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The Drop Zone 2!!!

2024.06.07 22:45 Jakeyjeans The Drop Zone 2!!!

Northern Ontario's premier regional fighting game tournament returns! Uniting the talent from our giant land mass of a region for a one day celebration of our community, this includes Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, North Bay and more. Singles returns for Ultimate, Melee, Street Fighter 6, Guilty Gear: Strive, and this year we're featuring a talent show. The Drop Zone 2 is on August 17th, 2024 at The Elks Lodge, Sault Ste. Marie. Come claim Northern Ontario's crown, check out the vendors, the talent show, and much more.
Check out the trailer here!
submitted by Jakeyjeans to SaultSteMarie [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:43 Trash_Tia Every graduation day, my friends and I were brutally murdered by a woman in a black suit.

Ten minutes into graduation, my friends were already dead.
Ten elephants.
I was soaking wet, my dress glued to me.
Nine elephants.
Forcing myself into a run, I tripped over my heels.
Eight elephants.
Seven elephants.
There was no point in counting, but counting felt normal.
Six elephants.
Counting felt like I was going to escape.
Five elephants.
Noah’s blood painted my face.
He still felt alive, warm, swimming in my vision. I could still see cruel silver being plunged into his chest, rivulets of red pooling down his lips and chin.
Four elephants.
Noah told me to run, so here I was…
Three elephants.
Forcing myself to breathe, I swiped blood from my eyes.
Two elephants.
Twisting around, I scanned the empty school hallway for movement.
One elephant.
Annalise’s brains dripped down my face.
I was picking pieces of her skull from my hair, tiny pearly splinters stuck to me.
Annalise was sucked down the pool drain, her body mincemeat on my dress.
Her grisly remains were floating on the surface, painting illuminated water in a striking, almost breathtaking red.
Noah was sliced apart right in front of me.
They were dead.
Slamming my fists into each classroom, my shriek caught between my teeth.
Help me.
The lights were off, which meant she was close.
Reaching the end of the hallway, I could hear laughter and familiar whoops coming from the auditorium.
The class of 2015 were graduating and I was going to fucking die.
The main entrance was locked, barricaded from the outside.
Taking two steps back, I slipped out of my heels, kicking them off.
The classroom at the end of the hall was open, spilling warm light that coaxed me forward, hypnotised by the illusion of safety. With no choice, I staggered toward it and pushed the door open.
Stepping directly into warm entrails squelching between my bare toes, I had to bite back a cry. Mari hung upside down above me, her body swaying back and forth, strung up like meat to the slaughter. The girl had been gutted straight through her designer Diana mini, her glistening remains sparkling under unearthly light. Mari’s eyes were still open, lips parted as if to warn me.
For a dizzying moment, I was paralysed.
A door banged shut, running footsteps, heavy panting breaths.
“Fuck!” a familiar accent cried out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
I could hear him slamming his hands into classroom doors.
“I need… I need help!”
The voice should have been comforting, but I was already seeing an opportunity to hide myself.
Swallowing barf, I leapt over glistening red entrails and dropped onto my hands and knees, crawling under a desk, gagging my own panting breaths.
The door swung open, and I buried my head in my arms, risking a peek.
Isaac Redfield stumbled through the door, immediately falling to his knees, his head buried between his legs.
He was sobbing, choking on breaths suffocating him. Issac looked helpless, hopeless, before his gaze caught mine.
I thought Isaac was dead.
The last time I saw him, he was being violently dragged into the janitor's closet. I could see where he'd narrowly missed being butchered, a gaping hole ripped straight through his suit jacket.
He was covered in the remnants of Noah, grisly scarlet turning him into more of a canvas than human, thick brown hair hanging in wide, almost unseeing eyes barely penetrating mine.
Isaac pressed a finger to his lips, his voice bleeding into a shaky breath.
”Don't… say… a… fucking word”.
The door opened, two familiar boots stomping through.
Issac twisted around, forcing himself to unsteady feet.
I could only see her slick black shoes.
The woman pivoted on her heel and started towards Isaac.
“Ahh, fuck,” his hiss broke out into a sob.
I watched him do a little dance backward in an attempt to distance himself. But he was just backing into a corner, staggering over himself.
His hand shot out, blindly grasping for a weapon, a chair leg, but her boots continued, stomping towards him.
Isaac tried to throw himself past her, but she was so fast, reaching out and grabbing the boy by his neck, her fingers pulverising. His arms flew up to peel her hands from his throat, but she was choking him. When Issac’s arms went limp, she slammed him into the window, and my body coaxed me to move, to run. Isaac was half conscious, spluttering blood, his head hanging.
But I couldn't.
I watched, my hand suffocating my screams, as she lifted him into the air, his feet dangling, his breaths coming out in choking pants. I saw the silver glint of her knife, and then the streak of scarlet painting the wall behind him.
I heard the exact moment the blade went in.
Isaac’s panting breaths became wet gurgles, his dangling legs going limp.
The slow stemming puddle of red accumulating across marble snapped something in my mind. I forgot how to run, to move my legs, to even breathe.
When Isaac’s body hit the ground with a meaty smack, I shuffled back, but the scarlet pool followed me running wet and warm under my fingers. I could see where his throat had been slashed open.
Isaac’s head was turned at an angle, his dead eyes staring directly at me.
I was trying to feel for a pulse when the desk I was hiding under was kicked aside. There she was when I dared lift my head. The woman in the black suit.
She resembled a shadow with a human face, dark blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, brandishing a pinstripe suit.
I watched her brutally murder my friends, one by one, no mercy, no I'm sorry, or even an explanation.
She butchered Annalise in the swimming pool, gutting Noah and Mari, and now Isaac.
Her expression was vacant. There was no motivation behind her killing them.
If there was, she would have worn the face of a psychotic serial killer, thirsty to spill blood.
She would have laughed as they ran, revelled in their fear and the startling inevitably of their own demise.
But she didn't.
Instead, the woman in the black suit stalked after them. She never stopped, never faltered, until they were all dead.
Until their breaths were thinning, their blood staining her hands.
The woman did not smile when she wrapped her hands around the curve of my neck and slammed me against the wall.
I saw stars going supernova, trying to suck in oxygen, her relentless grip tightening.
Black spots speckled my vision, and I was half aware of the ice-cold prick of silver sinking into my flesh. She was slow. Slow enough for me to count each of my lingering breaths, watching my own blood soak the front of my dress.
When she dropped me, I landed on my stomach. But there was no pain.
It felt like dreaming, choking on words that wouldn't come out.
Weird, I thought, my eyes flickering.
I counted ceiling tiles, dizzily, a slow spreading darkness pricking at the corners of my vision.
Last time, Isaac died first in the swimming pool.
Noah managed to stab the bitch in the back, only for her to chase him to the main entrance, gutting him on the spot.
The woman in the black suit loomed over me, while I focused on breathing.
Only for her to deliver one last fuck you blow to my head.
My vision contorted, and I sunk into the ground.
Straight into oblivion.
That spat me back out.
I was numb to my mother’s voice.
I used to wake up screaming, my hands around my throat clawing for wounds that were no longer there.
Now I was somewhere between acceptance and losing my fucking mind.
For a while, I didn't move, lying on my back and considering suicide.
I never had the guts to actually go through with it though.
Being murdered is one thing, but actually doing it yourself is another.
“Bonnie!” Mom’s voice was louder, and I mocked her words.
“Get up! Sweetie, I made your favorite! Chocolate chip pancakes!”
I paused, counting elephants.
I had mastered the ability to perfectly mimic her tone.
“And don't forget to thank Mrs Benson for that beautiful dress! You know she really wants you to attend graduation!”
Mom was right. I couldn't afford a decent dress, so my teacher offered.
But after being hacked apart, drowned, bisected, choked, and having my throat slit in different variations, I can't say I was thrilled to wear it. The dress was ruined every time, reduced to tatters clinging to me.
Rolling over in bed, I pulled my phone from my nightstand.
Always the exact same notification illuminating my home screen.
I fucking hated that notification.
Unknown number flashed up on screen.
“Hello?” I mumbled.
“How'd you die this time?”
Isaac Redfield's voice was muffled slightly. I think he was brushing his teeth.
“My throat was slit,” I said. “You?”
“You should know,” I heard him spit. “I mean, you did watch me fucking die.”
“That wasn't my choice.”
He spat again. “Does the woman in the black suit seem….familiar to you?”
I wasn't sure if he was screwing with me.
“Yes.” I said, dryly.
“No, not like that,” Isaac groaned. “I mean, don't you, like, recognise her? I swear I've seen this woman before.”
Squeezing my eyes shut, I revelled in the slow passage of time.
7am to 8am was my favourite part of the day. I used to freak out, trying to leave town and find the best hiding place. Now, I just lay down and vibed.
There was something both terrifying and yet weirdly peaceful about knowing whatever happened, I was going to die.
“Dude, I've definitely seen her.”
I rolled onto my face. “Is that before she started brutally killing you in a never ending groundhog day, or after?”
Isaac paused, and I buried my head into my pillow. “Um, both?”
He was either going crazy or onto something.
I wasn't counting on the latter.
Isssc’s deaths were the most brutal. I wouldn't be surprised if the trauma had knocked something loose in his brain.
“Yeah.” his laugh was nervous, more of a splutter. Throughout our situationship, I had come to know his laughs well.
I knew his fake laugh, his trying not to cry laugh, his trying not to laugh laugh. I even knew his I’m losing my fucking mind, I'm going to die laugh.
But I didn't know his real laugh.
“Does that sound crazy, or…?”
Instead of answering him, I ended the call.
At breakfast, I could still taste my own blood.
Mom hovered over me, blonde streaks of hair hanging in her face.
Dressed in her fluffy pink bathrobe, my mother should have been a comfort.
However, I was yet to forget the seventh loop when I broke apart and told her about what was happening.
Mom immediately called the doctor, convinced I was having a psychotic break.
He said there was nothing wrong with me and let me go to school.
Where I was murdered.
That time, she didn't kill us individually, instead forcing us on to our knees and bleeding us out, one by one. I think I became desensitised to death, to everything, when I was forced to watch Mari choke on her own screams, her head forced forwards, a blade brutally protruding through her.
*Don't forget to thank Mrs Benson for the dress, honey,” Mom said, refilling my juice.
I nodded, struggling to swallow pancake mush.
A sudden knock on the door woke me up.
That wasn't supposed to happen.
For a moment, I was frozen, my hands squeezing around my glass, before a familiar head of brown curls appeared.
Isaac Redfield, barely awake, still in his pyjamas.
Following suit, Mari Cliffe and Annalise Chatham.
Isaac went directly into the refrigerator hunting for food. Annalise took an uncertain seat at the table, and Mari stood with her arms folded, her wide, frenzied eyes drinking in my kitchen.
Isaac Redfield was the British exchange student who nobody could understand at first, his accent rocketing him up the high school hierarchy. The guy was also known for dealing candy, and getting into unnecessary arguments with teachers. Alongside Isaac, Mari Cliffe, captain of the girl’s soccer team, and Annalise Chatham, our school’s version of horse girl, were unlikely friends.
They used to be strangers, kids I’d pass in the hallway.
After being brutally killed together in a never ending graduation day cycle, we had become surprisingly close.
When we were hiding in the janitor's closet, Isaac spilled to us that he hated the idea of college.
He wanted to travel the world.
Mari was crushing on one of her teammates.
Annalise actually hated horses.
Isaac was secretly scared of Bill Nye.
I had a thing for clowns I wasn't going to go into.
It started as a confessions thing, four strangers pouring our hearts out to each other.
We shared theories.
Isssc was convinced we were actually dead, and this was hell.
Mari suggested we were in some kind of prank show.
I voiced my theory, which was, yeah, we were dead. I was sure we had died on graduation day, and this was fate’s way of giving us companions in the great beyond. Still though, I wasn't sure why fate wanted us to be brutally killed.
Then, there was the mystery of our killer.
The woman in the black suit, our own personal angel of death.
“Morning,” Isaac greeted me with a sleepy smile, running his hands through his hair. He ignored my Mom’s wide eyes. “Thanks for leaving me to die.”
I thought back to him crouched in front of me, his face splattered in Noah, index pressed to his lips. Don't move.
“You told me not to move.” I said through a mouthful of pancakes.
Issac’s lips curled. “Yeah, because I was expecting you to move your ass.”
The boy helped himself to my pancakes, shovelling them down with maple syrup.
I wasn't used to the others actually coming to my house. That never happened. We either met up at school, or were killed before we even saw each other. I knew Isaac was secretly pissed.
It wasn't the first time I had thrown him under the bus. Still, I was yet to forget him ‘accidentally’ drowning me nine graduation days ago.
He said it was an accident, but I definitely felt him shove my head under the water so he could make a run for it.
“There wasn't enough room under the desk,” I told him pointedly, gesturing to my mother, who I think was still trying to register three strangers walking into her kitchen unannounced. Mom had been vocal about me finding friends since freshman year, but I don't think she was expecting these friends.
Mari was well known around town, our girl’s soccer team dominating the local gazette.
Annalise’s father was the principal of our school. She was also the 2014 pageant winner.
Isaac was more infamous, especially for his ‘candy’.
“What?” Isaac shrugged, shooting my Mom a grin. “It's not like she's going to remember me, anyway.” he offered her a two fingered salute, “Sup, Mrs Haverford.”
To prove his point, Isaac straightened up, grabbed my phone, and threw it in the microwave.
Mari chucked a banana at his head.
“We get it.” she said with an eye roll.
“You don't need to resort to blowing things up every single time.”
Isaac responded with stubborn British noises, but she was right.
On our third graduation day, Isaac thought we could kill the woman in the black suit by blowing her up with science equipment.
Instead, he blew himself up, leaving the rest of us to her mercy.
Mom seemed to snap out of it, her smile broadening.
“Oh! You didn't tell me you were bringing friends over!” Mom immediately entered mother mode.
“Do you kids want breakfast?” she asked them, her voice high, almost shrill.
Narrowly avoiding my mother pulling out baby pictures, I coaxed her out of the kitchen. The last thing she said, before I shut the door on her face, was, “Don't forget to thank Mrs Benson for the–”
When we were alone, Mari took centre stage, hoisting herself onto the counter.
The girl was a natural leader, so of course she was our spokesperson.
Mari absently ran her hands through strawberry blonde hair.
“We tried your idea,” she nodded to a sick looking Annalise. “We tried running, and that crazy bitch still got us.”
Annalise wrapped her arms around herself, avoiding Mari’s gaze. “It was a suggestion. I didn't think she was that fast.”
“I still think she's a sleeper agent,” Isaac muttered into his glass of juice.
Mari raised a brow. “Okay, but why would a sleeper agent go after five random high school students?”
He shrugged, his lips curving into a smile.
“Maybe it was an order.”
He dragged out the latter word, so it sounded more like, “Ordahhhhhhhh.”
“But who made the order?” Annalise spoke up.
I nodded. “The government, or the shadow government don't go after high school kids.”
Isaac leaned forward, comfortably resting his chin on his fist. “Soo, what do we do now? If we can't beat whatever this thing is, what do we do?”
That is what we did.
For ten consecutive graduation days.
I woke up. I ate breakfast (pancakes and orange juice), I went to school, and I was murdered.
I was hacked apart, burned alive, drowned, impaled, and beheaded.
And nothing worked.
Our plans to run failed.
We tried to get to the roof, but she was always there waiting for us.
The latest loop, I was actually hopeful.
Isssc’s plan to lure her to the downstairs gym was going well, and it was the first time I'd survived past 3pm.
It was an adrenaline rush. 3pm had never looked so fucking beautiful.
The plan was simple.
Annalise, Mari and me standing in plain sight the whole time, and Isaac luring our killer to the downstairs gym.
When I got the confirmation text that Issac had trapped the woman in the closet, the three of us continued our plan, which was to set off the fire alarm, and alert the police of the intruder.
Informing the police was impossible initially, because she was always one thousand steps ahead of the five of us.
But Isaac had captured her.
We were in the clear.
That's what I thought.
When we pushed through the doors into the gym, however, Isaac’s cry froze me in place.
“It's a–”
His voice collapsed into panicked muffle screaming.
I took two steps, before I saw his figure running towards me.
Behind him, the woman in the black suit.
Another stumbled step, and he was being dragged back, a hand over his mouth. I didn't think our killer had enough intelligence to turn our own plan back on us, transforming Isaac into a lure for us.
I could see the apology in his frenzied eyes before she sliced her knife through his skull. I didn't even get a chance to mourn him. Isssc flopped onto the ground, rivulets of red pooling down his face. For a second, I was transfixed, hypnotised, by what she had done to him. The back of his head spewed blood like a geyser, a gaping hole splitting the back of his skull open.
I couldn't move, already wanting to surrender.
I shuffled back on my hands, already screaming, wailing like an animal.
I counted elephants, just like my mother told me.
My gaze was glued to Isaac, whose body was still twitching.
His glassy eyes, scarlet trails running down his face.
The woman was fast, waiting for me to try and run.
I was on my knees, and the door was so far away.
“Just breathe, honey.” Mom used to tell me.
“Keep counting elephants.”
Mari’s scream rattled in my ears.
