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My (18M) Boyfriend (18M) has been spiralling down for a few months and I’m not sure what to do. Is there anyway I can help him?

2024.05.14 10:23 Jacolai My (18M) Boyfriend (18M) has been spiralling down for a few months and I’m not sure what to do. Is there anyway I can help him?

So I started dating my bf 7 months ago (we are long distance relationship) around October last year and he was one of the sweetest guy I’ve met. Him and me instantly clicked and that rarely happens given my picky nature so I mentally promised myself I’ll make him the happiest he could be and be there for him if he ever needs me. For the first few months or so, everything seemed fine. He did tell me about his family issues and what not but it didn’t really affect him too much so we just did fun couple stuff like Calling on VC, gaming together etc.
I think around late Jan, that’s where he started to become less involved in the relationship and I noticed he started to spiral down. We slowly no longer Game, VC or do anything fun. Initially I just assumed that he’s super busy since he has found a new job and taken on a few more responsibilities but it’s clear it’s more than that since he would not be so responsive and what not but he still had time to make romance with me so I tried to be there as per my mental promise.
Shit started hitting the fan once April started and he told me he wanted a break from the relationship for a few days to a week and I gave him his space. A few days later, he told me that he’s feeling better and is here to stay but things didn’t really change I guess. Just only on one day around mid April did he feel happy enough and we spent the day gaming and VC for the first time in 2.5 months but I had a feeling it maybe the last as once late April rolled around. He told me he wanted to part ways and I of course was devastated so I simply asked him if he truly really wanted to separate. He sounded unsure himself and in the end he reversed that decision after having a heart to heart talk.
May (this month) rolled around and he again said “we should part ways” but he still sounded unsure when he said that because I know deep down he still have feelings for me and I still had feelings for him too. Then he told me that he’s gonna leave and not come back forever to take a break and yeah he unfriended me and blocked me on most socials for a few days before unblocking me but as of right now, he’s just really depressed and moody. Like there’s an air of pessimism around him.
Reddit, tell me what I should to moving forward?
Tl;dr (Bf slowly got more depressed over the months and I’m not sure how to help him)
submitted by Jacolai to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:13 Sunriseandset AITAH for getting mad at my boyfriend for deleting texts and keeping them secret from me?

My (32 M) bf and I (31 M) have been together for 6.5 years. We decided back in 2018 that we wanted to keep our pasts in the past, so we agreed on blocking certain people (mostly exes). There was this guy (let's call him John) that was friends with my bf who he said was a TERRIBLE influence on him. (Like, multiple DUIs by his mid 20s, would use my bf to drive him around everywhere since he didn't have a license, pressuring my bf into heavily drinking when he didn't want to, etc.) Since John always mentioned my bf's ex and since he was such a bad influence, we agreed on him not talking to him anymore and blocking him.
Never once in our 6.5 year relationship have I ever asked to look at my bf's phone, nor have I snooped at it either. However, we got into a pretty big fight the other day, and for some reason I just had this feeling, and I asked him to look at his phone. The look on his face was definitely full of panic. After looking, I found that he not only had been talking to John for the last 3 years, but he even had him under a fake name, and it was obvious he was deleting texts that either mentioned his ex or something he didn't want me knowing about. When I questioned my boyfriend, he admitted that he had unblocked John 3 years ago and had been deleting texts so they wouldn't show up at the top of his messages, that way I would never accidentally see them.
AITA for being mad about this? I personally don't think they had anything going on, but it's more about me thinking that if he hid texts under a fake name for this many years that he could do it again in the future, under worse circumstances.
Also, he "apologized," but it wasn't genuine, as I could tell he only apologized for getting caught.
submitted by Sunriseandset to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:11 BLUFFground My Coinbase Nightmare - funds gone

This whole situation with Coinbase has been a nightmare. A few years ago, I convinced my parents to invest in Bitcoin, a significant amount for our family. Initially, I used Binance for them, but eventually, I moved it to a Coinbase account thinking it would be more secure (huge mistake in hindsight). Since they're not very tech-savvy, a personal wallet wasn't an option, and I was worried about potential tax implications if I transferred the funds to my own wallet. It's important to note that they are Spanish citizens living in Spain.
In May 2022, I transferred their funds from Binance to Coinbase. Late last year, my father started receiving emails from Coinbase asking to verify his account. Unfortunately, they ended up in his spam folder and went unnoticed. These emails were in English, which he doesn't understand, so he didn't think much of them.
Last Sunday, May 12th, my father informed me that his Coinbase account showed a zero balance for Bitcoin (BTC). Initially, I thought he might be looking at the wrong place, but no. Their account had been drained on May 10th, and all the Bitcoin was gone. Panicked, I suspected we might have been hacked. I tried logging into their account from my PC but it was blocked.
Yesterday, I spent over five hours on the phone with Coinbase customer service. Here's a summary:
This entire ordeal has been incredibly stressful for me and my parents.
I apologize for the typos.
Similar story: https://www.reddit.com/CoinBase/comments/1crhva1/after_2_months_of_trying_to_unblock_my_account_i/
submitted by BLUFFground to CoinBase [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:26 beepmeepp AITA For Messaging About Updates on a Package a Redditor Sent Me?

This has turned into an insane situation. The forum won’t let me post any pictures of our conversation, which is upsetting, but this has gone haywire.
About a month and a half ago, my dog died. I posted on redditgetsdrawnbadly for some silly drawings. I haven’t really posted much, but I’ve seen people do that and it seems to make them feel better. Her death was so sudden, I miss her so much. Anyways, this user commented on the post about how she did a watercolor painting and would do another to make me smile. I was overjoyed and offered another photo to make her painting easier. She messaged me a picture of the paintings and I was so happy! She looked like her old chunky self. The user then told me she’d send them to me if I wanted them, for free or “pay/tip what you can, when you receive them”. I gave her an address she could send them to. She said she’d send them off later that day and send me a tracking number. My last message was asking for her Venmo or cashapp since I didn’t mind compensating her well ($150. I am off well enough and wanted to pay her back for her kindness). No response. For one full month, I texted her every week or so asking for an update on the URL. Just a “hey, any update?” Or “Hello?”. No response. I thought I got scammed, and was worried about my safety (gave someone my address, which is my own fault) so I checked her account to see if she had been active. She was very active! That made me upset, so when I saw she commented on someone’s post about “making pet portraits and sending them off as a ‘pay what you want’ “ I fumed. I responded to her comment and basically said “This isn't true. They'll do it but never send it to you and will ghost you when you ask for any updates. They drew my dog who passed away and ghosted me after I gave them my address. Don't waste your time like I did.”
That must have set her off. She messaged me back immediately saying her cat died and she couldn’t send my package because of it. I told her I didn’t need the package sent right away, I just wanted communication. Even a simple, “hey, I’m busy rn I’ll get to you when I can” would’ve soothed my anxiety. Apparently, I’m a terrible person. I was calm and collected in my response to her, but she twisted it around and said “Sorry my cat suddenly you have ruined my Mother's Day I'm bawling. I only tried to do something nice and I got slandered all over. I hope you get it. If I die suddenly soon and you hear about it on Reddit, I hope you know you contributed to it.” (Exact copy and paste)
I suggested seeking professional help. I couldn’t block her because I unblocked her yesterday to respond to her comment. Now I’m waiting for 9pm tonight to block her again.
She has sent people to harass me and call me a scammer. Saying I’m “scamming for free paintings”. All I did was ask for silly doodles!! She then said “she never even paid postage”in a comment about me, which is ironic considering she told me in DMs that I didn’t need to pay a dime (like I said above, I was going to compensate her when I received the paintings, but we never made it that far. I never even got her info). She messaged me saying she’ll escalate this situation if I don’t apologize for slandering her and to never “cross a witch”. Then she said I’ve ruined her health and she’s dealing with cancer and I’ve ruined her spark for drawing because of how much I “slandered” her with my “lies”.
I just want to know where I went wrong here. I wish she’d block me so this can be over. She is blowing up my phone with her friends harassing me, all because I responded to her public comment. Her last text to me was “Guess u decided to FAAFO. Good luck!” I want this over. She’s going to paint me in a terrible light and I’m exhausted from arguing with people online.
So Reddit, please tell me- AITA?
submitted by beepmeepp to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:53 complicatedfriends1 One of my close guy friends flipped out on me when I was trying to vent out to him.

