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2024.05.14 04:50 girlieb1991 How do you know *when* to start your MBA journey?

Hey there!
I’m brand new to this sub, and have really enjoyed scrolling through and reading everyone’s posts.
I have never considered getting my MBA until recently. My undergrad is in the performing arts. I’m proud of my work experience, but it’s all over the map. For reasons that are too long for this post, I’m not pursuing “the arts” any more.
My current role is with a consulting company that mainly focuses on the Ethics & Compliance space. I enjoy my company, have a lot of loyalty to them, and would like to grow there. I mainly work as administrative support.
Many folks I work with have either JDs or MBAs. My aptitude is more towards the operations of the company than becoming an expert in the content, so I’m leaning towards pursuing an MBA.
However, to be frank, I don’t really have goals. I want to be smarter, learn what I can about strategy for running a business, and simply be more valuable.
Everyone in this sub has such concrete visions for their futures. It’s inspiring and cool to read, but I don’t feel like I fit that mold.
So ultimately, when is it wisest to pursue an MBA? I obviously have much to do: GMAT, applying for programs, etc., but I’m just interested to hear from others as I plan.
submitted by girlieb1991 to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 redmoonhawk I told my in laws how I feel, Now I am being blackmailed

Sorry in advance if I sound like I am rambling. This just happened a few hours ago and I am still crying.
For some background, I (30 f) messaged my SIL (32f) yesterday to wish her a happy Mother’s Day and to let her know I had a gift for her and a gift for my niece (6f) for my nieces up coming birthday. I always make the kids in the family something for their birthday since I am rather crafty and prefer to be more original.
My SIL, BIL, DH and I have had a rocky relationship for years. The past couple of years I have been keeping my distance as I do not feel welcome and because I am working on boundaries. There were some accusations (most founded) that they were on drugs. That is some crap I do not want around my kids. Yet, it is my “issues” that cause tension in the family because I have decided that my little nuclear family deserves rve some peace. I only bend a little bit if there is a party because the kids adore each other.
SIL told me that my niece is having a party and we were supposed to be invited. I told her that surprised me since my MIL said she had not heard of a party. She told me this when we discussed the gift I made my niece. It is an epoxy hummingbird hair clip. It took a lot of time to get right and I was quite proud of it.
SIL said BIL was supposed to extend invites to his side of the family. MIL showed me screenshots of the messages where he asked if my kids were coming (as usual) but no word of me.
SIL wrote a huge message saying BIL didn’t have a way to get a hold of me or my DH, and that of course we were invited as we are family.
It is important to note that they hold their children above our heads as a threat to take them away at the drop of a hat if things do not go their way. This has caused a lot of drama over the past 8 years. The past 2 of which I thought we were on bad terms. This was based on some comments the kids often made and the last time we said more than 2 words to each other it was a big fight.
I told SIL that it did not seem like BIL wanted me there for anything more than my kids and that I did not feel comfortable because the only person who even mentioned that I was welcome was SIL. I have gotten to the point where if I do not feel welcome I will not go. I suffer from Fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. And while I am doing better to take care of myself, things are still difficult.
I told SIL that it was ok, I don’t want to cause tension and I actually had plans to see my mom this weekend. My mom lives a couple of hours away and sometimes I get to see my brother. It is cathartic for all of us as my husband gets a break before and after work and I get my family time once or twice a month. We normally craft together and have our “crafting therapy” which is something I really need lately.
The last couple of times I went to my mom’s my son was with MIL and FIL. My mom had me promise that during the summer I would bring my son with me at least once a month. I think this is fair so I agreed.
My SIL wrote a long answer that she sent when I was taking a nap, (No sleep last night so my nerves are frayed) Honestly I have read it twice and have not retained much of the message.
During my nap I missed 2 calls from my MIL. Then I woke up to my MIL bursting into my bedroom, no we do not live with her; she drove to our house, pounded on our door, DH let her in. She barged into my room and started yelling at me. How could I tell SIL that the screenshots were sent to me? How could I tell her we talk? (Huh?) Do I know that SIL called MIL screaming about everything? Do I know FIL is on the phone in a screaming match with BIL? And the last one was that SIL told MIL that if I do not come to my nieces birthday then my MIL would not be allowed to see the kids again.
I woke up to all of this. My DH was trying to figure out what was going on or how to handle it.
Just as quick as MIL came, she turned around and left. I offered to show her exactly what I said, but no. All my fault.
I know this situation is all drama. This is the first time in 2 years that I tried to have an actual conversation with SIL. I tried to be honest, not even brutally, just honest about how I feel.
After MIL left, my kids came in my room and hugged me. They heard everything. What 6 and 3 year old needs to see their mom break down like that?
I called my mom and told her everything and that I started falling into the dark hole of depression again. I know I am exhausted both physically and emotionally. I just needed to get this out.
This is not the first time taking the kids away has been used as a manipulation tool but this time I am being blamed for it. IDK what to do. I just want to curl up into a ball and hide from everything. I want to see my family and to stop feeling like a pawn of this fucked up chess game. I need to remember I am the queen of my own set, tackling my own problems on my own board. I was finally getting to a good place. I just hope this crap does not derail my progress again.
Thank you for reading my rant
submitted by redmoonhawk to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 Few-Gate6684 friend zoned by an enfj need help

