Cote de pablo official website

A place for all Münchner Kindls

2010.11.15 17:36 Brutos A place for all Münchner Kindls

A place for residents or visitors of Munich! Posts mainly in English or German

2012.08.14 07:43 Reddidactyl /r/Warframe

Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 45, Xbox One/Series XS, Nintendo Switch, and iOS!

2014.10.16 21:04 Dan LeBlantard w/ StuGotz


2024.05.14 05:24 priscidja Non-EU citizen moving to Stockholm

Hey guys 👋🏽
So, a little background: I am a non-EU citizen (Brazilian) currently living in Portugal, but have been living in Europe on and off since 2012 and permanently since 2017 (4 years in Hungary and 5 years in Portugal total). I have a residence permit valid in Portugal until 2026, and I am applying now for portuguese citizenship, which means somewhere between 6-24 months I will officially have an european passport.
That being said, I have been to Stockholm 2x, for a total of 2 months, doing short-term research as part of my PhD. I am finishing my PhD this summer and have now received a post-doctorate position offer (2 year contract). I am not worried about getting a job after these 2 years as I’ll be an EU-citizen by then, so things will be a lot easier. HOWEVER, I have started reading and researching about rent in Stockholm and it kinda scared me a bit. First of all, I have 3 cats that I would need to move to Stockholm with me. And second, I am still confused about all this “first hand” and “second hand” contract thing. What does it mean exactly? How difficult would it be for me to find an apartment for an ok price that allows pets to move in around November if I start looking now? (doesn’t need to be in the city center, I always stay in Norrviken when I am there and I absolutely love the area and am very satisfied with the Pendeltag/public transport in general, 1h commute to work is not a problem for me).
KTH suggests looking for housing in these websites:
And I also checked Samtrygg on google.
So yeah, if you have any tips to give me, or anything important you think I should be aware of, please feel welcome to reply. Bad experiences are also welcome as I should know the good and the bad too 😅
submitted by priscidja to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:24 Zultine I have some Cantonese language questions that I hope aren't too annoying

Okay, I know nothing about Cantonese other than: it is the second official Chinese language of the Han natives (I think?); it was once one of the "prestigious" of the Chinese languages at one point in time before standard mandarin; it uses the same script as Modern Chinese standard Mandarin (afaik); and it like most languages in china, besides mandarin, are dying out there from what I have read and a few posts here imply.
My first question is this:
My second question is this:
My third question (and final in this particular post, minus comments and responses to comments) is this:
It would be great if I could get these answered to the best of their ability.
submitted by Zultine to Cantonese [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:15 ForwardProperty4299 cainso

