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2024.06.07 21:29 Klokinator The Cryopod to Hell 566: Test of Unity

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 2,204,000+ words long! For more information, check out the link below:
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(Previous Part)
(Part 001)
A few days after Neil and Hope's meeting.
Henry Cliff walks alone down the hallways of the Labyrinth. He wears a purple-colored T-REX, a status symbol put in place by the higher-ups as a sign of his newfound prestige and military ranking. Its color, as well as the other new colors among the army allow for a quick idea of the ranking of any human soldier at a glance, especially among those who don't know the humans well, such as their allies for today.
Henry's feet quietly plod against the Labyrinth's compacted dirt floor. His breathing remains even despite having walked for over thirty minutes. Thanks to his newly enhanced body, he could run for a thousand kilometers without breaking a sweat. Even he isn't entirely certain just how strong he is. Perhaps, if he were to come to blows with a Demon Emperor, he might roll them out like a sleeping bag.
As he walks, Henry's newfound clarity of purpose mixes with the voices and thoughts of ten thousand other members of Jepthath's Legion. No, more accurately, they are Henry's Legion, now. While their power might be derived from Jepthath, it was the Hero-King's decision to give Henry command of them and become his Voice.
Each person who joined on that day possessed their own thoughts, feelings, and talents. Their combined cumulative experience, which could now be tapped into at will, easily amounted to more than 350,000 years. If the age of every person who merged had been 10, that would have given them 100,000 years, but the fact the average turned out to be 35 elevated their cumulative total dramatically.
And that was to say nothing of the people who had once been a part of Jepthath's Legion in the past. When Henry first became inducted into the Legion, he was shocked by just how much wisdom Jepthath possessed. While he did not have the truly unfathomable and vast breadth of knowledge Solomon possessed, Jepthath was amazing in his own way. What he lacked in raw information, he made up in with mastery of combat.
If Solomon possessed the combined cumulative knowledge of humanity, Jepthath possessed its raw hand-to-hand fighting prowess. And that served to bolster Henry's state of mind significantly.
Just by integrating into the Legion, Henry's ability to peer into the essence of combat increased ten thousand-fold. Over the last few days, he had happened to pass by several different training grounds for humanity's soldiers on Maiura, most of them having been erected at some point by Neil Adams in the past six years. Henry was not impressed by what he saw. If anything, he was disgusted.
[Their movements are so crude. So lacking in refinement.] He would often think, while conversing with the ancient Hero-King. [I want to train them. I can't stand to imagine them using their sloppy combat skills against old demon monsters.]
[A waste of time.] Jepthath would chide gently, whenever he and Henry had this conversation. [The knowledge you have obtained effortlessly cannot be communicated through words or demonstrations. The only way one can become as proficient as the members of Our Legion is by directly transferring Our combined knowledge through Our souls and minds.]
[Then we have to convince more to join Us!] Henry would exclaim. [These fools are wasting their time flailing about, trying to reinvent the wheel. If they joined Us, they would gain all of Our power in the art of war and become capable of adding to Our collective consciousness!]
Jepthath shakes his head. [I made a deal with the Wordsmith. We will not forcibly recruit anyone. If you wish to convince more to join Us, you must demonstrate Our power. Not only do you possess knowledge of countless schools of fighting, but you also possess intimate knowledge of battlefield tactics and guerrilla warfare. By demonstrating that Knowledge is Power, you can enlighten the foolish masses as to what they are missing out on.]
Henry nodded sincerely at that time. He looked up at the night sky and clenched his fist with determination.
Humanity was wasting its capabilities! If other humans only knew how small and frail they were, they would jump at the chance to join the Legion!
Less than a week before, Henry had been a disgraced soldier, a mere civilian, a person who might never even get the opportunity to shine the boots of those he had once trained with.
But now he was an officer, an elite warrior many would come to fear and respect.
This realization made his heart leap and his throat dry. In many ways, he sometimes felt he didn't deserve this position. He certainly hadn't earned it.
Not yet. Someday he would. Someday soon.
His thoughts come back to the present. He continues walking, ultimately falling into step beside an ordinary human commando also donning a T-REX. A small artistic flourish on the side of her armor, a pink rose, hints to him the other soldier might be a woman.
The grey-armored soldier turns her head to look at him as she walks. "Oh! You startled me. And you are?"
Unable to see her face, Henry looks at her helmet instead, and her name and other information pop up in his HUD, allowing him to see her identity.
"I'm Lieutenant Henry Cliff." He says. "You're Private Ashley McCarthy? Aren't you the lady who can transform into an orc?"
Immediately, her previously formal tone turns cold. Ashley snaps her head forward, no longer looking at him.
"Every time. Every time! Is that all I am anymore? Just the ugly bitch who turns into an orc?!"
"Whoa, whoa!" Henry exclaims, taken aback by her response. "I'm sorry, uh, Miss McCarthy. I didn't mean to apologize- I mean, I didn't apologize- mean to offend you! I- I uh, sorry!"
He stumbles over his words, feeling suddenly ashamed that he spoke so bluntly without considering the other person's feelings. Then again, how could he have known it was such a sore subject for her? That thought also makes him feel unfairly slighted, as he committed a blunder without meaning to.
"No, no I'm sorry." Ashley quickly says, suddenly realizing how rudely she just spoke to a superior officer. "It's not your fault, Lieutenant. I, I just... it's a long story. I never asked for this ability. I hate it."
"You hate it?" Henry asks, as they round a corner, passing a dozen goblins who carefully press against the side-wall to avoid the giant humans. "Pardon my bluntness, but why? In this time of war, possessing an orc form must make you pretty strong. Valuable. You could be on the fast-track to a higher rank if you have any ambition."
"Higher rank." Ashley mutters under her breath. "As if that's something I'd want. I'm not some big brained Terran from Old Earth. I'm just a normal girl from one of the Wild Worlds. I only want to be pointed at an enemy so I can hurt them."
That sounds an awful lot like something an orc would say, Henry thinks, but wisely keeps to himself.
"Does turning into an orc make you stronger?" Henry asks, choosing to turn the discussion down a more positive path.
"Oh, sure. A bit stronger." Ashley concedes. "You know how the Body Booster improves a human's baseline physique, putting some of us on par with certain low-ranking Demon Lords? Well, my Orc transformation stacks on that, sort of. I can pick up and throw boulders pretty far."
She pauses, before adding, "I mean, it is really fun being that strong."
Henry reaches up to rub his chin, only for his hand to clank against his T-REX's helmet. He gives up on the idea and lowers his arm again.
"I recently got a, uh, a pretty substantial boost to my strength. You remember how Commander Hope offered for people to merge with the Hero Jepthath? I did that, and it made me a lot stronger."
He turns to look at the woman beside him, but she simply gazes forward, her helmet offering no insight into her current expression.
Her words, however, definitely give away what she's thinking.
"Oh. You're one of the cultists."
Her disappointed tone makes Henry's heart skip a beat.
"No, no, no!" Henry exclaims. "Not a cultist. Who told you that?? Jepthath's Legion have simply unified Our minds and bolstered Our bodies, making Us a lot stronger."
She remains quiet for a few moments.
"Yeah... that's... what a cultist would say."
"We're not a cult..." Henry protests feebly, but his words fall on deaf ears.
This isn't the first time someone has directed a look of disgust his way, or visibly cringed when he proudly declared himself one of Jepthath's Chosen.
Jason's words during the Great Debate made a lot of people immediately strike becoming a Parahuman off their list. They'd rather be ordinary soldiers in body armor rather than part of a weird, unified hive-mind.
Dismayed, the young man falls silent. He doesn't say anything for a full minute, and perhaps feeling bad about dismissing him so easily, Ashley decides to reignite the conversation as they draw closer to their destination.
"So what's it like. Being inside a, uh... hive mind? Is it weird?"
"We're not a hive-mind." Henry says, his mood deflating even further. "We're... we're like brothers and sisters. We understand one another. We share thoughts, insights, wisdom."
This time, Ashley tries to exercise a little tact. "It just doesn't sound right for me. I guess everyone has their own preferences. Me, I think I'd die of shame if everyone around me could hear my every thought. The embarrassment alone..."
She trails off and shakes her head.
But this time, Henry doesn't just back down.
"It's not what you think at all." Henry says. "Do you know why you feel fear at the thought of sharing your thoughts? It's because you're self-absorbed."
"What?!" Ashley exclaims, pausing her walk to look at him. No doubt, her helmet hides an expression of disbelief. "What do you mean by that... sir?"
Henry also pauses. He turns to face her, resting his hands on his hips. "You have friends, right? Maybe even a best friend?"
"O-of course!" Ashley says, her tone defensive. "What, you think I'm friendless just because I'm not a part of some bee-hive?"
"That's not what I'm getting at." Henry says patiently, holding out his hand and modulating his tone so he'll come off less aggressive. "Think about your friend, or your best friend. Really think about it. What's the most embarrassing thing you remember about him or her? What's the worst social gaffe they've made that you can't get out of your head?"
Ashley pauses. She lowers her head and falls into thought for a moment.
"I don't know. I can't think of anything. Why?"
"What about other people?" Henry asks. "Has anyone else you know made any serious social fuck-ups recently?"
"Social ones? No. There have been a few generally bad events recently, like finding out Baron Mara killed a bunch of people. But she's not my friend anyway, so..."
"THAT is my point." Henry states emphatically. "You don't think about the weird and embarrassing things your friends do. So why do you believe they're so fixated on yours?"
Ashley lifts her head to look at him. She remains silent, digesting his words, so he continues to press the issue.
"Do you know why you find things about yourself embarrassing? It's not your fault. Most people are extremely self-conscious about their own insecurities. Now that I've become a part of the Legion, I experience everyone else's insecurities all at the same time as I experience mine. In doing so, I realize that mine never amounted to anything at all. When you have ten thousand other people worrying about what they're wearing, or if they look fashionable, or some other tedious bullshit, you quickly realize that all of them amount to white noise. They don't matter."
He throws his hand up dramatically.
"I'm not picking on you. It's just a fact of human consciousness. All people are held back by their fear of social pressure, but much of that is because we don't know what goes on in the heads of our fellow men and women. If you could see their deranged sexual fantasies all at once, you would realize you're not weird at all. Everyone has a kink. If you enjoy looking at gross bugs, guess what? Someone else is unbothered by bodily fluids. We're all weird, and joining the Legion just made that clearer to me."
He pauses, unable to see the look on her face. "Sorry, I hope I'm not coming off as condescending. Does any of this make sense to you?"
Ashley slowly nods. "Mmm. Yeah, it does."
Henry heaves a sigh of relief. "Well, great! Great. I was worried I was starting to sound a little long-winded."
Ashley turns away and resumes walking. "You're definitely in a cult."
"Goddammit." Henry grumbles.
Before long, the two of them make it to the meeting location, where they arrive inside a massive, hollowed-out area inside the Labyrinth. There, they find, of all things, a new Volgrim Warpgate installed, its destination some unknown desert on a planet Henry can't immediately identify.
As they enter the massive arena-like staging area, Hope becomes momentarily disoriented. His newly enhanced senses pick up surges of spiritual energy, all spread out across the humans, demons, monsters, and other creatures inside. The powerful Demon Emperors, only a few of whom have yet to Ascend to Demon Deity, stand near the portal, using their strength as a show of force. Despite their proud expressions, Henry's keen senses detect a hint of fear in their eyes, as they seem to be unable to properly stand as strong as they always have. It's as if they are being suppressed by something...
"Whoa!" Ashley gasps. "I can't believe it. Why are the Volgrim here?"
"The Volgrim?" Henry asks, following her gaze based on the direction her helmet is pointed.
Somewhere in the mass of the crowd, a handful of decidedly alien-looking creatures with tentacles writing under their mouths and heavily-armored bodies stand at attention, looking like proud leaders and commanders. Their postures indicate a level of arrogance bred into their bones by millions of years of dominance over the Milky Way. Compared to the slightly fearful Demon Emperors, these Technopaths truly stand out as cream of the crop, with unknown augmentations that likely elevate their combat prowess to the peak.
"Those are Volgrim?" Henry asks. "Huh. The only one I've ever seen was that one female, the one who didn't have a mouth. She was presiding over my, uh, my tribunal..."
"Your tribunal?" Ashley asks.
She pauses, then turns to look at him strangely.
"Cliff... Henry Cliff? What the- you're that traitor! What- how even...?? You're a Lieutenant now? I didn't even recognize your name- no, forget that. Why are you in uniform? Weren't you banned basically forever from rejoining the military?"
"I was banned from rejoining the main military." Henry says, lowering his head in shame. "But, uhm, Hope's Parahumans are... different. It's a different jurisdiction."
Ashley takes a step to the side, pulling away from him. He can't see her expression, but based on her voice, she suddenly seems disgusted by him.
"All this time, I was talking to him." She mutters to herself, as she turns and walks away without another word.
Henry stands there, silently. He watches her depart, a feeling of bitterness welling up in his heart. He could pull rank on her, write her up for insubordination. Given his new status as a high-ranker, it would be easy to do.
But he doesn't.
In truth, he doesn't blame Ashley for her feelings. Because of his actions, Neil Adams was captured and humanity likely lost far more people during Stormbringer as a result. He indirectly caused the deaths of hundreds, perhaps even thousands.
How can he demand respect from her when he feels he doesn't deserve it?
As that thought wells up in Henry's mind, the thoughts of the Legion feed back into him, suppressing his negative emotions. All of them comment on his feelings and insecurities, offering kind words to help him feel better.
[You cannot and should not demand respect, no, but you can earn it back through your actions.] A 52-year-old Legionnaire says. [People like her will come around in due time. Perform admirably and make the Legion proud.]
[That woman is a mere Private.] Jepthath chimes in. [Do not allow your emotions to be tangled up by the feelings of a random soldier. You will need to bolster your Willpower if you seek to reach the peak of what you can achieve.]
[Right. My willpower.] Henry says, as his mood drastically swings back up. He hardens his heart, casting aside Ashley's comment and instead meditating for a moment to clear his mind. [Thank you, everyone, for the support.]
With his thoughts clear, Henry strides toward the front, keeping his gaze fixed on the Volgrim Technopaths. Having never seen these creatures before, he finds their horrid-looking tentacle mouths fascinating and yet creepy to look at. While all of them appear to be gender-ambiguous, certainly at first glance, as he comes closer, he does manage to make out one or two female-sounding voices among them. Or perhaps they might be higher-pitched males. He isn't entirely sure, and it seems a taboo subject to breach.
"-the Task Force will be working alongside these Technopath Envoys." Demon Emperor Yardrat says, his tone even and unbothered by the Technopaths to his left. "Naturally, full command of this operation will still go to the Archdemon, as the ranking Cosmic. However, because he will be busy dealing with the highest level threats, control of the ground forces will go to one member of each species, chosen via several votes of consensus. Today's operation is a test, and its purpose is to ensure we all work together properly. NO friendly fire. Our enemy is the Plague and nobody else. Save your personal grievances, vendettas, and petty squabbles for after we take our galaxy back from the Kolvaxians."
He gestures to the ten Technopaths. "The Volgrim have dispatched an army of 100,000 Technopath soldiers, and they will be commanded by this High Technopath named Loputo Jidelor, a high ranking commander of Clan Symmetra's ground forces."
Each of the Technopaths possesses their own combination of flesh and blood bodily parts mixed with metal limb replacements, armor-addons, and other such things. In Jidelor's case, he stands on two flesh and blood legs. However, in place of his right arm is a long, metallic limb with dozens of razor-thin threads waving to and fro where his 'wrist' ends. Each one moves independently, much like the tentacles on his left arm, but their movements appear far more precise. Dozens of metallic pieces are attached seemingly at random to his skin and skull.
Jidelor nods. "I am an experienced battlefield commander, but I am not a frontline soldier. I will be controlling our siege weaponry and directing our soldiers from the back."
Yardrat nods, then continues. "For the Demons, it goes without saying that just like with the last ten operations, Emperor Serena will be commanding our forces. Her ability to link souls together has proven instrumental in rapid battlefield communications, and her ability to sense souls allows her to keep up with the emergence of new Plagueborn until the point Diablo steals the world core back."
A beautiful demoness with sightless eyes nearby waves her hand delicately. "I will be in your care, everyone. Let us make it to the end without losing any demons this time."
"For the monsters, Fairy Princess Melia will take point." Yardrat says, nodding to another beautiful woman with green hair, fairy wings, and a look of boredom permanently etched onto her face.
Unlike the previous two commanders, Melia doesn't give a speech. In fact, she only rolls her eyes, crosses her arms, and looks away.
"Alright, and for the humans, General Chadwick will be taking charge." Yardrat concludes. He gestures to a massive Norwegian man who has now donned a Rhino T-REX variant and rests his hands around the shaft of a massive battleaxe. Its head rests on the ground, and he supports his massive armored frame by resting on the weapon's handle.
"Everyone." Chadwich says. "It is my honor to lead this mission. Naturally, Commander Neil is not happy about having to work with the demons, and I cannot imagine all of our soldiers are either. However, I pledge on Hope Hiro's honor that we will not commit any cowardly deeds of treachery, any backstabbing, or anything else of that sort! It was Hope Hiro who pushed for this arrangement because he wants humanity's soldiers to get real battle experience against the Plague. Let's be sure to make good use of this time to bury as many hatchets as we can!"
The crowd nods along to Chadwick's words. Some of the humans vocalize their approval, but many more remain silent.
The humans here are not normal civilians. They are military personnel, countless many of whom have not forgiven the demons. They may never forgive them, if their leaders are being honest.
Perhaps sensing the tenseness in the air, Yardrat briskly moves the pace along.
"In thirty minutes, we will begin. Transfer your forces to my world so that I can begin preparation to open the Intragalactic Portals. The Swarm has begun adapting to my tactics of late, so the moment those portals open, we'll need boots on the ground. No delays! If the Plague has its way, it might flood through the portals back to us, and that would be a whole bloody devil-damned mess."
The other leaders nod solemnly. They spread apart to talk to their forces, and Henry heaves a sigh.
In thirty minutes, we'll find out just how stable this alliance truly is.
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:29 MooseAskingQuestions Interesting things in the game to go back to after hiatus?

