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How to cure insecurities?

2024.05.13 18:06 Ok-Yellow3092 How to cure insecurities?

How to cure insecurities?
I am a very insecure person. People say na maganda ako, but whenever I look into the mirror, all I can see is a dark ugly girl. Everytime I'm seeing beautiful girls na mapuputi sa socmed, naiinggit ako. How can they look so effortless? Tipong even without makeup ang gaganda pa rin while ako di makalabas ng walang ayos.
I have a boyfriend and he never fails to tell me how beautiful he thinks I am. He saw me without makeup, pawis, mabaho, walang ligo yet he still thinks I'm pretty. Hindi ko alam kung sira lang ba talaga ulo nya or what.
My point is, never napa feel ng bf ko na panget ako kaya alam ko ako talaga problema. What should I do? How to cure this? Im so tired of comparing myself to others ☹️ I dont want to hate myself anymore.
I know looks ain't everything but that's the problem, hindi rin maganda ugali ko and hindi rin ako matalino 🥹 so hopeless.
submitted by Ok-Yellow3092 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:43 ranc1 Broken Looking-Glass Self is Social anxiety

What is Looking-Glass Self? This is concept in sociology, discovered in 1902 by Cooley - and his theory states that we form our own identity based on what we think other people think who we are. In fact, the whole sociology is based on social anxiety- the very same social anxiety that psychiatry (CBT and DSM) are pathologizing and trying to cure and destroy and present as mental illness.
Without social anxiety, without ability to worry what other people think about us - we would lose social skills, empathy and civilization norms - such as not eating others.
"If it weren't for the nervous people in the world, we'd all still be eating each other." The Misfits (1961)
When people consume chicken - they eat the flesh of animals because there is no ability to connect with the slaughtered animals as conscious beings who are able to think and perceive us. So when we destroy social anxiety- our ability to worry what other people think - we will become psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. This also provide us with important information of self expression and holding toxic people accountable - by stating the facts and truth. Toxic people learn to suppress social anxiety - and this gives them ability to be cruel. And the only way to probe their delusions is to speak the truth to them. And that is why toxic people mock and go into hysteria mode - because their suppressed conscience and morality and ethics are eating them from inside.
Dolphins are not caught with smiles but cruelly with hooks, Michele. One day you will learn to be cruel. Caravaggio (1986)
Sociology is based on social anxiety - that we form our own identity based on society. We need other people to provide us information who we are and how to express ourselves. The language is the very first thing that society gives us to define who we are - by using the very words that society is using.
Theories of the Self
William James (1890): A person has "as many social selves as there are individuals who recognize him and carry and image of him in their minds"
Charles Cooley (1902): Views of self reflect the standpoints of significant others in our lives ("looking-glass self")
George Herbert Mead (1934): We imagine the perspectives of others and incorporate these into our self views - and that this occurs continuously as we interact with others on an ongoing, moment to moment basis.

