How to inject ritalin

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2013.01.22 22:29 pacifictheme Medicated Children

For those put on pharmaceutical medications such as Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, SSRIs, Antipsychotics, MAOIs, Benzo, etc, as children and teens. This is a forum dedicated to discussing your story in how the medication impacted you as a child or teen to adult. The goal of this forum is relate our stories, and find if long lasting effects are plausible and if they are reversible.

2015.11.02 04:32 robin670 Robin670s Pokemon QR codes

QR codes for pokemon injecting made by robin670

2024.04.12 05:05 Substantial_Fig_4080 So I’m getting on Adderall instead of Ritalin

I’ve been on Ritalin for months and the Ritalin stopped working for me within the last couple of months maybe because I gained a tolerance to it? And I read that it makes some people tired and I’ve been feeling exhausted lately and it’s like the Ritalin just barely keeps me awake but then wears off quickly and makes me crash.
To preface I also have a B12 deficiency which I will be beginning injections for (taking the vitamin orally for months hasn’t worked and I got my blood retested and it’s still low) which could also be making me tired. Does anyone have experience switching from Ritalin to Adderall? How was it for you? I’ve seen mixed reviews so I guess I’ll just have to see for myself, but I am excited to potentially feel the euphoria, motivation and energy that Ritalin once gave me again! (Or at least I hope) 🤞
Also my prescription on the cvs website (which I have yet to pick up because it’s a 45 minute drive from me but I’ll be going this weekend) just says amphetamine salts and doesn’t specify IR or XR so I guess I’ll have to find that out too but I believe it’s IR because that’s the methylphenidate I’m on currently which I take at 20mg 2x per day and I’ll be starting Adderall at 10mg 2x a day as well. Thanks for your input!! :)
submitted by Substantial_Fig_4080 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 12:36 leithiandis Day 1 on Mounjaro (and also using MJ whilst taking Methylphenidate for ADHD)

Height: 155cm Sex: Cis Woman Age: 27 HW: 78.5kg SW: 71.9* GW: 55.5kg (Some changes after my initial post to my SW, because I weighed myself again. Am fractionally under 30BMI but my latest blootest showed pre diabetic levels so was able to get a prescription and also am Asian and prone to type 2 diabetes genetically)
I was initially really really scared to inject the first dose, especially after hearing people's side effects, so took me some time to hype myself up. I've tried speaking to my family, partner and a few friends but no one has seemed super supportive or interested in talking through it. So I reckon I'll be on this sub a lot (what a great space).
Anyway, I took my first dose yesterday, after telling myself if the side effects are really that bad I can stop after 1 week. So my initial observations
  1. The needle does not hurt at all, it's so tiny that the only thing you can feel is yourself pinching the skin.
  2. For me, maybe it was placebo, but within a couple of hours I felt quite full, no thoughts of food whatsoever and when I started testing myself by thinking about my favourite foods to gorge on, on a Friday night I felt a little nauseous (but not too badly)
  3. Sorry TMI here, in terms of bowel movements so far, been once and it's been a little softer than usual but not uncontrollable and i wouldn't classify as diarrhoea
  4. I woke up the next morning and I am not ravenous. Which feels crazy, usually I wake up (especially on the weekend) with my stomach growling and feeling like I've not eaten in days, and then I have to order myself a big treat breakfast.
I was diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years back and started taking 20mg x 3 Methylphenidate (Ritalin) a day about one year ago and one of my side effects is appetite suppression (that being said when I forget to take the med I graze though snacks like a cow).
I'm interested to see how they will work together and I'm interested to connect with anyone else who is on a similar path here.
submitted by leithiandis to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 02:12 Individual-Rub4456 BPC-157 for recovery of the brain after a long-term stimulant abuse. Need some help here, please.

Hi all,
Long story short, I've messed up my dopamine receptors from years of stimulant abuse(Ritalin, Adderall, Cocaine), sex and porn addiction that came together with stimulants which also led to benzo addiction. I'd like to add there were a lot of rave marathons and sleepless nights.
After months of being clean, nothing really changes. I've always had ADHD but what I am experiencing is way worse than before I've met stimulants. I've also used(not necessarily abused) benzos for years.
I've read a lot of anecdotal reports on how bpc-157 helped people recover from the damages of long-term amphetamine abuse. I've also read studies about the effects of bpc-157 on dopamine receptors which I don't fully understand.
I've got no motivation to do anything/anhedonia, mild anxiety and have difficulty focusing on things. Also my memory and cognitive skills are terrible compared to my old self and I just feel like an idiot now tbh.
In my case, where should I inject it to get the most benefits on dopamine(and possibly GABA) receptors and the damage I've done in the past to my brain? Do you think subq or IM is better in this case? Is it risky? Some people say it's a miracle cure and some people says it inhibits dopamine receptors and it can be worse. I am very confused.
I also have TB-500 which I've read combines well with bpc-157. I would really appreciate your help. I couldn't find a single post clarifying where to inject it and which ROA is the best to possibly heal the brain. Products are both from Peptides Sciences together with their water. I also have IGF1 if that'd be of any use. Any information or opinion would help me immensely on this path.
submitted by Individual-Rub4456 to bpc_157 [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 12:58 -WILLthisWORKout- Biggest problem and best thing in my life... somehow

Hi made this whole account just for advice hopefully from an actual professional.
Well I met this girl... And I'd been miserable my whole life, but with her I was so happy we both fell for each other. After a few months we got pregnant she wanted to break it off... I didn't I tried to reach out and nothing, I drove to her parents house but got turned away she didn't want to see me. Missed my son's birth! Found out because someone sent me a msg saying congrats on your son (1st child btw) I was at work when I got it immediately turned punched a wall broke my hand 🤣
6months go by I rang and she answered ended up going to meet her at a McDonald's little did I know she brought my son. I met my son in a McDonald's while I trying not to cry... Fuckers were eating happy meals in front of me. Anyways me and her end up getting back together again and after a couple amazing months it deteriorated and we broke up again... She took birth control injection that lasted a while and she just changed on me, everything I did was wrong. And I did not want to but it was already over... Like I tried everything but I broke up with her that time.
Another 6months go by my son's over 1 (I missed his birthday which crushed me)
And we are back at it again and feels like we're gonna fall apart for the 3rd time. And I don't want that again.
I try and do what I think a partner should, I truly love her and I want to do good for our little family.
I feel she can't do a relationship We connect in such a way we both say we are each others soulmates and we love each other. But she's incredibly independent so merging our lives is hard, I LITERALLY HAVE ARGUMENTS with her for doing the lawns, dishes and hanging the washing. After a while she finds things hard and wants space. (which I honestly do find hard like we have a son, I treat her daughter like she's mine and I'm still madly in love with my baby mama)
Currently she's been on a prescription for Ritalin for ADHD and she has a high dose and took up drinking wine as well. That has been a hard thing to help her with. Birth controls mess her up so badly too Just got a IUD put in which we thought it would be a better choice. She's been depressed and progressively deteriorated towards me, which really hurts because I've made it a point to be there for her. Even when she treats me awfully outta nowhere. It's gotten to the point where she has pushed me away again, but this time DOESNT want it over. Told me to stop being Mr fix it... Because I've tried to be there while she was struggling and helped her (which I don't regret). Told me she's not struggling and lashed out at me for everything. Wants space again says she loves me but I'm too clingy. I just finally got her to think about seeing a relationship councillor... Not sure if she follow through with that yet. So now I'm sitting here confused absolutely crushed.... Not sure how to proceed with this person that you may or may not be surprised by the fact I still love Wondering if we can ever make it work Or if I'll ever see my son again. But through all this shit... I still wanna find a way this time
Fukn help me please With the intention I have I'm amazed at every bad outcome from this
I'm always gonna love her (No that's not bullshit)
I know she actually loves me, believe it or not. (despite my story I don't think that's bullshit either)
I want us to work but I don't know if we can
And if we do work am I just gonna get shit on my whole life in front of these kids
I can't get through to her when she gets like this.
Im not sure if she has a mental illness or fuck we both do
But I do see a beautiful future with this lady I have fallen for... If it's not already over
Anyways don't know if anyone will read this or not but there it is
TL;DR I want us to have a happy life but change is needed... Is it possible?
submitted by -WILLthisWORKout- to u/-WILLthisWORKout- [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 04:28 Rowan_Animus Advice needed around how to approach my dr's decisions

Turning 39, Trans nonbinary (AFAB), 5'3", 195lbs (actively trying to lose weight), in USA
I moved to a new state back in late 2022, lost my job in Jan 2023 [this caused me to not be able to afford meds or appointments starting in Jan 2023], didn't get a plan with mental health coverage with my new insurance until July 2023, my migraine meds took until September to get past prior authorization, and then the pharmacy was being stupid and it took another 2 weeks to be filled.
In mid Sept 2023 I was finally able to get my Reyvow 100m 1 per 24h as needed, Zofran 4mg as needed, Botox (I don't know the treatment dosage) quartely, and my Trokendi XR 100 mg 1 with dinner back in my system. In December we increased the Trokendi XR to 150 mg (1x 100 mg and 1x 50 mg), and she won't go higher as the insurance caps dosage at 200 mg plus that is where she sees the most cases of side effects.
It took until October 2023 to get an appointment with someone that is in network for my plan (it is a closed network of dedicated Healthcare Network facilities [related to one of the big hospital networks in the state] and their direct partners).
When I started seeing her I had been off of ALL of my psych meds for 10 months. The list I had been on in FL was: - Zoloft 100 mg 2 tabs at bedtime for depression - Hydroxyzine 50 mg 2 tabs at bed for sleep - Seroquel 100 mg 1 tab at bed for sleep and PTSD flashbacks during sleep and "a bipolar adjacent mood disorder". - Ritalin 5 mg 1 at breakfast and 1 at lunch for ADHD . - Clonazapem 1mg "1/2 to 1 tab" as needed max twice daily (I only needed 2x daily during the pandemic or when I had a bad round of flashbacks wake me from sleep and I couldn't calm down to get more and then was triggered later in the same day).
The Zoloft was only making a mild impact to my depression and we kept having to change the dosage. The Seroquel was the main cause of my weoght gain and stopped working after a few years, we tried a higher dose but it didn't help, lower dose didn't help, this dose with the others at the same time worked for sleep. Th Hydroxyzine got added when the Seroquel wasn't working at 100 mg 2 tabs at bed, so she dropped the Seroquel and added 25 mg Hydroxyzine 2 tabs at bed and increased to 50 mg 2 tabs at bed.
Instead of putting me on the same meds that I had been and adjusting them one at a time to find what works for each issue (which I have now asked to be put back on my anxiety and adhd meds from FL multiple times since they WORK FOR ME and have been ignored or had it dismissed every time), she took me off everything but the Hydroxyzine and put me on a single antidepressant that supposedly does multiple jobs.
Her initial diagnosis was -ADHD that was uncontrolled when my FL dr diagnosed the "bipolar adjacent mood disorder " due to my "manic episodes" being a thing that people expect from me and always have as part of my life like having the random urge to hyper focus on 1 thing I chore that was triggering my anxiety, or just being a hyper child growing up who was also uncomfortablein social settingsso avoided going out if it involvedpeople. -Major Chronic Depression -Complex PTSD -Insomnia -General Anxiety -Panic Disorder -D.I.D. And I am missing others as I am crashing form an anxiety attack right now.
I also have brought up SEVERAL times that I would like to be screened for ASD but nothing yet. This concern came from symptoms I was showing in FL matchching but they also overlap, and then my first psychologist up here is leaning towards the fact that I have it but doesn't use screenings to diagnose instead she uses to form a treatment plan.
She put me on [the antidepressant is the current dosage, not the starting] Welbutrin SR 200 mg 1 at breakfast for ADHD, Depression and to reduce the base level of anxiety. Hydroxyzine 25 mg 2 at bed for sleep and "1/2 to 2 tabs as needed during day for anxiety not to exceed 2 doses per day" ......... that is it period the end.
At some point I started to see a rheumatologist for arthritis and they put me on -Flexaril 10 mg 1 tab up to 2x daily as needed (but take of those daily at bed for the joint pain that impacts sleep) and -Voltaren 75 mg DR 1 tab up to twice daily for pain (I was having to take this at bed daily due to the frequency of the pain impacting my sleep).
In early February at my apt I brought up that my anxiety and panic attacks arent touched by the Hydroxyzine at any dose, nor is it working for sleep anymore as my body now adjusted and says "I remember this we took it before and this dose we have a tolerance to", my ADHD is not fully under control and it is impacting my wor(but the Welbutrin does take the edge off of it so it is better than nothing) and I need something different.
She attributed my anxiety attacks, which triggered my depression and migraines (and I am the type of person who has ALWAYS cried with any strong emotion), and then made it impossible to sleep to being Bipolar. And that my ADHD isn't under control due to the lack of sleep. So she put my on Lithium... then after filling it I saw the interaction with my Voltaren and had to call her to find out what to do as I couldn't NOT take the only pain med that allows me to be able to sleep. She switched me to Risperdal .25 mg 2 tabs at bed... but seems to be pushing to get me off the Voltaren so she can put me back on the Lithium.
I saw a different rheumatologist for a second opinion and they put me on 100 mg of gabapentin 1 cap up to 3 times daily (began taking on the 2nd of this month). The end goal is to get my records, switch to this new one who is aiming to get me off of NSAIDs and try to find the root cause to figure a way to prevent it from getting worse. Once she finds a med that works to help reduce the pain, she turns it over to the primary to manage the refills.
Now that the back story is done...
Today at my Psychiatric appointment she told me that she wanted to put me on 300 mg of the gabapentin at bed and to keep taking the 100 mg during the day... but sent the script in for 300 mg 3 times a day which canceled my refills on the 100 mg. I am going to have to get her to rewrite the script for what she expects me to actually take, but isn't jumping to 300 mg after 17 days too big of a change too early?
Also, she expected it to treat my sleep issues as well as reduce my anxiety... but I STILL DONT HAVE ANYTHING FOR AN ANXIETY OR PANIC ATTACK. It has taken me almost 3 1/2 hours to start to come down from the one I had today due to traffic (and dealing with insurance, and all of the bs caused by how she sent my meds to the pharmacy) after leaving her office at 4pm. It progressed from a normal anxiety/panic attack due to traffic into a overwhelming situation encompassing all the triggers above that spiked my baseline anxiety to levels that made me just want to stop all my psych meds and say fuck it and I will manage my arthritis meds via the rheumatologist & primary, ADHD via my Primary and see if they can treat my anxiety, and find a different psychiatrist who WILL listen to me.
The other thing is that she took me off the Hydroxyzine (that is fine) and said that she doesn't want to add any more meds because there is already too many.
The thing she said which the longer it sits with me the worse it is in my head and the more I hate it: She is concerned about and wants me to talk with my neuro (which I already am scheduled to do) about some of the new medications that are on the market so i can come off the Trokendi XR. There are a few problems with this. 1) I have tried EVERY migraine prophylaxis medication family on the market up until March 2022. The ONLY thing that even half works for me is the Trokendi XR which help the severity only by one to 2 on the pain scale (but Topamax doesn't, go figure) and Botox injections. 2) The only abortive migraine medication I am able to take at home is Reyvow as nothing else up until March of 2022 worked with the exception of Nurtec (but I am allergic to the Eucalyptol they add to it). 3) Prophylaxis injectable (subdermal simmilar to the way EpiPen is given) medication in the same family as Nurtec did not work for me at all. Go figure. 4) I would have to come off of my Botox injection for insurance to approve ANY of the newer medications either prophylaxis or abortive. The Botox is the only thing that decreases the frequency to a manageable (semi-normal) level. 5) If I come off botox and the new meds don't work, I am risking between 23 days (that was my migraine count for the moth when the botox started to wear off) and EVERY SINGLE DAY per month.
This would then require me to file FMLA with the company that I am a contractor through as well as to, it would risk my income (and by effect my ability to actually live... aka housing, food, insurance, utilities, ability to be able to actuallyperform my job if I am medically able to, access to all medical care and meds, etc.) as I can't work like that and I don't have PTO as a contractor and I am the sole income , and my overall health both physical and mental. If there is a chance that it will be more like the ones I tried that didn't work I will stick with my current meds and my psych will HAVE to work around it as I don't have other migraine options that are within the range of what I can try at this time.
For my questions:
We are trying to avoid meds that would interact with my other meds too much, but some is expected due to the overlap a couple meds have. We are also trying to avoid ones that would cause weight gain, increase anxiety levels, increases blood sugar (my primary is watching my A1C), and won't mess with my migraines (that would be an instant stopping the medication)...
Why is she set on the idea that 6 (as of today) or 8 (with the daily bedtime dose of Hydroxyzine and Voltaren ) meds I take throughout the day, with 2 (not counting the Voltaren) that I take ONLY as needed, is TOO MANY?
Why would she be pushing Lithium as a mood stabalizer over ANYTHING else?
Why is she so focused on trying to treat my anxiety with medication that isn't designed for it, or won't help with attacks?
Why is she only focusing on the baseline anxiety and not the attacks?
What can I do to get her to HEAR me when I say that I need to be put on a real Anxiety and ADHD med?
Why won't she consider the fact that I need something more for my ADHD?
I have only been on the 100mg of gabapentin since the 2nd of this month... as in 17 days total, first 7 was 100 mg at bed after that increase to 3x daily as tolerable... isn't increasing to 300mg at bed this soon too much too soon?
Why would she write the script to the pharmacy as 300 mg 3x daily... when she told me to keep taking the 100 mg for the daytime doses amd the 300 at bed? (Btw her doing this canceled my refills for the 100 mg... and as my insurance uses Amazon pharmacy for mail order meds and they can't reinstate I now have to call BOTH Dr's to get this straightened out. Way to add to my anxiety when she won't give me anything for it.)
What mental health conditions can a primary treat besides ADHD?
I don't want to offend her or make her feel like I am trying to tell her she doesn't know how to do her job, but part of me wants a second opinion from another psychiatrist in the same office to see if they might listen to my concerns better or explain better why they aren't going that route yet... how should I do it, or should I even do it?
The office has both psychiatry and psychology, and I am seeing my psychologist from there on Wednesday... should I bring up my concerns? Can she talk to my psychiatrist about those concerns? Or is that a taboo to talk about one dr to another in the same office?
submitted by Rowan_Animus to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 14:12 acrylic_cow What is an acceptable level of pain

