Page refresh app

Apollo App

2015.01.26 07:06 iamthatis Apollo App

Apollo was an award-winning free Reddit app for iOS with over 100K 5-star reviews, built with the community in mind, and with a focus on speed, customizability, and best in class iOS features. It started development in late 2014 and ended June 2023. Dev's Mastodon: Twitter: Bluesky: PayPal: Website:

2012.10.28 22:24 sub_xerox Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord will build upon the popular Mount & Blade franchise bringing in many exciting and highly requested new features.

2012.10.23 12:59 pkhbdb Assetto corsa : your driving simulator

Assetto corsa : your driving simulator

2024.05.14 17:30 pedroescobar23 Regrouping color variants in Prestige Theme

We are moving to the Prestige theme as it enables my wife's clothing brand to do some things she needs moving forward. One of the biggest issues with our previous theme was the inability to break out a unique color variant to go on sale.
In a previous conversation it was mentioned that products can be "regrouped" via metadata to have all the color variants that remain at full price on a collections page.
Example of desired structure:
/sweaterA (parent, shows colors associated in a selected tab/collection)
/sweaterA-black (full price black color, other variants visible on product page)
/sweaterA-blue (full price blue color, other variants visible on product page)
/sweaterA-yellow (full price yellow color, other variants visible on product page)
/sweaterA-pink (sale item pink color, only shows in archive sale tab) /sweaterA-red (sale item red color, only shows in archive sale tab)
Obviously I'm not a developer, but just trying to outline the process and see if there is a simple way to do it via APP or metadata before going too far down the rabbit hole with other resources.
submitted by pedroescobar23 to shopify [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:24 Lonely_Trip_9971 Premium Select, but not really?

Premium Select, but not really?
Why do I keep getting offers for Premium Select upgrades on this DTW - AMS flight (ref: bottom right hand corner, & also shows up regularly on My Trips page for this trip), but when I try to select the seats they don't allow me to select them? I've tried every day for a couple weeks now, on both web browser and phone app. Sometimes the seats show blocked out with X like today, other times they don't have the X, but still won't allow me to select them.
submitted by Lonely_Trip_9971 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:20 adrock3000 is it really this hard to launch on a device?

i've been fighting with provisioning profiles and certificates for 3 days just trying to get my app installed on my device. i've downloaded the certs and remade profiles countless times. nuked everything and started from scratch many times but every single time i get "unable to verify app" when trying to run my app on my device. i've finally gotten my "Apple Development" cert to show the green verified on the vpn settings page but no matter what i do it won't run the app. is there something i'm missing since everyone seems to say you just do the simple steps and xcode will handle the rest.
i have checkmarks for all the things in signing window, everything matches up. are those checkmarks supposed to be green? they look grayed out.
app runs fine on simulator. thank you for any help from a frustrated android developer
submitted by adrock3000 to iOSDevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 RegionalCitizen Election results: Maryland 2024 US Senate primary ( refresh the page to see results as they come in )

Election results: Maryland 2024 US Senate primary ( refresh the page to see results as they come in ) submitted by RegionalCitizen to maryland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 LukeBrokeMyGuitar Dress Up Darling, One Week Friends, and lessons the former can learn from the latter (longform)