Hello enfp female here, I think I developed a crush for a enfj male
When I met him he was seeing a girl and I did not even saw him in a romantic way, we became friends, the fling he had with the girl stopped, and the more the months past the more attracted I start to feel towards him, we spent multiple weekend together with friend and we have often have activity we do together during the week, I don’t have a problem holding a conversation with him even for hours and he makes me laugh and I make him laugh, the slight problem is the insecurity I have with my self. Long story short, I had a bad experience with a guy growing up that left me traumatize and scared of intimacy , so even with a first kiss with someone I might start panicking and have a full panic attack, despite the fact that I am conventionally pretty I have many insecurity and a problem with the skin of my body (wich no one would tell when I’m dress) and we are literally (for the life we live) surrounded by model type girls.
Anyway, I know male enfj tend to have many female friends and I knew I was probably in the friend zone, last weekend after we spent every night of the week doing something together (with other friends) we ended up being the only two left at this club, he was really drunk, being super touchy and at some point I was hugging in order to not let him falling down, and he started kissing my neck and sucking my cheek as if he were to kiss me and I kind of freeze because of my problems and as soon as he was close to my mouth I Just told him, “not like this”. He turned around and ask me if I could keep a secret and he told me he was going to a concert with this girl we both know (she is oh so beautiful and nice and educate, and sporty but elegant at the same time, and she feels like the sun) I asked him what was the secret and he told me, he knew he probably shouldn’t go, since she was not THE one really.
He was so drunk he kept the cycle of asking me “can you keep a secret” and telling me the same thing about the girl all night” I menage to get him out of the club and let him sleep in my spare bedroom. At around noon I left the house, he slept in.
I went to his place at around 19:30 after he had just left mine, because he had my keys and he said he never blackouts drunk and wanted to know what happened, I told him everything, except the sucking on my neck and cheek, and we spent the rest of the night opening up, at around 01:00 am he let me understood it was late, and I started to try to find a taxi on the app, he took his guitar out and started to play music on it, the apps for the taxi kept on not accepting calls, and I became to be visibly frustrated, he told me there was no rush, but I was mortified, at the fourth time I was rejected by the taxi app he said I could spend the night at his place, but he did not have anything comfortable for me, I said no, because I was feeling like I was imposing my presence (it is though the third time he offers me to sleep at his place), in the end I found a taxi and went home, we are still in contact, but he is going with this girl at this concert, and while we were talking the second night he said, “I’m not saying I like her, but I’m intrigued”, and he read their text conversation to me, wich was static and nothing like ours, while we where talking we also touch the argument of some boy I talked to during the winter and he asked me if I kept in touch with him, we also talked about many other things, also we laughed about the fact that for a while I thought I had a crush for his bf, he was surprise to know I had met him just a week before I met him, nothing came from that, because his friend just saw me as a friend and we laughed about the situation, he also told me a story about a girl he thought was crushing on the friend many years ago and he ended up kissing her instead. When I went home I found some flowers at my place, As I said he had slept in the guest bed and made a mess and try to make everything nice while staying there all afternoon while I was out. (BTW it’s not a big deal for me receiving flower, I loved them and every guy I know knows it)
Now I have so many details to share if you have questions, but the main one is, how much am I in the friend zone? And how do I get out of it with an enfj?
submitted by Few-Gate6684 to enfj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 GSeabhac Week 5, Day 1

and I did all three 5-minute stretches without needing to drop to a walk! My plan is to do the same workout Wednesday and Friday, and then move to the program's Week 5 Day 2 next week: I think I need to move a little more slowly. If I feel able, I might do an 8-minute middle segment.
submitted by GSeabhac to C25K [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 Sub_a1122 Ugh I hate my life. Am I in the wrong to not want my cousins to come to my graduation?