So I recently lost my “bestfriend” of almost 30 years for petty reasons and still confused about the situation, she’s a narcissist. I posted about it on here. I called my guy friend to vent out about it. Before calling him I texted him to see if it was okay with me calling him and venting out due to the fact that he has his own issues and I didn’t want to add more to his plate… he texted back and said it was fine to call him. When he answered I told him my bestfriend had cut ties with me and that I was hurt. I was holding in tears and just needed a friend to vent out to. He started yelling at me saying that I called him to “gossip” about the situation (no he’s not friends with my ex bestfriend) he said he had a lot on his plate to be listening to my problems and that I create issues and continues flipping out.. I kindly said “you know what I’m sorry to have called you with my issues… it’s not a good day I’ll talk to you next time” He flipped again and said “Why are you shutting me out “ “you have a problem with people telling you the truth” I said “I gotta go bye” hung up.. he texts me saying how rude I am etc… from there i reply with “it’s one thing to tell the truth and another to be yelled at. He proceeds in telling me that if he yelled it would be noticeable and that I need reflect on what I’m doing wrong etc.. that he cares about me and all this stuff. I did not respond because at that point I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere I left it as that.. not to mention I was getting bad anxiety and recently had to get checked from all the stress.
So 2 weeks pass he sent me a long message how hurt he was I didn’t respond and basically saying his goodbyes he wished me well etc.. I replied in hopes he would be an Adult about it since weeks went by and he always says true friends tell the truth even if it hurts. Well I was wrong.. I replied in the kindest way possible that I didn’t appreciate the way he was yelling at me and that I had just lost my bestfriend .. I told him I felt like my friends were turning their backs on me and gave him examples like saying I was calling to “gossip” and saying I’m rude just because I’m not letting him talk to me like that. It’s not the first time he pops off on me he did it on my bday last year because I got to the location 5 mins late apologized profusely and he kept scolding me and he made me cry. I told him that I’ve never disrespected him like that..
His response was “wow that hurts you feel like I turned my back on you. Well I guess you’re going to feel it now, It’s weird that you let other people treat you like shit but you treat good friends bad, it’s odd.. You need to stop blaming me and people and start reflecting etc” like WTF I called to vent… when did I blame you ???” I told him he was projecting alot onto me. And said this was why I didn’t respond because of how defensive he gets.. he told me to stop and blocked my number. Later that night unblocks me and haven’t spoken to him since. After sometime reflecting on all this I realized that both my “friends” have some mental issues. I’m tired of being their punching bag and doormat.. this makes me sad I don’t know how all this happened in one month. Maybe there’s a reason for this happening. Not only I’m I processing the situation with my now ex bestfriend but also this guy.. what the hell.
submitted by complicatedfriends1 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:34 ThrowACofee I blocked my situationship a week ago and now I want to call him so bad because we never met yet

So basically I (20F) have been talking to this guy (20M) or 3 months and he’s been showing me love and affection by always texting, calling and reassuring me but the last 2 weeks we talked he was acting so weird then I caught him following an only fans girl and she follows him back and that’s not the only reason why i blocked him. He was just completely showing me no interest and he would always leave me on delivered for 15, 5, 6 hours and i was getting tired. He did a few mistakes by always calling me names when we argue and he would be rude to me but I was always tolerating that cuz I like him and before I blocked him he gave me a sorry ass excuse saying “I didn’t ghost u why do you wanna block me I was just at a house party” and I said it takes 2 seconds to text and I know this was just a week ago but we never ever met and we have been always planning to meet and now I want to unblock him and say “Hey, I still want to meet you before I leave the country” because I am leaving the country for good and even though I blocked him I can’t leave without seeing him or I will go crazy. Any advice please ?
submitted by ThrowACofee to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:27 ThrowACofee I blocked my situationship a week ago and now I want to call him so bad because we never met yet

So basically I (20F) have been talking to this guy (20M) or 3 months and he’s been showing me love and affection by always texting, calling and reassuring me but the last 2 weeks we talked he was acting so weird then I caught him following an only fans girl and she follows him back and that’s not the only reason why i blocked him. He was just completely showing me no interest and he would always leave me on delivered for 15, 5, 6 hours and i was getting tired. He did a few mistakes by always calling me names when we argue and he would be rude to me but I was always tolerating that cuz I like him and before I blocked him he gave me a sorry ass excuse saying “I didn’t ghost u why do you wanna block me I was just at a house party” and I said it takes 2 seconds to text and I know this was just a week ago but we never ever met and we have been always planning to meet and now I want to unblock him and say “Hey, I still want to meet you before I leave the country” because I am leaving the country for good and even though I blocked him I can’t leave without seeing him or I will go crazy. Any advice please ?
submitted by ThrowACofee to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:09 gggamer9000 Pos friend 2

So when I was about 10 years old, I began hanging out with this kid (I'm gonna use his real name cause fuck him) his name was Sawyer, we met through me friend Luis, and I don't really remember how we first met or talked too each other cause apparently after the first time we met he blocked me, but ended up unblocking me, me him, Luis and Josh (The kid from the other story) used too hang out a lot and play fortnite or minecraft, I remember he used too complaint about the dumbest shit and had the dumbest opinions on things, like he said new minecraft sucked cause you could emote, but after about 3 months of playing with him, he became a dick, but not too me, but too Luis and Luis only, he would always start shit with him for no reason and brag about random things, and for some reason he just praised me, we confronted him like 5 times about this but he never changed, that's when I was 10, when I was 11 me and Luis got r6 on playstaion and we began playing that a lot soon after we got it, it was on sale and Luis was gonna give Sawyer a gift card for him too buy it, but were still not sure about this, but Luis said his dad's card got charged for $300 and someone was trying too buy a vr headset, he blamed Sawyer and when Luis confronted him, he didn't deny it, when me and Luis started playing on xbox, Sawyer also had an xbox and would be on a lot, soon after we me Jack, after a while it was clear Jack and Sawyer didn't get along which we were ok with cause we started too hate Sawyer
So like back in August Sawyer heard me say the n-word he had known I was biracial, he saw a picture of me soon after (He had always know what I looked like, my skin is more white than brown) so when I got off the next day, Luis told me that he called me racist after that we just made fun of him cause he said some real stupid shit, now the funniest thing is.......HE WAS A FUCKING RACIST Luis is Pacific islander and knowing this he made a lot of racist jokes about Asian people, and had also scream the n-word, (I wasn't around when that happened) and said a lot of racist things about Mexicans
The most recent thing that happened with him, is from the pov of Jack and Luis, so they were playing with this guy who was friends with Sawyer, and Sawyer joined, they were ignoring him cause they were playing warzone, but soon Luis just said "Y'know gggamer9000 got a girlfriend earlier this month" and Sawyer said "Is that a good thing or a bad thing" and also said "I'm fresh out of a relationship bro" This man get's no bitches, he looks like Ethan gamer, but after that we've never spoke too him again
submitted by gggamer9000 to u/gggamer9000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:59 The_imperial_mando I (14M) miss her (15F) a lot, how can i try to get her back?

