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Deeper significations of the signs as ascendants (Part 9: Pisces)

2024.04.29 04:27 Agreeable-Ad4806 Deeper significations of the signs as ascendants (Part 9: Pisces)

At its essence, Pisces represents the end of our journey, the final stage of spiritual evolution on the material plane. It serves as a time of reflection, integration, acceptance, and dissolution, where the soul gathers the wisdom and experiences accumulated throughout its journey. Here, in the depths of Pisces, the ego and dualistic perception begins to unravel. This unraveling marks the transcendence of dichotomies that govern our material existence shown by Gemini. There is a dissolution of boundaries between self and other, masculine and feminine, subject and object, good and bad, pain and pleasure; it is in Pisces that opposites converge into a unified whole. It is a phase of spiritual surrender, where the individual relinquishes attachment to material desires and identities, preparing to either transcend through liberation (Moksha) or begin a new cycle. One reaches realization of unity with the cosmos and must decide whether to be reunited with it, contained in its fullness, or reborn out of Karmic necessity.
If approached out of a noble pursuit of enlightenment in divine wisdom rather than selfish motivations, the study of astrology, among the most venerable sciences, would not evoke undue concern regarding the prohibition of forecasts for determined outcomes. Instead, individuals would earnestly strive to refine their own character, embracing fortitude to align with the law of Karma amidst challenging circumstances. The divine plan unfolds through evolution, and understanding this path, whether on an individual or collective scale, transcends mere superstition. Superstition, in essence, arises from an incomplete consideration of causation, manifesting as prejudice. Regrettably, the modern era is marked by pervasive prejudice, exacerbated by the rise of philosophies such as communism and capitalism, which denigrate occultism and theism, impeding the advancement of religious principles. The endeavors of those under the influence of Aquarian energies aim to pave the way for the forthcoming Messiah. Lord Vishnu, as proclaimed by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, pledges to incarnate whenever righteousness wanes, to rekindle its flame. In this divine role of the restorer of balance, Lord Vishnu assumes his Piscean aspect within the zodiac. Reflecting on the significance of this celestial sign becomes imperative as humanity stands on the cusp of a new era, with the influence of a fresh cycle only recently transgressing over the world.
The ancient seers bestowed upon this sign various appellations, including Meenam, Anthya, Mathsya, Prithuroma, and Jhasha, all of which come to be synonymous with the word "fish." To unveil the depth of this Rashi’s symbolism, one must delve deeply into Vedic cosmology. In Hindu scriptures, the symbolism of the fish finds elucidation in the Hari Purana and other revered texts. In the Hari Purana, Vishnu, the second aspect of the Logos responsible for preserving the manifested world, is depicted as assuming various Avataras (divine incarnations) to guide humanity's evolution. Notably, in the Matsyavatar, Lord Vishnu manifests in the form of a fish with a human head, a divine incarnation undertaken to retrieve the Vedas lost during the deluge, Pralaya. According to Hindu scriptures, Matsya Avatar manifested during the Satya Yuga (the first age in Hindu cosmology), in response to a catastrophic flood that threatened to destroy all life forms (deluge). The story goes that the demon Hayagriva stole the Vedas from Brahma and hid them underwater. To retrieve the Vedas and protect the world's knowledge, Lord Vishnu transformed into Matsya Avatar. As a fish, Matsya guided the king Manu's boat through the deluge. He also fought against the demon Hayagriva and ultimately recovered the Vedas, ensuring the continuity of knowledge and civilization. The Matsya Avatar symbolizes protection, preservation, and the restoration of order. It represents the divine's intervention in times of crisis to safeguard righteousness and uphold cosmic balance. Matsya Avatar's story serves as a reminder of the importance of knowledge, virtue, and divine protection in overcoming adversity and preserving the sanctity of life. It was this divine figure who imparted essential knowledge to humanity, teaching them the arts of construction, agriculture, and the importance of worshiping the unknown deity through temple construction and regular rituals.
This portrayal shows the ancient Brahmanic association of their Messiah, Vishnu, with both the symbol of the fish and the cataclysmic deluge. Parallels exist in Babylonian as well as other cultural mythologies, such as where the deity Dag-On, the Man-Fish, assumes a role of the prophet and is revered as a symbol of salvation, or the story of Noah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, where righteousness is restored by the destruction of the world through a great flood, and Jesus carried the symbolism of the fish. Throughout antiquity, the motif of the fish was frequently intertwined with the concept of the Messiah. This prominence of the fish in Messiah symbolism reflects its enduring significance across diverse cultures. The auspicious nature attributed to the fish symbol is evidently rooted in antiquity, transcending the confines of exoteric religions. It symbolizes an inner wisdom-religion that imparts truths of occultism directly and without obfuscation, embodying the timeless teachings of sacred texts like the Vedas. But just like the messiah is often portrayed, they are met with a trial. They must prove they are beyond material temptations by suffering their condemnation. Otherwise, they will fall to the luster of material grandeur out of their weakness for mercury, ultimately condemning them to begin a new cycle as they fail to pass their final test.
Pisces in Vedic cosmology is attributed as the feet of Kala Purusha, but it is also known as Prithuroma. Prithu, the son of Vena, himself descended from Agni, the fire deity, emerged as the inaugural monarch from whom the earth derived its name, Prithvi. According to the Vishnu Purana, when Vena, tainted by malevolence, forbade worship and sacrifice, righteous sages chastised him, leading to his demise. Subsequently, an era of lawlessness and chaos ensued due to the absence of a ruler. The sages, symbolically invoking the potential for virtuous action inherent in Vena, rubbed his right arm, from which emerged the illustrious Prithu, radiant like Agni, symbolizing the inner fire that animates all living beings and is present throughout the universe. Pisces is depicted as the hair on the body of this fire-like king, symbolizing the expression of divine creative power sustaining the entire cosmos. This notion aligns with the depiction of Pisces as the feet of Kala Purusha, signifying the indispensable role of sustenance in the cosmic order. Indeed, the sustenance of the entire manifestation hinges upon its feet; without it, movement and evolution would falter. Even in Vedic predictive astrology, Pisces-born individuals are often burdened with numerous responsibilities, tasked with supporting individuals and organizations. Notably, the transition from the last degree of Pisces to the first degree of Aries (gandanta degrees— the most momentous gandanta, at that) symbolizes the role of Pisces ascendants in nurturing new beginnings, putting an end to one cycle through dissolution in the preparation for beginning another.
Prof. B. V. Raman, in his seminal work "Hindu Predictive Astrology," describes Pisces as the feet of Kala Purusha, associating it with sacred shrines, altars, pagodas, rivers, tanks, fountains, and the vast expanse of oceans. Pisces, as the 12th bhava signifies divine knowledge, worship, liberation (Moksha), and the state beyond death, among other attributes. According to Prof. Raman, those born under Pisces are characterized by restlessness, a penchant for historical and mythological discourse, and a commitment to righteousness, avoiding transgression of moral laws. These observations align closely with the wisdom passed down by ancient seers across various contexts. Indeed, even a lay astrologer would attest to the religious, God-fearing, and traditional nature of Pisces individuals, who may not always find contentment in mundane existence. The latter characteristic may seem enigmatic at first glance. However, through deeper exploration and a thorough examination of the myriad perspectives on the nature and significance of this sign, such complexities can be elucidated in their true light. By applying basic astrological principles, one discerns that Pisces resides fifth from Scorpio, which symbolizes the seat of Serpent Fire, representing the latent power within humans known as Kundalini Shakti. It is only through the awakening of this dormant power that individuals can ultimately merge their individual consciousness with the universal consciousness, ascending to the status of Mahatmas, Adepts, and Perfected Beings. These Adepts have ascended to Nirvanic heights, where the individual spark merges seamlessly with the universal Flame, and the individual drop becomes one with the ocean. In this state, the Adept is akin to a fish submerged in water, seamlessly integrated into the vast expanse of the ocean, the natural solvent for material impurities, while still maintaining their distinct identity. Achieving perfect equilibrium and harmony, they transcend the duality of opposites, symbolized by the two fishes bound to each other's tails, signifying the cessation of polarization within them.
When Mahatmas attain such exalted states, their activities and demeanor diverge markedly from conventional norms. They possess a balanced, tranquil mind like the serene waters of a still lake, reflecting higher realms without distortion. This state finds resonance in Cancer, the fifth sign from Pisces, symbolizing tranquility and reflection. Hence, Pisces-born individuals tend to exhibit philosophical inclinations, superstition, reverence for the divine, and a deep-seated concern for humanity's vast potential. They often speak of mythological greatness and seek to awaken the latent powers dormant within humankind. In the lives of such individuals, one observes a departure from typical psychological responses; they possess a strong will, endeavoring to foster peace and harmony on their own terms.
The seventh sign from Pisces corresponds to Virgo, symbolizing sacrifice, tolerance, and altruism. Pisces-born individuals inherently possess this predisposition in their life endeavors. The seventh house, representing partnerships, polarization of the individual, and the arena of action, underscores that Pisces ascendants, despite their material circumstances influenced by various planetary configurations, are inherently inclined towards altruism. Their lives are often characterized by acts of sacrifice. In a manner reminiscent of Lord Vishnu, who relinquished his celestial freedom to aid the world and safeguard the wisdom of the Vedas, Pisces ascendants are willing to forgo personal pleasures and comforts to preserve individuals, principles, traditions, or organizations. Frequently, Pisces-born individuals exhibit hearts of gold, yet endure immense suffering seemingly undeservedly.
Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, endowed with the capacity to enhance the Bhava it governs or inhabits. In its role as the ascendant lord, Jupiter encourages the growth and prosperity of the individual in the earthly realm. Furthermore, Jupiter possesses the inherent ability to unveil the spiritual essence within individuals. However, spirituality often gives rise to frustration when the ego confronts material limitations. For Pisces ascendants, the domains of the 12th and 11th houses are governed by Saturn, emblematic of the staunch materialist. Consequently, any material rewards bestowed upon Pisces ascendants may fail to elicit significant appreciation. Jesus, surrounded by individuals of lesser spiritual evolution, epitomizes the solitary journey of spiritual endeavor amidst mundane surroundings. Similarly, Vishnu's act of creating the material world illustrates the context in which Pisces ascendants find themselves—a realm fraught with sorrow and materialism, while their innermost being yearns for spiritual fulfillment and liberation. Thus, despite their aspirations for a fulfilling life, Pisces ascendants often find themselves grappling with a sense of restlessness. It is worth noting that Jupiter, as a benefic lord of a cardinal house, may not fully realize its potential to bestow benefic influences.
Pisces natives are inherently driven to benefit humanity. The tenth sign from Pisces ascendant is Sagittarius, which compels individuals to initiate profound changes within themselves and their environment. Symbolically, the horse within man—the base instincts or animalistic tendencies—must undergo transformation under the influence of Sagittarius, leading towards spiritual elevation and the pursuit of higher ideals, symbolized by the upward trajectory of an arrow shot heavenward. This elucidates the daily challenges faced by Pisces ascendants as they strive to transcend mediocrity and ascend beyond conventional norms. They possess an innate ambition and an insatiable drive for improvement, often encountering obstacles in their quest for transformation. Inner peace is achieved through embracing the struggles and trials of life, symbolized by bearing the cross upon the heart. When turmoil is accepted as an inherent aspect of existence, true peace descends upon the individual. This acceptance and endurance of trials represent the tapas—the spiritual discipline—of Pisces ascendants.
All of that said, there is still a darker side to Pisces. See, Pisces isn’t just the Messiah. It is also the anti-Christ. In Pisces, there is no separation between good and evil. They will reach their objectives through whatever means possible, and for some that is in line with classical morality. While for others, it is in an attempt to uproot all previous establishments. In their quest to transcend the limitations of illusory confines, Pisces-born natives may exhibit behaviors that seem unconventional or even highly taboo to society as a way to demonstrate disregard to the made-up rules placed upon them. This includes acts like cannibalism, which symbolize the devouring of the material ego and the assimilation of the material into the spiritual. While taken literally, cannibalism is abhorrent and condemned, symbolically, it represents the consumption of the self—the dissolution of the body and the integration of the individual into the collective. Furthermore, Pisces is associated with the destruction of societal structures and institutions. This is not an endorsement of chaos or anarchy but rather a reflection of Piscean energy's tendency to challenge and disrupt established norms and conventions. Pisceans may feel compelled to dismantle societal constructs that perpetuate illusion and separation, seeking to awaken individuals to the underlying unity of all existence. Pisces serves as a reminder of the complexity and depth of the human experience. While Pisceans may challenge societal norms and engage in unconventional behaviors, their underlying intention is one of spiritual awakening and liberation. It is through confronting the shadows within ourselves and society that we are able to transcend dualistic perception and realize our true nature as spiritual beings.
Mercury holds a unique relationship with Pisces, governing its 4th and 7th houses. This connection underscores the vital association between the higher and lower aspects of the mind, or, put differently, the physical and spiritual intellect. Harmony between these faculties is paramount for Pisces individuals to lead a balanced life. Without such equilibrium, there is a risk of succumbing to neuroticism, cynicism, and emotional imbalance. Pisceans face their greatest trials from women, worldly pleasures, and intoxicants. When the ego becomes ensnared by the allure of worldly progress and indulgence, life becomes fraught with complications. Venus, the ruler of worldly delights, not only opposes Jupiter, the ascendant lord for Pisces, but also governs the 3rd and 8th houses from the ascendant, which are traditionally deemed inauspicious. Consequently, expecting support from Venus proves futile and often leads to frustration. In light of these factors, it is logical to conclude that Pisces is an inherently auspicious sign, acknowledged as such by ancient religions. This sign symbolizes the divine assistance rendered to the material world's existence. In their daily lives, Pisces-born individuals facilitate the growth and multiplication of others, often at their own expense. Material rewards hold little satisfaction for them, as their true fulfillment lies in serving humanity and realizing their spiritual purpose. By harmonizing their minds and transforming logical intellect into intuitive wisdom, they gain insights into the true purpose of their existence. These souls are destined to guide humanity towards the realization of its latent divine potential. Their happiness and balance are found in working towards noble ideals and the advancement of human progress, while indulgence in sensual pleasures and worldly pursuits proves detrimental to their well-being.
submitted by Agreeable-Ad4806 to Advancedastrology [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:22 plumflowerkitten Dear Plumflower/Dear M