Having a distorted looking glass (incorrectly imagining others’ opinions of us) can cause bad feelings, or a negative self-image.
What happens when we are around toxic people - is that our identity is deformed as well. CBT claims, along with DSM, that our worry what other people think - is personality disorder, called Borderline:
Reality testing is ability to perceive reality properly. Without too much deviation from facts. Borderline refer to you if want to know anything about reality. “Do you think so too?” Narcissist will tell you "am I not genius". YT Richard Grannon & Prof. Sam Vaknin about Fantasy
Borderline personality disorder is a mental health condition that affects the way people feel about themselves and others, making it hard to function in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable, intense relationships, as well as impulsiveness and an unhealthy way of seeing themselves. (Mayo Clinic)
The truth is - if we are around toxic people, their criticism will affect our self worth. Their constant nagging, constant nitpicking, constant error finding and constant drama about anything that moves - will have an effect on our sense of stability and security in the world. This is not disorder. This is simply how society works. In order to heal our mental health issues - we need to repair connections with other people - which may include minimizing exposure to toxic people or cutting toxic people completely off from our lives.
We will never feel secure, confident, worthy - if there are toxic people around us who are criticizing us and others all the time.
Improving our relationships is improving our mental health. William Glasser
Interpersonal strife with those close to us leads to rifts and resentments that produce symptoms of mental illness; these problems are, in fact, the logical consequence of troubled relationships. Glasser emphasizes that lasting psychological problems are usually caused by problems in our personal relationships (rather than signifying a biochemical abnormality in the brain), and distress can be remedied through repairing these relationships without recourse to psych drugs. DK psychology book, WILLIAM GLASSER
Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
In another words: feel safe with other people = mental health
The single most important issue for traumatized people is to find a sense of safety in their own bodies. 🟦 Bessel A. van der Kolk
Toxic people cause social anxiety. That is why social anxiety is called social+anxiety. There is social element that is causing the anxiety. There is social factor contributing to anxiety. It is not called self-anxiety. We did not catch social anxiety by walking randomly in the street when it was rainy, so we caught a common cold. It is not like we felt bored in our lives so we invented neuroticism to keep us active and occupied. Social anxiety must start in childhood with ACE and ACoA where we learned from early on - that life is dangerous, that people are not safe, that we must worry to be hyper-vigilant and that we are unworthy if we make any kind of mistakes. We learned that our flaws, imperfections and mistakes are our core personality - abnormal and inept.
Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless. B. F. Skinner
This is how we end up with Broken Looking Glass Self. Distorted Looking Glass Self. We end up with operant conditioning - to worry what other people think in such way that we attempt to think for the other person ahead of time, so that they do not get mad of us - and then attempt, we try hard not to make other people mad. And how we execute this operant conditioning - depends on our background, people around us and punishments to which we were exposed as kids. Most socially anxious learn to keep quiet. To shut up. To self censor. And to self blame. If the other person is angry or hysterical - we will feel responsible for their mood swings and we will try hard to fix their emotions and their problems. Soon - we spread this fixing on other people, who are not angry - and we create fake social mask that is always pleasant and nice and helpful to anyone, especially if they are angry and rude and intrusive. We learned to interpret their anger as our fault and our abnormality. Looking glass self is broken - because it does not reflect any more - now we imagine how to please other people without using looking glass (mirror) - as all people use it.
Other people are there as information post. They broadcast who they are, many of them mask their true Self and present fake version of themselves, their social mask. Our brain will naturally form opinion about us through the words and opinions and non-verbal gestures from other people, strangers or our acquaintances. This part is totally normal. This is not disorder. This is not illness. The disorder starts when we try hard to fix other people's conclusions about us by making ourselves small and by changing our routine so that we soothe the other person. Instead of CBT techniques - all that we need to do here is to allow other people to think whatever they choose to think about us. Simply allow other people to hate us and leave it at that.
We really have to work very hard at changing our programming because we don't understand we're upset because someone else has a perception of us that we're uncomfortable with. And we challenge this person's perception of us. We're upset that people think this about us. Something amazing happens when you begin to accept that other people are allowed to have their own faulty perception of you. 🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life coach Inc.
For the next step, sociology will also help us. CBT and DSM, psychiatry is telling us concrete steps which we must take - and morally and ethically speaking - this is illegal. When someone orders us what we must do - this is called manipulation and coercive control. This way anyone who is psychopathic and narcissistic can climb, grab and push their way to powerful position of ordering others what to do - and then evil people can easily manipulate and control the masses. This is what happens with psychiatry. Psychology on the other hand explains concepts - psychology does not order us what to do in life and how to react. That is why Humanistic psychology is healthy.
It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried. Carl Rogers
In the same manner as Humanistic Psychology and IFS Model - sociology also has the similar term that allows clients freedom in own choices - which is called Thomas theorem.
The Thomas theorem is a theory of sociology which was formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas: If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. In other words, the interpretation of a situation causes the action. This interpretation is not objective. (wiki)
If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. - formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas
This means - that no other person can objectively tell us what is the best way to go in life. We need our inner GPS, our intuition, our common sense, other people as well - to form our reality and our construct of the future where we are headed. With CBT and DSM - we do not have this freedom. With CBT and DSM - we are pathologized instead - and all our focus is spent on fixing our symptoms - we are literally self consuming ourselves with CBT.
In real life- real life situations will not allow us to form rigid mindset. Any other person, any other situation in life - good or bad - is always unique and different. Sometimes it is great that we shut up and that we self censor ourselves - especially if we are tired and we don't want to harm other people with our nagging and complaints that will go off as soon as we get to sleep and rest. On the other hand - many situations in life that are triggering our social anxiety require from us to self express, that we talk out our truth - no matter how much manipulative people attempt to shut us up with mocking and shaming.
So when we allow other people to form toxic conclusions about us - we need to know that we can rely on our brain, on our intuition to tell us how to react and what to do and how to behave. We have this mechanism inside us. We do not need to pathologize ourselves with CBT. CBT will tell us that we must be assertive in order to handle toxic people. This is horrible advice because:
"If you have been the scapegoat in a narcissistic family system, the concept of setting a boundary is laughable. You would be telling them exactly how to hurt you, and they would happily oblige. Also, trying to set a boundary in a calm and tactful way would be met by resistance in the form of mocking and ridicule, attempting to bait the scapegoat into anger, which would prove you are the problem." YT kingbee9778
"I feel gaslighted by the therapy mantras of “ you have to teach people how to treat you “ ,(setting boundaries). No you don’t and no you can’t. First of all, it’s not my job to teach an adult how to behave like one and quite frankly, it’s a trap and a drain hole. Secondly, I DON’T CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE. They will do what they want, especially if they have the tiniest ounce of power over you." YT gertrudewest4535
When we follow CBT - we will repeat the broken Looking Glass Self when we exposure ourselves to social situations - and social anxiety will not go away - because we will continually process the same ways reality and other people in a manner that is toxic to us - through seeking approval from other people, through self flagellation, through harsh inner critic and internalized toxic shame.
To fix broken Looking-Glass Self means fixing social anxiety: when we are afraid of what other people think about us. With CBT we self pathologize our normal reaction to worry what other people think about us. This is not disorder, it is totally normal to have awareness that other people are thinking about us.
Many social anxiety coaches will use "Spotlight effect" as proof that other people do not worry about us:
"The spotlight effect is the psychological phenomenon by which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are."
In toxic contact - toxic people - those same ones who trigger our social anxiety - do notice anything about us. In normal population - other people will think about us and we will define each other - through the process called The Michelangelo phenomenon - where we chisel each other into better version, where we change our toxic habits that hurt us as much as they hurt other people. In unhealthy, toxic social dynamics there will be the opposite: Golem Effect and Crab mentality. Where there is competition and where other person is perceived as threat and someone to pull down.
A lot of content on mental health in mainstream media does not cover the unique corner that survivors of narcissistic abuse live in. Not one mention of being in any kind of toxic relationship. “Avoid your triggers” is not easy in narcissistic relationships. When the discomfort is living in your house or down the street or in the next office. It was not even rumination, but reality. And the constant exposure means you don't get a break. 🟥 DoctorRamani
I'm not setting boundary with these people. “Don't do this with me”. “Don't say this with me”. It's all internal. Because if you try to set a boundary with someone who's narcissistic or antagonistic – it's never going to work. And I think it's unsafe guidance to give.
With this dangerous person no. But what are you willing to tolerate. How can you protect yourself emotionally. What access can you remove. Move these people from VIP section.
🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
With broken Looking-Glass Self - we end up being trapped in toxic people's minds. Similar to horror movie / book The Cell from 2000. Even when we develop Who cares attitude, and when we consciously try to block and build walls away from toxic people, when we try hard to push down and suppress toxic people - we are still trapped in their reality of what they potentially might think about us. This is why CBT is not working - because CBT tries hard to convince us to use suppression as method to block social anxiety. And we cannot block other people - we need other people for our identity and our self worth - where there is healthy interaction called Interdependence. Toxic people behave in codependent way - they see other people as competition and this creates codependency. They need other people like vampires need blood - to exploit someone's attention, someone's focus, money, time and or resources of any kind. It is like give me, give me, give me - and provide nothing in return. With social anxiety we end up giving others without observing if the other person is emotionally invested in us at all. It ends up and one side interaction, exploitation really. Social anxiety means suppress anger as well. We learned to push our anger away - and this attracts toxic people who count on our silence and understanding and toxic empathy - knowing that they can cross boundaries of social interaction in their favor and we won't make any kind of protest. Then our own only protection - is avoidance. Therefore - social anxiety is natural defense mechanism against dangerous criminally insane psychopaths who are abusing their power position against ourselves.
In our teen years we experiences bully experience - after years of exposure to ACoA and ACE (constant criticism and constant drama at home) - so we generalized the belief that we cannot trust other people - and we learned that we process reality through broken Looking Glass Self - where we appease other people with our decisions - by being afraid what other people may think badly of us - since we were pressed and pushed into equating social rejection and our self worth as if they are one of the same. And psychiatry - instead of explaining us that it is totally normal to worry what other people think - CBT explains us that this is abnormality. This faulty explanation from medical industry is adding more trauma and more toxic shame and it gives our inner critic free reign to self abuse us - because we believe we are abnormal and ill if we worry what other people thin about us. In reality - all people worry about others. Even psychopaths worry what other people will think, along with narcissists - because they know that they need to form fake social mask of charm in order to seduce new victims into their agenda of exploiting and manipulating others.
Looking-Glass Self tells us - that we simply allow toxic people to form bad opinion about us in their heads - and that we absolutely do nothing to change this image that toxic people freely choose to believe about us in their heads.
You're no longer going to play the game of what can I do differently to get them to behave differently – because the answer is to that is nothing. That's radical acceptance. It takes long time. And it's not just accepting their behavior is not going to change, it's also the way it affects you is also not going to change. Just because you radically accept doesn't mean that somebody screaming at you is going to hurt any less- it does,it hurts a lot 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
Other people will hurt us. They will say mean and untrue things about us. They will attack us - this has nothing to do with who we are. Their choice to harm and hurt other person - is abnormality in their brain. Normal healthy sane people do not attack others. Normal healthy sane people have ability to emotionally regulate themselves. Person who does not have this ability - is sick and mentally ill. And this has nothing to do with us. We are not the ones who can cure them by changing our behavior.
Lundy Bancroft: "Abuse is NOT caused by bad relationship dynamics. You can't manage your partner's abusiveness by changing your behaviour. But he wants you to think you can."
The pain that we feel when toxic people attack us, verbally or physically - is normal pain, we need this pain as the instruction for us what to do with severely damaged people around us.
If you are not feeling pain, anger and sadness while you are taking in psychological abuse or something similar – you are going to end up in those situations over and over again –because you are not logging information that your body telling 🟥Heidi Priebe
People say it bothers me when they say these things. I say, because they say bothersome things. I don't want you to lose that part of you. That part is good index what is okay, what's not. From that point – excavation. A person pulling their true self out of their relationships. If you grew up with narcissistic parent, it was a true self that never even got to develop. It's how much your identity got co-opted. What do I like, what do I stand for. 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
The core of narcissistic person is very fragile. That's why they lose it when you critique them. Or give them feedback. Or don't read their mind. Or don't do exactly what they want. And that's why they use all kinds of tactics like manipulation, gaslighting, invalidation, dismissiveness, competitiveness, betrayal. Some of them are tactics, some are unemphatic behavior. And it gives them the upper hand in relationship. Control, power gives them supply. 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Cole
With social anxiety - we do not need psychiatry. Socially anxious need sociology. It is after all social issue. Social anxiety is anxiety that is connected to society - the name itself reveals this crucial aspect: society, social, societal. Psychiatry will only leave us lacking and with belief that something is horribly wrong with us, when we are around toxic people:
DSM doesn't explain anything. So many therapies and particularly CBT and others are just so focused on extinguishing symptoms which were once strategies of survival. And it doesn't make sense that you want to extinguish – we want eventually to move away from these symptoms and these strategies but I certainly don't want to pathologize them or look at them as somehow defective because they have saved our lives. 🟥 Transforming Trauma Episode 21 IFS & NARM
When we stop self pathologizing our social anxiety - we will unburden ourselves with toxic idea that feeling pain is abnormal and sick. And it will give us energy to start looking what is causing this pain - instead of focusing ourselves on chasing the symptoms. Without the stigma and labels - we will have much more resources at our disposal to handle difficult people in life who are causing our social anxiety in the first place.
With social anxiety - we need to learn about the Cooley's concept Looking-Glass Self and other terms from sociology. Instead of pathologizing our social reactions - we simply need information to confirm us that we are not abnormal and inept as CBT paints the socially anxious. We need information to learn what our rights are.
Five themes of microaggression against people with mental illnesses
1. Invalidation
When other people dismiss their illness or symptoms through minimizing their experience, symptomizing their normal experiences, and patronizing
2. Assumption of inferiority
When other people assume that people with mental illness have lower intelligence, are incompetent, and that they do not have control
3. Fear of mental illness
When other people fear them because they believe that they may be dangerous or unpredictable
4. Shaming of mental illness
When other people tell them that they shouldn't let others know about their mental illness
5. Second class citizen attitudes
When other people treat them as if they don't have the same rights as the dominant group of society.
Mental Health Forum, 2016

