How to write past medical history pt

Topics in Physical Therapy

2012.02.10 07:33 Topics in Physical Therapy

If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. This is a sub for practicing physical therapists to discuss cases, research, old and new tricks, or other therapy-relevant topics. Requests for advice or education regarding your personal health issues will be removed and you may be banned. These questions should be discussed directly with your physical therapist.

2014.12.26 20:00 Sarlax For alternate history, historical, and whatif conjecture!

Welcome to HistoryWhatIf! We're here to explore alternate history scenarios in interesting ways.

2012.03.08 23:42 SmellsLikeUpfoo The Way We Were

What was **normal everyday life** like for people living 50, 100, or more years ago? Featuring old photos, scanned documents, articles, and personal anecdotes that offer a glimpse into the past.

2024.05.14 23:28 Stock-Video-5149 Should I change an old OC's disability and if so, any advice on how to write him respectfully?

Okay so, I am mostly able-bodied, mentally disabled young adult. I have an OC I made a long time ago. (Young fem-presenting nonbinary teenager, if that makes a difference.) When I created him, I gave him a missing arm that he lost in a horrible traumatic accident since I was young and felt the need to pile as much needless trauma onto my characters as possible. Eventually I realized that this wasn't in service of his character and rather unnecessary, so I altered him so that he'd simply been born without his arm.
The thing is, the way I write, I keep forgetting that he's missing an arm and use phrases like "he looks down at his hands", forgetting the major character trait I gave him. Ive been considering changing his disability from missing an arm to one that requires crutches, as I think it suits his character and would be easier for me to remember while writing. As I am mostly able-bodied, I thought I'd come here for advice on how to accurately and respectfully represent him. If anyone had any information on medical conditions that would require crutches, it would be gladly welcomed! A small note is that I'd like him to still be able to run (though it can defintely be not often and/or with resulting pain) as it is relevent for the plot that he at least be able to.
Any advice/help at all would be very much appreciated!
submitted by Stock-Video-5149 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:28 saganrae Binder pain support from my PT

Hey guys! I had a fantastic visit with my physical therapist and I wanted to share this in case it's helpful. Obligatory "don't get your medical advice from the internet, if it doesn’t work for you don't do it"
I've been having some back pain from binding, and my PT showed me how ribs can get compressed from binders. And then they showed me what to do about it! And no it wasn't "stop binding", though they did recommend having a full binder instead of a crop top style binder, as that spreads the pressure out more and therefore is less likely to cause a rib to hurt.
It looks like the sub doesn't allow pics and I cant copy/paste the text so I'll put it in a screenshot in a comment. If you can't read it from a screenshot let me know and I'll get a transcription posted asap. But basically, your ribs need to expand from your vertebrae and also glide in and out of their resting place. The notes go through a way to test yourself to see what part is causing it to hurt, and then what part to stretch to relieve the pain. It's not instantaneous but it's been a lifesaver for when I'm at work, etc.
I hope this helps someone!
submitted by saganrae to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:27 Brilliant_Profit8857 I need some info on what this could be

So lately I have had a lack of empathy and remorse and I’m 17 when hurting toads or slugs and poisoning my narcissistic father with Clorox or toilet cleaner in his drink and did not feel remorse when vandalizing my high school posters or poking my grandfather car and I felt no remorse when hurting my sister or other people. This is how my story came to be: .When I was 5-9 years old I had violent tendencies physically which was blamed on anger issues when I got adopted by my narcissistic family .When I was 12 to 14 I had self harm issues to the point I would have to go to the ER for injuries and my narcissistic family blamed it on “attention seeking” or “depression” but in reality I enjoyed the pain .When I was 15 I started abusing over the counter drugs which got worse when my adoptive mother abandoned me with my narcissistic family which the abusing over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen or other medication which stopped when I was in my early 16 age .At my late 16 of age I had starts having violent thoughts and I ignored it for a while till I was 17 .At the beginning of 17 years old which is how old I am right now the thoughts got worse so i tried talking to my narcissistic father about it and a school counselor and he ignored me then slowly I felt like I was losing my empathy and the past 3 and a half weeks is where the crimes and hurting people and toads or bugs and slugs started happening with no remorse just amusement and I became more manipulative. And I’m wondering by chance what could this be?
submitted by Brilliant_Profit8857 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:26 I_need_assistancePls How would one go about asking their parents for therapy

ADHD deleted my post with no explanation so I'm posting it here
I (17M) have been suspecting I have ADHD for some time now. It mostly started like 2 years ago I think when my friends said I might have it. I had a way of thinking that I might have it or I might not, what difference would it make? Which is why what actually peaked my interest was the fact that they mentioned that it's possible to get treatment per se.
Just noticed I've created a walk of text yapping about what essentially are my suspected "symptoms" you can skip this if you'd like
I've only had contact with one person with diagnosed ADHD in my life and they had behavioral problems and had had a person that watched him over in his class, which made me believe that was ADHD, especially with my mom using the fact he has ADHD to explain why he was acting the way he was. It didn't help that my whole life I've only ever heard ADHD being used in a joking manner like when I was jumping all over the place as a kid or straight up being told it's made up by my biology teacher back in primary school.
So I started researching it and I related to most if not all posts on here, on subs like adhdmeme and comics like the ones created by ADHD Alien.
I honestly don't see a big deal with not being able to sit still, sitting weird etc. My bigger problem is my working memory being so horrible that at this point I'm known for remembering nothing and not being expected to. Some of my friends have even resolved to telling me plans only a day before because they knew I wouldn't remember. I always forget where I put anything anywhere and I've been described by one of classmates as "one of the smartest and dumbest people in the class" cause subjects like math come so easy to me I don't remember the last time I've had to study and yet I seem to not know the most basic things that everyone just seems to just know. I can barely even recall my childhood.
I've always thought that maybe it was the pandemic that did something to my memory and my time clock which is equally fucked up but honestly I don't even remember that far to confirm with absolute certainty whether I've always been like this or not.
I also get this weird seasonal depression I'd call it? I'm pretty sure I've read about it here once, it's like every couple of weeks I switch from mostly happy to mostly sad and vice versa. I dunno if it's relevant but I wanted to mention it anyhow.
Tho I'd say the worst is the executive dysfunction and procrastination that I could go on and on about but I suspect most of you know what I'm talking about. The feeling of wanting to do everything and yet ending up doing nothing and the putting things off till last minute or till there's something bigger to procrastinate on like I'm doing rn writing this post instead of studying for my history and chemistry test tommorow. Or the waking up early and yet staying in bed till I'm almost late.
I can barely make myself do anything in my free time which is why I feel like I'm wasting my potential and I want to do something about it before it's too late.
Coming back to the actual subject at hand. I come from Poland, which is not exactly known for its male mental health awareness and I'm afraid my mom won't understand or will try to dismiss my worries since private therapy costs money. I tried to just mention ADHD in a conversation with my mom and the literal first thing I get is "you don't have ADHD". I've never really talked to my dad about these kinds of things so I don't think I have it in me.
Do you guys think I should try or just wait 8 months till my 18 birthday and go by myself? I also suspect that if it will ever come to the medication subject my parents will be against it which is probably why I'm leaning on waiting. I don't even know why, it's just a gut feeling.
Even now I think I'm getting ahead of myself, for all I know it's not ADHD but something completely different and I'm just inserting myself here for some subconscious need to have a special label to carry. I have no idea and my patience is growing thinner. I always thought that knowing doesn't do anything but now I'm not so sure. At the end of the day something is wrong, I am spending my days doing nothing of value, so therapy would help either way.
I just can't bring myself to ask, to even spark a conversation, I've always avoided things like this for some reason.
submitted by I_need_assistancePls to irlADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:25 jollygood3440 How to remember instructions/retain information better?