I remember ice cold arms wrapping around my waist, the sensation of something sharp. I didn't feel the pain, only wet warmth running down my face. It felt like rain. Annalise’s crying was enough of an anchor, but my vision was already going foggy. I wasn't sure where the fatal wound was, though I guessed it was my head, just like Isaac.
The woman in the black suit floated in front of me like a spectre.
Once again, her fingers wrapped around my neck, swinging me like a toy.
I was aware of Mari’s thundering footsteps coming toward me.
Suddenly, pain.
Pain like I had never felt, pain that puppeteered my body, wrenching my head back, my lips forming an O.
Part of me could still feel it, the blade digging deep into my skull.
She twisted it, and I screeched, my mouth full of pancake mush.
Again, this time clockwise, and I felt my body go numb, my head hanging.
I could hear the sound of my skull splintering apart.
The woman in the black suit didn't just want to kill us.
She wanted to make us fucking suffer.
Reality contorted, and I was back in bed at home, screeching into my pillows before my body could hit the gym floor.
I think that was when I started to lose my mind.
I began to distance myself from the others, like we were strangers again.
The woman in the black suit hunted me down to the girls bathroom where I was hiding, drowning me in the toilet bowl.
Then, she came straight into my house when I refused to go to school, suffocating me with my stuffed rabbit.
Luckily, Isaac and Mari forced their way in.
Isaac was stabbed in the stomach, and Mari, impaled by a fucking hairbrush.
I had no idea you could be impaled by a hairbrush.
Isaac’s lifeless body dropped onto mine.
His expression almost made me laugh, like he was mid eyeroll.
Hysteria crept up my throat, days, months, years, centuries, of the same fucking day finally catching up to me.
I was shrieking with laughter when I was bludgeoned straight through the mouth.
This time, I rolled onto my side, spewing up the taste of blood.
"Get up! I made your favorite! Chocolate chip pancakes… “
Mom’s voice felt and sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
Swiping stale barf from my chin, I took one look at my graduation dress and burst out laughing. Then I tore the thing to shreds, stuffing the tattered remains in my bedroom drawer.
Mom appeared when she wasn't supposed to, hovering in my doorway.
In her hands was a laundry basket, but looking inside, it was filled with flour and eggs.
Mom’s smile was wide. I wondered if she was having a mental breakdown.
“Bonnie, did you remember to say thank you to Mrs Benson–”
I cut her off, swallowing a shriek. “For the dress,” I said. “Yep. I’m going to.”
That day, I stepped into school wearing a curtain and crocks.
“That's not a good idea,” Isaac stood behind me, wearing his usual tux.
His smile was weak. I think he'd stopped with the fake optimism.
Now, I was seeing the real him.
Real Isaac was kind of an asshole, but real subtle about it.
“Do you really want to die wearing a curtain? How are you going to run?”
I glimpsed a knife stuck in his belt. “Are you planning on being the hero?”
“Nope.” he shot me a sickly smile. “It's to defend myself.”
Four hours later, the two of us were sprinting down the hallway.
I wielded Isaac’s knife, Isaac stumbling with a head injury I didn't dare look at.
Issac narrowly missed drowning, managing to claw his way out of the pool. I didn't see him hit his head on the side when our killer threw herself on top of him, but I did hear the sickening crack of his face hitting stone tiles, all of the breath being violently knocked from his lungs in a strangled, “Oomph!”
She tried to drag him into the water, only for him to kick her in the face.
Mari was dead, half of her torso in the swimming pool.
Annalise was hiding, but I didn't have hope for her.
“You said we might be able to drown her!” Isaac, soaking wet and pissed, tried each classroom door, with all of them being locked as usual. He twisted around to me, his lips set in a silent cry.
His head was bleeding, bad, a scary looking gash in his forehead.
I was watching a single thick rivulet running down his face when he shoved me.
“Why did you push me into the pool?”
It was payback.
For him drowning me 176 Graduation days earlier.
“You falling into the pool was a distraction.” was all I could choke out.
He didn't believe me. I could tell by his eyes, twitching lips trying not to smile.
“You have a really bad head injury,” I whispered, tugging him into a power walk.
I realized the guy had some serious confusion when Issac laughed.
“I know,” he slurred, “I feel kinda…dizzy.”
I thought he was going to burst out laughing again, when familiar stomping boots brought us both to a sobering halt.
Issac slammed his hand over his mouth, his eyes widening. He slowly moved the two of us back, his clammy fingers entangling with mine. “Fuck,” he muffle whispered. “Did she hear us?”
When the booted footsteps got louder, we had our answer.
Pushing Isaac into the next open classroom, I catapulted myself into a sprint, cold hands suddenly gripping my shoulders and tugging me backwards.
“Shhh. It's me.”
Noah Locke.
He distanced himself after being sliced apart right in front of us. Noah was the quiet kid, a short and stocky boy with reddish hair and glasses. I wanted to ask where the hell he'd been, when I glimpsed the kitchen knife in his fist.
Noah’s smile was sickly. “Do you trust me?”
He pulled us into a classroom, quietly shutting the door behind him.
Isaac’s cries followed us, and I resisted covering my ears.
“I'm sorry,” Noah said, before slitting my throat.
This time, it was fast.
I fell.
I waited for Mom’s voice to wake me up, but when consciousness did come over me, I wasn't in bed. I had zero idea where I was, only the sensation that I was floating. Opening my eyes, I was inside a glass tank, suffocating in a thick goo-like substance, my hair spread out around me in a halo.
When I panicked, my body jerking awake, warm hands wrapped around me, pulling me out.
I hit open air, my lungs expanding, and I hacked up blood streaked water.
Noah helped me sit, the two of us leaning against my tank.
He was soaking wet, his skin glistening with that foul smelling solution.
I took a second to drink in my surroundings.
A large room filled with human-sized tanks.
Reaching to the back of my neck, I gingerly prodded at what felt like an incision. I stood up slowly, my gaze already finding the tank next to mine.
The girl was suspended in water, her eyes closed, lips parted peacefully.
“They tried to escape a while ago,” Noah murmured, his gaze glued to another tank.
His cheeks were a sickly pallid colour, eyes closed. There was something attached to the back of his head.
“But they're in the school,” I managed to get out. “I was just with Isaac!”
“You were with a null version of Isaac,” Noah didn't look at me. “The one who kept leading you to your death, even if it seemed accidental. He was playing you.” he buried his head in his knees.
“The real Isaac figured this wasn't real a long time ago.”
“Real Isaac?”
“Yeah. The one you've been with is more of a copy of him,” Noah sighed, leaning his head against Mari’s tank.
He spat out slime, adjusting his glasses.
“Think of him more as a shell, empty of his mind. This Isaac follows orders like an NPC. He had the guy’s memories and traits, but he was just a program.”
Too much information at once.
“I don't understand.”
Noah tipped his back, groaning. “You don't need to.”
He got to his feet. His eyes were dark, hollowed out caverns I couldn't recognise. “I'm sorry,” Noah said again, wrapping his hands around my neck and pinning me into one of the tanks.
Just like the woman in the black suit, Noah pressed enough pressure for me to suffer.
When he slammed my head against the tank, I felt my body shut down.
I could still feel him, his fingers squeezing the life out of me.
Darkness came soon after.
Swirling oblivion that swallowed me up, and then spat me out.
This time, I spluttered awake, cuffed to a bed inside a white room.
Surrounding me were fifteen gurney like beds.
“I don't know how deep we are,” Noah’s voice startled me.
The boy stood over me, this time dressed in shorts and t-shirt.
“What?” I tried to jump up, but I was strapped down.
“Miss Benson.” his voice broke. “She didn't want us to graduate, so she put us under.” he swiped at his eyes, gulping down sobs. Noah slumped down onto my bed. “I thought I could wake us up by killing ourselves instead, but we’re stuck.” I noticed the scalpel in his hand.
“The last thing Isaac told me was that we had to get back to the surface.”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “But I don't know how deep this thing goes.”
Tugging against the velcro straps pinning me down, I held my breath.
“Yeah.” he spluttered. “We’re pretty far under.”
With a heavy breath, he drew the blade across his own throat with just enough precision to keep himself breathing.
Deep red spotted the blanket, and the boy broke down.
“I can't wake us up,” Isaac whispered, grabbing a pillow and pinning me to the bed. I tried to shove him off of me, but he put all of weight onto me, laughing.
“Do you hear me, Isaac?” His hysterical cry followed me into the dark.
“I can't fucking wake us up!”
Death didn't feel like death at this point.
Like drowning, and then finding the surface.
Only to be pulled back into suffocating depths.
Plunging through nothing, empty space with no bottom, no surface.
Endless nothing that expanded, continuing.
Noah’s sobs collapsed into white noise and I felt my writhing limbs go still.
Once again, I waited for my Mom’s voice.
For Graduation Day.
Instead, I awoke with a shriek, strapped to a chair, my hands bound to Noah’s.
“I'm sorry for suffocating you with a pillow.”
He didn't sound apologetic.
This time, we were inside a glass building.
Above us, the sky was pitch dark.
“Where are we?”
“I have no idea,” Noah muttered. “I've never been this far.”
My gaze followed an odd looking bird through the skylight. “Meaning?”
“Meaning, she always takes me back to the start,” he said. “Graduation Day.”
Noah got free easily, tearing himself from his restraints.
The knots around my wrists were impossible. “So, you've been here before?”
“No.” he stumbled. “Isaac has.”
The boy dropped onto his hands and knees, picking up a single shard of glass.
“Isaac said he found a room with a skylight,” Noah murmured, sliding the point between his fingers. His gaze found the ceiling. “Then he went deeper, and his consciousness never came back to us. Mrs Benson sent a mindless fucking copy in his place.”
He got to his feet, the shard clenched in his fist.
“So, if I'm right… Isaac woke up, and Mrs Benson must have restrained the real him.” Noah stepped in front of me.
“And… like Isaac, we will wake up…” His frenzied eyes found mine. “Right?”
I wasn't thrilled with the idea of dying again, but anything to wake myself up.
“Do it.”
He nodded, and I felt the prick of the blade spike my skin.
Noah stepped back, cocking his head. “What?”
“Why would Mrs Benson do this?” I demanded. “She didn't want us to graduate school, so she did all of this?”
Noah shrugged, playing with the shard between his fingers. “Why else would she do this?”
He pressed the shard into my neck.
“Wait.” I hissed out.
Noah’s frown was patient. “What now?”
“What if this is the real world?” I whispered. “We’ll be killing ourselves. For real.”
Noah’s lips pricked slightly. “Does this world look real to you?”
Before I could reply, he slashed my throat open.
I waited for the reset.
For the sensation of blankets wrapped around my head, and my mother’s voice.
Instead, my body was stiff, my eyes glued shut.
“Bonnie Haverford?” the voice was a low murmur. “Honey, can you hear me?”
There was something stuck in my arm, a sharp, cruel thing pinning me down.
“I did say she was awake, but nobody believed me.”
The British accent was almost a fucking melody.
Prying my eyes open, a figure was looming over me. It was a woman with a kind face, her expression soothing.
A paramedic.
I couldn't make out what the tag on her uniform said, though.
Around me, I could see my classmates wrapped in blankets being escorted to the door. There were fifteen or so futuristic looking pods, and I was lying in one, a plastic mask suffocating my mouth. Isaac stood next to the paramedic, a wary smile on his mouth.
The guy had a scary bandage wrapped around his head.
“Bonnie, right?”
This version of him didn't remember getting to know me.
Isaac pulled me to a sitting position, ignoring the paramedic’s sharp hiss of, “Please leave her where she is!”
A man dressed in white tried to throw a blanket around him, and he shrugged it off.
“I'm fine,” Issac muttered, gingerly prodding his head wound. “I won't be if you keep asking if I'm okay. Jeez.”
Ignoring the adults, he wandered over to the pod in front of me and pulled a half conscious Noah to unsteady feet.
Noah staggered, half lidded eyes finding mine. His smile was sickly.
It worked.
The two of them hugged, Isaac burying his head in the crook of the boy’s shoulder.
I wanted to talk to Noah, but the paramedic seemed pretty insistent that I stayed still so she could check me over.
I was barely aware of my surroundings when I was crawling into the back of an ambulance.
Reality felt wrong, like I was still stuck, still reliving the same day over and over.
But my town was real.
I dazedly watched traffic flying by, the sky darkening.
Time was moving forward again.
The world resumed, and graduation day had been and gone.
14 days to be exact.
Mrs Benson had us trapped for 14 days, and yet to me, it felt like a century.
Mom was at the station, immediately pulling me into a hug.
She put me under house arrest for a week, sentencing me to my room.
According to Mom, our teacher turned herself in.
Apparently, forcing her students into a slasher movie simulator was ‘tugging at her heart’.
I spent most of the summer lying in bed watching Disney movies.
Mom made me breakfast. Eggs and soldiers, just like when I was a little kid.
I was absently dipping my toast soldiers in egg, when she dropped an envelope in front of me. “If you want to testify, sweetie,” Mom had resorted to using her baby voice again, “But remember, you don't have to. It's your choice…”
Mom’s voice faded when I picked up the envelope, opening it up.
My name was printed on the front.
I blinked. “They printed my name upside down.”
Mom was behind me, frying more eggs.
In the time it took for the envelope to slip from my hand, I was only aware of one thing.
The woman in the black suit was standing in the doorway, her fingers wrapped around an axe. Noah was in front of me one minute, his eyes wide, lips parted in a scream. “It's not–”
The woman was quick to grab him, one hand going over his mouth, the other pressing the blade to his adam’s apple.
In one singular jerking movement, the boy’s blood was splattering my face, clouding my vision.
The woman in the black suit did not kill me.
She picked Noah up, threw him over her shoulder, and walked away.
“Did you remember to thank me for buying your graduation dress?” Mom asked, handing me a plate of fried eggs.
Her voice, though, felt too close.
Warm breath tickling my cheeks.
“Bonnie, are you listening to me? Did you remember to thank me, sweetheart?”
Reality was far more cruel than dream.
Reality was being unable to move, unable to breathe. It was like coming up for air, but at the same time, I was drowning. The real world was so cold, and yet warm wetness dripped down my chin. I was strapped to a metal table, something plastic lodged down my throat.
Through blurry vision, I could see my body.
I could see that my hair was so much longer, almost down to my stomach.
But there was something wrong.
Prickles of ice slithered down my spine, curls of panic setting my body into fight or flight.
At first, I thought I was in the emergency room.
Except this place didn't have doors.
The walls were sickly green, a bunker transformed into a sicko’s dungeon.
My body resembled a pin cushion, or a little girl’s idea of a doll.
When my eyes found my stomach that was barely being held together by fresh stitches, my mind started to come apart.
Noah was wrong.
Everything that has happened to me, to us, was real.
Being beheaded, ripped apart, sliced into.
Mrs Benson was just good at putting us back together.
My arms were skeletal, wires protruding into my veins.
I could see where I had been cut open, my paper thin hospital gown stained scarlet.
I couldn't count elephants.
Across the room, beds lined the walls.
On them was what was left of my classmates, mangled flesh still strapped down. Some of them had been cut into, severed apart, while others were attached to tubes, wires sticking into their spine and the back of their heads.
The floor was stained, writhing body parts and slithering entrails dried into yellowing tiles.
In the corner of my eye, Mari’s head was hanging open, the pinkish grey of her brain visible through the pearly white of her skull. She was still alive, still twitching in her restraints, plastic tubes full of fluid being fed directly into her head. When a thin river of red slid down her temple, I averted my gaze.
Barf was already in my mouth, splashing into my mask.
Annalise had tubes stuck to her, one eye scooped out, her pretty face mutilated.
He was covered with a white sheet, a startling smear of scarlet where his head was supposed to be.
I could see his wrists still strapped down.
Mrs Benson stood in my line of vision, though I did see Isaac’s fingers curl slightly.
My teacher didn't speak when I shrieked through my mask, straining against velcro straps.
Mrs Benson’s smile was the one I used to like.
She lit up our classroom, like sunshine.
“Why don't we count elephants together, hmm?”
I found myself nodding, trusting the sunshine smile.
Mrs Benson straightened up.
She strode over to Noah’s bed, replacing his blood soaked pillow with a fresh one, adjusting the tube in his mouth and planting a kiss on his forehead. I could see red dots marked across his skin, circled around his eyes.
“Three.” I found myself saying with her, my thoughts dancing.
Mrs Benson turned to me, her lips breaking out into a grin.
“That's right! Count with me, Bonnie.”
I closed my eyes, swimming in the drugs filling my body.
I was being pulled back down.
Sinking through the ground, colours flashed in my eyes.
Mom’s voice startled me awake, a raw cry choking through my lips.
Graduation Day was the same.
Mom made me breakfast.
Pancakes and orange juice.
I went to school wearing my graduation dress.
Isaac walked straight past me, running to catch up with his friends.
Mari ignored my attempt to call out for her.
Annalise ducked her head, hurrying to empty out her locker.
Noah was standing behind me.
I could have cried.
But when I turned to talk to him, to tell him we were still trapped, his smile was wide, eyes glassy. In his arms was our yearbook. He handed me a pen.
“Do you mind signing it?” Noah chuckled. “I've got everyone but you.”
He opened it up onto the first page.
“It's Noah, by the way!”
Behind him, I glimpsed a familiar shadow, a woman striding towards me.
The lights above flickered, and I could already taste blood in my mouth. Noah didn't even flinch when I dropped the yearbook and stumbled into a run.
His smile was vacant, empty.
Just like he said.
I was already running for my life, and he kept talking to thin air.
When the woman in the black suit sprinted past him, his smile broadened.
“And you are?”
submitted by Trash_Tia to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:17 next3days Big Weekend of Local Fun in Blacksburg and Across the New River Valley (June 7-9, 2024)....

