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Sol De Janeiro 71 dupe

2024.05.15 04:36 xnaveera Sol De Janeiro 71 dupe

Are there any other fragrances like the Sol De Janeiro 71 but stronger and longer lasting?
submitted by xnaveera to FemFragLab [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:31 ElBuenTony soyyoelmalo/a por querer ser bueno con las mujeres?

Más que pregunta, me quiero descargar.
No sé qué pasa, no entiendo por qué cada vez que quiero intentar una relación formal, estable y con proyección a futuro pasa lo mismo.
Vamos al inicio, soy hombre, 31 años, emprendedor (económicamente estable), trabajador, sin vicios, casero, no me considero guapo ni feo, quiero y anhelo tener una familia (esposa, hijos, vamos, una familia tradicional).
La cuestión es que busco mujeres para poder tener una pareja sana, con buena comunicación, he trabajado mi responsabilidad afectiva, he identificado mis red flags y las he tratado, en si me he puesto las pilas para poder ser un buen prospecto, un buen novio, un buen esposo, un buen padre y al parecer es lo que más rechazan las señoritas.
En verdad no comprendo que tienen en la cabeza, por qué eso sí, me comporto como era antes, todo vale verga, las ignoro, no les doy tiempo, las dejo en segundo plano y no las priorizo y las tengo en la palma de la mano.
Pero no quiero ser así, ya lo fui un tiempo y no va conmigo, en verdad me gusta tratar bien a las personas, ser atento, detallista y cariñoso.
Me han dicho que sea paciente, que llegara la indicada y demás, pero cada vez pasa más el tiempo y empiezo a perder la paciencia.
Y no, no son solos chicas jóvenes, me han tocado todas las edades y se ha repetido ese patrón, es como si pidieran a gritos que las trate de la peor manera.
En fin... Solo eso.
submitted by ElBuenTony to SoyElMalo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:35 New_Aide_2009 Saben como parar por las buenas a un vecino ruidoso.

Buenas, gente necesito consejo, vivo en bosa soy el unico hijo de dos adultos mayores y desde hace meses al frente de mi casa en medio de mi barrio hay una hpta taberna que no le entra ni un alma pero mantienen la musica absurdamente alta. dialogar con los dueños ha sido imposible y temo por la integridad de mis padres si avanzo un proceso legal quisiera saber si han tenido estas dificultades como lo han solucionado?
Pd: ayudenme, es por los viejitos no por mi :c
submitted by New_Aide_2009 to Bogota [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:15 Familiar-Club3731 Fragmentos no escuchados ( me gustaría opiniones y si puedo mejorar en algo, tal vez es un poco largo😅)

Fragmentos no escuchados
Realmente no llego a comprender el desorden de mis pensamientos entre tanto caos pensé tener un orden Pero ahora, logré entender el desorden que ignore
Tantos pensamientos que llegaron a fracturar lo que una vez llegué a querer, entre tantos rechazo que me hicieron temer a algo que no debería...
Aquella decepción de esa persona a la que un dia ame y ese sentimiento que nunca esperé, esa persona por la que fui capaz de encender el cielo mientras ardía el sol
Otra vez junto a aquella soledad que tanto dije amar y ahora que me encuentro con ese silencio pude escuchar aquellos fragmentos que no llegaron a su tiempo caer
Mientras mis pensamientos daban vueltas, mientras mis latidos tomaban un receso de aquella intensidad que alguna vez lograron tener...
Tal vez me equivoqué y ese es el motivo de ser tan poco para ser cambiado en unos cuantos palpitar, mientras aquellos escuchados a su lado quedaron atrás
He cambiado mi corazón y mi alma pero no por qué alguien me pidió escribirlo, solo quise cambiar las páginas que no escribí correctamente
Pero realmente no se si debería rendirme o dejarlo de intentar, cuánto desearía que en esta conversación entrara la razón y no escuchará al corazón
Amaría dejar el pasado mientras dejo mi corazón de lado, mientras que mi razón toma el mando, dejando sentimientos y fragmentos que son innecesarios...
submitted by Familiar-Club3731 to POESIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:02 Upbeat-Lettuce- The New Yorker publishes a long-form article on the trial of Lucy Letby and r/LucyLetcy goes into meltdown and removes (nearly) any mention of it.

