Sample eulogy for brother in law

just NO! family

2015.09.21 22:33 auriem just NO! family

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2015.03.10 21:44 greatgerm Life With Igor

Igor is my brother-in-law. He and my sister have been married for 7 years, and have been living with us for the last few months. This is Life with Igor. DisgruntledPlebian

2015.07.22 00:10 apotero Significant Other drama and rants

A place to post about your SO who is just the *worst*. Come for support, come for advice, or just to vent and get it all out. That's what we're here for.

2024.05.14 05:39 KethSul I need some help.

I didn't want to post here but I didn't really have a choice so i am just gonna cut to the chase. My older sister is dating my nephew. It sounds weird but please read. They both are under 18 so I wont use real names. First, I will start with explanations about my family. My other older sister I will call her Hope) who is 30 at the time of this post is married to my brother-in law. My brother in-law's brother and his wife was caught doing "Illegal things" (Sorry Its still an ongoing case atm). So brother in-law's other brother and his wife decided to take their kids in but they were still living with Hope and my brother in-law and one of those kids were my nephew who I will name Lee was one of those kids.
(By the way, when me, Pou, and my other older sister who is a year older than me were in foster care. When we were, my brother in-law and Hope took us in and this was when I was five or six. Hope, my other sis and me walking in on Lee and Pou cuddling. That was when Pou was eight or seven and Lee was 9 or 10. )
My sister whom I will call Pou started acting strange when we were folding boats for their grandpa whom recently passed away. Folding boats for our loved ones is part of our tradition. Pou and Lee were acting strange because they were glancing at each other as if they were elementary children.
That's when my suspicions started. Not to be creepy or anything but every movement they made and every small action I was watching as I did with everyone else. To be honest watching and reading people's face wrinkles and actions became a habit when I was 11 and right now I'm 14 so three years of experience was screaming "Somethings happening" So I will list things that stood out and rose my suspicions.
1.Lee's Actions: Lee is a quiet guy just like my brother in-law and they both are talkative to people they know. So during spring break we went to spend time at Hope's house to help with the kids and to hang out. Suddenly Lee came into our room and decided to hang out with us. Usually when we are over Lee stays in the basement. Even Hope said that. I didn't think much of it and thought he had a change of heart.
2.Pou's Voice: Pou is a confident talkative girl and her voice is like Jim Carrey, Drake, and Jennie if they were in one voice box. So that same day where Lee cam into the room to hangout, Pou was acting strange and I noticed Lee being distant from me and Hope. So when Pou would start talking its like she was summoning the snow white out of her soul. So of course that made me realize, "Yea, something is goin on here"
3.Pou's Actions: Usually when it comes to Hope's house Pou wouldn't really be that enthusiastic when going. So when we were about to come back home from Hope's house Pou said."To be honest, I kind don't wanna go home." We had to anyways because we had school the next day. She also would use the bathroom in the basement where Lee sleeps. (The basement is not messy its actually a bar, gym, and bedroom.) Usually Pou would be reluctant to use the bathroom in the basement because that bathroom was cramped and the door couldn't close properly. So when she did I was already convinced she was seeing him.
Next is Confirming My Suspicions
During her visit to the basement she was taking too long so I decided, "Lets see if I'm right." So I tried sneaking down in the basement but my dam flip flops were slapping my feet and the stairs would creak so they hear me coming down. When I opened the door Lee was pretending to be asleep and Pou coincidentally "finished" using the bathroom. A few things stood out
  1. Pou was out of breath
  2. She was smiling and looking to my left.
  3. I looked at her direction, she didnt look like she came around the corner where the bathroom was at. it looked like she just turned around from going to the direction of the bathroom.
I asked her, "Why do you talk in that voice whenever Lee is near?" and she got defensive on me telling me not to get the wrong idea.
Yesterday, we were watching a horror movie named Exhuma and babysitting. Me, Hope, Pou, and my other sis whom I will name Alin were there and we were gonna use the bathroom one by one since we are watching our 1 year old niece. Pou wanted to use the bathroom in the basement since one of our nephews was taking too long. Once he was done, Me, Hope, and Pou had already used the bathroom. We waited and waited on our phones. I was honestly in a good mood since I had predicted the movie's outcome but Pou was killing to suspense of the movie so I told Pou and Alin that I was going to check on her. This time instead of trying to sneak, I decided to run down as it was a habit and when I burst opened the door, Boom, them rushing to get away from each other. Lee was laying on his stomach and face on the pillow, Pou standing up in shock, eyes wide, hands on her waist and covering her mouth. The only thing I thought was, "So I was right." I told her that I had a suspicion and tried to confirm it earlier. Honestly the only real emotion I could get out was a laugh. I didnt really feel anything about it but how funny it was.
How They Feel
Pou told me that she feels that she's truly in love with him and so is he. She told me things how they started falling for each other and by the information it sounds like Lee was the one in love first. It was a romantic story but she told me it was forbidden love. To me it seems more like Illegal love. For the record we come form a strict Asian house hold and culture. In our culture reputation is money, power, status, life. She told me that she loved him because he wasn't a brain-rotted 17 year old guy. Yes Pou is 16 and Lee is 17. Lee was healthy. He worked out just like me and was somewhat productive. She said that Lee was the only one who like her cranky and funny personality. He embraced her body like it was a statue. He didn't just like her, he loved her, and they loved each other. She said that she loved his voice, his protection, and his way of affection. She loved listening to him like he was a melody on the beach. It was addicting and calming to her in my opinion. She cried. She didn't trust me. I understood why.
Just a little information. I was mature for my age. I knew many things, and had many secrets and secrets of others. I used these secrets to get information of other people or use it to my advantage. In public I used an Innocent face, voice and personality. With family, neutral and tried to make others smile. Alone is when I express myself. I use information from others around me to blackmail or just to see their expressions because it was entertaining. I hurt people who hurt me and one of those were Pou.
So I understood why she didn't trust me. If I met me, I wouldn't trust me either. In all the conversations and stories, I felt like I related. I was also wondering what I would do if I lost someone close to me and I did, we all did. She told me that he was the reason she could live, losing him would mean losing herself. She told me to keep it to myself till the day I die. She couldn't trust me to the point she started eating less.
I'm not begging for her trust if anything I didn't want to get involved but curiosity drives me nuts.
I don't know if this is even legal. My strict parents would kick her out and my elders would give her a nickname to gossip about. I'm just a kid relying on internet people I truly don't know. I know its stupid but I cant anyone. My parents would disown her, I would get yelled at and my sis Hope would get shamed on by my brother in-law's elders. I'm supposed be the mediator in these situations but ever outcome I can think of leads to nowhere that everyone is good.
Adults or anyone experienced in things like this could help me I truly don't know what to do, advice would be nice.
submitted by KethSul to u/KethSul [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:36 ExplosionEsq_ Is it okay that my niece cries herself to sleep?