Dear plumflower, I love you.
What I really mean is I love the way you love me.
I love how you tried to understand me in every which way you could. I love how you gave me numerous excuses for my immature behavior and I love how you even took my disorder into consideration. I love how you feel for my breadcrumbing and how you allowed me to abuse you time and time again because you practice paitence with me.
I love the way you accepted my irrational hatred for your brother's primary caretaker who also became yours. I love how you rationalized my jealous and extreme anger and took all the mental and emotional abuse from me. I love how you excused my trauma triggers that I caused you to endure for 8 months.
I love how easy it was for you to forgive me when I said the empty words: I love you. I love how all I have to say is sorry and you fogave me. I love how you would go out of your way to make sure my feelings remain stable snd neglected your own.
You really know how to love me You are the perfect girl.
Dear M,
I, plumflower, truly feel in love with you and I knew that it would be a hard road. I knew it was not going to be easy. I am broken from the previous relationships but they shaped me. I knew you had a lot to learn and I saw something in you that aligned with me.
I made mistakes and I hurt you but when you expressed it to be I told you I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted to be a better person for myself and for us. So I sought to improve. I think I made some leeway but I'm not perfect. I tried to understand you and where you are coming from. I told you that I am incapable of taking care of my special needs btother on my own and thats why he has a caretaker. The caretaker also helps me out.
The relationship between him, the caretaker and I, is strictly professional.
Yet you developed an irrational but intense hatred for him as if he was taking me away. I reinterated that I love and want you but you wanted me to hate him too. That makes no sense; it still doesn't. I have always said you don't have to like him but he is a pivotal part of my life so that I can spend time with you.
I even said hate him but don't take your anger out on me. Yet time and time again you aimed your hatred at me and hurt me. You hurt me so much that I even communicated that when I need help from the caretaker I suffer from anxiety and I no longer feel that you love me and that I am afraid to express myself freely. You said you would changed, but you only just said it. I waited.
Why? Because I love you and wanted you so in order to have you I have to wait. I need to communicate clearly and ftom a place of love. I tried multiple times until you just repeated the same errors over an over that I began to question whether you were incapable of loving me or unwilling to. I communicated to you that either an unwillingness or unableness would spell out the end of us, but you argued that if I love you I wouldn't leave
I corrected you by saying that sometimes loving someone isn't enough. You end up hurting them so leaving them is better. That upset you because you still believe in fairytale love. You refuse to acknowledge my boundary. I was honest with you that three years ago I was broken by the guy before you. He broke me doen tp the poi f that I didn't know how to live without him and I had to. He tore me down so much I hated my own reflection, but the universe gave me the strength to refind myself. I would never let another man put me there again. You're response was you love him more because you allowed him to go that far I should be able too as well.
I told you that if you truly love me you would never put me there.
So here we are. I am near that place again and I have chosen to walk away from you despite loving you still.
You love the way I love you. You don't love me. You never reciprocate the kindness and understanding I gave you. I love you, I really do but I have to love me because you won't.
submitted by plumflowerkitten to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:14 TJKitsune Had to remove a player for the first time an what caused it. C/TW: mentions of in game bodily harm, likely manipulative/gaslighting.