Diagnosis is not an excuse to be selective about their rights. Autistic not weird
Healing the Broken Looking-Glass Self means learning about the mentality - which we never had chance to learn in our developmental years. Other children learned this concept via keeping connections with other people. We - started to avoid people. Even when we were around other people - we pulled our investment emotionally with other people - and this way we never learned that other people are safe. We developed the stump growth - that is being stuck in age 12, when we started to avoid people. Similar to the plant that cannot grow roots in small basin or tree/plant that is stumped in growing due to some kind of obstacle to grow upright. Our growth was shaped from the perspective of not trusting other people - because they harmed us. Other people learned to develop certain amount of trust. They learned to filter out the bad people. And they learned that they are safe to express themselves - without being punished for it. This is why their social anxiety is in normal threshold. They will experience stress and then behave in anti-social manner, they will express their anger without problems - because they were never pushed into forming their self worth through worry what their tormentors might think about them. So it is not like social anxiety is abnormality or sickness - it is simply that non-socially anxious people were lucky enough to grow in healthy ambient, and that is their secret. They were not stronger. They were not more competent. They were not better or superior to the socially anxious. They simply had privilege and entitlement that helped them over-pass developmental years without fearing other people. Their mechanisms how to handle triggers - are mostly unhealthy (lacking empathy) - but their Looking glass self was not broken. With interaction with other people, with other children, they learned naturally to allow difficult people to hate them. Instead of worry - that is found in social anxiety - they simply turned their focus onto other people. With social anxiety - we do not have other people, we have no one to turn to, since we learned that other people are painful and traumatic. We never learned that hanging around with other people is enjoyable experience - and if someone is rude, toxic and abnormal - that we are allowed to focus and place our attention to better, healthier people around us.
In shame culture ambient - we will learn that other people criticism is reflection of our worth - and that is Broken Looking-Glass Self. That we cannot feel good about ourselves until other person reflects positive words about us to us:
Young American explained why she left Croatia:
"In Croatia people constantly express intrusive opinion about matters which are none of their business. The most irritating things were rude people."
Young American explained why she escaped from Croatia:
"Often I heard Croats intruding why am I eating something, or commenting about what I wore. There is no such thing in America, we allow people to be what they want to be. People here are strange as if I am inside toxic relationship."
Don't look to the approval of others for your mental stability. 🟦 Karl Lagerfeld
We will heal social anxiety trauma with healing our choice to stay stuck around toxic people. We can cut toxic people - even when we are unable to leave them physically - by severing the trauma bonding in our mind - that is broken Looking-Glass Self.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
Yes, toxic people are pathological liars, They spread gossip. They create drama and hysteria. Toxic people do not have word toxic stuck on their forehead. Toxic people will not behave toxically in front of others - because they depend to look good in the eyes of other people - so they also have Looking-Glass Self no matter how much they said that they do not care what other people think about them. Therefore - social anxiety is clear indication that we are around toxic people. Toxic people do not allow us to express ourselves - and they use various methods of coercive control to manipulate their targets. The first step is to sever this trauma bonding - by allowing them to hate us.
That we basically stop impressing others.
Don't try to impress others. ✝️ Bible, Philippians 2-3
Cooley said our sense of Self comes from how we think other people see us. “I am not what I think I am. I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am.” Other people's reflections of us and how we think about those images they have of us help create our sense of Self. Grades from teachers can reflect back to us an image of ourselves that we then internalize and becomes our self-perception. They effect self-image. 🟥 The Looking glass self
We imagine we are seen by others. And that imagination forms our identity. Our identity is being shaped by others. Others is agent which influences who we are in society. You begin to believe that and you begin to see as your identity, what other people think of you. Intelligent, high self esteem, outgoing – you believe what people say about you, it becomes your identity. Our identity is formed through the way we imagine people see us.
🟥 Looking-glass Self
That imagination comes from interaction with these people. In the process of interaction they tell you this is what we think about you. And then you go off believe in that. You don't control what people think about you. Front Stage Behavior: Familiarity breeds content-With front stage they behave nicely. It's in subconsciousness of individuals that they have to behave a certain way in public. At interview- they smile, but is this who they are?
🟥 Looking-glass Self
It is often said that American Beauty is a film about identity. Each character seems to go through a very personal identity crisis. But I would argue that this crisis are not personal at all. They are products of wider social forces. We may define ourselves based on prevailing attitudes towards sexuality, beauty and material success. Sense of self strongly influences by social world.
🟥 American Beauty Film Analysis: The Sociology of Identity
Ricky shows Jane that he likes her as she is. Eventually this leads her abandoning the idea of surgery and gain enough confidence and self-esteem to tell Angela what she really thinks of her. Freed from idea that everyone looks down on he because of her physical appearance, Jane's sense of self is no longer defined how she looks, how she looks to others.
🟥 American Beauty Film Analysis: The Sociology of Identity
An individual realize its self by reflecting others' perceptions about him. They use social interactions as a mirror. A Person grows and develop due to interpersonal interactions of the Society. When one interacts socially, one completely considers how one looks in the eyes of others. Negative response leads to depression and anxiety.
🟥 Looking Glass Self Theory
Looking Glass Self where you see yourself the way you think others see you. You can't see the way others truly see you. So you're seeing yourself they way you think others think they see you. You can see how much is lost in the translation. You're much more beautiful than you think. You attract so much more than you know. There's more going on with you than you care to acknowledge. Beauty is not about what you see. It's about what you reflect. 🟥 Looking Glass Self
Mirror in front of you, and you are looking at yourself in the mirror, the way it is – is mirror in reality. As Masha labels you, tells you, comments on you, provides you all kinds of feedback, your self continues to develop. The way society perceives you and gives feedback about you. It is considered important to yourself and you have that impression that is how I should be. Their significance or importance makes you proud.
🟥 Looking Glass Self
There is something you have never understood, Joe. These people at the top, they are the same as anybody else. But you had it inside of you to be so much bigger than any of them. You just had to be yourself. That was all. With me you were yourself. Only with me. Room at the Top (1958)
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:38 thunderstorm0508 Kakve su ovo price s “padel bojnom”?

