I get a nosebleed after taking clindamycin

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2024.05.15 00:49 Ricky6646 Verification took 2 months and then account was blocked

Hello, I have talked several times to the support from payoneer, because my verification was taking a long time. Now after 2 months my account was blocked and I didn't even know the reason for it. I also tried to create a new one and it was blocked instantly.
Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Honestly I would never work with them anymore, but getting pay outs from oneforma is only possible with payoneer which makes me crazy.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Ricky6646 to payoneer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:49 colefin Can I hard-prune this forsythia bush?

Can I hard-prune this forsythia bush?
Is it too late to hard prune (cut everything to 6” from ground) this forsythia bush? I pruned 1/3 of the biggest stalks in late-march after the golden bloom and planed to do that again for the next few years but now i think it might’ve been better to take it all down. It’s a really unruly shape and is really top-heavy, it’s about 8’ tall now I’m in zone 6, plant gets direct morning light but is shaded by my house after about 2:00.
submitted by colefin to landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:49 VileVermilion The university just cancelled a class I need to graduate in the only semester I could have taken it.

A little pre-empt here. There's a lot worse stuff going on on campus rn then me being screwed over. But I'm angry, and very annoyed and just need to vent. Additionally, I do not think that this cancelation has anything to do with the ongoing protests or the recent resignation of Natalie Loveless, but it potentially could if other profs have resigned without public knowledge or something.
So, I am many years deep in a BA/BEd degree. Due to the pandemic, and personal issues in my own life, I wasn't able to take the recommended rigid schedule that is given for my degree(s) but I've finally made it to the point where my last 2 years were supposed to be 3 300-400 level drama courses, and my field experience for education. I was very excited by this. But, this year for whatever reason the drama department made 400 level drama classes for the upcoming year only available for entry by filling out a Google doc form? Which I did back in March when classes opened for enrollment. I have heard nothing back about this class since then. Additionally, I was able to get into Drama 331 which is a requirement for me in Winter 2025. Because practicum are divided through the year, winter term after your first practicum is the time frame given to take that course in, and so far as I know it isn't offered in the fall term.
The university just cancelled that 331. And because I haven't heard anything from them regarding the 400 level class I needed in winter term, I now have no classes in Winter 2025, and it seems like I cannot take 2 classes I need to finish my degree.
So now I have to scramble to get in contact with an advisor so I can figure out if this extends my degree by an additional full year, or if I can get permission to for them to be excused and/or be given equivalent class options. It's such a fucking headache and I am frustrated beyond belief with this institution. I just want to fucking graduate.
submitted by VileVermilion to uAlberta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 Disastrous_Finish678 How should I (25F) move forward regarding my sisters (26F/22F/20F) and my mother (47F)?

Hi, I didn't get a lot of interaction on my last post, but I guess someone was concerned about me enough to contact Reddit Support, so I decided to post an update.
It's going on 4 years of NC with my[25F] mom[47F], with the exception of family events where I am forced to see her. My mental health really improved after I stopped interacting with her, though I do get fairly stressed when I have to see her at family events.
This is mainly concerning an incident this past weekend. I was at a friend's party when my sister '22F' called me, telling me that my mother was concerned about my other sister '20F' not being home and having heard gunshots outside. For context, the sister that called me lives in California, and I live in Chicago, and so do my mom and youngest sister. I immediately panicked, calling my youngest sister repeatedly, thinking the worst, having a panic attack in front of several friends and my boyfriend, who expressed severe concern for me.
I eventually made contact, and she informed me that she was at a late running dance practice. My mind immediately knew this was true, since my sister was consistently either at work, home, dance practice, or school. As soon as the relief wore off, I got angry at both my mother and my sister that had called me.
Despite knowing that my mother had a history of blowing things out of proportion, I still allowed myself to get drawn into her needless panic, even after my boyfriend told me that there were no reports of gunshots in the area where my sister and mom lived.
When I woke up the next morning, my sister had messaged me to tell me that I shouldn't be contacting her friends to find her if I couldn't get in contact with her. This was the straw that broke the camels back, and I unblocked my mother to berate her for kicking up a fuss just because my ADULT sister didn't see it as necessary to keep her updated on her location.
I'm currently taking a step back from my sisters, but I really don't know how to move forward, since it seems like my sisters will just keep drawing me back into any drama my mom causes.
TLDR: My '25F' Mom '47F' overreacted to my sister '20F' not updating her on her location, causing my sister '22F' in California to call me, causing me to have a panic attack
submitted by Disastrous_Finish678 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 idek-what-tonamethis PC keeps crashing

Alright, so I know that I just need to take my computer somewhere to get diagnosed and a full check on everything that could possibly be wrong. But, I thought that seeing if anyone could figure it out just by the crash codes and the info I have would be interesting.