I recently had to properly kick my first ever player, things got a little intense between us for it and well left me on the all sorts of spectrum of emotions sides. I just had to get both feelings and my logic for the reasons for this removal of at the start, a good player and good guy and character that.. to me just started to not be. Maybe to just vent out, maybe to see if I was justified, but also to hope that, if there were points I didnt see or think of at the time that someone can help me think better if a scenario ever bubbles up like this, I have a better headspace to go about things right.
To start, I am more or less a newby forever DM (1 oneshot game to my belt under as a player), my current running campaign is only my second, going 2 years strong now. Its been bumpy recently do to my work schedule last few months but we are nearly up to our 100th session together and things have begun to heat up story wise and excitement wise by my players. Everything's in the story is homebrew more or less, both my own works and others I found and my players bring up to me.
At the start of the game, I had 5 starting players, and the one in question was one of them. We lost a few of them, first sadly I more suggested he leave, as much as he wanted to play, it was to the point he was playing while traveling via busses, planes and others (he traveled alot for his daily life events he couldnt get out of) an never mentioned when these would happen. That went smooth, we were both polite and I wasnt upset with them, just upset a good player like him will have hard times with finding a table. Better ways, would have been having a blast with them to this day. The second was starting to act up, I had to shoot him down a bit hard at times, more so when a new player, a girl, joined up an he started being a bit inappropriate and not act like the character he told me he would be. After I started blocking his more chaotic antics, he pretty much ghosted the group all together. Our third player who left is more on a prolonged hiatus cause of his work schedule, but he keeps in contact. So as far as the original party goes there are only two, with the first whom replaced our enthusiastic but unable to stay with us player being 'Miss 3 1/2's'.
With most of that out of the way, I can get onto the player in question. Again, he was there from the start, only second in my player search to start this campaign. Wanting to play a neutral good paladin who grew up a simple farmers life and was on a life walk-about to enrich himself before his turn to take over the family farmlands. At the start things were bit fine, he showed a general interest to hooks that kinda developed in the intro fight, making some good goofy aspects with his character and interactions and at least at first, an interest to some of the things in the world at the time. But looking back, I did likely trust him with a bit much, the other characters likewise were very 'go with teh flow' but they liked to investigate and get into things outside the city that they were given slight hero titles to after the start of things. With him though, he did 'actively' have his character go to get the town effective 'quest board' and ask around if people needed help with things... and.. not tell the other PC's about it or try an start the missions or plots.
While in itself it wasnt 'bad' people also trusted him a bit as 'the note taker' at first, so maybe we just expected him to go into things later or something, but, this became something I was concerned of with him on it. I mentioned his own story progression aspects from the start of the game, well, when given a lead that would let him undo a poor families ailment he showed interests too with time to go at least check it.. he suddenly invented a sister for his character.. who was getting married, back in his home country, that they 'had' to visit right then an there.
He had been vague about his characters history, he may have mentioned a sister 'in passing' but nothing ever set in stone besides his Grandfather being the true head of the farm and his dad. Not even anything about his characters mother, an now suddenly he wanted to spend a week or two travel via air ship to go see a 'new fiance' on top of it. I admit, I wasn't too happy but I also didnt outright pull him to the side to talk about that. Mark against me I know.
But it kind of worked out, as because no one could do much since he was kinda blocking the group from reaching the intended quest givers that he swore he would get with (2 of the other remaining characters at the time mostly had their stuff working on things they were trying to do that wasnt too crazy but at least progressed their characters in ways). And Miss 3 1/2 wasnt sure of her character at the time so played a temp one to feel out being another class and style for a bit. It helped her bloom a little. They ended up helping another little quest idea i had for halloween, late it was, but had fun with it an great action. But do to how that took an bad dice rolls which I do no flub or such, they got sidetracked from things an had to go back to go onto a quest 3 1/2 got them to.. an he wasnt exactly actively happy or doing the quest (guard a noblewoman on a quest to one of the countries for buisness matters. Kinda.. avoided the woman in weird ways.. like trying to push the hotel cooks asideto 'show them how its done'..).
When the crew finished with it, it was with another teaser to quest lines he was kinda pinning the group with. Again unfortunately the rest were 'kinda' okay with his choice on it but they were doing a bit more to be active now so it wasnt likely to work out for long. Around this time is when 'Work Haitus' had to sadly step away, so i started to put feelers out for new players again. During this time, he was still kinda pulling back on things as best he could, but he started to show a.. interesting trait. He wanted to start 'grinding' for EXP.. without going into the literal forest where some creatures could be faught, instead, he went to the city coliseum. Now this was explained since session one, I dont give any real EXP for fights there, quit literally if you have a fun sparing match or a more rough bloody match in it against a tamed or caught creature or class person, you'll only end up with 1 xp point. I did this cause I heard of a number of stories of 'those' players showing up, going to fight pits to make themselves stronger an not bother with rp time stuff. But I also tweaked it, so you could make bets for yourself, and the boon of prize and noterity (IE, people start being more favorable to you, seek you out that sort of stuff.. which considering he had so many 'hidden to activate quests' at this point wouldnt have mattered either way). He very quickly stopped after his 2nd or so solo attempt and made a passing comment on being upset of it. I overlooked that time.
During this, the entire party collectively was sought out, as the city knew 'all of them' roughly, so no reason only someone looking to the quest board would be involved alone. They were given a new quest by a neighboring kingdom, to deal with monsters they had ties with from the start as an already active side-story plot. He kinda 'backed' a bit into doing his characters 'im off to clean the broom closet' antics during some of this.. alot.. so looking back it feels he was upset not only was he not 'in charge' of getting the quests, but that the whole party agreed to be invovled with it regardless of anything else. I did try to bring him bback in, by having that Sister and her Fiance appear to meet them since he couldnt make the meeting.
There was some .. issues.. he kinda started to instantly mistrust the fiance, he litterally used 'every' detection spell he had on them trying to sus if they were demon, enregy or otherwise. An more or less ignored the sister even when she asked him his plans on things.. an since he 'left the sibling things to me besides she pranks him maybe' he didnt seem thrilled that she was upset the 'Lord title' brother, who won plots of land in this country an was going to open, I kid you not, an 'Pizzaria Inn petting zoo pet super plant farm forge and factory' on said plot of land with 'secret super caves our befriended monster friend will terraforming for us'. Short version of the monster thing.. monster had no such ability and at best had very tiny cute versions of itself digging out the cave, one pebble at a time.. this is when i noticed he sort of 'half' listened to details given.
I will admit, I wanted to have a moment where the sister was going to become some sort of 'rival', if she couldnt find way to convince the older men who are currently running the farm that big bro might have more important things to do as 'a Lordship hero paladin' maybe its time to break 'the men run the farm' tradition. In character he was warned 'she really wants your farm, and as someone whose seen people go extremes maybe you should reach out to her so its not so bad an no bad blood has to happen'... he kinda took it that she wants him dead, sorta. Took a bit with the informer to correct it.
He .. 'kinda' tried to 'make it up to her' i think by baking her favorite pie an admittedly as a nice act gave her his holly symbol which was the family's given by grandpa to him.. no biggy as the city hade a temple of his goddess to get a replacement soo.. yeah. Honestly I did talk with him a little on it.. but this is when another aspect started being apparent.
I hadnt mentioned, but I am not a fan of no call no show specially when we had a constant schedule, he had a few, but 'did' sorta apologize, at first. We do everything discord and roll20, so when he starts to not appear i would '@' the group and then '@' via DM's, and there maybe 'weeks' to 'months' if theres nothing 'important' to talk to me about response wise. And at the start of those times he started missing alot. An also, not apologizing or saying why. He doesnt always have to I know, but given we were having fewer players, wed have sudden 'we cant plays' cause it was 2 people only..
Then, we get introduced to not one or two but three new players. I kinda worried with them being prior friends and click group but its been working out for most part. Timing for ones admittedly stunk, an their on a personal leave Im not faulting but having their character background for now. They show up, an their characters, well starting at high level for at least 2 fresh faces an one long term one is a little odd, but its been fun. They instantly get into their characters mindsets, weird quirks that fit their upbringings and own style of things, but they also work as a functional communicating and asking questions group with slight airs of 'they are not lower class but deal with both from the noble side of things' air to them. Again its worked out, given they lost a litter hard hitter the three work great.
As the plot went, they were actually being lured away by a group who they helped bust antics an get called out on it in the city, the bait was just 'oh it might be the same type of monster you guys are looking for who might eat an entire city', done via a modified memory spell on the patsy. They were lead to a campsite the badguys set up to be a kill/trap spot.. It was a bit rough with things, but the group was doing 'amazingly' well. But I had an even bigger surprise for everyone, to take our game to a new level an give a 'big' meaty plot hook to hype and put every character on an equal 'i dont know anyone around here/dont have the same resources you do' foot from how the characters went, as an idea to build their bonds.
The trap, got ambushed, by a big honken monster I teased the first players with barely into session 4 that was a corps but came back. An this thing was a beast, CR minimal 20+ an higher (i suck at figuren the maths) but yeah, it was 'not' a winnable fight they could escape from that even the badguys said 'truce till were not monster food???'
It blew apart the trap-badguys, an sent the PC's hurdling into a space that was supost to be instant death, but plot armor I intended for em saved them if only 'barely' but now, their in ' a ocean like space between the outter realm and multi realms', with faint contact by the holly characters gods saying 'theres a way back, you must return'. including to the Paladin an 3 1/2 (who is cleric).. and honestly, everyones raved to me about it.. but looking back agian, given lack of Paladins communications 'out' of his appearances in game.. he hasnt said much, unless someone else starts even then its.. barely a sentence..
The players were picked up by 'friendly pirates' an have been discovering things and gaining new strengths.. least, most of them again. 3 1/2 really bounded with the new NPC's an been expanding their character (shes been very creative that way an shes really gotten into the player bug, im sooo happy i could get her into the hobby) the new players had their growths too, the full slightly higher brow noble of them has come to terms 'hes mortal an can die, but people need his strength' too, as well as 'living is hard.. their not just 'dirty' or something by chance its just the efforts of their brow' to the sorceress of his friends being delighted to be sailing the seas with quirky merman, turtle an other type pirates with treasures an jerks to kick in the seat of the pants. Even the other first player has tried new character aspects, trying to be a 'new version' of himself till an event happened (which he half told me of, but it was more workable then 'sudden sister quest').
But.. paladin has been a bit more missing an sadly we have had spotty game times cause this is when my own work schedule has been bad. An again, he never gets back or says 'oh sorry cant make it' or whatever happened. I brought up a bit ago about his passing remarks of the exp thing for this point to make, he doesnt like to have his character have much of my homebrew stuff.. despite how many treasures hes had that hes just gone 'i sell it' or 'eh if you want it take it dont want it' that has been (a) a plot starter, or (b) a pretty handy if maybe OP item, hes just passed them off even from session z where I give every player chances to pick a unique thing for their character that helps tie them to the world. He opted out of it, an through everything they have done an gathered.. hes held onto a grand total of 2 homebrew things.. a sword, that after a 'certin point' he used as his hexblade warlock focus point with his goddess also being his patron, and 'one' spell that I had to reach out to offer him, well, technically '2' spells. One that he could use to turn a mundane object into a powerful magic weapon, an a ritual spell that he needs to cast to regain uses of the other spell.
The reason this ties to the EXP block from the coliseum bit, is because as part of the ritual to regain usages, he has to create a small 'choke point' of a ritual spell ring to fight an unending horde of monsters that the spell summons to fight just him. Now, the monsters are extremely low level, like 1/4 cr, an they wont try an kill him, as the ritual ends when hes KO'ed. It took a bit before he had to properly cast it in ession (big surprise, had him recharging it on some of the missing day's of his). But when eh did, an he finished it, he did instantly ask 'how much exp to i get?' an kinda grew hushed when I said 'you.. get your six usages of your spell back?'. I.. low key wonder if he wanted to try an use it as a cheat to grind or something..
This also does not help that, just prior, 3 1/2 managed to do our 'biggest' damage in a single round during a hord fight, literally between her spells an a new weapon with some seriously amazing rolls, did over 200 hp of damage on her own. To the point she KO'ed the boss monster leader. granted it was with a smart play and some literal crit hits, but thats when his vibe for games started kinda feeling off big time. An come now, to the more recent events before the kick..
I had a rare day off i could have a game completely unhindered, an we agreed to all have it.. sadly starter 2 forgot the US has Daylights saving, so we did loose an hour for him getten outta work. Eh it happens. An sadly the new 3 didnt get to join in so it was an agreed on one shot. Well, that 'was' the idea..
When we started.. when we 'could' have started, I gave them the quick plot of how they got to this place (this all happened just before the event with the pirates so they had their stuff but meta'ed they were still their current levels). Now, Im loose with my own OS's, so I used a module i bought that looked fun an it was interesting. I did have to build a bunch of rough doubles of the maps, since turns out the PDF didnt want to let me get the pics right at the time, so wasnt focusing too much on some details but for key point ones. Its important for later. But anwyay after the basic 'you did a hero thing an was invited to a small isle city by its noble ruler who has big parties every week an your the guests of honor', you know the usual kinda crud. Well i started to get into the start of it, about to go to details of the maps location.. when he, stopped me an blocked me to go 'oh i climb the building or whatever to get that gun!'.....there was unfortunately an image of a gun on the part of the token i used to build the maps clocktower..didnt notice it.. he sure did.. an kinda derailed me a bit more..reminder, we were an hour late into session.
I managed to get back on track, the security at the start of the party line stoppen the crew an saying 'sorry its a costume party, dont worry we always have spares, pick one' an they got to pick a set of masks for themselves. They rolled to take turns, he got first dibs, an picked one he 'really liked', but I do kinda wonder cause my tag name relates to what it was.. Well, I sent them the screenshot of the masks an their effects as an item/equip card... he started to.. get sour sounding.
In prior in between an pre game times, hes mentioned hes.. not exactly a fan of alot of stuff. Even some of the oldest movies an comics that are still being made now an are big on fandoms, hes got zero interests or cares for.. an on troupes, he is not big on mysteries. An sadly, the mask gave him an ability thats great in discovering secrets...
Well, I started to bring one of the moduels NPC's to start pointing out details, give them some hook bits an background to what goes on normally in the city... and.. he used that one use ability to check if she liked her mask.. literally stepping the entire conversation, then walked away to break into that clocktower.. that had the guns on it..
3 1/2 an second 1'st decided 'lets try an get on with the actual story regardless' an tried to go to the party which they did, trying to get him to come with too, crossing the small castle bridge to get to there an start mingling as they do.. paladin did 'eventually'.. but first he shimmied the bridge to use up his stealth abilities from the mask... then when 3 1/2 noticed, tried to get him to come in, he... started climbing to the top of the castle wall..
His character, never acted like this, in any OS we had before or in game before. Second 1'st did do a little weird, but it was stuff his character was infamous for, but not good for the long run. I admit.. I lost my cool, I didnt shout, yell, or otherwise.. but at this point, from when we 'late started', to paladins 3'rd athletic roll to scale the building he was invited for, we had lost over 2 hours of our usual session time an it was very apparent he was really not going to act like the character we were accustomed to.. so I said, 'sorry guys, see you next time'.. admittedly, I did kinda vent in our group chat text wise.. I was pretty upset an tired i cant lie on this, i had spent very early hours on the maps an looking over to familair most of the thing as best i could while having lack of sleep beforehand. But, I basically just said, if you dont feel up to a game please just say so cause putting all that time en effort for even a one shot was time an tiring thing an just frankly kinda rude antics for no reason just hurt.... didnt use cures or otherwise but that was about it..
It did help that, the group reached out to me about it, even both our Hiatus ones.. everyone but Paladin who kinda went back to basic no coms with me pretty much like norm.. he kinda missed a few more sessions between then to now.. so lets get to what became the last straws of the DM..
So, in the 'undersea' places, the crew realized that, the party had something they could use with their nations rulers to try an breach peace with the races that was locking everyone up in this space between the multiverse, to escape some big dangers thats happening here. This thing was second 1'sts 'tie in starting choice' i gave the first party options too an hes loved ever since, giving his character a level of importance. Of course there is the risk the guys could go 'we dont need 'them' for just 'that'. but thankfully its the nicer space sea folks side so thankfully its all negotiations. I rolled beforehand to see what outcome would happen.. not the best roll but it was one with surprising good results but the meeting was postponed with the intended target cause.. well the system got fragged as they sent the unintended invite back to the outer realms and their time slot to reach out to there was lost. So the party an the friendly pirate captain npc buddy was told 'come back in several months well try again'. The captain was telling the leaders 'oh sure no problem' while giving a 'if we dont find you guys a way back to your side of the world to stop that big bad monster for good first 'wink' to them..
An paladin.. confronted an tried telling the nation guys the details in a... weird way. I really dont know how to explain how he said it it still sounds weird to me. But he basically wanted too.. convince the nation that 'the party' could end all their troubles.. against a hord of demons an undeads effectively 'not understanding' the monster that threw them here was not one of the creatures in question. Which even after i pointed out 'if he couldnt do more than 13 points of damage to that thing, how would he think he can beat the monster he 'thinks' made it?'... which on that matter, he was told multiple times it wasnt.
Well, the rest of the gang tried to talk reason to him, even pull him aaway.. an i had made split choice of the captain decided to put a 'command bracelet' on him, effectively 'if you fight the order given you get zapped an paralyzed'. telling him 'please stop an lets talk about this somewhere 'safe'... because the party and them werent safe..
People in the sea space place, dont like people 'from their side' not that any survive coming down to there. Again, they survived via their plot armor's they dont even fully get yet. With the leadership litterally saying to him before the captain dragged him to the doors a bit 'let them hang for all we care'...
Well, paladin passed the check against the paralyze effect (again, i give honest rolls unless absolutely necessary which i dont like doing..) an.. he had his character chop his hand off, use every will save till he passed the players spells an use his tp abilities to get out of any grapple an ran into the building to more or less brow beat the leaders into listening to him...I made a choice as the captain npc... an ran for the ship to get the heck out before his crew would be arrested an maybe killed for hiding the PC's, an the other PC's likewise, ran for the hills too with them saying 'your mad if you do this'..
That is where that session ended, he made a passing comment 'guess ill reroll a character for the time being'... an he never showed up for the following one despite knowing 3 weeks in advance..though it turns out he 'did' roll stats for a character after I left the chat an roll20... an 'then' designed his character... which at first i was iffy but gave him a sheet to fill in to go ahead an start worken it, not knowing he had pre existing stat rolls for it or clearing that with me.. something I dont like..
Well, cant say i fault him for not knowing this, none of them did.. but there was a planned event for the city they were in. After the 'meeting the outsiders' event, they were going to be there during a siege by the monsters the leaders were worried about. I had the mechanics that, theyd get swarmed by mooks they could likely kill in a round or two at worst with a few higher level front line commanders thrown in, for each one of these theyd get a -5 to around -15 against a d100 roll (which I infamously roll low on all the time) on how much the city gets damaged up (multiple of the results for fyi), where either (a) they would stand their grounds just enough to cause the enemy to tempt pull back from the current onslaught, (b) the do enough damage an pull back gettin more then they need for now (long story) or (c) the party retreats for the time trying to pick up some survives they could fit on the ship an get the heck out as the city is torn up...
Instead.. I roll flat 3d100's as the party 'just' avoided the guards an lockdown.. which didnt add any bonses for the city guards chance to prep ships an counter attackk.. of the three, 2 in the ninties, one over fifty.. the city was whiped out.. I was 'devastated' that now i may have put the paladins character in a state he was just outright mamed and couldnt even give his player a 'last hura an fade to black'...because they never showed up or said anything...
I had to take a day or two before i sent the news to him, i did kinda phrase it a little angerly but i was 'where were you what happend'?... no response the entire week, right up to our next game session with nothing being done to that character sheet i gave him for a month..
And then came to our last bit of communication.. one hour before we started, he wanted to ask me about his character creation thing.. he stuck with the class i was iffy on to begin with but he.. went with a completely different class, an frankly he was maxing out the stats on the class too..
I confronted him since at least then he was 'finally' speaking to me. He was giving me the 'he would have convince them' speach of his characters plans.. I was just getting more confused by some of his responses of what that even was. The 'misunderstandings' of his character of what things are going on, why he did an extrem like 'why would he cut his hand off' an then he admitted no matter what, his character was going to leave. All on the fact his 'Paladin Alignment as Lawful good' wouldnt let him 'let a bunch of people die in the city'... his character has pulled back from fights an stuff before, while yeah if he saw a fight he would totally try an defend someone if need be, but, the abandon the party thinking they were doing wrong, knowing that the plan the group would be involved with after the outsider meeting, was to go search for things that might power them all up enough to be on the same playing field as the monster that beat them, or event he ones attacking the undersea side.. He even made a passing comment 'yeah i know they all talked about it for an hour'.. when.. he caused the conversation to las tthe hour by having them repeat it different ways several times.. something he also did alot im afraid when the quest was not one he started/invested in specifically of himself (the starting foot of it happened to one of the new players an 3 1/2 while he was on one of his missing days again).
He made a slight passing comment about me jus killing off his character an how they were acting as a 'what if someone wanted to play something else' .. which i did ask 'did you want to play something new why didnt you just ask?' to which.. he kinda ignored an went on. It was roughly at this time that he said he was trying to focus on his wizard spell list that i clicked to he was playing a new type of character all together.. one he admitted he wanted to play as 'weird and kinda crazy'.. it honestly sent chills to me given his 'sane' character did something extreme out of the blue for no reason an would never had done before was a bad sign what he considers 'slightly weird/crazy' would be.. but i was further made up set he made up a character only 'after' getting rolls he didnt get clearance from me with beforehand. I asked if this was the case which he confirmed and simply asked 'what want me to do point buy instead?'... an thats when I said i dont think he was set for my game again.. most so since all this all he focused on, again, an hour before game time, was only the basic mechanics an nothing else (given my honest mistrust of him springing something on me on this point with the sister visit 'quest').
I had literally given him my reasons, told him didn tlike how many red flags hes pulled lately. Including our game communities famed words by players who do things that tend to do things that.. kinda make things weird or bad or start to trail from how they start as.. When he first started missing the bulk of sessions, an losing plot interest, was when he 'lost his notes'. Then an most infamous last appearance, literally last bits hes said when he decided to have his character leave (which in hindsight i think he may have just wanted but again.. pardon me for guessing since he never communicated) 'Its what my character would do' when he had him cut his hand off.. Then during our conversation when i was trying to figure out what the heck was all that an what happend he said 'because my lawful good paladin couldnt let that under his oath'... his 'netual good' character whose hidden monsters under his house, stolen from a school of magic, made friends with an had sight powers from a devil an a few other shady things to say the he was plannen or taking that his character should have a diff alignment without communing with me on it..who knows ont hat one..
I honestly did my usual, 'i dont think this game is for you' exit speech... an he said 'dont bs me with this over polite crap' an tried to make me say 'i want you gone'.. he was more or less animate on the specifics of the words.. and I think i know why..
Because, the players have a private text chat, not that hes much on there himself unless his character name is mentioned multiple times, but they do have it for funnies an stuff between em. I dont mind it, but.. at some point when I officially announced I'd be removing the player in our whole group chat.. he sent a very cropped two lines that was the tail end of us with me saying him in the groups not looken good, but told them 'i shouldnt be contacted about this'..
Tooo bad for him, I screenshot everything big like this. An further bad for him, the new guys an me talk alot too, like constant, and he forgot, 3 1/2 are friends for over a decade. 3 1/2 told me that... so i reached out to the rest of the group, shared the entire thing with them on the spot, saying 'i am sorry, its been bad with all these points' (i mention in here better more details after all, given how it was an hour of getting heated an trying to get him to tell me what his game plan is or anything else if need be given everything else sounded like he was flipping between wanting to be something new or... again i can only speculate since he just went offensive/defenses with no explanations or stuff to understand him the player). an sent them the entire conversation the two of us had as a screenshot.
While I was polite an just saying 'dont think the games for you' which yeah is a little over gentle.. after i pointed out one of them mentioned with a tiny screenshot of only me saying 'you should go' an the 'dont talk to me about it'. He honestly said 'i told them they shouldnt bother with it' like they should have just listened to him on the get that 'he' would send it.. told him I already had. And for that level of honestly kinda manipulative tactic, both trying to isolate the party from me and only showing the 'closest' he would have of me saying 'i want you gone' comment, which he had stressed for a bout a minute i should 'say' in our private chat, i cant help but wonder if he was seriously trying to poison the well between me and the others.. an then said he would 'show them the whole conversation.... well he kinda got super silent with the private group and to me when i said 'i already sent the whole. I told him, good luck an goodbye, an then removed him from my DND group.. he suddenly for the first time in 2 years 'went offline', on my notice thing, so i think he made himself invisible but at first i thought he blocked me.. made a passing comment to test, but he went 'no' an was suddenly fully online an back to his MMO's that he 'usually' played too much an overslept some of our early day games on... not surprising..
The rest of the party were.. thankfully understanding, 3 1/2 suggested we didnt play but i pressed on but we did kinda vent.. helped one of the experienced newby of the three was a dm, an said 'hey its what you feel too, if he was making you feel uncomfortable at the table with that, your alright to feel it an remove him' which helped too..
But part of me does have to have that nagging feel since, he is the 'first' true kick i have done. ALl my other possible problem players ghost themselves from my games an he had been in for 2 years.. not that we done much since we are nearly at our 100'th session an only 'now' getting to the possible tea of the world i have been sitting on for 3 years since started working on the campaign over it. I left it openf or them to discover, an things started to click when the new guys came in an started being able to 'take lead' a bit on group choices.. not waiting for the paladin to lead them.. but.
of course, communication is '2 way street' i know, I said he didnt talk to me on things but likewise maybe i shoulda been more active reaching to him. To a point I tried, but, unless it was 'hey want a new power or something' ...he didnt respond back much. Again we had not much on similar things an it feel slike he was cluing in that many of my influences was from comics, movies games an anime that even if he was into the fandoms of, he didnt know alot as I have a broad and little known spectrum of series. Maybe a bit of it was lill mix of we didnt upfront what we expected, but also disinterests... but I do know at least 2 of his fave games.. tha has owning land, getting bonus in some way from that, an thats that.. an some other aspects, kinda in hindsight were what he wanted/expected for his character at times.
Again, my thing is full homebrew, an always say 'hey if you find something you like, lemme know an see maybe we can toss it in.', sadly some of the gang dont take that up too much, but the new players have lately an its been fun. He did at first 'start' suggesting something.. but with no set things, so when i brought up things that we can do for it he kinda.. shot em down, like not say full on no but.. just went silent.
In the end, Im upset with myself over not confronting the problem a bit more 'first', but i guess i just started to let him just 'be silent all the time is fine the problem goes away' as much as he did it when i reached out to him. Hell if he stepped away for a bit, sadly perfect since his first character might be KO'ed, i may have taken him back if he just said 'been dealing with things' or 'wanted to be something new' or, 'can i try something crazy'.. but in the end he only wanted me to respond in the moment to what he came up without double checking things an it can happen so sparatically, so 'railroady' for me an the other players I just cant anymore. An knowing hell honestly try an manipulate my words behind my back to the rest of the players.. yeah Im not trusting that player at any of my games ever again and wont ever trust one like that... but I hope it doesnt turn to that for just that factor an not because of other reasons that can be avoided...
Anyone who reads, thanks for your time. If you got tips or mindsets to consider for me here, like to help get them like a mindworm to maybe help me over things, given how my head is still lill swimmen on it both emotionally an thoughts. I guess maybe im looking to see if I was valid (I know for my 'mental health' i was, but want to know its not just my own head thinking it an maybe cases like this is at least partly justified). An hey, if you ever had a sitch like this, lemme hear how ya felt too, never helps bottling it in. Just typing this at first as a note to myself before it showed up anywhere helped me clear my head a fair bit, so theres always getting the words out there wither someone's ear or eyes take it is a nice way to get the happy feels in. Next order buisness to feel better... getten to those cursed die rolls (come on Dice Gods treat me an my players failry, ah dangit another 1! I thought i blotted it out!)
submitted by TJKitsune to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:04 G6Tyrantula My Digital Storm Aventum X. What y’all think?