I’m 22F. I’m still living at home while I work save money for my own place. My Sister in Law (28F) and my Niece (F 19 Months) live here as well while my brother is off working.
My room is right next to the one that my niece sleeps in. Sometimes, I can hear her crying in the middle of the night and it’s really sad. She’ll cry for quite a long time too — maybe for 10 minutes. One night I just couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know much about children, and my SIL wasn’t responding to my texts, so I went and got my mother and asked her if it was normal to let a kid cry for so long. My mom said no and went to go pick up my niece.
We informed my SIL that my niece had been crying for a while and she told us that it was okay and she just lets her “tire herself out.” My mom said that was cruel and my SIL seems to think that tending to her in the middle of the night will make her spoiled. That seems pretty cruel to me. Don’t babies need to be tended to when they cry?
submitted by ExplosionEsq_ to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:22 madoxygen What do I do about my brother?

I (19F) live with my parents and have a brother (32M) that recently had to come back to live with us due to financial troubles. My father had agreed to let him stay and figure things out and helped him out with over 10k CAD. However, his behaviour is becoming increasingly more concerning. There is a whiteboard that he brought over from his apartment that he’s been using to write down his thoughts. Overtime, the amount of stuff written on it increases and is more confusing to understand. I can provide more specific examples with pictures but there’s many mentions of injury (unsure if it’s towards himself or other people), and mentions of him being the high power. There is much more written but it’s too complex to summarize. Additionally, he laughs to himself quite often while alone in a room. If I, or anyone else, is in the same area of the house, he goes into the bathroom/his room/the basement and laughs quite loudly like he cannot hold it in. All he seems to do all day is think. He used to go on walks in the neighbourhood but stopped. At some point he would walk outside barefoot but remain near the driveway and this could happen at times like 3pm or even midnight. I know he did hard drugs when he was younger (most likely around his 20’s) and would get in trouble a few times with the law as well. Recently, on mother’s day, it seemed as though he snapped and yelled extremely loudly while cursing both my parents out. My father later told me that he was scared for his safety and that my mother was going to call the cops but didn’t. Honestly I’m just looking for what I should do or what he may be dealing with. Both my parents have tried to talk to him about getting help, however he refuses to see that there is an issue and if there is one, he blames it on them as they’re the ones that raised him. His financial issues are due to him not working for the last 4 years and ignoring any mail that comes in (ex: bills).
Sorry if this is all over the place, I’m just looking for answers. I live in Quebec, Canada if there are any resources available here.
submitted by madoxygen to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:10 Miserable-Crew4947 why I feel we need guidelines on news and storytelling

