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2011.11.14 07:45 /r/aww + /r/mylittlepony


2022.04.27 17:42 Fredn40 DeepSouthInc

gatos venturas

2018.04.20 03:31 troitsmash r/BokuNoShipAcademia

This is a community that is a safe environment for people to enjoy Boku No Hero Academia ships together. This is NOT a place to bash ships or start shipping wars. Remember, shipping is for fun!

2024.06.07 21:20 Firm_Perception3378 [a level] do i have to state these in order, or can i just say stretch of 2root3, then translation (pi/3, 4) ?

[a level] do i have to state these in order, or can i just say stretch of 2root3, then translation (pi/3, 4) ? submitted by Firm_Perception3378 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 Ok-Television2915 Convite à comunidade para participar da minha pesquisa de mestrado em avaliação psicológica :)

Olá, pessoal!
Gostaria de divulgar minha pesquisa de mestrado e convidar esta comunidade a participar respondendo a um questionário.
Estamos adaptando um teste psicológico que avalia aspectos específicos da cognição, como pensamos e processamos informações. O protocolo inclui tarefas como problemas de lógica, exercícios de matemática básica (probabilidade e frações), um teste de inteligência e algumas escalas de autorrelato.
Quem puder ajudar, seja respondendo ou divulgando, estará contribuindo significativamente para nosso grupo de pesquisa e para o desenvolvimento da Avaliação Psicológica no Brasil!
O link para acessar o formulário é: https://forms.office.com/A3bdxiaMQJ . Todas as informações necessárias estão lá, e o formulário é bem intuitivo e direto :)
Qualquer dúvida, estarei à disposição para esclarecer!
Muito obrigado!
submitted by Ok-Television2915 to goiania [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 gmSancty My Magic system asks the question: how much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to become stronger?

The Life Weave:



Example Combinations:

Individual aspects of one's mental acuity may be manipulated in order to bolster others:

A person's sense of touch is far more important than their empathy, so sacrificing touch would lead to a far greater boost in their physical strength than a minor aspect of their mental acuity would. Likewise, someone could give up all of their physical strength to bolster their intelligence and critical thinking in order to become a super genius, though this would come with extreme consequences if implemented for prolonged use.

An excerpt from "[[The Great Chronicle]]," culmination of [[Proprietor Yeoz]]' life work. Published on the 1st day of the 1st month, 357 AA.

When the first form of Adon rained down from the heavens, so too came the power over living creation. Without Adon's touch, all would be lifeless and devoid of meaning. It is known that all living things have within themselves a network of energies that bestow upon them animation. The network of life-giving substances flow throughout the body and enable one to act, though for most it is not an active process. Throughout my work I shall refer to these energies as a weave, as they have been described first hand to myself, to be as a tapestry of one's life. To manipulate the weave is comparable to reknitting fabric.
For those blessed by His touch, this weave of energies is an ethereal wonder made manifest. It has been noted by many trained and untrained Inheritors that the weave is something known or felt, rather than explicitly seen. It is the opinion of some scholars, myself included, that this weave is a complex network of pathways throughout the body through which one's lifeblood is carried. A curious exception to this (and the basis of many arguments to the contrary) is that certain plants seem to poses the weave as well, despite not subsisting on the lifeblood. While the weave is unseen, it is entirely real and possesses all living and animate creatures that traverse this mortal realm. These Inheritors are commonly referred to as "Lifeweavers," though various cultures may have their own names and misguided origins for the practice.
The abilities of any such Inheritor vary from person to person and seem to be limited only by one's aptitude, imagination, and whatever threads they may know. Compared to other manifestations of Adon, the practice of manipulating the weave of life energies does not depend on the quantity of echoes called upon; The same quantity is needed regardless of task, only enough to "grasp the weave" as it is called. Once one has grasped the weave, they are limited only to the amount of material they have on hand. Just as the other manifestations, whatever echoes used in the process are released in the same manner.
One may bundle the weaves together to localize and enhance their output, allowing for supernatural feats. A particular threading of the weave may cause a single man to gain the strength of ten, or another allow one to hear even the heartbeats of a bird a hundred meters away. These boons come at a cost, however. One's body has a finite resource of weave and to reinforce one pattern is to borrow from another. Extreme exertion of the reinforced thread may cause one's being to become increasingly reliant on its elevated status while the borrowed pattern may begin to suffer atrophy. In layman's terms, not only will one's increased strength lose its potency, but too much use of a certain pattern will cause the user to begin to lose it altogether. In addition to the rethreading of patterns, the functions of the body can be altered as well in order to reduce aging or speed up the natural healing process.
Common threads that are recognized by most Lifeweavers are as follows: touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell, physical strength, speed, agility, endurance, and mental acuity. 'Mental acuity' serves as an umbrella category for the cognitive functions of one's mind including their capacity for memory, their reactiveness and clarity, their personal empathy and charisma, among others.
While considered taboo by some cultures, many Lifeweavers possess the ability to manipulate the weaves of other creatures as well. While the process is time consuming and stressful, this ability is what lead to the discovery of the healing arts. Unfortunately, complex rethreadment which could result in the restoration of hearing within the deaf or sight within the blind requires the most adept among all Lifeweavers and is an extremely rare gift.
As with many gifts, there are those who may abuse it. While they have been outlawed and declared forbidden by most civilized peoples, there are those who have been known to manipulate the weave on less than willing subjects. I will not document these processes in detail for fear of propagating the practice, but I will note the unfortunate practice of 'snipping,' wherein one may tear away the threads of another living being to temporarily boost their own. While it is fleeting, this process is the only known way to circumnavigate any personal cost associated with altering a weave.
submitted by gmSancty to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 TheDude8000 What are some practical tools to take back control of my life?

I am a 24m who's struggled with various addictions over the course of the last ten years. I began smoking weed at 13, cigarettes at 15 and heavy alcohol use at 16. I was the kid who brought a water bottle of vodka into math just to see if I could get away with it, and nobody ever found out. I kept a handle of vodka behind the driver's seat of my car, etc. I have always been very "high functioning," in that I got good grades in high school, got into a very good college, and have since found a fair degree of success out of school. However, the habits that formed a decade ago have not gone away.
I get cross-faded every day, and recently at night, almost like a mantra, I tell myself to stop. That I am destroying my body, that it will catch up to me sooner than I think. I ask what will be the catalyst to change — a health scare? A destroyed relationship? And yet the next night I do the exact same thing.
The thing is, right now my life is pretty good by almost all objective measures. I'm in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. I support myself financially, although I'm still on my dad's health insurance for another year or so. I have a group of smart, positive friends. And yet when it comes to drinking and smoking it's like my will power vanishes and the demon of habit takes control of my body. I don't know how to stop it.
I've gone through extensive periods of time of daily meditation, which helped me a lot, but I'm not in consistent practice right now. I go to the gym about four times a week. I don't sleep very well, usually going to bed around 3am and waking up around 9am. I also find my addictive tendencies finds other methods of achieving a dopamine rush — daily sports gambling, sometimes wasting full days playing video games, etc.
From the outside I look to be in a very positive, successful position for my age. Inside, I am struggling to stay afloat. I am looking for tools or actionable methods to help bring myself back to my best self. For example, I've tried making a daily schedule for myself in time blocks so that I can stay productive. The problem is I rarely stick to the schedule. I need to train my discipline, will power, something. Any thoughts? (Thank you for reading)
submitted by TheDude8000 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:15 Morrywolf End Game Content Proposal: Economy and Resource Sink

I got an idea for end game content for this game which potentially could solve Balance issue and give a reason to exist for underwhelming weapon as well. Current Situation players above level 50 in Helldivers 2 encounter a cap on resource utilization, leading to a plateau in engagement and replayability. Extending the level cap to 150 is a temporary solution that introduces balancing challenges if you add even more stratagems and weapon to cover those 100 reward-empty levelsw. A more sustainable approach is to implement mechanisms that maintain game balance and replayability when players are already max level.

Proposed Solution

Introduce a new tier of difficulty levels (10-15) accompanied by an economy and resource sink system. This system will ensure that high-level players have continual challenges and meaningful ways to spend their accumulated resources.

Difficulty Levels 10-15

Economic Model

Risk and Reward

Community and Collaboration

Game Balance

Additional Features

By implementing this comprehensive economy and resource sink system, Helldivers 2 can maintain engagement and replayability for high-level players, ensuring the game remains balanced and exciting over the long term. I hope the dev see this and consider my solution.
submitted by Morrywolf to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 gmSancty How much of yourself would you sacrifice to become stronger?

The Life Weave:



Example Combinations:

Individual aspects of one's mental acuity may be manipulated in order to bolster others:

A person's sense of touch is far more important than their empathy, so sacrificing touch would lead to a far greater boost in their physical strength than a minor aspect of their mental acuity would. Likewise, someone could give up all of their physical strength to bolster their intelligence and critical thinking in order to become a super genius, though this would come with extreme consequences if implemented for prolonged use.

An excerpt from "[[The Great Chronicle]]," culmination of [[Proprietor Yeoz]]' life work. Published on the 1st day of the 1st month, 357 AA.

When the first form of Adon rained down from the heavens, so too came the power over living creation. Without Adon's touch, all would be lifeless and devoid of meaning. It is known that all living things have within themselves a network of energies that bestow upon them animation. The network of life-giving substances flow throughout the body and enable one to act, though for most it is not an active process. Throughout my work I shall refer to these energies as a weave, as they have been described first hand to myself, to be as a tapestry of one's life. To manipulate the weave is comparable to reknitting fabric.
For those blessed by His touch, this weave of energies is an ethereal wonder made manifest. It has been noted by many trained and untrained Inheritors that the weave is something known or felt, rather than explicitly seen. It is the opinion of some scholars, myself included, that this weave is a complex network of pathways throughout the body through which one's lifeblood is carried. A curious exception to this (and the basis of many arguments to the contrary) is that certain plants seem to poses the weave as well, despite not subsisting on the lifeblood. While the weave is unseen, it is entirely real and possesses all living and animate creatures that traverse this mortal realm. These Inheritors are commonly referred to as "Lifeweavers," though various cultures may have their own names and misguided origins for the practice.
The abilities of any such Inheritor vary from person to person and seem to be limited only by one's aptitude, imagination, and whatever threads they may know. Compared to other manifestations of Adon, the practice of manipulating the weave of life energies does not depend on the quantity of echoes called upon; The same quantity is needed regardless of task, only enough to "grasp the weave" as it is called. Once one has grasped the weave, they are limited only to the amount of material they have on hand. Just as the other manifestations, whatever echoes used in the process are released in the same manner.
One may bundle the weaves together to localize and enhance their output, allowing for supernatural feats. A particular threading of the weave may cause a single man to gain the strength of ten, or another allow one to hear even the heartbeats of a bird a hundred meters away. These boons come at a cost, however. One's body has a finite resource of weave and to reinforce one pattern is to borrow from another. Extreme exertion of the reinforced thread may cause one's being to become increasingly reliant on its elevated status while the borrowed pattern may begin to suffer atrophy. In layman's terms, not only will one's increased strength lose its potency, but too much use of a certain pattern will cause the user to begin to lose it altogether. In addition to the rethreading of patterns, the functions of the body can be altered as well in order to reduce aging or speed up the natural healing process.
Common threads that are recognized by most Lifeweavers are as follows: touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell, physical strength, speed, agility, endurance, and mental acuity. 'Mental acuity' serves as an umbrella category for the cognitive functions of one's mind including their capacity for memory, their reactiveness and clarity, their personal empathy and charisma, among others.
While considered taboo by some cultures, many Lifeweavers possess the ability to manipulate the weaves of other creatures as well. While the process is time consuming and stressful, this ability is what lead to the discovery of the healing arts. Unfortunately, complex rethreadment which could result in the restoration of hearing within the deaf or sight within the blind requires the most adept among all Lifeweavers and is an extremely rare gift.
As with many gifts, there are those who may abuse it. While they have been outlawed and declared forbidden by most civilized peoples, there are those who have been known to manipulate the weave on less than willing subjects. I will not document these processes in detail for fear of propagating the practice, but I will note the unfortunate practice of 'snipping,' wherein one may tear away the threads of another living being to temporarily boost their own. While it is fleeting, this process is the only known way to circumnavigate any personal cost associated with altering a weave.
submitted by gmSancty to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Sola_Sista_94 Little Junko: Parts Nine and Ten (Fanfic)