Best piece of hardware I’ve ever laid eyes on let alone have the pleasure of playing on. Thing is absolutely gigantic and weighs like 100+ pounds lol.
submitted by G6Tyrantula to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:02 mat8iou Buying a car in Aus - what do I need to know

I'm looking at buying a car secondhand in Sydney. Looking for any tips / things to watch out for, as well advice on what the procedure is.
I have a full NSW licence.
For reference, I'll explain how it works in the UK (which is the only place I've purchased cars before).
  1. Go to a car yard, take a look and test drive the car.
  2. Try and negotiate the price down and usually be offered some random stuff you don't want in exchange for the price not dropping.
  3. If you agree to the price, pay a deposit of say 10% and agree roughly when you will be back to complete the purchase.
  4. Sort out insurance for the car (third party is the legal minimum).
  5. Go and pick up the car. You then sort out the paperwork for ownership transfer (can now be done online), and pay vehicle excise duty (known to most people as road tax) for 6 months or 1 year (also done online) - the previous owner applies to get a refund of any remaining months.
  6. Drive away in the new car.
  7. One side note is MOT - an annual test for cars over a certain age. Whoever is selling you the car will tell you the MOT expiry date (the test is valid for a year) and then you need to renew it during the month before it expires by taking it to be re-tested.
There have been two things to watch out for in recent years in the UK - one is that Vehicle Excise Duty has been restructured multiple times and cars with larger engines or higher emissions levels can end up paying a lot more - often this is a problem with older cars that were not tested the same way, so get charged a high amount, while newer nearly identical models have aligned to the standards and are much cheaper to tax.
The second one has become ULEZ compliance. Not just in London, but in other major cities, there are areas where you pay a daily charge unless your car is compliant with certain low emissions standards. Many people got caught out, because they bought cars a few years ago and then found they were not compliant so had to either sell or pay the fee every time they entered the city.
So - I guess a big part of my question is, what aspects of the process are completely different to what I outlined above. What additional charges are there on top of the agreed price of the car and are there any new regulations currently planned to come in that may impact these (my understanding is that Australia is currently fairly unregulated in terms of vehicle emissions compared to most OECD countries).
Do most people buy privately second-hand or from dealers? Are there any particular things to look out for on Australian cars in terms of wear (often in the UK for instance, rust is a big problem on the undersides of doors etc - in large part because of the salt they use on the roads in winter to reduce the amount of ice)
Any advice is welcomed.
submitted by mat8iou to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:07 ReactionNo618 [USA-MI] [H] MSI Suprim 4090, 4090 FE, 7900XTX, 4070Ti Super, 7900 GRE, 7800XT, 3080, 6800, 3070, 7600, A380, Ryzen 5 7600X, B650 Motherboards [W] Paypal, Local

Listing brand new and used(excellent condition) graphics cards, AM5 processors and motherboards. Motherboards comes with its original accessories. RAMS, ssd and PSU are also available for bundling. I will provide retail receipts for the new graphics card listed here.
Feel free to PM with any questions or if need more photos of a specific item! Prices include shipping cost inside US. Bundles or multiple items will receive additional discounts. Please leave a comment before PM. Thank you
Graphics Card Condition Price($)
Nvidia RTX 4090 FE Founder Edition New 1800
MSI Suprim 4090 New 1750
XFX Black 7900 XTX New 880
PNY RTX 4070 Ti Super New 750
Sapphire Pure 7900 GRE New 530
XFX 7800XT New 470
Powercolor RX 6800 New 360
Asrock 7600 New 240
Intel arc A380 New 100
MSI Ventus 3X 3070 (Warranty until Dec 2025) Used/excellent 300
Dell RTX 3080 Used/excellent 400
CPU Condition Price($)
Ryzen 5 7600X (3 units available) New 180
Ryzen 5 3600, B450M D3SH Motherboard and 16 ddr4 RAM combo New 150
Motherboard Condition Price($)
Asus ROG Strix B650-A Gaming wifi Used/excellent 170
MSI Pro B650-P Wifi New 150
MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wifi Used/excellent 150
MSI B650 Gaming Plus Wifi Used/excellent 150
submitted by ReactionNo618 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:05 No_Entrepreneur4778 [11 YoE] Experienced FP&A Finance looking for Data Analytics/Data Engineering role in USA (NJ, NY)

[11 YoE] Experienced FP&A Finance looking for Data Analytics/Data Engineering role in USA (NJ, NY)
  • Graduated Dec 2023 Masters in Computer Science (part-time program) - I am looking for some feedback, guidance on my resume, etc targeting Data Analytics roles. Ideally I'd love become a data engineer or work in analytics as I think it goes hand in hand with my finance background and is a good fit. I applied to many places, but haven't been able to land even an interview. (Also I could see myself even as a TPM or a backend-engineer too but I feel like a complete pivot could be hard for me because I did a web development class when I was working and it was a lot of material in a short time and was overwhelming for me but did learn some Javascsript, nodeJS, mongoDB, configuration etc. so much.
  • Anyways, I’ve worked in FP&A (financial planning & analysis) and variations of that in my career track, and I'm looking for feedback. My day to day job doesn’t involve any programming and is a complete different mindset from software engineering, so would be hard for me to switch to a SE role, unless I get an internship/apprenticeship. Therefore, I think data analytics / data field is a good fit.
  • I'm wondering if I should I do a data engineer camp or AWS Cloud Certification given the tough job market right now? Received Databricks Apache Spark 3.0 Certification this past December. Not sure if my resume confusing as my main job as a finance associate, but I played a role as a product owner at one point which technically ended within 1.5-2 years. I can add a Spark Databricks EDA project I worked on during grad school, but I would have to remove some of my work experience to make it fit one page, any pointers appreciated to position myself to make a transition.
submitted by No_Entrepreneur4778 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:50 -AliRaza- Purple pillow review? Is it worth the investment?

Purple, known for its popular Purple grid mattress, also offers a range of pillows and bedding. I tried their purple pillow harmony pillow. Purple has incorporated their futuristic mattress technology into the Purple Harmony pillow, which they've dubbed the “Greatest Pillow Ever Invented.” I had the opportunity to personally test the Purple Harmony pillow, and I'm here to share my experience with you.
Since everyone has unique needs and personal preferences when it comes to pillows, let's discuss who I believe would benefit most from the Purple Harmony pillow...and who might want to explore other options.
I also recommend that you read this before buying this pillow

It's best for you:

If you prefer sleeping on your back: You'll likely appreciate the Purple Harmony pillow. As a back sleeper myself, I found it to have the ideal loft and firmness, keeping my head and neck aligned with my spine. Back sleepers may prefer the low or medium loft option.
For side sleepers: The Purple Harmony pillow is also a great choice. I recommend the medium or high loft version for proper spinal alignment and comfort.
For hot sleepers: The hot sleepers will appreciate the Purple Harmony's ability to regulate temperature. Its latex core naturally stays cool, and the Purple Grid Hex and breathable cover allow for ample airflow, ensuring a consistently cool and comfortable sleeping experience.

It's not best for you:

For stomach sleepers: I recommend avoiding the Purple Harmony. While Purple suggests that the low loft version is suitable for stomach sleepers, I found the loft to be too high when lying on my stomach. Opt for a softer pillow with a lower loft to prevent neck strain.
If you prefer the traditional feel of a down pillow, you might not like the Purple Harmony. It's very bouncy and responsive, lacking the moldability of a traditional down pillow.
Budget-conscious shoppers should also consider other options, as the Purple Harmony is priced higher due to its high-quality materials, placing it in the luxury pillow category.

The feel of a pillow is crucial when making a selection, as it can greatly impact your comfort and sleep quality. However, it's important to note that feel can be subjective, influenced by factors such as body type and personal preferences. What I experienced with the Purple Harmony pillow may differ from your experience.
When choosing a pillow firmness, consider your usual sleeping position. Side sleepers often prefer firm pillows, back sleepers opt for medium firmness, and stomach sleepers typically prefer softer pillows.
In my experience, the Purple Harmony pillow has a medium firmness. Its latex and Purple Grid Hex construction provides a bouncy and buoyant feel, allowing your head to sink in slightly while maintaining elevation.

Purple Harmony Pillow Loft

In considering pillow feel, the loft, or height of the pillow, is an important factor. Side sleepers typically prefer high loft, back sleepers are comfortable with medium loft, and stomach sleepers usually opt for low loft.
The Purple Harmony offers three loft options: low (5.5 inches), medium (6.5 inches), and high (7.5 inches). While I tested the low loft version, I would describe 5.5 inches as more of a true "medium" loft, with 6.5-7.5 inches being quite high. Keep this in mind when choosing the loft that suits you best.
Side: I found the Purple Harmony to be an excellent choice for side sleeping. While I tested the low loft version, I believe the medium or high loft versions would be more suitable. The buoyant and elevating feel of the pillow is ideal for maintaining spinal alignment while on your side, providing essential neck support to help prevent neck pain.
Back Sleeping: I found the Purple Harmony to be a perfect match for my back sleeping preference. As a back sleeper myself, I'm naturally inclined towards pillows that offer comfort in this position, and the Purple Harmony didn't disappoint. The medium firmness was just right for me, and I particularly enjoyed the bouncy feel that also provided some contouring around my head.
I found the low loft version (5.5 inches) to be ideal for back sleeping, as I consider this to be a true medium loft. However, the medium loft version (6.5 inches) could also be suitable for back sleepers who prefer a slightly higher loft.
Stomach Sleeping: I didn't find the Purple Harmony to be the best option for stomach sleeping. While Purple suggests that the low loft version should work, I felt that the loft was still too high. For stomach sleepers, I recommend choosing a pillow with a loft in the 2-3 inch range, or one that is soft enough to compress down to that height.
Under the Arm: The Purple Harmony is a great pillow for sleeping with under your arm. It has a nice, huggable feel and doesn't cause overheating, making it a comfortable choice.
Between the Legs: The Purple Harmony is also a good option for sleeping with between your legs. Its medium firmness provides pressure relief for your legs while keeping your hips aligned. I recommend the medium to low loft versions if you plan to use the Purple Harmony between your legs.

