Peach pill 650 om


2024.05.13 12:12 belllaas Gravid?

Hvad gør man lige 🥹 Jeg har haft en bolleven i 4 år. I starten ønskede ingen af os et fast eller seriøst forhold, vi var begge enige i at vi kun holder det til det. Fungerede så fint, indtil ja jeg lige har fundet ud af jeg er gravid ( 14 uger henne) Og inden i begynder så nej jeg vidste det ikke før, jeg var på p piller har heller ikke glemt en pille nej. Jeg havde absolut ingen symptomer på gravidtet indtil for 1 uge siden ca. hvor jeg blødte lidt, begyndte og kaste voldsomt, og havde mave smerter. Efter flere undersøgelser både hos egen læge og sygehus, fandt man frem til jeg er gravid blev så scannet.
Når nu til mit spørgsmål, hvad dælen gør jeg 🥲 inden i kommer efter mig så ja self. Skal manden da vide det og ja self har manden noget at sige, men abort grænsen er overskredet fik jeg afvide af egen læge, så hvad gør jeg lige. Det hele er uventet og jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal gøre eller hvordan jeg får det sagt til ham. Vi skriver eller snakker ikke, det er udelukkende kun sex 1-2 gange om ugen. Jeg er lost
submitted by belllaas to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:48 WonderfullyHorrible Barn i januar - økonomi

Hei! Jeg sliter litt med å finne særlig til ressurser på internett om dette, og håper egentlig det er noen sterke ressurser her som kunne bidratt?
Jeg og samboer venter barn i Januar. Jeg tjener rundt 950.000 i året, hun tjener rundt 650.000 i året. Vi har et boliglån som koster 32.000 i mnd.
Siden det kun er opptak i barnehager i august har vi funnet ut at en av oss blir nødt til å gå ulønnet en periode. Spørsmåle(ene) er egentlig litt delt for det er vanskelig å finne gode svar på internett. Hvem av oss burde gå ulønnet? Burde vi velge 80 eller 100% permisjon? Har man rett på dagpenger ved ulønnet permisjon, eller kun kontantstøtte? Burde vi spørre om avdragsfrihet på lånet nå i forkant for å opparbeide en buffer?
submitted by WonderfullyHorrible to norge [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:22 tngpq [US-NC][H] Iron 165 Midnight Teal, Lin Dolphin 60 WKL, Hammerworks CRP R5, ePBT 6085, KAT Oasis/Space Cadet/Refined, GMK Sets (Nautilus 2, 80082, Dots, Muted, Stargaze, Space Cadet, Serika 2, Norse, Seafarer, Pacific, Metropolis), RAMA Artisans, Percent Skot reboot PCB, Savage PCB [W] Paypal

Pics (GMK Sets)
Pics (Other keycaps)
Pics (RAMA Artisans)
Not interested in any trade. Only selling.
Price includes shipping within contiguous United States. If you are outside of CONUS, feel free to ask for the added shipping cost. I will adjust shipping cost for combined purchases.
Keyboard kits will not be splitted. Selling as a whole package only.
Keycaps are all sealed unless stated otherwise. Artisans are all unused.
Not splitting kits: if you want the base you have to take the child kits. If you want a child kit only, you have to take the base and other childs together.

Item Description Price
Iron 165 R2 Midnight Teal (pics) Brand new unbuilt kit. 2 solder PCBs, 1 CF 7u plate, 1 alu 7u plate, extra gaskets. Alu weight and badge. $430
Linworks Dolphin 60 WKL Burgundy (pics) Brand new unbuilt kit. 4 plates (1 alu, 1 pom, 1 pc, 1 fr4), 2 PCBs (1 1.6T solder, 1 1.2T hotswap), some foams, and extra weight. Very nice carrying case included. $650 (bulky shipping due to carrying case)

GMK Sets
Item Description Price (shipped within CONUS)
GMK 80082 BL00 BL00 base, BL00 aesthetic (spacebar) $115
GMK Dots R2 White Light base, Light spacebars $145
GMK Muted 2 Base, extension, cyan & purple accents $205
GMK Stargaze Base, spacebars, alt alpha $255
GMK Nautilus 2 Base, explorer $225
GMK Space Cadet R2 Classic base, icon, symbol $225
GMK Serika 2 Hiragana core (base), macro extension, spacebars$185GMK NorseStandard (base), aesthetic (spacebars) $145
GMK Seafarer Captain (base), Sailor (spacebars) $155
GMK Pacific Fuselage (base), Wings (spacebars) $135
GMK Metropolis R2 Base, Blocks (spacebars), Signs (novelties) $185
GMK Sample Mods Kit Sample Mods Kit $30

Other Keycaps
Item Description Price
ePBT 6085 Base, spacebar, novelties, all unused. $120
KAT Oasis Arabic alphas, modifiers, RAMA artisan, Sealed. $90
KAT Space Cadet Grey alphas (opened to check and received replacements for defective keys), 60s Mods (opened unused), spacebars, novelties. $100
KAT Refined BoW Alpha, Icon Mods, F Row, Numpad Clean, Spacebars. Sealed. $130
KAT Refined WoB Alpha, Icon Mods, F Row, Numpad Clean, Spacebars. Sealed. $130
Hammerworks CRP R5 Korean Beige Alphas, 80s Mods Beige. Brand new unused. $120
WS Kraken Wuque Studio Kraken, Lightly used base kit. $60

RAMA Artisans (All brand and unused)
Item Description Price (shipped within CONUS)
RAMA X GMK Peaches n Cream Lite Peach Alu $49
RAMA X GMK R5 Cherry Alu $60
RAMA X GMK a Shrimp Alu (RAMA version not HIBI) $39
RAMA X GMK Hazakura White Alu $40
RAMA X GMK Hazakura Pink Alu $40
RAMA X GMK Minimal 2 Square Red Alu $45
RAMA X GMK Minimal 2 Circle Blue Alu $45
RAMA X GMK Red Alert Cherry Brass $75
RAMA X GMK Dualshot R2 D Alu $40
RAMA X GMK Deep Navy Rama X Alu $65

Thanks for reading!
submitted by tngpq to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:36 klumzyfule66 Escape from Alcatraz tri in 4 weeks

Signed up for Escape From Alcatraz as my first triathlon! This is a super long post and might read kind of diary-y, sorry - there are a couple questions at the bottom (maybe 2/3 down?) if you're not into my stories (I've been told I'm a terrible story teller, so take that for what you will). Definitely a little excited, so it's very much too long. Apologies
Anyway, saw pictures las summer of a buddy of mine that did it last year and I guess you could say it inspired me to finally sign up for it. I've always been fascinated with amazing, infamous, crazy human feats - DB Cooper, the Red Baron (which was my nickname during my wrestling career ), the Alcatraz escape... The story behind the movie Alive, climbing K2/Everest etc. I've been aware of the race for maybe twenty or more years, always thought it would be cool to do.
Never really did I truly think I would, because if I were to get pushed off a boat, I'm definitely more of an "I probably won't die" swimmer. Did swimming lessons as a kid, but never really swam more than maybe 400m at any one time before, which did not go well. And in hindsight was probably one of the most stupid things I've ever done (and I've done more than my share of stupid things). So I always figured 1.5 miles would be out of the question (forgive the unit of measurement switch!)
Anyway, I got selected! Was actually a big surprise. Hemmed and hawed a little bit about the price, about my poor swimming ability, that I should really get ankle surgery, having never actually trained for any long-duration endurance sport... Even though I'm pretty active and am always in a decent level of fitness (example, 2 years ago I decided to run a 10k two days before the event, finishing a respectable 52:24. I don't "go for runs" as part of my fitness.) in addition to the swim, I've never biked more than ~5 miles nor ran longer than 10k... But then I thought to myself: I wrestled at a pretty high level for a pretty long time. I'm definitely a subscriber to the "once you've wrestled, everything else in life is easy" mindset. So I said fuck it and signed up, with 3 simple goals (in order of importance, in case it's not obvious):
1) Don't drown
2) Finish before the boats bring you in
3) Don't use the rafts to rest
I did swimming lessons as a kid, so I can do breast/back/side/front stroke. Unfortunately that's in order of skill I think I have for each, which of course is suboptimal for a swim where you're allowed to utilize any stroke.
Fast forward to my first swim in March. Take my kids to swimming lessons and figured it would be a good spot to test my pace. Thinking to myself that cutoff is an hour, so I need to swim only 1.5 mph to make it under limit... But effectively not even that, because if I'm close, they're probably going to pull in the ones furthest away first. And I walk at like 3+, so definitely should be able to swim half that fast. Wrong. I could not do that at all. My first 50 I looked at my watch, just over 1:10. Before you give me too much credit, that's 50 short course yards. Then I would routinely need 20-45 sec rest after each lap. Ended up only 550 yards in like 20 min. Pace just over 3.5 min per 100y. And that was with like a ten min rest in the middle. Oh shit. I don't typically overestimate my abilities, particularly with something I know I'm not strong at. Definitely figured I would've gotten over half mile during the lesson. Now I'm wondering if I'll be able to finish the swim. I HAVE to finish it. Another part of the reason I signed up was as a challenge to myself. We had recently got a house on Topsail Island, NC, and with my kids, I was never confident enough in my abilities to save them - without major injury to one or both of us - if they got out in the ocean too far, or stuck in a rip current, and couldn't make it back. Still don't know how to diagnose a rip current, so I guess that's another thing I need to learn. But anyway, never did anything about trying to improve my swim, so signing up for the Escape seems like THE MOST logical thing I could've ever done.
At any rate, after realizing exactly how poor I was, i had been mentioning to my therapist how my Dr told me I'm definitely a good candidate for ankle surgery, so if it gets close and I'm not feeling confident for the race, I can always do the surgery and take an injury deferral... And they're like "it just sounds like you're trying to give yourself a reason to not do it." Which of course hearing that helped me kick myself into gear.
Signed up for my local Charlotte Masters program and started swimming a lot. I'm much more efficient now, and recently did an OWS and a local tri event, whose times made me officially confident enough that I'm not worrying if I'll finish before the cutoff (aided now even more that the cutoff is now 75 min). Was even pacing under 2 min per 100 for some of the time at the pool today. Weekends is long course so that's per 100 METERS, keep up with the changes! Doing the Pier to Pier swim next weekend in Wilmington, NC as a final confidence boost, as that swim should be longer than at Alcatraz.
Given my initial goals after signing up, I have been swimming like 3-5x per week for the past two months, sometimes twice a day. Did strength training maybe 3x a week, but I haven't really done much for the other disciplines. Back in March I rode 18 miles (bike leg length at Alcatraz) just to see how long it took, and followed by a run to see how well I can run after a ride. Did the bike in 91 min, and run was 57 (6.4 miles when Alcatraz run leg is 8). I basically wrote off the slow bike time, because I use a shit hybrid commuter type (that's probably too small) I got from Costco like 7 years ago that hasn't been tuned up in a few years (Infinity boss.two women's - I'm male but women's was either cheaper or was all they had in stock). Also that was the only time I'd ever done a length like that. The run started hurting my hip/knee so I didn't finish as much as I wanted. I couldn't get my cadence up where it was supposed to. Come to realize it's probably because my bike cadence was too slow and so recent muscle memory kept my feet plodding.
Did the local tri (750m/18mi/3mi) April 27. Outside of riding to/from work (~1.6 miles) or the pool (~2.1 miles) a couple times a week, I rode exactly 0 times in preparation. I knew my bike was not a great option, so my wife let me use her MTB. I'm sure the wheels have a good bit of rolling resistance, but it is a hard tail so probably not a ton of power loss (but I'm no expert). Anyway I did that 18 miles in 77 min. Thought I'd finish it ~ten min faster.
The run I did maybe a little faster than expected, 3 mi in 24:08… long story short (or, I guess.... long), I finished middle of the pack for novices, but I'm terms of individual splits, 10th on swim, 17 bike, 7 run. I beat Luke Kuechly on the run part, so I'm going to bring that up as often as possible maybe until I die! For you ex-US folks, sorry I don't have an equivalent name that's plays rugby (Luke is a future Hall of Fame NFL player). But anyway, if I were to have been 10th on the bike, that means I saved 6+ minutes, putting me within my goal time (sub 2 hrs). Definitely could feel dehydration an issue on the run with the odd low muscle pain/mini cramping for a bit. Once I got the first aid station and a bit of water it went away. I only had one bottle of water on my person for the bike, and it dropped twice so I think some of it spilled onto the roads anyway (no bike aid stations; I thought there was one).
Onto question stuff....
Now that I'm confident I'll be able to finish the swim, figure it's time to work on the bike. I've read its ~1500 ft elevation gain, and many people walk up some of the hills. That's given me a new goal- NO WALKING THE BIKE. Always figured I would just ride my crap bike to train, and then rent a bike there so I could get used to the feel of the different handlebars, etc. ($80 from local shop), then rent the bike out there ($270). But I just noticed that the local charity bike shop has a couple bikes that would fit me (I'm 6', 182 cm, so the frames they have, have been too small) - a Cannondale Synapse ($650) and a Trek ($450). I should probably upgrade my bike just generally speaking (but definitely if I plan to do more races), but I ride the one I have pretty hard, without worry about having do ride over curbs, or paying attention to the terrain on which I ride, gravel, jacked up sidewalks, etc. I always assumed that it would jack up the rims etc since they have smaller tires. No idea about the Trek, but some googling done, and it seems like the Synapse is a 2012 model. We've been using this shop for years, and it seems like (to me, an ignoramus) they do a good job of replacing parts, tune ups, etc after they get donated, to put them back out to sell. So does it really matter that the bike is that old? I'm not sure if they replace with cheap parts for cheap bikes, and nicer parts for better bikes. Is there much of a difference between bikes to someone who hasn't really done much biking? I can't imagine if I ride the bikes a quarter mile I'll be able to notice something that would be a show-stopper either way.
If I buy a bike to take out there, it would "save" me on ~$350 for purchase (from rentals I no longer need), and I'd have a decent bike when I get back. However when I looked a little more, seems like Southwest charges $75 to ship bikes. And it seems like I'd have to take the bike apart and put it in some sort of special luggage (just a cardboard box?!), which of course would eat more into the 'savings' of just buying a bike. If it fits within the guidelines to not be oversized luggage, I'm not sure how they'd know it's a bike. But alas, I couldn't even take off and put back the wheel of my current bike without messing up how the gears move, so putting it all back I'd most likely have to pay a bike mechanic (or are they free for participants of the event?). So I guess the 'effective' cost to buy a new bike would be around $200-250 less than 'sticker.'
So I guess bike questions:
1) I've heard many complaints about the way airlines ship bikes - would it be worth it to risk it getting all damaged since it's not like it's any big time, high level bike? And is it a huge pain? I'm not looking to compete here, so I definitely want to avoid huge hassles when possible.
2) Are the used bikes even good for the price? The Synapse seems to be a popular model with a decent price tag relative what I saw on the internet during a 15 minute search, even if old and $200 more than the Trek. Don't know anything about the Trek other than I always thought they were more a MTB name.
Nutrition questions:
Given the race should be (at least for me) under 4 hrs, prob 3.5, I get I should be able to finish the race with just water. Of course definitely don't want to do that. I've been reading generally about on-course nutrition, and figured I'll bring some clif bars, gummy bears, watesome type of Gatorade, and probably some kind of caffeine pill and salt tablet just in case.
1) But with my reading, I did notice a couple things conspicuously absent about people's nutrition plans. Why is that?
a) Protein - Is this because of its high fluid/energy needs to metabolize, so one shouldn't 'waste' on that during races? And/or the body doesn't really repair itself mid-exercise anyway?
b) Fiber - Thought this would be helpful to avoid both GI discomfort, and swings in blood sugar. My understanding is that at a high heart rate (don't know exact), blood stops/slows flowing to digestive system and flows more to muscles to continue fueling them, so I thought that bowel movements wouldn't really be an issue mid race? Or also is it that we are burning such an exorbitant amount of calories per hour that it's practically impossible to not race at a caloric deficit anyway, so worrying about blood sugar swings is lower on the priority list?
2) Outside of that, as mentioned I am not a great swimmer and anticipate I will be swallowing a good bit of the salt water of the bay. Should that impact the the amount of salt tablets/electrolytes that I take? Definitely feel like I don't drink enough, but that should be easy enough to fix, bc it's not like I don't drink because I think I'll feel nauseous.
3) Do people (generally) carry water bottles with them for 8 mile run? There is water and isotonic available at each mile. I anticipate pacing 8 or maybe 9 max min per mile, so I should be finishing that in under 70 min. (8 min/mile is ~5 min/km)
I figure I'll probably burn my last match at the top of the sand ladder, and let the last ~25 mins just be mostly downhill, muscle memory, with the excitement of almost being finished, carrying me to the end.
Thanks all- sorry it's so long, guess I got a little excited!!
submitted by klumzyfule66 to triathlon [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:42 TraderBoat83 Vraagje rond vastgoed en 2de woning.

