How to hack a high school intercom system

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2009.10.29 18:32 ucslug Law School Subreddit

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2011.05.08 16:02 MrRabbit Reddit for Grownups

This is a community for Redditors that are starting to get that "get off my lawn" feeling whenever they check their front page. So come in, have some fun, and enjoy the Reddit discussions that you remember from years past.

2019.04.18 07:27 Comrox Life After School

Discuss life after college, high school, university, etc., such as the social, emotional, career, and overall lifestyle transition and challenges after graduation.

2024.05.15 02:08 Sintered_Monkey Second long layoff from running and just don't seem to make any progress this time.

I started running when I was 13. I was bad. I mean really, really, really bad when I started. DFL in every race and time trial. But over the years, persistence and volume paid off, and by the time I was a senior in high school, I had ok-but-not-outstanding PRs of 4:33, 9:58, and 15:27 for 1, 2, and 3 miles. I became an ok-but-constantly-injured D3 runner and finally had one final (so I thought) injury that ended running for me when I was 20 or 21.
I didn't run a step for many years, but got into cycling and mountain bike racing, so I was pretty fit in the off years. I started running again at age 34 (I think,) when I found out that my "permanent" injury had healed itself. So that first layoff from running was about 12-14 years, I guess. I was kind of amazed at how quickly running came back to me once I got the feel of it again. Of course I started off wheezing and hobbling, but efficiency just sort of came back with volume. Then I was able to run 50 mpw again, then 70 mpw. When I could finally run sub-17 for 5k again, I was ecstatic. In the years between ages 34 and 42, I ran some very high volume (80-100 when peaking for marathons,) and ran a 2:43 marathon a few days before turning 40 and 1:18 for the half after turning 40.
Then I got another "permanent" injury at 42. I figured "oh well, back to cycling," and it has been another 14 year layoff from running, as I'm now 56. At this point, running and cycling are the two permanent things in my life. My emphasis on one or the other depends on injury status and location mostly. I move around a lot for work, and if one location is better than another for cycling or running, I just gravitate towards that sport. In addition, I really enjoy trail running these days, as there is a very thin line between "trail running" and "walking." I am now pretty immersed in cycling and compete in road fondos, gravel races, and mountain bike marathon-type events. I am pretty crappy at all of them unless they are super-hilly and involve a lot of climbing.
I still "run" a little these days, sometimes as much as 20 miles in a week, sometimes 0. It's all mixed in with cycling. The running is a mix of running and walking, or "Jeffing" as it's called these days. I am very careful to not start too fast and to monitor my perceived effort. I might average 10 minutes per mile when I'm running, but there is so much walking mixed in that I typically average 12-15 minutes per mile. The weird thing is that, at this age, my groove just doesn't come back. The efficiency and fluidity, it's just gone. It's all just wheezing, shuffling, and walk breaks. The efficiency and the "flow" just never seem to come back at all these days, no matter how much I slow down and work on my base fitness. I know that I'm just old, but there are 60 year olds knocking out sub 1:20 and sub 2:50, and I just can't fathom how they get there.
submitted by Sintered_Monkey to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:08 shegel Ping Pong and Scrubs

This isn't strictly fighting game related, though it was an event that made me realize how much fighting games have altered my mindset towards games. If you'll bear with me for a second, I promise I'll bring it back to a more relevant place by the end.
My parents have a ping pong table in their back yard, and my boyfriend and I have started making use of it. We both suck, of course, but we've been getting a lot better. I win most of the time we play, but that's mostly because he's pretty inconsistent--he's always trying to get really good hits on the ball, generally going for hard-hit top-spin at every opportunity, which leads to him missing the table/ball some of the time. Meanwhile, I'm really just consistent at returning the ball, though very rarely with any force/spin, and often will just lose when he's having a good game because his peak skill is way higher than mine. The only real trick up my sleeve is that I can spike the ball when he gives me the chance to do so, which in a lot of our games is the only thing that actually makes me win because I can at least punish him when he finally cracks and gets a bad hit.
Anyway, we were playing last night after having dinner with my parents, and both my parents came out to watch. It was going well, a pretty close game, when there came a decently long rally. My bf was just positively wailing on the ball, while I was barely hanging on, making a few pretty tough returns consecutively, and somehow managing to last until my boyfriend messed up and arced the ball high over the net, bouncing it up enough for me to spike it and win the point. I was pretty proud of myself, but my dad took issue with it and told me I shouldn't have spiked the ball. He was kind of long winded about it because that's just how he is, but his main points were more or less that spiking the ball is cheap, long rallies are the coolest part of table tennis, and some people wouldn't play with me if I did things like that too often.
I guess I just thought this was really comically similar to a lot of fighting game discourse, particularly from scrubbier players. It made me think about the way people tend to fix upon this one aspect of a game--volleys/rallies in table tennis, and of course neutral in fighting games--as the "real" version of the game, which all other aspects are just an impediment towards reaching. And it made me kind of re-realize just how scrubby most people naturally are. I had a pretty bad attitude towards games prior to playing fighting games, which I've generally thought of as some moral failing on my part. And, while maybe that's some of it, I think there's also just something systemic in the way we talk about and appreciate and play games from a young age that create weird ideas of what it means to play fair--namely, you're not supposed to do things that are hard to deal with. And, of course, I'm not saying you should throw overhand when playing against your little cousin in whiffle ball, and telling the adults not to bunt when there aren't enough players to have a catcher makes perfect sense, but at the same time, most games are more fun if you play them by the rules and allow the cheap shit, and learn to adapt to it over time. Sure, it means I'm probably going to win in ping pong for the foreseeable future, but, with the way things are going, my boyfriend will be destroying me by the end of the summer no matter how many times I spike it.
To round out the story: I went on to win that first game of ping pong after the spike. Then, during the second game, we had a really similar rally that ended with me spiking it. Except, this time, it didn't actually end. My boyfriend managed to react in time and return it while I was off balance, winning him the point. I don't think my dad appreciated how poetic it was, but my boyfriend sure did. (He still lost though that game though, lol)
submitted by shegel to Fighters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:07 Aenimalist first time judge session reports for The Portal Under the Stars

