Charter school college admittance statistics


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The subreddit for a university in Boston. Well, not in Boston, but nearby. No, not Tufts.

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Post all of your math-learning resources here. Questions, no matter how basic, will be answered (to the best ability of the online subscribers). --- We're no longer participating in the protest against excessive API fees, but many other subreddits are; check out the progress [among subreddits that pledged to go dark on 12 July 2023]( and [the top 255 subreddits]( (even those that never joined the protest).

2024.05.15 05:54 SatinSoftSilkyLord AIO about being mad over my mom retconning my life?

So I (30M) live in a state with not a lot in the way of work or any kind of future, especially with me being unskilled labor. I’m at a dead end job that’s future is uncertain and I’ve been complaining about it. My mom says that she wanted me to go to college and move from the area but I was stubborn and “she failed as a mother to motivate me”. Now here is the thing. It was exactly the opposite. When I was in high school my mom would get in my face and yell about how I thought I was better than the “good people” of our rural area and how horrible the people of New York City and Los Angeles are. Now an important bit of context is that during high school I was a dumb redneck and the places I wanted to move to were like tiny towns in Alabama or Tennessee. I have never given LA or NYC any kind of thought tbh. I should mention that when my mom was in her 20s she traveled all over the country and even outside of it (lived in London for a few months).
The other big one she does is over me not going to college. She talks how she really wanted me to go but I just showed no interest. For years my dad would comment that I was going to a specific college and I just assumed that was that. Around the time high school was ending for me my mom told me that my dad saying that was only ever a joke. My mom would then consistently say how what I wanted to go to college for (History) was not really useful for a career and I would probably be miserable at college and so on. And she very heavily pushed me to go to trade school for welding so I could be a blacksmith (yes, a blacksmith) and I would come out of it with a job almost guaranteed make around $50K a year as a welder while I built up a blacksmithing business. I have in and went to welding school for two years. Hated the whole thing and have never worked as a welder nor made $50K in the 10+ years since.
She tells me if it bothers me so much that I should just go back to school but 1.) that isn’t feasible for me and 2.) going to college at 30 isn’t the same as 18. Now my mom went to college, has a degree, was part of a sorority, the whole thing. She even has some very close friends that she has been friends with for over 40 years that she met at college. I’m 30 now and not moving away when I was younger or going to college are my two biggest regrets and the things I’m the most insecure about and it really bothers me when my mom not only doesn’t acknowledge the part she played in those things not happening but she now actively says she tried to make them happen. Am I overreacting?
TL;DR my mom pressured me to not go to college or move away after high school and now says that she tried to get me to do both of those and I refused.
submitted by SatinSoftSilkyLord to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 did-i-ask- 20F dealing with the guilt of cutting my father out of my life.

