Printable activity for 2nd graders use the main idea

Lysergic Acid Amide

2012.08.22 21:32 Lysergic Acid Amide

A subreddit for those who enjoy LSA, the enigmatic cousin of LSD. Found in Morning Glory seeds (primarily Ipomoea Tricolor), Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds (Argyreia Nervosa), and ololiuhqui (Rivea Corymbosa) seeds. ⁂

2014.04.27 10:28 Sturmgewehr90 California Guns

This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership.

2015.10.14 05:35 morganeisenberg One pot recipes & meals

Are you a new chef? A lazy chef? Or just someone looking for new recipes that cut down on prep and clean up in the kitchen? Well you are in the right place! Our focus is on meals that are cooked in one pot.

2024.06.07 22:05 TotalKomplex Training with Keras

I hope this question is not out of place. First of all I am completly new to SLURM so any and all help will be very appreciated.
For one of my CS classes I need to fine-tune a LLM on a cluster that runs the SLURM scheduler. The plan was to use this method.
But I dont quite know where to start and how I would properly spread the workload. As I said, I appreciate any and all help. I was given access to a manage node and told that I can use the srun command to run a task in paralell, but no idea how to setup the dependencies, load the same dataset, fine tune, etc all paralelly...
Thanks in advance :)
submitted by TotalKomplex to SLURM [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:02 electricspacewizrad FireWire into usb work for logic?

Hey y’all here’s the situation: I recently got a focusrite Saffire pro 40 for free and I’m trying to figure out how I can utilize it with logic. I’m mainly using a MacBook with usb c connections, but the interface is FireWire. I want to be able to utilize the many inputs/outputs and was going to find a FireWire to usb connector and then just use a usb c adapter, but everything I’m seeing is telling me this is isn’t a good idea. Is there any way I’d be able to use the interface on this computer? Or just cut my losses? I don’t want to fry my shit
submitted by electricspacewizrad to Logic_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:01 prawntheory Advice on getting an adult cat used to bathing/grooming?

Advice on getting an adult cat used to bathing/grooming?
Hey guys,
I adopted a male sphynx about 10 days ago. He’s 1.5 years, not neutered at present but will be soon.
I assume he’s never really had regular grooming done because he is absolutely terrified of water. He is so gentle and sweet, when we play he never even scratches me accidentally, it’s like he is actively trying to be gentle.
But when I tried to put him in about an inch of water, he went totally crazy. I ended up with some pretty big scratches on my back from where he leapt onto me.
He doesn’t even like a damp cloth wiping him down. I’ve managed to wipe him down by distracting him with treats but it’s still a real uphill battle and that only works for about 30 seconds.
Obviously, it’s going to be a slow and steady process getting him accustomed to being groomed. My thinking is:
  1. Get him used to sitting in my sink (treats when he sits in it etc)
  2. Start introducing the damp cloth in the sink regularly. I know that he won’t need grooming every day or few days in the future, but I’m thinking it might be a good idea to do this every day? Just for a minute or two to really reinforce positive feelings about it
  3. Once he’s comfortable with a damp cloth, very very slowly add a little water to the sink each time.
Does that sound like a good plan? Is there anything you’d do differently? If anyone has been through this before I’d really appreciate hearing from you.
Thanks guys :)
submitted by prawntheory to sphynx [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 fanfa02 The villain knows the party, now what?

One of the players was gone for a long time due to a trip. We decided that to make sense of his character's disappearence the BBEG would kidnap him and the players would go through a short campaign to rescue him, sort of a Retrieval Arc.
The BBEG has the ability to extract memories and has done so to the kidnapped player. I want to play with this, knowing also that memories have bias from the holder.
(C=close relationship to the kidnapped character)
This is the party and the notes from the player of each as if he was the character: - Fighter Gunslinger (C): has 2 revolvers and a sniper for long distances. Has a great sense of humor, is the "leader" - Clockwork Soul Sorcerer (not known by the character) - Champion Fighter (not known by the character, new player) - Monk Open Hand (C): my best friend, hits many times really hard (He is not in the party anymore) - Wizard Order of Scribes: Great magician with many tricks under his sleeve. He can change the color of his spells, making a fireball of lightning for example. - Cleric Tempesr: dragonborn that heals me.
I want the BBEG to use the known information to prepare if combats arrive but I want to hear some ideas of how he would do it... His main combat ability is raising dead soldiers.
I would also love to know if you have any ideas for weak points in his plans...
I thought of having the BBEG have some specific soldiers for the party he knows of but I don't know how they should be...
submitted by fanfa02 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:59 BLOATED_Meat_Stick 24.4.1 Macbook Performance Thread (Hard Pukers Only)