Situatie: partner en ik bezitten samen een 1ste eigen woning (volle eigenaars). Lening van 2014 (woonbonus) bijna afgelopen (2025).
Een buurtbewoner wenst zijn huis aan ons te verkopen voor 240k. Omdat we geen krediet wensen te doen is hij bereid om een huurkoop af te sluiten (5 of 10 jaar nog af te spreken). Ons doel is het huis verhuren (+/- 650/maand) om zo een passieve inkomen te hebben ingeval. Nu met de nieuwe hervorming van de registratierechten merk ik op dat we meer dan 30k moeten betalen omdat.
  1. Is het de moeite waard om die registratie kosten te betalen in de hoop dat je deftige huurders zal hebben en de wetgeving niet zal verstrengen (EPC, etc...).
  2. Moeten bedrijven ook die registratie rechten betalen? BV/NV oprichten die dan vastgoed koopt i.p.v. van ons maar dit zijn kosten en dus kan je die inbrengen. (wij zullen dan de aandeelhouders zijn)
  3. Bestaat er een manier om dit fiscaal te optimaliseren als privépersonen?
Alle hints, tips, suggesties zijn meer dan welkom. Alvast bedankt! :-)
Edit: heb vandaag de pand(en) bezocht. Het zou dus over 2 bescheiden panden gaan met garages en samen worden ze verkocht voor 240K. Eigenaar is bereid om een huurkoop af te sluiten voor 20 jaar met een aflossingsbedrag van € 500 per pand per maand (samen €1k/maand). Redelijk veel werk aan de panden. Ook wist hij mij te vertellen dat ik premies kon aanvragen voor de isolatiewerken en deze zouden op 9 jaar aftrekbaar zijn (Nog te bevestigen door een notaris/fiscalist).
In theorie zou dan het bruto rendement op 5.3% (ik heb de registratiekosten en de eventuele renovatiekosten mee in rekening gebracht) komen.
Krediet/Rente is geen optie (bewuste keuze) ook al kan dit vanuit financieel oogpunt voordelig zijn.
submitted by TraderBoat83 to BEFire [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:53 justAnotherCK Kansai Trip Report (Osaka - Kyoto - Nara - Osaka in 9 days) with toddler + infant

Finally got around sharing our wonderful experience in Kansai (1 Apr 2024 - 10 Apr 2024). We are a family of 4 from Perth, Australia (1 x Toddler turning 4 end of this month and 1 x Infant about 18 months old) joined by my MIL from Malaysia. It was our first time trip to Japan but the second time flying 6 hours long with 2 kids. We chose to travel during this period as it was during Easter holidays and also the most favourable weather for our kids. As we have 4 separate accommodations booked over 9 days, we try to travel as light as possible: 2 x large suitcase, 1 x medium suitcase, 2 x medium bags, 1 x bag pack, 1 x dedicated bag for infant carrier and kids' jumpers + 1 stroller. Our kids still take nap(s) during the day and our plan was having the toddler sleep on the stroller and the infant in the carrier or the stroller if toddler is not using.
After extensive research (mostly from this sub) we still found the first few days to be quite hectic and wish we know some of the things beforehand (listed below the itinerary). I hope this post can help young families who are considering travelling to Japan with kids or those who have travelled to Japan before kids came to the picture to do it again with confidence.