Okay so first things first i'm going to confess- i was the one who fucked up. this entire situation is my fault.
I met a girl at school through mutual friends, we'll call her Av for her privacy. I didn't like her originally, but i started to develop a small crush over time. After a couple months i asked her on a date and she said yes. Av is the first person in a relationship with me to have treated me well, and i loved her so much.
Then about a month ago, i had got home from a camping trip with a few of my buds and i was really tired. Like REALLY tired, running on about an hours sleep for three days. I saw one of my female friends (Who is a lesbian) who I hadn't seen in a while, and i gave her a big hug as she said hi. Right as Av walked in. She seemed fine with it at first but started questioning me about it later after school. she asked me maybe 4 or 5 times if i liked her (Av didn't know the girl was a lesbian) and eventually i snapped and had a bit of a go at her. after a bit of silence she texted this:
"Do you think that the two of us are a good idea?"
That sort of shocked me for a bit as i realised what i had actually said to her. I cried that night.
The next day i tried to make it up to her but got told to leave her alone for a bit. Then she called me and we argued over the phone for a couple hours until she hung up and blocked me on everything. A few days later another person told me Av had apparently (If you'll excuse the british slag) Slagged me off (Insulted me) on a group chat with a few other mutuals but i didn't know how much she had done it. i asked for her to unblock me and then i confronted her. And boy did i fuck up. She had barely even talked about me and when she did she was just saying that it didn't end to well. and yet i confronted her like she had committed a crime of some sort against huanity. I made her cry, as i was told afterwards. I hate myself for that.
She hasn't spoken to me irl since, and barely over text. My best mate noticed that i was feeling like shit and asked her about it. she said something along the lines of: "I never said he couldn't talk to me, he just avoids me. There are other people to be around." I miss her so much. I just want her back so bad.
submitted by The_imperial_mando to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 Antique_Hair_7488 Carsales Australia Cookie Notification

This website is trying really hard to annoy it's users.
First it refuses to display the prices of vehicles, unless I sign in, which is actually against the law for advertising a vehicle in Australia. When I call them up, they immediately tell me to stop using an VPN. That's great if I was using one.. then they ask me to provide my IP address and they will "unblock me" how does this even work with dynamic IP addresses? I have no idea. This all has been reported to the ombudsman, but unfortunately I have not received a response in over 3 weeks. Surface to say, the government doesn't care, and only priority is self regulation for businesses which obviously does not work.
Now they decide to continually show me the cookie warning pop up every time I view the page or navigate to a new page on the website. They also like to do a 'are you human check' I am almost certain this does not happen with Chrome. WHIC AGAIN every business seem to TELL ME it's the only web browser that works or I should be using.
Why can't add block stop this! I don't care about cookies! Well I do, but I care for my insanity over a few privacy concerns. I HATE POP UPS AND WEBSITE OVERLAYS they RUIN the internet.
P.s Why can't Firefox provide a way to spoof the user agent so websites 'think' I am using Chrome.. and even better why can't Firefox provide a way to 'fake' the browser finger prints so a website does not know what operating system I use, or just use a generic one and screen size etc.. obviously this might brake some website, but an easy toggle on/off would be fine. Website get way to much information from their user. Information they most certainly do not strictly need.
Thanks for any input.
submitted by Antique_Hair_7488 to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:26 Sweet-Development904 My boyfriend (19M) always says that I (19F) am stupid and wants everything in his time. What should I do?