Jeux de hasard
Les jeux de hasard sont des activités de divertissement très populaires qui impliquent un élément de chance et de probabilité. Ces jeux incluent une grande variété d'options, allant des machines à sous et des jeux de table dans les casinos traditionnels aux loteries, paris sportifs et jeux en ligne.
Les jeux de hasard peuvent être amusants et excitants, mais il est important de se rappeler qu'ils comportent également des risques. Il est essentiel de jouer de manière responsable, en fixant des limites de temps et d'argent et en évitant de tomber dans l'excès.
De nombreux pays ont des lois et des réglementations strictes en place pour encadrer l'industrie des jeux de hasard, visant à protéger les joueurs vulnérables et à lutter contre la fraude et le blanchiment d'argent. Il est crucial de jouer sur des plateformes licenciées et sûres pour assurer une expérience de jeu équitable et sécurisée.
Les jeux de hasard peuvent offrir des moments de divertissement et parfois même des gains financiers, mais il est essentiel de ne pas perdre de vue le caractère aléatoire de ces activités. En fin de compte, il est primordial de jouer de manière responsable et de garder à l'esprit que la chance peut être changeante.
Machines à sous
Les machines à sous sont des jeux de hasard très populaires dans les casinos du monde entier. Ces machines, également appelées bandits manchots, offrent une expérience divertissante et excitante aux joueurs.
Le fonctionnement des machines à sous est assez simple : le joueur insère une pièce dans la fente prévue à cet effet et tire sur le levier ou appuie sur un bouton pour faire tourner les rouleaux. L'objectif est d'obtenir une combinaison gagnante de symboles sur les rouleaux pour remporter des gains.
Il existe de nombreux types de machines à sous, allant des machines classiques à trois rouleaux aux machines modernes à cinq rouleaux, en passant par les machines vidéos et les machines à jackpot progressif. Chaque machine a ses propres règles et caractéristiques spécifiques qui ajoutent à l'excitation du jeu.
Les machines à sous sont populaires pour leur simplicité et leur accessibilité, mais elles peuvent aussi être très lucratives pour les joueurs chanceux. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que le jeu comporte des risques et qu'il est essentiel de jouer de manière responsable.
En résumé, les machines à sous sont un divertissement prisé par de nombreux amateurs de jeux de hasard. Que ce soit dans un casino traditionnel ou en ligne, ces jeux offrent une expérience de jeu captivante et pleine d'adrénaline pour ceux qui tentent leur chance.
Roulettes en ligne
Les roulettes en ligne sont l'un des jeux de casino les plus populaires sur internet. Que ce soit la roulette européenne, la roulette américaine ou la roulette française, les joueurs du monde entier peuvent profiter de l'excitation et du suspense de ce jeu emblématique depuis le confort de leur domicile.
Les sites de roulettes en ligne offrent une large gamme d'options de paris, permettant aux joueurs de tous niveaux de trouver un jeu adapté à leurs préférences. De plus, les graphismes et les animations de haute qualité donnent l'impression d'être dans un véritable casino, créant une expérience immersive et captivante.
Grâce aux avancées technologiques, les roulettes en ligne sont désormais accessibles depuis les appareils mobiles, ce qui permet aux joueurs de profiter de leurs jeux préférés en déplacement.
En termes de sécurité, les sites de roulettes en ligne sont généralement fiables et sécurisés, offrant des transactions financières protégées et des jeux équitables grâce à l'utilisation de générateurs de nombres aléatoires.
Que vous soyez un novice cherchant à découvrir les bases de la roulette ou un joueur expérimenté en quête de nouveaux défis, les roulettes en ligne offrent une expérience divertissante et stimulante pour tous les passionnés de jeux de hasard. N'attendez plus, lancez la roue et testez votre chance dès aujourd'hui sur l'un des nombreux sites de roulettes en ligne disponibles sur internet.
Paris sportifs
Les paris sportifs sont une pratique de plus en plus populaire en France. Avec l'essor des plateformes en ligne, les amateurs de sports peuvent désormais parier sur une multitude de disciplines, des plus populaires comme le football et le tennis, aux sports plus de niche comme le curling ou le snooker.
Les paris sportifs offrent une dimension supplémentaire au plaisir de regarder un match ou une compétition. Les parieurs peuvent analyser les performances des équipes ou des athlètes, étudier les statistiques et les cotes, et tenter de prédire le résultat final. Cela ajoute une dose d'excitation et de suspense à chaque événement sportif, même le plus anodin.
Cependant, il est important de parier de manière responsable. Comme pour tout type de jeu d'argent, les paris sportifs comportent des risques, et il est essentiel de ne jamais parier plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre. Il est également recommandé de se renseigner sur les sites de paris légaux et d'éviter les plateformes douteuses.
En France, les paris sportifs sont encadrés par l'Autorité de Régulation des Jeux en Ligne (ARJEL), qui veille à la protection des joueurs et à la lutte contre l'addiction aux jeux. Grâce à cette réglementation, les parieurs peuvent profiter de leur passion en toute sécurité et sérénité.
En conclusion, les paris sportifs sont une activité divertissante pour les amateurs de sports, à condition d'être pratiqués de manière responsable et légale. Que vous soyez un fervent supporter ou simplement à la recherche de sensations fortes, les paris sportifs peuvent ajouter une dimension nouvelle à votre expérience sportive.
Poker en ligne
Le poker en ligne est devenu l'une des formes de divertissement les plus populaires sur Internet. Ce jeu de cartes passionnant attire des millions de joueurs du monde entier, désireux de mettre leurs compétences à l'épreuve et de remporter de l'argent réel.
Les sites de poker en ligne offrent une variété de jeux, allant du Texas Hold'em à l'Omaha, en passant par le Stud à sept cartes. Les joueurs peuvent se mesurer les uns aux autres dans des tournois passionnants ou simplement s'asseoir à une table de cash game pour une partie plus décontractée.
L'un des principaux avantages du poker en ligne est la possibilité de jouer à tout moment et en tout lieu. Que vous soyez chez vous, en déplacement ou en vacances, vous pouvez accéder à vos jeux préférés en quelques clics seulement.
De plus, les sites de poker en ligne offrent souvent des bonus et des promotions attractifs pour attirer de nouveaux joueurs et fidéliser leur clientèle. Ces offres peuvent inclure des bonus de bienvenue, des freerolls exclusifs et des programmes de fidélité avantageux.
Il est essentiel pour les joueurs de poker en ligne de jouer de manière responsable et de respecter les règles du jeu. La prudence est de mise lorsqu'il s'agit de jeu d'argent, et il est recommandé de fixer des limites de mise et de ne jamais jouer avec de l'argent dont on pourrait avoir besoin.
En résumé, le poker en ligne est une activité divertissante et attractive pour les amateurs de jeu de cartes. Que vous soyez un joueur débutant ou expérimenté, il y a toujours une place pour vous autour de la table virtuelle pour tenter votre chance et remporter de belles victoires.
submitted by ForwardProperty4299 to u/ForwardProperty4299 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:08 faforhyperhost Skills assessment body requires official government docs of SSS/Pagibig/Philhealth contributions to prove employment experience. Screenshots from those websites rejected. Help?

