Bf & gf quotes

A little bit of hope for you romantics <3

2024.04.29 07:27 honeybleb A little bit of hope for you romantics <3

Hii!! So I haven't been on reddit in a lottt of time, and i have a little story for you guys who might be losing hope in finding love!
So last year, in february 2023, i saw this guy at a weekly activity i went to. we didn't talk until november 2023. I immediately fell for him (already thought he was hella hot in february 2023), and we talked a lot. towards the end of january, i decided to ask him out but sadly for rejected, so we decided to stay friends. about 1.5 weeks after that, on february 1st, i get a random text from him, a huge paragraph asking me out, saying he made a mistake by rejecting me and that if it wasn't too late he'd love for us to date. i didn't immediately say yes because of trust issues and just needing time to process it and think about it. the next morning, i told him yes and we became bf/gf. it's soon our 3rd month anniversary, and i haven't been happier.
now, im not saying every love story is like this, but i had my fair share of failed talking stages and failed relationships, so it's important to never stop believing and to not lose hope.
okay, big love to you guys, and remember if any of you need help with your crushes/relationships you can always dm me or write it in the comments!! <3 :D
submitted by honeybleb to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:23 NothingOk5627 ns gf life

hello as title suggest I’m having a rough time as a ns gf idk why I even posted this probably out of my anxious attachment issues lawl.😀😀my bf and I started dating a few months before he enlisted, bmt was okay actually but ever since that he has been increasingly tired(which I totally understand given his vocation). Nowadays we hardly get to call and he only books out on weekends. On his book out days I buy him his fav food and have a meal tgth at his place. We live quite far away from each other but I always try to drop by the next day to hang out with him awhile or send him off on before he books in. but whenever I come over he’s always gaming and hardly giving me attention. He tells me he rlly doesn’t have energy and how exhausted he is, so I’ve just been letting this issue off.Quality time and physical touch are both impt to me so him being like this really breaks my heart?? From my pov, he still has energy to game so why is it so hard to just not leave ur gf out uk…
As much as I’m willing to compromise and better support him, let him rant to me abt ns, making time for him though I’m busy as well , I feel unappreciated bc I always make time for him and travel all the way to his place even tho i’m busy and can be very tiring. Sometimes I try thinking from his pov, like he needs some alone time to chill or he just likes my presence thats it. I’m someone who really enjoys spending quality time tgth, going to a cafe dates for just a meal or just watching shows tgth, so not being able to do these has been difficult for me, but still I just try to understand his needs. Tbh my bf still brings me out sometimes and comes over to my place when he isn’t too drained, so I rlly don’t know if its worth bringing up this matter to him bc I always tell myself to just accept the fact that ns takes away his soul and energy, he’s trying his best too. But I feel I shld set my limits as a gf, how shld I deal with this and how to talk to him abt it without sounding harsh . I get its alot of being understanding of my partner, but it can be mentally exhausting for me too. or shld I change my way of hanging out with him, idk ns gfs how do ur better spend ur time with ur bf🥲🥲🥲
(ps posted wrong tag earlier so repost again)
submitted by NothingOk5627 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:09 nwjej i'm so tired

i'm so desperate for love. i'm a gay male turning 20 and i look for it in almost any guy i talk to including all my friends, ive become so desperate over the years that i now hold on to every word any guy and that talks to me says , getting so excited by the simple fact they are talking to me , and fantasize whenever i walk anywhere about somebody meeting me and us falling in love or hooking up. rn i am obsessed with this guy i was obsessed with my freshman year of high school and i find myself tipple texting him out of desperateness even though he goes to school in another state and has a gf and has made no effort in texting. ive never even been kissed and its really getting to me i hate myself rn. i had lost a significant amount of weight and it was completely because i was getting so desperate to have a bf or even just kiss someone that i couldnt take it anymore and in december i reached 135 lbs and still nothing. i have started to gain all the weight back and i cant find any motivation to live or do anything right now because even at my skinniest and my most perfect i was still unwanted. love is my one motivator in life , i always tell myself that if i had a bf my life would be perfect and i do think this is true , without love my life is pointless and i have been having very bad thoughts and ive been smoking every day to try to feel numb. my work ethic is also completely down the toilet i flopped this semester.
submitted by nwjej to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:01 Electrical-Spot-51 Being young and gifted sucks

