Tonsils photo

Tonsil Stones

2012.12.17 19:26 Tonsil Stones

/tonsilstones is a subreddit to discuss the little stinky stones that pop out for those of us who still have tonsils.

2024.05.13 23:47 notsuu_bear Got them yoinked today

24F Feeling pretty okay. I took a few naps. I threw up a ton of yellow/green liquid. But other than that and nausea earlier, pain is around 2/10. I'll update here with how it goes throughout recovery.
I took a side by side photo of my tonsils yesterday and a few of hours after surgery:
Before and after
It's already easier to breathe than before, so I don't regret getting them out :) I had tonsil stones, recurring infections and the whole nine. Currently eating ice and hoping recovery isn't too terrible. No painkillers yet, just antibiotics and anti-nausea
submitted by notsuu_bear to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:36 Yousefsamy2 Do i need to visit a doctor ?

Age: 14
Sex: male
Height :172cm
Weight: 65kgm
Duration of complaint: 2 days
Location: throat
Any existing relevant medical issues:none
Current medications:brufin and pain killers
Include a photo if relevant:none
I have tonsillitis.white mark on my tonsils and pain when swallowing.fever and yellow mucus.swollen nose. Can i know if it’s caused by bacteria or virsus by myself or do i need to visit a doctor?
submitted by Yousefsamy2 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:52 Mountain_Moment2999 Mystery illness?

Mystery illness?
I’ve had so many things going on the last month that I can’t figure out. Please help! I started adhd meds in Feb, got sick 20th April and had sore throat and ulcers (I get reoccurring aphthous ulcers), swollen glands and fever and strange red bumps on tongue, then looked like geographical tongue? My tonsils became inflamed but never got white stuff on them, but they still look different to usual and it’s been 3 weeks. Then previously root canal tooth broke in half and my suspected impacted wisdom tooth that had swelling looks like it’s turned into an abscess? And now I have a cold sore on my lip and inside my mouth i have red sores on my gums? I feel like I’m going insane! Is this all from stimulant use? I also had a 5 day course of steroid 1-2 weeks ago to reduce all the inflammation and today I’ve started antibiotics. And seeing dentist as soon as I can.. (Photos in order from first illness)
submitted by Mountain_Moment2999 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 12:34 Confident_Tea7976 SORE THROAT/TONSILS

Patient profile: Male, age 25, non smoker or drinker, occassional physical activity, Indian.
History: On 7th May, In dinner I ate Chicken Mughlai (resturant order) and thereafter ate havmor choclate icecream. After few minutes, had stomach ache and I went for a walk, felt alright, went to sleep. On 8th May, I woke up with high fever and felt dizzy the whole day and went to see doctor in the evening, told him the above and he said I caught sun stroke or heat stroke, prescribed medicine, ate it and fever came off but throughout night it came back. On 9th May, Whole day felt dizzy and had fever and started having pain in my mouth, sore throat and difficulty in swallowing food and water. On 10th May, went to District Hospital, told everything above and I have attached diagnosis slip in the link. Doctor didn't tell me anything else and sent me home because its a third world country and he had 100s of patients lined up to deal with. From 10th May till today i have been taking the medicine as prescribed and have felt better but dont know when will the pain and sore throat go away, ate only easy to swallow food and gargaled.
Advice I need:
what is it? mouth ulcer, tonsils or sore throat? how much time will it take to recover from it? what can i eat? what should i not? what could have caused it? what precautions should i take in future? what medical tests should i go for? i have attached my mouth photos in the link, thankyou for your time and advice.
submitted by Confident_Tea7976 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:41 LastYogurtcloset660 can someone help me?