growing up, my dad was always (for lack of a better word) an asshole. he was emotionally/physically abusive towards my mom consistently throughout my childhood. so you can understand the type of guy my father is, my mom couldn’t have female or male friends bc she would be accused of hooking up with them, if my mom had a job she was accused of hooking up with her coworkers, if my mom held the priest’s hand too long when shaking his hand after service she was accused of wanting him, etc. every birthday, christmas, thanksgiving, any special occasion was always ruined with an argument from him. i could do a million things perfectly right in my athletic games and one mistake would grant me a ride home where i all my happiness was crushed by an earful of how bad of a game i had. my dad was always right, everything he thought and said was the truth regardless if he was proven wrong or not. after every argument there was sometimes an apology, (only for him to do the same thing again) or my mom and i would get our favorite icecream or bouquet of flowers the next day. it was a constantly cycle of trying to get over the last thing my dad did to hurt us. my mom put up with a lot, and stayed with my dad for the sake of the family.
around the age of 17 the emotional abuse and manipulation that I had watched happen to my mom over the years started happening to me. my dad’s jealousy, anger issues, and untrusting nature was turned up to a 10 and I suspect it was due to the meth he was caught doing. he swore he had quit after being caught, but I know he never did. he was 250 pounds and probably ways just about as much as I do now (135) just in a couple of months. he started becoming paranoid, unsafe to be around, and overall crazy. he raped my mom, he pulled a gun on my mom and I, he shut my leg in a door trying to lock himself in his room bc stole my moms credit card to prevent us from getting a hotel room for the night bc he was acting crazy, he was just doing so many things where it because unsafe for my mom and I. after he had pulled a gun on us, my mom and I filed a restraining order against him and I have not had dropped the order since.
that was back in 2022. since then, he has broken the restraining order multiple times by calling me from different phone numbers, having random people contact me telling me to text him, leaving me voicemails acting like he got into a car accident so I would call him back, send me long messages about how much he misses me and loves me but then turn around and tell me all his crazy delusions about my mom that aren’t true and say terrible things about her. I have always had this underlying fear that my dad will kill himself one day for not having me in his life. I resent him for so much and everytime I have tried to rekindle our relationship he always ruined it. for example, I answered one of his million phone calls to ask him to stop making random people text me telling me to contact him. we got into a yelling match and he ultimately told me to shut the fuck up, which I hung up the phone in response. he will do all that but in the same breath preach about how lonely and sad he is without me in his life. I feel a sense of guilt for ignoring him and cutting him out of my life but he doesn’t think anything is his fault. he doesn’t understand why I won’t talk to him regardless of how many times i tell him. he doesn’t think he has done anything wrong. he tells me all the things he’s done for me like buying me my first car, as if that is some representation of how much he loved and cared for me. I feel guilty reading all his sad messages about how he misses me, but I can’t bring myself to let him in again.
he has missed all my biggest moments because of what he has done. he missed out on my high school graduation, my senior club volleyball season, and now im in college where he is missing my college years and my college games. so much time is passing and we both know it. I just don’t think he will ever change his ways.
submitted by did-i-ask- to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:52 spk1121 Public Charter school require you buy a uniform in NM

I have tried to look into this on my own. My children's a school is a public Charter school in New Mexico. It's a uniform school.
Up until this next school year they could have any red collared uniform shirt and blue or khaki pants. The shirts had to have a patch on them which you have to buy from the school for 5 dollars a patch. They also have a rule that if you want to be able to wear a jacket inside the school building, it has to be a 35 dollar uniform jacket purchased from the school.
They have changed it for next year that requires we know purchase the uniform shirts from the school and they are 18 dollars a shirt. And the the old jackets are no longer able to be worn and everyone has to buy new 35 dollar jackets because they resigned them.
Is this legal for a charter school to do? I can understand a private school doing this?
TLDR: Can a charter school require students to buy specific uniform shirts that only the school sells in New Mexico?
submitted by spk1121 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:51 Apart-Increase8976 Should I leave my job to pursue the Air Force?

I’m thinking about making a major career change to join the Air Force
Hi everyone! I’m 24 and graduated with my masters in speech pathology in August ‘23. I don’t think I want to permanently change careers as I do enjoy the field, but the feeling of burnout so close after graduation has me feeling frazzled and stuck. I’ve weighed options to change settings as that may help. But I’ve also begun exploring career shifts that could benefit me heavily down the line. I wanted to join the Air Force straight out of high school but went to college instead, and now I’ve been thinking about joining the Air Force again. The overall risk seems low. If I want to return to speech pathology I could do so easily after my 4 years as long as I keep up certification requirements. I enjoy structure and learning and the military is plentiful in both those regards. The benefits are amazing, I would receive more help with student loans than I could get anywhere else, as well as having the amazing benefit of serving and gaining the skills and discipline that comes with it. My biggest concern is that I’m throwing away something I worked 6 years for, and I would take quite a big pay cut for at least a little while unless I stay and move through the ranks. But I feel that the future benefits, as well as not having to worry about rent while there, makes the pay cut not as big of a deal. And again, re-entry into my field would be possible as long as I keep my certification.
Has anyone else done something similar, or does anyone have any advice?
submitted by Apart-Increase8976 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:48 Striking_Pension_706 Grade Stress