Today I read of the guy that falsey reported sandy hook shooting never happened and how some think anyone should be able to report or say any falsehood they want. And to them I want to share my own experiences and show why we need some accountability and laws to prevent this from happening to other people. I will never be the same as I was because of someone's conspiracy theory.
In 2020 I was healthy of mind and body. I was active on Facebook, reddit, LinkedIn, and Twitter. I'm almost 50 and a mother of 7 and grandmother of 5. I've suffered from social anxiety and depression bit had that under control. I have a soft spot for helping abused children. My bank card rounded up to the nearest dollar and the change went to help prevent child abuse. I studied child development and child psychology in college. I am ex military and have some ptsd (the social anxiety and depression) but again under control. In 2020 there was false news coming on Facebook about children being abducted, abused in numerous ways and it broke my heart. I had to help. I was drawn in to a conspiracy theory due to my heart hurting for these children that were missing or abused. Around October I was told via comments to look up the fall of cabal videos on YouTube to get even more information about how children were being hurt. Like a dumbass that (even though I finished college) was still so gullible I went and watched all 10 videos. This conspiracy theory didn't just touch on children being hurt and abducted but my religious beliefs and my distrust of politicians. At video 10 I was so afraid but not the same way others were. You see the Bible says we won't know who Jesus or God is until Satan is revealed. So I saw this conspiracy theories idea of jfk Jr coming back not as Jesus or God but as Satan and Trump was him. Most people believed this and saw this as a godsend buy I saw it as the ultimate evil on earth. It frightened me so bad I had a nervous breakdown. I lived inside my own mind for over 8 months. To this day I still don't leave my home, don't know what's real or not, and have deleted nearly all but reddit of my social media. To remind what sanity I now have I can not watch the news, go to places where others might verbally attack me and my TV time insist of dvds I have that I know by heart. In my head still we are in end times. I can't undo that thinking. I'm trying to see a professional through the va but they are booked till October.
Last July I tried to go to a family reunion in another state. I went into psychosis because of the videos and thought the worst things about my own family. I saw my family of Trump supporters as racist and the entire reunion as a kkk hoedown. While my ex pastor uncle danced and sung while playing horseshoes I saw my uncle dancing around a fire chanting hate. While my aunts sat by the river watching their pups swim I saw them planning that nights witch orgy. While my brother bar b qued beef and chicken I saw a child's ribs and meat being cooked. I was in total psychotic break and it wasn't even a day since I was there. I was rushed home and tended to for the next two weeks while my spouse and children tried to bring my mind back to our home.
This is why we need only facts to be reported on news and if it's a fictional story then it needs disclaimers and it needs guidelines. If the word news is in the name it needs to be factual and unbiased even if it's news and entertainment. News needs to be factual and unbiased. There's no entertainment in news. It's suppose to bore the kids like it did me as a child.
Some of you will disagree and say I should know how to tell what's real and not but you might be forgetting that I am not you. No one is you. Some people are gullible and they need to be protected. The ones that normally tell me it's my fault are normally the ones saying we need to protect everything. We'll my mind should have been protected. There should have been disclaimers. There should have been rules so others like me didn't get drawn in and start believing these horror stories. I can no longer go to the park with my grandchildren out of fear. I'm too afraid to leave my home because of this conspiracy theory that took my faith, my love for children and corrupted them. I question the Bible and still feel the fear of end times all the time. I can't support anything that tries to help children afraid I'm supporting another conspiracy theorist. My entire life has been turned upside down because someone or a group decided to play with my gullibility.
I'm glad that family won their lawsuit. I hope laws begin to take place to protect families like mine ND theirs. And to those spreading the lies I hope this finds you so you can see just how much those lies have hurt this family. I hope you rot in hell and Satan has his way with you. I hope God does not forgive you for leading some of his children astray and for hurting those you have hurt. I hope his vengeance is as horrible for you as you have made my life. And normally I never wish harm on anyone because it's not very Christian.
submitted by Miserable-Crew4947 to myfragilemind [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:07 HeartSlow1683 If a man dies interstate with no children excepting illegitimate ones, does the property devolve to the state? Or something else?

I'm unaware of any family that could be heirs for the subject in question, only child of an only child who had one brother who died sine parole. So unless the law makes his children lawful would the estate escheat back to the government or would they keep looking until they could find someone to inherit?
submitted by HeartSlow1683 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 YamRound First Mother’s Day and MIL didn’t say a word to me.

My feelings are so hurt, but I can’t tell if I’m overreacting or not. This is long, sorry in advance.
My mil didn’t wish me a happy Mother’s Day (everyone did in our family group message but she did not). She texted my husband and his brother later that day telling them they needed to call their grandmother to say Happy Mother’s Day (they always do, so I’m not sure why she did that).
It was my First Mother’s Day and my husband made dinner plans for us months in advance. We weren’t able to attend dinner with his grandparents or parents this year because of our plans, and the short notice of those plans. I’m not sure if she was angry about that or what her reasoning was, although I tried to get together all weekend to celebrate (Saturday and Sunday mornings or afternoons).
My feelings are very hurt, but in addition to this I am angry. She has been nasty and disrespectful to me in the past, but I know how much she loves her grandkids so I have put everything aside and let it go. I mean for like 7-8 years there has been ongoing issues with how she has treated me and with boundaries (she was awesome the first few years, until my husband and I moved away for college). She recently started watching my baby once a week for a few hours. But, not wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day feels kind of disrespectful and just doesn’t sit right with me. I set a boundary during my pregnancy that people who do not respect me and are unkind to me do not get to be around my children (in this case, I don’t think I would do that… I think just not seeing my baby without my husband or I present?) But am I wrong for wanting to find different childcare for the day she has my baby? I was hesitant to begin with… about 3-4 years ago I remember her telling my nephew “because your mommy’s a ding bat” about my sister in law (her sons wife), so I have always been hesitant about her watching my baby but my husband wanted her to and so did she. She was excited when my husband asked, and of course I am so grateful for it. It has only been one time so far. I kept her home with me instead of sending her today. Not wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day but going out of her way to remind my husband to wish his grandma one just isn’t sitting right with me. She also did something special for all of my sister in laws for their first Mother’s Day but didn’t even wish me one. And I am sure she reached out to all of them to wish them one. Sorry for the long post I just don’t know if I’m overreacting and I really don’t like conflict or want issues 😢
submitted by YamRound to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:52 Stick_Girl I’m stuck in a depression/disinterest loop