I’m 22 F and have been gifted since a kid. My kindergarten wanted to move me up to the third grade. By first grade I was on a 8th grade reading/comprehension level. I’ve always had a deeper understand and connection to the things around me but didn’t realize that it’s BECAUSE I’m gifted.
My family has kinda let me forget that part of myself since I became a teenager because it became problematic. I started calling them out for their perpetual behaviors that weren’t beneficial and the hypocrisy they displayed between me and others. Like a male child can have a gf young but I could never have a bf. When I asked why, and genuinely was curious I was called disrespectful. If I asked why a rule was in place to better understand the foundation of my environment, I’d be told to hush. Stay in a child’s place.
I’ve often been told I think too deeply about things. And that the rules I set for my daughter are “over the top”. Like, I don’t allow comments with underlying negative perceptions of my daughter. Calling her ‘fast’ or ‘bad’ or that she should ‘stay in a child’s place’ has too much of a negative subconscious effect to me. While my husband gets it to a certain extent, he’s the first person to REALLY accept my level of intelligence and depth. He allows me to be creative without judging or making me feel I need to stay under a certain ceiling.
But his mother is another challenge. She looks at me as if I were her at 22. Which was a completely different experience in general but even more so because I don’t have the mindset or level of understanding of a general 22 year old. Whenever I bring things up to her, she shoots out this (to me) extremely rudimentary advice that I’ve learned about years ago through research, studying, and asking questions to other people. She constantly wants to give out the advice she felt she would need at my age but it’s really an insult to my intelligence. When I explain to her that I don’t need this from her and would rather her emotional support or to just be her normal pleasure to be around, she can’t understand this. She feels she has to push this basic knowledge on everything which is often outdated and not backed by science.
If I say basically she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, especially in regard to being a parent, she feels I don’t have the place to say that. While she’ll never say that outright, she doesn’t get the whole gifted thing. And she often insults my intelligence in front of my daughter and insinuates she knows better. While I’m using her as an example, most of my relationships are like this. There’s this automatic assumption that being young comes with ignorance. And while that’s true and I don’t claim to know everything, a lot of things I’m doing now (marriage, college, kids) are things I’ve thought about at 10 and 11 years old and only built on that knowledge through analysis of patterns.
I hate to come off like a know it all because I absolutely don’t know it all. But what I know…I know. How do I navigate the automatic expectation that I’m young and, essentially, ignorant when my brain isn’t that. How can I be confident in myself when I’m constantly being torn down and told I intimidate people with my responses because I ask the hard questions. Sorry for the rant I just feel so misunderstood and discounted all the time.
submitted by Electrical-Spot-51 to Gifted [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:28 Notsarg i’m a serial e-dater

i’ve been e dating since about 2019 and honestly it sucks. once started i just feel like i can’t stop i don’t know why. at first it was a bit weird i technically wasn’t e dating at that point but i really liked the guy i was talking to and then he blocked me and i was devastated so after that i began connecting with someone else and with that one we just addressed each as bf/gf and i was on and off with him for about 3yrs and then i found out he was also e dating another girl so i broke it off with him but i still stalk his social medias. then i had a few more after that and we also talk about how we’re going to visit each other and etc then they suddenly get a gf irl or stop talking to me. i’m currently in a situation with someone right now but i think it might come to an end soon, i look at all the people he follows and it makes me think he’s definitely talking to at least a few of them. i want to believe i’m going to quit after this because i’m always the one getting hurt in the end. i know it’s gonna seem really stupid to a lot of people and i’m realizing i’m slowly just growing out of it. i don’t really interact with people irl in ways like this because ultimately relationships in general do scare me. i couldn’t even imagine what i’d do if i got cheated on in person. i’m not really asking for help or anything about it i just wanted to share and i’m trying to be more active on here.
submitted by Notsarg to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:23 ThinLimit8617 he loves facetime but I don't

