Stuffed nose coughing right gland

Were there good moments?

2024.04.29 05:11 Pheonixflames81 Were there good moments?

I didn’t see the right flair but I guess that’s ok. I have been living with my mother for a year and she’s not better than him but some of what he said about my family seems to be true. For example he told me many times my mother doesn’t think and I’ve seen this happen many times I can’t give exact examples but one small one is where I warned her that my leftovers would leak in my bag if I put it in there and she still shoved my restaurant takeout in there.
He taught me not to stuff the freezer or it wouldn’t well and actually got angry every time I stuffed the freezer and I see my mom’s freezer getting stuffed.
He taught me to clean up after myself and turn off the lights when not using the room. And yet I’ve seen others leave the lights on late at night.
He was honest about how my mother treats me even if he himself was physically abusive.
He also taught me to think as a we rather than me but I still have a long way to go on that.
I know it will never be safe to go back but I do treasure the good moments when he did have some wisdom and taught me the right way to do things.
Do you have any good moments aside from all the bad stuff?
submitted by Pheonixflames81 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:01 Mysterious_Art6389 Need an opinion please… super scared of nasopharyngeal cancer… please read all.

27 year old, MALE. im very worried I have nasopharyngeal cancer. 3 weeks ago I went to an ENT for an ear infection with fluid behind my ear. This was the second ear infection I got in a week. He did a hearing test and then looked in my ear to confirm the infection. I asked the doctor to do a nasal endoscopy cause I told him I was worried about NPC. he looked into my right nostril and went back into my nasopharyngeal area and said “nothing that looks like cancer or a tumor”.
Fast forward to the last 3 days, I have blood when blowing my right nose. Not mixed in mucus, but blood that is liquid and comes out. I wipe it away with a napkin and then it stops, but it’s still blood.
Now I am terrified I have nasopharyngeal cancer because of the nosebleeds. Why would he say “nothing that LOOKS like cancer”???! That to me seems like there was something there maybe but that t it didn’t look serious. Could the naso endoscopy have missed something?? I’m thinking about going back and asking for a thorough scope.
submitted by Mysterious_Art6389 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:00 Mysterious_Art6389 Need an opinion please… super scared of nasopharyngeal cancer… please read all.

27 year old, MALE. im very worried I have nasopharyngeal cancer. 3 weeks ago I went to an ENT for an ear infection with fluid behind my ear. This was the second ear infection I got in a week. He did a hearing test and then looked in my ear to confirm the infection. I asked the doctor to do a nasal endoscopy cause I told him I was worried about NPC. he looked into my right nostril and went back into my nasopharyngeal area and said “nothing that looks like cancer or a tumor”.
Fast forward to the last 3 days, I have blood when blowing my right nose. Not mixed in mucus, but blood that is liquid and comes out. I wipe it away with a napkin and then it stops, but it’s still blood.
Now I am terrified I have nasopharyngeal cancer because of the nosebleeds. Why would he say “nothing that LOOKS like cancer”???! That to me seems like there was something there maybe but that t it didn’t look serious. Could the naso endoscopy have missed something?? I’m thinking about going back and asking for a thorough scope.
submitted by Mysterious_Art6389 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:58 socmousetes What's the least interesting fact you know?

Hi all! I am so very close to the end of the semester, and can hardly wait for it to be done. Since it's Sunday night, I am mentally gearing myself up for one more week, and slurping on some dessert in the meantime. Anyone want to hang out while I wind down? Would love to have some interesting company.
A bit about me:
submitted by socmousetes to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:50 Aggravating-Fact5629 I went through more than 2 years of Expanders and Invisalign together and now I have tiny gaps in my teeth, what do I do?

I'm 17 years old, and over the past three years, my parents have spent thousands of dollars on my dental treatments (expanders initially and then Invisalign later on). At first, my teeth were relatively straight, especially my top teeth, but my bottom teeth were a bit crooked (it wasn't noticeable unless I opened my mouth and showed them my bottom teeth). My orthodontist told us to get expanders, saying that they would address a bunch of issues, like improving my breathing, the shape of my face and nose, and even my voice. He told us this years ago like in 2017, but my parents being in a rough financial position with an awful dental plan originally declined.
However, a couple of years ago, my dad got a better dental plan with his new job so we finally started treatment. However, after the expanders, the only noticeable change was a ginormous gap between my two front teeth, which hadn't been there before which ultimately led to Invisalign. My journey was Invisalign has been extremely lengthy, complicated, and tedious. It was supposed to be straightforward but ended up taking up about a year and a half because it wasn’t "working as expected" and I had to restart the treatment...
I'm finally about to get my retainers this week, but now there's another issue... there's a small, yet noticeable gap between my two front teeth and additional gaps beside them and these gaps weren't there before the expanders. When I told my orthodontist about the new gaps, possibly attributing it to the expanders, he said it was because of the "natural spacing of my gums" and explained that my teeth used to overlap due to crowding, which is no longer the case because of expanders and Invisalign.
Even if he is right, I feel frustrated because the treatment, which was quite expensive even with insurance AND TOOK SO LONG WITH A LOT OF PAIN AND ANNOYANCE, seems to have improved my bottom teeth but made the appearance of my top teeth worse. Also, these gaps aren't visible when I'm wearing the Invisalign, only when I take them off.
My parents got the expanders for me to help mainly with my breathing, as well as possibly the other benefits, though none of the benefits appeared, and they paid for the Invisalign to straighten my teeth for the aesthetic appeal, yet it looks worse than before. Is there anything I can do?
submitted by Aggravating-Fact5629 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:49 Routine_Cantaloupe16 Dizzy without room spinning