I need help or maybe a jump start. I have come out the other side of a relationship nightmare rollercoaster very recently.
A fast recap of events: Bad marriage devolved into polyamory I didn’t want. We dated another couple and bought a house with them. Both marriages ended, I stayed with the other man and my ex stayed with the other woman but we all stayed in the house just switched bedrooms permanently. I ended up stuck with an alcoholic and picked up the habit. I left the alcoholic and we removed him from the house. I would continue to battle with drink myself. My ex and his gf wanted me to stay with them (platonically) and having no job or money I did and this allowed mine and my exs son to stay with us both full time. I dated a lovely man who was very good for and to me but we wanted different things long term and decided after nearly dating a year to just be friends but he made me hopeful about marrying again one day. Reconnected with the brother of my best friend of 24 years. We dated and he went with me to recovery meetings and worked with me thru my drinking. We got engaged. He tried living with me in my exs house to keep my son with both his parents but it was a nightmare. My ex and I don’t work well in the same house and his girlfriend finally hit a point where my presence was less desirable than my help with her home and kids was needed. I know this is all really weird. My drinking got worse and my ex and his gf kicked me out and honestly I wanted it to happen. I wanted to leave but felt I wasn’t doing right by my son putting him into having two homes. It was the best thing for all. I moved in with my parents and kicked my drinking once and for all. I married my best friends brother and we got an apartment and have a beautiful life. My ex is out of my hair. My drinking is behind me. My son is flourishing. We have the best apartment complex. We have supportive families. My husband is a beautiful human being and my parents adore him and my best friend is now my sister (in law)!
Things have since settled into a nice pace of life. But I’m just meh. I know mountains of things have happened to me all in short succession, with many traumatic and horrific details omitted for length, and I haven’t had a moment to really work thru or resolve any of them but I am in therapy and slowly unpacking. But I’m tired of not enjoying life anymore.
My life is good but I’m not participating in it. All I want to do is sleep and sit on my phone. I’m bored but I won’t do anything. I work but I don’t fully engage and invest. I do school with my son but I don’t love it like I once did. My hobbies sit collecting dust and every day I feel exhausted and when I wake up every morning feels like I’ve been run over by a semi the night before.
How do I even begin to start loving life again and be apart of it? How do I quit feeling so meh? How do I relax and settle into my good life and stop reeling from all the memories?
submitted by Stick_Girl to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 Sub_a1122 Ugh I hate my life. Am I in the wrong to not want my cousins to come to my graduation?

I don’t want to invite my cousin and his wife to my graduation so much has happened in the past here that made me hate them and they obviously are just so fake. People are just gonna be a long story but just to give a background of why I don’t want to invite them last year in August my uncle is my cousins dad passed away, in a little while later, like less than a month later, my grandma passed away I thought that after the passing of his father, and then also my grandmother, that they would be more closer to us and treat us like family, but they are just stupid morons first we my family help them move into their house help them paint, takeoff the wallpaper‘s and do it and basically everything. Wow they didn’t have their “friends” to help them out at all yet when they decided to call people over to have dinner they did not invite us and we also knew those people to so it’s honestly so stupid. They have us do the hard work and then party with other people. What the fuck they did whatever after that they called us for cultural festival but honestly my parents didn’t like that they were celebrating too early because it hasn’t been 45 days since my grandma died but it’s been long enough since dad died and they said it’s celebrating all other people and they lied and said that they were only calling us, I feel like after that, they started to things behind our backs and started being big fat liars, especially my cousin his wife, already giving some looks at us whenever we go to their house and pretending to be busy. My cousin lies a lot now he’s also been the biggest liar of all. His wife freaking stayed in our house for like 2 weeks, twice because of the passing of her father-in-law and then my grandma and yet she treats us like shit it looks like she never wants to actually like make dinner whatever for us specifically because we’re re too much or whatever that’s why like five people even though now she’s pregnant with freaking twins soon gonna be a family of four and they eat way more than us anyways, there’s been quite a few instances where they had parties at their house with a lot of other people and then don’t even call us at least me and my siblings because we’re cousins like they didn’t call us for one of them. One time my mom and my brother went to her house and walked into a party that we were not invited to really embarrassing. What’s even more stupid is that my cousin’s wife didn’t even care to say that food in the kitchen it during lunch nor offer, no, she just gave apples lmfao. I am really mad at them all the stuff they’re doing and they’re not changing OK fine but I don’t want to be with them. I blocked both of their phone numbers. Now my parents are saying that I have to invite them to my graduation or else it’s gonna be an embarrassment to the family and we’re gonna look stupid. Even my siblings are saying that so I don’t know I don’t want to come to my graduation, especially since my cousin didn’t even come to my high school graduation, which is ultimately more significant since I’m just graduating from community college and transferring to a university this fall. I didn’t even feel like having a graduation this year. I just wanted to chill but after I got a notice that I got a very prestigious, recognition or or whatever you would call it now I have to go to the graduation for that and I would only be saying this and I want to invite them because of all the stuff the shit they did last year and this year. So am I being stupid 😭 Those people are just toxic!
submitted by Sub_a1122 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:26 viridian_rain I(22f) have known this guy(20m) for about a year. We’ve been on and off dating and I’m wondering was I was right to go with my gut feeling?