Apologies if this gets long-winded. Up until last month I was a journalist covering anime and manga, so I think I just have to get some words out of my system. Also, and obviously: Spoilers for Dress Up Darling to its current chapters, as well as the manga/anime One Week Friends.
I really enjoyed reading the recent posts from everyone on the analysis regarding chapter 100, if it feels like the book has lost its momentum, how the Comiket arc has made everyone feel, and so on. As someone that came to SBD/DUD via the anime but has dove into the manga heavy during the lull, it's refreshing to see a community taking an introspective look at the story, its arc, and the tug-of-war that seems to go on in regards to romance story versus cosplay tale.
But I also think that, by and large, falling into and caring too much about the "Will They/Won't They" of the story is a trap, and one that, if obsessed over for too long, inevitably leads to feeling let down by the time this story hits its conclusion.
On that note, let's talk about One Week Friends.
Initially released in 2012, Isshūkan Friends shares a lot of DNA with Dress-Up Darling. Both Square Enix joints, the two feature a very similar two-character lead romance dynamic. OWF is the story of Hase, a nervous high school boy who has a massive crush on his seemingly-ice queen class mate, Kaori. Taking a chance one day, he declares to her that he wants to be friends. However, she rejects him almost immediately. He comes to find that it wasn't because she doesn't want friends, but that she suffers from a condition that causes her memories to reset after a week. So, as a protective measure for herself, she just lives a life of stagnation--never making friends, never changing anything. At least until Hase comes around.
The story from there is familiar to Dress-Up Darling, in that a lot of the romantic tension comes from the perspectives of our two leads, as well as the "when are they going to get together?" of it all. In this case, the two sources of tension are as follows:
Kaori: Is entering into a friendship or having romantic feelings in her state fair to the other person? How does it affect her personally to have those feelings but only remember them through a journal--though her memory does begin to improve slightly over time. Is she worthy or friendship or love?
Hase: At a point, he places Kaori on a bit of a pedestal because he's been the only one to reach out to and make progress with this friendless girl. However, as their friend group grows and she becomes a more normal and stable person, he begins to resent not only losing this feeling of specialness, but the fact that he's feeling that way at all--no longer feeling like he's worthy of being there for her.
The parallels to Dress-Up Darling and the most recent stretch of the manga are apparent, as heartbreaking as its been to watching Marin and Gojo fumble in the metaphorical dark in that way that teen romance does so well. For Marin, she's in love with a boy that, at times feels distant, or that his main focus is the work. She's hesitated to confess her feelings time and again, both for the sake of comedy but also just because she's a teenager, and that kind of thing is hard for anyone to confess. She keeps hoping to create situations--some magical moment--where things fall into place and they both confess their true feelings, but circumstances and fate have kind of interfered to that point. However, she knows he's the only person in her life that's ever saw her for who she really is, and that's something she probably feels disconnected from as she approaches the precipice of cosplay stardom and feels more disconnected from Gojo than ever.
Meanwhile, Gojo has a similar issue to Hase in One Week Friends: He's placed this girl on a pedestal. A perfect doll that he isn't worthy of. So, he did the only thing he could ever do: Focus on the work and trying to show he cares through supporting her. However, he's hit the end road of that path, with 'Princess' now seen by the work at Comiket and feeling like, to him, that Marin has outgrown him. He feels unworthy of telling her how he feels.
And yes, both of them are idiots, but that's why we love stories like this in manga and anime.
In the case of One Week Friends, I always felt like that story somewhat fumbled the ball. The anime and the first run of the manga end on a very saccharine, melodramatic note. The two leads have a falling out, but then a memorable reunion on new year's day where they both somewhat confess their feelings. A lot of fans felt left out in the cold that the series didn't end in a full-blown confirmation of love--or even a kiss, but thems the breaks sometimes.
In the case of Dress-Up Darling, I think the takeaway to learn from is that the big, apex moment for this story is inevitably going to be the confession of love. It's what drew the most people into the story and thing that everyone on this sub is obviously waiting for. However, we really don't know if that's the way the mangaka views it, nor if that's the focus.
As insane as that feels to say. After all, what are we doing here if not waiting for Marin and Gojo to figure things out, stop being dumb, and just say how they feel?
Whether or not Dress-Up Darling nails the landing is going to completely depend on that moment. However, I remain optimistic. In a perfect world, I'd want the story to end with that confession finally happening: Marin realizing she needs to go after the things she wants and that the thing that kept her going all this time wasn't the finished product of the cosplay, but the memories made along the way. For Gojo, he needs to stop treating Marin like another hina doll--something to be placed up on a shelf and put behind a glass case, un approachable and only deserving of love from afar. He has to take agency in his own life and needs.
Personally, I could think of nothing better than this series ending with that confession happening and the last chapter detailing how Marin wants to do a cosplay of a traditional Hina Doll, making Gojo think its for an upcoming event. They work together as normal on it, the process and journey being the important part--with the final scene being them getting her ready in his room as always, with Gojo finally asking what the event is for. She responds, fully dressed as that thing Gojo has so admired for the longest time, that the event is just for him, and it always will be. Cut to that big two-page spread shot smile of her, but this time in Hina Doll garb.
Anyways, I'm going back to work.
submitted by LukeBrokeMyGuitar to SonoBisqueDoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:16 fenway062213 Looking for help getting Soma shades into HomeKit

