Worlds easiest game perthnow

/r/FreeDonuts - Free Donuts for The Simpsons - Tapped Out!

2013.08.08 15:57 -0__o- /r/FreeDonuts - Free Donuts for The Simpsons - Tapped Out!

since passing of AngelEyes16 she took a piece of her heart with us, please check back from time to time to see if we reopened. Do not private message requests they will be ignored

2014.08.18 14:47 maleia Transcraft2.0

A community for transgender (or any lgbtq/ally) who enjoys playing and discussing Minecraft!

2024.05.14 10:56 Zephyr_v1 It’s so cool how your final goal can be seen in the background in certain games!

It’s so cool how your final goal can be seen in the background in certain games!
I’ve only found two games like that so far: Mad Max and Fallout:NV.
Both are open world, yet you can always see your final destination at all times. It’s so FUCKING COOL to see it become bigger the closer you get.
It’s even cooler that by the time you reach it, you are a completely different beast than when you started. That is the most natural feeling journey possible in a video game. Wish more games did that.
(Eg: I’m NV, I made sure to explore every inch along my path as I slowly went through the intended path. I started as ‘a courier’. By the time I’m at the strip I’m ‘THE courier’. )
This is such a cool way design the world. It really helps the roleplaying element. It always gives you a sense of direction.
Edit:- and ofcourse, I almost forgot, Elden Ring does the same thing. The giant tree is always visible and your ultimate goal. There’s literally no escaping it lol. It’s always in your view, intimidating you while also encouraging your natural curiosity to reach the damn tree.
submitted by Zephyr_v1 to gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:56 Wirein_Moval The 22 Monster I hope will Return in Wilds

The 22 Monster I hope will Return in Wilds
I Really hope that at least some of the monsters from this list make an appearance in MH Wilds + Expansion, Especially Kuropeko would be funny since if all invaders are in the game. I've thought about monsters that Haven't had too much time in the spotlight as of late and Put at the end my biggest hope.
Dalamadur would be a nice final monster like Fatalis/Alatreon was for World 🤞
submitted by Wirein_Moval to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:56 Zephyr_v1 It’s so cool how your final goal can be seen in the background in certain games!

It’s so cool how your final goal can be seen in the background in certain games!
I’ve only found two games like that so far: Mad Max and Fallout:NV.
Both are open world, yet you can always see your final destination at all times. It’s so FUCKING COOL to see it become bigger the closer you get.
It’s even cooler that by the time you reach it, you are a completely different beast than when you started. That is the most natural feeling journey possible in a video game. Wish more games did that.
(Eg: I’m NV, I made sure to explore every inch along my path as I slowly went through the intended path. I started as ‘a courier’. By the time I’m at the strip I’m ‘THE courier’. )
This is such a cool way design the world. It really helps the roleplaying element. It always gives you a sense of direction.
Edit:- and ofcourse, I almost forgot, Elden Ring does the same thing. The giant tree is always visible and your ultimate goal. There’s literally no escaping it lol. It’s always in your view, intimidating you while also encouraging your natural curiosity to reach the damn tree.
submitted by Zephyr_v1 to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:55 Zephyr_v1 It’s so cool how your final goal can be seen in the background in certain games!

It’s so cool how your final goal can be seen in the background in certain games!
I’ve only found two games like that so far: Mad Max and Fallout:NV.
Both are open world, yet you can always see your final destination at all times. It’s so FUCKING COOL to see it become bigger the closer you get.
It’s even cooler that by the time you reach it, you are a completely different beast than when you started. That is the most natural feeling journey possible in a video game. Wish more games did that.
(Eg: I’m NV, I made sure to explore every inch along my path as I slowly went through the intended path. I started as ‘a courier’. By the time I’m at the strip I’m ‘THE courier’. )
This is such a cool way design the world. It really helps the roleplaying element. It always gives you a sense of direction.
Edit:- and ofcourse, I almost forgot, Elden Ring does the same thing. The giant tree is always visible and your ultimate goal. There’s literally no escaping it lol. It’s always in your view, intimidating you while also encouraging your natural curiosity to reach the damn tree.
submitted by Zephyr_v1 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:54 Correct-Turnover-286 Dated 8 years, questioning whether to end things