Hi (21M) and I(21F) have been doing ldr for months. People in his country love texting and facetime with their gf/bf, and he keeps texting or calling me. However, it's really hard for me to call like for 4 hrs a day. I also need sometimes for myself. But he's really sensitive and I don't really know how to tell this to him.
submitted by ThinLimit8617 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:18 Sweetest_Hearts looking for a puppy bf or gf

my name is Mari, 18, a cis girl 5’4, mid sized
i really like videogames and anime and listening to people ramble about their interests, and i really like giving words of affirmation! i wouldn’t be the type of dominant person that degrades you really, so you should look another place for that.
only looking for feminine people(that ofc includes if you want to dress fem but can’t for whatever reason)
submitted by Sweetest_Hearts to puppyboypetsmart [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:12 AnnonredditorLOL I M(19) am stuck in some really sticky situation F(19) deciding a breakup

Hey all, I been so conflicted recently but idk what to do.
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about 1 year and a half. She’s the best for me honestly I love her to pieces, we had been dating for 10 months until we got put into a long distance relationship.
We both got thru our first year of college, We visited a handful of times but the gap is about a 10 hour train ride and a little pricey for us since I am living in residence and lost my job in my hometown, while she is also on the hunt for a job.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with her, she is so amazing to me and her family have a great bond etc.
But reality is hitting me where, after 5-6 years we will still probably be where we’re at and I don’t think it’s lookin too good in the long run…
I know it’s stupid to wanna explore and meet new people but I feel I can’t be in a long distance for 5 years… My mom tells me sometimes not to “marry early” cuz she had a long term bf once and it didn’t end well… but besides that I think it’s totally my fault.
I used to feel so optimistic and special about it, but knew I was moving 10 hours away from her. So I always had this thought of a potential breakup. Unfortunately I think life is just doin its thing. I just really don’t wanna break her heart, she’s already been thru so much. And I don’t want to lose my best friend. But if we keep it up and realize it’s not gonna work down the road, the breakup will be much uglier.
I’m going to visit her tomorrow, I really do love her to bits. But sometimes it’s time to face the truth and do the things that leaves both parties better off in the long run.
TDLR: I love my gf but realize I may not be willing to have a 5+ year long distance relationship. She has no flaws and I feel like a real asshole for thinking this way.
submitted by AnnonredditorLOL to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:07 ResponsibleFan3040 What is the one thing you loved most about your partner/gf/bf?

submitted by ResponsibleFan3040 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:56 Greedy_Drawing_1565 Roomates gf is a pick me imo

AITAH for asking my bf to stop engaging in convo w my roomates gf? This girl doesnt acknowledge my existence will literally go mute when i am around but the second im out of the house or in my room doing something while hes gaming in the living room shell come down and hangout and giggle and laugh at everything he says will make so much conversation w him but I say hi to this girl while she enters MY home and i dont even get a hey back. She doesnt even try to engage w me at all and i have tried to be so nice but atp im just fed up and thinking she has a crush on my boyfriend. Before you go calling me crazy for thinking that, my bf is part korean, and her previous relationship was supposedly w a man who was part korean, and would constantly talk about it like would say “when i dated a wasian” like she wants to rub it in my face or something Idk i just need other opinions bc im starting to drive myself crazy, and i dont wanna go spew this to my roomate bc in the end i fear im just gonna look like a crazy gf, am I in the wrong or is this girl a pick me wierdo? Thanks!
submitted by Greedy_Drawing_1565 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:43 Fun_Wind_6172 I (f15) have a crush on my best friends ex