Kiki made her way to the beauty salon that Kyoko had given her the address to. When she arrived, she didn't see Junko or Kimiko inside. Kiki looked around, so sure that they'd be there. Just as she thought about leaving, she saw two girls, one tall, one really short, in matching outfits leaving the bathroom. Kiki's eyes nearly jumped out of her skull, realizing that the little girl was Kimiko. They were both wearing black boleros with leopard cuffs over white tank tops, very short denim shorts, and massive, black, fluffy legwarmers over some black, heeled ankle boots. Kimiko's piled-up hair hair was crimped and dyed light brown. On her fingernails were red, long fake nails. She even wore light makeup with long, fake lashes. Kiki walked over to them in disbelief.
"Kimiko?! " she exclaimed in horror and disbelief. Kimiko curled her lip in disgust at Kiki, as if Kiki were a mold stain on the wall.

"Yeah, so?" she scoffed. "You got a problem?"
"Well, considering I'm not the one who's dressed like a floozy, no!" Kiki cried. Kimiko rolled her eyes.
"Nyeh...joke's on you. I don't have the flu," she replied, misinterpreting Kiki's words. "Now, move it. There's something me and Big Sis Junko have to take care of."
"That's riiight," Junko sang in a low voice, eyeing Kiki with an ominous grin. She placed her hands on Kimiko's shoulders. "Let's go, Kimiko." Kimiko reached into her backpack and pulled out a small, silver wand with a light green crystal at the end. Kiki gasped. She didn't know much about magic, but she figured that it must have been Kimiko's wand. With one last evil grin at Kiki, Kimiko followed Junko out of the hair salon. It was too late! Kimiko had undoubtedly informed Junko about her magic, about Himiko's magic! Kiki was aware that the situation was now out of her control. She needed to fight magic with magic, and she knew just where to go.
"Nyeeeh...Kimiko, wake up already!" Himiko growled, nudging Kimiko's doppelganger. "I don't care if you're ignoring me! Stop ignoring me and get out of bed!"
"Maybe she's sick," Tomiko suggested.
"Or maybe she's just being stubborn, like a bratty teenager!" Himiko huffed, throwing her hands on her hips. "Nyeh...how can you be seven years old and a teenager at the same time?!"

"Nee-heehee...just ask Kaito," Kokichi said, walking into the living room. "He may be a teenager, but he sure as heck has the brain of a seven-year-old!" He gave Himiko a kiss on her cheek. "What's the matter, Monkey Buns?"
"Kimiko is acting up again!" Himiko answered. "Nyeh...Kokichi, if we ever end up having kids, remind me not to get a teenager!"
"Yeah...they're not a very good breed of children," Kokichi joked with a cheeky grin. "They're super moody, socially awkward, and difficult to keep on a leash."
"I don't know whether to laugh, or be offended," Tomiko said.
"Nee-heehee...I usually have that effect on people," Kokichi said proudly.
"Hey!" Himiko cried, turning Kimiko's doppelganger over. "Th-This isn't Kimiko!"
"What do you mean?" Kokichi asked, raising a brow. He looked closer at the doppelganger. "It looks like her to me." Tomiko smacked Kimiko's copy. It didn't move.
"It's a doppelganger," she breathed in disbelief. "She created a doppelganger of herself! It'll only do what Kimiko tells it to do." Himiko's eyes widened.
"Oh, no!" she cried. "That means she's not here!"
"She must have sneaked away to...'go to the park,' as she so eloquently put it yesterday," Kokichi said. Himiko looked worriedly at him.
"Do you think that was a lie?" she asked in a small voice.

"No," Kokichi replied, shaking his head. "I know that was a lie."
"W-Why didn't you say anything?!" Himiko cried.
"Chibi-Kichi said she wanted to handle it," Kokichi replied.
"And you just let her do that?!" Himiko cried.
"Well, I mean...you didn't do anything about it, either, Himiko," Kokichi pointed out. "You could have just asked Chibi-Kichi yourself what was going on."
"Well, you're the brains in our relationship!" Himiko exclaimed. "You can't expect me to figure that out!"
"As the oldest of Kimiko and me...yeah, we kinda have to expect you to figure that out," Tomiko interjected. Himiko shot a glare at Tomiko, who shrank back under the covers.
"Tomiko does have a point, Himiko," Kokichi said firmly. "You need to take responsibility as the oldest sister when your mom and grandma aren't around. You're their leader, so whatever happens to them, you're mostly to blame." Himiko looked at him in disbelief. Kokichi held up his hands. "I'm only speaking from experience. As the Supreme Leader, I had to learn that, too. But, it's true. As the oldest, you can't expect your sisters to lead themselves. You have to be the example. As the one in charge, you're responsible for their well-being. If you don't know what Kimiko is doing while she's out of the house, it's not her fault if she gets into trouble, it's yours. You have to be more involved with her." Himiko listened silently and nodded her head grimly when he finished speaking.
"Nyeh...you're right," she mumbled. "So...what do we do, now? Should we go over to Kiki's house?" Before Kokichi could answer, they heard the doorbell ringing repeatedly. Kokichi ran over to the door and answered it. Kiki was on the other side, panting her little lungs out as if she just ran a marathon.
"Kiki!" Kokichi exclaimed. Himiko and Tomiko joined Kokichi at his sides. Kokichi knelt down and held Kiki's shoulders. "What's wrong?"
"W-Where's Kimiko?!" Himiko demanded.
"No...time...to talk," Kiki panted. "F-Follow...me!" She closed her eyes, suddenly feeling light-headed and fell forward into Kokichi's arms. Kokichi picked her up.
"Kiki...where's Kimiko?" he asked, gently nudging her. Kiki cracked her eyes open.
"With...Junko..." she said. Kokichi and Himiko's eyes widened with horror.
"JUNKO?! " they cried simultaneously.
Part Ten
Kokichi and Himiko stepped outside with Kiki still in Kokichi's arms. The once sunny, blue sky had taken a dark, foreboding green turn. The clouds became charcoal black. The air became eerily silent. No wind. No warmth. The temperature around them dropped to the point where they could see their breath.
"Welp, either the forecast for today was wrong, or Junko suddenly knew how to control the weather," Kokichi joked wryly. They looked over in the distance towards the city. Right above the tallest building, the clouds were swirling like inky snakes curling around their prey. Flashes of green lightning streaked upwards towards the sky.
"And Kimiko's with her," Himiko whispered in horror, shuddering as she rubbed her arms with her hands to generate heat. "What is Junko doing to her? How is Junko doing all of this?"
"She's using Kimiko's magic," Kiki replied grimly. Kokichi and Himiko gasped.

"W-What...are you talking about?" Himiko stammered nervously. "Kimiko doesn't have mag-"
"I know about your guys' magic," Kiki interrupted. "Kimiko told me about it. But, that's not important right now." Kiki explained everything, even the reason why Kimiko started acting up in the first place. She told them how manipulative Junko was. She told them about meeting up with Kyoko and figuring out Junko's plot for revenge. Kokichi couldn't help but smile proudly at her as he listened. Kiki turned to Himiko. "Right now, Junko's using Kimiko to lure you over to her, so she can get rid of you, especially since she doesn't think you'll fight Kimiko." Himiko shuddered, turning to Kokichi with wide eyes.
"We have to go, Himiko," Kokichi said firmly. "Junko already knows about your magic. Who knows what else she'll use Kimiko for? We have to stop her. For Kimiko's sake." Himiko put on a brave face and nodded.
"Right!" she said. "Let's go!"
"We can take the Mischief Maker," Kokichi said, referring to the moped that Miu had invented for them. Kokichi put Kiki down. "Stay here, Chibi-Kichi, alright? I don't want you getting hurt."
"Okay, Kokichi," Kiki nodded. "Be careful." Kokichi kissed her forehead and hopped up onto the Mischief Maker with Himiko right behind him. Then, they drove off towards the tallest skyscraper in the city. Kiki watched as they rode away. She didn't want to disobey Kokichi, but she couldn't sit there and do nothing. Her gut was telling her to follow them, and so she decided to do just that.
Once Kokichi and Himiko arrived at the skyscraper, they hurriedly entered it, and took the elevator to the roof. The elevator doors opened to a horrific sight: Kimiko with an evil grin with Junko standing behind her with an equally menacing grin. Himiko gaped at her sister's overall appearance that matched Junko's
"Glad you could make it," Junko said. "We've been expecting you, haven't we, Kimiko?"
"Nyeh...that's right, Big Sis Junko," Kimiko answered. Himiko slowly approached Kimiko.
"Kimiko...don't do this," she said, pleading with her sister. "Please, come with me."
Why? So you two can break Kimiko's heart again?" Junko asked. She grabbed Kimiko's shoulders and crouched down to her level, murmuring in her ear. "Remember how you felt when you saw them kissing, Kimiko? How they totally left you out, and didn't even care about you? They don't care about you. Kokichi only tries to be nice because he thinks you're annoying." Kimiko glared at Kokichi, her eyes filled with hatred.
"Kimiko, that's not true," Kokichi said firmly. "Don't believe her."
"Why should Himiko, the ugly sister, get Kokichi all to herself?" Junko continued. "Don't you think you deserve better, Kimiko?"
"Leave her alone!! Get away from her!!" Himiko yelled furiously. She ran towards Junko and Kimiko. Kimiko aimed her wand at Himiko, causing Himiko to stop dead in her tracks.
"Ah-ah-ah..." Junko said, wagging her finger at Himiko. "One more step, and your sister here will end you." Kimiko grinned evilly at Himiko. Tears formed in Himiko's eyes.
"K-Kimiko..." she whispered.
"You never loved me," Kimiko growled, her indignant voice stinging Himiko. "You wanted everything for yourself. You wanted Kokichi for yourself. I loved him and you took him away from me!"
"Kimiko, no!" Himiko cried. "I do love you! I really do! I just want what's best for you!"
"Kokichi's what's best for me," Kimiko said.
"Kimiko, if you think I'm what's best for you, will you listen to me?" Kokichi said. Kimiko turned to Kokichi, now aiming her wand at him. Kokichi held up his hands. "Listen to me, Kimiko. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to."
"He's lying," Junko hissed in Kimiko's ear.
"Don't listen to Junko, Kimiko," Kokichi said firmly.
"He's just trying to be nice again," Junko continued. "He doesn't care about you at all!" Tears fell from Kimiko's eyes.
"Y-You...you're lying!" she cried.
"No, Kimiko, I'm not," Kokichi said. "Junko is the one who's lying to you. You're nicer than this, Kimiko! Remember when we played beauty salon, and you did my hair and nails? Remember when I took you next door to see the puppet show? Remember that? It was fun, right?" Kimiko lowered her wand a bit.
"Those were all lies," Junko said quickly. "He was actually annoyed that he had to deal with you. He'd rather spend time with Himiko instead of you." Kimiko became blinded with rage all over again.
"I HATE YOU!!" she screeched at Kokichi. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Green, magical energy formed around her wand, and she shot it straight at Kokichi. He held up his arms, blocking his face, then slowly opened his eyes, realizing that he hadn't been hit. Instead, Himiko stood in front of him, holding up her Guardian Mage staff. She had blocked Kimiko's attack.
"That's enough!" Himiko demanded.
"Oooh...so you're going to fight your sister after all?" Junko said with an evil grin. "I must admit, I didn't expect that." Himiko's lip quivered, but she forced herself to lift her chin and remain calm.
"I'm not going to fight her," Himiko said. "I'm going to make you give her over to me, if it's the last thing I ever do!"
"I don't think you have a choice," Junko sneered. "If you're not willing to fight your sister, I guess you've already lost. She is my protector, after all. She'd do anything to protect me, won't you, Kimiko?"
"Yes, Big Sis Junko," Kimiko replied obediently, glaring at Himiko. Junko narrowed her eyes at Himiko, her grin menacing and deadly.