tldr: I ran The Portal for some friends, and we all had a good time. I'd call it successful because we had three characters out of 16 survive, one for each person playing, but they didn't get through everything. Could I have motivated better problem solving and a thirst for more exploration?
Background: Last year I fell in love with DCC after reading about it here and elsewhere. I bought a couple bundles and I convinced my friends to let me run it for an impromptu in-person session about a month ago, (We're all in our 40s and in other games so finding time to play is always going to be tricky.) We were all hanging out with them visiting for the weekend, and the DCC rulebook caught my friends eye. Since I had wanted to judge it, I suggested we try it out on their final night in town, and printed out five 0-level four member character sheets from Purple Sorcerer. There were three players, so my plan was to control two(!) of the 0 level sheets as 8 NPCs.
Session 0: This was done right before the first session, so maybe it doesn't count. I did go over how this game wasn't 5e, being less heroic, more deadly, and that the funnel was a way to play the game during the character creation process,
Spoilers follow for The Portal Under the Stars
Session 1: I had them each have a character named Roberts, with "Oldman Roberts" being their weird uncle, telling them about the Empty Star, the portal, and the riches that presumably lied within. They stopped at the town's single pub, gathered the crew, and headed for the portal. Once there, they spent impatiently picked the lock with a "lucky" roll, frying a promising character and setting the tone.
Three more got killed by the spear throwers, including an NPC with 18 intelligence, my bad. Finally, the falconer of the group sent her hawk through, trigging the last spear with no damage. So far I felt okay about how things were going, as they were starting to think laterally. However, nobody picked up the spears or armor until I had some of my NPCs do it.
The large statue room proved to be equally as deadly. The most intrepid of the party were spared, as they were standing under the giant statue, investigating it, when the first PC decided to leave the room, getting instantly BBQed. Another party member sent in her dog, which got fried, but then she got killed after she collapsed in grief beside it. A couple characters dashed through while the statue burned the others, and one genius player did think to pry off the entrance door and use it as a shield, but still four characters and the dog lied burned on the floor by the time the statue ran out of charges. I felt a little bad, since the death toll was already at eight with the judge's dice coming up badly for the PCs nearly every time. Now that I write this, it also seems that I gave the statue six charges instead of five. Oops.
The characters that had gone through the eastern door noped out of there when they saw the bone piles, and we ended up with three PCs following an NPC through the north door. Here's where I made another mistake. Since it had been some time since I had sent the NPC north, I decided that he had picked a fight with the crystal men and been killed. The PCs came in to see the crystal men all standing around the dead NPC and his torch. They took the wrong lesson that a fight was inevitable and immediately attacked. Amazingly, one PC felled two crystal men on his own, but the other two were brought down. With four crystal men still closing in on the last PC in the room we called it a night.
Session 2: About a month later we were able to meet virtually to finish things off, with me gifting the four remaining surviving NPCs to the players. Since I realized that I hadn't emphasized the importance of using luck, I retconned the last room, allowing one PC with a high luck score another chance to trip one of the crystal men with his staff. He succeeded this time with a modest luck burn. The players had figured out the light attraction by then, but refused to metagame, and the selfish PC who figured things out, Stealin' Roberts, refused to tell the others. I suppose this was consistent with his chaotic alignment, so one crystal man did follow them into the Strategy room, falling down the stairs. Three of the PCs finished off the stalker, found the silver figurine treasure, and things were finally looking up for the treasure hunters.
At last, they had made their way into the clay army room. The trailblazing PC wisely turned tail upon seeing the advancing army, going back to smash all of the clay figurines in the strategy room. Not bad thinking, but nope, the warlord wasn't dumb enough to set up a weakness like that. This showed the party how slow the clay soldiers were, as he had plenty of time to do it, but two of them still decided to test the statues' metal. They were quickly skewered by the surprisingly sharp clay spears. The remaining PC in the room ran away and hid in the Gazing Pool room for a few rounds, cowering in terror behind a column.
Meanwhile, one PC made his way through the hallway west of the Monument Hall, cautiously opening the door to the Scrying chamber. SSisssuraaaggg didn't care how cautious he was, the PC lost initiative, and died in one bite. So much for that room.
Three other PCs made their way into the Cheiftains' Burial room, and made short work of the seven skulls with only five points of luck burned. Still, one skull did manage to kill a PC in a single calf chomp. The PC in the Gazing Pool room grew tired of hiding in the dark and groped his way to the burial chamber, so unfortunately nobody witnessed the army fall into chaos after the generals' skulls were smashed. The three reunited survivors looted the chamber and hightailed it out of the tomb, happy to survive.
I couldn't argue with their decision to survive, and I plan to award a luck point to the neutral alignment PC who suggested leaving, but it was certainly anticlimactic! I feel like the scenario is flawed in this aspect. Could I or should I have motivated the players to stay for a little longer? They never really tried to figure out why the place existed in the first place. Leaving was very consistent with the old-school mentality, but maybe not so consistent with the funnel spirit. This scenario was harder than I thought, I even skipped "attacks of opportunity" on retreating PCs to lower the difficulty a bit.
Lesson learned - my snap decision of having 8 NPCs caused problems. The players kept trying to force the NPCs ahead, etc, and it was too much for me to judge my first session while controlling 8 NPCs. Although the players did end up needing the extra spear fodder and that worked out, I should have instead just adjusted the difficulty of the scenario down a little by reducing the number of spear throwers, the number of flame thrower charges, etc.
submitted by Aenimalist to dccrpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:04 Liv1215 Idek what to do with my life anymore