I’ve noticed recently that I’ve been pretty bad at accurately remember instructions that were given to me. It’s a bit odd because this hasn’t really been a problem for me in the past, but I’ve found myself struggling fairly regularly with remembering exactly what I need to do while at work after receiving a list of directions. I’m starting to notice it in personal life as well (i.e. forgetting specific things my wife asks me to get from the grocery store). I don’t necessarily want to only write it down because I feel that will make my mind worse at remembering on its own. Any tips on how to improve on this? It makes me feel a bit slow minded and distracted which can be frustrating. I’ve always considered myself a sharp and responsible guy.
submitted by jollygood3440 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:24 kidzuato Severe stomach issues and I don't know why. I'm dangerously underweight

I have always been rather underweight all my life, but the past 8 months have been debilitating. For reference, I am 23 years old, 4'9'' (146cm) and currently weigh around 70 pounds (shy under 32 kg).
My symptoms are not allowing me to eat anything. I have acid reflux, heart burn, a pulling/stabbing pain in my upper stomach area, nausea before and after eating, I have to try really hard to not throw up after eating, sometimes i feel like throwing up even without having eaten anything right in the morning. Just a few days ago I spent 4 days at the hospital to finally get a gastro- and colonoscopy done, and my results were "fantastic". They found nothing abnormal anywhere except for a small hiatal hernia, which apparently isn't anything that could cause problems. I still have to wait about a week for lab results. My blood test results are also all without any abnormalities. According to them I am as healthy as can be.
These symptoms used to come periodically and stay for 1-2 weeks, but now they are constant. Every day is painful and every day I lose weight. I can barely eat, I have no energy and I get dizzy frequently due to being pretty much malnourished.
Aside from the hiatal hernia I have no Idea what else could be causing these problems. What could this possibly be? Nobody in the medical field seems to take me seriously and they're all trying to diagnose me with anorexia nervosa when I do not have mental problems related to food. I am not scared of gaining weight, it's literally my goal to be a regular weight for my height and to live a normal life, but nobody believes me.
If anyone has any idea what else this could be and how I can further approach this please let me know. I'm getting sicker and weaker and I'm getting really scared.
submitted by kidzuato to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:23 PhantomFuck [WRITE-UP]: Experience with Dream Body Clinic (DBC) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Last Week