"Destroy her," she murmured in Kimiko's ear.
submitted by Sola_Sista_94 to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:10 RegulusPlus Flat DR tiers & The current state of damage reduction

Flat DR is becoming more commonplace (thanks to % DR negation doing the same), and I wanted to do an analysis on how much flat damage reduction is realistic for different types of units and why.
For anyone new to the concept of damage reduction, I'll explain how it differs from percentage-based damage reduction.

X% vs. X

Percentage-based damage reduction is a skill effect that reduces incoming damage after Atk, Def, and Res stats are factored in by a percentage.
Flat damage reduction (or damage negation) is a more recent skill effect that reduces incoming damage, after the usual damage calculation, by a flat number.
In the above example, how these two effects work is clear. Percentage-based DR can create a much greater reduction in damage (at the cost of its ability to be reduced). Flat DR usually creates a small reduction in damage, but it's more reliable and a critical effect for omni-tanks to take as little damage as possible.
These two effects are best when paired together. Basically, percentage-based DR makes big numbers into smaller numbers, and then flat DR turns those smaller numbers into tank-able numbers.
The best way to gain access to this combo on a tank is to get a %-DR Special:
as well as a source of flat DR, which are mostly on exclusive skills (and Laguz Friend, and Excel on PP & Specials).

How much Flat DR can we expect per unit (for now)?

Flat DR so far has been balanced according to a few factors such as:
  1. Conditionality
  2. Activation on specific strikes (e.g. only first/follow-up)
  3. Other trade-offs
  4. Placement in kit
Highly conditional flat DR can reach very high numbers, but as a result is able to be reduced to 0 by counterplay, unlike effects that use a number based on the user's stat.
When flat DR applies on only a specific strike, it tends to be higher. Similarly, other trade-offs can bring up the value of flat DR.
Finally, sacrificing a passive skill slot (B skill) seems to increase the value of flat DR because it cannot stack with Laguz Friend and also sacrifices other effects that can greatly enhance a tank's gameplay (Null C-Disrupt most notably).
Here are the classes or tiers of flat DR so far, their average X value, as well as the units in them *limited to one skill, this is not including units who can stack their weapon with Laguz Friend for example):
  1. All or Nothing (Super-High Ceiling)
    1. The source of damage negation can be absolutely countered, but has a high ceiling as a result.
    2. These units with such high flat DR either sacrifice their B skill or have drastically low Spd causing them to almost guarantee having to take two or more strikes if they cannot kill immediately on their counterattack.
    3. Examples:
      1. Eikthrynir: X is calculated as 50% of the highest total bonuses on nearby allies. From just his weapon's bonuses, this should be 9. With Spd/Res+6 on those same allies, it goes up to 18. Under extreme circumstances (double buffs due to Harsh Command or Attuned Micaiah), this can come up to 32 or more from this skill alone. However, him and his allies can be panicked and all DR will be lost.
      2. Attuned Caeda: X is the highest total bonuses on nearby allies (double the deer man, but also takes up her B skill slot). With her base kit and her bonuses not negated, this is 24 flat DR. It can go up to double that (48 or more) with flipped penalties and no panic.
      3. Nidhoggr: X is the damage dealt to foe (max 20). Yes she deals 8 combat-beginning damage so that base value should be 8, but Breath of Life can counter this.
  2. Higher Value, Higher Cost (25% or 30% of a Stat)
    1. There's a slight increase in the value of damage negation at a cost. This difference of 5% or 10% of a stat when dealing with modern stats can
    2. For all of the below tiers, the estimated value of X is calculated using only their weapon, their stats with flowers and a boon in the respective stat, and an average of +10 to that stat to account for passive skills.
    3. Examples:
      1. New Year Nerthuz: X = 25% of Spd, but only on the foe's first attacks. This value is about 19.
      2. Diamant: X = 25% of Def, but negates all non-Special % DR on himself and hinders his own ability to follow-up. This value is about 15. This is due to only getting Def+5 from his weapon and not having highest base stat either.
      3. Rhea: X = 30% of Res, but only on follow-up attacks. This value is about 19.
      4. Edward: X = 16, but only when getting hit with an offensive Special.
  3. The Blueprint (20% of a Stat)
    1. This was the introduction of this effect. 20% of a stat, after in-combat effects. When using the Atk stat, the percentage is reduced due to weapon might, so it becomes 15%.
    2. Note the outlier in Bridal Embla (an amazing unit). Not only does she get higher stats, but she's the only significantly faster unit in this class. All other units calculate flat DR based off of a defensive stat and as such have lower Spd mostly and risk follow-ups.
    3. Examples:
      1. Spring Maria: The original, getting 20% of her Def as damage negation. The value is about 13.
      2. Askr: X = 20% of Def; it's about 13.
      3. New Year Askr: X = 20% of Def; about 12.
      4. Bridal Embla: X = 20% of Spd; valued at about 15, thanks to her modern weapon granting about 10 more stats than other units in this class.
      5. Brave Dimitri: X = 20% of Def; about 12.
      6. Dimitri: X = 15% of Atk; about 12.
      7. Gatekeeper: X = 20% of Def; about 12.
      8. Midori: X = 15% of Atk; about 13.
      9. Ninja Cherche: X = 20% of Def; about 12.
      10. Laguz Friend Users: X = 20% of Def/Res, should be in line with the above, those with modern weapons and refines (+13-15 to stats) hitting Embla's 15, otherwise hitting around 12.
  4. The New Normal (Fixed Value or 15% of a Stat)
    1. Basically, you need flat DR to survive now, so this is added to a unit's kit who also has other means of survival such as overall high stat swings, higher Spd, infantry skill access, % DR in the same skill, is a grail unit (lol), etc.
    2. Examples:
      1. Rinkah: X = 15% of Def, but only on first attacks; valued at around 9.
      2. Cormag: X = 15% of Def, valued at around 7.
      3. Edward: X = 8, unless when getting hit with an offensive Special.
      4. Halloween Corrin: X = 8, on defensive Special trigger.
      5. Brave Corrin: X = 7, on foe's first attacks only.
      6. Legendary Corrin: X = 7, on foe's first attacks only.
      7. Say'ri: X = 7, on foe's first attacks only.
      8. Fallen Ike: X = 7, on foe's first attacks only.
      9. Mozu: X = 10
      10. Divine Veine (Stone): X = 10, when hit with an offensive Special.
  5. We Used to be a country A proper country
    1. The lowest amount of flat DR which belongs to skills that are either outdated or have a lot else going for them, but each big of flat DR can contribute to survival. Upgrades to these inheritable skills could become very relevant.
    2. Examples:
      1. Shield Pulse: X = 5, on defensive Special trigger.
      2. Hardy Fighter: X = 5, on defensive Special trigger.
      3. Summer Fjorm: X = 5, on defensive Special trigger.

Final Notes

Of course there are some units I probably missed and in-combat all of these numbers will look different according to each situation. But this is to paint a general picture of how flat DR is currently balanced in the game. The key notes are that:
submitted by RegulusPlus to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:10 JonnyOneTooth What about Moses face shining caused fear in the Israelites? And how is the NT better than this? (2 Cor 3)

The Bible says God is light (He has a form on a throne but it seems the spiritual nature is made of light when perceived by humans). Light is used symbolically of goodness/righteousness/love and darkness for evil/sin/wickedness/hate. Somehow, and for some reason, God caused Moses face to literally begin supernaturally shining radiant light after communing with him. The most humble man on earth at the time walked down from the mountain oblivious to this and when he met back up with everyone they were gazing at him and terrified. What exactly about this light drew a gaze and summoned fear? Is it because this light has something to do with God’s reproving presence on their conscience itself? The light did this before Moses even began speaking to them. It is also interesting to note how relatively sensitive humans are to light/darkness. The Israelites were used to being in darkness and were stunned by the light. Moses was used to being in light and it was business as usual for him, he was surprised at how surprised everyone else was. Paul talks about how Moses wasn’t bold with this phenomenon (I am guessing because Moses had a super timid character, he didn’t want to speak in front of everyone and knew his weakness) and it seems that’s why Paul thought Moses put on the veil. The veil was to draw attention away from himself/being in the spotlight? Somehow, to Paul, having the Spirit inside of you is better than what Moses went through. I don’t understand how it is that much different. Two examples of this happening are in Luke 4 with Jesus and Acts 6-7 with Stephen. A man’s wisdom causes his face to shine(because wisdom is from the Spirit) and everyone was gazing at Stephen like he had the face of an angel. Angels are described as lightning, glistening, light, fear-inducing, spirit, etc. The Holy Spirit adds this spiritual light to a man and makes him like an angel. And of course, the transfiguration is the most epic instance of this phenomenon.
I am trying to understand this concept as well as Paul’s point in 2 Corinthians 3. If anyone sees anything I’m missing or wrong about I ask that you please help me grasp this.
submitted by JonnyOneTooth to BiblicalUnitarian [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 Fred_Thielmann A bit of rambling on about Joseph Seed and his family.

So I’ve just finished my second play through of FC5 and I already have New Dawn recently finished too.
When I had finished Red Dawn, I felt really satisfied with they didn’t try to make Joseph Seed a good guy. They only tried to make him an ally, because the Highwaymen did have a very “sinful” culture. They were partiers and their music talked a lot about sin. Not to mention the wrathful cruel nature of the twins.
Side note - With this in mind, I think the twins had so much potential. Tons of it. But they didn’t seem to even try for that potential. All efforts were put towards New Eden.
Anyways, back to Joseph. While playing ND I felt like Joseph was totally redeemable, but now after finishing fc5 the second time, I think I had forgotten just how brutal and manipulatively narcissistic Joseph is. His philosophy is really interesting to think about, because he’s right. Our world is very guided by hatred, greed, and maybe gluttony. But Joseph’s philosophy, or Peggism as I’ll be calling it seems to believe that murder isn’t a sin. Or at least that it’s justified when the sinner is irredeemable.
I also feel that it’s a really neat writing choice that Joseph’s family doesn’t only echo Joseph’s teachings, but they form their own ideas from what Joseph or their parents taught them. The best example being Jacob. Jacob feels that the world has become weak due to indulging in sins, and must be purged of those who have indulged too much. John seems to just use Joseph’s takeover as an excuse to just wreak havoc, torture, and murder when the sinner refuses to say… Yes. Faith is a crackhead who replaced her addiction with crack for her addiction to Bliss. I think it’s pretty cool how the bliss enables her to mind control and be kind of omniscient. But I didn’t like how Jacob just spoke to you on the radio whenever he wanted. It became a plothole for me because whenever you escaped, couldn’t he just call you back as soon as you’re out? Why didn’t Deputy just permanently turn off the radio after he wakes up in the middle of a bunch of bodies?
For Faith, it made sense. For Jacob, nope. I think John does it too, but I’m not sure.
In an alternate universe where Joseph never killed anyone. His daughter is alive and Joseph prevents his family from murdering. Basically a universe where Joseph preaches about how sinful the world is, but isn’t violent. In this universe, do you think people would think about his teachings a little more?
submitted by Fred_Thielmann to farcry [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 TheDude8000 What are some practical tools to take back control of my life?