Hi, I've been dealing with back problems intermittently for 5 years, and it's been progressively getting worse. I have two children, aged 5 and 2. I've already seen a private neurosurgeon who didn't want to operate on me. The two other physiatrists I consulted believe that I should have surgery, so I'm seeking a second opinion from a public neurosurgeon, but there's a long wait.
I'm on the waiting list to see a neurosurgeon and have appointments with two physiatrists (pain specialists, I believe). I'm also on the waiting list for three different injections and a pain clinic at a major hospital. I take a small 5mg dose of Statex, along with cannabis, and the maximum dose of Tylenol and Advil. Additionally, I'm on Amitriptyline, and I also take 50mg of Vivance and a Ritalin 10mg boost in the afternoon. I've tried Pregabalin, but it messed with my brain. I also attempted to switch from 10mg of Trintellix to 60mg of Duloxetine without success.
Two incidents exacerbated my condition. First, a student chiropractic doctor made some moves during treatment that stressed me out and denied causing any harm. Following this treatment at a university clinic, I was diagnosed with meralgia paresthetica. Before that, I had an injection in my facet joint ('bloc facetaire'), which relieved the pain for 3 days before everything came back. I can still feel the needle injection point.
I'm pretty much in pain all day. My maximum walking distance is around 300 meters. Driving a car triggers immense pain, sometimes leading to tears. I refrain from mixing Statex with weed because it scares me, and I don't want to be perceived as a drug seeker, which has been a source of anxiety since my ADHD diagnosis. My doctor stopped increasing my Vivance dose and didn't explain why, which worries me.
I wonder what is a normal, acceptable amount of pain for people? My wife works from home, so I'm incredibly fortunate. She rearranges the dishwasher's bottom drawer onto the counter so I don't have to bend over. I've got an Amazon grabber for the kids' toys and a far-infrared blanket to try out, and I'm doing small exercises to strengthen my spinal muscles.
When I empty the dishwasher, my heartbeat increases due to the pain. It hurts a lot, but I have to persevere. My wife is handling most of the heavy lifting with the kids, and I try to do as much as I can around her, but everything hurts. I can barely lift my children and have started focusing more on brain activities (like Mark Rober's project box, etc.). On a good day, my pain fluctuates between 4 and 6 (on a scale of 10), but on bad days, I wake up at an 8 and wait for it to drop to around 6 or maybe 5 before continuing with my day. I've been off work for 6 months and can't fathom how I'll get through all this pain with such little improvement.
I have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis, a moderate to severe lysthesis, a 5mm instability, and experience pain in my back, buttocks, and the side of my leg down to the small toes.
(This post has been reviewed for language corrections with the help of ChatGPT, as English is my second language.)
submitted by acrylic_cow to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2023.12.10 11:00 clumsyscatteredmind Ran away from psychiatric system. Should have been injected a month ago and today.

So they diagnosed me with bipolar mania after binging on 4 or more concertas (stimulants ). I did this because I was feeling really oppressed at the time , like I wanted to stay more alert , bad idea.
For that they want to keep me medicated for the long term and even gave me an injection. (Back then I didn't mention it but it was prof Grech that diagnosed me and when I tried to bring it up later on he shrugged it off. ) Also everyone could tell I was on something cause in my induced mania I was writing all over the walls how fuck meds , ritalin is easy ritalin is good. It's pretty clear that they disregarded all these events just to keep as a long term patient

I managed to run on the 7th november and have been unmedicated since . Feeling better and more stable than ever .

Does anyone know how I can get off treatment order and not having to go to appointments anymore and be able to live a normal life ? Are lawyers an option cause these medications really took years of life . The story goes way back from 2017
Anyway , Thanks
submitted by clumsyscatteredmind to malta [link] [comments]

2023.12.05 21:04 Vitkaccy I am share story of my addiction of Ritalin (and other thing), how my ADHD ruined my life and what problems I must go through before I find a medication works well on me and why it's take so long time of my life (Healthcare situation, wasted years of youth, lost my passions and my life) AMA

I am daily use amphetamines to fight with ADHD Here is short story of my life (mainly focus on medications but it hard to wrote about this to me anyway I hope I get understand and my experiences are readable - it's bit chaotic, I try to keep all in chronology but I can't precisely sort all of my thoughts and share with all feeling at once, I am decided to share this before add a corrections bc probably I never feel it is worth to share and I thought I next time wrote it like how it should be done and never post it in result (Also english is not my native language so please take note of this)
TLDR- here short story of my ritalin addiction and explained reasons why i use 3 different drugs from amhetamines group
I was Diagnosed when I was 6 , I don't think I am self-medication myself except the fact in my country we had only MPH on Rx so I am kinda don't have a any other choices if I don't wanna self-destruction and damaged caused by Ritalin abuse I am wasted years thinking amphs are worst and they are unavaliable so it's easy to keep myself thinking
I am not addicted just have tolerance but I am not junkie if I buy sth else I am probably don't get results better than Ritalin or end addicted to another stim and make treatment impossible etc. etd.
I wait with decision to try amphetamines and still found new excusses to still suffer AF from comedowns and develop bzd addiction with abuse drinking and taking unnecessary a lot amounts of antidepressants to make Mph more effective and less fiendish - it never happened. When things start getting worse and boofing or Injection with (bake soda) sublingually roa's became my daily routine and high doses of GBL/BDO/ethanol with bzd also no longer are ociasionally aids but my daily lifestyle when I was on TCA's high doses and MAOi + NRI without results I know it's time to stop it bc I am literally life like I could be addict to coke and probably get same results, I need to change my life and get my shit together so I must try amphs medicament or I die sonner then I think it happened, my life was hell with re-dosing every 2-3hrs also MPH and GBL/sometimes vodka, my ambitions, hobbys, I am lost intrested in things that I liked before, no sport, no sleep, fear of being off drugs, thinking how to manage my day and be more effective and never feel satisfied with myself, compulsive fapping and no nutritementation 24/7 that how looking my life when i Was 20.
I seriously believe I am do nothing bad cause if I should get other drug on doctor perscription I would get it so I am on best what can modern medicine offer to me, if amphetamines was so good why we don't get anyone substance in our healthcare avaliable? We had a lot of addictive substances for rare diseases like barbiturates so If drugs of last resort are exist and avaliable in our country why we don't have amphs? Probably they are unnecessary bc Methylphenidate are modern, better and less addictive also have less side effects -that what I hear from my doctors... I was so fucking stupid and regret with my knowledge I am avoid the long as it possible to order 2-FMA, illegal stuff, just sth else and my stupid dumbass brain 3 years need to discover a fact maybe I am shouldn't take MPH and that is reason of my problems? I don't know how much is be the fear before unknown, how much I fear to accept the fact I am addicted and I am in ass since 3 years, maybe I am fear cuz' thinkin'
"What If I finally try amphetamines and feel worster than on Ritalin, what's other solution left me?" - that thought was terryfing to me bc I know if it ll' be truth I never can be normal, there is no cure for me?" I am know if amphs be better it just start the long road before me to get back normal life Even if I saolve problem treatment of my ADHD I am still adicted to everything else and it won't be easy to just change in one day a years of sedatives, antidepressants, influence on my body and brain them and I can't left them in a second I Know it's a long road before me until I get well So I imagine it work like longer less side effect ritalin on me but I never before thought in my dreams how huge difference it is between phenidates and amphetamines it was braking point in my life, it was so natural, neutral compared to typical experiences with Ritalin looking more over like:
"rush and wired fucking ready to everything now in this moment better than anytime in mylife now i get so fuckin focus now I see things like they are really are .... Oh Shit I am dumb I need next dose how hard and tired is crush pills and how long it take" ...
Sth like that. I was shocked how long it works, it was different from a Ritalin, not euphoric, not gave me shot of energy if I do nothing, but it work I read experiences and stories of people who taking ritalin long time and being addicted to them and doctor give instead dexedrine/adderall/desoxyn or their like me do it on themselves decision to self-medication cause nothing more options left (except addiction or not get well)
I AM SO HATRED MY COUNTRY, HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN MY COUNTRY GOVERMENT, DOCTORS, BIG PHARMA, etc. I am so regret I can't born in different country fucking 80 miles on west and I am probably from childhood get correct meds without all these shit I am supposed to use today, so many wasted hope with every adding a new antidepressant or switch one meds to other (TCAs, SSRI, SNRI, SARI,SRNI, MItrazapine, Maoi, moclobemide, seroquel, Agomelatine,Lyrica,NRI,Bupripion,Buspiron,Sulpiride) and get dissapointed every time, every time like lost another part of myself, like "even hope don't left me when I try everything and get result like this time" Also hope with self-medications episodes (Turmeric, Ginseng, L-DOPA with Rhodolia Rosacea, I start smoking when I was 22 and get addiction to cigs, since I am 15 I used to almost all time almost daily take caffeine tablets (100-400mg), When I feel totally hopeless I like to drunk over my problems until I get blackout, i find lost peace of mind and relief to my sould in trying opoids. Hopefully I decided to try amphs before I totally loose myself in depressants. And GBL later BDO use almost a year daily - the withdrawal was worst experience in my life, it's nightmare i never thought I can break free but somehow I survive.
Nowdays I try to focus on my life and no blame others for my unhapiness even if I am know many things might see different if somehow happend or not - I am don't have influence on the past but still can change my future
I get diagnosed my ADHD when I was 6 First time i try Ritalin when I was 16 (don't ask me why ask psychiatrist and doctors being to lazy to check a my medical story before push me in to antidepressants in high doses, until finally new psychiatrist read ALL my papers and said he's shocked I never get before Ritalin if I had so long time ago diagnosed ADHD, and probably I am overmedicated by antidepressants and xanax in so Young age. First time I try xanax (from perscription) and alcohol when I was 14/15. I am start gettin' meds when i was 7. Abusing AMbien and bzd's I am started when I was 18 and lead myself to long friendship with phenobarbital later I am switch to GBL i most prefered.
GBL and Ritalin was my fuckin' "game changer" my stupid mind thought until I am found out I am in deep shit
2022 was one big withdrawn and get back to myself after GBL w/Ritalin (still on some kind of antidepressants and a lot of caffeine)
2023 - I was so confused what do with myself to get better, I read a lot of stories like I said and many people get a lot of better when start use a amphetamines after terrible experiences with Ritalin/other phenidates. In April I with strong support from my family decided to order RC fluoroamphs my first was 2-FMA - and it's a perfect show I am still use that with 3-FA and 3-fma (Use not all together daily, but I am use one of them daily, so almost every day I use 3FA or 3-FMA or 2-FMA)
If You don't know what is it please believe me it most similiar substance to dexedrine there's no more similiar drugs even elvanse is not so close to this, btw 3-FA is literally Adderall and 3-FMA is closest drug to Desoxyn (I can't say certainly but some ppl says 3-FMA is more close to Desoxyn than Meth (racemat) I can't confirm how true is it but it's doesn't matter ) I just know when I post it not everyone will know what these substances are and can get wrong impression thinking it sth much different than just dextroamphetamine or amphetamine sulphate It's almost same things - both can be abuse or use if You had adhd to treatment it if You keep doin' it with common sense I can answer if You have any questions
My family supported me cause:
Yes they see what Ritalin and rest drugs do to me and So they paid for my treatment and they see now I get finally some improvement and I am happy they can sleep peacefully know I am get real treatment now and it soon should bring back my life ( It'shame to have 23 yrs and must be on maintentance of parents) Instead of gbl addiction and alcohol problem I lost job in 2022 and since today I am unemployement, we had in our country a little problem and crisis, so it wasn't my lazyness and decision I try nowdays to get a job but it's almost impossible to get hired anywhere, but I hope it's soon change, it must. In 2022 I am get break to medical school, and don't know I am still should thinking about it or just life and work... I am get no motivation to thinking about it like when I was on ritalin and have a lot of energy and ideas to my life. It's sucks but I see now I am no get wellbeing and happy life if I don't left these road I am being on Cause it was road to nowhere
I am nowdays still on lyrica and use ambien/estazolam to sleep - all them I use to avoid seizuress and sleep, I slowly try to get off them too but I must do it slowly, I am don't get high or pleasant effect in doses 600mg daily lyrica and 2,5mg ambien (or one pill other benzodiazepine - never more than it is necessary) Things I use to keep depression and amphs tolerance far away from myself -Dextrametorphane (one or twice per week) -Turmeric (curcuma longa) with black pepper (one or twice per week) - Tianeptine (once-twice in a month) I soon try another dissociative drug to use in medical properties and think about kratom I try avoid to drinking alcohol and it's hard to keep soberity but in last months I keep it successful, I probably back some day to this but do not wanna keep using after I am fall GBL and BDO also Phenibut - these three things I am stay away as I could from them bc I know if I try again it no chance I am stop at one dose
Caffeine - i throw, maybe some days it could help me with sleepiness or focus but I prefer until I don't find a job and do nothing special to also stay away from additional energy bc it soon lost their effects and turn into taking everyday pills to not being zombie, if I could not to take it for now i stick to it
Cigarettes- I used to smoke 7-8 or more per day, this summer I throw but back in September, still smoking 2-4 cigs per day, and wanna to stop
submitted by Vitkaccy to ADHDers [link] [comments]

2023.11.20 06:51 Bubzoluck [30 min read] Goal 1: Lose Weight, Goal 2: Keep it Off - A look at how fat is stored in the body and the agents used for weight loss PART 2

[30 min read] Goal 1: Lose Weight, Goal 2: Keep it Off - A look at how fat is stored in the body and the agents used for weight loss PART 2
Missed part 1? Click here!