I 19 female, I've been in a long distance relationship for 3 years with John (fake name) 19 male. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was 16. For context, John and I met in a group and since then we started talking. (I was dating my ex, but when I realized that I had developed feelings for John I ended that relationship.) In this group he was a big womanizer, and he talked to his ex, which didn't bother me since I never thought there was anything malicious about it. 4 months later I asked John if he felt anything for me, because he was acting romantic and sweet toward me, he said yes and then we started dating. (Note: he was jealous of my friends). A few weeks after we started dating, and all of our mutual friends knew about our relationship, and he didn't feel uncomfortable with people knowing about it, I sent him Intimate photos, he went on and sent these photos to our group, where there were more than 100 people, including our friends. When I saw it I was shocked and immediately left the group. My friends came to talk to me and so did he. He apologized, said he was going to send these photos to a group that was just him because according to him it was easier for him to see. Reading this now I realize it's a strange thing... but at the time I was so in love that I excused him. That same day we made a video call until I went to sleep, he praised me a lot, dedicated some songs to me, it was very romantic.During the next few weeks we made video calls every day, watched movies, listened to music, talked a lot until the early hours of the morning. There was a day when a girl joined the group where we were, and she and I became very good friends, there ended up being a lot of confusion because she wanted to date John, but he didn't want to. However, he always asked for intimate photos for her or for another girl in the group, he said it was to make me jealous, he ended up sending some intimate photos to her too. Well, a few months passed and I was suffering with my mental health, a few months before I met him I had tried to take my life, and I was under psychiatric care. During that time I started smoking and hurting myself, but he always helped me not to do so and always asked me to stop smoking and never use drugs. Until one day I was having an anxiety attack and felt the need to hurt myself while I was on a call with him, so he asked me to write his name on my skin with the razor. I did, he laughed. Some more time passed and I experienced what I think was an attack of schizophrenia, I saw and heard a person talking to me and asking me to do certain things that would hurt me. John stayed on video call with me while he tried to calm me down and said everything was ok and asked me to pray. That day my mother had gone to work, so I was alone at home, she wouldn't come back until 1pm. A few months later he asked me to buy some sex toys, I initially refused and was a little afraid, but then I agreed and bought my first vibrator. He always asked for videos and photos, or even for me to use the vibrator on a video call, as he always sent photos and videos and even did things on a call, I accepted. It turned out that I got sick, I couldn't walk, I felt a lot of pain, very strong cramps, I went to the hospital but it didn't help. I took some medication but none of it helped. Jonh was worried about me and asked me to go back to the hospital, which I did, but once again it didn't do much good. Then in December he asked me to buy another toy, but this time it would be a dildo. I was very afraid to buy it since I didn't have much privacy at home, but I bought it. When it arrived, he asked me to use it but I said I wasn't going to use it at that moment because I wanted to wash it first and then use it but my mother was in the living room so there was no way. He was extremely upset, he said that I had promised to use it the day I arrived and that he was tired from work and just wanted it to cheer him up a little. We argued a little and went to sleep.Cut to a few months later when he got a new job (he worked with his father), met some new people and completely changed. He became cold, distant, wanted everything his way or he would get upset and give me the silent treatment. Since then we started fighting almost every day, sometimes several times during the day. He always said he would break up with me if I didn't do what he wanted or the way he wanted, as I was "blind", so to speak, I always did everything. I don't want to go into too much detail but this but one thing you need to know is that during one of those fights he told me "welcome to hell". Since then everything has gotten worse. For me to achieve the minimum I had to do everything he wanted, how he wanted and when he wanted, in his time. If he wanted videos, I had to record them and send them to him, otherwise he He said he was going to break up with me or that he wouldn't talk to me until I sent the videos. I'm not a saint either, I often freaked out because of jealousy and when I saw that he had followed his ex I got really upset, because she was the only one who made me insecure, and he knew that. One thing I forgot to mention was that he told me at the beginning that he only followed some friends and family (he told me who was who and that if I wanted I could remove someone). Another thing I forgot to mention was that he's been in a group for a few years where his friends who are in that group always hit on him, he's kind of reciprocal with them. He never let me go there because according to him I wouldn't like the type of humor they have there... a group that sends a lot of videos and photos of naked women, women dancing.. But he refuses to leave because he "is already a long-time member there, and his friends are there", in his words. Coming back, he told me that he only followed her because she followed him first and I told him that if she followed him it was because he unblocked her, he was upset that I said that and blocked her again. Some time later I returned to the hospital with some urgency as I was unable to cope with the pain, I needed to stay there overnight whilst receiving medication. He wasn't happy about it at all since that meant there would be no videos or photos. The doctors asked me to do some tests as quickly as possible to try to find out the cause of this pain, which they thought was the kidneys (but it wasn't).This meant I had to leave the house and go to the clinics to schedule exams and take them. He was never happy when I needed to leave the house or when I went out with my family. Cut to a time later when we broke up (my initiative) and I put all the toys in the trash. He was super upset and we kind of talked back and forth (I know what many off you will think But I couldn't really break up with him. So he made me buy all the toys again. That is what happened. Well, I bought not only the toys but also some lingerie. He really liked that and it seemed like we were finally okay. But it didn't last long. Soon we fought again and broke up, once again I put everything in the trash, he came back, he forced me again Buying but he was the one who bought the things. He continued to force me to record the videos and send them to him. During this time of ending the relationship and coming back, ending the relationship and coming back, I called his friends to ask for help. John was super upset with this attitude of mine. He told me that I made a mistake and broke his trust. Then time passed and he went on a trip with his family when he returned home, it was on a day when there was a party in his city and his friends were going. When he got home he told me and said he was going to sleep. I was suspicious so I went to look at his friend's profile and guess what? His friend had just post a story where John appeared. Same t-shirt, same cap. The same face. Obviously I confronted him about it and he told me it wasn't him because he was sleeping at home. I didn't believe it but leave it behind. At this point, my best friend couldn't take it anymore, almost every day of me crying to her about John and his actions. A few weeks went by and I asked his friend if it was really John or not, he said no (I believe he was covering it up.So he went to get a tattoo, on his neck. When it was over he went to sleep. I don't remember that day well but I remember that I called him many times that night and when he answered I heard moaning.. so I hung up and told my best friend. I called again and again and when he answered I heard the sound of a car. I was devastated, I couldn't believe it. The next morning he freaked out at me, and said he was sleeping. First he said that his mother had answered the phone, then he said that he had answered the phone and that the moans were his because of the tattoo. I pretended this situation hadn't happened and we moved on. (note: I was emotionally dependent on him) Cut to January of this year, when he asked me to open up the relationship as this wasn't working. I said no, and that in my view it was like cheating but without the burden of conscience. So he continued to treat me badly. He admitted that when he first started treating me badly it was only because he wanted me to break up with him. (he thought traumatizing me and triggering me was a good idea) He told me he didn't want me to see his Facebook so I wouldn't see his relatives' profiles. When I asked about some people he followed that he had already said were cousins, he said that they were friends or that he didn't know that his friends had asked him to follow them and sending messages to them. When I followed someone he always freaked out and asked who he was over and over again, for example: I followed someone, John saw it and sent me a message asking who it was, I replied "he's a friend of mine" Then John would go on "who is he?" and again "who is he?" and again and again... Two months ago he said he wanted some time, I said very badly, he said it could be but that we wouldn't be with other people nor would there be flirting with other people. He agreed. But then we got into a big fight where he threatened me with a lawsuit, he didn't give me reasons or anything, he just said he was going to sue me. I insisted on knowing why he only said he was going to have to pay him a high price and I would probably go to prison. So for the next 3 days this was our topic of conversation, him threatening me, me crying, and asking why. Then I reached my limit On the day of the last lawsuit threat, I told my mother about him, the way he treated me and that I wanted a new cell phone number.(She didn't know, I never told her about him. Although he tried to contact her a few times. But I blocked him) So we went to buy a new contact for me, as he couldn't call me or get in touch with me anywhere. He asked some people to call my mother and my friends. My friends were talking to me and sending me screenshots of everything, so someone sent him the link to our group and he went in there and found out my new number. I was weakened when my friend told me that he was crying and that he told him that he loved me and that he was afraid of losing me. So I said okay I could talk to him. He told me some things like that he was sorry for making me suffer. I tried to understand his side. We came back. But I told him that the first thing he did I would leave. I did not go. And I regret it. He was never affectionate, or cute with me again. He continued to force me to send him photos and videos. And doing what he wanted. He was upset when I left. He didn't like me posting full body photos or showing more. Whereas he could go around shirtless, send shirtless photos to his group, post shirtless photos online. Once he published a photo of a photo with his cousin and hid it from me so I wouldn't see it (I knew he was going to this party, he had told me, it was a family party) Since then, I went to lawyers to ask for advice. One of the people I managed to talk to, as it was online and free, told me to contact the police and that what he was doing was wrong. Every time I ask him something he gets upset and says they are useless questions, that I'm stupid, I don't understand anything. Whenever he forces me to record something, he never sends anything. He always says he's tired, But if his friends ask him to go out or go to dinner or do anything, he'll go, even if he's tired. This is it. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm really afraid that he'll do something, after so many threats, and all the lies. I have the support of my family and friends. I'm sorry if there are some mistakes, I used the translator and tried to explain more or less all the information you should know. Please be friendly.
submitted by Sweet-Development904 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:37 Philosophriend Is my (32M) relationship with my girlfriend (29F) officially over?