(High Cranial Volume Pr and AE Hybrid Users ONLY)
I still can't get AE to perform well on my M2 Macbook Pro running Sonoma 14.0 and AE 24.3. 32 GBs RAM — so obviously that's going to be immediate the culprit, but I do suspect that I could do pretty much anything I wanted on this computer if I could just optimize it correctly. That's what this thread is about. I know there are a million threads like this one but hopefully we can dig up some new dirt. I haven't really written about Sonoma but what I've read seems to indicate a lot of people have had issues. I'm not an OS guy I get enough of a headache with the shit I care about. Not sure if downgrading is possible. Maybe I upgrade my RAM (whoops hee hee nvm forgot i was on an apple computer).
You can stop reading there, because the rest of this is schizo nonsense. I've sobered up and I can't say that any mother would accept a child this ugly. But I'm also getting giddy at the thought of crossposting to editors and seeing what the Avid Professionals Working On Big Serious Productions With Budgets That Totally Won't Disappear in the Next 20 Years have to tell me about making some dough in exchange for the sweet intoxication of art. I also did a better job of listing my issues in my follow up comment
**Intro Apology**
**I've bolded out the sections with the mostly important shit:** I would take extra care to avoid anything that's been italicized because it is some of the most craven text ever set to paper. As if! I can't even use metaphors anymore. Will the graphic designers starve without their paper (why is it always either minimalism or hyper realism? I like texture too but not everything has to be made out of everything, or not made out of anything at all! Nature Without Ecology.)
This is just me typing and never stopping. For some reason. Well, it's no mystery. I'm avoiding anything that even resembles productivity.
I've already wasted time just stream of concussing every intrusive thought, so why would I waste more time reformatting and trimming the fat? Bahahaha I hope you like lamb. If I put forward attention to giving you direct information that effectively communicates an idea, I might just achieve nirvana. Like if I hyperfixate when I'm shitposting, then I am just going to realize the World-Spirit in-itself trying to abide by the laws of rhetorics. Let me tell you, the laws of rhetoric certainly don't make you any less schizo. How do you think we got here?
But that's the future the fucking tech bros made. And it's fucking awesome. Can't wait to be animating using my Rule 34 Paper Texture Parallax Datamosh VFX by AEAnabolics via telekinesis (is there a plugin for that?!??!)
So no I'm not going to make this thread easily accessible or interpretable because I really want anyone possessing any degree of intelligence to stay the fuck away (there are even intelligent people amidst the industry leaders, I once even met a film producer who knew how to count through 12! In any case, if everyone under 30 could exit the room, us pedants, drop outs and philistines will congregate somewhere other than all and we'll be happy to update you later with a summary of our findings.
I do apologize for the wordvomit — I took my meds abt 30 mins before I had the brilliant idea to open up a silly little text box on reddit during my awesome Pomodoro break. I had to be off the ADHD goodies for a week for some sports stuff I was trying to do which needed my heart at optimal function. Why did my doc just let me hop back on the same dose? I am emaciated from all this heavy lifting with my fingers.
Please though, don't dismiss this as pathological ravings. I am not sick, just an Adobe Creative Suite subscriber (somehow, five years later, I'm still on the student discount paying 30 bucks!!! Haha!!! Sticking it to the man!!!! Suckers!!!! Almost as bad as pouring thousands into software you don't own and can be shut out of for trumped up fraud charges if one of the cretins working at Adobe manages to actually check the accounts submitting all those pesky support tickets. Wait....)
So ya it's pretty simple: I was sunning my balls and cheating on five different women *holistically though* before taking my L-Carnitine to maximize the effects of my meth (don't worry I don't smoke it!), when I decided, yes, this Friday, with deadlines looming in the evening, I will nuke my morning by typing. and just not stopping. It's like stim sex, but literally no one is cumming. Wait, literally it's like stim sex.
Okay stop. I want you all to save the horniness for pitching to the Rule 34 Clients — the last to adopt AI in favor of authentic art and animation (bahahahhahaha I seriously do think *This whole AI thing, or at least its acceleration, can be put squarely at the feet of Gooners. They're horny and no human can create what will quench their thirst! Such a tragic condition. Like craving art that can speak to your soul. Ugh. Can't wait for Mister Horse to drop the Anime Waifu presets*.)
*(speaking of Misters, watch Mr. Rush Rush Client — who just needed this edit NOW — not even watch the video until Sunday. That rat fuck: maybe I don't have a social life huh? Maybe I don't want another shitty "underground" (as if such a thing exists anymore) rave on a Friday and a Hinge date on a Saturday?
Maybe genuine connection is dead and all some of us can love is the labor we put into our products. Or the efforts we put into our shitposts. Certainly the products themselves are far beyond loving.
Mr. Rush Rush: your 9-5 is shit and you are shit for thinking you are not a piece of shit because you force everyone to meet your fake timelines. We no longer cultivate produce, nor ideas, we just materialize urgency so the boss can larp as the boss and we can pretend society needs us to keep rhythm. It is the Master who needs the Master's Injunction. I like want to change the world man not reproduce it. I am barren.
Just let me work on Saturday. Asshole. It would have saved all of us from this post which was, of course, provoked by pure, unmediated anxiety — and absolute boredom.
*Fuck paper textures! Fuck any lower thirds that use paper textures. Shit is garbage. The elementary school audience went off to war — it's the latest Roblox minigame. So we're not even impressing anyone any more)*
Instantly — upon the epiphany that I don't owe people shit, even if they throw money at me, my brain ditched all ideals of productivity and decided it was time to write a fucking treatise on my experiences trying to optimize AE. Please do not mock me. I am an idiot. It's not worth countering snark with snark —because I can't even read. I am literally dictating this post to my iPhone and then having chatgpt re-write it. Also, I really hope some GPT or AI research tool digs up this thread. I'm sure they will wire only the relevant information to Mr. Prompter! He deserves the best. In fact he's the only one who deserves anything.
*If I was a GPT prompt I would be posing as a weird hermit who thinks he is the postmodern reincarnation of Plato. WELCOME to the republic ... of stupid — ruled under the auspices of the Kingdoms of Adobia, Resolve-ru, and Avidia (btw can we do what we did to Twitter to Avid? I just don't think it's a cool name. I'm not Avid anytime I have to use Avid. It doesn't have neurolink compatability and I can't do a million things very shitily. It just does like one thing very well. Who would ever ask for that?!?!?1*
For some reason I decided to pump up the snark to the max on this post — I hope that's okay. Maybe I want to write novels, not make videos. In any case, I promise you I'm not AI writing this. Unless ....
But at the end of the day I'm just trying to entertain myself instead of getting real work done — which I can't imagine is something a community of useless creatives would have trouble understanding. You couldn't do math good, and that's because you're lazy!!!
(Dan Ebberts if you're here I am sorry Father: but you are not a useless sack of shit motion designer, you're not making lower thirds for the Nelk Bros? You are the fucking Grand Wizard Abstract Quantum Mathematician my guy, the highest expression of the Enlightenment rationale, not a useless 2.5d animator — though I do secretly harbor a belief that all numbers are racist and you, as the Prophet of Numbers where they don't belong (computers) have a lot of reckoning to do. Guilt erotics won't get you out of this one — we don't want sorry we want solidarity!
**I'm half shitposting and half offering my own insight in exchange for yours.** I hope you don't read malice in my words. In any case I don't think myself a victim and I will be fine. Our world is about to turn nonsensical. The division of labor will collapse. Those who are both just intelligent enough to do dumb shit and lacking in morals will take everyone else's jobs. Technocracy of the morons! Somebody invite France too.
What's your intricate knowledge of a cavernous software versus my ability to write out prompts at 130 WPM? Basically, where you used to be able to get ahead with creative ingenuity you can now get ahead by typing fast. Good riddance lol. But if only we could get this piece of shit software to do everything I want it to do with not even a smidge of an attempt to optimize, pre-render, under smart principles?