Lucy Letby is a British former neonatal nurse, whose 10 month trial from from October 2022 to August 2023 resulted in 7 convictions for murder of babies, and 7 convictions for attempted murder. The incidents occurred from 2016-2017. The trial was highly publicised (though not broadcast), and I would say the guilty verdicts were very broadly supported by the public. The UK government has commissioned an independent statutory inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the murders, and the hospital where she worked is being investigated.
Letby was found not guilty on two counts of attempted murder, and the jury was unable to reach verdicts on six further attempted murder charges. One of those 6 further attempted murder charges is being retried in June, and so the UK is under strict reporting guidelines as not to prejudice this case and any potential jurors.
Rachel Aviv published a long article in The New Yorker on May 13th titled 'A British Nurse Was Found Guilty of Killing Seven Babies. Did She Do It?' - link. (I can provide an archived link but wasn't sure about bypassing the paywall in the main text!)
Due to the reporting guidelines in the UK, this link will not work for the UK folk reading here!
It's an interesting read on the quality of the evidence allowed (and the current tragic state of the NHS), including comparisons to other notorious miscarriages of justice such as Lucia De Berk. If you ask me, it's worth reading in full, even though it obviously has a clear slant.
For example, here is a paragraph on Dewi Evans, who provided expert opinion in the case:
Other babies, he said, had been harmed through another method: the intentional injection of too much air or fluid, or both, into their nasogastric tubes. “This naturally ‘blows up’ the stomach,” he wrote to me. The stomach becomes so large, he said, that the lungs can’t inflate normally, and the baby can’t get enough oxygen. When I asked him if he could point me to any medical literature about this process, he responded, “There are no published papers regarding a phenomenon of this nature that I know of.” (Several doctors I interviewed were baffled by this proposed method of murder and struggled to understand how it could be physiologically or logistically possible.)
The main drama can be found in this post - where a user asks if there is interest in forming a new sub, since:
Earlier this evening, I and at least 20 other individuals posted a recently published article on the LL case, each of us looking to have an interesting and open discussion. I won’t mention the article, but you probably already know which one it is.
Each of those posts was taken down by the mods, with the note that “juries determine the facts” and there would be no discussion about Letby’s potential innocence.
As an American, I find that attitude shocking. We have an Innocence Project here in the US precisely because juries are sometimes wrong. Justice is sometimes not served. Sometimes the police lie, or plant evidence. Sometimes eyewitness are mistaken. Sometimes medical examiners are not board certified and are less than competent. Sometimes evidence goes missing or is corrupted. There are so many reasons why innocent people are convicted every day.
So, I’m curious how many people here would be interested in a truly open forum where we think critically? In posting this question, I’m breaking no rules of the sub. The question is on-topic (Lucy Letby), it is in good faith and not trolling, and I am not actually asking you to comment on the issue of guilt or innocence....
The mod pinned comment is an immediate source of drama, beginning with:
Please go ahead and form another sub to discuss this poorly researched article. Those of us in the UK who have followed the case closely know there is nothing in your thinly veiled accusations.
also including this argument on free speech (is the UK worse than China??)
Arguments abound throughout the comment section, including here.
For anyone looking for actual discussion of the article (which I honestly was!!), check out medicine.
submitted by Upbeat-Lettuce- to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:39 mineriaenlinea SolGold asegura financiamiento clave para el proyecto Cascabel en Ecuador

🌍🔧 SolGold asegura $10M para Cascabel, impulsando uno de los mayores proyectos de cobre y oro en Ecuador. #Minería #Ecuador #Inversión
submitted by mineriaenlinea to InfoMinera [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:34 jorge_leopard99 Creen en el equilibrio de la vida?

Es decir para que tu estés bien alguien más la debe estar pasando de la chingada y así con todo, no es que seas culpable pero básicamente es así. Tu disfrutas de todo en paz como tú lo veas pero siempre debe haber alguien que la esté pasando jodido. Y eso se ve reflejado en la música que escuchas si te gusta la música estilo indie depre implica que tu felicidad le está dando problemas a alguien cercano Ati. Otro ejemplo es la raza Áfricana y no soy racista pero por eso no estoy favor que migren a mi país México, y es que toda su perra vida se la pasaron quejándose de la vida ,en ves de mejorar o intentarlo, esperaron a que algo los mueva para que empiecen a cambiar, o la gente que sin musica no puede mover un dedo del pie. Sin musica se deprimen.
submitted by jorge_leopard99 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:32 Global-University-17 Université de Strasbourg Médecine? EXPÉRIENCE OR ADVICE?

I was accepted to the faculty of medicine of the University of Strasbourg as a first year student with ´mention science de la vie accès santé ’.
How is life as a med student in France specifically in Strasbourg ??
Any advice/ opinion / experience would be appreciated ? Is it so so hard? I’m a hard working student and French proficiency shouldn’t be a problem but still some people claim that French med schools are a bit frustrating. Is it ?
How is the student life, city atmosphere ? Since it is such a long path ( 11-12 years with residency) , I have some worries before making a final decision.
Are you happy ? Or do you regret it? Is it really worth all of our efforts ?? How is the general education?
THANKS A LOT! ANY INSIGHT IS APPRECIATED! Vous pouvez également répondre en Français si vous voulez!
submitted by Global-University-17 to Strasbourg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:18 SFCreativeArtist Is there a train tomorrow at 8 from Sucre to Potosi?

