Spreadsheet xyz axis

A Subreddit About a Card Game for Horrible People.

2011.12.31 03:53 DaveQat A Subreddit About a Card Game for Horrible People.

Cards Against Humanity is the Apples to Apples for horrible people. Come share your depraved card combinations and additions to the game.

2012.01.05 21:35 Mlpxbox, a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Title says it all.

2014.10.23 08:33 Chad3000 Power Rankings Central


2024.05.14 07:21 stefans85 How to get exact data from excel into powerBI?

How to get exact data from excel into powerBI?
Hey all,
I have an excel sheet which has calculated some values:
Unfortunately german. But this are different trailers for american truck sim and values I extracted and calculated. What I want is a diagram to show which trailer (Auflieger) gives most money. For this first example I took chemtrailers (Chemieauflieger) and the profit per 1000km (Gewinn/1000km).
But what I get is not what I expected:
Where is my epic fail in this? I also tried to change X and Y axis but the result is always 1 and not the value specified in the sheet.
Many thanks in advance for every help.
submitted by stefans85 to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:54 141bpm Help! What are we missing?

Hello! We have this old mill with a CNC kit added to it. We don’t yet know how to operate it. The people who knew how to operate it are gone, and likely some of its parts. We are trying to get it to come alive to see if it can be made operational. So far, I have gotten the PC running the cnc software, tool release from spindle operating, but cannot get the spindle motor or XYZ axis movements. I can run the spindle motor by over-riding the e-stop and motor fwd contactors. But it will not engage the spindle motor or the axis movements when software is running a file.
Also, it appears there may be a missing transformer? This unit has an empty box on one side with wires labelled “110 to transformer” and “110vdc from a transformer”. I am suspecting that is missing, and so is the dc power to release the e-stop and run the axis motors? If so, I have no idea on the specs of the missing transformer. Or, this machine was retrofitted with equipment eliminating the need for the external ac/dc transformer??
Anybody here have any experience with older mills?
submitted by 141bpm to CNC [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:55 jGatzB A Serious Answer to a Silly Question (archived from Discord)

Originally posted by jGatzB.
Models, Meshes, and Textures in 4-Dimensional Timespace
Experts often butt heads on whether or not it is accurate to refer to time as the fourth dimension. For the sake of this discussion, time will be considered a fourth dimension, merely as a frame of reference. The axes of these dimensions will be henceforth referred to as X, Y, Z, and T.
For the sake of reference, consider The Arcade's "X-Axis" to represent North/South placement. There are a very small handful of phenomenon within the alleyspace that vary only in X location, and appear in a perfect straight line if mapped within 3-Space. One example is "The Snag," a continuous line of damaged carpet that continues along the same X location, even after being interrupted by unimpregnable walls.
Likewise, consider The Arcade's "Y-Axis" to represent East/West placement. For organizational purposes, Operator-hosted radio broadcast frequencies correlate to the relative Y-Axis location the signal originates from (frequency number increasing as you travel East).
For the final "spatial" dimension, consider The Arcade's "Z-Axis" to represent Up/Down placement. This axis of the alleyspace features the least range variation, as The Arcade mostly consists of a single "floor," with the exception of some two-story open-air structures (like sprawling malls) and the drop leading to the Flatlands.
I explain that to establish this: All physical matter within the alleyspace exists in a way that can be measured in three spatial dimensions. However, sentient creatures within The Arcade (denizens) exhibit one additional criterion of measurement. While everything else in The Arcade remains stationary, as if placed there, like some amusement park setpiece, denizens experience the flow of time. Their XYZ coordinates can change as they journey across the T axis, and they can interfere with the XYZ placement of matter within The Arcade. Likewise, the alleyspace is composed of inorganic matter that does not appear to change over time, while denizens are composed of living, organic cells that grow, shrink, age, and die.
In this way, we postulate that while our stereoscopic vision (the vision of two-eyed individuals) grants us the ability to perceive and comprehend three-dimensional space, "consciousness" (The Mind, The Soul, The Personality) is the eye by which we perceive our T coordinates, and the T coordinates of those around us.
By this definition, jGatzB is currently the only known (living) individual to exhibit properties in direct contrast to the native matter of the alleyspace. As we have observed, almost all matter within the alleyspace is inert. It is inorganic, perfectly still, and only moves along the T axis when intervened upon. Matter within The Arcade does not observe the passage of time unless interacted with.
Likewise, while the general "idea" of Gatsby's XYZ location can still be perceived, it no longer represents the XYZ location of material particles. His 3D body exists somewhere separate from his 4th Dimensional experience of the world. He moves forward along the T axis, and represents a fixed awareness of XYZ space, but for the most part represents no sum of material particles, just as the matter of The Arcade represents no sum of chronological changes.
Consider, if you will, the files that video game developers to be "textures" or "skins." These are two-dimensional entities used to help those with 3-Space awareness comprehend a 3-Dimensional entity. The skin itself only contains 2-dimensional information. The body is what contains the information of that third dimension, but the two-dimensional skin helps us comprehend the whole.
Without his physical exterior, we no longer have any texture by which to comprehend Gatsby's three-dimensional form--only his passage through time. In this way, it appears that Gatsby has no 4-Skin.