But I'm hoping maybe we can have some conversations about the best practices to get this piece of shit software to work consistently. AE is so cool 90% of the time but it's like a girlfriend that's loyal to you 90% of the time. Now I'm not suggesting Adobe is cuckolding the VFX wannabes among us.^1 But I do want to say that there's a problem when your most random software that kind of just somehow works if you need how to cast a few voodoo spells and play around with different effects is literally un-professionizable. You can do amazing things in After Effects on just 16 GB of RAM (even 8 if you're willing to walk away from your computer for a fortnight for a few renders), which was so cool when I was getting started on the shitcans they hand out in college (I sound spoiled but you didn't spend the first year of your professional career on an outdated Mac Air desperately refreshing Google News for a stimulus check as literally everyone is jobless whilst you never even got a job to be jobless from. Like come on guys, if you got started in the 90s at least you have analog nostalgia and to anyone born after 95 you look like a wizard talking about chemicals and film crystals and shit. A Covid alumnus like me who graduated in 2019 doesn't get shit, and 2020 graduates didn't even get to bask in the delusion that they were ever the center of the world. I just pray UBI is installed before the robots take our land and our animals, because truly the new generation of digital creatives is going to feature some of the dumbest people to ever rank through society. Which is true in any era, but what's unique about ours is that young people are no longer angry, just cynical like they were in the 70s. Another round of hypernormalization.
**My Problem(s)
I need the experts here to just assume that I don't want to do things the right way. Every single person who has ever posted a query to Reddit, complex or one Google Search away, every single on of us cursed posters imagines that someone will waltz into their thread and provide an unheard of fix. Jesus take the wheel! I will provide more information on my specific issues, maybe even some idiosyncratic fixes I have found (Thank you Klutz GPT! But fuck you also.) but only if you show you're not going to snarkpost. Until then I will leave you to wade through the coagulated shit stew that is this post.
This is basically the situation with the people becoming editors and motion designers. Thanks Youtube. Thanks Twitch. You ruined Cinema more than capeshit did. Special shout out to the editors in the Philippines running their Macs through literal fruits Just as Mr. Jobs intended. (Don't worry, I'm from a country that is actually dogshit, the Philipines is beautiful and extraordinarily culturally rich)
The Jungle people here to take our jobs! Why aren't we worried about them like we are AI? They can do literally any job. And they can do it poorly. Literally exactly like AI, but no one getting their underwear in a twist when they're browsing the World section on Upwrok.
Don't get me started on what the Ruskiys are doing. You've seen Russian social media, but do you understand what Russian creatives are doing? Absolutely nothing, because Russian creatives don't exist. At best they can reform and reclaim their Orthodoxy in Siberia before coming back to St. Petersburg and writing some of the greatest novels known to man (which some of the absolute most dogshit interpretations and translations ever produced of any Western texts that are even close to the Canon)
Anyway, people like me are going to be around more and more. It's me you're going to be responding "CC Marvel Effect huahua" while the Gen Alpha nicotine tweaker blows clouds into your PC's air vents. Cloud bitch! You're fucked, because the anxiety from vaping makes him lazy as fuck. We are going to starve all because these fuckers got into too much of a dopamine deficit huffing shit with 5x the nicotine of cigs. If you think we're gonna take your jobs now, just wait until I grow my third arm. I will take your job. And when I grow my third cock, I will take your wife.
**I am a "creative director", that's how I market myself at least. I work in a lot of industries, make a shit ton of ads, but I think of myself primarily as a (documentary) filmmaker and editor (at this point it may be a formality and nostalgia because people just want reels and I like money).
I began packaging documentary projects with commercial packages, so the idea has been to first tell someone I'll make a doc for them, but along the way I can use the extra edits and unused interviews or just any of the millions of unused bits of a documentary/reality project and recycle it into ads.** You wouldn't believe how well this works on someone with a little bit of ego and a little bit of money. Netflix really convinced the chuds that their life is like a documentary lol. It's okay, not everyone can monetize their passion, or have it ripped out of their hands to transform itself from quasi art (or something challenging art) to a glorified mouthpiece for mediocre wannabes and has-beens. Bring back the Birth of the Nation or that movie about the Nazi architecture, Will, Will, what was it called? Anyway, I really thought I was going to make shit about dictators or like some genuinely awful people. Instead I got all of the delusion and none of the murder, just a bunch of whining about Instagram follower counts and the "blacklist" (I really wish they'd post a sign up, because I don't want to be seen. For real.)**
** I won't claim expertise as a motion designer. And for the sake of all that is holy you can and should call me a highfalutin dilettante with talent to produce nothing except derivative drivel (I mean, I I told you I worked in documentary right?). **
**But please, please, just assume that I may just not *want* to do things the right way.** ^@
**I know I should label and rename my files. But we're way beyond that, I have become one with Solid 1, to Solid 1 + N. I am going to get last in my comps and no I'm not going to Shy anything because I am an ALPHA! (Seriously though if you are a talentless unorganized adhd piece of shit editor and wannabe filmmaker like me, there's a plugin called Declutter which will automatically sort your project: it offers decent customization that could be helpful if you are just torpedoing a bunch of Linked Comps into AE like we're in the Pacific Theater. But with this magic hack, all those dismembered and charred bits of corpse gets insta sorted into the proper bin! And now your project panel doesn't look like shit and you can screen record while you troubleshoot some issues with an Adobe representative without feeling embarrassed. (maybe if he see it, we can get some sorting function that automatically puts comps in a specific folder (or files of any type into a pre-ordained folder, either in Pr or Ae would be cool. It's not like there are a million plugins that do the exact same shit. I'd rather anime ai waifu available at the click of a button though. What will the Gooners' do if we ever dare stop production?!?1
**Every problem I have had could be improved or entirely eliminated with a proper workflow solution. I am like really painfully aware of that. **
**I have shat blood figuring out how to make Pr Pro work consistently. That's my main app yo. I've genuinly poured hours into unlearning and relearning how to do things. I hope I can like put together an advanced guide some day. But like what's the point if the client who thinks he wants an editor actually wants to see his name and his logo animated in 10 different ways? And you know, I used to be content to produce that auto shit. But the more I animate, the more keyframes I ease (if you tell me you can ease in Pr I am going to smack the shit out of you unless it's to reccomend this
Frankly, AE is such a shitshow. It's old as fuck in a way that none of the other major apps are. Like Photoshop feels stuck in the 90s in the same way but at least its code isn't fucked beyond belief and it's relatively easy to diagnose problems (maybe you need to put more thought into performance for something that generates 24 images a second, but who knows? Not Adobe. Btw, wtf is up with caches in PS? Why are they so fucking greedy for all my data. Fuck you I want space and to have you open in the background. Seriously PS is old and I feel like no one points it out because you can just use Illustrator but fuck that I can't draw mfer)**
**I am going to be spending the next three weeks making animations for about 50 reels, to pair with some other branding deliverables for Youtube and the client's website. It's a huge project and one that I scored by advertising a diverse skill set (I apologize to the specialists but we're all going to have to adjust to foreigners in our lands — if you're American this should sound like a founding ideal more than a problem).
Or so I get the job done: don't get me wrong I cringe when people come in here and ask about making AE faster and it's clear they know nothing and didn't even bother to Google. I have Googled and spent a lot of frustrating hours trying to make shit work that just didn't work.**
Ultimately, if I don't slap on effects until I have the bulk of my animation rendered, and avoid working in 3d for no reason and tread carefully when I do, then I should be good.
But I love the 3D camera. As a filmmaker it's probably my favorite tool in AE because there's actually somewhat transferable skills or a demand for vision (and when Pr's shitty AI takes off and filmmaking becomes glorified prompt writing everyone is going to stop asking for real cameras anyway so might as well accept my fate right now and bin my C70 next to all of the piece of shit analog cameras no one uses anymore and just buy as many 3d camera plugins and softwares as I can, right? Right?! Hello Cinema 4D 8) ). Parallax is fucking awesome bro. I want to receive joy when I work, so ya I'll throw on deep glow and SS3. Am I a terrible person? Probably. I just want you to know, before you offer me solutions, that I want to have my cake and eat it too and frankly I am going to give you snark if you solve one problem but create another.
(for some reason) continued in the comments. Tbh the comment is more useful than this post. I'm just having a bad day guys and retreating into words to escape my problems.
submitted by BLOATED_Meat_Stick to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:59 wraithdotcat Abyss Team Help