9 Day Itinerary (1 Apr 2024 - 10 Apr 2024)

Day 1 Osaka: Namba (Monday)
Our flight from KUL arrived KIX around 10am and boarded the Nankai Rapid (bought 1 month prior online) to Shin-Imamiya station after getting our luggage. We originally planned to take a taxi from there but failed to find any taxi for 20 mins so we end up walking to our accommodation as the kids were tired of waiting. After offloading our luggage we manage to hail a taxi and head to Namba Parks to rest and unwind. Had a refreshing lunch at Yasaiya Mei (mains + all you can eat side dishes including veg tempura) and went to explore the rooftop parks garden before putting the kids to nap. After the kids woke up we took a taxi back to check in officially. Everyone was quite tired thus we opted to stay in and get dinner from Life supermarket nearby. This was probably the most enjoyable part of the day for the kids wandering around a foreign supermarket as we bought dinner and some light snacks. After putting the kids to bed, we did some laundry and packed our 1st luggage to send away.
Day 2 Osaka: Tennoji (Tuesday)
While everyone was getting ready, I went to the nearby 7-Eleven to forward our 1st luggage to the 4th accommodation via Yamato transport. The shop attendant was helpful and guided me through the process as we communicated via deepL. We walked to the Lawson's at JR Imamiya to get brekkky before taking the Osaka loop Line to JR tennoji. We took quite a while to navigate towards Tennoji Zoo from JR Tennoji but eventually got there after a 15 min detour. It was quite crowded for a Tuesday morning but the kids get to roam around the Tenshiba garden while I queue up for tickets (500 yen per adult). One of the kids fell asleep in the zoo so we decided to just grab food to go at the supermarket outside the zoo for lunch. We then head towards Abeno Q's mall to shop and put the other kid to sleep. There was quite a lot of hot food along the way and we manage to grab some for the kids to snack on after their nap (butaman from Horai 555, mochi donut from Mister Donut, taiyaki etc). There's a fantastic area for kids to play (kid, play, study) at the ground floor with different sensory setup and soft blocks for stacking/ balancing. I spent close to 2 hours there with 2 kids while my wife and MIL went shopping. After that we had dinner at Grand Capital Toyoutei at the Kintetsu mall dining floor before heading to our final activity of the day: Abeno Harukas 300. Tickets were a bit steep (2000 yen per adult) but we end up staying there for quite a bit and the experience was pretty unique even though we missed the sunset timing. The elevator ride to the top though short left quite an impression. The kids enjoyed running around at the sky garden 2 floors below as we rest and enjoy the night view of the city from about 300m above ground. The journey back to our accommodation was pretty straightforward and the kids got knocked out when we got home. All in all Tennoji was a pleasantly great experience and we have a better understanding about JR station layout and navigating underground.
Day 3 Osaka - Kyoto (Wednesday)
This was a rather hectic day as it rained quite a bit and we struggled to get a taxi after checking out, getting turned down by several taxis with "空车". We eventually found one to bring us to JR Osaka station. Navigating at the station wasn't too difficult after yesterday but there were long queues when we arrived at 10am and I made the fatal mistake of leaving my physical credit card back in Perth and spent 45mins trying to redeem limited express tickets I reserved online. The JR staff were friendly and tried their best to help but they can only recommend me cancelling my initial reservation and buying new tickets (cancellation fee was about 2300 yen for 3 adults). As soon as we got our tickets we sprinted to the underground gate about 15 mins walk away. I even carried the stroller and kids through an escalator as we didn't want to waste time finding a lift and risk missing the train. We managed to board the limited express train on time and arrived at JR Kyoto which was even more crowded and larger than most international airports. The kids were quite cranky by now as it has been all rush and long waits since they woke up. I split up with my family with 2 luggage that we initially planned to forward to our Arashiyama accommodation via Sagawa. However I was told same day delivery service is only applicable to limited hotels so I stored the luggage at 2 coin lockers and then head to the Kintetsu line ticket counter to redeem the Kyoto-Nara and Nara-Osaka limited express tickets which fortunately doesn't require my credit card details (just reservation number). By the time I reunite with my family it was still raining and both kids fell asleep so we ditched the plan for Kyoto railway museum and instead went browsing for lunch at Porta and Isetan dining floor. We eventually queued to eat at Ejuan for about 25 minutes while one of the kid was still asleep. The wait was worthwhile as the grilled miso black cod was exceptional as was the kids' grilled chicken. Next we went to the skywalk at level 9 briefly before my family went to the toy section at Isetan while I retrieve our luggage from the coin lockers. We board the Saga line bound for Saga-Arashiyama and rested awhile at the accommodation before heading out for dinner after the rain stopped. We walked to Kijurou and fortunately they have space for us provided we order a main meal per adult. The yakiniku and Wagyu rib loin bowls were pretty good but we find the Hitsumabushi set a bit gimmicky. After dinner we stopped by Kimono Forest on our way back and this was probably the highlight of the kids day.
Day 4 Kyoto: Arashiyama (Thursday)
Had Lawson's for brekky before heading out to Kimono Rental Amuya to hired kimonos for my wife and toddler including hairstyling. The shop was actually a house with the living area turned into a studio and only the owner working by herself so we waited for about half an hour before walking towards the Bamboo Forest and Tenryu-ji gardens (500 yen entry from the north gate but well worth it for the blooming sakura and picturesque lake). It was crowded as expected and everyone was moving slowly so it took us about an hour to complete the loop back to the main tourist strip. We then had Udon for lunch at Ozuru, the chewy noodles were complemented by the broth which was a lot more flavourful than the kitsune Udon we are accustomed to back in Perth. After lunch we head home to put the kids to nap before venturing out in the evening towards Togetsukyo Bridge overlooking the pristine Katsura river flowing gracefully from Mt Arashi in the backdrop. The view was breathtaking and we crossed over to Arashiyama park where the kids had a great time running around free range. As the sun was setting, we head back to the town centre, took a novelty Randen ride and grab some food (Naruse's Unagi, Upit's Burger) en route to our accommodation to eat in before calling it a day.
Day 5 Kyoto (Friday)
After checking out we took the Saga line to JR Kyoto station and forwarded the medium sized luggage to the 4th accommodation in Osaka using Crosta. We then did some light shopping at Yodabashi Camera Kyoto as my MIL shoes had kick the bucket and we needed a replacement. Manage to sneak in the only ramen meal of the trip at Ramen Chabuton located upstairs. It was a fairly small shop but we were lucky to get a table just before the Friday lunch rush hour and our ramen cravings were thoroughly satiated. We put the kids down for a quick nap as we make our way back to JR Kyoto to take the Saga line towards Kyoto railway museum. This is an underrated attraction with so much to do and we could have spent the whole day here if I knew they had coin lockers. There were many interactive and educational displays relating to train components in addition to multiple play areas upstairs as well as an outdoor playground! There's also a mockup ticket gate for kids to learn how to purchase a ticket and pass through the gate. Our kids loved the ball pit, toy train area and large train simulator. We couldn't squeeze enough time to explore the 3rd floor or watch the diorama presentation or board the Steam Locomotive as it was getting late. We took a taxi to check-in at Kamoya Ryokan before taking the bus to Nishiki Market for dinner. It's about 6pm and most of the shops were shutting and the remaining ones that are open had queues building up quickly. We ended up waiting 30 mins to eat sushi at Sushi Say. There's a limited range of cooked food including skewers which we got for our kids while we share a nigiri platter and sashimi. After dinner we went to the basement of Daimaru Kyoto across the road to get some baked goods for brekky before taking the taxi home to crash.
Day 6 Kyoto (Saturday)
My MIL wanted to take it easy and explore the area at her own pace so we had a more spontaneous day. After brekky, we took the bus to Yasaka Shrine and started our trek towards Heian Jingu, stopping along the way to enjoy the blossoming park and munching on food from street vendors. We paid to enter the shrine garden (600 yen per adult) which was very worth it for a 30 minute stroll and escape from the bustling crowd outside. We grab some food to eat from the street vendors as one of the kid slept and then head to the playground across the road (Wagener Square) and spent a good 30 minutes there even though it was a bit basic (Perth is blessed with many great playgrounds). Once both kids are feeling refreshed we felt adventurous and took the bus to attempt the hike up Kiyomizu-dera. Since its a Saturday, the Sannenzaka path was packed with phenomenal crowds with the occasional car coming through and splitting the crowd apart. I carried the infant to sleep while my wife push our toddler on the stroller as we slowly make our way up, stopping by for a nice matcha latte and softserve at Here cafe to recharge. We eventually reached the base of the temple after 30 minutes and decided against entering due to the massive crowds (& stairs!). On the way down we reached the fork that branches into Ninenzaka and thought we try giving it a go. There were a lot more stairs over this side and we had to carry the stroller through the steps while waiting for the crowd to advance before us. As physically draining as it was, we felt a sense of achievement as we manage to snap a photo with the iconic Hokanji temple. We took the bus home after that and had an enjoyable dinner at Okonomiyaki Yoshino next door before an early night to recover.
Day 7 Kyoto - Nara - Osaka (Sunday)
We had some leftover food for brekky before checking out and heading to JR Kyoto via taxi. We head to the Kintetsu line and boarded the Vistacar limited express train to Nara. I've booked for the private room down stairs which was pretty spacious for the 5 of us and our luggage. After arriving at Kintetsu-Nara station, we took the 100 yen tourist bus to the famous Nara Deer Park and started exploring the area. There were plenty of deer roaming throughout/ resting on the ground and several vendors at the entrance selling deer crackers. After the kids were done feeding 2 sets of crackers, we head to Mizuya Chaya for lunch. There were limited seating so we sat by the side and ate with the bowl in our hands while feeding the kids. Probably the best Udon we had in our lives (level above Ozuru in Arashiyama and Hifumiya in Perth). Time for a nap so we put the kids down while making our way to have a closer look at Todaiji temple as there were too many stairs to Kasuga-taisha and we have yet to recover. We had our first Cremia here and it was amazing. After the kids woke up we took the bus back to Kintetsu-Nara station and explored the nearby street while waiting for our train. We then boarded the HINOTORI limited express bound for Osaka. While walking towards the hotel to check in, we were passing by Dotombori and opted to have a quick dinner and call it a day rather than coming out again after checking in and offloading our luggage. We ended up having curry at Hariju Dotombori Curry shop which taste d like a homely nourishing meal. After dinner we took the taxi to the hotel and fortunately our 2 other luggage that we forwarded days before are waiting for us to collect. Did some repacking and also laundry at a nearby laundromat before sleep.
Day 8 Osaka: Osaka Bay Area (Monday)
Started the day with brekky at MOS Burger just outside our hotel before taking the metro train to Osaka Bay Area. There were plenty to see as we approach the Kaiyukan, large LEGO animal displays, the large ferris wheel and Disney characters. The ticketing and entry time is staggered which is a good idea to control the amount of crowds going in and out. I started queueing at 1035am and got entry for 11am which was fair (opted not to book timeslot online as it can be unpredictable with kids and public transit) but we didn't felt like its a long wait as the kids were running around and enjoying the ocean view. The entry also have a photographer stationed to take a family polaroid with a whale shark replica for FREE. We were impressed with the aquarium's efficient layout where some prominent displays (Whale Shark, Seals etc) span across multiple floors so you can still enjoy them later on if you missed it earlier due to the crowds. Apart from sea creatures there are also Arctic mammals and birds (Puffins) from all over the world. The kids were over stimulated by lunch time so we head to the food court at Tempozan Market Place to refuel. After lunch we took the kids for a ferris wheel ride before putting both to sleep while we make our way to Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street via metro line. As the kids were still asleep, I rested at Daimaru with my MIL while my wife went shopping. This turn out to be a fantastic place with a floor dedicated for kids (Pokemon centre, Pokemon cafe, BorneLund mini play area with many display toys available for sampling). The kids spent the rest of the day here after they woke up and we had dinner at the dining floor. There were queues everywhere and we chose to wait at Aozora Blue as they offer udon made with a higher wheat ratio here. Regrettably the kids didn't enjoy as much and prefer regular ones that we are used to. After dinner we took away cheescake from Rikuro for dessert back at our hotel. I made sure to online check in our flights before I go to bed.
Day 9 Osaka: Dotombori (Tuesday)
Our final day in Japan and we chose to do some shopping and take it easy. Tried Doutor Coffee for brekky (took a while to find as it was underground) before walking to Don Quijote at Dotombori. There's 6 floors crammed with various items: snacks, electronics, clothing, non prescription medication, toys, collectibles as well as a functional ferris wheel (operates after 2pm). That being said the kids got bored after awhile and didn't really enjoy much as there wasn't much space to move around. I brought them out to stroll around the Ebisu-bashi Bridge while my wife and MIL continue their haul. It was certainly a sight to behold: countless amount of large LCD screens with surround sound on full blast from every high rise building, street buskers vying for attention from crowds that were constantly on the move, tourists taking selfies in front of the iconic Glicoman. Sadly it started to drizzle so I quickly entered the Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street undercover area and look for a place to have lunch. I stumbled across a Yoshinoya & Hanamaru joint food hall which was bustling with both locals and foreigners. You have to order and get your food from the counter before you can occupy a table so I waited for my wife and MIL to arrive before we start queueing up. We had the gyudon and beef Udon with onsen egg along with chicken karaage and tempura. There's also a condiment station with toppings to complement your udon as well as free tea and water. Everything was very affordable and best of all we didn't had to wait long. After lunch my wife continuing shopping while we head to Daimaru for the kids to have a nap and play afterwards. I noticed there's a bridge that connects each floor to the Parco next door and discovered a unique floor full of pop culture themed stores including a studio Ghibli store featuring Totoro and No-Face displays, a 2 ft tall Godzilla, Ultraman, Capcom superstore, Sanrio (Hello Kitty), Snoopy, Rilakkuma and also a LEGO store. The kids had a great time browsing and also playing with LEGO before my wife reunites with us. As it's nearing dinner time, I thought we try our luck getting a table at Ganko Dotombori and make our way towards Ebisu-bashi Bridge. The view here is even more spectacular at night with the contrasting lights as well as numerous LCD displays illuminating the area. Unfortunately there's a lengthy wait at Ganko and our party voted for street food instead which turn out surprising well. Kids devoured a dozen gyozas while we had takoyaki, kobe beef nigiri, yakitori and yakiniku skewers as we strolled along the street. It was still early so we made a detour towards Hozenji before walking back the hotel. Then we stumbled upon an arcade (Amuse Factory AXE) which naturally drawn the kids in, we got popcorn from a vending machine there and it was enough to keep the kids happy on our trek back. Before taking our last sleep in Japan, we organized our luggage and get them ready for check out the next day.
Day 10 Osaka: Sayonara (Wednesday)
Checked out of the hotel and took a private airport taxi to KIX. Had brekky at McD and Lawsons and surprised to find that the food here costs the same as outside (e.g. McD/ Hungry Jacks at Malaysian/ Australian airports cost more than the metro/ suburban outlets). Boarded the flight and bid Japan farewell for now while soaking in the surreal time we had.
List of accommodations for 3 adults and 1 child + 1 infant/ toddler
1. Orange House 701 (22,500 yen for 2 nights) 10/10
Location is not bad in a quiet area South of the bustling Dotombori area with Konbinis and JR Imamiya within walking distance. Washing machine, shower and stove took some time to figure out and my kid accidentally turned on the stove but luckily there's a safety button. Overall a brilliant accommodation at an affordable price and will consider returning if we come back to Osaka with kids.
2. Arashiyama bamboo guest house (55,650 yen for 2 nights + 1200 yen tax) 8/10
Prime location 1 min away from JR station, Lawson and walking distances to the local tourist strip, Bamboo Grove, Tenryu-ji and Togetsukyo Bridge. However the room is located on the 3rd floor with no lift so it can be a challenge for kids and older folk. The owner was kind enough to carry our 2 X 20kg luggage up and speaks a little English. The stay was rather comfortable even with futons to sleep on while my MIL slept on one of the single beds. We are unlikely returning to Arashiyama but would recommend this place if it suits your budget.
3. Kamoya Ryokan (35,400 yen for 2 nights + 2000 yen tax) 7.5/10
Not as central as the other accommodations but still within 10 mins walking distance to JR and bus lines. This is a shared accommodation so fridge, microwave and hot/ cold water is in the common area but we have a private bathroom to use. There are no beds so we all slept side by side on futons in the same room. For some reason kids are also taxed to stay a night here (200 yen) but the host was super friendly, spoke a bit of basic English and helped us with ordering a taxi when we checked out. For the price this is not a bad place for short term stay if cosleeping on futons together as a family is acceptable. Bonus: the okonomiyaki place next door is quite good albeit requiring a bit more effort to communicate but is worth it as plenty of locals seem to frequent there and our kids love the yakisoba.
4. Best Western Hotel Fino Osaka Shinsaibashi (40,450 yen for 3 nights) 8/10
Functional hotel relatively close to Shinsaibashi shopping street and Dotombori. 1 min walk away from Osaka metro station and 7 Eleven. There's also a 24 hour laundromat 5 mins walk away. Facilities are bare minimal but gets the job done as we only needed the place to crash and freshen up since there's a lot of shopping and remaining sightseeing to be done. All reception staff spoke English well and check in/ out was rather smooth. I would consider staying again if the rooms were larger but can't complain at this price point and location.
List of eateries we consider returning
Highlight of each day for the kids
  1. Wandering around Life supermarket and exploring a new accommodation
  2. Running around 300m above ground at the Abeno Harukas sky garden while having fruits/ snacks in between
  3. Visiting Kimono Forest after dinner, watching the randen pass by at the crossing
  4. Running around at Arashiyama park and watching the majestic Katsura river flowing rapidly
  5. The outdoor playground at Kyoto railway museum among many other fun things there
  6. The playground at Wagener Square across Heian Jingu
  7. Interacting with deer and eating udon outdoors
  8. Seeing different sea animals up close and ferris wheel ride after
  9. Making friends at BorneLund and having imaginary play together despite the language barrier