Undereducated about the Unknowns

I know, I know. So far this hasn’t been a very positive post and for a condition that effects a large proportion of people, I don’t want to scare anyone. Like always, my goal is to educate and that is why I go into detail about these things—for some people they need to know the why before they understand the solution. As such, let’s go into the way we approach Obesity and weight loss and see how we solve it. Short answer: it's very difficult, not easy, and requires lots of encouragement and motivation for everyone involved but the payoff is huge. As a pharmacist working in addiction and psychiatry, part of my job is to recommend agents to assist someone’s treatment. Because of my background I feel that I have a unique perspective on medical issues because I am the drug expert and so I can balance the drug benefit with the side effects of other drugs OR complications of other conditions. That being said, no size fits all and everyone needs a different approach.
Currently I work with many individuals with weight loss challenges due to behavioral conditions (such as Binge Eating Disorder), their medication regimens, or genetics. One of the most important aspects of recommending a weight loss agent is understanding the mechanism of why that person’s calorie intake is more than their calorie expenditure. This section refers to a person who may not be aware of what goes into a proper calorie intake and how to balance intake and output. In a sense this is the field of Nutrition and is where Dieticians come in (please note that registered Dieticians are medical professionals with a degree in Nutrition which enables them to perform medical nutrition counseling and diagnose or treat nutritional illnesses. Depending on the state, a nutritionist does not have a license to practice Medical Nutrition).
  • The essentials of Nutrition come down to the idea of Energy Balance or how energy is taken into the body, generated, and then expended. A positive energy balance is when more energy is taken in and then stored resulting in weight gain while a negative energy balance is where less energy is taken in than used so fat stores must be used. Remember that the goal of eating food is to make energy which is represented by the molecule ATP (produced by the Mitochondria!). However, depending on the kind of activity done, we may not have enough stored ATP in the body to cover the activity and thus have to use other means of ATP production.
    • When we are at rest, the activities we do such as swiping your thumb on a screen and moving your eyeballs to read do rapidly deplete the amount of stored ATP—this is why you can sit all day without feeling winded. If we perform a more intense activity, such as walking, the stored ATP is used incredibly quickly (lasts <10sec) and we have to use Aerobic Metabolism to create ATP while doing the activity. Aerobic Metabolism utilizes oxygen to make ATP and is incredibly efficient which enables us to do low-impact activities for an extended period, like walking down a hallway. As the impact level of the activity increases or the length of time increases the body switches from Aerobic Metabolism to Anaerobic Metabolism which is ATP production when oxygen is not available. This isn’t to say that your muscles have 0 oxygen when you are running but more that oxygen demand (moving the muscle) is much higher than oxygen supply (oxygen capacity of red blood cells). As such, the body utilizes Anaerobic Metabolism which produces ATP for energy but also Lactic Acid which causes that muscle pain after exercising.
  • To make it simple, Aerobic Metabolism is used in low-impact activities while Anaerobic is used short bursts of high-impact (like a 2-min workout) OR prolonged high impact activity (like crossfit or HIIT exercises). Now that we understand that, we can see what kind of energy source is used in what kind of metabolism. As you can see, Fatty Acids are part of Aerobic Metabolism but only after about 1.5-2hrs of activity. What this means is that in order to burn fat you need to burn your Liver glucose stores (called Glycogen) first and then you can start burning fat. So the 20 minute treadmill run while great for raising your mood and improving blood vessel health may not touch the fat in your belly.
  • This brings us to the other aspect of Nutrition—diet. Now this is where the lack of words to describe the science is cumbersome. Someone’s food intake, aka their diet, is different from dieting (cutting out certain foods) which is different from following a Diet (capital D), a more strict set of food guidelines. I don’t have the training to discuss what is a good Diet but I can talk about what are the necessary components of what makes up a good diet (lower case d). In general, it is all about ensuring you have the essential nutrients and reduce the intake of weight gaining foods. Essential nutrients like Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Elements, essential Amino Acids are required from our food in order to live and there are lots of sources online about which foods create balanced meals that fit your preferences. What is nonessential is carbohydrates, proteins, and fats (except omega-3 fatty acids). Yeah, kinda weird to think that the main components of our foods are nonessential but what that means is that we can change it up as needed to fit your current need.
    • Carbohydrates are a group of macromolecules that consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and are very energy rich. Carbs come in two flavors: nondigestible and digestible. Nondigestible carbs are the dietary fiber we need to ensure that our stools can form solidly and move along the intestines. There are lots of types of fibers but the one for weight specifically is Viscous Fiber which forms a gel in the intestines to reduce sugar and fat absorption. Unprocessed oats, flaxseeds, asparagus, beans, and Psyllium Husk are great sources of Viscous Fiber which help reduce the amount of fat and sugar we take in from our food. Digestible carbs on the other hand are the sugar we normally think, the sweet stuff like glucose, sucrose, fructose, and starches. All digestible carbs can result in weight gain but it all depends on the amount you eat. The essential of a diet is not what you eat but how much you eat; so yes you can have some cake one day but you should abstain for the next few days.
    • Unsurprisingly the fat we eat can be absorbed into the body and used to make fat that is stored. Animal products and processed foods are highest in fats that are likely to be stored while plant based fats and oils are less likely to be stored (more likely to be immediately used as energy).
    • Finally proteins which are not required for weight loss but are essential for muscle gain and the best way to promote further energy expenditure after exercise is to promote muscle synthesis. Essentially, when we exercise the muscle is damaged either by the flexing of the muscle or by the lactic acid produced and so needs to recover with protein in our diet. In order to use the protein the body needs to spend energy which can be done in the form of using more stored fat. Thus, eating protein while trying to lose weight can provide additional benefits.
    • So what does this all mean in terms of the exercise we were talking about before? Well remember that in order to burn fat someone needs to exercise about 1.5 hours to burn through stored glucose stores. Now this can be really cumbersome but the way around this is to starve the Liver of glucose to rebuild those glucose stores. By keeping a low-carb diet, your liver wouldn’t be able to use dietary glucose to rebuild the Glycogen stores and instead have to use more fat! As such, keeping the amount of glucose in your diet low aids in getting to the 1.5 hours sooner and can facilitate using fat as a main energy source when you are at rest.
  • Now diet and exercise is all well and good but there is a big factor here that we have to consider: ability to diet and exercise. Yes physical ability is a major aspect but this is why this section is titled Undereducated—for individuals who are lower socioeconomic status (SES) they have a harder time achieving the necessary diet and exercise goals to find significant weight loss. Is this because they are uneducated? No, most Obese people of any SES know that eating better and exercising will make them lose weight, but performing those actions uses another major commodity: time. Unfortunately, those of lower SES face several challenges that make it extremely difficult to lose weight: often they are working lower wage jobs meaning that more time is spent working and less time available for exercise. Combine this with the higher cost of living, especially when caring for children, and lower SES correlates heavily with buying cheaper foods which are often not the most nutritious. If a parent has to feed 4 children with a few dollars, they will use sources of food that maximize the value of that dollar—this means processed foods filled with salt and fat to make them taste good. This is part of the benefit of food stamp programs which enable lower earning families to purchase more nutritious foods. But this is where the undereducated part comes in.
    • For many people they think that a weight loss meal is salad, and while its not wrong, its a lot of what is in the meal. Part of my work in college working in a food kitchen was helping families understand how to maximize the benefit of the canned or frozen vegetables and fruits they have access to rather than feeling that healthy food is only fresh produce. A person can accomplish the same nutritive goals on frozen or canned vegetables as they can on fresh or raw foods and often on a smaller budget. I highly encourage those who are on a limited budget to get in touch with their local food bank—often they can connect you with a dietician who can guide you through how to cook nutritious meals on a small budget and for a large family. Please know that diet and exercise is extremely possible even with added time constraints.

And a quick buck was made

Okay I think we have come to the part that people were really waiting for—the drugs! Please take this next section as educational only and to merely inform you of the thinking behind weight loss agents. You must talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting, stopping, or changing any medications including herbals, supplements, or illicit substances. The first group of medications we will look at are those with an FDA approved indication for weight loss:
  • First up we have Orlistat, a medication that does not require a prescription in the United States to use. Orlistat is an inhibitor of stomach and pancreas Lipases, a type of enzyme responsible for breaking down dietary fats. This means that when someone takes Orlistat the fats they eat are unable to be broken down for absorption and instead stay in the stool for excretion. When used correctly, about ¼ to ⅓ of dietary fat isn’t absorbed and there is a sizeable reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol). While its nice its over the counter, Orlistat has some…major drawbacks. The biggest is it’s tolerability—because Orlistat prevent fat digestion, most of the fat stays in the intestines causing oily stools, urgent diarrhea, and smelly flatulence. In its official documentation the term “explosive diarrhea” is used. Now, to avoid these unfortunate side effects a person should meals that are high in fat (no more than 30% of their daily recommended fat amount). Now this begs the question: is Orlistat effective in losing weight because of how it works or because people avoid fat like its poison to prevent explosive diarrhea? Either way someone should expect to lose around 15 lbs at 6 months of regular use which is nothing to sneeze at.
    • Speaking of over the counter weight loss aids we should talk about a few. One of the biggest ingredients included in these supplements is Caffeine. Caffeine is thought to work by increasing someone’s metabolic rate or in other words to increase the amount of energy someone uses while at rest. Part of this is because the heart is working harder (Caffeine increases heart rate) but there is some more systemic effects that are not explained by simple increased fight or flight effects. I can’t find the source I heard this from, because I believe I learned it during a seminar, but somewhere near 65% of OTC weight loss supplements have some form of Caffeine in them. Caffeine can be listed by itself or be hidden in an herb like green tea, yerba mate, green coffee beans, kola, guarana, yaupon, and dozens more. I'm not anti-caffeine, I drink plenty of it everyday but these supplements often have people exceeding the safety limit of caffeine by combining these herbs together. Caffeine can worsen anxiety, put significant strain on the heart, and isn’t recommended for pregnant women. Just be careful!
  • One supplement that used to be on the market in the US and is now banned is Ephedra. Ephedra is preparation of the chinese herb Ma Huang which contains the alkaloid Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine. Both chemicals are part of the stimulant class of medications and when used in large enough doses will cause appetite suppression. Essentially these chemicals stimulate the fight or flight region of the nervous system which suppress the urge to eat. This is actually the reason why stimulants like Amphetamine (Adderall) and Methylphenidate (Ritalin) are used off-label to treat Binge Eating Disorder and help weight loss. Suppressing the urge to eat helps the person eat correct portion of food or prevent binge episodes thus reducing calorie intake. One OTC product that was extremely popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s was Hydroxycut which heavily marketed itself on TV and on the unregulated internet. In 2003 the Missouri Attorney General sued the company over their claims that Hydroxycut was “clinically proven” to burn fat but the case was settled out of court. Later in 2003 the NYT uncovered hidden documents that showed Hydroxycut knew its product didn’t work and have tampered with documents in another lawsuit in Oklahoma to show otherwise. Regardless, the usage of Hydroxycut wasn’t significantly hampered but due to its widespread use and unscrupulous advertising, the FDA banned Ephedra in 2004 after 155 deaths were attributed to the herb. It was the first time a supplement was banned in the US. Hydroxycut then switched to using Hydroxycitric Acid which required a lower dose than the Ephedra based formulations. The company failed to advertise the change in dosing and dozens of cases of serious liver failure resulting in liver transplant were reported and at least one death (19yo male). Hydroxycut is now mostly Caffeine.
  • Similar to the stimulants is Bupropion which is combined with the opiate antagonist Naltrexone in the product Contrave. Bupropion is an antidepressant that causes a raise in Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the brain while Naltrexone works by preventing endorphins from binding to the opioid receptor in the brain. Together its thought that Contrave works in Hypothalamus to reduce pro-eating stimulation as well working in the Mesolimbic Dopamine Circuit to reduce the reward feedback someone feels when eating. In a sense, the drugs work by causing someone to be less hungry and then reduce the pleasurability of eating. Contrave can be incredibly useful in people who are mindless snackers (such as eating large quantities of food when not paying attention) or for binge eating disorder. The benefit of using this medication over the stimulants like Adderall or Ritalin because it helps treat the cause of the Obesity (overeating) rather than just preventing the symptom (weight gain). Generally people see around a 25lb weight loss around 6 months.
    • Similar to Contrave is another combination product: Phentermine and Topiramate in the branded product Qsymia. This combo pill utilizes the stimulant Phentermine which comes from the same class as Adderall and Methylphenidate to suppress appetite and Topiramate, originally an anti-epilepsy medication that is thought to suppress appetite, increase satiety, and reducing pleasure from eating. Qsymia produces similar results to Contrave.
  • Okay, this brings us to a very controversial medication in the pharmacy world: GLP-1 agonists. If you remember from earlier I described how White Fat releases the appetite-suppressing hormone Leptin due to the stomach and intestine releasing GLP-1. GLP-1 is released when the GI tract detects carbohydrate or fat rich foods and their release triggers a cascade resulting in long term appetite suppression. LIkewise it is believed that the very common side effect of nausea and vomiting reduces the desire to eat. So in a lot of ways, they are working the same as the stimulants are—reducing appetite but not really touching the reason for overeating. GLP-1 agonists like Semaglutide (Wegovy) and Liraglutide (Saxenda) are used primarily for their influence on Insulin in Type 2 Diabetics to help lower blood sugar levels and reduce A1c, a marker of overall health in Diabetes. In diabetes, the clinical benefits of GLP-1s cannot be understated on the heart, kidney, liver and many other organs. In non-Diabetes weight loss? Well…don’t get me wrong they do work—people usually see a 15 lb loss at about 6 months but they miss the mark in the same way that the stimulants do. They prevent symptoms but don’t really help the underlying cause for why someone might be Obese.
    • The other aspect that I am always weary of is when drugs become “popular” in the media and especially with celebrities. Many celebrities and social media influencers are touting the benefits of GLP-1 agonists, i.e. the weight loss, but the consequence of this fad is that Diabetics who rely on this drug are unable to get it anymore. There is a massive shortage in GLP-1 agonists for people who could use another agent with similar efficacy but are using GLP-1s due to the social media presence. Likewise the weight loss isn’t sustained—at about 1 year the weight loss plateaus and after stopping only around 50% maintained the weight loss. Compare this to the other agents we’ve talked about who had a sustained weight loss around 80% and the choice is clear. Another aspect I have against these drugs for weight loss is the use of a side effect as a selling point—the rate of nausea is about 44% which means that someone is making themselves sick in order to lose weight. This is not a life I would put my patients on.
Finally, I have to talk about the pills mills, or I guess injection stations since the GLP1s are injectable medications, that have popped up around Wegoxy and Saxenda. Weight loss is an extremely tough, emotional, and sometimes unbearable process. For some individuals it is the worst trigger to think about and I really do feel for the people who have tried good eating and exercising but are unable to do it. This is why I believe that weight loss agents should be used just prior to or at the same time diet and exercise routines are implemented. While the drugs are effective, the true power in sustained and increased weight loss is by learning to eat properly and exercise consistently. That being said, I am the kind of person who is results driven and to be encouraged to lose weight I would need to see the pounds come off first before I would feel comfortable starting a diet or exercise. For some its that initial loss due to the drug that pushes them to go for the walk around the block, take the stairs, or choose an apple over a bakery item. I believe in the drug’s ability as much as I believe in the initial push to get the process going. But, and this is the sticking point for me, the process should be an active collaboration between the patient and the healthcare provider. I don't think giving a weight loss agent with a) educating the person on how to diet and exercise, b) follow up on the challenges of implementing those lifestyle modifications, and c) allowing weight loss despite a sedentary lifestyle is okay. I want the best for my patients and sometimes that means giving a boost in the beginning, guiding through the process, and encouraging when things get tough.
One of the trends we are seeing right now is telehealth doctors prescribing GLP-1s. Telehealth is awesome because it connects people to healthcare providers when local doctors aren’t available—but in these cases it is just a formality for a drug to be prescribed. Weight loss needs to be a concerted effort on both people and unfortunately those only prescribing GLP1 agonists are doing it to make money at the expense of the patient. This was the same for doctors that prey on men searching for erectile dysfunction medications, the same for doctors preying on people who believe they have ADHD but haven’t gotten a formal neurologist or psychiatrist and are put on unnecessary stimulants, and now it is the same for weight loss. Drug companies are using social media influencers to push drugs on people—imagine if that was OxyContin. There are dozens of online health clinics and telehealth companies whose sole goal is to get people on high cost drugs to make money. I’d hate to see a wave of pancreatitis and gallstones because due diligence wasn’t being applied.
Okay, I’m off my soapbox. Regardless, weight loss is a difficult topic because there is no easy solution. There is no drug that cures Obesity and it takes time and effort to have the sustained benefit that people are looking for. Remember that weight loss is the first goal, the second is preventing the weight from coming back. Drugs do the first, diet and exercise do the second. Both work together.
submitted by Bubzoluck to SAR_Med_Chem [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 01:51 rheetkd Wanting advice for CFS/M.E to see if anyone has any ideas I have not tried yet to improve my fatigue