So I bought the game when it was on sale right after it came out.
I was surprised how much I liked it, considering I'm not a gamer and not into Star Wars.
I guess the guys who made Titan Fall made it?
That would explain why I liked it so much.
I'm not into multiplayer either, but I liked TitanFall 1 and 2.
I mostly played Fallen Order with cheats (don't hate me, it doesn't have multiplayer anyway, right?). I just like playing with cheats because I'm a busy guy and it's more fun for me that way to speed through instead of grinding.
That being said, I was, again, surprised when I saw how many hours I put into playing.
I want to go back to playing it again and remember getting lost very easily on the, "hell" planet or whatever it's called and looking for interesting parts to check out with the flying/infinite double jump glitch.
Are there any interesting things to go back and check out in the game or tips for not getting lost again?
I'm mostly looking for things that most players miss, speedrun type cheats/hacks, and other things like that or maybe new interesting additions to the game since it came out or cool things maybe some people (filthy casual gamers like me) didn't know could be done.
Thanks for the read and any suggestions.
submitted by MooseAskingQuestions to FallenOrder [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 OpenDorrPolicy Strange conspiracy story found in Cisco 3750 startup config

Well, I've heard if Cisco Easter Eggs, but this is a weird one.
I work at a local ISP for my region, and we have one of our employees working on getting the hardware ready for infrastructure upgrades. One of the devices he's working on is a Catalyst 3750.
Well, he sent us a copy of the startup config file and most of it is this strange conspiracy story.
Has anyone seen anything like this before?