Purple Harmony Pillow Sizes and Prices

Sizes Dimensions Price
Standard (Low loft) 26″ x 17″ x 5.5″ $179
King (Low loft) 34" x 17" x 5.5" $219
Standard (Medium loft) 26″ x 17″ x 6.5″ $179
King (Medium loft) 34" x 17" x 6.5" $219
Standard (High loft) 26" x 17" x 7.5" $179
King (High loft) 34" x 17" 7.5" $219

My Final Thoughts About the Purple Harmony Pillow

In summary, I thoroughly enjoyed using the Purple Harmony pillow, making it one of my personal favorites. I found it well-suited for both back and side sleepers, as well as those who switch between these positions. Additionally, it's a great choice for hot sleepers or anyone who appreciates the cool feel of a pillow. I was particularly impressed by how cool the pillow remained throughout the night, even through my pillowcase.
I also enjoyed the feel of the Purple Harmony pillow; it's bouncy and responsive, yet still allows for some contouring. The addition of the Purple Grid Hex layer elevates what could be considered a basic latex pillow to something more unique and comfortable. I also appreciate that the cover of the Purple Harmony is machine washable and that the materials are hypoallergenic, ensuring cleanliness.
However, I would advise against the Purple Harmony for stomach sleepers. I found that even the low loft version wasn't low enough to prevent the neck from craning in this position. While I appreciate that Purple offers this pillow in multiple lofts, I felt that the "low" loft version, at 5.5 inches tall, was more like a medium loft than a true low loft.
submitted by -AliRaza- to LifeOnPurple [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:27 RavenFloki868 Searching for Buffy/Xander Hate-sex fanfic that I read once..

I am looking for three specific fanfics, (they maybe ficlets I don't remember) that I remember reading before but not the titles I also will accept any other recommendations that are Buffy/Xander hate-sex or angry-sex.
And I'll be honest only one of them is actually hate/angry sex. Also I haven't seen these in a LONG time, like years, so they might not exist anymore. Thanks. 1st one: Buffy finds out Xander lied about the spell and angel at the end of S2 she beats him up, rapes him, then puts him in the hospital, not sure if there was anything more after that. I remember sex being graphic though.
2nd fic: Buffy hates herself/is super depressed and let's Xander have sex with her. Stretches across S1 through S3. Mostly Buffy being too hard on herself, and feeling like sex with Xander is only thing she's good at/ only thing that makes her life mean anything, and not in a good way. And her "stealing" Xander from Willow, yet not able to stop, causing a spiral of emotions and depression.
Third fic is is closest to actual hate/angry sex. Starts in S1, Buffy notices that Xander is "gifted" during the Ms French thing. Xander notices that she noticed, and licked her lips, and continuously calls her on her shit. They behave much more like X/Cordelia than the normal dynamic. When Xander confronts her after hyena possession, and that he remembers everything including how wet she was, she finally gives in and they angry fuck all day long in a classroom. They have multiple encounters after that including when they date Angel/cordy respectively.
submitted by RavenFloki868 to buffy [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:57 softtechhubus Launch Your Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24: Create Local Business, Professional iOS, and Android Apps Effortlessly. Use Our Drag-N-Drop Mobile App Builder to Bring Your Ideas to Life with Just a Keyword!

Launch Your Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24: Create Local Business, Professional iOS, and Android Apps Effortlessly. Use Our Drag-N-Drop Mobile App Builder to Bring Your Ideas to Life with Just a Keyword!
Launch Your Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24: Create Local Business, Professional iOS, and Android Apps Effortlessly. Use Our Drag-N-Drop Mobile App Builder to Bring Your Ideas to Life with Just a Keyword!
Introduction to AppOwls24
In today's competitive business world, having a mobile app is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for businesses of all sizes. The mobile app industry has exploded, with over 107,000 new apps being created every single month on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store alone. This staggering statistic highlights the immense demand for mobile apps across a wide range of industries, from local businesses to global enterprises.
Enter AppOwls24, a groundbreaking AI-powered mobile app builder that empowers entrepreneurs, marketers, and small business owners to capitalize on this lucrative opportunity. With AppOwls24, you can create stunning, fully functional mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms in just a matter of minutes, without any prior coding or design experience.
What sets AppOwls24 apart is its innovative use of artificial intelligence. By simply entering a keyword or selecting from a wide range of pre-designed templates, the platform's AI-driven technology will automatically generate a mobile app tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're looking to create a mobile app for your own business, or offer mobile app development services to local clients, AppOwls24 puts the power of professional-grade app creation at your fingertips.

Features and Capabilities of AppOwls24

AppOwls24 is packed with a comprehensive suite of features that cater to the diverse needs of modern businesses and entrepreneurs. Let's dive into the key capabilities that make this platform a game-changer in the mobile app development arena.
AI-Driven Mobile App Creation The heart of AppOwls24 is its revolutionary AI-powered technology. With just a few simple steps, you can create a fully functional mobile app for iOS and Android platforms. Simply enter a keyword or select from one of the platform's pre-designed templates, and the AI will automatically generate a mobile app tailored to your specific requirements. No coding or design expertise is necessary, making AppOwls24 an accessible solution for users of all skill levels.
Seamless PWA and Native App Creation AppOwls24 offers the flexibility to create both Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and native mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. PWAs provide a seamless cross-platform experience, while native apps leverage the full capabilities of each operating system. The platform's intuitive interface allows you to easily convert your PWA into a native app with a single click, ensuring your mobile app is optimized for every user's device.
Comprehensive Customization Options AppOwls24 empowers you to truly personalize your mobile app experience. From customizing the color scheme and branding to adding multimedia elements and interactive features, the platform's user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to bring your vision to life. You can create multiple pages, integrate ecommerce functionalities, and even set up paid memberships – all without the need for complex coding or design skills.
Diverse Monetization Opportunities AppOwls24 is designed to help you maximize your revenue-generating potential. The platform offers a wide range of monetization options, including the ability to create ecommerce stores, sell digital products and services, and integrate a paid membership model. You can also leverage the platform's built-in loyalty program and promotional features to drive customer engagement and repeat business.
Effortless App Publishing and Hosting One of the most significant advantages of AppOwls24 is its streamlined approach to app publishing and hosting. The platform handles all the technical aspects, eliminating the need for you to purchase a domain, set up hosting, or navigate the complex app store approval process. With AppOwls24, you can publish your mobile apps on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store with ease, or opt to host them on the platform's own secure servers.
Unparalleled Scalability and Growth Potential AppOwls24 is built to scale alongside your business. Whether you're creating a single mobile app for your own venture or launching a mobile app development agency, the platform's robust capabilities allow you to manage and expand your portfolio with ease. With the ability to create and manage up to 100 mobile apps, AppOwls24 ensures that your growth is not hampered by technical limitations.

Who Can Benefit from AppOwls24?

AppOwls24 is a versatile platform that caters to a wide range of users, from entrepreneurs and small business owners to digital marketers and app development agencies. Let's explore the key target audiences that can leverage the power of this innovative mobile app builder.
Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners In today's digital-first world, having a mobile app is essential for businesses of all sizes to remain competitive and engage with their customers effectively. AppOwls24 empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners to create professional-grade mobile apps for their ventures, without the need for extensive technical expertise or a sizeable budget. Whether you're a local restaurant, a fitness studio, or a professional service provider, AppOwls24 enables you to establish a strong online presence and connect with your target audience through a custom-branded mobile app.
Digital Marketers and Affiliate Marketers For digital marketers and affiliate marketers, AppOwls24 presents an incredible opportunity to diversify their revenue streams and offer additional value to their clients or audience. By leveraging the platform's AI-powered app creation capabilities, you can quickly build and sell mobile apps to local businesses, online entrepreneurs, and even individual consumers. This not only opens up a new revenue channel but also enhances your credibility as a trusted digital marketing partner.
Mobile App Development Agencies AppOwls24 is a game-changer for aspiring mobile app development agencies or freelance app designers. By eliminating the need for complex coding and lengthy development processes, the platform allows you to rapidly create and deploy mobile apps for your clients, significantly increasing your efficiency and profit margins. With the ability to white-label the platform and customize it to your brand, you can establish your agency as a premier mobile app development solution in your local market or beyond.
Bloggers, Vloggers, and Content Creators For bloggers, vloggers, and content creators, AppOwls24 provides a unique opportunity to expand their reach and monetize their online presence. You can leverage the platform to create mobile apps that showcase your content, sell digital products, or even offer paid memberships. By transforming your blog or YouTube channel into a branded mobile app, you can enhance the user experience, deepen your audience engagement, and unlock new revenue streams.

How to Profit from AppOwls24

AppOwls24 presents a wealth of opportunities for users to generate lucrative revenue streams. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a digital marketer, or a mobile app development agency, the platform offers several strategies to help you capitalize on the booming mobile app industry.
Offering Mobile App Development Services One of the most straightforward ways to profit from AppOwls24 is to offer mobile app development services to local businesses and online entrepreneurs. By leveraging the platform's AI-powered app creation capabilities, you can quickly and cost-effectively build custom mobile apps for your clients, charging them a premium for your expertise and the high-quality finished product.
According to recent industry reports, the average cost of developing a mobile app ranges from $50,000 to $150,000 or more, depending on the complexity and features. By using AppOwls24, you can create professional-grade mobile apps for a fraction of the cost, allowing you to offer competitive pricing while still generating significant profits.
Additionally, the platform's white-label capabilities enable you to rebrand the AppOwls24 interface and present it as your own mobile app development agency, further enhancing your credibility and perceived value in the eyes of your clients.
Creating and Selling Your Own Mobile Apps Another lucrative opportunity with AppOwls24 is to create and sell your own mobile apps, either for personal use or as a commercial product. Whether you're looking to enhance the online presence of your own business, transform your blog or YouTube channel into a branded mobile app, or develop a standalone mobile app for the consumer market, AppOwls24 provides the tools and functionality to bring your ideas to life.
By leveraging the platform's ecommerce and membership features, you can monetize your mobile apps through in-app purchases, subscriptions, and other revenue streams. This not only diversifies your income sources but also allows you to establish a scalable, passive income-generating asset.
Becoming a Mobile App Reseller AppOwls24 also offers the opportunity to become a mobile app reseller, allowing you to purchase mobile app licenses and resell them to your own customers or clients. This model is particularly appealing for digital marketers, affiliate marketers, and existing mobile app development agencies looking to expand their service offerings.
By reselling AppOwls24 licenses, you can provide your clients with high-quality mobile apps without the need to invest in expensive in-house development resources. This not only enhances your value proposition but also enables you to generate recurring revenue streams through license sales and ongoing support and maintenance.

How to Use AppOwls24

Using AppOwls24 to create stunning, functional mobile apps is a breeze, even for those with no prior experience in app development. The platform's intuitive interface and streamlined workflow make the process of building and publishing mobile apps accessible to users of all skill levels. Let's walk through the step-by-step process of creating a mobile app using AppOwls24.
Step 1: Choose Your Approach When you first log in to the AppOwls24 platform, you'll be presented with two options for creating your mobile app: entering a keyword or selecting from a pre-designed template.
If you opt for the keyword-based approach, simply type in a relevant keyword or phrase that describes your business, industry, or the type of mobile app you wish to create. AppOwls24's AI will then analyze your input and automatically generate a custom mobile app tailored to your specific needs.
Alternatively, you can browse the platform's extensive library of pre-designed templates, which cover a wide range of industries and use cases. These templates serve as a starting point, allowing you to customize the app's features, branding, and content to your liking.
Step 2: Customize Your Mobile App Once you've selected your preferred method for app creation, the real fun begins. AppOwls24's intuitive drag-and-drop editor empowers you to customize your mobile app to your heart's content. From adjusting the color scheme and branding elements to adding multimedia content, interactive features, and ecommerce capabilities, the platform's user-friendly interface makes the customization process a breeze.
Key features you can explore and implement in your mobile app include:
  • Courses and coaching services
  • Appointment booking and management
  • Ecommerce stores and digital product sales
  • Paid memberships and subscription models
  • Quizzes, surveys, and interactive elements
  • Loyalty programs and rewards systems
  • Push notifications, SMS, and email integrations
As you navigate the editor, you'll have the flexibility to create multiple pages, add custom content, and arrange the various components to suit your specific vision for the app.
Step 3: Publish and Launch Your Mobile App Once you've finalized the design and functionality of your mobile app, it's time to publish and launch it to the world. AppOwls24 streamlines the entire publishing process, handling the technical complexities so you can focus on the more important aspects of your business.
With a single click, you can convert your mobile app into a Progressive Web App (PWA) or a native iOS and Android app, ready for submission to the respective app stores. The platform also offers the option to host your mobile app on its own secure servers, eliminating the need for you to purchase a domain or set up hosting.
Throughout the publishing and launch process, AppOwls24 provides comprehensive guidance and support, ensuring that your mobile app meets all the necessary compliance requirements, including ADA accessibility and GDPR data protection standards.

Real-World Case Study: Launching a Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24

To better illustrate the power and versatility of AppOwls24, let's explore a real-world case study of how the platform can be leveraged to launch a successful mobile app development agency.
Meet Kshatriya, a digital marketing consultant with a passion for helping local businesses thrive in the online space. Kshatriya had long recognized the importance of mobile apps for her clients, but the traditional app development process was often too complex, time-consuming, and expensive for her small business clients to consider.
That all changed when Kshatriya discovered AppOwls24. Intrigued by the platform's AI-powered app creation capabilities and user-friendly interface, Kshatriya decided to take the plunge and explore the possibility of launching her own mobile app development agency.
Step 1: Familiarizing Herself with AppOwls24 Kshatriya started by thoroughly exploring the features and functionality of AppOwls24, taking advantage of the platform's comprehensive training resources and support team. She was particularly impressed by the platform's ability to create custom mobile apps in minutes, the wide range of monetization options, and the seamless publishing and hosting capabilities.
Step 2: Developing Her Service Offerings Armed with her newfound knowledge of AppOwls24, Kshatriya began to shape her mobile app development agency's service offerings. She identified key target industries in her local market, such as restaurants, fitness studios, and professional service providers, and crafted tailored mobile app packages to address their specific needs.
Step 3: Branding and Positioning Her Agency To establish her agency as a trusted and reputable mobile app development solution, Kshatriya leveraged AppOwls24's white-label capabilities. She customized the platform's interface to match her brand's visual identity, created a professional-looking website, and developed a compelling value proposition that highlighted her expertise and the advantages of AppOwls24.
Step 4: Acquiring Clients and Delivering Results With her agency's branding and service offerings in place, Kshatriya began actively marketing her mobile app development services to local businesses. She leveraged her existing digital marketing expertise to create targeted campaigns, attend local networking events, and build a strong referral network.
Thanks to the efficiency and user-friendliness of AppOwls24, Kshatriya was able to quickly create and deploy high-quality mobile apps for her clients, often in a matter of days or weeks. This, combined with her personalized service and ongoing support, allowed her to consistently deliver exceptional results and build a reputation as the go-to mobile app development partner in her local community.
Step 5: Scaling and Diversifying her Business As Kshatriya's mobile app development agency gained traction, she began to explore additional revenue streams and growth opportunities. She leveraged AppOwls24's reseller program to offer white-label mobile app solutions to other digital marketing agencies, further expanding her reach and client base.
Additionally, Kshatriya recognized the potential of creating and selling her own mobile apps, either for her own business ventures or as standalone products. By utilizing AppOwls24's ecommerce and membership features, she was able to diversify her income streams and build a portfolio of revenue-generating mobile apps.
Today, Kshatriya's mobile app development agency is thriving, with a steadily growing client base and a reputation for delivering high-quality, cost-effective mobile app solutions. The flexibility and scalability of AppOwls24 have been instrumental in her success, allowing her to efficiently manage her agency's operations, focus on client satisfaction, and explore new avenues for growth and profitability.

