Prediksi singapore 22 maret 2011

Streak Day 14 Las mujeres en matemáticas y ciencias

2024.05.14 18:12 AdAgile7836 Streak Day 14 Las mujeres en matemáticas y ciencias

Las mujeres en matemáticas y ciencias
Estoy convencido de que debemos de haber más mujeres en matemáticas y ciencias en los Estados Unidos para mejorar el estado socioeconomico de las mujeres en la sociedad.
No podemos ignorar que los trabajos con los sueldos medios más altos en los EEUU son en las áreas de ciencias, especificamente en las profesiones médicas. De acuerdo a un artículo de se llama <<25 trabajos que pagan lo más>>, 22 de los 25 ocupaciones que trabajan lo más son en el campo de la asistencia médica. Lo primero es de ser doctor de cardiología y además las profesiones en la asistencia médica van a crecer por 13% por 2031. Por lo tanto, si no debemos que haber más mujeres en esta área, las mujeres no van a tener las misma oportunidades para ganarse la vida cómo los hombres.
¿Por qué no ya tenemos más mujeres en matemáticas y ciencias? En los Estados Unidos, por muchos años ha existido un estereotipo que matemática es más por los chicos de las chicas. Un estudio de la Universidad de Washington publicó en 2011 en el jornal <<Desarollo de los niños>> buscó, que por lo grado segundo de la escuela, el estereotipo ya se afectan los niños.Una de las investigadoras del estudio se sintió muy sorprendida por los resultados porque ella era de Yugoslavia y en su país no existe este estereotipo. Este estudio implica que es importante que los maestros en los primeros grados desarollan más consciencia de este estereotipo y se consideran cómo promoter el mensaje que este sujeto es por las chicas también.
submitted by AdAgile7836 to WriteStreakES [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:44 Eco_Balance Bexar County Criminal Lawyers

In 2011 I was arrested for a DWI. I struggle with some mental health stuff: anxiety, depression, substance abuse. I was compliant until I was put in the car at which time I started having a panic attack. I told the cops I couldn’t breathe and they mostly mocked me. Panic adrenaline hit and I kicked out the window of the car. There were 4 male cops on me. My pants fell down exposing my nethers (22 year old female at the time… and addict tiny). I was in complete fight/flight mode. It was a struggle between the cops and myself, but I was obviously not okay in the mental department. I remember asking them to kill me. Bexar county has a mental health unit, which was not called. One of the cops put me in a headlock and I bit him. They hog tied me (with my pants down) and threw me in a wagon (with my pants down). They didn’t pull my pants up until we got to the detention center, at which point they carried me into the jail by the shackles and cuff chains, belly down, like a hog heading for a roast.
I was charged with assault on a public servant and a DWI. My lawyer at the time SUCKED. But was all I could afford. Somehow, all these years later, there was some sort of change in the ordinance that makes it impossible for me to get my record sealed. I am having a really hard time believing this.
I realize I put myself in this situation. It is 100% my fault because I drank and drove. None of it would have happened otherwise. But it’s been 13 years. I am a completely different person. Married, a mother, and about to graduate college. I am trying to get internships and this is getting in my way. I have paid my dues. I am in recovery. I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs. I am an honor roll student. In the top 20%. On the deans list. And I really just want to help make the world better for people.
Is there someone that can recommend anyone that can help me? Please.
Signed, Regretfully Desperate
submitted by Eco_Balance to sanantoniocriminallaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 zncs92 Which Live Albums to Start With From My Library

Hello, I am new to Phish and I so far started by listening to the Sphere shows. I noticed that my local library has a large collection of live Phish albums and I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on which ones would be good to listen to since there are a bit. I organized them by state and year. Thanks in advance for the help!
New Jersey
New York
Rhoad Island
submitted by zncs92 to phish [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 JoaQuilen109 curiosidades de argentina 🇦🇷💪

Llegamos al extremo sur del continente americano y en esta oportunidad nos toca jugar de local. Todo el recorrido del ciclo #ElEspañolEnElMundo estuvo marcado por destacar curiosidades y aspectos únicos de cada país latinoamericano, resaltando especialmente cuestiones vinculadas a lo cultural, los usos particulares del español y también su convivencia con lenguas originarias. En esta oportunidad, tenemos el enorme desafío de escribir sobre Argentina, nada más ni nada menos que nuestro país de origen, un territorio tan extenso que además de poseer un sinfín de paisajes mágicos, también tiene características culturales que lo hacen un destino único y especial.

1) Argentina: la tierra del plata
Para entender el origen del nombre Argentina, hay que remontarse al inicio de la conquista y colonización española en América. España y Portugal disputaban su supremacía sobre estas tierras y sus riquezas. Precisamente, los nombres Argentina y Río de la Plata evocan la búsqueda de los preciados tesoros de la Sierra de la Plata. En 1554, el territorio actual de la República Argentina aparece mencionado en los mapas del portugués Lopo Homem como “Terra argétea” o “argentea”, del latín argentum que significa plata.
De hecho, este territorio fue recibiendo diferentes denominaciones a lo largo de su historia: Gobernación del Río de la Plata, Virreinato del Río de la Plata, Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, Provincias Unidas de Sud-América, Confederación Argentina o Nación Argentina. Finalmente en 1860 se estableció por decreto el nombre oficial de República Argentina.

2) Aconcagua: el pico más alto de América
Con una altitud de 6960,8 metros sobre el nivel del mar, el Aconcagua es el pico más alto de los hemisferios meridional y occidental, el más alto de la Tierra después del sistema de los Himalayas (Asia) y, por tanto, el pico más elevado en América.
Ubicado en la provincia de Mendoza, forma parte de la Cordillera de los Andes. A su alrededor se encuentra un Parque Nacional con el mismo nombre que sirve de base para aquellos que se animen a llegar a la cima.

3) La avenida más ancha del mundo
La Avenida 9 de Julio, ubicada en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, capital del país, tiene 110 metros de ancho en su calzada central, divididos en 16 carriles. Si a ello se le suman las dos calles que en la práctica funcionan como “carriles extra” (Carlos Pellegrini y Cerrito), la avenida cuenta con un ancho de aproximadamente 140 metros y 22 carriles en total.
En su recorrido, se pueden encontrar dos de los principales puntos turísticos de Buenos Aires: el Teatro Colón y el Obelisco, otro ícono de la capital argentina.