Lessons learned (not in chronological order)

General tips
Child related tips
submitted by justAnotherCK to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:51 justAnotherCK Kansai Trip Report (Osaka - Kyoto - Nara - Osaka in 9 days) with toddler + infant

Finally got around sharing our wonderful experience in Kansai (1 Apr 2024 - 10 Apr 2024). We are a family of 4 from Perth, Australia (1 x Toddler turning 4 end of this month and 1 x Infant about 18 months old) joined by my MIL from Malaysia. It was our first time trip to Japan but the second time flying 6 hours long with 2 kids. We chose to travel during this period as it was during Easter holidays and also the most favourable weather for our kids. As we have 4 separate accommodations booked over 9 days, we try to travel as light as possible: 2 x large suitcase, 1 x medium suitcase, 2 x medium bags, 1 x bag pack, 1 x dedicated bag for infant carrier and kids' jumpers + 1 stroller. Our kids still take nap(s) during the day and our plan was having the toddler sleep on the stroller and the infant in the carrier or the stroller if toddler is not using.
After extensive research (mostly from this sub) we still found the first few days to be quite hectic and wish we know some of the things beforehand (listed below the itinerary). I hope this post can help young families who are considering travelling to Japan with kids or those who have travelled to Japan before kids came to the picture to do it again with confidence.