Does anyone know if there is still a passenger train between Sucre and Potosi?
Supposedly, it leaves at 8 AM tomorrow, and it is on their website map, but neither schedules nor prices are on their website.
¿Alguien sabe si todavía existe un tren de pasajeros entre Sucre y Potosí?
Supuestamente sale mañana a las 8 de la mañana, y está en el mapa de su web, pero en su web no aparecen ni horarios ni precios.
submitted by SFCreativeArtist to BOLIVIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:07 8th_Hurdle [EVENT] A Series Of Loaded Questions

18th February 1966;
Sault South, UP, SCS;
“It’s at breaking point, and you’re apparently the source of the madness. Tell me, how do you feel about this, Mister Laurie Evelyn Aspen, considering the rumours flowing through the entire country about the cause for such major unrest.”
That was a loaded question, and instantaneously, Aspen was reminded where he was being interviewed - it was the Disembarkment Show on the SuperiorSide Radio, a pirate station that was being ‘tolerated’ by the governmental overlords. Of course, they would not be too critical of the government, just because they were not idiots, and that meant Aspen, the local Member, could never be on the best terms considering how he only tolerated Nixon and company. Furthermore, he had plans to begin his own party, alongside his army-side friend that was Colonel Atterman, namely the Organisation For Honor. Of course, he had therefore been announced as an ‘independent Member, and one to remain so for the far-future’, by the host Raymond Lefevre, whom he sat opposite.
He thanked the gods that he was being interviewed on radio and not television - on the small screen, everyone would spot his heavy nerve-sweating.
“Well… well…” started Aspen, tripping over the words now stuck in his head, “that… I cannot consider to be the case. I told them that they could order new army equipment if they wished to give more people more benefits. I have ran on a platform of better defence for our lands - I’ve seen major devastation before, remember that war just a half-decade ago. Am I the only one concerned? If we want to follow our LM’s doctrine, then we need a Superior force to challenge the best, simply put. We need that, every day of every year.”
“I know that, as somebody who also grew up around here, but Laurie, have you stopped the benefits package from coming through? People are still pretty mad, and that includes quite a lot of the Liberal-Labour’s own supporters, and perhaps many around here too. Thoughts?” asked Lefevre, hoping to eek out a slip that could be used to humour.
"No thoughts, only fact. I have approved of their next package, which is to increase the length of maternity leave and introduce the concept of paternity leave. I think it’s a risky thing to give the protesters more time, but if they can show themselves to be willing to raise a family and follow our traditional values, then they can show themselves to be brilliant citizens. Every man can hold a rifle, every woman can make another, that kind of attit’ wins wars. Plus, they also want to raise the minimum wage a bit higher, just to get them a bit happier, but I don’t want that to detract from the military. After all, Raymond--”
“It’s why you’re here, Laurie, yep. Well, any future plans? Might as well say them here, those across the water won’t be taking notes on any talk.” Raymond wanted just a little extra, just to fill out the interview slot before he put on ‘Egyptian B-Flat Major’ by Drifting En De Nile from Sun-Ra, so just one bit extra would do.
“Well, I’ll just prove you wrong from earlier. Am planning to expand my platform into my own party, that’s O4H, and to be honest, we’re here to enact a strengthening, to save Superior, and to keep our allies impressed. I’ve people within the army whom I’m consulting with to find our way, soon you’ll see it as the 67 elections arrive. That it for today?” ended off Aspen, with that devilish smile.
“Uh yes, so thank you ever so much Member Aspen for being with us, and now, we have a wonderful swing piece imported from a great distance; they call it Egyptian B-Flat Minor, and call the band Drifting En De Nile, here’s to it!”
{Paternity Leave 6 weeks, Maternity Leave 12 Weeks}
submitted by 8th_Hurdle to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:47 Ok_Protection_6622 En mi último día como maestro termine en una recepcion con 2 policías a cada lado y un bombero enfrente de mi

Cuando iba en preparatoria hice servicio social con algunos compañeros de clase en un campamento de verano, a mis compañeros les tocó ser instructores o jefes de grupo y a mi me tocó ser maestro de manualidades por una condición que tengo donde tengo sangrados nasal si es que estoy mucho tiempo expuesto al sol y el calor por ende me pusieron en el único puesto que implica estar en un cuarto cerrado con aire acondicionado, fue ventajoso lo sé pero también tengo habilidad para las manualidades y me desempeño bien el estás.
En el último día se realizó una fiesta donde se cancelaron las actividades para tener a los niños en el tejaban festejando y haciendo dinámicas, el evento necesito manos extras por lo cual fuimos todos los instructores y jefes de grupo además de policías para cuidar a los niños. El evento estubo chido la verdad en un momento llego un camión de bomberos y rociaron a los niños con las mangueras mientras otros subían al camión para explorarlo.
El problema es que en mi ciudad hace mucho calor en verano y ese día estaba horrible casi que al cierre me comenzó a sangrar la nariz y era tanto que asusté a los niños y me mandaron para recepción lo cual no era malo estoy acostumbrado a el sangrado por lo cual solo necesitaba poner un tapón y descansar pero en recepción estaban 2 policías que exageraron la situación. Un pequeño detalle es que aparento menos edad por lo cual aún cuando estaba en preparatoria para los policías era ver a un niño de primaria con la cara llena de sangre que intentaba no manchar el piso haciendo un cuenco con las manos llenando estás de sangre... Obvio se asustaron y me asustaron a mi al ser policías, en un momento estaban tan ansioso porque pasó como media hora y el sangrado no paraba que llamaron a uno de los bomberos para checarme.
Termine con 2 policías a cada lado que me gritaban y asustaban y un bombero que aunque trataba de tranquilizarme alzaba mi cabeza haciendo que toda la sangre pasara a mi garganta mareandome todo con tal de no empeorar ls situscion. Duraron así por aprox otros 30 minutos y casi me mandan a casa en una patrulla de lo preocupados que estaban.
submitted by Ok_Protection_6622 to espanol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:43 DoubleAggravating423 Is semi-weighted foldable keyboard that bad for learning?