Hi, guys! First post in this group. For the last few months, I've been having tests done for a potential CSF leak (brain CT and MRI revealed intracranial hypotension with all the classic symptoms of a leak). I present many symptoms of a leak ie- brain stem sag, posterior fossa crowding, low laying tonsils. I got my spine MRI results back and there was no leakage. In fact, there was nothing except low laying tonsils. However, my brain MRI/CT indicated a bunch of sinus issues. CT was on March 14th- Mild mucosal thickening involving the paranasal sinuses. The mastoidair cells are clear
Mri was on March 29- Mucosalthickening of the maxillary sinus ethmoid sinus and frontalsinus. Heterogeneous T2 signal with restricted effusion inthe region of the pharyngeal tonsils. No enhancingcollection to suggest abscess. Increased signal within the pharyngeal tonsils, likelyinfectious/inflammatory. I was not ill when these were taken. I still dont feel ill. If anyone would like to see images, let me know.
The neurologist noted that I have lost the curvature of both the spine and cervical and diagnosed me with cervicogenic headaches. Also some herniated discs in the thoracic region (T4-T6) and some bulging in the neck (C6-C7). He says there is also reduced flow in the R neck and has requested i do a CT angiogram for the head + neck to rule out any torn vessels. Right after this appointment, I did some blood work and said blood work revealed that my ferritin is very low (at a 10). Funny enough, I have been in contact with Linda Leithe from Duke and she says I present with a partially empty sella and tonsillar ectopia...she thinks my brain is in HIGH pressure. I have had MULTIPLE diagnoses and i am so stumped. I've seen my MD, a neurologist, optometrist, getting referred to a neurosurgeon, ENT and an ophtalmologist. I have done a brain CT (with con), spine and brain MRI, CTA for head and neck.
I'm wondering if anyone has some insight on this. My doctor thinks my iron is fine and shouldn't impact me. My neuro thinks the neck is certainly a contributing factor, but didn't mention IIH at all. My optometrist says my eyes are fine (seeing him again today). I feel like an incomplete puzzle and want these sudden symptoms to go away :(
At the moment, my symptoms are as follows:
Headaches and VERY stiff neck
Ear leakage (often) and the pressure in my R ear is INSANE.
R lymph node has been swollen for awhile, is slightly tender.
Tinnitus (sometimes a pounding so loud my heart feels like it will come out of my ears, at other times, just ringing)
Dizziness/blurry vision (also black dots in my vision occasionally)... the blurry vision is AWFUL and is very bad in the mornings.
Shortness of breath
Pins and needles sometimes into my whole arm, often just the finger tips.
Blood pressure has risen
Palpitations and chest pain (went from severe to very very mild)
I am a 33 year old active female. I have always had back pain and "slipped ribs".
Here is the spinal report (but the radiologist missed a lot according to my neuro). I have also attached a photo.
Alignment is normal. Spinal cord has normal signal and morphology. No spinal longitudinal extradural collection fluid.
Vertebral body height and marrow signal is preserved.
Spinal canal is capacious. At T4 and T5-T6 there are moderate left paracentral posterior disc protrusions which cause mild to moderate indentation of the anterior thecal sac. No abnormal cord signal.
There is no mild to moderate face osteoarthritis in the lumbar spine.
*The radiologist noted that there is NO mild to moderate facet osteoarthritis in the lumbar spine.... is this an error? I feel like it wouldn't even be mentioned if i didn't have it.
Conus terminates appropriately at L2.
No paraspinal soft tissue abnormality.
Any feed back is appreciated!! Sorry for the long post. <3
submitted by LastYogurtcloset660 to VagusNerve [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:54 mapotofu-36 Six weeks of tonsillitis, three courses of antibiotics, Doctor has no idea what’s wrong with my sister (24F)?

Hello, I’m hoping maybe someone here has ENT knowledge and can help? Based in the UK.
My sister (24F, 49kg, 5’3’’) has had tonsillitis symptoms for six weeks now and has had three separate courses of antibiotics (Phenoxymethylpenicillin, two taken four times a day before a meal). The symptoms are: swollen tonsils, swollen glands, inflamed tonsils, white pus on tonsils, pain when swallowing, little bit of a cough, burning sensation in chest.
The first two courses of antibiotics were for seven days each. With the first course, her throat really improved, but a day or two after finishing, her throat returned to the same swollen and pus-ridden state. Visited the same GP a second time and repeated the whole process.
After completing the second course of antibiotics, and the symptoms reappearing, she went to a different GP, who stated that the recommended antibiotics course of throat infection treatment is ten days, not seven. So a third round of antibiotics was prescribed.
It has been five days since she finished the third course, and all symptoms have returned and are even worse. Her tonsils are very swollen, she is having a lot of difficulty swallowing, and is now suffering from pain in her lower back / pelvis which I’m worried might be due to too many antibiotics?
She returned to the GP this morning who literally told her that she has no idea why she isn’t better. The GP didn’t want to prescribe any more antibiotics because of how many she has already had, and said she had no symptoms of oral thrush and it didn’t have the characteristics of glandular fever either.
As the day progressed, she has worsened and has a fever (38.5°C) and phoned NHS 111 this evening and saw another doctor. Both handlers at NHS 111 did not recommend any more antibiotics. However, the (unfriendly) doctor at the hospital has given her a prescription for Clarithromycin and has suggested that she has oral thrush, despite the GP this morning saying that she had no symptoms of it. However, he also said he did not know what could be wrong. He didn’t bother with her lower back / pelvic pain.
I think she needs her tonsils removed at this point? What else can be done?
A bit of history too: She has been on the NHS waiting list for almost three years for ENT as she has two nasal polyps, after already having had a large one removed privately three years ago. She takes fexofenadine for this. She has chronic migraines for which she takes Aimovig and bedranol + propranolol.
will attach photo as a comment
Edit: the 111 doctor at the hospital took a urine sample tonight which he described as “unconvincing” (???? what does that mean) and she has an appointment for a blood test tomorrow
submitted by mapotofu-36 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:15 Big_Satisfaction5450 Am I ugly? I’d like tips on improving my appearance.