I am a 24m who's struggled with various addictions over the course of the last ten years. I began smoking weed at 13, cigarettes at 15 and heavy alcohol use at 16. I was the kid who brought a water bottle of vodka into math just to see if I could get away with it, and nobody ever found out. I kept a handle of vodka behind the driver's seat of my car, etc. I have always been very "high functioning," in that I got good grades in high school, got into a very good college, and have since found a fair degree of success out of school. However, the habits that formed a decade ago have not gone away.
I get cross-faded every day, and recently at night, almost like a mantra, I tell myself to stop. That I am destroying my body, that it will catch up to me sooner than I think. I ask what will be the catalyst to change — a health scare? A destroyed relationship? And yet the next night I do the exact same thing.
The thing is, right now my life is pretty good by almost all objective measures. I'm in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. I support myself financially, although I'm still on my dad's health insurance for another year or so. I have a group of smart, positive friends. And yet when it comes to drinking and smoking it's like my will power vanishes and the demon of habit takes control of my body. I don't know how to stop it.
I've gone through extensive periods of time of daily meditation, which helped me a lot, but I'm not in consistent practice right now. I go to the gym about four times a week. I don't sleep very well, usually going to bed around 3am and waking up around 9am. I also find my addictive tendencies finds other methods of achieving a dopamine rush — daily sports gambling, sometimes wasting full days playing video games, etc.
From the outside I look to be in a very positive, successful position for my age. Inside, I am struggling to stay afloat. I am looking for tools or actionable methods to help bring myself back to my best self. For example, I've tried making a daily schedule for myself in time blocks so that I can stay productive. The problem is I rarely stick to the schedule. I need to train my discipline, will power, something. Any thoughts? (Thank you for reading)
submitted by TheDude8000 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 TheDude8000 What are some practical tools to take back control of my life?

I am a 24m who's struggled with various addictions over the course of the last ten years. I began smoking weed at 13, cigarettes at 15 and heavy alcohol use at 16. I was the kid who brought a water bottle of vodka into math just to see if I could get away with it, and nobody ever found out. I kept a handle of vodka behind the driver's seat of my car, etc. I have always been very "high functioning," in that I got good grades in high school, got into a very good college, and have since found a fair degree of success out of school. However, the habits that formed a decade ago have not gone away.
I get cross-faded every day, and recently at night, almost like a mantra, I tell myself to stop. That I am destroying my body, that it will catch up to me sooner than I think. I ask what will be the catalyst to change — a health scare? A destroyed relationship? And yet the next night I do the exact same thing.
The thing is, right now my life is pretty good by almost all objective measures. I'm in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. I support myself financially, although I'm still on my dad's health insurance for another year or so. I have a group of smart, positive friends. And yet when it comes to drinking and smoking it's like my will power vanishes and the demon of habit takes control of my body. I don't know how to stop it.
I've gone through extensive periods of time of daily meditation, which helped me a lot, but I'm not in consistent practice right now. I go to the gym about four times a week. I don't sleep very well, usually going to bed around 3am and waking up around 9am. I also find my addictive tendencies finds other methods of achieving a dopamine rush — daily sports gambling, sometimes wasting full days playing video games, etc.
From the outside I look to be in a very positive, successful position for my age. Inside, I am struggling to stay afloat. I am looking for tools or actionable methods to help bring myself back to my best self. For example, I've tried making a daily schedule for myself in time blocks so that I can stay productive. The problem is I rarely stick to the schedule. I need to train my discipline, will power, something. Any thoughts? (Thank you for reading)
submitted by TheDude8000 to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:06 YentaMagenta I sincerely feel bad for folks flocking to Cara

I admit the headline is click-/rage-baity, but I also mean it.
Here's the TLDR: Cara is a lovely idea that currently lacks a viable long-term business model. Surviving in a form that reflects its current principles will require acts of charity or a sea-change in the public's willingness to pay for social media.
I think we can agree that Instagram and Facebook have become an annoying morass of promoted content and outright advertising. I hope we can also agree that the content-farm AI-generated images taking over Facebook are obnoxious (albeit sometimes hilarious). For people who were purely interested in seeing/promoting photography, Instagram is no longer home. As for DeviantArt, I can't even fully wrap by brain around whatever drama is happening there.
Given the enshittification of popular social media platforms, who could blame creatives for seeking something new that is simple and free of paid content and AI? I do both real-world photography and AI art. But I might very well be willing to shell out for a platform that served me high-effort content free of advertising and algorithmic interference—even with the restriction that I could only post my non-AI work there.
Unfortunately for all of us, the long-term viability of such a platform is questionable, even before any staunchly AI stances are taken into account. Operating and hosting an image-based social media platform is expensive and labor intensive. For Cara, these costs are compounded by the fact that they intend to scan for AI generated images—something which does not even reliably work. There is also, of course, the need for ongoing protections/moderation to prevent illegal/abusive content.
Then consider that the users of Cara are going to be strongly inclined to try to ferret out and report anything they suspect has even a whiff of AI. This is a content moderation nightmare. Either you're too strict and creators of non-AI content get frustrated for being blocked or banned—whether because of false positives or false accusations. Or you're too lenient and anti-Ai creatives rebel when the platform sees increasing amounts of content that contains at least some AI. Put all of this together and you have a recipe for at best a walled garden and at worst a corral of recrimination.
It remains to be seen whether the masses care enough about their selfies and Insta stories being digested by AI to want to abandon their established accounts and the network effects of entrenched social media. To give an example, Elon Musk is a liar, a racist, and increasingly unhinged. (Sorry, but facts are facts, Muskrats.) But this has yet to bring about Twitter's complete downfall. It thus seems unlikely that normies are going to abandon their social media over generative AI concerns. This would mean that artists who restrict themselves to Cara miss out on essential opportunities to market to a broad audience.
I therefore see three main categories of possible outcome for Cara:
One is short- or long-term collapse. Maybe they get more near-term angel investing or crowd funding, maybe they don't. But either way the money runs out someday and the party ends. Another possibility is that they are forced to renege on some of their promises/principles. This could mean anything from bringing in advertising and paid content, to softening their stance/enforcement regarding artwork that incorporates AI. And finally they could experience a miracle and discover that angel investors and/or the public at large are willing to pay in perpetuity for an ad-free and ostensibly "AI-free" experience. (I use the scare quotes because keeping all AI out still seems like a losing battle).
All in all, the chances that Cara continues to exist in a form that pleases its current user base seem remote. But if this turns out to be the dawn of mass-scale, wholly noncommercial social media for high-quality art, then I'll celebrate right along with the artists.
submitted by YentaMagenta to aiwars [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:03 Curious_Bus_1359 Equilibrium for Multiple Reactions

I’m not sure if I am asking this question the correct way, as I can’t find the word I am looking for, but does there exist an equilibrium equations where there are more than 2 parts to the reaction?
For example, the general form aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD gives the equation ([C]c * [D]d )/ ([A]a * [B]b ). Does there exist an equation for a reaction such that aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD ⇌ eE + fF?
submitted by Curious_Bus_1359 to chemistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:00 GentlemanlyAdvice The Completely True Story of How a Filthy Gweilo Married the Most Beautiful Girl in the World