Everything is just too fucking much for me to handle. I can’t get a job cause I can’t find anyone to hire me like ppl get jobs everyday but I can’t. I literally can’t even deal with this anymore I’ve applied to everywhere in my area and got nothing be declines when I’m literally qualified for the job. Then graduation is coming up and ofc drama my grandma said I can’t believe I betrayed here and treat her like this. Wtf do u mean I worked for her and waste a bunch of money on gas to work and waste my Saturdays working instead of doing fun stuff. Like it makes no sense just cause I can’t deal with the stress and my mom is having a fucking procedure and she doesn’t even fucking care. My family treats me like absolute garbage and goes and talks trash about us and treats my mother like shit I have no words for them. My grandma has me so fucking upset I don’t even wanna go to my fucking graduation after working my ass off to get out of there. I’m already fucking depressed asf debating whether I should just end my life already and make it easier for everyone. No one understands how fucking hard it is to be me it’s fucking mentally draining and no one gives a fuck. Then my mom has been arguing with me about fucking college she wants me to go to community college but I want to go to university. Idk what to fucking do like it’s so much for me that I don’t even wanna go anymore cause I’m become so overwhelmed and stressed out. Idk what I’m going to do I don’t think I can afford university cause I don’t have a job and no one can pay for it but I want to leave where I live so bad. I hate where I currently live it honestly sucks I don’t have friends, I don’t have anyone tbh besides my mom and sister. I just feel like staying at home isn’t going to help me focus on school and be productive. I get community college is cheaper and I could start my career faster but like I would probably want to go back to school anyways for my bachelors. This is just too much like I’m debating the pros and cons and they’re both evening out the same. If I go to university I start June 3 and if I go to community college I don’t give up my summer for school. I just wish I had someone to actually help me cause I’m a first generation high school grad and first to go to college.
submitted by Liv1215 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:04 VeterinarianLoud9758 Cleaning with Depression

I’m a junior in college and I live at home with my parents. This is terrible, but I honestly don’t think I’ve fully cleaned my bedroom since I graduated high school. I have depression and anxiety, as well as the stress of school and working 2 part time jobs. I’ve started to clean several times but eventually lose steam and it just gets messy again. I’m honestly too embarrassed to share pictures, but I’ve always struggled to keep a clean room and this is probably the worst it’s ever been. Honestly, you can’t even see the floor in most places and the door doesn’t open all the way. My mom has offered to help but I feel like she criticizes me every time she does and realizes how bad it is.
I think I have some hoarding tendencies as well which is part of the problem. I shop as temporary relief for stress and depression and have trouble getting rid of things, so it piles up. I tend to get really attached to stuff, especially if a loved one gave it to me.
Even when my mental health is relatively good, when I think about cleaning it feels so overwhelming. If I start and anyone makes any kind of comment about it, even good job etc, I lose all motivation and can’t keep going and I’m not sure why.
It’s really scary for me to post this, I’ve been hiding it from everyone except my immediate family, and I’d hide it from them if I could, too. But I need non-judgmental help. If you have advice, words of support, etc it would be really helpful.
submitted by VeterinarianLoud9758 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:04 Pleasant-Elephant404 how do i start?

hey all. i really need advice on how to start my journey. 23f, 5'4, 220 pounds. ive been overweight my whole life and have always had an unstable relationship with food. my highest weight in high school was 200 pounds, and i lost 50 pounds healthily within the course of a year and 6 months. after reaching my lowest weight ever, i decided to push it even more, and it became very unhealthy; following a diet where i was eating 200 calories a day. i lost 15 pounds in a month, and, naturally, put that 15 pounds right back on the next month. i then continued to rapidly gain weight and went up to 220 pounds over the course of a year. i had binge and purge phases, as well as restrictive phases. i have been slowly repairing my relationship with food, and binge much less now than i used to. although its not perfect, i have been maintaining my weight at 220 pounds for a year. im now at the point where i want to be, and feel, healthier, without nearly as much pressure on the end goal of just "be skinny." but, i dont know where to start, as im not confident id be able to avoid any of my disordered eating habits that crop up anytime i try to lose weight. any advice would be appreciated. thank you!!
TLDR: ive struggled with being overweight my whole life, as well as disordered eating. i want to lose weight in a healthy way without relapsing, and id love some advice! thank you
submitted by Pleasant-Elephant404 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:03 stinky7766 My mother is a horrible person but I LOVE vacations