4) El octavo país con mayor superficie
Argentina se sitúa en el octavo puesto de los países más grandes del mundo con 2.766.890 km² de superficie. Aunque se trata de una gran extensión, se encuentra muy por debajo del tamaño de Brasil, que es el país más grande de América del Sur. La distancia desde Ushuaia (ciudad argentina ubicada en su extremo sur) a La Quiaca (pueblo argentino ubicado en su extremo noroeste, en el límite con Bolivia) es de nada más y nada menos que de 3.643 km de distancia.
5) Crisol de maravillas naturales
Muchos hablan de las siete maravillas naturales del mundo. La realidad es que la República Argentina, en su extenso y bello territorio, se jacta de tener sus propias 7 maravillas: el impresionante glaciar Perito Moreno, las Cataratas de Iguazú, el Valle de la Luna, la Quebrada de Humahuaca, el Aconcagua, el Bosque de Arrayanes y el Cerro de los Siete Colores. Y la lista podría continuar.
6) El río más ancho del mundo
Con una anchura máxima de 219 km, el Río de la Plata es considerado el más ancho del mundo. Este gigante de agua dulce baña las riberas tanto de Argentina como las de Uruguay. En estas costas podemos encontrar de un lado la ciudad de Buenos Aires, en tanto al otro extremo se emplaza Montevideo, capital de la República Oriental del Uruguay.
Además de estar habilitado para la navegación comercial, también se practican distintos tipos de actividades deportivas tanto de navegación a vela como de kayakismo.
7) Un idioma oficial, varias lenguas
En Argentina se hablan actualmente quince lenguas indígenas: ava-guaraní, aymara, chané, chorote, chulupí, guaraní, mapudungun, mbyá guaraní, mocoví, pilagá, qom (toba), quechua, tapiete, vilela y wichí con distinto grado de vitalidad y geográficamente distribuidas de manera desigual. En la región del Gran Chaco argentino se encuentra la mayor concentración de pueblos indígenas del país: nueve pueblos originarios en total, con nueve lenguas. Si bien el idioma oficial es español, a nivel provincial varias lenguas indígenas han sido declaradas cooficiales en los últimos años. Tal es el caso del guaraní, declarada cooficial en la provincia de Corrientes en el 2004 y del mocoví, qom y wichí, en la provincia del Chaco en el 2011.
8) Lunfardo: el argot del Río de la Plata
El lunfardo es una jerga originada y desarrollada en Buenos Aires; también otras ciudades cercanas como Santa Fe, Rosario y Montevideo (Uruguay) contribuyeron desde el principio a su desarrollo. Es un producto de las lenguas de las corrientes inmigratorias de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, surgido en el hacinamiento de los conventillos por la necesidad de comunicarse. Con el correr de los años, el lunfardo comenzó a ser utilizado por grandes sectores de la población y, lejos de ser un código marginal, se incorporó a la vida cotidiana y comenzó a ser difundido a través de expresiones artísticas como el tango o el sainete. Pibe, macana, chamuyo, laburo, mina, banquina, guita, trucho, chabón y gil son tan solo algunas de las palabras que el colectivo popular utiliza a diario. Existen aproximadamente 6 mil términos incluidos en el lunfardo, pero se trata de un número dinámico en el que año a año se van incorporando nuevas expresiones.
9) Fanáticos del fútbol
Más allá de no estar considerado como el deporte nacional, en Argentina el fútbol se vive con euforia desmedida, al igual que en muchos de sus países vecinos: Uruguay, Brasil o Chile. Ya sea que juegue la selección nacional o cualquier equipo de la primera división o incluso de ligas menores, la pasión se vive de igual manera, más cuando se trata de un partido “clásico” entre equipos rivales. En muchos países del mundo, incluso en lugares remotos, cuando se pronuncia la palabra Argentina se piensa en fútbol y especialmente en Diego Maradona, el mayor ídolo del fútbol argentino -recientemente fallecido- que se consagró campeón mundial con la selección en 1986; y en los últimos años, en Lionel Messi, nacido en Rosario.
10) Inventores del bolígrafo
Conocido en Argentina como "birome" (acrónimo de los apellidos Biro y Meyne), el bolígrafo tal como lo conocemos hoy en día fue inventado en la década del 1940 por el periodista húngaro nacionalizado argentino Ladislao José Biro, con el fin de que los zurdos dejasen de emborronar las cuartillas.
Si te gusta el contenido unite a la comunidad xfa

submitted by JoaQuilen109 to argentinaa_familia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 epiczail [US][H] NES, SNES, Gameboy(C/A/DS), N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Saturn, Sega CD, 32x, Dreamcast, PS1, Sealed games, etc[W] PayPal FF

Hi everyone, I'm getting rid of some items from my collection that I haven't used in a while/don't see myself ever playing. Everything is CIB unless noted. Shipping is free for anything over $25, otherwise it'll be $5. I am only taking FF. For consoles & larger items, I'll split shipping halfway.
I will be shipping via the cheapest method, if you would like a specific carrier or method of shipping, I can send a quote for the difference in cost.
Game Info Price
Consoles & Accessories
Genesis controllers Various 3rd party, multitap, arcade stick $5
Genesis power cable MK-2103 $15
Genesis RF Cable $2
Dreamcast RF cable $2
Sega CD Model 2 loose with power cable $150
Sega CD Model 2 CIB $300
Generic N64 USB Controller $5
Actraiser loose $35
Arkanoid SEALED $73
Demon's Crest loose $155
Demon's Crest still has seal from blockbuster on $500
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Mint $105
Incantaion $510
Mega Man X first print $125
Robocop vs Terminator $115
Super Metroid First print, Includes poster $330
Xardion loose $35
Zombies Ate My Neighbors $108
Crusin USA loose $15
Diddy Kong Racing loose $30
Diddy Kong Racing $95
Ogre Battle 64 loose $98
Resident Evil 2 $130
Star Fox 64 tear on front of box, no rumble or insert $62
Tony Hawk Pro Skater loose $12
Gameboy & GBC
Adventure Island II loose $25
The Flash $70
Interstellar Assault loose $35
James Bond 007 $70
Woody Woodpecker Graded 9.0 A+ $295
Gameboy Advance
Castlevania Double Pack Graded 8.5 A+ $400
Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls Missing cart holder $48
Mario Tennis Power Tour SEALED $120
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon no cart holder $95
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun $98
Mega Man Zero 2 $95
Ninja Five-O loose, label damage $325
Rebelstar Tactical Command SEALED $89
Sonic Advance 3 $77
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice SEALED $105
Bleach the 3rd Phantom SEALED $150
Chibi Robo: Park Patrol SEALED $95
Children of Mana SEALED $75
Chrono Trigger loose $73
Chrono Trigger CIB $120
Dragon Quest IX loose $36
Magicians Quest Loose $140
Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story SEALED $60
Mario & Luigi Partners in Time SEALED $140
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team Graded 85+ $200
Monster Tale SEALED $100
Pokemon Conquest loose $62
Pokemon Conquest $105
Pokemon Soulsilver loose $122so
Sonic Colors SEALED $40
Zelda: Spirit Tracks Loose $55
3DS & DS lot Battle of Giants Dragons, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, Club Penguin Herberts Revenge, Flash Focus, LEGO Batman 2, Ninja Turtles, Puzzle Quest, Sonic Colors, Touchmaster 2 All loose $43
Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II Plus $190
Pokemon Colosseum loose $127
Ribbit King no manual $160
Spawn: Armageddon SEALED $87
Super Mario Sunshine loose $30
Viewtiful Joe SEALED $100
Viewtiful Joe 2 SEALED $80
Zelda Collector's Edition $66
Kirby’s Epic Yarn SEALED $35
No More Heroes 2 SEALED $32
Resident Evil 4 SEALED $35
Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles $35
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles no manual, $9
Rune Factory Frontier $35
Master System
Miracle Warriors $48
LOT 1, Earthworm Jim, Garfield caught in the act, Krustys fun house, monopoly all loose, some have label wear $30
LOT 2, College Football USA 97, NBA Live 96, World Series Baseball 95 All CIB $25
Arcus Odyssey No Manual $155
Batman no manual $90
Battletoads Double Dragon Loose $22
Bimini Run No manual $35
Captain America no manual $45
Contra Hard Corps No manual $98
Crusader of Centy loose, former rental, super glue on back screws $445
Double Dragon 3 loose $12
Eternal Champions loose $6
Fire Shark No manual $58
Ghouls N Ghosts No manual $60
Gunstar Heroes no manual $120
Jeopardy SEALED $30
Landstalker Loose, sharpie on label $24
The Lost Vikings SEALED, cart is loose $180
Mega Turrican no manual $140
Pac-Mania $26
Predator 2 $60
The Punisher $350
Red Zone No manual $63
Robocop vs Terminator no manual $55
Shadow Dancer Secret of Shinobi no manual $48
Shining force II $150
Spider-Man X-Men Arcade's Revenge $24
Sonic the Hedgehog $30
Sunset Riders no manual $90
Time Killers no manual $125
Toki Going Ape Spit no manual $56
Ultimate Qix No Manual $55
Zombies Ate My Neighbors no manual $42
Zombies Ate My Neighbors loose $21
Sega CD
Adventures of Willy Beamish loose $10
Bram Stoker's Dracula Manual only has cover $10
Dungeon Master II Skullkeep $40
Ecco The Dolphin $35
Ground Zero Texas $16
Joe Montana's NFL Football $6
Lunar the Silver Star $200
Midnight Raiders loose $9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers $24
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Graded 8.5 A+ $220
NHL 94 loose $5
Novastorm $140
Robo Aleste No manual $106
Sewer Shark loose $5
Stellar Fire loose $7
Supreme Warrior SEALED $100
Vay Some wear on manual & case $120
Kolibri No Manual $220
Night Trap $100
Enemy Zero Generic disc sleeves $155
Panzer Dragoon $73
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei loose $47
Gameshark CDX loose $4
D+vine[Luv] disc & manual $2
Illbleed SEALED $420
Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage SEALED $125
Maken X SEALED $70
Marvel vs Capcom loose $54
Marvel vs Capcom 2 loose $110
Q*Bert SEALED $40
Sports Jam SEALED $70
Star Wars Demolition SEALED $50
The Adventures of Lomax $210
Alundra loose $64
Alundra 2 $40
Beyond the Beyond $50
Bloody Roar 2 loose $30
Breath of Fire IV loose $56
Castlevania Symphony of the Night loose $70
Contra Legacy of War $20
Dino Crisis 2 loose $59
Doom longbox $72
Einhander Loose $85
Elemenetal Gearbolt $225
Evil Zone loose $20
Fear Effect No manual $25
Fighter Maker SEALED $55
Final Fantasy Tactics loose $15
Final Fantasy VII GH $38
Final Fantasy VIII SEALED (GH) $60
Hellboy Asylum Seeker SEALED $125
Kartia loose $35
Koudelka SEALED, $430
Lunar Silver Star Story loose, game discs $60
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Case, 4 discs, & map $120
Master of Monsters SEALED $70
MDK $19
Mega Man X6 SEALED, black label $115
Mortal Kombat Trilogy loose $25
Parasite Eve 2 $112
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment No bonus disc $350
Point Blank 3 SEALED $80
Raiden Project loose $23
Rascal SEALED, some wear $38
Resident Evil 2 loose $30
Resident Evil 2 $49
Star Ocean The Second Story No manual $40
Strider 2 both discs, loose $62
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo loose $17
Tactics Ogre Loose, has rental stickers on top $60
Thousand Arms loose $85
TigerShark SEALED $20
Tomba $135
Tomba SEALED, promo copy w/ drill hole $435
Treasures of the Deep loose $6
Vagrant Story $95
Vandal Hearts 2 $90
Xenogears $140
Big Mutha Truckers $8
Blood Will Tell $380
Bloody Roar 4 loose $62
The Fast & the Furious SEALED $35
Fatal Frame II $92
Family Guy Video Game $25
Grand Theft Auto III SEALED, $15
Gungrave loose $35
Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction $25
Jak 3 $8
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis Premium Box Set Graded, 9.4 A+ $240
Medal of Honor Vanguard no manual $5
Need for Speed most wanted no manual $11
Parappa The Rapper 2 no manual $68
Rule of Rose No manual $550
Silent Hill 3 no manual $150
Silent Hill 4 The Room $140
The Warriors loose $47
Eye of Judgement, Def Jam Rapstar, DJ Hero 1 & 2, PES 2011 lot $13
Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $20
Conker: Live & Reloaded loose $30
Def Jam Fight for NY no manual $97
Godzilla Destroy all Monsters Melee no manual $75
Marvel vs Capcom 2 no manual $106
Mortal Kombat Armageddon no manual $30
(360) Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $13
(360) Halo Reach SEALED, white label $37
(360) Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain SEALED, Day one edition $15
(PC) Half Life Game of the year edition $12
(PSP) Final Fantasy IV SEALED $55
(PSP) Gungnir SEALED $85
(PSP) Star Wars Force Unleashed loose $3
Boxes & Manuals Only
(NES) Widget Box $73
(NES) Mighty Final Fight Cut box & case $88
(SNES) Ignition Factor Box $25
(SNES) Lufia II Box $150
(SNES) Shadowrun Box (has wear) $60
(SNES) Star Trek the Next Generation Box & manual (has wear) $20
(N64) Mario Party box, one flap is torn $40
(GC) Pokemon XD Case $40
(SCD) Dark Wizard case $35
(Dreamcast) - Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Case $40
(PS1) Tomba Case $40
(SNES) Earthbound no scratch n sniff $210
(PC) World of Warcraft Dungeon Companion $2
(DC) Power Stone $22
(PS1) Driver 2 $10
(PS1) Wild Arms 2 w/ poster $45
(PS2) 007 Everything or Nothing $7
(PS2) Nano Breaker BradyGames, new in plastic $15
(PS2) Project Snowblind BradyGames $11
(PS2) Samurai Warriors Prima $3
(PS2) Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Prima $3
(Xbox) Thief Deadly Shadows Prima $10
submitted by epiczail to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:08 nickdog1999 P0171 and P0174

