Ilent e worksheets


2021.02.16 08:01 TrendyWilliamsShow AutismInWomen

An Autistic Community that is centered around women, afabs, nb, queer, trans, and others that are not cis men. Let's discuss challenges, triumphs, interests, and everything in-between.

2012.02.24 09:14 Connecting Food, Eating, Body and Mind

Pro-recovery space for bulimia, binge eating, restricting, anorexia and other disordered eating patterns. You are welcome here.

2024.05.13 15:23 kgw2511 Advice on approach to collating data from several columns into groups,

My colleague has created as MS Form that includes branching questions. The resultant worksheet has, for example: Column D main answer (text); Column E sub answer (text); Column F value of answer (number); Column G main answer (text); Column H sub answer (text); Column I value of answer (number).
The challenge is to transform the data so that a pivot table could group together the text in D and G and sum the values.
Grateful for any advice.
submitted by kgw2511 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:41 not-quite-random Intrebari impozitare 2023 investitii externe

In 2023 am inceput investitiile in ETF-uri si am ales Interactive Brokers pentru asta. Am achizitionat initial un numar de unitati de WWCE, transferand mai intai USD in platforma si apoi facand FX catre EUR, pentru a deschide acele pozitii.
Ulterior, am realizat ca e mai eficient sa cumpar WWRA, direct in USD, eliminand costurile de FX, insa pentru inchiderea pozitiei EUR am avut evenimente taxabile, mai exact vanzarea pozitiei EUR + tranzactii de tip FX. Pentru aceste tranzactii, venitul net este negativ (-10$), si as vrea sa stiu daca este nevoie sa completez declaratia unica.
Pe IBRK, am vazut un singur document "FX Income Worksheet" unde imi apare o suma totala de -60eur, insa pentru vanzarea pozitiei nu am nicio evidenta in sectiunea de taxe (si este un profit marcat, chiar daca nu compenseaza pierderile FX).
O alta intrebare este daca pentru tara de origine ar trebui declarata Germania (pentru WWCE), sau UK (brokerul).
submitted by not-quite-random to robursa [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:19 hellopriyasharma Best Alphabet Worksheets in Nursery English for Simple Learning

Best Alphabet Worksheets in Nursery English for Simple Learning
The foundation of early childhood education, particularly in mastering the English language, begins with understanding the alphabet. Nursery English Alphabet Worksheets are crucial tools in this learning journey, providing young learners with the opportunity to grasp the basics of the language in an engaging and interactive manner. This guide highlights top worksheets designed for easy learning, ensuring that each child can progress at their own pace while finding joy in the learning process.

The Importance of English Alphabet Worksheets

Before we delve into the specifics, it's essential to understand why English Worksheet for Nursery and Pre-school Nursery English Worksheets play a pivotal role in early education. These worksheets offer a structured approach to letter recognition, phonetics, and the development of fine motor skills through writing practice. Moreover, they lay the groundwork for reading and spelling, which are critical components of language acquisition.

Key Features of Effective Worksheets

  • Engagement: Worksheets should capture the interest of nursery-age children with colorful illustrations and interactive elements.
  • Simplicity: The layout and instructions should be straightforward to avoid overwhelming young learners.
  • Repetition: Activities that encourage repetition, such as tracing and letter matching, reinforce learning.
  • Variety: Incorporating a mix of activities keeps learning fresh and exciting, catering to different learning styles.

Recommended Nursery English Alphabet Worksheets

1. Alphabet Tracing Worksheets

Tracing worksheets are excellent for beginners, helping children practice letter formation. They often include dotted lines where children can trace each letter of the alphabet, improving their handwriting skills and familiarity with each letter's shape.

2. Letter Recognition Worksheets

These worksheets are designed to help children identify each letter of the alphabet within a mix of other letters or in the context of simple words. Activities might include coloring, circling, or matching letters, which enhances visual discrimination skills.

3. Phonics Worksheets

Phonics worksheets focus on the sounds that each letter makes, a crucial step in learning to read. Activities can range from matching letters to pictures that start with the corresponding sound, to simple sound identification exercises.

4. Coloring and Craft Worksheets

Combining art with learning, these worksheets allow children to color letters and related images (e.g., A for Apple), making learning a creative process. Some worksheets also include craft activities, like making alphabet collages, which reinforce letter recognition in a fun way.

5. Find and Color Worksheets

Engaging and interactive, find and color worksheets encourage children to spot a particular letter among a group and color it. This activity not only reinforces letter recognition but also enhances focus and attention to detail.

6. Beginning Sounds Worksheets

These worksheets help children connect letters with the sounds they make at the beginning of words. Identifying the initial sounds in words is a foundational skill in developing phonemic awareness.

Utilizing Worksheets Effectively

While worksheets are valuable educational tools, their effectiveness greatly depends on how they are used. Here are some tips for parents and educators:
  • Interactive Learning: Worksheets should be part of a broader, interactive learning experience. Engage with children by discussing the worksheets, offering guidance, and providing positive feedback.
  • Consistency: Regular practice is key. Incorporate worksheets into a daily or weekly routine to build and reinforce skills over time.
  • Combining Resources: Alongside worksheets, use other resources like books, educational apps, and school parent app to create a holistic learning environment. These platforms can offer supplementary activities and allow parents to track their child's progress.

Conclusion: Building a Foundation for Future Success

Nursery English Alphabet Worksheets are more than just paper and pencil activities; they are stepping stones towards literacy and a lifelong love for learning. By carefully selecting and incorporating English Worksheets for Pre-Nursery into the educational journey, educators and parents can ensure that children not only learn but also enjoy the process of learning. Remember, the goal is to foster an environment of curiosity, engagement, and growth, where each child can confidently navigate the path to reading and writing proficiency.
In conclusion, kindergarten students can have a fun and fulfilling experience learning the English alphabet with the correct worksheets. We can give our youngest students the strong foundation they need for future academic achievement by emphasizing engagement, repetition, and variation and by utilizing resources like school parent apps for enhanced learning experiences.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to preschoolwithpriya [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:08 adulting4kids Dead Sea Scrolls Study Guide -Unedited

The War Scroll, also known as the "War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness," is a unique text within the Dead Sea Scrolls that portrays an apocalyptic battle between the forces of good (Sons of Light) and evil (Sons of Darkness). This scroll provides insight into both historical and symbolic elements.
Historical Accuracy:
The War Scroll, while containing detailed military tactics and an epic narrative of the ultimate confrontation, doesn't explicitly reference any specific historical event or timeframe. Some scholars believe it could be a product of the community's anticipation of a future messianic conflict or a reflection of their own community's struggles against opposing forces during their time. Interpreting the historical accuracy of the scroll often involves exploring the context of the Qumran community and the turbulent times in which they lived.
Symbolism and Esoteric Wisdom:
The War Scroll goes beyond a mere description of a physical battle. It portrays a cosmic conflict between the forces of light and darkness, reflecting not just a literal warfare but also a symbolic and spiritual struggle. The text emphasizes righteousness, divine intervention, and the victory of good over evil.
Within the study guide, activities and exercises could involve dissecting the symbolic elements present in the War Scroll, exploring the deeper meanings behind the battle tactics and the metaphysical implications of the conflict. Understanding the symbolism could involve group discussions, comparative analysis with other ancient texts with similar themes, and exploring the impact of this symbolic representation on the community's beliefs and practices.
Here are a few activities and exercises to explore the symbolism and historical context of the War Scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls:
  1. Symbolism Analysis:
Provide excerpts from the War Scroll and encourage participants to identify and discuss the symbolic meanings behind elements like the "Sons of Light" and the "Sons of Darkness," various weapons, and the strategies outlined for battle. Group discussions or written reflections can help participants explore the deeper layers of meaning.
  1. Comparative Analysis:
Compare the War Scroll's themes with similar apocalyptic or eschatological texts from different cultures or religions, such as apocalyptic passages in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible or apocalyptic texts from other ancient traditions. Create worksheets or discussion prompts to highlight similarities and differences in themes, symbols, and beliefs about cosmic battles.
  1. Historical Context Exploration:
Present historical information about the era when the Dead Sea Scrolls were written. Discuss the political, social, and religious climate of that time, including the turmoil in the region, to understand how these factors might have influenced the composition of the War Scroll. Encourage participants to consider the possible motivations behind the text's creation.
  1. Creative Interpretation:
Encourage creative expression by asking participants to create artwork, poems, or short stories inspired by the themes and imagery found in the War Scroll. This exercise allows individuals to engage more deeply with the symbolic elements and interpret them in their own unique ways.
  1. Role-playing or Debates:
    Organize a role-playing activity where participants take on the roles of "Sons of Light" and "Sons of Darkness," debating their ideologies, motivations, and strategies for the ultimate battle. This exercise helps in understanding differing perspectives and interpreting the conflicts presented in the scroll.
Interpretative variations regarding the river's crossing in different ancient texts reflect the unique religious, philosophical, and cultural perspectives embedded within these narratives. These differences in interpretation offer insights into diverse worldviews and varying theological frameworks present in ancient texts:
  1. Mesopotamian Context:
  1. Biblical Context:
  1. Gnostic or Apocryphal Context:
  1. Greco-Roman Interpretation:
These varied interpretations highlight the richness and diversity of religious, philosophical, and cultural frameworks present in ancient texts. The river's crossing serves as a flexible symbol that adapts to different narratives, conveying themes of transition, judgment, liberation, or cosmic transformation based on the unique perspectives of each tradition.
Exploring these interpretative variations allows participants to appreciate the complexity of symbolism within ancient texts and provides insights into how different cultures and belief systems interpreted common motifs like the river Euphrates. It showcases the intricate interplay between religious, philosophical, and cultural elements shaping the symbolism and theological implications embedded in these narratives.
The river Euphrates, a prominent geographic feature in ancient texts, embodies universal themes that transcend specific cultural contexts. Identifying these universal themes helps reveal shared human concepts of transition, boundaries, and transformative events across diverse ancient traditions:
  1. Threshold and Transition:
  1. Boundary and Separation:
  1. Transformative Events:
  1. Symbol of Power and Control:
  1. Metaphor for Spiritual Journeys:
These universal themes associated with the river Euphrates highlight fundamental aspects of the human experience—transitions, boundaries, transformative events, power dynamics, and spiritual journeys. The river's symbolism in ancient texts speaks to shared human aspirations, struggles, and beliefs that transcend cultural boundaries and resonate across different epochs and civilizations.
By identifying and discussing these universal themes, participants gain a deeper appreciation for the profound symbolism embedded in ancient texts and recognize the timeless relevance of concepts such as transition, boundaries, and transformative events in shaping human narratives and aspirations.
  1. Historical Context:
  1. Symbolism and Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Comparative Analysis:
  1. Parallelism in Biblical Texts:
  1. Community Beliefs and Practices:
  1. Cultural Significance of Cosmic Battles:
  1. Interpretive Variations and Unique Perspectives:
  1. Personal Reflection and Modern Relevance:
  1. Theological and Philosophical Implications:
  1. Literary and Symbolic Analysis:
- Analyze the narrative structure and symbolic elements present in specific passages of the War Scroll. How do these elements contribute to the text's overarching themes and meanings? 
These study questions aim to provoke critical thinking, promote in-depth exploration of themes, encourage comparative analysis, and stimulate discussions on the multifaceted nature of the War Scroll's content and its significance within ancient and contemporary contexts.
  1. Archaeological and Linguistic Analysis:
- How does the physical condition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, including the War Scroll, impact our understanding of their preservation and historical context? - Discuss the linguistic peculiarities or unique textual features found within the War Scroll and their implications for translation and interpretation. 
  1. Apocalyptic Expectations and Messianic Concepts:
- Explore the portrayal of messianic figures or anticipated saviors within the War Scroll. How do these concepts align with or diverge from contemporary expectations of a messianic figure in other ancient texts or religious traditions? 
  1. Impact of Apocalyptic Literature:
- Analyze the enduring influence of apocalyptic literature, such as the War Scroll, on subsequent religious, literary, or cultural traditions. How have these texts shaped later beliefs or inspired artistic and literary works? 
  1. Ethical and Moral Frameworks:
- Discuss the ethical or moral implications of the cosmic conflict depicted in the War Scroll. How do the themes of righteousness and wickedness contribute to the text's underlying moral framework? 
  1. Role of Prophecy and Revelation:
- Explore the role of prophecy and revelation within the War Scroll. How do the prophetic elements contribute to the text's portrayal of future events and cosmic justice? 
  1. Experiential and Ritualistic Elements:
- Investigate potential ritualistic or experiential dimensions associated with the teachings or beliefs conveyed in the War Scroll. How might the community have engaged with these teachings in their religious practices or communal activities? 
  1. Literary Genre and Interpretation:
- Discuss the classification of the War Scroll within the broader genre of apocalyptic literature. How does its classification influence our understanding and interpretation of its themes and symbolic elements? 
  1. Relevance in Modern Scholarship:
- Reflect on the ongoing scholarly debates or discoveries related to the War Scroll. How have modern interpretations evolved, and what implications do these new perspectives have on our understanding of the text? 
  1. Intersection of Faith and Scholarship:
- Consider the interplay between faith-based interpretations and scholarly analyses of the War Scroll. How might religious convictions or theological frameworks influence academic research and vice versa? 
  1. Future Research and Interpretative Avenues:
- Propose potential avenues for future research or areas of exploration concerning the War Scroll. What unanswered questions or unexplored aspects merit further investigation? 
The composition of the War Scroll, along with other Dead Sea Scrolls, was likely influenced by several historical events and societal conditions prevalent during the time of its writing, which is estimated to be between the 2nd century BCE and the 1st century CE:
  1. Hellenistic Rule and Cultural Influence:
  1. Political Turmoil and Resistance Movements:
  1. Religious Sects and Spiritual Expectations:
  1. Anticipation of Cosmic Redemption:
Regarding the historical context of the Dead Sea Scrolls' discovery, its significance lies in multiple facets:
  1. Preservation of Ancient Texts:
  1. Insights into Jewish Sectarianism:
  1. Confirmation of Scriptural Accuracy:
  1. Impact on Biblical Studies and Scholarship:
The historical context of political upheaval, religious expectations, and the preservation of texts within the Dead Sea Scrolls contributes significantly to understanding the milieu in which the War Scroll was written. It provides a backdrop against which the themes of cosmic conflict, eschatological anticipation, and religious fervor within the War Scroll can be comprehended.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:17 Express_Key1389 [Precalculus] limits

[Precalculus] limits
This is the question and below is my work so far. How do I know when it exists or when it is continuous?? That is mainly what i do not understand.
submitted by Express_Key1389 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:42 Little-Bug-797 could someone please grade my synthesis essay? TIA

the prompt is 2021 Q1
For centuries handwriting has been our primary source of documenting data, but is it still currently? With digital technology reaching into everyones' back pockets the decline of handwriting is evident. Email's have replaced letters, Word has replaced note taking, powerpoint has replaced posters, and many more. Even though handwriting is a great skill to have, and can help you with other aspects in life, its pragmatic uses are continuously declining. Thus it should not be focused on in school as a mandated class but rather as an elective.
Undoubtably, handwriting has major benefits, more than just the physical writing it self. Cursive script is proven to develop fine motor skills and improve mental organization (SOURCE D). Even though cursive handwriting has such benefits, the uses it posses in the everyday world are exponentially declining. What would be the point of focusing valuable education time on forcing every student to learn cursive? It would be absurd, if they want to do it, they can choose to in the form of an elective. It would be deranged to force woodworking kids to join the band, same applies here. Or it would be the same thing as forcing every student to learn French, Japanese, Spanish, and Arabic, indisputably learning many languages has great benefits to one's mind, but it should be a choice especially since it is not used in everyday life. Or as SOURCE E states, Super Mario Bros can develop better motor skills. Another important factor to consider on WHY we should make it optional is its [handwriting and cursives] roots. The real reason we adopted such writing habits in the 19th century was to make our national identity and our sense of uniqueness. We differed from other scripts not limited too but including the Gothic script, or the Palmer method because they were connoted to different cultures (SOURCE C), we adopted this so we can show we are different, however in todays world that matters very little because everyone has the same Sans Serif font in their inboxes (font gmail uses). Vouching the fact that we should not make it a necessity at school for children to learn at school.
Even though mandating such a dying subject could potentially revive it, there is no practical need to do so. Doing so would most likely do more harm than good. SOURCE B portrays one of the thousands of worksheets teachers would have to print for every student to strenuously practice their cursive writing. We all know that deforestation is hurting our climate. Badly. So why waste even more paper, especially on children who have no interest in learning the skill as well. It is like buying a $100,000 racecar for a student who has no interest in racing. What will it lead to? Immense waste. To reiterate. The printing of worksheets should be encouraged for children who want to learn the skill of cursive handwriting, but shouldn't be forced upon everyone. There would be no point in encouraging penmanship in school since post-school the focus is towards technology, after all school is meant to prepare us for the future (SOURCE A). Schools that are focusing on it should reconsider and put more effort into preparing the children for the future. In 2013, writing on paper was on average 2x than writing with technology (SOURCE F), that is however 11 years ago and if numbers like that are still prominent, school administration should reconsider.
The point of school is to be prepared for the future. In today's world penmanship is almost extinct, and in tomorrow's world it will be extinct. Technology is more efficient to use, saves the environment, and is the standard for today. So why force children in learning something that will not have technical use to everyone. It [cursive handwriting] should be more of an optional elective, like woodworking or coding.
submitted by Little-Bug-797 to APLang [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:43 tempmailgenerator Automating Email Notifications in Excel Based on Dropdown Selections

Streamlining Communication with Excel Automation

Excel's versatility extends beyond mere data organization and analysis; it also serves as a powerful tool for automating routine tasks, including sending emails. For professionals and teams relying on Excel for project management or tracking, the ability to automate email notifications based on specific triggers—like a selection from a dropdown menu—can significantly enhance efficiency. This functionality not only saves time but also ensures that critical updates or reminders are communicated instantly, reducing the risk of oversight. Imagine a scenario where project statuses or task assignments are updated in a spreadsheet, and corresponding notifications are automatically dispatched to the relevant stakeholders. This level of automation streamlines communication and keeps everyone aligned on the latest developments.
The process of setting up such automation involves writing and modifying VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code within Excel. VBA allows for a high degree of customization, enabling users to define specific conditions—such as the selection of a particular option from a dropdown list—under which an email is sent. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where different team members or departments are responsible for various tasks or stages of a project. By customizing the VBA script, Excel can be configured to send emails to designated recipients based on the selected dropdown option, ensuring that the right people receive the right information at the right time. This introduction will guide you through the fundamental steps of modifying your Excel VBA code to automate email notifications, tailored to specific dropdown selections.
Command/Function Description
CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Creates an Outlook application instance for sending emails.
.AddItem Adds a new item, such as an email, to the Outlook application.
.To Specifies the recipient's email address.
.Subject Defines the subject line of the email.
.Body Sets the main text content of the email.
.Send Sends the email.
Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Event procedure that triggers when changes are made to a worksheet.