Am I ugly? I’d like tips on improving my appearance.
I’d love tips to improve my facial features, wether it be surgical/non surgical and facial hair. Hair styles. Glasses or contacts. More or less weight.
A point I’ve done is: I’ve gotten braces. My ortho at the time mentioned jaw surgery but I opted out when I was 18, (shame, it’s 3 years in and too late or not worth doing anymore as I’ve already gotten the teeth removed and I’ve also basically gotten my teeth close to fine.)
But my smile has a <> appearance instead of a smile. I spoke about lip correction surgery as I’ve got a slightly gummy smile around my canines. But the ortho said with age they will droop and be fine.
My eyebrows are thin and I have a scar on the edge of one. My nose is slightly off-centre My eyes I’m not too sure if they’re straight or not. I have thin skin. So my nose and eye bangs are usually red or dark.
In the last photo I’ve pinned my fringe back so my head looks mad crazy. But I’d like a prominent cheek or jaw as I think I had big tonsils and it affects my head shape.
What can I do to improve?
submitted by Big_Satisfaction5450 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:03 celladaur Recurring tonsillitis, long waitlist for tonsillectomy

(29yo female, 5’3, 85kg, prescribed 100mg of Zoloft for anxiety & depression)
Long story short, I’ve been on a public waitlist to get my tonsils out for 5 years due to recurring tonsillitis. Due to personal reasons, I was at home a lot the last 2 years and was fairly healthy and didn’t get it as often as I did. This year, it’s been hell. I’ve had nonstop bouts of tonsillitis since the start of the year. My tonsils are huge, they’ve always been big whether they’re inflamed or not (I’d add a photo but I’m not sure how to). When it come on I get body aches, chills, and lots of pain in my tonsils and ears. I’ve been gargling Aspro clear and warm salt water to reduce the pain and it seems to keep it at bay.
My current situation is that I have a lot of pain in one tonsil rather than both. Last night the pain was so bad that I could barely move my head as my neck was so stiff. I cannot get in to see a surgeon until the end of the year as their books are so full until the end of the year and I simply just don’t know what to do anymore.
I am a mother of two small children and days that it’s bad, I cannot even get out of bed to look after them (the dizziness is next level). It’s taking a big toll on not only my physical health but my mental health also.
submitted by celladaur to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:39 KylohThePsycho Unknown Out of the Blue Scars?

Sex: Biological Female Race: (Caucasian) Age: 32 Height: 5' 2" Weight: 145lbs. Medications: Buproprian ESR 200mg & Buspirone 5mg Medical Conditions: Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic Features and Severe/Moderate Anxiety. PTSD. Drinking & Smoking: I drink daily (after 5pm) and smoke menthols daily. (Please do not rag on me about this as my main concern is below and do not think is related). I also smoke the devils lettuce at night as it helps me stay asleep without waking multiple times a night.
A little over a week ago I got this weird looking scar formation between my breasts on my sternum. It is about 2 inches, give or take, and has what appears to be stitches scars, around 4 or 5 of them horizontally. I have had no surgeries on my chest at all ever.
Again this appeared a little over a week ago and legit looks like a scar from surgery which I have not ever had. I have had my wisdom teeth removed, tonsils removed, and endometriosis surgery but nothing on my chest. Also wanted to note, I do not wear a bra to bed. I don't know if that is important to mention.
I work from home and am a hermit so I don't go out partying and end up doing insane crazy stuff. It is just me, my husband, and son who live in the house and never have anyone over (we are serious introverts). Is there any explanations?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by KylohThePsycho to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:35 oxygen-heart Should I get a second opinion?