Hello, I need determining a diagnoses for these codes. They are coming on infrequently, but have started coming back more often. Details below:
2011 220K with VCM Muzzler
STFT at idle on each bank: 18-22% LTFT on each bank: 18%ish (it has reset) MAF at idle: 0.01 O2 sensors readings seem to be fine.
STFT at 2500RPM on each bank: 10-12% MAF at 2500RPM: 0.10-0.14
EGR has been giving some funny readings, sometimes the EGR commanded will jump around instead of increasing in intervals. But seems to be normal readings 90% of the time.
I have done a quick look of the air intake and didn’t see any cracks but I have not removed anything.
Any advice on what to check?
submitted by nickdog1999 to hondapilot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:00 Danimoshi Baxter (dublagem)

Baxter (dublagem)
Um breve contexto sobre a série, segundo a Wikipedia:"Baxter foi uma série live-action canadense criada por Daphne Ballon e Alex Pugsley, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 24 de maio de 2010 a 2 de janeiro de 2011, contou com 1 temporada de 13 episódios."No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Gloob em 22 de fevereiro de 2014 às 21H.
Disponibilidade: Não há registros de sua dublagem.
submitted by Danimoshi to BrasilLostMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:39 Professional-Leg-757 Taylor Swift discography summary, anthology, statistics, records…

Taylor Swift discography summary, anthology, statistics, records…
Taylor Swift has released 11 studio albums, 4 re-recorded albums, 3 live albums, measuring to a total of 18 albums plus Beautiful Eyes Walmart-exclusive ultimately leading to a grand total of 16,190 extended plays, 10 single albums, and 610 singles as a lead artist so far.
Taylor Swift (2006) Fearless (2008) Speak Now (2010] Red (2012) 1989 (2014) Reputation (2017) Lover (2019) Folklore (2020) Evermore (2020) Midnights (2022) The Tortured Poets Department (2024)
Fearless (Taylor's Version) (2021) Red (Taylor's Version) (2021) Speak Now (Taylor's Version) (2023) 1989 (Taylor’s Version) (2023)
Live albums:
Speak Now World Tour - Live (2011) Live from Clear Channel Stripped 2008 (2020) Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions (from the Disney+ Special) (2020)
Taylor Swift’s net worth is 1.1 billion.
Album, that made most of the money in general, including Taylor´s version, is “1989”. Album “1989” sold almost 17 million copies worldwide.
Musical records held by Taylor Swift:
  1. Youngest artist to reach number one on the Hot Country Songs chart
  2. Youngest person to win entertainer of the year at the CMA's
  3. Most American Music Awards in history
  4. First woman with four albums in Billboard chart top 10 simultaneously
  5. Most number one albums by a woman in history
  6. Most streamed country album in a single day on Spotify
  7. First woman with new number one albums in five consecutive years
  8. Second most Hot 100-charting songs ever
  9. First woman with simultaneous top 10 songs from three albums
  10. Only artist to win Album of the Year Grammy four times
  11. Most number one hits on Billboard's US Digital Song Sales chart
  12. Most attended concert by a female artist in the U.S.
  13. First concert tour to gross $1 billion
  14. Highest-earning female musician in the industry
  15. Biggest vinyl sales week of modern times
  16. Most streams in a single day on Spotify (Fortnight)
  17. Most pre-saved countdown in Spotify history
  18. First album to surpass 1 billion streams on Spotify
  19. Biggest streaming week of all time
  20. Historic Billboard 200 debut
  21. Most new albums to generate Hot 100 number ones
  22. Two Streaming Songs chart records
Fun and true fact at the same time:
Taylor Swift’s influence is the largest since Marilyn Monroe.
submitted by Professional-Leg-757 to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:56 Middle_Ad_8052 "before 1948 no one had a problem with them"