I met this guy on an online dating site just under a year ago and it started great don’t get me wrong but it always starts off great with new people. Before he and I got together I was cheated on in my previous relationship and it genuinely wrecked me especially finding out that my ex admitted to not loving me for 2 out of 3 years we were together but kept me around because I took care of him when he started having heart problems, mentioning my ex is important I promise. Moving back to the main topic person I was talking to his sister in law so I could get to know her and her me to try and build a connection. She told me that he has some anger issues but he hasn’t had any outbursts in a few years and that he means well he and his brother are exactly the same on that. A few months later he starts talking about how his ex’s were and how they were either mentally or emotionally unstable. One day there was a fight between him, his brother and grandmother. When I wouldn’t get in the middle of something that clearly was not my business he turns to me and says he wished he ex was here instead since she would’ve actually done something and if I wanted to leave this was my “way out”. He repeats this a few more times on separate occasions. Flash forward it’s New Years he’s picking me up from work and things are better we were communicating about whatever was bothering us then the 2nd of January I ask him what’s wrong and he tells me I’m boring him intimately so I said okay that hurt my feelings let’s break up. I started talking to this other guy who seemed perfect but ghosted me so in a mess of emotion I regrettably hooked up with the guy before. Call me stupid I know especially for this next part I’m now pregnant with his kid. I of course told him since I was constantly sick and that thought never crossed my mind and he jumps to us being together. This goes on for a month until he starts talking about how HE wants the kid to be raised and how HE wants the baby to take his last name and his family names not even letting me get a word out. Here’s were its getting to my initial question, he has a history of heavy drug and alcohol use and has it set in his mind that he and I will be married and living together for the sake of the child. I confided in him when I found out my former employer is telling customers that I left because of my pregnancy and how I found out. He started saying he doesn’t like the people I talk to and I shouldn’t be talking to them. Having dealt with someone telling me this before I had the feeling I needed to break things off now before it got way too late and papers got signed. I genuinely don’t want to be with this person but he said he won’t be involved with the baby unless he “has me”. I feel like I was right to leave yes my baby needs a father but I don’t want my baby to have their life controlled. What do you guys think, regardless I’m not getting back with him I’d prefer to be alone for a while I just want to know people opinions on this.
submitted by viridian_rain to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:19 Dinodog41 Who should I name in a civil suit, the landlord and/or their son who locked me out and stole my possessions?

  1. I am suing my former landlord in a civil suit for an illegal "self-help" eviction, where they locked me out of my apt and kept my possessions.
  2. The lockout and communication I had was with her son, after the husband-and-wife landlords, my brother's ex-wife and new husband, came to the apt and threatened me with revenge and banged and kicked on the door, and I chose to only deal with their son, my nephew. So it was him who lied and refused to let me in the apt after asking to 'borrow' my keys, and for a month told me he'd help me move; after a month, he made up a law saying that bc my possessions were at the apt, they became theirs. Again, he lied and said for a month he'd let me in, and then threatened me with calling the police and filing a ''harassment'' charge over me begging and pleading to get my things. I lost not just thousands of dollars worth of things, but lost my medicines, inhalers, family photos, medical and personal records, etc. It was so ugle because they made it PERSONAL. I've tried and tried to get a free lawyer, but of course I could not, despite being disabled.
  3. So should i also have the court summons sent to him as well, when he is only employed by his parents?
submitted by Dinodog41 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:08 Immediate_Goal_1749 Is there something I'm missing?

AITA for despising my MIL?
My mother in law does not like me, my boyfriend of 4 years has blinders on because everyone else can see it, even his mom's sister. To begin, my boyfriend was hesitant about introducing me to her "because she doesn't like blondes". Her reason being, her now dead ex husband cheated on her with a blonde. She has tried on multiple times to find my boyfriend a new girlfriend, even by trying to drag him to a funeral. She will constantly bring up his past relationships and how they were so sweet and cute and apparently still in contact with one of them. I've brought up her behavior to the boyfriend and he's talked to her about it and she stated that I was insecure. I'm not insecure, just upset about the lack if respect towards me. I usually don't care how much someone spends on me, but the fact is I know she has money, and decides to go to the casinos quite often and she will go get her "free" prizes. Every year, I've received a gift under $10 for every holiday. I get that it's the thought that counts, and she claims she doesn't have money. But knowing that she gives everyone else $50 gift cards, and offers them the free rooms at the hotels, I know I've been lied to and I feel like my boyfriend also gets jipped by his mom while his brother who never has to work gets a free home, while we are literally struggling to even save for a down payment to buy a home.
submitted by Immediate_Goal_1749 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 Coldyron222 AITAH for not wanting to reconnect with my brother?