For those in town, here's 30 local events you can enjoy in a big summer line-up of local fun and the weather forecast looks great with three days of sunshine and highs in the 70s.
Weekend Rundown of Fun: 1. Arts NRV Market 2024 Montgomery Museum of Art & History, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 12:00 - 6:30 PM and Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Arts NRV Market is a celebration of creativity and community art. The Market will feature over 30 regional art and crafts vendors with artwork for sale and local art demonstrators on display. This event will also feature a wine garden, delicious food from Copper Dog & Co. food truck, and an arts-based raffle. This event will also feature the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’ (VMFA) On the Road Traveling Museum Artmobile, a state-of-the-art, climate-controlled trailer equipped with Wi-Fi and interactive components that meet 21st-century expectations. The VMFA is bringing their "Love, Laughter, Tears: An Artist’s Guide to Emotion" exhibit to the Montgomery Museum. On Friday, after the market closes, the museum will host "Paint like Picasso!," a painting class led by Ruth Lefko and David Ferrell. The cost is $45.00 including canvas, materials, and one glass of wine. Limited additional wine may be purchased at the event. Finished paintings will be displayed at the museum after the market concludes. This event is for adults only, with a limit of 18 participants. Register is required and available online. Saturday features numerous art demos including Backyard Stone Carvers Demo, New River Arts & Fiber Demo and Fire and Sky Pottery Studio Demo. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=777427
2. 2024 Pearisburg Festival in the Park Pearisburg Community & Recreation Center, Pearisburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 5:00 - 11:00 PM, Saturday, June 8, 2024, 9:30 AM - 11:00 PM Admission: Free The 39th Pearisburg Festival in the Park features carnival rides, three days of live entertainment each day, food vendors with all your favorite festival foods, special activities, vendors and crafters concluding with a fireworks show on Saturday night. On Friday night, award-winning Pennsylvania bluegrass band Colebrook Road headlines and on Saturday night country music veteran and Randy Travis and Clay Walker songwriter Ray Scott headlines. There will be rides and games for the whole family. Free shuttle bus service is offered all nights for the duration of the Pearisburg Festival in the Park to and from downtown Pearisburg. The shuttle service will run as long as necessary to ensure festival goers can get back to their vehicles. Admission is free and all are welcome. Individual tickets for rides will be available at the festival. The Cancer Kids and Christmas & Pearisburg Festival Cruise-In will be held on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Entry is $20.00 and vehicles must be registered by Noon. Trophies and prizes will be awarded. Chairs and blankets are welcome. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778189
3. Furious Jones in Concert Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Singer and songwriter Furious Jones currently resides in Blacksburg, VA though originally from Houston, TX. Enjoy a live acoustic solo show featuring Americana, blues, folk, and rock with both originals and extensive covers. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778194
4. The Jared Stout Trio in Concert Rock House Marina, Pulaski Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Three members of The Jared Stout Band perform on stage. Get ready to experience the high-octane energy and soulful sound of the Jared Stout Band. This alt-country powerhouse hails from Southwestern Virginia and is known for their unique blend of Appalachian rhythm and blues. As runners-up for the "On-The-Rise" award at FloydFest 22, the Jared Stout Band delivers an unforgettable performance by bringing their own energetic and soulful original songs to the stage. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778186
5. 2024 SummerFEST Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 10:00 PM Admission: Free Relay For Life of Montgomery County presents the 2024 SummerFEST. Kick off the new season and warmer weather with SummerFEST featuring five food trucks, 12+ vendors, entertainment, Kids Zone and more. In Relay For Life tradition, the event will also feature the Luminaria ceremony, survivor lap, fight back ceremony, and more. Entertainment includes the Appalachian Cloggers, Daniel Davis, group Zumba and more. There will also be a kids zone with Stormtroopers and the fully accessible playground & splash pad. All proceeds from fundraisers, donations, etc. go directly to the American Cancer Society in the fight for a cure. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=777382
6. 2024 Summer Arts Festival Friday Night Outdoor Concerts Kickoff with Blacksburg Community Band Henderson Lawn, Virginia Tech Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 7:30 PM Admission: Free The Summer Arts Festival kicks off their 2024 Friday Night Outdoor Concerts with the Blacksburg Community Band. The Blacksburg Community Band, Inc. is an all-volunteer community organization formed in 1989 under the auspices of the Department of Parks and Recreation in the Town of Blacksburg, Virginia. The band is under the direction of David McKee. The ensemble is open to individuals of all ages and ability levels from the New River Valley and surrounding areas. Bring your chairs and/or blankets. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be canceled. Friday Night Outdoor Concerts on Henderson Lawn are presented by Virginia Tech and the Town of Blacksburg as part of the 2024 Summer Arts Festival. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778307
7. Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Beliveau Farm Winery continues Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales. Hailing from opposite ends of the state of Virginia, Chloé and Stewart met in 2012 at the Floyd Country Store, brought together by a shared interest in the music of southwest Virginia. Chloé is a classically trained cellist who is exploring traditional music; Stewart is a self-taught bluegrass banjo, guitar, and bass player. Now married, together they play a variety of styles, but folk and bluegrass are favorite genres. Enjoy delicious food from Beliveau's full service kitchen until 8:30 PM and chat over a glass of wine during our extended bar hours until 9:00 PM. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778611
8. Squeeze the Squid in Concert The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $5.00 Squeeze the Squid is a psychedelic funk rock band from Richmond, VA. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778693
9. Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family Radford Fire Department, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:30 AM - TBD Admission: $20.00 The Radford Fire Department and Christiansburg Fire Department presents a Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family starting at the Radford Fire Department and ending on the Christiansburg Fire Department. Registration is from 8:30-10:00 AM and kickstands up at 10:00 AM. 100% of collected money will benefit Jeremy Compton's family and his medical bills. Jeremy fought cancer for over three years and has been a professional firefighter with the Radford Fire Department and a volunteer with the Christiansburg Fire Department. Tragically Jeremy passed away on May 30th, 2024. Jeremy was the epitome of a public servant. He dedicated years to serving and protecting his community as a firefighter, emergency medical technician and sheriff’s deputy. Jeremy’s passion and love for the firefighting profession was unmatched. Jeremy often referred to firefighting as "the best job in the World". Jeremy’s compassion for the people he encountered was never-ending. He would always go above and beyond to comfort and calm the patients he met. Jeremy genuinely loved every aspect of the job and shared that love with his coworkers and fellow volunteers. The ride will be approximately 50 miles with a stop near the middle with lunch donated by Mission BBQ and there will be a 50/50 Drawing during lunch at the Christiansburg Fire Department. Additional donations are greatly appreciated. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778234
10. Summer Health Fair Blacksburg Boxing and Fitness, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Kickstart your summer health and wellness goals at Blacksburg Boxing's Summer Health Fair. With free subs catered by Jimmy Johns (available while supplies last), enjoy dozens of amazing local health and wellness businesses from across the New River Valley in attendance all in one spot. Ranging from mini-massages, to free supplement samples, body composition analysis, dietary tips, free boxing workouts, yoga, lavender products, physical therapists, chiropractic analysis and more. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=777283
11. 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail The Floyd Center for the Arts, Floyd Saturday, June 8, 2024 and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission: Free The Floyd Center for the Arts presents the 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail at multiple sites in Floyd County over two days. This annual event hosts over 40 Floyd County artists and artisans sites opening up their studios for the weekend, welcoming folks from the tri-state area to come visit. Artisan Trail celebrates the true breadth of Floyd County's creative community and is a vital part of their tourism. Venture deep into the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where local artisans and agrarian cultures share their creative passions and open their studio doors and pasture gates for an authentic Floyd experience. Meet potters, woodworkers, jewelers, glass artists, fine artists, photographers, beekeepers, farmers, and others who look forward to sharing the story of their craft, art or tradition. Visit local artisan studios, galleries & shops, farms & markets, restaurants & lodging sites. Stop by the Floyd Center for the Arts for the Silent Auction during the event. Grab your official brochure and map at The Floyd Center for the Arts so you can plan out your trail. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=777750
12. 2024 Claytor Lake Festival Claytor Lake State Park, Dublin Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM Parking is $20.00 per vehicle or $15.00 with donation of five cans of food. The Claytor Lake Festival Committee presents the 25th Annual Claytor Lake Festival. The festival kicks off the summer season at Claytor Lake State Park each year. Enjoy entertainment all day including performances by Back Alley II and The Castaways, fireworks at night, arts & crafts vendors, beach access included with admission, free children's activities, youth & adult fishing tournament, wine tastings available all day, Chuckles the Clown, US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 83 NRV and lots more. Registration for the Everett Lee Yearout, Jr. Adult and Youth Fishing Tournament will be held 7:00-10:00 AM. This year the tournament theme is "There is a lot to learn from fishing because...". Essays are due at 12:00 PM. Trophies and awards will be given out in the afternoon. The Car Show voting is done by the show participants who are completely registered by 10:30 AM. All entries will receive a dash plaque, goodie bag and category winners will receive trophies. There is no pre-registration fee. The fee is $20.00 to enter the car & motorcycle show and this is the only fee you pay to enter the festival. Swimming is included with admission. The event is rain or shine. An ATM will be on site. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778297
13. Balance and Brews Iron Tree Brewing Company, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:45 - 11:45 AM Admission: $20.00 Move through foundational yoga poses, gentle stretches, and experience the many restorative benefits that yoga has to offer. This one hour class is appropriate for all levels, including those who are totally new to yoga. The cost includes an Iron Tree beverage of your choice. No reservation required, just show up. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778296
14. Beer, Bourbon and BBQ with Live Music from Bunco Pete Dye River Course, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Admission: Free, All You Can Eat BBQ Buffet: $30.00 Join the Pete Dye River Course for a Beer, Bourbon and BBQ celebration. Beer will be sponsored by 3 Notch'd brewing with a Steal the Pint along with giveaways and other fun items. Bourbon sponsored by JH Bard's with individual drinks available and a tasting flight with a chance to win a special prize with a raffle drawing. There will also be a BBQ Buffet featuring chicken legs, pork ribs, sliced brisket, fried catfish, coleslaw, potato salad, mac & cheese, succotash and more. Live music will be performed by BUNCO from 4:00-7:00 PM. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778074
15. 2024 Purple Party in the Park Nellie's Cave Park, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admission: Free Join the 3rd Annual Purple Party in the Park to support the Alzheimer's Association. Put on your best purple outfit and enjoy free ice cream, games, and fun to support the local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. There will be an Ice Cream Buffet, raffle with hand-crafted prizes, a water balloon toss, yard games and more. New this year there will also be a Craft Corner hosted by Blacksburg Ballet. All donations go directly to local programs, support and care for those affected by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Reservations for the event are appreciated and can be made on the Facebook Event listing. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=776691
16. 5th Brewery Birthday Celebration & Makers Market with Live Music from Black Wax Rebellion Eastern Divide Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 8:00 PM Admission: Free Celebrate Eastern Divide Brewing's 5th Birthday and discover unique treasures at their Makers Market opening at noon featuring local artisans with Heart of Virginia Artisans, enjoy $5.00 pints of their finest brews and live music from Black Wax Rebellion featuring Lilly Potts from 5:00-8:00 PM along with raffle prizes and free ice cream in the out bar while supplies last. Black Wax Rebellion is an American rock-n-roll trio based in southwest Virginia. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778302
17. Tiptoe Through the Tulips, err, Vineyard JBR Vineyards LLC, Pearisburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 5:00 PM and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 1:00 - 5:00 PM Admission: Free Wine Pricing: Tastes: $1.00, Cups of Wine: $5.00, Bottles of Wine: $15.00-$20.00 plus tax Tiptoe through the vineyard to see how much the fruit and vines have grown already. In addition to tours and tastings, the winery is in the midst of bottling; so, you can also see how the operation is done. JBR Vineyards is a small, family operation growing only classic wine grapes. Their focus is on growing the best grapes they can and making the best wine they can. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778322
18. Genealogy Saturdays Alexander Black House & Cultural Center, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Join the Alexander Black House & Cultural Center on the first Saturday of every month for Genealogy Saturdays. Ancestry experts will be on hand to assist you as you explore your family tree. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots. They will be able to demonstrate starting your family tree or help you conduct a deeper dive into specialized areas of genealogy. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots or come with no knowledge of your family and let them guide you. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778509
19. Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag with Laser Club at Virginia Tech (LCAT) Pandapas Pond, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Laser Tag Club at Virginia Tech (LCaT) presents Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag every Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Laser Tag games are open to all ages for free. No fees of any kind for anything and no reservations are required. All equipment will be provided. Just show up ready to go. Play includes use of the Club’s laser taggers, a limited amount of camo clothing, snacks and water. Complete instructions for fun and safe play are briefed at game time. Play is on several acres of Forestry Service approved terrain adjacent to the lower parking lot at Pandapas Pond. Players are reminded that the play area is wooded and hilly, so dress appropriately and use insect repellent (some insect repellent is provided, if needed). Games start at 1:00 PM and run until 4:00 PM, but players may come and go as they please. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult parent/guardian in the play area. Teens ages 12-17 must have an adult parent/guardian present at Pandapas Pond. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=776260
20. 2024 Arc in the Park Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 6:00 PM Admission: Free The Arc of the New River Valley presents the 3rd Annual Arc in the Park. Enjoy free food, fun and friends. We will be giving out BBQ and hot dogs, kids crafts, balloon animals, snow cones, face painting and more! In addition, The Annual Arc in the Park Gift Card Raffle will be drawn at 5:00 PM. The Gift Card Raffle will help raise funds for the good work the organization does all year long. Participants do not have to be there in person to win. There will be multiple winners and individuals can win more than once. Raffle tickets are $5.00 each and can be purchased online. The deadline for online purchases is Friday, June 7th at Noon. All are welcome. The park is handicap accessible. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=776817
21. Summer Arts Festival Free Classic Movies: Fried Green Tomatoes Lyric Theatre, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 5:10 PM Admission: Free The 2024 Summer Arts Festival continues their Free Classic Movies series featuring "Fried Green Tomatoes". "Fried Green Tomatoes" is a 1991 drama starring Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy and Mary Stuart Masterson and is rated PG-13. Synopsis: Evelyn, an ordinary housewife, visits a nursing home and befriends the old lady Ninny. Together, they bond over stories from the past about two intrepid women of Whistle Stop Cafe. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778206
22. Educate Your Palate Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 PM Admission: $35.00 The "Educate Your Palate" class offers a tasting of 10 wines with cheese, crackers, and a chocolate, guided by the undivided attention of a Beliveau Wine Educator. You’ll love sharing this 1.5 hour experience with friends, current or newly met. The class is by advance reservation only. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778615
23. 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series with Lyn Avenue and Drew Pace Downtown Christiansburg, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free The Town of Christiansburg and the Christiansburg Parks & Rec continues their 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series featuring music from Lyn Avenue at 7:00 PM and Drew Pace at 5:00 PM. Celebrate food and music in downtown Christiansburg! Rockin’ Main Concerts. Attendees can purchase food and drinks from a selection of food trucks and wine & beer vendors. Born and raised in Savannah, GA, Lyn Avenue is a husband and wife country and Americana duo bringing you catchy, compelling stories with genuine southern charm. Described as six string spirit and small town soul. Drew Pace is a country music singer and songwriter from Scottsville, Virginia. He is now making a name for himself in the country music industry one show at a time. He has a unique sound that wins over his audience showcasing his voice and charm. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs to sit at the square and watch the live music. Concerts are rain or shine. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=776698
24. Mount Tabor Ruritan Club June Fish Fry with The Blacksburg Community Band Slusser's Chapel Church of God, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 7:00 PM In Person: Adults: $12.00, Children Ages 3-11: $6.00, Children Under 3: Free, Carry-Outs: $12.00 The Mount Tabor Ruritan Club presents their 2024 June Fish Fry. Enjoy a serving fish, fries, slaw, homemade desserts, and beverage. This month the Blacksburg Community Band will be performing. And, take you picture with the Dolly Parton cutout, and get information on signing up with the Imagination Library of Montgomery County, VA to receive free monthly books for kids under five. This is a fundraiser for the Ruritan Club's community service projects and scholarships. The event will be held rain or shine. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=777781
25. Irish Trad Jam with Mist in the Mountain Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Mist on the Mountain is an Irish Traditional Music group based in the New River Valley. From lively jigs and reels to heartbreaking laments and rollicking ballads, Mist on the Mountain provides great Irish music for any occasion. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778195
26. Enchanted Forest Prom Moon Hollow Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Prepare to get lost in the enchanted forest at the Moon Hollow Enchanted Forest Prom. DJ Bug Bite and friends will be spinning the tunes and the prom punch will be flowing. There will also be prom photos in the cove. 10% off bar tab for those who dress in prom attire. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778689
27. Four Band Concert with IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $10.00 Enjoy a night of killer heavy rock and roll with the four band concert featuring IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker You don’t want to miss some of Virginia and North Carolina's finest heavy, psych, doom and stoner rock. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the music starts at 8:00 PM. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778610
28. Yoga On Tap with Blacksburg Yoga Collective Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Sunday, June 9, 2024, 9:30 - 10:45 AM Suggested donation of $15.00-$20.00. The Blacksburg Yoga Collective presents Yoga On Tap. Enjoy an energizing and uplifting flow with Blacksburg Yoga Collective in the beautiful settings of the Rising Silo Farm Brewery. Focus on therapeutic movements and breathing techniques aimed toward collective wellness. Meditate and move together to ease stress, manifest positivity, and improve our awareness and focus. The cost includes a post-yoga non-alcoholic beverage from the brewery. Participants can use Venmo to pay for the class. Please bring your own mat. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778683
29. Sunday Mountain Music Series with Indian Run String Band Mountain Lake Lodge, Pembroke Sunday, June 9, 2024, 4:00 - 6:00 PM Free Admission Mountain Lake Lodge continues their Sunday Mountain Music Series with the Indian Run String Band. The Indian Run Stringband from Blacksburg, VA plays fiddle and banjo foot stomping dance tunes, ballads and sings traditional songs with old time harmonies perfect for dancing the two step. From dance tunes to the blues, the Indian Run Stringband plays with love and abandon. They make old-time music fresh and new. Stop by Salt Pond Pub every Sunday from Memorial Day to Labor Day from 4:00-6:00 PM and enjoy live music along with food and drinks. Perfect for relaxing with the whole family (furry friends are welcome too). Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778167
30. MLB / USA Baseball: Bluefield Ridge Runners vs. Pulaski River Turtles (Saddle-Up Sunday) Calfee Park, Pulaski Sunday, June 9, 2024, 5:30 - 8:30 PM General Admission: $5.00, Seniors Ages 65 & Older: $1.00, Kids 6 & Under: Free, Grandstand: $11.00, Reserved Seating: $12.00, Party Zone: $12.00, Club Seating: $15.00 The Pulaski River Turtles Appalachian League team hosts the Bluefield Ridge Runners as they continue their 2024 season. Enjoy Saddle-Up Sunday featuring free mechanical bull rides and a cowboy hat giveaway while supplies last. Additionally, enjoy Sunday Savings featuring concession specials every Sunday. Tickets can be purchased at the gates on game day or online. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=778585
For all the rest of the weekend fun, check out: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEvents.cfm
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
submitted by next3days to VirginiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:52 FineThenNoUsername My Disney Itinerary - do I have too much planned? Disney Newbie - am I being unrealistic?

