, please click on either one of the links below to participate. Your participation will be kept confidential, and your privacy will be strictly protected throughout the study and may leave whenever you want:
Questionnaire without game (Group 1):
Questionnaire with game (Group 2):
submitted by Rigamorphius to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:31 Ill_Orange_9054 Personality tests for jobs

I’ve applied for a number of jobs and internships over the years that have included a personality test. I don’t always do the best on these tests I try to answer the questions in the manner they want but I still don’t do very well.
As personality tests are becoming more and more popular amongst employers I worry those of us who are neurodivergent and have personality disorders will find it harder and harder to be employed.
Often the personality tests are before the interview therefore I don’t feel we get a chance to show employers our strengths.
Happy to hear any other views or experiences on this matter 😊 Thank you
submitted by Ill_Orange_9054 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:30 Fine-Produce1023 Freaking out about hot tub

Hope everyone’s having a good day :) I’m spinning out a bit because I found out I was pregnant a few days after going in a hot tub for about 3 hours total over two days, so I would’ve been about 2-3 weeks along.
I was trying to get pregnant and had never heard of the hot tub rule and now I’m of course kicking myself and worrying about neural tube issues. It was like 103 degrees F and I remember feeling a bit lightheaded on the second day and getting out to drink water.
I alerted my medical provider and it sounds like those sorts of defects can be tested for but man I’m so nervous. Hearing about any similar experiences would be greatly appreciated <3
submitted by Fine-Produce1023 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:30 optimistic_9826 [Hire Me] A+ Writing Services, Affordable and Authentic Work!!

Hello everyone. If you are looking for a distinction, then you are in the right place. I'm Crystal, a professional tutor and a superb academic writer with years of experience in English literature, Sociology, Business, Psychology, Nursing, Law and Social Sciences.
For assistance, please send detailed instructions to
Email: [](
Discord: Highgradewriter#7788
What's app: +15203464074
My rate is from as low as $15 per page of quality work (Harvard / APA / MLA / OSCOLA, CHICAGO).
I graduated from Western Governors University with a bachelor's degree . I have gained progressive experience over the years in all types of Essays including admission Essays, Research Papers, Online Tests and Quizzes, Dissertations, Thesis Writing, Editing Services and Presentations. To ensure quality services, I review and check tasks at hand through Turnitin, Plag Scan and Grammarly elucidating authentic and unprecedented work.
To guarantee quality work, make payment only when satisfied with job order and have ensured all instructions are followed.
Please refer to my profile for sample work and a copy of my curriculum vitae(CV)
Long-Term partnership and reliability is guaranteed.
Thank you for your time.
Stay safe!
submitted by optimistic_9826 to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:29 FrigidReaper I feel like I unlocked a new piece of equipment

Before I start does anyone know where I can buy just a space bar? I don’t like the yellow but the rest is nice.
So I have used “Mechanical” keyboards for a while now and I thought that was it. I used the big name brands like Razer and Logitech because I didn’t trust names I didn’t know. I just assumed that the bigger the name and the higher the price tag the better the quality would be. I’ve been using the MX Mechanical Mini pretty much since it released and I thought it was amazing. It has the clicky switches, which I have come to realize that I hate.
This would have gone unnoticed but we recently got a projector for our bedroom so me and my wife have been spending a lot more time in there and I like to game. I was typing in chat one night and my wife woke up as if there were explosions in the house. This happened multiple times and I figured getting a quieter keyboard would be a good idea….
Enter the custom Mechanical keyboard community. I hate regular sized keyboards and keycaps since I have to take this with me to work and use it at home. I also travel with it and would prefer not to have anything too large. I got the nuphy air75 v2. This thing feels NICE! Specifically with the red switches, though after testing the moss switches from the box I may order those. This thing feels powdery soft to type on. Coming from the MX Mechanical line I didn’t think it would be so vastly different, especially when you consider I paid maybe $40 more for that than the air75.
If the nuphy feels this good to type on I can only imagine what the lofted flow feels like. But the customization options of this keyboard kind of made it a no brainer. I will say that the videos with sound tests don’t really do it justice. It just sounds so nice in person. This being my first and only experience with a mechanical keyboard outside of the “Gaming or office brands I could just be scratching the surface.
I love the idea that I can change out the switched, and mod it to change the sound. It all looks really cool. I will say, however, that taking that first switch out and putting one back in was the most nerve wracking thing I have experienced since I started building with the AMD CPUs. (The pins)
All that is to say, holy crap I freaking love this thing. Why have I not thought about customizing my keyboards sooner?
I also needed an excuse to type on it so here I am.
submitted by FrigidReaper to NuPhy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:29 MagpieKaz Help, my monitor is possessed!