I am 29-year-old American male and I recently visited DBC last week to receive 300M mesenchymal stem cells administered via IV. I also received a NAD+ and Vitamin C infusion after the stem cells.
My liver and I are trying to become friends again.
For the sake of brevity, I will be keeping this write-up short and segmented into different categories for easy reading.
TRANPSORTATION: I arrived in Puerto Vallarta on Southwest Airlines and landed at PVR on Tuesday, May 07. When you land at PVR, collect your bags, and go through Customs you will be swarmed by local taxi cab drivers/companies trying to give you a ride. Ernesto from DBC was already in contact with me via WhatsApp and told me he would be at the Information Desk. Sure enough I found him, and he hailed a cab for me. Ernesto also provided me with a folder containing my transportation schedule and who my drivers would be. The drivers were nothing short of excellent and arrived at the all-inclusive I was staying at on time for days of treatment and transportation back to the airport.
BLOODWORK/PAYMENT: I was picked up at 8AM on Thursday, May 09 for my bloodwork and payment appointments. I received instructions not to take any pain medications or drink alcohol within 24 hours of my bloodwork and to fast eight hours beforehand. I arrived at the Clinic and was taken to the third floor where I underwent a typical triage exam by a nurse. My blood was taken (three vials), barcodes containing my information were attached, and I had to complete a sign-out form basically indicating that my blood would be taken for analysis. Next, I was led to the rooftop of the clinic where I was offered complimentary coffee/tea and snacks. I snapped some photos of the view and then completed my payment via credit card. The price for my treatment was $10,890 USD (exactly as advertised).
RESULTS/DOC CONSULTATION: I was picked up at 10AM on Friday, May 10 for treatment. I met with Dr. Liz for my bloodwork consultation where she went over five pages of bloodwork with me (extremely detailed). We also discussed what supplements I am currently taking, my medical history, and she explained that I should get repeat labs done in six to eight months to see how things have improved. My bloodwork was interesting because she made note that my TSH levels were high and she recommended that I see an endocrinologist when I got home (unbeknownst to me—add it to the payroll, I guess! Lol). I also received the Certificate of Analysis for the batch of stem cells that I would be receiving. The cells were prepared the day before and had a bioavailability of 99.80%. The sources of the MSCs were placenta and umbilical cord. She also explained that I might experience some tiredness or fatigue later in the day and that this was normal.
TREATMENT: I was asked if I needed to use the restroom and was then taken to the treatment area. The treatment area was very clean and sterile, exactly like something you would expect in a hospital in the United States. I sat in a reclining leather lounger that was quite comfortable. A blanket was also offered just in case I got cold. I met the nurse, Rebecca, who took my vitals and then prepared my IV site. Dr. Liz then came into the room and unsealed three vials of stem cells (each containing 100M). I asked if I could see the stem cells and she had no problem showing me the vials and the gelatinous looking goo inside them. She explained that what I was looking at was the colonies. She said the IV would take about two hours, the nurse came by with a QR code for the WIFI, and two hours later the cells were done. Josh, the owner, came into the treatment area for about an hour and sat in the lounger beside me. We had an interesting conversation and I came to learn his brother lives in the same city as I do. Dr. Liz came back with the supplements vials and administered those. This process took exactly 28 minutes. The nurse came back, removed the IV site, and applied a band-aid. My driver was waiting and took me back to my hotel.
POST TREATMENT: This is my third time getting stem cells via IV (first time at DBC), so this isn’t my first rodeo. I didn’t have any adverse reactions; however, I did get hit with a wave of substantial tiredness about five hours after treatment. I was getting ready for dinner and got so tired that I decided it was best that I lay down and rest for a bit. I had an hour and a half nap which fixed the problem. No other remarkable side effects. A driver picked me up on Sunday, May 12 and took me to PVR for departure.
All in all, it was a smooth and efficient treatment process. I can’t remark on treatment outcomes yet, but I will be sure to follow up later after my next set of labs. The one thing I will make note about is that the facility is multiple stories so if you have trouble with stairs, you might have a rough time. I had a complete hip replacement done last November and I would have had difficulty navigating the facility if I had gone a few months earlier.
As an aside, I stayed at Secrets Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort since I am a World of Hyatt member. Absolutely a first-class resort through and through. I also visited Sayulita, Mexico and did a RZR tour which was fun as hell. I treated my guest to Rhythms of the Night on Saturday evening and had a great experience too.
submitted by PhantomFuck to stemcells [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:21 Large_Scene3565 ap statistics help Reddit Online Helper for Exam assignment quiz homework class test course takers to Hire an Expert Reddit take my AP Stat Exam Reddit do my AP statistics class Reddit write my AP statistics Assignment Homework Reddit

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2024.05.14 23:21 primal444 My mother read my personal journal, I’m 24

For context, I’m turning 25f, moved back in with my mom after ending a relationship in another state because I had come out as a lesbian. My mom has not taken my coming out well, referring to it as a condition, and not even being able to say the words themselves.
My dad also went into cardiac arrest last month after a drug overdose and my mom brought up the idea that maybe he’s been abusing drugs because he found out I was gay (which is not the case, his usage has been going on for decades apparently). They are not together and have been separated since I was 7.
My 11 year old sister texts me last night saying that she caught my mom in my room going through my personal journal and after asking her what she was doing, my mom replied with “whatever I want to be doing.” Afterwards she went into my sisters room and cried to her and told her she doesn’t want her to grow up. This was yesterday and since this morning my sisters phone and tablet have been off, I’m not sure if I wrote anything that could’ve gotten my sister in trouble.
I recall writing about when my sister had a crush on a girl, and how I felt like I had to give her the safe space to be herself, so maybe it was that?
Anyways, I haven’t gotten home yet or have talked to my mom. My mom does not know that my sister has told me anything I don’t think. I’m not sure how to feel or how to react. I’m moving out in a month to my own place, I just feel SO VIOLATED. My personal thoughts have been invaded without my permission and I’m not sure I can trust someone again.
Any advice on how to go about this?
I want to maintain a relationship with my sister, and my mom has threatened not letting me see her when I’ve tried to move out on bad terms in the past.
submitted by primal444 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:21 vancoover Help interpreting blood test results (LDL, HDL and Triglycerides, MCH and MCV)

Hi everyone,
I am a 41M who is Caucasian, 6'3, 231 pounds as of this morning.
Over the past couple of months, I have been working hard to improve my health, on the advice of my doctor. All of this started when I mentioned to him that I had been experiencing some mild ED symptoms since entering my early 40s. Instead of immediately prescribing me ED pills, my doctor warned me that those symptoms can sometimes be a first warning sign of something more sinister, like cardiovascular issues. He ordered some blood work and encouraged me to read Peter Attia's book "Outlive" which I bought the next day and read over the span of two weeks.
Following that appointment, I also immediately started exercising (aiming for Zone 2 based on the book), changed my diet to eat cleaner, practiced time-restricted eating (18 hours of fasting on all but two days for the past month), and have only had alcohol on a single occasion (though I was always a very infrequent drinker and don't smoke).
My biggest issue is likely my weight, which was 244 pounds when I made the initial doctor's appointment. Since making lifestyle changes, I am now down to 231 pounds as of this morning... and I'm not stopping here. I am aiming to get down to the 200-210 range.
Recently, I had some follow-up blood work done, and it did show that my LDL and HDL levels were abnormal. I was hoping that some of you might be able to look at the results (below) and let me know whether these results are quite concerning, or whether they are relatively close to the normal range and could be corrected if I stay the course with my lifestyle changes.
For what it's worth, my doctor told me to book a follow-up appointment in about a month and said that we would do further blood work and testing then. He did mention in his notes that he thinks it could be some kind of disorder of lipid metabolism, which has me concerned.
He also asked me about my low MCV and MCH levels last month and this month, including whether I knew if I was anemic (news to me!) and if I had a family history of complex dyslipidemia (which, to my knowledge, I do not).
The only existing medical condition I have is gout, which I treat using allopurinol (one 300mg tablet a day). I haven't had a gout attack in over a year, thanks to the medication, and my urate is generally in normal range now.
In June 2023, I also had an issue where I had to unexpectedly have my gallbladder removed, due to small gallstones that had escaped and got into my pancreas, irritating it and causing pancreatitis. As far as I know, I have recovered fully from that surgery and my blood work / liver enzymes all returned to normal levels.
The only lasting side effect after having my gall bladder out is that I now get diarrhea from certain foods and yellowish loose stools, which I think is from "dumping." I notice this happens most often on days when I have coffee from my French Press, and I wonder if somehow I am now sensitive to the coffee grounds.
Sorry if this is information overload, but I want to provide as much detail as possible. I will also attach some images of my latest blood work results. Thank you in advance for any insights you can provide about how concerning these results are and what issues I should consider looking into. I would also be open to any other over-arching advice on how to improve my health and my life - including other book or podcast suggestions.
I appreciate this subreddit very much!