I am late 30's F in New Zealand. weight about 90kg H is 165cm. I have multiple chronic illnesses including CFS/M.E and Fibromyalgia and Dysautonomia.
My symptoms got worse in 2016 after I was in ICU for DCT and P.E that went from my mid calf the whole way up through my heart and into both lungs filling them completely. Bilateral saddle P.E with Right heart failure and some lung infarction. They have no idea how I was alive let alone walked myself into ED. Initial D-dimer was over 8000 and the D-dimer in ED before I went to ICU was over 14000. After the CT they put me in ICU and did a central line with Heparin which saved me. I was very close to being unalived.
But I lived, however, my lungs are still bad and my asthma is more like chronic bronchitis now and I have had halter monitors and stress test and tilt test and diagnosed with Dysautonomia and then at the beginning of Covid lockdown I started getting PEM with the chronic fatigue so I got a CFS/M.E diagnosis. I have all sorts of weird issues since the clots.
I have a GP and a Cardiologist, ENT specialist, Had a CFS/M.E specialist (she retired), Musculoskeletal specialist, ENT surgeon and ENT specialist, hematologist specialist and a Gastro specialist and a Neurologist. Some is private and some through our free health care.
So I am just after tips and advice I may not have heard about here in New Zealand.
I am on many medications. like Gabapentin, Eliquis, Arcoxia, Ritalin LA, Ritalin SR, Famotidine, long release melatonin, phenergan, metaclopramide, botox, B12, Vit.D, Depoprovera, 5-htp, Metaprolol, Sertraline, paracode, Ventolin and Seretide, zinc and occasional zopiclone and very very occasional lorazepam. Other stuff comes and goes. but those are the main ones. My GP, chemist and specialists have okayed the combo's that would normally not be allowed like Eliquis and Arcoxia.
For the fatigue and Dysautonomia specifically the Ritalin helps as does drinking Hydralyte and I try to remember to take my zinc, CoQ10, L-Lysine, L-theanine, Vit.C, mixed B vitamins and a couple others I cant remember right now.
I get bloods done 2-3 times a year most are usually normal. I had an iron infusion a few months ago even though my ferritin was normal because stuff like my iron transferrin was really low. I also occasionally do six week courses of self injected B-12 as well as getting it once every three months when I get my depoprovera. We also add in prescribed Zinc since my Zinc levels are chronically low. My BP is always normal or low. My heart rate is always normal or high. Which fits the dysautonomia issues. My oxygen is usually around 90-95% except when I am sick then it can drop a bit lower. When I had Covid it dropped to 80%. But I waited it out and stayed home.
I have major issues with sleep even though I am night loading my 3000mg of gabapentin (Pain clinic specialists directed me to do this). I a-so tale the 5-htp, melatonin and phenergan all at night to help with sleep and allergies (allergic to grass and pollen etc). I still have to take Zopiclone occasionally to sleep. I play white noise and wear a sleep mask and try to keep my bedroom cool because I always sleep better in the cold. I also put on a pod cast to fall asleep to, to help my adhd brain only focus on one thing while trying to sleep. Without it my brain races with a million thoughts and my insomnia is worse.
Once I fall asleep I generally sleep 8-12hrs on a good night but 3-4hrs on a bad night. My sleep is always very light and I dont get enough deep wave sleep. When I get over 1.5hrs of deep wave sleep I feel much more awake the next day. When I get less than that I feel awful the next day. So sleep is onw of the key issues.
My diet is normal. I do have a sweet tooth though. My meals are small and usually I only have 1-2 meals a day with snacks. Like if we get pizza I will eat half of a thin base vegetarian pizza and thats it. So my issues are not how much I eat rather snacking and drinking sweet things. I drink maybe 1 to 1.5L of water or general drinks a day. Sometimes only 750mil. So it is short of the 2L reccomendation, but if I try drink that much I feel sick and just end up peeing all day.
I have major IBS issues and GERD issues and swallowing issues which are all under investigation with a Gastro specialist, ENT specialist and the swallow clinic. Public system takes time. I also have a surgeon specialist who diagnosed me with Eagle syndrome after a special type of CT was done. Both styloids are about 5.5cm long but ENT doesn't want to operate.
Because I now have PEM with the CFS/M.E I have to be very careful with exercise. I cannot push or I get worse. with how sick I have been lately (have had two colds in a row that both hit my chest) I am only managing about 5-10mins of exercise a day or I crash. and once a week I do about 30mins to 1hr of exercise.
My weight is higher than it should be but even when I am lighter things are no different. I was 65kg when I had my clots and last year I was back down to 80kg. I am at 90kg right now but going down again. I topped out at 107kg.
I am a post graduate uni student. Did my BA in Sociology and Philosophy and now PG in Archaeology and Anthropology. With a strong focus the whole way through on medical sociology and medical anthropology and bio anthropology and bioArchaeology including human remains and a strong focus on disability and medical research. I also run a large Fibro and CFS/M.E support group that is evidence based.
Prior to 2016 I taught martial arts for 17yrs and also did some mma and bjj. So even though I had fibro at the time I was still very active until I had the clots and CFS/M.E. etc.
When I can cook I use stuff like ginger, garlic, tumeric, fresh veg, red meat and brown rice etc or fish like salmon. I dont smoke ciggarettes and I drink only occasionally.
I am trying to increase my protein with protein supplement powder so that my Zinc blood results can improve while taking Zinc. My doctor and I will give almost anything a go and she is wonderfully supportive as are all my specialists. The botox for example I get from my Neurologist for migraine prevention and it works wonderfully well. We have also trued the dr pridgen protocol of anti virals paired with anti inflammatories.
As well as being a post grad student I am also a mum to a special needs 18yr old and look after the house and all the pets. I do not work as I am not well enough to do that at the same time. I occasionally get paid to mentor or tutor etc.
So yeah any tips and advice of things to try for my chronic fatigue (especially my sleep) would be great. Happy to answer questions from the medical professionals.
submitted by rheetkd to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 17:14 fredisfloxed Brain fog/ADHD: what are you doing to help your focus/concentration?

I have a job that requires a lot of concentration - and I have been struggling.
Supplements that have helped, but effectiveness is wearing off: tyrosine, CDP, choline, uridine, caffeine. NAD injections help as well
Years ago I took Ritalin and Dexedrine, I’d prefer not to, but at this point, I’m desperate. Not sure how I would respond post floxe.
What helps you guys?
(Edit:I am 11 months out, and maybe 75% recovered, still really achy, and a lot of brain fog. Being gluten-free and dairy free also seems to help Edit #2: I also take l-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, and I find creatine helps, and MSM might help. Thinking of trying piracetam)
submitted by fredisfloxed to floxies [link] [comments]

2023.09.11 01:03 mazda_motherfucker Does anyone else kind of feel an anxiety when studying Biohacking?

I do have anxiety, but for once I have it when studying DIY Bio. For example, I'll be transparent and tell you my goals as a Novice biohacker. I am trying to find a perfect Nootropic vitamin stack that can emulate the stimulating effects of medicine like Adderall, Ritalin, and my current medicine Focalin. Anyone with ADHD knows, stimulants are a pain in the ass when you don't have them, and I really don't want my entire college success to ride on a medication. I'll be making and linking a similar post here later listing the things I've tried/will try. Back in high-school, when I had this naïve idea of recreating a Bionic arm to put in myself, I absolutely LOVED this sub-reddit and topic. However, now that I'm back to reality and my goals have shifted, my enthusiasm and view for this sub-reddit has drastically changed. With the idea of Nootropics for treatment in mind, I can see how it's possible that I may get into research chemicals, and perhaps fall victim to overdose. While that is a tad over-dramatic, perhaps due to my lack of research after a period of time, there's clearly a rabbit hole to darker things. Take for example, A guy looking into influencing testosterone in his body with the goal of not injecting testosterone. A normal person would suggest change in diet and exercise. After some time, decides he wants more. He looks into vitamins, and gets into stacking. After that, he sees his goals change from wanting more and takes a radical step forward by taking PEDS. I mean, the behavior and pattern isn't that different from stacking vitamins right? And hey, it's been a few cycles, so I might as well do testosterone now, since it's better than HGH. In Conclusion, I'm not trying to get banned for this vent style post, but I believe it's a legitimate argument for a lot of the posts in the sub-reddit. They focus too much on the goal, and not the limit. Like I want to feel more stimulated, but not to the point where it causes more problems than solution. The last thing is, while I am sorry for disguising this question as a vent, I am curious to know if other people feel the same way.
submitted by mazda_motherfucker to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2023.09.01 13:38 KK_000000 Newly ADHD diagnosed - questions on medication

TLDR; Phentermine made me calm, head was clearer, managed my weight gain from Pizotifen. Just tried dex, gave me bad side effects, what can I take for ADHD that's similar to Phentermine?
I've just gotten off 4 months of Phentermine after receiving my ADHD diagnosis - 45yo Female, long term migraine sufferer, underactive thyroid, PMDD diagnosed. I requested assessment for ADHD after a 2nd use of Phentermine saw the same effects - calmness, clearer thinking, anxiety gone, what felt like a lower heart rate (aka heart palpitations non-existent). I also accidentally took one of my son's ADHD meds (Vyvanse) accidentally when taking meds at the same time as my son (note to self, have meds at different times) and was surprised to feel so calm when the nurse on call had told me I may feel over stimulated for a little while (I called this service being in Australia as soon as I realised I took the wrong meds). In addition I noticed things about myself I never really realised after learning more and more about my son's ADHD.
So... I tried 2.5mg of dexamphetamine (Aspen brand) 3 X times a day as suggested by my Psych. We also agreed to try ADHD meds before going down the path of Ozempic, as some provide appetite reduction type side effects that may actually be of benefit to me. So, I started the Dex 2 days after stopping the Phentermine 30mg. I was on 30mg Phentermine for 3 months, with 1 month at the start on 15mg. As soon as I took the first dex, I got side effects... One of the first was I got headaches... Haven't had an actual headache in a long time. I'm actually a migraine sufferer, with TMJ related facial pain and after going through how many different options, circled back to Pizotifen (Sandomigran). I'd been managing my migraines quite well... then Day 4 of Dex and I ended up with a bigger migraine than I've had in a longgggggg time. I also didn't like the way the meds made me feel in general, I felt extra tired, I got very agitated and snappy, felt a bit down, and needed to eat all the time to not get an aching stomach. I ceased the dex immediately (and was taking mersyndol/mersyndol forte for managing the migraine for the next day) and slept that night, after eating breakfast slept through to lunch, then after lunch slept through to dinner, then after dinner through the night again...... Wow so much sleep.
Anyway... the original Phentermine was for weight loss, because my migraine meds have 2x side effects - 1x I get a little more tired (I can live with that) , 2 is that I eat like a horse as it increases appetite where I must eat more and more, particularly at night and consequently I gain alot of weight. Endocrinologist may end up putting me on ozempic or similar to help with both weight and migraines (apparently). I ended up on Phentermine again because the stock at that stage was really minimal of Ozempic.
I'm wanting to figure out what ADHD med may be similar to Phentermine... I've heard of Phentermine being used off label for ADHD, but don't necessarily want to go down that path, and I doubt my psychiatrist will let me anyway. Is Vyvanse a better option for me to try? My son also found it really hard when taking Ritalin, the big up and big down crash is what I recall us going through hell with when he was 5/6yo. Vyvanse has been a godsend for him once he was old enough. So basically I'm trying to figure out what might be similar to what I've easily handled before (Aka Phentermine) that can help me with my ADHD that I might tolerate better.
Btw - my 3rd day off Dex at the moment, 7th/8th day off Phentermine. I notice I can't have my husband talk to me when I'm trying to focus on something and too much talking to me is irritating me and making it hard for me to focus...
My current meds are; - Thyroxine 100mcg 6x days a week - Sandomigran 0.5mg X2 every night (down from 4 at one stage) - Nexium 24hr minicaps- 1 daily in afternoon - Vitamin - 1x tablet combination of magnesium, calcium and D3.
As needed meds are; - half mersyndol forte tablet +1x mersyndol tablet up to 4x a day when migraine or severe facial pain - half mersyndol + Panadol for heavier but not severe pain. - 2mg diazepam when needed for PMDD symptoms (take maybe 4-6 tablets per month)
I've tried lots of migraine options including the blocker injection in back of the head and nothing other than sandomigran works for me...Which I've taken on and off since I was around 8 years old.
I am a very busy IT consultant in a senior role, have an ASD/ADHD/ARFID 11yo son and more likely than not a husband with undiagnosed ASD/ADHD.
Thanks for your time reading this saga... Worse to worse I'll try using my coping strategies with lists and other means if I really have to instead of meds, and may just have to use the ozempic for weight control. But I appreciate your analysis and input for anyone sharing their experience or expertise 😊
submitted by KK_000000 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2023.07.21 13:03 KmartTrollies For people who thunk they have it or are in early stages