I have never been to Disney before, I am fortunate enough that I’m able to afford an all-out Disney trip. So I’m trying to plan one that involves everything I want. I am going September 15 - September 23. It’s just myself, so I don’t have to worry about wrangling anyone else around.
I understand no one on here is a travel agent but most of y’all have Disney experience and I’m just hoping for a general “yea you’re planning too much.” Or a “no you should be fine”
I work as a chef and I’m really interested in some of the food so the ADRs I’m looking to make are:
I’d say Bomas, storybook dining, ohanas (dinner), and beaches and cream are the most important.
Then the enchanting extras I’m planning to book are:
My planned Itinerary is as follows and I’m wondering if I’m spreading myself too thin:
SEPT 15 - I messed up and booked a really late flight, so this day is basically a wash because I don’t arrive until late. My plan is basically: check into hotel, figure out transportation for next day. Buy genie plus for next day.
SEPT 16 - get into magic kingdom as early as possible, but I had a long travel day the day before so I’m not going to push myself too much. It’s going to be an easy, chill magic kingdom day.
I was planning to leave a bit early in the day and have dinner at Ohana.
I was planning on buying genie plus so I could get a few of the rides I wanted out of the way before I got tired.
SEPT 17 - Sleep in. No particularly set schedule for the day (weather dependant) but I was thinking waterpark from 10-2 (ish). Back to hotel, change, late lunch/early dinner at Beaches and Cream. I looked and the ideal time slot id want to reserve is 3:30. But obviously this is all dependant on what ADRs are available when I book my trip.
Then I have tickets to Mickeys not so scary, I read you can get in around 4, so I was planning to enter right after Lunch/dinner so I can do anything I missed in MK the day before.
SEPT 18 - Early entry to animal kingdom (if I’m not too tired after MNSSHP). Start the morning some rides and do the Wild Africa Trek sometime in the afternoon. Hoping to be able to do mostly everything in animal kingdom in this one day even though Wild Africa Trek takes up 3 hours of my day.
Will likely buy genie plus on this day as well.
Since AK seems to close the earliest, I thought it’d be a good day to do Storybook Dining - hopefully getting the latest possible reservation.
SEPT 19 - Hollywood Studios Early entry if possible. Then I want to build a droid, build a lightsaber and have lunch at the sci-fi drive in. It feels like a lot to do in a day, but it seems most of those things only take about 30 minutes each on average?
I’m hoping to be able to get all the rides I want to done as well in this one day.
Dinner at Bomas (maybe) at the latest reservation time I can get.
SEPT 20- rest day. Sleep in, go to Disney Springs. I’m planning on buying tickets to Drawn to Life. I don’t have any dining plans, but I’m curious what I could find in Disney springs for ADR.
I might do Bomas on this day instead. My resort is in Animal kingdom lodge area anyways, so it’s not super out of the way? But I also am curious about potentially getting dinner in Disney springs, I haven’t looked into restaurants there at all yet.
SEPT 21 - Magic Kingdom again (subject to change if I feel like I didn’t get enough done in one of the other parks but did get enough done in MK). Originally I read that MK was a 2 day park and the others were 1 day parks. So I planned around that fact. No ADRs today, but I am planning to stay until park close to see the fireworks (maybe do the dessert party if it’s worth it?)
SEPT 22 - Epcot (was originally planning to switch the 21st and 22nd but there’s another Not so Scary on the 22nd and I didn’t want my last magic kingdom day to be cut short).
Behind the seeds tour in the morning. Lunch at garden grill. Dinner at space 220 lounge (maybe just apps, I really just like the atmosphere) and then maybe stop at Via Napoli for dinner as well. I don’t think I’d be able to make an ADR for via Napoli if I make one for space 220 dinner though. They’d be too close together in time?
Would I still be able to get everything done with all the dining I plan to do?
SEPT 23 - breakfast at ohanas - my flight doesn’t leave until late, so just hanging around Disney springs or resort hopping until I have to go to the airport.
Am I able to get everything done that I plan to? Would it beneficial to add an extra day? Or do I have to cut some things out?
submitted by FineThenNoUsername to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:02 whelven_soul Tried to update my RLCraft on Prismlauncher with a steam deck. Does anyone know how to read crash reports? I don't want to have to start over. I just killed my first dragon :(