POST: CPU MIC register Tests : Begin
POST: CPU MIC register Tests : End, Status Passed
POST: PortASIC Memory Tests : Begin
POST: PortASIC Memory Tests : End, Status Passed
POST: CPU MIC interface Loopback Tests : Begin
POST: CPU MIC interface Loopback Tests : End, Status Passed
POST: PortASIC RingLoopback Tests : Begin
POST: PortASIC RingLoopback Tests : End, Status Passed
Waiting for Stack Master Election...
POST: PortASIC CAM Subsystem Tests : Begin
POST: PortASIC CAM Subsystem Tests : End, Status Passed
POST: No Cable found on stack port 1
POST: No Cable found on stack port 2
POST: PortASIC Stack Port Loopback Tests : Begin
POST: PortASIC Stack Port Loopback Tests : End, Status Passed
POST: PortASIC Port Loopback Tests : Begin
POST: PortASIC Port Loopback Tests : End, Status Passed
Election Complete
Switch 1 booting as Master
Waiting for Port download...Complete
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
cisco WS-C3750G-12S (PowerPC405) processor (revision R0) with 131072K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID CAT1125ZKHZ
Last reset from power-on
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
12 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.
512K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
Base ethernet MAC Address : 00:1C:B0:2F:D1:00
Motherboard assembly number : 73-9678-07
Power supply part number : 341-0048-03
Motherboard serial number : CAT11255C25
Power supply serial number : LIT11140GE6
Model revision number : R0
Motherboard revision number : B0
Model number : WS-C3750G-12S-E
System serial number : CAT1125ZKHZ
Top Assembly Part Number : 800-26634-04
Top Assembly Revision Number : A0
Version ID : V06
CLEI Code Number : CNM81W0GRB
Hardware Board Revision Number : 0x06
Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image
* 1 12 WS-C3750G-12S 12.2(55)SE10 C3750-IPSERVICESK9-M
This message serves as a warning to the US government that they cannot get away ^with having their own citizens
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
stalked, kidnapped, tortured, brain damaged and murdered by foreign intelligence ^ agencies .
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Request an investigation by the German government and the Council of Europe!
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Location of Turkish President Erdogan's illegal black site for terror suspects i ^n G ermany: 48.345941, 12.137753
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Is the CIA stalking and murdering ISIS terror suspects?
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Microwave weapons, group stalking and harassment ("gangstalking"), neurotoxins, ^hitmen, an illegal Turkish black site, Delta Force, and an airport kidnapping: A
true story
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
"If you were in the US, the CIA would just shoot you, we are nice so we will ^ commit you to a hospital instead" - Turkish police officer
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
"When you get deported to the US, don't piss off the CIA officers like you d ^id with Erdogan (the Turkish president)" - Man at KBO Taufkirchen Station A2
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
"The doctors here are trying to protect us from the psychos up at the top" - ^ Woman a t KBO Taufkirchen Station A2
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
"You're lucky that the Turks got you first. With the Germans it would have b ^een wors e. The Turks usually don't kill" - Woman at KBO Taufkirchen Station A2
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Anyone with access to Europol or INTERPOL should be able to confirm that the ^ FBI se nt out a request/warning in 2017. You might not be able to view the detai
ls of this request unless you have the right handling code/password
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Nothing shows up for my name when it's searched in Law Enforcement Enterpris ^e Port al (LEEP). This is deliberate as the FBI is hiding my records to cover up
the terrorism investigation and everything else.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
The Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) and Bavarian State Po ^lice bo th refuse to start an investigation due to political reasons, despite the
fact that many other people, mostly Turkish citizens, were kidnapped within Ger
many by fake po
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
ice and brain damaged at the black site.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
I (John Erin Binns / CIA code name RAVEN) have been an ISIS terror suspect since ^ 2017.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
It began when an FBI Confidential Human Source whom I met online (Azaiah Crosswh ^ite / moda) gave my Skype account to his handler. The FBI then sent an administr
ative subpoena to Microsoft and obtained my email address, which I had previousl
y reused on my
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
S passport application in 2016. An alert was also sent through the Europol Infor ^mation System to 16 countries in Europe stating that I was a terror suspect.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
On October 11, 2017, Arthur Gong from the US Department of Homeland Security int^errogated me about allegedly travelling to Latakia, Syria while I was waiting to
board a flight from London Heathrow Airport to Chicago Airport. When my plane l
anded in Chicag
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
, I was flagged for secondary screening (See Exhibit A) and asked more questions^. My citizen ship was questioned, and the CBP officer got angry after I told him
that not answering his questions doesn't make me inadmissible to the US.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
In early 2018, I left the United States and moved to Turkey. Soon after, strange ^ things s tarted happening to me. Kenneth Currin Schuchman (Nexus Zeta), a dual F
BI/CIA informant who was given a pound of heroin by federal agents to inform on
me, attempted t
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
entrap me on child pornography and terrorism charges while I was drunk.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Schuchman tried persuading me into buying Stinger missiles and guns from a Tor w ^ebsite wh ich would be shipped in "xray proof boxes" (those don't even exist) to
my location. When that failed, he tried getting me to open a website which likel
y had exploit c
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
de on it (he specifically told me to open it in Chrome) and then told me that he ^ knew of some good "Tor porn sites". When I asked him what type of porn was on t
hese websites, Schuchman replied that they contained child porn.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Then, Schuchman told me in a call that Dingle/Drake/Logan Shwydiuk was going to ^come to my house and kill me, and asked me what I'd do if he came to my house. I
was drunk at the time, and I told Schuchman that I'd kill Shwydiuk. I suspect t
hat Schuchman w
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
s recording this call for the FBI so that they could use it as evidence against ^me in a fabricated terrorism investigation.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Around this time, I noticed that two Western males wearing white shirts and sung ^lasses wou ld frequently visit an apartment building behind the one I live in.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Several days after I reported Schuchman to the DEA for selling heroin and right ^after he t ried entrapping me on computer fraud charges, he was indicted in the D
istrict of Alaska.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
That's when the harassment started...
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
My phone was hacked by Turkish intelligence/MIT using some type of 0-click SMS R ^CE and GPS tracking spyware was planted on it. My phone's GPS feature would turn
on without my consent, and several minutes later, a flash mob of "street thugs"
would be block
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
ng the sidewalk and shouting death threats at me. Sometimes, they'd just walk up ^ to me hold ing their cell phone in one hand and screaming death threats at the s
ame time. (Street theateGangstalking)
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I received more death threats than I can count, probably close to 100 from diffe ^rent sta lkers over the course of a few months.
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Now about the Western males: I saw them wearing night vision goggles on several ^occasions, they'd constantly harass me and illegally surveil me on Turkish terri
tory up until I called the police.
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Harassment from CIA contractors:
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I woke up and a male was pointing a microwave oven with the door removed at ^my sl eeping body from my neighbor's balcony. I was actually half-awake with my e
yes open and I could see the guy bringing the oven out onto the balcony and plug
ging it into an
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extension cable. Another time, somebody pointed a microwave oven magnetron with ^a metal ho rn at my body to shock me (I saw this as well). The neighbor was on va
cation and the men were not authorized to be in that unit, so they likely broke
in using lockpi
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king equipment.
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A red laser pointer was shined into my room using a gun scope from my neighb ^or's first floor unit. I went out onto my balcony and saw a guy doing this. When
the guy saw me, he quickly closed the blinds and started laughing. The unit was
being renovate
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at the time and the men were not authorized to be there.
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A microwave weapon was pointed at my head which caused me to black out momen ^taril y and see white flashes of light. The same device would cause me to feel ex
tremely paranoid and make my heart rate speed up. I remember that it had buttons
and a cord. It
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was about the size of a small desktop computer.
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Somebody was pointing a laser microphone at my bedroom window from the same ^first f loor unit. I was in a telephone call with someone else, and Azaiah Crossw
hite started repeating parts of this conversation back to me over Snapchat as an
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slighting tactic. Crosswhite also got private pictures from my bedroom and poste ^d them on h is Snapchat story.
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Window/door slamming: This would happen constantly whenever I was in my bedr ^oom or o ut on my balcony. Sometimes one of the guys would slam a window/door and
microwave me right after it happened.
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Sabotage: The phone lines in my apartment building and the entrance door cab ^le wer e both cut.
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Use of pulsed energy projectile weapons: I saw one of the guys holding a gun ^-shap ed device, when he fired it, a ball of energy came out of the weapon and ma
de the windows in my bedroom shake.
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Information: The microwave weapons that are used by intelligence agencies to ^day co nsist of: a millimeter wave amplifier, a transmitter with extremely low fr
equency amplitude modulation, batteries, and a horn antenna/waveguide. Using dif
ferent modulati
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n frequencies, effects such as tachycardia, panic attacks, epileptic seizures, p ^aranoia, REM sleep can be induced. They are the perfect tool for covert harassme
nt as they leave no trace. See Exhibit B for a picture of a microwave weapon.
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Azaiah Crosswhite would make comments over Discord such as "[the CIA] are going ^to send me a copy of your destruction video", "your name is Cock Sucker", and "y
our code name is RAVEN". He'd also encourage me to murder the people who were ha
rassing me, go
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n a mass shooting spree, or commit suicide.
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These are all goals of the government stalking program which I was a victim of, ^according t o an article by Julianne McKinney, who is a former US army intelligen
ce officer and member of the Association of National Security Alumni. See: https
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apleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon28.htm .
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I called the police a few days before July 1, 2019. When the officers came, one ^of them s aid that I "talk too much" and that I should "keep [my] mouth shut".
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Then, intense microwave harassment started. I would hear footsteps in the unit a ^bove mine a nd my sleep would be disrupted due to the weapon that Turkish intelli
gence was using on me.
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On July 1, 2019, a man I didn't know started asking me questions such as "If som^ebody was ca ught selling illegal alcohol, what political party would that person
be from?". He also made comments implying that I had been under surveillance by
Turkish intell
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gence for a while, and warned me that the Turkish government had prepared a trap^ for me.
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Several minutes later, an elderly man from my neighborhood named Ozkan came and ^asked me i f I was the "exit/cikis". (exit/cikis is a term for the illegal killin
g of a terrorist by Turkish intelligence). He took me to his apartment and told
me to visit Kon
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k Ferry Station. I went to Bostanli Ferry Station and boarded a ferry to Konak. ^After the ferry started going to Konak, I overheard 3 men in a row near me talki
ng about how they were hired to kill me and that they'd dump my body in the ocea
n because I was
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allegedly an ISIS member.
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Once the ferry arrived at Konak, I immediately got a random person to dial 112 a^nd faked hav ing medical problems. An ambulance came to the ferry station, and I
was taken to Alsancak Nevvar Salih Isgoren Hospital. I told the emergency room d
octors that the
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e was nothing wrong with me, they ran my ID card through the emergency room comp ^uter, and my name came up as a wanted terrorist.
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I overheard the doctors talking about the fact that Azaiah Crosswhite's name cam ^e up on t he emergency room computers and that my name was changed to "Cock Sucke
r" in some type of database which they had access to.
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Police lights shined into the emergency room and I heard sirens as around 5 poli ^ce cars came to the hospital along with Turkish intelligence. I was given 2 inje
ctions of haldol, and a guy next to my bed who worked for Turkish intelligence c
alled somebody
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n his cell phone whom he referred to as "Erdogan". Maybe it was the Turkish pres ^ident? I don't know..
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The doctors kept me in the hospital until the next morning and I was then releas ^ed.
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Several days later, I was in Gultepe, Konak, at a relative's house, and people w ^ere firing gunshots into the air while somebody would use a microwave weapon to
make me feel like my head was going to explode. I saw people on a nearby rooftop
, they had guns
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(which they were constantly firing) and camouflage clothing. Whenever I'd get mi^crowaved, my phone would lose cell service and the camera would blur.
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While this was happening, I tried to contact somebody I barely knew who worked a^t the US Dep artment of Justice for help.
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As soon as I had a mental breakdown due to the constant gunfire and microwaving, ^ the gunfir e and microwave attacks immediately stopped. Two street thugs then at
tacked me (I believe that Turkish intelligence paid them money to do this) and p
revented me fro
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going home in a taxi.
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I called the police and they came rather quickly. When one of the police officer ^s looked up the information on my ID card through a mobile app on his phone, he
saw something in the police database. I was told by a Turkish police officer: "I
f you were in t
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e US, the CIA would just shoot you, we are nice so we will take you to a hospita ^l instea d". Fortunately, there were no beds available at the local hospital so I
was allowed to go home in a taxi.
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After I went home, the microwave harassment continued, and I went to Cesme a few ^ days later . The harassment continued there as well.
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I decided that I had to leave the country as the Turkish secret services were ag ^gressive ly pursuing me. On July 6, 2019, I boarded flight PC1019 from Sabiha Gok
cen Airport to Munich Airport. About 30 minutes after my flight took off, I noti
ced that the ma
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e and female in the row behind my seat were talking about me. The female was say ^ing that i t was sad that they had to kill me with a poison needle and that my re
al name wasn't given to them by MIT for security reasons. I immediately notified
a cabin crew m
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mber of their plot, and I was taken to another seat.
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The cabin crew member assured me that the German police had been notified, but o ^nce the pla ne landed, she grabbed me by my arm and told me to listen to my mothe
r while warning me not to contact the German police. I believe that she was affi
liated with MIT
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I gave a member of the Bundespolizei (immigration police) a piece of paper expla ^ining tha t I was being harassed with a microwave gun by Turkish intelligence, bu
t I was not given the opportunity to tell the Bundespolizei my full story. A fak
e Bavarian Stat
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Police officer then came and took me past immigration to the police station. I ^was pu t in a cell, and I noticed that all of the "officers" were speaking Turkis
h, ALL of them. I strongly suspect that an insider within the police force let T
urkish intellig
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nce into the station. I don't know if that insider is the commissar or someone e ^lse.
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One of them was calling me stupid in Turkish, and they were all discussing what ^they should do with me. "Ausganging"/killing me was discussed as an option, but
the fake police eventually decided to send me to a mental hospital. I was given
some forms to s
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gn, and I had no idea where I was being taken at the time. I signed the paperwor^k as I didn' t want to get ausganged/killed. I then heard the fake police discuss
ing in Turkish that I was lucky to be going to a mental hospital, as they usuall
y kill ISIS sus
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A few minutes after I boarded the ambulance, I realized that something was wrong ^. A male and female who were in the ambulance with me started talking about my a
lleged cybercrimes and about somebody named Rosenberg who "wanted blood". Once t
he ambulance ar
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ived at KBO Taufkirchen Station A2 (48.345941, 12.137753), the same fake police ^officer who took me past immigration told the staff to fry my brain with gas and
that I'd then be transported to Anchorage International Airport.
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Then, four Turkish men came and forcibly put me in the neurotoxic gas room (whic ^h doubles a s a suicide watch room). My shoes were taken off (so that I couldn't
break down the door and escape), and a worker activated a metal fan. A gas which
smelled like f
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rmaldehyde then started to come out of the fan. I saw graffiti on the walls of t ^he gas roo m, all of the names that were carved into the walls were Turkish, and
I realized that I was at some type of illegal Turkish black site on German terri
tory. During th
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s time, Turkish intelligence was livestreaming the gas room camera to a group of ^ CIA i nformants (Azaiah Crosswhite, Jared Fazah, Justin Anglin) as a "destructio
n video". Azaiah Crosswhite had previously stated "[the CIA] are going to send m
e a copy of you
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destruction video".
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Jared Fazah had taken a $500,000 Bitcoin bribe to sell me out a few days before ^I was kidnap ped, while Justin Anglin is a CIA agent who has previously been to I
ran and other middle eastern countries. They were all talking about the livestre
am in a Discord
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server, sadly I don't have any screenshots as they were mysteriously deleted fro ^m my com puter (it may have been hacked).
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One hour after I was put in the gas room, a staff member came and turned off the^ fan in my r oom. This is the only reason why I don't suffer from brain damage to
day. I was saved by that staff member.
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About 3 hours after I was put in the gas room, I heard a helicopter hovering abo ^ve the fake mental hospital. This helicopter may have belonged to the US militar
y, but at the time I thought it belonged to the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Crimi
nal Police Offi
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e) and that they were coming to save me.
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I banged on the door of the gas room and screamed for the police to come and sav ^e me, but nobody came.
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In the early morning hours of July 7, 2019, a Turkish doctor came into the room ^with a f lashlight. She commented aloud in Turkish that "[I] was made to rot". Th
en, a female CIA agent came into the room with my mother while I was pretending
to be mentally
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isabled. The doctors brought me chocolate milk and pizza, and the CIA agent star ^ted talkin g about how I'd be indicted by a grand jury in the District of Alaska
and forced into a plea deal for over 10 years in prison. That I'd be found menta
lly incompetent
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and have no choice but to take the plea deal, sending me to prison for a long ti ^me.
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The CIA agent declined to give my mother her real name and talked about previous ^ly living i n Australia. She had an Eastern European accent and told my mother to
throw away any receipts or evidence indicating that she was in the town of Tauf
kirchen, and to
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keep her cell phone turned off.
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The lady also told my mother that a US senator (I don't remember the senator's e ^xact name) wanted to meet with her. In 2018, Kenneth Currin Schuchman had told m
e that "a senator can order the killing of a US citizen in some cases" and told
one of my frien
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s that a US senator wanted to kill me. Nobody believed him back then, including ^me. I sti ll don't know who this senator is or why he wants me killed. (Note: Ken
neth Currin Schuchman has been repeatedly thrown in mental hospitals, and his fa
ther Robert Sch
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chman currently has guardianship over him).
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The lady left and I slept for a few hours in the neurotoxic gas room/suicide wat ^ch room. Th en after I woke up, a staff member woke up and unlocked the door. I w
as allowed to leave, and that's when the torture started. An African lady was pl
aying back a re
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ording of me in the gas room on one of the hospital computers and laughing at it^. The same l ady would also play screaming noises and the Turkish word for mental
ly retarded ("gerizekali") over a loudspeaker connected to the computer, and use
a microwave we
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pon which looked like a stereo speaker to give me epileptic seizures. I do remem ^ber that t he weapon was brought to the hospital in a large briefcase by men work
ing for Turkish intelligence.
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I met other people who were being held at the hospital. One lady told me "You're ^ lucky th at the Turks got you first. With the Germans it would have been worse.
The Turks usually don't kill". She also claimed to be a spy.
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I borrowed a cell phone from one of the other patients and called the police. On ^ce I told them that I was being held at a fake mental hospital run by the Turkis
h secret services, I was told that I "belonged in [the hospital]" by a German po
lice officer an
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they never responded to my emergency call.
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SETUP: new interface Vlan1 placed in "shutdown" state
Press RETURN to get started!
*Mar 1 00:01:17.242: %STACKMGR-4-SWITCH_ADDED: Switch 1 has been ADDED to the stack
*Mar 1 00:01:18.752: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed state to down
*Mar 1 00:01:20.102: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
*Mar 1 00:01:54.705: %PARSER-4-BADCFG: Unexpected end of configuration file.
*Mar 1 00:01:54.705: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console
*Mar 1 00:01:54.907: %STACKMGR-5-SWITCH_READY: Switch 1 is READY
*Mar 1 00:01
Switch>:54.907: %STACKMGR-4-STACK_LINK_CHANGE: Stack Port 1 Switch 1 has changed to state DOW N
*Mar 1 00:01:54.907: %STACKMGR-4-STACK_LINK_CHANGE: Stack Port 2 Switch 1 has changed to sta te DOWN
*Mar 1 00:01:55.183: %STACKMGR-5-MASTER_READY: Master Switch 1 is READY
*Mar 1 00:01:55.477: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco IOS Software, C3750 Software (C3750-IPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(55)SE10, RELEASE SOFT WARE (fc2)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 11-Feb-15 11:40 by prod_rel_team
*Mar 1 00:01:55.511: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled
*Mar 1 00:01:56.140: %PHY-4-SFP_NOT_SUPPORTED: The SFP in Gi1/0/8 is not supported
*Mar 1 00:01:56.140: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: gbic-invalid error detected on Gi1/0/8, putting Gi1/ 0/8 in err-disable state
*Mar 1 00:01:56.173: %GBIC_SECURITY_CRYPT-4-VN_DATA_CRC_ERROR: GBIC in port Gi1/0/12 has bad crc
*Mar 1 00:01:56.173: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: gbic-invalid error detected on Gi1/0/12, putting Gi1 /0/12 in err-disable state
*Mar 1 00:01:56.719: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Vlan1, changed state to administratively dow n
Translating "conft"...domain server (
% Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address
Switch#show run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 988 bytes
version 12.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Switch
no aaa new-model
switch 1 provision ws-c3750g-12s
system mtu routing 1500
vtp domain Null
vtp mode transparent
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
vlan 61
name fttx
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip classless
ip http server
ip http secure-server
line con 0
line vty 5 15
submitted by OpenDorrPolicy to Cisco [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:21 throwra_wannasailawa My (55M) GF (64F) had an episode and we broke up, why can't I forget her?