Ovakve i slicne price uvijek dodu u eter kad brod krene tonuti, ali imam dojam da ih ove sezone nikad vise nije bilo. Indikativna je i poruka “ozlijeđenima”. Zna li ta ekipa nesto sto sira javnost ne zna? Zadnja je prica bas ova s “padel bojnom”. Tu se spominju Livaja (krajnje neocekivano), Elez i Ferro. Štorija je u lajvu iza Istre rekao da navodno postoji i slika gdje su Benrahou i Dajaku na Hvaru na dan utakmice. Ranije su isto postojale razne price, pa i na ovom subu, o nocnim izlascima u Vanilli, nedisciplini u treningu i prehrani, svadama, nepostivanju autoriteta, tucnjavama, ovaj ne razgovara s ovim i onaj s onim…cesto s uglavnom istim navodnim akterima. Sve sam te price dozivljavao kao source: trust me bro, a i dalje cu jer ih sve i da su istinite nitko iz kluba nece potvrdit. Ali, ove dvije gole cinjenice nitko ne moze opovrgnuti, a idu u prilog svemu tome: 1. Imamo igru na razini 2. ŽL 2. Karoglanova izjava iza ligaskog derbija s Plavom Zvezdom gdje je rekao da igraci moraju imati veliku raiznu predanosti da bi Hajduk postao prvakom, da im nije falilo ni pticjeg mlijeka i ovo sto je posebno intrigantno, da se neke stvari i odnosi nisu smjeli dogoditi.
submitted by thunderstorm0508 to hajduk [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:53 _juanv_ [PS5] H: Trade list below ---***(Always there's something new!)***--- W: STRICTLY Railway Rifle Q/50Crit/25VATS

Hi! The following items are for TRADE ONLY, NOT FOR CAPS SALE!! I'm not interested in any other item not mentioned in the subject as "Wanted" (After the W:). Thanks!.



Heavy Gunner

Power Armor:






submitted by _juanv_ to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:52 _juanv_ [PS5] H: Trade list below ---***(Always there's something new!)***--- W: STRICTLY Railway Rifle Q/50Crit/25VATS

Hi! The following items are for TRADE ONLY, NOT FOR CAPS SALE!! I'm not interested in any other item not mentioned in the subject as "Wanted" (After the W:). Thanks!.



Heavy Gunner

Power Armor:






submitted by _juanv_ to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:53 scholarly_lobster Picked up a Scarlet & Violet 151 box today. I’m pretty happy. What do you think?

Picked up a Scarlet & Violet 151 box today. I’m pretty happy. What do you think? submitted by scholarly_lobster to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:17 North_Connection7834 Stage 1B WEL & SLNB scheduled: anxiety about surgery…

I had a suspicious freckle on my upper left shoulder biopsied recently and got the call that it is stage 1b melanoma. I was referred to an oncologist and surgeon at the Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh, PA. I also got good results from a castle screening test (lowest risk of spread). I am praying my lymph node biopsy will come back negative and the WEL will “cure” me. I have 3 young children. The past week has been surreal. Waiting 3-4 weeks for surgery now is the hardest part. I’m also having major anxiety about going under general anesthesia for the WEL and SLNB. I was told I will be intubated during the 1 hour and 15 min surgery. Anyone have any advice to ease my worries? I know the drugs will knock me out cold, but I can’t stop thinking about how anxious and nervous I will be about it all in the days before and day of.
submitted by North_Connection7834 to Melanoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:56 heil_kp0p Glasujmo danes za Izrael! Pokažimo da smo izraelske ovce! Mislim, da se folku zmešalo, kak si lahko desen pa potem glasuješ za njih. So proti Palestini ker so kao radikalni muslimani in anti-kristjani, samo njihovi dragi židje niso nič boljši v tem kontekstu do "naše" vere

Glasujmo danes za Izrael! Pokažimo da smo izraelske ovce! Mislim, da se folku zmešalo, kak si lahko desen pa potem glasuješ za njih. So proti Palestini ker so kao radikalni muslimani in anti-kristjani, samo njihovi dragi židje niso nič boljši v tem kontekstu do submitted by heil_kp0p to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 09:37 HealthyYard6559 Sotona - način na koji radi danas