submitted by jGatzB to cadelore [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:58 zezemind Spherical colour plot in python

I'm trying to recreate a plot like this (panel A), but with the colours on the surface of a sphere (similar to this). So the top and bottom (Z axis) of the sphere should be blue, the front and back (X axis) should be red, and the left and right (Y axis) should be green.
My idea is to use the XYZ coordinates of points on the surface of the sphere as RGB values, e.g. if the coordinate is 1,0,0 (the tip of the back of the sphere), then the RGB value of 1,0,0 = red.
However, when I try and plot this, the surface doesn't have the the desired RGB colours (see image).
What am I doing wrong?
Here's my code:
import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np from matplotlib import cm # Create a grid of theta and phi values theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100) # Create the meshgrid theta, phi = np.meshgrid(theta, phi) # Define the radius of the sphere r = 1 # Convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates x = r * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) y = r * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) z = r * np.cos(phi) # Combine absolute values of X, Y, and Z to get final color color = np.stack([np.abs(x), np.abs(y), np.abs(z)], axis=1) # Create the plotly figure fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(x=x, y=y, z=z, surfacecolor=color)]) # Update layout fig.update_layout(scene=dict(aspectmode="data")) # Show the interactive plot fig.show() 
submitted by zezemind to CodingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:54 RescueDogsRTheBest SC4 v. Garmin R10 v. Rhapsodo MLM2

Purchased a SC4 today - connected to E6 on my iPad… put my club specs in. SC4 came up with one carry number, E6 another… the rest of the numbers were the same (spin, launch angle, etc), but no shot shape on E6 (SC4 doesn’t show tilt axis, so I get it) - just miss left, center, or miss right. I don’t know how I feel about this, as I purposefull might start a ball negative launch direction but want it to land cross neutral to the right…
Wondering others’ experience with the R10 or MLM2… does it show a shot shape? I hit a slice on purpose with the SC4 and E6 showed straight down the middle because the launch direction was right on center.
I’d like to get something that I can put together a spreadsheet of “good fade, good neutral, good draw” distances, etc… but if I can’t see shot shape to know if I hit a good one, what’s the point?
Open to all advice/info! First timer with a “simulator” v. just a numbers launch monitor.
Thanks in advance!!
** update **
I bought the OG SkyTrak and am satisfied completely with even just the iPad interface. Love it.
submitted by RescueDogsRTheBest to Golfsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:59 dodo_thecat Arrowhead hired me as a Data Analyst to help with weapon balancing. You won't believe what I did next.