We had been dating for a few months, my first real relationship since my separation (working on amicable divorce), and we became exclusive about 2 months ago.
Playing the field has not been difficult for me, I have kept myself in decent shape, etc., and have a fairly outgoing personality and slightly self-deprecating sense of humor which has served me well over the years before and now after marriage.
This woman I knew very casually from some years ago and we sort of lost touch for no valid reason (I was married at the time and I am not a cheater). I saw her getting out of her car early last fall, reached out a few days later and one thing led to another.
As I got to know her I learned she always quirky, but is a sweetheart and we were very compatible in various ways, putting it politely. She wasn't my type generally and has an adult special needs child who cannot live independently. Not exactly an easy sell on 50+ dating scene.
Little by little we began spending more time together and I began to fall for her. She was dating one other guy but swore it was casual, I keep away from people in a relationship.
Everything went fine, buy as fall turned into winter I noticed a lot of odd behavior. She would get into a full and go dark for a few days at a time, but was always reassuring that it was how she has always been and not to take it personally. Then she would go into what I can only describe as "overdrive" and go on a 24+ hour bender of mostly booze and stay up for two days. But in-between the two she was an angel, good heart, loved animals, we clicked politically and she was okay with my situation. Ms. In-Between is who I fell for.
So finally she was diagnosed bipolar and put on meds. They seemed to work and she realized she was better and said she would stay on them. She then didn't like the side effects and went off. Then she was diagnosed again and given different meds, same story with the same result.
The in-between periods started to get short and shorter and the drinking started to increase. Then a wave of paranoia hit. Her ex was hacking her electronics (100% he wasn't), the local cops were doing it (ditto, not happening) but it never rose beyond the level of her half-joking about it.
We planned a long weekend getaway, did a nice VRBO and after a few days it fell apart. She woke up one morning in a state, and couldn't find her medication (not prescribed for bipolar). She then started accusing me of hiding it. Of course after carefully searching the VRBO I found it, and was accused of hiding it so I could be a hero finding it. Then she laid some more bizarre accusations on me, we had some words, and she stormed off.
I saw her the next day at the airport looking haggard and somewhat intoxicated still in this weird state. She added a few more ridiculous accusations against me related to her phone. When we landed she basically took off. It was clear it was over (duh) and she even blocked me on her phone.
In between the storming off and seeing her again she sent me multiple screens of texts calling me all sorts of names, really personal (but not accurate) nasty insults about our sex life, etc.
We last saw eachother Tuesday. It's over, I need all those trouble like I need another hole in my head, I get that. She has an appointment with a new psych.later in June I was waiting to see if that worked but had in my mind this wasn't for me before our trip.
So why can I not get her put of my mind. She hasn't called or text me. I certainly am not going to reach out. But I am super down and feel a little lost. We used to text every day, starting with a hello in the morning until late at night. We were fine Monday and I am in disbelief how we went from so hot to not in literally 12 hours over nothing.
Sorry for the rant. I have never dealt with anyone on a personal level with serious, and clearly worsening, mental issues, but was really falling for her and she would tell me the same thing.
Anyone have any advice other than count my blessings it ended sooner rather than later?
submitted by throwra_wannasailawa to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:06 SypherFox_1 What should I level up my stats for my strength/faith build

What should I level up my stats for my strength/faith build
I was doing a new play through to get a character ready for the dlc. I was doing a Strength/Faith build but going more into faith as I want to do incantations, right now I don't have many but have been balancing my stats out. I have a lot in vigor to survive boss hits but want to get that to 40, strength is at 20 right now since I don't want to go strength since in my original play through I did that. I'm at Raya Lucaria so I know Rennala will be next, should I respec or just work with what I have. I want to get the Magma blades from Volcano manor and for armor I don't have that much preference. I know I'm probably overthinking this but I know for the dlc I probably will respec since we are getting a bunch of new weapons but for the time being what would you guys recommend.
submitted by SypherFox_1 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:06 Styczynooo Is full crit build better than full lethality and is it viable?

Is full crit build better than full lethality and is it viable?
I tested two builds in practice tool and dps was way better on crit briar and then j decided to test it on quite sylly position cuz I played her adc and I carried so hard that I was able to score penta. I had ability to oneshot adc and when needed I could 1v1 ilaoi. Take a note that j played it around silv/gold elo. and I want to ask if this pick is viable in jg or mid on higher elo like plat emerald or diamond ?
submitted by Styczynooo to BriarMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:05 heyshalian Is this cat asthma? Or is he choking himself or something…?

I didn’t know cat asthma was a thing until literally just this morning when I randomly saw a reel on Instagram from someone talking about it and using an inhaler on their cat and showed a clip of their cat wheezing.
The clip reminded me of my own cat but I never thought anything of it until now. Here’s a clip I took of Momo just a few minutes ago. Is this cat asthma?
I ask because although Momo has made this sound before, it ONLY happens whenever he has something pushing against his neck. Like the bar on the chair in the video. To be specific, it ONLY happens with this chair, when he’s in this exact position. I got this chair around 2 years ago and Momo likes to lay his head over it and almost always ends up wheezing. This entire time I thought he was trying to hack up a hairball and SOMETIMES (like super rarely) something does come up, so I just chalked it up to him trying to get a hairball out whenever this happens. (We have 2 cats and he doesn’t cough up hair balls as often as the other one but when he does cough up the occasional hairball, it’s usually without the assistance of the chair, and the sound he makes is exactly the same as this.)
Also, we moved (from EU to US) the last few months and I had to remove the chair (its foldable) since we don’t have much space to leave it out like the last place we lived at and when the chair isn’t around, he doesn’t do that wheezing thing at all. I even forgot he used to do this until I saw the Instagram reel which is why I took out the chair today and put it in the middle of my room and waited for him to get on it and start wheezing so I can take a video because I knew it would happen.
When he starts wheezing like this, he usually makes like a wet sound at the end, like he has a lot of saliva in his mouth, then I see him swallow a few times. But nothing normally comes out. These wheezing episodes also usually last longer, but he sensed me moving and stopped. He normally tries to stop (sometimes he can, other times it takes a while) as soon as he notices me watching and that’s when he raises his head or moves away from the chair.
So, is this asthma? I mean, I know you can’t just trigger an asthma attack like this and stop whenever but IDK how it is for cats. Is this some type of mild asthma? And if it’s not, should I be concerned??
(So sorry for the wall of text. Just wanted to be as detailed as possible.)
submitted by heyshalian to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:01 Orybory3 [H] Humble and Fanatical Games [W] Asterigos, High on Life, Offers