Here's what I've got:
Crash Codes: kmode exception not handled, irql not found (i think this said more but i didn't read fast enough), APC index mismatch, critical structure corruption (get this several times), system service exception, unexpected kernal mode trap
Was doing okay until I moved again, nothing seems to be loose though it just started crashing more often than before.
Pretty sure this started because I tried to play Baldur's Gate because it didn't have these issues beforehand and I did have to just full reset my computer after that incident because something (and I can't tell what) is fried.
But it does also like to disconnect all my accessories at times, like my monitors, keyboard, and mouse. Then I just have to use the power button to reset it because I can't do anything else.
I don't want to spend more than I need to to get this fixed but I know I'm going to have to. I am inept at computer stuff when it comes to measuring anything but if someone wants to walk me through something I'd happily work with someone to not have to spend a lot of money.
I like to game, bought this computer specifically to play Horizon Zero Dawn on Steam.

Anyway, yeah my like 2yr old computer is fried and if anyone thinks of some magic fixes to stop it from crashing every like 4 hours that would be interesting.
submitted by idek-what-tonamethis to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:47 poddy_fries Weaponized gifts

I dunno who else's parents were/are like this. My parents are fairly wealthy people. It feels like all my life this is something they managed to use against me rather than for me, in big and little ways.
I remember one birthday as a teen they got me a computer. This was a REALLY big deal back then - your average kid didn't have their own PC, with internet access, and in their own room! I was absolutely over the moon. Couldn't stop thanking them, told everyone I could. My birthday is in May. In June final grades came out and mine were very meh. The psychological warfare started. They weren't just disappointed, I didn't deserve my birthday gift - which had been unexpected, and they hadn't negotiated for high grades to get it for me, and even if they had, I wouldn't have had time to change anything. They were going to take it and sell it. Whenever I used it, it reminded them I still had it, I didn't deserve it, and they should take it back. What did I even need a computer for, if it didn't get me good grades? I'm clearly not very smart. Bad grades are ungrateful. By the end of summer I was begging them to sell it just so I could stop feeling bad. This insulted them incredibly - they didn't need the money, why sell it? Such drama. Where did I get these ideas?
Never did it occur to them to talk sensibly about next year's grades, and whether the computer was a hindrance, and what they could do to help.
It was very difficult to discuss the issue with anyone at the time. I got a free computer and I was complaining about it. Anyway it's normal for parents to want you to do well in school, no?
At 19 while starting university, I moved out of their house to a small student town, against their wishes. I was supporting myself, aside from school and books, which they paid for after threatening not to at the very last minute because they didn't like my major. That, in itself, was the first time I realized I could manipulate them back. When they threatened not to pay at the point it was far too late for me to apply for loans or bursaries (what little I might have qualified for here, while living with rich parents), and too late to switch my application anyway if I'd wanted, I was a wreck. Figured I'd have to cancel my application, save up money, try next year, I was throwing up with anxiety for a week. But then, we went to a family gathering where a relative asked me where I was going to school soon. I locked eyes with my dad. He went white. Because we'd both seen in an instant all I had to do to make him look like an asshole was say I couldn't afford to go, when my dad is the richest guy in the family. I said what I was studying. Everyone was perfectly happy for me. He made the payment. We both knew if I wasn't in school by the next family party I wouldn't be the one who looked bad.
But nobody ever understood why I was upset later, because after all, having your schooling paid for is a huge privilege. And my major is a useless subject.
Anyway, I loved living with roommates, working and going to school. It was an incredible experience just to be independent and away from them. I had to admit after a year, though, that I wasn't doing as well in school as I could be. I didn't have time to attend some advanced things or do enough research because I was working a lot. Meanwhile my parents wanted me back very badly. My dad had been saying he'd have the entire basement renovated into an apartment for me if that's what it would take. He would buy me a car. I could have anything.
I thought it over. I didn't need an entire apartment or a car. But I said I would need the guest room next to my bedroom to turn into my office, since my bedroom would be too crammed, and I'd need them to repaint it and get a few extra furniture pieces. They were happy to agree. I made sure to make a big deal of telling relatives how excited I was about my future office. Because you can imagine as soon as I told my landlord I wouldn't be renewing the lease, they tried to wiggle out. I painted the office myself with a friend because they 'couldn't find painters', but I was very insistent on making them pay for the paint. I refused to move boxes out of the hallway until they took me to Ikea to get what I needed. When my dad told me 'no one else your age needs their parents to pay for things' I reminded him he VOLUNTEERED tens of thousands of dollars in renovations and a free car, but now was making a big deal out of a desk, a lamp, and two bookshelves. He paid. We cohabited poorly for a few more years, because now I knew I could make it on my own if I had to and the dynamic was never the same.
But this is only a story about how entitled I am, because I expected my parents to accommodate me and even buy me shelves, everyone else's kids only get one room of their own in their parents' house.
Sorry for the long text. It's been mother's day and my birthday again - there's been fuckery and I'm upset.
submitted by poddy_fries to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:47 Horror-Safety-1878 Anyone else experience this?

For some reason when I nap and wake up I feel awful, heart pounding very very fast, feel faint and not all the way there mentally, feel nauseous feel very hot body and face temperature, & just a frightening/panic feeling mentally. I think I’ve realized the shorter the nap the more likely it is to happen. Im always exhausted after work so it’s hard not to take one but it always feels really alarming when I get there symptoms almost as if I’m just exhausted and I wake up too quickly but idk .
submitted by Horror-Safety-1878 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 Realistic-Profit758 AITA for this?