Hi! The title says it all. Someone please help! I
// Why is it breaking :(
Time: 6/7/24 1:45 PM
Description: Initializing game
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/github/alexthe666/iceandfire/core/ModItems
at com.chaosbuffalo.spartanfire.init.ItemRegistrySFire.(ItemRegistrySFire.java:52) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler\_517\_ItemRegistrySFire\_registerItems\_Register.invoke(.dynamic) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:90) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus$1.invoke(EventBus.java:144) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:182) at net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData.fireRegistryEvents(GameData.java:850) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods(Loader.java:630) at net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading(FMLClientHandler.java:252) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func\_71384\_a(Minecraft.java:467) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func\_99999\_d(Minecraft.java:378) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch(StandardLauncher.java:100) at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:129) at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:70) 
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.github.alexthe666.iceandfire.core.ModItems
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:191) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:418) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:351) ... 20 more 
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Client thread
at com.chaosbuffalo.spartanfire.init.ItemRegistrySFire.(ItemRegistrySFire.java:52) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler\_517\_ItemRegistrySFire\_registerItems\_Register.invoke(.dynamic) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:90) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus$1.invoke(EventBus.java:144) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:182) at net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData.fireRegistryEvents(GameData.java:850) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods(Loader.java:630) at net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading(FMLClientHandler.java:252) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func\_71384\_a(Minecraft.java:467) 
-- Initialization --
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func\_99999\_d(Minecraft.java:378) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch(StandardLauncher.java:100) at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:129) at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:70) 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 6.1.52-valve16-1-neptune-61 Java Version: 1.8.0\_412, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 2900136536 bytes (2765 MB) / 4153933824 bytes (3961 MB) up to 9425125376 bytes (8988 MB) JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512m -Xmx10112m IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge 185 mods loaded, 185 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored State ID Version Source Signature :----- :--------------------------- :-------------------- :------------------------------------------------------------ :---------------------------------------- LCH minecraft 1.12.2 minecraft.jar None LCH mcp 9.42 minecraft.jar None LCH FML []( forge-1.12.2- e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 LCH forge forge-1.12.2- e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 LCH creativecoredummy 1.0.0 minecraft.jar None LCH itemphysic 1.4.0 minecraft.jar None LCH ivtoolkit 1.3.3-1.12 minecraft.jar None LCH foamfixcore 7.7.4 minecraft.jar None LCH tnt\_utilities\_core 1.2.3 minecraft.jar None LCH forgeendertech 1.12.2- ForgeEndertech-1.12.2- None LCH adhooks 1.12.2- AdHooks-1.12.2- None LCH advanced-fishing 1.3.3 Advanced-Fishing-1.12.2-1.3.3.jar None LCH aireducer 0.3.0 AIReducer-1.12.2-0.3.0.jar None LCH alcatrazcore 1.0.4 alcatrazcore-1.0.4.jar 3c2d6be715971d1ed58a028cdb3fae72987fc934 LCH antiqueatlas 4.6.3 antiqueatlas-1.12.2-4.6.3.jar None LCH antiqueatlasoverlay 1.2 antiqueatlas-1.12.2-4.6.3.jar None LCH lostcities 2.0.22 lostcities-1.12-2.0.22.jar None LCH antiquecities 1.0 antiquecities-1.2.1.jar None LCH anvilpatch 1.1.1 anvilpatch-1.1.1.jar None LCH aquaculture 1.6.8 Aquaculture-1.12.2-1.6.8.jar None LCH carrots 1.0.0b1 carrotslib-mc1.12.2-1.0.0b1.jar None LCH armorunder 1.0.0 armorunder-mc1.12.2-1.0.0.jar None LCH astikorcarts 1.12.2- astikorcarts-1.12.2- None LCH attributefix 1.0.12 AttributeFix-Forge-1.12.2-1.0.12.jar None LCH crafttweaker 4.1.20 CraftTweaker2-1.12- None LCH mtlib 3.0.7 MTLib-3.0.7.jar None LCH modtweaker 4.0.19 modtweaker- None LCH jei jei\_1.12.2- None LCH quark r1.6-179 Quark-r1.6-179.jar None LCH autoreglib 1.3-32 AutoRegLib-1.3-32.jar None LCH base 3.14.0 base-1.12.2-3.14.0.jar None LCH battletowers 1.6.5 BattleTowers-1.12.2.jar None LCH baubles 1.5.2 Baubles-1.12-1.5.2.jar None LCH bedbreakbegone 1.0.2 BedBreakBegone-1.0.2.jar None LCH llibrary 1.7.20 llibrary-1.7.20-1.12.2.jar b9f30a813bee3b9dd5652c460310cfcd54f6b7ec LCH iceandfire 1.9.1 iceandfire-1.9.1-1.12.2.jar None LCH mantle 1.12- Mantle-1.12- None LCH inspirations 1.12.2-0.2.9 Inspirations-1.12.2-0.2.9.jar None LCH reachfix 1.0.9 ReachFix-1.12.2-1.0.9.jar None LCH potioncore 1.9\_for\_1.12.2 PotionCore-1.9\_for\_1.12.2.jar None LCH qualitytools 1.0.7\_for\_1.12.2 QualityTools-1.0.7\_for\_1.12.2.jar None LCH bettercombatmod 2.1.0 RLCombat-1.12.2-2.1.0.jar None LCH somanyenchantments 0.5.5 SoManyEnchantments-0.5.5.jar None LCH mujmajnkraftsbettersurvival 1.5.3 better\_survival-1.5.3.jar None LCH betterbiomeblend 1.12.2-1.1.7-forge betterbiomeblend-1.12.2-1.1.7-forge.jar None LCH bettercaves 1.12.2 bettercaves-1.12.2-2.0.4.jar None LCH forgelin 1.8.4 Forgelin-1.8.4.jar None LCH betterfoliage 2.3.2 BetterFoliage-MC1.12-2.3.3.jar None LCH bettermineshafts 1.12.2-2.2.1 BetterMineshaftsForge-1.12.2-2.2.1.jar None LCH betternether []( betternether- None LCH betterquesting 3.5.329 BetterQuesting-3.5.329.jar None LCH librarianlib 4.22 librarianlib-1.12.2-4.22.jar None LCH classyhats %VERSION% classyhats-1.6.0.jar None LCH levelup2 ${version} levelup2-1.5.8.jar None LCH lycanitesmobs []( - MC 1.12.2 lycanitesmobs-1.12.2- None LCH bettertabs 1.0.4 BetterTabs-1.0.4.jar None LCH blockoverlayfix 1.0.0 BlockOverlayFix-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar None LCH bloodmoon 1.5.3 Bloodmoon-MC1.12.2-1.5.3.jar d72e0dd57935b3e9476212aea0c0df352dd76291 LCH bnbgaminglib 2.17.6 BNBGamingLib-1.12.2-2.17.6.jar None LCH bountifulbaubles 0.0.1 Bountiful Baubles-1.12.2-0.1.8.jar None LCH bountiful 2.2.3 Bountiful-1.12.2-2.2.3.jar None LCH reccomplex []( RecurrentComplex- None LCH bq\_msi 1.0.9 BQ\_Multiblock\_Structure\_Integration-1.0.9.jar None LCH bqtweaker 1.3.5 BQTweaker-1.3.5.jar None LCH callablehorses 1.1.1 callablehorses-1.12.2-1.1.1.jar None LCH carryon 1.12.3 carryon-1.12.2- None LCH champions 1.12.2- champions-1.12.2- b33d2c8df492beff56d1bbbc92da49b8ab7345a1 LCH charm 1.4 Charm-1.12.2-1.4.1.jar None LCH chunkanimator 1.12.2-1.2 ChunkAnimator-1.12.2-1.2.1.jar None LCH collisiondamage 1.2.2 CollisionDamage-1.2.2.jar None LCH comforts []( comforts-1.12.2- 2484ef4d131fdc0dca0647aa21b7b944ddb935a1 LCH reskillable 1.12.2-1.13.0 Reskillable-1.12.2-1.13.0.jar None LCH compatskills 1.12.2-1.17.0 CompatSkills-1.12.2-1.17.0.jar None LCH contenttweaker 1.12.2-4.10.0 ContentTweaker-1.12.2-4.10.0.jar None LCH controlling 3.0.10 Controlling- None LCH coralreef 2.0 CoralReef-2.5-1.12.2.jar None LCH wearablebackpacks 3.2.6 WearableBackpacks-RLCraft-1.12.2-3.2.6.jar None LCH corpsecomplex []( corpsecomplex-1.12.2- b33d2c8df492beff56d1bbbc92da49b8ab7345a1 LCH craftablechainmail 1.0 craftablechainmail-1.0.jar None LCH ctgui 1.0.0 CraftTweaker2-1.12- None LCH crafttweakerjei 2.0.3 CraftTweaker2-1.12- None LCH creativecore 1.10.0 CreativeCore\_v1.10.71\_mc1.12.2.jar None LCH custommainmenu []( CustomMainMenu-MC1.12.2- None LCH defiledlands 1.4.3 defiledlands-1.12.2-1.4.3.jar None LCH disenchanter 1.8 disenchanter\[1.12\]1.8.jar None LCH dldungeonsjbg 1.14.12 DoomlikeDungeons-1.14.12-MC1.12.2.jar None LCH sereneseasons 1.2.18 SereneSeasons-1.12.2-1.2.18-universal.jar None LCH orelib []( OreLib-1.12.2- 7a2128d395ad96ceb9d9030fbd41d035b435753a LCH dsurround 3.6.3 DynamicSurroundings-1.12.2-3.6.3.jar None LCH dynamictrees 1.12.2-0.9.29 DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.29.jar None LCH dynamictreesdefiledlands 1.12.2-1.0.0 dynamictreesdefiledlands-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar None LCH traverse 1.6.0 Traverse-1.12.2-1.6.0-69.jar None LCH dttraverse 1.12.2-2.1 DynamicTreesTraverse-1.12.2-2.1.jar None LCH elenaidodge 2.1 ElenaiDodge-1.12.2-2.1.jar None LCH enchdesc 1.1.20 EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.20.jar d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 LCH enhancedvisuals 1.3.0 EnhancedVisuals\_v1.4.4\_mc1.12.2.jar None LCH renderlib 1.3.4 RenderLib-1.12.2-1.3.4.jar None LCH entityculling 6.4.3 EntityCulling-1.12.2-6.4.3.jar None LCH familiarfauna 1.0.11 FamiliarFauna-1.12.2-1.0.11.jar None LCH fbp 2.4.1 FancyBlockParticles-1.12.x-2.4.1.jar None LCH fantasticlib []( FantasticLib- None LCH firstaid 1.6.22 firstaid-1.6.22.jar 7904c4e13947c8a616c5f39b26bdeba796500722 LCH fishingmadebetter 2.2.6 FishingMadeBetter-1.12.2-2.2.6.jar None LCH foamfix u/VERSION@ foamfix-0.10.15-1.12.2.jar None LCH foodexpansion 1.3 FoodExpansion1.3.3-1.12.2.jar None LCH tschipplib 1.1.6 tschipplib-1.12.2-1.1.7.jar None LCH forgottenitems 1.2.1 forgottenitems-1.12.2- None LCH framevoidpatch 1.0.0 framevoidpatch-1.0.0.jar None LCH friendlyendermite 1.0 FriendlyEndermite\_v1.0.1\_mc1.12.2.jar None LCH fxcontrol 0.1.14 fxcontrol-1.12-0.1.15.jar None LCH globalgamerules 2.2 GlobalGameRules-1.12.2-2.2.7.jar None LCH ichunutil 7.2.2 iChunUtil-1.12.2-7.2.2.jar 4db5c2bd1b556f252a5b8b54b256d381b2a0a6b8 LCH googlyeyes 7.1.1 GooglyEyes-1.12.2-7.1.1.jar 4db5c2bd1b556f252a5b8b54b256d381b2a0a6b8 LCH grapplemod 1.12.2-v13 grappling\_hook\_mod-1.12.2-v13.jar None LCH gravekeeper []( GraveKeeper-1.12.2- None LCH helpfixer 1.12.1-1.5.18 HelpFixer-1.12.1-1.5.18.jar None LCH incontrol 3.9.18 incontrol-1.12-3.9.18.jar None LCH infernalmobs 1.7.6 InfernalMobs-1.12.2.jar None LCH inventorytweaks 1.64+dev.151.822d839 InventoryTweaks-1.64+dev.151.jar 55d2cd4f5f0961410bf7b91ef6c6bf00a766dcbe LCH iseedragons 1.2.1 ISeeDragons-1.2.1.jar None LCH itlt 1.0.4 itlt-1.12.x-1.0.4.jar None LCH legendarytooltips 1.1.9 LegendaryTooltips-1.12.2-1.1.10.jar None LCH loadingscreens 0.3.1 LoadingScreens-1.12.2-0.3.1.jar None LCH locks 3.0.0 Locks-1.12.2-3.0.0.jar None LCH loottweaker 0.4.0 LootTweaker-0.4.0+MC1.12.2.jar None LCH reborncore 3.19.5 RebornCore-1.12.2-3.19.5-universal.jar None LCH mainmenuscale 1.0 MainMenuScale-1.3.2.jar None LCH materialtweaker 1.1.1 MaterialTweaker-1.1.1.jar None LCH mcwbridges 1.0.6 mcw-bridges-1.0.6b-mc1.12.2.jar None LCH testdummy 1.12 MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.12-1.14.jar None LCH mobends 1.2.1 MoBends\_1.12.2-1.2.1-19.12.21.jar None LCH mousetweaks 2.10.1 MouseTweaks-2.10.1-mc1.12.2.jar None LCH multimine 1.6.2 MultiMine-1.12.2.jar None LCH neat 1.4-17 Neat 1.4-17.jar None LCH notreepunching 2.0.21 notreepunching-2.0.21.jar None LCH particleculling v1.4.3 particleculling-1.12.2-v1.4.3.jar None LCH pigstep 1.12 pigstep-1.12.jar None LCH placebo 1.6.0 Placebo-1.12.2-1.6.1.jar None LCH playerbosses 1.0 playerbosses-1.12.2-1.1.0.jar 1bc8f8dbe770187a854cef35dad0ff40ba441bbe LCH portaldupebegone 1.0.0 PortalDupeBegone-1.0.0.jar None LCH potionfingers r1.0-8 PotionFingers-r1.0-8.jar None LCH realistictorches 2.1.2 RealisticTorches-1.12.2-2.1.2.jar None LCH resourceloader 1.5.3 ResourceLoader-MC1.12.1-1.5.3.jar d72e0dd57935b3e9476212aea0c0df352dd76291 LCH artifacts 1.1.2 RLArtifacts-1.1.2.jar None LCH rlmixins 1.3.4 RLMixins-1.3.4.jar None LCH rltweaker 0.5.12 RLTweaker-1.12.2-0.5.12.jar None LCH roguelike 2.4.4 RoguelikeDungeonsFnarEdition-1.12.2-2.4.4.jar None LCH roughtweaks 1.0 roughTweaks0.2.4-1.12.2.jar None LCH ruins 17.2 Ruins-1.12.2.jar None LCH rustic 1.1.7 rustic-1.1.7.jar None LCH silentlib 3.0.13 SilentLib-1.12.2-3.0.14+168.jar None LCH scalinghealth 1.3.37 ScalingHealth-1.12.2-1.3.42+147.jar None LCH setbonus []( SetBonus- None LCH shieldbreak 1.1.3 ShieldBreak-1.1.3.jar None LCH simpledifficulty 0.3.9 SimpleDifficulty-1.12.2-0.3.9.jar None LCH sit v1.3 sit-1.12.2-v1.3.jar None LCH snowrealmagic 0.7.1 SnowRealMagic-1.12.2-0.7.1.jar None LCH soundfilters 0.12.1\_for\_1.12 SoundFilters-0.12.1\_for\_1.12.jar None LCH spark 1.6.3 spark-forge.jar None LCH spartandefiled 1.0 spartandefiled-1.0.jar None LCH xat 0.32 Trinkets and Baubles-32.4.jar None LCH spartanweaponry 1.5.3 SpartanWeaponry-1.12.2-1.5.3.jar None LCH spartanfire 1.2.0 spartanfire\_rlcraft-1.2.0.jar None LCH spartanhudbaubles 1.0.0 Indev 1 SpartanHUDBaubles-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar None LCH spartanshields 1.5.5 SpartanShields-1.12.2-1.5.5.jar None LCH spawnercontrol 1.6.3b SpawnerControl-1.6.3b.jar None LCH bq\_standard 3.4.173 StandardExpansion-3.4.173.jar None LCH surge 2.0.79 Surge-1.12.2-2.0.79.jar d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 LCH switchbow 1.6.8 switchbow-1.6.8.jar None LCH tnt\_utilities 1.2.3 tnt\_utilities-mc1.12-1.2.3.jar None LCH toastcontrol 1.8.1 Toast Control-1.12.2-1.8.1.jar None LCH toolbelt 1.9.14 ToolBelt-1.12.2-1.9.14.jar None LCH trumpetskeleton 1.12- trumpetskeleton-1.12- None LCH tumbleweed 1.12-0.4.7 tumbleweed-1.12-0.4.7.jar None LCH variedcommodities 1.12.2 VariedCommodities\_1.12.2-(31Mar23).jar None LCH waystones 4.1.0 Waystones\_1.12.2-4.1.0.jar None LCH wolfarmor 3.8.1+alpha.1 WolfArmorAndStorage-3.8.1+1.12.2.alpha.1-SNAPSHOT-signed.jar e94e38a605842477f3ec218e6fcf781f6b3f7f89 LCH xpfromharvest 1.2.0 XPFromHarvest-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar None LCH xpbook v1.1.6 xptome-1.12.2-v1.1.6.jar None LCH yungslaw 1.12.2 YungsLaw-1.12.2-1.0.4.jar None LCH dshuds []( DynamicSurroundingsHuds-1.12.2- 7a2128d395ad96ceb9d9030fbd41d035b435753a LCH rtg RTG-1.12.2- None LCH phosphor-lighting 1.12.2-0.2.7 phosphor-forge-mc1.12.2-0.2.7-universal.jar None LCH kiwi []( Kiwi-1.12.2- None LCH librarianliblate 4.22 librarianlib-1.12.2-4.22.jar None Loaded coremods (and transformers): 
MixinLoader (BedBreakBegone-1.0.2.jar)
SimpleDifficulty ASM (SimpleDifficulty-1.12.2-0.3.9.jar)
RLTweaker ASM (RLTweaker-1.12.2-0.5.12.jar)
LibrarianLib Plugin (librarianlib-1.12.2-4.22.jar)
LoadingPlugin (ChunkAnimator-1.12.2-1.2.1.jar)
WolfArmorCore (WolfArmorAndStorage-3.8.1+1.12.2.alpha.1-SNAPSHOT-signed.jar)
submitted by whelven_soul to RLCraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:49 jwillsrva Anybody near brooklyn got a place to crash for the show? Will provide tix