So I have been playing Genshin for a while now and never been able to finish all 12 floors of the abyss so I thought I would ask for some team suggestions here. My current teams are Neuvillette, Kazuha, Xiangling and Bennett and then Tighnari, Furina, Yae and Jean. The Neuvillette team seems to be good for the most part but my Tighnari team feels too weak (especially on the 12 floor 2nd half enemies at the end).
Here are some screenshots of my character list:, and a screenshot of my weapons:
I was thinking of using Clorinde, Fischl, Chevreuse and Thoma (mainly because I have a R5 Favonius Lance and a R5 Dragon's Bane) but I have more or less no character or weapon XP materials so it would be ideal if I had other options that would still allow me to beat the abyss without having to max another 2 characters.
I know that the current abyss is one of the hardest ones to face since the release of the game so I may not be able to beat it this time around however I thought I would ask anyway to see if anyone has any suggestions etc. I appreciate any help that I receive and wish everyone who reads this post a lovely day/night!
submitted by wraithdotcat to GenshinImpact [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:59 Terrible-Aioli-5971 Is this a good summer train plan ?

I used to run the 8 but I have moved down to the 4 so this is my first summer sprinting. I've looked around online pretty extensivly and I think I have a solid general guidlie. I was wondering if I could get it looked over.
Running section: - 3 laps, first slow, 2nd faster on straights, 3rd fastest on straights - 1 of 30,40,50, and 60m accelerations
Stretching section: - Head Circles x10 -Arm swings Front and Back 10/15times - Trunk Circles x 10 - Ankle & Wrist Circles x10 - Wave/Front Lunges each leg x2 - Eagles/Scorpions x8 - Heel Walking ( 1 minute each side) - High knees Drills 15m - Stride for 20m x 2 - Knee Circles x 6 - Front Grabs(knee into chest) (20m) - Twist grabs(shin toward chest) (20m)
Drills (20 meters) - A skips - B skips - C skips - High knees - Butt kicks - Anklings - Karyoka - Acceleration from 3 pt start (30,60,90) walk back
Monday: Top speed - Warmup - 5 minutes - 8 flying 30s, walk back rest, 90% Or - 10 flying 20s, walk back, 95% - 7 minutes - Stretch - Lift (Day one)
Tuesday: Tempo - Warmup - 5 minutes - Tempo 200s/300s 75%/70% x 6 Or - 4 laps of 150m in outs (50 hard, 50 float, 50 close) Or - 6-8 30 second low incline hill sprints, walk back - 7 minutes - core/hips - stretch
Wednesday: Active recovery - Warm up - 15-20 minute shakeout - 6x60m strides track/grass (emphasis on form) - 7 minutes down -Lift (Weaknesses and drills) - Fully body stretch - Rolling
Thursday: Acceleration - Warmup - 5 minutes - 6-8 by 30m acceleration (focus on form and staying relaxed) 1-2 minutes rest Or - 6 5-10 second hill sprints, walk back, 95% - 5-10 minutes - stretch
Friday: Form/Speed endurance (Late summer) - Warmup - 7 minutes - Block day Or - Mobility and drills (Check list) - 5 minutes - Stretch - Lift (Day 2)
Saturday: Rest - Fully body stretching - rolling
Sunday: Rest - Full body stretching - rolling
submitted by Terrible-Aioli-5971 to Sprinting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:58 mikejungle Sadposting b/c I couldn't beat Maliketh Solo

Lv. 117 i think, 2nd playthrough, and while I'd been maining Greatsword w/ Giant Hunt, I set some limiting goals for myself.
I wanted to use a cool weapon without what I thought was a "cheap" Art. So I tried Radahnn's greatsword, and some minimal armor, with no mimic and no summons. I watched Ongbal's vids to get a sense for the timing, and while I did get better at reading and dodging, I got frustrated after around 50 attempts, and just summoned a couple of bros to beat him.
And now I'm filled with a little bit of regret.
Kind of wish I could take it back. But also I'm busy with work, so I want to ensure I get to Mohg before DLC?
submitted by mikejungle to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:57 Fnuckle Revised Rules + MJ Room for Reddit Hangout!