Partner got a new job after not working for awhile which requires out of town stints. We have a 6 month old who is very high needs and I'm working with a team to get my mental health in a better place. The hours have been long and he complains when I'm in a bad mood by the time he gets home and don't want to talk or anything. When he does get off at an earlier time he will feed baby dinner and bathe her and do bedtime. That is the only thing he has to do if he is home in time. I had him skip a last minute (less than week notice) trip because baby had 6m shots and appointments going on. I rearranged and canceled other appointments for the end of the month WEEK he was supposed to be gone and had made arrangements to stay at my mom's for help. Today the ONE WEEK trip has somehow turned into 3 weeks and he'll be home for weekends. I told him I didn't agree to that and it became an argument. She has other appointments that I need to get her to and make and I have appointments I'm trying to make for myself that I can't get to on my own & have baby with me. I asked for a nanny and when he was home on the weekend he was on baby duty and I was going to go out and do self care for me (ie. Nails, tan, eyelashes). I was told "I don't have money for any of that". So then I suggested just leaving and we would split and he can pay child support and work wherever whenever and not have to worry about it to which he then said he was going to "take my phone". Our phone plan is joint and when I tried to explain the fact that I would still need to set up doctor visits and other stuff for our child and he wouldn't be able to do that being gone and working super long hours he had no real response and just wants the phone to be petty. AITA for requesting help and self care time?
His solution is I spend 3 weeks at my mom's where I have no real place to sleep (my kid has her own room) and get the same couple hrs of help from my mom because she works and would only be home for a couple hrs before bedtime. He also called our child a mistake and said our lives are ruined bc of her
submitted by Realistic-Profit758 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 SPstandsFor [WTS] Tegris EDC/Inner Belt V2. Coyote/Black. Various Sizes. $40

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/gfbzcTb
Back again with the remainder of my belts. I only have 6 stainless buckles left so these are the last for sale until more come in. The black still uses tan webbing, but only a tiny part of that is showing. There's an example of what it would look like in the pics.
V2 has Velcro going almost end to end and a tapered tail, while V1 has 1 inch of bare webbing near the loop and a squares off tail. Comparisons can be seen in pics. Black belts still uses the tan webbing, but now the Velcro loop goes almost end to end so only small parts show up.
Up for grabs is 6x 1.5" Coyote/Black Tegris EDC/inner belts. $40 each shipped to your door. Buying multiple will knock $4 off since shipping is included. PayPal F&F or Venmo only. I am now nearly out of materials, so if you fuck up your sizing, I might not be able to make a replacement for a long time. SO DONT MESS UP YOUR SIZING!
Do you hate how flimsy EDC belts are? Have you ever bought a belt marketed as "super rigid!" only to find it super floppy? Do you hate the $3 inner belt that shipped with your $200 battle belt? Are those cheap plastic loop buckles a pain while in the restroom? Well, boy do I have the thing for you!
This belt is made with a 6 layer Tegris reinforcement that goes the entire width of the belt, and anchored to heavy duty belt webbing. This means that your guns don't sag when carrying or during draws. An outside layer of loop Velcro means that you can throw your battle belt on in no time at all. The stonewashed G-Hook is made from 304 stainless and makes taking a whizz and adjustment super easy.
These are sewn by me in Texas with materials that are all sourced from US manufacturers AND Berry compliant. Everything from the buckle down to the thread is American made. And all just for $40 a pop!
I honestly believe this is the most rigid EDC belt out there. Like, no joke guys, this belt is stupid stiff. Like Mexican blue pill stiff.
DO NOT USE YOUR PANTS SIZE! Pants sizes have too many variables, so use the actual measurement of your waist in inches. When measuring, include your holsters for your pistol and mags. If you're in between sizes but on the higher end, move up a size. For example, someone who is a 35" or 36" would get the 34"-38" belt.
If you don't have a measuring tape, wear your normal belt outside the loops and make a note of where the belt meets. Then measure it with your ruler to know your approximate size.
I am now nearly out of materials, so if you fuck up your sizing, I might not be able to make a replacement for a long time. SO DONT MESS UP YOUR SIZING!
Sizes (in inches) are:
The buckle and loop might be a bit stiff so here's a handy guide on the best way to put them on. It'll break in after getting the buckle on a few times.
If you want a custom size or any other special request, feel free to PM me.
submitted by SPstandsFor to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 Shot_Sir6720 Beat Stella Glow for the first time and I bought it at launch.