I don’t want to invite my cousin and his wife to my graduation so much has happened in the past here that made me hate them and they obviously are just so fake. People are just gonna be a long story but just to give a background of why I don’t want to invite them last year in August my uncle is my cousins dad passed away, in a little while later, like less than a month later, my grandma passed away I thought that after the passing of his father, and then also my grandmother, that they would be more closer to us and treat us like family, but they are just stupid morons first we my family help them move into their house help them paint, takeoff the wallpaper‘s and do it and basically everything. Wow they didn’t have their “friends” to help them out at all yet when they decided to call people over to have dinner they did not invite us and we also knew those people to so it’s honestly so stupid. They have us do the hard work and then party with other people. What the fuck they did whatever after that they called us for cultural festival but honestly my parents didn’t like that they were celebrating too early because it hasn’t been 45 days since my grandma died but it’s been long enough since dad died and they said it’s celebrating all other people and they lied and said that they were only calling us, I feel like after that, they started to things behind our backs and started being big fat liars, especially my cousin his wife, already giving some looks at us whenever we go to their house and pretending to be busy. My cousin lies a lot now he’s also been the biggest liar of all. His wife freaking stayed in our house for like 2 weeks, twice because of the passing of her father-in-law and then my grandma and yet she treats us like shit it looks like she never wants to actually like make dinner whatever for us specifically because we’re re too much or whatever that’s why like five people even though now she’s pregnant with freaking twins soon gonna be a family of four and they eat way more than us anyways, there’s been quite a few instances where they had parties at their house with a lot of other people and then don’t even call us at least me and my siblings because we’re cousins like they didn’t call us for one of them. One time my mom and my brother went to her house and walked into a party that we were not invited to really embarrassing. What’s even more stupid is that my cousin’s wife didn’t even care to say that food in the kitchen it during lunch nor offer, no, she just gave apples lmfao. I am really mad at them all the stuff they’re doing and they’re not changing OK fine but I don’t want to be with them. I blocked both of their phone numbers. Now my parents are saying that I have to invite them to my graduation or else it’s gonna be an embarrassment to the family and we’re gonna look stupid. Even my siblings are saying that so I don’t know I don’t want to come to my graduation, especially since my cousin didn’t even come to my high school graduation, which is ultimately more significant since I’m just graduating from community college and transferring to a university this fall. I didn’t even feel like having a graduation this year. I just wanted to chill but after I got a notice that I got a very prestigious, recognition or or whatever you would call it now I have to go to the graduation for that and I would only be saying this and I want to invite them because of all the stuff the shit they did last year and this year. So am I being stupid 😭 Those people are just toxic!
submitted by Sub_a1122 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 Cheap_Accountant_9 Abusive neighbor of twelve years is pressing harassment charges on me.