Do these gov't agencies provide official certifications of contribution history indicating employer name?
I know na merong nagprovide lang ng screenshots sa website pero depende kasi yan sa officer na natapat sayo. Sakin rejected eh. Any work arounds?
submitted by faforhyperhost to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:01 courzeorg Boost Your Skills with 100+ FREE Courses and Certificates from Udemy and Coursera

Introduction to JavaScript from Basic to Advanced 2024
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SiteGround Migrator: Migra tu Web con WordPress a SiteGround
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submitted by courzeorg to Udemy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:01 Darren716 Post WWE Raw 5/13/2024

Venue: Bon Secours Wellness Arena (Greenville, SC)
Attendance: ~8,400
Winner Loser Match Finish Stipulation
Iyo Sky Shayna Bazler Over the Moonsault Queen of the Ring Quarterfinal
GUNTHER Kofi Kingston Boston Crab King of the Ring Quarterfinal
Bronson Reed Akira Tozawa w/ Chad Gable Tsunami
Lyra Valkyria Zoey Stark Nightwing Queen of the Ring Quarterfinal
Sami Zayn Otis w/ Chad Gable Helluva Kick
Becky Lynch Dakota Kai w/ Damage CTRL DQ when Iyo and Kairi attack Becky
The Judgement Day w/ Carlito The Creed Brothers, AOP, and New Catch Republic Coup de Grace #1 Contender for the World Tag Team Championships
Jey Uso Ilja Dragunov Uso Splash King of the Ring Quarterfinal
submitted by Darren716 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 flouniee Université pour étudiant étranger

Bonjour, Je réside présentement au Québec mais je souhaiterais poursuivre mes études universitaires à Toulouse à partir de l’été 2025. J’étudie au collège en technique juridique qui me permet de devenir technicienne juridique / parajuriste. Je voulais m’informer sur les préavis scolaires nécessaires afin de pouvoir être accepté en faculté de droit. J’ai communiqué avec l’université il y a 3 semaines et malheureusement, je n’ai toujours pas eu de réponse.
La France et le Québec n’ont pas les mêmes méthodes et critères de sélection lors des choix des futurs étudiants. Par exemple, au Québec, les universités vont regarder notre Cote R (un calcul complex entre notre moyenne de chaque classe en les comparant avec les moyennes du groupe) que nous avons reçu durant nos années collégiales. Est-ce qu’il y a un truc similaire que les universités françaises regardent? Est-ce qu’ils se basent seulement sur nos moyennes de chaque classe?
Aussi, quelle est la ‘’moyenne’’ des notes acceptables afin de pouvoir rentrer dans ce programme? En comparatif, au Québec, la faculté de droit de l’université de Montréal exige une Cote R d’environ 31 pour pouvoir y rentrer. Est-ce qu’il y a quelque chose de ressemblante aux universités en France? Comment les universités font pour choisir les étudiants admis?
Bref, je me demandais seulement la manière dont les universités regardent et choisissent des étudiants étrangers par rapport aux résultats scolaires. J’espère que mes questions sont clairs et compréhensibles.
submitted by flouniee to france [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:16 jlee9355 Revolve afterparty sparks confusion with ‘over 1m followers’ requirement at Stagecoach festival