okay this is a long story so buckle up.
me and this girl went to elementary school together and we didn’t become good friends until middle school. i was in quarantine in the 6th grade but in the 7th grade was when i met him aka her ex.
i remember wanting to be friends with him and ended up becoming real good friends with him. we ended up liking each other and dating each other but for 9 hours. i broke up with him bc i got scared of having a boyfriend since he was my very first boyfriend and i was very insecure at the time. so i was trying to save him trouble of my insecure ass.
so then 8th grade rolls around and my best friend starts to like him. i felt a sense of jealousy but i wasn’t like super jealous, it was js like oh damn type jealousy.
i ended up setting them up with each other and they started dating. i then ended up dating his best friend so i didn’t worry about him. but we would still talk to each other since we were all really good friends. he would always go to me for advice abt my bsf and i obviously gave it to him bc i wanted to be a good friend.
so time goes by and eventually he breaks up wit her. now obviously they were still my friends so i was there for both of them. my bsf ends up dating someone else after a month and he was working on himself. but then my boyfriend at the time had beef with him and got extremely angry every time we talked. he would always say how i’m trying to cheat on him with him and how much of a hoe i was etc. so then i didn’t talk to him for a while.
but after a while we started talking again since my bf was talking to him.
then over the summer, they had major beef which caused me not to talk to him again.
then 9th grade comes around and me and my bf were not together after a few weeks after the first day. my bsf ex was in one of my classes and we started talking a lot in that class along with other people. i then started to realize i still liked him but i thought i was js going through a phase.
but then the feelings grew stronger and stronger as time went on but i was very discreet abt it. i always felt a tension between us but i never acted or spoke up abt it bc i didn’t want to embarrass myself in case it was js me feeling it.
he then started dating other people which made me feel a sense of jealousy, but i could never talk abt it. he now has a girlfriend and she’s beautiful. i still hype him about his gf’s so he doesn’t see the jealousy i feel and i never talk abt him with my bsf for the sake of seeming weird.
he’s still my best friend but my heart keeps telling me he should be more than that.
am i a asshole for that?
submitted by Fun_Wind_6172 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:41 Professional-Leek613 nagagandahan BF ko sa iba at sinasabi saken harap harapan

am I the asshole for breaking my 3 years relationship with my boyfriend? I made boundaries with him about other girls and feel ko kaya din nya nagagawa ng tama kasi bantay sarado ako which i feel like ginagawa nga lang nya kasi nakabantay ako? pero nung time na hindi ko binabantayan, wala syang kusa and all.
Hanggang sa lately bumawi naman sya. Pero last time may naging issue kami about certain girl kasi harap harapan nya sinabe na gf daw ng tropa nya ang ganda. Tas nung nagalit ako ginagaslight ako na iba daw mini mean nya and di naman daw sya nagagandahan talaga and all.
Until today biglang sabi nagagandahan daw talaga lalo pag tinitigan putangina? Ang point ko gets naman sa nagagandahan sya sa iba, pero point ko, wag na sana face to face sabihin sakin at malupit pa, now biglang umamin sa nangyare dati? At the fuck umamin ba talaga syang tinitigan nya yun kasi dun sya nagandahan e HAHAHAH?
Tapos ngayon sasabihin nya kaya di na maopen na nagagandahan talaga sya kasi alam na nya irereact ko?
Napakadaming kasalanan saken ng BF ko about girl issues pero pinatawad ko and di ko na bini bring up kasi I get it, nagkakamali talaga tayo lahat and natututo over time.
Pero putangina pakiramdam ko nasagad ako ng sobra today sa lahat ng ka putanginang desisyon nya sa buhay.
Never ko ginawa sakanya lahat ng pagkakamali nya putangina kaya feel ko naman may magttrato sakin ng better na di lang parang trial and error gagawin sakin tangina ng mga lalake
submitted by Professional-Leek613 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:09 wangdong20 I made sea battle game as a RTS mobile game

I have developed a class sea battle game at first which is arranging your battleships and fire to sink opponent’s battleships. I just add some RTS flavor in this game, which has port and oil derrick on the sea. In port you can build fleets and train troops, you can capture other port by sending fleets with troops to clear all enemy’s fleets and troops. You can also capture oil derrick by sending troops to clear all enemy’s troops. You can’t build fleets or train troops in oil derricks. Anyone who capture all ports and sink all enemy’s fleets win the rts game. Anyone interested? Just hit the Empire button in the game and give me more feedbacks please.
Sea Battle: Fleet Command(iOS)
Sea Battle: Fleet Command(Android)
submitted by wangdong20 to IndieDev [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:47 WTF000010101 Is it worth having a femboy bf

Is it worth have a femboy bf like is it better or worse then a regular gf
submitted by WTF000010101 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:12 Prestigious-Lake6870 in need of a dad bod bf/chubby gf

submitted by Prestigious-Lake6870 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:58 throwra1341553 my bf (22m) wanted to break up and i (21f) pleaded with him to stay. did i do the right thing?