9 Day Itinerary (1 Apr 2024 - 10 Apr 2024)

Day 1 Osaka: Namba (Monday)
Our flight from KUL arrived KIX around 10am and boarded the Nankai Rapid (bought 1 month prior online) to Shin-Imamiya station after getting our luggage. We originally planned to take a taxi from there but failed to find any taxi for 20 mins so we end up walking to our accommodation as the kids were tired of waiting. After offloading our luggage we manage to hail a taxi and head to Namba Parks to rest and unwind. Had a refreshing lunch at Yasaiya Mei (mains + all you can eat side dishes including veg tempura) and went to explore the rooftop parks garden before putting the kids to nap. After the kids woke up we took a taxi back to check in officially. Everyone was quite tired thus we opted to stay in and get dinner from Life supermarket nearby. This was probably the most enjoyable part of the day for the kids wandering around a foreign supermarket as we bought dinner and some light snacks. After putting the kids to bed, we did some laundry and packed our 1st luggage to send away.
Day 2 Osaka: Tennoji (Tuesday)
While everyone was getting ready, I went to the nearby 7-Eleven to forward our 1st luggage to the 4th accommodation via Yamato transport. The shop attendant was helpful and guided me through the process as we communicated via deepL. We walked to the Lawson's at JR Imamiya to get brekkky before taking the Osaka loop Line to JR tennoji. We took quite a while to navigate towards Tennoji Zoo from JR Tennoji but eventually got there after a 15 min detour. It was quite crowded for a Tuesday morning but the kids get to roam around the Tenshiba garden while I queue up for tickets (500 yen per adult). One of the kids fell asleep in the zoo so we decided to just grab food to go at the supermarket outside the zoo for lunch. We then head towards Abeno Q's mall to shop and put the other kid to sleep. There was quite a lot of hot food along the way and we manage to grab some for the kids to snack on after their nap (butaman from Horai 555, mochi donut from Mister Donut, taiyaki etc). There's a fantastic area for kids to play (kid, play, study) at the ground floor with different sensory setup and soft blocks for stacking/ balancing. I spent close to 2 hours there with 2 kids while my wife and MIL went shopping. After that we had dinner at Grand Capital Toyoutei at the Kintetsu mall dining floor before heading to our final activity of the day: Abeno Harukas 300. Tickets were a bit steep (2000 yen per adult) but we end up staying there for quite a bit and the experience was pretty unique even though we missed the sunset timing. The elevator ride to the top though short left quite an impression. The kids enjoyed running around at the sky garden 2 floors below as we rest and enjoy the night view of the city from about 300m above ground. The journey back to our accommodation was pretty straightforward and the kids got knocked out when we got home. All in all Tennoji was a pleasantly great experience and we have a better understanding about JR station layout and navigating underground.
Day 3 Osaka - Kyoto (Wednesday)
This was a rather hectic day as it rained quite a bit and we struggled to get a taxi after checking out, getting turned down by several taxis with "空车". We eventually found one to bring us to JR Osaka station. Navigating at the station wasn't too difficult after yesterday but there were long queues when we arrived at 10am and I made the fatal mistake of leaving my physical credit card back in Perth and spent 45mins trying to redeem limited express tickets I reserved online. The JR staff were friendly and tried their best to help but they can only recommend me cancelling my initial reservation and buying new tickets (cancellation fee was about 2300 yen for 3 adults). As soon as we got our tickets we sprinted to the underground gate about 15 mins walk away. I even carried the stroller and kids through an escalator as we didn't want to waste time finding a lift and risk missing the train. We managed to board the limited express train on time and arrived at JR Kyoto which was even more crowded and larger than most international airports. The kids were quite cranky by now as it has been all rush and long waits since they woke up. I split up with my family with 2 luggage that we initially planned to forward to our Arashiyama accommodation via Sagawa. However I was told same day delivery service is only applicable to limited hotels so I stored the luggage at 2 coin lockers and then head to the Kintetsu line ticket counter to redeem the Kyoto-Nara and Nara-Osaka limited express tickets which fortunately doesn't require my credit card details (just reservation number). By the time I reunite with my family it was still raining and both kids fell asleep so we ditched the plan for Kyoto railway museum and instead went browsing for lunch at Porta and Isetan dining floor. We eventually queued to eat at Ejuan for about 25 minutes while one of the kid was still asleep. The wait was worthwhile as the grilled miso black cod was exceptional as was the kids' grilled chicken. Next we went to the skywalk at level 9 briefly before my family went to the toy section at Isetan while I retrieve our luggage from the coin lockers. We board the Saga line bound for Saga-Arashiyama and rested awhile at the accommodation before heading out for dinner after the rain stopped. We walked to Kijurou and fortunately they have space for us provided we order a main meal per adult. The yakiniku and Wagyu rib loin bowls were pretty good but we find the Hitsumabushi set a bit gimmicky. After dinner we stopped by Kimono Forest on our way back and this was probably the highlight of the kids day.
Day 4 Kyoto: Arashiyama (Thursday)
Had Lawson's for brekky before heading out to Kimono Rental Amuya to hired kimonos for my wife and toddler including hairstyling. The shop was actually a house with the living area turned into a studio and only the owner working by herself so we waited for about half an hour before walking towards the Bamboo Forest and Tenryu-ji gardens (500 yen entry from the north gate but well worth it for the blooming sakura and picturesque lake). It was crowded as expected and everyone was moving slowly so it took us about an hour to complete the loop back to the main tourist strip. We then had Udon for lunch at Ozuru, the chewy noodles were complemented by the broth which was a lot more flavourful than the kitsune Udon we are accustomed to back in Perth. After lunch we head home to put the kids to nap before venturing out in the evening towards Togetsukyo Bridge overlooking the pristine Katsura river flowing gracefully from Mt Arashi in the backdrop. The view was breathtaking and we crossed over to Arashiyama park where the kids had a great time running around free range. As the sun was setting, we head back to the town centre, took a novelty Randen ride and grab some food (Naruse's Unagi, Upit's Burger) en route to our accommodation to eat in before calling it a day.
Day 5 Kyoto (Friday)
After checking out we took the Saga line to JR Kyoto station and forwarded the medium sized luggage to the 4th accommodation in Osaka using Crosta. We then did some light shopping at Yodabashi Camera Kyoto as my MIL shoes had kick the bucket and we needed a replacement. Manage to sneak in the only ramen meal of the trip at Ramen Chabuton located upstairs. It was a fairly small shop but we were lucky to get a table just before the Friday lunch rush hour and our ramen cravings were thoroughly satiated. We put the kids down for a quick nap as we make our way back to JR Kyoto to take the Saga line towards Kyoto railway museum. This is an underrated attraction with so much to do and we could have spent the whole day here if I knew they had coin lockers. There were many interactive and educational displays relating to train components in addition to multiple play areas upstairs as well as an outdoor playground! There's also a mockup ticket gate for kids to learn how to purchase a ticket and pass through the gate. Our kids loved the ball pit, toy train area and large train simulator. We couldn't squeeze enough time to explore the 3rd floor or watch the diorama presentation or board the Steam Locomotive as it was getting late. We took a taxi to check-in at Kamoya Ryokan before taking the bus to Nishiki Market for dinner. It's about 6pm and most of the shops were shutting and the remaining ones that are open had queues building up quickly. We ended up waiting 30 mins to eat sushi at Sushi Say. There's a limited range of cooked food including skewers which we got for our kids while we share a nigiri platter and sashimi. After dinner we went to the basement of Daimaru Kyoto across the road to get some baked goods for brekky before taking the taxi home to crash.
Day 6 Kyoto (Saturday)
My MIL wanted to take it easy and explore the area at her own pace so we had a more spontaneous day. After brekky, we took the bus to Yasaka Shrine and started our trek towards Heian Jingu, stopping along the way to enjoy the blossoming park and munching on food from street vendors. We paid to enter the shrine garden (600 yen per adult) which was very worth it for a 30 minute stroll and escape from the bustling crowd outside. We grab some food to eat from the street vendors as one of the kid slept and then head to the playground across the road (Wagener Square) and spent a good 30 minutes there even though it was a bit basic (Perth is blessed with many great playgrounds). Once both kids are feeling refreshed we felt adventurous and took the bus to attempt the hike up Kiyomizu-dera. Since its a Saturday, the Sannenzaka path was packed with phenomenal crowds with the occasional car coming through and splitting the crowd apart. I carried the infant to sleep while my wife push our toddler on the stroller as we slowly make our way up, stopping by for a nice matcha latte and softserve at Here cafe to recharge. We eventually reached the base of the temple after 30 minutes and decided against entering due to the massive crowds (& stairs!). On the way down we reached the fork that branches into Ninenzaka and thought we try giving it a go. There were a lot more stairs over this side and we had to carry the stroller through the steps while waiting for the crowd to advance before us. As physically draining as it was, we felt a sense of achievement as we manage to snap a photo with the iconic Hokanji temple. We took the bus home after that and had an enjoyable dinner at Okonomiyaki Yoshino next door before an early night to recover.
Day 7 Kyoto - Nara - Osaka (Sunday)
We had some leftover food for brekky before checking out and heading to JR Kyoto via taxi. We head to the Kintetsu line and boarded the Vistacar limited express train to Nara. I've booked for the private room down stairs which was pretty spacious for the 5 of us and our luggage. After arriving at Kintetsu-Nara station, we took the 100 yen tourist bus to the famous Nara Deer Park and started exploring the area. There were plenty of deer roaming throughout/ resting on the ground and several vendors at the entrance selling deer crackers. After the kids were done feeding 2 sets of crackers, we head to Mizuya Chaya for lunch. There were limited seating so we sat by the side and ate with the bowl in our hands while feeding the kids. Probably the best Udon we had in our lives (level above Ozuru in Arashiyama and Hifumiya in Perth). Time for a nap so we put the kids down while making our way to have a closer look at Todaiji temple as there were too many stairs to Kasuga-taisha and we have yet to recover. We had our first Cremia here and it was amazing. After the kids woke up we took the bus back to Kintetsu-Nara station and explored the nearby street while waiting for our train. We then boarded the HINOTORI limited express bound for Osaka. While walking towards the hotel to check in, we were passing by Dotombori and opted to have a quick dinner and call it a day rather than coming out again after checking in and offloading our luggage. We ended up having curry at Hariju Dotombori Curry shop which taste d like a homely nourishing meal. After dinner we took the taxi to the hotel and fortunately our 2 other luggage that we forwarded days before are waiting for us to collect. Did some repacking and also laundry at a nearby laundromat before sleep.
Day 8 Osaka: Osaka Bay Area (Monday)
Started the day with brekky at MOS Burger just outside our hotel before taking the metro train to Osaka Bay Area. There were plenty to see as we approach the Kaiyukan, large LEGO animal displays, the large ferris wheel and Disney characters. The ticketing and entry time is staggered which is a good idea to control the amount of crowds going in and out. I started queueing at 1035am and got entry for 11am which was fair (opted not to book timeslot online as it can be unpredictable with kids and public transit) but we didn't felt like its a long wait as the kids were running around and enjoying the ocean view. The entry also have a photographer stationed to take a family polaroid with a whale shark replica for FREE. We were impressed with the aquarium's efficient layout where some prominent displays (Whale Shark, Seals etc) span across multiple floors so you can still enjoy them later on if you missed it earlier due to the crowds. Apart from sea creatures there are also Arctic mammals and birds (Puffins) from all over the world. The kids were over stimulated by lunch time so we head to the food court at Tempozan Market Place to refuel. After lunch we took the kids for a ferris wheel ride before putting both to sleep while we make our way to Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street via metro line. As the kids were still asleep, I rested at Daimaru with my MIL while my wife went shopping. This turn out to be a fantastic place with a floor dedicated for kids (Pokemon centre, Pokemon cafe, BorneLund mini play area with many display toys available for sampling). The kids spent the rest of the day here after they woke up and we had dinner at the dining floor. There were queues everywhere and we chose to wait at Aozora Blue as they offer udon made with a higher wheat ratio here. Regrettably the kids didn't enjoy as much and prefer regular ones that we are used to. After dinner we took away cheescake from Rikuro for dessert back at our hotel. I made sure to online check in our flights before I go to bed.
Day 9 Osaka: Dotombori (Tuesday)
Our final day in Japan and we chose to do some shopping and take it easy. Tried Doutor Coffee for brekky (took a while to find as it was underground) before walking to Don Quijote at Dotombori. There's 6 floors crammed with various items: snacks, electronics, clothing, non prescription medication, toys, collectibles as well as a functional ferris wheel (operates after 2pm). That being said the kids got bored after awhile and didn't really enjoy much as there wasn't much space to move around. I brought them out to stroll around the Ebisu-bashi Bridge while my wife and MIL continue their haul. It was certainly a sight to behold: countless amount of large LCD screens with surround sound on full blast from every high rise building, street buskers vying for attention from crowds that were constantly on the move, tourists taking selfies in front of the iconic Glicoman. Sadly it started to drizzle so I quickly entered the Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street undercover area and look for a place to have lunch. I stumbled across a Yoshinoya & Hanamaru joint food hall which was bustling with both locals and foreigners. You have to order and get your food from the counter before you can occupy a table so I waited for my wife and MIL to arrive before we start queueing up. We had the gyudon and beef Udon with onsen egg along with chicken karaage and tempura. There's also a condiment station with toppings to complement your udon as well as free tea and water. Everything was very affordable and best of all we didn't had to wait long. After lunch my wife continuing shopping while we head to Daimaru for the kids to have a nap and play afterwards. I noticed there's a bridge that connects each floor to the Parco next door and discovered a unique floor full of pop culture themed stores including a studio Ghibli store featuring Totoro and No-Face displays, a 2 ft tall Godzilla, Ultraman, Capcom superstore, Sanrio (Hello Kitty), Snoopy, Rilakkuma and also a LEGO store. The kids had a great time browsing and also playing with LEGO before my wife reunites with us. As it's nearing dinner time, I thought we try our luck getting a table at Ganko Dotombori and make our way towards Ebisu-bashi Bridge. The view here is even more spectacular at night with the contrasting lights as well as numerous LCD displays illuminating the area. Unfortunately there's a lengthy wait at Ganko and our party voted for street food instead which turn out surprising well. Kids devoured a dozen gyozas while we had takoyaki, kobe beef nigiri, yakitori and yakiniku skewers as we strolled along the street. It was still early so we made a detour towards Hozenji before walking back the hotel. Then we stumbled upon an arcade (Amuse Factory AXE) which naturally drawn the kids in, we got popcorn from a vending machine there and it was enough to keep the kids happy on our trek back. Before taking our last sleep in Japan, we organized our luggage and get them ready for check out the next day.
Day 10 Osaka: Sayonara (Wednesday)
Checked out of the hotel and took a private airport taxi to KIX. Had brekky at McD and Lawsons and surprised to find that the food here costs the same as outside (e.g. McD/ Hungry Jacks at Malaysian/ Australian airports cost more than the metro/ suburban outlets). Boarded the flight and bid Japan farewell for now while soaking in the surreal time we had.
List of accommodations for 3 adults and 1 child + 1 infant/ toddler
1. Orange House 701 (22,500 yen for 2 nights) 10/10
Location is not bad in a quiet area South of the bustling Dotombori area with Konbinis and JR Imamiya within walking distance. Washing machine, shower and stove took some time to figure out and my kid accidentally turned on the stove but luckily there's a safety button. Overall a brilliant accommodation at an affordable price and will consider returning if we come back to Osaka with kids.
2. Arashiyama bamboo guest house (55,650 yen for 2 nights + 1200 yen tax) 8/10
Prime location 1 min away from JR station, Lawson and walking distances to the local tourist strip, Bamboo Grove, Tenryu-ji and Togetsukyo Bridge. However the room is located on the 3rd floor with no lift so it can be a challenge for kids and older folk. The owner was kind enough to carry our 2 X 20kg luggage up and speaks a little English. The stay was rather comfortable even with futons to sleep on while my MIL slept on one of the single beds. We are unlikely returning to Arashiyama but would recommend this place if it suits your budget.
3. Kamoya Ryokan (35,400 yen for 2 nights + 2000 yen tax) 7.5/10
Not as central as the other accommodations but still within 10 mins walking distance to JR and bus lines. This is a shared accommodation so fridge, microwave and hot/ cold water is in the common area but we have a private bathroom to use. There are no beds so we all slept side by side on futons in the same room. For some reason kids are also taxed to stay a night here (200 yen) but the host was super friendly, spoke a bit of basic English and helped us with ordering a taxi when we checked out. For the price this is not a bad place for short term stay if cosleeping on futons together as a family is acceptable. Bonus: the okonomiyaki place next door is quite good albeit requiring a bit more effort to communicate but is worth it as plenty of locals seem to frequent there and our kids love the yakisoba.
4. Best Western Hotel Fino Osaka Shinsaibashi (40,450 yen for 3 nights) 8/10
Functional hotel relatively close to Shinsaibashi shopping street and Dotombori. 1 min walk away from Osaka metro station and 7 Eleven. There's also a 24 hour laundromat 5 mins walk away. Facilities are bare minimal but gets the job done as we only needed the place to crash and freshen up since there's a lot of shopping and remaining sightseeing to be done. All reception staff spoke English well and check in/ out was rather smooth. I would consider staying again if the rooms were larger but can't complain at this price point and location.
List of eateries we consider returning
Highlight of each day for the kids
  1. Wandering around Life supermarket and exploring a new accommodation
  2. Running around 300m above ground at the Abeno Harukas sky garden while having fruits/ snacks in between
  3. Visiting Kimono Forest after dinner, watching the randen pass by at the crossing
  4. Running around at Arashiyama park and watching the majestic Katsura river flowing rapidly
  5. The outdoor playground at Kyoto railway museum among many other fun things there
  6. The playground at Wagener Square across Heian Jingu
  7. Interacting with deer and eating udon outdoors
  8. Seeing different sea animals up close and ferris wheel ride after
  9. Making friends at BorneLund and having imaginary play together despite the language barrier

Lessons learned (not in chronological order)

General tips
Child related tips
submitted by justAnotherCK to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:53 Fairytalks MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD: beware!!