Game List:
12 is Better Than 6
112 Operator
911 Operator
Abandon Ship
Action Henk
Agent in Depth
Alchemist’s Castle
The Amazing American Circus
Arcade Spirits
Bionic Commando
Book of Demons
Cats and the Other Lives
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos
Citizens of Earth
Cosmic Express
Company of Heroes
Cris Tales
Cultist Simulator
Darkside Detective
Death Squared
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dodgeball Academia
Donut Dodo
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Fae Tactics
Farming Simulator 17
Fight'N Rage
Firegirl: Hack ‘n Splash Rescue DX
Flynn: Son of Crimson
For the King
Frick, Inc
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Hack ‘n’ Slash
Harmony’s Odyssey
Hyper Gunsport
Infectonator: Survivors
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Into the Pit
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Late Shift
Lighthouse Keeper
Little Orpheus
Lost Horizon
Lumino City
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Lust for Darkness
Mad Games Tycoon
Meow Express
MirrorMoon EP
Mount & Blade: Warband
Non-Stop Raiders
Orbital Racer
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition
Pathologic Classic HD
Party Hard 2
Phantom Brave
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Project Chemistry
Project Highrise
Q.U.B.E. 2
Regions of Ruin
Remnant: From The Ashes
Remnants of Naezith
Ring of Pain
Rollers of the Realm
Rym 9000
Satellite Reign
Scanner Sombre
Seasons After Fall
Secret Files: Tunguska
The Shrouded Isle
Slain: Back from Hell
Soul Searching
Space Crew: Legendary Edition
Starfinder Core Rulebook
Starfinder: Junker’s Delight
Strange Brigade
Steamworld Heist
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
The Surge
Surgeon Simulator
Syrian Warfare - Deluxe Edition
System Shock Enhanced Edition
System Shock 2
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG
Ticket to Ride
Train Valley
Trove Skyfire Helm
The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day
Valnir Rok
Victoria II
Void Bastards
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Way
Worms Rumble
Zeno Clash 2
submitted by Orybory3 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:54 Silent_Swim6572 Ready to dive into first Solana hub? PengyOS [$220K Mcap] web3 $POS

Ready to dive into first Solana hub? PengyOS [$220K Mcap] web3 $POS
A unique project that offers a web3 Solana all in one hub Desktop website.
They are refining their APK app to Submit to the dApp Store of Solana Mobile.
Community Project, Dedicated dev and Team Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself.
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG @ PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
CA- B8vV6An7xFF3bARB1cmU7TMfKNjjes2WvY7jWqiRc6K
submitted by Silent_Swim6572 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:53 Confident-Suspect268 Fair Recompense for Room Lockout

Fair Recompense for Room Lockout
2 night stay booked at Homewood Suites in Florence, SC for a work trip. Return to hotel just before midnight after a long day of work and key will not let me into room. Front desk attendant explains system has been down…Now 1:30a after several failed attempts (non-responsive master keys, maintenance guy with hack rod not responding, unable to enter any other vacant rooms) I am sent to a Home2 down the street at Homewood’s expense. Just received my folio, still fully charged for 2 nights of course. I’ve taken my time to let my anger subside before addressing GM and wanting to know what is an ideal and realistic recompense to push for…
Pictured: me, OCD overridden with exhaustion, seated on the floor awaiting attendant to return from 3rd trip back to front desk😞
submitted by Confident-Suspect268 to Hilton [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:47 Jerry_217 [H] Many games updated 6-5 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval + DLCs, asterigos, Maniac, Ash of Gods, Cardboard Town, Resident Evil Village, Bosorka, Loot River, River City Girls 2, Ghost Song, Double Dragon, Book of Hours, Dead Estate, Songbird Symphony, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Miasma Chronicles
Risk of Rain 2
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amanda the Adventurer
Amnesia: The Bunker
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Bravery and Greed
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Fashion Police Squad
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
ibb & obb (steam inventory gift)
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Kerbal Space Program
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Mediterranea Inferno
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Winter
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
rain world
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Callisto Protocol
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
Victoria 3
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Yakuza: Like a Dragon

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Field of Glory II: Medieval
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Reconquista
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Rise of the Swiss
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Storm of Arrows
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Sublime Porte
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Swords and Scimitars
Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE DLC
A Hat in Time
American Truck Simulator
Ash of Gods: The Way
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Automobilista 2
Book of Hours
Cardboard Town
Chambers of Devious Design
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Cosmo's Quickstop
Crusader kings 3
Dead by Daylight
Dead Estate
Deep Rock Galactic
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Euro Truck Simulator 2
F1 2018
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Fable Anniversary
Fly Punch Boom!
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
Gears 5
Ghost Song
Gotham Knights
Guardians of Holme
Hell let loose
Life Is Strange Complete Season
monster hunter rise
monster hunter world
NBA 2k16, 2k17
Nobody Saves the World
Nuclear Blaze
One Hand Clapping
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Pistol Whip
Poker night
poker night 2
quantum break
Resident Evil Village*
rFactor 2
Rivals of Aether
River City Girls 2
River City Girls Zero
Rocket League
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
slay the spire
Songbird Symphony
Spiderman remaster
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Stardew Valley
stray blade
The Knight Witch
The Last Remnant
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Untamed Tactics
Victoria 3
Wings of Glory
Wizard of Legend
World Turtles
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
Yakuza kiwami 2
ZERO Sievert

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:47 Jerry_217 [H] Many games updated 6-5 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval + DLCs, asterigos, Maniac, Ash of Gods, Cardboard Town, Resident Evil Village, Bosorka, Loot River, River City Girls 2, Ghost Song, Double Dragon, Book of Hours, Dead Estate, Songbird Symphony, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Miasma Chronicles
Risk of Rain 2
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amanda the Adventurer
Amnesia: The Bunker
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Bravery and Greed
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Fashion Police Squad
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
ibb & obb (steam inventory gift)
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Kerbal Space Program
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Mediterranea Inferno
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Winter
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
rain world
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Callisto Protocol
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
Victoria 3
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Yakuza: Like a Dragon

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Field of Glory II: Medieval
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Reconquista
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Rise of the Swiss
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Storm of Arrows
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Sublime Porte
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Swords and Scimitars
Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE DLC
A Hat in Time
American Truck Simulator
Ash of Gods: The Way
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Automobilista 2
Book of Hours
Cardboard Town
Chambers of Devious Design
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Cosmo's Quickstop
Crusader kings 3
Dead by Daylight
Dead Estate
Deep Rock Galactic
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Euro Truck Simulator 2
F1 2018
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Fable Anniversary
Fly Punch Boom!
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
Gears 5
Ghost Song
Gotham Knights
Guardians of Holme
Hell let loose
Life Is Strange Complete Season
monster hunter rise
monster hunter world
NBA 2k16, 2k17
Nobody Saves the World
Nuclear Blaze
One Hand Clapping
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Pistol Whip
Poker night
poker night 2
quantum break
Resident Evil Village*
rFactor 2
Rivals of Aether
River City Girls 2
River City Girls Zero
Rocket League
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
slay the spire
Songbird Symphony
Spiderman remaster
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Stardew Valley
stray blade
The Knight Witch
The Last Remnant
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Untamed Tactics
Victoria 3
Wings of Glory
Wizard of Legend
World Turtles
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
Yakuza kiwami 2
ZERO Sievert

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:47 Jerry_217 [H] Many games updated 6-5 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval + DLCs, asterigos, Maniac, Ash of Gods, Cardboard Town, Resident Evil Village, Bosorka, Loot River, River City Girls 2, Ghost Song, Double Dragon, Book of Hours, Dead Estate, Songbird Symphony, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Miasma Chronicles
Risk of Rain 2
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amanda the Adventurer
Amnesia: The Bunker
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Bravery and Greed
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Fashion Police Squad
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
ibb & obb (steam inventory gift)
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Kerbal Space Program
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Mediterranea Inferno
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Winter
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
rain world
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Callisto Protocol
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
Victoria 3
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLC - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Yakuza: Like a Dragon

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Field of Glory II: Medieval
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Reconquista
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Rise of the Swiss
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Storm of Arrows
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Sublime Porte
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Swords and Scimitars
Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE DLC
A Hat in Time
American Truck Simulator
Ash of Gods: The Way
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Automobilista 2
Book of Hours
Cardboard Town
Chambers of Devious Design
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Cosmo's Quickstop
Crusader kings 3
Dead by Daylight
Dead Estate
Deep Rock Galactic
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Euro Truck Simulator 2
F1 2018
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Fable Anniversary
Fly Punch Boom!
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
Gears 5
Ghost Song
Gotham Knights
Guardians of Holme
Hell let loose
Life Is Strange Complete Season
monster hunter rise
monster hunter world
NBA 2k16, 2k17
Nobody Saves the World
Nuclear Blaze
One Hand Clapping
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Pistol Whip
Poker night
poker night 2
quantum break
Resident Evil Village*
rFactor 2
Rivals of Aether
River City Girls 2
River City Girls Zero
Rocket League
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
slay the spire
Songbird Symphony
Spiderman remaster
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Stardew Valley
stray blade
The Knight Witch
The Last Remnant
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Untamed Tactics
Victoria 3
Wings of Glory
Wizard of Legend
World Turtles
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
Yakuza kiwami 2
ZERO Sievert

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:45 IDontHaveThat I did a torch playthrough and ended up making a jester character

I did a torch playthrough and ended up making a jester character
It ended up being way stronger than anticipated and is something that I would recommend people try who are looking for a fun build to try. I literally ran into zero difficulties in the back half of the game other than Gideon. I started the playthrough intending to be a dex/faith character using the steel wire torch, but after getting St. Trina's Torch I dumped all of my dex points to go full faith with a little bit of intereligence so I could use the ring of light spells.
All spells are for flavor first and utility second - like I said this was a torch playthrough and that's what I used 99% of the time. If anyone has any additional spell suggestions I'd like to hear it. This character doesn't get huge benefits from talismans so it's super flexible in that regard, but I like the rotten wing and axe talismans as I heavily use charge and heavy attacks to break stance and then spam the hell out of light attacks to build up damage and status effects.
The great thing about torch combat is the stamina cost is practically 0 to attack, and if an enemy gets even slightly stunned by the sleep effect you can chain between sleep and stance breaking on a bunch of bosses. The horrible thing about torch combat is that attacks in general have practically 0 momentum behind them; if you run forward and try a light attack your character will feel like they are stopping what they are doing to swing. The remedy for this is making running strong attacks your bread and butter for creating separation and getting an attack in while closing distance.
This is obviously not going to be the strongest build anyone can make and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone's first or even second playthrough, but it's super fun and the difficulty wasn't anywhere near as intimidating as I thought it would be. For anyone looking to try something different and fun before the DLC, this is a fun build to try.
submitted by IDontHaveThat to EldenRingBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:44 Alert_Frosting_4993 I finally finished my first playthrough ! xcom2 is my fav!

I finally finished my first playthrough ! xcom2 is my fav!
I believe there is nothing more beautiful than an iron man run! there was one mission where i lost 2 colonels and barely managed to evac the third and if i wasn't playing on Iron man i would have reloaded but that would defeat the purpose imo i never felt this way before i really loved it ! EU and EW was good too but i feel xcom2 had more bizzaz and the classes are more fun to tinker with i played with the second wave option that let you have a longer avatar project timer and got to enjoy some leisure in the end game i never played Iron man before and from now on i will never play without it it hits different the alien kings kinda disappeared on me i tried to hit the "extreme" missions hoping i will pump into them but no just gatekeepers and sectoids loved it !
submitted by Alert_Frosting_4993 to Xcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:43 cpyf Decade support main, finally hit Emerald primarily playing solo queue ADC !