For people who thunk they have it or are in early stages
Hi , been struggling with tmj for a few years now and thought i would share some things to help you speed up the process,
1.DIAGNOSIS I spent a long tine not knowing what i had due to the plethora of causes and the way the damage in tmj can affect your shoulders, neck, muscles all the way through your body and skull and the way it affects vice versa. If you think you may have it and are not sure PLEASE stop going to gps and find a tmj clinic(ONLY FOR DIAGNOSIS). If you put your fingers in your ears and feel/hear a click you are most likely in the earlier stages of tmj disorder. If you are having severe pain or discomfort in the area but do not hear this click it ca n mean the disc is completely out of place hence no more click.( the clicking is your articular disk popping off and on the joint). The reason i recommend going to a tmj clinic only for diagnosis is more often than not they will just get you to spend a ton of money on a nightguard( which can help some people but can also cause more damage for others). Find someone who has devoted their life to this injury and also specialises in chronic pain (tmj disorder can be fixed for many people but more often then not it is about minimising the pain and learning to deal with it). People in sydney aus or NSW. The tmj clinic here will just force a nightguard ( again not necessarily bad) however go and talk to someone who really cares and has done many cases. I have yet to do this however i have an appointment planned for next week at integrative dental, they have a specialist there who has devoted his life to tmj disorder. What different is he also specialises in the chronic side of the pain and my hopes are up after a lot of research as there is not only success stories but more often people he has helped deal with the pain when nothing seemed to work.
  1. POSTURE i struggle with adhd and this condition as when i zone out all my muscles tighten and i find my self hunched and strained. A few tips even for non adhd. 1.As i do with everything else to remind my monkey brain to get things done set timers, every5-10 mins ( there are also multiple apps and google extensions) to remind yourself to unclench your back and jaw. 2. Stand up and walk around or stretch every 20-30 mins even less if you can. 3. Do postural exercises i will link some that i have found benifical aswell as video reference.
  2. BOTOX/OTHER MEDICATION botox will work on almost everyone but one thing thats different is, some people need the injection at different doses and places. The injection did nothing for me into my masseter muscle however being injected into my shoulder and neck muscles helped beyond my expectations. FOR MEDICAL CANNABIS/NICOTINE: for a long time i stopped smoking cannabis ( it was the only thing that helped with my anxiety and insomnia) because it would cause a flair up IT IS NOT THE DRUG ITSELF. When you are smoking anything you jaw tends to push backward, if you need to smoke something try keep your jaw forward as you do and you will not receive a flair up( wont work for everyone but in my experience it stopped giving me a flair up. You can also swap to a oil or a small disposable thc vape as the smoke comes out much easier with less effort. FOR ADHD MEDICATION first of ADDERALL will cause a flair up in most cases. RITALIN will cause a flair up ONLY if you take to much and have an empty stomach, i dropped from 2-1 tablets 3 times a day and always eat food before and after taking the tablets and no longer have flair ups. I was actually diagnosed with adhd due to my tmj and constantly saying all i can focus on is the pain and the ritalin helped phenomenally but only in a small dose. CLONIDINE if other medication makes you clench this is what you can try, from the amount of research done on it taking it in adjunction to the other medication has shown to treat bruxism aswell as the pain. I personally only take one tablet before bed and have nit gotten better sleep since my tmj journey started. You can take it during the day (do your own research on when, how much, and how often) keep in mind it can make you drowsy
Thanks for listening thoughti would try fast track some peoples healing journey, any thought or things i have missed please comment below and dont be afraid to dm me questions or just for someone to chat and relate to, will respond asap when i can between uni and work
submitted by KmartTrollies to TMJ [link] [comments]

2023.06.04 19:55 samuelcox_007 Psychiatry may have just taken my life. Someone help me. Goodbye Cruel cruel life.

Psychiatry had done me so much harm in the past. From forcing me in a mental hospital when I was 17 and prescribing me Ritalin which was the end of my life, no more relationships, drug addiction, spiritual problems but then recently they forced me against my own will with invega which shut off my dopamine receptors forever taking the last bit of life I had in me and so much more. That was just a very long story short.
A few days ago they forced me into a mental hospital again. Knowing what an evil practice this is I had no option but to defend myself against any forced psychiatry and they got security and tied me to a bed promising they weren't going to inject me with anything. This is a legal crime being committed against me which means there is nothing that I can do about it but threatening with violence by saying I'm going to come stab people's eyes out if they inject me with anything which I know very well I need to ensure doesn't happen. They injected me with a sedative and I let the nurse watching me know that whatever they inject in me MAKE SURE ITS NOT SEROQUEL, IT WILL KILL ME! THE HORROS OF HORRORS ILL HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IF ITS SEROQUEL, SOMETHING TERRIBLE!! I woke up two days later and noticed a band aid on my right arm clearly indicating they injected me with something as a one time thing. I am now about a day later and began to feel a tiny bit of a familiar effect going to work. It is Seroquel! No doubt in my mind Seroquel! I am going to experience a horrible horrible death and there will once again be no justice. Psychiatry your an evil evil practice that is only welcomed in the 21st century because every nation is doing it. It appears normal like slavery once did. Nobody sees it for what it is. I am hoping something good comes from this and people bring REAL awareness against this evil practice! Seroquel causes me to experience schizophrenia at 1000% a nightmare of nightmares. I've never taken it prescribed before though they tried once to prescribe it to me. They forced on me while I was sleeping tied to the bed because they hated me for how I behaved with them. That's not how I behave! Ever! For some reason I did because psychiatry was being forced against me once again! I needed to defend myself because I SOMEHOW knew this was exactly what was going to happen. How can I not expect this to be the devils own medical practice.
submitted by samuelcox_007 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2023.05.31 19:09 alexanderb35 Read between the lines. Part 1: drug laws. Part 2: interacting with police. Summary