Sorry for long post.
Two weeks ago a large tree branch fell from my yard into neighbors and brushed a tree of theirs. Neighbors have no trespassing signs and have been confrontational since we moved in (they were with previous owners, and the original owners who built our house). We've filed police reports as well as neighbors to our other side!
I wanted to cut up the tree entirely because I felt bad, but given the issues, I opted to do the legal requirements, cut the branches at the property line and stay on my property. It was down for almost two weeks, and they cut a bunch up and took all of the firewood ( my wife wanted it). She was upset and dragged some logs out of the woods into our front yard. We live on a private road and have had past issues where she and my daughter planted flowers, only to have my neighbor mow them over. When I confronted him, he laughed and said they shouldn't have planted them in a public space. It's on our property and twenty feet outside of the easement.
Heard a commotion and saw neighbors 80' into our property moving said logs, I walked down and told them to get off of my property, quit disturbing our land, and they were trespassing. Both ran over to their side of property and began berating me for not cleaning up the tree. I calmly explained that I would have if the husband were civil and I genuinely felt bad, but legally I couldn't and didn't need to clean up their yard. Wife was screaming that we damaged her trees. I said legally it's an act of nature and their responsibility.
I told them they stole firewood and needed to stop trespassing. Neighbor started going on about easement and they can do whatever they want because it's a private road. I said it's only twenty five feet and I'll grab a tape measure, neighbor said no need, he had it surveyed(my property).. Neighbor Wife started screaming that they can do whatever they want because they've lived here for thirty years, then tells my wife to shut up or she'll " beat her up" because this is a man's conversation.
I said if they continue to tresspass and damage our property, we're going to begin legal recourse of revoking their access easement because they keep abusing it.
Hour later state cops show up saying I'll be charged with harassment. He was pissed off he was called, I told him we didn't call, and he asked why we couldn't get along, we should have cut up the tree for him, and I should be grateful the neighbor is cutting my grass. I told officer my wife plants flowers and we have a busy here, neighbor cuts grass on lowest setting and it's nothing but dirt and moss because he turfs everything. He said why do we need to plant flowers when we have all this land( we have 2.74 acres, neighbor has 52)!
PA, charge is for " engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which serve no legitimate purpose".
Yes, I repeatedly told him not to tresspass on private property and to stop destroying private property, and told him that If he didn't stop I was pursuing the next legal recourse. And defended myself for following standard law for a fallen tree on a neighbor's property - who has no trespassing signs.
Should I be worried? I feel I don't even need a lawyer, have years of photos of past transgressions,third party police reports, and testimony from third parties that had similar issues. Or is it keep it simple, shut up, yes your honor let him be upset that his time is being wasted by my neighbor.
Oh, neighbor diagnosed and previously commited schitzoprenic as his wife told us(is that a HIPPA violation if she told me and my wife, on separate occasions)?
submitted by Cheap_Accountant_9 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 minimalistmom22 Am I overreacting?

You'll have to forgive me because it's not SUPER autism related, but concerns my son who is autistic. And this is going to be long. Sorry.
My son, 8, (lvl 1)was recently (in the last three months) diagnosed with autism. We told him about a month ago, and he's processing it. I'm not sure he really gets it, but he understands that his brain works differently.
This whole ordeal has been really difficult for me (just feeling guilty about missing signs,) and I developed a panic disorder but am doing better.
Anyway, my dad kept saying how much he wanted to my son to spend the weekend, so I called my parents up and arranged it. Unfortunately, they texted me to cancel because my dad's back was hurting. So, we made plans for the next weekend. My dad texted me two hours before my son was supposed to go there (he was already packed up with his suitcase by the front door) to cancel again saying he didn't feel well.
We told my son and, few hours later, he said "I know why grandma and grandpa are mad at me. They think I killed their dog." My son, obviously, had nothing to do with their elderly dog dying, but I think his brain interpreted that he must have done something really heinous.
A week and a half later, my son asked "why don't grandma and grandpa want to see me." And it broke me. They haven't contacted me since my dad's text (that was three weeks ago.)
I decided that I was done. I can't play fast and loose with my kid's feelings. I grew up with two mentally unwell, emotionally unavailable/stunted people, and I wanted to protect my son from that. And I failed. I know my parents don't mean to intentionally hurt him/me, but unintentional hurt is still hurt. And when my son is just processing his autism diagnosis is the cherry on top.
I am not going to invite them to our usual summer time stuff (birthday parties, 4th of July etc.) I am trying to not be vindictive, but I feel so protective of my son.
Anyway, am I overreacting to this? Would it be more damaging to limit contact?
submitted by minimalistmom22 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 reretede Looking for insider plays on coins to help run up this month. Comment if low mc coin, with marketing plans this week.