  1. 1517 Safed attacks( in Israel)
  2. 1517 Hebron attacks( in Israel)
  3. 1720 Burning of the synagogue of Judah HeHasi
  4. 1834 Looting of Safed( in Israel)
  5. 1920 Nebi Musa riots
  6. 1921 Jaffa riots
  7. 1921 Jerusalem Stabbings
  8. 1929 Palestine riots
  9. Battle of Tel Hai
  10. 1929 Hebron massacre( in Israel)
  11. Fajja bus attacks
  12. 1936 Jaffa riots
  13. 1938 Tiberias massacre
  14. 1948 Liberty Bell Park bus bombing
  15. 1948 Ben Yehuda Street bombing
  16. 1948 Beersheba attack
  17. 1948 Bnei Brak shootings
  18. 1952 Dizengoff Street bus bombing
  19. 1968 El Al Flight 432 attack
  20. 1970 Ma'ale Akrabim massacre
  21. 1970 Swissair Flight 330
  22. 1972 Avivim school bus bombing
  23. 1972 Lod Airport massacre
  24. 1972 Munich massacre
  25. 1972 Munich bus attack
  26. 1974 Kiryat Shmona massacre
  27. 1974 Ma'alot massacre
  28. 1975 Savoy Hotel attack
  29. 1975, 1976, 1997, and 2001 Ben Yehuda Street Bombings
  30. 1977 Mothers' Bus attack
  31. 1978 Coastal Road massacre
  32. 1978 Matzuva attack
  33. 1979 Nahariya attack
  34. 1980 Hebron ambush
  35. 1980 Misgav Am hostage crisis
  36. 1995 Beit Lid suicide bombing
  37. 1996 Dizengoff Center suicide bombing
  38. 1997 Island of Peace massacre
  39. 2000 Ramallah lynching
  40. 2000 Gaza street bus bombing
  41. 2001 Netanya bombing
  42. 2001 Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing
  43. 2001 Azor attack
  44. 2001 Dolphinarium discotheque massacre
  45. 2002 Passover massacre
  46. 2002 Hadera attack
  47. 2002 Karnei Shomron Mall suicide bombing
  48. 2002 Café Moment bombing
  49. 2002 Jaffa Road bus bombings
  50. 2003 Kiryat Menachem bus bombing
  51. 2003 Maxim restaurant suicide bombing
  52. 2004 Yeshivat Beit Yisrael bombing
  53. 2004 Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing
  54. 2004 Ashdod Port bombings
  55. 2005 Stage Club bombing
  56. 2005 Tel Aviv central bus station massacre
  57. 2007 Wadi al-Haramiya sniper attack
  58. 2008 Jerusalem bulldozer attack
  59. 2008 Jerusalem yeshiva attack
  60. 2011 Itamar attack
  61. 2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack
  62. 2016 June Tel Aviv shooting
  63. 2016 Tel Aviv stabbings
  64. 2017 Jerusalem truck attack
  65. 2022 Beersheba attack
  66. 2022 Bnei Brak shootings
  67. 2023 Neve Yaakov shooting
  68. 2023 Hamra junction shooting
  69. 1517 Safed attacks( in Israel)
  70. 1517 Hebron attacks( in Israel)
  71. 1720 Burning of the synagogue of Judah HeHasi
  72. 1834 Looting of Safed( in Israel)
  73. 1920 Nebi Musa riots
  74. 1921 Jaffa riots
  75. 1921 Jerusalem Stabbings
  76. 1929 Palestine riots
  77. Battle of Tel Hai
  78. 1929 Hebron massacre( in Israel)
  79. Fajja bus attacks
  80. 1936 Jaffa riots
  81. 1938 Tiberias massacre
  82. 1948 Liberty Bell Park bus bombing
  83. 1948 Ben Yehuda Street bombing
  84. 1948 Beersheba attack
  85. 1948 Bnei Brak shootings
submitted by Middle_Ad_8052 to GenZionist [link] [comments]

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2024.05.14 10:37 CopperKettle1978 Odd feelings on left side of body; lesion on MRI scan, in tectum area - associated or not?

Hi! I'm a male, 46 yo, 1.68 meters tall, 65 kg. In 2000, while preparing for a corneal transplant due to rapidly declining vision acuity caused by keratoconus I was feeling bad (pulsating pain in left arm, headaches, numb small finger on left arm). Going through different doctors, I was diagnosed with diabetes (marked as "probably MODY"), and put on a diet. Each time I ate too much, I started feeling bad again, but my blood sugar remained normal. In 2003 I was hospitalized again in the endocrinology ward, and again discharged on diet with 'diabetes', despite normal sugars; also was sent to geneticists, but they found nothing.
In 2010, while studying at courses (preparation for an institute), I went off the diet and ate more, because I was feeling tired; basically it was not overeating in normal person's terms; my blood sugars were okay. This overeating caused a kind of stressed stuporous state, but I persisted; I started having weird sensations in my left arm again.
After some days I had a "stroke-like episode" with dizziness and a kind of numbness in the left half of the lips, left arm, left foot. I was afraid and went back to my strict diet, took some cardio aspirin, resumed taking an ACE inhibitor, despite normal pressure. This was when I first had an MRI scan of the brain, and it revealed only an unrelated tumor of the trigeminal nerve (1 by 2 cm, invading a bit into the left orbital cavity), described as "probably a schwannoma" - this tumor has not grown a bit ever since, it has the same size on all scans since 2010. Except this tumor, located in the left cavernous sinus, nothing was found.
After this stroke-like episode, I could not properly read texts - upon reading, I was having attacks of dizziness and sudden strong ear blockage, a kind of 'airplane ear', and sensations of heaviness in my left arm. The same happened upon starting each meal. I was afraid of subsequent episodes, so I went on a really strict diet.
I then had myself hospitalized in the same endocrinology ward and asked the docs there to finally discover what this so-called "diabetes" was, with neurological symptoms and with normal blood sugars. They instead decided to put me on insulin therapy, on tiny doses, only 3 units of ultra-fast Apidra insulin per meal, with no long-acting insulin. Their reasoning was that I was having "anorexia nervosa" and that the insulin would "make me eat more". No amount of describing my neurological symptoms would dissuade them.
I signed an informed refusal to start on insulin, and they discharged me with a diagnosis of "diabetes, probably MODY" again. I then nearly starved myself, being afraid of overeating and having a new stroke-like episode. I could not read, so I spent time listening to audiobooks. Then, half-starved, I had myself voluntarily hospitalized there again and consented to start on this microdosing insulin treatment in November 2011.
Surprizingly, on this microdosing insulin regimen my strange left-sided sensations gradually diminished, over the course of the next 6 months, and I could read again without sudden attacks of "airplane ear" and dizziness and feelings of "my left arm is weirdly heavy/stiff all of a sudden". By the end of 2012, I was working as a translator, studying for a university again, jogging and bicycling.
On 20 April 2018 I had an attack of lower back pain after a bicycle ride in the cold; had some etorixocib prescribed for it; the pain went away in mere days, and bouts of severe fatigue set in. After each bicycle ride, however light, I was having 2 to 3 days of not being able to do anything. I could not translate, I was mentally too slow. My total urinary 24h cortisol was constantly at about 150% of the upper range and my blood potassium was slightly elevated. Doctors found nothing, I went to the psychiatry hospital and they found "sub-depression" (their tests showed that I was 1 point short of being in "light depression). We decided to try out escitalopram, and it worked - my cortisol normalized, I could work again.
In November 2020 I started having bouts of heavy feeling in my left flank some 1 hour after each meal, accompanied with extreme fatigue which lasted for many hours, until the food went completely through the GI tract. I could not work again: slow thinking, tiredness. In the summer 2023 I was hospitalized in the gastro ward of the same hospital, but they found nothing.
While in the gastro ward, I was asked to undergo a planned hospitalization for my diabetes, since they noticed that I had no such hospitalization ever since 2011. I said that I would only consent to that if during my stay I would be re-tested for the presence of diabetes, because I was highly suspicious on whether I actually had it. They agreed, and during my stay in the endo ward, I had a glucose tolerance test accompanied with two measurements of C-peptide. This revealed that my pancreas was producing insulin and I had no diabetes.
I still had several days to remain in the endo ward, so the doc and me decided that I would eat a lot of carb-rich food, and track my blood sugars with the Bluetooth sensor they put on my upper arm. I treated myself to cookies and honey and stuff, and my sugars were just fine - but I suddenly had the same neurological feelings that had vanished in 2012 upon starting on the microdose insulin regimen.
So I was discharged from that unit for the fifth time since 2000, only this time with "no diabetes" in my discharge paper instead of "diabetes, probably MODY" -- but I go on injecting micro-doses of insulin before meals, because otherwise the 'airplane ear' and 'heavy left arm' and 'numb left part of lips/external fingers on left foot/hand' reemerge. Stopping insulin increases these sensations, restarting insulin brings them gradually down.
I was sent to the geneticists again, and as a condition for seeing me they had me take another MRI scan. This time, to my amazement, the radiologist's impression contained a mention of a "lesion in the right part of the corpora quadrigemina area, probably an area of gliosis". The geneticists did some dry blood spot testing and found nothing.
I went to my neurosurgeon and asked what this lesion in the tectum (corpora quadrigemina) could be. She took all the MRI scans dating back to 2015 which I had with me, and after perusing them for a long time said that the same spot is visible on all previous scans; and that she has no idea what it is, but the spot is of the same size, so she indends to pursue watchful waiting, with follow-up MRI scans every 2 years.
I went home and managed to find the rest of the MRI scans dating back to February 2010, shortly after my "stroke-like episode". I can see the lesion there.
I have these questions: 1) Why would radiologists not mention a midbrain lesion in their impression papers for years? Is it clinically insignificant? 2) Could a lesion there be somehow related to my odd sensations? 3) What could have caused the lesion to arise there in the first place, while I was only 32 years old, or even 22 years old (if it arose there in 2000)? 4) Why insulin treatment diminishes these sensations, while going off insulin and eating a lot of carbs makes them worse?
What can I do to research my condition further? I have little confidence in local doctors in Russia, having been treated for a non-existent diabetes for 23 years. Recently I had some stress at work (my attention is flagging, so I had to go from being a translator to being a food delivery person), and my left arm is feeling heavy sometimes, despite the insulin, and I have weird sensations of being a little clumsy, despite not being clumsy in reality.
I'm ready to provide additional information. I'm currently taking 150 mg venlafaxine, 75 mcg thyroxine, 5 mg rosuvastatin, and 1600 to 2000 mcg methylfolate daily. I visit a psychiatrist for a follow up and to renew drug prescriptions. I'm trying to save for a psychotherapist, but my salary is peanuts, so I haven't been able thus far.
I have MRI scans from 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022 and 2024 - the lesion is visible on each of them, but is described only on the radiologist's impression from the spring of 2024. I can upload the scans somewhere if necessary. The lesion is described as "a T2-enhancing area, 6 by 6 by 8 mm in size, with no mass effect".
submitted by CopperKettle1978 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:29 White_Cakes_2000 Where does the money paid to MRSS go?