My mother is a severely mentally ill woman. She loves me i think and she has done so much for us, always had food for us, taken care for us in a financial sense, really gone above and beyond etc . etc. I love her too. But her uncontrollable anger and inability to show even basic affection has ruined my childhood and a part of me will always hate for her that.
She beat me for no reason all my life while basically just ignoring me emotionally. I've never had an actual conversation with her in my life. It's either just to-the-point information exchange or screaming and crying. When I try to talk to her she tells me to leave her alone. I live with her currently as I'm a high school senior.
My relationship with my mother is obviously extremely volatile. There is a fixed pattern to it. We will have a partially normal cordial relationship for a while. My mother is not affectionate during these times she is just not overtly cruel. Soon she will do something cruel, or something she does reminds me of the horrible mother she has been. And my hatred for her returns in full force, no matter how much I try to love her. I usually lose my mind around these times, because I cant deal with the fact that she doesn't even wish to apologize, or doesnt even realise that she is such a shitty mother. I get really paranoid and sad, and dont leave my room to avoid her. My parents calm me down. I forgive her believing she can be better. My mom suppresses her horrible personality for a while for my sake, and then a month later this repeats.
Recently I gave the biggest exam of my life. An exam you prepare a year for. One that defines your future. I did really well fortunately! Really truly well. So many people were around me congratulating me, a year of hard work paid off, I was ecstatic! I was ranked 5th in a group of over 200. It was one of the most significant days of my life. On this day, my mother came to me, bragged about how her students( she's a teacher) got such amazing scores(in an exam out of 500 they got 4 marks more than me), told me she wished I'd gotten a higher score, then left. That's everything she had to say. I prepared for this for an year, blood, sweat and tears. I broke down in tears because I realised she will never be pleased with me. My mom obviously attacked me ferociously for being weak. She said she shouldnt have to 'act' like she's proud. My father tried to manipulate me, saying its alright for my mother to say that, as he's sure I myself wished for a higher score. I've been a mess the past couple days, after this incident. My mom, on the other hand, has been bragging about my score to anyone who'll listen.
I hate both my parents for what they've done and said over the years, and cant imagine forgiving them anytime soon, but we were planning a vacation next month. After everything that went down a few days ago, I've been avoiding both of them. I dont feel like talking to them ever again. But I keep thinking, theyve already done so much shit to me, maybe I should just swallow my pride, tell them i forgive them, still avoid them as much as I can, and atleast get a vacation out of it. If I keep avoiding talking to them we probably wont go, and I really was looking forward to it. I know i'll enjoy hanging out with my sister of vacation even if my parents are there. Most of my friends spend June with their families as it's the summer break in my country, and I'll get horribly lonely at home. I dont even care if its selfish, the only thing that bothers me is that I truly believe they should suffer and feel guilt. But I dont think they really feel any guilt as of now anyway. What do you guys think I should do?? Let me know
submitted by stinky7766 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:03 Grand_Re Creating tags depending on text found in column.

Hi there! I'm pretty new to excel and I've run into a problem when trying to figure out a function to print appropriate tags depending on words in a column.
In this case, I'm trying to add tags(column Q) depending on the words in the B column. E.g. High School Library would produce the tags: High School, School, Library.
I have tried using =IF and =ISNUMBER etc but I have difficulty understanding how to add other conditions to the function.
Does anyone have any idea of what functions would be best for doing this or could produce a function for my case?
Thank you!
submitted by Grand_Re to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:03 Liv1215 Idek what to do with my life anymore

Everything is just too fucking much for me to handle. I can’t get a job cause I can’t find anyone to hire me like ppl get jobs everyday but I can’t. I literally can’t even deal with this anymore I’ve applied to everywhere in my area and got nothing be declines when I’m literally qualified for the job. Then graduation is coming up and ofc drama my grandma said I can’t believe I betrayed here and treat her like this. Wtf do u mean I worked for her and waste a bunch of money on gas to work and waste my Saturdays working instead of doing fun stuff. Like it makes no sense just cause I can’t deal with the stress and my mom is having a fucking procedure and she doesn’t even fucking care. My family treats me like absolute garbage and goes and talks trash about us and treats my mother like shit I have no words for them. My grandma has me so fucking upset I don’t even wanna go to my fucking graduation after working my ass off to get out of there. I’m already fucking depressed asf debating whether I should just end my life already and make it easier for everyone. No one understands how fucking hard it is to be me it’s fucking mentally draining and no one gives a fuck. Then my mom has been arguing with me about fucking college she wants me to go to community college but I want to go to university. Idk what to fucking do like it’s so much for me that I don’t even wanna go anymore cause I’m become so overwhelmed and stressed out. Idk what I’m going to do I don’t think I can afford university cause I don’t have a job and no one can pay for it but I want to leave where I live so bad. I hate where I currently live it honestly sucks I don’t have friends, I don’t have anyone tbh besides my mom and sister. I just feel like staying at home isn’t going to help me focus on school and be productive. I get community college is cheaper and I could start my career faster but like I would probably want to go back to school anyways for my bachelors. This is just too much like I’m debating the pros and cons and they’re both evening out the same. If I go to university I start June 3 and if I go to community college I don’t give up my summer for school. I just wish I had someone to actually help me cause I’m a first generation high school grad and first to go to college.
submitted by Liv1215 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:02 Liv1215 Idek what to do with my life anymore