This is my personal experience with the San Diego based dog rescue, MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD. Everything is strictly fact and there is documentation to back it up. If you are or have had an experience with this group, please read on, and BEWARE!
Late 2023- My daughter sees a post on Facebook about 20 Doodles in Maricopa County, Arizona, that are about to head to a high kill shelter. These are not typical social media star golden doodles. These are feral, fearful, not used to human touch doodles. My daughter reaches out to the rescue and immediately volunteers the 3 of us- daughter, sister and myself are up for the challenge. My sister and I agree to temporarily foster 1 dog each. We both have senior female dogs, and it would be stressful on them. It’s happening! 8 dogs will be transported from Arizona to San Diego.
December 29-31, 2023- Fundraising begins! I made a paypal donation to the doodle rescue mission. I promote it and my family and friends donate. Some write checks and mail to the PO Box. I promise the fundraiser. We are off to pick up supplies in Orange County, Calif. donated by Spoof Dogs. Stephani, the rescue organizer gave my daughter a list of supplies we would need for the 8 dogs. 8 of everything: 8 water bowls, 8 leashes, 8 food bowls, collars, bags of food. We piled the truck to the rim and headed the 100+ miles back home with the goods.
January 1, 2024 - May The dogs arrive. The horror! A man pulls up in a suburban type truck and unloads a handful of dog crates. Many are small and have 2 dogs shoved in them. They are all covered in urine and feces. I have never seen a stiff dog before. Stephani requests everyone takes 2 so they will adjust better. Ok, but remember, this is temporary? We are reassured as we each take 2.
I started with fostering Bruno and Butters. Butters was more social than the rest of the dogs. He had a haircut, so he was obviously handled. Bruno was completely feral. Not 1 person could touch him. I had a special place in my heart for Bruno, as he was the first one handed to me out of the truck, stiff with fear. I wanted so badly to help this boy.
Butters was adorable and we loved him, but he had an issue that I continued to report to Stephani about constant urinating. I am not talking not housebroken, I am speaking about this poor guy emptying his urine 4x per hour. A full bladder of clear liquid, 4x/hour. She basically kept pacifying me until finally I requested to swap him out with a dog my sister was fostering, because I was literally mopping all day. So, here comes Murphy!
Meanwhile, the dogs are sick! They all have severe water diahrrea. I notice Bruno’s ears smell awful. I ask if I can use some ear drops I have here for my dog. Approved. Multiple failed attempts by Stephani to control the diarrhea. She kept bringing over pills and powders that were not in their original packages. Some old prescription bottles with labels tore off. I trust her. She wants to help dogs.
It is then discovered that all of the dogs in the group not only have diarrhea, but also have ear mites, and it has been passed to my senior dog. Lovely. She does provide us with the ear mite medication, Bravecto?
Time goes on, sometimes weeks would pass without as much a a check in from her. On the occasions she dropped off supplies or probiotics for the digestive issues, we would talk. She mentioned how the rescue was $30k in debt from a litter of Parvo puppies that they took in. Red flag #1? Nah! I ask for poop bags. At this point, I am going through them like crazy. She brings me a wadded up handful from her truck. Never got any again. Communication is and has been off with Stephani. Sometimes she’s nice. Oftentimes she throws jabs. Interestingly coming from someone who should be so grateful to us. We don’t want to rock the boat, so we keep quiet and really just focus on the dogs. We ignore some of the stories that don’t match up. Luckily everything was text message.
A few of the dogs from this group get adopted and then returned. And then adopted and returned. No one seems to click with them. Bruno is allowing me to touch him. We play. Murphy gets adopted by a cute family with 2 very small children. It’s just me and bruno now and I get the chance to really focus on him. I am still fighting diarrhea with him. I tell Stephani I am taking him to the vet. Vet prescribes medication, if it doesn’t work, he will need to be on a special prescription diet. He needs the diet. Purina HA is approx $130 for a 25 lb bag. He eats 1bag/month.
All during this time, my daughter and her fiancé are growing attached to Shiloh, who they are now left fostering. They let Stephani know right away they want to proceed. They ask to apply and ask what his adoption fee is. They are informed that the rescue would have denied them if they had applied, but they would definitely be considered for Shiloh.
Bruno starts marking everywhere. I ask about getting them neutered. Was informed their vet recommend they wait so their testosterone come in. She offers belly bands. Belly bands for a dog I can barely handle. Oh yeah, she had told us she was a Dog Behaviorist. In 5 months, never once- not one time did she come to work with Bruno. Belly Bands did not work. She finally got them to me a week after I asked and I asked yet again. Then she gave me used ones.
May 7, 2024- Finally after 5 plus months and now many of the other dogs have been adopted (we hope to forever homes), she approaches my daughter and her fiancé to adopt Shiloh. He had a recent foxtail incident in his paw, and the rescue did take him and pay for removal. However, now he is costing them, so they are asking a $1000 adoption fee. She also states that they are no longer of use to the organization since she will no longer be fostering, so she is of no use tot he rescue anymore and they ‘need the money”. This would absolutely be a reasonable ask for a rescue dog adoption- that had shots, been neutered, been microchipped, wasn’t feral, wasn’t ever going to be a “normal” dog. Kind of how she stated when this all started. My daughter asked if they would consider $650, considering all she/we have done for the rescue/the dogs. It was shot down. No compromise. Stephani mentioned how much money they had spent on these dogs.
That’s when I got to thinking… how much did they spend on these dogs? Where is the money? I have been digging and cannot come up with anything. If anyone knows anything, has a similar story, join the group! I am still truing to get access to their financials. What I found online is they have not filed last year and were revoked. I will post proof to all of this, as well as an article of a former incident a few years ago. I questioned them, they refused to provide, I lost my shit and hung up after telling them to come and get Bruno. I was done. I could tell where this was going. They were in a sense holding us hostage to pay $1000 for Shiloh, when the other dogs were sold for less. Felt as if it were extortion. I sent Stephani a text trying to see if we could come to an agreement. She said she was bringing a board menber named Desiree on the line. Great! I am hoping I can get some answers. Desiree will not let me speak. I have valid questions. They tell me they STILL have not gotten the fundraiser money. Huh? then they change the subject, cut me off and talk about needing to get them adopted and neutered immediately because now they are. costing the rescue money. Meanwhile, we know the only female from the rescue had just had tumors removed. I yelled to come get Bruno and hung up. I had had it! This felt awful. I was used. They were assholes for taking advantage of caring, vulnerable people.
Stephani shows up to my daughters house, unannounced, asking to take Shiloh, as they were taking both to get neutered and would be ready for pick up at 7pm form the vet. I knew. My heart sunk. Shiloh would never return. She then shows ups at my house, an hour after I asked her to be there and my emotions are hot. Desiree is on her cell. I yell over the phone to Desiree to please call me. I fell money is being misused. I scram out my phone number in hopes she will call. She does not call.
Shiloh is listed on Petfinder now as Pedro. We gave a petition to get him back.
In the end, our intention was to save these dogs. They came from a horrible situation. Shame on this “rescue”. Never again!
EIN: 82-4929684 Rescue: MIRACLE FOUNDATIONSD Dba: MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD PO Box 951 Spring Valley, CA 91978
submitted by Fairytalks to Goldendoodles [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:25 Fairytalks BEWARE OF MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD!!!

This is my personal experience with the San Diego based dog rescue, MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD. Everything is strictly fact and there is documentation to back it up. If you are or have had an experience with this group, please read on, and BEWARE!
Late 2023- My daughter sees a post on Facebook about 20 Doodles in Maricopa County, Arizona, that are about to head to a high kill shelter. These are not typical social media star golden doodles. These are feral, fearful, not used to human touch doodles. My daughter reaches out to the rescue and immediately volunteers the 3 of us- daughter, sister and myself are up for the challenge. My sister and I agree to temporarily foster 1 dog each. We both have senior female dogs, and it would be stressful on them. It’s happening! 8 dogs will be transported from Arizona to San Diego.
December 29-31, 2023- Fundraising begins! I made a paypal donation to the doodle rescue mission. I promote it and my family and friends donate. Some write checks and mail to the PO Box. I promise the fundraiser. We are off to pick up supplies in Orange County, Calif. donated by Spoof Dogs. Stephani, the rescue organizer gave my daughter a list of supplies we would need for the 8 dogs. 8 of everything: 8 water bowls, 8 leashes, 8 food bowls, collars, bags of food. We piled the truck to the rim and headed the 100+ miles back home with the goods.
January 1, 2024 - May The dogs arrive. The horror! A man pulls up in a suburban type truck and unloads a handful of dog crates. Many are small and have 2 dogs shoved in them. They are all covered in urine and feces. I have never seen a stiff dog before. Stephani requests everyone takes 2 so they will adjust better. Ok, but remember, this is temporary? We are reassured as we each take 2.
I started with fostering Bruno and Butters. Butters was more social than the rest of the dogs. He had a haircut, so he was obviously handled. Bruno was completely feral. Not 1 person could touch him. I had a special place in my heart for Bruno, as he was the first one handed to me out of the truck, stiff with fear. I wanted so badly to help this boy.
Butters was adorable and we loved him, but he had an issue that I continued to report to Stephani about constant urinating. I am not talking not housebroken, I am speaking about this poor guy emptying his urine 4x per hour. A full bladder of clear liquid, 4x/hour. She basically kept pacifying me until finally I requested to swap him out with a dog my sister was fostering, because I was literally mopping all day. So, here comes Murphy!
Meanwhile, the dogs are sick! They all have severe water diahrrea. I notice Bruno’s ears smell awful. I ask if I can use some ear drops I have here for my dog. Approved. Multiple failed attempts by Stephani to control the diarrhea. She kept bringing over pills and powders that were not in their original packages. Some old prescription bottles with labels tore off. I trust her. She wants to help dogs.
It is then discovered that all of the dogs in the group not only have diarrhea, but also have ear mites, and it has been passed to my senior dog. Lovely. She does provide us with the ear mite medication, Bravecto?
Time goes on, sometimes weeks would pass without as much a a check in from her. On the occasions she dropped off supplies or probiotics for the digestive issues, we would talk. She mentioned how the rescue was $30k in debt from a litter of Parvo puppies that they took in. Red flag #1? Nah! I ask for poop bags. At this point, I am going through them like crazy. She brings me a wadded up handful from her truck. Never got any again. Communication is and has been off with Stephani. Sometimes she’s nice. Oftentimes she throws jabs. Interestingly coming from someone who should be so grateful to us. We don’t want to rock the boat, so we keep quiet and really just focus on the dogs. We ignore some of the stories that don’t match up. Luckily everything was text message.
A few of the dogs from this group get adopted and then returned. And then adopted and returned. No one seems to click with them. Bruno is allowing me to touch him. We play. Murphy gets adopted by a cute family with 2 very small children. It’s just me and bruno now and I get the chance to really focus on him. I am still fighting diarrhea with him. I tell Stephani I am taking him to the vet. Vet prescribes medication, if it doesn’t work, he will need to be on a special prescription diet. He needs the diet. Purina HA is approx $130 for a 25 lb bag. He eats 1bag/month.
All during this time, my daughter and her fiancé are growing attached to Shiloh, who they are now left fostering. They let Stephani know right away they want to proceed. They ask to apply and ask what his adoption fee is. They are informed that the rescue would have denied them if they had applied, but they would definitely be considered for Shiloh.
Bruno starts marking everywhere. I ask about getting them neutered. Was informed their vet recommend they wait so their testosterone come in. She offers belly bands. Belly bands for a dog I can barely handle. Oh yeah, she had told us she was a Dog Behaviorist. In 5 months, never once- not one time did she come to work with Bruno. Belly Bands did not work. She finally got them to me a week after I asked and I asked yet again. Then she gave me used ones.
May 7, 2024- Finally after 5 plus months and now many of the other dogs have been adopted (we hope to forever homes), she approaches my daughter and her fiancé to adopt Shiloh. He had a recent foxtail incident in his paw, and the rescue did take him and pay for removal. However, now he is costing them, so they are asking a $1000 adoption fee. She also states that they are no longer of use to the organization since she will no longer be fostering, so she is of no use tot he rescue anymore and they ‘need the money”. This would absolutely be a reasonable ask for a rescue dog adoption- that had shots, been neutered, been microchipped, wasn’t feral, wasn’t ever going to be a “normal” dog. Kind of how she stated when this all started. My daughter asked if they would consider $650, considering all she/we have done for the rescue/the dogs. It was shot down. No compromise. Stephani mentioned how much money they had spent on these dogs.
That’s when I got to thinking… how much did they spend on these dogs? Where is the money? I have been digging and cannot come up with anything. If anyone knows anything, has a similar story, join the group! I am still truing to get access to their financials. What I found online is they have not filed last year and were revoked. I will post proof to all of this, as well as an article of a former incident a few years ago. I questioned them, they refused to provide, I lost my shit and hung up after telling them to come and get Bruno. I was done. I could tell where this was going. They were in a sense holding us hostage to pay $1000 for Shiloh, when the other dogs were sold for less. Felt as if it were extortion. I sent Stephani a text trying to see if we could come to an agreement. She said she was bringing a board menber named Desiree on the line. Great! I am hoping I can get some answers. Desiree will not let me speak. I have valid questions. They tell me they STILL have not gotten the fundraiser money. Huh? then they change the subject, cut me off and talk about needing to get them adopted and neutered immediately because now they are. costing the rescue money. Meanwhile, we know the only female from the rescue had just had tumors removed. I yelled to come get Bruno and hung up. I had had it! This felt awful. I was used. They were assholes for taking advantage of caring, vulnerable people.
Stephani shows up to my daughters house, unannounced, asking to take Shiloh, as they were taking both to get neutered and would be ready for pick up at 7pm form the vet. I knew. My heart sunk. Shiloh would never return. She then shows ups at my house, an hour after I asked her to be there and my emotions are hot. Desiree is on her cell. I yell over the phone to Desiree to please call me. I fell money is being misused. I scram out my phone number in hopes she will call. She does not call.
Shiloh is listed on Petfinder now as Pedro. We gave a petition to get him back.
In the end, our intention was to save these dogs. They came from a horrible situation. Shame on this “rescue”. Never again!
EIN: 82-4929684 Rescue: MIRACLE FOUNDATIONSD Dba: MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD PO Box 951 Spring Valley, CA 91978
submitted by Fairytalks to AnimalAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:10 Fairytalks BEWARE OF MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD!!!