My girlfriend (33F) and I (41M) have been dating for 8 years. Recently I’ve been giving serious thought to splitting up, but it’s complicated.
We live in Japan. She’s Japanese, I’m American. Culturally, this may be important. We speak in Japanese exclusively. My Japanese level is near-native. She doesn’t speak English.
TL;DR: We love each other, and she’s a great roommate, but I feel like this is going nowhere, and there are some major issues with our relationship. It’s becoming harder and harder for me to imagine future life, marriage, etc., with her.
Background: - The first year dating, we were living separately, same city. - Then I went overseas on assignment for my job, for 6 years. We met infrequently during this time, typically a couple of times per year. - Returned a year ago and we moved in together.
Since moving in together a year ago, things have not gone how I expected. This is my first time living with a girlfriend.
There are some things I really like about her.
Companionship/friendship - She’s been like my closest friend all this time, particularly during covid when we would game and video call together. - Caring, supportive, loving. - Generally in positive spirits. - We can have small talk and laugh together.
Good housemate/roommate - She’s great at doing chores. - Extremely clean.
Low maintenance - She typically does not ask for things. - I can go out when I want, and she never complains.
But there are some things that are causing me to seriously think about splitting up.
She seems to enjoy a kind of “self child-ization” - She enjoys having youthful mannerisms, and greetings that a high-school student might give. - Prides herself on her youthful looks, diminutive physique. - Has children’s toys for herself (stuffed animals, etc) here and there throughout the house. - It almost feels like instead of us having children, she has assumed the role of a child in our relationship. - This makes it hard for me to consult with her on serious topics, like buying a house, career planning, future planning, etc. because it’s hard to take her seriously.
Sex life is not good - We have not had sex for at least 4 months. She seems mostly okay with this. I’m starting to go crazy, but at the same time I seem to have lost some of my sexual interest in her, and we’re more like close roommates/buddies now. While I was living abroad, we would meet infrequently and have sex on those occasions, but now we seem stuck.
Career concerns - She seems content at her job doing basic accounting work. It’s entry-level and seems based on a lot of analog, outdated bookkeeping rules. She frequently says she’s bored at work, doesn’t seem to do much. No career interest, or interest in advancing. - I have a complex job with a crazy amount of stress. The imbalance between my work and hers makes me feel that it’s unfair. I feel I’m trying hard to support a good lifestyle for both of us but I don’t see her doing the same. (Btw, I pay all the rent and she pays for utilities, household items, and groceries.) - I feel that I can’t really discuss my work in detail with her because I’m a manager handling complex situations, and she is often just watching YouTube at her work. The level of challenge in what we do is significantly different.
Home life - On days off, she basically sits around all day in pajamas and plays games when I’m out exercising, being social, etc. I love playing games too, but it seems our ways of spending days off differ significantly. - On days off, she only seems to go out when I drag her out on dates and stuff. - She is constantly watching me when in the house. I feel her eyes on me all the time. She might consider it doting, or being attentive. But her way of constantly looking at me makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s like I am the focus of her attention. I don’t like this and I have warned her about it several times. I want her to pay less attention to me. - It feels like I am dictating all of our actions: she goes to bed when I do, goes where I want on dates, watches the movies I want to watch, will exercise if I prompt her, etc. Or rather, she seems to enjoy letting me dictate all our actions.
Preferences have drifted apart - We both like games and anime. This is great. - Early after we began dating, I started getting into the world of craft beer. Now, I’m actually part-owner of a brewery, and craft beer is a significant part of my life focus. She doesn’t drink at all. - We do not like the same temperatures. I hate hot weather, she hates cold weather. It makes living together difficult, temperature control, etc. I’m pretty active in cold months, she prefers heat and beaches.
Apologies for the rambling post. Would appreciate observations, comments, ideas.
submitted by Correct-Turnover-286 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:52 Pinkmanhardmantofind Not liking Music makes you a fucking Weirdo

Seriously how can one not like Music? I understand not everyone likes football, or video games, or Art, or Movies, but Music is literally the greatest form of Entertainment & Art, there is Music for everyone, Music articulates the brain and can be a beautiful escape from the world, its incorporated into so many things in life, its at parties, its at clubs, it's at the Shopping Centres, of course Music is subjective and some people find some Music good and other music bad, but if you don't like Music? That's fucking weird man
submitted by Pinkmanhardmantofind to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:52 Nectarqenni [TOMT] Book series I read as a kid that was weirdly 'grungy' for my age