Everything is just too fucking much for me to handle. I can’t get a job cause I can’t find anyone to hire me like ppl get jobs everyday but I can’t. I literally can’t even deal with this anymore I’ve applied to everywhere in my area and got nothing be declines when I’m literally qualified for the job. Then graduation is coming up and ofc drama my grandma said I can’t believe I betrayed here and treat her like this. Wtf do u mean I worked for her and waste a bunch of money on gas to work and waste my Saturdays working instead of doing fun stuff. Like it makes no sense just cause I can’t deal with the stress and my mom is having a fucking procedure and she doesn’t even fucking care. My family treats me like absolute garbage and goes and talks trash about us and treats my mother like shit I have no words for them. My grandma has me so fucking upset I don’t even wanna go to my fucking graduation after working my ass off to get out of there. I’m already fucking depressed asf debating whether I should just end my life already and make it easier for everyone. No one understands how fucking hard it is to be me it’s fucking mentally draining and no one gives a fuck. Then my mom has been arguing with me about fucking college she wants me to go to community college but I want to go to university. Idk what to fucking do like it’s so much for me that I don’t even wanna go anymore cause I’m become so overwhelmed and stressed out. Idk what I’m going to do I don’t think I can afford university cause I don’t have a job and no one can pay for it but I want to leave where I live so bad. I hate where I currently live it honestly sucks I don’t have friends, I don’t have anyone tbh besides my mom and sister. I just feel like staying at home isn’t going to help me focus on school and be productive. I get community college is cheaper and I could start my career faster but like I would probably want to go back to school anyways for my bachelors. This is just too much like I’m debating the pros and cons and they’re both evening out the same. If I go to university I start June 3 and if I go to community college I don’t give up my summer for school. I just wish I had someone to actually help me cause I’m a first generation high school grad and first to go to college.
submitted by Liv1215 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:01 Dizzy_Activity_9755 this is how i (20f) with serious physical problems and psychic was rejected in every hospital and am now cured.

Just a little back story: I walked around with intense fear and anxiety, stomach pains, intens pain when meanstruating, pannic attacs, nausea, fatigue, feeling weak, and inflammations dayly for a total of 6 years. I cant go to school for 2,5 years. i have been to 3 different psychologists in the last 5 years. and in the last year a psychiatrist. This year i have been to 8 different doctors. none of them could help me, and was not taken seriously. And was put on long waiting lists. And now i am cured.
Now you must be wondering how I got cured and what my diagnosis is
after the last doctor i've been in the hospital. who say to me that they couldn't help me. I myself went looking for a doctor specialized in hormones and medicine. I came across a clinic that conducts research into hormones and how the body works when they don't work properly. I contacted the clinic, and they said she would like to do some research. the only problem is you had to pay yourself because it is not funded by health care. and it's on the other side of the country. I live in the Netherlands so that's not too bad. we had to drive about 3 hours. the doctors at the clinic were amazed at the medicines the hospital had prescribed, and the lack of care. my body was exhausted and weak. After doing some tests for which I had to wait several weeks for the lab. we had a diagnosis. eventually the test showed that I have inflamed intestinal wall for years. cortisols are broken down and produced there that part no longer worked. That explains my intens fear and anxiety. it also ensures the absorption of food. that explains my body is underweight. my body was on survival. all my energy goes to the inflammation in my body. I had extreme exhaustion symptoms. So I got some blood tests done. i have a severe allergy to gluten peanuts, tree nuts, seeds and soy. After we had some more research done i was diagnosed with celiac disease. 2,5 years a go i was on 3 antibiotics because of a serieus infection. Because of that is my imume system was damaged and that started my issues.
I was sent home with a box filled with medicene. And begon taking the pills i had 7 different things a day. i felt alot better after a couple of months. and must take the medicene for 4 months total. And i started to heal, i am now 1 year later and living my best life i going out. And meet allot new people i have a social life again. I feeling happy and i dont feel any anxiety anymore. Maybe my story can help somebody out here who struggle with the same :)
submitted by Dizzy_Activity_9755 to u/Dizzy_Activity_9755 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:01 Purple-Insurance-962 Odd problem?

I’m an early 20s male, may not be relevant but for a little background, I have been very depressed for nearly my whole life, very traumatic childhood and such, first person in my family to graduate high school, and I’ve always been very smart and athletic and all that. but I’ve never really talked about it, and never let it affect my life on the outside, I’ve had a few good relationships and been pretty normal, but where I am currently struggling is I can’t seem to feel fulfilled by my accomplishments, I guess a lot of people would call me an over achiever because I’ve accomplished a few very very difficult things throughout my life so far, but none of them feel fulfilling but it’s for an odd reason I have consistently chosen the hardest path I can take, difficult schools, highly competitive activities, and I always seem to succeed nomatter how hard the thing I’m doing is, but only barely, I feel as tho I could attend the hardest school on the planet and just scrape by, but still do it no matter the difficulty. And it has always been like this, I would get the highest test scores in high school on almost everything but I graduated with a 2.0 gpa because I found the bare minimum I could do and I did it, I then attended a military school which is one of the hardest in the world, and I succeeded but just barely, I know I could’ve done better but again I found the bare minimum and scraped by, it’s like no matter what I do, I’ll find a way to make it but I refuse to push myself to my full potential no matter how hard I try, I’ve heard the “if only you would apply yourself” a thousand times, and the thing is I’m currently on track to have a great career but I just always feel pissed off at myself knowing I have the ability to do better but my brain won’t let me. The main problem is that I can rise to just about any challenge, but I will literally put the bare minimum effort in to get by and succeed, so I keep finding harder and harder things to do in order to push myself, and I keep succeeding but because I do the bare minimum each time, I’m never truly happy with myself no matter how great the achievement simply because I know I didn’t push myself like I know I have the ability to. And I feel guilty for feeling like this sometimes because I know that there are others who worked so much harder than me at some of the things I have achieved and they never made it. Anyone else have any similar feelings?
submitted by Purple-Insurance-962 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 Obvious_Intention302 I've lost hope in life because I missed out on my coming of age years.