In Singapore, all public venues playing music are mandated to pay music copyright fees if they play background music, regardless of the platform. These are license fees known as the Reproduction of Sound Recording license. According to the website:
(1) Your license fee goes back to the music labels and artists as royalties. MRSS is authorized by the recording companies (see the list on our website) to collect the fees on their behalf, which are then distributed back to them as royalties. However, the fees are first paid to the members of MRSS as stated here: (2) License fees collected are distributed back to MRSS members after deduction of operation costs. In this way, the rights of copyright owners are safeguarded, and fair business practices in the music industry are upheld.
More about MRSS
The fees are $600 annually per restaurant, hotel, gym, retail store, or medical clinic, and $3000 annually per club.
Let’s say Singapore has about 5,400 restaurants, 430 hotels, and 22,000 retail stores, totaling 27,830 venues. Assuming 70% of these venues pay the license because the majority do play background music, that's 19,481 outlets. The annual fee of $600 multiplied by 19,481 outlets, divided by 12 months, equals $974,050.
MRSS's revenue potentially exceeds a million dollars a month. That’s insane!?
There are 36 record labels listed on the website. How do they determine how much money each record label receives and how much MRSS retains for itself? It’s mentioned that MRSS is a non-profit organization.
Does anyone know how this process works? It seems like no one questions it. I’ve asked many friends in the music industry, and not a single person knows or questions it. Everyone pays because it’s illegal not to. I understand the importance of paying copyrights but how do they determine how the money is distributed back to the Artists fairly?
submitted by White_Cakes_2000 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:44 InterestPowerful7057 Im selling steam acc!

Level 25 without Ban!!!
Games: Counter Strike 2 (840 hours and 25€ inv) NBA 2k24 and 2k23 SuperMarket Simulator Wreckfest F1 12 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 and 23 F1 Manager 22 / 23 FIFA 21/ 22 / 23 EA FC 24 Football Manager 2011/2021/2023/2024 All CS collection MOTO GP 21 and 23 PGA TOUR 2k23 Rainbow Six Siege And more…
If you want 👇🏾👇🏾 Steam Acc
submitted by InterestPowerful7057 to SteamAccountTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:16 CravinMorehed NYS Tax Agent - Karen

NY State Tax Dept/IRS

I have a small company in NY. S Corp created in 2006. I receive a call from a NYS Tax Compliance officer. BTW, I have an accountant, 25yrs. Agent tells me I did not file Business Tax returns in 2010 and 2011. I say, "its May , 2024? 14 years ago.
I express incredulity, I cant believe this call. She is belligerent, curt, and down rignt arrogant. Oh, she then tells me my Corp. is an invalid Corp in NY. As mentioned before, I formed my Corp in 2006, 18 yrs ago. I am like WTF are you talking about, I have filed NYS Taxes for the past 18yrs under the same corp. Now its wrong, 2024.
I call my accountant, he has no effin idea what the hell is going on. I get verification phone numbers and badge, and she is real with NYS Tax office. She tells me my tax liability is $947, but I owe $3,425.00. This is for a tax return 14 years ago, that the state cant find.
Working on tax issue, CP361, CF2553....just what I want to do.
I call Tax Karen, explain what I am doing to attempt to resolve these effin issues. Log into my Chase account, Tax Karen, took the $$$$$ out of my account. Holding it. Bullshit. I am moving to the Philippines.
submitted by CravinMorehed to tax [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:15 theconstellinguist Borders, Power Shifts, and Gender: Power Shifts at Border Checkpoints Seem to be Processed on Women's Bodies in Ukraine and Russia: Patterns of Gender-Based Violence in Conflict-Affected Ukraine: A Descriptive Analysis of Internally Displaced and Local Women Receiving Psychosocial Services

Patterns of Gender-Based Violence in Conflict-Affected Ukraine: A Descriptive Analysis of Internally Displaced and Local Women Receiving Psychosocial Services