I was a damaged person. But I was on the mend.
I had a pretty traumatic break up with my childhood best friend, turned girlfriend. I had known her since we were 8 years old. We had been boyfriend and girlfriend since we were 13 and had been so for 9 years until my junior year of college when she cheated on me in a very cruel way. It came to light that she had cheated on me many times before as well.
I loved her so god damn much! I thought we were one of those stories where two souls were knitted together from eternity to eternity, or some hallmark card bullshit like that.
I was emotionally shattered and it took me a while until one day about 2 years later, I woke up and thought about her, but then realized that I hadn't thought about her at all the previous day. It was glorious and I knew then that I was on the mend. After that, my healing process sort of exponentially snowballed and I was back in the saddle as far as relationships went. I started going on dates and meeting up with women.
I was a software engineer working for a large corporation. Because I was good at my job, and because I didn't have a family, I was given the opportunity to move to Singapore and lead a project there for what would be a couple of years but turned out to be 7 years.
The great thing about Singapore is that they speak the "King's English" when they're not speaking "Singlish" (a patois of mostly English with funky grammar, but with Malay, Chinese, and Hindi thrown in). So I didn't have to learn a whole new language to fit in. I just had to learn how to translate Singlish to English, which wasn't too hard after a couple of months of trying. I even learned the lingo and it would amuse my coworkers a whole lot when I spoke Singlish. They thought it was hilarious.
I was a good looking guy (still am!!) but I really let myself go in my depression. I was a tall, muscular 210 pounds when I broke up with my ex, but I had ballooned up to over 300 pounds. I started a workout regimen and lost it all but the workout regimen became sort of an obsession. It was the one thing that grounded me. After I went to Singapore, one of my business perks was a gym membership at "Fitness First", a local gym franchise. I was down to my previous weight, but I had to practically camp out at the gym because the best thing about Singapore is the FOOD. The food is incredible! However, you WILL pack on the weight if you don't get your ass to the gym.
The meet cute
I was working out one day much later than normal due to some overtime on my project and I saw a girl on a treadmill. The treadmill was the one I usually use because it was in the back and kind of out of the way. The girl was stunning! The thing that stuck out to me was that she was had her hair in a pony tail through a ball cap, which is a look I find very attractive. I was a little nervous because, even though I was fairly confident about the way I look, I was definitely batting out of my league with this girl.
I went to her and chatted her up after she got off of the treadmill. She didn't look me in the eye and didn't really engage. I figured that I had acted like what is now known as a "gym creep" and I figured it was a "swing and a miss!" I apologized and said I wouldn't bother her anymore. I stuck out my hand and said "I'm OP, by the way. What's your name?"
She hesitated and looked at me for a bit and said "Lilly" (not her real name).
I remember this exactly because she later said that it was what intrigued her about me. At the time, she was an actress/model who had done some print/public billboard type ads, product demo booths at expos, and even a bit part in a local tv (Mediacorp) series. She had started to attract public attention because of these (mainly the TV show and the ads that were hanging all around town at that time) not just from men but from women too and it was super uncomfortable for her.
The fact that I had no idea who she was relaxed her and made her think that I was attracted to her for her and not because her face was everywhere at the time. After she told me about it, I did notice her face everywhere. But photoshop was a thing even back then, so I didn't recognize her from her ads and I really don't look at ads, tuning them out. I also didn't watch her TV show because it was in Mandarin Chinese and I don't speak or understand any Chinese, and I wasn't in a position where I was required to attend or arrange trade shows.
In the years prior to meeting me, Lilly had undergone a lot of plastic surgery (breast, eyelid, facial contouring, nose job, lipo, etc). She said it got to where she didn't recognize herself in the mirror and it disturbed and depressed her. She hadn't particularly wanted the surgery but she got the procedures done at the behest of her family who wanted her to bring in more money and the people in charge of her career development (don't know the term). It was all very expensive and she felt like she owed her family and the talent people who managed her.
Later, I found out that she hated the public recognition. Not just from men, but mostly from women who were really catty about her plastic surgery. The people in charge of her were pushing her to start singing but she didn't have a good voice and would need a bunch of training for that. She was depressed due to not recognizing herself in the mirror any more and didn't want to follow the career track that she had been on. They were pushing her to do more figure/body modeling which was why she was in the gym. She was SUPER uncomfortable with that and constantly hungry and pissed off.
She was afraid that she would do some more modeling and then get married off by her parents to some rich mainland Chinese man that she would be ambivalent about (she preferred Caucasian men) and she'd be forced to be a traditional pampered Chinese wife living in Beijing.(Doesn't sound that bad to me. Some of those Chinese businessmen live crazy luxurious lifestyles.
Since I was working a lot of overtime, I kept going to the gym later at night and we saw each other and I would wave and smile and she would smile and wave back. OK I was kinda hoping to meet her regularly. I spotted her on a couple of exercises and we began to chat with each other a bit. A couple of times I had to steady her because she was fainting from being hungry and working out at the same time. I used that as an excuse to take her out to a hawker center, which like a mall food court but with delicious local food (not chain restaurants). We chatted and got along really well. It became a regular thing until I confessed I had a crush on her. We started dating after that until it got to a point where she practically moved into my place.
She, of course, had her share of guys interested in her. She was on livejournal at the time (remember livejournal??) and she was doing that and posting pictures of herself for her career mostly, but I'm sure she did enjoy the attention. She had one guy from Belgium who was really after her. He actually bought her 800 thread count sheets, which is an oddly practical but vaguely inappropriate gift. He actually visited Singapore on business (he was a tech sales guy) and wanted to meet up with her in a public place, a hawker center. I still had trust issues from my previous "love of my life" betraying me. To this day, I cringe at my behavior at the time, but I laid down a clear boundary. She could absolutely go see and hang out with this guy if she wanted to, but if she did, she'd be doing it as a single available girl and we would be through. She said she saw my face "turn to stone" and it was clear that she would lose me if she went to meet up with that guy. That honestly gave her pause about our relationship and she really considered ending it at the time. I didn't know that until much later, though. Certainly, I'm glad that she didn't. She didn't go meet up with the guy. To this day, we call the incident "The Belgian Waffle". OK so I call it that, she thinks it's stupid.
Meeting her family
Eventually, Lilly asked if I could have dinner with her parents, saying that they wanted to meet me. I bought some gifts, basically Japanese cookies in really nice packaging, and then we met. I did the traditional thing and formally introduced myself and asked them about their family and history.
At the time, Lilly got some criticism from her extended family because I am a white guy. There was a certain stigma attached to local girls who liked white guys. They called those girls "SPGs" which stands for "Sarong Party Girls", a derogatory name for the prostitutes who would entertain British expats at after hours parties "back in the day".
Over the next few months, I won over her family mainly by eating their food and being accepting of their culture. I grew up in Texas, so pickled jalapenos were common in my house...like salt and pepper, we put them on everything. Later on, I was the kind of guy who put tabasco or sriracha on everything. So eating their spicy food was no problem for me. I remember us both going shopping at an open air market and seeing an older woman cutting up cili padi. I asked if I could try some. She looked at my pale face and then at Lilly and she said I could. I bit into one and chewed it up as the woman looked at me with an amused look on her face. She was waiting for me to jump up and down with fire shooting out of my mouth, I guess. I disappointed her, but she and Lilly were impressed. She later told her mother and she was impressed too. She wanted me to eat one for her as well. Oh well, trained monkey time I guess.
The real test came when I tried Durian for the first time. This is the same food that "defeated" Andrew Zimmern, the "Bizarre Foods" guy. I actually liked it. I had a D24 durian, which admittedly is like the "beginner version" of durians. There are like 16 different types. When you get past the smell and actually taste it, it doesn't smell that bad any more. It's very sweet and creamy. It's like the taste overwrites your disgust of the smell. I think that's what really impressed them to an extreme degree. They started calling me an "egg", because I was "white on the outside but yellow on the inside."
I would visit her grandmother with her. In true Chinese fashion, Lilly and her brother Johnny were raised by their paternal grandparents while their parents worked full time jobs, so her grandmother was like her mom. She was in an elder care facility at this point, though. She didn't like living there, but it was all they could afford. We would visit her every week and she'd be very happy. She didn't speak any English at all so she and Lilly would just chat speaking Hokkien Chinese while her grandmother would pet my hairy forearms like I was a dog. She was absolutely smitten with my hairy forearms.
Meeting my family
After a little over a year, I took her back to Texas to meet my family. It was quite the culture shock. Lilly was amazed by red barns and hay bales, black and white Holstein cows, things she saw in movies about the USA. She particularly was impressed by the cluster mailboxes lined up on country roads ("So cute, leh!") We actually had to stop the car and take pictures of her standing next to them, smiling goofily for the photo. I made sure to take her to the Texas hill country during spring, when the hills are covered with soft green grass and festooned with bluebonnets, sunflowers, indian paintbrushes, black eyed susans, daisies, etc. I had to practically hold her down to keep her from picking them. It's not illegal or anything, it's just frowned upon and tradition to leave them alone. OK, I let her pick some. Give me a break, I was in love with the girl.
Driving was also something that kind of boggled her mind. Texas is huge, and traveling from my parents' place to visit my brothers and their families was a seemingly endless trek. Driving from Houston to Austin, to Corpus Christi was crazy long, even with the stops to visit my relatives.
Lilly was practically agoraphobic at the big sky in Texas. She was used to being in a forest of tall concrete and steel buildings, with only strips of blue sky available at the top. In Texas that sky went from horizon to horizon. She was also amazed at the uncountable numbers of stars at night away from the city lights. She later told me it was like visiting Narnia or something.
In Texas, she got her share of looks from guys, especially in the bigger cities. I wasn't jealous. I've never been a jealous guy, although my experience with my ex "love of my life" really put my radar up, I still was proud that other guys were attracted to her. My attitude was "go ahead and eat your hearts out, she's with me!"
When she met my oldest brother, it was like a cultural thing with her, so she was very deferential and respectful. I knew that my oldest brother was attracted to her because he was stumbling and stuttering when he was speaking to her, looking at her but kind of avoiding looking at her. I wasn't too concerned because he was a married guy with 2 sons and not a scumbag, but it was still pretty amusing to see "Mr. Smooth-don't-let-em-know-you-want-em-kid" at a loss for words.
My parents met Lilly finally (she was super nervous but she did really well) and later my mom brought me aside and asked me if she should re-set her mother's diamond engagement ring. I thought about it a bit, and then told her "yes". My mom's eyes started sparkling with images of unborn grandchildren and she smiled bigger than I had ever seen her smile (kind of unsettling actually). My dad later brought me aside and basically told me I couldn't do any better and I would be a "god damn fool" if I let her get away from me. I agreed. My dad then told me something that remains with me to this day: "She will make your life sparkle, son." (she has).
Before our time in the US was up my mom gave me the ring and I asked Lilly to be my wife in a field of wildflowers, which had become her favorite place to be in Texas. She said yes. Looking back, that was one of the happiest days of my life. It was up there with losing my virginity to "the love of my life" (who turned out to be a duplicitous crazy person but at the time it was really special), my wedding day to Lilly, and the births of our children.
The Engagement
When we got back to Singapore we had to pretend we weren't engaged because I had to ask her parents for their daughter's hand in marriage. I spoke with them and explained how my prospects in my career were good. I told them that I loved their daughter and that my family also loved their daughter. We had to schedule a phone call between my parents and her parents.
I had clued my parents in as far as the traditions go. In Chinese culture, the groom pays for the wedding rather than the bride. The groom also has to give the bride's parents certain auspicious gifts. My parents luckily had done a tour of China a few years before and knew all of this beforehand, having befriended their local tour guide who was saving up money for his own wedding at the time. On the call, they agreed upon a pinjin, which is basically "betrothal money". We started to plan the Guo Da Li ceremony which would take place in 3 months time, and 3 months before the wedding.
Unfortunately life threw us a curve ball and Lilly's grandmother died. It was bittersweet because, while Lilly missed her, her grandmother had become very old and infirm to the point where her quality of life was pretty low. All wedding stuff was put on hiatus until the funeral was over plus 100 days for mourning.
After that, we were able to do the Guo Da Li ceremony. I gave my future in laws a red packet of money plus special cakes and 12 mandarin oranges and gold jewelry. It all went very well.
Wedding planning started in earnest. I got some money from my dad (who insisted) but the lion's share was out of my pocket. During this process I was able to meet some incredible people. The stand outs were Richard and Jimmy. Rich and Jimmy were tailors and dressmakers. They were a couple and they gave my fiancée a really good deal on a wedding dress and cocktail dress if she agreed to do some print modeling for their business. They also made me a tuxedo and a suit. I offered to model for them as well and we all had a good laugh at that prospect (OK they were doing most of the laughing - ego still hurts from that one, guys).
The venue we were using was Chijmes. It's the same one used in the move "Crazy Rich Asians". It was back when they had first started offering it up as a venue so it wasn't crazy expensive at the time. Plus, it was a smaller venue for weddings. Usually weddings are held in large hotel ballrooms and are huge affairs (this is what I was told). The families both invite everyone they've ever met to come: Neighbors, business contacts, everyone. They all bring red packets filled with cash. We opted for the "small" wedding.
The Bachelor Party
We had planned bachelobachelorette parties on the same night (separate venues). Lilly's MOH threw hers while Rich and Jimmy threw mine. My best man was my dad (because he's the best man that I know) and so cigars and brandy would have been disappointing to my work friends and my future brother in law and cousins. I don't think anyone was prepared for what happened.
We had the party at the sushi restaurant of a friend of Rich and Jimmy's. It was after hours. We had some incredible sashimi and rolls. I even tried fish sperm. Didn't like it. I asked Jimmy are you sure it's FISH, sperm?? He said of course he'd never do that to me. To be fair, it did taste and smell very fishy. I don't know how human sperm tastes like (or maybe I do now, I don't know).
After the sushi was done, it was time for the entertainment, and oh boy. Rich and Jimmy hired a trans entertainer who sang show tunes. The thing is, she had an incredible voice. She was obviously biologically male, but she really carried herself with a lot more femininity than I've seen from biological women. She sang and told jokes and roasted me pretty thoroughly. My dad was there and he thought it was funny as hell. My friends from work, especially the Aussies and Brits, thought it was great, my future BIL and most of my future cousins did too. Other cousins politely excused themselves and left. I think the free flowing booze and beer kept most people there, though.
After her thoroughly entertaining performance, it was time for the dancers. This is kind of where it went off the rails. Rich and Jimmy hired exotic dancers...but they were all male or trans. Now, to be fair, it wasn't like they didn't tell me about it beforehand. They did. Personally, I thought it would be hilarious to announce that the strippers were here and then have male dancers come out. I have a twisted sense of humor, I suppose. I certainly wasn't going to cheat on the most beautiful woman in the world mere weeks before our wedding, so prostitutes and female dancers were completely out of the question for me. They jokingly suggested male dancers it and we laughed. I thought about it a bit and I guess I'm "take-the-joke-too-far" guy so I encouraged it. Lilly knew about it and thought it was funny as well and wanted me to video tape it while it happened. ("Yeah right you just want to ogle the dancers" "Of course, lah!")
What I wasn't prepared for was the PLATOON of banana hammocks that marched out into the restaurant. Smooth greased up Asian chests everywhere! My dad was of course shocked at first and then looked at me and we started laughing and the ridiculousness of it. My dad stood up and clapped his hand on my shoulder and put a mock serious look on his face. The people immediately around me witnessed my dad telling me that he loved me and accepted my life style choice and that nothing I could say or do would ever change the fact that he and mom loved me and accepted me. Thanks, dad. I was laughing during the whole thing and my future BIL and work buddies who were around me were laughing as well. My dad excused himself and said he had to go find my mom and tell her the "bad news about her future grandchildren" and left ("Can adopt, lah! Can surrogate, meh!" Thanks for the support, guys). My future BIL laughed and said that since all of the available male dancers were at my party, there were none available to attend his sister's party, so she was "safe".
Among the highlights of the evening is that I discovered that a few of my co-workers and future cousins were in fact gay. I was told to stay out of the ladies' room no matter what. I wasn't planning on going in but thanks for the warning. I was proud that we all only vomited in the trash cans and not on the floor (what a waste of some damn good sushi....and fish sperm). Rich and Jimmy stayed next to each other all night. I even saw them holding hands and looking at each other lovingly. To my shame, I was under the common misconception that all gay men were very promiscuous and I kind of expected them to pair off with the dancers. What I saw that night was a very loving monogamous relationship.
The Wedding Day
The day of the wedding came a few days later and I had the good fortune of being the first one in my family to experience the fun and interesting experience of a groom going through a Chinese-style wedding. I say "Chinese-style" because while we did do a lot of the traditions from a Chinese wedding, we did say vows to God before a Christian minister. This was something she insisted on as her family had converted from Taoism to Christianity (but still kept the Taoist traditions and festivals).
First up was the gatecrash. I went over to the her family's apartment and the MOH and bridesmaids stood at the door refusing to let me in unless I gave them $9999.00. Nine is a significant symbol to them. It means "longevity" I think. So the whole idea is for me to haggle the price down by doing challenges and games. I had to do a handstand and walk with my hands. I had to answer trivia questions ("What is her nickname for you?" "Cranky old man" "What is your nickname for her?" "Baby"). BIL and I had to do "the worm". I haggled them down to $99 which I paid to them in a red packet. My BIL and wife chided me for not going lower but my dad was there and was in his 70s and couldn't do any feats of strength.
After I "secured" my bride, we did the traditional tea ceremony with her parents and my parents. Lilly was dressed in a traditional red silk qipao, tailor made by Rich and Jimmy. I gotta tell you people, the qipao really does it for me! Not gonna lie, it was like cupid gut punched me when I saw her dressed in it . My parents were pretty stoic throughout but my mom sympathy cried with Lilly's parents when she tearfully did the tea ceremony with her mother and father. We received red packets from each set of parents. I was told the red packet her parents gave us had most of the bride price we paid in it. Her mom gave her her grandmother's jeweled antique watch and my mom gave her a sapphire ring (sapphire is my birth stone). As we left her home to go to Chijmes, I told her "we're keeping that dress, understand me??" She laughed.
We got to Chijmes, did the photos and she walked down the aisle in a beautiful white dress with a small train behind it with sequins on it. My dad gave me the ring. He was my best man. He was my best man because he's the best man I know. After the wedding, she changed into a champagne colored strapless cocktail dress another Rich and Jimmy original. THREE wardrobe changes, people! THREE! All with different hair and make up and she did it super quick. I don't know what wizardry was invoked but we may be indebted to the hoary netherworld.
We honeymooned at the Fullerton Hotel. The old British colonial Post Office was converted to a luxury hotel in 2001. We stayed there for 3 days ordering overpriced room service ("Go to hawker center, lah! Much cheaper better food, meh!).
Emigration and Immigration
So a little bit before this time, a little event happened in New York. You might have heard about it. Anyway because some sexually repressed incels decided to murder thousands of people, USA's immigration was all jacked up. The INS went bye-bye. Then we had the BCIS for a brief moment, followed by the USCIS. I saw that my project was ending and my company helped me with her immigration. It was a pain, though. It seems like we had new forms to fill out every week while the old ones became obsolete. That's how I remember it, anyway. It was a pretty frustrating time and I almost had to leave her behind (it wouldn't have been permanent but it would be a long time). Luckily we were able to make it time.
For explanation purposes, we didn't get LEGALLY married in Singapore. We had the religious ceremony but no "government contracts" were involved. This is because, at that time at least, it was easier to bring over a fiancée than a wife, for some reason. So Lilly was a "90 Day Fiancée"!! We got married at the county courthouse when we finally were able to go to my new project. We didn't wait 90 days. We did in three (jet lag).
Unfortunately for her, we moved from Singapore, a 24 hour international class city, to a sleepy seaside town in the USA near a military base. Lots of fun was had with that. A total fish out of water story for another time (What is this "coin laundry"? Do you Americans have a place to wash your coins?).
My BIL got married to a beautiful girl and moved to Australia and opened a Bait and Tackle store in Surfer's Paradise on the east coast of Australia. He has 2 daughters. In 2012 he was caught cheating on his wife and lost everything. She moved back to Singapore with his kids, and he kind of struggled for a while. He got another bait and tackle store eventually and tries to see his daughters whenever he can. They don't have a good relationship.
Rich and Jimmy celebrated the decriminalization of homosexuality in Singapore in 2022, but they still can't get married. We still talk from time to time. Writing this, I find myself missing them. I had some really fun times because of them. I've never had better conversations in Singapore than with them while at Lilly's dress fittings (and my suit fittings).
We have been married for 21 years. She has never given up being a Singaporean citizen. She keeps her passport current. She's a "permanent resident" here in the USA. We have three kids, two boys and a girl. We are still married. She still wears her hair in a pony tail with a ball cap when she works out. She still wears that qipao on special occasions, which I try to achieve as often as possible. She's still my Baby and I'm still her Cranky Old Man.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by GentlemanlyAdvice to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:51 BaguetteOfDoom Rauschmittel-Review: Tilidin ist die mit Abstand langweiligste Droge, die man sich vorstellen kann. Warum wurde der Scheiß im Deutschrap so gehyped?