This year, online retailer Revolve co-hosted an afterparty with streetwear brand Pizzaslime at Stagecoach in Indio, California. However, a supposed minimum followers requirement that was displayed outside the venue has sparked widespread confusion among influencers and internet users alike.
“I am leaving the afterparty because of this sign,” said TikTok star Rhegan Coursey in a video with nearly 20 million views. The influencer then revealed a sign displayed outside the venue, which read, “Over 1 million+ followers enter here”, and an arrow pointing to the left.
Another sign was displayed directly next to it, which read, “Under 1 million followers enter here”, and an arrow pointing to the other side. The text “Pizzaslime” and “Revolve” were also written on the signs, showing viewers that the afterparty was co-hosted by the two brands.
While many people believed the signs were an example of influencer culture taking over music festivals, others took the opportunity to point out that Pizzaslime is a satirical brand that often pokes fun at pop culture.
“Yo it was Pizzaslime it was a joke nooo,” one user commented, while someone else said: “It’s a meme account. I think the signs were meant to be jokes lol.”
The official TikTok account for Pizzaslime, which describes itself on its website as “a creative project by two idiot savants who help you fulfill your innate need to disappoint your parents”, later left a comment under Rheagan’s video clarifying the afterparty signs.
“Both lines led to the same place and same experience,” the brand wrote in a since-deleted comment, according to a Revolve spokesperson. “FYI our signs are always meant for a lol. We made signs that literally said PeePee PooPoo. SAD we missed you though!”
Not much of a shocker imo. Seems like a joke.
submitted by jlee9355 to RevolveFwrd [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:16 Ill-Device8577 Can a F-1 visa international student get a driver license in California? How?

Basically title. I'm getting conflicting information online, some says you need SSN, some says you don't. Even the official website is a bit confusing. Would like to know if I can get it and if yes how to start the process. Thanks, and sorry if this is the wrong sub to ask can't seem to find a more suitable one
submitted by Ill-Device8577 to driving [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:05 ImSabbo r/fowtcg Community Thread

Trinity Cluster is starting as I write this, so a fresh community thread seems like a good idea. Feel free to talk about or ask anything FoW-related which you don't think deserves its own thread.
Reddit only allows two stickies per subreddit, so here's some handy links too:
And some from my personal collection:
submitted by ImSabbo to FoWtcg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:00 AutoModerator Unleash Your Weight Loss Journey with Puravive Pills! 💪🌿

Hey Reddit fam! 👋
Are you tired of fad diets and endless workout routines that promise the world but deliver little results? Well, we've got something exciting for you! Introducing "1 puravive pills," a groundbreaking product that's not just a weight loss solution but a game-changer in your fitness journey.
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✅ Natural Ingredients: Packed with a powerful blend of natural ingredients, Puravive Pills are designed to support your weight loss goals without compromising your health.
✅ Proven Results: Say goodbye to the frustration of not seeing results. Many users have reported significant weight loss and improved well-being after incorporating Puravive Pills into their daily routine.
✅ Easy to Use: No complicated routines or meal plans. Simply incorporate Puravive Pills into your daily life, and let the magic happen.
🌐 Learn More: Ready to transform your body and life? Check out the official Puravive Pills website here for more information, success stories, and to place your order.
💰 Profit Potential: But that's not all! Besides achieving your weight loss goals, did you know that you can also earn a substantial profit by promoting this incredible product? Visit the website to learn about the exciting affiliate program and discover how you can turn your weight loss success into a lucrative opportunity!
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Remember, the journey to a better you starts with one positive decision. Let's make it happen together with Puravive Pills!
(Note: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement.)
submitted by AutoModerator to Puravive_review [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:00 BlueArchiveMod Daily Questions Megathread May 14, 2024

Daily Questions Megathread May 14, 2024

Welcome to the Daily Question Megathread!