Od samog početka Sotona je koristio prefinjene metode kako bi prevario ljude i to mu je kroz istoriju uspevalo kod velike većine ljudi.Metode i način kako je delovao i radio menjao je u zavisnosti od vremena,okolnosti i stepena razvoja na kom su se nalazili ljudi.Sotona je veoma mudar,lukav,pronicljiv,pun ideja i veoma nadmoćan u odnosu na ljude i može se reći da bez velikih problema vara:
,,sav vasioni svet"
hiljadama godina i to će nastaviti da radi sve dok mu Bog to bude dozvolio da radi,ispunjavajući na taj način Božiji plan.Iako je način delovanja i metode Sotona menjao uvek je želo, veoma se trudio i pokušavao da sebe predstavi kao da je Bog i tom metodom je prevario veoma veliki broj ljudi.Međutim On bog nikad nije bio niti će ikad biti,On je samo Božije stvorenje koje je veoma lukav ,jak, pametan, neverovatno uporan i mnogo nadmoćnan u odnosu na ljude ali to mu mnogo ne pomaže jer će do kraja samo ispunjavati Božije namere i raditi samo ono za šta ima dozvolu od Boga.
Kroz istoriju ljude je vario na razne načine i te načine je koristio a i danas koristi i od tih metoda ne odustaje jer daju dobre rezultate ,nekad je koristio jednu metodu nekad više njih ali je u velikom procentu uspevao u svojoj nameri .Metode koje je koristio su veoma raznovrsne i mogu biti zastrašivanja,poput progonstva,zlostavljanja ili ubistva,nekad se predstavljao kao bog pa su ga ljudi obožavali i na taj način su skretali sa pravog puta.
Nekad je delovao kroz ratove,preko vođa naroda,kroz lažne proroke i vračare,kroz razne bolesti i epidemije,prirodne katastrofe ili katastrofe koje su izazvali ljudi itd. a materijala za delovanje je uvek imao na pretek i nikad nije imao problem sa tim preko čega će delovati.
U naše vreme danas Sotona je malo promenio strategiju iako i dalje koristi sve one proverene metode ali modifikovane za naše uslove jer smo mi generacija koja ima nesto što generacije pre nas nisu imale a to je tehnologija i ona je veoma pogodna za Sotonsko delovanje mada to tako ne izgleda dok se ne uđe dublje u suštinu problema.
Tehnologija koju mi koristimo je nesumnjivo veoma dobra i olakšala je život mnogim ljudima širom sveta i tu nema ništa sporno ali je problem što Sotona ovu dobrobit čovečanstva zloupotrebljava pokušavajući da preko nje što više ljudi prevari kako bi na kraju završili u paklu.
Jedna od dobrobiti čovečanstva je svakako i električna energija bez koje bi danjašnji zivot i funkcionisanje bilo nemoguće a ljudi dobro znaju znak koji predstavlja električnu energiju to je ona
,, munja" ali tu munju možemo i za pad Sotone da koristimo jer je Gospod Isus rekao :
,,Ja videh sotonu gde spade s neba kao munja"
Luka 10:18
I nesumnjivo je da Sotona preko električne energije radi jer tehnologije rade koristeći električnu energiju a te tehnologije Sotona koristi da sebe predstvi da je bog a ako mu to ne uspeva onda pokušava da Boga imitira kroz tehnologije na taj način što upravlja modernim tehnologija koje možemo reči ,,imitiraju osobina Boga".
Bog je rekao da je ,,alfa i omega"
,,Ja sam Alfa i Omega, Početak i Svršetak, govori Gospod, Koji jeste, i koji beše, i koji će doći, Svedržitelj"
što znači da je Bog prvi i poslednji,sveznajuć,svuda prisutan,močan,sve drži u svojim rukama a Sotonska imitacija kroz tehnologiju koristi istu strategiju imitirajući Boga.
Preko tehnologije Sotona stvara utisak da je:
  1. Sveznajuči
Ako pogledamo informacije koje možemo dobiti preko današnih tehnologija na računarima ,tabletima ili mobilnim telefonima zaista možemo zaključiti da su sveznajući jer praktično koju god informaciju da potražimo u velikom procentu ćemo je naći preko raznih aplikacija.Takođe skoro svaki događaj koji se desi u svetu moguće je videti bilo uživo ili kao snimak što stvara utisak da je savremena tehnologija sveznajuća jer pruža zaista mnogo informacija i ovaj trend pružanja novih informacija samo će se uvećavati i ljudi će imati pristup još većoj količini informacija. I naravno Sotona na ovaj način imitira Boga jer pokušava da informacije plasira na način na koji mu najviše odgova za neke svoje ciljeve a za to ima veoma širok krug onih koji te informacije koriste.Naravno ne može se reći da su sve informacije netačne ili laž jer kad bi tako bilo onda te informacije ne bi imale težinu i veliki broj ljudi ne bi verovao u ono što može da koristi.E sad Sotona koristi sledeću taktiku, možemo reći ovako:dajte ljudima što više informacija i kad oni prosto postanu ovisni od tehnologija i informacija koje koriste ja ću da ubacim svoje informacije i one neće odskakati od drugih informacija jer u moru informacija neće imati mnogo vremena da baš proveravaju sve detalje a ako i to urade biće kasno jer ima isuviše mnogo korisnika a cilj će biti ostvaren,
2.Svuda prisutnost
Sve ono što smo gore opisali primenjuje se i na ovu stavku jer današna tehnologija prisutna je svuda praktično gde imamo internet a to je poprilično veliki prostor naravno tamo gde žive ljudi, pogotovo veliki gradovi.Trend danas je korišćenje kamera kako bi se sve kontrolisalo i ovaj trend je kako se najavljuje biti sve više u upotrebi i biće sve više kamera pomoću koje će se stvoriti utisak sveprisutnosti i sveznanja.I naravno sve ovo ima dobrih strana ali Sotona i ovo želi da zloupotrebi plasirajući preko kamera raznorazne informacije i događaje koje široka masa ljudi ne bi trebala da zna jer im na taj način samo daje ideje za raznorazne zloćine.pljčke.prevare ,ubista itd.pogotovo je ovo pogubno za mlade ljude još ako nešto plasira neka poznata ličnost ili ,,zvezda" Sotonski profit je zagrantovan.Protiv ovakvih stvari neki ljudi dižu glas ali su oni skoro uvek za korak u kašnjenju za Sotonom tako da to obično ne daje rezultate jer i ako nešto od toga i profunkcioniše Sotona promeni taktiku i način delovanja i oni naravno opet kasne i tako u krug možemo slobodno reći da Sotona pobeđuje jer ima informacije koje obični građani nemaju ili ih dobijaju sa zakašnjenjem.
Ovo je još jedno područje koje Sotona obilato koristi jer ukoliko spojimo ove dve gornje stavke dobijamo kao rezultat da Sotona ima moć da je svuda prisutan,da sve zna i da sve kontroliše a kad na to dodamo i mogučnost da se pomoću moderne tehnologije kreiraju,prave i koriste veoma moćna oružja zaista se može reći da Sotona im ogromnu moć na zemlji.
I u ovoj oblasti tehnologija je donela mnoge dobre pogodnosti za čovečanstvo olakšavajući mu da tehnološki napreduje ali sa druge strane Sotona je modernu tehnologiju upotrebio da bi pomoću modernog oružja uništio ogroman broj ljudi i ovo će se u budućnosti još intezivirati jer tako nešto piše u Bibliji u poslednjoj knjizi u Otkrovenju.
Osim tehnologije za bojno polje Sotona je veoma moćan i u oblasti zavisnosti od raznih supstanci ili bioloških agenasa koji prouzrokuju raznorane probleme kroz koje moderni čovek prolazi a on praktično nije u mogućnosti da bilo šta promeni jer je sve povezano sa tehnologijom i praktično ljudi postaju zavisnici od tehnologije ili usluga koje tehnologija nudi.
I u takvom haosu Sotona se naravno odlicno snalazi plasirajući svoje ideje koje imaju za cilj da prevare mnoge a sam Sotona izgleda močan ,,kao bog" i to je jedan od razloga što je današnji čovek praktično ,,zaboravio" pravog Boga jer mu je bog praktično Sotona koji deluje preko moderne tehnologije zloupotrebljavajući je u svoje svrhe i ciljeve a to je u stvari prevariti što više ljudi koji će jednog dana završiti u paklu jer nemaju previše vremena za razmišljnje jer im Sotona stalno nalazi raznorazne probleme i teme koji su važniji od teme pravi Bog.
Osim ovoga što smo napomenuli Sotona veoma moćno deluje stvarajući ljudima želju da idu što više ,,gore" naravno koristeći modernu tehnologiju i to ovde na zemlji možemo videti pogotovu u bogatim zemljama gde se grade ogromni neboderi čija se visina meri u stotinama metara a ne u metrima.Osim gradnje danas postoji ogromna oblast vezana za satelite ,svemirske programe i osvajanje drugih svetova i tu naravno opet čovek koristi tehnologiju da bi unapredio uslove života ili da si došao do novih informacija ali Sotona opet ujedinjujući gore navedene stavke preko satelita stvara sebi pogodan prostor za kontrolisanje onog što se dešava na zemlji a samim tim stvara sebi i nove šanse za manipulaciju ljudima.
I nije slučajno što Sotona ovoliko koristi tehnologiju u svoje svrhe jer ako pogledamo Bibliju i poslednje događaje videćemo da se svet sprema za strašne događaje koji će usledeti a neizostavni deo svega toga je moderna tehnologija i Sotona je samo koristi kako bi sebi obezbedio povoljnu pozicu u predstojećim događajima koji su detaljno opisani u Otkrovenju.
Evo ovo su bili samo neki detalji o tome kako i šta Sotona radi u ovim našim vremenima i na kraju da dodamo da mi danas možemo videti zbog dešavanja po svetu da Sotona ponovo menja strategiju i taktiku tako da je sada ponovo akcenat usmeren na ,,strah" jer vidimo da su danas mnogi ljudi uplašeni zbog aktuelnih dešavanja vezanih za ,,pandemiju" ali i zbog uvođenje novih tehnologija koje se koriste da ljudima ,,seju strah" zbog mogučih posledica.Bez obzira šta se planira i radi po svetu a i kod nas to nas ne bi trebalo da brine naša briga bi trebala da bude Gospod Isus Hrist jer On je naš spasitelj a Sotona samo izvršava Božije namere.
Mi smo sigurni u Božijim rukama.
,, I ja ću im dati život večni, i nikad neće izginuti, i niko ih neće oteti iz ruke moje.
Otac moj koji mi ih dade veći je od svih; i niko ih ne može oteti iz ruke Oca mog."
Jovan 10:28-29
,,Jer On reče: Neću te ostaviti, niti ću od tebe odstupiti;"
,,I evo, ja sam s tobom, i čuvaću te kuda god pođeš,"
1 Moj.28:15
,,...I ja ću tebe sačuvati od časa iskušenja, koji će doći na sav vasioni svet da iskuša one koji žive na zemlji."
submitted by HealthyYard6559 to u/HealthyYard6559 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 02:43 adamtwosleeves The centering on this pickle jar sticker is dogshit. Probably not even worth getting graded.