I bought the launch edition way back in 2015 simply because I was walking through best buy and thought it looked cool. It sat in my room unopened until this year. I think it is great. I love all of the different characters and how they have different personalities. I love how each character you can bond with and unlock new abilities and I love how each character is utilized or at least required to use in a few battles. The battles are fun and and you have special conditions, some of which can be pretty tough but a lot are simple. You night want to turn off battle cutscenes. It is fun to see a characters new skill for maybe one or two times but after that it gets old. There are a few obnoxious things about this game I found. When the ai runs your battle. There was a few missions like this. When you had to protect Sakuya and the ai is stupid. I found the Xeno and Giselle battle with the harbingers obnoxious as well and it took me many tries. First of all you have no idea the harbingers have plot Armour and can't die. The mission says you fail if any ally is defeated, so you waste time healing them. Then when I don't want to deal with Giselle yet they move to close to her and she starts to battle me way too early. I also hated hoe apparently you have to Max our Klaus infinity to a certain point to get the true ending which is stupid I wouldn't have known to do that. I purposely didn't speak with him because the story is kind of predictable and I thought he wasn't great in battles. Like I said the plot is okay, a bit cliche but still entertaining. I think Alto is kind of at fault though. Alto never once asks any meaningful questions as to why the harbingers are doing this, or even questions why angels are helping them. He is even alone with Hilda at one point. I can't really place blame on the harbingers, yes Hilda didn't say much until the anthem but like she says would anybody listen to her? Hrodulf even tries to recruit Rusty. I just don't think Alto is that good of a character because of this. Perhaps Veronica could have stopped this too but I won't get into that. Anastasias death kind of seemed... forced? In my opinion. We see Lisette trying to heal her with song which she can do in battle but not now, and with no explanation. Did they take too long? That being said I still pleasantly enjoyed this game, and it is a shame we will probably never get a remake or anything seeing as the publishers went bankrupt.
submitted by Shot_Sir6720 to StellaGlow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:45 whoisthismahn Is there anything I can do about an abandoned motorcycle taking up parking spaces other than reporting to 311? They haven’t done anything

My street is terrible for finding parking, and there’s 2 abandoned motorcycles that have been in the same spot since I moved in over a year ago. They always get tickets on the street sweeper days, but it doesn’t have any affect since they’ve clearly been abandoned. I’ve reported them through the 311 app multiple times and nothing ever happens. I just can’t believe they haven’t been towed or booted at this point but maybe because they’re motorcycles? Either way they’re both taking up full parking spaces and it’s so annoying trying to park after work and seeing them there every single day.
And in case people ask - yes, they are definitely abandoned. I posted the same question on here 8ish months ago and everyone was like, how do you know they’re not just using their motorcycle and parking in the same exact spot every single day?? Well it’s now been 1.5 years so I think it’s safe to assume the owners are long gone. One of the plates is an out of state plate and the other has been covered up in some sort of motorcycle covering that hasn’t been touched in over a year. Is there anyone I can contact aside from 311?
submitted by whoisthismahn to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 John-The-Bomb-2 The political far left explained [See description]

I want to take a moment to talk about the far left, like Stalin ( https://youtube.com/watch?v=8RsdncwrCGQ&si=FwhViAGVdgrHF7Sh ). In that video, he calls his listeners "comrads". In another video, https://youtube.com/watch?v=3nMDjKtTigQ , Stalin uses the words "fraternal parties and groups" and "friendship". My mom and dad met in Russia and my Dad calls my mom "comrad", "товарищ". An alternative translation is "friend".
I think it's important to know the difference between friends and acquaintances. Some people, they received a signed postcard from a politician or did a photo op [a photo opportunity] with a politician and think there is something there. Politicians are not really your friend, no matter how charming they may seem.
The same is true for your coworkers. A job is an exchange of your time for money. This is the case for you and for your coworkers. Sometimes coworkers will be like "we should totally grab a beer after work sometimes", but in reality the hangout you envisioned doesn't actually happen. I remember this one programmer (Tech Lead at https://youtube.com/@techlead ) talking on YouTube about how he got kicked out of Facebook for having a for-profit social media channel, and how he imagined that his coworkers would all resign in protest over his firing. LOL. Hahahaha. Just "No".
Everyone is acting out of self interest. The "good person benevolent sacrifice" thing is a myth. Sometimes they might do something that seems charitable, like give money to a homeless person, but really they're just making themselves feel good, happiness, and boosting their ego. I remember when I volunteered at a homeless shelter, there was a policy that formerly homeless people who received meals there were not allowed to volunteer there on the other side of the serving counter. Turns out the people who did the serving and volunteering on that side of the serving counter didn't like it when that happened. I remember another time a homeless guy asked me for money, and I felt bad for him, and then I sat at a counter, and then this gross smelly homeless guy sat right next to me at that same counter and ordered while I was trying to enjoy my food, and I was like "Uhh, waitress... I'd like you to get rid of this dude, please". But yeah, you don't actually care, what you actually care about is your feelings and how you feel. You're trying to make yourself feel happiness and an ego boost, and maybe cover your own ass in case you ever end up in that situation. And by "you" I mean "me". "If you repeat a lie often enough you are a Republican, but if you don't know you're lying yet, you're a Democrat." I created that quote, see previous posts.
This song "I am Africa" from The Book of Mormon musical comes to mind. Basically these rich White people are like "I am Africa" when really they just have a savior complex and are full of bullshit. Note that in real life, if you really know these savior complex people, they are actually total assholes and douchebags. Their beautiful lofty beliefs are actually bullshit, even if they don't realize (at a conscious level) that they're bullshit. This is true of a lot of beautiful left-wing beliefs.
submitted by John-The-Bomb-2 to u/John-The-Bomb-2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 Squidward_official Help me reset my phone stuck on boot on official firmware