Hatte diese Woche ne OP wo ich im Anschluss auch den guten Stoff bekommen habe. 2 mal pro Tag waren es dann auch Tilies.
Und ich muss sagen: für den Hype, den diese Pillen vor allem aus dem Capi/Samra-Camp bekommen haben, hätte ich irgendwie mehr erwartet. Die ersten zwei Tage wusste ich gar nicht, was ich da überhaupt bekomme und mir gings so scheiße, dass ich das High gar nicht als solches wahrgenommen hab. Ich dachte ich wär einfach noch von der OP platt und nur sehr müde.
Am dritten Tag ging's mir dann besser und wir haben die starken Schmerzmittel abgesetzt. Eine letzte Tilidin hab ich früh aber noch bekommen. Da es mir besser ging, hab ich dann auch mehr von dem Effekt mitgekriegt. Und der war: obwohl ich gerade die Nacht durchgeschlafen habe, bin ich direkt wieder krass müde geworden und nach ner halben Stunde weggepennt. Das war's dann auch.
Fazit: 1/10, raucht lieber weiter Gras
Für den Scheiß verstößt man gegens Betäubungsmittelgesetz und tut sich ne Pillensucht an? Die Wirkung ist ungefähr mit nem mittelmäßigen Schlafmittel vergleichbar. Ich fand's weder angenehm entspannend, noch in irgendeiner Form anregend. Schmerzstillende Wirkung hätte auch besser sein können, hätte lieber Morphium gekriegt.
submitted by BaguetteOfDoom to GermanRap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:48 Acceptable_Banana657 Hindus need a reality check.. this is not a hate post

Ok so this might be a long post and definitely not a hate post but a reality check.
Ok so I read many Hindus actually supporting congress and hating modi for his speech against muslims. Well ok but didn't this was started by south Indian politicians with hate speech against Hindus and sanathan dharm. If that was ok with congres supporters they y modi is wrong.. does this country now demands only Hindus to be tolerant ? But u say a word against Islam then it's sarr tann se judaa in entire country against a female. Just recently a girl was posting and mocking Hindu gods on Instagram but then it's ok cos Hindus are supposed to be tolerant right ? Modi is termed as non secular and accused of favouring Hindus but everyone knows he has done a lot for muslims but yet 95% of muslims votes for Rahul Gandhi since he himself belongs to muslim community.. modi abolished teen talak and gave various scheme benefits and yet muslims will vote only for their religion and when Hindus vote or support modi then we are called andhbhakts. A great example is form West Bengal where a Hindu mp doing all the work in his area for 30yrs gets beaten by Yusuf Pathan form gujrat in West Bengal just bcos he is a Muslim. So it's clear now whatever modi or any Hindu does for them they will only vote for their religion and yet we Hindus blame our own community for being non secular and accused of spreading hate right.. Just let me know one scheme Rahul Gandhi brought after winning Karnataka for Hindu community? He bought special schemes and even gave obc reservation to muslims and yet Modi is non secular and hates muslims right ?
I have no personal hate towards any religion but then if I see hate and unfairness form others in the name of religion then I think we Hindus definitely needs a reality check.. we have shown enough tolerance till now and it's in our blood.. u can mock and insult our gods.. threaten openly on camera to destroy ram mandir when congress comes to power and yet we will just keep quiet and listen.. above that some Hindus will actually support this.. I seriously don't have words to describe what is wrong with us..
I don't want Hindus to hate other religions but then atleast start showing love for your own.. no matter what u do u won't become one of them ever.. and this elections has cleared that perfectly
submitted by Acceptable_Banana657 to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:47 GoAheadMMDay Warnings of 911 in Back To The Future