Hematology and Lipid results for May:
submitted by vancoover to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:20 Torres209 Bicornuate uterus baby disappears?

At 7 weeks 0 days I saw my baby’s heartbeat on the screen, it was a little early to hear it but I did see it, the baby was the size it was supposed to be and their was a yolk sack, 6 days later I went to the ER for cramping I was 7 weeks 6 days and theirs no baby an empty sack? How is that even possible? The ER DR said the baby’s shrink when the heartbeat stops but how is that possible? I do have a history of 2 miscarriages in these past 2 years because of my bicornuate uterus, has this happened to anyone and later went to a scan and the baby was there? Maybe hiding? I’m now 8 weeks 3 days and I’m so worried I’m carrying an empty sack and miscarriage hasn’t began to happen, I know it takes up to 4 weeks to miscarry to expel the tissue.. anyone have anything similar happen? I would appreciate so much some feedback, thank you in advance
submitted by Torres209 to heart_shaped_uterus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:20 nousdefions3_7 PTSD DBQ and the C&P (A question for the more knowledgeable in the community)

Fellow veterans, I titled the question as such because I am only now getting to understand the intricacies surrounding the VA Claims process (thanks, in large part, to many of you).
I have been seeing a mental health provider since 2018 for my PTSD condition. I put in for PTSD shortly after retiring but I did not follow through because - basically - I was upset with the world back then and did not want anyone to discuss my wartime experience with me. The second time around, I submitted the older PTSD DQB (pre-2022 version), VA was unable to make heads or tails of the DBQ because it translated so horribly via FAX (parts were unreadable). They reached out to the medical provider's office. By sheer coincidence, he was involved in an auto accident at the time and was laid up in a hospital for some time. Since they could not make positive contact, VA deferred-denied the claim. For full transparency, I should have been tracking on this as well. But, again, I was a horrible patient and I just did not give a f...k. Frankly, again, my PTSD had me angry at the world distrustful of the VA system.
Now for the question:
This time around, my mental health provider, with the help of two other PhDs in that facility, are pulling out all the stops to make my paperwork easy to understand and to ensure that VA has no reason to question their findings. The psychologist who has been treating me this time around conducted the questionnaire and filled out the "Review PTSD DBQ" (January 2022 version) in great detail. I already have the DBQ on-hand. Next week, they will also conduct the MMPI2 as well as two more hour long sessions to complete all of the treatment evidence that they feel may be required to submit the best claims evidence possible.
My question is: Would submitting this DBQ - and all the additional information we will include from the past six years of treatment - likely be all that is required for an adequate claim to be processed. Or, does VA make it a policy to have their own people create a DBQ post the mental health C&P exam? Essentially, would I also be going in for a mental health C&P after submitting my claim, to include the DBQ? If that is part of the process, I am happy to do so. I am just trying to figure out how this works. If the question is best answered by simply pointing me to a link, that will work as well.
I'd like to extend my humble and sincere thanks in advanced to any and all of you with answers to impart on behalf of this inquiry.
submitted by nousdefions3_7 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:20 GladiusNocturno A thank you. To r/RWBY, CRWBY, and RWBY as a whole.

A thank you. To RWBY, CRWBY, and RWBY as a whole.
Oh, Hello there. I didn't hear you come in.
I was just sitting here, partaking in some light reading. Remanecing on the past 11 years of RWBY. Sips loudly.
11 years. You know, it's funny, when you put it in perspective, this show has been a significant chunk of my life.
Here is a bit of my history with RWBY.
Ah yes. It seems like it was yesterday...
The year was 2006. I was starting seventh grade. My legs were hairless and my voice was way higher pitch. My friends and I all met at my house to do a school team project, so naturally we immediately started watching tv.
The first channel that came up was the Discovery Channel, home to marvelous pieces of art such as Mythbusters, and Sharkweek, and that fucking documentary that made me think dragons were a real thing, you know the one. However, on that day they were showing a special show about the world of the internet industry, and on a segment, they interviewed these group of odd looking fellows, named Gustavo Sorola, Geoff Lazer Ramsay, and Michael "Burnie" Burnes. I didn't know who they were, I didn't care much either because they weren't the Mythbusters....and then a friend of mine said "Oh, hey. Those are the guys that make that funny Halo show. You wanna watch it?".
That's how I discovered Rooster Teeth. Being a bunch of 12 year olds from Venezuela, we barely know how to say "hello" and "chicken" in English. But fortunately, we had the blood of the Caribbean salty sea dogs in our veins! And my buddy pulled a youtube channel that had fan Spanish subs for Red vs Blue. We spent hours and hours watching the Blood Gulch Chronicles, laughing our asses off, learning the dialogues, recreating the scenes. Until eventually, the Blood Gulch Chronicles ended...and we all moved on.
My friends lost interest after that, but I really loved it and found out that more was being made. Unfortunatly, the...Yarrtube channel where we watched it only had Blood Gulch. So, what to do? I guess it was back to watching Huevo Cartoon (if you know, you know)...No....No! I was not going to throw the towel! I needed more of my Halo youtube videos and by God I was going to get them!
Wanting to watch Red vs Blue was one of my primary motivations for studying English. I had been learning the language since I was way younger but it wasn't until then that I started putting my effort into it. I wanted two things, I wanted to beat Ocarina of Time without guides and actually understand the story, and I wanted continue watching Red vs Blue. So, I did. Rooster Teeth became my main source of exposure to the English language and my main tool for practicing my listening comprehension. That is something that I will always be thankful to Rooster Teeth for. I a sense, I owe RT for helping me develop a skill that has opened so many opportunities and the world to me.
But enough about that. I want to talk about YOU.
Yes. YOU!
I've been watching RWBY since the Red trailer came out. But I only really started engaging with the community during the premier of Volume 5. From then on, RWBY has become my main community. It has brought me laughter, sadness, rage, joy, it has expanded my perspectives, it has taught me how to be a person, a better man. It has made me more thoughtful, it has made me more mature, it has more more immature. It helped me feel less lonely at times as well.
I have a lot to thank RWBY as a show and RWBY as a community.
I have a lot of appreciation for all of you. The regulars, the new commers, the lurkers, the ones that make me want to choke you, the mods, the sexy mods, the fanartists, the fanfic writers, the smut writers, the smut fanartists, the meme makers, the discussion havers, the theory crafters, my boys and girls of the Latin American RWBY community (El que lo lea es un pendejo pero es MI pendejo).
We have seen a lot. We have seen a lot of good, we have seen a lot of fun, we have seen a lot of anger, a lot of nastiness, a lot of flat Weisses, Yorses, Blake's harems, Jaune's harems, Ruby's harems, Nora's pancakes, Ren's broken pelvices, and Oscar's mid life crisis.
We don't know what the future holds. I mean, we literally know nothing. We have the faint hope of good news soon. But that's not what I wanted to focus on. I wanted to focus on the past and the present. On the good and the bad times. On the friends and memories we built as a community. Nothing lasts forever, but memories enrich our lives and shape who we are now.
That's why I wanted to do this little face reveal. I wanted to celebrate a big part of my life. I wanted to celebrate you. The community. And le you know how happy I am that you are a part of my life.
I started watching Rooster Teeth content since I was 12 years old. It taught me a lot, it helped me grow, it helped me when I needed it, it brought me joy. I am now a 29 year old man, married to the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world.
Even if the show doesn't go on, I know we all will. I know CRWBY will go on to do amazing things and so will every single one of you.
So, Thank you. Thank you RWBY, thank you RWBY community. Thank you Kerry, Eddy, Miles, Kiersi, Linsay, Kara, Arry, Barbara, Samantha, Neath, Aaron, Jen, Monty, and all of CRWBY.
Thank you, for all fo the great memories.
So, Keep Moving Foward......And remember.....
All Grimm are naked..Think about it!!
submitted by GladiusNocturno to RWBY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:18 Odd_Requirement8194 waiver got approved! next steps