This is my personal experience with the San Diego based dog rescue, MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD. Everything is strictly fact and there is documentation to back it up. If you are or have had an experience with this group, please read on, and BEWARE!
Late 2023- My daughter sees a post on Facebook about 20 Doodles in Maricopa County, Arizona, that are about to head to a high kill shelter. These are not typical social media star golden doodles. These are feral, fearful, not used to human touch doodles. My daughter reaches out to the rescue and immediately volunteers the 3 of us- daughter, sister and myself are up for the challenge. My sister and I agree to temporarily foster 1 dog each. We both have senior female dogs, and it would be stressful on them. It’s happening! 8 dogs will be transported from Arizona to San Diego.
December 29-31, 2023- Fundraising begins! I made a paypal donation to the doodle rescue mission. I promote it and my family and friends donate. Some write checks and mail to the PO Box. I promise the fundraiser. We are off to pick up supplies in Orange County, Calif. donated by Spoof Dogs. Stephani, the rescue organizer gave my daughter a list of supplies we would need for the 8 dogs. 8 of everything: 8 water bowls, 8 leashes, 8 food bowls, collars, bags of food. We piled the truck to the rim and headed the 100+ miles back home with the goods.
January 1, 2024 - May The dogs arrive. The horror! A man pulls up in a suburban type truck and unloads a handful of dog crates. Many are small and have 2 dogs shoved in them. They are all covered in urine and feces. I have never seen a stiff dog before. Stephani requests everyone takes 2 so they will adjust better. Ok, but remember, this is temporary? We are reassured as we each take 2.
I started with fostering Bruno and Butters. Butters was more social than the rest of the dogs. He had a haircut, so he was obviously handled. Bruno was completely feral. Not 1 person could touch him. I had a special place in my heart for Bruno, as he was the first one handed to me out of the truck, stiff with fear. I wanted so badly to help this boy.
Butters was adorable and we loved him, but he had an issue that I continued to report to Stephani about constant urinating. I am not talking not housebroken, I am speaking about this poor guy emptying his urine 4x per hour. A full bladder of clear liquid, 4x/hour. She basically kept pacifying me until finally I requested to swap him out with a dog my sister was fostering, because I was literally mopping all day. So, here comes Murphy!
Meanwhile, the dogs are sick! They all have severe water diahrrea. I notice Bruno’s ears smell awful. I ask if I can use some ear drops I have here for my dog. Approved. Multiple failed attempts by Stephani to control the diarrhea. She kept bringing over pills and powders that were not in their original packages. Some old prescription bottles with labels tore off. I trust her. She wants to help dogs.
It is then discovered that all of the dogs in the group not only have diarrhea, but also have ear mites, and it has been passed to my senior dog. Lovely. She does provide us with the ear mite medication, Bravecto?
Time goes on, sometimes weeks would pass without as much a a check in from her. On the occasions she dropped off supplies or probiotics for the digestive issues, we would talk. She mentioned how the rescue was $30k in debt from a litter of Parvo puppies that they took in. Red flag #1? Nah! I ask for poop bags. At this point, I am going through them like crazy. She brings me a wadded up handful from her truck. Never got any again. Communication is and has been off with Stephani. Sometimes she’s nice. Oftentimes she throws jabs. Interestingly coming from someone who should be so grateful to us. We don’t want to rock the boat, so we keep quiet and really just focus on the dogs. We ignore some of the stories that don’t match up. Luckily everything was text message.
A few of the dogs from this group get adopted and then returned. And then adopted and returned. No one seems to click with them. Bruno is allowing me to touch him. We play. Murphy gets adopted by a cute family with 2 very small children. It’s just me and bruno now and I get the chance to really focus on him. I am still fighting diarrhea with him. I tell Stephani I am taking him to the vet. Vet prescribes medication, if it doesn’t work, he will need to be on a special prescription diet. He needs the diet. Purina HA is approx $130 for a 25 lb bag. He eats 1bag/month.
All during this time, my daughter and her fiancé are growing attached to Shiloh, who they are now left fostering. They let Stephani know right away they want to proceed. They ask to apply and ask what his adoption fee is. They are informed that the rescue would have denied them if they had applied, but they would definitely be considered for Shiloh.
Bruno starts marking everywhere. I ask about getting them neutered. Was informed their vet recommend they wait so their testosterone come in. She offers belly bands. Belly bands for a dog I can barely handle. Oh yeah, she had told us she was a Dog Behaviorist. In 5 months, never once- not one time did she come to work with Bruno. Belly Bands did not work. She finally got them to me a week after I asked and I asked yet again. Then she gave me used ones.
May 7, 2024- Finally after 5 plus months and now many of the other dogs have been adopted (we hope to forever homes), she approaches my daughter and her fiancé to adopt Shiloh. He had a recent foxtail incident in his paw, and the rescue did take him and pay for removal. However, now he is costing them, so they are asking a $1000 adoption fee. She also states that they are no longer of use to the organization since she will no longer be fostering, so she is of no use tot he rescue anymore and they ‘need the money”. This would absolutely be a reasonable ask for a rescue dog adoption- that had shots, been neutered, been microchipped, wasn’t feral, wasn’t ever going to be a “normal” dog. Kind of how she stated when this all started. My daughter asked if they would consider $650, considering all she/we have done for the rescue/the dogs. It was shot down. No compromise. Stephani mentioned how much money they had spent on these dogs.
That’s when I got to thinking… how much did they spend on these dogs? Where is the money? I have been digging and cannot come up with anything. If anyone knows anything, has a similar story, join the group! I am still truing to get access to their financials. What I found online is they have not filed last year and were revoked. I will post proof to all of this, as well as an article of a former incident a few years ago. I questioned them, they refused to provide, I lost my shit and hung up after telling them to come and get Bruno. I was done. I could tell where this was going. They were in a sense holding us hostage to pay $1000 for Shiloh, when the other dogs were sold for less. Felt as if it were extortion. I sent Stephani a text trying to see if we could come to an agreement. She said she was bringing a board menber named Desiree on the line. Great! I am hoping I can get some answers. Desiree will not let me speak. I have valid questions. They tell me they STILL have not gotten the fundraiser money. Huh? then they change the subject, cut me off and talk about needing to get them adopted and neutered immediately because now they are. costing the rescue money. Meanwhile, we know the only female from the rescue had just had tumors removed. I yelled to come get Bruno and hung up. I had had it! This felt awful. I was used. They were assholes for taking advantage of caring, vulnerable people.
Stephani shows up to my daughters house, unannounced, asking to take Shiloh, as they were taking both to get neutered and would be ready for pick up at 7pm form the vet. I knew. My heart sunk. Shiloh would never return. She then shows ups at my house, an hour after I asked her to be there and my emotions are hot. Desiree is on her cell. I yell over the phone to Desiree to please call me. I fell money is being misused. I scram out my phone number in hopes she will call. She does not call.
Shiloh is listed on Petfinder now as Pedro. We gave a petition to get him back.
In the end, our intention was to save these dogs. They came from a horrible situation. Shame on this “rescue”. Never again!
EIN: 82-4929684 Rescue: MIRACLE FOUNDATIONSD Dba: MIRACLE FOUNDATION SD PO Box 951 Spring Valley, CA 91978
submitted by Fairytalks to rescuedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:35 redeemer404 My attempt at a simpler brand guide for mushroom supplements

First off, I want to say that I just discovered this sub yesterday and, having bought and consumed mushroom 'supplements' for the past year and making the mistake of not joining this community sooner, I feel freaking depressed and betrayed.
I fell victim, for example, to the Facebook ads for Life Cycel tinctures about 2 months ago and bought a $130 five-pack which I was halfway through finishing before last night. I dumped them all out upon doing my research here. I have an unopened can of "Fungies" gummies from Sam's Club, some powders from "Om", and two alcohol tinctures from a local farmer's market brand, and more than likely will throw all of those out as well.
So having looked around here so far, I have created an \UNOFFICIAL** quick list of which mushroom supplement brands to avoid and which to consider based PURELY on this community's thoughts/research on said brands along with at least one Reddit citation for each, most of these being Kostya93's statements. Take this list with a grain of salt as I am just starting this mushroom brand research by reading comments/threads on this subreddit. I may update this list based on feedback and correction suggestions in the comments.
submitted by redeemer404 to MushroomSupplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:31 astarun Women only! Or doctors

Hello, I'm 19 years old and have been taking the anticonception pill for 3/4 years. I have been experiencing some health and mental issues the past few months and the people around me suggest I stop taking the pill. I am however scared of the possible issues I could get from stopping. Are there any women who want to share their experience on stopping? Thank you in advance!
Nederlandse versie: Hallo, ik ben 19 jaar en neem ongeveer 3/4 jaar de pil. De laatste maanden heb ik een aantal fysieke en emotionele klachten ervaren en de mensen om mij heen raden af dat ik met de pil stop. Echter ben ik bang voor de klachten die ik kan krijgen als ik zou stoppen. Zijn er vrouwen die hun eigen ervaring hiermee willen delen? Alvast bedankt!
submitted by astarun to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:09 L3onidas-Kelevra Is this enough to regrow my lions mane and if no what am I missing?