I’m 48m, my brother is 52m. Many years ago I cut him out of my life over the way he disrespected my wife (46 f).
I started dating my wife when I was 22 and she was 20 and we got married three years after that and have been pretty happy ever since. Three daughters (24, 22, and 19). Overall we have a great life and I could ask for a brewer wife or mother to my kids.
The one problem we’ve had is my older brother. Ever since I first started dating my wife, my brother acted weird around her and would make inappropriate comments about her to me. For instance he’d comment on her body or her boobs or her legs. He’d ask weird questions about what it was like being with her, things that it’s not normal to ask your brother about his girlfriend. He’d ask what it was like being with a black girl. (My wife is mixed.) Finally a few months after we got together I had enough and told him if he didn’t knock it off I was going to end up beating the shit out of him. I was that fed up with him.
So we avoided him as much as we could. We’d maybe see him on holidays or family functions but never had much to do with him. The one time he was actually at our house was the July 4th after our youngest was born. I think she was about two at the time. My parents had basically guilt tripped me into inviting him over.
Well while most of us were outside he cornered my wife in the house and told her how impressed he was that she “bounced back” so nicely from having three kids and how lucky I was to have her. Well this was the last straw. I invited him over because of pressure from my family and he disrespected my wife in my own house. I told him to get out and never come back. It got pretty heated and my wife had to basically pull me away and I’m embarrassed to admit I scared my daughters.
I haven’t had anything to do with him since. My mother is now in a nursing home and my father is living by himself. They have both been asking me to please forgive him. My mother especially has been pushing for us to reconcile. She laid it on pretty thick yesterday on Mother’s Day and I finally told her there’s no way I’ll ever forgive him. He’s a creep, he creeps my wife out and now I have three young daughters who I don’t want him around. My mother broke down and said I was being unreasonable and my father said I shouldn’t have upset her. But don’t they care about what their daughter in law feels? She’s been, IMO, a perfect daughter in law to them and I’d think they’d take her feelings into consideration.
So, AITAH here? I know what he did was years ago but I grew up with him, I know him and I doubt very much that’s he’s changed.
submitted by Coldyron222 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:41 from_chaos My (34F) boyfriend (35M) told me on Mother's Day that he doesn't want me to have his child because of the way I parent my daughter after 2 years. How do I break this news to my 6 year old?

Ooof, you read that correctly. ON Mother's Day he felt that it would be the best time to tell me that I'm a terrible mother. Quick back story. I have a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. LONG story short, he is not involved in her life whatsoever. So, on my journey to find the one, she was priority number 1. Well, they hit it off instantly. Obviously she's a 4 year old and they have their quirks that can get under any and everyone's skin... but life goes on.
I'm Italian, raised Italian and alllll the disciple that comes with it. The short tempers, foul mouth, etc. My daughter happens to be my twin when it comes to her demeano personality. For this she is both blessed AND cursed.
SO, he is naturally a weird guy, my boyfriend. But, I embraced his quirks because we truly did have a connection unlike anyone I've had before almost instantly. We shared the same values, interests, drive and goals. It seemed too good to be true. We became best friends. We did everything together. As a little family of 3 we vacationed and went on so many adventures. We moved in together, we're building a house, we have 2 dogs and our life was just happy and comfortable.
Now, at our age... having the talk about marriage and growing your family is pertinent. We're on a bit of a time crunch so to speak. I never pressured but I would bring it up often enough. My younger brother just got married and a big thing was the family photos. My sister in law asked if I would like him to be with us in the photos. We are not engaged, but have spoken about it openly. We live together as a little family, so it's like we're married just not officially. I asked him MULTIPLE times, phrasing it as... "if you're SURE that it's us forever then absolutely be in the photos, if there's any doubt, I need to know so you can take a step back." These pictures are forever! So, I thought it was normal enough to request him to think about this and let me know. Well, quickly he responded, "I want to be in the pictures." So, he was. Now, a week later and he has decided that I'm a bad mom, he doesn't like the way I love, and that we need to break up.
I won't beg him to change his mind. We shouldn't have to. My daughter and I show him love, support and loyalty on a daily basis. We do not deserve this. We deserve the same love that we give out. So, I told him that I will slowly gather things from the house and take them over to my other property to live with my daughter. I don't want to completely uproot her from the life she knows and loves in an instant. I plan go gather items big and small over the course of a few days then have a sit down conversation explaining to her that the daddy she wanted him to be to her forever will not be happening. I want her to know that this was NOT my decision because I don't want her to have any hatred towards me for it.
Has anything similar happened to anyone? How to you break the news to a vulnerable child who craves the love and attention of a father figure. She truly believed that he was it. I did too. But, he is unable to love anyone other than himself. My heart is breaking for my little one.
Any advice welcome. Thank you for reading.
-A broken mommy who's still trying to figure it out
submitted by from_chaos to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:40 spot4me Trailer upgrade for the family!