hey, in England around 2011/2014 I read some of a book in my classes reading corner that had to do with a boy(?) and a very convoluted world of mythical creatures and monsters. I was the highest reading level so sorta just allowed to read whatever. I remember so little of the book as I think it must have been meant for older people than even my reading level (or I just decided not to remember it much, idk)
there's so little I don't know if it can be found but here's what I remember:
was definitely a series if some sort, not sure how big but more than one book.
I believe there was one main character but bought a friend once
I believe it was going to a different world
there were 100℅ a ton of creatures that were made for the books and were unique.
it was quite.. grungy?? not dark really but very descriptive and not like a fairy tail
I remember them playing some sort of ball game with dorm of the creatures and it was made of animal guts like the traditional way
I believe there were also tournaments if some sort???
and some sort of settlement in the trees.
I remember so little of this, it's very vaugley the magic faraway tree at parts but different overall tone and it wasn't like a magical fairy tail kind of non human world, it was the sort of realistic, ecosystem type.
honestly would be so thankful if anyone knows a way to try and find it. I remember so little of the actual stuff but vividly remember *reading* it and even then going 'yeah this is above my level.. but it's nice to find a secret book series in the book corner like this
submitted by Nectarqenni to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:51 Single-Concert1775 18f wanting to make online friends yeaaa

I'm 18f from Brazil and I'd love to make friends from all over the world
I'm pretty chill and I'm interested in many things, such as gym, soccer, music, gaming, concerts and many othersss
I'm lazy to list them all but I really want to meet new people that I can chat withh
Don't be shy, dm me!! Hope we get along :)) (please don’t dm me if you’re like 26+ or below 17🥲)
submitted by Single-Concert1775 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - GameStop, AMC shares jump another 40% in premarket trading as meme stock craze returns NBC

[World] - GameStop, AMC shares jump another 40% in premarket trading as meme stock craze returns NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:50 LawfulGeographer Looking for a decent laptop

Hi! I would like some help finding a reliable Windows laptop with the following requirements, preferably for under £2000.
For context, I am a student looking to use Chrome and run Office apps with ease, use music notation and GIS software, and occasionally run some more taxing programs for content creation and suchlike. If anyone could find a laptop (or laptops) with these specs, I would be very grateful. Thank you!
submitted by LawfulGeographer to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:50 davidpaul_kkdigital [HIRING] 2D Concept Artist to create a Characters, Creatures, Enemies for a video game.

Skycoin/KK-Digital is looking for a 2D Concept Artist to create a Characters, Creatures, Enemies for a video game.
Sketching and Thumbnails:
Detailed Character Design:
Creature and Enemy Design:

Collaboration and Communication:
Style Consistency:
Research and Reference:
Interested applicants may send their CV's to davidpaul.kkdigital [at] gmail [dot] com
submitted by davidpaul_kkdigital to jobhunting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:49 beginners-blog Watch the UEFA European Championship with a VPN in 2024

You're a die-hard soccer fan, but you live in a country where the European Championship isn't broadcast.
Or perhaps you're a European citizen on vacation in a region with different broadcasting rights. It's frustrating, right? Geo-restrictions and licensing agreements can feel like a goalie blocking your shot at enjoying the game.
But fear not! A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is your secret weapon to bypass these obstacles. It masks your location, making it appear like you're in a different country where the tournament is available for streaming.

Here's the good news:

Why This Matters to YOU:

Top VPNs for Streaming the UEFA European Championship

These are just a few of the fantastic VPN options available. Choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

How to Score with a VPN

  1. Sign up: Choose a reputable VPN provider (like NordVPN or Surfshark).
  2. Download and install: Get the VPN app on your preferred streaming device.
  3. Connect to a European server: This will make it appear like you're in Europe, where the tournament is widely available.
  4. Start streaming: Sit back, relax, and enjoy the beautiful game!

Pro Tips for a Flawless Streaming Experience

With a reliable VPN in your corner, you can dribble past geo-restrictions and score a front-row seat to the UEFA European Championship 2024. Get ready to cheer on your favorite team and witness the birth of new legends. The world of soccer is at your fingertips!
Remember: A VPN isn't just for soccer. It can enhance your online privacy, security, and freedom. So, whether you're a sports fanatic, a movie buff, or simply someone who values their online privacy, a VPN is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal.
submitted by beginners-blog to iblogging [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:47 LaminarEntropy Should I use a seperate thread to generate a world for a game I'm working on, or should I try my other idea to use incremental processing?