Mtl law book
Controlled drugs and substances act, cdsa. Substances on this list are controlled substances. Schedules are categories substances fall into Cannabis act covers cannabis.
If lose case can be deported
If you possess over the legal limit of pot can be imprisoned post 2018 still. 2018 is when pot was legalized.
There are provincial and federal laws
The police arrest but the crown charges. Crown can charge for a different crime then police arrested for.
If you are being prosecuted then there are charges against you in a criminal file
The crown and police have a lot discretionary power with your treatment and your file. Crown is like prosecutor, not police.
Director of penal and criminal prosecutions, DPCP, prosecutor provincial boss, instruct and provide guidance for prosecutors. Other provinces have their own name.
Jury or judge acquit which means your innocent. Prosecutor can also withdraw charges "withdrawn" status.
Sentence are possible consequences of being guilty
Priors = prior criminal record
Law enforcement officer: immigration officers, police, youth protection agents, municipal inspectors, correctional officers etc.
Black, indigenous, racialized and migrant communities, people who are known to the police, are targeted more by police, meaning police also violate their human rights more often. Sentenced more harshly than whites. Drug laws are historically created to target these groups.
Systematic bias: those with authority, even incl teachers, have explicit or implicit bias against certain communities
Racial profiling: officers target certain groups of ppl and postal codes more.
Anti gang squad, anti gun squad, anti radicalization are dog whistles for targetting minorities. Also includes applying additional surveillance to target group.
During say a anti gun police raids, they can prosecute the raided for any illegal drugs the cops find. This results in potential criminals fearing to call the police bc if there is an investigation the police could nail the caller. Ex if a sex worker has HIV and does not disclose their HIV status it counts as sexual assault, meaning if a John beats her up, risky to call the cops on him.
If have PR status and found guilty could be deported/removal. Some drug addicts only are PRs.
Anytime you speak to police you are making a statement. Crown can use these statements to convince someone else to plead guilty or convict. Your silence cannot incriminate but your statement might.
Police allowed to lie. Will do anything really to get a statement. Don't react to any of their behaviours, comments, or questions since that can be a statement. Try to remain silent. But many ppl do not have the privilege of remaining quiet, ex that can worsen police behavior.
Rehearse how to speak to police without providing any incriminating statements if you think you want to make a statement.
Police cannot arrest you if they don't identity at least 1 offence. On arrest they give undertaking paper or hold you until court date.
After released by police, prosecutor might decide not to prosecute. If police are holding you after arrest your 1st court date happens after 1-3 days. Sentencing may be postponed until therapy/school/work etc is complete.
1st court case is usually 1-3 days after arrest, then bail applies for the 2nd court date in like months/yrs. When released after arrest can be released without conditions.
If plead guilty with lawyer, lawyer can negotiate to have certain charges withdrawn
You can be acquitted of 1 charge while charged with the others. Crown can withdraw some charges but keep others.
Willing blindness: you are supposed to inquire about the nature of a delivery you are driving if the package seems suspicious.
4(1) Possession, "Simple possession": to prosecute evidence needed: knowledge/willful blindness that substance in your possession and knowledge/willful blindness that it is a controlled substance named in the cdsa and measure of control/consent to their possession Law requires measurable quantity of drug, ex residue in a bag If there are drugs in your car and you are the driver or passenger, it cannot be the only reason for a conviction. Possession - drugs don't have to be on you. Knowledge of your possession is proven by it's location (hidden or in sight), whether police have statements by you or others. Schedule 4 substances and lower cannot be found guilty of simple possession, but can be found guilty of other offences like trafficking
Possession = you have it on your personal possession, you know a friend is holding it for you, you know that you have hidden it somewhere. If your friend is holding a cdsa drug for you and they know it's cdsa drug, then you both are in possession. If the cops raid your grandma's house and you stores cdsa drugs there and don't tell her, she will not be convicted.
4(2) Double doctoring/obtaining a practitioner: asked dr for prescription or drugs without disclosing the info about the drug that u received in the last 30 days. Both for personal usage and for dealing. Uncommon charge.
5(1) Drug trafficking, trafficking in substance: proof must prove that you did 1 of the following or that you offered to do one of the following: - Selling drug or prescription paper: incl if the sale is not completed. - helping or encouraging someone to buy/sell. Bringing the buyer to the seller and if without this help the sale would never have taken place. Introducing a potential buyer to a seller is sometimes prosecutable depending on the judge. It sounds like it might only be an offense if accused works for the dealer and arranges the meeting between buyer and seller, but not clear. - giving drugs for free/gift or for "free" is still trafficking - cannot administer illegal drugs even if asked too - if transporting home for personal consumption only, simple possession. But if for the purposes of sharing with friend, roommate then trafficking. Exceptions: inside safe injection site for drug checking purposes. Buying doesn't seem to be trafficking. - Max sentence is life
worse charges for drug trafficking if offence happens near school or other place frequented by minors, or on correctional facility grounds, or in a gang, setting traps, using someone else's building, creating hazards in a residential neighborhood
5(2) Possession for the purposes of trafficking: simple possession + purpose/intent of trafficking. Large quantity helpful to prosecutor but not required. Presence of measuring, packaging equipment, multiple bagged quantities, large amounts of cash, notebooks can be evidence. - Max sentence is life
Case study: Nat brought cdsa drug to share with client at motel. Client ODs and Nat has to call 911. Police show up too. She admits to cops that she bought the drugs and that he asked for them so the cops know it was his idea. She is convicted of trafficking.
6(1) Import (or export) and 6(2) possession for the purpose of import (or export): all must be proven: Bought drugs/organized their entry into Canada Knowledge/willful blindness/recklessness that controlled substance Intention to import the substance Bring drugs or organize their entry into the country: happens as soon as drug enters/leaves any country and continues until drug arrives at final destination in Canada in a person's possession. If in transit through mtl and Toronto offence has taken place in both locations. You don't have to have been personally transporting the drugs or even present at the place of entry to be charged. If police intercept the drugs in transit, irrelevant to defense. Crown doesnt have to prove you know the precise nature of the drug. Recklessness: ex accused caught with 2 bottles of wine that contain dissolved cocaine, since the cocaine amount was large, the producer prob wouldn't give this bottle to a blind courier. Behaviour following importation may provide convincing evidence of participation in offence: meeting with ppl, receiving calls of short duration at late hours, coded language by accused+accomplices, using public telephones to talk to "accomplices" despite owning a cell. After drug arrives to final destination, other ppl cannot be prosecuted for "possession for purposes of import" Police are specifically looking for fake suitcases on flights being carried by women 30s-40s
7(1) Production of substance, 7.1(1) possession, sale, etc for use in production or trafficking: production - manufacturing, harvesting, growing, etc. Offence includes offering to produce drug Evidence must prove you have some control over location/operation of production: cannot be convicted for simply being in a place of production. Police usually do detailed surveillance against accused first. Warrants for interception of private communication, track/trace (surveillance device on car), garbage searches, search warrants Police usually find out when purchase of large or suspicious purchases that are commonly used in drug production.
If police are at your house for a DV investigation and they see a baggie of what looks like heroin, can result in arrest.
Knowledge of the drug: you just have to know it's a controlled substance, not what it is specifically to be convicted.
Judges sentence more harshly depending on drug type. Ex if there are currently anti meth events or media, worse sentence.
Possession of methadone/opioid agonist treatments (OAT): - Health care providers don't need permission to prescribe, administer, sell/provide methadone to patients. Patients need a ordeprescription. To own methadone must be a patient or health care provider basically.
Initial meeting with a judge after arrest is a bail hearing.
To get bail: - better odds if minor crime - have $ via bail or signing a "recognizance" that says you'll pay bail. Get both back later on. A "surety" (friend) can pay for you. - fixed address that isn't a homeless shelter - ties to the community - family, legal job, studies, community engagement - proof of how will support self legally - having a friend reserve you a spot in rehab - indigenous
Conditions can prevent you from owning a cell phone.
Causing death by criminal negligence and manslaughter for giving drugs to someone who overdosed. rare. Can be convicted if you and a friend are shooting up together and you shoot them up at their request and then they die. Accidentally bringing a drug that contains fentanyl and your friend dies. Harsher punishment if accused is much older than decreased or if deceased is not much of a drug user.
A guilty plea only may help improve sentencing. If pleading guilty better to do it before the trial.
Didn't type up schedule 1-7 drugs pg 38, 39 Schedule 1: opioids, meth, Adderall, ghb, methadone, MDMA Schedule 2: synthetic cannabinoids, most cannabis is regulated by the cannabis act now. 3: shrooms, lsd, ritalin 4: zolpidem, steroids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates 5: not in the book if it exists 6: ingredients to manufacture drugs ex acetone 9: manufacturing equipment ex machines to fill pills
Selling other medications like idk ibuprofen could be a civil matter where the gov might issue a large fine against you and failure to pay the fine results in conviction.
If your lawyer and prosecutor agree on a specific sentence during a guilty plea, judge will most likely accept that, but judge doesn't have to.
Types of sentences: un/conditional discharge, fine, suspended sentence with probation and conditions (ex community service, rehab) imprisonment in institution or in community.
Being guilty can have other effects like travel ban to USA.
Sentencing considers: type and context of offence, circumstances of arrest, first charge for this kind of offence, current situation, level of detail and assurances in rehab plan, are there victims, prosecuted as summary or indictable offense. Unofficially judge considers bias like being anti-sex worker.
Prosecuted for either indictable offense or summary offense. sometimes the law decides which, sometimes prosecutor does. Determines max sentence and severity judge will serve.
Indictable offense - more serious. Some crimes are always indictable. Summary - less serious
Aggravating factors - reasons court gives harsher sentence: - Not having a drug addiction at the time of offence - priors - commited offence for financial gain - breach of trust - etc
Mitigating factors - reasons court gives better sentence: - guilty plea - been in drug rehab if had drug addiction at the time of the crime (get letters from case workers) - age - remorse - community involvement - etc
Mandatory minimum sentences, Mms.
Since 2012 Mms higher and a bunch of drugs moved up in schedule
Gladue report: - optional for accused. - affects all parts of court - prepared by some org - for anyone who identifies as indigenous
Impact of race and culture assessment IRCA: - A few provinces have this - gladue for black ppl - judge can legally ignore it - exists bc black ppl have faced a lot of adversity
Stigma = negative stereotypes
If you participate in a treatment program pre sentencing, it can reduce your sentence oand delay legal proceedings. Court needs to recognize its value and legitimacy. Court can also force you to attend a program of their choosing which can be like prison-lite. You can propose your plan to the court.
Special tribunals in mtl regulate the provincial court treatment programs.
Many sex workers gain access to new resources and opportunities which can allow them change their condition and protect themselves. Anti sex worker laws deny them of this and their agency.
Drug addicts and sex workers are constantly stimgatized especially if they do sex work and use drugs.
Sex workers: Try to represent as a victim for a reduced sentence: - apologize and show remorse about your sex work - talk about how you're a victim of sex work - allow the court to paint your sex work as all the problems in your life - make no claim about the useful of sex work in your life - be poor, get exploited by clients/pimps - when the court tells you to stop talking to other sex workers, drug users, clients, do it.
If you are between 12-17 YO: - youth criminal justice act or director of youth protection applies to you, 1 or the other, you can sorta pick - "very serious" crimes you're prosecuted as an adult, so public criminal record - if an adult works with you on a crime, it worsen the adults sentence
Police can charge you for possession of a weapon of they find a scissors or pocket knife
If police find you with a gun, they can easily give you 3 yrs. Weapons bans are 10 yrs.
Immigrants: - try to get either type of discharge (conditional or unconditional), that's the same as not guilty in immigration law. - refugees without Canadian citizenship can be deported - if you don't have PR, a hybrid offense or 2 summary offenses can get you deported - PR: receive a 6 month sentence or guilty of a crime that has max sentence of 10 yrs. - with an expired visa, cops database doesn't have that kind of info, but they could call Canadian Border Safety Agency (CBSA)
Indictable offence usually don't have fines associated with them.
Cannabis act (CA) - distribution and trafficking are the same thing - having on possession for sale is illegal - generally refers to dried cannabis, usually 30g dried or equivalent. Can't have more without gov stamp - can grow 0-4 cannabis plants, depending what province you're in - kids/orgs cant have 5g of dried weed or less or grow any - budding/flowering plant in public place is illegal - no entering or leaving Canada with weed - adults can't grow weed on someone else's property. Kids and orgs cannot grow any - involving kids in any of these is an offence in of itself - producing materials that enable trafficking illegal weed
public place: public has assess too and any vehicle located in public view
Illicit cannabis is illegally obtained cannabis. It doesn't have the gov stamp of approval
Some ppl give a fake name to cops bc risk of being identified is worse than the risk of obstruction. If you give police a fake address, they might mail court papers to that address and you won't be able to receive them. If you give the cops a fake name and need to retract it, try to say it's a "nickname but my legal name is x"
Recording cops: - legal for you to record cops unless property owner has rules against it, or recording actually does interfer with the investigation - police may tell you that it's illegal. Might charge with obstruction, or say you're breaking like privacy, take your recording device, demand you erase recording, say they're seizing your phone bc it contains evidence - if police seize your phone, they could find incriminating evidence to charge you or someone else with another crime
Frisking: - cops can legally if u are arrested. Only supposed to if they thinking you have a dangerous item on you and are a threat to someone's safety. If you get upset this increases the odds they'll search you. If they are searching you for weapons not supposed to search you for other things like drugs, phones, tattoos etc. They can use this to search for needles to identify you as a drug user - searching you for evidence of the crime they say you committed - if you're temporarily detained/being questioned same thing - if you give them permission to search you or your property, they will. To prevent this say loudly "I do not consent to the search" and "je ne consens pas a une fouille" (jeh neh koh sehn pah ah oon foo yeh) - if an illegal search results in say drug charges, the drug charges could be withdrawn - if unlawful arrest (ex police brutality) then the subsequent search might be illegal
Seizures: - can seize items in a warrant. Ask to see and read the warrant. - if the warrant is to search a location, must have that address, specific area they can search, and list items theyre searching for - ask cops for a copy of the report identifying the seized items and where the items are being held Can seize items without warrant if they think it's related to a crime, ex: - weapons that may have been used in the offense, Items that provide evidence like phones, scales, note books, items obtained through criminal offenses like money from drug selling, They can seize items before any arrests While you're detained they will frequently go through your phone Note down: everything they seize, when, whom, where you were at the time. Careful about "obstructing" police while you do this, record officer name, patrol car number, badge number and other identifying info, knowing seizing location helpful for trying to get your things back, if an item is evidence you won't get it back til the end of the case, if it's considered proceeds of a crime you'll likely never get it back, illegal things you will never get back
While detained, you can try asking a guard or lawyer if you can use your phone to get phone numbers, usually they'll say no. Guards will be able to read your phone while this happens. Memorize the numbers of potential sureties.
Don't have incriminating evidence about yourself or your associates
Drug use equipment: - can legally distribute unused drug equipment - if you have drugs on you, having sterile drug equipment can be used as additional evidence against you - may still be seized by security - If you're hanging out with a drug users and you're searched and they find sterile needles, they may then search your companion
Being detained: - physical detention is like being cuffed - psychological - they tell you you're not free to leave/act like you can't leave - can detain for: you're connected to a crime, being a witness, victim, breaking a bylaws, warrant however discretionary power means they might not for a warrant, being present at a raid - technically don't have to identify yourself, but police will likely arrest you for obstruction - police have to tell you why
Being stopped and questioned: - just bc you are in the area a crime took place, doesn't mean they can stop and question you legally unless you match suspect description. They will anyway if they want
Warrants apply country wide in practice
Arrested: - cops must tell you what you're being arrested for - they'll let you go with an "appearance notice" that may include conditions - you'll receive a "summons" in the mail is really an appearance notice - keep you in detention for a few days until a judge sees you - If you have kids, get a criminal lawyer and family law lawyer - if you're an immigrant: criminal lawyer and immigration lawyeexpert - arrest warrant: must have name of person to be arrested
You can negotiate conditions, like if banned from an area but have dr appointments there. Lawyer can do this.
If cops question you or tell you to go with them: - ask "am I free to leave? Am I being detained or arrested" if unclear ask again, if still unclear make motions to leave and leave if they don't stop you - if detained: "what am I being detained for?" - if arrested: "what am I being arrested for?" -- you have the right to ask and to speak to a lawyer - technically illegal for them to detain you due to trying to bring you to a shelter or rehab etc
Police legally have to wear badge number and name tag and have to identify themselves if you ask them to
After abusive police interaction, note down: - when, where event happened - held anywhere? Conditions of where you were held? Location? - officer names, numbers, car numbers - what was searched? When, where, how did it happen? - who was searched? How and where were they searched? Name and badge number of cop. - Dmges? take pics - who was detained? We're they offered an interpreter if needed? Do they speak the same language as the officer? - give all the info to lawyer
If cop grabs you and you pull away they might try to charge you with assault of an officer
Prep for dealing with police: - anyone in my party break a law? Any warrants? Youth protection involved with anyone? - if we're stopped by police, are we all staying silent, all giving the same info? Other plan? - are cops targetting me, the neighborhood? - if cops targetting someone else, can I walk away? - is my hangout area heavily surveilled? Is my party heavily surveilled? - if I have id, does it reflect the name I'm gonna tell the cops? What happens if an officer shows up who knows me? - how to respond to cops if my kids are with me? - condition breach? - am I carrying anything arrestable? Plan if they search me? - are all my incriminating items hidden from plain view? - what police consequences is most harmful to me? What am I most concerned about? What am I willing to do to avoid these? - can I role play with someone?
Good Samaritan overdose act (Good Sam law): - If someone is overdosing and you call 911, police legally aren't supposed to arrest you or anyone else there, incl overdosee for simple possession or simple possession condition breaches - everything else they can arrest you for. And they are known to use the opportunity to extract arrests Consider: throwing away/hiding your illegal drugs, tell others there you called 911 so they can leave, tell dispatch that area is safe so maybe police won't come, should I leave and get someone else to stay or leave a note on the overdosees,
Security guards, transit officers, etc: - no legal requirement to speak with them - they can citizens arrest you physically legally if they see you doing crime - cannot legally search you - can legally use reasonable force to remove you from a building - Montreal public transit security can become special constables easily and can detain and arrest ppl suspected of criminal activity on mtl transit. Can access police database. - All public transit security can fine and issues tickets related to their public transit. You're required to provide them name, address, dob
Driving a vehicle: - if you are driving, police have more authority, like asking for ID, breathalyze - police can stop vehicles bc: see a driving violation, believe the vehicle is related or a crime, routine police blockade for like drunk drivers passing - often use license plates to determine if the car was stolen or a getaway vehicle or whatnot - police pulling over ppl in high crime areas for no other reason is illegal - important to not have knife, drug residue in plain view - if you're too shaky, pink eyes, they know ppl in the car as drug dealers, they're more likely to find you suspicious - after arresting driver, they can legally search your vehicle if it's related to why they arrested you, ex they arrest you for drugs and then they can then search the vehicle for more drugs - more likely to search your vehicle if you're wearing a bulletproof vest - can search the vehicle legally for "safety", they see you have weapons charges and then they search the vehicle or if they have reason to fear for imminent evidence loss, fear imminent threat to someone's safety - legally easier for police to search your car then pat you down. - police can only legally ask driver for ID unless they turn the stop into an investigation in which case they can then ask everyone in the vehicle for ID - sleeping in your vehicle: take keys out of ignition, sleep in the back. Police may still harrass you and say it's in relation to criminal charges
Investigations: - begin for any reason, even via anonymous tip line calls - often police will surveill and if they see suspicious activity, they get a warrant
Residential location: - greatest privacy from police here legally, however: if owner unknown, abandon, frequented by marginalized ppl, police more likely to invade - when can they enter your house: generally police cannot enter without a warrant unless the person who answers the door consents, if they think someone inside is about to commit a crime or that a crime is in progress, in hot pursuit and the runner enters the house, if they think someone inside's life is in danger - if you don't consent to them entering say: I do NOT consent to you entering, je ne consens pas a ce que vous rentrez (jeh neh Kon sen pah ah seh voo rehn-tray) - can get warrants to enter for unpaid tickets, money owed to revenue Quebec - police search your home when: someone being arrested there and police think something is a danger to other potential occupants, police fear imminent lose of evidence, medical emergencies (Medicare card, suicide notes) - if they see something suspicious (drugs, scales, large sums of cash) in plain view (from your door, or anything they see if you allow them to enter. Even if you let them in, they're not supposed to search your house or roam to other rooms) they can seize it. - an arrest warrant isn't enough to search a place
Hotel/motel: for your room, generally same rules as residential, but a bit less privacy - for public areas, no privacy benefits - if cops can get keys from hotel staff or permission from hotel staff they'll use that to enter your room - often will say the housekeeping staff saw something suspicious
House keepers: - if they see drugs, lots of condoms, paraphernalia, sex work publications or drug publications they may contact police. There is an increasing trend for this happening under the guise of human trafficking prevention esp if you're a marginalized/racialized women who uses drugs. - they are allowed to enter your room
Hospital: - usually won't provide the cops with much info unless they have a warrant for a patient. Sometimes even will not let cops into your hospital room - will contact law enforcement. Usually have low threshold to attempt to kick out ppl as it relates to arguments, raised voices, disruptions - if you are with a patient, hospital more likely to provide info on you to cops, so careful what info you give hospital staff - as a patient u may have to change clothes and that could lead to dropping suspicious items out of your pocket - if you go to the hospital with a friend, tell them to stfu about providing info about you - bringing a friend can help by taking notes, advocating for you. Ideally your friend isn't know to the cops, can stay calm.
Supervised injection site, SIS: - inside cannot be charged with simple possession. Cannot give to others or administer to others. - staff cannot be charged with trafficking for providing the venue or material facilitating the drug usage. Same with staff checking drugs, which would normally be trafficking - police can do whatever outside of the building. If arrested for simple possession, could tell lawyer you were on your way to the sis/on your way back home - if you are investigated in relation to a sis, make sure your lawyer speaks with the sis bc your lawyer prob doesn't know the basics of the sis. - to use a sis, usually don't need to provide real name or info. If you give your real info, easier for medical staff at hospital to look you up if needed
Speaking to police: - if arrested cops suppose to stop asking you questions once you request to speak to a lawyer, but they will often still ask you questions anyway. After you speak to a lawyer they have the right to question you again - they will attempt to provoke you into speaking - interrogator will ask random questions to build rapport (ex personal life, interests). Will often promise or claim to help you if you talk to them - legally can lie about most things. Ex evidence, other ppl's statements, "if you leave now we can't help you later", "if you cooperate now you will get a more lenient sentence". - don't react to their questions
Initial appearance in from of a judge before bail hearing: - you appear before a judge within a day. If it's a weekend or holiday then after that. Have a lawyer come with you. This is when you can plea guilty or not guilty - can try to exchange 1 release condition for another, discuss this with your lawyer beforehand - if you receive a fine, some organizations can you get a payment plan. Community service can also be used to pay off a fine.
Bail hearing - you can schedule the meeting with a judge at a later date to give you more time to prepare for how to make bail - usually happens within 3 days - prepare in advance how to get released on bail - Prosecutor will often argue you shouldn't be released bc: you won't attend your next court date, you pose a risk to the public, public will lose faith or you're released. - your lawyer will likely argue: you have a fixed address (can be friends, family), will obey your bail conditions - sometimes to make bail you need: bail money/recognizance document saying you'll pay latesurety. Surety should have legal job and no criminal record. Show that you have routine, like school, clubs, job, family. Can have someone who ideally does not have a record come testify to your character. Proof of income. Someone to book you a spot in rehab. - if the court takes your passport, photocopy the important pages
Cdsa and cannabis act are federal criminal laws, but are often prosecuted by provincial/municipal forces
Law reform/Stella: The term decriminalization is getting more widely used and the meaning is recinding. Stella says decriminalization of drugs and sex work is a necessary first step to guarantee human rights. Drug use is not always an illness or problem. Abstinence is not the only way and thinking it's the only way is harmful. Drug sellers should be be categorized as bad ppl. If 1 law is repealed cops will often just target a sigmatized group with a new law. Alternative punishment instead of prison is still not decriminalization, aka Portugal model. For things like cannabis, even tho self possession of an amount is legal, you still can face police surveillance, unwanted police contact, trouble with landlord, etc. Individual prosecution directors, police departments can set guidelines, but those are not related to laws. Guidelines can say more or less punishment.
submitted by alexanderb35 to pastebin [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 09:56 WorkerWriter Good news after 2 years: I am High T with great Free T and medium Estradiol