I have been learning piano on an acoustic piano for over 10 years. But after I got into a University overseas, I had to move away from home, so I decided to buy a cheap keyboard without any knowledge about weighted keys. I chose a foldable keyboard because of it's portability. I have been practicing piano on that keyboard with a VST (Noire) for almost a year, I feel like I have improved and learnt some hard pieces myself and I am really happy with it.
However, I have been hearing a lot of people talking about how going from semi-weight to acoustic piano is really different and it's not recommend if you want to practice and improve. Moreover, I heard more talks about how foldable keyboards are basically "toy" and they are super bad.
Now I feel really anxious/sad because it feels like months of practicing just went to waste and I won't be able to replicate what I practiced when I have access to acoustic piano in the future. So the main point is, if I want to improve and learn harder pieces, do I have to buy a new digital piano? Because price and mainly portability is a problem as I have to move constantly every year.
This is the keyboard I got for context.
submitted by DoubleAggravating423 to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:16 ferb2 Presidential candidate Claudia De La Cruz and Vice Presidential candidate Karina Garcia are coming to Cleveland. May 21st, 7:00PM, 5949 Engel Ave. Cleveland

Presidential candidate Claudia De La Cruz and Vice Presidential candidate Karina Garcia are coming to Cleveland. May 21st, 7:00PM, 5949 Engel Ave. Cleveland
✨ Claudia De la Cruz is a mother, popular educator, community organizer and theologian. Born in the South Bronx to immigrant parents from the Dominican Republic, she began her political organizing work when she was 13 at her home church, grounding her work on principles of liberation theology. For nearly 30 years, Claudia has demonstrated a fierce commitment to building people power at home, and an end to the U.S. empire abroad.
✨ Karina Garcia is a Chicana organizer and popular educator who has been fighting for a better world since she was 17 years old as a high school student in California. As one of the founders of the Justice Center en El Barrio in NYC and member of the Central Committee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Karina has dedicated her life to her work as a socialist organizer.
Claudia and Karina are running with the Party for Socialism and Liberation with a steadfast and clear conviction that there is a need to build political organizations and a mass political movement independent from the two party system of the ruling class.
submitted by ferb2 to Cleveland [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 OhHoolyCow the tricky "en" in a sentence

There are times I ran across "en" in a french sentence,however,couldn't figure out the role it is playing in it.Here is one:"n'en finissent pas de dire",is there anybody to tell me what's the function of "en"other than indicate the quantity and stand I for the noun after "de"?
submitted by OhHoolyCow to French [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:17 PyroIsSpai Are UFOs impacted by energies and gravitational anomalies generated by fault lines? A few new clues and questions from a claimed UFO Program leaker on a similar subreddit.

0. High level summary

I propose that fault lines may play a significant and under documented role in what is happening with UFOs and specifically the impact of fault lines on some number of UFO related crashes. I suspect energetic effects from fault lines and gravity effects from mass variances in fault lines (especially while active) impact UFO/NHI navigational systems. They may do things like routing around, or via, fault lines.

1. A new leaker: Dijkstra's algorithm and Diablo Canyon.

On May 13th, 2024, a claimed leaker on UFO/NHI related programs posted on /Aliens with details on their history with the "Program".
It's a huge volume of data but one very particular passage instantly stuck out to me:
"The craft use a system that originally befuddled generations of researchers, but it's essentially a 3D dijkstra algorithm. It finds points around the craft, and chooses the most efficient possible route through space time to get to that point. Some of the parameters it uses to gauge efficiency are totally unknown to us and are a serious point of contention. It's not autonomy, but rather obstacle avoidance not unlike what you would see in a self-driving car. But, the self driving car could go through air, space and water without worrying about what medium its in. Additionally, the algo accounts for the crafts place in time."
And then this surprising sentence shortly after:
"Although the algo is extremely effective, Nuclear explosions and experiments somehow interfere with this navigation. Craft particularly avoid Diablo Canyon, even if we put something they really want there."
So, this Dijkstra's algorithm and Diablo Canyon.
I can find not one single prior reference to this anywhere, ever, in all of Ufology prior to that Reddit post.
I think this is entirely new, or new to the Internet for UFO topics.
In a 3D version of Dijkstra's algorithm, the algorithm extends from two-dimensional plane navigation to three-dimensional environments, making it suitable for applications such as drone flight paths, underwater vehicle navigation, or spacecraft trajectory planning. The algorithm begins at a starting node, exploring all neighboring nodes and continuously updating the shortest known distances from the start to each node, considering all possible paths. By repeating this process until the destination node is reached, the algorithm ensures that the path with the minimal total distance or cost is selected, taking into account the complexities of moving through 3D space. So, we have the introduction of a known means of navigation, that does 4D (by inclusion of a temporal parameter) mapping in this model.
Then we have the inclusion of Diablo Canyon -- but there are six of these in North America. Three of these are very close to government sites.
Which could the leaker be talking about? And why is it interesting in the context of UFOs?
Why would a UFO avoid a canyon?