TL;DR: I cheated on my girlfriend of 4.5 years by going on a date with another woman. We didn't hook up, but I recognize that doesn't matter. I got exposed via one of those "Are We Dating the Same Guy" pages 5 months later, we broke up, and then after a few weeks decided to slowly fix things. After genuine improvements both on an individual level and relationship level, I got caught being on Hinge after making an account while on an international trip. I didn't meet with any women and used the app purely because it was a passive distraction. She has since ended the relationship once and for all and we haven't spoken in two weeks. I am trying to determine if the relationship is officially over or if I should attempt to reach out over time to demonstrate that I still care and want to fight for this as I have the last few months...
Hello all -- from the onset, let me start by acknowledging that I recognize that there is no excuse for cheating. I've taken responsibility for what I've done from the start, began therapy, and I was making active (and recognized) improvements to show that I was committed to change. So, if you intend on burning me at the stake for cheating, or rubbing my face in the consequences of my actions, please know that I've already done as much to myself and then some. For background sake, my ex and I dated for about 4.5 years.
Long story short, I was posted on one of those "Are We Dating the Same Guy" Facebook groups back in January by a girl that I went on two dates with while dating my then-girlfriend. For context, my ex and I broke up in the Summer of 2022 because of mounting fights and because I was unable to commit to a move-in date. During the breakup, I downloaded Bumble and matched with a girl that I could maintain good conversation with. We texted/phoned a few times, but we never met in person. Eventually, my ex and I got back together about roughly a month later, I ghosted the Bumble girl, and my relationship with my girlfriend moved on. Fast forward to about a year later (fall of 2023) -- I was out one night at a local bar and the Bumble girl was there on a date with another guy. She texted me later that night noting how funny it was that the first time we saw each other in-person was when she was on a date. We continued to text and I eventually made the poor decision to go out on not one, but two dates with her. We didn't sleep together and I broke things off after the second date because I realized how stupid and selfish I was being.
Fast forward to five months later (January of this year), the Bumble girl posted me on the above-mentioned Facebook group... I'm still in disbelief that she'd do so after only two dates, but word got back to my girlfriend and things went as you'd expect. Things were turbulent, she broke up with me, said that she couldn't forgive me for what I did, and that was that. However, after a couple of weeks, we began to reconnect. We began spending time together, sleeping together, and I made it a point to highlight how sorry I was and that I'd make the necessary improvements to show her that I was committed to her. As time went on, we began making genuine improvements as a couple, and things were steadily becoming good again... Until I made another poor decision.
In mid-March, I went to Japan with a couple of friends and I downloaded Hinge simply because I was curious. Despite getting matches, I didn't meet with anyone and purely downloaded it out of curiosity. Unfortunately, I never deleted the app upon returning home. Time went on and my ex and I maintained our continued progress and we were on the brink of becoming "official" again. In fact, roughly 3 weeks ago we took our first trip post-January and had a romantic getaway at a lake-front property. We had an incredible time and truly felt like ourselves again. Upon returning home, that next Monday, she told me that she was the happiest she's ever been and truly saw me as a forever partner again. Then, a few hours later, she called me asking if I was on Hinge -- one of her sister's friends saw me on the app. That, my friends, was the last straw. She was enraged, told me she was done, and that she should've never let me back in.
Let me highlight that I recognize that I shouldn't have been on Hinge, but again, I was passively swiping as a means to dissociate from the turbulent scenario I found myself in. It's a point that I'm unpacking in therapy. When I came back from Japan, she began discussing the possibility of eloping (her aunt has terminal cancer and she wanted her aunt to see her get married before she died), began discussing moving in, and was generally mounting pressure on our relationship even though we still had work to do. Again, I am not excusing my behavior, but in a sense, I was dissociating from the stress by engaging in an otherwise unhealthy distraction. I didn't maintain conversations or meet any women during this time. To my ex, though, it didn't matter. According to her, if I was truly committed to making things work, I should've never been on the app in the first place. It's tough because, as a way to demonstrate my commitment, I gave her access to my location and tried to establish that if I was seriously pursuing other women, why would I give her my location? It made no difference.
She went on to block me (which she's never done) and told me to leave her alone so that she could heal from this/move on. So, I respected her wishes and didn't contact her. I recognize I blew my shot. Then, a week later (roughly 2 weeks ago), she called me asking if I had certain kitchen items which she most assuredly knew I didn't have. She then went on to ask me how I was doing, to which, we ended up speaking for over 3 hours. She went from being angry to crying/asking how I could jeopardize our relationship after my improvements, to informing me that she's moving apartments because she's set on moving on and that there's simply too much baggage for our relationship to survive. Certain things that she said throughout this call demonstrated that she loved me immensely and that she'd miss me, but that she recognized that this couldn't continue. It was a hard phone call to stomach because, by her unblocking me and spending 3 hours on the phone with me, it instilled some form of hope (in a weird way).
It's been two weeks since we've spoken and all I can think about is her. Especially in light of the real improvements we had made before this all happened. I really was working on improving myself and considered her to be my life partner... Look, as I've noted from the onset, I'm reaping what I sowed; however, the last two and a half months before all of this were filled with genuine improvement and I truly believed that we were going to make it. She herself acknowledged this before I was discovered on Hinge. I am working through with my therapist as to why I was on Hinge post-Japan, but I just feel like this shouldn't be terminal. With that said, I've continued to respect her wishes and I haven't contacted her despite wanting to. I want to respect her healing process, even if that means losing her, but I can't help but feel like I should reach out to show that I care and that I'm willing to continue fighting. I love her immensely, consider her my partner and best friend, and despite what my actions demonstrate, am a work in progress. Am I in denial regarding this being over? Is there a chance for me here? Or do I let time take its course and move on?
submitted by Philosophriend to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:35 Philosophriend Is my (32M) relationship with my girlfriend (29F) officially over?

TL;DR: I cheated on my girlfriend of 4.5 years by going on a date with another woman. We didn't hook up, but I recognize that doesn't matter. I got exposed via one of those "Are We Dating the Same Guy" pages 5 months later, we broke up, and then after a few weeks decided to slowly fix things. After genuine improvements both on an individual level and relationship level, I got caught being on Hinge after making an account while on an international trip. I didn't meet with any women and used the app purely because it was a passive distraction. She has since ended the relationship once and for all and we haven't spoken in two weeks. I am trying to determine if the relationship is officially over or if I should attempt to reach out over time to demonstrate that I still care and want to fight for this as I have the last few months...
Hello all -- from the onset, let me start by acknowledging that I recognize that there is no excuse for cheating. I've taken responsibility for what I've done from the start, began therapy, and I was making active (and recognized) improvements to show that I was committed to change. So, if you intend on burning me at the stake for cheating, or rubbing my face in the consequences of my actions, please know that I've already done as much to myself and then some. For background sake, my ex and I dated for about 4.5 years.
Long story short, I was posted on one of those "Are We Dating the Same Guy" Facebook groups back in January by a girl that I went on two dates with while dating my then-girlfriend. For context, my ex and I broke up in the Summer of 2022 because of mounting fights and because I was unable to commit to a move-in date. During the breakup, I downloaded Bumble and matched with a girl that I could maintain good conversation with. We texted/phoned a few times, but we never met in person. Eventually, my ex and I got back together about roughly a month later, I ghosted the Bumble girl, and my relationship with my girlfriend moved on. Fast forward to about a year later (fall of 2023) -- I was out one night at a local bar and the Bumble girl was there on a date with another guy. She texted me later that night noting how funny it was that the first time we saw each other in-person was when she was on a date. We continued to text and I eventually made the poor decision to go out on not one, but two dates with her. We didn't sleep together and I broke things off after the second date because I realized how stupid and selfish I was being.
Fast forward to five months later (January of this year), the Bumble girl posted me on the above-mentioned Facebook group... I'm still in disbelief that she'd do so after only two dates, but word got back to my girlfriend and things went as you'd expect. Things were turbulent, she broke up with me, said that she couldn't forgive me for what I did, and that was that. However, after a couple of weeks, we began to reconnect. We began spending time together, sleeping together, and I made it a point to highlight how sorry I was and that I'd make the necessary improvements to show her that I was committed to her. As time went on, we began making genuine improvements as a couple, and things were steadily becoming good again... Until I made another poor decision.
In mid-March, I went to Japan with a couple of friends and I downloaded Hinge simply because I was curious. Despite getting matches, I didn't meet with anyone and purely downloaded it out of curiosity. Unfortunately, I never deleted the app upon returning home. Time went on and my ex and I maintained our continued progress and we were on the brink of becoming "official" again. In fact, roughly 3 weeks ago we took our first trip post-January and had a romantic getaway at a lake-front property. We had an incredible time and truly felt like ourselves again. Upon returning home, that next Monday, she told me that she was the happiest she's ever been and truly saw me as a forever partner again. Then, a few hours later, she called me asking if I was on Hinge -- one of her sister's friends saw me on the app. That, my friends, was the last straw. She was enraged, told me she was done, and that she should've never let me back in.
Let me highlight that I recognize that I shouldn't have been on Hinge, but again, I was passively swiping as a means to dissociate from the turbulent scenario I found myself in. It's a point that I'm unpacking in therapy. When I came back from Japan, she began discussing the possibility of eloping (her aunt has terminal cancer and she wanted her aunt to see her get married before she died), began discussing moving in, and was generally mounting pressure on our relationship even though we still had work to do. Again, I am not excusing my behavior, but in a sense, I was dissociating from the stress by engaging in an otherwise unhealthy distraction. I didn't maintain conversations or meet any women during this time. To my ex, though, it didn't matter. According to her, if I was truly committed to making things work, I should've never been on the app in the first place. It's tough because, as a way to demonstrate my commitment, I gave her access to my location and tried to establish that if I was seriously pursuing other women, why would I give her my location? It made no difference.
She went on to block me (which she's never done) and told me to leave her alone so that she could heal from this/move on. So, I respected her wishes and didn't contact her. I recognize I blew my shot. Then, a week later (roughly 2 weeks ago), she called me asking if I had certain kitchen items which she most assuredly knew I didn't have. She then went on to ask me how I was doing, to which, we ended up speaking for over 3 hours. She went from being angry to crying/asking how I could jeopardize our relationship after my improvements, to informing me that she's moving apartments because she's set on moving on and that there's simply too much baggage for our relationship to survive. Certain things that she said throughout this call demonstrated that she loved me immensely and that she'd miss me, but that she recognized that this couldn't continue. It was a hard phone call to stomach because, by her unblocking me and spending 3 hours on the phone with me, it instilled some form of hope (in a weird way).
It's been two weeks since we've spoken and all I can think about is her. Especially in light of the real improvements we had made before this all happened. I really was working on improving myself and considered her to be my life partner... Look, as I've noted from the onset, I'm reaping what I sowed; however, the last two and a half months before all of this were filled with genuine improvement and I truly believed that we were going to make it. She herself acknowledged this before I was discovered on Hinge. I am working through with my therapist as to why I was on Hinge post-Japan, but I just feel like this shouldn't be terminal. With that said, I've continued to respect her wishes and I haven't contacted her despite wanting to. I want to respect her healing process, even if that means losing her, but I can't help but feel like I should reach out to show that I care and that I'm willing to continue fighting. I love her immensely, consider her my partner and best friend, and despite what my actions demonstrate, am a work in progress. Am I in denial regarding this being over? Is there a chance for me here? Or do I let time take its course and move on?
submitted by Philosophriend to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:54 reimbirtheds Two ways to stop thinking immediately (for short while) if you want to.