I’m about to be a senior and plan on applying next cycle. I’m a psychology major with a bio minor and pre-pa minor (I know pre pa isn’t an actual minor my school just does it like that). I’m worried about my GPA. My overall GPA is 3.5. My bio minor is 2.85, but I need one more class to finish it, and if I get an A, it would be a 3.01. my pre-pa minor is 3.03, and I need 2 more classes to finish it. My bio is low because I got Bs in most classes, with As in the lab. The problem is I got a C in gen chem 1 and a C in genetics, so it dropped a lot. My question is: 1) When PA schools look at my science GPA, do they look at my bio one or my pre-one with the required prerequisites 2) Should I retake a class or two at a community college? 3) The class I’m planning on taking to bring up my bio minor, would be taken in the spring so would I be applying with a gpa below a 3.0 and would I even be able to apply. I’m just really stressed and nervous because I know my GPA isn’t the strongest.
submitted by Striking_Pension_706 to prephysicianassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:47 gruvyasf Paying rent and tuition with savings

I'm about to move to seattle for college next school year, and I've saved up 20,000 for it over the last year living at my parents house. I'm going to a community college, so tuition is around $5500 and I can take out loans if I need to. What Im wondering is, would it be smart to rent an $800 a month apartment and pay tuition with those savings? A year of rent would be around $10000, so with tuition I'd still have at least $4000 leftover in my savings. I'll also be working and gaining hopefully a somewhat substantial salary that way. I don't know much about finances so I know the math sort of checks out, but I'm just not sure how well that would work out for me in practice.
submitted by gruvyasf to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:47 yummygrape12 Would it be weird to tell my teacher I enjoyed our chat/conversation

For context:
I am a junior in high school. I transferred schools this year so I was new, and so was my history teacher.
The kids have been extremely rude to both me and him (honestly it’s been bad and really surprising how just straight up entitled and disrespectful these other kids are).
It was an AP class and if you don’t know, those are done after a test in early May, so we are done learning content, and we don’t really do much in class besides watch movies and stuff.
Yesterday all the other kids ditched and went elsewhere during class. I was in the classroom and eventually we got talking about our experiences as new people at the school and how rude they are. It was really nice to talk to someone else who understood.
He saw things in my perspective that others didn’t: how disrespectful they are to both him and me, talked about how the school culture here is just weird, how other girls where mean to his daughters when they were in high school too, how whenever you try to talk to someone they are just on their phone, stuff like that. He told me he felt like quitting they were that disrespectful to him.
Anyways, When I left for my next class he said it was the best conversation he’s had at this school.
I enjoyed it too. I wanted to tell him so that he knows I liked it too. I was gone today or else I would have told him in class.
I was going to send an email to him anyways to say that I was gone for an appointment and not just skipping but I was considering adding on at the end that I enjoyed our conversation.
I think it would be good to say but also it might be weird that I enjoyed talking to a grown man that is like 60 years old.
I just don’t want to rub him the wrong way or make him think I’m weird because he’s writing my teacher recommendation for applying to college.
Any advice appreciated
submitted by yummygrape12 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:46 Beginning-Push9720 I am really struggling with trying to decide a career path that can help me land my specific goals in life.

Okay, I am going to try to be as detailed as possible here, and definitely go way over the top, in order to try to help you help me. I am currently a 19 year old male going to college at a small school with limited degree paths, but I am on the baseball team and it helps out a lot with paying for school, so obviously it is challenging to change schools. I live in Missouri between the KC and Ozarks regions and ideally don't want to move too far away, but I am not totally opposed to moving out of state or overseas.
I am currently working towards a dual major in Computer Information Systems and Finance with plans to get an MBA from my school in either finance or accounting (then get a CPA license). I have been looking at computer science, computer information systems, finance, accounting, and business administration as all possible degrees. I feel like I probably prefer business to computers slightly, but I have been with computer classes since middle school and already hold 2 testout certifications, so I have a definite passion for both industries. My problem is that I need to decide on one undergraduate degree and one minor then get a masters, which is tough to decide on.
I keep getting lots of contradictory information from the internet about "CS is dead" or "Al will replace accounting" and "you have to live in a major city to make money in finance". I really want to have a good career since I don't have anything else going for me (never had a friend, too ugly to have a girlfriend) and I want t help out my parents, both are teachers struggling in this economy. I have been looking on Indeed, Ziprecruiter, and Linkedin multiple hours a day and I just keep seeing that every entry level job has over 100 applicants and barely makes what a frycook (nothing against frycooks obviously) makes. My goal by the time I am 40 is to have a house (between 300k and 500k likely) as well as 2 cars and a race car that cost a combined 190k or so.
What can I do to be able to afford this as a single person in these degree or maybe something else. Any help is appreciated and please feel fres to DM if you need to.
submitted by Beginning-Push9720 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:45 Edu_Run4491 ULPT Request- How do I “eliminate” my crushes bf??