Just a bit of background, we started dating about 3-4 months ago. I’m his first serious gf, he is my second. We are long distance and started the relationship long distance, we live in different states within the same timezone so it is relatively easier for us to see each other than other LDRs.
Last night me and my bf had an argument. We have been going through a rough spot, coming from the fact that his work is allowing him to move to a different country which made him realise we are on very different trajectories in life. He’s already in the workforce and I will be studying (hopefully getting a PhD by 30) for about the next 8 years. I was willing to do my masters remotely in order to close the gap between us and move in together, but he said he can’t live with the guilt since I have never brought this up before and it would eat at him that it feels like I’m being prevented from doing something I want to do. This is not true to how I feel as to me, a masters is a masters no matter how I get it. Before this offer from his work, we were planning that I would move to his city once I graduate mid next year and were both incredibly excited about it. He believes this isn’t something fixable whereas I do, since to me there are many ways we can make sure to be able to do what we both want to do individually whilst being in a relationship.
He made it clear that he still loves me very much and that he cannot find it in himself to look for someone else, but he needs to feel ‘free’ and go back to his own routine with contact to absolutely no one. He calls them ‘detox periods’ and I completely understand as I do the exact same thing when I’m overwhelmed (shutting out everyone and just doing my own thing to feel a bit more centred and clearheaded). He says that he wants to see his partner but be able to do his own thing. He said he wants a ‘normal’ relationship, not LDR, and I asked if he would rather have a normal relationship with someone else or try with me, he said he couldn’t date anyone after us. He was crying a lot during this conversation. He said the stress of this relationship is getting to him.
At the moment, we call each other almost every night and text through out the day, but haven’t seen each other in real life for about a month due to my academic obligations. I’m afraid the degree of calling may be crowding him out, as I have felt the same way. I’m also worrying that because this is his first relationship, he has no faith in the fact that communication can help up come up with solutions. I love him and it broke my heart when he was sobbing and saying that this isn’t fixable and maybe he doesn’t want to try.
He wanted to break up. I asked him to trust us and that we can get through this. After a lot of pleading, I managed to get him to try a 2 week break period with boundaries. We would still be in a relationship but there won’t be contact between us. At the end of every week, on Sunday, we would check in with each other. I’ve essentially blocked him on everything without telling him, just so I can resist the temptation to check in early and not give him what he asked for.
I’m aware I guilted him into this, I was extremely desperate for us to work. I’ll exhaust all options before letting us go. We were both treated badly in our previous experiences romantically, and the biggest regret I had with my last relationship was that I did not fight for it. I was immature and thought to call it quits at every turn. I do not want the same to happen to what we have, we were both incredibly happy and we both admit that the chemistry between us isn’t something that comes by easily. We click in every aspect personality wise, but the timing and where we both are at professionally is in the way. He told me he has never met someone who is this loving and sweet to him. I see him as being in my life for the next 5 years. I’m not the type to date around not do I have interest in doing so. I want a partner who will be with me for a long time and I’m very happy to settle down early, the idea of having an anchor as I pursue my own academic goals and he pursues his professional ones and we grow with each other is incredibly appealing, as that is the environment I have grown up in.
With me, once we break up, we are over. I do not mess around with exes. We disagreed twice for the past 3 months over this same issue, and he asked if I genuinely would never speak to him again. In his words, ‘I want us to date eventually, but not now. In 5 years when we are both at a more stable part of our career.’ I asked him if he expected me to wait for him to reach that point and put my own love life on hold, and he said no, I don’t have to, he would wait for me. He is convinced that we are a right person wrong time situation, but I don’t believe in that. If it is the right person, you will both fight to be and stay together. What I’m deciding now is simply that I will fight tooth and nail to make us work, but if all my efforts are in vain, then I will let go and move on with my life. I was miserable being in a ‘will we get back together’ push and pull with my ex bf for 2 years because I never learnt to let go until I got sick of being led on. This time I will spare both of us the heartache should we call it quits.
Am I on the right direction? What does it sound like it will pan out for us? I’m willing to move on, but we are practically in a purgatory stage and I can’t begin the healing process until we are officially over.
submitted by throwra1341553 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:39 Benjamin-trillington My (44m) girlfriend (45f) broke up over distance. She says she loves me but doesn’t love endure distance ?