  1. Move your head slightly to the left until you are looking over your nose with your left eye. You can also tilt your chin up and to the left ever so slightly. The goal is to use your left eye instead of your right eye. It’s called eye dominance. You can also just close your right eye.
This should unblock your sinus if it is blocked (meaning if you have a flu and you do this, it unblocks your sinus)
But what it does for your mind is it switches hemispheres. You will no longer be able to have words attached to your thoughts, for a while. So your mind will be blank.
I personally know it works every time I try it, but I don’t do it for long, maybe only half an hour.
When we think, we identify as our thoughts. “I need to do this” we attach the value of “I” to the voice inside our heads, so you just focus on the true idea “I am not my thoughts”….. you have to realise this and then it’s up to you when to use it. You then can start immediately being aware of your breath, and then if you focus on how the breath makes your belly/chest expand and contract, and control it by slowing it down and feeling it, a peace comes over you.
But everyone you think again, it will go away.
Sometimes we need to identify as thoughts in order to figure something out or we are forced to by psychosis, I am not claiming this is the cure, I am claiming it is for a while.
submitted by reimbirtheds to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:46 musicalnix I finally snapped and let MIL have it - both barrels.

Content Warning: Abduction, Child Abandonment, Drug abuse, Suicide
*I do not give my permission for this post to be re-used in any other platform or forum.
I would link to my post history but I think I posted years ago with a throwaway, so I'll try to summarize here. I've been with DH for over 20 years. He went NC with his mother earlier this year after she sent him a series of text messages complaining that he doesn't call her enough, what a bad son he is, and how miserable she is. He ignored her until he couldn't anymore and then called her to tell her off. She immediately hung up on him and they haven't spoken since. She abandoned him and his brother when they were children to run off to Mexico to be with her boyfriends, kidnapped them from their father (they were literally on milk cartons). DH is still dealing with the trauma of his upbringing, his little brother became a severe meth addict and committed suicide over ten years ago. She has only met my child once. I agonized a lot over that visit and it went pretty much how I expected it...that was over five years ago and she hasn't been back to my house, which has suited me just fine!
I haven't spoken to her in years. DH told me a couple of years ago that she had changed and wanted to "apologize" to me, but couldn't for the life of her remember what she did to make me so angry (there's too much to go into it now), and I said nope, that wasn't an apology, and when she had a clear memory of the way she had treated me and wanted to be accountable for it, maybe I would reconsider my position. I told him what I really needed was not to have a relationship with her, and he agreed and then a couple years later, finally followed suit after she had a few more psychodramas and proved me right. I've never tried to pressure or convince him to go NC, I knew that was a decision he needed to make on his own, but I fully support his decision to finally cut her off. We almost never talk about her and life is generally peaceful.
Until last night. My phone dings around midnight and there is a text from a number from her state (which thankfully is all the way across the country) and I know immediately from the area code who it is. It says in Spanish "I don't have to prove anything to you," which I find weird because I don't really speak much Spanish and she knows it, and a link to one of those sappy reels, also in Spanish, the gist of which says "let them lose you… you don’t owe it to anybody to explain the great person that you are." Right on brand for her, because nothing is ever her fault. I didn't reply and blocked the number, but then after a night of no sleep, I stewed about it and finally decided to unblock her and go off via text:
"You're absolutely right, MIL! You don't have to prove anything to me. If I ever want to remember what kind of person you are, I only need to think of the last 22 years, my traumatized husband, and my dead brother-in-law. You've done an EXCELLENT job showing me exactly who you are, so please, never trouble yourself about that...I've had your number for years!
What I will never be able to understand is a woman who has managed to alienate her entire family, including her two grandchildren, burn almost every bridge of friendship possible, and yet STILL has convinced herself that she is not the problem. She will literally choose estrangement with her only living son rather than do the necessary work to heal and be accountable for her mistakes. Absolutely anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid admitting that she has behaved like an utter spoiled child and has inflicted terrible harm on the people who loved her the most. That level of obstinate lack of repentance takes some real commitment...quite impressive!
I wish you the best of luck on your desperate quest to remain a perennial victim and convince yourself that we're all crazy and none of it is your fault, ever. I'm sure you'll find an endless supply of TikToks, YouTube videos, Instagram reels, Facebook groups, and self-help books created by your fellow Boomers, so feel free to continue indulging your delusion that you are a wonderful person, but kindly do not ever disrupt my peace again to share with me. I'm simply not interested, and believe me, MIL. I see you. I don't ever need any help from you on that front."
Two decades of trying to be diplomatic, kind, and then silent were enough. I know that none of it will land for her or have no delusions that she'll do any kind of self-reflection, but it felt good to finally say it. And frankly, that's what she gets after waking me up and costing me a night of sleep! #isaidwhatisaid
submitted by musicalnix to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:42 ITMGREEN Costco Membership blocked because of Costco mistake