They’ve been together since HS but we’re close in college. We’re all in the same profession (lawyers) & I had a threesome with her and her best friend. We talk every week but she still wants to be with him, cause they’ve have such long history💀💀💀
How can I remove him from the equation? I know his name, addy, and school.
submitted by Edu_Run4491 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:43 Obvious-Lab-5803 major affecting acceptance?

i’m a rising high school senior at a fairly rigorous private school in state, 3.91 UW /4.39 W with 3 APs and ten dual enrollment classes by the time i graduate, some of which are at my town’s app state campus. NCSU is my top choice!
i’m stuck between applying as a linguistics major to eventually go into speech-language pathology or biology to go into dentistry/orthodontics, but gravitating towards biology. i’ve achieved very high As in all of my english/spanish/humanities classes and plan on taking AP lit my senior year as well as graduating with credits for 2-3 college spanish courses. my STEM classes are also all As, but it is more of a mixed group of As and A minuses, and I will graduate with statistics and (most likely) biology credits from App State.
my question is, will applying into biology negatively affect my possibility of acceptance because of my lower grades in STEM courses? also, will applying into exploratory studies affect my acceptance whatsoever?
thank you!!!
submitted by Obvious-Lab-5803 to NCSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:43 icecream657 weird potential self post bacc situation- advice?

so i’m planning on taking like one? more semester of a required prereq at a community college this summer or this fall + a couple other science classes just as a GPA booster as i finally graduated uni with my social science degree… was wondering how i put that onto my premed application? do i ask for a transcript and add it as a school? but if i apply in june (which i want to) then if i dont send a transcript its missing but if i do send it theres no grades to show yet as its all planned? or if i add a community college i’ve been too as im a transfer and put planned on that one yet end up taking the class at another community college (bc the one i went to fills up way too fast) then would that be a red flag?? anyways what r ur thoughts / advice
submitted by icecream657 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:42 Legal_Perception_450 Would I be TAH if I asked to choreograph a dance for my club?

For some context, I am a junior in college. :)
I recently became an important board member for a Chinese cultural club at my college. I was excited to become a board member because I wanted to explore my culture while interacting with other members of the club (I'm chinese, but not very familiar with my culture, mainly because my parents never really taught me anything about it). In april, my college hosts a cultural performance where all the cultural clubs create a dance and perform it to the school.
I am pretty experienced with dance and choreography, as a member of my highschool's dance company. (I did not sign up for my college's dance company because I was rejected, 350+ applicants, only 30 were accepted..)
I have been participating in my Chinese cultural club ever since I was a freshman, and I have always wanted to choreograph the cultural dance. We have two different dances, a traditional and a modern one. The traditional one is a partner dance while the mordern dance is individual.
The traditional dance is usually "ok" from what students describe each year. The judges at our performance typically say it does not incorporate chinese culture, but it is just a dance where students flail fans around, there is not a lot of meaning in it.
This year, I want to create a traditional dance that can get the judges and the students to enjoy while outlining chinese culture. I have done extensive research on chinese dances and I even reached out to different members of my community (used to be chinese dancers) for research on chinese dances. I am really dedicated to representing my culture to make up for the years I have lacked my cultural identity.
I talked to my president of our club, and asked if I could choreograph the traditional dance with the vice president, and the president immediately shut us down. He told us that he was assigning freshman to choreograph both the individual and partner dance.
(The president of our club does not like me or the vice president because we ended up beating his friends in elections, he's usually passive aggressive to us.)
I do not like how I was immediately shut down without any consideration. I also do not appreciate how I am being kept from choreographing the dance and exploring my heritage. I really want to choreograph this dance, but I do not know if I should push it.
I do not know what to do in this situation. Does anybody have any advice? :( Thank you.
submitted by Legal_Perception_450 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:41 DesperatePenalty3808 Have you ever met someone organically?