I’ve decided to try my hand at regrowing my hair again and I’ve jumped in with both feet and just ordered a bunch of products to use.
I’m taking a “natural” approach, meaning, no lab engineerer system changing pills or minoxidil. However. if results are not satisfactory I will reevaluate my stance.
I have Male pattern baldness and am 26 years old.
I’d appreciate any comments or feedback on my plan to regain my lions mane.
I will be updating this post with progress pics monthly once I’ve received my products.
General Habitual Guidelines: * Dry hair with cold setting - Morning/Bed * Wear shower cap and only use filtered water for washing. * Avoid Direct sun 2-3 days after micro needling. * Use sun screen on scalp. * Four weekly dedicated massaging session by way of dr. Gauntiz around the 1-2 minutes mark. * Be gentle when massaging in shampoo, conditioner and other hair products to avoid unnecessary hair damage.
Micro-needling: I’ve ordered a Korabeauticals Dermapen and will be trying out my “own” routine based on literature and antedotal experience.
Week; 1-6: 1.5mm Weekly Week; 6-12: 1.5mm 10-20-30th days - 0.5mm 5-15-25th days Week; 12-18: 1.5mm Monthly - 0.5mm every 5th day- 0.25mm between .5mm sessions.
Wash out om the evening before applying a soothing mixture and moisturising cream.
Will be regulating products applied around micro-needling based on experience and the depth being micro-needled at.
Red Light Cap: The LEDs run at 660nm & 850nm with 96pcs, a cheap one bought of of AliExpress. My research into the topic is leading me to believe that the nm are pretty accurate but power output is rarely as high as written and nowhere as high as the expensive caps, meaning longer treatment time. I’ll be running it twice daily, for 15 minutes a pop. Before using I’ll make sure to clean my scalp with Micellar water or gentle cleanser to make sure the red light can fully penetrate. partly for that reason I will also be having my hair nice and short.
Mornings: 15min Red Light Cap 15min Mielle rosemary and mint Shampoo - Rotation + Essential Oils Conditioner - Rotation + Essential Oils Hair Loss Serum - Australian Bodycare
Night: 30-60Min Homemade Oil: Quadruple Strength; Jojoba as carrier Wash 15Min Red Light Cap Hair Loss Serum - Australian Bodycare
Acid Wednesday: Exfoliating with either Salacyclic acid or glycolic acid - HA Serum - Niacinamide
submitted by L3onidas-Kelevra to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:30 mfbaby My eyes hurt from the number of essence reviews I’ve read. Please rescue me from this never ending rabbit hole <3

I recently fell in LOVE with a sample size version of the Peach & Lily Wild Dew Essence. It was a gift from a friend, and I can’t convince myself to splurge on the full size. I’m trying to find a worthy replacement, and have absolutely exhausted myself reading countless reviews, Reddit threads etc., but can’t seem to narrow down the list and am now just overwhelmed by all of the options. I’ll list my criteria below — Any recommendations that fit would be so, SO appreciated! I’ve sunk so much time into this and it’s starting to feel silly.
What I’m hoping to find: - Absolutely zero stickiness/tackiness - Leaves skin with a ‘silky’ feeling - Not overly dewy, more of a natural/satin finish - Layers beautifully under moisturizer & makeup / doesn’t pill throughout the day
submitted by mfbaby to AsianBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:12 WeareDepression Ulric De Varens Haul: Vanille Caramel

Ulric De Varens Haul: Vanille Caramel
What I love about the scent is that it’s not sickeningly sweet, It’s notes are vanilla & caramel (I smell very little caramel) It would pair really well with other gourmand mists I got this EDP from Amazon for 650/- which is its MRP, I’d recommend this to people who enjoy gourmand scents and want to smell like a bakery without it making you uncomfortable! One of the best blind buys I’ve made, I can’t wait to try other variants too especially the peach one I’m a fruity & gourmand girlie not a floral so this fragrance is right up my alley! The packaging reminds me of boxed custard
submitted by WeareDepression to desifemfrag [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:55 Avastagh Poster Show!

Poster Show!
Myself and a couple other poster artists will be set up in the merch building to talk shop and sling some paper this weekend. Here’s my poster for the weekend. Come by and say hello!
submitted by Avastagh to kilbyblockparty [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:15 lwhc92 Bac xiu (Saigon white coffee) at Eh Cafe in Ho Chi Minh City

Bac xiu (Saigon white coffee) at Eh Cafe in Ho Chi Minh City submitted by lwhc92 to Coffee_Shop [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 08:45 Mission-Candy1178 Se cykelløb med danske kommentatorer (endnu en inflationstråd)

Sidste år havde jeg abonnement på GCN plus for at se cykelløb. Jeg betalte 349,- for et års indhold. Deres indhold blev så flyttet over på discovery plus, med en ny årlig pris på 1.548,-
Det var selvfølgelig lidt af en stigning, men jeg åd den på trods af at der med stigningen fulgte en markant forringet app.
Nu kan jeg så forstå at discovery plus flytter deres indhold over på endnu en “ny og forbedret” platform, max, og hvis mine google-evner er tilstrækkelige, så kan jeg forstå at den årlige pris ender omkring de 2.268,-
Det er kraftpetervæltemig mange penge for at se en håndfuld svedige mænd i stramt tøj pruste op af en bjergside.
Overser jeg noget her, eller skal jeg anskaffe en papegøje og et træben hvis jeg ikke er interesseret i en 650% prisstigning? Min middagslur er ødelagt hvis jeg ikke har summen af helikoptere og smalltalk om franske vinslotte i baggrunden
submitted by Mission-Candy1178 to Denmark [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 07:41 jenniferonassis Dextro from Wilshire/Azurity

Ive just been in a deep dive so please feel free to ask me more questions.
I’ve been on 10mg dex for 7 years.
I’m used to pharmacies switching manufacturers occasionally. But last summer (2023) the pharmacy I was at had the white, diamond shaped generic by Mallinckrodt pharmaceuticals. I switched to a pharmacy closer to me that had the round peach by Wilshire Pharmaceuticals.
I didn’t notice right away because I was going through some significant stress, but a few months in I could barely stay awake.
I initially thought it was stress, but I’ve gone through worse stress and was fine. In true ADHD fashion, I normally have fits of sleep interrupted by fits of insomnia.
But September 2023 on? I was SO SLEEPY all of the time.
A few months ago, I realized that the stress I was attributing to that sleepiness was gone. And that I had changed pharmacies and gotten the peach pills instead of white around the time I noticed the sleepiness.
So I went back to the other pharmacy. First two months I got the white diamonds. I felt great.
Now I’m back to the peach rounds. And I’m so freaking tired all the time again.
Tonight, I looked into this to find the manufacturers of the two generics.
Turns out the peach pills are manhufactured by Wilshire. Which is owned by Azurity Pharmaceuticals.
There is a recall on Azurity’s 30mg dextroamphetamine as of January 2024 due to a “mixup” that dispensed carbinoxamine maleate instead of dextroamphetamine.
Carbinoxamine info and side effects:
I just submitted a report to the FDA here
I had to go back to see when I filled at both pharmacies to note the change, FYI.
submitted by jenniferonassis to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:04 muscleandmatchpoints my experience

Hello all, I want to recount my entire experience with a medication abortion/reproductive healthcare access on here to help anyone out there looking for insight like I was.
Lead up to taking the pills: To start, I am a 21yo female student-athlete located in the Seattle area. My boyfriend is also a 21 yo student. We have been together about 1.5 years and rarely have unprotected sex. Unfortunately, my second time ever taking an emergency contraceptive within a 24 hour time frame, I got burned at it was ineffective. Of course I fall in that 3-5% category. Anyways, my last period was 3/21/24 and my next predicted period was supposed to be 4/17/24. After six days of a missed period, I took a pregnancy test that came back very positive. At this point, I was roughly 4.5 weeks pregnant. My boyfriend and I were in denial, but we were both in shock for quite a while. I love him more than life, but neither of us are in a position of any kind to bring a child into the world. We both agreed ending the pregnancy was the best route. I immediately scheduled the next available appointment at one of the planned parenthood locations in my area. The next soonest available was exactly a week from the day after I tested positive. I was planing to have a surgical abortion. Planned parenthood sent me a good-faith estimate of $650 for that procedure. After the initial shock of my pregnancy wore off, I did a deeper dive into the services planned parenthood offers. Turns out that in the state of Washington, planned parenthood offers tele-health services through their mobile app. On the app, I chatted online with a physician who approved me within two hours for mifepristone, two doses of misoprostol (I was given an extra dose just in case), extra-strength ibuprofen, and zofran for nausea. The prescription was shipped directly to an address of my choice and arrived within two business days. For this service, I paid $275. I didn’t ever want to go in-person to the clinic anyways, I wanted to go through the abortion process in the comfort of my house with my boyfriend. Once I had the pills in my possession, it felt good to know that I could initiate the process whenever I was ready and had enough time. I cancelled the in-person clinic appointment as soon as I got the prescription. I also want to include some of my pregnancy symptoms for anyone reading: noticeably thicker-feeling hair, breakouts in abnormal areas (around mouth), white creamy discharge, light cramping, bloating and constipation, biggemore sensitive breasts, frequent urination, vivid dreams, irrational anger, NEVER ANY morning sickness at any point.
Medication abortion process: I received the pills in the mail 4/26/24. I had an extremely busy week coming up so by the time I initiated the process, I was roughly six weeks pregnant. Here is my timeline and experience:
Friday 5/03/24: 10:00 am - Mifepristone taken. For the next 24 hours, experienced very mild cramping and no bleeding.
Saturday 5/04/24: 12:00 pm - Ibuprofen and zofran taken with a light, but fairly sized breakfast. 12:30 pm - Misoprostol placed in mouth to dissolve buccally. 1:00 pm - Misoprostol fully swallowed. 2:30 pm - Bleeding begins and I am passing blood clots around the size of quarters. Pain 3/10. 4:10 pm - Heavy bleeding and mild cramping with clots passing the size of bouncy balls. Pain 3/10. 5:45 pm - One maxi pad full, heavy bleeding with clots passing the size of an orange. Pain 3.5/10. 7:10 pm - height of heavy bleeding and second maxi pad full, took another round of ibuprofen and zofran. Pain 4.5/10. 8:00 pm and after - bleeding significantly tapered off, diarrhea, clots reduced to size of pennies, went to bed.
Sunday 5/05/24 9:00 am - woke up to little to no bleeding, no pain
For the remainder of the day, normal level bleeding of a period, no noteworthy pain.
Aftermath: IMPORTANT
Monday 5/06/24
On Monday morning, I woke up to an alarming amount of clots. For the rest of the morning, I was in more pain than I was on Saturday. I was bleeding heavily and passing clots the size of a small nectarine and was experiencing extreme abdominal discomfort and weakness in the legs. However, this lasted roughly four hours and has not returned. I did not want to freak out, I read somewhere that lots of people experience second waves of heavy bleeding. Since then, I have been feeling a lot better and the bleeding has tapered off a very significant amount. I have been very bloated and constipated during the aftermath and my boob tenderness has not reduced. I am monitoring my changes though and I do not want to make any rash assumptions before my body gets set back to its norm. I also read it can take a couple of weeks for the breast tenderness to totally subside. I am keeping the extra dose of misoprostol on hand in case my physician recommends I use it. I am currently experiencing period-level bleeding and mild cramping, which I am just taking ibuprofen for and using tampons.
I have some main takeaways from my experience: 1) Make yourself comfortable in a peaceful place either with someone or alone (I had my boyfriend). I sat on the couch and watched my lectures by the fireplace. 2) HEATING PAD OR HOT WATER IN A BOTTLE was incredibly helpful. 3) Take all the pain meds and anti-nausea you can. I am not the type of person to experience nausea easily but it is better to be safe than sorry. 4) I bought a pack of cheap underwear from the store so I didn’t ruin all my nice ones. 5) Stay hydrated and eat snacks. 6) Don’t be scared. I know there are quite a few horror stories shared in this community but if you are proactive, prepare effectively, and follow the medication guidelines and directions, you can make it easier for yourself. The worst part for me was just feeling uncomfortable, not necessarily being in pain.
Also shoutout to this community on here, the first thing I did when I was thinking about taking the medication route instead of the surgical route was get on here and read other people’s experiences so thank you. Now it’s my turn to give back.
submitted by muscleandmatchpoints to AbortionPillsByPost [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:57 Ghost_5022 TRADING FM 2/3 OM ALA

Mlf: Another themed ala NO BUNSS PLS
submitted by Ghost_5022 to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:53 mshdptato Super princess peach ds

Super princess peach ds
Factory sealed, curious how I can tell if it’s real without opening. Person I got it from deleted their page.
submitted by mshdptato to gameverifying [link] [comments]