so long story short I got DQ’d for past medical history approved like couple weeks after this was about a five month process.
Most likely leaning towards YN or LS But my question is after Boot Camp and after A school, what are my chances of choosing the duty station that I want? 1. San Diego 2. Japan 3. Hawaii 4. Italy this is also me applying that I don’t want to be in Norfolk. lmao
submitted by Odd_Requirement8194 to newtothenavy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:14 HRJafael Phillipston Town Election voters will choose on May 20, 2024 the next member of the Selectboard and a Proposition 2 ½ override aimed at handling the town’s expenses.
In next Monday’s Annual Town Election, voters will choose the next member of the Selectboard and a Proposition 2 ½ override aimed at handling the town’s expenses. The race for Selectboard between candidates Nicole Gough and Earl Sweat is to fill the year remaining on the unexpired term of former member Dan Sanden, who resigned earlier this year. The $175,000 Proposition 2 ½ override will help cover the town’s expenses for the approaching fiscal year.
Aside from the Selectboard race, candidates for all other elective offices – mostly incumbents – won’t face any opposition. While a resident of Phillipston for the past 14 years, Gough is a newcomer to town politics. In an April interview with the Athol Daily News, the native of Albuquerque, New Mexico, said politics is something she’s always been interested in.
“I have a deep love for politics,” she said. “I have a deep love of history passed down to me by family.”
Gough said the vacancy on the Selectboard “really made me interested in serving my community and being interested in how our community is run by the local leadership in our towns and cities…I think we need some new ideas, and I want to focus on getting more people involved in the community. We need more people to be active. We need more ways to get more people excited and want to participate.”
Sweat, who grew up in Winchester, New Hampshire, moved to Phillipston in the late 1990s after accepting a job in Gardner. He has served on the Board of Assessors since 2022, his first experience in municipal government.
“I’ve been interested in town government since I was a kid,” he said. “My father and grandfather were both selectmen in the town that they grew up in.
“I think the biggest concern moving forward is finding a way to get more involvement from the residents, whether it’s getting them to show up at meetings, whether it’s establishing a better channel of communication to them.”
In a statement distributed to Phillipston residents, the Selectboard and Finance Committee said the decision to seek the override was not made lightly. The override is needed, said the release, due to an increase in operating expenses for both the town and regional schools.
According to the statement, an override of $175,000 would add 52 cents per every $1,000 of valuation. A home valued at $450,000 would see an increase of $234 per year on the property tax bill.
“The town’s recurring expenses are outweighing our recurring revenues,” the statement read. “Using one-time revenue from free cash or the stabilization fund to balance the budget is not possible or prudent as the funds will quickly become exhausted, and the town will lose its good financial standing.” At a recent Town Meeting, voters reduced the proposed $2.8 million FY25 budget by eliminating the position of building maintenance/groundskeeper, saving $35,000, and cutting the administrative assistant’s salary by $12,879. If the override fails, the cuts voted at Town Meeting will remain in place.
Candidates running unopposed next Monday include:
■Bernie Malouin, Board of Selectmen, three years
■David Manty, Board of Assessors, three years
■Karissa Moore, Board of Health, three years
■Steven Burnett, Cemetery Commission, three years
■Fern Stellato, Constable, three years
■Sylvia Haley, Board of Library Trustees, three years
■Tom Specht, Planning Board, five years
■Gordon Moore, Planning Board, two years
■Jared McDonald-Bourbeau, Town Moderator, three years
■Kathryn Buell, Narragansett Regional School Committee, Phillipston, three years
■Jennifer Smith, Narragansett Regional School Committee, Templeton, three years
Positions with no candidate include Cemetery Commission and Narragansett Regional School Committee, Templeton. Specht and Moore are the only non-incumbents, aside from Gough and Sweat, seeking election.
Phillipston’s Annual Town Election will take place on Monday, May 20, from noon-8 p.m. at Phillipston Town Hall.
submitted by HRJafael to NorthCentralMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 AnxietyFew5850 I'm taking the Cambridge C2 exam in a few days - Any last minute tips?