Hey Midjourney Redditors!
Guess what? We’ve spruced up the rules for our subreddit, and you can check them out on the sidebar. Don't worry, nothing major has changed; we've just clarified a few points and made some new rules to keep things crystal clear. For instance, we used to handle a lot of request posts under the no spam rule, but now “no requests” is its own rule since we got tons of questions about it. Hopefully, this tweak makes everything smoother. Let us know if you have any ideas for improvements!
Also, exciting news! We've created a private room on the Midjourney site just for you all to hang out in! Here's the link to join, and the password is: myspace.
To join, make sure you've created at least 100 images with Midjourney (you can check your count using /info on Discord) and have an active subscription. Just a heads up, mobile isn't supported yet, and let’s keep things SFW! We can't wait to hear what you think about the new room and are super excited to hang out, chat, and create together. Have fun, y'all!
submitted by Fnuckle to midjourney [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:52 Khevynn Growth of Cleaning Company

Aloha everyone. My wife and I have a small cleaning company. We started it on a whim, mainly to keep her busy. I was hoping to make $500 a month and I would be happy for her. Well we are entering forth year of business and our projected revenue is 200k+.
Currently we have my wife, who is the talent, her son, and one full time employee (about 65 hours every 15 days). I handle all of the admin and scheduling and billing type stuff since I already have a full time job. Our customers are a vacation rental community who accounts for about half of our revenue. Several realtors who use us to help get houses ready for sale, a few monthly customers, and 2 small offices. Last year we purchased a van and put the company logo and phone number on it. After about 2 months, our business has REALLY taken off. There are several weeks that we think she is going to get a break, but we end up booked! Great problem to have. Outside of the van we have done no advertising. Which leads into the problem. I want to do advertising because I know it would really take off even more. However, the challenge I have is trying to find a good employee that is responsible enough to lead a team on their own and drive the van (I am intending to purchase another van if we get a 2nd team). Our one really good employee doesn't drive and doesn't want to be in charge even though we told her we would pay her more. the 18 year old doesn't drive yet and is still learning the business. WE have had a few other employees but none have quite worked out for various reasons and other than the good employee, none have the level of attention to detail that my wife does, which is why we get all of our busiess. We do tend to charge a pretty hefty fee, so that attention to detail is needed.
Any suggestions about how to find relaly good quality people, I think this is the one area that is keeping us from growing further.
submitted by Khevynn to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:52 Big_Razzmatazz2858 Campaign Macro Structure (with modifications)

I will preface everything I am about to say with: I love the bones and premise of this campaign. I am pretty embarrassed that most of the takes from my favorite youtubers have been petulant complaints about WOTC instead of celebrating the victories of the hobby.
That being said, I want to spice up the adventure to make good on the Thanos level threat of Vecna; please give some good criticism and feedback for my plan.
Neverdeath Graveyard - Leave it mostly untouched, just adding the vecna boon found in Nest of the Eldritch Eye and the first appearance of Vecna proper to the players. Instead of just getting insight on what he is doing, the PCs will gain his attention as pieces on the playing field.
Meeting the Wizards - The Sanctum and Sigil will be the home base for the PCs and each week we meet, I will have the PCs choose a path to take with consequences that will show up later depending on the order. (I am still workshopping what they will manifest as).
Web's Edge - after the PCs get the rod piece, Vecna will taunt them about their quest and cast a 10th level spell that begins destroying Toril. Lloth will then open a portal of webs and send a begrudging plea to the PCs to spare the rest of the multiverse the fate of Toril.
The Heart of Darkness [first optional quest] A member of the Golden Vault (a PC from one of my players from that campaign - we never finished) will approach them in the Sanctum and implore them to steal the Book of Vile Darkness so Vecna and his cult will not use it to defend his ritual. Only change to the heist will be I will have a rival crew of cultists also trying to steal it to use or hide.
Lambent Zenith - similar to last chapter, at the end Vecna will use another secret spell to cause a massive storm on the astral sea making travel near impossible.
Fiendish Incursion - Giants from the Stewards of the Eternal Throne have contacted Alustriel to call for aide from a fiendish incursion in their demiplane. The attack is lead by Arkhon the Cruel who wields the hand of Vecna, giving the PCs an option to take it or sequester it.
The Ruined Colossus - same as previous main chapters, I just need to do some more research for appropriate diety involvement with the PCs.
The Condorant Express - the Golden Vault has heard rumor of a mage who was captured that wields the eye of Vecna and is being transferred as a prisoner on the multiversal train the Concordant Express. I would level up the heist appropriately.
The Night of Blue Fire - same as before but with Krynn and the dirty interacting with players is Fizban.
Tomb of Wayward Souls - Since it is Vecna's home of Oerth, he won't destroy it. I am workshopping and welcome input for ideas for thematic consequences here.
Restoring Order - The Lady of Pain has heard that the Wizards Three are seeking to undo the multiversal carnage of Vecna and has given Tasha a gift: a newborn Spell Weaver. If the PCs can get this being to the Obelisk in the Far Realm (revisiting the end of Phandelver and Below) faster than the Cultists, the Spell Weaver can utilize the magic of the obelisk to bring back the worlds destroyed. This is also where I plan on introducing the sword of Kas.
Dragon Queen's Pride - no modifications.
Unchained: Mystra - Vecna has utilized a secret to weaponize Talos to attack Mystra and destroy the Weave, making attacking him and interrupting the ritual more difficult. This will also get the PCs a boon from Mystra, which is rad.
The remaining three chapters would be largely unchanged, except to probably make the fight with Vecna harder. The statblock has some cool stuff, but I'm not sure if it has teeth or not. Also, I might introduce a champion or group or champions from each realm they saved to fight in the war in Pandesmos a la Endgame.
Thanks for your input!
submitted by Big_Razzmatazz2858 to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:47 anon_1823 Should I transfer from Juilliard

Hey guys. Throwaway account because I need advice on a big decision.
I just finished my first year at Juilliard (classical music undergrad) and I’m debating transferring. After this year I’m so burnt out and feel like I’ve lost my passion for music. I took over a month off from practicing, barely made progress during the school year, and was diagnosed with depression in May (now being treated and improving). I can’t say I really missed playing my instrument during that month, and it’s been a slow start getting back into a practice routine.
I don’t have many interests outside of music. I used to want to be a vet, and started to think about that again, but this week found out I’m mildly allergic to cats and dogs (yay!). I also used to love writing stories, high school sort of ruined that for me but I think the spark might still be there. I’m decent at writing/singing songs, artwork, and I love analyzing movies/video editing. Getting involved in the film industry is interesting to me but I have no idea where I’d start. Unfortunately most of those have just as bad career prospects as classical music and I have much less experience in all of them, so pursuing anything like that is very risky.
I’m good at academics (graduated top of my class) but never liked them very much. The past few years have been spent mainly focusing on music. So I’m pretty much at a loss right now.
I have a few options so I guess I’ll just list them below.
  1. Stay at Juilliard. I might suddenly regain my passion and this is the best place for me to be if I do music. I’ve quit before and restarted three years ago so it wouldn’t be the first time. This would also give me the option to apply to unrelated grad programs or med/law school if I don’t want to continue with music, as many schools accept Juilliard students as long as they have required prereqs and experience.
  2. Go to Juilliard next year but also apply to other schools as a transfer. This would be a lot of pressure as next semester I’ll have multiple jobs and a packed schedule. I’m not sure if I can handle it, but it would give me the option to decide what to do without losing a year if I ultimately stay.
  3. Take a gap year. This would give me the year to regroup, work to make some money, and figure out what I want to do. I could apply to other schools and explore some passions/opportunities near home that don’t relate to music. If at the end I want to stay at Juilliard, I still can without consequences.
  4. Just fucking drop out and quit (sorry I’m just so tired right now)
If I did transfer, I could try pursuing another passion like non-classical music or film, or get a normal stem or liberal arts degree to have better career prospects.
Money also plays a factor. I’m on a half scholarship right now but it’s still a burden especially considering how much the tuition is rising in the next three years. My parents are of retirement age but still working to help pay for my education. Last year I was accepted to every other school I applied to on full or nearly full scholarship, but there is no guarantee that I’d receive the same money if I applied again. My parents are fine with continuing to help out with Juilliard tuition, but only if it’s where I really want to be and work hard there. The depression adds another complication, because I’m not sure if my feelings are caused by this or unfulfillment with music. It started this school year and still is an issue, though it’s been better since school ended and I went on meds.
If you got this far, thanks for reading! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Tl;dr - I’m burnt out studying classical music at Juilliard and want advice on whether to stay or transfer and do something else.
submitted by anon_1823 to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:47 crook_ed Planning to feed newborn to sleep