You have to stick to the regimen and get good doctors.
My internist was the one who ignored my urologist in the Northeast and put me on injections of Test Cyp. Many of you helped me. To wit:
But I found injections to be inconsistent. They also dropped my LSH and raised my Estradiol. My old urologist in the South had a solution for that: I was on arimidex 1 mg 2X a week.
I visited him late last year and he put me on cream again, as I was on -- early last decade -- for years. And back on 1 mg Anastrozole (arimidex).
Last month, after a year of no sex of any kind, I began to have better erections. I continued weight loss.
I began masturbating like a normal male again. Yes, I went a year without a orgasm. I was curious to see how long my low T would affect me like that. It was an odd experiment I would not recommend. Sex and orgasms are normal and healthy male pursuits.
Anyhoo -- My muscles also feel better than they ever have, and I am gaining muscle. I walk more! And I feel like lifting weights.
It's unbelievable.
Yesterday, LabCorp sent me my numbers:
Test: 857 up from 526 in October. (ng/dl)
Free T: 16.5 up from 7.5 (pg/ml)
Estradiol: Down to 16.2 from -- 71.8 in October. (Men should not be over 42.6 pg/ml.)
So the creams are better for me, as is the arimidex.
I feel much better. I am 56, so the Ritalin my doc gave me to improve my focus also helped. I have lost 25 pounds in 2 years and I am finally ready to put effort into settling down with a woman.
Find your regimen, guys. It may take time. Hormones are not easy. But I needed treatment.
submitted by WorkerWriter to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2023.05.12 18:28 xanny2662 TRT Regimen Too Much?

Hi all! I'm 25M, eosinophilic esophagitis, anastrozole 1mg/3x week, ritalin 10mg/2x day, wellbutrin 100mg/3x day, depo-testosterone 30mg/day.
My PCP has just put me on depo-testosterone since the gel didn't provide any improvement in my t-levels. When he initially tested my hormone levels, my estrogen was extremely high and testosterone was extremely low, especially for a guy that's only 25.
T-Reference Range: 47-244
Result: 48
No reference range for estrogen
Result: 112
He has me on anastrozole the past several months twice a week but just bumped it up to 3 times a week at my last appointment when he prescribed the injections. I'm about to start taking 30mg/day for a little over a month to see how well my levels improve in conjunction with the anastrozole. I was on the same dosage of the gel at 30mg/daily and he checked my levels a month afterwards with not a good enough improvement for his liking so he stopped that medication but kept me on the anastrozole. The testosterone was slightly higher than the estrogen, but not where he optimally wanted it. He checked it again last month and they flip-flopped again. He'll be checking the levels again after I'm done with this month of injections.
For reference, my doctor is also a registered pharmacist, so I don't believe he'd push me in the wrong direction in that regard.
Do you believe this is too much, even if it's just for a month for observation and testing sake? Thanks!
submitted by xanny2662 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2023.05.12 18:27 xanny2662 TRT regimen too much?

Hi all! I'm 25M, eosinophilic esophagitis, anastrozole 1mg/3x week, ritalin 10mg/2x day, wellbutrin 100mg/3x day, depo-testosterone 30mg/day.
My PCP has just put me on depo-testosterone since the gel didn't provide any improvement in my t-levels. When he initially tested my hormone levels, my estrogen was extremely high and testosterone was extremely low, especially for a guy that's only 25.
T-Reference Range: 47-244
Result: 48
No reference range for estrogen
Result: 112
He has me on anastrozole the past several months twice a week but just bumped it up to 3 times a week at my last appointment when he prescribed the injections. I'm about to start taking 30mg/day for a little over a month to see how well my levels improve in conjunction with the anastrozole. I was on the same dosage of the gel at 30mg/daily and he checked my levels a month afterwards with not a good enough improvement for his liking so he stopped that medication but kept me on the anastrozole. The testosterone was slightly higher than the estrogen, but not where he optimally wanted it. He checked it again last month and they flip-flopped again. He'll be checking the levels again after I'm done with this month of injections.
For reference, my doctor is also a registered pharmacist, so I don't believe he'd push me in the wrong direction in that regard.
Do you believe this is too much, even if it's just for a month for observation and testing sake? Thanks!
submitted by xanny2662 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.04.22 05:48 Bubzoluck [30 min read] Miss the First Wave? Well the Next One is Coming -- Discussing Methamphetamine and a New Epidemic

[30 min read] Miss the First Wave? Well the Next One is Coming -- Discussing Methamphetamine and a New Epidemic
Hello and welcome back to SAR! Today we talk about a very tricky topic—the Methamphetamine Epidemic. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that has recently seen a rise in the United States (as well as other Western countries) that is slowly starting to take over Opiates as the illicit substance of choice for substance abuse. Meth isn’t a new recreational drug, we saw the first wave in the 1990s, but in the current Opiate Epidemic viewpoint we hold we now have different approaches to an addictive and destructive drug. There have been some approaches that have worked and many that haven’t and in order move forward we should acknowledge both. As always I try to stay incredibly neutral on these current topics because unlike Pellagra from 1910, we are seeing the effects of Meth right here, right now. See this post as a springboard to learn more and educate yourself on what is currently going on and if you are inspired considering getting involved yourself. So let’s chat about Amphetamines, Stimulants, and Meth!

Meth by any other name is still just as… sweet? Addictive?
Methamphetamine is one drug part of a larger drug class called Amphetamines which are considered Stimulants. Stimulants, which include other non-Amphetamines like Cocaine, Caffeine, Khat, and Nicotine all cause feelings of increased energy, euphoria, and confidence which are the main reasons they are used or misused. Methamphetamine comes in several forms and each one has different properties and reasons why its used. Powdered Meth, commonly called Crank, is fine enough that it can be snorted or applied to the inner lower lip for a quick ‘bump.’ Crystal Meth is a smokeable form or injectable form of Meth that causes a more potent reaction due to the higher dose. Less popular is Base which is an oily form that is melted down and injected or sometimes swallowed.
  • The onset and duration of Methamphetamine's rush (the intense euphoria feeling) is entirely dependent on what form is used and how it enters the body. Snorting has an onset within 5 minutes and usually lasts about 30 minutes; IV injection happens within one minute and lasts 10-20 minutes; smoking has an instant effect and lasts for about 5-10 minutes. It should be noted that the rush that someone feels is seconds long the quicker the onset is meaning that someone needs to take multiple hits to continue the euphoric rush. The high, which is the mind/body altering feelings after the rush can last anywhere from 4 to 24 hours with most people landing around 12 hours.

“I’ll be your master, you’ll be my slave. Don’t fear being lonely, I'll walk with you to your grave.”
Before we can start about the epidemic we have to understand the drug. Inside the brain we have several neurotransmitters that coordinate the generation, transfer, and termination of information. Now, the complexities of this neurotransmission is a little bit too broad for this post but we do have three neurotransmitters that we need to think about: Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (5-HT), and NorEpinephrine (NE). As you can see in the diagram on the right, all three of these neurotransmitters come from a common precursor molecule so we dub this triad the Monoamines since they contain a single amine group on the tail of a hydrophilic aromatic ring. Chemistry aside we can see broadly 4 mechanisms of Amphetamine drugs:
  1. Increasing the Release of Monoamines from their neuronal storage so that their signal is boosted
  2. Inhibits Monoamine Ruptake Inhibitors so that any released neurotransmitter is kept in the synapse causing the signal to be boosted.
  3. Reverses transporter exchange so any neurotransmitter that is removed from the signal is released again thus boosting the signal
  4. Weakly inhibits Monoamine Oxidase which prevents the breakdown of the neurotransmitters to have a longer lifespan and thus boost the signal.
If you can’t tell, the overall effect is BOOST THE DOPAMINE, NOREPINEPHRINE, AND SEROTONIN SIGNAL. But this effect of boosting NorEpi, Serotonin, and Dopamine is not unique; lots of drugs increase the concentrations of these neurotransmitters in the body and have a wide range of effects. Many antidepressants increase Serotonin or NorEpi concentrations and Bupropion (Wellbutrin) is a unique antidepressant in that it increases NorEpi and Dopamine. To explain Methamphetamine I want to take a novel approach—I want to pull Methamphetamine out of the nebulous environment of “street drug” and compare its effects to prescription drugs. Now keen readers know that there is a prescribed form of Methamphetamine called Desoxyn for ADHD but that would be a cheap comparison; its the same drug! So let’s dive in.
  • Central Nervous System - Euphoria, Increased Energy, and Feelings of Power. Some of the main reasons why people misuse stimulants is their ability to increase energy, prevent sleepiness, conquer tasks, and of course the euphoria of a high. One of the most common forms of Amphetamine misuse in young adults ages 18-26 is buying prescription drugs like Adderall and Ritalin to help with studying in college. As I went over in my post about ADHD (link), this condition is not cause by a person having too much energy and so we take a drug to dampen that but rather that the person physically does not have the energy to focus. An analogy would be that it is incredibly hard to focus when you are tired, ADHD is similar except the person is not tired but doesn’t have the energy to focus. In a fatigued state the decision making region of the brain, the Prefrontal Cortex, lacks pro-focus neurotransmitters Dopamine and NorEpi. By administering stimulants we are boosting these neurotransmitters in the brain enabling the person to have enough energy to focus. Now its important to note that this effect of focusing is seen at clinical doses (i.e. prescription dose) but when someone is abusing stimulants for a high, they are taking 5 to 50 times the dose of someone taking their prescribed medication. This means we would see the effect of the medication at the lower dose but also the toxicities of taking the stimulant at these enormously high doses.