I am working on a game in C++ and I'm generating random terrain with a lengthly perlin noise function. I want to use the best practices I can in this project as I intend to work on this for years to come. Running this function in my main thread means that my window can't update until the function is done. My initial idea is to use threads, which I'm not comfortable using but I can learn.
My other idea is to make a temporary array of instruction objects that I can slowly increment through as part of the game loop. I would have an instruction class stored in the header responsible for the terrain generation and I would execute one or more of these instruction objects. I know how to do it but I want to use the best implementation.
My idea for incremental processing has 4 problems:
  1. More memory usage to store the temporary instructions.
  2. More design complexity and it's harder to read and understand the code.
  3. Limitations of the game loop speed (I could create a fast update function that doesn't depend on tick speed)
  4. The time it takes for the instructions to be added to the queue would have to be faster than running the algorithm in its entirety in order for this to save any time, otherwise I'm trading one kind of lag for another.
I started watching a video about multithreading and the person is recommending to avoid using threads at all costs unless necessary due to the added complexity. I don't have a lot of experience with threads to make a good judgement so my question is what would be the best implementation in this scenario? Also as the game scales, can a well managed single thread do a reasonably good job running everything?
submitted by LaminarEntropy to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:45 darkdarksomething Is season content better than off season?

I am trying to play D4 and off season just seems boring. I have not found anything special at this point. Just boring desert, towns and dungeons and even they feel like copy paste things. Graphics I managed to get decent by tweaking Nvidias game filter, looks little bit more vibrant now and not so blunt. But yeah my question for season is there more to the game in season cos off season seems really boring. Or are D2 and even D3 still just better games at this point? Maybe just wait year or two so they update it to better and maybe add something to the open world and improve graphics maybe
submitted by darkdarksomething to Diablo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:41 SomebodyOnceSoldMe [PC] [early/mid 2000s] a 3rd person linear RPG with 3 characters

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Fantasy RPG (linear story, multiple levels, not open world)
Estimated year of release: early/mid 2000s
Graphics/art style: 3rd person RPG, with a medieval/fantasy style, every level had a different vibe, dark caves/dungeons/bandit camps
Notable characters:
I remember there being 3 characters you could control, depending on the level
Notable gameplay mechanics:
Other details:
I do not remember how this game ended up on my computer, I was very young back then, I want to say 2004-2007...
But I remember playing it as a kid and loving the elf characters execution animations, I distinctly remember one where she climbs on top of an enemies shoulders and slices his face ( I really wanna say the enemies were orcs, or goblins but it was different for every level)
I can't remember if there was any exp or actual RPG elements to the characters, but I certainly don't remember there being any.
The graphics, at that time seemed very good to me, not sure how aged they are now.
submitted by SomebodyOnceSoldMe to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:40 Beginning-Nerve-7533 How does game stimulate rotation between divisions in inactive countries?

How does game stimulate rotation between divisions in inactive countries?
Here's a screenshot of Saint Etienne in UCL GS. How is this possible when I'm in the Germany now?
Yes, I managed PSG for a couple of years, and yes, in my first season Saint Etienne were promoted and in the second they finished at the top part of the table, like 3-5, I don't remember. The next season I accepted an offer from Germany NT, failed to take World Cup and moved to Dortmund to build stronger NT and try again. This is my first season in Dortmund, second after my French period. And Saint Etienne are in the UCL meaning they remained in French D1 and were once again at the top part of the table the season I was in Germany NT.
So, how exactly does the game stimulate inactive leagues?
submitted by Beginning-Nerve-7533 to worldsoccerchampsgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:40 AutoNewsAdmin [World] - GameStop, AMC shares jump another 40% in premarket trading as meme stock craze returns

[World] - GameStop, AMC shares jump another 40% in premarket trading as meme stock craze returns submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:40 AzgrymnThePale [Online][Other][Saturday 10pm EST] [May 18th] [Dark & High Fantasy] Dreamcatcher Campaign