Warnings of 911 in Back To The Future
Marty brings his hands to his mouth and shouts out loud, “I have to tell you about the future!”
The creators of Back To The Future said the same thing.
\"I have to tell you about the future!\"
It was known
The destruction of New York's Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 was not a surprise attack. The plan for 911 was known two decades before, as far back as the early 1980's.
Details of 911 appear in the blockbuster trilogy “Back To The Future”, the first of which was released in 1985.
I first learned that Back To The Future contained warnings of 911 from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPJQ-1Y8jfY.
In this post, I expand on the examples presented in that video, providing additional supporting arguments of my own. I include a few more 911 warnings I spotted myself.
So come along and enjoy this ride, as we rupture the space-time continuum and create a paradox of our own.
Terrorist attack at Twin Pines Mall
Pics 1 & 2
In the first Back To The Future movie, a terrorist attack (pic 1) takes place at the Twin Pines Mall (pic 2).
This is a warning of a future terrorist attack on the Twin Towers on 911. “Pines” represent the towers. “Twin” is… well… just plain obvious.
A terrorist attack at Twin Pines Mall - filmed 1985.
A terrorist attack at Twin Towers - happened 2001.
The numbers
Pics 3 & 4
When Marty first arrives at the mall, the clock reads 1:16, which is 911 upside down (pic 3).
When Doc shows Marty two synchronized watches, the time is 1:19, which is 911 backwards (pic 4).
911 once; 911 twice.
If you don’t like having to turn the mall clock upside down or flip the watches backwards, don’t worry. There is an even clearer reference to the numbers 911 later on - in their proper order.
Lone Pine Mall
Pics 5 & 6
When Marty returns to the mall at the end of the first movie, Twin Pines Mall (pic 5) becomes Lone Pine Mall (pic 6).
You probably already see how this foretells 911. Let’s break it down.
Pics 7 & 8
The site where the mall stands used to be owned by Old Man Peabody, who had two cherished pine trees (pic 7). When the mall was built, both pine trees were still on the property, and so the mall was named Twin Pines Mall.
When Marty travels back in time, he travels from the mall directly to Peabody’s land. Same spot, just different time period.
While trying to escape, Marty knocks down one of Peabody’s two pine trees (pic 8). Thus, two pines become a lone pine after they were crashed into.
Pics 9 & 10
This foreshadows the aftermath of 911, when the Twin Towers (pic 9) were replaced by a lone tower (pic 10) after they were crashed into.
What is more, the replacement tower is named One World Trade Center. “Lone” vs “One” – even the name is a near-perfect match. Even the name!
Looks like an airplane
Pics 11 & 12
When Peabody and his family first see the car (pic 11), Peabody describes it as “an airplane without wings”.
Later, the car was modified to fly (pic 12).
Add these details together and what do we have? A car described as a plane, which later flies, that crashes into a tree symbolizing one of New York’s Twin Towers – precisely what happened years later on 911 (pics 13-14).
Pics 13 & 14
Towers on fire
After the Twin Towers were struck on 911, they began burning. The makers of Back To The Future anticipated this and depicted it.
Pics 15 & 16
Near the end of the first movie, as the DeLorean takes Marty back to his time, the car’s tires leave two twin tracks on the road (pic 15). The twin tracks are on fire, an unmistakable depiction of the Twin Towers burning.
Doc then runs between the burning twin tracks, shrieking loudly (pic 16). As he runs from the top of the tracks to the bottom, he looks and sounds like people falling off a building - a haunting foreshadowing of 911.
Pic 17
Yet the burning twin tracks represent more than just the Twin Towers on fire. As the camera pulls out, a store sign in the shape of the number 9 comes into view on the left (pic 17). The sign and burning twin tracks together form an undeniable 911.
Notice that the placement of this store sign is perfect for indicating 911. It is not at the end of the street at the top of the twin tracks, nor is it to the right, but is perfectly placed to the left of the burning 11.
Notice too that the sign could have been a 3, or a 7, or a J, or an S, and would still have served its function of pointing to the store. But it was none of those shapes. It was a 9. And the camera pulls out enough to capture the whole 9 perfectly.
Where the earlier examples of the mall sign and watches might be too much of a stretch to suggest 911, this 911 at the plaza leaves no room for denial.
The falling towers
On 911, after the Twin Towers had burned for a time, they ultimately fell. So too in the Back To The Future movies. The first movie ended with the Twin Towers on fire. In the second movie, we see the Twin Towers falling.
Pics 18 & 19
Jennifer is on the sofa in her future home (pic 18). She looks up in astonishment. Through her look, the movie is telling us… “Pay attention to this. This is shocking.”
What is Jennifer looking at that shocks her so? She is looking at the TV.
She then exclaims, “I’m in the future!” (Pic 19). With this, they have taken us to the future - to 911. And this is what we see…
Pics 20 - 23
A moment later in this scene, we see two pine trees projected on the TV screen (pic 20). When Lorraine clicks the remote, the pine trees are replaced by New York’s Twin Towers (pic 21). This confirms our understanding that the pine trees really do represent New York’s Twin Towers.
The TV then glitches and scrolls upward (pic 22). As the frames scroll up, the towers appear to be rising.
But notice that one of the characters is upside down. Since he is the closest character to the audience, the movie is telling us to look at the TV from his perspective. And what does he see? As the TV frames scroll up, he sees the towers falling down (pic 23). He sees New York’s Twin Towers falling down.
Pic 24
All three characters are looking at the Twin Towers on TV (pic 24), just like millions of people were viewing the actual towers on their TV’s on 911.
Lorraine points directly at the towers. But notice the torch of the Statue of Liberty at the bottom of the shot. Why is the torch of the Statue of Liberty in this shot? To create the impression of being in New York City; that the characters in this scene are people in New York looking at and pointing to the Twin Towers on 911.
Talk about pointing something out! This is as pointed as it can get.
911 was staged
Yet the creators of Back To The Future might be telling us one thing more about this future terrorist attack. They might be telling us it is not a real terrorist attack at all. It might be a staged, agency operation.
Pics 25 - 27
In all three movies, as the DeLorean passes through the time barrier, it is racing toward things related to cinema... ie: the stage.
The first time the car breaks the time barrier, it is racing toward a film booth (pic 25). The second time, it is racing toward a movie theater (pic 26). In the third movie, the DeLorean breaks the time barrier while racing toward a drive-in movie screen (pic 27).
Though the Twin Towers really were tragically brought down, the creators of Back To The Future may have been telling us that the circumstances behind the disaster were - like in cinema - not what they appear to be.
(For more on the possibility that 911 was a staged pretext for war, see my other post: https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/1aghwh3/we\_are\_being\_led\_into\_world\_war\_3/).
Whether 911 was staged or not, the big question here is… Where did the creators of Back To The Future get this information? How did they know about 911 twenty years in advance?
Fortunately for us, they put that in the movie too.
Message received
Pics 28 & 29
Marty received knowledge of a specific event (pic 28). What event? A tower being struck (pic 29). The message came with an urgent plea… save the tower.
In the real world, a group of people learned that New York’s Twin Towers would be struck. They wanted to save the towers.
Message delivered
Pics 30 - 33
Marty asked Doc for his help getting back home, and delivered the message of a tower being struck (pic 30).
In the real world, the people who learned about 911 delivered their message of the Twin Towers being struck to Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale (pic 31), asking for their help in getting the warning out.
Rob and Bob suggested making a movie about it (pic 32), to get their message out through cinema – which was worked into the movies by Doc instructing Marty to go through the movie screen (pic 33).
The message
The warning of 911 is woven throughout the movies, along with an urgent plea to avoid the disaster.
Pic 34
Marty writes in a letter to Doc: “Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster.” (Pic 34)
Notice the letter was made fully visible in the movie. This is the message the creators of Back To The Future wanted to announce.
Notice too they used the word “disaster”. While the shooting of a man (Doc) is indeed terrible, referring to it as a disaster is a little on the strong side. In using the word “disaster”, the creators were really referring to 911, which could truly be called a disaster. The even spelled the word "Disaster" with a capital "D", even though it isn't at the beginning of a sentence.
Also note the word “please” is underlined. The creators were imploring.
The source of the message
But where did the people behind Back To The Future get their knowledge of 911? The people who contacted Rob and Bob with knowledge that the Twin Towers would be struck... Where did they get that information?
As with everything else, this too was worked into the movie… The woman in the plaza (pic 35).
Pics 35 & 36
She is the one who gave Marty the flyer about the tower (pic 36).
She is the source of that knowledge. She knows every detail about the tower, including how and when it was struck. She also gives Marty the urgent instruction to save the tower.
Pics 37 - 39
The woman is positioned directly beneath a store sign that reads “The Third Eye” (pic 37). An eye inside a pyramid is used instead of the word “eye”. This symbol is called the “all seeing eye”, and it lines-up perfectly with the woman’s forehead.
This shot replicates mysticism iconography (pic 38), where the third eye is depicted on the forehead as a symbol of enlightenment. The all-seeing-eye symbol is also used in Freemason iconography (pic 39).
Add these details together and what do we have? Marty learned of the destruction of the clock tower from a woman depicted with her forehead directly beneath the all-seeing-eye of the Freemasons. With this shot, the creators of Back To The Future are telling us they learned about the destruction of the Twin Towers from Freemasons.
911 was approved
Pics 40 & 41
Another link to the Freemasons is shown on the clock at Lone Pine Mall (pic 40). When Marty returns to the mall at the end of the first movie, the clock reads 1:33.
33 is a special number in Freemasonry (pic 41). The number 3 represents completeness, such as the 3 dimensions of the physical universe. It also denotes stability, since 3 is the minimum number of legs a table needs to remain upright. Doubling the number 3 as in 33 signifies achieving a complete and stable degree of enlightenment, which is why 33 is the highest level of membership in Freemasonry.
By placing the number 33 together with Lone Pine Mall, the creators of Back To The Future are telling us that 911 has Freemasons behind it, approved by those at the highest level.
Why so cryptic?
But why present this information about 911 in such a cryptic way, with so much symbolism? If they wanted to warn us about 911, why not just come out and tell us plainly and clearly?
To be frank, I don’t know why. All we can do is speculate.
Perhaps they were under oath. The people trying to sound the warning about 911 were likely Masons who did not agree with other Masons concerning 911. Coming out and publicly denouncing the plans of their own fraternity would have landed them in serious trouble.
Another possibility is that while the date of 911 was known so long in advance, the year was not. Consider what came immediately after 911. 911 opened the door to US invasions overseas. 911 could not be launched until the US was ready for such operations in foreign lands. The country needed to be prepared politically, economically, and militarily. Only then would the year for 911 be chosen.
So even though the plan for 911 was known as far back as the early 1980’s, not knowing the year was problematic. What could anyone do about it? Ground all flights on September 11 of every single year for decades? No one would take such a warning seriously, nor would authorities take such precautions.
Yet another possibility is to prepare people and society for planned changes, guiding people into becoming more accepting of them. "Predictive Programming", as it has come to be called, is the "theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a ... tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events." - https://u.osu.edu/vanzandt/2018/04/18/predictive-programming
Still another possibility is simply to clear their conscience. If the ones planning the disaster make their plans known ahead of time, they believe they will escape its moral and spiritual consequences, leaving them free of guilt. This is similar to a country announcing a planned attack on a city or facility through television, radio, and dropping leaflets from planes. They warn people of their planned attack, indicating its precise location, date and time, in order to escape culpability for any loss of life that may result. The idea is: "We warned you. If you are injured or killed, it is your fault, not ours." As unbelievable as it sounds, such twisted reasoning is used by governments and militaries to this day.
One final possibility I can think of is that the creators of the Back To The Future movies realized they would not be able to stop the 911 disaster, and produced the movies for posterity’s sake. They wanted people to know the truth - that it was not a surprise attack, but was a planned operation approved long in advance by people connected to powerful organizations. They wanted people to know… it was known.
As Marty often said, “That’s heavy.”
Joseph Cafariello
conspiracy_posts is my own subreddit for posting original content I have created which is too controversial for other subreddits to accept.
This subreddit is not open for posting by others, and its posts are not open for commenting. However, you are more than welcome to discuss my posts in other subreddits and other forums.
This post is the 1st of 4 posts I will be posting at conspiracy_posts. The other 3 will be posted over the next several days. Please return to my subreddit and have a read. If you have an open mind and are a logical thinker, you will not be disappointed.
I highly encourage people to share and discuss my posts with others. Remember, logic and reason are more effective than slander and heckling.
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to conspiracy_posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:43 flyingstump Stratagem Enhancement Idea