Here you can ask questions/seek advice about Blue Archive, help each other and grow together!

Detailed In-depth FAQ can be found in here.

Please read through it first before asking a question in here as the FAQ covers lots of topics.

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REMINDER: Bind your account!

Please remember to bind your accounts and take note of your UID, member code, server location, and any information related to your account (e.g. amount spent, student roster, etc). If anything happens to your account (e.g. losing access, unauthorized access), you will need to provide as much info as you can to Nexon's customer support email. Guest accounts that are unbound will be extremely difficult to recover, perhaps impossible.
Please have patience with other members of the community and be as polite as possible. Everyone has to start somewhere!

Other Megathreads
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Technical Issue Thread
Text Mistranslations and Errors Megathread
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Any feedback or issues you have with this Megathread, please ping u/ShaggyFishPop.
submitted by BlueArchiveMod to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:53 Unlikely_Session8356 Is Tekkit Classic Unavailable to play?

I am trying to find tekkit classic but it seemes to be delted from existence. I cant find it anywhere online as it has been taken down off the official technic website. I do have the folder still on my pc is it possible to play it without the launcher?
submitted by Unlikely_Session8356 to tekkitclassic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:51 imnotme_12 temarios para las materias

hola! soy futuro alumno que ingresará a la carrera de IDM en campus mty para ago-dic 2024. quería saber si había algún website o en alguna parte de mitec donde pudiera encontrar los temarios para las materias de mi plan de estudios, especialmente química ya que no llevé química en mi prepa jajaja
submitted by imnotme_12 to TecDeMonterrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:19 Intelligent_Help9727 I work in a major US company but I also run a news portal about the sector.

So… I’m an executive with access to sensitive information of this company. I also run a news portal with information about the sector, privately, under an alias. There is no LLC or anything in my name. Domains are also restricted. I run this website for some years now and I already had the chance to leak some info about several companies, including mine, but nothing related to what I’ve directly heard or discussed. Nothing (in my view) strategic also. I’m wondering what could possibly happen if my company finds out that I have this portal or if I officially open a LLC for my portal.
submitted by Intelligent_Help9727 to Journalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:08 NoWafer6093 Mistakenly registered for Selective Service (US)

I don’t know if this is the best place to ask this question, but I can’t think of anywhere else.
I’m a trans man (FTM / biological female, however you want to put it) and a US citizen and recently got a letter saying I was registered for Selective Service. I looked it up through the official website, and confirmed that it was a real. All my legal documents (social security, birth certificate, drivers license) list my sex as male. My social security sex marker was changed before my 18th birthday, which is why I assume I was automatically registered.
Is this something I need to fix? I understand that another draft in America is wildly unrealistic and likely never going to happen before it’s inevitably abolished all together, but is it fraud to be registered when I’m not eligible or something I should fix on principle?
submitted by NoWafer6093 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:07 JJxiv15 2021 Gabriel Meffre Plan de Dieu Cotes du Rhone Villages

2021 Gabriel Meffre Plan de Dieu Cotes du Rhone Villages
Grenache/Syrah/Mourvedre mix, typical of the Southern Rhône. Local pickup for $20 - grabbed one in my quest for a great weekday wine.
Decanted for 30 minutes prior to drinking. No pairing, regrettably!
Deep ruby color, barely any legs.
On the nose, refreshing and sweet scents of fresh black/red fruits. Very strong and fruit-forward - just attacks your nose with fruit. There's a secondary element I'm struggling to pick up - a sweet dessert, maybe candy of some kind. Vanilla, licorice.
On the palate, pleasing acidity! Smooth tannins, not too astringent, medium bodied, dry. Some noticeable heat, as it's 14% abv. Decently long finish. The red fruit flavor continues. The acidity is the standout here. Not too complex.
This is a QPR banger for me, tbh. Very, very pleased with it. Can't be popping open a $40-50 CdP too often on weekdays, and I'm very satisfied here!
Always welcome any other Cotes du Rhone recommendations from the good folks here. I have a Saint Cosme in the cellar and I am about to commit to a big order of the Kermt Lynch!
submitted by JJxiv15 to wine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:06 MITRA-IPTV Can VLC player be used with Roku?