Enhancing Excel with VBA for Email Automation

Automating email notifications based on dropdown selections in Excel is a transformative approach that leverages the power of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). VBA, an integral part of Excel, allows for the creation of custom scripts that can interact with the data stored in spreadsheets in dynamic ways. By utilizing VBA, users can set up automated processes that react to changes within the spreadsheet, such as sending emails when a specific option is selected from a dropdown menu. This capability is particularly beneficial in environments where timely communication is crucial, such as project management, sales tracking, or customer service inquiries. Through the automation of such tasks, businesses and individuals can enhance their productivity, reduce manual errors, and ensure that vital information is disseminated promptly and to the appropriate recipients.
The implementation of email automation via VBA involves a few key steps: defining the trigger (e.g., a change in a cell containing a dropdown menu), crafting the email content, and specifying the recipient based on the selected dropdown option. This process often requires a basic understanding of VBA programming concepts, such as variables, control structures (if-then-else statements), and the use of the Outlook application object for sending emails. By customizing the VBA script to fit specific needs, users can create a highly efficient workflow that automates the process of sending out customized email messages. This not only streamlines communication but also significantly enhances the operational efficiency of using Excel for managing projects, tracking tasks, or handling any process that benefits from automated email notifications.

Automating Email Dispatch Based on Dropdown Selection

VBA in Microsoft Excel
Dim OutlookApp As Object Dim MItem As Object Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set MItem = OutlookApp.CreateItem(0) With MItem .To = "" ' Adjust based on dropdown selection .Subject = "Important Update" .Body = "This is an automated message." .Send End With Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("DropdownCell")) Is Nothing Then Call SendEmailBasedOnDropdown(Target.Value) End If 

Optimizing Workflow with Excel VBA Email Automation

Utilizing VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to automate email notifications in Excel based on dropdown menu selections represents a significant leap in operational efficiency. This advanced feature of Excel allows users to create highly customized email workflows that can automatically respond to data changes within a spreadsheet. For instance, in a project management scenario, an update to a project's status in a dropdown menu can trigger an email notification to a project manager or team member. This not only ensures that all stakeholders are kept informed in real-time but also greatly reduces the manual effort required in communication processes. Such automation can be tailored to fit various business processes, from customer feedback loops to inventory management, making it an invaluable tool for enhancing productivity.
The process of integrating VBA for email automation involves accessing the developer tools in Excel, writing a script that captures changes in dropdown selections, and using Outlook or another email client for dispatching messages. This requires a foundational understanding of programming concepts and familiarity with Excel and email client interfaces. Nevertheless, once set up, this automation framework can dramatically streamline communication channels, ensuring that the right information reaches the right people at the right time. By leveraging Excel's powerful VBA capabilities, businesses and individuals can transform their data management practices into a more dynamic, responsive, and efficient system.

FAQs on Excel VBA Email Automation

  1. Question: What is VBA in Excel?
  2. Answer: VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a programming language provided by Excel for users to write custom scripts for automating tasks within Excel itself.
  3. Question: Can Excel send emails automatically?
  4. Answer: Yes, by using VBA scripts, Excel can automate the process of sending emails, allowing for dynamic communication based on spreadsheet actions.
  5. Question: Do I need any additional software to send emails from Excel?
  6. Answer: Typically, you would need Microsoft Outlook or a similar email client that can interface with Excel through VBA to send emails.
  7. Question: How can I trigger an email to send from a dropdown selection in Excel?
  8. Answer: You can write a VBA script that monitors changes in a specific cell containing a dropdown menu and triggers an email when a certain option is selected.
  9. Question: Is it possible to customize the email content based on the dropdown selection?
  10. Answer: Absolutely. The VBA script can be designed to customize the email's content, subject, and recipient based on the selected dropdown option.
  11. Question: Do I need advanced programming skills to set up email automation in Excel?
  12. Answer: Basic understanding of VBA and programming concepts is sufficient to start with simple email automation tasks, though more complex workflows may require advanced knowledge.
  13. Question: Can automated emails include attachments?
  14. Answer: Yes, VBA scripts can be configured to attach files stored on your computer or network to the automated emails.
  15. Question: How secure is sending emails through Excel VBA?
  16. Answer: While Excel VBA itself is secure, it's important to ensure that your email client settings and network security are appropriately configured to protect sensitive information.
  17. Question: Can I send emails to multiple recipients based on dropdown selections?
  18. Answer: Yes, the VBA script can be set up to send emails to multiple recipients, either by including them in the same email or sending individual emails based on the selection.

Empowering Efficiency and Communication with Excel VBA

As we delve into the intricacies of using Excel's VBA for email automation, it becomes clear that this feature stands as a powerful tool for enhancing operational efficiency and communication within various business processes. The ability to send automated emails based on specific conditions, such as dropdown selections, not only streamlines the dissemination of information but also minimizes the potential for human error. This level of automation supports a proactive approach to project management and customer engagement, ensuring that stakeholders are timely and accurately informed. Furthermore, the adaptability of VBA scripts allows for a high degree of customization, making it possible to tailor the automated email notifications to meet the unique needs of any project or organization. Embracing this technology can lead to significant improvements in productivity, collaboration, and overall workflow management. As such, mastering Excel VBA for email automation emerges as a valuable skill for anyone looking to optimize their use of Excel for more effective communication strategies.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:07 SpeaktechEnglish I Created an English Language Learning Website With Lots of Free Resources!

TL;DR: I've created a free website and newsletter with materials for learning English. It’s great for business English and English for the Tech Industry. If your English skills are intermediate+ then it can help take your learning to the next level.
The newsletter can be found here:
The website can be found here:
Both are in their early stages, and have a lot of work needed still. Our community is rapidly growing and can be found at ITEnglish. I launched this website two months ago, and now we have 1000 users per month, and around 250 newsletter subscribers!
Our website has resources such as:
📕 Tech Articles: These articles have a comprehension questions, words and their definitions
📕 Business English Materials: Dialogues, vocabulary and discussion based materials you can use to improve your Business English
📹 Tech Videos: Videos you can watch to test your listening skills and comprehension
🕵️‍♀️ CV and Interview materials: These include a list of commonly asked questions which you can use to practise
📕 English for Programmers (paid): Master your workflow in English: Review Code, Discuss Bugs, Agile Practices
Our newsletter contains:
📰 Newsletter: Get Business English tips and updates, with a focus on Tech and business, sent to your inbox every Monday.
🆓 Free materials: When you subscribe, you’ll receive FIVE free Business English worksheets to get you started.
We will also be integrating an AI chatbot who you can have conversations with!
Your feedback and suggestions would be hugely helpful to us as we build and expand our website! Please reach out to me at: [](
submitted by SpeaktechEnglish to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:01 SpeaktechEnglish I Created an English Language Learning Website With Lots of Free Resources!

TL;DR: I've created a free website and newsletter with materials for learning English. It’s great for business English and English for the Tech Industry. If your English skills are intermediate+ then it can help take your learning to the next level.
The newsletter can be found here:
The website can be found here:
Both are in their early stages, and have a lot of work needed still. Our community is rapidly growing and can be found at /ITEnglish. I launched this website two months ago, and now we have 1000 users per month, and around 250 newsletter subscribers!
Our website has resources such as:
📕 Tech Articles: These articles have a comprehension questions, words and their definitions
📕 Business English Materials: Dialogues, vocabulary and discussion based materials you can use to improve your Business English
📹 Tech Videos: Videos you can watch to test your listening skills and comprehension
🕵️‍♀️ CV and Interview materials: These include a list of commonly asked questions which you can use to practise
📕 English for Programmers (paid): Master your workflow in English: Review Code, Discuss Bugs, Agile Practices
Our newsletter contains:
📰 Newsletter: Get Business English tips and updates, with a focus on Tech and business, sent to your inbox every Monday.
🆓 Free materials: When you subscribe, you’ll receive FIVE free Business English worksheets to get you started.
We will also be integrating an AI chatbot who you can have conversations with!
Your feedback and suggestions would be hugely helpful to us as we build and expand our website! Please reach out to me at: [](
submitted by SpeaktechEnglish to LearningEnglish [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:33 c0ldb00t 2024 Mitsubishi Outlander SEL Premium

2024 Mitsubishi Outlander SEL Premium
How badly did I get hosed? $399/mo 39/10 lease “offer” my ass!!! Sigh.. anyways. Thoughts gang? :( how bad of a lease is this
submitted by c0ldb00t to leasehackr [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:36 Surprise_Earth Converting e-cores to p-cores

Hello everyone, I will be very grateful if you guys can review this,
So Earlier it was just "cores" but now that e cores have been added, it has bought a lot of confusion to everyone.
Yesterday I wanted to find a way to simplify it and searched for a way to somehow convert e cores to p cores in multicore performance. Basically, I wanted to find out how much e core equal 1 p core
Thankfully I found this post:\_pcores\_vs\_ecores/#:\~:text=Just%20an%20interesting%20thought%3A%20although,1%20P%2Dcore%20with%20hyperthreading.
This guy came to the conclusion that
1p=2.5e (with multithreading enabled in p)
1p=1.8e (multithreading disabled)
Its apparent that multithreading increases the performance of p core, and a side note is that e cores don't have multithreading as I'm writing this.
With this info I deduced 4 most common conversion:
4e= 1.6p
8e= 3.2p
12e= 4.8p
16e= 6.4p
Remember, these are for multithreaded performance. (i.e. derived using 1p=2.5e)
So, before you buy a laptop or cpu for work that requires multiprocessing power, go to this website which details all the intel cpus:
then select a cpu and convert e cores to p core, for example,
lets select 14900K, it has 8p and 16e. Using the conversion above 16e=6.4p,
14900K has a "total core" of 14.4p(8p+6.4p)
See how I eliminated e cores. I had doubts at first but but then I tested cpus that had similar "total cores" with different p&e combination and they all gave similar multicore performance result with little difference here and there. For anyone wondering, I compared the cpus in Nano review(here
One comparison I did was 13420H 5.6p(4p+4e) vs 1365U 5.2p(2p+8e). Notice 13420H has 0.4 more total core so when I did the comparison, sure it was little a better than the 1365U in multi-performance as I predicted. So overall, I think that I can trust the experiment that guy did and you can also trust these conversion values.
I also thought of making a worksheet to show the total cores of all cpus from intel 12th gen up. But then I thought that I should share it here first, in case there's any mistakes.
submitted by Surprise_Earth to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:09 Poornima_her The Emergence of Virtual classrooms

In recent years, the meaning of the idea of classrooms has become ambiguous - it could mean either traditional places, with the desks arranged orderly, blackboards, maps, and the conversations of the students that take place in the same location and face to face, or some online platform where teachers meeting their students and teaching the same subject classes. Right now, it is a new normal. Classrooms are not only meeting rooms, but rather they can be on our screens and people from different corners of the world interact from within their virtual space. This globalization of E-learning has revolutionized teaching methods as knowledge delivery and strategies have been transformed virtual classroom is a web-based teaching spaces where teachers & students can exchange, perform different types of activities, and anyway communicate with each other. As a result, the students can get access to really good teachers from any part of the planet for a lifetime as long as they both are connected to the internet with a steady connection. This can break down most of the common barriers to synchronous learning: the cost, distance, and also time.
Key features of virtual classrooms include:
An online class is, to a large extent, a replica of the actual classroom setting. Online whiteboard assists teachers in highlighting visually their ideas and demonstrating how working out samples in an interactive manner mirrors a physical classroom. Meanwhile, the library acts as a bedrock for teachers and allows them to tap into relevant supplementary materials. In addition, it provides an avenue for teachers and students to appreciate the same content.
Virtual classrooms provide several advantages over traditional classrooms:
The advent of virtual classrooms requires teachers to partner with state-of-the-art technology systems that will provide students with contemporary methods of learning. Technology is already a reality and we should learn as soon as we can to take advantage of it in educational practices as it influences how people learn and interact with each other.
The international online education market has been anticipated to hit approximately $350 billion by 2025. One of the hallmarks of this revolution in educational technology is the virtual classroom which fosters human interaction that is lost in video-on-demand courses. A virtual classroom is all the more the space for online learning in the future. They provide a basic structure that levels the educational field on a global scale and promotes the accessibility of knowledge. Educators, who need to catch up with this transformation, will get the chance to use the cutting-edge tools that make learning a lot more fun for both students and teachers.

#talentserve #virtualclassrooms u/talentserve

submitted by Poornima_her to u/Poornima_her [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:57 A_TalkingWalnut Can you help me automate these changes to my tracking worksheets?

Hi guys! I'm looking to automate the following changes to a tracking worksheet that our shipping software outputs.
Delete columns (in order to preserve column arrangement) BH, BG, BC, BB, AZ, AX, AW, AV, AU, AS, AO, AK, AJ, AI, AH, AG, AC, X, V, T, Q, N, M, L, K, J, I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A
Move column J to front
Color column A yellow
Resize all columns
Hide all empty columns
Hide all empty rows
submitted by A_TalkingWalnut to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 09:20 Efficient-Speed2078 need help with send command no longer working in part of script, despite no changes

I am reposting this with the correct format of the code.