My Costco membership account was blocked recently because of Costco employee at the merchandise pickup office apparently gave me four speakers instead of one. Here is my story:
I was doing some last minute gift shopping and decided to get a JBL Bluetooth speaker as a gift. I stopped by at a Costco to buy the speaker since it was on sale. I picked up one of the cards for the item and continued to the register and paid for one JBL Speaker. After paying for the item I got the receipt and went to the merchandise pickup area and the employee took my receipt and found the item in storage and scanned the item and handed me the JBL box. After receiving the box I thought to myself why is the box so big, and checked the outside of the box and it said JBL so I then got mad thinking why would they use so much packaging for one speaker since I was going to have to wrap a larger box. I took the item and the employee at the Costco exit checked my receipt and the item and checked off my receipt. I went home after and wrapped the speaker and gave the speaker as a gift.
What followed after was shocking. Costco management called me and left me multiple voicemails, some very rude, threatening to block my account. I didn’t see or hear any of the voicemails since I block any unknown numbers and who would expect calls from Costco. So they went through and blocked my account. I only found out the situation when trying to buy food for lunch and found out my account was blocked. I asked the local Costco and they gave me the number to call. I called the location and they referred me to the manager who was very rude and gave me two options. To get my account unblocked, I had two options he said, bring the 3 extra speakers they accidentally gave me or come in to pay for them. I told him that I gave the speaker as a gift and did not know if there were 1 or 4 speakers in the box, he told me to call the person and have them return the 3 extra speakers (which is ridiculous). They left me no choice, so I did call the person I gave the speaker to and they said they got one speaker. Since they were unreasonable and not understanding, especially since not my fault, I tried calling Costco membership customer service but they said they can’t help me. I asked what about my annual membership, would they refund me since I can’t use it. They said no.
So basically Costco customers have to pay for employees and bad managements mistake.
Anyone else have a similar situation?
submitted by ITMGREEN to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:39 N81313 I (23M) am in a relationship with my girlfriend (26F) for 4 months. She loses temper quickly when we disagree on something and disconnects for a day or 2 before reaching out again. Is this a deal breaker?

I (23M) am in a relationship with my girlfriend (26F) for 4 months. She shows intense feelings in this relationship, texts or calls me everyday, is interested in knowing me more and seeing me more often and was the one who suggested getting physical.
However, she has low patience when there's an issue; gets irritated easily and outrages unnecessarily even on trivial issues. It's hard to reach a resolution in a peaceful format on spot. So far, she's unfollowed me on Instagram 3 times; though the level of resentment's been minimal and she's refollowed in a day or 2 each time,
It's easy for both of us to reach out, since we miss each other pretty soon. This might not be common during the honeymoon phase, when both sides try to show the best version of themselves, though.
I don't know how serious this issue is. Shall I consider it as a blip that stops once we know each other better and manage to set defined boundaries; or it indicates moodiness, emotional instability, avoidance, controlling behavior or even manipulation.
How concerning is this red flag? Does get worse like a rolling snowball over time? Can it cause loosing trust or getting frustrated once we have to deal with more significant issues in future? Can such relationships last?
tl;dr male (23) and female (26) in a 4 month relationship. 3 times of blocking/unblocking each other on Instagram but reconciling very quickly and easily.
submitted by N81313 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:08 Lookinglikeasnack_ What’s it like for them after a breakup?

I brought up breaking up if she didn’t stop yelling at me and silencing me. Then I asked for space for a week because I’d become very dysregulated. She flipped the script on me then and decided SHE was breaking up with ME.
So against my will it ended. I blocked her because she was spewing hatred and lies at me. Calling me a narc and a gaslighter and drug abuser. Said she never wanted me in her life again (prob cause I kept standing up to her and arguing)
So here I am 3 weeks out going through withdrawal, sad, ruminating, crying, aching, hurting, bargaining, wishing for it back even tho it was bad etc. what is she doing right now?! That’s what I want to know. What goes through their heads in a breakup. Does she miss me? Does she wish I’d unblock her? I’ve considered it more than a few times. Does she regret it has she changed her mind does she still feel the same way that she never wants me in her life? I feel like this is the point of unblocking if there’s gonna be one. Any further after this she will possibly have a new person. So I’m just wondering what goes through their heads in a breakup aftermath because I’m sure she doesn’t think like I do.
submitted by Lookinglikeasnack_ to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:44 ComicsCosmos Urgent Resolution Required - Account Issues and Potential Small Claims Action

Cash App Customer Support 1955 Broadway, Suite 600 Oakland, CA 94612 05/13/2024
I am writing to formally address multiple unresolved issues I have experienced with your service, which have compelled me to consider legal action.
Five days ago, I attempted to make a purchase from Walmart through your platform but was incorrectly informed that I had blocked this merchant. Given that I frequently shop at Walmart, I was surprised and concerned by this message. Upon contacting your customer support, my account was unblocked, and I was able to complete the transaction. However, when I tried to make a subsequent purchase on Amazon, I encountered the same issue again. This series of errors on your platform prompted me to attempt to cash out my funds to my bank account, which was then flagged as suspicious activity.
The lack of resolution from your customer support team has been deeply frustrating. I have made multiple attempts to resolve these issues over the past five days, including a call this morning where I requested to speak with a manager. Unfortunately, the call was terminated by your representative after I was informed that a manager was not available. Furthermore, subsequent calls ended abruptly when I informed your representatives that I was recording the conversation, with the justification that Cash App does not consent to being recorded. It is perplexing that Cash App reserves the right to record calls for quality assurance while denying customers the same right, especially when it concerns the resolution of their service issues.
The continued lack of communication and the abrupt manner in which my calls have been handled have left me with no option but to seek legal recourse. Therefore, I am considering filing a claim in small claims court to address these grievances formally. I hope to resolve this matter amicably and urge you to respond promptly to this letter with a solution to the issues stated.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your swift response.
Dear Cash App Team,
I am writing to urgently address unresolved issues with my Cash App account, impacting my ability to manage finances and conduct transactions. Despite multiple attempts to resolve these issues through customer support, I have yet to receive an effective solution or adequate communication.
Issue Summary:
Financial and Emotional Impact:
Total Reimbursement Request: $800, accounting for financial discrepancies and emotional distress.
Account Closure and Payment Instructions: Upon resolution of these issues, I request that my Cash App account, currently holding a balance of $105.71, be permanently closed. Please wire the total amount of $905.71, which includes my current balance plus the damages, to one of the following accounts:
Additional Notice: Should these issues not be resolved promptly, I will seek legal recourse through a small claims attorney and post a YouTube video reviewing the fairness of your response.
Action Required: I urge a prompt review and reimbursement of the aforementioned amount to my account. Your immediate attention is crucial as this situation has deeply affected my financial stability and mental health.
Conclusion: I am hopeful for a swift and fair resolution and look forward to your prompt response. Please contact me directly at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter further. I have attached a copy of the police report to this email.
Sincerely, Erin James Carney
submitted by ComicsCosmos to CashApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:14 Antique_Whereas_624 Some one give me rational