Hey marksman players. I wrote a huge draft but it did not save (sadge) so I’ll attempt to write a quick summation of my key points that I tried to submit before:
My user name is Qask SSBM#NA1 but it won't let me post links for some reason. Hope my experience enlightened any other players trying to climb! If I could do it, so can you.

submitted by cpyf to ADCMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:42 DinoZavr Reminder: ESO+ free trial: instant freebies (June 07 - June 19, 2024)

Quick Note: added Necrom Section. also note this time it is 12 days, not usual 7 :)
Activation: ingame Crown Store -> ESO Plus tab → click “Free Trial!”.

INSTANT or QUICK Freebies:
Dungeons DLC: - Shadow of the Hist: Heroic personality -- Enter either the Ruins of Mazzatun or the Cradle of Shadows (Shadowfen) - Horns of the Reach: Bullhorns emote -- Enter either Falkreath Hold or Bloodroot Forge (Craglorn) - Dragon Bones: hat: Renegade Dragon Priest Mask -- Enter either Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak (Bangkorai/Stormhaven) - Wolfhunter: Werewolf Hunter Hat -- Enter either Moon Hunter Keep or March of Sacrifices (Reaper’s March/Greenshade) - Wrathstone: hat: Ayleid Royal Crown -- Enter either Frostvault or Depths of Malatar (Eastmarch/Gold Coast) - Scalebreaker: outfit style: Dread-Aurelian Mask -- Enter either Lair of Maarselok or Moongrave Fane (Grathwood /Northern Elsweyr) - Harrowstorm: Emote: Wickerman Mishap -- Enter either Unhallowed Grave or Icereach (Bangkorai/Wrothgar) - StoneThorn: Pet: Energetic Dwarven Shock-Spider -- Enter either Castle Thorn or Stone Garden (Western Skyrim/Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns) - Flames of Ambition: Outfit weapon style Fire-Forged Maul -- Enter either The Cauldron or Black Drake Villa (Deshaan/Gold Coast) - Waking Flame: Scorion Pyreling non-combat pet – Enter either Red Petal Bastion or the Dread Cellar (Glenumbra/Blackwood) - Ascending Tide: Abyssal Embrace Face Markings - Enter either Coral Aerie or Shipwright's Regret (Summerset/Rivenspire) - Lost Depths: Mulberry Hermit Crab non-combat pet - Enter either Earthen Root Enclave or Graven Deep (both surface entries are in High Isle/Amenos, so if you don't own High Isle chapter use map to teleport inside or group with a friend, who is inside and teleport to them) - Scribes of Fate: has no “immediate” loyalty reward. Despite declaring the “Lost in the Woods” emote being granted for just visiting Bal Sunnar or Scrivener's Hall, actually it is rewarded on completing BOTH dungeons on Normal difficulty (relevant discussion: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/629124/official-discussion-thread-scribes-of-fate-update-37-now-live-on-pc-mac ) Entry points: Bal Sunnar – Stonefalls & Scrivener's - Hall The Rift. - Scions of Ithelia - Bascially, nothing. Completing both Oathsworn Pit and Bedlam Veil in Normal yeilds you only 10 Achievement points, nothing more.
Game-maps.com has ESO+ group dungeons color-coded on the Tamriel map: https://game-maps.com/ESO/Tamriel-ESO-World-Map.asp

Zone DLC:
- Orsinium: Pet: Echalette -- Enter Orsinium capital city (also: quests for Orzorga provisioning recipes, get Briarheart dagger quest reward for your StickerBook) - Thieves Guild: Pet: Jackal -- Enter Abah's Landing. Unlock TG skill line (also grants Thieves Guild Leathers costume) - Dark Brotherhood: Personality: Assassin -- Enter Gold Coast zone. Unlock DB skill line (the second quest in DB story unlocks the Shrouded Armor costume) - Clockwork City: Pet: Scintillant Dovah-Fly -- Enter the Brass Fortress (also do quests for provisioning recipes, the later are bound, so it worths the efforts). Collecting Precursor dummy fragments is up to you as it is quite time consuming and the dummy itself has too low HP. - Murkmire: Pet: Verdigris Haj Mota -- Enter Lilmoth (quest Death Among the Dead-Water rewards with a Fire Rock memento) - Dragonhold: Outfit Style: Topal Corsair Hat -- Enter Southern Elsweyr (questing unlocks other pages). Questing unlocks Mask of Alkosh hat and The Za’ji’s Dragonguard Uniform costume - Markarth: Outfit Style: Arkthzand Anfractuosity Shroud -- Enter The Reach (questing grants head and body markings, and Witchwise Headdress hat collectible) - The Deadlands – Oblivion Explorer’s Headwrap - Enter Fargrave for the first time (its’ wayshrine is unlocked) - Firesong- Firesong Obsidian Mask – Enter Galen
- Summerset: nothing immediate. fish in Artaeum for bound provisioning recipes (otherwise they are obtainable by purchasing Waterlogged Psijic Satchels, which is an expensive lottery), unlock Psijic skill line (progressing it also unlocks buying bound furnishing recipes at the Artaeum trader). Also one of three Antiquities leads for Music Box “In Dreams and Memories” drops in Summerset. And fast to obtain “Alinor Allemande” dance emote from the Antiquity lead.
- Elsweyr: nothing immediate. (Despite parts of Peryite Skeevemaster costume drop in Orcrest public dungeon, parts of a Grisly Mummy Tabby pet drop in Rimmen Necropolis all these are not bound and may be purchased from Guild Traders any time), zone quest unlocks Hall of the Lunar Champion housing (a free manor sized house!!), and Dragonslayer Style head & shoulders outfit styles. Three wings of the Hall of the Lunar Champion manor are unlocked by completing 1) Elsweyr story, 2) Dragonhold story, 3) completing both Lair of Maarselok and Moongrave Fane on normal difficulty. Also completing Sunspire Trial on normal unlocks purchases of the beautiful Akatosh Chancel doors (furnishing for housings) for 100K gold from Achievement furnisher in Rimmen.
- Greymoor - nothing immediate, but Antiquities are numerous.. It takes like 6 ..7 hours to level up Scrying and Excavation up to level 7 to be able to get mythics (faster moving speed is preferable – get crafted Adept Rider set or Coward's Gear set). I did it on 3 characters and stayed at Artaeum doing first greens, then cycling between greens and blues till a purple lead (one time per location) at level 5 scrying (normally 3..4 hours depending on how fast you do move). Then i preferred to stay at Artaeum for approx 3 more hours repeating green-blue cycles to get level 7 (the alternative is to go Green-Blue-Purple in the base game zones & Artaeum (purple part is non-repeatable on account) to unlock the 100,000 gold Al-Esh Ascension Coin lead, but you have to unlock Eyevea (by completing Mages Guild questline) and get 10 in scrying to dig for this gold), and, basically, as other zones are bigger and you would most likely have to kill mobs on your way – this method of skill line progression would take more time then staying in small cosy Artaeum. Well.. this is up to you to decide.
Alcast has a good & comprehensive Antiquties guide: https://alcasthq.com/eso-antiquities-system-guide-greymoor-chapte His guide also includes a link to the levelling guide, where author recommends green-blue-purple method. ESO Hub has good information about Mythics and theirs leads https://eso-hub.com/en/sets/category/mythic Friendly reminder: Mythics are reconstructable at any time (and theirs level is fixed CP160), but not deconstructable.
There are some cosmetic Antiquities items https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Antiquity_Leads#Cosmetics_and_Outfit_Styles
Also pick up the Alinor Allemande emote (Summerset), and, maybe Aldmeri Symphonia music box. Also get fancy crafting stations: Anvil of Old Orsinium, Druidic Provisioning Station, Daedric Enchanting Station, and the Shipbuilder's Woodworking Station. The Ebon Dwarven Wolf mount is 17 parts, so it might take you too much time to get them all in one week, though it is doable, if the random number generator is loyal to you. DisplayLeads addon is awesome and extremely helpful (https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2651-DisplayLeads-withLocationInfo.html)
- Blackwood nothing seriously big, but you can get a free Bog Dog pet (Lost in the Wilds quest) and some nice furnishings (including a canoe). Companions are not on the table. To kill your time there is the 15 pieces Blackwood Tapestry antiquity furnishing (check Alcast for the guide if interested). Also Thrafey Debutante Gown is a stylish costume obatined with 50 Scaly Cloth Scraps (tradeable) fragments from the Silent Halls public dungeon.
- High Isle. Again, nothing immediate. Cosmetics include non-combat pet Jerall Rescue Dog acquired during Tales of Tribute questline, non-combat pet Coral Haj Mota: 25 Coral Haj Mota Decoys from the Spire Of The Crimson Coin and 25 Coral Haj Mota Lures from Ghost Haven Bay (these are tedious to get tradeable fragments)
Courtly Traveling Attire costume plus head and body marking you get during the zone story line quest Nighthunter's Cowl hat is one lead Antiquity

- Necrom. Nothing immediate. Long term offers include: Emissaries Enclave - big house, 28 quests 1.5M gold, The Fate Scryer Costume – completing the quest “Chronicle of Fate”, shroom tender style - different style pages unlocked by achievements, new ToT desk – Almalexia. nix-ox steed mount would be hard or, probably impossible to get, I can not tell for sure (please comment on that), Abyssal Cephaliarch’s Face Art – completing the quest “A Hidden Fate”, Body Art – completing the quest “A Calamity of Fate”. Also The Prism of Moribund Sapience – completing the quest “In a Troubled House”. The Meln’s Soul Gem memento – completing the quest “Spirit of Fate”
Necrom Master Angler achievememnt unlocks Shroomtender Shoes style, though i normally do not mention Master Angler achievements for DLC zones, as catching all them rare fishies consumes the enormous amount time and only one other Master Angler achievement rewards directly - becoming the Deadlands Master Angler allows to purhcase a Sulfur Pool achievement furnishing. So them fishing shoes style is for the most reckless of you, daredevils! I don't have that much time to complete that. :
Other Shroomtender style pages are unlocked by doing all deleves, world bosses, quests and other activities in Necrom zones.
Berylglow Nix-Ox Steed mount requires the Savior of Necrom achievement with 5 coditions. The third of these is Complete all 3 Daily Job achievements for Necrom's Stalwart Protector one of three requirements for that is "Complete 30 Bastion Nymic Daily Quests for Ordinator Tandasea in Necrom" (i doubt participating in your friends' shared daily Nymic counts, if you have already completed your own daily Nymic, so, here, in my understanding, is the catch. please, correct me if i am wrong and 30 Nymic (as well as 30 WB and Delves dailies) can be done in a week) link: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Savior_of_Necrom (these 30 Nymic dailies also unlock a Obsidian Dwarven Sphere pet, though, again, i doubt it can be done withing a week)

UESP page with the images of loyalty rewards: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:DLC_Loyalty_Rewards

What works:
- Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Psijic Guild skill lines skill line will persist, allowing looting Thieves Troves and Psijic portals. Blade of Woe still continues to function (Please, keep in mind that is per character! Psijic quest (it is long) unlocking the line (and subsequent ones (long too)) is fun only first 9 times.., after that it starts becoming annoying)
- Housing purchased in DLC zones will persist, on exiting the house you would not enter a DLC zone, but teleport back to the location from which you have teleported to your house
- Furnishings exceeding non-ESO+ limits will stay, but you will not be able to re-add them if accidentally put away
- you would be able to allocate/deallocate Skill Points (with respec or by loading an Armory build) in the TG/DB/Psijic/JC/Scrying/Excavation skills you have already unlocked while progressing these skill lines.
- Antiquities will still allow you to scry from the map (though I am not sure it was intended by Zenimax)
thanks go to u/LordAsheye for the instructions: https://www.reddit.com/elderscrollsonline/comments/10kdvem/comment/j5rqmpd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