To understand what the script does, it might help to understand the purpose for it's creation. I am a blind attorney with many clients. Each client has information pertaining to them like DOB, address etc. They also have information pertaining to parties relating to their case, such as the court their case is in, opposing party’s names information, their children’s information, doctors information etc.. this is all information I frequently need to insert into documents or whatever.
Instead of having to constantly open files to pull information I need, I wrote an AHK script which, until recently, and no I did not edit it, worked fine. it pulled information I select and sent/pasted it into whatever document I had open.
But now a portion of it is not working fully. Mainly, the Send command is not working within the “Relational info” section of the below code. Why not? Why isn’t the send command working?
Here is how the script works.
  1. File Directories
a. Script is located in x:Dropbox\\cases\\clients.AHK
b. List of client names pulled from excel file located at x:\\dropbox\\law\\cases\\clients.xls
c. Each client has their own folder
x:\\dropbox\\law\\cases\\\[client name\]\\
d. Each client folder contains an excel file called info.xls
e. This excel file contains info related to each client
example, court info, opposing parties, family, etc
2. The excel file x:\\dropbox\\law\\cases\\clients.xls also has other information about the clients such as DOB, SSN, address etc.
3. If user hits f12, script asks for user to select client, pulled from collum A of x:\\dropbox\\law\\cases\\clients.xls.
4. Hitting control+{numpadNumber} inserts specific information about the selected client. i.e. control+numpad2 inserts client’s address because addresses are saved in collum B. control+numpad4 inserts client’s email because emails are saved in collum D.
All that works fine.
Here is where the script begins to break down but only with the send command.
5. Each client has their own folder at x:\\dropbox\\law\\\[client name\]\\
6. An excel file titled info.xls is located in each client folder. X:\\dropbox\\law\\cases\\\[client name\]\\info.xls

8. If user hits alt+\[numpadNumber\] the script pulls from the indicated sheet within info.xls.
9. Example, hitting alt+1 pulls up the opposing party sheet contained in the info.xls file for that client. alt+2 pulls from court information sheet contained in the info.xls file etc..
10. Like the client excel file, these sheets are ordered with the party’s name in collum A, along with specific information for that party filling out the remaining collum in that row.
11. For example, if client named Sue Smith is suing Walmart and best buy, the user would hit f12 and select sue smith as the client. then hitting alt+1 the user can select one of those two opposing parties i.e. either Walmart or best buy.
12. Finally, the script has the user select what information user wants sent/pasted into the document the user has open. Is it the address, phone number, etc.
Here is where the script no longer works.
Despite selecting the type of information the user wants sent to the document, nothing is ever sent. Nothing happens.
Can someone figure out why the Send command is not working in the Relational Information Section? Or how I might change it to work again? Nothing has changed on my system that I know of. In both desktop running windows10 and laptop running widnows11 the send command in the “Relational info” section stopped working a few weeks ago. Both computers have AHK 1.x and 2.x installed. This code was sadly created using v1 and I don’t know enough about v2 to convert it assuming that even matters.

I am sory if the format is still not in correct style. Being blind these online editors are sometimes difficult. If it isn't, all i can say is I tried my best. Thanks in advance.

filesPath := A_ScriptDir ; "x:\dropbox\law\cases\cases"
; Sheet names inside info.xlsx
sheets := ["Children", "Third Parties", "Experts", "Witnesses", "Doctors", "Court", "Family", "Opposing", "Opposing Witnesses"]
init() ; Read Excel files at script load
; When Excel files change...
^f11::init() ; Read them again
; Select a Client
f12::createGui("Client", -1)
; Client info
^numpad1::clientInfo(1) ; Name
^numpad2::clientInfo(2) ; Address
^numpad3::clientInfo(3) ; Phone
^numpad4::clientInfo(4) ; Email
^numpad5::clientInfo(5) ; Fax
^numpad6::clientInfo(6) ; DoB
^numpad7::clientInfo(7) ; SSN
^numpad8::clientInfo(8) ; Date of Injury
^numpad9::clientInfo(9) ; Wedding Date
^numpad0::clientInfo(9) ; Matter Link
; Relational info
!numpad1::createGui("Opposing", 1)
!numpad2::createGui("Court" , 1)
!numpad3::createGui("Doctors", 1)
!numpad4::createGui("Children", 1)
!numpad5::createGui("Family", 1)
!numpad6::createGui("Third Parties", 1)
!numpad7::createGui("Opposing Witnesses", 1)
!numpad8::createGui("Witnesses", 1)
!numpad9::createGui("Experts", 1)
; End of configuration
Gui Submit
RegExMatch(A_GuiControl, "(\w+)_(\d)_(\d+)", match)
; match1 = rootName
; match2 = 0=fields, 1=data
; match3 = button#
if match2
%match1%Id := match3
if (match1 != "Client")
createGui(match1, 0)
row := match1 "Id"
SendInput % "{Raw}" clientData[clientId][match1].data[row][match3]
if !clientId
return createGui("Client", -1)
SendInput % "{Raw}" clientData[clientId][field]
createGui(rootName, data)
if (rootName = "Client")
branch := clientData
else if !clientId
return createGui("Client", -1)
else if data
branch := clientData[clientId][rootName].data
else ; fields
branch := clientData[clientId][rootName].fields
if !branch ; Client didn't have requested sheet
Gui New, +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui Font, s11
for i, node in branch
Gui Add, Button, % "w140 h35 gAction v" rootName "_" !!data "_" i
, % IsObject(node) ? node[1] : node
clientName := clientId ? clientData[clientId][1] : "Select a Client"
if (rootName != "Client")
clientName .= " > " rootName
Gui Show,, % clientName
book := ComObjGet(filesPath "\clients.xlsx")
sheet := book.Worksheets[1]
clientData := clientId := ""
readSheet(sheet, clientData)
for i, client in clientData
file := filesPath "\" client[1] "\info.xlsx"
if !FileExist(file)
MsgBox % 0x100x40000, Error, % "Error loading info.xlsx for " client[1]
book := ComObjGet(file)
for j, sheetName in sheets
sheet := book.Worksheets[sheetName]
data := fields := ""
readSheet(sheet, data, fields)
clientData[i, sheetName, "data"] := data
clientData[i, sheetName, "fields"] := fields
book := sheet := ""
readSheet(sheet, ByRef rows, ByRef headers := "")
headers := {}
for cell in sheet.Range("A1:Z1")
if cell.value
colNum := A_Index
colLtr := Chr(64 + A_Index)
headers[A_Index] := cell.value
else break
rows := {}
i := col := line := 0
for cell in sheet.Range("A:" colLtr)
if Mod(++i, colNum) = 1
col := 1
, line++
else col++
if line = 1
if cell.value
rows[line - 1, col] := cell.value
else if col = 1
Gui Destroy
submitted by Efficient-Speed2078 to AutoHotkey [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:48 zoodee89 The IRS sent this form enlarged to 17x22.

The IRS sent this form enlarged to 17x22. submitted by zoodee89 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:25 Exaskryz Hypothetical Megas to come with Legends Z-A

Pokemon Legends Z-A trailer featured the Mega Evolution emblem. It is unknown at this time if we will get brand new megas, or just that the ME mechanic is returning after having been removed from recent generations.
What I would like is to speculate on what would be the most useful new Mega, should new ones be introduced, for us in Go.
There already exist 50 Megas in the MSG.
However, 9 remaining Pokemon are monotype megas - Absol, Manectric, Banette, Glalie, Kangaskhan, Alakazam, Mewtwo Y, Aggron, and Blastoise. We can exclude those Megas as "outclassed" - there exists a duo-type mega that shares their typing, such as Mega Gyarados does what Absol and Blastoise do.
So there are 41 megas to consider. But then we have duplicate type combinations. Mega Gyarados and Sharpedo are both WateDark. We can go through and remove all but one member of [Gyarados/Sharpedo], [Latias/Latios], [Mewtwo X, Gallade, Medicham]. So we reduce our pool to 37 megas.
We are not quite done. While we already removed Blastoise and Manectric for being monotype, they are outclassed additionally by Primal Kyogre. We can remove any Pokemon that is outclassed by the primals/Mega Ray which includes Salamence, Latias/Latios (regardless of whichever we kept), and Camerput.
There are merely 34 "worthwhile" Megas/Primals in the game. You could end up ignoring 16 of the 50 total megas to be eventually be added in Pokemon Go as there exists a mega that is superior or equal to it, when considering type boosting bonuses alone. Mega Mewtwo Y is still forecasted to be a DPS beast, but when it comes to catching Pokemon, duo-types and the Weather Trio are the go-to options.
As an aside, I would love to see the weather sets get completed; Cloudy is the last 3-type weather condition without an associated mega/primal covering Fighting, Poison, and Fairy; the other weathers are 2-type as Snow is Ice/Steel (Mega Alolan Sandslash?), Partly Cloudy is Normal/Rock (No Pokemon ever had this type combo... Mega Gigalith, Garganacl, or Klawf perhaps?), and Fog is Ghost/Dark (Mega Sableye!).
I will take a look at each type combination. There are 153 (18*17/2) type combinations among the 18 types that exist. I am disregarding 22 mega Pokemon, 16 that exist as duplicates/outclassed and 6 hypotheticals that are outclassed by the primals. That list is Mega Blastoise, Mega Alakazam, Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Aggron, Mega Manectric, Mega Sharpedo, Mega Camerupt, Mega Banette, Mega Absol, Mega Glalie, Mega Salamence, Mega Latias, Mega Latios, Mega Gallade; Mega Golisopod, Mega Lanturn, Mega Galvantula, Mega Xatu, Mega Scovillain, Mega Torterra.

Almost Everything From Gen I-IX

I have not prepared my workbook that I use for XL candy analyses to include new DLC Pokemon from Scarlet and Violet, so those get omitted.
This table shows you how many families, out of a total 528 families, that get boosted by a Mega. The largest family, Eevee, represents 9 types because if we had an event where all 9 members of the family spawned you would have 9 types that you could set for an active mega to boost the Eevee XL/Candy you get from catching them.
With more detail, I included the number of individual species that get boosted. Additionally, I included weighting.
Many events just don't spawn evolutions in the wild or provide research tasks for us to collect. So I arbitrarily weighted the invidiual species as 100% for base stage, 10% weight for first stage (e.g. Ivysaur), and 1% weight for second stage (e.g. Venusaur). Baby Pokemon are actually omitted from the weighting; we've only ever had Smoochum in research tasks to catch, otherwise baby Pokemon are really "eggsonly".
Name Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Families Boosted Species Boosted Weighted
Primal Groudon Ground Fire Grass 177 272 123.84
Mega Rayquaza Dragon Flying Psychic 169 232 118.74
Mega Bibarel Normal Water 166 293 162.19
Mega Mantine Flying Water 161 251 136.51
Primal Kyogre Water Electric Bug 155 302 163.01
Mega Slowbro Water Psychic 154 235 120.66
Mega Ludicolo Grass Water 153 276 138.46
Mega Gyarados Water Dark 147 217 111.06
Mega Poliwrath Fighting Water 145 217 112.48
Mega Empoleon Steel Water 145 214 109.77
Mega Arboliva Grass Normal 139 260 135.31
Mega Farigiraf Normal Psychic 139 221 117.71
Mega Volcanion Fire Water 139 233 117.6
Mega Pidgeot Normal Flying 136 215 120.82
Mega Swampert Water Ground 134 219 112.97
Mega Jellicent Ghost Water 133 221 114.97
Mega Jumpluff Flying Grass 133 224 112.83
Mega Lopunny Normal Fighting 132 205 110.45
Mega Relicanth Rock Water 132 219 115.75
Mega Primarina Fairy Water 132 205 106.13
Mega Kingdra Dragon Water 131 201 101.99
Mega Porygon-Z Normal Steel 130 201 107.73
Mega Hawlucha Fighting Flying 128 170 88.07
Mega Obstagoon Dark Normal 127 203 108.02
Mega Exeggutor Grass Psychic 127 210 98.09
Mega Honchkrow Dark Flying 127 168 85.55
Mega Tentacruel Poison Water 125 230 116.67
Mega Pyroar Fire Normal 125 217 114.45
Mega Lapras Ice Water 125 201 107.2
Mega Dudunsparce Double Normal Rock 124 216 120.2
Mega Heliolisk Electric Normal 124 206 118.29
Mega Ursaluna Ground Normal 124 212 113.33
Mega Caterpie Bug Normal 123 232 126.31
Mega Skarmory Flying Steel 123 164 85.24
Mega Malamar Dark Psychic 123 153 70.8
Mega Medicham Fighting Psychic 122 151 72.11
Mega Zoroark Hisuian Ghost Normal 121 209 113.12
Mega Charizard Y Fire Flying 120 180 92.95
Mega Gliscor Flying Ground 120 177 90.86
Mega Grafaiai Normal Poison 119 220 117.72
Mega Aerodactyl Rock Flying 118 176 94.62
Mega Audino Normal Fairy 118 190 104.08
Mega Cyclizar Dragon Normal 118 190 101.95
Mega Vanilluxe Ice Normal 117 194 107.47
Mega Crobat Flying Poison 116 184 96.23
Mega Kilowattrel Electric Flying 116 168 93.81
Mega Metagross Steel Psychic 115 143 67.19
Mega Drifblim Flying Ghost 115 173 90.64
Mega Breloom Fighting Grass 115 188 88.61
Mega Shiftry Dark Grass 115 189 87.29
Mega Togekiss Fairy Flying 115 157 82.61
Mega Ferrothorn Grass Steel 114 184 83.91
Mega Claydol Ground Psychic 114 159 74.01
Mega Delibird Flying Ice 112 158 84.99
Mega Raichu Alolan Electric Psychic 112 154 80.96
Mega Lunatone Psychic Rock 111 161 79.87
Mega Pinsir Bug Flying 110 184 100.2
Mega Orbeetle Bug Psychic 110 176 87.77
Mega Scrafty Dark Fighting 110 131 60.24
Mega Delphox Fire Psychic 109 163 77.01
Mega Kingambit Dark Steel 109 126 56.61
Mega Lucario Fighting Steel 108 127 58.04
Mega Cradily Grass Rock 108 199 96.38
Mega Electrode Hisuian Electric Grass 107 190 94.57
Mega Slowking Galarian Poison Psychic 107 167 80.29
Mega Lunala Ghost Psychic 107 158 75.89
Mega Houndoom Dark Fire 105 144 64.43
Mega Parasect Bug Grass 105 211 101.28
Mega Morpeko Dark Electric 105 135 68.38
Mega Tyranitar Rock Dark 104 143 70.18
Mega Sceptile Grass Dragon 104 173 80.02
Mega Great Tusk Fighting Ground 104 141 64.75
Mega Krookodile Dark Ground 104 139 62.32
Mega Blaziken Fire Fighting 103 139 65.53
Mega Trevenant Ghost Grass 103 182 83.89
Mega Gardevoir Psychic Fairy 102 134 64.64
Mega Whimsicott Fairy Grass 102 175 80.27
Mega Lokix Bug Dark 102 159 76.2
Mega Terrakion Fighting Rock 102 143 71.51
Mega Jynx Ice Psychic 102 137 67.04
Mega Heatran Fire Steel 102 140 63.04
Mega Abomasnow Ice Grass 101 177 83.65
Mega Pawmot Electric Fighting 101 133 70.59
Mega Venusaur Grass Poison 100 193 90.57
Mega Grimmsnarl Dark Fairy 100 119 54.07
Mega Annihilape Fighting Ghost 99 137 65.52
Mega Hydreigon Dark Dragon 99 117 52.83
Mega Heracross Bug Fighting 98 158 76.62
Mega Sableye Dark Ghost 98 137 62.21
Mega Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting 98 117 55.15
Mega Magnezone Electric Steel 97 125 64.77
Mega Iron Valiant Fairy Fighting 97 121 56.5
Mega Sneasler Fighting Poison 96 145 67.93
Mega Weavile Dark Ice 96 120 56.36
Mega Rotom Heat Electric Fire 94 146 73.7
Mega Revavroom Poison Steel 94 141 65.21
Mega Aegislash Blade Ghost Steel 94 127 60.49
Mega Volcarona Bug Fire 93 167 79.42
Mega Overqwil Dark Poison 93 143 65.41
Mega Probopass Rock Steel 93 131 65.38
Mega Crabominable Fighting Ice 93 120 58.68
Mega Scizor Bug Steel 92 148 72.4
Mega Magcargo Fire Rock 92 150 74.2
Mega Goodra Hisuian Dragon Steel 92 110 50.33
Mega Charizard X Fire Dragon 91 130 58.26
Mega Steelix Steel Ground 91 130 58.63
Mega Mawile Steel Fairy 91 110 49.57
Mega Wormadam Sandy Bug Ground 91 164 78.41
Mega Rotom Electric Ghost 91 138 72.37
Mega Sandslash Alolan Ice Steel 91 113 53.86
Mega Runerigus Ghost Rock 90 147 74.18
Mega Salazzle Fire Poison 90 159 73.03
Mega Dachsbun Fairy Fire 90 133 60.5
Mega Shedinja Bug Ghost 89 162 80.19
Mega Golem Alolan Electric Rock 89 141 78.24
Mega Granbull Fairy Ground 89 128 58.39
Mega Toxtricity Electric Poison 88 148 76.87
Mega Stunfisk Electric Ground 88 141 71.59
Mega Yanmega Bug Dragon 88 144 70.02
Mega Rhyperior Ground Rock 88 141 69.08
Mega Chandelure Fire Ghost 88 143 68.2
Mega Golurk Ghost Ground 88 139 64.12
Mega Tyrantrum Dragon Rock 88 126 62.81
Mega Ampharos Electric Dragon 87 119 62.1
Mega Garchomp Dragon Ground 87 121 55.93
Mega Kleavor Bug Rock 87 162 82.97
Mega Dedenne Electric Fairy 87 121 63.34
Mega Gengar Ghost Poison 86 150 71.69
Mega Diancie Rock Fairy 86 129 64.15
Mega Glimmora Poison Rock 86 156 77.68
Mega Clodsire Ground Poison 86 152 70.9
Mega Ribombee Bug Fairy 86 144 70.16
Mega Dragapult Dragon Ghost 86 120 56.82
Mega Altaria Dragon Fairy 85 106 48.9
Mega Arctozolt Electric Ice 85 120 64.62
Mega Mimikyu Fairy Ghost 85 124 58.17
Mega Frosmoth Bug Ice 84 144 72.44
Mega Avalugg Hisuian Ice Rock 84 127 66.23
Mega Froslass Ghost Ice 84 124 61.35
Mega Mamoswine Ground Ice 84 125 59.56
Mega Weezing Galarian Fairy Poison 83 135 63.67
Mega Darmanitan Zen Galarian Fire Ice 83 132 62.68
Mega Dragalge Dragon Poison 82 133 62.43
Mega Beedrill Bug Poison 81 162 79.46
Mega Baxcalibur Dragon Ice 81 103 50.07
Mega Beartic Ice Poison 79 136 66.05
Mega Ninetales Alolan Fairy Ice 77 107 52.32
Mega Blastoise Water 0 0 0
Mega Alakazam Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Kangaskhan Normal 0 0 0
Mega Mewtwo X Psychic Fighting 0 0 0
Mega Mewtwo Y Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Aggron Steel 0 0 0
Mega Manectric Electric 0 0 0
Mega Sharpedo Water Dark 0 0 0
Mega Camerupt Fire Ground 0 0 0
Mega Banette Ghost 0 0 0
Mega Absol Dark 0 0 0
Mega Glalie Ice 0 0 0
Mega Salamence Dragon Flying 0 0 0
Mega Latias Dragon Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Latios Dragon Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Gallade Psychic Fighting 0 0 0
Mega Golisopod Bug Water 0 0 0
Mega Lanturn Electric Water 0 0 0
Mega Xatu Flying Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Scovillain Fire Grass 0 0 0
Mega Torterra Grass Ground 0 0 0
Mega Galvantula Bug Electric 0 0 0
Excluding our duplicate and monotypes, of the existing megas, Beedrill is the weakest with the fewest number of families boosted. (Even if Bug and Poison may not be respectively the rarest typing, they are a common combination, so the total number of families boosted is reduced compared to otherwise separate types e.g. Fire and Psychic.) But I know Mega Beedrill can be a top recommendation in some events!
So, what happens if instead of considering "everything", we look at some events? I looked at the past 45 events that featured a change in wild spawns in the last ~12 months, and included the upcoming Go Fest 2024 in a quick and dirty analysis.
Of course, this reduces the scope of the Pokemon considered to only be those released in Pokemon Go so far. So we lose various chunks of each generation.
The events with wild spawns and/or research tasks awarding Pokemon that I looked at: Go Fest 2024, Rivals Week, Sustainability Week, Bug Out 2024, Sizeable Surprises, World of Wonders Taken Over, Verdant Wonders, Weather Week 2024, Pokemon Horizons Celebration Event, Pokemon Presents 2024, Go Tour Sinnoh, Road to Sinnoh, Carnival of Love, Lunar New Year Dragons Unleashed, Taken Treasures, Raging Battles, Dazzling Dream, Lustrous Odyssey, New Year’s 2024 Event, Winter Holiday 2023 Part 2, Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1, Adamant Time, Along the Routes, Party Up, Fashion Week 2023, Festival of Lights 2023, Dia de Muertos 2023, Halloween Event 2023 Part 2, Halloween Event 2023 Part 1, Harvest Festival, Detective Pikachu Returns Event, Out to Play, Psychic Spectacular 2023, Ultra Unlock: Paldea, A Paldean Adventure, Noxious Swamp, 2023 Pokemon World Champsionships Celebration Event, Glittering Garden, Adventure Week 2023, Blaze New Trails*, Catching Some Zs, 7th Anniversary Party, Dark Flames, Solstice Horizons, Water Festival Beach Week, Rising Shadows.
*Blaze New Trails had no PvE relevant spawns.