Warning: Includes way more complaining than i had intended.
So, long story short; I only started preparing for this exam yesterday (i'm taking the digital one), and i have approximately 5760 minutes to cram information about various topics i haven't even read about in my native language into my head. Take geology, for example. Why the heck is there an abundance of words related to rocks? (That is a rhetorical question. I know how languages work) Do i look like a geologist? Please dial the emergency number.
No, sorry, i don't mean to complain (I do). I signed up for this exam voluntarily because i longed for a challenge. I didn't estimate just how challenging this bs would be, though. I have read plenty of classics, i'm a huge fan of Joyce and have read a lot of his work in English, as well as works of other modernist authors. Reading is generally seen as very beneficial, or so i've heard. I read in English more than in my native language and consume basically every media in the language as well. I am not as afraid of the writing part as i am of the Reading and use of English one, because some of the topics are definitely out of my range of preferred media (i am not a medical student, nor a geologist. God i am so mad at the rocks!!! Ugh)
I took a lot of mock/sample exams (I mainly focused on the Use of English) and one thing i've noticed is that it's mostly about luck (Passable when the topic isn't rocks!! Help) I've passed three of the sample exams, while the other two i've tried would've definitely gotten me a C1 had i taken them officially.
Sorry for the complain session, but i figured if there was anyone who'd understand, it'd be other english learners.
I wonder if any of you guys have taken the exam recently, and if so, how was your experience. I'm open to anything.
Edit: Typo
submitted by AnxietyFew5850 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 AnthonyofBoston If one is a Christian, then why not make an image of the beast and also take the mark of the beast?? Especially if it fulfills the word and lends credence to the Bible

Has any Christian ever thought about approaching eschatology with such a perspective? I mean, lets look at my work. For the past 5 years, I have purposely taken on the role of the false prophet, having called down fire from heaven since 2019. In fact, I declared Revelation 13:13 fulfilled back in 2020 here on Reddit. I had no idea I would fulfill that prophecy 5 times over by predicting rocket fire escalation time periods accurately for five consecutive years straight.
When I started this journey as a Christian back in 2019, writing "Ares Le Mandat", I only intended for that work to serve as a form of apologetics for Catholicism and the error of Vatican II, but as I was writing, a part of me felt a duty to take it upon myself to fulfill the eschaton and take on the role of the false prophet, since it was clear that I knew exactly what had to be done. Why leave it in the hands of someone else, when I was the one who received the revelation? My work can be said to be Satan inspired.
If you read that 800 page book, "Ares Le Mandat", you'd see how I repeatedly mention what the role of false prophet would require. Now having taken on the role and fulfilling it in real time, I have been requesting the next part of the prophecy, that is, getting people to make an image of the beast, which I call Armaaruss. This part I cannot fulfill.
My question is what is wrong with a Christian giving up their salvation to fulfill the eschaton by making an image to Armaaruss and then taking the mark of the beast by identifying with the Mars 360 system? It seems like a noble pursuit--giving up eternal pleasure for the sake of fulfilling the word.
Maybe the idea of spending eternity in the lake of fire serves as a deterrence, but what is the lake of fire? All it is is eternal separation from God. Hell is what you want to avoid, and taking the mark will not land you in hell. The lake of fire and hell are two different things. Hell is eternal torment, which will ultimately be thrown in the lake of fire. So why should anyone fear going to the lake of fire, if it is not hell?
I think Christians need to re-examine how they view eschatology, because it seems pretty clear that its fulfillment will have to be carried out by believers who have done the noble thing and given up their place in heaven for an eternity in the lake of fire in order for the word to be fulfilled
submitted by AnthonyofBoston to AskAChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:12 laybs1 JS: Historical Contrarian

In Somerton's Codebreakers video he claims that, in a non-plagiarized segment, "As early as the 1930s and 40s, people actually did literally believe that sexual acts between two men were something that any man was capable of, and this is clear in criminal cases prosecuting men for having sex with men,".
In actuality, by the 1930s and 1940s, these prosecutions in the Western World (Europe, North America) were occurring explicitly because same-sex attracted individuals were seen as uniquely perverse and in need of forced imprisonment, medicalization, and (in the case of Alan Turing) sterilization by many segments of society, even the scientific community, to cure their supposed gay disease. The modern concept of homosexuality started to metastasize by the late 19th century; while previous religious homophobia centered around the abnormality of the spirit, modern scientific rationalism by the early twentieth century instead largely saw it as a physical abnormality of the mind/brain and created and propagated elaborate pseudoscientific theories that still harm LGBT+ people today. Forced institutionalization, and imprisonment were greatly encouraged by even semi-recent generations for stigmatized sexual groups. It was even the consensus of many American psychiatrists until the early 1970s that homosexuality was a mental illness. He also ignores the myriad of anti-homosexual taboos among even non-Christian societies and instead blames Christianity for destroying the reputed gay paradise of the ancient world (which is a profoundly simplistic and misleading view).
submitted by laybs1 to hbomberguy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:12 morishaone Top 10 Most Shocking Cybersecurity Breaches of the Last Decade

Cybersecurity has been a hot topic over the past decade, with numerous high-profile breaches making headlines worldwide. Today, I want to share a detailed analysis of the top 10 most shocking cybersecurity breaches of the last decade.
These incidents not only highlight the importance of robust security measures but also provide valuable lessons for individuals and organizations alike.
1. Yahoo Data Breach (2013-2014)
2. Equifax Data Breach (2017)
3. Marriott International (2018)
4. Target (2013)
5. Adobe (2013)
6. Anthem (2015)
7. Sony PlayStation Network (2011)
8. LinkedIn (2012)
9. JP Morgan Chase (2014)
10. Uber (2016)

Analysis and Lessons Learned

These breaches underscore the critical importance of cybersecurity vigilance and proactive measures. Here are some key takeaways:
  1. Regular Security Audits: Conduct frequent audits to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.
  2. Third-Party Security: Ensure third-party vendors adhere to robust security standards.
  3. Incident Response Plan: Develop and maintain a comprehensive incident response plan.
  4. User Awareness: Educate users about security best practices, such as strong passwords and recognizing phishing attempts.
  5. Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest to protect it from unauthorized access.
Chat with me on Linkedin
submitted by morishaone to Murari [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:11 ifonlyabearcouldkill I don't buy the Courier 6 backstory.