9 years ago I fell onto a car, landing partly on my left ear. Got bppv, and it went away over time/with exercises
1 year ago I broke my nose (and that likely caused a minor concussion). Vertigo started again but without the spinning sensation, this time seemingly on my right ear. It felt like I’d just stepped off a rollercoaster- like I generally felt off centeslightly disoriented- but the room wasn’t spinning
It mostly went away but I wasn’t able to lie on my right side bc I’d feel so dizzy.
A few weeks ago I rolled onto my right side while sleeping and the vertigo is now much worse. If I look up or tilt my head slightly to the right it feels like my head’s in an elevator in free fall. I need to grip the wall to stay standing. But the room is not spinning.
Has anyone experienced this? Have any of you found something that helps? Does this sound like bppv?
Thank you 🙏
submitted by Routine_Cantaloupe16 to BPPV [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:49 Emmykate88 Eloise's Future Trajectory

I'm very interested to see if they have Eloise mature over this season. It sounds like that's in the cards. I'm rewatching season 2 all the way through for the first time in a while (I usually jump around) and I really don't like Eloise at all. She's not only against marriage for herself, but she looks down her nose at anyone who might be interested in it for themselves or choose to embrace traditional wifely pursuits. I've got no problem with her questioning the institution, but she comes across (to me at least) as childish and kind of a brat about the whole thing.
I very much hope that season 3 brings about some introspection from Eloise. I'm not saying she needs to be all for settling down herself, but maybe give her more empathy towards those for whom it is the chosen or only reasonable path. I think it could make her a really intriguing character if handled the right way.
I WANT to like Eloise. I can see a lot of potential in her view of the world, but I think it's been handled poorly up until now.
submitted by Emmykate88 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:40 Mysterious_Cat_1706 Gribble - Chapter 13