*A unique note about the list of events is Blaze New Trails gave us no PvE-relevant spawns.
Looking at PvE, we find these statistics for if these megas were available in the past year, where they would rank.
The worst performing is Electric/Flying Kilowattrel, hitting its best mark as the 19th best recommended Mega in the Detective Pikachu Returns event.
Several Megas do not breach the top 5 in any of the 44 events:
Mega Aegislash Blade, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Altaria, Mega Ampharos, Mega Avalugg Hisuian, Mega Baxcalibur, Mega Beartic, Mega Blaziken, Mega Caterpie, Mega Claydol, Mega Crabominable, Mega Dragapult, Mega Empoleon, Mega Garchomp, Mega Gliscor, Mega Golem Alolan, Mega Golurk, Mega Goodra Hisuian, Mega Hakamo-o , Mega Heracross, Mega Hydreigon, Mega Kilowattrel, Mega Kingambit, Mega Lucario, Mega Lunala, Mega Lunatone, Mega Magcargo, Mega Magnezone, Mega Mimikyu, Mega Morpeko, Mega Orbeetle, Mega Pawmot, Mega Pinsir, Mega Poliwrath, Mega Porygon-Z, Mega Revavroom, Mega Rhyperior, Mega Ribombee, Mega Sandslash Alolan, Mega Scizor, Mega Shedinja, Mega Steelix, Mega Terrakion, Mega Togekiss, Mega Toxtricity, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Tyrantrum, Mega Volcarona. These are the megas we hopefully wouldn't miss as there are 5 or more candidates in every single event that are better megas than them.
These are the Pokemon that make a top 3 recommendation in any of the past events:
Mega Abomasnow, Mega Arboliva, Mega Arctozolt, Mega Beedrill, Mega Bibarel, Mega Chandelure, Mega Charizard X, Mega Clodsire, Mega Cradily, Mega Crobat, Mega Cyclizar, Mega Dachsbun, Mega Darmanitan Zen Galarian, Mega Delibird, Mega Delphox, Mega Diancie, Mega Dragalge, Mega Drifblim, Mega Electrode Hisuian, Mega Exeggutor, Mega Farigiraf, Mega Ferrothorn, Mega Froslass, Mega Frosmoth, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Gengar, Mega Glimmora, Mega Grafaiai, Mega Great Tusk, Mega Grimmsnarl, Mega Gyarados, Mega Hawlucha, Mega Heatran, Mega Heliolisk, Mega Houndoom, Mega Iron Valiant, Mega Jellicent, Mega Jumpluff, Mega Kingdra, Mega Lapras, Mega Lokix, Mega Lopunny, Mega Ludicolo, Mega Mawile, Mega Medicham, Mega Ninetales Alolan, Mega Obstagoon, Mega Overqwil, Mega Parasect, Mega Pyroar, Mega Raichu Alolan, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Rotom, Mega Rotom Heat, Mega Runerigus, Mega Sableye, Mega Sceptile, Mega Skarmory, Mega Slowbro, Mega Slowking Galarian, Mega Sneasler, Mega Stunfisk, Mega Swampert, Mega Tentacruel, Mega Trevenant, Mega Ursaluna, Mega Venusaur, Mega Volcanion, Mega Weavile, Mega Weezing Galarian, Mega Whimsicott, Mega Wormadam Sandy, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre.
I include the top 3 because ties existed and doing just the #1 would leave out some Pokemon that were #2 but covered the exact same spawns as a #1 candidate. (And even that is not technically enough. E.g. Mega Lucario peaks with 17th best mega in its best event of the Rivals Week, but that is because the other 16 other combo-fighting types by chance got listed ahead of it.)
These are the megas that had the most consistent performance, with their median (scoring out of 147) being among the best:
Primal Kyogre (25), Mega Grafaiai (30), Mega Tentacruel (35), Mega Arboliva and Mega Crobat (37 each), Mega Slowking Galarian (38), and Mega Exeggutor (39).

These are the megas that appeared in the top 5 the most often:

Primal Kyogre (9), Mega Ludicolo (8), Mega Grafaiai (6), and Mega Arboliva (6).
Here is some context among the existing megas for top 5 appearances: Primal Kyogre (9), Mega Gengar (5), Mega Sceptile (4), Primal Groudon (4), Mega Lopunny (3), Mega Rayquaza (3), Mega Sableye (3), Mega Swampert (3), and Mega Venusaur (3).
If we look at only the hypothetical megas:
Same 3 as before - Ludicolo, Grafaiai, and Arboliva. But also we find Mega Jumpluff (5), Tentacruel (5), Bibarel (4), Overqwil (4), Slowking (4), and Whimsicott (4).


It's a much different story for PvP purposes, with a wider field of relevant Pokemon in those 45 events.
The worst performing is Ground/Flying Gliscor, hitting its best mark as the 18th best recommended Mega in the Harvest Festival and Halloween Event Part 1.
Several Megas do not breach the top 5 in any of the 45 events:
Mega Abomasnow, Mega Aegislash Blade, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Altaria, Mega Avalugg Hisuian, Mega Baxcalibur, Mega Beartic, Mega Blaziken, Mega Caterpie, Mega Claydol, Mega Dachsbun, Mega Delphox, Mega Dragapult, Mega Ferrothorn, Mega Frosmoth, Mega Garchomp, Mega Gliscor, Mega Golurk, Mega Goodra Hisuian, Mega Hakamo-o, Mega Heatran, Mega Heracross, Mega Hydreigon, Mega Kingambit, Mega Lunala, Mega Lunatone, Mega Magcargo, Mega Magnezone, Mega Mamoswine, Mega Morpeko, Mega Orbeetle, Mega Pinsir, Mega Revavroom, Mega Rhyperior, Mega Ribombee, Mega Runerigus, Mega Sandslash Alolan, Mega Scizor, Mega Shedinja, Mega Skarmory, Mega Steelix, Mega Stunfisk, Mega Terrakion, Mega Togekiss, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Tyrantrum, Mega Volcarona, Mega Yanmega
These are the Pokemon that make a top 3 recommendation in any of the past events:
Mega Arboliva, Mega Arctozolt, Mega Audino, Mega Beedrill, Mega Bibarel, Mega Chandelure, Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Clodsire, Mega Crabominable, Mega Cradily, Mega Crobat, Mega Cyclizar, Mega Darmanitan Zen Galarian, Mega Delibird, Mega Diancie, Mega Drifblim, Mega Empoleon, Mega Exeggutor, Mega Farigiraf, Mega Gengar, Mega Glimmora, Mega Golem Alolan, Mega Grafaiai, Mega Great Tusk, Mega Grimmsnarl, Mega Gyarados, Mega Hawlucha, Mega Heliolisk, Mega Honchkrow, Mega Houndoom, Mega Iron Valiant, Mega Jellicent, Mega Jumpluff, Mega Kilowattrel, Mega Kingdra, Mega Lapras, Mega Lokix, Mega Lopunny, Mega Lucario, Mega Ludicolo, Mega Mantine, Mega Medicham, Mega Mimikyu, Mega Ninetales Alolan, Mega Obstagoon, Mega Overqwil, Mega Parasect, Mega Poliwrath, Mega Porygon-Z, Mega Pyroar, Mega Raichu Alolan, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Rotom, Mega Rotom Heat, Mega Sableye, Mega Salazzle, Mega Slowbro, Mega Slowking Galarian, Mega Sneasler, Mega Swampert, Mega Tentacruel, Mega Trevenant, Mega Vanilluxe, Mega Venusaur, Mega Volcanion, Mega Weavile, Mega Weezing Galarian, Mega Whimsicott, Mega Wormadam Sandy, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre
These are the megas that had the most consistent performance, with their median (scoring out of 147) being among the best:
Mega Bibarel (22), Mega Arboliva (27.5), Primal Kyogre (34.5), Mega Grafaiai (36.5), Mega Pidgeot (37.5), Mega Ludicolo and Mantine (38.5 each), and Mega Zoroark Hisuian (39.5).

These are the megas that appeared in the top 5 the most often:

Mega Arboliva (9), Mega Bibarel (7), Mega Gengar (7), Mega Heliolisk (7), Primal Groudon (7), Primal Kyogre (7).
Here is some context among the existing megas for top 5 appearances:
Mega Gengar (7), Primal Groudon (7), Primal Kyogre (7), Mega Lopunny (5), Mega Swampert (3), Mega Venusaur (3).
If we look at only the hypothetical megas:
Same 3 as before - Arboliva, Bibarel, and Helolisk. We also consider Mega Grafaiai (6), Mega Ludicolo (6), Mega Pyroar (6), Mega Tentacruel (5), and Mega Vanilluxe (5, I gave it Normal typing).


For the hypothetical megas that appeared in the top 5 the most often, the frequent types are Normal, Water, Grass, and Poison. This correlates pretty well with the table at the top of all spawns, seeing as Bibarel and Ludicolo rank so highly.
But would we want all of them? Say we were only given 10 new megas, would we want half or more of them to be part Normal type?
I don't think so. So we should consider another way to pare down our list. Multiple megas that when considered together have the least overlap of boosting the same spawns. I don't have a great technique for this, so if anyone wants to pick up from here and give a better analysis, I'd love to see it.
My approach is to look at existing type combinations. We can again pivot to Pokemon from the MSG not released yet in Pokemon Go in this bit of analysis.
The top 20 most common type combinations, with weighting to favor the base forms that could appear in the wild is a surprising one. It tested my sanity.
1. Normal/Flying (17.94) 2. Ghost/Grass (7.61; a limitation of my worksheet giving favor to Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist at x4 each for their different sizes, which I justify with them having different stats) 3. Rock/Water (6.5) 4. Grass/Poison (5.53) 5. Bug/Poison (5.43) 6. Bug/Flying (4.63) 7. Ground/Rock (4.32) 8. Flying/Water (4.3) 8. Flying/Psychic (4.3) 10. Normal/Psychic (4.2) 10. Poison/Water (4.2) 12. Electric/Flying (4.1) 12. Rock/Flying (4.1) 14. Poison/Dark (3.4) 15. WateIce (3.31) 16. WatePsychic (3.3) 16. Bug/Rock (3.3) 16. Ghost/Ground (3.3) 19. Grass/Flying (3.21) 20. Bug/Water (3.2) 20. Dark/Flying (3.2)
Really? Bug/Water is a top 20 type combination? There's only 5 Pokemon with that combo! Surskit, Dewpider, Araquanid, Wimpod, Golisopod. But so many type combinations are weighted less than it.
Check out for an unweighted list, but it also includes alternative forms, but doesn't repeat them. E.g. Mega Pinsir is there for Bug/Flying, but Mega Venusaur is absent as Venusaur shares the same typing.
Anyway, the weighting explains why the odd looking types like Bug/Water are there ahead of e.g. Dragon/Flying. Bug/Water has three Stage 0 and two Stage 1 mons for a "Score" of 3.2. Dragon/Flying has one Stage 0, one stage 1, and three stage 2 for a score of 1.13 (excludes Rayquaza as legendary).
So, if you have a Pokemon that can span most of these types, you have a good Pokemon. Of our top 20 type combinations, this is the frequency of types that appear:
Flying45.78 Water24.81 Normal22.14 Poison18.56 Rock18.22 Bug16.56 Grass16.35 Psychic11.8 Ghost10.91 Ground7.62 Dark6.6 Electric4.1 Ice3.31
Of course, you will pick up more than just those scores with any given type, but this is one way to look at making a priority list. WateFlying would be a good type, and Mantine is #4 in the overall list of families boosted. However, it's "wasteful" to have both types shared -- remember why Beedrill is ranked so lowly at a glance from the overall table at the top of the post, and 4.3 families of Pokemon have the WateFlying type. We may be better off dividing WateFlying into something like Normal/Water (only Bibarel) and Poison/Flying (only Zubat line).
If I had to make a proposal for the megas I would like to see based on those type combinations it would include:
Flying/Poison = Crobat Flying/Ghost = Drifblim Flying/Ground = Gliscor## WateNormal = Bibarel WateRock = Relicanth WateGrass = Ludicolo WateGhost = Jellicent Normal/Poison = Grafaiai Normal/Rock = Dudunsparce Normal/Bug = Caterpie## Normal/Grass = Arboliva Normal/Ghost = Zoroark Hisuian Normal/Ground = Ursaluna Normal/Dark = Obstagoon Poison/Rock = Glimmora Poison/Psychic = Slowking Galarian Poison/Ground = Clodsire Rock/Grass = Cradily Rock/Psychic = Lunatone## Rock/Ghost = Runerigus# Bug/Grass = Parasect Bug/Psychic = Orbeetle## Bug/Ghost = Shedinja## Bug/Ground = Wormadam Sandy Bug/Dark = Lokix Grass/Psychic = Exeggutor Grass/Dark = Shiftry Psychic/Ghost = Lunala## Psychic/Ground = Claydol## Psychic/Dark = Malamar Ground/Dark = Krookodile
I denoted the #/## at ends of names because they appeared on my event analysis as proposed megas that did not make a top 5 across the 44 or 45 events. So they aren't as valuable as I might think abstactly.
Trying to influence all of these factors, here would be 10 (11) Megas I would like to see added with Legends AZ:
Flying/Poison = Crobat Grass/Normal = Arboliva ~ Grass/Water = Ludicolo WateNormal = Bibarel Psychic/Dark = Malamar Ground/Ghost = Golurk Electric/Fighting = Pawmot Dragon/Rock = Tyrantrum Fairy/Flying = Togekiss Bug/Fire = Volcarona Ice/Steel = Sandslash Alolan