I keep hearing how critical it is to have good friends in your adolescence because that's where you learn to be independent and develop the social skills you'll need for the rest of your life, but it’s too late for me to have that. I tried to fit in with other kids but they mostly thought I was weird because I’m autistic, so I was bullied and left out a lot. I never really had a group to do anything with outside of school and I don’t think I can stand knowing that everyone else gets to enjoy their coming of age years when I couldn’t. I never got to go out to a movie with friends or have sleepovers or go on trips together, and I missed out on every important milestone of my life. I never got to celebrate with friends on my birthday or when I graduated high school, or have fun at summer camp or anything like that. It really makes me angry to look back at my old yearbooks and see how much fun all the normal kids were having.
I ended up dropping out of college and my family made me move with them to an isolated area and my family is forcing me to live with them, and they treat me like I’ll never be able to work, and I have no real means of getting out of this area other than running away. Even besides that, I feel I missed out too much on life since I’ll never know how it feels to be a normal teen and growing up feeling like people care about you or that you have a future. I think what I want more than anything is to get those years back and if I can’t then I think I would rather die than get any older.
submitted by Obvious_Intention302 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:58 Internal_Low_6181 Modern Education Doesn't Prepare Kids For The Real World

Wouldn’t it have been great if you learned financial literacy or entrepreneurship in school?
Maybe some basic tax knowledge, negotiation skills, or even public speaking.
Instead, you learned all about atoms and algebra.
But, the periodic table isn’t that helpful in our adult lives.
And the lack of real-world topics leaves us all woefully unprepared for our futures.
This failure has led to record-high wealth, achievement, and happiness inequality around the world.
That’s where Kidpreneurs comes in…
What Is Kidpreneurs?
Kidpreneurs is a breakthrough approach to raising your children so they grow up emotionally strong, resilient, and creative......all while ~reducing their social media time~ and helping them discover a passion for learning. They’ll develop life changing skills allowing them to:
✅ Think critically…
✅ Solve difficult problems…
✅ Communicate effectively…
✅ And build a healthy self-esteem...
Allowing them to become fearless, thriving kids in school today...
And go onto excel at high school, college, their first job and beyond.
We achieve this by teaching them the basic principles of Entrepreneurship...
By providing them with a fun and interactive experience they can go through at their own pace...
Then showing them how to apply it in the real-world by starting their own "mini business"
As a result, in the next 28 days...
They'll develop new skills most kids won't learn until years later...
Enabling them to confidently pursue their goals...
And inspire them to discover their unique gifts and talents, conquer adversity, and overflow with confidence.
In short: They'll become KIDPRENEURS! learn more click here
submitted by Internal_Low_6181 to Kidpreneurs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:57 Fit_Doubt_5275 How to become a high school teacher without doing con-ed

How can I become a highschool teacher without doing the con ed program? I know I need two teachables for teachers college, how would I get these? Can I go to teachers college with a degree in forensic psych?
submitted by Fit_Doubt_5275 to OntarioUniversities [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:57 Internal_Low_6181 Modern Education Doesn't Prepare Kids For The Real World

Wouldn’t it have been great if you learned financial literacy or entrepreneurship in school?
Maybe some basic tax knowledge, negotiation skills, or even public speaking.
Instead, you learned all about atoms and algebra.
But, the periodic table isn’t that helpful in our adult lives.
And the lack of real-world topics leaves us all woefully unprepared for our futures.
This failure has led to record-high wealth, achievement, and happiness inequality around the world.
That’s where Kidpreneurs comes in…
What Is Kidpreneurs?
Kidpreneurs is a breakthrough approach to raising your children so they grow up emotionally strong, resilient, and creative......all while ~reducing their social media time~ and helping them discover a passion for learning. They’ll develop life changing skills allowing them to:
✅ Think critically…
✅ Solve difficult problems…
✅ Communicate effectively…
✅ And build a healthy self-esteem...
Allowing them to become fearless, thriving kids in school today...
And go onto excel at high school, college, their first job and beyond.
We achieve this by teaching them the basic principles of Entrepreneurship...
By providing them with a fun and interactive experience they can go through at their own pace...
Then showing them how to apply it in the real-world by starting their own "mini business"
As a result, in the next 28 days...
They'll develop new skills most kids won't learn until years later...
Enabling them to confidently pursue their goals...
And inspire them to discover their unique gifts and talents, conquer adversity, and overflow with confidence.
In short: They'll become KIDPRENEURS! learn more click here
submitted by Internal_Low_6181 to WGU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:55 Senior_Peach_6071 Finance education topics for high schoolers?