As of my last knowledge, VLC (VideoLAN) does not have an official app for Roku. Roku devices typically support a specific set of channels and apps that are available in the Roku Channel Store.However, you can use a workaround to stream content from VLC to Roku using the screen mirroring or casting feature. Make sure your Roku device and the device running VLC are on the same Wi-Fi network. Then, you can use screen mirroring options such as Roku Screen Mirroring for Android or "Cast to Device" for Windows.Keep in mind that developments and app availability can change, so it's a good idea to check the official Roku Channel Store or VLC website for the most up-to-date information.
submitted by MITRA-IPTV to MITRA_IPTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:55 Goku560 Finally started my business but not happy with the results

Hi all,
Today I just launched my business officially. By this I mean I just created an AD on Kijiji.
For those who don’t know Kijiji is Craigslist of canada basically.
Anyways my business is about designing and developing SEO optimized website to small businesses for $50/month. Our websites are guaranteed to score 100% when tested using
So far my ad has gotten 5 visits and 0 inquiries.
Since I paid for top ad and highlight ad option it costed me $175 for one month.
Just sharing with you all kinda feel a bit demotivated to be honest but hoping for the best.
submitted by Goku560 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:51 Melodic_Put_2834 How do I get a refund from Swiggy

To request a refund from Swiggy, you can follow these general steps:
  1. Check the refund policy: Start by reviewing Swiggy's refund policy on their official website or app. Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions regarding refunds and cancellations to understand if your situation qualifies for a refund.
  2. Contact customer support:[706151 3641] Reach out to Swiggy's customer support team. You can typically find their contact information on the Swiggy website or app. Contact them through the available channels, such as phone, email, or live chat, and explain the reason for your refund request. Be prepared to provide relevant details like your order number, date and time of the order, and the specific issue you faced.
  3. Explain the issue: Clearly communicate the problem you experienced with your order that warrants a refund. Whether it's receiving incorrect or damaged items, delayed delivery, or any other valid concern, provide a detailed explanation of what went wrong.
  4. Provide supporting evidence: If necessary, gather any evidence that supports your refund claim. This may include photographs of damaged items, screenshots of incorrect orders, or any other relevant documentation. The evidence will help substantiate your request and increase the chances of a successful refund.
  5. Follow up: If you don't receive a response or resolution within a reasonable timeframe, consider following up with Swiggy's customer support team. Politely inquire about the status of your refund request, reiterating the details of your initial communication.
  6. Escalate if needed: If you are unable to resolve the issue through regular customer support channels, you can escalate your complaint. Look for options such as speaking to a supervisor or contacting Swiggy's higher-level customer support or grievance redressal team. They may have additional authority to resolve your issue and process the refund.
Remember to remain polite and patient throughout the process. It's important to give Swiggy an opportunity to address your concerns and provide a resolution.
submitted by Melodic_Put_2834 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:45 Melodic_Put_2834 How can I call MobiKwik customer care?

To contact MobiKwik customer care, you can follow these steps:
  1. Dial the MobiKwik customer care helpline number: . This is the general customer care number for MobiKwik.070615 13641
  2. Listen carefully to the automated voice menu options and select the appropriate option that best matches your query or concern. The menu options may vary, but you'll typically be given choices for different types of inquiries such as account-related issues, transaction disputes, or general assistance.
  3. Once you select the desired option, you will be connected to a customer care executive who can assist you further. Be prepared to provide necessary information such as your MobiKwik registered mobile number, email address, and details about your issue to help the executive understand and address your concern effectively.
  4. Explain your query or issue clearly and provide any additional information or details requested by the customer care executive. They will guide you through the necessary steps to resolve your concern or provide relevant information.
  5. If the customer care executive is unable to resolve your issue immediately, ask for a reference or complaint number for future reference. This will help you track the progress of your query or complaint.
Note: The provided phone number is based on the information available up until my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021. It's always a good idea to verify the current customer care number through the official MobiKwik website or other reliable sources before making the call, as the number might have changed since then. Additionally, international callers may need to prefix the country code (+91 for India) when dialing the number.
submitted by Melodic_Put_2834 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:28 TypicCarcass41 This is an apology post for my previous post. I’m sorry…