Personally I have never had any experience where I’ve been hit on, flirted with, asked out or honestly even admired from a far in real life/public. Besides sometimes strangers kissed me in the gay club during study abroad. I feel like so many gay people I’ve talked to have had some sort of experience or another where they’ve hooked up with a friend, or someone they knew or their high school bully messaged them during college break. Stuff like that, but nothing like it has ever happened to me. The only sexual/romantic experiences I’ve had have been with people I met off grindr.
I feel like I might add, I went to college (during the pandemic), so tried my best to be as social as I could. And I feel like I’m attractive but maybe I’m just not LOL. And I no longer drink or really go out much so I generally don’t have a lot of places to meet other queer people, but I realize that gay bars are potentially a great place to start.
So I was just wondering have you ever met someone organically? Where or how? and did anything come of it?
submitted by DesperatePenalty3808 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:39 IdeaResident4707 Please help

I am about to graduate high school, and I was accepted into a university's dual admission pharmacy program, where I can do undergrad there and I will have a spot reserved as long as I meet the requirements. I am trying to decide whether I should accept this or attend undergrad at a different school and then apply to pharmacy schools once I have finished my prerequisites.
I want to make sure that pharmacy is right for me and I hope to shadow or gain experience by becoming a pharmacy tech. I also was planning on doing 2 years of undergrad and then pharmacy school, however is this possible? After reading threads under this, I realized I would have to apply for pharmacy school when I am towards the end of my freshman year in college / summer in between/ beginning of sophomore year. I am not sure I would have enough time to gain enough extracurriculars, as well as the letters of recommendation. I wanted to finish in 6 years as well with this path, as well as get into a better program. Also, with this school for undergrad, I would be getting paid to attend.
The program that I did get into, I don't really like the location and can't see myself spending 6 years there, however I believe it would be easier for me as I wouldn't have to apply to pharmacy schools. I also do have the choice to apply to other pharmacy schools as well but it would most likely follow the same path as attending a different undergrad school and those issues. Also this program is at a private school so I would have to pay more, compared to a public pharmacy school. Although I am receiving some scholarships and aid for undergrad, and I would have to pay out of pocket, and money is one of my factors to consider.
Please let me know what you think, the deadline deposit is due on the 15th (tomorrow).
submitted by IdeaResident4707 to PrePharmacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:39 Pristine_Engine2430 Should my dad walk me down the aisle?…

Hello, I am 23 (F) and my dad is in his mid 40s. My dad and I do not have a tight knit relationship as he has been in prison for most of my life and the latest sentence he did was around 10 years. He has missed middle school, high school and college graduation. I did keep in contact with him while in jail and have seen him a few times. We still talk here and there on the phone and do occasionally family activities together with my siblings.
Since he has been out ( going on two years this year) he has only essentially only hit me up or called for favors such as loans, getting accounts in me or my fiancé name etc. (anything revolving around money). I spent a hefty penny on clothes, shoes, hygiene supplies when he was first released.
We frequently get into arguments because I choose not to call due to him always begging but he states that since I am the child I should call first since he has always call his parents first. I do not agree as I never asked to be here and the conversations are always indirectly begging or straight out begging.
For example, on my birthday I invited all my close family out to dinner. It was a semi affordable restaurant. He made a huge deal that I didn't choose a cheap place (I rarely go out and wanted to do something special for my birthday as I'm usually a homebody). I let him know that wanted him there and to eat before and order a small plate if he'll like to eat. Otw to the restaurant he called saying he doesn't have money and I should pay for him.
He never asked just told me. My fiance ended up paying for him. His meal was only $20 and I felt very disrespected.
This all leads me to say I am planning my wedding and don't feel comfortable with him walking me down the aisle. I don't want to increase the tension or drama by doing that but that's truly how I feel. Should I suck it up and allow him since that is my father or stick to my boundaries?
submitted by Pristine_Engine2430 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:38 Advanced_Worker_5881 I wake up every morning exhausted, I just want to sleep

For the last 4 years of my life or so I feel like I’ve never gotten a full 8+ hours of sleep. Even then when I do sleep in, I wake up with zero motivation to do anything. This affected my school life, with me missing lots of school & doing no work and has started creeping into college and my social life as well. I have no hobbies, no hopes or desires whatsoever I feel like I’m just waisting space, especially when there are those out there with much greater problems than my own who would love to be in the position that I am in right now.
submitted by Advanced_Worker_5881 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:37 Desperate-Duck9926 What are my chances of getting into MPCS right after undergrad as a non-cs major?