What topics do you think 16-18 year olds should be taught about financial literacy/personal finance/ consumer math? What do you wish you had known coming out of high school?
Any finance/economics books you consider must-reads for high schoolers?
To kick things off, a few topics I consider necessary are budgeting, investing, and taxes (how to fill out tax forms, how to file taxes, etc). Consumer math topics like how to find unit price at the store, how to calculate the rule of 72, and compound interest. And one book already on my list is the Psychology of Money.
submitted by Senior_Peach_6071 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:53 Individual-Worry762 Life and school advice

Hi! I’ve never really posted on here so I’m sorry if this isn’t done well.
Lately I’ve felt happier and more confident in myself than I have in months, probably close to half a year. I’ve also realized how amazing of a support system I have in my friends and family, that the people around me have full faith in me to do my best and mean well in everything I do. Most importantly that these are people who are happy to pick me up when I’m in the depths of it. My life has changed a lot in the last couple months, the first major positive changes I’ve made since I turned 18 and started my adult life (I’m f20 now).
Considering that I have an amazing support system and am ready to make major changes in my life, I’ve really been considering colleges out of state. How do I know I’m ready for that major of change? I’m getting my associates in psychology after this summer, want to go somewhere with a college town but not a party school, probably graduating with somewhere around a 3.4GPA from a great community college. Are there any schools y’all would recommend? I’m honestly just looking for any advice at all because I have no idea what I’m doing
submitted by Individual-Worry762 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:51 Limp_Researcher_5523 I started Lux: A Texas Reckoners novel, a few days ago

It’s been a while since I finished the main Reckoners trilogy and I just now managed to listen to Lux on Audible thanks to a free credit I got. I’m enjoying what I’m listening to so far and it feels great coming back to this very interesting superhero/dystopia hybrid. I just have a few notes I want to put down and the ones I feel that are spoilers will be put into spoiler text just in case
-normally, when the scene changes from the main action to an extended flashback, it would be annoying, but I’ve really liked the extended flashback because it showed the inner workings of Reckoners bootcamp, which iirc wasn’t seen in the original trilogy because David had undergone his own training between the timeskip
-the impression for Zev (or was it Zeb?) reminds me of the voice of Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks minus the blaccent and exaggerated stuff that Ruckus says in the show
-I was excited when to see Prof again and I had an audible “oh shit!” reaction when Obliteration was mentioned (he reminds me of Bane from TDK and when I read his dialog in the original trilogy, I read it in TDK Bane’s voice)
-I thought Wingflare had wings, but I later realized she just had very powerful telekinesis. That’s terrifying as shit. I also went like 😮 when Zev described how Paige’s family they looked like after being targeted by Gravitron. It wouldn’t be out of place in a horror film, that’s for sure
-the character Hershel reminds me of the character of the same name from The Walking Dead and I love the mental image of TWD’s Hershel fighting Epics with other Reckoners.
-i tend to create mental images of my friends in books I read or listen to and I definitely envisioned a female friend I had in high school as the epic Lovestruck (my friend was actually pretty sweet and friendly, so it’s odd she was the one I envisioned as Lovestruck). Also, I thought Lovestruck had the power of mind control and kept around her lovestricken devotees as slaves because they want to appease her any way possible
-when I heard that one of the members got half a face after Jax disregarded the plan, I was like “oh shit, Two-Face from DC!”
Also, does anybody know how Lux fits into The Reckoners timeline? I think it’s before the last book of the trilogy, but I don’t know
submitted by Limp_Researcher_5523 to brandonsanderson [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:51 tryingredditlol My Story + Some Exciting News

I received some very exciting news from my doctor today - my LEEP results came back and my margins were clear! I’ve been receiving bad news for almost a year now, so I’m so, so happy to finally get some happy news.
Everything started almost a year ago in June when my Pap results came back abnormal. I technically wasn’t even supposed to get a Pap for another year and a half (based on the 3 year guideline for my age at the time - 25), but since I was going to a new doctor I decided to get one anyway. I’ve never had any fear about what the results of my Pap would be - very naive, but I just didn’t think it was common at all to have abnormalities. I was shocked and terrified when I got those results. My results were “Atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.” I was told I needed a colposcopy and when I made my appointment the quickest they could see me was a month away. I didn’t know how I was going to make it the month without an answer. The day before my appointment my doctor’s office called me and said I needed to reschedule because my doctor was sick, and the next available appointment was another month away. I couldn’t believe it. And then, a few days before the rescheduled appointment my doctor’s office called me AGAIN and said it needed to be rescheduled AGAIN! I didn’t end up getting my first colposcopy until September.
I was terrified to go to my first colposcopy appointment, but I didn’t feel any pain and it was very quick. My doctor seemed hopeful, and said there was only one little spot. Unfortunately, I received the results a few days later which showed CIN-2. Once again, shocked and terrified. My doctor explained I could wait 6 months to see if it regressed or I could proceed with the LEEP. I was terrified to move forward with such an invasive procedure, so I opted to wait the 6 months and receive another colposcopy.
My second colposcopy was in April. I was once again terrified. The procedure went well with no pain and again, my doctor seemed hopeful. I was told if it stayed the same or got better we could continue to monitor it, but if it got worse, I would need a LEEP. I received the results a few days later and it showed CIN-3. These results hit me the hardest out of all of them.
My LEEP took place last Wednesday. I was given the choice to receive local anesthetic or general anesthesia, and I decided I would do it in the doctor’s office awake with the local anesthetic. I had pain free experiences with the colposcopy and I was told I wouldn’t feel anything, so I thought this was the right choice. I took 600mg of ibuprofen before my appointment as instructed, and felt nervous but overall okay. First came the local anesthetic, which I’ve read can be very painful. I din’t feel too much pain, but all of a sudden my legs were involuntarily shaking and I felt an extreme wave of anxiety. Next came the LEEP, which they had to do 3 passes. Each time they did it I felt extreme pain. After the first pass, I was heavy breathing, trying to breathe through the pain and keep myself calm. However, the nurse didn’t seem to like that and told me “You need to calm down! You’re going to make yourself sick! You shouldn’t be feeling anything!” That made me so unbelievably angry because 1. I am breathing heavily because I’m trying to calm myself down and 2. I certainly feel pain. The whole experience felt so barbaric. I truly regret not opting for the general anesthesia.
It took just under a week to receive the results. I felt so defeated after receiving continuous bad news that I had pretty much already accepted the results would be less than ideal. I received the call from my doctor today and the first thing she said was “I have good news.” I cried so many happy tears and felt a sense of relief that I haven’t felt in so long.
Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their experiences here. I felt so alone when I first received my results, but I felt like I had a support system here, hearing from so many women going through the same thing. Much love.
submitted by tryingredditlol to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:50 SnooApples6115 My brother is losing his grip on reality