The centering on this pickle jar sticker is dogshit. Probably not even worth getting graded. submitted by adamtwosleeves to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:54 Fuzzy_Illustrator_57 Hypothetical story (pacheck if may breaches)

A hypothetical story from one of your students
I don't know if this school reads our evaluations on our professors because if it does, she would have been fired/suspended by now.
So let me just give you a hypothetical story in the most legal way I could think of.
Let's say there is a hypothetical student named kung fu kenny, and i will be telling his hypothetical story in a first person point of view.
Let's start
There is a university called University A, where professor B is working, let's call her Ms.B. a little background for ms. B Professor B came from university C, where all of the 15 students she taught passed the board exams. Inshort she has 100% passing rate. Sounds good right? But here is the thing, Ms. B don't just have 15 students, she has 250 students on the first year, as the academic year goes on those students have been dropping out/shifting to other courses/or just stops studying because they failed ms. B's subject.
Moving on today's date. Ms. B is now working at university A, where she had 100 first year students on the first semester, the numbers was cut in half and we are down to 50 as the prelims of second semester almost half of us failed (we are down at 25) and thinking about shifting to other schools or course, even though those decisions were tentative here is one thing I can assure you, those numbers are not exaggerated. And I kid you not, she never thought us well and made it so hard for us to pass.
The reason why I'm telling you this hypothetical story is i wanted to ask you one (1) question.
  1. Is she a good teacher?
If I would answer that, my answer would be NO. "Teachers are the cure to ignorance" but what she did was just removing the "ignorants" from her program. I wouldn't blame her if she tried teaching those students. But no, kung fu kenny claimed that she didn't taught them well. From my opinion it looks like she failed those students so that they will be removed from the program and by the end of the course, those naturally intelligent students would pass the board exams and she would receive a high. That's why I can't call her a "good teacher" because she never taught those students a thing.
Chapter MXVIIEMELANG Arguments
One could argue that college is "survival of the fittest" and that would be correct. IF THE PROFESSOR IS TEACHING. Let's not forget that the reason why students enrolled is that they wanted to learn. But if this professor won't teach a thing then those students would fail and only those who know the subject would pass. And those students who will fail would never get a chance to learn. You are not a good teacher, you just have good students who passed that exams you keep talking about.
In tagalog na medyo bastos.
Baka kasi sabihin niyong normal sa collge yan kasi survival of the fittest. Normal lang yon kung nagtuturo tong matanda pero hindi eh. Survival of the marunong na sa lahat tong ginagawa nito ni mam. Di naman nagtuturo tapos ieexpect na makapasa sa letcheng exam niyang napagka haba haba. Ni hindi mo manlang bigyan ng chance matuto o masanay yung studyante bago mo ibagsak. Di ka naman magaling sadyang magaling nalang yung natira sa section mo kaya nakapasa sa exam.
To continue the story. Kung fu kenny (the hypothetical subject) wrote an open letter to ms. B and to all the professors out there, which states:
Dear ms B.
Imagine how many parents cried because their sons and daughters cannot continue college because of you. Imagine the potential careers you destroyed just to protect your ratings.
I understand that we are the one who makes our grades. But that's the only thing we can do. You have the choice to make the exam difficult or make it easier, you have the choice to give us those 7 chapter assignments and cover to cover quizzes or not. How can we make good grades if you won't give us a good playing field? Atleast make this battle for accountancy worth fighting for.
In tagalog na medyo bastos Naiintindihan ko na kami ang gumagawa ng grades namin. Pero sana naiintindihan mo rin na ikaw ang nagawa ng exam. Gustuhin man naming gawing 100 yang exam mo hindi namin magawa, Sobrang hirap mong magpaexam eh binabasa mo lang naman. Sayang oras namin promise kung nag pa free time ka nalang tapos nag pa self study baka di kita sinisisi kung bakit ako bagsak, kasi sakin yung accountability non mali ko lahat yon, eh ikaw????? WALA di mapigilan yang bunganga mo kakaratrat ng debits and credits at cover to cover mo kala mo naman ang angas mo sa paningin namin.
Kung fu kenny's offer. I know how you work. Remove the weakest link and let the good ones dominate the board exams. But you are removing us too early, give us a chance to learn and to grow. And by the time we are at third year we might realize that this course is not for us, that's the time we will shift, and we won't stain your beloved record.
Inshort pautang ng grades, kami na magkukusang aalis pag hindi parin namin kaya sa third year namin
PS. inaantok nabtalaga ako, sorry sa wrong grahams
Pwede niyo irepost or use it against your profs or kunin yung idea
Pero i would like the credits given to thedollarsign
submitted by Fuzzy_Illustrator_57 to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:18 ImQuyen We Are So Back

We Are So Back submitted by ImQuyen to machinegirl [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:08 lostmaroon I am starting to doubt

I am starting to doubt some doctor’s review here. There’s a couple of recommendations here na may iisang lagi lang nag co comment. If you check the profile of the commenter, ang tanging laman lang ay “i can vouch for Dr. XYZ because”. Tapos may website pa every comment.
Same goes for other doctors. I am starting to think that some doctors are here to market themselves, or asking other people to do it for them. Not sure if it’s a bad thing per se but definitely not “organic”.
Ganun na lang ba talaga yun? I booked a doctor out of good reviews from here.
Turned out, he lacks empathy. The secretary is not even professional or at least lacks proper messaging skills. Siguro overwhelmed sa dami ng ng me message but not an excuse to not respond to a message after more than 24 hours.
If you watched the video of Seph Ubalde before his suicide, this is what he was also talking about. Health professionals who are a bit out of touch, lacking empathy, too much marketing, and mental health services that are not good in general.
It’s a waste of money if you find a doctor na not fit para sa’yo. I wished mental health was more like a generic illness na may standard way to cure. Hindi yung maubos muna pera mo bago ka makahanap ng matinong kausap.
Ang ending, na depress ka rin sa laki ng gastos. Sad reality.
submitted by lostmaroon to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:10 chickenaylay 1 LO 2 ST from a stacking tin, thoughts?

1 LO 2 ST from a stacking tin, thoughts? submitted by chickenaylay to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 09:32 dreftzg [Novo iz svijeta knjiga] Besplatni ulomak iz Tomićeve nove knjige; dva jako zanimljiva književna festivala; umro je Paul Auster; i, kao i uvijek, 15 knjiga koje trebate pročitati

Pozdrav ljudi! Obećao sam vam da ću svaki četvrtak prijepodne ovdje objesiti vijesti iz Moljca, mog newslettera koji na jednom mjestu pokušavam obuhvatiti sve što je novo u svijetu knjiga kod nas. Besplatan ulomak iz knjige je besplatan ulomak iz knjige. Ja se ne žalim.
Mala napomena: Ne postoji jedno mjesto na kojem se objavljuju sva nova izdanja, a ja nisam savršen. Postoji mogućnost da mi nešto promakne ili da objavim nešto što je već par tjedana u knjižarama. Ja sam jedan tip koji ovo radi iz hobija, pa su greške vrlo moguće. Slobodno lupite reply, pa javite što sam zaznuo.
Još jedna napomena: Moljac je potpuno nezavisan proizvod. Nemam nikakvih veza s izdavačima, ne plaćaju mi da ovo objavljujem, niti da njihove knjige uvrštavam u izbor 15 novih knjiga. Ako neki od izdavača ikad poželi pomoći Moljcu da i dalje izlazi, to će biti jasno naznačeno kao oglas ili plaćena suradnja

Iz kuloara

Besplatni ulomak iz Tomićeve nove knjige
U izdanju zagrebačkog Hena coma idućeg tjedna izlazi roman "Nada" Ante Tomića, gdje se u tri dana u jednom otočkom mjestu, usred turističke sezone, na blagdan svetice zaštitnice kojoj se zavjetuju parovi koji ne mogu dobiti djecu, prepliću se životi desetak junaka različite narodnosti i vjere. Duhovita i lagana, o ljubavi i Mediteranu, sa sretnim krajem i staromodnom humanističkom porukom, Tomićeva je priča kao zraka sunca kroz oblake, kao najbolja comfort food, tanjur lazanja ili pohane piletine u jednom očajnom danu.
Ovdje možete pročitati ulomak.
Dva zanimljiva književna festivala u i oko Zagreba
Malo ugrije vrijeme i odmah kreću književni festivali. Mislim da se nitko ne žali na to.
Prvo, imamo Zagreb Book Festival koji ima tako prepun program da nema smisla ni da pokušavam prepričati što se sve događa. Booksa ima dosta dobar pregled, ali uvijek možete pogledati i stranicu festivala.
A onda imamo i Brdo knjiga koje na Samoborskom gorju i Žumberku ima program nadahnut planinama: predstavljanja knjiga i razgovori s autorima, izložbe, radionice za djecu i odrasle, izleti, prodajna izložba knjiga, glazbeni nastupi i ekskluzivni sadržaji.
Umro je Paul Auster
Umro je jedan od najpoznatijih američkih i svjetskih pisaca, Paul Auster.
Autor 34 knjige, među kojima je i "Newyorška trilogija", preminuo je u 78. godini. Umro je od raka pluća od kojeg je bolovao neko vrijeme.
U književnosti se pojavio osamdesetih godina ovom trilogijom. Kasnije objavljuje romane "U zemlji posljednjih stvari", "Mjesečeva palača", "Glazba slučajnosti", "Levijatan", "Gospodar Vertigo" i kod nas prevedenom "Timbuktu". Uz to, scenarist je filmova "Dim" i "Dim u lice".