2. Energy fields, UFO navigation and "fault lines" in gravity.

There are numerous reports and stories of things like claimed lasers, directed energy weapons/fields, and even allegedly things like RADAR having some manner of detectable impact on navigational capabilities of UFOs/NHI craft. The lore is full of this topic over time, and it aligns substantially with the scientific backgrounds of people known to be involved, like Sean M. Kirkpatrick.
This caught my eye as I've been doing a lot of reading on certain much lesser-known effects of fault lines, after I learned that the home and neighborhood I lived in as a child, where a group of us saw a "saucer", was literally sat atop a small land mass completely encircled like an island by fault lines. This is not unique--there are others. But this was a wild surprise to me, and especially when the flight path of the ship we saw... once I saw the fault lines path/heading...
It was the same route. The thing we saw, once I saw the fault line maps... it was like looking at a snippet of a Google Maps route that the UFO took, for the duration of our experience seeing it. I did not know this for decades.
For the curious, the bread crumb that led down this path was not this whistleblower, fault lines, or my own experience. It was studying Lagrange Points.
What's a Lagrange point?
Positions in space where the gravitational forces of two large bodies, like Earth and the Moon, balance out the centripetal force felt by a smaller object, allowing it to remain in a stable position relative to the two larger bodies. Think of it like the mid-way point between any two bodies with mass that impact gravity. Earth/Jupiter. JupiteSun. Earth moon/Neptune. You/your cat. It's not a 50/50 thing; if you are and your cat are 10 feet away, it's not 5-foot between you. It's also impacted by gravity from other bodies within range (and range is infinite because gravity is, no matter how infinitesimal at long distances).
There is even conceptually such a place, even if it's trivial in variation, between galaxies.
Keep in mind: there are specifically named 3D mapped always-moving (as Earth/moon for example) always-in-motion Lagrange points for the Earth and Moon. Five total--but those are just the optimal ones. There would be a relative band of space where overall the gravity between bodies is more balanced.
Almost like a fault line in gravity, huh?
That, the fault line discovery related to my experience, and my (then) unrelated fault line research which was pure curiosity unrelated to UFOs... at first.

3. Piezoelectrics, Electrokinetics, and Gravitational anomalies.

So we have a new claimed 4D mapping/navigational tool by NHI UFOs, and that they go out of their way to avoid some "Diablo canyon" no matter what we do. We know definitively there are places where gravity can have relative weak spots, due to the balancing of gravitational waves/forces/mass between bodies. All bodies with mass produce gravity... including tectonic plates.
But that's not all they produce in terms of energy.
Fault lines can generate three different distinct effects beyond seismic (shaking/motion) impacts on the world.
They are:
Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
Stress-induced piezoelectric effects refer to the generation of electrical charges in certain crystalline materials, such as quartz, when mechanical stress is applied. These effects are caused by tectonic stress and strain in the Earth's crust, which deforms the crystalline structures, generating electric fields. At the surface, these effects can disrupt local power grids, cause voltage fluctuations, and affect sensitive electronic equipment. In the atmosphere, piezoelectric effects can lead to changes in the ionosphere, affecting radio signal propagation and GPS accuracy up to altitudes of around 600 km. In space, the impacts are typically observed as changes in ionospheric electron density, detected by satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), such as those at altitudes up to 1,200 km.
Additional reading:
Electrokinetic Effects
Electrokinetic effects are electrical phenomena that occur when a fluid (such as groundwater) moves through a porous medium (like soil or rock) under the influence of a pressure gradient. These effects are caused by the movement of ionized fluids through the Earth's subsurface, which can be influenced by tectonic activity, fluid injection, or natural fluid migration. At the surface, electrokinetic effects can alter groundwater flow, impact water supply systems, and cause electrical disturbances in subsurface sensors. In the atmosphere, these effects are less direct but can influence humidity and ionization levels, which may affect weather radar and communication systems. In space, electrokinetic effects are typically not directly observed; however, related ionospheric disturbances from fluid movement in the Earth's crust can be detected by satellites at altitudes up to 1,200 km.
Additional reading:
Gravity Anomalies
Gravity anomalies are variations in the Earth's gravitational field caused by differences in the distribution of mass within the Earth. These anomalies are caused by subsurface geological structures such as mountains, valleys, fault lines, and varying rock densities. On the surface, gravity anomalies can affect precise geodetic measurements, influence surveying accuracy, and impact construction projects that rely on gravitational data. In the atmosphere, gravity anomalies can slightly influence the flight paths of aircraft and atmospheric satellites, but these effects are generally minimal. In space, gravity anomalies are detected by satellites like the GRACE mission at altitudes of around 500 km, affecting satellite orbit calculations and providing data on Earth's subsurface structures and water distribution.
Additional reading:

4. The impact of fault lines on UFOs.

Disturbances related to stress-induced piezoelectric effects, electrokinetic effects, and gravity anomalies have been observed and recorded at various altitudes. Here are some notable examples across different categories:
A) Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
  • High-altitude Observations: Piezoelectric effects typically influence ground-based systems such as power grids and sensors. There is limited data on their direct impact at high altitudes. However, atmospheric electrical phenomena, such as changes in the ionosphere related to seismic activity, have been noted up to several hundred kilometers above the Earth's surface. These are often detected by satellites in low Earth orbit.
B) Electrokinetic Effects
  • High-altitude Observations: Electrokinetic effects primarily affect subsurface and near-surface fluid dynamics. There is no significant evidence of direct electrokinetic phenomena being observed at high altitudes. However, related atmospheric effects, such as changes in humidity or ionization, can indirectly influence atmospheric layers.
C) Gravity Anomalies
  • High-altitude Observations: Gravity anomalies have been detected at high altitudes, including by aircraft and satellites. Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites, for example, operate at altitudes of approximately 500 km and have provided detailed maps of gravity anomalies across the Earth.

Specific High-altitude Observations

  1. Ionospheric Disturbances Related to Seismic Activity:
    • Altitude: Up to 600 km.
    • Impact: Changes in electron density in the ionosphere, detected by satellites.
  2. Gravity Anomalies Detected by GRACE Satellites:
    • Altitude: Approximately 500 km.
    • Impact: Detailed mapping of Earth's gravity field, revealing variations due to tectonic and other geological processes.


  • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects: Up to ionospheric altitudes (~600 km) via indirect atmospheric electrical phenomena.
  • Electrokinetic Effects: Primarily near-surface, with no significant direct high-altitude observations.
  • Gravity Anomalies: Up to satellite altitudes (~500 km), with significant observations by GRACE and similar missions.
Reports say that the navigational apparatus of UFOs can be impacted by energy fields, implying this plays a role in their crashing. Similar claims revolved around electromagnetic fields.

5. Why would UFOs avoid "Diablo Canyon"?

We need to know which one it is. The most likely based on the intersection of fault lines; fault lines with impacts; and near proximity to notable UFO-related locations--Vandenburg and Los Alamos--leaves us with New Mexico and the nuclear power planet.
Here are all nearby relevant fault lines for each.
This section took a substantial amount of digging/cross referencing over weeks. I had begun this for a fiction/story idea that didn't pan out, and did not save the litany of sources I read. This is a summary.

A) Diablo Canyon Power Plant, California

  • Hosgri Fault Zone

    • Location: Offshore, running parallel to the coast near the power plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Documented near Avila Beach and Montaña de Oro State Park.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate compared to other equivalent faults in California, such as the San Andreas Fault. The presence of quartz in the fault gouge enhances the piezoelectric effect, making it comparable to effects observed in the Garlock Fault.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Recorded near Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Morro Bay.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to electrokinetic effects seen in the Hayward Fault in California due to similar fluid movement dynamics.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Detected offshore near Point Buchon and Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
      • Relative Strength: Significant compared to other coastal fault zones, with variations similar to those found in the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
  • San Andreas Fault

    • Location: Approximately 10 miles inland from the power plant at its closest point.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Parkfield, California and Hollister, California.
      • Relative Strength: High, as the San Andreas Fault is one of the most studied and active fault lines globally. The piezoelectric effects are significant and comparable to those seen in other major fault systems worldwide.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: San Juan Bautista, California and Carrizo Plain National Monument.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, due to extensive fluid movement and high seismic activity. Comparable to effects observed in the Wasatch Fault Zone.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Palmdale, California and San Bernardino, California.
      • Relative Strength: Very high, with anomalies providing critical insights into fault mechanics. Similar to those in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
  • Shoreline Fault

    • Location: Discovered in 2008, runs very close to the plant, offshore and parallel to the coastline.
    • Length: Approximately 25 miles.
    • Within 5 miles: The Shoreline Fault comes within 5 miles of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Nearshore areas close to Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
      • Relative Strength: Potential effects are moderate, with less documentation compared to major faults.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Offshore areas near the power plant.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to minor faults in coastal regions.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Offshore near Diablo Cove.
      • Relative Strength: Minor, indicating subtle density changes.
  • Los Osos Fault

    • Location: Within 10 miles of the power plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Los Osos Valley.
      • Relative Strength: Minor compared to major faults but notable within the local context.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Areas with significant groundwater flow near Los Osos.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to small, groundwater-rich fault zones.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Los Osos Valley.
      • Relative Strength: Minor anomalies detected.