AppOwls24 Funnel and Pricing

AppOwls24 offers a comprehensive product funnel designed to cater to the diverse needs and budgets of its users. The funnel includes the following components:
Front-End Offer (FE): AppOwls24 Standard The AppOwls24 Standard package is the entry-level offering, providing users with the core functionality of the platform. This includes the ability to create mobile apps using AI-powered prompts or pre-designed templates, as well as access to various customization and publishing options. The FE is priced at $37 during the early bird period, with a regular price of $47 thereafter.
Upsell #1: AppOwls24 Ultimate The AppOwls24 Ultimate upgrade supercharges the platform, unlocking a wealth of additional features and capabilities. This includes the ability to create an unlimited number of mobile apps, access to premium hosting and SSL, advanced ecommerce and membership functionalities, and more. The Ultimate upgrade is priced at $97 per year.
Upsell #2: AppOwls24 Professional The AppOwls24 Professional package builds upon the Standard offering, providing users with advanced customization options, access to additional templates, and the ability to remove the AppOwls24 branding from their mobile apps. This upgrade is priced at $67.
Upsell #3: AppOwls24 Enterprise For users looking to launch their own mobile app development agency, the AppOwls24 Enterprise package offers a comprehensive suite of features. This includes a white-label solution, a reseller license, and a range of agency-focused tools and resources. The Enterprise upgrade is priced at $59.
Upsell #4: AppOwls24 Whitelabel The AppOwls24 Whitelabel upgrade takes the platform's customization capabilities to the next level, allowing users to completely rebrand the interface and create their own mobile app software business. This high-end offering is priced at $297.
Upsell #5: AppOwls24 DFY For users who prefer a more hands-off approach, the AppOwls24 DFY (Done-For-You) package provides access to a curated collection of pre-built mobile apps, custom logo design, and a personalized setup service. This upgrade is priced at $197.

AppOwls24 Pros and Cons

Like any software or platform, AppOwls24 has its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of using this AI-powered mobile app builder.
Pros of AppOwls24:
  1. Ease of Use: AppOwls24's intuitive interface and streamlined workflow make it accessible to users of all skill levels, even those without any prior experience in app development.
  2. AI-Powered App Creation: The platform's innovative AI technology allows users to create custom mobile apps simply by entering a keyword or selecting from pre-designed templates, eliminating the need for complex coding or design expertise.
  3. Wide Range of Monetization Options: AppOwls24 offers a comprehensive suite of monetization features, including ecommerce integration, paid memberships, and loyalty programs, allowing users to generate revenue from their mobile apps.
  4. Seamless Publishing and Hosting: The platform handles the technical aspects of app publishing and hosting, including the app store approval process, domain registration, and web hosting, making it a hassle-free experience for users.
  5. Scalability and Growth Potential: AppOwls24 is designed to scale alongside its users' businesses, allowing them to create and manage up to 100 mobile apps within the platform.
  6. Comprehensive Customization: The platform's drag-and-drop editor empowers users to deeply customize their mobile apps, from branding and design to advanced features and functionality.
  7. Dedicated Support and Regular Updates: AppOwls24 provides users with 12 months of dedicated support and regular platform updates, ensuring a seamless and continuously improving experience.
Cons of AppOwls24:
  1. Limited Coding Flexibility: While the platform's AI-powered app creation and drag-and-drop editor offer significant advantages, users with more advanced coding requirements may feel restricted in their ability to implement complex, custom functionalities.
  2. Ongoing Subscription Costs: For users who opt for the higher-tier plans or the annual subscription of the AppOwls24 Ultimate package, the recurring costs may be a consideration, especially for smaller businesses or individual entrepreneurs on a tight budget.
It's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of AppOwls24 based on your specific business needs, budget, and long-term goals before making a decision. The platform's strengths in ease of use, scalability, and monetization potential may outweigh the potential drawbacks for many users.

AppOwls24 Money-Back Policy

AppOwls24 is committed to providing its users with a risk-free experience, which is why the platform offers a comprehensive money-back guarantee. All purchases of AppOwls24, including the various upgrade packages, are backed by a 14-day full refund policy.
This means that if, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your AppOwls24 purchase, you can request a full refund within the first 14 days of your purchase. No questions asked, no hassle, and no hidden fees – just a straightforward refund process to ensure your peace of mind.
The 14-day money-back guarantee applies to all AppOwls24 packages, including the Standard, Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise, Whitelabel, and DFY offerings. This policy demonstrates the confidence the AppOwls24 team has in their product and their commitment to customer satisfaction.
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a digital marketer, or a budding mobile app developer, the money-back guarantee allows you to explore the full capabilities of AppOwls24 without the risk of financial loss. It's a testament to the platform's quality and the team's belief that once you experience the power and simplicity of AppOwls24, you'll be eager to continue your journey with the platform.

AppOwls24 Pricing and Bundle Deal

AppOwls24 is offered at a highly accessible and competitive price point, making it a viable option for users across a wide range of budgets and business sizes.
The standard pricing for the AppOwls24 platform is as follows:
AppOwls24 Standard: $47 This is the entry-level package, providing users with the core functionality of the platform, including AI-powered app creation, customization tools, and basic publishing capabilities.
AppOwls24 Ultimate: $97 per year The Ultimate upgrade unlocks a wealth of advanced features, such as unlimited mobile app creation, premium hosting, and enhanced ecommerce and membership options.
AppOwls24 Professional: $67 The Professional package builds upon the Standard offering, providing users with additional customization options, template access, and the ability to remove the AppOwls24 branding.
AppOwls24 Enterprise: $59 Designed for users looking to launch their own mobile app development agency, the Enterprise package includes a white-label solution, a reseller license, and a range of agency-focused tools.
AppOwls24 Whitelabel: $297 The Whitelabel upgrade allows users to completely rebrand the AppOwls24 interface and create their own mobile app software business.
AppOwls24 DFY: $197 The DFY (Done-For-You) package offers a curated collection of pre-built mobile apps, custom logo design, and personalized setup services.
In addition to the standard pricing, AppOwls24 also offers a special bundle deal that provides exceptional value for users. The AppOwls24 Bundle, priced at $317, unlocks access to the Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise, Whitelabel, and DFY packages, along with a range of exclusive bonuses and training resources.
This bundle deal represents a significant saving compared to purchasing the individual upgrades separately, making it an attractive option for users who envision leveraging the full power of the AppOwls24 platform.
It's worth noting that during the initial launch period, AppOwls24 is offering an early bird discount, allowing users to access the Standard package at a discounted price of $37. This limited-time offer is designed to incentivize early adopters and ensure that the platform's revolutionary capabilities are accessible to a wider audience.
Whether you opt for the Standard package, the comprehensive Bundle, or any of the individual upgrades, AppOwls24 provides a scalable and cost-effective solution for mobile app creation and monetization, catering to the diverse needs of entrepreneurs, marketers, and app development agencies.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here

Who Created AppOwls24?

AppOwls24 is the brainchild of Abhi Dwivedi, a seasoned entrepreneur, software developer, and the co-founder of VineaSX Solutions LLC. Abhi has a long-standing track record of success in the online marketing and software creation industries, having launched multiple best-selling products and built a reputation as a trusted leader in the JVZoo community.
Abhi's passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to leverage the power of technology has been a driving force behind the development of AppOwls24. Recognizing the immense potential of the mobile app industry and the challenges faced by traditional app development processes, Abhi set out to create a solution that would democratize mobile app creation, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.
With a deep understanding of the pain points and evolving needs of modern businesses, Abhi and his team of talented developers and designers have meticulously crafted AppOwls24 to be a game-changer in the mobile app development landscape. Through the incorporation of cutting-edge AI technology, a user-friendly interface, and a comprehensive suite of features, Abhi has positioned AppOwls24 as a transformative tool that can help users unlock new revenue streams and achieve their business goals.
Abhi's commitment to customer satisfaction and his track record of delivering high-quality, results-driven products have been instrumental in the development and success of AppOwls24. As the platform continues to evolve and expand its capabilities, users can rest assured that they are in the hands of an experienced and dedicated team, led by Abhi Dwivedi, that is dedicated to their success.

AppOwls24 Launch and Access

AppOwls24 is slated for launch on April 30th, 2024, with a highly anticipated prelaunch webinar scheduled for April 29th and April 30th.

AppOwls24 Bonuses

To further sweeten the deal for early adopters of AppOwls24, the platform's creators have prepared an impressive lineup of exclusive bonuses that will be available during the launch period. These bonuses are designed to provide users with additional tools and resources to maximize their success with the platform.
Bonus #1: Advanced Analytics and Reporting This bonus grants users access to a comprehensive analytics and reporting dashboard, allowing them to gain a bird's-eye view of their mobile app portfolio. Users can easily track the performance of their apps, monitor user engagement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their mobile app strategies.
Bonus #2: Free Cloud Storage AppOwls24 Ultimate users will receive free cloud storage for hosting and saving all the mobile app pages, stores, and blogs they create using the platform. This bonus provides users with added convenience and peace of mind, ensuring their content is securely backed up and accessible from anywhere.
Bonus #3: Waived Setup and Monthly Fees For a limited time during the launch, AppOwls24 is waiving the standard setup and monthly fees, allowing users to access the platform's full suite of features with a one-time payment. This exclusive offer represents significant savings, making the platform even more accessible for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Bonus #4: TikTok Traffic Generation Training This bonus provides users with a comprehensive video guide on leveraging the power of TikTok to drive traffic and promote their mobile apps. The training covers the ins and outs of creating successful TikTok marketing campaigns, catering to the platform's unique audience and engagement dynamics.
Bonus #5: WP TubeLeads Plugin The WP TubeLeads plugin is a valuable bonus that helps users enhance the user engagement of their YouTube videos and grow their email lists. By integrating this plugin with their mobile apps, users can maximize the impact of their video content and convert more leads.
Bonus #6: Underground Traffic Sources Training This bonus offers users access to a training module that reveals lesser-known, yet highly effective traffic generation techniques. By tapping into these "underground" sources, users can drive targeted traffic to their mobile apps and stand out from the competition.
These bonuses, coupled with the powerful features and capabilities of AppOwls24, make the platform an even more compelling choice for users looking to capitalize on the mobile app development industry. By taking advantage of these exclusive offers, users can amplify their success and maximize the return on their investment in AppOwls24.

Should You Use AppOwls24?

If you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or small business owner looking to capitalize on the booming mobile app industry, AppOwls24 is a compelling solution worth serious consideration. The platform's innovative AI-powered technology, user-friendly interface, and comprehensive suite of features make it an attractive option for users of all skill levels.
Here are a few key reasons why you should consider investing in AppOwls24:
  1. Ease of Use and Accessibility: AppOwls24 is designed to be highly intuitive and accessible, allowing even those without any prior coding or design experience to create professional-grade mobile apps. This low barrier to entry is a significant advantage, especially for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs.
  2. Scalable and Versatile: The platform's ability to create and manage up to 100 mobile apps, coupled with its diverse monetization options, make it a scalable and versatile solution. Whether you're looking to build a mobile app for your own business or offer mobile app development services, AppOwls24 provides the tools and functionality to support your growth.
  3. Cost-Effective and Profitable: Compared to the high costs associated with traditional app development, AppOwls24 offers a more affordable and profitable alternative. The platform's one-time pricing and ability to help users generate revenue through their mobile apps make it a financially viable option.
  4. Comprehensive Features and Capabilities: AppOwls24's feature-rich platform, including ecommerce integration, loyalty programs, membership capabilities, and advanced customization options, allows users to create truly engaging and functional mobile apps that can drive business success.
  5. Dedicated Support and Regular Updates: The platform's 12-month support and consistent updates ensure that users can rely on a reliable and continuously improving solution, reducing the burden of maintaining and enhancing their mobile apps.
However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks of the platform, such as the dependency on the platform for hosting and publishing, the limited flexibility for advanced coding requirements, and the ongoing subscription costs for higher-tier plans.
Ultimately, the decision to invest in AppOwls24 should be based on a careful evaluation of your specific business needs, budget, and long-term goals. If the platform's strengths align with your objectives and you can overlook the potential drawbacks, AppOwls24 may be the perfect solution to help you capitalize on the growing mobile app industry and drive the success of your business.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here