Hi all! Curious if anyone has thoughts on this situation.
I nursed my toddler until around 26 months. He was extremely attached to it, and I think a main reason weaning went so smoothly is that I got pregnant and so my milk mostly dried up. (I also waited until he seemed emotionally ready but I think the two factors were both really important.) I have also done the vast majority of bedtimes and overnight wakings for his entire life, and he has an extremely strong Mommy preference at those times (though he is otherwise fairly neutral as between me and my husband/has a slight daytime Daddy preference). This has continued since I weaned about a month ago.
We are talking about getting ready for bedtime with two kiddos and in particular how we are going to approach bedtime with our new baby. My husband has said repeatedly that he would prefer for me not to feed to sleep at bedtime so we can follow an identical bedtime routine and our baby won’t develop the same Mommy preference. (I think he’s OK with feeding back to sleep overnight after the baby wakes.) Honestly every time he has said this my anxiety starts to flare and I have a hard time even having the conversation; our toddler is still a wakeful sleeper, sleep has been such a rough journey for us but for me in particular since I’ve borne the brunt of it for more than two years, and the idea of taking away my best tool for getting a newborn to sleep stresses me the eff out. I also know that I will still be doing the majority of bedtimes and overnights because my husband does shift work where people’s lives are at stake and we’ve collectively decided we need to prioritize his sleep. So I really hate the idea of not nursing to sleep at bedtime because it sounds like it will make my life so much harder, for questionable benefit to my husband.
At the same time, it is really hard that our toddler has such a strong bedtime Mommy preference. It reinforces the pattern in which I do bedtime every night, because it’s so much easier on everyone for me to just do it. And it means that on the rare nights my husband does it (like last night when I had a work event), I feel super guilty about subjecting them both to 1.5 hours of toddler crying and my husband gets incredibly depleted, making it less likely that any of us will be motivated to have him do it again when not absolutely necessary.
My instinct is that the more important thing we should work on is ensuring that my husband does a meaningful share of bedtimes from the outset, and that even if we each have our own ways of actually getting the baby to sleep that won’t be a huge issue so long as she is used to both parents putting her down. But I’m curious if anyone has any thoughts (in support of my approach or my husband’s or some other third option we haven’t discussed!)—has anything worked for you in finding balance at bedtime with a non-breastfeeding partner?
(We are not interested in sleep training/CIO though we don’t consider basic routines and sleep hygiene to count as sleep training.)
Thank you!
submitted by crook_ed to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 joem8_98 CloudCraft[Vanilla][SMP]{1.21}{Whitelist}{18+}{Mature}

Welcome to CloudCraft! We are a smaller whitelisted SMP focused on a vanilla multiplayer experience, and we are looking for a few more people to join us for our 1.21 reset on Saturday, June 15th.
Our server takes some inspiration from HermitCraft and other similar SMPS. Some of our community aspects include a spawn island town (includes starter houses, town hall, shops, etc.), community farms, nether hub, arcade with games, dragon fight event, and more. See below for some images of our past servers. In the past our server has been annually reset for the latest update, followed by 4-6 months of regular server activity (server will stay up the rest of the year until the next reset). This upcoming reset will be the five-year anniversary of our CloudCraft server!
Server Location: California, United States
Version: 1.21 Vanilla
server start date: Saturday, June 15th, 2023
Server Host: performance plus 8GB
Will be added to the discord server once accepted
Datapacks:afk display, anti-enderman grief, armor statues, durability ping, more mob heads, player head drops, multiplayer sleep, silence mobs, double shulker shells, and wandering trader mini blocks.
Additionally, we have phantoms disabled due to popular demand and several custom crafting recipes (mainly decorative blocks to make large scale builds easier).
We will also be using the simple voice chat fabric mod which simply adds proximity chat on the server. Any other fabric mod used is for server performance only and the experience is still a vanilla SMP.
Please copy the questions below and reply to this thread or message us directly with your application. I will add you to Discord if accepted and you will receive an invite to the Discord channel.
Name (that you want to go by):
Minecraft IGN:
Age (18+ only):
Discord Username:
Tell us about yourself:
What's your favorite thing to do on a Minecraft serveworld (Ex. Building/Redstone):
Please attach screenshots of your best build/s
submitted by joem8_98 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 joem8_98 CloudCraft[Vanilla][SMP]{1.21}{Whitelist}{18+}{Mature}

Welcome to CloudCraft! We are a smaller whitelisted SMP focused on a vanilla multiplayer experience, and we are looking for a few more people to join us for our 1.21 reset on Saturday, June 15th.
Our server takes some inspiration from HermitCraft and other similar SMPS. Some of our community aspects include a spawn island town (includes starter houses, town hall, shops, etc.), community farms, nether hub, arcade with games, dragon fight event, and more. See below for some images of our past servers. In the past our server has been annually reset for the latest update, followed by 4-6 months of regular server activity (server will stay up the rest of the year until the next reset). This upcoming reset will be the five-year anniversary of our CloudCraft server!
Server Location: California, United States
Version: 1.21 Vanilla
server start date: Saturday, June 15th, 2023
Server Host: performance plus 8GB
Will be added to the discord server once accepted
Datapacks:afk display, anti-enderman grief, armor statues, durability ping, more mob heads, player head drops, multiplayer sleep, silence mobs, double shulker shells, and wandering trader mini blocks.
Additionally, we have phantoms disabled due to popular demand and several custom crafting recipes (mainly decorative blocks to make large scale builds easier).
We will also be using the simple voice chat fabric mod which simply adds proximity chat on the server. Any other fabric mod used is for server performance only and the experience is still a vanilla SMP.
Please copy the questions below and reply to this thread or message us directly with your application. I will add you to Discord if accepted and you will receive an invite to the Discord channel.
Name (that you want to go by):
Minecraft IGN:
Age (18+ only):
Discord Username:
Tell us about yourself:
What's your favorite thing to do on a Minecraft serveworld (Ex. Building/Redstone):
Please attach screenshots of your best build/s
submitted by joem8_98 to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 joem8_98 CloudCraft[Vanilla][SMP]{1.21}{Whitelist}{18+}{Mature}