R someone give me rational.
okay, first i should say, i have some ideas why he could be doing this. (Bear with me i will share) typical mind fuckery- control and chaos etc.
While i am aware it could be that simple, things with him tend to be much deeper. So humor me with deeper reasoning and rational. I mean unless it can only be that simple.
Okay the deets -
My ex and i have been falling apart and off and on constantly since the beginning of April. It started with complete block out of the blue (it isn’t but it is but that’s a different story, regardless it wasn’t rational how it was handled) a week later he reached out because someone banged on his window in the middle of the night and with his current state (some paranoia and damage coming to the surface from a possible narc and some gaslighting from a parent) he thought it was me and reached out (first I have a feeling he knew it wasn’t but wanted the excuse and with the paranoia and being undermined he wasn’t confident either) So since about the second week of April it’s been very unstable. Nothing abusive, i have my own trauma from a very abusive narc so things would get very heated but other than the mental exhaustion it isn’t like horrific. Just unstable and it’s hard to get my footing. Anyways, we have kept saying we want to go to couples therapy. But also in the week of no contact said parent mentioned talked him into moving across country. Not necessarily a horrible idea I want what’s best for him even if he’s clear across the country. Through all the back and forth and off and on trying to figure everything out I’ve definitely been blocked and no contact enacted. Finally he comes around before moving at the end of April we had some really good breakthrough (keep in mind apparent paranoia and i can be a lot to deal with as well) he ends up going back to the unstable comes over in the middle of the night (we were suppose to drive out there together later in the week) with one hour doesn’t tell me why, and leaves chaotically - he flew. That afternoon he calls me apologetically and explains and how he regrets how he left, and ultimately he should’ve not gone and should’ve waited and gone with me. We have about a 2 hour conversation about everything, and i do understand both thought processes (going together and just leaving ) of course I’m emotional about it but i get mental health and our own traumas trying to run our lives. He asks to come back and take it day by day and either do the road trip, or stay etc. i should mention we are also best friends - we have invested a lot into one another.
Anyways he flys out the next day, of course the paranoia continues to come and go. (I should explain it feels like a witch hunt at this point that i have some angle to hurt him etc) a couple days goes by and finally he takes off, and i assume he leaves to go back. He blocked me no communication and he told me I was the only reason he was here. Well the next week comes around and i realize he had unblocked me and had the phone off or something because suddenly everything i sent that day (just talking into the void i thought) sends. And the next day. And finally midweek we have couples therapy. (Also he had sent an email saying he wants me out of his life) so i am shocked he goes. Of course it doesn’t go well his paranoia is hooked on the fact i did something unspeakable. He does say he loves me etc and that’s why he wants this. It’s just all over.
Anyways, this “pretend blocking” continues. Why? He does not reach out he says nothing. But at this point i know I can send something and i have an idea of when it will go through because im not actually blocked just no service to his phone vs when i am actually blocked.
He owes me some money, and I need it. I wish I didn’t, I hate that I need it that badly, but I have been explaining this and also he literally gets angry at the idea of me ever assuming he won’t pay me back. It’s like a pet peeve he is always one to be good on those things.
Anyways what the fuck is this game? Like either leave me blocked or, say no. Why is he doing this, and he knows I’m aware what he’s doing.
The part that makes me think it’s more than just some immature game is that, through these past two weeks me being done over everything a couple times has been very upsetting to him, like very very visible. Even in therapy, when I said why the fuck after that email - he was completely shocked and hurt. But I am tired of being told I’m manipulating him or doing something evil. I am just trying to get my money and leave him alone. This is for him to work out and get help etc. I have explained it doesn’t change how I feel but I can’t stay begging or getting upset because those feed into the negative thoughts that I have bad intentions.
Why is he doing this? Rationalize it for me. Heh 😅
submitted by Antique_Whereas_624 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:13 Antique_Whereas_624 someone give me rational.

okay, first i should say, i have some ideas why he could be doing this. (Bear with me i will share) typical mind fuckery- control and chaos etc.
While i am aware it could be that simple, things with him tend to be much deeper. So humor me with deeper reasoning and rational. I mean unless it can only be that simple.
Okay the deets -
My ex and i have been falling apart and off and on constantly since the beginning of April. It started with complete block out of the blue (it isn’t but it is but that’s a different story, regardless it wasn’t rational how it was handled) a week later he reached out because someone banged on his window in the middle of the night and with his current state (some paranoia and damage coming to the surface from a possible narc and some gaslighting from a parent) he thought it was me and reached out (first I have a feeling he knew it wasn’t but wanted the excuse and with the paranoia and being undermined he wasn’t confident either) So since about the second week of April it’s been very unstable. Nothing abusive, i have my own trauma from a very abusive narc so things would get very heated but other than the mental exhaustion it isn’t like horrific. Just unstable and it’s hard to get my footing. Anyways, we have kept saying we want to go to couples therapy. But also in the week of no contact said parent mentioned talked him into moving across country. Not necessarily a horrible idea I want what’s best for him even if he’s clear across the country. Through all the back and forth and off and on trying to figure everything out I’ve definitely been blocked and no contact enacted. Finally he comes around before moving at the end of April we had some really good breakthrough (keep in mind apparent paranoia and i can be a lot to deal with as well) he ends up going back to the unstable comes over in the middle of the night (we were suppose to drive out there together later in the week) with one hour doesn’t tell me why, and leaves chaotically - he flew. That afternoon he calls me apologetically and explains and how he regrets how he left, and ultimately he should’ve not gone and should’ve waited and gone with me. We have about a 2 hour conversation about everything, and i do understand both thought processes (going together and just leaving ) of course I’m emotional about it but i get mental health and our own traumas trying to run our lives. He asks to come back and take it day by day and either do the road trip, or stay etc. i should mention we are also best friends - we have invested a lot into one another.
Anyways he flys out the next day, of course the paranoia continues to come and go. (I should explain it feels like a witch hunt at this point that i have some angle to hurt him etc) a couple days goes by and finally he takes off, and i assume he leaves to go back. He blocked me no communication and he told me I was the only reason he was here. Well the next week comes around and i realize he had unblocked me and had the phone off or something because suddenly everything i sent that day (just talking into the void i thought) sends. And the next day. And finally midweek we have couples therapy. (Also he had sent an email saying he wants me out of his life) so i am shocked he goes. Of course it doesn’t go well his paranoia is hooked on the fact i did something unspeakable. He does say he loves me etc and that’s why he wants this. It’s just all over.
Anyways, this “pretend blocking” continues. Why? He does not reach out he says nothing. But at this point i know I can send something and i have an idea of when it will go through because im not actually blocked just no service to his phone vs when i am actually blocked.
He owes me some money, and I need it. I wish I didn’t, I hate that I need it that badly, but I have been explaining this and also he literally gets angry at the idea of me ever assuming he won’t pay me back. It’s like a pet peeve he is always one to be good on those things.
Anyways what the fuck is this game? Like either leave me blocked or, say no. Why is he doing this, and he knows I’m aware what he’s doing.
The part that makes me think it’s more than just some immature game is that, through these past two weeks me being done over everything a couple times has been very upsetting to him, like very very visible. Even in therapy, when I said why the fuck after that email - he was completely shocked and hurt. But I am tired of being told I’m manipulating him or doing something evil. I am just trying to get my money and leave him alone. This is for him to work out and get help etc. I have explained it doesn’t change how I feel but I can’t stay begging or getting upset because those feed into the negative thoughts that I have bad intentions.
Why is he doing this? Rationalize it for me. Heh 😅
submitted by Antique_Whereas_624 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:37 Easy_Yesterday_735 Needed some urgent clarification!!!!!

So for context, me and my ex has been in a relationship for at least 6 months and then he completely got out of my life, blocked me from everywhere (even from call), but still kept me unblocked from telegram. He went like no contact and even has a gf now( his female best friend), and plus he is now in his f boy pants doing all those shits. (basically cheating on his current gf! ) It's been around 3 months since he started to contact me again on telegram and even calls me ( like to meet him, tries to know whom I m dating ), so we met few times and I even thought we could be friends again but when I tried to call him he still kept me blocked, after I mentioned it to him he acted out weird like yaa will unblock you and said some bullshit things like do you still have feelings for me etc. I completely ignored that fact and didn't contacted him since after that but then he tried to contact me and convinced me to meet up and we ended up sleeping together, this thing continued for few times and happens according to his convience, whenever we by chance see each other in public he completely ignores me, even I have seen him and his gf together and at that moment too he completely ignored me. I know he is a complete red flag and I should move on but please anyone tell me what this guys intention is!!!!!!!! I tried to communicate with him, want to know what he feels but he never say things out loud. I too feel he is being very manipulative with me.
submitted by Easy_Yesterday_735 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