TL;DR: How do I best do a hard reset on a phone that won't boot anymore?
I have this Galaxy A8 (2018) SM-A530F (exynos) that I once rooted that's giving me some issues. Booting it up from 0% charge is a bit difficult because it refuses to charge when turned off ever since I dropped it in some water a few years ago. I wanted to let it get back up a few percentages so I just left it for a few minutes after booting it up. But then the LED flashed teal and it turned off again. Trying to boot it up after that threw the "custom binary blocked by frp lock" error at me and it refused to boot.
No worries (I naively thought), just use Odin and flash the stock firmware, just like all those tutorials you can find online concerning this very issue. I did that, but now it's even more stuck in bootloop. It doesn't throw any errors anymore but it just gets stuck at the Samsung logo for eternity.
I'm no expert but I think flashing the most up to date version of the firmware for this phone might be the issue, maybe? Idk, but trying to flash older official firmware with Odin fails.
Now, there's literally nothing on this phone, so I wouldn't lose anything if I have to do a hard reset (other than all the magisk setup and the effort that went into it). But that's a compromise I'm willing to take if it turns out to be the simplest solution.
Would you help me do that? Or do you know any other solutions?
submitted by Squidward_official to androidroot [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 DarkSabbatical I found a cursed 4 leaf clover, I am thinking of selling it. (Plus 1 update)

I found a 4 leaf clover last Sunday. Everyone believes it is cursed and want me to get rid of it. I am not sure if it's actually cursed though, or if it actually gives goodluck. The reason Everyone thinks it's cursed is because I found it last Sunday, and the next day (monday) is when the tragedies started. Most of the tragedies have a goodluck, badluck to them. Neutralized luck is what I call it. Neutralized luck is where a bad thing happens to you, but you got lucky it wasn't worse. You can clearly see how it would be worse, but Goodluck stopped it. Most but not all of the tragedies are like this. The first tragedy is my house caught on fire last Monday. The breakerbox exploded and shot out flames. We ended up and having to stay in hotels this last week. The Goodluck is the door to the breaker box flash welded to the gas pipe. Got lucky Everyone isn't dead. Got lucky only the breaker box was damaged. Insurance is probably covering it. From there things just kept happening. My brother in law had heart problems and was in the ER for 3 days. He got lucky to not have a heart attack. Just irregular beat for those days. Next my mom and I worked is worked at the same place. She ended up and getting fired on friday. I'm exhausted because we worked the night shift and they wanted me to work despite the fire because everything's closed during my hours anyway. We will have to see how my work relations go after that. Next my roommates girlfriend might have a tumor in her uterus. His mom has a lump on her breast. And his dad is on his death bed. We will call him roommate number 1. Roommate number 2 his childhood dog died on thursday. We have two dogs and my friend was watching one for us and we had the other. We would let the dog into the backyard of the house during the day. I left her there and went to church. Someone broke into the garage and house and left the doors open. They stole a gun from the house and either took the dog, or she ran away. We don't know. My friend that is watching our other dog just called me crying. The other dog broke his outside leash and ran into the highway and got hit by a car. He was dead immediately.
The bad things keep piling up. But there are good events to counteract some of the bad. Not all have solved yet. The dogs are a hard one. The gun worries me that it will be used in a crime and I will get blamed. I did report it to the police. Everyone believes that the 4 leaf clover is cursed because that's when this started. It's from a type of clover that does not grow 4 leaves. The normal 4 leaf clover from Ireland is a different type. So this one is a mutation. I look at it as rarer and luckier because of the mutation. I look at it like I found a shiny Pokémon. Everyone else says it's bad because it's mutated and the bad genetics create bad luck. I am torn because I don't want to just get rid of it. As a kid I spent hours looking for 4 leaf clovers before I was told these ones won't grow them. So it was a childhood disappointment fulfilled.
So what I was thinking of doing. Is maybe I will post it on ebay as the cursed 4 leaf clover. I will include this story printed out. I will gather as much proof of the tragedies as I can. I know my house was in the paper. Maybe I will get a clipping of it. I have it taped in a vinyl tape but I also took a picture of it when I first picked it. It got scrunched in the tape alittle. But I will add the fresh picked picture. Then I will post it for $500 starting. It would be that big of a number for a cupple reasons. First, is that I don't want to give it up. (Childhood disappointment fulfilled) and if it's actually giving goodluck to counter the bad. second, would be to protect the curious but poor people. Someone who could shell out $500 for a clover is probably rich enough to afford some tragedies. And third, it would help allot in this hard time.
I will post it under the conditions that this post, or other reposts of this story I do, blow up or go viral. If this is viral then it might be worth it because people would be interested in the clover. Could actually sell. Then I know it's worth putting everything together. If this happens, I will leave an update on here with the link to the posting and where to find it.
What do you guys think? Do you think it's cursed? Or do you think it's actually lucky and helped in the bad times?
UPDATE: Two more bad lucks happened today. 5-14-24 Well actually one of the bad lucks happened a few months ago but it completed today. So a few months ago I started having these dreams about these spirits coming in and taking one my pet rabbits. I had these dreams every day for a week. The spirits had already picked a bunny they were taking. After that week, when I came home. All of the rabbit cages were thrown around, and the rabbits were out everywhere. The bunny was not missing. I fixed the cages and put everything back together. The next day I came home to the same thing. Rabbit cages everywhere. But all of the rabbits were accounted for even the one that was chosen. This would happen every day for a week straight. And I did everything I could to prevent the cages from being thrown around. I reinforced them, and made for sure that they weren't falling. But every day I had come home to find them trashed. But was able to get all the bunnies back in the cages. The very last day none of the cages were trashed. Everything was still in its place. Except for the cage of the bunny that was chosen, the door was opened and the bunny was gone. I tore the house apart for 4 days straight, looking for that bunny, but there was no sign. A few months have went by since then. And I've never had a problem with the cages since. I imagined the Bunny running around in the fae lands or something. But I always wonder if I would just randomly find him dead on a day that the bad luck wanted to make me suffer. I found him today. There was a tank of water in my basement, that catches the sewer water that overflows into the basement. It's hard to reach and usually behind the washer but since we have the electrician fixing the breaker box that exploded I took that tank outside and dumped it out. The Bunny came out. Is it almost looked still alive. Just wet. I picked him up and he fell apart. All that was left was hair and bones. This bad luck was one that happend before the clover. But I was right on him appearing at a bad time. A half an hour later, one of my bunnies randomly laid down and died. So I feel like the bad luck took 2 bunnies today. Even though one was actually mouths ago. With both bunnies form both times going at the same time. That tells me all of this was planned. It's been planning all of this for awhile.
submitted by DarkSabbatical to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 bonesnapper CKS exam question