Looking for insider plays on coins to help run up this month. Comment if low mc coin, with marketing plans this week.
Title says it all, i can run up tokens with my team, taking a break before launching another one of mine, so want to get rolling till then. Peace
submitted by reretede to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 Soft_Gardenwolf My husband is secretly awful

I’ve been with my husband for 11 years, married for 4, we are 32. We have a 2 year old and I’m pregnant with another. Our friends and family think we have the perfect life. The careers, the salary, the house the cars ect. I do not take my blessings for granted. Everyone adores my husband, praises him for being such a good husband and father, but is he? He’s secretly awful. He is a certified man child with no self management skills and it’s ruining our life. It’s always been a background issue but add in the kids and the fact that I’ve grown so much as a person and he has not, and the resentment is unbearable.
I handle every single adult aspect of our life from bills to appointments (even his) because he simply can not. He forgets EVERYTHING. If I don’t give him directions he just kind of stands there like a sim. He will “take care of me” by doing things I ask him to do while I lay on the couch for a hour with morning sickness, which I am thankful for! But also, I have to remind him to floss, take vitamins, go to the dentist, get hair cuts, brush his teeth, eat lunch, ect. I have to give him specific directions with house work and the baby. He is a great father and he does not complain about doing anything I ask him to do, it’s just that I shouldn’t have to ask because he’s a grown ass man. Sometimes I have to ask him to do the same thing literally 5-40 times before it gets done. He has zero time management. Honestly, I don’t know how he’s so successful at work. Speaking of work.. I have to wake him up for work at 430am or he will not get up on his own. He makes zero effort to be romantic unless it’s a holiday I reminded him about and since I’ve been pregnant he can’t last longer than 20 seconds for sex (wish I was exaggerating) I’ve been asking him to become more aware, thoughtful and self productive for a very very long time. I got him a planner for our anniversary a few weeks ago, he hasn’t used it yet. I speak to him, I get silence. He says he’s thinking or answering in his head so 7/10 if I talk to him I get no answer and it makes me feel insane. I know he loves me, I love him. I want to just focus on loving him. We fight so much about the same 5 things we can’t even enjoy being a young married couple starting a family. I want him to make the changes so we can move forward. Hard to move forward when he is in complete denial that he does anything wrong. He said the only problem with our marriage is that I am always bitching at him and I seem so unhappy…. What can I do besides beg him to grow up? I can’t leave him, I don’t want to and even if I did it would ruin all of our lives mainly the babies. He doesn’t cheat or abuse me, so should I just keep being his mommy and single handedly hold the weight of the whole family on my own and just suck it up? He would be happy to live happily ever after with me raising him like he’s one of the kids. If I stopped nagging we would have the perfect marriage everyone thinks we have.
submitted by Soft_Gardenwolf to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 IndependentAbject231 Having DMX w/no reconstruction - do I need a visiting nurse?

I'm having a DMX in 2 weeks with no reconstruction. The hospital is telling me it's ambulatory and I plan to see if I can get them to keep me overnight. It seems nuts that they would have me do same day with a surgery like this. I live alone and recruited some friends to help for the first few days but now family are telling me to hire a visiting nurse or aide for the first few days. Especially with dressing wounds and sponge baths. My friends and I are in 40's and 50's. I feel a little weird being alone in my one bedroom apartment with a visiting nurse, as opposed to friends. Seeking thoughts about this. Thanks.
submitted by IndependentAbject231 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:46 warrior031 Decided to quit gambling, All the best Kings

I haven’t seen green in weeks, everything I tail from X is a flop and I just see everyone else winning thousands. I’ve reflected on the money that I could’ve save from January up until now and it’s had a negative effect on my mental health. Unfortunately I come from a poor family. I live in a small town that has no transit and nothing in it. I have no car and no friends so I can’t go anywhere. I noticed my “friends” from high school were just my school buddies after all. I’ve been trying to get a job but no where is hiring near me. I can’t even do construction because I’ve been struggling with sciatica since I was young. I just stay in my house all day trying to stay positive, always asking myself why I’m even here. I had a girlfriend in high school that was obsessed with me and I ended it because I had felt like relationships were a distraction at the time. I was too dumb to realize that I’m ugly and that the girl I had really loved me for me. It’s been a 3-4 years since we broke up and because of weed and friends I never even thought about her after that. Now she is happily in a relationship with a guy I thought was my homie and it kills me inside everytime I think about it, see them online or in person. I haven’t had a girlfriend since or any interactions with females in years. Idk how much longer I plan to keep myself in this world but just remember if you have any “friends” get the fuck away from them because they will take everything from you until you have nothing left.
submitted by warrior031 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:46 nothingnicetosay92 it’s been 3 months