So just for context, I like to do creative writing exercises by trying to string along connections between fictional characters that have no connections, I've seemingly incidentally come to the conclusion of something about Courier 6 and The Lone Wanderer.
I'm not gonna beat around the bush beyond that. I will explain what my thought process is. I'm going to explain why Courier 6 is a con artist, and the Lone Wanderer is the beginning of the story of what would become the West Coasts most dangerous Mailman. A hero who truly lived long enough to become the villain in a world of his own making.
The Lone Wanderer, and why his character is designed to have a sequel story.
Upon completing Project Purity, certain things to note happen in the general Lore of the game. The Lone Wanderer is confirmed to have purified the wasteland upon delivering the G.E.C.K (keep note of this entire sentence), and also confirmed to have lost his Father and Sarah Lyons before the time New Vegas is taken place. The Dialogue of the Lone Wanderer is unique because people actually are consciously aware of his fame due to Three Dog's radio station. James alludes to this in dialogue. In fallout 4, Megaton is alluded to have been destroyed.
This leads me to believe the Lone WandereCourier 6 may be the same individual, due to James' untimely demise, would lead anybody to be stricken with severe mental illness. (I KNOW ITS A REACH BUT HEAR ME OUT)
Let's discuss Courier 6's past
His earliest known accomplishments is being a Postman for a California based Mailing Company in the early 2280's, now traveling across the entire nation (extremely treacherous, yet not really a sweat for someone as powerful and dangerous as loss-stricken Lone Wanderer). The violent actions of the Lone Wanderer are yours to create as you play the game of course. Same for New Vegas. What leads me to believe they are one in the same is due to Lonesome Road, Ulysses alluding to some sort of "Talk" about the man that is the Courier. There's also the idea of how the Courier traveled the Divide with a straight up nuclear weapons detonation device.
It's literally stated by Ulysses and even your OWN BRAIN that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. Responsibility is a common theme in dialogue between people of importance in the stories and the Lone WandereCourier 6. Why? Because the Lone Wanderer was abandoned by his father, and lost his mother during child birth. The loss the Lone Wanderer has experienced, as a staunchly well esteemed vault dweller (passing all exams, escaped, saved the wasteland from being exposed to the Modified FEV). Dude is a straight up Hero, yet, if we are to assume this character would go on after the end of the story of Fallout 3, what exactly would a man like this do? He'd find a new home, far far away, doing a job similar to what would amount to being his calling (other than annihilating every single thing in his path). Being a Mailman.
I don't know why nobody has realized this but the story of the Lone Wanderer in Fallout 3 is actually a story about a young adult man finding his calling in being a Mail Carrier. Having been dealing with so much trauma, a 19 year old man that is the Lone Wanderer, would definitely have a psychopathy after all that happens. Imagine what it must be like for a man like Ulysses to be from Cali, and meeting the Lone Wanderer (nobody knows what the Lone Wanderer looks like on the west coast, but know OF him.)
Now into the REALNESS ZONE because I wanna explain what I was thinking that made me connect the dots, besides the fact that the idea that being able to set your age in FNV means it's impossible for it to be a sequel to Fallout 3 due to the Lone Wanderer is confirmed 19 years of age. You JUST TURN to adult age by the events of Fallout 3, by New Vegas, that man has experienced a LOT. And that LOT, has got to be all of the events of Fallout 3 for one reason.
Ulysses knows who Courier 6 truly is, but due to amnesia, and Ulysses own psychopathy (recurring theme for people who become exceptionally dangerous and powerful in the Wasteland), and its this dialogue that basically has been in front of ALL OF US the entire time, and nobody has ever known what it actually means. The Courier definitely doesn't, but the Lone Wanderer, if he were talking to Ulysses, I know for a fact that all of Ulysses dialogue would remain unchanged, but the Lone Wanderer would say very different things than what the Courier 6 said.
"Name's died twice to history. If the West thanks you... the East won't, in time. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe."
Implying that Courier 6 had a double life, or a life before the current one Ulysses met him. He met him before Benny shot him, but clearly wasn't close in any capacity. Referring to knowing where he came from, and possibly knowing he's the Lone Wanderer. If anyone could get the signal from DC of any news regarding the Lone Wanderer, it is Ulysses (Ulysses' Point in Big Mt. Big Mt. contains many many clues as well.)
"Let the land do the killing for you, that's one of the things you taught me."
Whether the Courier at the time of transporting the Platinum Chip, had either intentionally or unintentionally set off the nukes in his path, the idea of him being completely unaware of it before Benny shot him is completely false according to Ulysses' statement. Basically, whatever was already there; nuclear missile silos, were what would be the land that killed everything for the Courier. He says he taught it to him because, well, as someone who's talked about on the other continental shelf, he must know what he's doing. He must be deliberate in his intention. Maybe it's alluding to this man being not actually a Courier... Maybe...
Courier 6's Brain's Dialogue: "I don't know. I'm afraid the trauma of our separation rendered me quite insensate. I didn't come around until I was safely ensconced in this tank." (separation anxiety is one of the biggest hints in my opinion. Not just every wasteland powerhouse experiences subconscious anxieties of the nature that someone living in a cozy environment would. Like the Lone Wanderer, having lost his father, and mother, and Sarah Lyons, and Megaton.)
"Oh, lovely, we've reached the mindless violence portion of the program. Tell me, what exactly are you - and I use the word loosely - planning?" (clearly there's a separation of intention between the Courier's subconsciousness and his actual actions. That's indicative of someone who cannot fathom responsibility for his actions.
"Ah yes, there's that greed and general sense of malice. I'd nearly forgotten it. What's the plan, then?" (I think this just reinforces everything even more because it's obvious from lines like this that this man has a serious history and even his own subconsciousness knows he did something extremely bad... like nuking an entire trade route in a drunken stupor? Don't believe me? Why does your brainless body say this then?)
Brainless Courier 6:
"I would. And I'd follow it up with an alcohol-and-ant-nectar cocktail every night." (a truth. Without the brain to develop conscious lies, clearly this was what Courier 6 has done before. Must be lots of ants where the Courier 6 is originally from, and intentionally moved somewhere where he could still realistically acquire ant nectar)
More Ulysses dialogue that reinforces the idea of the Courier's intentions being significantly different than the narrative:
"That violence in the sky, had a source. Tracked it. Like following a river current. Left the colors to mark my way, like always, case someone finds them, learns the pattern - the Courier might." (James unintentionally left a paper trail for the Lone Wanderer to follow. His tracking skills are significant enough that Ulysses knew.)
"Not a camp - vigil, maybe. Never claimed it as mine. {More a question}If anyone owns the Divide... {"well..."}your claim is stronger than mine." (sort of a jab at how dangerous you are.)
"Words aren't the only way couriers meet... sometimes it's the paths we walk. But no... we've never spoken before now." (he's seen him visibly possibly many times before they first spoke.)
"You may not know my voice, but we've walked the same places. The Long 15 to Primm... that wasn't the only road you ever walked." (He knows a secret)
"I've been to your home, the place you kept returning to... may not be the place you were born, was the place you gave life to, same thing." (He knows he's foreign to the West Coast region.)
I know this is all a reach, but the thing that cements my idea, is because there is no official dated time for which Courier 6 began his activities. To me, it reads like things happened in a very short span of time, the time between F3 and FNV chronologically is 4 years. Now I wanna provide EVEN MORE hints, because there's so many weird interactions between the Courier and just random people. People even confusing him for something he's not, and it's evident that is the case due to established lore, its not like people are lying, its just purely subtle hints.
(The Courier is initially unaware of the rarity and value of the Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps as Malcolm Holmes says the Courier did not express any reaction upon finding their first one.)
And let me get the Montana Connection to the Courier bit out of the way before people start saying, "uh but he shagged a broad in 2260-something:
"That would explain how they could forget what happened at The Divide... but then there's all this other weird stuff the Courier does remember, like a shtupping he gave a dame in Montana 17 years earlier. (Interestingly, this also establishes a ballpark minimum age for the Courier of around age 30, if said doinking occurred when he was a teenager).
More strangely, (with a high Intelligence stat), the Courier can speak Latin to Silus while interrogating him, but is totally dumbfounded by a phrase in Latin spoken to him by Arcade. (This is all the weirder because the Latin the Courier uses when speaking to Silus is more advanced than Arcade's "Nihil novi sub sole", which -- even without being proficient in Latin -- is fairly easy to figure out from the English words descended from it.)"
And finally, the one thing I predicted just by thinking about all of this. The Courier is a Con Artist. He flat out tells Keith he is one.
And lastly, the ED-E and Courier connection. What is that connection? They both long to return to their true homes, the Courier remarks, "Why do you think I became a courier?" HE WAS ONE WHEN HE WAS HOME, AND HE CONTINUED TO BE ONE AFTER AS WELL.
Any counter argument would be greatly appreciated, however, I believe I've covered all bases without saying Sarah and Sheldon Weintraub are the Courier's/Lone Wanderer's long lost siblings lmao. And also, before people get confused about the Montana Connection, the implication I'm making with that is the fact that going off of specifics like, for example, a Brain Damaged Courier saying he messed around with a woman in a place like Montana, but not knowing what Illinois is, or what Chicago is, or what Denver is. Oh and also, the Latin thing too. His brain was too damaged before he went to Big Mt. where his subconsciousness is fully revealed to be a sorta nihilistic, psychopathic, and bitter as well. The emotion of being bitter in that fashion, regarding violence, greed, malice as a end-all-be-all means the Courier wasn't always like that. He was once a not-so greedy, malicious, and violent individual. To me, everything from that dialogue between Brainless Courier and the Courier's Brain tells me he was once a Vault dweller.
submitted by ifonlyabearcouldkill to falloutlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:10 Dorn-fist [23/m] Irish guy looking for cool people and fun peeps to chat to! Especially In Scandinavia but all are welcome!