I had a check up for pain in my throat and doctor said it's all fine but I definitely see that one tonsil is enlarged. I have constant pain in my right tonsil and it radiates to jaw and ear. I have it for about 5 years and it became unbearable to the fact that I was diagnosed with glossopharengeal neuralgia. Should I get second opinion about the tonsils? Can you see anything out of ordinary on these photos? Thanks! Tonsil1 Tonsils2
submitted by oxygen-heart to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:38 Sea_Pie_650 Any advice is appreciated

I’m not sure what’s going on but any advice is appreciated. A little history about my dental history. I used to visit the dentist three times a year due to my prior history. Once I divorced I lost my dental insurance and due to financial reasons I wasn’t able to continue frequent visits. I had braces to correct my overbite for numerous years.
A few things to consider;
I’m a smoker who’s tried numerous times to quit but hasn’t stopped completely.
I was bulimic for years and have since recovered
I was a former addict and I would rub “stuff” on my gums.
I’ve had my tongue pierced which is why there’s a hole still in the middle of my tongue
I’ve had times where it’s difficult to swallow and it’s almost as if I’m choking trying to swallow food or a pill.
I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed as well as my tonsils.
I’ve been getting and I’ve had ulcers in my lips as shown in the photos.
I brush daily twice a day and floss when I’m able. I use mouth wash and change my tooth brush constantly. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Sea_Pie_650 to askadentist [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 02:28 darbydiddle 25F - Is this tonsillitis?

I’m 25/F/170 lbs/5’7, don’t smoke and highly active/exercise daily.
Link to photo album of tonsils:
I recently began feeling soreness in my throat and noticed my lymph nodes are swollen. If I turn my head I can see my lymph node poking out.
In addition to this, I noticed white spots in the back of my throat on my tonsils just last night— similar to tonsil stones, but I have zero bad odor (normally associated with what I’ve read about tonsil stones) and these seem directly associated with the sore throat/swollen lymph nodes. I have felt otherwise fine but today have been fairly low energy and just want to sleep— not like me at all.
I went to urgent care, tested negative for strep, and was told that it’s just… mucus? She recommended I gargle warm salt water, do a saline rinse, and take zyrtec. I agree that it wasn’t strep as it doesn’t feel like any previous strep infections I’ve had before, but my tonsils, ears, and lymph nodes hurt badly. Salt water has failed to help, and I’ve been taking antihistamines for the past few days with no changes.
The number of white spots are increasing and it’s getting difficult to swallow. I feel extremely tired. Is this tonsillitis and, if so, what do I need to do? Should I get seen elsewhere?
submitted by darbydiddle to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:29 RedditIsHell69 F20 Advice/opinions on Throat Pain

Hi I am 20 F and I have never had any issues with my tonsils before. This all started when i had a bad cold for around 2 weeks then April 20th my throat started feeling weird, around 3 days later it hurt really really bad and my head hurt like crazy, all i could do was sleep! the 25th I went to urgent care and she barely looked at my throat, did a strep test it came back negative, then said it was acute tonsillitis unspecified, and gave me amoxicillin which ended this morning when i took this photo. The pain has gone away almostttt completely, but it looks the same as it did before and a tiny bit more swollen on the right side (most of the pain was on the left). Any suggestions? i plan on just waiting it out cause the pain went away and I don’t have health insurance cause my parents lost their job:(
Sorry if the format is bad or my grammar i’m typing on mobile and I don’t care that much 🤣
submitted by RedditIsHell69 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:16 helpmymouthisweird Is this just a canker sore or is this really bad? Feels really sore and it hurts to eat

Hi guys, pics here -
I went to the dentist last week but they were just starting at the time - he wasn't worried but he never seems to be, always says my teeth are perfect but I'm not too sure. 29 F, don't smoke, and have experienced sores like this on the roof of my mouth intermittently but this time has been ongoing for long enough (7 days roughly) and painful enough that I snapped a photo and am worried. It looks bigger and more severe than ulcers/canker sores online and there's a yellowish tinge on the roof underneath it. I've tried bonjela on it and it stings like high hell - feels like very raw/burnt skin if that makes sense, though it's been getting less painful over the last day or two. I also feel like my tonsils are darker and a bit 'angrier' looking than pics online too? Just wondering if I should speed back to the dentist.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by helpmymouthisweird to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:55 dino-on-wheels Tonsillitis or tonsil stones?