Arrowhead hired me as a Data Analyst to help with weapon balancing. You won't believe what I did next.
They didn't, but I have too much time and little care for it. I also have a medical diagnosis but that's irrelevant.
So I theorized how I would go about the whole weapon balance thing as a Data Analyst with 5-year experience working as... an economist for the state government? Should qualify me this!!
>> This is just a thought experiment! I’m unemployed! Not related to the medical diagnosis!<<
pictured: me rn
TL;DR: I provide two data analysis tools crafted for this game. But they are dependent on the subjective understanding of the weapons. It's overanalyzed. Don't do it. Just playtest. Dr. Yen said the medicine should start working anytime now.
So, this has two parts.
Part 1: the data analysis (how to use the numbers)
Part 2: subjective balancing (or why the numbers aren’t enough)
Part 3: my innovative fix for the Ajudicator
First, I’m a firm believer that data should be complimentary to the balancing. The main factor should be PLAYER EXPERIENCE (fun) and INTENDED WEAPON DESIGN.
Secondly, I need Arrowhead to understand that the ENEMIES balance the weapons too. A weapon is as bad as the enemy it shoots at is good. Great sentence. It means don’t pull a Railgun again. It also means that giving players information about enemy types at the loadout will open up A LOT of build variety and reduce dominance of some weapons without nerfing them!
Thirdly, there will never be a definitive anchor for what a balanced weapon should be. Weapons will be different, and making a weapon good CAN mean making them excel at a niche function. That can translate into a low % use in general, but higher when you measure the niche.
Fourthly, again please give info about enemy at loadout! It will produce so much more useful data for balancing!!!
Fithly, I have personal views on each weapon and stratagem and provide them for $30 each which should cover my pills.
>> Part one: data analysis aka the 😱 S**PREADSHEET **🫣
The numbers can actually help, guys, but you need to be DELIBERATE about it. In other words, work with it to HELP your already established vision, and not hope they provide you direction. You need the vision FISRT. Here are two tools that I came up with to investigate weapons. Preferably they are made from numbers on a spreadsheet, miss me with that sql crap
And you need them BOTH.
Tool one: 1D Weapon line between bugs and bots
Draw a horizontal line. Bugs on one side, bots on the other. Call in all the weapons on the line, plotting on one side the weapons that are very often picked bots but almost never for bugs, and vice versa. In the middle are weapons that are picked just as often (like impact grenade I’d imagine). The measure is % of weapon picked for one faction among total picks of weapon AFTER you normalize total number of picks by faction.
It’s a line that goes from 0%-100% anchored on one faction.
Should look like this:
Of course this is just an illustration, the most precise method would be to actually call-in all the weapons on a game map and juggle them around. Arrowhead hire me to do that? I'm a good employee and Dr. Yen said the medicine WILL work this time
  • The benefits of doing this:
    • you get to evaluate diversity of weapons by faction
    • you separate specialized weapons from flexible weapons (and check if that was the intended outcome - if there was any at all)
    • you find common traits for weapons that work on the same faction, and can "split” similar weapons, balancing one to be better for one faction but worse for the other - avoiding the “is this just a shittier version of that?”
    • it tells you about weapons versatility without regard to its performance.
This tool is based on the principle that some weapons are more appropriate for one faction, while others are versatile, but every weapon SHOULD be good for SOMETHING JESUS CHRIST. However, the plot itself doesn’t tell you much about the balance state of weapons. That’s why you need to then add another ✨dimension✨ to the plot.
Tool two: 2D weapon graph
After you made the 1D plot, you can verticalize it by weapon effectiveness stats - the “balance” of it.
BUT WAIT. BEFORE you do that, remember this very important wisdom bestowed upon me by a couple of chargers side by side on top of what looked like a plateau, in the night of ACAMAR IV against the moonlight which should guarantee me a top voted meme on Helldivers had I not been trampled by a bile titan before I found the screenshot button: SEGMENT YOUR DATA.
I’m sure something of that sort is already done by the team but I tell you it is not producing results. You cannot analyze weapon balance on a dataset with players with vastly different armories and difficulties unlocked. Or very different player levels. Or between different MOs. Mission types. Sometimes even different planets. I don’t know what the data looks like, but I BET there are quite a few segmentations to be made. I would go as far as split based on emote choice. I have some suspicions. Anyway. Once you decide on a segmentation (or multiple) that represents the ideal player status or whatever - based on your vision or lack thereof - then you add the extra ✨dimensions✨, and we get GRAPHS.
For that you can use:
  • Total usage
  • % of successful missions
  • Usage by player level
  • Mission time
  • Deaths