and that span of 90 days feels simultaneously like a blink of an eye and the length of an eternity. I watched my mom exit this realm after a 15-month battle with pancreatic cancer.
The last 4 months of her life were intense. I don’t live in the same town as my parents, so I was traveling every week. As each week passed, the journey became more daunting- her condition was rapidly deteriorating. My dad, my grandparents, my partner and I were all there consistently. It might take a village to raise a child but it also takes a village to help someone transition into death. My aunt and uncle made the 10-hour journey twice during her last two months. We were there for her and we cared for her and we fought with her, the whole time. She wasn’t alone, although she may have felt it. She didn’t share her feelings much.
Now some time has passed and the lasting and permanent effects of this death on my father and I are showing…
I still visit, every other week. I spend my days off here, which, consequently, are my dad’s work days. But we watch television in the evening and we talk about mom. He tells me that he doesn’t have much will to live and with our ever-present hereditary cancers, he believes that cancer will be his way of death also. He tells me that if it comes to that, he won’t fight hard, if at all. That if cancer doesn’t come, he hopes he doesn’t live a long time because he can’t handle this constant level of grief and loneliness.
How am I supposed to handle this? While I’m navigating my own complex and difficult life, I now have these thoughts to sit with. It feels unfair for him to lay that out for me, it feels like he’s telling me our relationship and seeing my life through isn’t important enough for him to stay alive for. How do I convince him to find reasons to still live? He needs to learn ways to live for himself, and if that’s not already engrained, how does someone begin to do that? He’s been to therapy a few times since she passed (I haven’t, but need to). He’s on antidepressants. I know it’s still so soon after her passing, his and my feelings will change as time goes…but what if he doesn’t adjust?
I am 31f, my dad 51. I feel like we’re both too young for this much grief.
submitted by nothingnicetosay92 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:46 Cautious-Sympathy27 Am I doing right by my child ?!?!

Back story:
I 28F seen M39 for 6 months on and off back in 2020. It was COVID, lots of drinking and pure boredom. Not so safe sex. I became pregnant, he demanded I get an abortion, I refused, he quit his job and we went no contact. I advised him when our daughter was born. Nothing.
3 months ago/ 3 years later:
He requests paternity through the courts, the courts schedule all of us to come in at the same time, same waiting room. I felt backed into a corner and explained to my child someone wants to meet them.
Since then we have had 14 scheduled visits in total. ( I am present for every visit)
1 he was 6 hours late to and non responsive for the 6 hours. Yes I still aloud him to visit this day.
1 he canceled
1 where he sent his sister in his place and called it a “surprise” (I was not told about sister attending sport or requesting visit after) he did not respond with any answers for 48 hours and denied any wrong doing whatsoever. He denies that this was inconsistency, and thinks that I’m lying about our child crying for him. He says he is confused about my energy being different and that he doesn’t know where my “vibe” is coming from. I have proof of him in another state at a club the night before.
Out of the 12 successful visits a family member of his has been present for 7 of them. Leaving only 5 successful visits he has spent 1 on 1.
Prior to the last visit, I was picking him up for most of his 1 on 1 time. I have been accommodating and encouraging of the relationship. I’ve allowed him to visit at my home, and even starting to back off “watching him “ but still very close by. Now I’ve laid down that he will not be allowed in my home or car and we will stick to a once a week scheduled day and time. I’m asking that he schedule where and when after scheduled sport.
His response to the new arrangement is that I “have to” teach him / tell him what our child likes/ dislikes, what foods he should buy etc. so that he can take our child alone. He attempts to make plans, with our 3 year old over the phone. (Outside of the scheduled day) he even requests our 3 year old ask me if he can get in my car. This is now causing meltdowns and confusion.
I feel extremely manipulated all the time and I’m getting mixed opinions on what to do or not to do. Do I do anything at all? I left a lot of details out just to get to the point, but I’m willing to answer any reasonable questions.
submitted by Cautious-Sympathy27 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:46 Obvious_Syllabub_225 AIO for being sad that my ex started talking to another girl after we started seeing each other again