Once again I’m here looking for some help with troubleshooting another part of my HomeKit setup…
I just moved into a new house and put Soma shade motors on 13 shades (we have a lot of windows, the house is near the street, and privacy is important to us!) I used this brand of shade motors in my last two homes and, except for the occasional hiccup, they worked great. This time around they had an updated version (version 3, here: ) The motors themselves work great and are definitely a big improvement over the last version, but I’m having issues getting them into HomeKit.
So, one thing I didn’t realize when I bought them is that the new hub, which is required for version 3, only can connect to 10 shades at a time. No big deal - I ordered another one which is hopefully on the way soon. However, the one hub I currently have regularly changes which 10 shades it’s displaying in the Home app. I’m concerned that this will continue to happen when the second hub arrives, and that each hub will constantly switch up which shades it displays. I asked them about this, and they said I should be able to whitelist the shades on each hub. However, their instructions on whitelisting were a bit sparse, and they only sent me the following:
Use the following links in your computer's web browser to configure the whitelist and set which motors the Connect should see/control
Get the current whitelist: http://somaconnect.local:3000/command?cmd=whitelist
Add a device to the whitelist: http://somaconnect.local:3000/command?cmd=whitelist_add&mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Clear the whitelist: http://somaconnect.local:3000/command?cmd=whitelist_clear
When I clicked the links it just took me to a blank Safari page. That said, I don’t have a Mac (I’m iPad only) but can borrow one if need be. But before I do, I wanted to see if anyone else here has done this, and whether a Mac is actually needed.
I asked them to clarify exactly what to do, but I haven’t gotten an answer, which has been frustrating. So, if anyone here has any ideas, I’d love to hear them. Thanks guys.
submitted by fenway062213 to HomeKit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:14 Ok_Membership_6747 Can not see what you type in the text input field

Hi yall, I hope you professionals can help me with this project.
I am making a measuring app that will be used on phones. In a drawing, the way of measuring will be shown and the outcomes are then typed in and displayed on another page. But when you press on the input field and the keypad shows up, it covers the input field. So you can not see what you are typing. How can I change this so the page "jumps up" and you can see what you are typing?
Thanks a lot in advance!
submitted by Ok_Membership_6747 to ProtoPieStudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:12 Dal-Chawal Made an application to advertise your product for just 1 dollar

Hey , I made this fun application while I was bored . So basically what it does is that you pay one dollar and your product showcases on the home page until the next person pays a dollar and replaces you . I know it's not a unique idea or very creative but I am a university student and didn't had any good idea to build so made this in my free time . Try it . Roast it . Tell me if I can add anything to it . Have fun
submitted by Dal-Chawal to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:12 ur_ecological_impact Laser printer recommendation

I'm looking for a black-white laser printer with a scanner. My story: I bought a Samsung SCX in 2011 and we went through a lot. Around 2018 I took it for service and they found a pound of earth in it (I've been keeping flower pots on top), and despite this it just kept chugging. It still works to this day, except that I moved to a different country and couldn't carry it with me.
So I bought a Brother last year, and then a month ago it just died with the Paper Jam error. It just died between printing two sheets of paper, without me doing anything.
Anyway I had warranty for it, so I got back the price I paid for it, but now I'm really disappointed in Brother. I'm thinking that perhaps I should get a Kyocera. Not Samsung, because I understand that HP bought Samsung's printer department at some point, and their new printers suck now.
Please recommend a multi-function black-white laser printer which isn't made by Brother or Samsung. I print roughly 100 pages a month.
submitted by ur_ecological_impact to BuyItForLife [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:11 Dal-Chawal Advertise your product for just 1 dollar

Hey , I made this fun application while I was bored . So basically what it does is that you pay one dollar and your product showcases on the home page until the next person pays a dollar and replaces you . I know it's not a unique idea or very creative but I am a university student and didn't had any good idea to build so made this in my free time . Try it . Roast it . Tell me if I can add anything to it . Have fun
submitted by Dal-Chawal to Indiehacker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:10 Dal-Chawal Advertise your product for just 1 dollar