Trailer upgrade for the family!
Been using the 21 foot Evo stealth 1750 for about four years now pretty heavily during the summer season. It was a 2012 that my father-in-law bought new and was used by my brother-in-law and then us. On a whim started looking last weekend and end up finding a good deal on a 2008 weekend warrior super lite FS2500... It actually weighs less than the Evo!
All the bikes and kayaks and electric motorcycles and gear can be stored easily where I want it instead of trying to hide it all over the place to get the right weight foot and rear in the smaller Evo
happy trailering season in CA!
submitted by spot4me to traveltrailers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:33 Express-Maximum-144 Having kids for parents

I know how the title sounds, but this is more of a question.
My hubby and I were talking about his mom and how she only cares about herself and her own experience. From my post history this is obvious lol.
He was saying she’s going to have to learn how to care that it’s not all about her and that’s why he’s patient with her, as well as he’s happy to have had our son and him being a gift to his mom, father, brother and sister. He’s always wanted to have kids for his parents and his siblings since his parents are getting to their 70s and his siblings aren’t in relationships and may never have kids. Simple sees our son as a gift to them.
So now, for my question. Did you have your kids as a gift to your parents or in-laws ? Whether it be old age, wanting then to relive joy again if s young child etc?
submitted by Express-Maximum-144 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:32 CdnPoster Funny story from Large Print Reader's Digest, Dec 23/Jan24

Page 93, "One Smart Cookie"
Local police in Cumberland, Rhode Island, received an unusual request last year courtesy of a young girl who sent in part of a cookie she had left for Santa on Christmas Eve. "I was wondering if you could take a sample of DNA and see if Santa is real," she wrote. The cookie was forwarded to the state's Department of Health-Forensic Sciences Unit for analysis. Police also responded to the girl with some evidence in support of Santa's presence in her neighbourhood on Christmas Eve, including a photo of what appeared to be a deer with antlers.
Does this type of thing happen often, where children contact the local law agencies for help with proving the existence of the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy....or I suppose, to charge the Tooth Fairy with theft for stealing teeth?
submitted by CdnPoster to forensics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:24 ugfacethrowaway13 I [36F] am starting to resent my husband [32M] for not being his brother [34M].

I’m finding that I’m growing resentful that my husband, Luke, isn’t like his brother, Dan. How do I navigate my growing crush on my brother-in-law while still being around him and preserving my marriage?
We’ve been together for roughly 8 years total. I became a stay-at-home-mom when our daughter arrived, because we both wanted our daughter here with me and not in daycare. Luke can comfortably afford to provide, as we live well within our means. With me becoming a SAHM, I’ve also taken on almost all chores, as Luke doesn’t like you do any of them, and I’d like to live in a nice house, given that this is it for us while housing costs and interest rates are through the roof, so I’ve taken it upon myself to complete all inside and outside chores and raise our daughter.
Dan, my brother-in-law, is a great father, with my mother-in-law saying that he’s the most involved father she’s ever seen. I hoped that I would get some of that with Luke, as our daughter was very much wanted, but he’s not really that involved. He has a hard time with her crying and when she struggles to fall asleep. He always wants to do his thing, whether it’s business building or gaming, and a baby gets in the way of that.
Dan also does chores. He likes having a clean house and will wash dishes, take care of the outside chores, and do whatever needs to be done. When I was about a month postpartum, Luke was angry with me because he didn’t want to do the dishes, and that’s supposed to be my job. Then, he said that I knew he was that way when I married him, which is true. I did know that, but I guess that I stupidly thought that he would support me after my c-section and do some of the chores I couldn’t.
Luke told me near the beginning of the relationship that I’m not attractive, which I agree that I’m not, but Dan has said things like telling my daughter that she’s beautiful like her mommy, and his tone seemed to suggest that he said that in earnest and truthfulness. He compliments me, my clothes, my baking, pretty much any time the family is together. Luke will kind of compliment me, but what’s more likely to occur is that he’ll find me wanting in some way, such as saying that my Easter dress wasn’t an attractive shade of purple.
I’m unfortunately very attracted to Dan, and with my resentment toward my husband and his treatment of me growing, it’s making me more attracted to Dan and wishing he were my husband. Since he’s my husband’s brother, I can’t really get away from him, and I’m hoping some people have experience with navigating this type of situation.
TL;DR: I’m growing resentful of my husband because of the way he treats me, while my brother-in-law treats me well and seems to be attracted to me. I’m very attracted to him and could some advice on how to navigate those feelings while preserving my marriage.
submitted by ugfacethrowaway13 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:01 pinkposhpc I (31F) am no longer giving my parents (55M) and (56F) gifts. How do I tell them that this will be the case moving forward?