F27, obese (in the process of losing weight) Meds: trazodone, pregabalin, Candesartan and lansoprazole Diagnosed with migraines, FND, bile reflux, multiple herniated discs (chronic), PTSD & autism
TLDR: GP said it’s tonsil stones but it hurts quite a lot, redness, swelling, high temps & migraines happening daily last few days. Should I try to get antibiotics anyway?
I get sore throats with swelling of tonsils & uvula a lot (twice a month at least) but it usually lasts a few days then goes away, never any white patches. This time it’s been ongoing for 3 weeks, around 1.5 weeks ago I noticed white patches but didn’t feel too unwell other than sore/swollen throat stuff so just got on with life as usual. Last few days I’ve had migraines every day which always happens when I have an infection, not sure if the high temps are related to that (it happens sometimes when I get migraines, no higher than 38.2c / 100.76F) or if I have tonsillitis. My throat hurts constantly but when I swallow it’s like I’m trying to swallow shards of glass. I saw GP this morning but she was more focused on doing a referral for testing for sleep apnoea as a possible cause for frequent sore throats. She said it’s probably tonsil stones but go to urgent care if I start struggling to swallow anything, dribbling, or can’t breathe well.
My partner took a video a few hours ago, they don’t show it in great detail (there’s patches on the other tonsil too, and some further down my throat) but I’ll link them below anyway. She had recurrent tonsillitis when she was younger and said because of the patches, redness in my throat, back of my tongue being grey/fuzzy and the swallowing glass sensation that she thinks it could be tonsillitis. I’m obviously not saying she knows better than a doctor, but I feel really rough right now which I don’t think would happen if it was just tonsil stones? Eg I’m in bed at 4pm which is really uncommon for me but the pain is quite bad (also uncommon for me to complain of pain, my pain threshold is generally quite high) and my temp is 37.9 / 100.22F despite alternating paracetamol & ibuprofen every 2hrs.
I just looked at my throat again and it looks more swollen & red than the photo/video from earlier but I couldn’t get any more photos on my own.
Link to pic/video:
submitted by dino-on-wheels to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:15 Golden_Elephant_93 Is this normal?

Almost looks like skin tags (or maybe rogue taste buds? Is that a thing?) in the “pocket” under my tonsil. I’ll included a photo in the comments to circle what I’m seeing. Thanks!
submitted by Golden_Elephant_93 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:28 IntelligentDuck851 Lump on tonsil

Hey anyone can give me advice… so had this lump on my tonsil for god knows how long noticed it back in January time and was concerned obviously did the worst thing and started googling symptoms which obviously come back as tonsil cancer… went to the doctors first time said it was tonsillitis causing it but didn’t really feel any illness went for a second opinion and she told me she asked another doctor and both said it’s normal and I shouldn’t be concerned about it but it’s still there and too me like it’s getting bigger and really is a lump like that really normal? Never seen any tonsils like that! Photos attached of it lump is on the left side above my tonsil
submitted by IntelligentDuck851 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 02:41 kerakow Small clearish bumps after eating

Small clearish bumps after eating
Hi! This happens to me sometimes where I get these transparent (looks like mucous or spit inside) bumps as I'm/right after I eat. They don't hurt but they are VERY prominent and uncomfortable. ljust ate corn mashed potatoes and chicken tenders. The food was not hot or cold, it was just warm. I don't smoke or anything.
I have one on each side of my mouth, exactly symmetrical. They almost feel like a tonsil stone would but closer to the front of my mouth.
I've gotten these a handful of times in the past, but I always thought that maybe food somehow got underneath my skin (I know there are small holes in your tonsils, thought that maybe your checks or sensitive spots might have that too) but atter looking at them they are kind of transparent.
They usually go away after a little while. Also, I eat this stuff all the time so it's not an allergy. I've included a photo of the bumps and then one photo right after one went away (popped? I didn’t feel anything) and left behind a red blood mark (I just ate that’s why my tongue is orange). I have a good video but I couldn't post it.
Please help!
submitted by kerakow to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 04:11 External-Ad-8308 Do I have an autoimmune disorder?