Ropinirole overlaid with Dopamine
  • One of the biggest effects of abusing Amphetamines is that Dopamine levels will sky rocket. In pop culture we see Dopamine as the happy chemical in the brain but the more accurate way to describe it as the Motivational Salience chemical or in other words it enhances the desirability of doing a task while simultaneously dampening aversion to that same task. We can see this in the Cognitive-Behavioral sense where doing a task becomes pleasurable which encourages us to do it again—taking Methamphetamine would make tasks a more pleasurable experience (the Dopamine concentration rise alone ensures that) and so it drives the brain to seek out those activities more.
    • A parallel to this are the Dopamine Agonists like Ropinirole (Requip), Pramipexole (Mirapex), and Rotigotine (Neupro) which are used primarily in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (oh look we have a post on it!). Parkinson’s is caused by the neurodegeneration of Dopamine neurons meaning that there are physically fewer neurons producing Dopamine in the brain. Other than its role in motivation, one of the other main functions of Dopamine receptors is in the initiation and progression of movements. As the illness progresses the number of Dopamine receptors being activated by Dopamine starts to decrease leading to the characteristic movement dysfunction we see in Parkinson’s. This is where the Dopamine Agonists come in—they directly bind to the Dopamine receptor and activate the receptor to replace the Dopamine production that is slowly disappearing.
    • At lower doses, drugs like Ropinirole works primarily with the Dopamine-2 receptor to improve movement but in people who are extra sensitive to the drug we start to see some unwanted side effects. When the drug works on the Dopamine-1 and Dopamine-5 receptors we start to see the feelings of euphoria and behavioral changes in the patient. It is well documented that people who take a Dopamine Agonist are at risk of developing addictions like shopping, gambling, and even sex after they start one of these drugs. Why? Well for similar reasons to an Amphetamine—the drug is activating the Dopamine receptor causing pro-motivation towards those rewarding behaviors thus reinforcing them. In fact there was a big lawsuit in 2012 in France when a patient sued the manufacturers of Ropinirole for his risky hypersexual behaviors and excessive gambling while he was taking the medication from 2003-2010. The behaviors immediately ceased upon discontinuation of the drug and this is why doctors and pharmacists must warn patients to watch out for these extreme behavioral changes.
  • Central Nervous System - Feelings of Paranoia. As we have discussed, low doses of Amphetamines allows for an increase in Dopamine and NorEpi in the Prefrontal Cortex allowing them to focus but at abuse levels we see enormous concentrations. The effect of this excess Dopamine in this region of the brain, as well as elevation in the Hippocampus and Amygdala (emotional and fear regions of the brain) is the development of Anxiety and especially Paranoia. Part of this plays into the Reward Circuit of the brain and the addictiveness of the drug but the other is Methamphetamine-Induced Psychosis. Because reward and paranoia are so closely linked, the more someone chases the Euphoria of misuse the more paranoid they are likely to become. Someone can develop visual or auditory hallucinations that can be incredibly scary. All of these are incredibly distressing thoughts but because Methamphetamine can cause a significant withdrawal the person has almost no choice but to continue using the drug else they become incredibly sick.
    • A parallel to the Methamphetamine Psychosis is Schizophrenia—a severe mental illness marked by delusional thoughts, bizarre behaviors, and/or blunted emotions (and yes we do have a post on Schizophrenia found here). It is believed that Schizophrenia is caused by an excess of Dopamine in many different regions of the brain resulting in the wide range of symptoms we see. The hallmark symptom of Schizophrenia is Psychosis or thoughts that do not align with reality—this is where the stereotype that the government is watching the individual come from. The mainstay treatment of Schizophrenia are Antipsychotics (a.k.a Neuroleptics) which act as Dopamine-2 Inhibitors. These drugs block over stimulation of the Dopamine receptor thus preventing overactivation of the Dopamine systems in select regions in the brain to hopefully decrease Psychosis. In a way, Methamphetamine abuse can be seen as a drug-induced Schizophrenia that is very dose dependent.
  • As discussed in the Schizophrenia post there are two generations of Antipsychotics: the first generation almost exclusively works on the D2 receptors while the later second generation focuses on D2 and a Serotonin receptor 5HT2a and Alpha-2 receptor (A2). Generally we find better efficacy with these later agents because of their broader effects which suggests that Schizophrenia may have some pathology in Serotonin and NorEpi circuits as well. Remember that Amphetamines also increase Serotonin and NorEpi concentrations so its no wonder why we see this drug-induced psychosis that mimics many symptoms of Schizophrenia.
  • Now, does this mean we should treat Methamphetamine use with D2 antagonists? When someone is currently using Amphetamines it would be a terrible idea because we would immediately precipitate withdrawal which is why doctors have to be careful when diagnosing true Schizophrenia vs Methamphetamine Psychosis. It is not hard to imagine a scenario in which a person is brought to the ER in an acute psychotic episode and pumped full of Haloperidol (Haldol) immediately causing a Methamphetamine withdrawal which thankfully is not fatal (unlike Alcohol withdrawal). That being said Antipsychotics do have a role in maintaining sobriety from using Methamphetamine and they are increasingly becoming a go-to treatment for helping people stay away from Meth.
  • Cardiovascular - Arrhythmias, Hypertensive Crisis, and Heart Attacks. So far we have focused on Dopamine but now we are going to switch focus to the other main neurotransmitter NorEpi. NorEpi is a widely distributed neurotransmitter in the brain and in the rest of the body. We see the effects of NorEpi when the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) is activated such as during Fight or Flight; let me set the scene: you just get to class and discover that, shock, you forgot to wear trousers today! You are ass naked in the middle of the lecture hall and desperately need to get back to your dorm to put on the clothes that you somehow forgot. In addition to the stress hormones Cortisol and Epinephrine, the main effect we are going to see is NorEpi to take your wind-chilled butt all the way back home. All of the actions of the SNS are to ensure that you can MOVE QUICKLY to avoid whatever danger you are in (cue bear attack analogy that is normally talked about).
    • In the eyes we see the pupils dilate so that more light can enter to let you see more of your surroundings. Likewise blood is shunted away from the digestive tract (because this is no time for energy to be wasted on something so slow) to the muscles so they can get the extra oxygen delivered. This means that the stomach will secrete less acid, the intestines stop moving waste, and the mouth stops secreting saliva (which is why people get dry mouth when scared). In the lungs the airways dilate to allow more air to be inhaled to oxygenate the blood and the heart is stimulated to beat faster and harder to move that blood to where it's needed, the muscles. We also see smaller blood vessels near the surface of the skin constrict to shunt blood to more important places, like the muscles.
  • Running home to get some pants is all well and good but, ahem, what about Methamphetamine? Well remember that Amphetamines cause an increased release and decrease reuptake (removal) of NorEpi in the central nervous system. This means that we are increasing NorEpi concentrations which would simulate Fight or Flight when we don’t need it.
  • Even though Methamphetamine will cause a wide range of effects I want to focus specifically on the heart because the relationship between Methamphetamine abuse and Cardiotoxicity is huge. Let me not mince my words: abusing Methamphetamine is incredibly toxic to the heart. (A) Firstly remember that NorEpi causes constriction of blood vessels and we see that Methamphetamine also causes constriction. If the blood vessels that nourish the heart are constricted we see the development of a Myocardial Infarction or Heart Attack which is potentially fatal. This risk of a Heart Attack is cumulative and the risk of having a Heart Attack increases exponentially for every year that someone uses.
    • (C) Next we see the effect of NorEpi on regulating heart rate. The ability for the heart to contract and move blood across the body is an incredibly essential mechanism for us to stay alive. During Fight or Flight more NorEpi is released causing the heart to beat faster and harder so that more blood is moved per minute. Like any muscle the heart can get tired and become dysfunctional if it constantly pushed to its limits—luckily people don’t live in a constant Fight or Flight mode else they would see Cardiomyopathy or weakening heart muscle. With constant Methamphetamine use we see two effects: first the constant stimulation disrupts the very carefully coordinated electrical stimulation on the heart to cause a heart beat. The result is pretty significant arrhythmias or a bad heart beat sequence. Secondly constant stimulation on the heart causes thickening of the heart wall making it more stiff and harder to contract. A stiffer heart means it is less able to move blood in the body and may develop a clot that could potentially cause a stroke. This remodeling is irreversible most of the time and is a real long term consequence of abusing Methamphetamine.
  • (D) We also see Methamphetamine being directly toxic to heart cells leading to induced cell death and necrosis. This means patches of the heart are dead and won’t be repaired even if the person stops using Meth. This process takes place by Methamphetamines binding to the Sigma-1 Receptor on the Mitochondrion (makes energy for the cell, but you already knew that) and the Endoplasmic Reticulum (remember this one from biology? It makes and stores proteins) which are essential for the continued survival of the cell. No Mitochondria or ER? Dead cell.
  • Teeth and Skin — Meth Mouth and Crank Bugs. Now that we have talked about the effects of Dopamine and Norepinephrine we can talk about the most recognizable signs of Methamphetamine use. I want to talk about it not to shame a user but because it's important to understand the complications related to the teeth and skin to avoid serious infections and further health complications. Despite how shocking they appear, its important to know that these conditions don’t happen overnight and through repeated misuse they get worse. Let’s dive in.
    • “Meth Mouth” as it is known is the characteristic breaking, decay, and loss of teeth and gums in those who use Methamphetamine. The mouth (which is featured in this post about sugar) is both tough and sensitive to the different conditions we put it under—in a lot of ways it is incredibly dynamic to the very different kinds of things we put in it. For instance we can put exceptionally acidic foods like lemonade which wears away teeth, too hot food that burns the palate, and not brush for weeks at a time without dying. Seriously, humans have been neglecting their dental health for all of time except for 60 years ago and we made it! Well barely, there is a lot of evidence that says good oral health is good general health (seriously go brush AND FLOSS). Looking at the cause of mouth damage due to Methamphetamine is multifactorial with the outcome being more of AND than one or the other.
  • 1) Meth is acidic — Okay this is a bit of a misnomer because any chemist will tell you that an amine is very basic BUT bear with me. Acidic foods wreak havoc on the teeth because they erode the protective enamel on the teeth allowing for them to become very sensitive and potentially damaged. Meth itself is not acidic but Crystal Meth is manufactured via the Red, White, and Blue Method which uses primarily Red Phosphorus (usually sourced from matches or flares), Pseudoephedrine tablets (white in color), Iodine (blue in color) in addition to a whole list of unsafe and toxic solvents. This manufacturing process utilizes the strong acid Hydroiodic Acid which may be left in the final product thus eroding the teeth.“Meth mouth” typically begins with the yellowing of the user’s teeth and rapidly deteriorating enamel “flaking” off from the underlying tooth structure. Repeated use of the drug eventually leaves the user’s teeth looking grayish-brown or black stained, decayed to the gum line, and often non-restorable. The rapid destruction of tooth enamel is thought to be a result of the heated vapors released by toxic chemicals produced while smoking methamphetamine.
  • 2) Meth dries out the mouth — remember how I said that Methamphetamine turns on the Sympathetic Nervous System which turns off digestion? Well one of the effects is that the salivary glands stop producing saliva which dries out the mouth. Saliva is protective because it dilutes any acid in the mouth AND washes away bacteria on the teeth that could be doing damage.
  • 3) Meth users clench and grind their teeth — similar to another Amphetamine, Ecstasy, people who use Methamphetamine are activating Dopamine receptors that cause the muscles in the jaw the clench. Sometimes the person is clenching so hard that they can crack and break their teeth and if the teeth are already weakened from erosion then the likelihood of breaking is greater.
  • 4) Addicts are concerned with their next high not about dental health — probably most sadly is that the engrossing nature of Meth addiction is that it removes any motivation for anything other than the drug. Someone who is in the middle of their addiction is less likely to take care of their teeth because it's just not a priority for them.
  • Moving onto the skin we encounter “Crank Bugs.” Remember that Methamphetamine causes a hyper-Dopaminergic state that is similar to the pathology of Schizophrenia which can result in intense hallucinations. This can result in pretty significant disordered thinking, especially Delusional Parasitosis or the idea that the body is infested with parasites and bugs leading to severe agitation. A person using Methamphetamine may start to scratch their skin to remove the bugs from their skin which can lead to lesions that can become infected very quickly. If someone does not have the delusions they may still pick at their skin like a tic (which is also a hyper-Dopaminergic state) causing skin lesions. Like the teeth, someone using Meth is not likely to care about the lesions when they are looking for their next high. Likewise someone who chooses to inject Methamphetamine may have degradation of the tissue around the injection site. Also remember that Methamphetamine causes vasoconstriction of the blood vessels of the skin shunting blood away from it which means its not being nourished with oxygen and nutrients that it needs preventing adequate repair.

The next epidemic? Or just an old one becoming worse?

Whew, what a lot of information. What was this post about again? Oh yeah the Meth Epidemic as a whole not just what is Meth. Fly over the middle states in the US and you will see countless communities decimated by this drug and now that you know the effects of the drug you can imagine how devastating it is. Methamphetamine was originally discovered in 1893 from the precursor Ephedrine in 1893 but found popular use in WWII by Axis soldiers as a way to stay awake and fight despite fatigue during the war. It’s utility in the war wasn’t lost on militaries and the US used Amphetamines in both the Korean War and Vietnam War as an unofficial way of making sure soliders stayed alert. In fact during the Vietnam War, the US military adminsitered upwards of 225 million dextroamphetamine tablets to soldiers and up to 50% of personnel were taking the drug. By 1973 when America started to leave Vietnam, that number jumped to 70%.
  • The domestic use of Amphetamines in the US starts a bit differently than the military however. As I detailed in the ADHD post, the original use of Amphetamines was in the diagnosis of a type of encephalitis vs flu in children. By the 1950s Amphetamines were marketed towards housewives for weight loss, athletes and students for performance enhancers, and truck drivers to stay awake on long hauls. In 1959 the FDA banned Amphetamine inhalers to curb the rise in abuse and in 1962 we saw the first use of “Speed Freak” to describe users of Amphetamines. To combat the continued rise of Ampethamine misuse among biker gangs, the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 established Amphetamine-derivatives as Schedule II classified substances which designated them as highly addictive prescription drugs. In 1980 the federal government tightly regulated the movement and sale of Phenyl-2-Propanone (P2P), the original precursor, meaning that home Meth cooks had to turn to other sources to make Meth.
  • In the early 1980s, Mexican Cartels, bike gangs, and home cooks turned to the drugs Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) as a better precursor thus birthing the Red, White and Blue Method we talked about earlier. This enabled the DEA to regulate Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine but big pharma companies pushed back against any regulation so the DEA compromised by regulating powdered Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine but not finished tablets in the pharmacy in 1986. The switch to using Ephedrine tablets instead of powders was not difficult for home Meth labs and by 1993 the majority of home labs were using over the counter Sudafed tablets to make meth OR purchasing it in bulk from Mexico.
  • In 1993 legislation was passed to require pill sellers, like pharmacies, to register with the DEA to hopefully catch and stop any major diversion. Meth cooks switched to using Psuedoephedrine tablets which required flammable solvents to extract the ingredients from the tablet—the Meth task force said that 60% of explosions and fires in labs was due to this switch. In 1996 the DEA required all Pseudoephedrine to be sold in blister packs believing it would be too much hassle for people to acquire enough precursor. It did not and up to 73% of raided labs showed evidence of blister packs being used int he cook. FINALLY in 2004 Oklahoma was the first state to require the purchaser to show ID and sign at the register when buying Pseudoephedrine. By 2005, 35 other states passed similar laws and the federal government passed the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 to move Pseudoephedrine behind the counter and require ID.
  • When we look at the trends of Methamphetamine we see an alarming increase. In the last 10 years, especially since the beginning of the pandemic, we have seen a sharp increase in the use of Methamphetamine. Methamphetamine use remains incredibly high and the drug of choice in the Western half of the United States (West of the Mississippi River) while the East is mostly Fentanyl. When compared to other drugs, Methamphetamine remains one of the highest rated harmful drugs, and is one drug that is most likely to cause harm to the user. \
  • In just 20 years we have seen overdose and death due to Methamphetamine skyrocket as seen in this graph from Utah. Methamphetamine was associated with a 16,200% increase in mortality in urban Black users when compared against urban White users. Perhaps scariest is that the rate of Methamphetamine deaths independent of other drugs has sharply risen meaning that the Meth Epidemic is becoming a distinct issue outside of the Opiate Epidemic. This has led some public health officials to state that we are seeing the rise of a Second Wave, the first being in the 1990s to 2000s. Right now there is heavy lobbying in the US to combat Meth production inside and outside of the states but progress is extremely slow. Some states that instituted the electronic system to track Pseudoephedrine purchases by showing ID have seen no decrease in Meth use since the program started. So where does this leave us? Well we are stuck at the beginning of a second wave that we may not be prepared for because we have yet to recognize the danger that is looming. Should there be more done to combat the Meth Epidemic? Yes, no doubt but it's plotting the right course that is extremely tricky. And those solutions will have to wait for another post. Cheers!
submitted by Bubzoluck to SAR_Med_Chem [link] [comments]

2023.03.31 10:03 bastienleblack Anyone had to take methotrexate (for arthritis, psoriasis, etc)? Did it effect your adhd?

For the last year I've been on Ritalin for my (adult diagnosed) adhd, and it's made a huge difference to my life. But how effective it is / how bad my adhd is varies depending on whether I got a good night's sleep, my mood, diet or whatever, which I think is pretty normal.
But recently I've started injections of methotrexate for an autoimmune disease, and methotrexate is known to have a range of possible side effects and quite a few people give it up because of them.
Unfortunately, one of the main side effects is "brain fog" and fatigue, and I'm struggling to tell whether I'm experiencing this, or whether I'm just having a "bad adhd day". I'm going to try and keep notes about what each day is life and see if I can find a pattern, but my commitments vary quite a lot over the week, so it's not as simple as comparing how I felt the day before the injection va the day after, because I have different environments, expectations and opportunity for good sleep, etc on different days. And comparing week to week is hard, because there always seems to be emotional reasons why things could have been bad "maybe I was just upset about x, that's why I could get my shit together yesterday".
Tldr : has anyone taken methotrexate? Did it affect your adhd? What did it do? Any tips?
Thanks everyone!
submitted by bastienleblack to ADHD [link] [comments]

2023.03.31 09:42 bastienleblack Can methotrexate side effects take a while to appear?

I started methotrexate five weeks ago (17.5mg weekly injections, with 5mg folic acid two days later) and the first few weeks were fine, with no obvious side effects. Which was a massive relief because I'd been very wary about trying it after hearing how badly it effects some people!
But after injection 4 and 5 I've started to think I maybe am getting side effects? The day after my 5th dose I'm particular I was really struggling to do quite simple things, getting confused and just being generally fatigueed / foggy. I also had reduced appetite and surprising (for me) feelings of nausea when doing basic cleaning stuff like changing the rubbish bin.
It's a bit harder for me to figure out because I'm on ritalin for my adhd, which has massively improved my life but can be a bit variable and its effectiveness is easily reduced by poor sleep or whatever. So initially I just assumed that the brain fog was just me feeling "a bit more adhd than usual" but then I remembered about the methotrexate and that brain fog is one of the big side effects!
I guess what I'm asking is, is it possible that the side effects of methrex would get worse over time even on the same dose? Or if it was going to produce a side effect, it would normally do so straightaway? Thanks!
submitted by bastienleblack to rheumatoid [link] [comments]