I want to start off by saying that I am aware that both Konami and Crypton Future Media are different companies with different businesses. The original intention behind my previous post was because I wanted it to be an empathy post where we could both share how we aren’t getting great things for 2024 this year, and possibly craft some theories of why this may be the case for one, or both companies if common problem and grounds could be found. That post was for people who love and know about DDR and Vocaloid.
For people who knew only about the DDR side, I apologize for having the post mainly one sided about Vocaloid at the very top. The reason for this was because, as I said in a comment on my previous post, I had been following the problems of the Miku Expo since day 1, and it got to the point where I could list many and possibly all the bad things off the top of my head.
DDR, meanwhile, I literally had 1 statement made, and I gave instructions to search up KAC 11th talk and you could find the video made by Dr. D Gaming on YouTube. I DID KNOW about what the content covered, but, because I had learned about it just yesterday, I would have had to sit down and type details on my post while rewatching the video because it’s not possible to instantly remember a near 30 minute video without repetitive watching for some people.
You can stop reading at this point because down below is the reason why I brought Vocaloid here. If you are still curious anyway, keep reading. I will also include DDR first this time unlike in my last post. It will be from memory without looking at the video again, but it’s better than nothing. Plus, you could always search for the video yourself to verify and get more information.
The reason why is because I was exploring the possibility that, possibly by coincidence, both Konami and Crypton Future Media did not like westerners, and they had pretty much gave their community watered down or no events at all.
For DDR KAC, such problems are:
You must know Japanese in order to be qualified for KAC because the final round will be in Japanese(this was shown and removed on their website as shown in the video. Note:It might have been a previous KAC year, but I’d have to go back and check)
You must pay for your own flight(literally had no problem flying overseas players from previous years)
iamchris4life along with 3 other people had their KAC entries called into question, and could be disqualified if not addressed. I imagine that they had very good and strong reasons, but was still turned down anyways. Konami even had the audacity to say to their face they appreciate and hope they continue to support them.
If you were disqualified from KAC ever, you’re never participating again.(That would pretty much narrow the event down to Japan only)
There was a KAC song that was region locked specifically to Japan
Various things here if I could remember them.
Last one I can remember. While not a problem, it’s an acknowledgment from the DDR champion of this year, HIBKI. They knew the technicalities is a bs reason to keep players outside of Japan from participating as kind of implied if you know the context behind his champion speech(seen in Dr. D Gaming’s 11th KAC DDR video)
For Vocaloid, a lot of things at the Expo went wrong. These things are:
Limited merchandise(100 glow sticks when literal thousands are coming to the concert)
No communication about the LED screen(It’s important to note that fans have pointed out that there is no difference between transparent glass screen and LED screen because it’s fine as long as the screen is integrated with the stage. When that happens, it can cause the same immersive effect that the Vocaloids are truly there and on stage.)
Unable to refund tickets(turned off by the organizer which would be Crypton).
Tickets for the Europe tour being released on the day of the concert, meaning, there was almost no way for Europe fans to know about the transparent glass screen switch before it was too late.
False advertising(the Vocaloids being projected on to the glass screen like years prior before this 10th anniversary)
The no glow stick rule other than the official ones by Crypton(this lead many to believe that the transparent glass screen + projection would be used, implying that it was not going to be an LED screen)
Crypton is not addressing the backlash until the NA tour ends, or possibly, until the Europe tour ends which would be the end of the year. If we assume we are getting a response at all(this could be a debatable problem. I can kind of see why they are waiting until the end of the tour)
As you can see, while these are very different events, and situations, it could come off as them hating westerners. Someone on my previous post had wrote an interesting theory that perhaps for Konami, there are 2 different management/team members. One goes for global expansion because they see potential. The other doesn’t want to take the risk creating mixed messages. Naturally, my reply would be that we had the team members who weren’t going for global expansion this year.
I also kept this insight in mind just in case if Crypton also has more than one management and is facing a similar problem.
submitted by TypicCarcass41 to DanceDanceRevolution [link] [comments]