I (21f) have going over my exes(31m) house for the past month. He begged me to come over and told me he missed me. It has been two years since we last saw each other. Our relationship was unhealthy and there was too much fighting going on between us. When I finally agreed to come over I found out he was talking to another girl. He said I took too long and needed to find someone else in the meantime. He still let me come over and we would sleep together.
We started acting like a couple again and would cuddle in bed every night. He told me he was lonely and needed somebody to be with. I started staying over his place more knowing he was still talking to this other girl. I was too heartbroken to let it go and hope he would change his mind. For a whole week I was at his place before he decided to tell me he made plans a week prior to go see her. I feel even more crushed that he was not going to tell me and said he was going to wait until I left. I feel like I am being replaced by some random girl he barely knows. He said she accidentally texted him and now they are starting to develop some kind of relationship.
I know I am stupid and its my fault for seeing him but I have not moved on from the past. He pushed me away quickly once he told me he was going to see her and now I only get back one word replies from him. It felt like he was just using me after he held me in his arms every night for the past month. I am jealous and feel like we broke up all over again. I have been trying to forget the whole thing but it has been hard to.
submitted by Obvious_Syllabub_225 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:45 Darth-Ballz1 Registering new car in MI and transferring to IL to save on taxes?

Hi all,
I am currently in the market for a new car and have found a model I like that I plan on buying in the next two weeks or so.
I'll be moving to Illinois for work in about 1 month and was considering purchasing the car in that state when I realized the substantial difference in sales tax between MI and IL.
Can I register the car here in MI for the lower state tax rate and then transfer the registration when I move to IL? I understand I'll have to pay a few hundred to transfer to IL when the time comes. Just wanted to make sure I'm not missing out on any small rules.
Thanks for the help!
submitted by Darth-Ballz1 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:45 ZtoA_Limited I got my period back after 4 years and thinking I was infertile!

About 4 years exactly with no period, it started today! The day after Mother’s Day! Had noticed some cramps and back pain and bloating, but didn’t pay too much attention to it because I have chronic pain. After being weight restored since 3/2023, a little over a year, finally spotting today! I’m so overwhelmed with emotion. I really might be able to have another baby! It’s so wonderful to know that it’s an option after starting to come to terms with possibly being infertile. I was about to get my hormones tested but after so long my doctors had pretty much accepted this was early menopause.
I’m not gonna say I’m totally recovered or ready to take on mothering an infant right now, or if I’ll even choose to ever try for a baby, but it’s so reassuring to know I didn’t permanently destroy my body with the pure hell I put it through. I almost died twice since last January, which is what led me to really strive for recovery. I had really started to accept I would never have my cycle again; but wow, the body is so incredibly resilient. I am still in shock. I’m not thrilled about weight gain, but I AM thrilled about gaining health!
No matter what you choose in this life, choose you! - and the rest will fall into place. Wishing everyone strength!
submitted by ZtoA_Limited to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:45 ThisisNotAnExit90 Trying to figure out my life professionally and personally after a crash almost killed me

I can walk around just fine, but I got hit by a car as a pedestrian a few years back and can't really use my right arm/hand. I moved to LA recently ... and while I have a car, I'm afraid to use it. Every time I get on one of the highways I see damaged cars, speeding drivers, all sorts of stuff that scares me.
(In full disclosure, it took me until a few months ago to realize I will have to apply for partial disability. There are mental health issues as well -- serious depression, PTSD, etc.)
It's a vicious cycle because the type of therapy/driving lessons I need aren't covered by insurance. And I'm on my own for the first time in life -- sterling resume, but my career was interrupted by the crash (2017), my mom's cancedeath (2019-2021), and the pandemic (and the inflation it's caused).
I have a temp gig back home from July through August, but I need to make some money now. I also have been away from people for so long, my mental health is seriously declining ... the strikes in LA still reverberate.
The internet seems to have become especially toxic in the last two or three years. There's so much spam, fake listings, fake recruiters, etc.
Any advice? I'm stuck in this apartment most days and feel like I'm kind of losing it.
submitted by ThisisNotAnExit90 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 Lowerlameland No proper notice as I suspected…