I’m worried my brother is going to get violent
TLDR: how do I help my brother gain control of his anger before he hurts my parents and niece.
Wow, this is going to be a long post and I’m sorry if it jumps around. ADHD is a bitch when trying to relay information. My brother (36) lives with my parents and got custody of his daughter (6) last year. Her mom has several mental illnesses and my brother took her to court when she kept bringing a registered sex offender around his daughter and would lie about it. After a LONG process he won custody, she gets weekly supervised visits for 2 hours, and that’s about it. Around the same time my brother injured his back at his job working for a furniture store. He delivered furniture to customers.
A little bit about my brother: he’s forever been a hypochondriac, has horrible anxiety, and has now developed some elements of ocd personality disorder. Cannot function (and I’m using that word loosely) without getting high on a bong rip through the day.
About my parents (65): Our dad has been an alcoholic since before we were all born, undiagnosed ADHD, and most likely narcissistic personality disorder. Mom is….just mom. No addiction to drugs or alcohol, considers herself a “good, Christian woman” and I consider her an enabler and control freak, trying to control everybody’s addictions. She’s the main caregiver of my niece now, since my brother is often too high to drive and pick her up from school daily.
The situation: last year my brother took a macrodose of psilocybin and claims he was awakened to the reality of his situation. He feels like he’s been stunted in growing into an adult by parents who are absolute narcissists (I’m confused on how TWO narcissists could be married for 40+ years), he hasn’t worked since he hurt his back and has so much anger and sadness built up that he almost daily will lash out at everyone in the house. In front of his daughter he will tell my mom she’s stupid, she’s a sh*t mom, she’s a narcissist, and asks her how she let my dad’s drinking go on for so long. As if she controls it, which every single one of her past attempts to control it have failed miserably. He refuses to seek help. I’ve heard his rants before and they’re so full of malice and contempt and his arguments not based in any reality that I perceive.
Are my parents perfect? Absolutely not. But they have been really supportive and have always been there for me when I was in a tight pinch. He claims something entirely different. That they never gave him the skills to live on his own, they pit us siblings against each other (we have an older brother who only comes around on holidays), calls them idiots and worthless, etc. All of this severely affects his daughter, who dealt with this kind of crap when still living at her mom’s house. She adores her grandma and will always seek her out for comfort instead of her dad after their arguments have ended.
My question is: how do I help this situation? Do I need to get my brother involuntarily committed for 72 hours because I’m afraid he’s going to get violent with the people he lives with? I don’t fear he’ll hurt himself, but his rants have really escalated lately and I can feel his anger radiating off of him and his words. They feel like they can’t kick him out because he has nowhere to go, no job, and has custody of his 6 year old daughter. But they’re living in absolute hell. Could they keep her with them if he was asked to leave? I’m looking for some resources to enlist in helping him help himself and seek treatment mostly. But I am worried with the escalation of dysfunction too.
submitted by SnooApples6115 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:49 Internal_Low_6181 Modern Education Doesn't Prepare Kids For The Real World

Wouldn’t it have been great if you learned financial literacy or entrepreneurship in school?
Maybe some basic tax knowledge, negotiation skills, or even public speaking.
Instead, you learned all about atoms and algebra.
But, the periodic table isn’t that helpful in our adult lives.
And the lack of real-world topics leaves us all woefully unprepared for our futures.
This failure has led to record-high wealth, achievement, and happiness inequality around the world.
That’s where Kidpreneurs comes in…
What Is Kidpreneurs?
Kidpreneurs is a breakthrough approach to raising your children so they grow up emotionally strong, resilient, and creative......all while ~reducing their social media time~ and helping them discover a passion for learning. They’ll develop life changing skills allowing them to:
✅ Think critically…
✅ Solve difficult problems…
✅ Communicate effectively…
✅ And build a healthy self-esteem...
Allowing them to become fearless, thriving kids in school today...
And go onto excel at high school, college, their first job and beyond.
We achieve this by teaching them the basic principles of Entrepreneurship...
By providing them with a fun and interactive experience they can go through at their own pace...
Then showing them how to apply it in the real-world by starting their own "mini business"
As a result, in the next 28 days...
They'll develop new skills most kids won't learn until years later...
Enabling them to confidently pursue their goals...
And inspire them to discover their unique gifts and talents, conquer adversity, and overflow with confidence.
In short: They'll become KIDPRENEURS! learn more click here
submitted by Internal_Low_6181 to Older_Millennials [link] [comments]