Arbitrary Displacement Is a Structural Rot that Hegemonizes Economic Abuse and with it Economic Collapse
Checkpoints for the displaced showed the most violence, literally predating on women when they were the most vulnerable by armed men.
Almost 8% of violent incidents against displaced women occurred at checkpoints or at reception centers for internally displaced persons (IDP) and 20% were perpetrated by armed men.
Majority of Ukrainian female respondents described their household economic situation as bad or very bad (59%)
A survey of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine found that a majority of respondents described their household economic situation as bad or very bad (59%), and only 22% held regular employment (Roberts et al., 2017).
Women fleeing violence are most likely to be exposed to sexually violent men exactly at the moments they were most expecting protection. This suggests a pattern of men who watch for the female victims of their enemies, and then violate them when they come to them, simply out of nationalist/ethnicist hate crime, with no care about their status as a victim.
Meta-analytic findings estimate a 21% prevalence of sexual violence among female refugees and IDPs (Vu et al., 2014).
A 2014 national survey conducted shortly after the start of the conflict found that 19% of 15–49 year old women had experienced violence since the age of 15 compared to 17% in 2007 (Martsenyuk et al., 2014).
Displaced women were more likely to experience sexual violence
Furthermore, we hypothesized that among GBV survivors: 1) proportionally more violent acts against displaced women would be non-domestic and associated with combat operations (i.e., demobilized and active governmental and non-governmental soldiers); 2) displaced women would be more likely to experience sexual violence than local women; and 3) patterns of reporting and referrals would differ depending on a woman’s residency status.
UN Women’s Framework for emergency response and preparedness (UN Women, 2013) was used
The adaptation process followed the recommendations of the GBV-IMS Rollout Guidelines (UNFPA, n.d.) and the UN Women’s Framework for emergency response and preparedness (UN Women, 2013), and entailed piloting the tool with several mobile teams and incorporating the feedback from the field.
Definition of internally displaced person
Ukrainian law defines an internally displaced person as “a citizen of Ukraine, a foreigner or a stateless person who is in the territory of Ukraine legally and has the right to reside permanently in Ukraine, and who was forced to leave his place of residence due to armed conflict, temporary occupation, widespread violence, human rights violations or emergencies of natural or man-made nature” (On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons, 2014).
Forced marriage with economic abuse followed with rape and sexual assault
Determination of GBV type was made by mobile team members using the GBV-IMS classification tool (UNFPA et al., 2011). The form instructs providers to select only one GBV type per case based on a series of questions asked in a specific order, as follows: 1) rape (if any type of penetration occurred); 2) sexual assault (if there was unwanted sexual contact); 3) physical assault (if there was physical battery); 4) forced marriage; 5) economic violence (in cases of denial of resources, opportunities, or services); 6) psychological or emotional abuse (if the incident involved insults, name-calling, and humiliation); and 7) no GBV (if none of the above). If, for example, a woman reported experiencing unwanted sexual contact, the provider would classify the case as “sexual assault” and continue to the following section.
One in five women who experienced violence were unemployed, showing these violent perpetrators may keep their victims from employment or sabotage their employment purposefully to put them in harm’s way.
More than one in five (21.6%) women who experienced violence were unemployed, with no differences between the groups. Overall, slightly less than one-third (30.7%) of the women engaged in unpaid labor such as elder and childcare, with significantly higher proportions among local women. Proportionally more displaced women had a professional occupation (24.6% vs. 20.0%, p<0.001).
78.3% of women reported that a man raped them. Half of the women reported psychological abuse in addition, showing many rapists are psychologically abusive before and after as a tell-tale sign.
More than three-quarters (78.3%) of women reported that a man was the perpetrator. In nearly half of the cases, the perpetrator was an intimate partner (49.5%); and in roughly one in five (21.8%) a family member. Psychological abuse (48.4%) was reported by almost half of the women (See Table 2).
Compared to local women, proportionally more displaced women reported an incident of rape or sexual abuse (3.1% vs. 2.1%, p<0.001) or economic abuse (23.4% vs. 14.4%, p<0.001).
Gender based violence affects one million women annually in Ukraine
GBV is a grave human rights violation that affects an estimated one million women annually in Ukraine (Barrett et al., 2012). Social disruption and frail economic conditions in humanitarian settings further aggravate women’s vulnerability to violence, particularly for displaced women (Stark & Ager, 2011; Stark et al., 2017). This analysis supports our primary hypothesis that the experience of violence differs by survivors’ residency status. Specifically, we found differences in terms of relationship to the perpetrator, type of violence experienced and access to care between local and displaced women.
Checkpoints, or borderlines, nebulous zones of power shifts were huge points of violence to Ukrainian women, showing power shifts are often signaled by violence, especially to the most vulnerable.
Notably, 20.0% of displaced women in our sample experienced violence at the hands of armed men compared to 5.3% of local women. We also found that checkpoints between government-controlled and non-government–controlled areas and IDP reception centers posed a particular risk for displaced women in our study.
38% more displaced women reported experiencing sexual violence than local women, meaning people were actively preying on people who were displaced, not protecting them. This shows Ukrainian women are at huge risk of opportunistic rape by the very men pretending to be safe.
Whereas sexual violence was the least common type of reported violence, 38% more displaced women reported experiencing sexual violence than local women.
Ukrainian women come from a long history of corrupt police, so they did not report to the police because the police do not work for them and never have. That is not their fault; it is their country and area’s fault.
Studies in conflict-affected Ukraine found that a majority of survivors were unwilling to report GBV incidents to the police, particularly among internally displaced women (UCSR, 2018).
Because of this violence around the very people that were supposed to protect them, Ukrainian women are less likely to file a police report. Displaced women were even more unlikely. It is an intelligent decision to not have a faith that has been factually and with evidence violated repeatedly.
we found that displaced women were less than half as likely than local women to have filed a police report.
Younger women seek gender based violence services more than older women, showing Ukrainian women are often being targeted for their fertility and not receiving justice can help them remain to be seen as a fertility commodity instead of a human being, making European countries very wary of the nation seeing how their women are treated. Women's rights feature largely in European economic inclusion.
For example, among GBV survivors in Ukraine, younger women seek services for GBV more often than older women (41% of those aged 15–29 vs. 26% those aged 40–49) (Martsenyuk et al., 2014). Therefore, this analysis is not representative of all women experiencing violence.
Domestic violence within the ranks of the warring country increased during war for Ukrainian women, instead of coming together in solidarity and mutual support
Studies in complex emergency settings have found stigma among GBV survivors, normalization of domestic violence during times of conflict, unwillingness to report men living in the home for fear of forced military recruitment, and reluctance to involve law enforcement as major reporting barriers, especially among displaced women survivors of violence (Ager et al., 2018; Stark & Ager, 2011).
submitted by theconstellinguist to economicabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:47 cherrymachete Australian teen jailed for murder of UK woman after breaking into her home

Australian teen jailed for murder of UK woman after breaking into her home
A teenager who stabbed a British mother to death after breaking into her home in Australia has been jailed for 14 years. Emma Lovell, 41, was killed when confronting two intruders in Brisbane on Boxing Day in 2022. She had emigrated from Suffolk in 2011 with her daughters and her husband Lee, who was also injured in the attack. The offender, who cannot legally be named as he was 17 at the time, pleaded guilty to her murder earlier this year.
He also admitted to three other burglary and assault charges.
In the Brisbane Supreme Court on Monday, Justice Tom Sullivan said the man - now aged 19 - had committed a "particularly heinous" crime against the Lovells, who he described as a "loving family" building a life for themselves in a new country.
"They were ordinary citizens enjoying their family life in their home where they were entitled to feel safe. What happened... violated that entirely."
Justice Sullivan noted that the offender had himself witnessed violence from a young age and began abusing drugs and alcohol at the age of 14 after the death of his grandmother. However, his childhood of "deprivation" did not outweigh the seriousness of the offence or warrant leniency in sentencing, he concluded, ruling that the teen serve a minimum of nine years and nine months in prison before being eligible for parole. Another teenager charged over the incident is yet to enter pleas, with his case listed for a hearing in Brisbane later this month.
The court heard that Mr and Ms Lovell had been woken by their dogs on the night of the murder, confronting the teenage intruders and forcing them outside of their house, where a struggle then broke out in the garden.
There, Ms Lovell was fatally stabbed in the heart with an 11.5cm (4.5 inch) knife. Police and paramedics responding to the attack had arrived to find her two teenage daughters sobbing over their dying mother. Medics performed open heart surgery on the front lawn of the home, but Ms Lovell died shortly after arriving at hospital.
The attack in the suburb of North Lakes, about 45km (30 miles) north of Brisbane, sparked community outrage and was among several cases which prompted the state of Queensland to controversially introduce stricter youth crime laws.
The court heard the teen responsible for Ms Lovell's death had been convicted of 84 offences in the past - more than a dozen of them break-in charges - although none of them had been violent crimes.
Ms Lovell's family had previously called for her killer to be jailed for life. Adults in Queensland face a mandatory life sentence for murder, however the offender had to be sentenced as a child due to his age at the time of the incident.
"I don't feel justice has been served one bit," Mr Lovell said, speaking outside of court in Brisbane - pointing out that his family had just one day earlier spent Mother's Day in grief.
"It was good to get 14 years but it's never going to be enough... it isn't going to bring Emma back."
In an emotional victim impact statement, Mr Lovell last week told the court he felt "so lost in life" without his best friend and wife of 22 years.
"The girls and I have had our futures robbed of us."
A statement was also read out on behalf of Ms Lovell's mother, Marjorie Dowson, who said the loss of her daughter had "left a big hole that can never be filled". "Her death has ruined my life," she said.
submitted by cherrymachete to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:14 LeeChangIsBae2 The current 777 Project rankings as of May 13th.