Bit of a follow up to a couple of weeks ago. My friend was asked verbally to move out because the family was moving in, never got the proper paperwork by the deadline… I’ll try to make it quick:
She got a phone call last week asking if they were going to be ready to leave by June 30th as agreed verbally. My friend explained all the stuff that you guys helped us with and the LL said she would write a letter. It was explained that a letter isn’t what’s needed, that it has to be the proper form with 2 months notice, so they agreed verbally on July 15th (Supposedly her family is arriving and needs the place after their air b&b is up in the middle of July so the 15th was perfect…) and the papers would be delivered by May 15th. Then a call came a couple of days ago. There’s a surgery someone in the family needs so she’s going to be overseas for a while and won’t need the house until next year. Hmm, ok…
So now they want my friend to sign a new lease for 1 year from when the old one runs out (June 30) with a 3% increase. Seems ok, but long story short, does a lease renewal still require 3 months notice for an increase or is the lease the notice? And is there any reason to actually sign a new lease or should it just go month to month like the current lease says? Any risks either way? Thanks again for previous and any new help!
submitted by Lowerlameland to vancouverhousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 Wotoko 2000-2200$ Gaming PC - Sim racing in VR

1. What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games (ex: resolution, FPS, settings) or programs you will be using.
I would like to play some sim racing games on a Quest 3. AC, ACC and possibly iRacing. I also plan on playing regular games like Rocket League, Cyberpunk and Hell Divers 2.
2. What is your maximum PRE-TAX budget before rebates and shipping?
I would like to keep it under 2000$. Could go up to 2200$.
3. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
4. What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ex: toweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
I'll get a windows key. Just bought this case so no case needed: https://www.newegg.ca/black-sama-sv-01-atx-mid-towep/2AM-009W-00063
5. If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? How old are they? Brands and models are appreciated.
I already have my mouse, monitor and keyboard. Monitor is Acer XG270HU I have an external soundcard. Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
6. Will you be overclocking (ex: CPU/GPU/RAM)? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line?
If needed.
7. Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, VR, VirtualLink, tensor cores, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
Not really
8. Do you have any specific case preferences (ex: mITX/mATX/mid-towefull-tower sizes, styles, colours, window or not, LED lighting, etc.), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
Mid tower is already chosen. I would like an AIO cooler.
9. Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? Note: some post-secondary students can get Windows 10 for free.
Will get a key.
10. Will you be upgrading this PC in the future (ie: will you swap out better parts later on or will you build an entirely new tower later)? If so, when?
If possible. Not necessary.
11. Do you have a brand preference? (ex: AMD/Intel for CPUs, AMD/NVIDIA for video cards, etc)
Currently, I was aiming for a 4070 super with a 7800X3D and DDR5 6000 CL30 ram. But I think it's getting a bit out of budget.
12. What are the specs of your old PC / laptop? Do you want to see if it can be upgraded instead? If so, paste its build from PCPartPicker here.
It's quite old.
13. Extra info or particulars:
Thank you!
submitted by Wotoko to bapccanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 vivemelior freaking out over ticks I found!! can anyone with experience dealing with ticks tell me what this means?

I've had my 2 dogs for 8 years and 4 years, and we've never had ticks. This last week I found about 8 between the 3 of us. I also found a couple dead ones on the sofa where my dogs sometimes hang out.
They are both on nexgard. I'm concerned about the dead ones i found. Does it mean they latched onto my dogs and then died from the nexgard? I mean if yes, I'm glad the nexgard killed them, but nexgard doesn't prevent disease right? I'm really paranoid now that there are ticks on them that I'm not finding. One of my dogs is black so it's almost by luck that I see one on him.
How long does it take for nexgard to kill ticks? Are the dead ones I'm finding really old or new ones that were killed recently? None of them are "bloated" but also not sure if they lose the bloatedness when they die.
submitted by vivemelior to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 primetime_2018 Missing work?

How many days did you take off from work? I have a desk job and can work remotely. Trying to plan how long to be out for surgery.
2 weeks?
submitted by primetime_2018 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 Warm-Kaleidoscope617 Pwede po ba ang CPAR Online review ng less than 2 months lang?

Working reviewee here. I'm planning to take a leave by September para full time makapag review. Currently, enrolled sa Pinnacle. I'm planning to finish Pinnacle by August.
Gusto kong mag CPAR for mastery sana. Narereplay po ba ang videos? And flexible po ba ang mga materials and lectures, na pwede kong ifit mula September hanggang pre-week?
submitted by Warm-Kaleidoscope617 to AccountingPH [link] [comments]