  • % of players that drop weapon after few missions
  • avg number of missions since last picked
  • Anything that indicates better success
  • My personal opinion for $30 $25/item
Initially you plot graphs for each weapon category: primaries, secondaries, grenades etc. because you want to analyze how they perform against competitors. Then you can extend groups, like primaries that compete with supports. You can find them by seeing a weapon that is frequently picked with another one. That opens up a graph for EACH weapon (that you want to investigate). MORE GRAPHS.
You can do that for Eagles and Orbitals too! The result will be more graphs.
Stratagems vs weapons?? We have the graphs budget to solve that.
Enemy type vs. weapons? Gonna need the Extra Graph Budget
Self kills vs. weapons? That's unfortunately just a picture of The Eruptor.
Should look like this:
Why do this?
  • Find the weapons that need balancing the most
  • Do a longitudinal analysis and find how it correlates with game progress (MOs)
  • Correlate with player level and mission level to see what is being used by the best optimizers (try-hards)
  • Honestly throw everything at the wall to see what sticks? how much does it cost to plot a graph anyway
  • I think it's starting to kick in? Better hurry with this before I come to my senses
Example 1: a weapon is close to the center in the horizontal axis and also the vertical axis. That’s a versatile weapon that is too weak. Go ahead and buff it a little. Don’t go overboard because its versatility could make it dominant.
Example 2: a weapon is too high on the vertical axis and close to the middle - nerf it.
Example 3: a weapon is too high on the vertical axis and very close to one end of the horizontal axis: it’s specialized for one faction. Let’s assume that was intended. In this case, nerf it, but only the parts that are not related to the specialization. Like don’t remove the Eruptors ability to one-shot spewers and stalkers and make it poopy.
Example 4: a weapon is very close to one end of the horizontal axis, but quite low on the vertical axis. It MAY BE weak, but it is doing SOMETHING for that particular faction. Buff that aspect. Or, check other graphs and maybe you find out it’s good but niche. Possibly it’s best to leave it alone. You really gotta know what you want the weapon to be.
The two last exemples tell you the main lesson that Arrowhead is missing: YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE WEAPON. What it’s designed for. What a balanced state for that individual weapon would be. What niche it fills?
>> Part two: subjetive analysis
Not much to say here, do this before you try to crunch numbers.
  • There are just too many variables to guarantee balancing from just a “spreadsheet” - common reddit criticism
  • The game is about player experience, so we need to make sure the weapons are delivering the experience. The Eruptor is slow and dangerous, but shoots heavy and kills in one shot, and opened up new builds. That’s the experience everyone loved. Keep it. Actually, write the desired experience for each weapon. Look at the 1D plot for that. Understand what the weapon means to the players, and what it is used for, and what makes it get chosen. The Railgun should have taught that lesson. It also should have taught the other super important lesson: enemies balance the weapons. In that regard, the 1D line is a great tool. If you see the Railgun being picked very often, but even more so for bugs, then there is something about the BUGS that do it, not the weapon. After adjusting for something thought inadequate with the bugs (charger), we then tune the weapon numbers (or do at the same time if you do some PLAYTESTING).
  • Come up with a niche schema, add niches to it with clear definitions of what should be good for it. Place weapons in their niche and balance them to fill that. Some will belong to a single niche, some will work across a few. Some should be versatile.
  • Example: impact grenade will be versatile. Stun grenade will fill bots “niche” better. Smoke grenade could fill niche in some missions (blitz) if it were better. Probably will never be good for eradicate. It’s fine. Decide what it’s good for and balance accordingly. Thermite grenade could fill the “lots of chargers” niche if the players have info about enemy composition at loadout (and it was better).
  • Don’t be afraid to give players more info. What enemies will be there? What tanks? Communicate better what each weapon does. Players will diversify their loadout very quickly.
  • Some weapons will be fodder and not get picked after you get more experienced. Some weapons may be designed just for the early game experience. Some weapons will fill the same niche, but play different and then it’s up to personal choice. One will be chosen more. Doesn’t mean the other one is bad. It’s fine. Think of that too.
>> Part three: the adjudicator is chucked forward when reloaded and explodes on contact. A random primary appears on your hand.
Conclusion: none of this should probably done? Just playtest and be smart. Again I have a diagnosis. But I would LOVE to do it anyway. If Arrowhead's data leak they know where to find it.
Anyway how do I fax this to Arrowhead HQ?
submitted by dodo_thecat to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:32 pagorbyours Prusa i3 MK3 - Z Axis resets after a reboot