Hey , I made this fun application while I was bored . So basically what it does is that you pay one dollar and your product showcases on the home page until the next person pays a dollar and replaces you . I know it's not a unique idea or very creative but I am a university student and didn't had any good idea to build so made this in my free time . Try it . Roast it . Tell me if I can add anything to it . Have fun
submitted by Dal-Chawal to indiehackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:09 Dal-Chawal Advertise your product for just 1 dollar

Hey , I made this fun application while I was bored . So basically what it does is that you pay one dollar and your product showcases on the home page until the next person pays a dollar and replaces you . I know it's not a unique idea or very creative but I am a university student and didn't had any good idea to build so made this in my free time . Try it . Roast it . Tell me if I can add anything to it . Have fun
submitted by Dal-Chawal to IMadeThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:09 That_MF__ Is there A WhatsApp group or Facebook group or page That offers Pawning services ?

submitted by That_MF__ to Zambia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 Pale_Replacement4655 Baby Reindeer Irl (my own personal hell)

I've been struggling with this one for awhile. I know it's as easy as "don't pain shop" or "who cares what AP does, WH came back to reconcile, right?"
It's been 4 months since D-Day. Their affair started at work and lasted 5 months. We've been together for 7 years. He was home every night, so I never thought twice. I thought he was hanging out with friends. Like most of us BP's, I didn't think he had it in him to hurt me the way he did. I found out the day before we were to visit our wedding venue. We have since gotten married (I know, it was insane and sporatic. Prenup is signed. I don't regret it, but I do feel like I did it in my state of panic. Anyway, I have to mention this in order to explain how AP is affecting me moving forward.)
Anyway, things have been great over here. He no longer works with her. He's genuinely remorseful and has been supportive on my bad days, when I'm triggered, etc. MC has been going great as well. WH is in individual therapy. I will be going to IT soon as well, we're just pretty tight on funds right now with him having to quit. There's no contact with AP, I have access to everything and I stay on top of checking - not so much because of him, but because of AP. She is completely delusional.
When he came home for good, she sent anonymous packages in the mail along with her family. I found around 20 notes hidden throughout his things (he moved out for less than a week.) She emailed him on multiple email accounts, including an anonymous domain website. She created multiple reddit accounts to message him with photo proof if was her. She Cashapped him to attempt contact. They both play a popular RPGMMO game, where she has logged into, taken screenshots, and posted them to her Twitter. There are associated apps for the game, including Discord and Steam, that she has tried to reach out to him on. She created a Facebook page with her last name being WH's stating she was pregnant (she's not) to harrass us.
This was a few months ago, I have everything saved incase she attempts any type of contact again. She knows it's straight to the police. But, she's gotten her way around the no-contact by following us and posting content online such as:
There's probably more honestly, just typing this out makes my skin crawl. She knows we're married. WH feels bad for AP because it was her FIRST interaction with a man (did I mention she was a 32 year old virgin?) and tells me to ignore it like he does. MC even said "he married you, he's with you, let her do what she wants. If she directly reaches out again, file a police report" But I'm just like...what the actual fuck? My brain does not work like this. It has taken EVERYTHING out of me to learn to forgive and push through R with WH. I decided to R because I wanted to and knew he was better than all of this. He's in therapy, as stated before, and he's disgusted at what he's done the more he unravels why he did what he did. So again, I'm not regretting my decision. But I cannot get over the fact that AP is THIS disrespectful and desperate. I know, I know. She's an AP for a reason. But this is INSANE. I've been wanting to type this out for awhile now, but today I've had it. I want to say something so bad. I know it's probably not worth it, that's why I've been ignoring it. But the more I hold back, the angrier I get. I'm a confrontational person, so it sure doesn't help.
I guess I'm not really asking for advice, because I know what the answer is. I just needed to get this out and see if there is any other individuals out there who have had similar experiences. I just want her to stop before I actually explode.
submitted by Pale_Replacement4655 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:02 Unhappy_Amoeba4384 Strange "Admin" app randomly Added to a user's App page

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. Randomly one of our users reported that a new app was added by your admin. This new app looks to be the Microsoft "admin" app however it is in another language then English, and they still have the legitimate admin account. Furthermore, we have not be able to find in the audit logs of any of our admins adding this app to this users account. Screenshots below. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Unhappy_Amoeba4384 to Office365 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 withawithpain Vevor App Coupon Code

Click the link for Vevor App Coupon Code. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by withawithpain to AceDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 julzferacia I never signed up yet I have an account and was charged?