Friško otisnuto


Knjige za klince



Inače ovaj post na Redditu završavam s knjigama koje su izašle, ne stavljam cijeli newsletter u kojem još ima i par recenzija i intervjua. Ipak, evo jednog intervjua kao mali bonus:
Edo Popović : O muškarcu kao autoritetu u kući blebeću uglavnom slabići, oni kojima su batine jedini način da uspostave autoritet
Nakon što mu je zbirka priča "Ponoćni Boogie" 1987. postala kultna knjiga jedne generacije, Edo Popović kritiku i publiku nastavio je oduševljavati svakim sljedećim djelom, bilo romanom, novelom ili dnevničko-autobiografskom prozom. "Poglavnikov pudl", "San žutih zmija", "Mjesečev meridijan", "Igrači", "Priručnik za hodače"..., svi ovi naslovi čitaju se u dahu, a takav mu je i novi krimić "Hrvatski pasijans" koji je nedavno objavila izdavačka kuća OceanMore.
Cijeli intervju je ovdje
Ovo je ulomak iz Moljca. Ako želite ove novosti o knjigama, ali i još par stvari koje nisu čiste vijesti (par recenzija, pokoji intervju i ponekad neki ulomak iz knjige) primati u inbox, da vam ne promakne na Redditu, možete se pretplatiti na newsletter. Ali nema nikakve obaveze, ove vijesti će biti postane svaki četvrtak prijepodne na Reddit, dokle god me tolerirate :D
Ovo je ulomak iz Moljca. Ako želite ove novosti o knjigama, ali i još par stvari koje nisu čiste vijesti (par recenzija, pokoji intervju i ponekad neki ulomak iz knjige) primati u inbox, da vam ne promakne na Redditu, možete se pretplatiti na newsletter. Ali nema nikakve obaveze, ove vijesti će biti postane svaki četvrtak prijepodne na Reddit, dokle god me tolerirate :D
submitted by dreftzg to croatia [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 07:38 Ernesto-it 📌 Muni ha richiesto preventivi per dermatologi persona cure e trattamenti medici dermatologo a Palermo PA

submitted by Ernesto-it to Ernesto_it [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:07 2023_CK_ The Great Reset was planned DECADES ago (the 1969 Dr. Richard Day lecture revealed the globalist plan)

On 3/20/1969, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a pediatrician, attended a 2 hour lecture in Pittsburgh, PA by Dr. Richard Day, who was the former medical director of Planned Parenthood i.e. a globalist. Day instructed his audience not to record his lecture or to take any notes. In 1988 and 1991, Dunegan discussed his recollection of the lecture in 3 recorded interviews.\_Order\_Of\_Barbarians.pdf
1) In his 1969 lecture, Day said he was revealing planned events because it was too late for them to be stopped. And he wanted his audience to prepare themselves for these changes which amount to a planned Communist takeover of the US. Everything would be justified with an ostensible motive that would hide the true agenda.
2) Population control is a major goal and would be achieved by decoupling sex from reproduction by promoting sex education, contraception, divorce, abortion, and alt-sex.
Day said the Rockefeller Institute has a cure for cancer but withheld it from the public in order to reduce the population.
Day hinted about a future epidemic (possibly AIDS).
3) Medical care would be transformed and made more expensive and many private doctors would be eliminated.
4) Fast food would be promoted so only those "smart enough" to exercise and eat proper nutrition would remain healthy.
5) Education would be controlled and increasingly specialized so no one would have a Big Picture understanding anymore.
6) Industrial manufacturing would be phased out in the US but the US would remain a high-tech leader.
7) Society would change rapidly and nothing would seem permanent anymore- and frequent moves would be common- so everyone would feel rootless. Music, movies, television and drugs would promote sex and violence and the breakdown of the family.
8) Fake science would be used to influence the masses.
9) Financial control by the banks would increase via inflation and cash would decline and be replaced by electronic ID. Home ownership would be phased out.
Does this not sound EXACTLY like the Great Reset?
submitted by 2023_CK_ to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:37 OkBuddyRetread Boli me kurac

Imao sam 19 godina kad me prvi puta počeo boliti kurac. Zateklo me, prepalo, mislio sam da imam neki rak ili nešto. Pravio sam se kao da je sve u redu, mama je tada još komentirala kako sam zadnjih par tjedana stalno nešto nasmiješen i miran, da tako treba i da joj je drago. Ali ja bih svake noći ležao u krevetu i budan buljio u zid. Osjećao sa se kao da sam već zapravo mrtav, tup, obamro, ko nekakvo truplo koje još samo zna nepomično buljiti.
Ali, ispalo je da se bol ne pogoršava. Ja sam se primirio i nekako se navikao na nju. Bilo je lakše jer više nisam mislio da ću umrijeti. I tak, frendovi, cugice, upoznali neke kul cure s kojima se dalo em cugati em pričati, dobra zajebancija i tak - zaboravi čovjek da ga opće boli kurac.
E sad, ide vrijeme i dođe meni 27ma kad me ošine takva bol u kurcu. Znači jebote došlo mi je da se čučnem da se skvrčim sav jebote sjećam se bio sam se frendom gledao Inception, meni je došlo da se zdrobim, da se zagrlim oko nogu i jebeno se zdrobim. Znači to je bilo kao da me netko opalio otrovnim usijanim olovnim bičem po kurcu ali s unutarnje strane! U pičku materinu kako je to bolilo jebote sav sam se ugrčio i tresao na stolici i mislio da svi jebote vide al mislim da je sve bolio kurac.
Frend nije niš skužio a ja sam doslovno ostatak filma radio valjda nekakve vudu budu mentalne vježbe u glavi gdje sam malo po malo se tjerao naviknuti na bol. Kao ma nije to bol, bol je u glavi, zamisli da to nije bol zamisli da je to ko neka armatura kurca, ono boli te jer je sad u njemu čelik ili ma nije to opće bol to je kulturno uvjetovani doživljaj u đungli si buše usta rastežu vratove režu pičke pa žive!
Tak da kao ono manje me bolio kurac jer me više boli kurac. Čudno jako. I sad, ko će to sve pisati jebote, boli me kurac, ne mogu sad pisat do sutra. Poanta je da me sve više bolio kurac što me više boli kurac, jako čudna situacija jel, kao nekakav ponzi scheme za kurac koji izgleda da funkcionira i napreduje ali onda se raspukne. E i baš to. Na kraju mi je pucao kurac, raspuko se, eksplodirao. 💣
submitted by OkBuddyRetread to Dekameron2020 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 13:05 tdiz10 Nice crappie

Nice crappie
Caught this guy night fishing for bass
submitted by tdiz10 to Fishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:55 ian10hello I have syphilis and Im losing my mind, landi landi ko kasi bwiset