B) Diablo Canyon, New Mexico

  • Embudo Fault

    • Location: Within 20 miles of Diablo Canyon.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Dixon and Pilar, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate compared to other faults in the Rio Grande Rift. Similar effects to those observed in the East African Rift.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Embudo, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate, consistent with other active rift zones with significant groundwater interaction.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Near the town of Española, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, providing insight into the rift's complex tectonic structure. Comparable to anomalies in the Basin and Range Province.
  • Pajarito Fault

    • Location: Within 20 miles of Diablo Canyon.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Los Alamos, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: High, due to active seismicity and the presence of stress.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near White Rock, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, due to active groundwater flow in the region.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Near Los Alamos National Laboratory.
      • Relative Strength: Notable, with detailed mapping providing insights into fault mechanics.

6. Conclusion

Simply, some variables on the navigational systems of the UFO craft which rely on precise 4-dimensional mapping for their navigational system, with implied near real time adjustments across all parameters, are negatively impacted by unexpected or significant enough to not be able to compensate for impacts from native Earth effects generated by tectonic plate actions, in specific key locations.
I'd often suspected if there was something like this related to the handful of known crashes, and them seeming to be concentrated in certain areas. With this leaker, we see another few possible pieces of a puzzle filling.
Are they legitimate? We obviously can't tell, today. But this new data sure does align with:
  1. Reports of the USA trying to "bait" UFOs.
  2. Reports of the USA utilizing nuclear facilities to this end.
  3. UFO engagement with nuclear sites.
  4. UFOs reportedly avoiding certain areas, not limited to prior crash locations.
  5. UFOs reportedly being seen over time in the same places or repeated routes/locations.
  6. The USA getting big into gravity research along these lines (gravity scanners for military).
  7. Elizondo references to LIGO.
  8. And more beyond, that I'm sure more of you can recite from memory than I could.
Maybe this has some part of the genesis of the mythology of ley lines, because ancient humans couldn't possibly on their own know all these things. Were they just energetically charged fault lines that had some manner of intersection over time with UFOs?
If anyone wants to run with this or research equivalent sites in other parts of the world and their intersection with UFOs/UAPs, this may be a worthwhile rabbit hole for pursuit.
submitted by PyroIsSpai to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:17 DisCo_971 Sol abîmé

Sol abîmé
Je n'ai aucune connaissance en revêtement de sol mais j'aimerais bien savoir ce qu'il est possible de faire pour arranger ça. Un jour ma machine a laver a eu une fuite d'eau (pas d'inondation non plus...) et ça a causé ce que l'on voit.
Merci d'avance
submitted by DisCo_971 to brico [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:07 WesternResearcher376 A Tell-All Book after the contract is done / un livre « Raconte-tout » de Big Brother une fois contrat fini

I would love to read a book written by any contestant that details their entire experience in the house. I read online they are not allowed to discuss anything about the production and begin the scenes for three years. I was wondering if anyone ever wrote a book about their experience. Canada or US. Also Quebec had their own French Big Brother version. If there’s a book in French I would like to read it too.
J'aimerais beaucoup lire un livre écrit par n'importe quel candidat qui détaille toute son expérience dans la maison. J'ai lu en ligne qu'ils n'ont pas le droit de parler de la production et des coulisses pendant trois ans. Je me demandais si quelqu'un avait déjà écrit un livre sur son expérience. Au Canada ou aux États-Unis. Le Québec a également eu sa propre version française de Big Brother. S'il existe un livre en français, j'aimerais aussi le lire.
submitted by WesternResearcher376 to BigBrother [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 velaztro Mexican Citizen with SENTRI and GLOBAL recently approved

Estoy en duda si voy a poder seguir usando mi tarjeta SENTRI o me van a mandar una tarjeta GLOBAL.
Llamé a CBP pero me dijeron primero que si podía usar mi tarjeta SENTRI pero al final me dijeron que no. Me comentaron que me iban a mandar la información por email pero nunca llego.
En la sección de FAQ de Global Entry dice esto: "CBP began issuing Global Entry radio frequency identification (RFID) cards on July 12, 2011, to new Global Entry members who are U.S. citizens, U.S. lawful permanent residents, and Mexican nationals (who do not already have a SENTRI card) at no additional cost."
I am in doubt if I will be able to continue using my SENTRI card or if they are going to send me a GLOBAL card.
I called CBP but they first told me that I could use my SENTRI card but in the end they told me that I could not. I was told that they were going to send me the information by email but it never arrived.
In the Global Entry FAQ section it says this: “CBP began issuing Global Entry radio frequency identification (RFID) cards on July 12, 2011, to new Global Entry members who are U.S. citizens, U.S. lawful permanent residents, and Mexican nationals (who do not already have a SENTRI card) at no additional cost.”
submitted by velaztro to tijuana [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:49 Y0ssiKohen $buni - 14th Of May Update - Join our 3460 Diamond Holders - Currently 2556 Real Members On Telegram & 1673 Followers On Twitter - Growing Day by Day

*Our Previous Update Post: *
We're just getting started, with nearly 2600 people in the tg, we are as strong as ever.
Showing how strong a smol buni can be.
Because it's not just a smol buni.

It's a huge, strong community.