Hello, everyone!
My printer is a Prusa i3 MK3, Firmware - 3.13.3 (latest)
I have a problem - Z Axis resets after a reboot. It is worth noting that it does not just reset, but the printer asks me to recalibrate every time
However, I need to tell you how this happened, maybe it will help in solving the problem
I decided to replace the nozzle, the replacement was successful, but everything was going well until I started calibrating the XYZ axes. When I started to calibrate, the nozzle bent the table (there is nothing wrong with it). After that, the right side of the Z motor shifted. I immediately switched off the printer and lifted the extruder to make the table level. Then I realised that the PINDA problem was the reason why this happened, and I calibrated it as well. So now all axes are calibrated without any problems.
Still, the problem I mentioned at the beginning remains. After restarting the printer, it notifies me that it needs to be calibrated.
If anyone has experienced this, I would be very happy to help!
submitted by pagorbyours to prusa3d [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:08 Parxival629 Selected all, but only 1 item moves

Posted this a couple days ago but bot told me I broke rules or something not posting enough screenshots or photos.
I am trying to move all of my items above the grid floor, so I put in the z value at .8 to raise all of my items, but when I do so it only raises the one cylinder I placed. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by Parxival629 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 04:01 Aquanome Is there any way to bring this baby back after a component is placed in an assembly? I've had so many instances where being able to select a component and easily rotate it in a few clicks would save so much time.

Is there any way to bring this baby back after a component is placed in an assembly? I've had so many instances where being able to select a component and easily rotate it in a few clicks would save so much time.
The only two existing options I know are "Rotate Component" by Delta XYZ and using parallel mates.
The "Rotate Component" by Delta XYZ rotates the component about the assembly axis instead of the component axis, so sometimes doing so shoots the component far away from where it originally was.Using and changing parallel mates is just so tedious.
There has to be an easier, quicker way to rotate a component about its own axis in an assembly for a quick workflow.
submitted by Aquanome to SolidWorks [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 23:29 Ok_Contract5558 Shopsabre 23 vs shapeoko 5 Pro

I’m currently about to purchase one of these machines and was wondering if the price difference is worth it and if the higher price is justified for the shopsabre.
Machine will be used for hobby and as well as to slowly start has a side business.
Shopsabre 23-
-30”x40” work area -variable RPM 3.5 hp router -thicker ball screw on XYZ axis -$12k out the door
Shapeoko 5 pro -
-48”x48” work area -vfd 65mm air cooled 12000w spindle - thinner Ball screw on X and Y axis -$5k out the door
That’s just the main differences I don’t mind paying more but if there’s no need to then why spend more. I could also downsize the work area on the shapeoko as well. unless there are other recommendations
submitted by Ok_Contract5558 to hobbycnc [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:13 vbalaji21 How to dampen the oscillations of a manipulator? (Gazebo ignition)

I have a simple 2-link manipulator. When I start the simulator one link falls freely from it's initial pose and rotates along the ball joint (between base link and other link). I have tried Velocity decay of the link (angular and linear). I have also done damping of the joints. It did not work. please let me know whether I need to add anything more. I have attached the SDF file. (I was unable to attach the video, reddit showed an error)
    0.004 1.0      ogre2   true 0 0 10 0 0 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 1  1000 0.9 0.01 0.001  -0.5 0.1 -0.9   true     0 0 1 100 100       0 0 1 100 100    0.8 0.8 0.8 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 1       pole_1 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 /home/vignesh/.ignition/fuel/custom_models/pole   true 0.0 -0.1 3.0 1.57 0 0  2.1 2.1    0.3358e-03 0.0 0.0 0.3358e-03 0.0 5.0e-06  0.001     0.2 0.01       0.2 0.01         0 0 1.5 0 0 0 link1 pole_1::p1  true 1 1 1  10.04    axis> true 1 1 1  0.04   true 1 1 1  0.04   1 3 1 0 0 0   quad_2  x3/base_link cabless::link1 1 3 3 0 0 0  0 1 0     
submitted by vbalaji21 to ROS [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:03 B_J_Bear Pivot Charts & Survey Data