Long story short, I'm coming up for the friday and/or saturday show, but the friends that were gonna come with me and split the lodging bailed. Hoping I can find a fellow fan with couch. I'm very chill/respectful, and will buy you some drinks or food to sweeten the deal.
Looking forward to see yall there!
submitted by jwillsrva to DillingerEscapePlan [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:04 prospective_aussie Seeking advice for a somewhat spontaneous first time solo trip through western Europe.

I got a somewhat unexpected text the other morning from my mom:
Her: "Wanna go spend about 2 weeks in London/UK next month?"
Me: "For real life?"
Her:"Yes. For real."
So anyway, I'm going to London and Dublin for 1 week and a half next month with my mom and my brother. I already have my passport, and the flight in and lodging is already covered. After marinating with this thought for the day though, it occurred to me that this is an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot. I've always wanted to do some solo traveling in the world. So, why not do some solo travel instead of flying back with my mom after the two weeks?
About me: 27, MtF (trans woman). Recent college grad. Traveled the US extensively, but never been abroad. I speak German (B2-C1 level) and a bit of Norwegian (A2ish Bokmål). I have a budget of $3k (and an emergency fund of another $1k. And a credit card if shit really hits the fan) and a summer to meander. I don't drink anymore and so I'm not really interested in nightlife. This trip would be about just the joy of sojourning. I'm mostly interested in art and history museums, sight seeing, shopping for clothes, books, art, and music that is hard to find in the states (I like a lot of European bands/artist), going hiking and taking in some views, and of course, finding good food.
My thinking is to take two or three weeks to see some things that I want to see in europe.
In roughest outline my ideal itinerary would look somewhat like this:
-‐----------‐-------------------------------------------------------------- 10th July: Fly from US to London and get settled in.
11th-18th July: Spend time with Mom in/around London/UK. Possibly go to either Dublin or Edinburgh too. While in London, visit the national Gallery and the Natural history museum, the Tate, the National portrait gallery, the tower of London, go out to see Stonehenge, and mabye go see the crystal palace dinosaurs and do some general shopping and what not.
19th July: Mom and brother depart back to US and I continue solo via flight from London to Bergen, Norway. Spend day getting there and getting settled. I figure that I can also use the week and a half in the UK to plan, gather final resources, book flights accommodations etc.
20th-22nd July: Spend two days hiking, sight seeing, and bumbling about the city. Really interested mostly in hiking (Ulriken?), views, and fjords here. Spend third day resting, and preparing for the next leg.
23rd July: Take train from Bergen to Oslo. Spend day getting settled.
24th July: spend day just relaxing, light sight seeing, and bumbling about Oslo. No real goal here. I just want to visit Norway and Oslo seems like a place worth spending a day in.
25th: Catch flight from Oslo to Berlin. Spend day getting settled in.
26th-29th: Spend a few days in Berlin. One day to spend on the Museuminsel, one day to wander about the tiergarten and see things like the Brandenburger Tor, and a third day to take slowly, meander about, do some shopping, and mabye visit another museum.
31st July: Take train from Berlin to Innsbruck, Austria. Get settled in.
1st-2nd August: spend day in Innsbruck just taking it slow. Find something to eat, sleep in, and read a book at a Cafe. Spend another day doing some day hiking. See what there is to see.
3rd August: Take train from Innsbruck to Rome. Get settled.
4th August: spend a day in Rome. Eat something. I'm really most interested in seeing Michelangelo's Pieta, walk about, see some old Roman stuff.
5th August: Fly home from Rome to Dallas.
I've always been a spontaneous traveler and am used to finding hotels the night of, eating on a shoestring budget, and spending only two days at max in any city I go to. I've seen all of the USA this way. That said, I don't know how to work all this out when it comes to travel abroad. Things like, phones/data, money/currency exchange, hostels, and travel by bus or train are things that I've got no experience with. Customs, visas, crossing borders and all the like are all forgein to me. Beyond the basics of self preservation, how should I approach first time solo travel abroad as a trans woman? How does one go about taking trains to get around? How do visas work for just traveling through like this. Is this all even possible?
My head is buzzing with thinking about opportunities and questions. Princply, is it feasible to do a trip like this on such short notice? There's just so much information, I don't know where to start! I've got about 5 weeks to cobble this together and my gut is telling me that this is one of those life opportunities that I just shouldn't pass up on.
submitted by prospective_aussie to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:51 AcrillixOfficial 28, No idea what to do, how do i find that "click"?