What does not work:
- Jewelry Crafting skill line still requires Summerset (after ESO+ expires you can not access JC crafting stations if you don't own the DLC), but it makes a lot of sense to research Infused, Bloodthirsty and Swift traits for reconstructing stickerbook jewelry (thanks Kelinmiriel for this tip) as at any time you can buy the Transmute Station or visit your friends houses/guildhalls where the said station has been already deployed.
- You would not be able to further progress DB, TG and Psijic skill lines (if not maxed them) after free ESO+ trial ends.
- You can not play Tales of Trubute (if you have no access to High Isle) after trial end
- Companions of Blackwood and High Isle are decoupled from the zone for ESO+ Free trials (but, of course, work for the real subscriptions), Companions of Necrom are not accessible, because Necrom is the latest Chapter, which is not unlocked with ESO+ (trial or regular)

- re-log with each character to make materials they carry to go into the Crafting Bag (after event it will turn into "extract-only" mode)
- unlock TG, DB and Psijic skill lines for each of your characters (looting a thieves trove is enough to unlock the TG line, so if you are lucky to spot the thing that saves a trip to Hew's Bane)
- collect skyshards, lorebooks, unlock exploration and questing dyes and achievements, check achievement furnishers (as they offer quite a lot of inexpensive and nice furnishings)
(LovelyNorth has an excellent achievement furnishers visual guide: http://lovelynorth.com/achievementfurnishings/)
- dye your costumes (this is done per character, so the same costume may be dyed differently on different characters)
- dye your Companions costumes (if you have Blackwood or High Isle or Necrom and unlocked them Companions)
- refine your raw materials, preferably on a character with the best refining passives and Meticulous Disassembly green CP star slotted
- if you do crafting dailies, then pack your CraftBag with everything. I’d suggest depositing a LOT of style stones (basic ones are 15g each at vendors located near crafting stations), potency runes (again, vendors), Ta runes, Mudcrab Chitin and Violet Coprinus. If you craft furnishings stock up with furnishing materials as well.
- pack your houses with 2x storage (utilize 2x furnishing limits at houses of any size)
- do the treasure maps (might be purchased at the Guild Traders) pointing to otherwise restricted zones
- if you decided to train Antiquities, then acquire new and do the existing leads in the unlocked DLC zones (if you decide to max up Antiquities skill lines (for the Ultimate difficulty furnishing leads) - the easy way to get level 7 lead (Void-Crystal Anomaly furnishing) is to harvest nodes in Coldharbour, as it drops surprisingly often there from resource nodes)
- attune your crafting stations to Order's Wrath (High Isle), Law of Julianos (Wrothgar) , New Moon Acolyte (Southern Elsweyr) (also: Clever Alchemist, Wretched Vitality, Mechanical Acuity (CWC), Coldharbor Favorite, Stuhn's Favor, Heartland Conqueror, and Ancient Dragonguard are quite good options too (imho), but that is you, who decides on that matter and most of the GuildHalls normally have them crafting stations).
- it is worth mentioning you can open your geodes to use doubled (1000) transmute crystal limit (though after the event you would not be able to add new crystals unless you consume the existing ones to make theirs number to drop below the “normal” 500 limit)
- purchasing alchemy ingredients to pack your CraftBag with is up to you (this may help to level up new characters uber-fast using batches of pre-crafted Master Achemy Writs), as well as buying uncommon style materials (for future gear crafting Master Writs). However, for both of these purposes I’d suggest just to subscribe to ESO+.

- collect Bound-On-Pickup group dungeons DLC gear for the collections book (unbound may be bought)
- quests and dungeons for rewards, achievements and collectibles (like Elsweyr free housing or Elsweyr+Dragonhold Epilogue free flying pet, undaunted trophies.. Pirharri the Smuggler assistant, etc etc..)
- doing DLC dungeons for bound gear, skillpoints, achievements (including skins for achievements in veteran DLC dungeons), motif pages drops and trophies
- if you are for good DPS sets: on normal Falkreath Hold (for Pillar of Nirn) is soloable, just block minotaurs heavy attacks. Frostvault (for Tzogvin's Warband) is soloable too, just get tanky to kill the troll. And you don’t need 60+ runs as you get armor pieces rather quick so you can reconstruct them later (for 50..60 crystals, not 25, but, anyway..). Weapons require more runs, though..
- doing DLC trials with friends for skins, gear and achievement. UESP: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Trials
- Zones story quests reward with skillpoints (especially smaller zones: CWC -8, Murkmire – 7, Southern Elsweyr – 6+3, Markarth – 6+3, The Deadlands – 6+3, Firesong – 6+3 (6+3 means 6 from smaller zone DLC plus 3 from epilogue quests completing one year arc (if the appropriate big zone DLC story line completed))). (Thanks to u/RadioRy for this recommendation) Also: warning: it takes only several hours for these storylines if you rush the dialogues, however – rushing is not recommended if you are for stories or RP.
- do public dungeons group events in Summerset Isles, Northern Elsweyr, Greymoor, Blackwood, High Isle and Wrothgar for the skill points (Atoll of Immolation is, technically, a public dungeon too, but does not reward you with a skillpoint. Enter it from The Deadlands, not from Blackwood)
Game-Maps.com has the excellent public dungeons maps https://game-maps.com/ESO/ESO-Public-Dungeon.asp
On PC use the Urich's Skill Point Finder addon to check your quests, skyshards and dungeons skillpoints https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1863-UrichsSkillPointFinder.html

- check UESP full list of mementos: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Mementos (“DLC and Chapters” is a sepatare section), maybe you would like to unlock some
- completing skill lines (DB, TG, Psijic)
- complete maps (do world bosses if you please)
- complete fishing Achievements
- do DLC dungeons with friends on veteran difficulty for skins, costumes, titles and other nice rewards

Now some details about fashion for those, who might be interested in that stuff. Skip if not.
Five sections below do not include veteran hard-mode dungeons and trials rewards and achievements, as not 100% of the players do these activities. Let’s talk relatively easy things, OKay?
(Base Game, Morrowind, and Imperial City goodies are not included for the obvious reason – no connection with ESO+, though Shadowfen skeleton or Vvardenfell Scarlett Judge costume are mentioned in the comments each and every time). Dyes are too numerous, so I decided not to overload this document. Check UESP for dyes, please.
I also skipped titles, mementos and emotes to keep this text reasonably compact.
GETTING COSTUMES (not including the ones from the tradeable fragments)
- Antiquarian Field Garb & Antiquarian Robes - gained by progressing scrying and excavating antiquities - Regalia of the Orsimer King - completing Orsinium storyline quests - Cavalier of the Sworn Oath Old Orsinium Sentry Trinimac's Penitent Knight - questing in Wrothgar - Merchant Lord's Formal Regalia - obtained by progressing Thieves Guild story quest - Shrouded Armor - you get it at the very start of Dark Brotherhood story-line quests - Thieves Guild Leathers - you get it just by starting Thieves guild questline - Za'ji's Dragonguard Uniform - completing Southern Elsweyr questline - Oblivion Explorer Garb – obtained during The Deadlands zone story - Courtly Traveling Attire – complete High Isle zone story - Black Hand Robe – complete Dark Brotherhood story - The Fate Scryer Costume - obtained during Necrom zone quest
HATS (not including “instant” ones)
- Nighthunter's Cowl Hat – Antiquity on the High Isle - Ironclad Sarcoshroud – Antiquity in The Deadlands - Helm of the Black Fin – obtained during Blackwood zone quest line - Arkthzand Insight Vertex Shroud – Antiquity in Markarth DLC - Witchwise Headdress – obtained during The Reach story line quests - Dwemer Crown - the Antiquity lead drops from the group event boss in Nchuthnkarst public dungeon in Blackreach - Mask of Alkosh obtained by completing the Dragonhold main questline - Madgod’s Turban obtained with “The Lunacy of Two Moons” side quest in Northern Elsweyr - Psijic Skullcap is obtained on completing the Psijic Order quests line

NON-COMBAT PETS (not including “instant” ones)
- Phoenix Moth – awarded on completing Galen’s story line quests - Jerall Rescue Dog – obtained during Tales of Tribute quest line - Coral Haj Mota – combined from (tradeable) fragments from both High Isle public dungeons - Dremnaken Runt – obtained completing Blackwood + The Deadlands epilogue quest line - Bog Dog pet – obtained by exploration achievement in Blackwood (check ArzyeLBuilds guide https://arzyelbuilds.com/eso-lost-in-the-wilds-achievement-guide-blackwood-free-pet/) - Dwarven Scarab – 7 parts Antiquity from Markarth DLC. Thought Zeni claims they improved the drop rates, they still deserve much better :( - Somnolent Void Rot - obtained during Greymoor + Markarth epilogue quest line - Solitude Silver Wolf – obtained during Greymoor story line quests - Regal Dragon Imp flying pet obtained during Season of the Dragon Epilogue quests

FACE AND BODY MARKINGS (not including “instant” ones)
- Y’ffelon’s face and body marks obtained during Galen story quest line - Stonelore’s Legend Face and Body marks obtained during High Isle zone story - Fargrave Soullatice Face and Body obtained on completing The Deadlands story questline - Ysgramor’s Chosen Face Marking – antiquity lead in Western Skyrim - Ysgramor’s Chosen Body Marking obtained during Greymoor story quest - Dwemer Face Markings – antiquity lead from Colossus Charging Station WB in Blackreach - Dwemer Body Markings – antiquity lead from the boss of The Scraps delve in Western Skyrim - Face & Body Imprint of the Psijic Order are obtained during the Psijic Order quests line in Summerset - Abyssal Cephaliarch’s Face Art – completing the quest “A Hidden Fate” in Necrom - Body Art – completing the quest “A Calamity of Fate” in Necrom

- Barkroot Blessing is 10 parts antiquity from Galen https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Barkroot_Blessing (i will be honest: I gave up with this skin after using 25+ Galen treasure maps with zero freakin’ lead drop; may the luck follow you, tamrielings!:)

- Ascendant Lord’s Greatsword – style page awarded for completing High Isle + Firesong epilogue quests chain - Eldertide Style – shoulder style Antiquity from Galen Treasure Map I - Pelin’s Paragon outfit style pages drop from Tales of Tribute dailies rewards containers - Bog Blight Funerary Mask Style – hat style Antiquity from Blackwood - Leyawiin Brigadine Shield Style – obtained by completing Blackwood zone story line - Malign Ambitions Crow – major adornment obtained during story line quests in Blackwood - Antiquarian's Pickaxe is a two-handed weapon style acquired by reaching the max rank in the Excavation Skill Line - Wolf of Solitude Replica Sword is one-handed weapon style obtained during Greymoor storyline quests - Karthwatch Sigil Shield outfit style is also obtained during Greymoor storyline quests - Wolfcrown of Solitude adornment obtained on finishing Greymoor story line quests - Topal Corsair outfit style pages are awarded for completing different quests in Southern Elsweyr - Ancient & Pristine Moon Crescent Styles are sickle-like one-handed weapon styles obtained by completing side quests chain given by Vastarie NPC in Northern Elsweyr - Skyterror Dragonslayer Style are helm and shoulder outfit styles granted during Northern Elsweyr storyline quests - Mystic Eye Psijic Cuirass outfit Style is obtained during the Summerset zone story - Psijic Warden Gauntlets outfit Style is also obtained during the Summerset zone story - Shroomtender outfit pages are a reward for completing various achievements associated with the exploration of Necrom

UESP has a comprehensive list of dailies and how to unlock them: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Repeatable_Quests

(though I would not recommend this because of cooldowns and limited time of the Event, but this is still a good clean family entertainment to diversify your activities. Wrothgar: loot Old Orsinium; CWC: steal in Brass Fortress Basilica; Summerset loot Shimmerene Monastery; Murkmire: steal in Lilmoth and Bright-Throat Village; Northern Elsweyr: loot Rimmen Royal Palace (Dragonhold added no new furnishing plans); Greymoor: loot Nchuthnkarst; Markarth: loot Bthar-Zel (unlocked during the zone quest); Blackwood: steal in Leaywiin Castle; The Deadlands: steal in The Bearer’s Rest in Fargrave, High Isle: loot Castle Navire, Galen: steal in Maltheo Rouillac's House in Vastyr). Necrom loot in Sailenmora Crypts (you have to start the "a thif to catch a thief" quest, but NOT finish it, otherwise you lose access to this place (very juicy from the start, now seriously nerfed))
Swap characters after blue or purple plan drop (the cooldown for blues is one hour per character). I would also suggest to swap characters after you start getting white furnishing plans. Slot “Homemaker” green CP star.