But Megas don't just boost candy, they boost raid damage too.
Ideally, we'd have type combinations that have a combat type relation with each other so you can boost a raid boss's candy from catching it but also boost damage super effective to the raid boss. E.g. Mega Aerodactyl is a nice pick against many Flying types.
*Marked with asterisk to show it must be this type due to only one weakness.
Monotype Bosses Example Attackers
Bug Pinsir, Volcarona, Kleavor
Dark Lokix, Scrafty, Grimmsnarl
Dragon Altaria, Baxcalibur, Any Dragons
Electric Stunfisk*
Fairy Mawile, Weezing Galarian
Fighting Medicham, Hawlucha, Iron Valiant
Fire Groudon, (Camerupt), Volcarona, Magcargo
Flying Aerodactyl, Kilowattrel, Delibird
Ghost Sableye, Any Ghosts
Grass Groudon, Abomasnow, Venusaur, Jumpluff, Parasect
Ground Groudon, Swampert, Mamoswine
Ice Darmanitan Zen Galarian, Sandslash Alolan, Crabominable, Avalugg Hisuian
Normal Lopunny*
Poison Clodsire, Slowking Galarian
Psychic Lunala, Orbeetle, Malamar
Rock Cradily, Relicanth, Rhyperior, Terrakion
Steel Lucario, Steelix, Heatran
Water Kyogre, Ludicolo
We have several types covered with existing megas. The ones we are missing is an anti-Dark-Dark, an anti-Electric-Electric (must be Electric/Ground = Stunfisk), an anti-Ice-Ice, an anti-Poison-Poison, an anti-Psychic-Psychic, and an anti-Rock-Rock.
Do we need to worry about duo-typed raid bosses? I think not, but please someone correct me. Let's look at a couple examples. Sableye is Ghost/Dark, and its Dark resistances neutralize its Ghost weaknesses, leaving our Ghost attackers unfavored. But we do have the Dark weakness to exploit, so if we favored Dark/Fairy Grimmsnarl, we have something to use vs Sableye as a raid boss. Mud bois like Swampert? We may look like we want Ludicolo, but technically, Groudon has that Ground/Grass relation we can use instead of the WateGrass relation. But I still wouldn't mind Ludicolo because Groudon is weak to Ground and double weak to Water. The other typings to worry about: Bug/Steel only weak to fire, but either Volcarona or Heatran cover that. Dark/Poison only weak to Ground, but Clodsire covers that. Normal/Ghost only weak to Dark, and Sableye covers that.
Of the proposed 11 megas I gave just above, Sandslash Alolan and Malamar serve those raid purposes. That leaves us wanting vs Dark (Grimmsnarl), vs Electric (Stunfisk), vs Poison (Clodsire), and vs Rock (Cradily).
My final draft list is these 15 new megas. I will superscript the type as we go along for how many we are adding and how many already exist.
  • Sandslash Alolan (Ice2+1/Steel6+1)
  • Crobat (Poison3+2/Flying6+2)
  • Ludicolo (Grass4+3/Water6+2)
  • Cradily (Grass4+3/Rock3+2)
  • Bibarel (Normal4+2/Water6+2)
  • Togekiss (Fairy5+2/Flying6+2)
  • Stunfisk (Ground5+3/Electric3+2)
  • Golurk (Ground5+3/Ghost3+1)
  • Volcarona (Bug5+1/Fire6+1)
  • Malamar (Psychic11+1/Dark6+2)
  • Tyrantrum (Rock3+2/Dragon9+1)
  • Grimmsnarl (Dark6+2/Fairy5+2)
  • Pawmot (Electric3+2/Fighting7+1)
  • Arboliva (Normal4+2/Grass4+3)
  • Clodsire (Poison3+2/Ground5+3)
I wanted to reflect on the type representation among our megas and primals before and after these proposed additions.
Mega Type Pre-AZ With Nominees
Bug 5 6
Dark 6 8
Dragon 9 10
Electric 3 5
Fairy 5 7
Fighting 7 8
Fire 6 7
Flying 6 8
Ghost 3 4
Grass 4 7
Ground 5 8
Ice 2 3
Normal 4 6
Poison 3 5
Psychic 11 12
Rock 3 5
Steel 6 7
Water 6 8
I'm pretty happy with that. If I had to make one addendum, Mega Froslass would be nice to see to round out the Ice and Ghost representation going up to 4 Ice megas and 5 Ghost megas to sit nearly level with Electric, Poison, and Rock at 5 each.
With these 16 additions to the 34 "worthwhile", I want to revisit the table from the beginning and see what that looks like narrowed down. I'll also ennumerate them for their position among the 153 type combinations. (It really is a coincidence that I considered 16 of the original 50 megas as excessive, and came up with 16 new ones.)
Name Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Families Boosted Species Boosted Weighted
1. Primal Groudon Ground Fire Grass 177 272 123.84
2. Mega Rayquaza Dragon Flying Psychic 169 232 118.74
3. Mega Bibarel Normal Water 166 293 162.19
5. Primal Kyogre Water Electric Bug 155 302 163.01
6. Mega Slowbro Water Psychic 154 235 120.66
7. Mega Ludicolo Grass Water 153 276 138.46
8. Mega Gyarados Water Dark 147 217 111.06
11. Mega Arboliva Grass Normal 139 260 135.31
14. Mega Pidgeot Normal Flying 136 215 120.82
15. Mega Swampert Water Ground 134 219 112.97
18. Mega Lopunny Normal Fighting 132 205 110.45
35. Mega Malamar Dark Psychic 123 153 70.8
36. Mega Medicham Fighting Psychic 122 151 72.11
38. Mega Charizard Y Fire Flying 120 180 92.95
41. Mega Aerodactyl Rock Flying 118 176 94.62
42. Mega Audino Normal Fairy 118 190 104.08
45. Mega Crobat Flying Poison 116 184 96.23
47. Mega Metagross Steel Psychic 115 143 67.19
51. Mega Togekiss Fairy Flying 115 157 82.61
57. Mega Pinsir Bug Flying 110 184 100.2
62. Mega Lucario Fighting Steel 108 127 58.04
63. Mega Cradily Grass Rock 108 199 96.38
67. Mega Houndoom Dark Fire 105 144 64.43
70. Mega Tyranitar Rock Dark 104 143 70.18
71. Mega Sceptile Grass Dragon 104 173 80.02
74. Mega Blaziken Fire Fighting 103 139 65.53
76. Mega Gardevoir Psychic Fairy 102 134 64.64
82. Mega Abomasnow Ice Grass 101 177 83.65
83. Mega Pawmot Electric Fighting 101 133 70.59
84. Mega Venusaur Grass Poison 100 193 90.57
85. Mega Grimmsnarl Dark Fairy 100 119 54.07
88. Mega Heracross Bug Fighting 98 158 76.62
89. Mega Sableye Dark Ghost 98 137 62.21
98. Mega Volcarona Bug Fire 93 167 79.42
102. Mega Scizor Bug Steel 92 148 72.4
105. Mega Charizard X Fire Dragon 91 130 58.26
106. Mega Steelix Steel Ground 91 130 58.63
107. Mega Mawile Steel Fairy 91 110 49.57
110. Mega Sandslash Alolan Ice Steel 91 113 53.86
118. Mega Stunfisk Electric Ground 88 141 71.59
122. Mega Golurk Ghost Ground 88 139 64.12
123. Mega Tyrantrum Dragon Rock 88 126 62.81
124. Mega Ampharos Electric Dragon 87 119 62.1
125. Mega Garchomp Dragon Ground 87 121 55.93
128. Mega Gengar Ghost Poison 86 150 71.69
129. Mega Diancie Rock Fairy 86 129 64.15
131. Mega Clodsire Ground Poison 86 152 70.9
134. Mega Altaria Dragon Fairy 85 106 48.9
139. Mega Froslass Ghost Ice 84 124 61.35
144. Mega Beedrill Bug Poison 81 162 79.46
submitted by Exaskryz to XLCandyGoals [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:25 Exaskryz Speculating on the most useful Megas for Pokemon Go if new ones are introduced in Legends Z-A

Pokemon Legends Z-A trailer featured the Mega Evolution emblem. It is unknown at this time if we will get brand new megas, or just that the ME mechanic is returning after having been removed from recent generations.
What I would like is to speculate on what would be the most useful new Mega, should new ones be introduced, for us in Go.
There already exist 50 Megas in the MSG.
However, 9 remaining Pokemon are monotype megas - Absol, Manectric, Banette, Glalie, Kangaskhan, Alakazam, Mewtwo Y, Aggron, and Blastoise. We can exclude those Megas as "outclassed" - there exists a duo-type mega that shares their typing, such as Mega Gyarados does what Absol and Blastoise do.
So there are 41 megas to consider. But then we have duplicate type combinations. Mega Gyarados and Sharpedo are both WateDark. We can go through and remove all but one member of [Gyarados/Sharpedo], [Latias/Latios], [Mewtwo X, Gallade, Medicham]. So we reduce our pool to 37 megas.
We are not quite done. While we already removed Blastoise and Manectric for being monotype, they are outclassed additionally by Primal Kyogre. We can remove any Pokemon that is outclassed by the primals/Mega Ray which includes Salamence, Latias/Latios (regardless of whichever we kept), and Camerput.
There are merely 34 "worthwhile" Megas/Primals in the game. You could end up ignoring 16 of the 50 total megas to be eventually be added in Pokemon Go as there exists a mega that is superior or equal to it, when considering type boosting bonuses alone. Mega Mewtwo Y is still forecasted to be a DPS beast, but when it comes to catching Pokemon, duo-types and the Weather Trio are the go-to options.
As an aside, I would love to see the weather sets get completed; Cloudy is the last 3-type weather condition without an associated mega/primal covering Fighting, Poison, and Fairy; the other weathers are 2-type as Snow is Ice/Steel (Mega Alolan Sandslash?), Partly Cloudy is Normal/Rock (No Pokemon ever had this type combo... Mega Gigalith, Garganacl, or Klawf perhaps?), and Fog is Ghost/Dark (Mega Sableye!).
I will take a look at each type combination. There are 153 (18*17/2) type combinations among the 18 types that exist. I am disregarding 22 mega Pokemon, 16 that exist as duplicates/outclassed and 6 hypotheticals that are outclassed by the primals. That list is Mega Blastoise, Mega Alakazam, Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Aggron, Mega Manectric, Mega Sharpedo, Mega Camerupt, Mega Banette, Mega Absol, Mega Glalie, Mega Salamence, Mega Latias, Mega Latios, Mega Gallade; Mega Golisopod, Mega Lanturn, Mega Galvantula, Mega Xatu, Mega Scovillain, Mega Torterra.