So, I'm 28 and have had a lot of jobs over the years, but none that made me say, "I want to do this forever." I'm really struggling with finding a career. I've worked in fast food, call centers, and now I'm a Package Handler (recently promoted to Operations Administrator) at FedEx. I've just never found something that "clicked," something that drives me. I have interests, but I'm lost.
I'm big into gaming and very interested in computer security (cybersecurity). I've completed the Google Professional Certificate, but every time I feel like I've made progress towards that goal, it seems like the goalposts move again. Or the market's bad. Or tech layoffs happen. Plus, I don't live in a major tech hub.
I also have an interest in finance; I do my own investing and really enjoy it, along with managing my personal finances. So maybe finance is an option...
Programming has always interested me too. I know how to build PCs and have some basic knowledge of Python and Java.
Another interest is space. My father worked in the space-related business, and I inherited that curiosity. I'm particularly interested in cybersecurity in space, like protecting satellites from attacks, learning how to defend them for NASA, SpaceX, etc.
Moving seems, on paper, to be a good solution, but I'm terrified of leaving my family and all my support systems. I struggle with mental health issues, so things are much more difficult for me compared to others. I have to work 100 times harder to achieve the same things.
My parents are planning to sit down with me to figure out what I should do, but when they ask, "So, what do you want to do?" I draw a blank. I feel so overwhelmed and stressed out that it's causing me to shut down and not want to do anything because it's too overwhelming.
My current job isn't bad. I honestly don't hate it. There's a possibility of making it a career, but I'd need a second job because of the limited hours. I'm currently making $17.75/hr, and with the promotion, I'll be making $18.85/hr for around 26 hours a week.
I know I'm not good at working with my hands with tools, so that's definitely not an option for me.
This whole thing has me completely lost on what the hell I'm supposed to do. I'm posting here just grasping at straws to see if someone can give some advice.
Thanks in advance. Ask whatever you want in the comments, I'll try to answer.
submitted by AcrillixOfficial to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:17 MD_thrway_AfterPea I am 31 years old, make $92,600 base, live in Northern Alberta, work in Forestry and recently returned to work after a year off for maternity leave

Title: I am 31 years old, make $92,600 base, live in Northern Alberta, work in Forestry, and recently returned to work after a year off for maternity leave.
HHI: $166,000
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: Total $76,431 (joint)
Equity: The house is worth $400,000. We owe $303,000. Equity is $97,000.
Savings account balance: $450 in emergency savings (this is a priority starting in August to beef up), $2000 in property taxes sinking fund (to be spent by July)
Checking account balance: $5288.15 - we both got paid today so I will be moving money around and this number will be down a lot by the end of the day.
Credit card debt: $16,635
Student loan debt: $0
Other Info:
Net Worth: $164,484
Section Two: Income
Income Progression (Post College/Trade School):
Main Job Monthly Take-Home:
Mine: $4768.90 (two paycheck months)
H: $3687.28
Side Gig Monthly Take-Home:
Any Other Monthly Income Here:
Section Three: Expenses

Day 1 - Friday
2 am - L wakes up and I get her back down 3 times before 3 am. At 3, H takes her out of the room to burn some energy before they both come back to bed roughly an hour later. Thanks, L. Thank you, H I was getting pretty frustrated with our darling child.
6:30 am - The first alarm goes off and I grab L for a cuddle and morning nursing session. Once she’s done, she rolls around and tries to climb both of us to get our phones before we all get out of bed at 7. Today is a PJ movie day at daycare so we don’t bother dressing her only changing the diaper and then H and L are out the door by 7:15. I leave for work at about 7:45 after doing some putting around.
8:15 am - I get to work and my first stop is the coffee machine. I get back to my office after talking to a few coworkers about our social club golf event next weekend. I see that an industry-specific mentor cohort program is open for applications so I find my most recent resume (2021!) and do a major update before applying. This year one of my goals is to work on leadership skills and mentoring so why not apply?
9 am - I had a hard time finding a bra this morning so I go online and purchase two new ones from the local bra-tique for pickup. My total is $170 after my 10% discount for signing up for their email list. This money is coming from my $500 annual work benefit for whatever I want and I now have $20 left. I eat my breakfast at my desk - yoghurt and homemade granola today.
11 am - I have a webinar on caribou to attend so I log into Zoom and while it's loading, pull up our cashflow forecaster to get the payday finances done before the weekend. $1750 to H’s cc to cover some overspending/vehicle expenses, $100 to the LOC, $373.10 for utilities, and $450 for daycare. Total is $2673.10 I’m not sure if I should include the bills in the daily writeups, but ah well. Day 1 spending is off to a great start.
1 pm - I get the notification that my bras are ready for pickup. Woohoo! I get new bras for the weekend! I send $50 to H’s TFSA once I confirm the bank account is connected.
2:30 pm - Eating lunch now as breakfast was so late. Freezer butter chicken with broccoli. I only have 1 more freezer meal at work so I make a note to restock.
3:30 pm - I work on some cycle times for the log haul for this coming logging season. It takes me a few minutes to remember exactly what I’m doing and how to do it. I am super glad I came back to work at the end of April as I get 3-ish months of slow time to get back into the swing of things before work starts to pick up.
4 pm - I am struggling to do any more than format my Excel sheets so I figure it’s time to pack it up and head home.
4:30 pm - After picking up my bras, I go to Once Upon A Child for some cheap baby clothes. L is in between sizes and we somehow managed to misplace all her more summery sleepwear so I’ve been grabbing a few here and there. OUAC has a sale on, 5 sleepers for $15 so I grab 5 of those and 4 other onesies for summer. We have a family photoshoot on Canada Day and I’ve been hunting for something that’ll match L’s ribbon skirt. $30.45
5 pm - I stop at the store to check the mail and grab a 12-pack of mixed tequila smashes. $37.55
5:30 pm - H calls. He’s off work and headed to get L. I pull burgers and fries out of the freezer, start up the BBQ and get the air fryer going.
6:05 pm - H and L arrive home in perfect time as the burgers and fries just finished cooking. I have an open Pineapple Tequila Smash and I hand H one to drink with supper too. L also has a veggie pouch with the burgers and fries.
7:20 pm - L is in bed nursing to sleep after her bath while H preps episode 4 of Obi-Wan Kenobi for us to watch. We watched it when it was first coming out, but he saw the discs at Walmart last week and figured to grab them. We thought we hadn’t seen all the episodes, but so far we’re 3:3 so we might’ve seen them all.
7:40 pm - L is down and out and I sneak out of the bedroom. I start a load of laundry and find the two bras I couldn’t this morning and handwash them. I sit down with H and we watch some Obi-Wan Kenobi.
10 pm - I check my email and see one from a local photographer group I really like. I’ve done at least two shoots with all 3 of them separately before and they’ve now joined forces. I went to their open house yesterday and won 50% off a boudoir package in 2024. I’ve wanted to book in since they announced their group, so I go through their open spots and book for November. My initial deposit is $262.50.
10:30 pm - We finished the last 3 episodes and watched all previously except for the finale. Of course. It was pretty good, but near the end, I started to scroll on my phone more than pay attention to the show. I swap the laundry, shower and head to bed at 11 pm.
H’s spending Day 1: $7.54 for lunch, $267.58 on vehicle parts/oil change that we didn’t budget for. Normally we would’ve, but communication is kinda crappy atm, and I think that’s due to sleep deprivation.
Day 1 total: $775.62 spending + $50 to TFSA. Oof off to a spendy start for the pay period.

Day 2 - Saturday
2:40 am - L is awake again and not going back down. This time it’s my turn. It’s already been a not-great night, hopefully, this 2 am party time doesn't keep happening.
4 am - We go back to bed. Our internet is on autopay and the notification comes through for my credit card. $105
7:20 am - L is up for the day. I don’t want to get out of bed yet, so I cuddle H and L rolls around, tries to stand and almost deletes everything on my phone. Then she notices my boobs so it’s time for a quick nurse.
8 am - I run the coffee machine and get breakfast going. We’re having pancakes this morning. While they’re cooking I pop some milk in the frother to make a fancy coffee. TBD if I drink it while it’s still hot. I feed the cats their morning meal.
8:30 am - H gets up and I’m still cooking. He grabs a coffee and takes L into the living room so I don’t trip over her and the plastic container horde.
9:30 am - H plays some Baldurs Gate 3 and L watches while I sort through the laundry I did last night. I try to get dressed and none of my shorts fit anymore so off in the donation bag they go. It’ll be a summer of dresses I guess! I start another load of laundry.
9:50 am - L is ready for a nap. Just kidding she just wanted some boob instead. We go outside afterwards to get some morning sun. Hopefully, this will tire her out and she will go down for a nap later! She hasn’t been big on sleep since she was born and gets major FOMO so we have no semblance of a schedule on weekends.
10:45 am - I bring L back inside and change her into outfit #3 for the day. Her trike got rained on and she gets soaked when she sits in it. I switch the laundry over, start yet another load and then pass L to H so I can head to the store, fill the Jerry can with gas for the lawnmower and do the recycling. 20 L of gas is $32.78 and I grab two lime slushes for H and I ($5.19). It’s +20 already and gorgeous. Total $37.97
11:30 am - L is ready for a nap! By 11:50 she’s down and I head outside to mow some of the lawn. It’s usually a 4 hr job so I don’t think I’ll get it all done today.
1 pm - I head inside for lunch, we’re having tuna sandwiches. L napped for 20 min and I didn’t get more than half the lawn mowed. After lunch, we head into town to hang out with my friend K and her two kids. We met in college back in 2014 and have babies of a similar age so it’s always nice to go over and visit.
4:30 pm - We leave K’s house and I swing by Wendy’s for a cold coffee-type drink for the drive home. I try the chocolate frosty-cinno and it’s terrible. Should’ve just gone to Tim’s for an ice cap. $4.19
5:05 pm - L fell asleep on the drive home so I hang out in the car with the windows down for another 5-10 minutes before moving things inside. She wakes up and we head in. H picks a meal and starts making dinner. L is fussy and still tired so I nurse her and we hang out in the cool basement while H cooks. I sort through the laundry that finished off today.
6 pm - H is still cooking our dinner, I reheat leftover pasta for L. H runs her bath and I bath her. She’s still grumpy on and off so she’ll probably be going to bed right after this.
6:45 pm - H and I eat chicken wings and shrimp poppers. L has decided it’s not bedtime yet, I tried to put her down and she got a second wind instead.
9:30 pm - I work on the website for one of the non-profits I volunteer for once L goes to bed at 8. After I’m done, I head into the craft room and work on the custom rag quilt project. One row left to sew together, then to put the final 5 rows together, figure out my borders and start cutting all the edges! It’s not ‘due’ until mid-July but I’d rather get it done sooner and not have to rush. My SIL texts and asks to borrow $50 till Thursday, I send it over out of my spending.
11 pm - H and I both go to bed after some kitty snuggles
Day 2 total: $92.16 (not counting $105 for internet)

Day 3 - Sunday
7 am - L is awake and I nurse her a couple of times cause she can’t decide if she’s happy or not. It was a decent night, but she must still be tired from not napping much yesterday. It’s my day to sleep in so H takes her out of the room by 7:30.
9:30 am - I get up make some coffee and slowly start on breakfast
10:30 am - L and I are eating breakfast, I made scrambled eggs, fried up leftover sausage, tomato and she also has two crackers with cream cheese. H and I wrote up a grocery list before I sat down and he’s off to town to get groceries and fuel up the car before the work week starts. Usually, H and his best friend C have a grocery shopping bro-date every Sunday, but C and his family are out camping this weekend so H heads in alone.
11 am - L is ready for a nap. I put her down and fold her laundry and the house laundry, taking a few breaks to scroll Reddit or Facebook and drink more coffee.
12:30 pm - L woke up and is kinda grouchy so we have a dance party to elicit baby giggles. H gets back from shopping and we put the groceries away, they cost $374.03. This is actually cheaper than the last few times we did a stock up so that’s nice! Groceries include ground beef, frozen chicken, wings, fries, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes, bananas, yoghurt, frozen lunches, macaroni, Ichiban, burgers, buttermilk, perogies, frozen fruit, frozen veggies, gravy mix, hollandaise mix, and more. We’ve been buying more convenience foods lately, but I do have 3 suppers planned for the week. He also grabbed me a big coffee mug for $6. He got gas for $60.83, and once we unload the groceries, he runs to the store for bacon, 2 jars of our favourite cowboy candy (pickled sweetened jalapeños), chips and a Starbucks frappe drink for $41.93. I make some sandwiches for lunch for tomorrow so I don’t have to scramble in the morning.
1 pm - Lunch is Ichiban noodles for H and I and baby charcuterie for L - strawberries, grapes, ham, cheese, and cucumber. We head outside afterwards to enjoy the weather, L is so close to walking, she pulls herself up onto everything right now. She has an after-lunch snack of mown grass and dandelions.
3 pm - We’re back inside and H puts on Die Hart 2. L goes down for her second nap at 4:15 and we finish the movie. I wake L up at 5:45 so she doesn’t sleep too long. When she wakes up she makes a face identical to her dad’s and it’s hilarious.
7 pm - H is cooking dinner, we’re having eggs Benny and bacon for supper. I prep L’s diaper bag for tomorrow and we run it out to the car. I also put all my laundry away so the closet is ready for the week. H sits on the chair once we’re done dinner and both cats flock to him and spread themselves over his legs.
9:45 pm - I finish off piecing the quilt top and head downstairs to shower. L is getting tired too so as soon as I’m done we head to bed. H is not far behind us.
Daily 3 total: $482.79. This is pretty usual for a grocery shop day.