Hello, I was wondering if I had a good chance on getting admitted to the MPCS straight after graduating college. I am a political science major, and I am about to graduate this Fall 2024. I do have two coding classes, calculus, and discrete structures under my belt since I was a comp sci student beforehand. I changed my major to poli sci with the intention of wanting to go to law school, but I would love to get a masters in CS to be able to open up opportunities and possibly do patent law in the future. Do I have a chance getting in right after graduating? Or should I get work experience?
submitted by Desperate-Duck9926 to uchicago [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:36 Weak-Ant7110 AITA For counting down the days of graduation so I can finally distance myself from my mother who’s given everything to me?

I(17f) and my mother(53f) have really only had eachother. I will admit, I have luxuries like a phone, iPad, laptop, AirPods etc that she’s bought for me which I am grateful for. Since I am an inly child, and my father isn’t around I am her support system ig if you put it that way. She’s an immigrant, making me the first to go to college in the states. With that said, I’m counting down the days to finally leave for extended periods of time, and distancing myself, meaning I’m purposely looking for a college that’s over a 2-3 hr drive from where I live(she doesn’t like driving over an hour). Though I love my mother she has her qualities that seriously make me consider leaving. First, she is very narcissistic. From where she comes from, she doesn’t believe in therapy and if you seem “depressed” her first option is to tell you to go to a psych ward. Not even as a genuine answer but as a threat, like she knows what goes on there and how dehumanizing it can be and wants to make you stop feeling what you do. But when you do express your feelings she turns it into a her problem. “Why are you sad when I do everything give you” If I’m feeling down about my looks or weight it’s nothing uplifting, it’s usually “maybe if you washed your face more or ate less you wouldn’t feel that way,” or “I’m this age and my skin look better than you so I don’t know how to help you”. I’m currently struggling with my hair journey and it’s previously been damaged by heat and not proper care and she blames it on my hair styles (which are mainly just slick back buns because I don’t have much time to do much in the mornings) but when I ask for advice she goes silent. She rambles on about how perfect my hair was when she used to do it but I wanted to do “grown” hairstyles. The grown hairstyles she’s talking about is straightening my hair once for a dance and figuring out how to define my curls. The hairstyles she used to do was back when I was 9, when I wore Jo-Jo bows and barrets. Second I’m never “good enough” even when there’s no one to really compare me to. My grades are pretty high but not perfect hundreds so I’m scared if I ever get a B. I test higher than most my friends but she automatically compares them to me thinking they are the perfect poster child just if they have better skin than me. She doesn’t even know them she just “guesses” by their appearance. Third she expects me to do EVERYTHING. I understand she’s an immigrant so she might not know stuff but she doesn’t really “try”. For school in middle school to now I had to enroll myself and answer to the parent questions. I text her coworkers. If my friends parent text them a simple “thank you for letting her go to the party” or wtv I’m the one who needs to respond. At stores or businesses of some sort I have to speak for her, even if she’s perfectly capable(she knows a great amount of English it’s not like she can’t speak it well). Even for job interviews, i had to create an email to send to her boss that said she was sorry for quitting out of the blue that last week and to accept her back(I was literally 13 worrying about if we were going to have a steady income anymore)Recently she’s let some family say at our house for some time to settle into the us. They speak the native language my mom grew up with and I can maybe make basic sentences, but I can’t hold an actual conversation let alone even understand song lyrics in that language. My mom is religious so we go to church and my entire life we’ve gone to an American church that spoke English. The second those people came they complained and forced my mom to go to a church with their native language which is now 5 hours long with no youth group of the sort and doesn’t speak English at all. I’m an Outcast and I can’t talk to the others so I usually bring a book or something. When we got home one day, the people were complaining about how I don’t pay attention in church and read books instead of listening. I try to explain I can’t but all they do is make fun of the fact I can’t understand the language and how can I not know it, like I literally was never taught and just picked up on done stuff when I was younger. But the fact is instead of standing up for me it understanding my point of view, my mother sides with them and laughs at me as well. So now, a few days later I am writing this mixing up all the emotions and coming to this conclusion. I really want to know if it’s just teenage emotion and some Alternative ways I can let them out or if I genuinely have a right to feel like I do so, aita?
submitted by Weak-Ant7110 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:36 Careless-Wish-4563 Taking all factors into account, what do you predict the background of my longterm romantic partner will be?