Almost Everything From Gen I-IX

I have not prepared my workbook that I use for XL candy analyses to include new DLC Pokemon from Scarlet and Violet, so those get omitted.
This table shows you how many families, out of a total 528 families, that get boosted by a Mega. The largest family, Eevee, represents 9 types because if we had an event where all 9 members of the family spawned you would have 9 types that you could set for an active mega to boost the Eevee XL/Candy you get from catching them.
With more detail, I included the number of individual species that get boosted. Additionally, I included weighting.
Many events just don't spawn evolutions in the wild or provide research tasks for us to collect. So I arbitrarily weighted the invidiual species as 100% for base stage, 10% weight for first stage (e.g. Ivysaur), and 1% weight for second stage (e.g. Venusaur). Baby Pokemon are actually omitted from the weighting; we've only ever had Smoochum in research tasks to catch, otherwise baby Pokemon are really "eggsonly".
Name Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Families Boosted Species Boosted Weighted
Primal Groudon Ground Fire Grass 177 272 123.84
Mega Rayquaza Dragon Flying Psychic 169 232 118.74
Mega Bibarel Normal Water 166 293 162.19
Mega Mantine Flying Water 161 251 136.51
Primal Kyogre Water Electric Bug 155 302 163.01
Mega Slowbro Water Psychic 154 235 120.66
Mega Ludicolo Grass Water 153 276 138.46
Mega Gyarados Water Dark 147 217 111.06
Mega Poliwrath Fighting Water 145 217 112.48
Mega Empoleon Steel Water 145 214 109.77
Mega Arboliva Grass Normal 139 260 135.31
Mega Farigiraf Normal Psychic 139 221 117.71
Mega Volcanion Fire Water 139 233 117.6
Mega Pidgeot Normal Flying 136 215 120.82
Mega Swampert Water Ground 134 219 112.97
Mega Jellicent Ghost Water 133 221 114.97
Mega Jumpluff Flying Grass 133 224 112.83
Mega Lopunny Normal Fighting 132 205 110.45
Mega Relicanth Rock Water 132 219 115.75
Mega Primarina Fairy Water 132 205 106.13
Mega Kingdra Dragon Water 131 201 101.99
Mega Porygon-Z Normal Steel 130 201 107.73
Mega Hawlucha Fighting Flying 128 170 88.07
Mega Obstagoon Dark Normal 127 203 108.02
Mega Exeggutor Grass Psychic 127 210 98.09
Mega Honchkrow Dark Flying 127 168 85.55
Mega Tentacruel Poison Water 125 230 116.67
Mega Pyroar Fire Normal 125 217 114.45
Mega Lapras Ice Water 125 201 107.2
Mega Dudunsparce Double Normal Rock 124 216 120.2
Mega Heliolisk Electric Normal 124 206 118.29
Mega Ursaluna Ground Normal 124 212 113.33
Mega Caterpie Bug Normal 123 232 126.31
Mega Skarmory Flying Steel 123 164 85.24
Mega Malamar Dark Psychic 123 153 70.8
Mega Medicham Fighting Psychic 122 151 72.11
Mega Zoroark Hisuian Ghost Normal 121 209 113.12
Mega Charizard Y Fire Flying 120 180 92.95
Mega Gliscor Flying Ground 120 177 90.86
Mega Grafaiai Normal Poison 119 220 117.72
Mega Aerodactyl Rock Flying 118 176 94.62
Mega Audino Normal Fairy 118 190 104.08
Mega Cyclizar Dragon Normal 118 190 101.95
Mega Vanilluxe Ice Normal 117 194 107.47
Mega Crobat Flying Poison 116 184 96.23
Mega Kilowattrel Electric Flying 116 168 93.81
Mega Metagross Steel Psychic 115 143 67.19
Mega Drifblim Flying Ghost 115 173 90.64
Mega Breloom Fighting Grass 115 188 88.61
Mega Shiftry Dark Grass 115 189 87.29
Mega Togekiss Fairy Flying 115 157 82.61
Mega Ferrothorn Grass Steel 114 184 83.91
Mega Claydol Ground Psychic 114 159 74.01
Mega Delibird Flying Ice 112 158 84.99
Mega Raichu Alolan Electric Psychic 112 154 80.96
Mega Lunatone Psychic Rock 111 161 79.87
Mega Pinsir Bug Flying 110 184 100.2
Mega Orbeetle Bug Psychic 110 176 87.77
Mega Scrafty Dark Fighting 110 131 60.24
Mega Delphox Fire Psychic 109 163 77.01
Mega Kingambit Dark Steel 109 126 56.61
Mega Lucario Fighting Steel 108 127 58.04
Mega Cradily Grass Rock 108 199 96.38
Mega Electrode Hisuian Electric Grass 107 190 94.57
Mega Slowking Galarian Poison Psychic 107 167 80.29
Mega Lunala Ghost Psychic 107 158 75.89
Mega Houndoom Dark Fire 105 144 64.43
Mega Parasect Bug Grass 105 211 101.28
Mega Morpeko Dark Electric 105 135 68.38
Mega Tyranitar Rock Dark 104 143 70.18
Mega Sceptile Grass Dragon 104 173 80.02
Mega Great Tusk Fighting Ground 104 141 64.75
Mega Krookodile Dark Ground 104 139 62.32
Mega Blaziken Fire Fighting 103 139 65.53
Mega Trevenant Ghost Grass 103 182 83.89
Mega Gardevoir Psychic Fairy 102 134 64.64
Mega Whimsicott Fairy Grass 102 175 80.27
Mega Lokix Bug Dark 102 159 76.2
Mega Terrakion Fighting Rock 102 143 71.51
Mega Jynx Ice Psychic 102 137 67.04
Mega Heatran Fire Steel 102 140 63.04
Mega Abomasnow Ice Grass 101 177 83.65
Mega Pawmot Electric Fighting 101 133 70.59
Mega Venusaur Grass Poison 100 193 90.57
Mega Grimmsnarl Dark Fairy 100 119 54.07
Mega Annihilape Fighting Ghost 99 137 65.52
Mega Hydreigon Dark Dragon 99 117 52.83
Mega Heracross Bug Fighting 98 158 76.62
Mega Sableye Dark Ghost 98 137 62.21
Mega Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting 98 117 55.15
Mega Magnezone Electric Steel 97 125 64.77
Mega Iron Valiant Fairy Fighting 97 121 56.5
Mega Sneasler Fighting Poison 96 145 67.93
Mega Weavile Dark Ice 96 120 56.36
Mega Rotom Heat Electric Fire 94 146 73.7
Mega Revavroom Poison Steel 94 141 65.21
Mega Aegislash Blade Ghost Steel 94 127 60.49
Mega Volcarona Bug Fire 93 167 79.42
Mega Overqwil Dark Poison 93 143 65.41
Mega Probopass Rock Steel 93 131 65.38
Mega Crabominable Fighting Ice 93 120 58.68
Mega Scizor Bug Steel 92 148 72.4
Mega Magcargo Fire Rock 92 150 74.2
Mega Goodra Hisuian Dragon Steel 92 110 50.33
Mega Charizard X Fire Dragon 91 130 58.26
Mega Steelix Steel Ground 91 130 58.63
Mega Mawile Steel Fairy 91 110 49.57
Mega Wormadam Sandy Bug Ground 91 164 78.41
Mega Rotom Electric Ghost 91 138 72.37
Mega Sandslash Alolan Ice Steel 91 113 53.86
Mega Runerigus Ghost Rock 90 147 74.18
Mega Salazzle Fire Poison 90 159 73.03
Mega Dachsbun Fairy Fire 90 133 60.5
Mega Shedinja Bug Ghost 89 162 80.19
Mega Golem Alolan Electric Rock 89 141 78.24
Mega Granbull Fairy Ground 89 128 58.39
Mega Toxtricity Electric Poison 88 148 76.87
Mega Stunfisk Electric Ground 88 141 71.59
Mega Yanmega Bug Dragon 88 144 70.02
Mega Rhyperior Ground Rock 88 141 69.08
Mega Chandelure Fire Ghost 88 143 68.2
Mega Golurk Ghost Ground 88 139 64.12
Mega Tyrantrum Dragon Rock 88 126 62.81
Mega Ampharos Electric Dragon 87 119 62.1
Mega Garchomp Dragon Ground 87 121 55.93
Mega Kleavor Bug Rock 87 162 82.97
Mega Dedenne Electric Fairy 87 121 63.34
Mega Gengar Ghost Poison 86 150 71.69
Mega Diancie Rock Fairy 86 129 64.15
Mega Glimmora Poison Rock 86 156 77.68
Mega Clodsire Ground Poison 86 152 70.9
Mega Ribombee Bug Fairy 86 144 70.16
Mega Dragapult Dragon Ghost 86 120 56.82
Mega Altaria Dragon Fairy 85 106 48.9
Mega Arctozolt Electric Ice 85 120 64.62
Mega Mimikyu Fairy Ghost 85 124 58.17
Mega Frosmoth Bug Ice 84 144 72.44
Mega Avalugg Hisuian Ice Rock 84 127 66.23
Mega Froslass Ghost Ice 84 124 61.35
Mega Mamoswine Ground Ice 84 125 59.56
Mega Weezing Galarian Fairy Poison 83 135 63.67
Mega Darmanitan Zen Galarian Fire Ice 83 132 62.68
Mega Dragalge Dragon Poison 82 133 62.43
Mega Beedrill Bug Poison 81 162 79.46
Mega Baxcalibur Dragon Ice 81 103 50.07
Mega Beartic Ice Poison 79 136 66.05
Mega Ninetales Alolan Fairy Ice 77 107 52.32
Mega Blastoise Water 0 0 0
Mega Alakazam Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Kangaskhan Normal 0 0 0
Mega Mewtwo X Psychic Fighting 0 0 0
Mega Mewtwo Y Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Aggron Steel 0 0 0
Mega Manectric Electric 0 0 0
Mega Sharpedo Water Dark 0 0 0
Mega Camerupt Fire Ground 0 0 0
Mega Banette Ghost 0 0 0
Mega Absol Dark 0 0 0
Mega Glalie Ice 0 0 0
Mega Salamence Dragon Flying 0 0 0
Mega Latias Dragon Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Latios Dragon Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Gallade Psychic Fighting 0 0 0
Mega Golisopod Bug Water 0 0 0
Mega Lanturn Electric Water 0 0 0
Mega Xatu Flying Psychic 0 0 0
Mega Scovillain Fire Grass 0 0 0
Mega Torterra Grass Ground 0 0 0
Mega Galvantula Bug Electric 0 0 0
Excluding our duplicate and monotypes, of the existing megas, Beedrill is the weakest with the fewest number of families boosted. (Even if Bug and Poison may not be respectively the rarest typing, they are a common combination, so the total number of families boosted is reduced compared to otherwise separate types e.g. Fire and Psychic.) But I know Mega Beedrill can be a top recommendation in some events!
So, what happens if instead of considering "everything", we look at some events? I looked at the past 45 events that featured a change in wild spawns in the last ~12 months, and included the upcoming Go Fest 2024 in a quick and dirty analysis.
Of course, this reduces the scope of the Pokemon considered to only be those released in Pokemon Go so far. So we lose various chunks of each generation.
The events with wild spawns and/or research tasks awarding Pokemon that I looked at: Go Fest 2024, Rivals Week, Sustainability Week, Bug Out 2024, Sizeable Surprises, World of Wonders Taken Over, Verdant Wonders, Weather Week 2024, Pokemon Horizons Celebration Event, Pokemon Presents 2024, Go Tour Sinnoh, Road to Sinnoh, Carnival of Love, Lunar New Year Dragons Unleashed, Taken Treasures, Raging Battles, Dazzling Dream, Lustrous Odyssey, New Year’s 2024 Event, Winter Holiday 2023 Part 2, Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1, Adamant Time, Along the Routes, Party Up, Fashion Week 2023, Festival of Lights 2023, Dia de Muertos 2023, Halloween Event 2023 Part 2, Halloween Event 2023 Part 1, Harvest Festival, Detective Pikachu Returns Event, Out to Play, Psychic Spectacular 2023, Ultra Unlock: Paldea, A Paldean Adventure, Noxious Swamp, 2023 Pokemon World Champsionships Celebration Event, Glittering Garden, Adventure Week 2023, Blaze New Trails*, Catching Some Zs, 7th Anniversary Party, Dark Flames, Solstice Horizons, Water Festival Beach Week, Rising Shadows.
*Blaze New Trails had no PvE relevant spawns.


*A unique note about the list of events is Blaze New Trails gave us no PvE-relevant spawns.
Looking at PvE, we find these statistics for if these megas were available in the past year, where they would rank.
The worst performing is Electric/Flying Kilowattrel, hitting its best mark as the 19th best recommended Mega in the Detective Pikachu Returns event.
Several Megas do not breach the top 5 in any of the 44 events:
Mega Aegislash Blade, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Altaria, Mega Ampharos, Mega Avalugg Hisuian, Mega Baxcalibur, Mega Beartic, Mega Blaziken, Mega Caterpie, Mega Claydol, Mega Crabominable, Mega Dragapult, Mega Empoleon, Mega Garchomp, Mega Gliscor, Mega Golem Alolan, Mega Golurk, Mega Goodra Hisuian, Mega Hakamo-o , Mega Heracross, Mega Hydreigon, Mega Kilowattrel, Mega Kingambit, Mega Lucario, Mega Lunala, Mega Lunatone, Mega Magcargo, Mega Magnezone, Mega Mimikyu, Mega Morpeko, Mega Orbeetle, Mega Pawmot, Mega Pinsir, Mega Poliwrath, Mega Porygon-Z, Mega Revavroom, Mega Rhyperior, Mega Ribombee, Mega Sandslash Alolan, Mega Scizor, Mega Shedinja, Mega Steelix, Mega Terrakion, Mega Togekiss, Mega Toxtricity, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Tyrantrum, Mega Volcarona. These are the megas we hopefully wouldn't miss as there are 5 or more candidates in every single event that are better megas than them.
These are the Pokemon that make a top 3 recommendation in any of the past events:
Mega Abomasnow, Mega Arboliva, Mega Arctozolt, Mega Beedrill, Mega Bibarel, Mega Chandelure, Mega Charizard X, Mega Clodsire, Mega Cradily, Mega Crobat, Mega Cyclizar, Mega Dachsbun, Mega Darmanitan Zen Galarian, Mega Delibird, Mega Delphox, Mega Diancie, Mega Dragalge, Mega Drifblim, Mega Electrode Hisuian, Mega Exeggutor, Mega Farigiraf, Mega Ferrothorn, Mega Froslass, Mega Frosmoth, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Gengar, Mega Glimmora, Mega Grafaiai, Mega Great Tusk, Mega Grimmsnarl, Mega Gyarados, Mega Hawlucha, Mega Heatran, Mega Heliolisk, Mega Houndoom, Mega Iron Valiant, Mega Jellicent, Mega Jumpluff, Mega Kingdra, Mega Lapras, Mega Lokix, Mega Lopunny, Mega Ludicolo, Mega Mawile, Mega Medicham, Mega Ninetales Alolan, Mega Obstagoon, Mega Overqwil, Mega Parasect, Mega Pyroar, Mega Raichu Alolan, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Rotom, Mega Rotom Heat, Mega Runerigus, Mega Sableye, Mega Sceptile, Mega Skarmory, Mega Slowbro, Mega Slowking Galarian, Mega Sneasler, Mega Stunfisk, Mega Swampert, Mega Tentacruel, Mega Trevenant, Mega Ursaluna, Mega Venusaur, Mega Volcanion, Mega Weavile, Mega Weezing Galarian, Mega Whimsicott, Mega Wormadam Sandy, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre.
I include the top 3 because ties existed and doing just the #1 would leave out some Pokemon that were #2 but covered the exact same spawns as a #1 candidate. (And even that is not technically enough. E.g. Mega Lucario peaks with 17th best mega in its best event of the Rivals Week, but that is because the other 16 other combo-fighting types by chance got listed ahead of it.)
These are the megas that had the most consistent performance, with their median (scoring out of 147) being among the best:
Primal Kyogre (25), Mega Grafaiai (30), Mega Tentacruel (35), Mega Arboliva and Mega Crobat (37 each), Mega Slowking Galarian (38), and Mega Exeggutor (39).

These are the megas that appeared in the top 5 the most often:

Primal Kyogre (9), Mega Ludicolo (8), Mega Grafaiai (6), and Mega Arboliva (6).
Here is some context among the existing megas for top 5 appearances: Primal Kyogre (9), Mega Gengar (5), Mega Sceptile (4), Primal Groudon (4), Mega Lopunny (3), Mega Rayquaza (3), Mega Sableye (3), Mega Swampert (3), and Mega Venusaur (3).
If we look at only the hypothetical megas:
Same 3 as before - Ludicolo, Grafaiai, and Arboliva. But also we find Mega Jumpluff (5), Tentacruel (5), Bibarel (4), Overqwil (4), Slowking (4), and Whimsicott (4).


It's a much different story for PvP purposes, with a wider field of relevant Pokemon in those 45 events.
The worst performing is Ground/Flying Gliscor, hitting its best mark as the 18th best recommended Mega in the Harvest Festival and Halloween Event Part 1.
Several Megas do not breach the top 5 in any of the 45 events:
Mega Abomasnow, Mega Aegislash Blade, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Altaria, Mega Avalugg Hisuian, Mega Baxcalibur, Mega Beartic, Mega Blaziken, Mega Caterpie, Mega Claydol, Mega Dachsbun, Mega Delphox, Mega Dragapult, Mega Ferrothorn, Mega Frosmoth, Mega Garchomp, Mega Gliscor, Mega Golurk, Mega Goodra Hisuian, Mega Hakamo-o, Mega Heatran, Mega Heracross, Mega Hydreigon, Mega Kingambit, Mega Lunala, Mega Lunatone, Mega Magcargo, Mega Magnezone, Mega Mamoswine, Mega Morpeko, Mega Orbeetle, Mega Pinsir, Mega Revavroom, Mega Rhyperior, Mega Ribombee, Mega Runerigus, Mega Sandslash Alolan, Mega Scizor, Mega Shedinja, Mega Skarmory, Mega Steelix, Mega Stunfisk, Mega Terrakion, Mega Togekiss, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Tyrantrum, Mega Volcarona, Mega Yanmega
These are the Pokemon that make a top 3 recommendation in any of the past events:
Mega Arboliva, Mega Arctozolt, Mega Audino, Mega Beedrill, Mega Bibarel, Mega Chandelure, Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Clodsire, Mega Crabominable, Mega Cradily, Mega Crobat, Mega Cyclizar, Mega Darmanitan Zen Galarian, Mega Delibird, Mega Diancie, Mega Drifblim, Mega Empoleon, Mega Exeggutor, Mega Farigiraf, Mega Gengar, Mega Glimmora, Mega Golem Alolan, Mega Grafaiai, Mega Great Tusk, Mega Grimmsnarl, Mega Gyarados, Mega Hawlucha, Mega Heliolisk, Mega Honchkrow, Mega Houndoom, Mega Iron Valiant, Mega Jellicent, Mega Jumpluff, Mega Kilowattrel, Mega Kingdra, Mega Lapras, Mega Lokix, Mega Lopunny, Mega Lucario, Mega Ludicolo, Mega Mantine, Mega Medicham, Mega Mimikyu, Mega Ninetales Alolan, Mega Obstagoon, Mega Overqwil, Mega Parasect, Mega Poliwrath, Mega Porygon-Z, Mega Pyroar, Mega Raichu Alolan, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Rotom, Mega Rotom Heat, Mega Sableye, Mega Salazzle, Mega Slowbro, Mega Slowking Galarian, Mega Sneasler, Mega Swampert, Mega Tentacruel, Mega Trevenant, Mega Vanilluxe, Mega Venusaur, Mega Volcanion, Mega Weavile, Mega Weezing Galarian, Mega Whimsicott, Mega Wormadam Sandy, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre
These are the megas that had the most consistent performance, with their median (scoring out of 147) being among the best:
Mega Bibarel (22), Mega Arboliva (27.5), Primal Kyogre (34.5), Mega Grafaiai (36.5), Mega Pidgeot (37.5), Mega Ludicolo and Mantine (38.5 each), and Mega Zoroark Hisuian (39.5).

These are the megas that appeared in the top 5 the most often:

Mega Arboliva (9), Mega Bibarel (7), Mega Gengar (7), Mega Heliolisk (7), Primal Groudon (7), Primal Kyogre (7).
Here is some context among the existing megas for top 5 appearances:
Mega Gengar (7), Primal Groudon (7), Primal Kyogre (7), Mega Lopunny (5), Mega Swampert (3), Mega Venusaur (3).
If we look at only the hypothetical megas:
Same 3 as before - Arboliva, Bibarel, and Helolisk. We also consider Mega Grafaiai (6), Mega Ludicolo (6), Mega Pyroar (6), Mega Tentacruel (5), and Mega Vanilluxe (5, I gave it Normal typing).