I (44m) met an incredible woman (45f) and instantly we hit it off. Fireworks from day one. We enjoyed each others company so much that we hated to part ways on the first date. Our second date was even better and we spent the weekend together. Progressively our relationship and the connection we develop kept getting stronger to the point we decided to make it official , be bf and gf and we both said “I love you” to one another. I live two hours away from her and she literally cries streams of tears when I have to leave and go home. One thing I’m finding out is that twice now she’s broken up over things that I think can be talked about and worked out. The last time being distance. She says she loves me but love wasn’t enough because she gets extremely sad when I’m not there and would rather break it off. My rebuttal to that was that, that’s not real love and that love endures, even distance. I don’t know if I should continue to chase someone that twice now has broken up over meaningless situations over just let it go. When we are together it’s magical and we have had talks about me moving closer but that it takes time. I miss her like crazy but at the same time should I know my worth and move on.
submitted by Benjamin-trillington to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:24 Miserable-Grand-8424 This is my first relationship and all is mostly going well yet I don't know how to think and feel about it all because of her past and present actions or current situations. Is this how it should be? 18M 19F

So I've 18M been with my partner 19F for just over 5 months now, everything is going well, (we do not live together just to clarify) this is my first serious relationship and first time I've actually liked someone, I think. but I don't know how it should all feel, I know I like her but can't understand how much or why or why she likes me or why i have so many questions and conserns, sure I've asked and we've had convos about it, but it never gives me the clarification I feel I need yet don't actually know what I need to hear
She's been in a few other relationships before so she knows what it's like and how it should be. Her last one was toxic from what's she's told me, but assures me she was young and stupid and has lost all feeling. Now I know I shouldn't compare that relationship to the one now, but this guy was horrible to her, yet she still occasionally talks to him and tells me about him at any opportunity, whether it be something nice they did, or some traumatic event between them or how his dad's got a really nice car or he's got a nice cute dog or his hair was looking really nice or his hobbies and skills that he's really good at, or even if he's going on a day out or holiday somewhere, and she still sits next to him in some of her classes having one on one convos.
We've been on many dates now and I'm slowing finding out she's been to all the same places and done all the same things in the same order with the said ex, (we even sat at the same table in the same seats they would have) she hasn't told me any of this yet which I respect that decision but I feel she's trying to feel how she did with her ex just with me instead. Now I can't expect someone to just move on from a serious relationship, but theyve been split up for well over 6 months now and it didn't even end on good terms.
Just knowing she could have been on the same level of understanding or loving someone how she does me now with someone else is eating away at me, or just knowing the things we do could reminder her of someone else is slowly breaking me, yet I know it's exstreamly unrealistic to expect that someone to have had no other experiences with anyone else.
She's also still talking with another guy who she previously liked before me, this guy turned out to be super creepy and started asking for explicit picks so she very quickly changed her mind, but they still message usualy late at night. This guy very clearly still likes her and I don't know how to tell her how i feel about this, they were good friend for about a year or so before all of this so I don't want to be controlling and tell her to cut of a good/imp sketchy friend.
I've seen her snap chat a few times now and there's are a lot of guys I don't recognise on there that she regularly talks with and sends selfies to or "outfit checks" that she doesn't with me, her bf.
She's got a lot of exsplisit photos on her phone as well that ive noticed a few times now, I don't know how to feel about this and don't want to jump to conclusions, but this seem like a red flag to begin with.
Her family have a history of cheating which Is always worrying to me, I'm not saying she's the same or would ever do that, but it definitely raises some concerns.
Her family don't speak any English around me, I know they speak enough to have a basic conversation and have been living her for 20 years now so definitely know enough to at least try and talk to me, yet they put no effort in, and when i do they give me an emtpy look everytime, the most the dad has ever said to me in English is "ill kill you" in a joking tone, I'd give you the context but its not relevant right now. They are also exstreamly strict they don't let her do things with me that they let her do with her ex before. They secretly hate it whenever I vist them, they don't tell me this obviously but my gf does afterwards.
Now don't get me wrong, my gf is amazing, shes the nices and kindest person there is. I've got little doubts that she doesn't love me, but just has a good few flaws/problems that can be sorted with time, I've got no clue how this should all be going by now or if it should ever be like this and I'm genuinely lost with what to do. I don't want to break up but I'm open to suggestion on what to do/change. Any different perspectives on any of these points is much appreciated, thank you :)
I'm open to give more details if needed btw
submitted by Miserable-Grand-8424 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:15 Consistent_Sky1120 Am I too insecure or does my (26 F) BF (30 M) not like me?