[First] [[Next>][Advance Chapter]
Chapter 13: A Fragile Peace
Gribble blinked awake, his eyes adjusting to the soft, green light filtering through the woven walls of the hut. The earthy smell of herbs and wood smoke filled his nose as he slowly sat up, wincing at the ache in his muscles. His mind felt fuzzy, like it was stuffed with cotton, as he tried to remember where he was and how he got here.
As he looked around the small space, memories of the previous day came rushing back - the desperate escape from the goblin soldiers, the terror of falling from the cliff, and the strange, peaceful valley he had woken up in. Gribble's heart swelled with gratitude as he remembered the kindness of the trolls who had taken him in and tended to his wounds.
Gribble carefully stood up, testing his legs. They were shaky but held his weight. He wobbled to the entrance of the hut and pushed aside the woven door covering, blinking in the bright sunlight.
Outside, the troll village was already bustling with activity. Gribble stared in wonder at the simple but beautiful dwellings nestled among the trees, each one crafted with obvious care and skill. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter, trolls of all ages going about their daily tasks with a sense of joy and purpose.
As Gribble stood there, taking it all in, a familiar figure approached - the old troll shaman who had helped him the day before. Up close, Gribble could see the wisdom and kindness etched into every line of the shaman's weathered green face. His golden eyes sparkled with warmth as he looked at Gribble.
"Ah, you're awake, young one," the shaman said, his voice deep and soothing. "How do you feel?"
Gribble swallowed, suddenly nervous. "Better, thanks to you and your people," he said, his voice rough. "I don't know how to thank you for all you've done."
The shaman chuckled, a rich, earthy sound. "There's no need for thanks, little goblin. We trolls believe in helping those in need, no matter who they are." He placed a gentle hand on Gribble's shoulder. "Come, walk with me. Let me show you our home."
Gribble fell into step beside the shaman, his eyes wide with wonder as they walked through the village. Everywhere he looked, he saw signs of the trolls' deep connection to nature - lush gardens overflowing with fruits and vegetables, crystal-clear streams winding between the huts, and towering trees that seemed to hum with life.
As they walked, the shaman pointed out different aspects of troll life - the weavers working on intricate tapestries, the potters shaping clay into beautiful bowls and jars, the children playing and laughing in the dappled sunlight. Gribble couldn't help but feel a pang of longing, a desire to be part of something so warm and vibrant.
The shaman must have sensed his thoughts, because he turned to Gribble with a knowing smile. "You are welcome here, young one," he said softly. "For as long as you need."
As they continued their walk, Gribble found himself enjoying the shaman's company and the peaceful atmosphere of the troll village. However, despite the growing trust and comfort he felt, Gribble remained cautious about revealing his unique powers. He had learned the hard way that his abilities could attract unwanted attention and put him in danger.
Even though the trolls had shown him nothing but kindness, Gribble couldn't shake the fear that they might see him differently if they knew about his powers. He worried that they might view him as a threat, or worse, try to exploit his abilities for their own gain. After all, he had spent his entire life being mistreated and used by his own kind.
So, as much as it pained him to keep secrets from the trolls who had welcomed him so openly, Gribble decided to keep his powers hidden. He focused on learning about the trolls' way of life and enjoying the peace and safety of the village, all the while keeping his true nature locked away deep inside.
Gribble found himself savoring the tranquility and harmony that suffused the troll village. The gentle rhythm of life among these kind, wise creatures was like a soothing balm to his battered soul, a respite from the chaos and cruelty of the world he had known. He hope Grimrock didn’t expect him to enter the Troll village.
As the days passed, Gribble found himself falling into a comfortable routine in the troll village. Each morning, he would wake with the sun, joining the other villagers for a hearty breakfast of fresh fruits, nuts, and savory porridge. He would then spend the day learning from the various crafters and artisans, marveling at their skill and creativity.
He learned how to weave intricate baskets from the village elders, his fingers growing nimble as he worked the flexible reeds. He discovered the joy of shaping clay on the potter's wheel, his hands covered in the cool, earthy material. He even tried his hand at carving, whittling small figures from chunks of soft wood.
But it was the time he spent with Tormak, the troll shaman, that Gribble treasured most. The old shaman had taken the young goblin under his wing, patiently teaching him the ways of the trolls - their history, their beliefs, their deep connection to the natural world. Gribble soaked up this knowledge like a sponge, his mind expanding with each new lesson.
Yet even as he immersed himself in this new life, Gribble couldn't fully shake the shadows of his past. At night, his dreams were haunted by memories of his childhood in the goblin village - the taunts and jeers of the other goblins, the gnawing emptiness in his belly. He would wake with a start, his heart pounding, the echoes of cruel laughter ringing in his ears.
It was in these moments that Gribble was most grateful for the comfort and safety of the troll village. He would slip out of his hut and wander through the quiet paths, letting the peacefulness of the sleeping village soothe his troubled mind. Sometimes, he would find Tormak waiting for him, a knowing look in the old shaman's eyes.
They would sit together in silence, watching the stars wheel overhead, until Gribble's breathing evened out and the tension drained from his body. Tormak never pressed him to talk about his nightmares, but his steady presence was a balm to Gribble's battered soul.
Gribble could feel himself changing, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. His scrawny frame began to fill out, his muscles strengthening from the nutritious food and active lifestyle of the trolls. His once-dull skin took on a healthy glow, and his yellow eyes sparkled with a new light.
But more than that, Gribble could feel a shift within himself - a growing sense of confidence, of purpose. The love and acceptance of the trolls had nurtured something deep inside him, a tiny seed of self-worth that was finally beginning to sprout.
He no longer saw himself as the weak, worthless runt that the other goblins had always told him he was. He was beginning to understand that he had value, that he mattered. It was a fragile feeling, but it was there, growing stronger each day.
Yet even as Gribble basked in this newfound sense of belonging, he couldn't fully ignore the looming specter of his destiny. He knew that he couldn't stay in the safety of the troll village forever, much as he might wish to. Sooner or later, he would have to face Grimrock and the goblins or the other way round, to confront the darkness that threatened to consume his people.
The thought filled Gribble with a cold dread, a sickening knot of fear in the pit of his stomach. He had seen firsthand the cruelty and viciousness of Grimrock and his minions. How could he, a mere runt, hope to stand against such power?
But he also knew that he couldn't turn his back on his people, couldn't abandon them to Grimrock's tyranny. The goblins might have treated him cruelly, but they were still his kin. He had a responsibility to them, a duty to fulfill the prophecy.
It was this sense of obligation, of higher purpose, that finally drove Gribble to seek out Tormak one evening, as the old shaman sat by the flickering light of the communal fire. Gribble's heart was heavy with the weight of the questions that burned within him, the doubts and fears that gnawed at his mind.
He approached Tormak hesitantly, his steps faltering as he drew near. The shaman looked up, his golden eyes glinting in the firelight. He patted the ground beside him, inviting Gribble to sit.
Gribble sank down cross-legged, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. For a long moment, he was silent, struggling to find the words to express the turmoil within him. Finally, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Tormak, I... I don't understand," he said, his throat tight with emotion. "Why have you and your people been so kind to me? I'm a goblin, your enemy. How can you look past that, after all the bad blood between our kinds?"
Tormak was quiet for a moment, his expression thoughtful. When he spoke, his voice was low and measured, filled with the weight of ages.
"Young Gribble, the hatred between our peoples is a poison that has festered for far too long," he said. "It has brought nothing but pain and suffering, a cycle of violence that has no end." He looked at Gribble, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "But it doesn't have to be that way. We have a choice, each and every one of us. A choice to perpetuate that hatred... or to rise above it."
Gribble swallowed hard, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. "But how?" he asked, his voice cracking. "How can we move past all the hurt, all the history?"
Tormak reached out, placing a gentle hand on Gribble's shoulder. "By recognizing that we are more than the sum of our ancestors' mistakes," he said softly. "By seeing the individual, not the race. By choosing compassion over fear, understanding over ignorance."
He looked at Gribble, his gaze intense. "You, Gribble, are not defined by the actions of other goblins. You are your own person, with your own heart and mind. And it is a good heart, a strong mind. That's what we trolls see when we look at you."
Gribble felt a sob catch in his throat, overwhelmed by Tormak's words. All his life, he had been told he was worthless, a disgrace to goblin kind. To be seen, truly seen, for who he was... it was a gift beyond measure.
Even as Gribble's heart swelled with gratitude and affection for the trolls, he couldn't bring himself to reveal his powers to Tormak. The fear of rejection, of being seen as a freak or a threat, was still too strong. He wanted to believe that the trolls would accept him, powers and all, but the risk was too great.
So, instead of opening up about his abilities, Gribble focused on expressing his fears about the future, about the daunting task that lay ahead of him. "I'm afraid, Tormak," he confessed, his voice small. "Afraid of failing, of letting myself down. I'm just one small goblin."
Tormak smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Ah, but that's the secret, isn't it? The power of one." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You see, Gribble, it's easy to feel small and insignificant in the face of great challenge. But never underestimate the impact a single person can have, when they are guided by a true and righteous purpose."
He sat back, his expression turning serious. "Your path will not be an easy one, that much is certain. You will face challenges and dangers beyond imagining. But you will not face them alone." Tormak gestured around at the peaceful village, at the trolls going about their evening tasks. "We will be with you, in spirit if not in body. And more than that, you carry the hopes and dreams of all those who yearn for a better world. That is a power greater than any tyrant or army."
Gribble let Tormak's words wash over him, feeling them settle into his bones like a tangible force. He knew the shaman was right - he might be small, but he was not powerless. He had a strength within him, a light that Grimrock and his darkness could never extinguish.
Gribble took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders. He met Tormak's gaze, his yellow eyes burning with a new fire. "I understand," he said, his voice steady. "I'm ready to face my destiny, whatever it may bring. And I will never forget the kindness and wisdom you and your people have shown me. I will carry it with me, always."
Tormak smiled, a look of pride and affection shining in his eyes. "I know you will, Gribble," he said softly. "You have the heart of a hero, and the soul of a peacemaker. Trust in that, and you will never lose your way."
With those words, Gribble felt a sense of calm settle over him, a quiet certainty that filled his whole being. He knew the road ahead would be hard, that he would be tested in ways he could scarcely imagine. But he also knew that he would not falter, would not succumb to fear or doubt.
He was Gribble, a goblin with a unique destiny. And though he might keep his powers hidden for now, he knew that they were a part of him, a gift that he would one day learn to wield for the good of all. With the love of the trolls and the strength of his own heart, he would face whatever lay ahead, one step at a time.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:28 Vsblife lol hertz threatened or they did file a stolen car report when the car is like 15? Feet away from them