For the hypothetical megas that appeared in the top 5 the most often, the frequent types are Normal, Water, Grass, and Poison. This correlates pretty well with the table at the top of all spawns, seeing as Bibarel and Ludicolo rank so highly.
But would we want all of them? Say we were only given 10 new megas, would we want half or more of them to be part Normal type?
I don't think so. So we should consider another way to pare down our list. Multiple megas that when considered together have the least overlap of boosting the same spawns. I don't have a great technique for this, so if anyone wants to pick up from here and give a better analysis, I'd love to see it.
My approach is to look at existing type combinations. We can again pivot to Pokemon from the MSG not released yet in Pokemon Go in this bit of analysis.
The top 20 most common type combinations, with weighting to favor the base forms that could appear in the wild is a surprising one. It tested my sanity.
1. Normal/Flying (17.94) 2. Ghost/Grass (7.61; a limitation of my worksheet giving favor to Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist at x4 each for their different sizes, which I justify with them having different stats) 3. Rock/Water (6.5) 4. Grass/Poison (5.53) 5. Bug/Poison (5.43) 6. Bug/Flying (4.63) 7. Ground/Rock (4.32) 8. Flying/Water (4.3) 8. Flying/Psychic (4.3) 10. Normal/Psychic (4.2) 10. Poison/Water (4.2) 12. Electric/Flying (4.1) 12. Rock/Flying (4.1) 14. Poison/Dark (3.4) 15. WateIce (3.31) 16. WatePsychic (3.3) 16. Bug/Rock (3.3) 16. Ghost/Ground (3.3) 19. Grass/Flying (3.21) 20. Bug/Water (3.2) 20. Dark/Flying (3.2)
Really? Bug/Water is a top 20 type combination? There's only 5 Pokemon with that combo! Surskit, Dewpider, Araquanid, Wimpod, Golisopod. But so many type combinations are weighted less than it.
Check out for an unweighted list, but it also includes alternative forms, but doesn't repeat them. E.g. Mega Pinsir is there for Bug/Flying, but Mega Venusaur is absent as Venusaur shares the same typing.
Anyway, the weighting explains why the odd looking types like Bug/Water are there ahead of e.g. Dragon/Flying. Bug/Water has three Stage 0 and two Stage 1 mons for a "Score" of 3.2. Dragon/Flying has one Stage 0, one stage 1, and three stage 2 for a score of 1.13 (excludes Rayquaza as legendary).
So, if you have a Pokemon that can span most of these types, you have a good Pokemon. Of our top 20 type combinations, this is the frequency of types that appear:
Typing Frequency
Flying 45.78
Water 24.81
Normal 22.14
Poison 18.56
Rock 18.22
Bug 16.56
Grass 16.35
Psychic 11.8
Ghost 10.91
Ground 7.62
Dark 6.6
Electric 4.1
Ice 3.31
Of course, you will pick up more than just those scores with any given type, but this is one way to look at making a priority list. WateFlying would be a good type, and Mantine is #4 in the overall list of families boosted. However, it's "wasteful" to have both types shared -- remember why Beedrill is ranked so lowly at a glance from the overall table at the top of the post, and 4.3 families of Pokemon have the WateFlying type. We may be better off dividing WateFlying into something like Normal/Water (only Bibarel) and Poison/Flying (only Zubat line).
If I had to make a proposal for the megas I would like to see based on those type combinations it would include:
Flying/Poison = Crobat Flying/Ghost = Drifblim Flying/Ground = Gliscor## WateNormal = Bibarel WateRock = Relicanth WateGrass = Ludicolo WateGhost = Jellicent Normal/Poison = Grafaiai Normal/Rock = Dudunsparce Normal/Bug = Caterpie## Normal/Grass = Arboliva Normal/Ghost = Zoroark Hisuian Normal/Ground = Ursaluna Normal/Dark = Obstagoon Poison/Rock = Glimmora Poison/Psychic = Slowking Galarian Poison/Ground = Clodsire Rock/Grass = Cradily Rock/Psychic = Lunatone## Rock/Ghost = Runerigus# Bug/Grass = Parasect Bug/Psychic = Orbeetle## Bug/Ghost = Shedinja## Bug/Ground = Wormadam Sandy Bug/Dark = Lokix Grass/Psychic = Exeggutor Grass/Dark = Shiftry Psychic/Ghost = Lunala## Psychic/Ground = Claydol## Psychic/Dark = Malamar Ground/Dark = Krookodile
I denoted the #/## at ends of names because they appeared on my event analysis as proposed megas that did not make a top 5 across the 44 or 45 events. So they aren't as valuable as I might think abstactly.
Trying to influence all of these factors, here would be 10 (11) Megas I would like to see added with Legends AZ:
Flying/Poison = Crobat Grass/Normal = Arboliva ~ Grass/Water = Ludicolo WateNormal = Bibarel Psychic/Dark = Malamar Ground/Ghost = Golurk Electric/Fighting = Pawmot Dragon/Rock = Tyrantrum Fairy/Flying = Togekiss Bug/Fire = Volcarona Ice/Steel = Sandslash Alolan


But Megas don't just boost candy, they boost raid damage too.
Ideally, we'd have type combinations that have a combat type relation with each other so you can boost a raid boss's candy from catching it but also boost damage super effective to the raid boss. E.g. Mega Aerodactyl is a nice pick against many Flying types.
*Marked with asterisk to show it must be this type due to only one weakness.
Monotype Bosses Example Attackers
Bug Pinsir, Volcarona, Kleavor
Dark Lokix, Scrafty, Grimmsnarl
Dragon Altaria, Baxcalibur, Any Dragons
Electric Stunfisk*
Fairy Mawile, Weezing Galarian
Fighting Medicham, Hawlucha, Iron Valiant
Fire Groudon, (Camerupt), Volcanion, Magcargo
Flying Aerodactyl, Kilowattrel, Delibird
Ghost Sableye, Any Ghosts
Grass Groudon, Abomasnow, Venusaur, Jumpluff, Parasect
Ground Groudon, Swampert, Mamoswine
Ice Darmanitan Zen Galarian, Sandslash Alolan, Crabominable, Avalugg Hisuian
Normal Lopunny*
Poison Clodsire, Slowking Galarian
Psychic Lunala, Orbeetle, Malamar
Rock Cradily, Relicanth, Rhyperior, Terrakion
Steel Lucario, Steelix, Heatran
Water Kyogre, Ludicolo
We have several types covered with existing megas. The ones we are missing is an anti-Dark-Dark, an anti-Electric-Electric (must be Electric/Ground = Stunfisk), an anti-Ice-Ice, an anti-Poison-Poison, an anti-Psychic-Psychic, and an anti-Rock-Rock.
Do we need to worry about duo-typed raid bosses? I think not, but please someone correct me. Let's look at a couple examples. Sableye is Ghost/Dark, and its Dark resistances neutralize its Ghost weaknesses, leaving our Ghost attackers unfavored. But we do have the Dark weakness to exploit, so if we favored Dark/Fairy Grimmsnarl, we have something to use vs Sableye as a raid boss. Mud bois like Swampert? We may look like we want Ludicolo, but technically, Groudon has that Ground/Grass relation we can use instead of the WateGrass relation. But I still wouldn't mind Ludicolo because Groudon is weak to Ground and double weak to Water. The other typings to worry about: Bug/Steel only weak to fire, but either Volcarona or Heatran cover that. Dark/Poison only weak to Ground, but Clodsire covers that. Normal/Ghost only weak to Dark, and Sableye covers that.
Of the proposed 11 megas I gave just above, Sandslash Alolan and Malamar serve those raid purposes. That leaves us wanting vs Dark (Grimmsnarl), vs Electric (Stunfisk), vs Poison (Clodsire), and vs Rock (Cradily).
My final draft list is these 15 new megas. I will superscript the type as we go along for how many we are adding and how many already exist.
  • Sandslash Alolan (Ice2+1/Steel6+1)
  • Crobat (Poison3+2/Flying6+2)
  • Ludicolo (Grass4+3/Water6+2)
  • Cradily (Grass4+3/Rock3+2)
  • Bibarel (Normal4+2/Water6+2)
  • Togekiss (Fairy5+2/Flying6+2)
  • Stunfisk (Ground5+3/Electric3+2)
  • Golurk (Ground5+3/Ghost3+1)
  • Volcarona (Bug5+1/Fire6+1)
  • Malamar (Psychic11+1/Dark6+2)
  • Tyrantrum (Rock3+2/Dragon9+1)
  • Grimmsnarl (Dark6+2/Fairy5+2)
  • Pawmot (Electric3+2/Fighting7+1)
  • Arboliva (Normal4+2/Grass4+3)
  • Clodsire (Poison3+2/Ground5+3)
I wanted to reflect on the type representation among our megas and primals before and after these proposed additions.
Mega Type Pre-AZ With Nominees
Bug 5 6
Dark 6 8
Dragon 9 10
Electric 3 5
Fairy 5 7
Fighting 7 8
Fire 6 7
Flying 6 8
Ghost 3 4
Grass 4 7
Ground 5 8
Ice 2 3
Normal 4 6
Poison 3 5
Psychic 11 12
Rock 3 5
Steel 6 7
Water 6 8
I'm pretty happy with that. If I had to make one addendum, Mega Froslass would be nice to see to round out the Ice and Ghost representation going up to 4 Ice megas and 5 Ghost megas to sit nearly level with Electric, Poison, and Rock at 5 each.
With these 16 additions to the 34 "worthwhile", I want to revisit the table from the beginning and see what that looks like narrowed down. I'll also ennumerate them for their position among the 153 type combinations. (It really is a coincidence that I considered 16 of the original 50 megas as excessive, and came up with 16 new ones.)
Name Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Families Boosted Species Boosted Weighted
1. Primal Groudon Ground Fire Grass 177 272 123.84
2. Mega Rayquaza Dragon Flying Psychic 169 232 118.74
3. Mega Bibarel Normal Water 166 293 162.19
5. Primal Kyogre Water Electric Bug 155 302 163.01
6. Mega Slowbro Water Psychic 154 235 120.66
7. Mega Ludicolo Grass Water 153 276 138.46
8. Mega Gyarados Water Dark 147 217 111.06
11. Mega Arboliva Grass Normal 139 260 135.31
14. Mega Pidgeot Normal Flying 136 215 120.82
15. Mega Swampert Water Ground 134 219 112.97
18. Mega Lopunny Normal Fighting 132 205 110.45
35. Mega Malamar Dark Psychic 123 153 70.8
36. Mega Medicham Fighting Psychic 122 151 72.11
38. Mega Charizard Y Fire Flying 120 180 92.95
41. Mega Aerodactyl Rock Flying 118 176 94.62
42. Mega Audino Normal Fairy 118 190 104.08
45. Mega Crobat Flying Poison 116 184 96.23
47. Mega Metagross Steel Psychic 115 143 67.19
51. Mega Togekiss Fairy Flying 115 157 82.61
57. Mega Pinsir Bug Flying 110 184 100.2
62. Mega Lucario Fighting Steel 108 127 58.04
63. Mega Cradily Grass Rock 108 199 96.38
67. Mega Houndoom Dark Fire 105 144 64.43
70. Mega Tyranitar Rock Dark 104 143 70.18
71. Mega Sceptile Grass Dragon 104 173 80.02
74. Mega Blaziken Fire Fighting 103 139 65.53
76. Mega Gardevoir Psychic Fairy 102 134 64.64
82. Mega Abomasnow Ice Grass 101 177 83.65
83. Mega Pawmot Electric Fighting 101 133 70.59
84. Mega Venusaur Grass Poison 100 193 90.57
85. Mega Grimmsnarl Dark Fairy 100 119 54.07
88. Mega Heracross Bug Fighting 98 158 76.62
89. Mega Sableye Dark Ghost 98 137 62.21
98. Mega Volcarona Bug Fire 93 167 79.42
102. Mega Scizor Bug Steel 92 148 72.4
105. Mega Charizard X Fire Dragon 91 130 58.26
106. Mega Steelix Steel Ground 91 130 58.63
107. Mega Mawile Steel Fairy 91 110 49.57
110. Mega Sandslash Alolan Ice Steel 91 113 53.86
118. Mega Stunfisk Electric Ground 88 141 71.59
122. Mega Golurk Ghost Ground 88 139 64.12
123. Mega Tyrantrum Dragon Rock 88 126 62.81
124. Mega Ampharos Electric Dragon 87 119 62.1
125. Mega Garchomp Dragon Ground 87 121 55.93
128. Mega Gengar Ghost Poison 86 150 71.69
129. Mega Diancie Rock Fairy 86 129 64.15
131. Mega Clodsire Ground Poison 86 152 70.9
134. Mega Altaria Dragon Fairy 85 106 48.9
139. Mega Froslass Ghost Ice 84 124 61.35
144. Mega Beedrill Bug Poison 81 162 79.46
submitted by Exaskryz to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:57 Lunara_Misakiaro Special Coworker gets a spicy dish served after taking my silence as a "yes"

I will change names for this one.
TW: Graphic visualization, bad wording.
Warning: I am partially wheelchair bound, please keep that in mind. Its a long one. Better brew a lot of tea.
So this started 3 years ago. I (now 24,f) worked and studied in a BBW (Berufsbildungswerk). It was the school begin in summer and my class got new students.
INFO: In BBW´s you begin either in February or in mid of august. I live, study and work in one same place as 1000 students. The BBW had two onside dorms.
Amongst the new student was a special student, lets call him David (now 22,m). He was your typical macho guy, who had always strong opinions about certain topics and in the very first 3 weeks we got along well....
Well, so I´d thought. There were a lot of red flags that I didn´t notice at the time about him, that made indeed obvious how he came over to me and all the other was just a facade. He often would ask of me to bring, give and take "his" school supplies, worksheets etc. with me because his reasoning was "I don´t have a bag. I can´t carry my books and worksheets".
In other words he wanted me to be his luggage donkey....
I often would ask of him to get his stuff but he always dodged it with replies like he is getting it next week...
He told me on multiple occasions that I was someone good to talk to with...(he mostly talked while I just listened. He didn´t even let me make any comments)
Now the banger in this story was one certain tuesday that I had. It was in the morning, around a 5 minute classroom change where he asked me "Lunara, can we chill this afternoon after school? And drink some beer?".....
I didn´t reply to his question at all, because I was stressed with stuffing my schoolbag and heading to my next class. (Which is probably my fault that he took my silence and me rushing to the next class as a yes. But I digress)
Now you would think by chilling with someone you don´t know at all or barely, you would want to hangout at a place where many people are. Outside... Just not in your room necessarily, or your apartment....
Now I had earlier off from school and decided to do my laundry which was ... underwear heavy and black.... and while I was changing into something comfy the unthinkable happened...
While being half nude, David aggressively bangs on my door and opens the door without getting from me a reply back that he could come inside. Me, half nude stumbles and rushes to the door trying to shut it but David had his foot between the door and doorframe. He went aggressive on me and made a huge scene in my dormgroups hallway.
I remembered David asking the question and handed him a beer outside and asked him if he could wait a bit outside but I couldn´t finish even asking David, because he pushed the door open and I fell butt flat on the floor. I took my clothes that I wanted to change into and rushed into my bathroom.
Coming out, David sat on the ground with the beer I gave him and blasted his music box. 10 minutes passed by and he started to look around in my room. (Mind you, I do take medications. And at the time I stored my treatments in my room, in a lockable rollcontainer.)
David, overcome with curiosity started to go through my stuff on my desk. He noticed that the lockable part of my rollcontainer was locked and demanded that I need to open the rollcontainer. I said no. David got more angry and demanded it again to which I again said No.
Pissed off, David moved onto my laundry basket and went through it. He made comments like "Oh nice black lace you´ve got. What Cup-Size do you wear? I bet it looks sexy on you." It made my skin crawl and I couldn´t utter a word because I was shocked that he went through my laundry basket.
He continued on going through my bathroom, complaining that he doesn´t see many make up products? that it doesn´t look like that the bathroom is that of a woman. David continued his little journey through my pantry which had buldak noodles in it.(This is important later) He asked me if I could make a portion for him. I told him those were really spicy noodles. David told me that he is fine, since they "supposedly" aren´t that spicy and that he can´t handle that much spice. I told him that I don´t mind making him a portion but that I would start cooking soon "since I wanted to go to bed early". (I tried making a reasonable excuse as I felt immensely uncomfortable and wanted him gone as fast as I could without him getting aggressive)
He moved on from my pantry to my wardrobe, where he would make more comments on my underwear and asking me if I was taken if I ever had something....popable... with someone. If I even knew what a pp would look like... Ignoring all his questions I asked David why he would go through my stuff...
His reply you ask?
"Thats what friends do to get to know each other."
I stood there speechless. Unable to reply anything at all, I took the buldak noodles and went into the community kitchen. My caretakers asked if I was fine and assured them that I was. (Which obviously was a lie. But I also didn´t wanted them to worry or deal with David´s aggressive behavior)
INFO: When David came, the caretakers weren´t there and had a shift change.
I asked David if he wanted Cheese or stir-fried eggs in his buldak noodles to reduce the spiciness. But he declined. When I finished making his noodles he ate 3 bites before rushing to the kitchens fridge and downed a whole milk carton down. It wasn´t enough so he ran to the groups pantry room, to the fridge in that room to get butter milk.
David excused himself saying that he wasn´t feeling well. He ran out of the group like a dog running when its mealtime. My caretakers noticed it and asked me again if something happened between me and David. I shaked my head and went with mine and his portion back into my room.
Next day came...
I had P.E.classes with him and while we played badminton together with other people from different classes, David would complain to them about me. The spice level was to much for his body and he apparently sat four hours on the toilette and had to ask his roommate to bring him many bottles of buttermilk. Apparently 7 x 750ml bottles.
David would go on how he would wanna do it with me and how he liked my underwear. At the end of the P.E. lesson, people asked me if I was okay...
I was not....
I was livid, mad and filled with anger and disgust. I went that same day to my supervisor Mr.Magus and told him everything that happened... I originally wanted to let that day slide. Let what happened go...
But David crossed the line....
Actions were taken. David wasn´t allowed to come near to me, talk to me or work together with me. He wasn´t allowed to step foot into my dormgroup and everyone from our department got to know everything that happened between us...
But it didn´t ended there...
5 weeks later on a Friday, I got called in by my caretakers. In their office I see two yellow trashbags and the caretakers from the group that David was staying in.
They apologized to me and told me that today the caretakers did a room inspection on David´s room as the caretakers received complains from other groupmates staying in that group, that there was a nasty smell coming out of David´s room and found out the source of the smell.
The source was my and other women underwear that he had stolen out of our rooms. Those two bags had my underwear in it and I can´t tell you how vile it was. My underwear was covered in a white yellowish sticky gooey substance that smelled abysmal...
I tried washing them but ultimately had to throw them away.
How he got into my room you ask?
He stole from the cleaning personal a general key that opens literally any room in the dorm. He would often come when I was either sleeping or showering.
I was mad and livid. So I went petty again. I went and made a sign that said "Warning!!! I love spicy food! Hide your milk cartons away or they will be gone." printed and laminated the sign and stitched into his chair.
Next day came and all I hear are cuss words and David´s Supervisor giving David a kickout warning if he wouldn´t quiet down. David never got to know that it was me who ghost stitched on the sign on his chair. and he wasn´t able to remove it at all.
In those 3 years, I had multiple issues continuing on with David. variating from SH to sometimes AS the final straw happened 1 month ago.
I was resting in our breakroom as my migrain got worse and saw that in the breakroom, David had his stuff laying around. I knew David would at some point get his belongings and leave the room.
If he had done that he wouldn´t be banned from the BBW and wouldn´t have been demoted to homeoffice. While I laid on the couch on my side, he came inside, around the table and proceeds to slap my butt. Unable to utter a word due to the lack of mental capacity, I put my leg down and David did trip over it. He went mad and said "you b-word!!!" and punches my head. He punched so hard that my migrain got worse and a few seconds later, I got nosebleed as well.
I was in shock and feared that if I said anything rn it would make him again aggressive. So I went 2 days later to my psychologist and told her what happened.
When the class wanted to know where David was I told them what happened and the whole class went into joy. Like someone gave them a hefty raise or a good grade.
It lasted only 2 weeks due to government regulations but I will never forget the cheer Joy the class had.
I deep apologize if this comes over too visualizing. English is my second language and while people do tell me that I speak it well, I´m not so good on wording things. Not even in my own motherlanguage. But I assure you I am working on it.
INFO: Yes I had to go through those bags on my own and Yes the caretakers do know what my laundry/ underwear looks like as I´m physically not always able to reach the washing machine and tumble dryer and am relying on and off on a wheel chair. (both appliances are on shelves, unless I stand up and risk breaking or dispositioning my ripcage, that's how I have to get laundry done)
The caretakers do have to memorize laundry from people bound in wheel chairs or people who have a genetic issues that makes them unable to reach the appliances due to height issue.
They do check up on us asking standard questions if we got new clothes or items with us. New electronic items or even amenities we do have to list to them.
submitted by Lunara_Misakiaro to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:42 SwarleyAUS Sum rows of numbers with like IDs