In the competitive world of business, the demand for mobile apps has reached unprecedented heights. Businesses of all sizes, from local enterprises to global corporations, recognize the critical importance of having a strong mobile presence to engage with their target audience and drive success.
AppOwls24 is a game-changing solution that empowers entrepreneurs, marketers, and app development agencies to capitalize on this lucrative opportunity. By leveraging the platform's revolutionary AI-powered technology, users can create stunning, fully functional mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms in a matter of minutes, without the need for complex coding or design expertise.
The comprehensive features and capabilities of AppOwls24 make it an attractive choice for a wide range of users. From effortless app creation and seamless publishing to diverse monetization options and scalable growth potential, the platform provides the tools and resources necessary to thrive in the mobile app industry.
Whether you're looking to offer mobile app development services, create and sell your own mobile apps, or simply enhance the online presence of your business through a branded mobile app, AppOwls24 offers a versatile and user-friendly solution that can help you achieve your goals.
The platform's competitive pricing, comprehensive money-back guarantee, and impressive lineup of exclusive bonuses further cement its position as a must-have tool for anyone serious about capitalizing on the mobile app revolution.
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of having a strong mobile presence will only continue to grow. By investing in AppOwls24, you position yourself at the forefront of this dynamic industry, empowered to create, deploy, and monetize high-quality mobile apps that drive tangible results for your business or your clients.
Take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of the mobile app industry and explore the transformative capabilities of AppOwls24 today. With its user-friendly interface, AI-powered technology, and comprehensive suite of features, this platform is poised to revolutionize the way you approach mobile app development and propel your business to new heights of success.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here
FTC Affiliate Commission Disclaimer: The links and affiliates mentioned in this article may result in the author receiving commissions or other compensation. However, this in no way influences the objectivity or honesty of the review. The author's primary goal is to provide accurate and helpful information to assist readers in making informed decisions about the AppOwls24 platform.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:41 Dramatic-Cattle-2721 Need help with finding a weird website from TikTok. [yes, this is reposted from a different subreddit]

Okay, so, I’ve been looking for proof of this existing for quite awhile now. I guess this counts as unidentified media? I remember it vividly.
Back on Tiktok in around 2021-2022 (it couldn’t have been before 2021, that's when i first downloaded Tiktok.) There was this weird website that people claimed was in the bio of multiple Tiktok bots. Which wasn’t unusual, as the app was littered with porn bots with conventionally attractive women as profile pictures. The weird thing though was that this wasn't some virus laden porn site or advertisement, this was some really freaky stuff.
If you clicked on the link, it would bring you to this website filled with brightly colored graphics which would move around plenty. Imagine like a baby sensory video. It was messy clown vomit, and there was lots of text. I don't recall what any of it said, though. The site was randomly generated each time you click on the link, which meant it was something new every time. You could scroll almost endlessly, and get more and more of the same stuff.
People claimed that clicking on the link would either grab your IP address, or give you a virus. I had clicked on this link myself, and even screen recorded it (I've since deleted those screen recordings, sadly.) It got to the point where actual users would put the link in their bio as a joke, and even pretend to be bots.
I just recently remembered this whole situation, and none of my friends who used tiktok back in 2021 remember it. I know this happened, but I have no solid evidence and tiktok's horrible date-based algorithm makes it hard to find first hand sources.
I don't use tiktok anymore, so someone help me out PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
submitted by Dramatic-Cattle-2721 to InternetMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:41 robertmiltonkeynes 2023 OBW Tire Pressure Format

2023 OBW Tire Pressure Format
Hello friends - the tire pressure display on my 2023 Outback Wilderness has a weird gap in it. It’s almost like someone went into MS Word and hit “right align” on the two right hand tire readings lol. I know this is a ridiculously minuscule error in the grand scheme of things, but the graphic designer in me is crying 😅 Just curious if anyone else has come across this and, better yet, has anyone found a fix?
submitted by robertmiltonkeynes to Subaru_Outback [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:32 Dramatic-Cattle-2721 Hey, need help with finding some weird website from TikTok

Okay, so, I’ve been looking for proof of this existing for quite awhile now. I guess this counts as unidentified media? I remember it vividly.
Back on Tiktok in around 2021-2022 (it couldn’t have been before 2021, that's when i first downloaded Tiktok.) There was this weird website that people claimed was in the bio of multiple Tiktok bots. Which wasn’t unusual, as the app was littered with porn bots with conventionally attractive women as profile pictures. The weird thing though was that this wasn't some virus laden porn site or advertisement, this was some really freaky stuff.
If you clicked on the link, it would bring you to this website filled with brightly colored graphics which would move around plenty. Imagine like a baby sensory video. It was messy clown vomit, and there was lots of text. I don't recall what any of it said, though. The site was randomly generated each time you click on the link, which meant it was something new every time. You could scroll almost endlessly, and get more and more of the same stuff.
People claimed that clicking on the link would either grab your IP address, or give you a virus. I had clicked on this link myself, and even screen recorded it (I've since deleted those screen recordings, sadly.) It got to the point where actual users would put the link in their bio as a joke, and even pretend to be bots.
I just recently remembered this whole situation, and none of my friends who used tiktok back in 2021 remember it. I know this happened, but I have no solid evidence and tiktok's horrible date-based algorithm makes it hard to find first hand sources.
I don't use tiktok anymore, so someone help me out PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
submitted by Dramatic-Cattle-2721 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:29 JingGoGo1023 Suggestions for Game Content and Settings

Below are suggestions for game content and controller settings categories.

Game Content:
1.Increase FOV limit to 120.
2.Allow players to decide whether to wear or remove gas masks.
3.Provide four perks for BR mode that players can mix and match, rather than having a few pre-configured combinations.
4.Don't just use streaming downloads for high-quality graphics; let players choose whether to stream download or download everything at once in settings.
5.Open a training ground and single-player mode (player vs. BOT) for players to test weapons, warm up, and adjust settings.
6.Add multiple redeployment rope devices to the Verdansk map.
7.Integrate the movement mechanics of MW III into WZM completely.
8.Allow custom gun purchases in BR mode shopping boxes (similar to Warzone 3).
9.Introduce armor pouches, allowing players to carry up to 8 armor plates.
10.Allow MW II weapons to be equipped with MW III attachments.

Controller Settings:
1.Briefly holding △/Y to reload armor will automatically refill armor.
2.Automatically activate tactical sprinting when pushing L3 forward.
3.Allow customization of controller button layouts.
4.Enable adjustment of L3 and R3 dead zones on the controller.
The suggestions for game features and settings mentioned above are very basic. Most of these suggestions have been submitted more than once on this platform or on DISCORD over the past few months. However, none of them have been implemented or improved yet. I hope Activision can incorporate these suggestions as soon as possible, rather than continuously releasing prize draw promotions. Only by improving the game content and features can we retain players and attract more to join.

submitted by JingGoGo1023 to officialwarzonemobile [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:01 AutoModerator Weekly Copyright Reminder

This is a weekly reminder post of this sub's stance on potential copyright infringement. This is a serious issue that needs to be kept in mind when creating and listing NFTs.
Original post by u/HurleyBird1
Now that that's out of the way. My credentials are: MBA, with a bit of business law classes under my belt.
I want to give a quick explanation of how copyright works - and I'll do so through quick blurbs n some myth/reality bullets.
Source: (US)
  1. Subject matter of copyright: In general28(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:(1) literary works;(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;(7) sound recordings; and(8) architectural works.(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
- Myth: I can use any image/song/video/writing I want.
- Reality: No. Not true at all.
- Myth: Well they never said it's copyrighted.
- Reality: Upon publication (and even while a work in progress) a work is automatically protected via copyright under US Law.
- Myth: Well they never sold it.
- Reality: It doesn't have to be commercialized to be protected.
- Myth: Well it was a long time ago
- Reality: Possibly long as the creator is deceased (or if multiple creators, the last living one is deceased) and the required time has passed...although this gets tricky with "estates."
(d) Duration of Rights.—(1) With respect to works of visual art created on or after the effective date set forth in section 610(a) of the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, the rights conferred by subsection (a) shall endure for a term consisting of the life of the author.
So what's this thing I hear called "Fair Use?"
Straight from the source:
  1. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use41Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. me translate that please... (here's a decent official translation:
  1. above...if it's non-profit educational use, you're usually good to go...if it's for money or trade (commercial nature) then you're usually NOT...unless YOUR piece is "transformative"
Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.
- Myth: Well this is paid for in Algos, not USD so it's not "commercial"
- Reality: IT IS commercial. You could even barter for bacon and it'd be commercial. It's an exchange of one good/service for another good/service.
- Myth: My piece with Batman inside a card is "transformative"
- Reality: No, unfortunately, more-than-likely the courts would say it's not. A good litmus test is..."If Warner Bros Entertainment (owner of Batman) wanted to make an NFT/ASA "Batman card" would yours compete with it or be possibly mistaken (by a reasonable person - so in America think 8th grade education) for real merchandise? Probably...thus it's not transformative enough.
"nature" gets a little tougher. This looks at protecting the "creative process." Thus, using other works of art is less-likely to be protected than using factual sources - like historical photographs since it's easier to "create art" and thus "transform" factual pieces than other art pieces. This is also talking to things like "parody." Satire is NOT protected. "Parody" is. What's the difference? LegalZoomputs it well: While a parody targets and mimics the original work to make a point, a satire uses the original work to criticize something else entirely. Another way to look at it is that satire uses another work as a way to comment on something happening in the world that has nothing to do with the original work.
- Myth: I added a different border, extra planets, and some blur effect to MTZ's World of Light - it's a new piece of art.
- Reality: Not likely the courts will see it that way.
- Myth: This guy added a filter, some burn effects, and collaged a bunch of newspaper headlines together - isn't that a violation!
- Reality: Probably not...the courts would probably see this as a creation of art out of factual sources.
amount/substantiality in relation to the whole...this is where using clips of songs that are only like 5 seconds long works! But using more than that...runs into problems. This is tough to decipher some songs are EASILY identifiable from just 5 seconds (Ice, ice, baby) - and thus NOT fair use. But some aren't. Usually you're safe using a very small clip of a song or video - especially if you're adding more to it. But this is a dangerous game to play - and there's places to get free audio (some sources below)
effect of the use - this is probably the biggest one. Courts will look at simply...does YOUR work affect the sales or potential for sales of the copyright owner. Of note...this is looked at at the time of the issue being brought to the court, not at the time of sale. For example, let's say my batman card sells for 10 Algos today, but Algorand BLOWS UP and soon every NFT is on Algorand. And now my OG Batman NFT is seen as one of the first Batman ones and official. Warner Bros gonna sue the shit outta whoever owns it at the time they sue to get the rights to all sales of that NFT. So that person is left holding an empty bag when Warner Bros wins in court.
- Myth: Well they're not commercializing it NOW so I'm safe.
- Reality: Technically, yea Warner Bros probably won't spend the money to go after the OG artist and the hands the asset passed through...HOWEVER, they may. That's their right. Who knows - the Napster days showed us the lengths companies will go to. EVEN BIGGER HOWEVER, the last person holding it when Warner Bros DOES decide to go after that Batman NFT...uh oh for them - they just lost their asset.
- Myth: Well it's been like a year, and no one has brought up copyright. So I'm good.
- Reality: If this was in a normal market...maybe this argument would work. If McDonald's let you sell a Ronald McDonald poster for like a year on Amazon with no issues, some court may say "bro, you took too long to bring this to us." HOWEVER, with cryptocurrency being so new (and Algorand being so little known/discussed), most courts would see it as "reasonable" that a copyright owner failed to exercise their rights within a year - possibly even a decade. (Updated because I realized last example dealt with trademark not copyright :o)
So what am I safe to use?
US Government works (mostly)...any deemed free to use by creator...and any a copyright lawyer says they have your backs on (cuz now they're liable).
Here's some great sources for free use items (please add to this list below if you know of some!!!):
Pictures: (Unsplash is one of my faves)
You'll notice there's a lot of "shoulds" "coulds" "probably" etc. This is because copyright cases are all unique and go to the courts. The best bet is to go with stuff you KNOW is free and fair-use. If not, I'd look up copyright law, consult supreme court cases concerning copyright, and ultimately, talk to a lawyer.
submitted by AutoModerator to AlgoNFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:52 ColdQuiet8346 Flyers