- doing Museum quests for unique furnishing items and costumes ( https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Museums )
- farming bound collectibles fragments in public dungeons (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Fragments)
- digging mythics and other antiquities (wolfie mount, music box, dance emote, face and body markings, cosmetics, and fancy furnishings, as there are many great-looking Antiquities furnishings)
- do the surveys and refine as much as you can to stock up your CraftBag (ideally to hold up till the next ESO+ free event)

- DO THE SOLO ARENAS: the Maelstrom Arena weapons are still great, also the Vateshran Hollows weapons are good and achievements (unlocking skin and dyes may be done on a veteran difficulty).
BlackRose Prison weapons are also good, but you would prefer to go with friend(s), as this group arena is noticeably harder than the soloable nDSA.
(reminder: Curated drops in Arenas work only on the final chest)
Completing veteran MA unlocks Maelstrom Baron polymorph, completing veteran VH unlocks Void Pathosis skin.

TIP: Set up your priorities!
As there are a LOT of things to be done and time is the essence, I’d suggest getting instant freebies first (it takes less than an hour) and then focus on what you consider the most important (like mythics, or trial/dungeons gear, or some free stuff requiring questing, or dailies, or just exploration, etc) as this depends on what brings you the most fun. The ESO is a MMO game, after all!

Be sure to check the comprehensive list of collectibles compiled by Benevolent Bowd (benevolentbowd):
Friendly reminder: collectibles, mementos, emotes, dyes and currencies are account-wide.

If I have missed anything essential (I intentionally omitted Base Game, Vvardenfell and Imperial City things as they do not depend on ESO+), please, post that in the comments to help making this guide better. Thank you.

Good luck, friends.
Have fun

P.S. FAQ: the most frequent questions are:
- How to activate the ESO+ trial? - Normally the magic sequence is: inagme Crown Store, select the ESO Plus tab, select “Free Trial!” ( official instructionhttps://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/66079 ) - How long does it last? - Normally seven days. Check the official site for precise information. Event ends on June 19 14:00 UTC - is this once in a lifetime promotion? - No. You can participate in all the subsequent ESO+ free trial events whenever they happen - How often such promotions do happen? – it is hard to say, normally 2-3 times a year, but there are no schedule and warranties. - I am already subscribed. Do I benefit from this event? - Not really. - Does this week adds to existing subscriptions? – Nope. - Does free ESO+ trial unlocks Warden & Necromancer classes ?– Nope. - How long does it take to pick up all of them instant loyalty rewards? - Normally less than an hour. - Any free mounts? - Ebon Dwarven Mount from Antiquities. There are also other mounts but it depends. Mounts are granted for trifectas DLC Trials achievements, but they are really hard to obtain, as it takes highly coordinated capable group to achieve vet HM speed-run no-death. Antiquties wolf mount could be unlocked in one week but this takes some serious no-lifing. :) - What will happen with the Craftbag? - it will go into “extract only” mode, you will not lose your materials. u/Kelinmiriel explained the order materials are consumed when crafting: the game uses 1) any stolen materials you're carrying, 2) materials from your craft bag, 3) non-stolen materials in your inventory. You have no choice about this. - Do I keep all these collectibles and items I have obtained? – Sure!

Stay safe, folx!
submitted by DinoZavr to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:42 goodstuffgoodstuff9 1990 unreleased Horror of Yig vinyl through Sub Pop

1990 unreleased Horror of Yig vinyl through Sub Pop submitted by goodstuffgoodstuff9 to GWAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:38 pinknanachi yes, if youre a healer, you can win with a full useless ai team

yes, if youre a healer, you can win with a full useless ai team
before you ask, no, i didnt hack bots into the game; i merely played with v useless healers [which i am going to assume that they left were replaced by bots]
and my prize was totally not worth it for all of the hard work ive put into it; a shield i already own and just a note on the reroll T0T
so heres the story, and im using the u/Doomfox01's theory here [can you please give her a rainbow pangolin omg] as a basis to justify the players' attitude and after this match it made SO MUCH SENSE
i was a falcon healer [gives shield to anyone, thats what the falcon does; usually thats my comfort animal to the healer role, as you can bypass the cooldown by giving a shield to the second injuried person and idk whats the problem with me, but i cant main unis- its not like the 2 common uni avatars i own are ugly, theyre not! i just.. have no idea of how to dress them in a way that pleases me LOL]
and ive stated id be a healer before the game started, thing i rarely ever do tho but idk i felt like it- and.. well.. i was kinda surprised to realize everyone chose the healer role.. i gotta do the joke again lol bc it felt like :
Hi, I'm Healer My name's Healer I'm Healer I'm Healer And my name is Healer And we're...Your backyard friends, the Healer
but our backyard friends, the healer, didnt really help much as you expect they would; we had this fox who was the first one to start to cure themself all the time and shield themself all the time [i know foxes cant shield other people but they would only cure themselves at full hp] and they would only attack the first phantom
seconds later, our ptera was already doing the same, always healing the fox [and i think shielding too, but i cant really remember]; so the only ones who would play properly were me and an emo arctic wolf- we did pretty well till early the second wave, when they threw the towel and behaved the same as the other two animals would and this is how i think they left the game and a bot took their place, because they were doing so good a while ago.. why would they suddently behave like the others?
and it was up to me to heal and shield everyone, which i surprisingly managed to do;
just a quick note: for some reason, the phantom healers they gave me were AMAZING, its like they knew i would be alone because it was a pain to get rid of them; in fact, they would only die when the full team would attack them
the game wouldnt allow me to foresee my teammates' actions [surprise surprise] but i could myself know what they were about to do, as their moves wouldnt change, it was always the same thing: shield/cure the fox, store power, attack the first phantom; that gave me freedom to attack any phantom i wanted and i kinda abused of this in the boss fight
i knew i wouldnt get past the boss, but i wanted to; we havent lost hearts till the giant phantom appeared, and i was struggling to keep the bots alive- my hp would always get really low and i was already mad they would obviously not aim for me but the dumb fox [i was going full yandere mode for that fox, i swear]
but.. i was so surprisingly lucky in our last fights.. the creature wouldnt attack me with my tiny tiny hp [i was even able to cure myself] and thats how we won; better saying, i, all alone, won
submitted by pinknanachi to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:37 No-Site-3234 Can someone explain to my why this doesnt works?

Hello i started to play this game yesterday and im quite new with TypeScript too, so i wrote this to get the best server money/s but it returns null and sometimes it can return a valid server
export function get_server_list(ns) { let servers = []; let queue = ['home']; let visited = new Set(); while (queue.length > 0) { let server = queue.shift(); if (!visited.has(server)) { visited.add(server); servers.push(server); let neighbors = ns.scan(server); for (let neighbor of neighbors) { if (!visited.has(neighbor)) { queue.push(neighbor); } } } } return servers []; } export function best_server(ns, servers = get_server_list(ns)) { servers = servers.filter(server => ns.hasRootAccess(server) && ns.getServerMaxMoney(server) > 0); let best_server = null; let best_money_per_sec = 0; for (let server of servers) { const money_max = ns.getServerMaxMoney(server); const grow_time = ns.getGrowTime(server); const weaken_time = ns.getWeakenTime(server); const hack_time = ns.getHackTime(server); const hack_chance = ns.hackAnalyzeChance(server); const hack_money_one_thread = ns.hackAnalyze(server); const hack_threads = Math.floor(ns.hackAnalyzeThreads(server, money_max)); const money_hacked = money_max * (hack_money_one_thread * hack_threads); const total_time = grow_time + 2 * weaken_time + hack_time; const money_per_sec = money_hacked * hack_chance / total_time; if (money_per_sec >= best_money_per_sec) { best_money_per_sec = money_per_sec; best_server = server; } } return best_server; } 
submitted by No-Site-3234 to Bitburner [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:36 guillermo1996 Analysis - Best monsters to track for WGS drops


tl;dr: stop tracking monsters with two WGS partbreak drops, they don't have an overall drop chance improvement. For 8* stars Great Girros and Tobi are the best options, and for 9* Barroth is definitely the best, followed by Pukei-Pukei.
Hi fellow hunters,
Ever since the introduction of the Monster Tracker mechanic, I have seen many posts discussing which monster should be the most optimal to focus for farming WGS. The most common names were Banbaro and Tzitzi, maybe even Diablos if you could manage to break both his horns. The pattern here is obvious, we naively believe that given that these monsters can give you two drops for the broken parts, they are probably the most relevant to do so. But, we humans don't usually have good intuitions regarding small probabilities. Thus, I decided to do a little research with public data to answer, with the knowledge we have as of now, which is the best monster to farm WGS with the tracker.


My goal was to complete the drop % provided my MHN-Lab by calculating the total chances of each monster dropping one or more WGS assuming you break all the parts that reward WGS. Given that some monsters don't have enough entries to provide confident results, I also aimed to calculate a "worse case scenario" percentage of WGS drop.


All my results are presented in a public spreadsheet.
Most relevant sheet is "Results - Tracking monsters". A brief summary:


All number of drops were manually extracted from MHN Lab. Don't forget to support them for providing such data to the community!
The probability of a WGS drop are calculated as Number of Drops / Number of Slayed, and it was performed for each of the 4 basic drops. The chances of partbreak drops are calculated as Number of Drops / Number of part breaks. However, the number of reports is key to understanding these probabilities,.
Let me explain, current data suggest that 1 in every 5 Coral Pukei-Pukei give a WGS in the first slot. We can all agree that Niantic is probably not that generous, and the one who reported the WGS simply got lucky. A naive interpretation would tell us that we should all focus on that 9* CPP for a 20% of WGS drop. However, We have to consider how confident we are about these results. And no, we are not confident at all about this result.
In the spreadsheet, I go into more details on how to obtain a 95% confidence interval for the probabilities obtained and present the results for a "worse case scenario" given the data we have available. Yet, some manual filters were applied to ignore monsters with low number of entries.
It is also important to mention that no correction was made to control for the "lucky bias" - that is, when a hunter is more likely to report a hunt if they obtained the drop they wanted (don't know how to properly call it).


This is not a deep study of probabilities, confidence levels, bias correction and such. I simply aimed to answer "what monster should I track to maximize WGS drops". I was honestly surprised with my findings, and thought that it might be a good resource to share with the community.
I have a background in data analysis, but int he end, this is an afternoon project. Things could have been done better, no doubts about that, and my assumptions and decisions might not be the most suitable for this situation. I mean, by looking at the lower bound of a 95% CL range, I am clearly giving better results to the most common monsters (and that is reflected in my results), but I still believe that it is preferable to hunt monsters with secure drops, rather than to follow low confident results. I will gladly accept feedback to improve the study and please, correct me if I did something wrong. If interested in a copy of the spreadsheet, let me know, and I can publish the whole sheet for people to look at the formulas, don't know if anyone will be interested.
In any case, don't forget to visit MHN Lab, they provide an essential service to the community, and they deserve every bit of appreciation we can give them.
Hope you find this useful!
submitted by guillermo1996 to MHNowGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:30 Tattooed-Trex Need help, feel like I get killed easily.

Need help, feel like I get killed easily.
I am trying to kill moghlester Dude one shots me, I am primarily a magic build. Most my weapons are under 3+
Any tips?
submitted by Tattooed-Trex to eldenringdiscussion [link] [comments]