The Top 30 (so far):
  1. California/USA (Previously Ranked: #1↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  2. Taiwan (Previously Ranked: #3⬆️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 03/30/24).
  3. Canada (Previously Ranked: #2⬇️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  4. Germany (Previously Ranked: #4↔️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 02/23/24).
  5. Texas/USA (Previously Ranked: #5↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  6. South Korea (Previously Ranked: #8⬆️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 01/13/24).
  7. United Kingdom (Previously Ranked: #10⬆️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 02/21/24).
  8. New York/USA (Previously Ranked: #7 ⬇️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  9. Australia (Previously Ranked: #6⬇️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  10. Pennsylvania/USA (Previously Ranked: #9⬇️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  11. Japan (Previously Ranked: #11↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  12. Illinois/USA (Previously Ranked: #12↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  13. New Jersey/USA (Previously Ranked: #13↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  14. France (Previously Ranked: #14↔️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 02/25/24).
  15. North Carolina/USA (Previously Ranked: #15↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  16. Singapore (Previously Ranked: #16↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  17. Washington/USA (Previously Ranked: #17↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  18. Florida/USA (Previously Ranked: #22⬆️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  19. Belgium (Previously Ranked: #18⬇️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 03/01/24).
  20. Netherlands (Previously Ranked: #19⬇️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  21. Italy (Previously Ranked: #20⬇️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 02/28/24).
  22. Luxembourg (Previously Ranked: #21⬇️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  23. Finland (Previously Ranked: #23↔️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 03/7/24).
  24. Spain (Previously Ranked: #24↔️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 02/17/24).
  25. Portugal (Previously Ranked: #25↔️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 03/03/24).
  26. Poland (Previously Ranked: #26↔️. Show Confirmed? Yes! 02/19/24).
  27. Massachusetts/USA (Previously Ranked: #27↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  28. Brazil (Previously Ranked: #28↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  29. Arizona/USA (Previously Ranked: #29↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
  30. Utah/USA (Previously Ranked: #30↔️. Show Confirmed? No.).
Usually I try posting the updates on the 1st of every month but I was moving so things quickly became crazy for me in April/May. Hopefully June is more peaceful.
Like last time the majority of the 777 Sales are located in the Western Market. But Taiwan and South Korea saw big movements with Korea shooting up to #6 and Taiwan surpassing Canada for the #2 spot! Don't know if either will overtake California for the #1 spot but seeing so much support from Korean and Taiwanese InSomnias make me happy!
Honestly though, I think if another tour does happen this year they're gonna go back to North America. I think DCC is trying to have their cake and eat it too by booking or going to shows and concerts in places in Asia (like HK and Taiwan) and SA (Chile) while focusing their tours on the Western Market (like Europe and NA). The Waterbomb Festival is going to Dubai this year too so I wouldn't be surprised to see them get booked there too just to hit up another international market.
The 777 project is still ongoing (it will end in October). The link is below if you wish to purchase the merchandise.
submitted by LeeChangIsBae2 to dreamcatcher [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] COME ON DOWN TO THE ATOMIC WRANGLER!

$100 mystery box. Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Buy any 4 1 oz and get a 1 oz copper for free!
Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and Mailed Cash
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Please ask for photos or if I have multiple of the same item!
Date Proof:
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Aerosmith 1 oz $33
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $50
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $45
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $33
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $40
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $33
Baby yoda 1oz silver $33
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $33
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $33
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $36
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
1991 liberty lobby 1/2 oz round - $14 each 4 available
FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965 silver .8134 asw
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $33
2011 infantry no box $30 sale !
1992 Columbus $1 - $30
D-day $1 bu $30
Wright brothers $1 $30
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $37
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $28 sale
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $32
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $33
1995 Olympic track and field proof $33
1996 national community service proof $29
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $29
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $40
1999 Yellow stone national park $33
2000 Leif Erickson silver proof $1 - $42
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $31
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $30
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $33
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $40
2006 ASE certified $40
1921 Morgan in cap $40
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $26 🔥
Better 1922 peace dollar $26
Nice 1922 peace dollar $26
1925 peace dollar $26
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
1896 O Barber half $60
1895 p barber half $30
1952 Washington/ carver half $25
1877 seated half $45
Booker T Half $25
1964 MS 50c $14
1963 D 50c unc $18
1955 Canada 50c $15 🔥
1992 silver 50c proof $15 🔥
2005 s silver proof $15 🔥
1858 50C $70
Canada silver 5 cents $6
1857 dime $20
1923 mercury dime $3
1937 mercury dime au $12
1936 AU mercury dime $13
1927 mercury dime $4
Barber dime coa $4
Ohio silver quarter $12
1XX3 seated quarter $18
1955 ms quarter $12
1964 ms quarter $9
1904 p 25c $8
1908 O 25c $10
1912 d 10c $9
Metal detector dime $5
1909 p barber dime $19
1903 p 25c $9
1916 p barber $4
1912 D $5
1916 $6
1907 $8
1914 10c $12
1832 half dime $90 📷
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Buy all for $25 . Great deal.
Jewelry 💍
1 gram 10k earrings $25
7 gram. 925 bracelet $7
Take both for $31
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card $1.70
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $42
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $35
Trump wanted $33
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:08 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] COME ON DOWN TO THE ATOMIC WRANGLER!

Buy any 4 1 oz and get a 1 oz copper for free!
Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and Mailed Cash
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Please ask for photos or if I have multiple of the same item!
Date Proof:
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Aerosmith 1 oz $33
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $50
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $45
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $33
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $40
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $33
Baby yoda 1oz silver $33
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $33
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $33
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $36
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
1991 liberty lobby 1/2 oz round - $14 each 4 available
FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965 silver .8134 asw
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $33
2011 infantry no box $30 sale !
1992 Columbus $1 - $30
D-day $1 bu $30
Wright brothers $1 $30
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $37
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $28 sale
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $32
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $33
1995 Olympic track and field proof $33
1996 national community service proof $29
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $29
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $40
1999 Yellow stone national park $33
2000 Leif Erickson silver proof $1 - $42
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $31
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $30
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $33
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $40
2006 ASE certified $40
1921 Morgan in cap $40
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $26 🔥
Better 1922 peace dollar $26
Nice 1922 peace dollar $26
1925 peace dollar $26
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
1896 O Barber half $60
1895 p barber half $30
1952 Washington/ carver half $25
1877 seated half $45
Booker T Half $25
1964 MS 50c $14
1963 D 50c unc $18
1955 Canada 50c $15 🔥
1992 silver 50c proof $15 🔥
2005 s silver proof $15 🔥
1858 50C $70
Canada silver 5 cents $6
1857 dime $20
1923 mercury dime $3
1937 mercury dime au $12
1936 AU mercury dime $13
1927 mercury dime $4
Barber dime coa $4
Ohio silver quarter $12
1XX3 seated quarter $18
1955 ms quarter $12
1964 ms quarter $9
1904 p 25c $8
1908 O 25c $10
1912 d 10c $9
Metal detector dime $5
1909 p barber dime $19
1903 p 25c $9
1916 p barber $4
1912 D $5
1916 $6
1907 $8
1914 10c $12
1832 half dime $90 📷
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Buy all for $25 . Great deal.
Jewelry 💍
1 gram 10k earrings $25
7 gram. 925 bracelet $7
Take both for $31
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card $1.70
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $42
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $35
Trump wanted $33
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:40 Big_Preparation_313 Looking to find a breed suitable for therapy settings

1) Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs?
2) Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a reputable breeder?
3) Describe your ideal dog.
4) What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why?
5) What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do?
6) Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport?
Care Commitments
7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day?
8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park?
9) How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly?
Personal Preferences
10) What size dog are you looking for?
11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle?
12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area?
Dog Personality and Behavior
13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space?
14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please?
15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors?
16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs?
17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid?
18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone?
19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog?
20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they?
21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly?
22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease?
23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds?
24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live?
Additional Information and Questions
25) Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant.
26) Feel free to ask any questions below.
EDIT~~~ WOW thank you everybody for sharing your input!!! Ultimately I just want my dog to be happy and not be put in a situation where they are uncomfortable or overwhelmed. Maybe one day when I’m more experienced I’ll rescue a Rottweiler and a Great Pyrenees! After reading everybody’s comments I decided that a Labrador would thrive working as a therapy dog so I’ll learn how to be a responsible dog owner for not just my lab’s wellbeing but also to respect other people and their animals as well :) time to join the labrador and puppy101 subreddits🤓
submitted by Big_Preparation_313 to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:04 HappyCalculations420 Every Horror Movie I’ve Ever Seen, Ranked, Updated May 2024