I (22F) have just had a full blood test and my doctor was a bit vague on the results. I'm 168cm, ~60kg, and am pretty healthy food and exercise-wise, unfortunately have just started ~lightly~ smoking in the last year. I don't drink very much but do like a good party every few weeks, sometimes with recreational drugs. I am a really sickly person, I am just constantly feeling ill or fatigued. every second day I have a headache, or a migraine, or diarrhea, or constipation, or runny nose etc etc. I used to get chronic respiratory infections and then I got my tonsils out. About 8 months ago I randomly got super severe viral pneumonia that affected me for a very long time. I get UTIs a lot as well, usually pretty severe like peeing blood and all that. I got bitten by a tick a few weeks ago and was feeling terrible for a while, with fever and diarrhea symptoms. I just seem to catch any cold or flu from anyone. I also have pretty bad periods with lots of pain and severity. I got a blood test to see if I had any allergies, or a tick disease, or anything like that. I also donated blood a month ago and they said my blood pressure and iron was very low. The blood test results said I have a bad white blood cell count or something? I attached photos of my results. Should I push to get tested for an autoimmune disorder? Or does it look like maybe I was just sick at the time they took the blood? my doctor doesn't seem worried but in Australia, the bulk-billed doctors can be kind of dismissive, and I have never had a regular doctor who knows all my issues. Pls reddit help a sickly victorian child like me out lol
submitted by External-Ad-8308 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 15:58 harry_haller41 One Sided Throat Pain After Tonsillitis Treatment

Hello, I am: 29M, 185cm height, 78kg weight Mediterranean white, no medications except the ones mentioned below.
So, on Friday of last week I was diagnosed with a case of Tonsillitis and was put on antibiotics for about 7 days (20 pills of 1000mg amoxicillin, 3 per day). I also took a couple of Pantoprazol pills because the antibiotics messed with my stomach a bit. Treatment ended on Thursday and I'm certainly better, but I have noticed that there is a pain on the right side of my throat that doesn't seem to be getting better (maybe even a bit worse) and my tongue is still a bit yellow, which is a bad sign to me. I'm probably gonna go to the doctor again but if someone has any explanation or suggestions I would appreciate it. I tried to get a photo of the painful side and it looks inflamed to me. Sorry that the photo isn't great, I might try to get a couple of better ones if needed. All in all, I wish everybody a good Sunday.
submitted by harry_haller41 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 02:40 ilovestalepopcorn My child’s sleep disorder is actually an “airway” issue!