Hey all
I'm sure this question has been asked before but I'm not finding what I need.
I have an ongoing feedback survey (MS Forms) linked as a connection to an Excel spreadsheet. The data is pulled through as 15 columns for the questions and a row for each respondent. The data consists of either "I agree a lot", "I agree a little", "I don't agree". The data also includes Programme Name, and Course Deliverer.
10 of these questions measure 4 different dimensions. Q4 and Q5 measure dimension 1, Q6 & Q7 measure dimension 2, Q8, Q9, & Q10 measure dimension 3, and Q11 & Q12 measure dimension 4. This is the data I am interested in.
I have manage to create a pivot chart showing "I agree a lot", "I agree a little", "I don't agree" on the X-axis with count on Y-axis for each question with slicers for Programme, and Course Deliverer. I.e. I can see on Q4 that there have been 7 respondents who answered "I agree a lot" for Programme 1 etc.
However where I am running into issues is figuring out how to put the questions for each dimension on a single chart - i.e. Q4 & Q5 showing two separate clusters of "I agree a lot", "I agree a little", "I don't agree" on X-axis with count on Y-axis. Basically exactly what I've done for each individual question but with 2 (or 3) questions on each chart.
The source table is dynamic in so much as it is updated when new responses are added so any changes to the source table need to accommodate this.
Can anyone help me figure out how I can create the chart I need please? It feels like it should be pretty simple and yet I can't get it to work how I need.
Many thanks
submitted by B_J_Bear to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:36 Zypker125 /r/kpop Top Ten Tuesdays Results: NCT U (2024)

kpop's Top 10 NCT U songs are:
Rank Title Points Count #1s
1 Baby Don't Stop 668 46 7
2 The 7th Sense 613 40 11
3 PADO 515 36 7
4 Make A Wish (Birthday Song) 509 38 4
5 Boss 506 35 2
6 90's Love 463 36 0
7 Faded In My Last Song 445 31 5
8 Without You 399 29 5
9 Round&Round 384 33 1
10 OK! 361 26 3

kpop's Top 10 NCT U B-Sides are:
Rank Title Points Count #1s
1 PADO 515 36 7
2 Faded In My Last Song 445 31 5
3 Round&Round 384 33 1
4 OK! 361 26 3
5 The BAT 354 32 0
6 Misfit 321 24 1
7 Yestoday 267 22 0
8 Volcano 145 14 0
9 Call D 143 16 0
10 New Axis 139 13 0

Table formatting brought to you by ExcelToReddit

Total Respondents: 53

Upcoming Schedule:
May 7th: P1Harmony
May 14th: Purple Kiss
May 21st: Seventeen
May 28th: VIVIZ

Want to be notified for specific Top Ten Tuesdays in the future?

If there are some Top Ten Tuesdays in the future that you are interested in participating in and don't want to forget about, please fill in the Reminder Form here: https://forms.gle/m4d9gDWPuVc3tgKN9. You can choose which artists you want to be notified for, and what specifically you wish to be notified for as well.

Interested in doing more song rates?

Come join kpoprates, where we have K-Pop song rates on a regular basis! Here are the currently ongoing rates:
submitted by Zypker125 to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:48 Purity_Kar With the Hell biome being confirmed, do you think Hades will / should become biome exclusive with a breakthrough?

With the Hell biome being confirmed, do you think Hades will / should become biome exclusive with a breakthrough?
Just a thought. Hades is 6,666,666 at all times, but with Hell being introduced, it would be a perfect fit. Depending on how rare the biome is, Hades would become far more rare considering the new breakthrough system.
I'm not saying it should or shouldn't happen. I just made the realization as Hades and Hell are a perfect match. What do you think?
submitted by Purity_Kar to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:58 Sudden-Wrongdoer2885 Hell Biome confirmed!!

Hell Biome confirmed!!
What the HELL Smart play by 54_xyz
submitted by Sudden-Wrongdoer2885 to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 03:56 Leptok Is this doing what I think it's doing?

Messing around with the min gpt from Andrej Karpathy, basically each embedding vector gets a position made up of xyz params, v the original vector is then set to be a combination of xyz, model trains xyz to change v. At init each dimension gets assigned a centroid and then each dimension vector from each token for that dimension gets moved nearby. So group t1d5 t2d5 t3d5 etc, all vectors of dimension 5 gets grouped.
Noticed something weird when boosting the spacing between the groups or concentrating the points around their centroids, all the groups end up stretching out along a global axis. Behavior doesn't seem to appear when the clusters are left intermingled or random. That's what I wanted to do eventually, but I didn't expect it to just start happening. Just wondering if it's some kind of bug that I don't understand.
submitted by Leptok to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:00 capnsafetypants 🗿 [H] Gen 6 Events, comp shiny, comp RNG [W] Paypal 🗿