So now I know hertz doesn’t have cmgosntracking I their Tesla’s . Mind blowing right? This incident happened at John Wayne airport , there was nothing on anywhere on what spot I should leave the car parked at , so I took a pic and sent it to them , and they send. Me a letter a weekk later saying they filed a stolen car report , which ruined my night, and can’t breathe and have to go to hostel now, watching company threatened their customer , when I have all the proof where the car is, and they lost the picture I guess lol. Sucks for them, too hyper ventilated waiting on the police to come . go y , they lost the conversation we had and picture of where the car is, and I got a panic attack cuz they threatened some big stuff saying I stole their car, when i parked it at a random spot cuz not one place in the white car tells c you were to park it . It is is no where in the app or keys or car interior where thr car should be parked, I’m thinking they found it now, but ima file a lawsuit for threatening a customer , and giving pilot false information , whenever thought they don’t have. Gps trackers in the Tesla * ough cough have fun ! Criminals lol
John Wayne airport , in Costa Mesa , ca ,
Your welcone for the gps tip, they gonna fix it soon maybe. Maybe a week or so , but ruined my day and. Night , goingv to the hospital to have it in paper they caused a panic attack, should I sue them for money or settle for a 6 month rental of the same car? Defibrkynexoect to be compensated what in paid, and more for Britain and hotel fees cuz I don’t wanna go yo jail over their threats to a customer , lieing saying they called me, I don’t ever answer spam callls but rly. Can’t find any voicemail or anterior that they called me , leave a voicemail at least ..
Boycott hertz !threaten to send a good customer to jail , for not parking in the right spot
I suffer from very bad ptsd , and they threatened or already called the cops saying I stole their car but in fact it’s feet away from them they office . I’d u Ean snake some money peas call: and tell them what kind of customer service is this .. enrrrprise or ace > hertz . Shady hertz
19492246700 call them record Irvine and I’ll cashapp you, how they treat their customers. SMH at least a dollar up to ten if it’s spicy . An s record and send to me please . First person to call them gets ten buck bonus , call them and ask why they don’t have gps location , or why they lost the picture if where I parked it, wheni sent it. ruined my night .. I’ll send up to 20 follars of phone harrasement to them
Be like why don’t you guys have gps on teslas and why did u threaten a customer for jail time … what kind of service is that, inside dive that car like I was running for my life , since I thought they had a gps on it . when the car is 15 feet away from them . So if you have a real rented by the right now, they can’t seee where ur at , or his u drive the car, go racing hell !
Seriously will cashapp you, the spicer the better , what kind of rental companies threatenes their customers , I am asking for the rental money back and a 3 month courtesy rental , going to the BBB with this one . Or 50k in mental anguish , saying they told the cops I stole the car that is 15 feet away from them. Yeah they don’t have gps , u can lrrally tell them anything now , if ur driving one now, be late a day or two , they can’t prove it was in the parking garage the whole time, a gps could’ve stopped that , what if, wait I can barely take the Tesla for a day or two extra cuz they can’t prove they don’t have it.
they lost the picture I sent them. Of were i parked , Ifthe posting where the issuing is at John Warne then wait scc c week to say U I stole the car that’s in the parking K, I wanna go in and make a scene , but otw to the hospital , see if I can calm down. Customers service worst I’ve ever seen
Please call them and tell them whack customer service makes a mistake and calls the cops for stealing a car that you would think has a gps tracker (they don’t ) so do what y want with that info. Reddit was for a tesla also! The car is a gps computer lol . Smh , gonna sue them for ruining my day, hospital fees , might stay overnight , imagine bring out inn jail for dealing. A car that’s 15 feet away from their office lol, so your saying I could’ve drove it another week and say I parked it there , (they lost the conversation, or picture I gave them , but will not be needing to send it again ) that’s what my lawyer said , has anyone dealt either hertz in court ? I’m guessing they will settle , smartest move , but for how much? 45k? Or give me a rental for 3 months. ? Is my option I’m gonna give them . So if u have a Tesla they not watching you, on god, so do what u want and go where u want iandnbr rerun it late , and they won’t have proof I didn’t return it .. lol
They don’t track you, ot so, so do what you want with that info !
submitted by Vsblife to HertzRentals [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:27 Faerinya [QCrit] THE PANTHER OF SENDAR, YA Fantasy, 45k words (unfinished), First Attempt