It’s not that I don’t want to but there was a situation last year where, my husband had given away his suits to my brother. My brother then gave one to my dad. My brother in law asked about those suits but my husband didn’t tell him that he already gave them away. My husband asked for the suits back, my brother said sure because he and my dad do not wear them (I had no idea this was happening btw). One night, my husband told me that we were going to stop by my brother’s house to pick up the suits up. I thought, okay, maybe they worked something out.
Come to find out, that really angered my dad. (I know it was wrong to ask for them back). According to my mom, my dad started throwing things around the house because he was greatly offended by what I did. The next day he called and texted my mom nonstop at work to give all the gifts that we’ve ever given them back to us because he doesn’t want to have any issues with us later on. Photos, wallets, purses, griller etc… was placed in a pile outside for us to pick up. He forced my mom and brother to give up their gifts as well and even wanted my mom to pay us back for all the skincare we’ve gotten her that she’s already used up. My husband drove there after work to pick up those things.
I found out from my mom that my dad had deleted my phone number so even if I called, he won’t pick up. So I texted him to apologize but there was no response.
My parents are Asian and in my household, emotions/feelings are never talked about. Just brushed off and everyone is expected to move forward. I feel as though I will be penalized for not giving gifts because I will be seen as a daughter who can’t forgive.
How do I go about telling them I am no longer giving them gifts because of this issue? Or maybe I shouldn’t think this way because I was in the wrong in the first place? TIA 🙏🏼
submitted by pinkposhpc to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:00 Quirky-Building-8319 AITA for taking my niece to a playoff game instead of my brother on law because he is a fan of the opposition.

People in my city tend to get "rambunctious" about the playoffs. We have riots and that sort of thing.
My brother in law is a loud and obnoxious fan of his team. I lucked into tickets for the game tomorrow and I am taking my niece. She loves the game and my local team. Her dad is upset that he won't be going.
He thinks that I'm being a dick taking a nine year old to a historic game. I think that I would rather sit and cheer with a fellow fan than someone who pisses off everyone around us.
I have taken him to regular season games and he wears his jersey even when his team isn't playing. To specifically cheer against the local team. Imagine wearing a Yankees jersey to a Mets game when they are playing the Phillies. Like that. He is just looking for trouble.
submitted by Quirky-Building-8319 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:00 AccurateLiving1776 Marriage Issues/Abuse

My sister's husband mentally harassed her immediately after 1 month of marriage. He not only giving tension to her but also my parents. He doesn't care at all for her and new born baby. He didn't even spent a penny on her. My sis is now staying with my family but then also he call and give her tension. She asked him to give some earning as she has to spend on her child's injection but he don't gave ever. Also, when she was there in her in-laws house, he used to leave her alone in the house & go to some other place like Allahabad. May be we aren't aware but he is having extra marital affair. Apart from that when she was staying there, her father in-law used to abuse her & he used to teach his son to leave his wife permanently just becz she is from Bihar. It wasn't a love marriage, that guy's elder brother only called first & asked for the meet-up. In the first meet-up only his sister took photo of that girl & entire family lied to us, so that she get married with their son or brother. Even, they took dowry & told it's for reception but they didn't did anything. Everytime before marriage they lied to us. Also, that guy is threatening my sister that he will suicide & destroy her life, if she visit to my parents home after coming to his place. He also last time searching online how to buy pistol. So, my sister decided not to go, as he can do anything to her and their child.
submitted by AccurateLiving1776 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:58 Fearless_Abies_2549 Approach before classes begin

Hi there, signed up for classes at a community college that start in the fall. I want to continue my self study before the classes. I already know the alphabet and some basic vocab and to small extent basic sentence structure. I married into a Russian speaking family so have so much opportunity to practice and ask questions. I am debating the best way to practice before classes and I have come to the conclusion to just do lots of apps like Memrise and drops to learn vocab and in the class can then work more on the grammar side of things. Vocab after all will be the biggest asset in becoming conversational I think it sounds based on talks with my brother in law who learned Japanese.
What are others thoughts?
submitted by Fearless_Abies_2549 to LearningRussian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:54 pearlrose85 New member kitten tax, and also after some feeding advice

New member kitten tax, and also after some feeding advice
These are Felix (tuxedo longhair, 9 weeks) and Smudge (black shorthair, 10 weeks). They're almost-littermates; Smudge was an orphan and Felix's mama adopted him when her own litter was a few days old, so they were raised and bonded like brothers.
I had a few cats growing up, but never had kittens; we always adopted adult cats. These are my first pet cats as an adult, so I'm learning as I go here. I want to eventually transition them to mostly wet food with some kibble, as our past cats always did better on a mostly-wet diet. My question is about the timing on reducing and eventually stopping the kibble. (I've asked our vet and he has no opinion on feeding schedule or food type.)
When I got them they were weaned but eating adult cat food. Mama is one of my sister's in-laws' farm cats; the in-laws keep cat kibble down but they don't put anything special out for the kittens. I put them on kitten-specific kibble when I brought them home on 4/29, and introduced kitten wet food on 5/6. Right now they're getting kibble free-fed 24/7 and wet food twice a day.
I had planned to keep the kibble down at all times, including overnight, until they're 4 months old, and then start on this schedule: 7am wet food breakfast ~ kibble down from 9am to 5pm ~ 7pm wet food dinner ~ kibble down from 9pm to 11pm when I go to bed.
Then from 6 months on: 7am wet food breakfast ~ kibble down from 9am to 5pm ~ 7pm wet food dinner, and gradually reducing the "kibble window" until they're a year old and only eating meals at 7am and 7pm.
Is that an appropriate schedule and timeline? I work from home, so I have plenty of opportunity to observe their feeding habits and adjust things as needed.
submitted by pearlrose85 to kittens [link] [comments]