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting here and I would appreciate whatever you all have to say!
So I (26 F) am in my first serious relationship with my BF (30 M). I recently finished college and I don't know if my brain now has so much free time that it's making things up and working on my insecurities or if something is really there.
My bf and I met at work about three years ago, we worked in different departments that relied on each other heavily. He's pretty charismatic and easy to get along with, so he's made several friends there. One of his friends is Sarah, who is a bit younger than me, maybe a year or two, and she and BF get on great. They lived at the same apartment complex, they were actually next door neighbors (he moved there after she moved there, saying it was because of how close it was to work), they have a lot of the same interests in movies and games and I feel like if I see him messaging anyone, there's an 80% chance it's her.
My bf and I started dating seriously almost a year ago. It's been good, we're pretty open with each other and we do little check-ins ever so often to see how we feel about the relationship. So far his only "problem" with our relationship is he wants to go on more dates, which makes sense since I just finished one of the hardest quarters in my college career and didn't have any free time to go on dates. I was totally game for it, he said that he would start looking at new date ideas and I said I would too. That convo was about a month ago, I've sent him several ideas and the most I'll get out of it is "Yeah we could do that" or "I'd be down for that", nothing that really says he's excited, ya know? He hasn't sent me any ideas and he doesn't talk about it unless I bring it up first. So that's issue 1.
Going back to Sarah. Sarah, BF, and I are all part of a fairly nerdy group of friends and we all started playing D&D together recently with my BF being the DM. I feel like I notice them having like shared glances ever so often and I notice that she makes him laugh a lot more than I do. During these sessions, they also talk about some games that he hasn't mentioned to me but she knows all about. They seem like they are on the same level, intellectually, and they understand each other. Around them, I feel like I'm slow on the uptake since they both get each other so easily. That, combined with what was written about Sarah above, is issue 2.
I love my BF, but I also feel like he treats everyone the same way he would treat me. Like if anyone got sick, he would offer to help them out like he would me. Or if someone was going out of town, he would offer to housesit like he used to for me. I feel like even though I'm his GF, I'm not a higher priority than any of his other friends. So that's issue 3.
My last problem is I am an insecure person. I grew up constantly being compared to others and comparing myself to others. I was going to therapy but the cost became too much and I had to stop several months ago. This is also my first relationship, so I have no frame of reference to see if what I'm feeling is in my head or if there is a problem. (My family always encouraged me to focus on school so that was what I did. I didn't have any want to have a relationship until I met my BF and was certain that I wanted him in my life romantically, not as friends.)
So is this all in my head or is there something bigger at play and he's not interested in me? Thanks for the notes in advance.
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2024.04.29 03:03 cIork AITAH for being upset my girlfriend let one of her girl friends suck on her breast while they were out drinking?

As the title states my GF of 3 years went out drinking with her girlfriend whom I’m close to and has a BF who I’m also good friends with.
The day after we were hanging out and I’m on my computer when she remembered that at some point in their night her friend was helping her fix her top and miraculously ended up sucking on her nipple. She texts her friend and they start joking about the situation saying things like “operation leech” and I couldn’t help but have my heart sink.
I feel as though I have been cheated on because my only problem with the situation is she did that while I wasn’t around and it feels like it was sneaky behind my back. I don’t know if I’m the asshole in this situation. When I voiced my feelings to her the first thing she said was “maybe we should take a break” which has been a lot to take in at once given we were so good until I had a problem with that part of the night.
Extra info: I was invited and supposed to go out with them but didn’t feel up for going out that night so I’m sure she’s telling the truth. I just don’t know how to handle the situation because I haven’t done anything other than express my feelings
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2024.04.29 02:53 throwRA-help-222 Throwaway ending my [22F] engagement to [24M] over mean comment