Demon Gate: Dreamcatcher

About the Campaign: It is the Year of the Crow in the 11th Era. You have watched the twin suns set outside the arched window many times ever since you arrived here. The great city known as The Nine Towers. It is a place of powerful and esoteric knowledge, filled with some of the greates libraries in the north. The city sits on the borderlands of Thead and Kauldane, two northern kingdoms that were once at war long ago. Yet, now these two countries are united for the sake of power and peace. For not far away are the countries Varagoth, the land of the goblinoids, and Vasgar to the south, where the vatagi dwell... a race of mutants that many call half demons.
Magic is untrusted in this world. Many blame magic and those who use it on the arrival of the Pale Plague. Necromancers, once hired by the empire during the Black Arbitration were meant to quell this pandemic. Yet, they could not stop it. For the sick were not undead, they were something else entirely. They were not able to be controlled by black magic. Now the Arbiters have been disbanded, blamed for the disease by the Aticraulian Empire, the very ones that gave them power to stop it. Now they are hunted down to be burned at the stake. It is true that magic is dangerous, but the elves believe they can control it. They believe that great things lay hidden within its mysterious secrets.
You have come here to some of the finest schools of magic in the northern lands. All manner of species dwell here, living in harmony in their quest for knowledge. You have come to the Academy of Thaumaturgical Investigation to advance your career, gain power, reputation, coin... well the rest is for you to decide. Not all of you need to be spell casters, we have plenty of jobs for you to do. For we need all the heroes we can get.
Setting and System: We are playing Demon Gate and the system is the Chaos System. This particular campaign is a mix of dark fantasy and high fantasy. Some of you can play as new students to a school of magic. Where you are learning your skills for the first time. Even those who are not playing caster classes will be training in combat or other skills they will be learning. During the course of the stay, it will become apparent that there is something amiss.
VTT: Roll20 and Discord
Game Time: 10pm EST Bi-weekly every other Saturday until the campaign is complete.
GM: I am a GM with many years of experience but I am fine with beginning players and I am happy to help out. There are character sheets available or you may choose a premade. This is a module I am creating and would love to run you through it as a playtester. There will be a questionairre to fill out so I can get to know what style of play you like and a bit about yourself. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions.
submitted by AzgrymnThePale to lfg [link] [comments]


Full Story →
China's Tencent Holdings posted a 6% rise in first-quarter revenue on Tuesday, beating analyst expectations, as business services and advertising sales deliver strong revenue growth. The world's largest video game company and operator of the WeChat messaging platform said revenue reached 159.5 billion yuan ($22.04 billion) for the three months ended March 31. That compared with the 158.44 billion yuan average of 19 analyst estimates compiled by LSEG.
submitted by mrsauravthakur to PiQSuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:37 Jake-Lokely [Tier List & Recommendation ]

[Tier List & Recommendation ]
Hi,I hope you could recommend me something to read based on my Ranking list.
Dislikes : -Regressing to past -System (except with good plot rather than shitty leveling up only) -Isekai (not to a world/novel/game Mc already know about. Better if he is reborn rather than posessing) -pure mc who want to protect everything and blame every shit on himself. -main plot is romance.
Every ranking is based purely on the entertainment I had from reading these. I hope I could give a reason for ranking.
submitted by Jake-Lokely to manhwa [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:35 TechBlogIndia Beyond Speed: Exploring the Reliability of Fiber Broadband

In our fast-paced, digitally interconnected world, broadband internet speed has long been the primary metric for evaluating service quality. However, as our reliance on the internet for work, entertainment, and communication deepens, the importance of reliability is gaining prominence. Fiber broadband, renowned for its exceptional speed capabilities, offers not only blazing-fast connections but also a robust and dependable network infrastructure, thus shifting the conversation beyond speed to encompass reliability.
One of the cornerstone features of fiber broadband is its resilience to environmental factors that often plague traditional copper-based networks. Fiber optic cables are inherently immune to electromagnetic interference and signal degradation, ensuring a consistent and stable connection even in adverse weather conditions or areas prone to electrical disturbances. This reliability translates into uninterrupted internet access, a critical factor for both residential users and businesses alike.
Moreover, fiber networks boast minimal latency, meaning data travels swiftly and consistently from source to destination. This low latency is essential for real-time applications such as online gaming, video conferencing, and cloud computing, where even minor delays can disrupt user experiences.
Businesses, in particular, stand to benefit significantly from the reliability of fiber broadband. Downtime can result in substantial financial losses, making a stable and resilient internet connection imperative for maintaining operations and serving customers effectively. With fiber, businesses can count on uninterrupted connectivity, facilitating seamless transactions, remote collaboration, and customer interactions.
In conclusion, while speed remains a crucial consideration, the reliability of fiber broadband is equally, if not more, important in today's digital landscape. Its resistance to external disruptions and consistent performance make it a compelling choice for users seeking a dependable internet connection. As our reliance on digital technologies continues to grow, the reliability of broadband services will play an increasingly vital role in shaping our online experiences and productivity levels.
submitted by TechBlogIndia to u/TechBlogIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:33 BestBreath625 [Recruiting] [Code: 9E6BUWBF]

The code must be redeemed BEFORE paying for the subscription, but AFTER you have bought the game.

How to redeem the code:
  1. Login to your Mog Station account (
  2. Go to the "Registration Codes" category
  3. Click on "Enter Recruitment Code"
  4. Enter code: 9E6BUWBF
When you purchase a subscription for the first time, with this code, you will get:
submitted by BestBreath625 to ffxivraf [link] [comments]