Hi Guys, lurker here! I promised myself that when I got halfway through my novel I would attempt to write a query letter as a progress check. I'd love for any developmental criticism, and if people could point out any inconsistencies/tone problems with what I have! Suggesting comps would be nice too!
I'm a massive newbie, first novel ever and have literally 0 experience querying or anything else so please be kind!
Dear [Agent],
Seventeen-year-old Kiya Sunborn is a disgrace to the Northwind tribe. Born without the blessing of the God of the Night, her half-jackal tribemates label her runt, halfbreed, Godless, and worst of all, human. Alive only due to the love of her adoptive parents, the Chief and Chieftess, Kiya wants nothing more than to earn the respect of her people and be accepted despite her lack of Godsblood traits. And with the coming of the Decennium, now might be her chance.
A celebration for the five Gods of Eleria, only the most talented individuals from each Godsblood race is granted the prestige of entering. And Kiya, despite everything, passes the trials and gains a position as part of a team. But when competitors start turning up dead in their chambers and the blame lands squarely on Kiya’s shoulders, she begins to suspect that the animosity between the different teams might run deeper than mere competition.
With the mounting pressure of winning the Decennium and clearing her name, Kiya finds herself in an uneasy alliance with the Prince of the Firedrakes, Siaki Maharoa. Slightly afraid of both his royal position and his ability to breath fire, although thankful of his support, together they discover something far worse than an elusive murderer – the revival of a long-dead Primordial God. And to Kiya’s horror, she discoveres the blood of that same God runs through her veins.
If Kiya can’t learn to control her budding chaos Magick, the darkness inside of her will consume her soul. If Siaki can’t deescalate the growing conflict between the factions of Godsblood people, Eleria will face a war that will tear the fragile land to pieces. But when they discover the two problems might be linked, both of them will have to choose which is more important – Kiya’s life or the peace of their nation.
First 300
Kiya stood in the mountain pass in the dark hours of the dawn, meticulously planning her own funeral.
It would be small, she contemplated, wiping her stinging nose with the back of her hand. After all, not many people would bother mourning the death of a Godless. She imagined her parents standing before a burning pyre, watching her broken body smoulder, clutching each other with tears in their eyes. Despite her best efforts to smother it, anticipatory dread twisted like a dull knife in her gut.
Exhaling slowly, Kiya cast her eyes upward and watched the condensation from her breath curl and dissipate into the chill of the desert morning. The dawn sky was cloudless - as usual - and coloured an unusually beautiful shade of lilac blue. She knew better than to get used to the weather—as soon as the sun crested the dusty horizon behind her, the heat would drain the life out of everything the light touched. And when it fell in the evening, the bitter cold would kill anything that remained. Shivering, Kiya braced herself as a cold gust of wind howled through the passage. The temperature was just one of many on the list of things that would lead to her eventual and seemingly inevitable death.
The worst part of waiting was the silence. Standing trembling in the narrow pass, Kiya tried her best to peer around the restless lyceans who packed the ravine right to its malevolent black walls. Usually loud and raucous, they shifted on their furred paws and resolutely ignored each other, and she could swear that their apprehension was hanging physically in the air like some heavy blanket of fog. Which one of them would kill her?
submitted by Faerinya to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:23 CynthiasChomper Can you have this from coughing daily bc of a cold for two weeks?

Hello!!! I just wanted to ask this to people who've been through something like this... I've had this bad cough for about two weeks and after it was done my whole chest started hurting. At first I thought it was muscle pain but then my left false ribs started making a popping sound on my side. Thing is the left side doesn't hurt at all but the right one does. I touched around the area and it does seem like one of my ribs may be slightly sticking out! chest in general is a bit deformed so I'm not quite sure. Basically my question for you guys is...does this sound like I slipped a rib? Should I go ot a doctor for it? It really doesn't hurt or anything...and I heard most of the time rib issues are left alone to heal on their own
submitted by CynthiasChomper to SlippingRibSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:23 Emsflyer1984 Looking for Advice

Hey all, over the past couple years I’ve had a persistent cough off and on. It will stick around for a few weeks, then go away and it seems to come in cycles like that, but random. Always seems to be worse at night right before going to bed. It can feel like I’m wheezing as well, like my airway is slightly restricted. I usually sleep ok once the coughing slows down but then I’ll wake up sometimes at 4 or 5 in the morning and start coughing again and can’t go back to sleep. It always basically feels like an irritation in my throat and like flem buildup that I have to keep clearing.
The symptoms seem to me like allergies but I’ve been allergy tested and I’m not really allergic to anything they tested for. I haven’t had any diet changes. It’s not specific to my house, as it happens whether I’m home or not.
The other day I literally coughed all day at work and have no other symptoms of a cold or any other illness. I have several co-workers come up and ask if I was sick, or had allergies, etc. finally I said to myself I have to do something about this. But I don’t really even know who to call or where to start….
submitted by Emsflyer1984 to ChronicCough [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:16 daggman209 Medical Mystery - 4.5 Year Head Pain - Doctors Stumped

Bio: 37M, 5'10'', 185lbs. No drugs. Little alcohol.
In the past five years, I've seen over forty doctors and, while many have been compassionate to my medical situation, none have been able to provide me with a diagnosis. A friend suggested posting on Reddit to see if anyone had some ideas so I thought it might be a worthwhile venture.
I had a "thunderclap" type event on December 12, 2019 where I went from feeling fine to having a level 10 head pain event. The following day, it dropped down to about a 4. Then it never left and has been with me for four and a half years. It does not stay in one location, moving from behind one or both eyes into the bridge of my nose, my cheeks, and my ears. It is sometimes on my right side. Sometimes on my left. When it gets bad, it can be on both sides. On bad days, the ear pain spikes and feels like someone is sticking an icepick in one or both ears.
[Perhaps relevant: Three months prior to this even, I was told I had high cholesterol. I was prescribed a statin drug. I decided I need to try and lower my numbers so I started working out and eating a very heart healthy diet. Around six weeks later, I had this very strange sudden-onset throat infection that came out of nowhere. A midnight visit to a clinic, a diagnosis of "probably strep throat", an injection of a steroid and a prescription for antibiotics followed. I felt better the next morning but a cough while getting into the shower saw a huge amount of pus come from deep in my throat. Felt fine after that. Some time later, about a week before the thunderclap, my gym buddy told me to start taking L-Arginine to help with the workouts. I began to do so. I was also taking a PPI at this time for heartburn.]
The doctors and I have tried many migraine medications (though every doctor agrees this isn't a migraine) but none have worked. We've done botox. Large antibiotic treatments. Several nerve block surgeries. MRI, MRV, MRA is normal. CT scans normal. Sinuses are clear. Dental investigation shows nothing wrong. X-rays show nothing unusual. No TMJ or other issues like that. Bloodwork is fine. Vitamins and such (like Magnesium) actually increased my pain. No allergies.
Thought trial and error (as well as keeping very detailed notes on medications and food), I came to realize that vasodilation is my problem. When I eat foods or take meds that dilate the blood vessels, my pain increases noticeably.
[Example One: If I eat an apple on a Monday, an apple on a Tuesday, and an apple on a Wednesday, I will be in bed all day Thursday with level 9 pain.]
[Example Two: A friend suggested I try CBD oil for the pain. I did and, as I kept increasing my dose, the pain kept increasing as well. Lo and behold, CBD oil acts as a major vasodilator. Same thing happens with Statin drugs; I can't take them or my head pain goes through the roof. Singulair, too. Multivitamins and PPIs also exacerbate the issue].
Once I realized this and cut out lots of things (many fruits and veggies, oats, ginger, tea, cured meats, chocolate, nuts), my constant 5 head pain became more of a constant 2 head pain. This is made even better when fasting.
Additional symptoms have included increased bouts of dizziness, sunlight sensitivity every once in a while, and unusual tooth pain in my upper molars that seem to have no cause. Acetaminophen and phenylephrine together tend to help a bit. Ibuprofen tends to help as well. Nothing else seems to do much, unfortunately, and I try to stay away from pain meds as much as possible. The only medication I currently take is ezetimibe, for my cholesterol, and I started that about two years ago without incident or change in the head pain.
I've seen neurologists, ophthalmologists, otorhinolaryngologists, pain management specialists, dentists, vascular surgeons, neurovascular specialists, allergists, rheumatologists, a psychologist (just to make sure I wasn't imagining things), and even an acupuncturist. The most common answer I get is "I have no idea" and none have been able to come up with a diagnosis.
I tend to believe I have some sort of vascular disfunction - my vascular system is active in believing I am suffering from serious vasodilation (even though I am not) and the internal nerves within that system are sending pain signals to the brain. When something does cause vasodilation (like my dreaded enemy, apples), the system increases the pain signals to the brain by a lot. Maybe the heart healthy diet in late 2019, the statin drug, the weird infection I had battled, and the L-Arginine for my workouts (a major vasodilators amino acid) conspired to throw my vascular system out of whack and cause this whole mess to start.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Not a medical professional, though, and would love it if others could make suggestions that I could research and compare with my symptoms.
Thanks for reading. Cheers!