I took CKS last week and failed by 2 points. I skipped the Falco question bc I had a really bad read on the question and panicked, but other than that I thought I understood it all and did well. It was really disappointing to miss the mark. Oh well.
I'm taking it again tomorrow. I'm ready for that Falco question, but really questioning wtf I did wrong the first time around to Fail after feeling so confident.
One question I have, for anyone who might have any insight, is regarding the extremely basic Secret question they have on there. Essentially, you're asked to read a secret and get the value of a key. It does not say to decode the secret.
I decoded the secret bc it seemed weird to ask for the encoded value. But now I'm wondering if that's the move that condemned me.
submitted by bonesnapper to kubernetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 Sexual_Congressman 25 year maintenance Q1: Does my 1999 SL2 seem like a candidate for a valve cover gasket replacement?

I've been putting off the last serious problem, oil burning, since although it's annoying having to add 1Q every 500-1500 miles, I've never noticed loss of power or any other changes in the way my car behaves since I started driving it regularly 11 years ago. By the way, my last oil change was on 2024-11-09 at 141899. There's currently 143435 on the odometer and I've added 2.5Q of oil in all that time. The oil on the dipstick and in the crankcase are exactly the same color as the 5W-30 Valvoline high mileage synthetic I've been adding. 143435-141899 = 1536 or 1Q per 614 miles. Until that change, I was religious about sticking to the 3 month change schedule and I never even came close to exceeding 3k miles between changes.
What happens is, I'm 99% sure the following events cause oil to burn or otherwise get sucked into a place it doesn't belong:
The last point is the most dramatic. Last night I had the car running in the AutoZone lot for 15 minutes with no smoke or exhaust odors and when I pulled out I was followed by enormous blue clouds for probably half a mile.
Sometimes I notice a few drops of oil next to the right front tire (passenger side) immediately after parking, but it clearly doesn't keep dripping. I confirmed the drain plug replacement works by letting it sit on white concrete for 4 days and it was totally dry.
The reason I'm thinking it's the cover gasket is because I've been reading threads and watching videos and I'm seeing a pattern here. The mildness and infrequency of burning; the deposition of black sludge on the intake manifold and all around the cover seam. I even made a video, although it's kinda hard to see anything thanks to the extreme contrast ratio of filming outside at noon in direct sunlight.
Of course, I've already tried pulling the spark plug things (I don't know what they're called), but none of them were budging with the amount of force I was willing to use. Should I wait until the car is cool before checking for oil?
If you actually watch that 45 second video of mine, I'd also appreciate anything else you notice, except for the old compressor wire, which I simply left in the right forward lighting loom since it'd probably take 10 hours to get it out without chopping it up, which I would end up doing and probably cut one of the other wires...
submitted by Sexual_Congressman to Saturn_Cars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 6pendiamo Fiancé ended engagement, expects me to cover paying back on wedding expenses

Not entirely sure if this qualifies as small claims. I’m hurt and confused about all of this but I’ll try to keep it simple.
24F fiancée broke up with me 24M and kicked me out 6 months before our wedding day. We’d been together 4 years engaged for 1. When we started wedding planning we agreed to get a small personal loan to cover our small local wedding, $5,000. At the time was making about half my salary, and had just started a brand new job so I understood that she wouldn’t be able to offer much to help pay for it in the beginning, but she said she’d send what she could and would pay more when she got a raise. Anyway the wedding she wanted ended up a little fancier than $5,000 would cover so she convinced me to do $10,000. The personal loan is in my name only. Both of our names are on every single vendor contract that the loan paid for. Because we split within a year of our date, we were ineligible for refunds for most of our contracts. And at this moment the total amount she has paid towards the loan since getting it is $75.
After breaking up with me she told me the loan is my problem and not hers. I thought she was probably right but my boss and all my coworkers seem very confident that I could take her to court over $5,000 ($4,025) as the half that she owes to that loan.
Are they wrong, or is there anything I can do here? Would love some insight or advice. Thanks
submitted by 6pendiamo to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 FitWitness3330 My girlfriend "accidentally" got me arrested