My child’s sleep disorder is actually an “airway” issue!
I just want to share this post because it could change many people’s lives, and after everything we’ve been through with my child, I’m on a mission to spread the word 😭.
Below are the symptoms of sleep disordered breathing in kids, the solution of which is through a speciality called “airway centric dentistry” or “airway centric orthodontics”.
The only reason we found out about this is because our autistic/hyperactive toddler also has sleep apnea, and our life has been a literal nightmare since he was born (I say literal because his sleep apnea induces night terrors). We are all extremely sleep deprived and it has been a very long and upsetting journey advocating for him since very few ENTs, pediatricians, or pulmonologists are “airway informed”.
Basically the size and shape of the mouth, upper palette, and lower jaw effect the width/openness of the “airway”. In our child’s case his airway is so small from his super tiny mouth that it causes sleep apnea. But MANY MANY children suffer from a small airway and no one figures it out because it’s not “bad enough” to cause apnea. Instead you see symptoms like the ones posted in this photo.
Because humans are eating softer foods than our ancestors and less of us are breastfeeding (for many justifiable reasons), humans’ jaws are getting smaller and the upper palette isn’t forming correctly. Babies have to “work” to pull milk out of the breast, and the way their mouths have to shape around the nipple and suck, plus the tongue placement, helps the jaw form! (But even breastfed babies can still have issues!)
But bottle fed babies don’t have to work as hard, especially if we aren’t mindful of how we hold the bottle. This is NO ONE’S fault!! If I had bottle fed correctly my son would probably still have issues because genetically he was just born with a small mouth. (*citations at the bottom of this post).
As soon as doctors FINALLY took his tonsils and adenoids out, we noticed an IMMEDIATE improvement in so many of these symptoms. It was literally like watching a new child be born 😭
The biggest thing we noticed was a severe lessening of his hypersensitivity, his hyperactivity, and his demand avoidance!!! Also he stopped waking up with bags under his eyes.
But unfortunately it was only half of the solution, as expanding his upper palette and bringing his lower jaw forward through dental appliances is the second half of the battle.
Now, getting my demand avoidant toddler to comply with treatment is a whole other battle 🫠
But, it is so nice, after years of endless fighting, to FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER. 😭
The truth of airway medicine is my new religion and I’m telling everyone I know.
At the end of this journey I will still have a hyperactive, demand avoidant, autistic child—as those things are just a part of who he is this lifetime. But. The INTENSITY of those qualities will be less than they’ve ever been, and think how strong I’ll be by then 🙌🏼😆
Honestly, if you have the resources to at least do an initial intake with an airway dentist or ortho in your area, even if your child is only presenting with one symptom on this list, I WOULD DO IT!!
But, please, if your child has even a few of these, do everything you can to get them evaluated. ESPECIALLY FATIGUE, SNORING, NIGHT TERRORS, AND MOUTH BREATHING.
🚨Absolutely NO child should snore. Snoring and fatigue are ALWAYS signs of an airway issue!!!
At our local airway and sleep center, our “initial eval” was $500, which came with: photos of the mouth and an exam by the dentist, a cbct scan (which gives you a FULL picture of the airway, sinuses, mouth, etc), and a 2 night in-home sleep study (just a ring they wear on their finger).
If there’s no airway issue you will know at the end of this phase. If there is the next steps are just finding the right “appliance” for them to wear.
If having their adenoids or tonsils removed is necessary, the dentist will absolutely let you know at this point, and you will be referred to an ENT. But many children just need the dental appliance!
Oh, also: airway issues in children present with the symptoms in this photo. BUT AIRWAY ISSUES IN ADULTS PRESENT AS: chronic fatigue, trouble, losing weight, intense cravings, for sugar and carbs, chronic inflammation and autoimmune issues, fibromyalgia, ADHD, depression, and anxiety!!
So, ya, needless to say I’m going through the evaluation process myself this Monday, and wondering if my child came to this earth to wake so many of us up to this issue. Or maybe that’s just the story I’m telling myself to make sense of it all.
Either way, below is a summary of what I recommend/resources and citations:
1) read the book “Gasp — airway health” asap!!! It will blow your mind.
2) read the NYT bestseller book “Breath” by James Nestor, it will explain so much!!
3) Google “airway dentist + your city” or “airway orthodontist + your city” and make an appointment for an evaluation. Make sure that eval includes a CBCT scan and a sleep study (a simple in- home one).
In my city I found an “airway dentist + sleep center” which had way more resources than the places that were “just” and airway dentist.
4) if your child does have airway issues, I would pair the dental interventions with myo therapy interventions. The dentist will likely recommend a myo therapist in house. Also check this out:
If i could go back in time I would have had my cholic-y, reflux baby working with the munchee since infancy 😔
Ok, that’s it for now. Please spread the gospel and comment if you have any questions. I will try to get to them all! Like I said, this is my new religion and if our story can help even one family then it’ll be worth the effort in sharing it.
submitted by ilovestalepopcorn to sleepdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 22:45 ilovestalepopcorn My AuDHD child also has an “airway” issue!