submitted by daggman209 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:16 sweetlavendarthighs worried I will die in my sleep (18f)

18f here. Father's side has a history of sleep apnea. my grandfather has a cpap & my dad snores loudly but refuses to do anything (yes I know, there is no arguing with him) when I was 5 years old, I had my tonsils removed due to severe snoring and I'm assuming sleep apnea symptoms. didn't snore for awhile. now the last year or 2 I've been snoring mildly loud. people around me say sometimes I cough but I don't really know more than that. I have severe health ocd/hypochondria. I am somewhat overweight (200lbs) and family has history of type 2 diabetes (I am not even in pre diabetes as of right now) I am so scared I am going to die before i can get treatment. my samsung watch says I have blood oxygen levels from 80-90% while I sleep and of course google tells me im already dead. some one help me rationalize. I am calling to get an appointment scheduled tomorrow.
submitted by sweetlavendarthighs to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:11 Faxtroid My personal view of Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy (2013 - 2018)

Hello everybody!
This is my first post here, hopefully all in line with this sub rules. It contains a some my own personal views of game industry at the begining and some touch on pirating too.
Also, before you continue to read, I want to stress that this is MY OPINION on this franchise and I did play it several times over in the past.
I love Tomb Raider Franchise. I used to play original Tomb Raider games and I had a lot of fun as a child that I was at that time(1999-2005). Then I absolutely forgot about TR franchise and went on with my life. Queue high school, my first laptop capable of running modern(at that time) games.. And 2013 was the year I realised that buying games on Steam is way more comfortable than running some first day release cracked version of any game. Even with paying for it full price with no income. To be fair... until then, pirating was the way for me. Now I have about 400 games in my online libraries. I am not trying to excuse myself, I know it is wrong to pirate and I am glad I stepped away from that. Since then, I have compiled list of games I played before and enjoyed very much so I can buy them in the future, whenever I have extra money.
I wish everyone would do it this way. Games you pirated, enjoyed and played a lot, buy them later!! Even though you probably won't be playing them anymore, it is the right thing to do.
Right now, I am about 3/4 way through buying all the games I played and enjoyed before I started to expand my online library. And there is still about 40 titles I will buy in the near future. But enough about my past, let's get to the core of this post.

Tomb Raider (2013)

While I don't put this game as one of my all time favourites, it has a lot of storybuilding for young Lara Croft. I was not really impressed with the game when I played it the first time. *This was about when I stopped skipping all the dialogues and cutscenes just so I can get to the gameplay stuff. I realised that some games rely on the story\*
While I wasn't complete fan of the "shake cam" cutscenes, I still kinda liked it, it felt "right" for this "survivor on the island" feel of the game. Puzzles are very simple, I personally can't imagine anyone not being able to complete all of them in any way, shape or form.
I would say combat was medicore at best, pretty much just basic filler for the story to progress.
This was the first game for me, that would include crazy sections of running/climbing for your life while everything around you is just going to sh*t. And I loved every moment of that. While I despise quicktime events, for this type of game it just didn't bother me. For those, who don't mind some graphical stuff, there is a lot (and I mean A LOT) of death scenes for Lara in those "run for your life" sections.
There are some clichés and stuf you will expect, but it is not that bad. While this game might be the "worst" from the trilogy franchise from gameplay perspective, I will recommend it to anyone, who would want to play any of the newer TR games. It just feels right to go all the way with these type of story driven games and start from the begining. And there is now Trilogy pack instead of buying it one by one.

Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015)

I bought it maybe half a year after release and this is when I really started to like this new franchise and couldn't wait for next game. Visuals were breathtaking for me at that time with brand new PC. \I was actually waiting to play this on new PC since I knew my old laptop couldn't let me enjoy the visuals in full glory** and I was so happy it can run well. Those icy mountains, icicles, all that stuff, it was just so eye candy for me I had to play it twice just ot get the story right because I was sometimes more interested in those visuals. While this franchise might be riddled with stereotypes and clichés, I did not mind. I just simply enjoyed the journey all the way.
In this game, cutscenes are better and you can see devs tried to expand on game mechanics from previous title. Mainly puzzles are mostly better(not so easy, bigger spaces), more stuff to explore, more lore through collectibles, crafting expanded, skills, etc.. For me, it was right direction for this franchise and they did pretty good job to keep it user friendly, while still engaging your brain with puzzles. Even though some would say that crafting and stuff like that has no place in Tomb Raider game, I didn't mind it at all. Supply shacks to unlock better gear was cool addition as fresh mechanic compared to the first game.
Combat felt slightly better, but still kinda like filler.
Run-away sections felt better, more crazy stuff happening, I'm all about it even though I know it is basically all "on rails". I don't mind it at all if it fits and it did for me for this game.
Endgame sequence(before boss) was kinda cool, I liked different mechanics and all the stuff you had to do to progress. It felt fresh compared to basic gameplay.
This second installment of the trilogy felt way better than the first. That is to be expected though. There is also buch of cheesy sterotypical clichés, expectable outcomes, just like in the first game.
But overall it is good game I would definitely recommend.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018)

I don't even know how to start with this one. Of course, at that time, eye candy all the way. I love games with great visuals. (for older games I always use Reshade with RTGI to give it new life)
The mythology, locations ... I wish I could play and discover all of that again for the first time. I don't know why, but Mayan and Aztec mythology just tickled my brain and I wanted to know more. Not just so I can better undesrand the plot of the game, but just for informational perspective. I wanted to learn more about it. I think this is the only game that made me look for information about the story or mythology behind the plot of the game.
Cutscenes were great. From my point of view, I was always looking forward to them. Introduction into the game was excelent(even though kinda cheesy) Later in the game you get more context to what actually happened leading to the begining of the game.
For cutscenes.. You just wait when Lara emerges from lake with wall of fire behind her, ready to kill on sight anyone and everyone, because of \stuff happened*...*
Puzzles? Better than both previous parts combined. (I wanna stress again, this is just my opinion, I enjoyed them way more than both previous games)
Young Lara at the Croft Manor? Loved this part. Pretty good puzzle. The best soundtrack I heard fitting the game scene ever. Still get goosebumps anytime I hear it. Same with the library. What a great soundrack this game has.(Search "Lara's Dream" on YT. Mainly that first part but gives you some feels...)
Combat felt even better then in ROTR, but I do believe there is still a lot to improve, mainly on enemy AI side. Bow is great and I rarely used anything else, maybe except boss fights.
Ending was kinda meh for me. I was looking for something more meaningful I guess, since it was ending of a trilogy, but we play games to have fun while playing the game, not for very satisfying ending (Even though it is always welcome)
As they are developing next installment of TR, i will look forward to it. Even if it doesn't meet my expectations, I am willing to get it on release, because they proved themselves to me with these 3 games.
I really hope Crystal Dynamics can keep it up and deliver even better game for the next release.
All three games have buch of DLC cosmetics as it is customary in this day and age. It is not required to have, I played all three games without ever changing any outfit (except when I had to in SOTR), but it is definitively not mandatory. This is the way I do like additional content to the game. You don't need it for the game, but you can have it if you want to support developers a bit more.
I had about 200 cool landscape screenshots from ROTR and SOTR cycling on my desktop as wallpaper for some time on one of my laptops. These games can look so good. A few times someone asked me "where is this photo from(on Earth)" before realising it is from a game.
Apparently ANYONE who loves Uncharted series games, WILL LOVE TOMB RAIDER SURVIVOR TRILOGY and also the other way around. And I am planing to get all Uncharted games I can on PC when I can.
So now, as you read through my opinion of these games, do you agree, or do you have different point of view? If you never played these games, why not? And if not, would you?
And for those who played it all, what do you expect from next TR game?
\**I personally am looking forward to even better and more complicated puzzles; and another interesting plot.****


I forgot to highlight underwater passages in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Pretty much new thing compared to previous games (There were some swimming sections in first game, some small diving in ROTR, but SOTR took it way further.)
submitted by Faxtroid to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:06 VegetableBuyer1558 Boyfriend was Baker Acted in Florida

Hello, posting this on a throwaway account. I’m very stressed about this and need advice. It’s late and I can’t call anyone right now. Friday night my boyfriend had a bad reaction to medication he was taking. He took some cough medicine which didn’t mix well with his antidepressants and essentially looked like he was having an OD. I called 911, they took him in an ambulance and was held at the hospital until Saturday. I was informed he had been Baker Acted. He doesn’t remember anything that happened that night but I know he did not try to hurt himself. Anyways, he was transferred on Saturday to a behavioral center. It seems unsafe, his health is deteriorating. It’s currently Sunday night. I visited him today with my mom and he hasn’t slept since he was placed there. I was told that he could maybe be released tomorrow but if not they will keep him until the 30th, 4 more days. A baker act is only supposed to last 72 hours which started at the hospital, meaning he should have been released today. They have been denying him his medication and he is going through withdrawals. They moved him in a room to sleep with 4 other people. They don’t turn off the lights for them to sleep. I looked at the reviews of this place and there is not a single positive one. All of them are one star and filled with people talking about how this place has hurt/traumatized their loved ones. On top of that my boyfriend was told by the psychiatrist that if he cannot pay the massive bill he has in his name they won’t release him. Not sure how true that is or if he heard wrong but this place is sketchy as hell and I’m worried they will try and trap him there. My family and I desperately want to help him but we don’t come from money and he doesn’t have insurance. I know he can get Medicaid but I don’t know is they even cover baker acts. I’m extremely stressed and worried that he’s going to be trapped there for longer than 72 hours and that I won’t be able to help him pay the huge bill. It’s my fault he is even in there and I just want him home. I’ll have to call some lawyers or the facility in the morning and see what I can do for him. If I could get some advice for now that would be extremely helpful and appreciated. I know going to Reddit is kind of stupid but I just need someone’s advice for my peace of mind. Thank you.
submitted by VegetableBuyer1558 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:05 Competitive_Pitch168 Septum 👎