Welcome to CloudCraft! We are a smaller whitelisted SMP focused on a vanilla multiplayer experience, and we are looking for a few more people to join us for our 1.21 reset on Saturday, June 15th.
Our server takes some inspiration from HermitCraft and other similar SMPS. Some of our community aspects include a spawn island town (includes starter houses, town hall, shops, etc.), community farms, nether hub, arcade with games, dragon fight event, and more. See below for some images of our past servers. In the past our server has been annually reset for the latest update, followed by 4-6 months of regular server activity (server will stay up the rest of the year until the next reset). This upcoming reset will be the five-year anniversary of our CloudCraft server!
Server Location: California, United States
Version: 1.21 Vanilla
server start date: Saturday, June 15th, 2023
Server Host: performance plus 8GB
Will be added to the discord server once accepted
Datapacks:afk display, anti-enderman grief, armor statues, durability ping, more mob heads, player head drops, multiplayer sleep, silence mobs, double shulker shells, and wandering trader mini blocks.
Additionally, we have phantoms disabled due to popular demand and several custom crafting recipes (mainly decorative blocks to make large scale builds easier).
We will also be using the simple voice chat fabric mod which simply adds proximity chat on the server. Any other fabric mod used is for server performance only and the experience is still a vanilla SMP.
Please copy the questions below and reply to this thread or message us directly with your application. I will add you to Discord if accepted and you will receive an invite to the Discord channel.
Name (that you want to go by):
Minecraft IGN:
Age (18+ only):
Discord Username:
Tell us about yourself:
What's your favorite thing to do on a Minecraft serveworld (Ex. Building/Redstone):
Please attach screenshots of your best build/s
submitted by joem8_98 to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 DalinarOfRoshar When do neuorlogical symptoms merit an ER visit?

45M. I've been seeing a neurologist for over a decade. Neurology Dx: idiopathic peripheral neuropathy affecting mainly the legs, but I've started feeling the begging of numbness in my fingers. Other relevant Dxs: significant allergies (currently doing allergy shots); finished two rounds of antibiotics for sinus infection. The sinuses were verified clear recently by CT scan. Taking Gabapentin, 1600mg daily for neuropathy. Based in USA.
Over the past few weeks I've started having pain that (according to Dr. Google) seems to match the idea of cluster headaches, but they don't seem to be lasting as long as a cluster headache. So, I'm getting shooting stabbing pain in my right eye. At first it was only triggered occasionally, often when rubbing my eye. It's gotten more frequent, and is now happening multiple times a day. Eating and yawning can trigger it. Touching can trigger it. But nothing ALWAYS triggers it, if that makes sense. The vision in my right eye seems to be mildly affected; slightly blurry after an instance, but that side of my face has a dull ache that persists for more than an hour after an instance. Now that it is happening multiple times per day, that side of my face feels that dull pain most of the time. The shooting/stabbing pain, however, only lasts between one and three seconds (my time guess; I haven't actually timed it).
I know that I need to talk to a neurologist. The tricky part is that my insurance changed, and my last visit to my neurologist wasn't covered at all (out of network deductible and no contracted rate reduction), so I've been trying to get in to a new neurologist that is on my insurance. Because I have records at my primary care doc, my ENT doc, and my out-of-network neurologist doc, I'm having to get all these records/referrals in before the new neurology clinic will make an appointment.
My question is: how do I know if my issue is urgent enough to require a visit to an ER? I think the neurologist's office would be able to get me in sometime in the next couple of weeks (they confirmed that they save slots for urgent new patient appointments), BUT next Wednesday I'm leaving on a family trip out of the country that will last three weeks, which means I might not be able to get in to see the new neurologist before my trip. So, I want to know when these types of symptoms (if ever) merit an ER visit, or if I am ok waiting for 3+ weeks to see a neurologist in clinic.
All DX: Idiopathic bilateral peripheral neuropathy, allergies, sinusitis (recent), ADHD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea, bradycardia, GERD, BPH-related enuresis. Severely overweight (BMI 43). White/Caucasian.
All Rx: Gabapentin 1600mg; Trintellix 20mg; MyDayis 50mg; Xyxal (OTC); Buspirone 30mg; Buproprion XL 300mg; Esomeprazole 20mg; Naproxen (OTC); CPAP (I consistently use correctly)
submitted by DalinarOfRoshar to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 Volta87 Watery motz from frozen

Watery motz from frozen
I did a five-day Bigga today.
1.5 grams active dry yeast 249 grams water 120 grams of bread flour 360 grams 00 flour
120 grams of ice water 13.44 grams salt
Day 1 - Mix Bigga and CT for two days after an 8-hour RT.
Day 3 - I added salt and ice water. Back in the fridge
Day 4 - Balled dough and CT for 24 hour
Day 5 - Took out of the fridge 5 hours before stretching.

The dough was crazy hard to get out of the Babadoh boxes I bought and, unfortunately, came out of the box extremely messy. I did my best with what I had. I’m going to be sending those boxes back, as the cheap plastic boxes are better.
Anyway. The dough was lovely and airy. It’s a shame it was so hard to shape. If I had the shape right, I think I’d have had my first risen crust around the entire pizza.
One thing we noticed was that the cheese was very watery. I got it out of the freezer today and strained it. I then added a bit of salt to draw the water out. Before using it, I noticed a tbsp of water had been released from the cheese due to the salt. Unfortunately, though, the cheese, as I said, was watery. I’m wondering if freezing Motz is a bad idea. Next time il be using fresh Motz.
Anyway, I’m going to dust myself off (literally) and try a more basic dough next time. I think a nice easy 24 hour direct Gozeny dough.
submitted by Volta87 to uuni [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 TheOnlyTrueHope10 Looking for Coders, Asset Developers, Map Testers, and More!