Hello Super Citizens - long time lurker, first time poster.
I've been deploying managed democracy alongside the best of them for some time now and am wondering what others think of this training regimen for the Helldivers to increase their LDD (aka Liberty Dispensed per Dive; fka LDR [Liberty Dispensed per Reinforcement], probably)
Picture it. You are wrecking havoc on [Orbiting Planet] against the [Faction of Non-Democratic Treasoners]. You close out a Heavy [non-democratic enemy generator location] but have QUITE A WAVE OF [Non-Liberty-Focused Traitors] tailing you as you run to collect the ever precious super samples from the identifiable rock on the horizon. Eagle-1, waiting in the wings, is primed, recently restocked, and ready to dispense liberty of their own on your mark.
Helldivers currently:
Enter their Stratagem code (let's just go with something subtle... and maybe not as frequently used as other... *cough*: ↑→↓↓↓) and is ready to plant the holy red beacon of Justice for Eagle-1 to irradicate the horde formed behind them. But to do this effectively, divers only know to turn around and continue to run backwards OR throw it at their feet as they continue to run - this slows them down during the throw portion and/or while running backwards (depending on which of the two options they take).
In this scenario, the diver could get overrun by hunters closing the gap to the tactically-fleeing-for-the-sake-of-OUR-way-of-life diver and potentially killing them... or the small squad of Berserkers catch up and try to trim up the diver like a shrub needing some maintaining.
BUT WHAT IF... Instead, Divers were able to either drop a stratagem without an over-arm throw OR toss it over their shoulder behind them?
This could be a bit overpowered, I understand, but especially with some guns having lower ammo capacities it feels unfortunate to get stacking slow de-buffs when all your guns need reloading and a stratagem may be able to give you a moment of breathing room but to throw it, you'd have to slow down through the animation which is maybe the thing that gets you killed.
I could foresee, if it is too effective, making it so it changes the response time to the stratagem making it take an extra second or two compared to an overhand throw. OR, maybe the helldiver tosses it up in the air (similar to just fiddling with a baseball as you're walking, for example) and make it so it would land at the Helldiver's feet if they keep running straight so that there is the possibility that they could get hit by concussive blasts or take some damage from the explosion if they misstep after throwing. I also think that throwing behind you 'blindly' adds an amount of error in placement that you can avoid a bit when turning around, but would make it so that you don't slow down for a moment allowing those that will experience justice in the near future to catch up to you.
submitted by flyingstump to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:43 emirhantuna22 Bugün İnsan kaynaklarıyla yaşadığım trajikomik staj başvurusu olayı

Üniden yeni mezun oluyorum bu yaz ve staj onayı aldıgım limana gerekli staj başvuru formları gerekli evrakları falan doldurup gittim ve kapıdan guvenlık benı karsılar karsılamaz yanımdaki kız arkadasımın tişörtü hafif kısaydı yarısına kadar acık bıle degıldı benim de (altımda kot şort vardı dizlere kadar olan hava yanıyor malum) olmasına ragmen yalnız yanlıs anlamayın ama buraya böyle gelen ınsanları direkt geriye çeviriyoruz falan muamelesi yedik dedim arabistana geldik herhalde neyse bir süre salonda 10 15 dk bekletildikten sonra 55-60 yaşlarında bir kadın geldi insan kaynaklarından ve ismimi söylememe rağmen öyle birini fln tanımıyorum senı kabul etmıs mıydık bız falan diyip yeniden odasına gıdıp bir 10-15 dk tekrardan bekledıkten sonra yine geldi ve baska bır form daha verdiler doldurmam gereken orada referans olarak aldıgım kısının soyadını hatırlamıyorum diye işte nasıl bilmezsin bu iş basvurusunda bır eksidir fln diye böyle Laubali konusmaya basladı (tamam belki burada haklı olabilir) hangi departmanda görevlendıreceksınız veya sahada ne tur ısler yapılyıor fln dıye ısı tanımak adına sorular sordugumda da ne bileyim ben fln aç limanın sayfasını falan orda tum her şey var ordan bak fln dedi ve bu kesınlıkle kesin olan soruma net bir cevap değildi veya hiç yoktan kısa bir cevap verseydi ne kaybederdi.. staj ücreti de ödemeyeceklerini servislerinde yer varsa alacaklarını yoksa yemek/yol kendı cebımden karsılayacagımı soylediler türkiye'de köklü sayılabilecek böyle bir limanın stajyerlerine böyle davranmasını ve hiçten saymasına siz neye sayar yorarsınız bılmıyorum ama bugün oradan ayrılırken tek duygum pişmanlık oldu..
submitted by emirhantuna22 to Turkey [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:41 False-Manager39 Jhaggaa/Cholaa (Qameez) and SutthaN/Tanbbi (Shalvaar)

There can be differences based on dialect. For example in Jatki dialects "Jhaggaa" is a thick coat, while "Cholaa" is a loose shirt. In North Punjab (Pothohari/Dhanni), "SutthaN" is often for women, "Tanbbii" often for men
How does it work in your dialect?
Qameez is from Arabic Shalvaar is from Persian Both are Urdu words as well.
Pothohari Drama: "Mein Esay Maaryo'n Cholaa Laahii Ghaar Rakhyaa, Laahsii Tambbi Ee Laahsii"
Eastern Punjabi Video: "Jhaggaa Paa Lya, Banyaan Taa'n Reh Gyi"
Pothohari Drama: "Kaday KuRii Nii SutthaN Nhi-Aa, Kaday Jaatkay Ne Paanchay Nhii-Aa"
Jhangochi Drama: "Meray Pyo Da Ae BeylRii, Mein Tenu Lungii-Cholaa Lai Devaa'n"
Hafizabad District Jatki Punjabi: "Raatee'n Jhaggay Laah Ke Paye Rahay Aa'n" (0:30)
Sargodha Shahpuri Comedy: "Tuu'n Vii Aah Jhaggaa Lill-Lve'n Na, SutthaN MuR Lill-Lve'n" (2:40)
Sahiwal District Jatki Punjabi: "Meray Uttay Shae Haayi Kaaii-Na, Jhaggaa Vii Koi-Nhiiya"
Song: "KeDa Sajjyaaii Dholaa! Paayaa Boski Da Cholaa"
submitted by False-Manager39 to ThethPunjabi [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:40 coolcarl3 Against Metaphysics by way of Scientism

When debating with a critic who adheres to scientism (someone who believes scientific knowledge is the only truth ie scientism), they often insist that no metaphysical or logical arguments are valid in discovering true things. This post will address the problems with this line of thinking specifically. This is not an attack on any “lack of belief” positions, but against scientism and those who would use it as a refutation of metaphysical arguments.
First, whether or not metaphysical arguments (such as those for the existence of God, substance dualism, etc.) are valid ways to arrive at truth is part of what’s being debated. For the critic to counter such arguments with, “metaphysics can’t get you to truth” is not a fair argument (it just affirms the conclusion of scientism, but that’s what we’re debating) unless he can substantiate the scientism he’s using to refute us. He can’t do so with a metaphysical argument about reality, that would be self-refuting. And the most well-known critique about scientism is that that claim itself isn't a claim of science. Often, the critic will simply assert that any argument establishing substance dualism (for example), is invalid. Why is it invalid? Because the critic says so, pay no mind to whether scientism is even true. I’d recommend this post by u/Archeidos about the null hypothesis to see how that applies to an assertion of scientism.
Consider this quote from Edward Feser’s response to Paul Churchland’s critique of substance dualism
"Of course, Churchland, committed as he is to a Quinean form of scientism, thinks that all good theories must in some sense be empirical scientific theories. He rejects the traditional conception of metaphysics as a rational field of study distinct from and more fundamental than physics, chemistry, biology, and the like, and would deny that there is any such thing as sound metaphysical reasoning that is not in some way a mere extension of empirical hypothesis formation. But he cannot simply assume all of this in the present context without begging the question, because this sort of scientism is precisely (part of) what the dualist denies."
This leads to the next problem: critics who use scientism as their position often misapply scientific critique to metaphysical arguments. When dualism or theism is established via metaphysical demonstration, the critic will critique it as if it’s a scientific hypothesis, looking for the “best explanation” of empirical evidence. But this is not what the metaphysician is doing. Whether the dualist (or theist) establishes the mind as immaterial, for instance, depends on the truth of the premises and the logical validity of the conclusion. If the critic responds with Ockham's Razor or other scientific criteria, they miss the point and make a category mistake.
From the same response:
"When Andrew Wiles first claimed – correctly, as it turned out – to have proven Fermat’s Last Theorem, it would have been ridiculous to evaluate his purported proof by asking whether it best accounts for the empirical evidence, or is the 'best explanation' among all the alternatives, or comports with Ockham’s razor. Anyone who asked such questions would simply be making a category mistake, and showing himself to be uninformed about the nature of mathematical reasoning. It is equally ridiculous, equally uninformed, equally a category mistake, to respond to Plato’s affinity argument, or Aristotle’s and Aquinas’s argument from the nature of knowledge, or Descartes’ clear and distinct perception argument, or the Cartesian-Leibnizian-Kantian unity of consciousness argument, or Swinburne’s or Hart’s modal arguments, or James Ross’s argument from the indeterminacy of the physical , by asking such questions. As with a purported mathematical demonstration, one can reasonably attempt to show that one or more of the premises of such metaphysical arguments are false, or that the conclusion does not follow. But doing so will not involve the sorts of considerations one might bring to bear on the evaluation of a hypothesis in chemistry or biology."
The same is true if the critic says, “Well why can’t we touch/test/examine xyz thing,” or, “This conclusion is only probably true, but will only be ‘verified’ after it's subjected to empirical testing.” That isn’t how deduction works. The conclusion isn’t conditional (as long as it follows logically). If we reach the conclusion, that’s the end of it. It isn’t “probably true.” This also applies to the misuse of the term “God of the gaps” as a catch-all argument against theistic positions. "God of the gaps" is a specific fallacy, not a universal rebuttal.
Whether the metaphysician has established their conclusion depends on the argument presented, not on the stipulations of the critic. Scientism is not a default (metaphysical) position we should adopt without question. Unless the critic can show why their position is correct (in a non-question-begging way), they cannot dictate which forms of knowledge are valid to undermine metaphysical arguments without properly addressing them.
The scientistic (kind of rightfully) is worried about how to falsify metaphysical arguments, “if it can't be falsified (they mean by empiricism specifically) then it doesn't matter.” But that isn't the way to falsify metaphysical arguments, you have to critique the logical structure and truth of the premises. In other words, study your metaphysics and play up.
I’ll conclude with another quote from Feser (yes there is a pattern):
"New Atheist types will insist that there can be no rationally acceptable and testable arguments that are not empirical scientific arguments, but this just begs the question. The Scholastic claims to have given such arguments, and to show that he is wrong, it does not suffice merely to stomp one’s feet and insist dogmatically that it can’t be done. The critic has to show precisely where such arguments are in error—exactly which premise or premises are false, or exactly where there is a fallacy committed in the reasoning. Moreover, as we have seen, the New Atheist refutes himself in claiming that only the methods of natural science are legitimate, for this assertion itself has no non-question-begging scientific justification. It is merely one piece of metaphysics among others. The difference between the New Atheist metaphysician and the Scholastic metaphysician is that the Scholastic knows that he is doing metaphysics and presents arguments for his metaphysical positions which are open to rational evaluation."
Here is a post of an atheist demonstrating the first way from Aquinas. Throughout the post and in the replies OP defends the argument and why he doesn't ultimately accept it by using his metaphysics. This is the way.
But so far as the scientism proponent won't (or cannot) debate the metaphysics in this way, he cannot affirm his own position as a kind of refutation, or even worse, as a default position.
submitted by coolcarl3 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]