I have never heard of Hubbl until I got an email tonight at 11:39pm thanking me for my order!
They have also charged my card.
I signed in with my email and it worked. I used to have binge but cancelled that months ago. It looks like the app has subscribed me to netflix (which I already pay for with a different email and card) and disney. I never signed up for either!!
I looked at the account page and billing and it is all my information.
I can only assume that Binge has used my info. I am fuming
submitted by julzferacia to Hubbl [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 Ok-Influence1056 Feedback for the Second iteration of my Wireframe

I have a prototyping course at my university where we need to create a wireframe for an app and gather real feedback from people. I created a wireframe for a pet care app which offers services such as finding nearby veterinarians, a pet shop where you can buy different pets, pet shelters that help people who want to adopt find pets easily, supply shops that sell pet supplies, and a pet profile where you can write notes about your pet. I received some good feedback from users in this subreddit. This is the second version, which should be enhanced, and after this iteration, I will start with the mock-up.
Here are the feedback points that I applied:
  1. Added a category for veterinary services.
  2. Added a 'save post' feature for doctors.
  3. Added a price slider on the filtering page.
  4. Replaced writing notes about your pet with a checklist on the pet profile page.
  5. Added an exit route for each page.
  6. Enhanced the look and visualization to improve understanding.
  7. Fixed the alignment of items, such as on the shopping cart page.
I hope I can get feedback on this second version in order to incorporate it into the mock-up design.
Wireframe second version
submitted by Ok-Influence1056 to FigmaDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 AutoModerator New to Reddit? Come and talk to us!

New-Redditor's lounge!

This weekly post is an opportunity for new users to say hello in comments - & please let us how you found yourself here. Regulars here are absolutely encouraged and very welcome to join in too!
Getting started on Reddit is hard. We know it is; We've been there and gone through these same frustrations. Please believe us when we say IT'S NOT PERSONAL. It may well feel like it is, but honestly, it isn't. What it is, however, is a lack of Karma. Karma is an indicator of how much someone has contributed to Reddit in a positive manner. So, let's do just that by getting to know each other!
This is a post to help genuine new users build up quality Karma in a safe environment.
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You need Post Karma, so the ideal opportunity to start is by asking any questions about Redditing in your own new, dedicated Post in this Subreddit (only one post per 72 hours please, but make as many comments or questions in that post as you need). This sub is full of awesome people who are willing to help with specific problems, and we'd like to keep this post for chat. Thank you.
So, let's chat! (Guides at the bottom of this post).


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submitted by AutoModerator to NewToReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:58 ConferenceVarious610 Please help and I'll help in retuen

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submitted by ConferenceVarious610 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 dzidzej Interview questions for next with app directory

Hi, I'm wondering about questions that may happen during interview related to nextjs, but with app directory (let's say for mid position). Every page that I came across while googling has questions for old, pages approach. What questions can I expect?
submitted by dzidzej to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 Ok_Avocado_4253 Incorrectly received a “missed block” email

I’m so annoyed. I got an email this morning saying I missed a block. I know I had nothing scheduled because it was Mother’s Day and I had plans. I did check the offers page because I got a notification and it was actually surging for once on Sunday evening (showing offers for times that were during my “missed block” so for sure had nothing scheduled) but I didn’t pick up anything. I already wrote an email to support and I don’t see the missed block on my actual standing reporting in the app. I’m sure it will be fine but it’s annoying as hell that Amazon is always doing this. I always see people talking about how they get incorrect emails and notifications, either missed block when they didn’t or they have a block coming up when they don’t and whatever else. It’s an automated system and they are a Trillion dollar company, get a better system damn.
Anyone else get a missed block email?
submitted by Ok_Avocado_4253 to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]