my first ever Reddit post so sorry if I break rules or there is social etiquette I’m not following. My question here is: Did I overreact? Here is the situation… [tw SA] I am 22f my fiancé is 24M. We have been engaged almost a year, together for 4yr, and known each other for 6yr. Things have been a bit dodgy trying to figure out where we want to live, saving up money, getting a career in order, all that regular adult stuff. It has been even harder for me because I left college during Covid (as did everyone) and in that time period ended up being human trafficked but that’s another story lol. Basically it derailed my whole life aside from my relationship, him & I started getting serious about 6 months after I escaped my exploitation so he saw the mental toll it took on me, has been taking on me, and we have had a very open dialogue surrounding my trauma. I have always been fully transparent because I understand it is a lot for someone else to take on. Here is the conflict if u don’t wanna read all that… Today I jokingly said if we broke up I think I could get a new bf faster than he could get a gf. He said “yeah if you don’t tell him your trauma and hide your crazy side.” Then continued on “my next girlfriend won’t be a rape victim” We were in the car so I couldn’t leave but it just made me sick to my stomach hearing him say that. I stayed silent the rest of the car ride and then he was like “what is it what did I say to piss you off” I wasn’t even mad just so incredibly distraught of how he must think of me. When we got back to his house, I left him my ring and a note that said “sorry im not good enough for you, i hope your next fiancée hasn’t been assaulted, don’t contact me again.” I really can’t think of him the same after what he said, especially because he knows and witnessed how I became a shell of a person after escaping. I love him so dearly, i know if I didn’t block him I’d let him sweet talk me back into his arms only to hate myself for how he must think of me. I know it’s immature but is what I did an overreaction?? He works close to where I live and knows my schedule so if he wanted to talk he could come by TLDR, Fiancé made a highly insensitive comment and I ended the engagement as a result. Did I overreact?
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2024.04.29 02:41 Binnierr What should I 18F do about my bf 19M that has microcheated multiple times?

Well, me 18f and my bf 19m have been together for one year now.
In the beggining, our relationship was perfect, that until his girl bsf appeared and wanted to take over my place (this sounds so childish, but Istg it was like that). He defended her for 4 months, while she was talking shit on me to him and to all of their friends. That was until at some point I told him to choose between one of us and he chose losing all contact with her. One month later, he unblocked her and they talked for some days until I found out. Since then, they never talked again.
While that, he was also maintaining contact with his ex. It was anything much really, but I felt extremely uncomfortable with it.
2 months after, I was watching some reels on his Phone with him when a female friend of him dm'ed him. He quickly turned the notification down and I found the behaviour weird, so I asked to see what it was. He debied a little but he ended up showing me. He had replied to basically all of her stories, telling her she was pretty. HE NEVER DID THIS TO ME. I go down on his dms, all I find is him telling Girls how majestic they are. I crushed down at that moment and he just stayed there looking at me. I ended up for giving him and telling him to never do it again because It was totally disrespectful, even tho he didnt see anything wrong with it.
Some weeks after I found out he snaps this one girl 24/7, I ask him to stop, but cant do anything because Its snapchat, I cant know what was on the conversation.
So, one month ago, 2 days before my birthday and some weeks after our 1 year aniversary, I found out he was flirting with this one girl. She has a thick body and is kinda pretty (in my opinion), me, meanwhile, am a Model for a big agency so you can imagine I Am not really the thickest girl and tbh thats a real big problem to my confidence. Anyways, he was complimenting her body, her eyes, her clothes. And the worst: she wasnt even replying. I broke up but he begged for one more chance and I gave it with the condition of having his Instagram on my Phone, and that was it.
Some weeks ago, I found posts of half naked woman on his saved posts. I confronte him and he admited that it was disgusting and was sorry about it, and that was all.
Right now, I just found out that his snaps is full of Girls and he had 50 days streak with multiple Girls, while he wouldnt reply to mines. What made me really mad.
I want to add that yes, I have been toxic lately. I Am overly jealous and toxic, but I wasnt like this. I feel like he manipulates me and he made me go from a really liberal gf to a gf thats always overthinking on what he is doing. I also want to add that he went cold and dry on me for MONTHS and only came back to normal after I found out abt the Last girl he was flirting with. Before that, he would just love bomb me whenever he did something wrong, and that was all.
With this all said, what would you guys advice me on doing?
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