Apologies as this is probably going to be a long entry.
Earlier this year I started a new job in the police, to do this I left another job in the prison service where I was doing well. This was a position which my girlfriend told me to apply for as it was where she worked and was more money. I accepted, applied and got the job. She appeared really happy that I got the job and it was supposed to be our way out of my mum's house where we both lived.
On the evening of my second shift I had to stay up to the early hours of the morning to pick up my girlfriend. She had to stay late as she was having some serious issues with her mental health including self harm and suicidal thoughts. I have been supportive of this taking up extra duties in the house and doing my lions share to sort her as I always have. She told me that she stayed late to talk about previous traumas. She told me about them when I picked her up and I stayed up to talk to her to make sure she was ok. We had a really good talk where I was supportive and said we would get through it together and I'll do what I can to make life easier. I woke up and went to work and when I finished I was walking to the gate and 3 detectives asked me to follow them and took me to the gate where everyone was leaving took my eppilettes and badge and informed me that I was under arrest for an alleged assault on my girlfriend.
Just for context I would never lay a hand on a woman especially not in anger or frustration, I know the second you lose your temper you lose the argument so if anything ever started feeling heated I would leave so we both had time to cool down and have a proper conversation.
I was very confused however pressumed they had mistaken me with an ex-boyfriend who I know had assaulted her and she was talking to her manager about it. Because of this I wasnt to worried as I knew I had never done anything that was even close to assault, I'm not saying we were perfect , we argued but it was always verbal (at least from my end) and always came to a reasonable end. We never lost our temper with each other.
When I got to the station they said that she had said that I slapped her once outside a bar, I was shocked by this and when they said it was 9 months ago I knew they hadn't mistaken me for her ex as we were together for four years by this point. I was placed in prison Grey's and put in a cell then interviewed. They released me on bail with conditions not to contact her and they took my phone for evidence incase I had messaged anyone admitting that I slapped her. I need to stress at this point that THIS NEVER HAPPENED.
The case was classed as a no further action after a month of pointless attempts to crack my phone and trying to persuade myself and my girlfriend to give them the pin which I refused to do without being told by the court that I had to. As a result of this whole incident I lost my job in the police and cannot reapply as now I have an arrest on my record. My life fell apart as a result of this whole thing and now my degree in policing and criminal investigation seams like a complete waste. Any jobs I want and suit are in public service or military and this throws a massive spanner in the works.
When I first saw her we went through everything that had happend and why she said it. She said that we were playing about and that I had tapped her face which she found disrespectfu but that she never meant that she wanted police involvement as she had kicked me first. Again this had never happend. I have spoken to many police officers and staff that I know who have said that it sounds suspicious and that they had absolutely no reason to arrest me if what my girlfriend had told me was true. When I said this and said would she get the transcript of what was said as it was a recorded session she said "what if I have remembered wrong" this shook me to my core as it strikes me as she has said more than what she told me. She had also changed her story about when and what happened.
As a result of this whole thing I have lost loads of trust, money, motivation and I'd be lying if I hadnt suffered some darker thoughts such as driving my car into a wall at 100mph. I was looked at by people I didn't know as a wife bearer and it made me sick. To top it off she got everything she wanted as she wanted to move out but financially we couldn't save money for a house and we would also be leaving my mum in the shit if we left as we payed all the bills. To avoid this I let her stay at my mum's and I slept in my car so she was close to work and could continue her way of life. However she decided she knew best and got an appartment which we now both live in and I can't afford. She's also saying that she's more confident now and showed me messages of guys who are trying to get in her pants. Meanwhile I have gone from being confident and strong to being a complete shell of my former self. And she didn't want to take any responsibility for any of it. She also told me that she had my back and told the manager that reported me to the police that she was upset with her however looking at the messages to her manager she was nothing but friendly with her.
My head's fucked, I feel betrayed, small, insignificant and like everything that happend to me just didn't matter to her. I don't know what to do, I'm trying to get my head right by going back to the gym but my motivation is shot. I don't know if I can trust her anymore and I feel bitter and resentful. What do I do to start feeling better and should I confront her about what I've gone through because of her bullshit story or should I just leave. I want to make it work as this is the only bad thing in our relationship. But it's fucking written me off and I don't know how I can get past it. I appreciate any advice or guidance to help me get past this portion of my life.
submitted by FitWitness3330 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:43 harvestxmoon Adding to skincare routine for hormonal acne - overwhelmed and seeking advice :’)