DISCLAIMER: I am a teenager. It is just my opinion. Obviously if you are an adult, I’m not going to be as experienced in this genre as you so please keep that in mind when you comment. Also, there are some remakes of classic horror films on here. I only put one version of each movie on the list. However, I have most likely seen both versions. Keep this in mind as well. I do want suggestions, so suggest down below. Ask me why I put this movie there, I'll answer.
  1. Promising Young Woman (2020)
  2. Talk To Me (2023)
  3. Fresh (2022)
  4. Don’t Worry Darling (2022)
  5. Death Note (2017)
  6. Saltburn (2023)
  7. Beau Is Afraid (2023)
  8. Hereditary (2018)
  9. I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020)
  10. The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
  11. Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
  12. Pearl (2022)
  13. The Babysitter (2017)
  14. Glass (2019)
  15. Joker (2019)
  16. Late Night With the Devil (2024)
  17. Cheap Thrills (2013)
  18. Vivarium (2019)
  19. Split (2017)
  20. Spree (2020)
  21. The Platform (2019)
  22. IT CHAPTER TWO (2019)
  23. Sorry To Bother You (2018)
  24. White Noise (2022)
  25. Creep 2 (2017)
  26. Creep (2015)
  27. IT (2017)
  28. Circle (2015)
  29. The Black Phone (2021)
  30. The Belko Experiment (2017)
  31. Saw X (2023)
  32. Dream Scenario (2023)
  33. Civil War (2024)
  34. Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
  35. Mom and Dad (2017)
  36. Poor Things (2023)
  37. The Lobster (2016)
  38. The Florida Project (2017)
  39. The Final (2010)
  40. Thanksgiving (2023)
  41. Exam (2009)
  42. Bird Box Barcelona (2023)
  43. Who Invited Them (2022)
  44. Bird Box (2018)
  45. Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
  46. mother! (2017)
  47. The House That Jack Built (2018)
  48. The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
  49. Eighth Grade (2018)
  50. Ma (2019)
  51. First Reformed (2017)
  52. Black Swan (2010)
  53. Ready Or Not (2019)
  54. Would You Rather (2013)
  55. Terrifier (2018)
  56. Saw IV (2007)
  57. Coraline (2009)
  58. Cam (2018)
  59. 9 (2009)
  60. Triangle (2009)
  61. Saw V (2008)
  62. Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
  63. Happy Death Day (2017)
  64. Evil Dead Rise (2023)
  65. Terrifier 2 (2022)
  66. The Loved Ones (2009)
  67. 13 Sins (2014)
  68. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 (2021)
  69. The Forever Purge (2021)
  70. Scream 4 (2011)
  71. The Purge: Election Year (2016)
  72. The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
  73. The Purge (2013)
  74. The Gift (2015)
  75. Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
  76. Scream 6 (2023)
  77. The Truman Show (1998)
  78. Synecdoche, New York (2008)
  79. Scream 2 (1997)
  80. Scream 3 (2000)
  81. Priscilla (2023)
  82. Unfriended (2014)
  83. American Psycho (2000)
  84. Scream (1996)
  85. Infinity Pool (2023)
  86. M3gan (2023)
  87. Truth Or Dare? (2018)
  88. Smile (2022)
  89. Se7en (1995)
  90. Blue Velvet (1986)
  91. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  92. Saw II (2005)
  93. Saw III (2006)
  94. Cube (1997)
  95. Saw (2004)
  96. Doctor Sleep (2019)
  97. The Exorcist: Believer (2023)
  98. Donnie Darko (2001)
  99. Orphan: First Kill (2022)
  100. Orphan (2009)
  101. Girl In the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez (2021)
  102. The Shining (1980)
  103. Arrival (2016)
  104. Barbarian (2022)
  105. Us (2019)
  106. The Exorcist (1973)
  107. Halloween (2018)
  108. Halloween Kills (2021)
  109. It Follows (2015)
  110. Nope (2022)
  111. X (2022)
  112. The Babadook (2014)
  113. Ex Machina (2015)
  114. Five Nights At Freddy’s (2023)
  115. A Haunting In Venice (2023)
  116. Carrie (2013)
  117. Beetlejuice (1988)
  118. Hocus Pocus (1993)
  119. Escape Room (2019)
  120. The Menu (2022)
  121. Scary Movie (2000)
  122. Fear, Inc. (2016)
  123. The Cabin In the Woods (2011)
  124. Malignant (2021)
  125. Blue Ruin (2013)
  126. Boy Kills World (2024)
  127. The Reverent (2015)
  128. Midsommar (2019)
  129. The Night House (2020)
  130. Melancholia (2011)
  131. Imaginary (2024)
  132. Bite (2015)
  133. Cujo (1983)
  134. Get Out (2017)
  135. Scream 5 (2020)
  136. A Dark Song (2016)
  137. Signs (2008)
  138. The Nun II (2023)
  139. The First Purge (2018)
  140. The Village (2004)
  141. Ouija (2014)
  142. Abigail (2024)
  143. Evil Dead (2013)
  144. Night Swim (2024)
  145. Scary Movie 2 (2001)
  146. The Conjuring (2013)
  147. The Nun (2018)
  148. Saw VI (2009)
  149. Saw VII (2010)
  150. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
  151. Sasquatch Sunset (2024)
  152. Monkey Man (2024)
  153. Fear Street Part 2: 1978 (2021)
  154. Tusk (2014)
  155. A Quiet Place (2018)
  156. Scary Movie 3 (2003)
  157. Unbreakable (2000)
  158. Fear Street Part 3: 1666 (2021)
submitted by HappyCalculations420 to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:57 zadkielmodeler Recommendation for Tall/ Large dog breed or mixed breeds

**Introduction** 1)Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs? No I grew up with a family dog. And am a current owner of 2 rescue pibull mixes and have been caring for them for 3 years now. Training took some time but seemed to go well enough. 2)Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a [reputable breeder]( I'd prefer a dog in which I am the first owner after the inital 8 weeks of being a newborn. If that means a breeder then yes. My current 2 dogs are both rescues. Some of pyschological stuff we were able sort out and heal with time, some never went away. I'd prefer a clean slate. 3)Describe your ideal dog. A very tall, large healthy dog. Intimidating in stature, but not in behavior. Basically I want a huge dog that is relatively friendly, not too difficult to train. An indooinside dog. 4)What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why? Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Mastiff, Great Pyrenese. Size/height primarily. To be honest though a dog of this kind of size regardless of breed so long as it's relatively frinedly and not too much work to train and take care of. A mutt or new(er) breed is totally fine. 5)What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do? Sit, Stay, Off, drop the ball, Don't pull on the leash. That's about it. 6) Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport? No sports stuff, no livestock guarding. **Care Commitments** 7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day? 2-3 hours max. I work during the day. Not remotely. When I come home, my energy is limited. I usually take my dogs for a long (45min-1.5hr) walk and then play with them maybe 1 or 2 more times in the evening. I would want a dog that's okay with that or won't drive me crazy for more play or cause problems while I am gone. 8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park? 2 hours or so, mostly going for a walk. But also some play with me. And also some play with my other dogs. My other dog was traumatized after being mauled by a rotweiller at a dog park and he is not able to function pyschologically at a dog park. So for the time being, dog parks are off the table. 9)How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly? Less is more. I prefer shorter hair dogs and less grooming. I'd rather not pay a professional. Brushing a bit is fine. Some shedding is fine, I can sweep and vacuum. I don't want to have to trim. **Personal Preferences** 10)What size dog are you looking for? By height one of the biggest. By weight maybe top 20. 11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle? Some shedding is fine. Some barking is fine. Barking in response to every dog in a 1/2mile radius that is also barking at night is a no-go. Some slobber is okay. Needing a waterproof floor levels is too much. 12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area? It's nice if I can find a place. But I suppose the point of the question is more about how well they get along with strangers and other dogs off lease right? It's moderately/somehwat important. On a side note, I'd love to hear recommendations for places like this other than dog parks. **Dog Personality and Behavior** 13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space? At least somewhat snuggly. 14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please? Unsure. I mean If I say come, I don't want the dog to respond with casual indifference. 15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors? Barking is fine. Some amount of friendliness. 16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs? No 17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid? I want a dog that I can leave inside unattended/unsupervised. E.G. dog can't rip up the couch or destroy stuff. **Lifestyle** 18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone? 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week 19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog? It's just me. 20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they? I have 2 other dogs. They are both oversized pitbull mixes. 65lbs and 80lbs. They both in the past have played with and enjoy playing with great danes. 21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly? No*. But I would them to be safe to bring over to a relative's home who has children for some occaisions. 22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease? I didn't know *renting* a dog was even a thing. I plan to own. 23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds? I live in a Dallas Suburb in Texas, USA. I'm not aware of any specific bans. Since I am a home owner with my fenced in yard, and no HOA I'm not subject to whims and restrictions of an appartment complex 24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live? Average winter day = 45F Average summer day = 99F **Additional Information and Questions** 25) Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant. I have my own fenced in home. No HOA. 26) Feel free to ask any questions below. 1. Are there breeders who focus on large dogs of mixed breeds? 2. Are there places I can take my dogs off leash besides dog parks and backyards? 
submitted by zadkielmodeler to dogs [link] [comments]