Hi guys, been plugging away at trying to remember how I solved this problem in the past with no success. I am trying to generate a summarised list of item totals from one worksheet on another, and finding that SUMIF and SUMIFS aren't working. My data on sheet two looks like:
Sheet 2 data
and I have a list of unique item 'numbers' on sheet one, where I want to report total quantities, i.e. end up with something like this:
Sheet 1 example result
I've tried:
where A2 is the first in a list (row) of unique 'number'/criteria on sheet 1, C column is 'Number' and E column is 'Quantity'. Both these formulas return 0. I'm pretty sure I used INDEX and MATCH in the past, nested into a math function somehow though, but google says SUMIF/SUMIFS should work however it doesn't. Thank you!
submitted by SwarleyAUS to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:42 shaneka69 DEPRESSION: A NUMEROLOGY DECODE

Let's Decode What Depression Is And More

Today I will be going in depth about depression and decoding the word and reasoning with Numerology. We can already see that depression has a lot of repeated letters which shows there is too much of a focus on one thing and too much of something can usually hinder it or cause imbalance.
Let's break down the word DEPRESSION:
The word has E 2 times, S 2 times
Let's first focus on the obvious! This word has karmic debt numbers for the letters N, P, and S. Let's grab some context from a site that I will link below that explain what these karmic debt numbers mean in detail.
"The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous actions where human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to drug abuse, alcohol, or overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. Moderation in all affairs is crucial to overcome this Karmic Debt." - credit goes to Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology World Numerology
"The 16 Karmic Debt – in any area it appears in a chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. It is about the fall of the ego and all it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. Things the ego has constructed to separate a person from the source of life, are destroyed.
Through the 16, reunion with higher consciousness may be achieved. This can be a painful process because it usually comes after much ego inflation, resulting in a struggle between the ego and higher ideals. Life will present challenges to your grand plans which you may resent and struggle against. It is a losing battle… and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. However, humility is the key to later success, as you learn to follow the intimations of a deeper reality."
"A person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be placed in situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself (and often be left standing alone). One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt revolves around stubbornly resisting help from others. Much of your independence is self-imposed - you simply want to do it your own way.The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self-imposed prison if you don’t recognize the need for interdependence and the mutual need for love.Although you seek to stand on your own feet, you are inextricably connected to others and in need of the support and understanding that all people need - this is the most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt." And being personally connected to a lot of 19 energy, this is very true! There is one 19 person I watch on Youtube and he is using this energy pretty well.


Let's take a look at the word. You see it starts with the letter D which is ruled by the number 4 as the 4th letter in the alphabet. 4 energy is connected to privacy, home, family, discontent, restriction, and nonchalant energy. There is many more terms, but you can see where this is going. If you call certain companies toll free, listen to what they say you need to press number 4 for.
What just hit me as I looked at the word is the rest of the word after DE...PRESSION. Maybe there is something needing to be expressed(expression!) that isn't being expressed. All depression is, is suppression of something. D/4 can be suppression and withholding. That's why some jobs want you to fill out the W4 which is a withholding form! Depression comes when someone is choosing to withhold expression of emotions and genuine communication that can help. Taking caution to a whole new level and it ends up being destructive. 4 can point to dissipation which makes sense for destruction to mean what it means.
The word starts with the energy of 4 which is about withholding and suppression and end with the energy of 5 which can be conflicting.
All those letters and we only get to the number 5?!. This word is embedded with the energy of 1 and 9 which means that people who claim or feel depression CAN utilize their personal power to get themselves out of said depression. You have the right to process your emotions and once you do, you can start using your strength and power to overcome. Sometimes it starts with the mind.
Now, based on the letters and numbers with the word, let's see what numbers are missing!
We are missing 2,3,and 8! 2 gives a person a natural comfort within self. It can also make them loveable or easily cooperative with others. The energy of 3 gives a person natural optimism and majestic mental capacity. 8 gives a person a steadfast embedded powerful strength. This 8 energy gives a person unstoppable capability.
Getting over depression is about rising above a situation and having the capability of strengthening your perspective. Your confidence levels are something you have to personally master. Notice how depression ends with O and N which is 6 and 5. That's a backtrack. We're counting forwards, not backwards. 6 is about overcoming problems while 5 is the problems or insecurities. Depression ending with the energy of 5 is a thinkpiece. 5 deals with the uniqueness of a situation or action. You will have to do something different or new to wake up out of whatever this depression was about and understand that everyone's depression won't be the same!
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:30 scientific_lizard Everyone should pass a yearly sobriety test to gain voting rights.

Elections have a shady side. Have you ever seen people (usually old people, IMHO) so fed up with the throwback views of the 18th century that you question their ability to receive the latest news from society? Have you ever seen someone with an obvious intellectual disability being pushed into a voting booth by God knows who hired them?
I advocate handling many social affairs through elections. It is a relatively more effective system for expressing public opinion than dictatorship. But it seems to me that election results are sometimes influenced by **unspeakable forces**.
People who vote on public affairs don't need to be smart, but at least the government should show that the voters have basic IQ rather than puppets being manipulated by bland political slogan or anything worse. A simple sobriety test (e.g., solving a 2*2 rubik's cube or doing a small three-digits addition and subtraction worksheet in 10 minutes) would make any election results much more convicing, knowing every voter is at least a sane person with the ability to think and represent a part of the community.
submitted by scientific_lizard to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 11:08 adulting4kids Dead Sea Scrolls Study Guide -Unedited

The War Scroll, also known as the "War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness," is a unique text within the Dead Sea Scrolls that portrays an apocalyptic battle between the forces of good (Sons of Light) and evil (Sons of Darkness). This scroll provides insight into both historical and symbolic elements.
Historical Accuracy:
The War Scroll, while containing detailed military tactics and an epic narrative of the ultimate confrontation, doesn't explicitly reference any specific historical event or timeframe. Some scholars believe it could be a product of the community's anticipation of a future messianic conflict or a reflection of their own community's struggles against opposing forces during their time. Interpreting the historical accuracy of the scroll often involves exploring the context of the Qumran community and the turbulent times in which they lived.
Symbolism and Esoteric Wisdom:
The War Scroll goes beyond a mere description of a physical battle. It portrays a cosmic conflict between the forces of light and darkness, reflecting not just a literal warfare but also a symbolic and spiritual struggle. The text emphasizes righteousness, divine intervention, and the victory of good over evil.
Within the study guide, activities and exercises could involve dissecting the symbolic elements present in the War Scroll, exploring the deeper meanings behind the battle tactics and the metaphysical implications of the conflict. Understanding the symbolism could involve group discussions, comparative analysis with other ancient texts with similar themes, and exploring the impact of this symbolic representation on the community's beliefs and practices.
Here are a few activities and exercises to explore the symbolism and historical context of the War Scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls:
  1. Symbolism Analysis:
Provide excerpts from the War Scroll and encourage participants to identify and discuss the symbolic meanings behind elements like the "Sons of Light" and the "Sons of Darkness," various weapons, and the strategies outlined for battle. Group discussions or written reflections can help participants explore the deeper layers of meaning.
  1. Comparative Analysis:
Compare the War Scroll's themes with similar apocalyptic or eschatological texts from different cultures or religions, such as apocalyptic passages in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible or apocalyptic texts from other ancient traditions. Create worksheets or discussion prompts to highlight similarities and differences in themes, symbols, and beliefs about cosmic battles.
  1. Historical Context Exploration:
Present historical information about the era when the Dead Sea Scrolls were written. Discuss the political, social, and religious climate of that time, including the turmoil in the region, to understand how these factors might have influenced the composition of the War Scroll. Encourage participants to consider the possible motivations behind the text's creation.
  1. Creative Interpretation:
Encourage creative expression by asking participants to create artwork, poems, or short stories inspired by the themes and imagery found in the War Scroll. This exercise allows individuals to engage more deeply with the symbolic elements and interpret them in their own unique ways.
  1. Role-playing or Debates:
    Organize a role-playing activity where participants take on the roles of "Sons of Light" and "Sons of Darkness," debating their ideologies, motivations, and strategies for the ultimate battle. This exercise helps in understanding differing perspectives and interpreting the conflicts presented in the scroll.
Interpretative variations regarding the river's crossing in different ancient texts reflect the unique religious, philosophical, and cultural perspectives embedded within these narratives. These differences in interpretation offer insights into diverse worldviews and varying theological frameworks present in ancient texts:
  1. Mesopotamian Context:
  1. Biblical Context:
  1. Gnostic or Apocryphal Context:
  1. Greco-Roman Interpretation:
These varied interpretations highlight the richness and diversity of religious, philosophical, and cultural frameworks present in ancient texts. The river's crossing serves as a flexible symbol that adapts to different narratives, conveying themes of transition, judgment, liberation, or cosmic transformation based on the unique perspectives of each tradition.
Exploring these interpretative variations allows participants to appreciate the complexity of symbolism within ancient texts and provides insights into how different cultures and belief systems interpreted common motifs like the river Euphrates. It showcases the intricate interplay between religious, philosophical, and cultural elements shaping the symbolism and theological implications embedded in these narratives.
The river Euphrates, a prominent geographic feature in ancient texts, embodies universal themes that transcend specific cultural contexts. Identifying these universal themes helps reveal shared human concepts of transition, boundaries, and transformative events across diverse ancient traditions:
  1. Threshold and Transition:
  1. Boundary and Separation:
  1. Transformative Events:
  1. Symbol of Power and Control:
  1. Metaphor for Spiritual Journeys:
These universal themes associated with the river Euphrates highlight fundamental aspects of the human experience—transitions, boundaries, transformative events, power dynamics, and spiritual journeys. The river's symbolism in ancient texts speaks to shared human aspirations, struggles, and beliefs that transcend cultural boundaries and resonate across different epochs and civilizations.
By identifying and discussing these universal themes, participants gain a deeper appreciation for the profound symbolism embedded in ancient texts and recognize the timeless relevance of concepts such as transition, boundaries, and transformative events in shaping human narratives and aspirations.
  1. Historical Context:
  1. Symbolism and Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Comparative Analysis:
  1. Parallelism in Biblical Texts:
  1. Community Beliefs and Practices:
  1. Cultural Significance of Cosmic Battles:
  1. Interpretive Variations and Unique Perspectives:
  1. Personal Reflection and Modern Relevance:
  1. Theological and Philosophical Implications:
  1. Literary and Symbolic Analysis:
- Analyze the narrative structure and symbolic elements present in specific passages of the War Scroll. How do these elements contribute to the text's overarching themes and meanings? 
These study questions aim to provoke critical thinking, promote in-depth exploration of themes, encourage comparative analysis, and stimulate discussions on the multifaceted nature of the War Scroll's content and its significance within ancient and contemporary contexts.
  1. Archaeological and Linguistic Analysis:
- How does the physical condition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, including the War Scroll, impact our understanding of their preservation and historical context? - Discuss the linguistic peculiarities or unique textual features found within the War Scroll and their implications for translation and interpretation. 
  1. Apocalyptic Expectations and Messianic Concepts:
- Explore the portrayal of messianic figures or anticipated saviors within the War Scroll. How do these concepts align with or diverge from contemporary expectations of a messianic figure in other ancient texts or religious traditions? 
  1. Impact of Apocalyptic Literature:
- Analyze the enduring influence of apocalyptic literature, such as the War Scroll, on subsequent religious, literary, or cultural traditions. How have these texts shaped later beliefs or inspired artistic and literary works? 
  1. Ethical and Moral Frameworks:
- Discuss the ethical or moral implications of the cosmic conflict depicted in the War Scroll. How do the themes of righteousness and wickedness contribute to the text's underlying moral framework? 
  1. Role of Prophecy and Revelation:
- Explore the role of prophecy and revelation within the War Scroll. How do the prophetic elements contribute to the text's portrayal of future events and cosmic justice? 
  1. Experiential and Ritualistic Elements:
- Investigate potential ritualistic or experiential dimensions associated with the teachings or beliefs conveyed in the War Scroll. How might the community have engaged with these teachings in their religious practices or communal activities? 
  1. Literary Genre and Interpretation:
- Discuss the classification of the War Scroll within the broader genre of apocalyptic literature. How does its classification influence our understanding and interpretation of its themes and symbolic elements? 
  1. Relevance in Modern Scholarship:
- Reflect on the ongoing scholarly debates or discoveries related to the War Scroll. How have modern interpretations evolved, and what implications do these new perspectives have on our understanding of the text? 
  1. Intersection of Faith and Scholarship:
- Consider the interplay between faith-based interpretations and scholarly analyses of the War Scroll. How might religious convictions or theological frameworks influence academic research and vice versa? 
  1. Future Research and Interpretative Avenues:
- Propose potential avenues for future research or areas of exploration concerning the War Scroll. What unanswered questions or unexplored aspects merit further investigation? 
The composition of the War Scroll, along with other Dead Sea Scrolls, was likely influenced by several historical events and societal conditions prevalent during the time of its writing, which is estimated to be between the 2nd century BCE and the 1st century CE:
  1. Hellenistic Rule and Cultural Influence:
  1. Political Turmoil and Resistance Movements:
  1. Religious Sects and Spiritual Expectations:
  1. Anticipation of Cosmic Redemption:
Regarding the historical context of the Dead Sea Scrolls' discovery, its significance lies in multiple facets:
  1. Preservation of Ancient Texts:
  1. Insights into Jewish Sectarianism:
  1. Confirmation of Scriptural Accuracy:
  1. Impact on Biblical Studies and Scholarship:
The historical context of political upheaval, religious expectations, and the preservation of texts within the Dead Sea Scrolls contributes significantly to understanding the milieu in which the War Scroll was written. It provides a backdrop against which the themes of cosmic conflict, eschatological anticipation, and religious fervor within the War Scroll can be comprehended.
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