So yesterday I went in to get my septum pierced and i guess I don’t have the right anatomy. My sweet spot is little to nothing with how my nose is built. I ended up getting a conch piercing I’m just bummed out I guess. Is there any piercings that I could get to maybe fill that hole of wanting a septum?
submitted by Competitive_Pitch168 to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:05 SeluniteDrow 24M - Bubbly Celt seeks enthusiastic connections

Chatty Irishman seeking someone who loves an engaging conversations and puts the effort in. A kind of conversation that just flows naturally from the get-go, just letting us talk about whatever pops up from the weird and wonderful to the strange and standard.
I'd say the people who know me often describe me as honest, earnest and comforting soul, someone that you can trust and also make you laugh through your nose. On the average day i'd say that I focus on working (I work in the tech industry so coding and networking are what i'm good at) as well as putting some dedicated time to the gym! So far i'm slowly getting to my goal of having a strong and healthy body but boba tea and bao buns have been my weakness My interests are far and between, i'm an avid hiker living next to a mountain and a few trails, openminded and experienced in yoga and meditation as well as therapy. This paired with some good audiobooks, horror stories or crime dramas and i'm gone for hours.
In terms of more recreational hobbies, I like reading and watching streams when I can't be bothered to get changed out of some sweats, playing some games on my custom built PC which has been a fun hardware hobby for me and doing a little bit of photography when i'm out hiking.
I'll get all my red flags out right now though
I play League of Legends
if that hasn't made you hate me then hurry up and say hello! Or just tell me your favourite Pokemon, cause who doesn't have one?
submitted by SeluniteDrow to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:05 SeluniteDrow 24M - Hiker seeking connections!

Chatty Irishman seeking someone who loves an engaging conversations and puts the effort in. A kind of conversation that just flows naturally from the get-go, just letting us talk about whatever pops up from the weird and wonderful to the strange and standard.
I'd say the people who know me often describe me as honest, earnest and comforting soul, someone that you can trust and also make you laugh through your nose. On the average day i'd say that I focus on working (I work in the tech industry so coding and networking are what i'm good at) as well as putting some dedicated time to the gym! So far i'm slowly getting to my goal of having a strong and healthy body but boba tea and bao buns have been my weakness My interests are far and between, i'm an avid hiker living next to a mountain and a few trails, openminded and experienced in yoga and meditation as well as therapy. This paired with some good audiobooks, horror stories or crime dramas and i'm gone for hours.
In terms of more recreational hobbies, I like reading and watching streams when I can't be bothered to get changed out of some sweats, playing some games on my custom built PC which has been a fun hardware hobby for me and doing a little bit of photography when i'm out hiking.
I'll get all my red flags out right now though
I play League of Legends
if that hasn't made you hate me then hurry up and say hello! Or just tell me your favourite Pokemon, cause who doesn't have one?
submitted by SeluniteDrow to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:05 SeluniteDrow 24M - Bubbly Celt seeks enthusiastic connections

Chatty Irishman seeking someone who loves an engaging conversations and puts the effort in. A kind of conversation that just flows naturally from the get-go, just letting us talk about whatever pops up from the weird and wonderful to the strange and standard.
I'd say the people who know me often describe me as honest, earnest and comforting soul, someone that you can trust and also make you laugh through your nose. On the average day i'd say that I focus on working (I work in the tech industry so coding and networking are what i'm good at) as well as putting some dedicated time to the gym! So far i'm slowly getting to my goal of having a strong and healthy body but boba tea and bao buns have been my weakness My interests are far and between, i'm an avid hiker living next to a mountain and a few trails, openminded and experienced in yoga and meditation as well as therapy. This paired with some good audiobooks, horror stories or crime dramas and i'm gone for hours.
In terms of more recreational hobbies, I like reading and watching streams when I can't be bothered to get changed out of some sweats, playing some games on my custom built PC which has been a fun hardware hobby for me and doing a little bit of photography when i'm out hiking.
I'll get all my red flags out right now though
I play League of Legends
if that hasn't made you hate me then hurry up and say hello! Or just tell me your favourite Pokemon, cause who doesn't have one?
submitted by SeluniteDrow to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:05 SeluniteDrow 24[M4R] Ireland / Anywhere - Bubbly Celt seeks enthusiastic connections

Chatty Irishman seeking someone who loves an engaging conversations and puts the effort in. A kind of conversation that just flows naturally from the get-go, just letting us talk about whatever pops up from the weird and wonderful to the strange and standard.
I'd say the people who know me often describe me as honest, earnest and comforting soul, someone that you can trust and also make you laugh through your nose. On the average day i'd say that I focus on working (I work in the tech industry so coding and networking are what i'm good at) as well as putting some dedicated time to the gym! So far i'm slowly getting to my goal of having a strong and healthy body but boba tea and bao buns have been my weakness My interests are far and between, i'm an avid hiker living next to a mountain and a few trails, openminded and experienced in yoga and meditation as well as therapy. This paired with some good audiobooks, horror stories or crime dramas and i'm gone for hours.
In terms of more recreational hobbies, I like reading and watching streams when I can't be bothered to get changed out of some sweats, playing some games on my custom built PC which has been a fun hardware hobby for me and doing a little bit of photography when i'm out hiking.
I'll get all my red flags out right now though
I play League of Legends
if that hasn't made you hate me then hurry up and say hello! Or just tell me your favourite Pokemon, cause who doesn't have one?
submitted by SeluniteDrow to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:58 taehyungtae_ Is the Eucerin oil control drying?

Eucerin's spfs are on sale right now and I want to try one of them and I know the "oil control" is veryyy popular but I have combo skin. My forehead and nose are oily but my cheeks are dry & sensitive so I'm worried this sunscreen will make my skin look even drier. Does anyone with similar skin type as me use this without problems or do you have an alternative suggestion?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by taehyungtae_ to EuroSkincare [link] [comments]