To help out the server please add me on Discord ( bobbybitch1 ) and contact me about which roles your able to support in
Currently working on bring my old unturned server rp idea to life I have noticed half the rp and semi rp servers seem to fail to bring any real experience to the game I'm also developing a custom version of a Washington map completely revamped just a similar template to which will later be revamped in further updates to addition livable bunkers, bunker houses & other ways to hide your illegal activities I'll also be working on making sure the map brings a whole new meaning to survival as the game was intended as I intend to make loot scarce and ensuring everyone has to work equally in legal jobs and illegal to subside the robberies being a huge part in the game I will be trying to narrow it from robberies to more illegal jobs or legal jobs aswell as gun crafting etc I hope to see some new additions I will be working on a discord server when I have gathered enough people for testing and other purposes aswell as ensuring the map is in a set position before uploading to be used and viewed by everyone. Anyways look forward to seeing you all there!!
submitted by TheOnlyTrueHope10 to unturned [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 Volta87 Watery Motz

Watery Motz
I did a five-day Bigga today.
1.5 grams active dry yeast 249 grams water 120 grams of bread flour 360 grams 00 flour
120 grams of ice water 13.44 grams salt
Day 1 - Mix Bigga and CT for two days after an 8-hour RT.
Day 3 - I added salt and ice water. Back in the fridge
Day 4 - Balled dough and CT for 24 hour
Day 5 - Took out of the fridge 5 hours before stretching.

The dough was crazy hard to get out of the Babadoh boxes I bought and, unfortunately, came out of the box extremely messy. I did my best with what I had. I’m going to be sending those boxes back, as the cheap plastic boxes are better.
Anyway. The dough was lovely and airy. It’s a shame it was so hard to shape. If I had the shape right, I think I’d have had my first risen crust around the entire pizza.
One thing we noticed was that the cheese was very watery. I got it out of the freezer today and strained it. I then added a bit of salt to draw the water out. Before using it, I noticed a tbsp of water had been released from the cheese due to the salt. Unfortunately, though, the cheese, as I said, was watery. I’m wondering if freezing Motz is a bad idea. Next time il be using fresh Motz.
Anyway, I’m going to dust myself off (literally) and try a more basic dough next time. I think a nice easy 24 hour direct Gozeny dough.
submitted by Volta87 to uuni [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:38 Honeydewmelo Triple Jump Mechanics Pt.2. Ft. My Custom Movement Modifiers

I've wanted to make a custom movement modifier for a while now because the regular one feels pretty restrictive. My custom one uses bounce pads, so all the options in the bounce pad gallery device can be used.
the Verse code for the movement modifier will be at the bottom of the post. you just need a Trigger that will activate the device, and a Bouncer device to apply the velocity and effects.
I have another Verse device I'm not using in this clip, but it's part of what's in the main Verse Device here, so it's pretty relevant. It's an improved version of the ground detector device I posted a while ago and the code will be at the bottom as well. All you need is a trigger that will trigger at the start of the match, and a Switch with "Store State Per Player" on.
Triple Jump Demo also showcasing Movement Modifier
Movement Modifier Code:
using { / } using { / } using { / } using { / } using { / } Better_Movement_Modifier := class(creative_device): u/editable Activate_Trigger:trigger_device=trigger_device {} @editable Bouncer:bouncer_device = bouncer_device{} OnBegin():void= Activate_Trigger.TriggeredEvent.Subscribe(SpawnSuspends) SpawnSuspends(QAgent:?agent):void = spawn { OnPlayerInitialize(QAgent) } OnPlayerInitialize(QAgent:?agent):void = if (Agent := QAgent?): if(FortCharacter := Agent.GetFortCharacter[]): if(Agent = QAgent?): PlayerPos: transform = FortCharacter.GetTransform() if(Bouncer.TeleportTo[PlayerPos.Translation,PlayerPos.Rotation]): Sleep(0.1) if(Agent = QAgent?): PlayerPos: transform = FortCharacter.GetTransform() if(Bouncer.TeleportTo[vector3{X:= 0.0, Y:= 0.0, Z:= -5000.0},PlayerPos.Rotation]): 
Ground Detector Code:
using { / } using { / } using { / } using { / } Ground_Detector := class(creative_device): @editable GroundSwitch:switch_device = switch_device{} @editable Start_Trigger:trigger_device=trigger_device {} OnBegin():void = Start_Trigger.TriggeredEvent.Subscribe(SpawnSuspends) SpawnSuspends(QAgent:?agent):void = spawn { OnPlayerInitialize(QAgent) } OnPlayerInitialize(QAgent : ?agent):void = if (Agent := QAgent?): loop: if (FortCharacter := Agent.GetFortCharacter[]): if (FortCharacter.IsOnGround[]): GroundSwitch.TurnOn(Agent) else: GroundSwitch.TurnOff(Agent) else: break Sleep(0.01) 
Just make sure that the Device you make has the name "Better_Movement_Modifier" for the Movement Modifier and "Ground_Detector" for the Ground Detector or else they won't work.
edit: fixed Formatting. Sorry!
submitted by Honeydewmelo to FortniteCreative [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:38 Volta87 Not bad, but watery Fiore De Latte

Not bad, but watery Fiore De Latte
I did a five-day Bigga today.
1.5 grams active dry yeast 249 grams water 120 grams of bread flour 360 grams 00 flour
120 grams of ice water 13.44 grams salt
Day 1 - Mix Bigga and CT for two days after an 8-hour RT.
Day 3 - I added salt and ice water. Back in the fridge
Day 4 - Balled dough and CT for 24 hour
Day 5 - Took out of the fridge 5 hours before stretching.

The dough was crazy hard to get out of the Babadoh boxes I bought and, unfortunately, came out of the box extremely messy. I did my best with what I had. I’m going to be sending those boxes back, as the cheap plastic boxes are better.
Anyway. The dough was lovely and airy. It’s a shame it was so hard to shape. If I had the shape right, I think I’d have had my first risen crust around the entire pizza.
One thing we noticed was that the cheese was very watery. I got it out of the freezer today and strained it. I then added a bit of salt to draw the water out. Before using it, I noticed a tbsp of water had been released from the cheese due to the salt. Unfortunately, though, the cheese, as I said, was watery. I’m wondering if freezing Motz is a bad idea. Next time il be using fresh Motz.
Anyway, I’m going to dust myself off (literally) and try a more basic dough next time. I think a nice easy 24 hour direct Gozeny dough.
submitted by Volta87 to Pizza [link] [comments]