I am a teaching assistant. I’ve been 19 for a reasonably short amount of time. I work while taking community college courses, and have $11117 in my savings account from my job (was a sub, am now an assistant and have been one since January. Next month I receive a dollar raise, becoming an assistant means I work daily. I should have more saved after I’ve been paid through the end of this month.) I’m admittedly not positive that this is what I see myself doing for my entire life, but also don’t know what I want to major in and am partly here because it’s supposed to be a learning experience for me.
I have grown up in, and still live in, an area that has a very large white population (and a sizable population of one specific non-white ethnic group that is not black. I am from a place that has a low population of black people.) I am a black woman who is from a low income family, and have grown up in an apartment complex (my parents allow me to live with them and not pay rent, which is what has helped me save my money.) I look: and and
I have noticed, ever since graduating from high school, that I am no longer terribly attracted to white men. I pass average looking white men on the street, and there’s no attraction present. I have felt attraction toward average and above looking black men, particularly those who are dark skinned, although I felt very strong attraction toward a light skinned 1/2 black 1/2 white boy in my senior year of high school (had colored eyes and was commonly considered to be above average/conventionally attractive. I also had a crush on another mixed boy who was slightly above average as a freshman, yet average by the time he was a junior - I was no longer attracted to him after he became average, and also started to dislike him because he had criticized my physical appearance behind my back.) The non-black men I have been attracted to were Mexican/Latino, yet were typically above average (I occasionally feel attraction toward an average looking Mexican/Latino man. Occasionally.) I will admit that I am very specific about what I like. I have found Jake Gyllenhaal attractive (about two years ago I was wildly attracted to him when watching Donnie Darko,) and had a crush on David Bowie in middle school, but think I was more attracted to white men then than I am now. My only boyfriend, two years ago, was black, and was what I think of as average looking. The white men I have typically been attracted to have had blonde hair and blue eyes, but I don’t know why.
I’m introverted. I do have to interact with people because of the nature of my job, but I have no friends. Whenever I am not working, I generally watch television (as of right now, that has typically been “Laverne and Shirley” and “twilight zone” - I’ve actually been marathoning twilight zone every year since I was about 11 or 12 ever since my middle school science teacher turned on two episodes, “eye of the beholder” and “number 12 looks just like you” for our class. I’ve always wanted to introduce a group of youth to the series in that manner, because I remember that it actually got me hooked on the series.)
Black men in my area typically take out and prefer white women, or otherwise seem to be colorists. In high school, I remember that black boys specifically dating white girls was a “thing.” I don’t really tend to receive attention in my area, I have not received any attention this year.
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2024.05.15 05:36 Mental_Method_6510 AITAH for telling my bully that he is evil and I will never forgive him?