It's so fucking unfair. After I (M23) planned to stop my hoe phase this year, and I hooked up twice pa lang this year, both oral lang, ngayon pa ako nagkasyphilis. BWISET. The irony na after several years of being a slut, wala ako nakuha, but the moment I planned to leave those days behind saka pa ako nagkaSTI.
(I have an excel sheet of everyone I hooked up with and all the guys I did it with nung December are negative, so that leaves the guys I hooked up with this year. One of them is when I was in Taiwan, and I suspect sa kanya ko nakuha).
I know I could have it worse though. Syphilis is one of the easiest STI to cure. In some cases all it takes is one shot of penicillin and you're okay na. But the damage is already done to my mental health. Like I'm so fucking scared of doing anything with anyone ever again LOL. The only way I'm sleeping with someone ever again is they get a full STD panel three months before. Also, I got all the symptoms of primary and secondary syphilis. I didn't find a sore, but I think I misdiagnosed it as a pimple kaya di ko napansin. But what really annoys me is the hair loss and the hives.
I'm already an anxious person (medically diagnosed with it) so I'm prone to hives from being anxious, now the fucking heat and this fucking disease made it 100% worse. I lost so much hair, I got a buzzcut and I hate how it looks (although it is refreshing).
It's only been three months since I hooked up with the guy I suspect who gave it to me, so there are no permanent damage to my organs and shit. But my mental health is done for. I already see a psychiatrist once a month and take meds everyday, but this has never left my mind.
My RPR results will come out pa today, and since I have work I can't get treatment till Saturday and its making me freak out. I'm taking a melatonin mamaya para maaga ako makatulog bwiset.
submitted by ian10hello to phlgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:47 blondexpat jesu li "karijeristice" stvarno toliki užas?

Potaknuta objavom one mlade doktorice kojoj je profesor na predavanju rekao da će se muški studenti oženiti, a cure se neće udati, htjela sam napisat svoju jer eto htjela bih čuti što mislite o ovome:
Vlada mišljenje da karijeristice nisu tražena roba jer navodno ne kuhaju, ne žele puno djece, muž ih mora trpjeti nakon što su je na poslu maltrali kolege i šef, i tako dalje. Ali koja je uopće definicija „karijeristice?“
Pitam jer mi je interesantno, kad izađem s nekim likom van to bude čest komentar „ti si karijeristica“. A zapravo je smiješno- okej, imam solidan uredski posao, solidno plaćen, putujem dosta, družim se s ljudima. Smiješno je iz razloga jer nisam baš to birala namjerno, htjela bih naravno obitelj i djecu no trenutno sam single, živim u Zagrebu(tu sam studirala, inače nisam odavde), nemam vlastiti stan i da prestanem raditi posao koji radim, kažem „dosta je, ne trebaju mi putovanja, dosta mi je stan i hrana i želim naći muža“ i zaposlim se npr. u Konzumu za 500 eura, ne bih imala ni za stan i hranu.
A i onda se kladim da bi bilo komentara „neambiciozna, šta nisi učila pa našla bolji posao, priljepak, sponzoruša“ itd.
Dosta cura koje znam su u sličnoj situaciji- nisu karijeristice koje žive za posao, nego silom prilika moraju „succeed in order to survive“- mi nemamo starce tu da živimo s njima, nema nam tko drugi pomoći nego moramo same zarađivati za sebe(a sve je enormno skupo) i kako sad tu naći računicu.
My point is, ako cura radi puno, često nije zato što živi za šefa i posao nego zato što si ne može priuštiti drugačije(kao i uostalom jako puno mladih ljudi danas koji nemaju partnere). Mnoge bi htjele dečka, kuhati za njega i s njim, imati djecu al su same i što sad.
submitted by blondexpat to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 08:45 Tenzipper Was scheduled for surgery Tuesday, but ins. co. being pissy, now looking at Thursday (Long, sorry)

So, I've had sciatica symptoms (right side) since about 15 years ago, but they were all "cured" by physical therapy, traction, and using an inversion table. At that time, I had debilitating pain in my low back. Literally crawled into a surgeon's office, had an MRI, and he suggested surgery. (Hammer, nail.) I asked for physical therapy first, he gave me a referral, and it worked. I fell in love with the traction table. I bought a Teeter Hang-up on the advice of the therapist, and used it from time to time, especially any time I felt that burning in the back of my right leg. (The burning down my R leg was the only symptom other than severe low back pain.)
About 4 months or so ago, I noticed my left hip hurt when I was walking, but I figured that, being 56 years old, I was due for some of those pains that everyone kept telling me I'd start having as I got older. As I've been amazingly healthy up to this point in my life, I thought, OK, this is the start.
Turns out, that was just my sciatica telling me, "This is only the beginning, just wait until I've had a chance to warm up, sucker."
I went on a road trip with my sisters in February, almost 2 weeks of driving, with a few days spent with cousins, about 4000 miles total, all of which I drove. (I love my sisters, but neither have as much experience behind the wheel as I do. I'm a cab driver, and have probably driven close to a million miles in the last 10 years. I much prefer to be in control of any vehicle I'm in. Plus they were happy to have me drive.) Near the end of the trip, my hip was hurting more, and one morning, as we were preparing to drive home, I woke up, got out of bed, and could barely move, because my left hip hurt so badly, and I had that unwelcome but familiar burning in my left leg. It got a little better as I moved around a bit, but still hurt quite badly. At this point, I decided that my issue was sciatica on the left side. We loaded the vehicle, and I started driving. Sitting was fine, moving around was like hot knives in the hip. We drove part way home, stayed in a hotel, and then I drove the rest of the way home, about 8 hours, without ever moving from the driver's seat. I don't know how I didn't need to pee, I drank liquids normally.
I used the Teeter Hang-up upon arriving home, and it helped. I hoped that continued use would ameliorate my symptoms, and I used it regularly, and got quite a bit of relief, but then over the next month and a half, the pain started spreading, and getting worse, to the point that I couldn't straighten my right leg without extreme pain, at which point I quit using the inversion table. I basically stayed in bed for a couple of days, occasionally getting up to eat and get into a chair for some time, hoping some bed rest would help, but finally decided I'd have to go to an urgent care clinic.
When I tried to get up to go upstairs, (I live in a basement apartment,) I basically could not even stand, and when I tried to crawl to a chair, I couldn't even do that. Called an ambulance, and they took me up the stairs in a wheelchair, I transferred to the stretcher, and rode in the ambulance to the ER. They did an X-ray, gave me some steroids and muscle relaxants injections, and sent me "home" with a prescription for muscle relaxants. I actually went to my sister's house, who has a guest room on the ground level of her house. Only 3 steps at the entrance. I made it up, and used a wheelchair to get around the house. I spent a couple days taking a lot of ibuprofen and prescribed muscle relaxants and steroids, and sitting/sleeping as much as possible, waiting for an appointment with a PA, so I could begin the referral process.
When I tried to go down the three steps to get in a car, I could not do it, and had to take an ambulance to the ER again. This time, I got some morphine, got a CT, and stayed for 2 nights. During the next day I got hydrocodone among other drugs, had an MRI, and a spine surgeon who was consulted by the hospitalist seeing me suggested a steroid injection the day after. So I spent another night in the hospital, getting the steroid injection the next day. (I didn't notice any particular relief from the injection, unfortunately.)
During this ER visit/hospital stay, a social worker got me signed up for Medicaid, and I can't thank her enough.
Being on hydrocodone, muscle relaxants, and steroids, I'm able to get around enough that I got to a primary care PA, got referred to PT and a surgeon, and then got scheduled for surgery, a discectomy and hemilaminotomy, L4-L5.
I should have been having surgery this afternoon, but Medicaid is being pissy, and the surgeon's office called me and said they were pushing it back 2 days so they can convince Medicaid that it's really necessary. Here's hoping they will approve the surgery, as being on narcotics sucks, and not just because of the constipation.
I want to not be in pain, and I'd love to get back to work. Here's hoping the surgery is, A) approved, and B) successful at relieving the pressure on the nerve.
I'm not sure what I expect to hear from all you fine folks, but let me have it. I hope you are all feeling fine, or, if not, get relief soon. I'm truly sorry that I ever joined your little club.
submitted by Tenzipper to Sciatica [link] [comments]