Hi, my monitor sometimes does this, and I turn it off and on a hundred times, sometimes it starts working out of nowhere, and sometimes it has these lines like only at the edges of the screen and it flickers. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I don't have another monitoHDMI cable/computer to test, so I'd have to buy anything new, this I'd rather not having to buy one new of everything until I find out what was wrong. Does anyone know what it's causing it? I tried Google but it was unhelpful (only found results about a broken LCD screen, but that's not these kinda of lines). Thanks for your help
submitted by MagpieKaz to it [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:29 AardvarksAdventures Net+ practice tests with PBQ’s?

I’ve completed Professor Dion’s online course and read Mike Myer’s book. I’ve been practicing using Dion’s pack of six practice exams. I’m looking to diversify more and would like to do more PBQ’s. Who’s the go to for that?
submitted by AardvarksAdventures to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:29 JAGcomms2020 What's the best way to A/B test different pages in the same ad group

Hi, I need to test ads with different landing pages in the same ad group and I was wondering what people's recommendations would be?
Would the experiments option in Google Ads allow me to do this? I've never used it before but it seems like it's mostly for A/B testing entire campaigns rather than individual ads.
Or would doing this manually by creating new ads within the ad group and changing the landing page be the best way to go?
Thanks a lot for your help!
submitted by JAGcomms2020 to googleads [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:29 Staggeringpage8 I (m26) am still in love with my best friend/ex(F25). Should I tell her?

Me(26) and my friend(25) have known each other for almost 7 years. I've had some level of feelings for her since about halfway through that first year. At the time though she and I were both dating people and I didn't want to ruin a friendship by proclaiming my feelings. Fast forward to last year and me and my long term girlfriend had been broken up for a decent bit. I knew my friend had been putting out feelers to see if I wanted to date but to be honest I was scared I wasn't ready and would be a shit boyfriend. Well my friend didn't care and made a move one night, we did FWB for a bit before finally dating. I put up those walls at first telling her I wasn't ready to date but wed inevitably end up sleeping together and talking more. Eventually it hit a point where she said "I can't do this anymore either date me or I'm gone" now at this point I knew my feelings for her and Id rather try a relationship with her than not so I said yes. Then 6 months ago she informed me she doesn't love me at least not how I love her, saying "how she pictured us 5 years from now with kids and she was scared she wouldn't love me then" and to that I just didn't know what to say. I wanted to say well be okay that there's love her and that were just in a rough patch, but she was crying and the pain on her face was too much I didn't want to argue with her over it I didn't want to make her feel like I was mad at her. Since then we've tried to remain friends. Keep in mind this person prior to us dating was like my best friend no matter the situation, or issue I knew I could trust her with anything. Leaving her, going no contact, it's not an option.. no matter how much I sometimes want it to be.
Anyways after the break up I took some time to myself and got my feelongs under control, we were actually starting to talk like normal again after the three months mark and I was coping fine. No strong emotions coming up, no going home and feeling like shit after hanging out with our mutual friends because I missed her none of that. Then she started texting me some. Nothing intrusive but I got the feeling in my gut I had when I knew she was trying to test the waters after my breakup the first time. Shed say things that came across to me as flirting. Suggesting we sneak away to get lava cake during her birthday celebration, saying stuff to me like "I'm cold" which used to be how shed get me to come over to her place. Then fast forward to a couple weeks ago (6 months after the breakup) and our friend group takes a group trip to Florida. At this trip idk what happened but my feelings resurfaced. We were getting along and having a decent time comparatively to how it usually has been going. Since then I've been wrestling with my emotions trying to keep them down because I can't lose her completely I can't tell her I love her when she doesn't love me after months of us being okay. I fear that'll be the end of the friendship. But now it's like she doesn't want to talk to me at all she's become reclusive and doesn't talk to me. What conversation I have had with her has felt like she was only entertaining my conversation out of politeness.
The thing is I really want to tell her I want to try again at our relationship give it a second chance. I don't know what could have happened to take her from discussing moving states, getting a place together, discussing the future, etc. to I don't love you like that, but I know I'm my soul that if given the chance to actually work it out we could get through it. I just don't know what to trust is my judgement clouded by what I want as opposed to reality? Should I talk to her about this if at least for nothing else than closure? I don't know I fear I can't see the forest for the trees.
Any of you who've been in similar situations have any advice. My guy tells me to tell her to ask for one date one last chance at reigniting that spark now that we both are in better places for a relationship, but I'm worried I'll just annihilate whatever is left of our friendship. Granted what's left of our friendship is I don't even know if I'd call it that but I love her and I can't hurt her.
submitted by Staggeringpage8 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:28 JAGcomms2020 Help! Best way to A/B test different pages in the same ad group

Hi, I need to test ads with different landing pages in the same ad group and I was wondering what people's recommendations would be?
Would the experiments option in Google Ads allow me to do this? I've never used it before but it seems like it's mostly for A/B testing entire campaigns rather than individual ads.
Or would doing this manually by creating new ads within the ad group and changing the landing page be the best way to go?
Thanks a lot for your help!
submitted by JAGcomms2020 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:28 pranab072 How to Create a Web Page using JavaScript Practice Test - Set 03

submitted by pranab072 to ObjectiveBooks [link] [comments]