I'm 28yo today. I was heavily bullied all throughout middle and high school by a guy in my class, Kevin. I skipped 3 grades and he was held back once so I was 9yo when he was 13 and so on until I graduated high school at 15 and him at 19. Kevin's bullying included a lot of insults, casual displays of disrespect for me all day everyday, he would spit on me when no teacher was looking, and when he found me alone, especially when walking home after school, it became physical. He knocked out a tooth once, broke my wrist once, and I still have scars from him on my arm and my cheek. At the time, my family life was abysmal too (absent and neglectful workaholic father, physically and emotionally abusive SAH mother, very poor relationship with my brother who was 12 years older than me and hating me for coming into his life when he'd been a single child for 12 years...) and I tried to off myself. Multiple times. Again, still got those scars on my wrists.
I got better after high school, especially when I found peers in college who respected me and included me in things. And Kevin was too dumb to ever make it into college so I was safe for the first time ever. I moved into student housing when I came out as gay and my parents kicked me out, so I became surrounded by decent human beings in an environment where being a school-obsessed nerd is rewarded and not shamed. I found a purpose in life, then met the man who's now my husband of 4 years, we are happy and the dark times are behind me.
Earlier today, Kevin contacted me on Facebook out of the blue. He said basically that he's been in therapy for his issues and his therapist made him realize how much he made me suffer and he wanted to apologize. I said okay, apology acknowledged and rejected. He started sending off tons of quick short messages in DMs, asking me why, saying he's genuinely sorry, etc at first, but after I explained how deeply his bullying hurt me (basically what I say in the first paragraph), the tone turned immediately to accusations and anger. Telling me that it's not his fault that both my parents are fuckups and that I have mommy issues and that it's unfair to him to let him feel bad for something that happened years ago and that I need to forgive him because his therapist said that a fault admitted is a fault forgiven. I told him that if he were really genuine, he'd accept that his bullying is unforgivable, he'd say okay and goodbye and part ways forever. He said in response to that that it'd be cruel to him to leave him without closure, I asked "as cruel as what you did to me?" to which he said "fuck you" and he blocked me.
I did not really feel bad about it, but talking to my husband, who was with his friends at the time and who heard it all, they all kinda agreed that I was unnecessarily cruel to him. Their points, basically: Kevin apologized when nothing forced him to; he seemed to feel genuine guilt even though he expressed it through anger, and my husband & friends argued that he clearly has issues with emotional regulation and his instinctive/uncontrollable reaction to being rejected being anger tracks, and that I caused his anger because it started after I told him "apology rejected"; it's been 13 years, people change in 13 years; that I didn't really have a reason to reject his apology since I am happy now and it'd cost me nothing, basically the friends argued that I was being petty and seeking to make Kevin feel pain as retaliation which they argued is immoral (my husband was with me on this); that hurt people hurt people and I am educated and mature enough to be able to be the bigger man in this situation, because Kevin does not have the education and experience with mental health that I do. I might be forgetting a bit I am sorry.
Point is, who do you think is more right? AITAH?
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2024.05.15 05:35 Forsaken-Alternative Feeling old because my highschool friend got married

I didn’t know where to post this so I came here. I’m 19 and my old friend is also around 19/20 ish she’s Mormon and she got married last year during her first year of college. I just started college in January after taking a gap year in 2023 but dang after seeing a highschool friend get married and even an old acquaintance from middle school having a child, I feel so old. But I don’t really keep in touch with them after going our separate ways. I don’t have any friends and am struggling to do this whole “adulting” thing since I’m still living in my parents’ home. Why does 20 feel like the new 30? I’m technically still a teenager but life seems to be happening at a different pace for me. My sister also had a kid at 20 and I’m a virgin for the foreseeable future with no dating experience. Just wanted to vent lol. Can anyone else relate?
submitted by Forsaken-Alternative to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:34 aesthetic_artery support? :(

so my final choice is between syracuse and st. johns. essentially big modern college vs super duper small liberal arts school. I got so much aid from syracuse but it's not enough and decision day is tomorrow and my parents told me I can't go. For reference, cost per year there is around 88-89k and my package was at least 64k, including a 25k per year renewable scholarship and admission into the honors program. I would only need about 8k to go, but there's just no way right now. I need some support because I love st. johns, but it's a very classical "secret history" type school and I want to go into a tech field (data science/analytics). They also force everyone to take the same curriculum and all 10 of my AP classes don't count for credit. I'm most scared about career outcomes. It seems that internships are pretty 50/50 (not impossible but certainly not super prevalent) and job outcomes could be okay. I don't know, I just need some support right now that st. johns isn't a bad place to go and I won't end up broke and miserable because I couldn't afford to go to syracuse and ended up with a liberal arts degree. If yall could help that would be great. :")
submitted by aesthetic_artery to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]