🙆 Hello everyone, please check out [MY SPREADSHEET] and let me know if you have any questions.
Please note, most of my Events are Gen 6, and are currently in HOME. So I believe I can only trade via HOME.
All events are either self-redeemed, or legitimately traded on pokemontrades.
Popular events in stock:
$40 XYZ Trio $25 Nebel Volcanion $15 NA/PAL HA Birds
$35 Maxsoft Arceus $25 GF Darkrai $15 GF Mew
$30 GF Jirachi $5 GF Shaymin More!
Popular comp RNG/FC:
$15 ★ Articuno moonball $15 ★ Moltres moonball $15 ★ Landorus luxuryball
$15 ★ perfect Dittos $15 ★ perfect legendries $15 ★ Tornadus dreamball

Popular comp ★shiny:
$5 Charizard luxuryball $5 Salamence nestball $10 comp Smeargles
$5 Lopunny dreamball $5 Rhyperior heavyball More!

[My FlairHQ]
[Reference Thread]
submitted by capnsafetypants to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 16:38 zerosaved What software am I thinking of? For MIDI.

I can have a bank, or multiple banks, of samples and whatever, and I can arrange them on a spreadsheet or something like that, and they get triggered when the player scrolls over them. Idk if what I’m thinking of is a MIDI sequencer, or drum machine, or MIDI composer(is this a thing?), or something else I haven’t yet heard of. I would say that a good example of what I am trying to explain is how in Koala you can edit a sequence, with the Y axis being all of the samples you have loaded in the pads, and the X axis is obviously the length of note or sample being played.
I’m looking for something just like that, but I guess a plugin version, so that I can do it all in my DAW and in fullscreen, etc…
Please, help me.
submitted by zerosaved to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 00:34 wisolf [5 YoE] EE Seeking Resume Review Targeting Level 1 or 2 Program Engineering Manager Positions

[5 YoE] EE Seeking Resume Review Targeting Level 1 or 2 Program Engineering Manager Positions
  • Targeting entry to mid level production or program engineering management positions in hardware and device manufacturing.
  • Chicago IL - Applying to Positions in office or hybrid in Chicago or remote
  • Coming from an Electrical engineering background with 5 years at one company with the bulk experience in controls engineering on small one off projects and supporting existing industrial controls, AGV, cranes, 9 axis robots, ect.
  • Looking for help targeting larger companies and pivoting my skill set to a management position.
  • Based off my skill set would a position such as this be too much of a stretch?
    • "2 years of experience managing cross-functional or cross-team projects. Experience in Product Quality Control Systems, statistical methods, and cosmetic criteria and inspections. Experience in Electronics product assembly, inspection, and test process development. Experience in implementing quality escalation processes and ongoing product improvement. Experience working with OEM partners."
  • I tried to follow STAR, XYZ, and a few CAR examples. Should I use a mix of these to not make the resume feel as repetitive or stick to just 1 of the 3? Also in the wiki it says blank spots are good and a wall of text is bad am I too close to a full wall.
  • Thanks so much for any advice or critiques I really appreciate it.
submitted by wisolf to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 14:40 Confusius_me Using shrinkwrap modifier when designing for 3D printing

I'm using blender to design something I want to 3D print.
There is a problem I encounter when using shrinkwrap modifiers. In the image below, I use a that to attach these little foots to the disc. The problem is that when exporting this to an STL, these foots are not attached. As you can see, on the second image, the slicer doesn't connect the foots everywhere.
I export the selection to STL and enable apply modifiers.
What's the best approach here to make sure this model exports as one?
Do I apply the modifier and manually go in to connect the meshes?
Is there an automatic way to do this?
submitted by Confusius_me to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 13:24 taxforblacks Custom GPT prompts for spreadsheet information

Hi all,
I'm looking to create a custom GPT that includes a spreadsheet in it in which I can pull data from it upon request. What would be the best way to go about this to make it easy for the GPT to pull the custom data in the spreadsheet? Should I label certain parts within the sheet and reference the titles when asking the prompt? How best would you guys suggest this?
For some context: I'm a US based law student that's compiled a list of cases that are relevant to different topics in a spreadsheet, each with different titles and then sub topics, followed by the case, the facts and then the significance. I want to be able to simply ask the GPT what cases relate to XYZ topic and it pull from the list I've created there, rather than me trawl through 400/500 cases for specific things. Is this even possible?
Thanks very much.
submitted by taxforblacks to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:29 WebRevolutionary6234 how do I fix this? my gfx is good when I view it in blender but when I render it to a png it shows this

submitted by WebRevolutionary6234 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]