Hi! I used to have pretty bad hormonal acne, I went to the derm and it cleared up immensely to where my skin was near perfect for about 2 years.
A few months ago it started to slowly come back, I went to the derm in March and they upped my tret from .25 to .5 and my spironolactone from 25 mg to 100 mg, but things don’t seem to be getting any better.
The only other things I can think of is that my IUD expires in December, and I also was on Wellbutrin for about a month (and hated it) - I found that the breakouts got way worse when I was on it. I’ve stopped taking it for about two weeks now so fingers crossed that helps.
Anyways, what are some products that I can add to my routine to help with this? It’s acne on my jawline and cheeks, mostly cystic.
My routine right now:
Morning: - Cerave salicylic acid cleanser - benzoyl peroxide & clindamycin - the ordinary natural moisturizing factors + ha - the ordinary rose hip seed oil
Night: - Cerave salicylic acid cleanser - .5 Tretinoin lotion mixed with the ordinary natural moisturizing factors + ha - the ordinary rose hip seed oil
I was thinking about adding the ordinary caffiene solution and azelaic acid - thoughts or other reccomendations?
Also, with the new products, how would I layer them?
Thank you all for any advice you can give, I’m feeling so awful about my skin and am really missing the days when it was super clear :’)
submitted by harvestxmoon to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:43 words_to_speak Emotionally unavailable? Just a dick that's not into me? Need some clarity/assurance/someone tell me I wasn't dumb (or that I am being dumb)

Hi there - Ugh.
I'm emotional just writing this. I was with this man for nearly 5 months now, and things just ended.
Backstory (and yes, I know - the FLAGS). He ended a relationship with a live in GF of 7 years in September. We met Jan 1 following, and he assured me, he's ready to date - the relationship was long over and when probed about how I could know he's over his relationship he states "There's nothing I can say that will make this clearer, you'll just have to see for yourself."
5 months go by, things are good - we take a few trips together, and yes, his ex comes up, but it's reasonable and rational comments, he's clear in telling me he's still grieving, and that he's interested to see where this goes, but needs to go slow. He's being a great prospective partner - deep chats, romance, plans with me in the nearer future - so I am patient.
These past few weeks, I'm getting a little antsy - wanting the "where is this going, am I wasting my time with you?" - first chat, he's open clear, wants to continue dating but has a lot of his own stuff to process. Against my better judgement (and after some good wine...) - I bring it up again when we meet in person this past weekend, being clear about what I'm looking for - long term plans. guys...homie upped and walked out. He said he can't give me what I wanted and that he should know after 5 months... and then leaves! We agreed to chat in a few days and left it at that.
We had not chatted yet, but looked this morning and homie unmatched me on the dating app. My heart is stung - we have a plan to chat on Thursday. I am struggling - I want him, but I also want to be strong enough to want what wants me back. Help...
submitted by words_to_speak to unrequited_love [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:43 Wrong_Movie_5083 Crashing on startup for no reason at all - game was working earlier

Title says it all. For background knowledge, yesterday, I was experiencing some crashes related to RAM usage which is all described in this post here. A user told me that after reading my crashlog, there was a patch, "Mrf - Lux patch.esp", which is a Lux patch for this mod. I disabled that patch, but I still crashed and the issue was still present in the crashlog afterwards. I decided to take a break and take more action the next day. Fast forward to today, and I decided to completely disable Mrf, only to find that I crash on startup even though simply disabling that mod shouldn't cause any issues at all. I'm really puzzled and would appreciate any help.
Crashlog from after I disabled "Mrf - Lux patch" yesterday: https://pastebin.com/JtZ57j6F Crashlog from today: https://pastebin.com/KPR153cB My modlist: https://pastebin.com/4pPNkhSS
Again, I would really appreciate any help, whatever it may be. This issue is driving me nuts because I either can't play for more than 2 minutes before crashing, or can't even get to the menu at all.
submitted by Wrong_Movie_5083 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:42 Steve-lrwin Best practices for making my backflow preventer easy to remove during freezes

quick question - i replaced my backflow preventer after a freeze blew out the brass ball valves on either side of the backflow preventer itself.
I had bled out my system, but it appears that some water can get trapped around the ball valve and blow it out even if it's turned off.
Here is my new backflow preventer:
Now, i added unions to either side of it for easier maintenance in the future - however i just had an idea, in times of a deep freeze which is very rare, i could just remove the entire backflow preventer because during winter freezes my sprinkler system is off.
On the image, i highlighted the two locations in green where i could attach another section of pipe with a union thread.
I have two questions:
1) Would using a 1" pipe with a simple end cap cemented be suitable? Obviously, on the sprinkler side it's no issue as it will be dry, but on the supply side it would be under my home's water pressure (which i guess is about 50-80 psi, but let's just say 100 psi for margin of error. Or should i also add a plastic valve underneath it as a precaution?
this leads me to question 2.
2) on the image I highlighted the red box on the supply side. Where if i needed to add a plastic valve, i would have.
I thought about doing this initially for easier maintenance so i don't have to turn off my whole house water at the street for maintenance.
However, it only takes 30 seconds to do so, and i thought adding an extra valve that could also freeze was just another point of failure (although being a plastic valve will allow for some expansion and wont be as suspetible as the brass valves were).
So, what is the best way to cap off a water supply to a dead end if i remove the preventer? and should i add a valve where the red square is?
submitted by Steve-lrwin to Irrigation [link] [comments]