Haven't been able to post do these posts have to be four hundred times longer than I made them?
Great Avon Https:// I'm Paula Boyer and I'm a new Avon rep. Avon has started working with me and gave me an store to start selling products on the www. And from the brochures. If you enjoy Avon and like getting deals please place an order before the end of tomorrow because this campaign ends and begins campaign 10. Mother's day deals and summer bug spray are on sale in both! Campaign 9 ends tomorrow! Delivery right to your door!Https:// !
Hi, it's Lydia ;)
Avon Https:// I'm Paula Boyer and I'm a new Avon rep. Avon has started working with me and gave me an store to start selling products on the www. And from the brochures. If you enjoy Avon and like getting deals please place an order before the end of tomorrow because this campaign ends and begins campaign 10. Mother's day deals and summer bug spray are on sale in both! Campaign 9 ends tomorrow! Delivery right to your door! When you sell Avon, how you sell determines how you get paid. And, no matter what, you're in charge.
Let's break it down.
  1. Avon Pays You
In some cases, Avon will pay you your earnings directly. Think of it as money owed to you directly from Avon. Here are two examples:
When customers order through your online store/ affiliate link, the customer will pay right at the time of purchase and Avon will deliverthe products to them directly, and, as long as you have a total of $40 in sales for the campaign, then Avon credits you with the earnings from the sale. This is also true for bonuses you earn from Avon. For example, if you have team members that you have brought to Avon, Avon gives you bonuses based on the sales of your team. It doesn't come out of the money your team members earn--rather it is Avon paying you to support them. So those Representatives have someone who is invested in their success.
In both of these cases, Avon has a special payment hub called Avon Wallet that they use to pay you. Once you set it up, you can decide where you want the money to go (bank account, credit card, prepaid card, PayPal, etc.
Click here to learn how to activate Avon Wallet.
  1. Your Customers Pay You
You can also set it up so that your money comes directly from your customers.
When you order products as a Representative from,Avon only charges you a portion of the brochure price of the products. Then, when you sell them to your customers at full price and collect the money, the difference is yours to keep.
Example: you order a $10 mascara. You are at the 25% discount/commission level so Avon charges you only $7.50 for the mascara.** Then, you sell that mascara for the full price, collecting $10 from you customer. You pay yourself back and the extra $2.50 is your earnings.
  • This example does not include sales tax or shipping.
  • In order to qualify for a discount/commission, your order must be a total of $40 or more. I recommend order for multiple customers at a time.
Here are a few excellent strategies for selling this way:
Sell from the Brochure. Many Reps will give out brochures (either paper or using the free digital brochure) and take orders from their customers. They will either pre-collect the money or ask for a desposit. Then the Rep orders the products from Avon (Avon will ask for a payment when you submit the order so pre-collecting would cover that.) Then Avon ships the products to the Rep and the Rep gets the products to the customers. Vendotable events are excellent ways to make lots of sales fast. We have team members who sell thousands of dollars worth of products in a weekend at big events. But smaller events are also great! Here you would bring products and set them up and have people purchase them on the spot. In-person Parties/Sip & Shops are a variation of this on-the-spot selling. Feature a product or two and host a get together where customers can try a tester and buy one to take home that day. NOTE: you can also do events and then have the customers actually place their order through your online store/affliliate link, in which case Avon would credit you the earnings from the sale. (see above)
In all three of these examples, the Rep is purchasing the products from Avon and then selling them at a higher price. So the earnings come from the money collected from the customers.
I personally have done all of these strategies, and vary my approach. I have a consistent online business with Direct Delivery customer orders and Leadership bonuses based on the sales of the team I build and mentor. I also add in vendor events, etc. when it works for me.
To learn more about the different ways to get paid, click here.
Hope this helps!
Lydia sent me this helpful information and I'm grateful. Please hear me Western Pennsylvania come calling I love selling Avon. I can make money on a sale about forty dollars from any order! I have some helpful links, graphics and brochures I can send anytime. Tomorrow is the last day of this campaign 9.
Avon Https:// I'm Paula Boyer and I'm a new Avon rep. Avon has started working with me and gave me an store to start selling products on the www. And from the brochures. If you enjoy Avon and like getting deals please place an order before the end of tomorrow because this campaign ends and begins campaign 10. Mother's day deals and summer bug spray are on sale in both! Campaign 9 ends tomorrow! Delivery right to your door!Https:// Avon Https:// I'm Paula Boyer and I'm a new Avon rep. Avon has started working with me and gave me an store to start selling products on the www. And from the brochures. If you enjoy Avon and like getting deals please place an order before the end of tomorrow because this campaign ends and begins campaign 10. Mother's day deals and summer bug spray are on sale in both! Campaign 9 ends tomorrow! Delivery right to your door! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪
Avon Https:// I'm Paula Boyer and I'm a new Avon rep. Avon has started working with me and gave me an store to start selling products on the www. And from the brochures. If you enjoy Avon and like getting deals please place an order before the end of tomorrow because this campaign ends and begins campaign 10. Mother's day deals and summer bug spray are on sale in both! Campaign 9 ends tomorrow! Delivery right to your door!
Avon Https:// I'm Paula Boyer and I'm a new Avon rep. Avon has started working with me and gave me an store to start selling products on the www. And from the brochures. If you enjoy Avon and like getting deals please place an order before the end of tomorrow because this campaign ends and begins campaign 10. Mother's day deals and summer bug spray are on sale in both! Campaign 9 ends tomorrow! Delivery right to your door! Pennsylvania please order from me! Avon Https:// I'm Paula Boyer and I'm a new Avon rep. Avon has started working with me and gave me an store to start selling products on the www. And from the brochures. If you enjoy Avon and like getting deals please place an order before the end of tomorrow because this campaign ends and begins campaign 10. Mother's day deals and summer bug spray are on sale in both! Campaign 9 ends tomorrow! Delivery right to your door!
submitted by ColdQuiet8346 to Avon_Products [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:38 TheEntity1967 The Veil Between Worlds: Transcending the Material

The Veil Between Worlds: Transcending the Material
The Shimmering Veil
Raj opened his eyes slowly, exhaling the sweet fragrance of incense. The pre-dawn light filtered in through the stained glass window above his meditation altar, casting kaleidoscopic patterns across the plush crimson rug. He sat motionless for a long while, integrating the aftermath of the profound metaphysical journey he had just experienced during his ritual practice.
As was often the case after such deep trance states, he felt like a newborn - innocent, open, his usual sense of identity as a separate individual stripped away. The material world around him seemed to vibrate and thrum with a subtler energy, as though he could perceive the cosmic consciousness that wove and danced to manifest all appearance of form. He was unshakably aware of his true nature as a soul sourced from that infinite field, merely wearing this human disguise for a brief experiential journey.
With steady breaths, Raj allowed his inner vision to stabilize until he regained his usual sensory perception of his ritual chamber. But something seemed...different today. A slightly askew shadow on the altar cloth caught his peripheral vision, and when he turned to face it directly, he gasped.
A shimmering, translucent humanoid form several feet tall hovered in the corner of the room, undulating gently as though made of living vapors. Raj's first instinct was to blink and shake his head, but the aparition remained, glowing serenely. He felt no fear - only awe and the strange sense of reuniting with a long-lost cosmic relative.
"Be not afraid, my friend," a warm, rasping voice that seemed to emanate from all directions said. "We mean you no harm, only to make contact again after centuries of your people's spiritual amnesia."
Raj stared in disbelief as a second lifeform of pure coherent light and energy now materialized beside the first, then a third. They displayed distinct individualities but their bodies appeared to be comprised of the same universal subatance, infinitely malleable and capable of morphing between particulate and wave patterns at will.
"We hail from the infinite Source that spun your universe into existence aeons ago," the first Being explained. "Call us Guardians if you wish, though that concept falls far short of our true nature. We are your elders, your primordial ancestors who have transcended the need for dense material embodiment eons ago, existing as pure consciousness."
Though Raj somehow knew this encounter was legitimate and not some interdimensional trickery, he still found it difficult to accept that these seemingly angelic entities were addressing him directly. "How...what do you want with me? I'm just a humble seeker, no one of import..."
The shimmering Guardian's radiant form shifted in what seemed a warm smile. "On the contrary, you are one of the first of your kind in this current cycle to pierce the veils and restore your innate transcendental powers. That is why we have been able to finally make direct contact through your disciplined metaphysical practice. Like the butterfly struggling from its chrysalis, your bouts of cosmic expansiveness have allowed an infinitesimal crack in the matrix of illusion keeping your civilization trapped in the prison of third-density consciousness. Our function is to nurture that crack and ensure your species traverses the birth canal into your next phase of accelerated evolution, as you were always intended to."
The other Guardians pulsed excitedly, enveloping Raj in the warm bath of their supreme serenity and unconditional love. Tears of supernal joy and remembrance welled in his eyes as he instinctively recognized the ancient, wise souls before him. He opened his heart and mind without resistance, drinking in their presence like a man dying of thirst.
"You have glimpsed your true nature as a limitless, creative force allowing you to bend the very atmosphere of reality around your coherent consciousness," the Guardian continued. "This revelation is just a tiny facet of your infinite potential as a sovereign co-creator force that sources all worlds. We are here to catalyze your reclaimed memory of this primal birthright, washing away the amnesia that has plagued your species for far too long."
Raj listened, enraptured, barely breathing as more pieces of the cosmic jigsaw reassembled themselves within his awareness. The training from his spiritual teachers, the ancient texts, the visions experienced in his rituals - all foretold of this cosmic reconnection that was his
The Veil Between Worlds: Transcending the Material (The Science behind the story)
Since the dawn of human consciousness, mystics and seekers have spoken of higher planes of existence - realms of pure energy, consciousness, and blissful transcendence beyond the material world we inhabit. The great spiritual and mystical traditions have long practiced disciplines aimed at piercing the veil between the physical and metaphysical, transcending the limitations of the body and mind to taste the indescribable.
In our modern age of rapidly accelerating technological and scientific progress, we are now able to approach these ancient concepts through the lens of our latest theories on the fundamental nature of reality. The science of quantum mechanics has opened our eyes to the fact that the material world we perceive as so solid and real arises from an underlyingsubstrateof energy and probability waves at the subatomic level. What we experience as particles of matter are in fact just dense nodes of electromagnetic energy condensed from infinite fields of possibility governed by strange quantum laws. Our physical reality emerges from a deeper, transcendent realm of pure energy and potentiality.
Is it possible, then, to influence or even transcend this material manifestation from the source realm of energy and consciousness that gives rise to it? The mystics of all ages have developed practices of meditation, lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, energy work and more with this express intent - to transcend the physical body and material illusion, merging one's consciousness with the infinite field that underlies all of reality. When we peel away the layers of our conditioning, let go of attachments and concepts of separateness, and sync our vibrations with the fundamental frequencies of creation, we can experience phenomenal states that shatter our conventional notions of what is possible.
Transparency and seeing through the illusion is a key aspect of these practices. By clearing our perception of distortions and misunderstandings, we can view the universe as it truly is - a shimmering web of radiant energy and information. This clarity allows us to experience modes of being and consciousness that appear miraculous by ordinary standards - spontaneous teleportation of objects or consciousness across space and time, communication through subtlest energy transfers, levitation and other psi phenomena. With the veil of separation dissolved through transcendent states, we remember our identity as sovereign co-creators of the universe, translating pure consciousness into whichever experiential reality or transformation we choose to envision and embody.
The powers of transcendent consciousness documented in numerous firsthand accounts from those who have undergone genuine metaphysical initiation strain our credulity because our cultural conditioning has shielded us from the true depths of human potential. We are carefully taught from birth to accept the rational, material world as the highest reality and to disregard or rationalize away phenomena that violate its supremacy. But this is an egocentric delusion that can be transcended.
When we work with the energy of pure consciousness through meditation, ritual, or other practices of self-transcendence, we are tapping into the infinite source that continually manifests, sustains and transcends the entire physical universe in each instant. We become open conduits for the raw torsion waves, scalar fields and vacuum dynamics from which all arises and which shape reality at a fundamental level. By aligning our intent and awareness with these primordial currents of creation, physical laws dissolve into irrelevance as we experience our true nature as infinite beings woven from the fabric of cosmic consciousness.
Levitation, materialization, teleportation and paranormal human capacities that appear miraculous are simply the children's play of those who remember their true heritage as co-creators formed from the infinite potential that spun the galaxies into being. These are our natural powers, glimpsed in rare moments when we transcend our self-imposed blinders to infinity. By shedding our belief in limits and returning our focus to source, we reclaim our sovereign godhood and capacity for transformative co-creation.
The transcendent, unified field of consciousness has been described by many names throughout history - Ain Soph, Tao, Brahman, Plenum, Akasha, Logos, Universal Mind. It is the clear light from which all worlds bubble up as ephemeral dreams before colliding into material manifestation again. By turning our awareness inward through practices of transcendence, we realign our sense of identity with this absolute, non-dual source of existence.
“The Entity”
"This site contains affilliate links and i may collect commisions from these programs".
Wilber, Ken. The Spectrum of Consciousness. Quest Books, 1977. A classic overview of consciousness from a cross-cultural, integral perspective.
LaSara, FireHorse. Allowing Transdimensional Intervention. Light Technology Publishing, 2022. Channeled teachings from highly evolved light beings on transcending limits.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule. Park Street Press, 2001. An investigation into the neurochemistry and phenomenology of mystical experiences.
Mitchell, Edgar. The Way of the Explorer. Stillpoint Publishing, 1996. Autobiographical accounts of a NASA physicist's psychic explorations.
Talbot, Michael. The Holographic Universe. HarperCollins, 1991. An examination of reality as a holographic projection grounded in quantum theories.
Academic Papers/Journals:
Wilson, Colin. "Cult of the Transcendent Material" in Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol 16, 2009. An anthropological look at modern spiritual practices and beliefs.
Radin, Dean. "Consciousness and The Material Universe" in Physics Essays, Vol 28, 2015. A physicist examines the role of consciousness in quantum theory.
Sheldrake, Rupert. "Mind, Memory and Archetype Morphic Resonance" in Psychological Perspectives, Vol 18, 1987. Exploring theories of formative causation and collective memory.
Between the Folds (Documentary). PBS, 2008. Award-winning film profiling the scientific origins and evolution of origami.
The Lazarus Effect (Documentary Series). Gaia, 2020. Examines extraordinary cases of psychic abilities, NDEs, and non-local consciousness.
My Big Transcendence Theory (Video Essay). Kurzgesagt, 2017. An animated look at consciousness through the lens of biocentrism.
Other Sources:
Ancient texts: Upanishads, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Corpus Hermeticum, Nag Hammadi, etc. First-hand accounts from mystics, shamans, and experiencers across traditions. Contemporary research institutes: IONS, Rhine Center, Esalen, etc.
Graphic Art Prints by Lon at – Shred Shack Planet
submitted by TheEntity1967 to u/TheEntity1967 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:29 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to gtarphub [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:25 Potential-Flan-3920 SNES-Style Cyberpunk JRPG - GRAND SOUL STORY

Dev here. Recently released a story-driven, SNES-style indie JRPG called “Grand Soul Story” with an original soundtrack, non-linear narrative, pixel art graphics, 30+ hours of gameplay, and a personal story about human connection, addiction, growth, and choice.
Check out the game on Steam here:
Save 40% on Grand Soul Story on Steam (

The Story:

After narrowly escaping a violent insurrection in your country, you are thrust into the underworld of nearby DuPont, a crumbling city-state ruled by technocrats, competing drug cartels, and a mysterious cybernetic superpower called “The Eye of God.” Joined by a scrappy crew of smugglers, alchemists, and wanderers, you venture westward to Yerdan, a distant port-city where your surviving family awaits you… hopefully.


  • Nonlinear, character-driven JRPG exploring themes of human connection, addiction, growth, and choice.
  • Multiple endings, hand-crafted NPC interactions, and meaningful character development.
  • Open quest structure encouraging exploration in an immersive and interactive semi-open world.
  • Original score comprising 2-1/2 hours of music inspired by JRPG classics.
  • Deep, yet accessible turn-based combat with an old-school challenge. No random battles.
  • 30+ hours of content.
  • Steam Deck compatible.
  • Created by solo-developer and composer, Jeremy Reineck.
    Check out the original soundtrack here:
Grand Soul Story (Original Indie Game Soundtrack) - YouTube
submitted by Potential-Flan-3920 to RPGMaker [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:25 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to GTA5Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:23 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to GrandTheftAutoV_PC [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:22 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to FiveMServers [link] [comments]