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Here's some updates;

11th Of May's Menu (OLD)

with now over:
2100+ members in the telegram.
1150+ followers on X (follow us btw)
2900+ $buni holders
we are getting these carots stronger, and faster than ever.
this, all done organically with the community coming together.
everything is possible when you come together as a community. and a strong community we have. that's for certain.
this is just the beginning. thanks for being here! 🧡

Today's Update

An update regards the recent market;
Yes, markets shift due to where the eyes are.
Yes, price goes up and down due to interest shifts.
People will put their money into the next hype...
...The same will miss out on buni when we're at the top.
But don't forget that we are not a hype, buni is an infinity meme.
An original, a one of one.
We are going nowhere.
Almost 2500 of your in the telegram. It's just been 7 days. Wow.
We are doing everything in our power to show everyone the power of buni.
We will keep doing so, putting in work.
buni stays strong, buni stays infinite.

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submitted by Y0ssiKohen to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:26 Pflynx Wilkowm tå de westfuylske språk!

The westphalian language (not to be confused with the real world westphalian dialect group) is an ingvaeonic language spoken in, well, westphalia. It developed closely with the anglo-frisian languages, though is not one in itself, merely sharing some commonalities with the branch.
Phonology: (i tried to display this in a table, but reddit sucks, so take a list instead)
There are also 4 diphthongs! Those being /eɪ̯/, /aɪ̯/, /œʏ̯/, and /oʊ̯/.
The grammar is quite simplified from its Proto-West-Germanic origins, with nouns having 4 total stems they could be. Those being (using PG derivative terminology) the a-stem, ō-stem, n-stem, and r-stem. The r-stem, though, only contains seven kinship terms. Whilst the a-stem and ō-stem are direct descendants from PG, the n-stem is more of a combination stem of multiple stems ending in *-n. Nouns in westphalian are divided into two genders, common and neuter.
In terms of cases, nouns (and adjectives) can only inflect for two, those being the nominative and objective. The genitive is maintained though, in pronouns. Apart from that, nouns (again, and adjectives), also inflect for the numbers singular and plural.
I will move on to adjectives first, as it is an easier bridge from nouns. Adjectives only have one inflection pattern, instead of the multiple stems nouns could have, and this inflects for all the same things as nouns, but also strong/weak inflection, the predicative, and positive/comparative/superlative. Standard stuff.
Verbs also only have one weak inflection pattern left, though there are still some strong verbs that have different inflection patterns, the vast majority are weak verbs, which inflect using the same pattern. This pattern inflects for a few things, let's begin with person. It inflects for 1PS, 2PS, 3PS, and a general plural form. In terms of tenses, there is the present and past tense (more can be expressed using auxiliaries, this is just what they inflect for). Moods consist of the indicative, subjunctive, and imperative. Apart from that, they also have an infinitive, and a present and past participle.
"Welcome to the westphalian language!"
Wilkowm tå de westfuylske språk!
/ˈvɪl.koʊ̯m tɔː də ˈvɛst.fœʏ̯ɰ.ʃə sprɔːk/
"The cold winter is near, a snowstorm will come. Come in my warm house, my friend. Welcome! Come here, sing and dance, eat and drink. That is my plan. We have water, beer, and milk fresh from the cow. Oh, and warm soup!"
De selte winter is neh, een sneastuyrm skoll kuymen. Kuym in mijn werm huys, mijn frent. Wilkowm! Kuym heer, sing en dans, eed en drink. Dat is mijn plan. Wij hebben wader, ber, en meelk frisk von de koo. Oh, en werme suyp!
/də zɛɰtə ˈvɪn.təɹ ɪs neɪ̯ - eɪ̯n ˈsnɛː.stœʏ̯ɹm ʃɔl ˈkœʏ̯.mən - kœʏ̯m ɪn maɪ̯n vɛɹm hœʏ̯s - maɪ̯n fɾɛnt - vɪɰkoʊ̯m - kœʏ̯m heɪ̯ɹ - zɪŋ ɛn dans - eɪ̯d ɛn dɾɪŋk - dat ɪs maɪ̯n plan - vaɪ̯ ˈhɛ.bən ˈvaː.ɾəɹ - bɛɹ - ɛn meɪ̯ɰk fɾɪʃ vɔn də kɔː - oʊ̯ - ɛn vɛɹmə sœʏ̯p/
submitted by Pflynx to germlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:05 Lord_Bruce_Wayne Películas 3DSBS

Qué tal gente, sabrán donde puedo descargar películas en 3DSBS?
Anteriormente descargaba algunas películas de ese tipo en Compucalitv pero ahora que ya no esta no se donde más descargar, me sería de mucha ayuda cualquier información
Se qué son muy pocas las películas que están saliendo en ese formato actualmente pero no se donde más encontrar
submitted by Lord_Bruce_Wayne to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 akiestar Poema del día (14.5.2024): "Flores raras" de Noel Guivani Ramiscal

Deseo echar las flores raras a la cara de la luna para parar el llanto por sus hijos tragados por el sol
Fuente: Lo último de Filipinas: antología poética (p. 89) de Jaime B. Rosa, disponible en Google Libros
submitted by akiestar to IslasFilipinas [link] [comments]