My AuDHD child also has an “airway” issue!
I just want to share this post because it could change many people’s lives, and after everything we’ve been through with my AuDHD child, I’m on a mission to spread the word 😭.
Below are the symptoms of sleep disordered breathing in kids, the solution of which is through a speciality called “airway centric dentistry” or “airway centric orthodontics”.
The only reason we found out about this is because our AuDHD toddler also has sleep apnea, and our life has been a literal nightmare since he was born (I say literal because his sleep apnea induces night terrors). We are all extremely sleep deprived and it has been a very long and upsetting journey advocating for him since very few ENTs, pediatricians, or pulmonologists are “airway informed”.
Basically the size and shape of the mouth, upper palette, and lower jaw effect the width/openness of the “airway”. In our child’s case his airway is so small from his super tiny mouth that it causes sleep apnea. But MANY MANY children suffer from a small airway and no one figures it out because it’s not “bad enough” to cause apnea. Instead you see symptoms like the ones posted in this photo.
Because humans are eating softer foods than our ancestors and less of us are breastfeeding (for many justifiable reasons), humans’ jaws are getting smaller and the upper palette isn’t forming correctly. Babies have to “work” to pull milk out of the breast, and the way their mouths have to shape around the nipple and suck, plus the tongue placement, helps the jaw form!
But bottle fed babies don’t have to work as hard, especially if we aren’t mindful of how we hold the bottle. This is NO ONE’S fault!! If I had bottle fed correctly my son would probably still have issues because genetically he was just born with a small mouth. (*citations at the bottom of this post).
As soon as doctors FINALLY took his tonsils and adenoids out, we noticed an IMMEDIATE improvement in so many of these symptoms. It was literally like watching a new child be born 😭
The biggest thing we noticed was a severe lessening of his hypersensitivity, his hyperactivity, and his demand avoidance!!! Also he stopped waking up with bags under his eyes.
But unfortunately it was only half of the solution, as expanding his upper palette and bringing his lower jaw forward through dental appliances is the second half of the battle.
Now, getting my demand avoidant toddler to comply with treatment is a whole other battle 🫠
But, it is so nice, after years of endless fighting, to FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER. 😭
The truth of airway medicine is my new religion and I’m telling everyone I know.
At the end of this journey I will still have a hyperactive, demand avoidant, autistic child—as those things are just a part of who he is this lifetime. But. The INTENSITY of those qualities will be less than they’ve ever been, and think how strong I’ll be by then 🙌🏼😆
Honestly, if you have the resources to at least do an initial intake with an airway dentist or ortho in your area, even if you or your child only has one symptom on this list, I WOULD DO IT!!
But, please, if your child has even a few of these, do everything you can to get them evaluated. ESPECIALLY FATIGUE, SNORING, NIGHT TERRORS, AND MOUTH BREATHING.
Absolutely NO child should snore. Snoring and fatigue are ALWAYS signs of an airway issue!!!
At our local airway and sleep center, our “initial eval” was $500, which came with: photos of the mouth and an exam by the dentist, a cbct scan (which gives you a FULL picture of the airway, sinuses, mouth, etc), and a 2 night in-home sleep study (just a ring they wear on their finger).
If there’s no airway issue you will know at the end of this phase. If there is the next steps are just finding the right “appliance” for them to wear.
If having their adenoids or tonsils removed is necessary, the dentist will absolutely let you know at this point, and you will be referred to an ENT. But many children just need the dental appliance!
Oh, also: airway issues in children present with the symptoms in this photo. AIRWAY ISSUES IN ADULTS PRESENT AS: chronic fatigue, trouble, losing weight, intense cravings, for sugar and carbs, chronic inflammation and autoimmune issues, fibromyalgia, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.
So, ya, needless to say I’m going through the evaluation process myself this Monday, and wondering if my child came to this earth to wake so many of us up to this issue. Or maybe that’s just the story I’m telling myself to make sense of it all.
Either way, below is a summary of what I recommend/resources and citations:
1) read the book “Gasp — airway health” asap!!! It will blow your mind.
2) read the NYT bestseller book “Breath” by James Nestor, it will explain so much!!
3) Google “airway dentist + your city” or “airway orthodontist + your city” and make an appointment for an evaluation. Make sure that eval includes a CBCT scan and a sleep study (a simple in- home one).
In my city I found an “airway dentist + sleep center” which had way more resources than the places that were “just” and airway dentist.
4) if your child does have airway issues, I would pair the dental interventions with myo therapy interventions. The dentist will likely recommend a myo therapist in house. Also check this out:
If i could go back in time I would have had my cholic-y, reflux baby working with the munchee since infancy 😔
Ok, that’s it for now. Please spread the gospel and comment if you have any questions. I will try to get to them all! Like I said, this is my new religion and if our story can help even one family then it’ll be worth the effort in sharing it.
(Ps: check the comments for a video of my PDA toddler putting his new dental appliance in for TWO HOURS yesterday so he could have access to his iPad!!! 😭😭😭)
submitted by ilovestalepopcorn to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]