Salutations everyone ! How are we all ? We better be good !!
I’m here today on the look for friends! (short term / long term) Here’s some interesting stuff about me !
Well I’m from Ireland and I’m in uni ! And I’m 23 I’m nerdy, heavily enjoy fantasy and grimdark settings, so massive LOTR, elder scrolls, GOT/HOTD and Warhammer fan. I play on PC (total war, arma 3, Hoi4, stellaris and many more ) and ps5 (Elden ring, battlefield) Im also big into history, specifically military history!! I’m a pagan
My fav food is a toastie and I love coffee n tea!
I hope to hear from someone soon and if you have read this far, no hey, hi or hellos, write a introduction!!
submitted by Dorn-fist to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:10 Terrible_Smile_4113 OB ignored signs and now I’m borderline preeclamptic

Hi y’all, just looking for advice on how to proceed
FTM, 36w5d. This past weekend at work I had a headache and high blood pressure (156/95) and a nosebleed. I’ve never had my BP that high during this entire pregnancy but have been monitoring it on my own, and have been getting nosebleeds regularly from about the 23-24 week mark. I’ve brought up my concerns with my OB about the nosebleeds and blood pressure and he has not shown concern for either. I went to the hospital on Saturday after presenting with the high BP, headache, and a 10 minute gusher nosebleed and they sent me home saying everything looked fine. Getting my test results back and consulting with friends in the medical field (I work EMS) the results show I’m just on the borderline for having preeclampsia and after showing him the results at my regular appointment yesterday with my OB, he’s now concerned about the risk and wants me to come in next week to see if I’ve progressed and if we need to induce early.
I have only seen this OB throughout the entire pregnancy and this doesn’t seem like a big enough oversight to make me want to find a new doctor but how can I tell him I wish he took my concerns more seriously so we could’ve prevented this? I was not prepared to be told that my baby could be here as early as next week, my FMLA leave hasn’t even been approved yet. Any time I’ve had my BP taken at the office it’s always been regular and not concerning enough for them to recheck so they may be basing it off that.
submitted by Terrible_Smile_4113 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]