Day 4 - Monday
6:35 am - My alarm goes off. Can’t lay in bed today as I need to meet my coworkers at the office at 7:30 am. We’re doing a team bonding mountain hike and it’s a 2.5 hrs drive away. I grab a banana, toast a bagel, add cream cheese and I’m out the door before 7 after filling up the cats' food.
7:30 am - I get to the office, fill up a water bottle, make a coffee and grab a few things from my office. Almost everyone is there, and we leave at 7:45
9:45 am - We’re there! I’ve seen 2 moose, 1 mule deer, 1 elk and almost hit 2 caribou on the highway already today! We start up the trailhead at about 10 am
1:00 pm - This mountain is much steeper than anticipated. A coworker and I decide at about 300 metres to the top that we shouldn’t push it. The last km has been extremely steep and we’ve hit our max. The rest of the group has gone ahead and summitted. We eat our lunch with a great view and start the trek back down.
3:30 pm - We’re back at the trucks! 11.2 km round trip. We hit the road to head home and stop at Dairy Queen for a celebratory ice cream. I spend $4.92 on a medium dip cone.
6 pm - Back at the office. I call H and let him know I’m headed home now and he suggests chicken wings for supper. I’m down for anything as long as I don’t have to cook.
7 pm - We all eat dinner. L has some veggie pouch, chicken wings/nuggets and leftover pasta. I am almost too tired to eat. One cat keeps trying to get L’s nuggets so he gets in trouble and shooed out of the dining room.
8:15 pm - I try to put L to bed and she goes down for a bit but decides ultimately that it’s not actually time for bed.
8:40 pm - I go and have a hot, hot shower, my muscles are sore and tomorrow might not be fun. L and H party in the TV area, she’s pulling herself up onto everything and trying to crawl up the couch. Not sure where she got this energy from! One of our cats comes for some aggressive cuddles and pets and H puts his dirty t-shirt on the chair for him. Our cat loves dirty laundry it’s hilarious.
9:20 pm - Time for bed for everyone. Hope tonight is a good night and we all can get some rest.
Day 4 Total: $4.92 (this would have been covered by one of the superintendents but a few people got ahead of her in line so she couldn’t pay for us all). My card is also charged by the garbage disposal company for the dumpster ($40.43 - counted in the bills above).
H didn’t spend any money today.

Day 5 - Tuesday
7 am - The first alarm went off at 6:30, but we are all tired and don’t want to wake up. I nurse L for a bit then we get up at 7. I’m pretty sore this morning so I’m not moving too fast. Get her dressed and H and L leave by 7:10. H fed the cats this morning so I don’t have to.
7:30 am - I forgot to pay H’s other cc and it’s due in 4 days so I pay it off now - $93.80 (random Amazon purchases and my KU). I pull some chicken out of the freezer to defrost and make my breakfast of homemade granola, hemp hearts and yoghurt. I leave the house around 7:45 to head to work.
8:20 am - I get to the office and immediately get asked some questions about blocks we have slated for this Fall/Winter. I’m not 100% sure of the answer and have to double-check with my boss. I grab a coffee and chat with the head boss before my boss arrives. I clarify what I need and relay the info back to my coworkers.
9:30 am - I eat my breakfast while I scroll through online courses offered by my company. I got an email yesterday of one I’m supposed to take so I book into that.
11 am - I book H and myself massages, 2 each - one this month and one next month.
12:30 pm - I took a long time to eat breakfast so I’m not quite hungry yet. I grab my running shoes from the truck and take a slow walk on the elliptical to help my sore muscles. This morning hasn’t been too busy, but I’m having a hard time starting my next big task (cycle time calculations) so hopefully the slow walk helps some.
1:30 pm - I’m back at my desk and diving into cycle time calculations. H grabs KFC for lunch $24.12
2 pm - Lunch time, I’m having a leftover sandwich from yesterday, a grapefruit cup, grapes and strawberries. I also grab a chai with milk from the coffee machine. I eat while I plug away at the cycle times.
3:45 pm - I finish off one section of cycle times and my brain has had enough. I go fill my water bottle and chat with a few coworkers. At 4:15 pm someone comes by to sign a few cheques I asked for and I leave the office at 4:30 pm
4:40 pm - H grabbed buttermilk instead of heavy cream and I need it for supper tonight so I swing by the grocery store. Then, I head out of town to a colleague’s house to drop off one of the cheques. $4.95
5:15 pm - I check the mail, get home and start cooking. We’re having Skillet Dijon Chicken with Asparagus and Mushrooms for supper. I also make some macaroni for a side. H and L get home about 5:45 to the cats waiting at the door.
6:20 pm - Supper is served! It is delicious. L and H aren’t fans of the asparagus, but the chicken, macaroni and sauce are perfection! H also riggs up a tie to L’s water bottle so it doesn’t hit the ground every 30 seconds. We fed the cats at the same time and they’re not begging for food quite so much tonight.
6:50 pm - We’re finished supper, H cleans up and I bath L.
7:30 pm - H calls my/our best friend J via FaceTime and we chat with her and her daughter R for a few minutes. L tried to steal the phone and gets mad when we don’t let her. J’s daughter requests a morning call so I promise to call at 7 am. J doesn’t think R will be awake yet so we’ll see!
8 pm - L is tired and ready to go to sleep. I put her down, have a hot bath, throw in some epsom salts, and read a bit on my KU.
9:40 pm - Bedtime!
Day 5 Total: $112.17 (removed $10 for my KU - counted in subscriptions)

Day 6 - Wednesday
7 am - I nurse L, she had a weird wake-up last night so we’re tossing the idea of taking her into daycare today. I’ll probably take her in a bit later and H will take his truck so if I have to WFH for the afternoon I can. Try calling J and R and there is no response - I am not surprised.
7:45 am - L and I leave the house, she’s not coughing much and doesn’t have a fever or anything so she’s good to go to daycare today
8:15 am - I drop L off at daycare
8:30 am - I get to the office. I talk with a few coworkers and ask our admin if my new phone has been dropped off yet.
9 am - My new phone is here! Now to start the setup process, everything takes forever with all the authentication apps we need. I also go through all my iCloud photos and organize/save them to my OneDrive while the phone is getting set up.
12:30 pm - I think the phone is finally done. Now to eat some lunch, I’m having leftovers from 2 nights ago - chicken nuggets, strawberries, grapes and a Cherry Bubly.
1:30 pm - H goes to a food truck for lunch. $35.01. This includes the tip.
3 pm - I had some more phone set-up to do. Might be finished now? Get an email about the cats’ annual checkups and vaccinations so I book their appointments for August.
4 pm - SIL paid me back the $50, plus another $50 she’d borrowed earlier. (+$100) I work on the photo garland for L’s first birthday for a bit.
5 pm - I haven’t gotten much done today beyond setting up my phone. I leave the office and pick up L at 5:20. I talk to her day home provider for about 15 min about how she’s been doing, etc.
6 pm - We get home! H has cooked supper already, so as soon as we get in the door we sit down to eat. Supper tonight is perogies and garlic bread. L also has a veggie pouch. H tells me the old vehicle was sold, and the buyers are doing a payment plan. We will get $300/month for the next 10 months. A lump sum would be nice, but H’s coworkers will handle all the paperwork so it’s no more work for us.
6:45 pm - Time for a bath! H cleans up supper, cleans the litter boxes (we have 3) and starts some laundry while I take L and get her cleaned up.
7 pm - All finished in the bath. We head downstairs and hang out until L is ready for sleep. I mostly scroll my phone and H plays on his Rog Ally. L climbs the couch and me and scoots around on the floor hunting for different treasures.
8:40 pm - L is ready for bed. I put her down and read some more KU
10 pm - H and I head to bed. I washed and dried a baby quilt to bring to work in the morning for a coworker.
Day 6 Total: $35.01 for H’s lunch. I spend $0, and ‘make’ $100

Day 7 - Thursday
6:35 am - The first alarm goes off. It’s a new one on the phone and nice to wake up to! L doesn’t want to wake up and she grumbles and rolls around.
7 am - We all get out of bed. I get L dressed while H packs up what he needs for the day. I get her milk together and they’re out the door by 7:15
7:50 am - I leave the house. After H and L left, I did the dishes and packed up my stuff for the day. Made a smoothie for breakfast (yoghurt, flax seed, orange, banana, rhubarb jam, frozen berries, watermelon, cranberry juice and milk) and there’s lots left over so I pop that into the fridge for tomorrow. I need gas in the work truck, so I head there before going to the office. I have a fuel card so I don’t spend any $ on fuel.
8:30 am - Get to the office and it’s time to make a coffee. I have some things to get done before my webinar at 11 am.
9 am - I show the quilt to my coworker, she loves it and buys it! (+$100)
11 am - Oops. I didn’t get the login link earlier and don’t know who to contact to get it so no webinar for me. I scroll Reddit and my socials and work a bit more on my cycle times. I snack on some grapes and drink another coffee.
1 pm - Lunch time! I’m having leftover skillet Dijon chicken and macaroni. It is still delicious, that recipe is going into the rotation for sure! H goes to McDonalds for lunch and spends $35.66. He bought a coworker lunch as well, she was having a rough day.
2 pm - Chat with a few coworkers about different projects/things we need to think of for this next year.
3 pm - I have an afternoon pick-me-up snack of Brookside pomegranate-flavoured chocolate and a ginger ale.
4:30 pm - I’m tired and don’t feel like doing anything else. I leave the office and call H to see what we should do for supper. We decide on potstickers and veggies, I’ll start cooking when I get home. I stop and check the mail on my way home too.
5:45 pm - H and L arrive home. I take L into the spare room and we call my mum and grandma for a video chat. L rolls around the bed and shows off how she’s almost standing!
6:10 pm - We sit down to eat, L isn’t that interested in either the potstickers or veggies so we pull out some leftover macaroni and she goes to town on that.
7 pm - Bath time! H cleans up and does some more laundry. It just seems to never end.
7:30 pm - Bedtime for L. I read some of my book while I put her down.
8:30 pm - SIL texts again to borrow $50. I send it over out of my spending. I get all of the borders cut for the custom quilt.
9 pm - H has SING on so I sit down to watch it, he’s also playing his Rog Aloy and I’m reading some more of my book.
10 pm - We go to bed.
Day 7 Total: $35.66 for H’s lunch. I spend $50, and ‘make’ $100

Weekly Expenses:
Total Spending: $1639.03
submitted by MD_thrway_AfterPea to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:49 artaxias1 Base Lodge Chicken Tenders tier list.

After seeing all the tier lists for the resorts themselves I was thinking a tier list of lodge chicken tendies would be helpful. With how much food costs at the lodges these days it’d be nice to know where the tendies are worth it and where they are not.
So if anyone has eaten enough to rank them let’s see it! Thanks!
submitted by artaxias1 to skiing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:49 Anon-2322 Looking for a town similar to Fort Collins, CO but with a lower cost of living to raise a young family

Hello! My husband and I are in our late 20’s and have two young boys. Ideally we would love to move back to Fort Collins which is where we went to college, but with the cost of living in Colorado we are exploring the idea of moving somewhere else. We are in the Denver metro area currently. We are open to pretty much anywhere in the US, but the criteria we have are below. I work in higher education remotely and my husband is a package handler so it’s relatively easy for us to move anywhere.
  1. What we love about Fort Collins is that there is an easily walkable old town area rather than a larger downtown and there are the normal chains we like to frequent nearby as well (Target, Trader Joe’s, Costco).
  2. As always with a family we would like the school districts to be good and to be able to afford a 3 bed/2 bath home with a backyard for around $400k or less. We prefer homes with a little more character (similar to FoCo homes near the old town area), but that is not mandatory.
  3. Probably an hour or less proximity to a major airport as we have to fly out for visiting family in NJ & CO and we try to do one nice vacation a year.
  4. Would like some diversity as I am Asian and my husband is White. We are also pretty moderate in our political leanings and don’t care to engage in political banter with people so we’d like somewhere where it doesn’t lean too far to either side.
  5. Lastly our biggest recreational practices are to enjoy nice food and spend time outside. So we would like an area with a good food scene and accessibility to nature (preferably a beach within an hour & half, but not necessary).
Thanks for the help!
submitted by Anon-2322 to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:24 GSLLuis Going to Vegas in late October for a convention, where to stay safely and cost effective?

Good morning, my best friend surprised me with a ticket to a convention in October in Vegas and we are trying to figure out where to stay that's both safe and cost effective. We are not wealthy in any way shape or form so we are trying to make this trip as cost effective as possible for lodging.
Most of our day and some night will be at the Las Vegas convention center, I don't think we are greatly planning on going to a casino except for maybe food and a quick spin on red or black. He's going to get there Thursday night and I'll be getting there Friday morning so we would need a place from Thursday night to Sunday night since we leave Monday morning.
Where could be recommended to stay that would be both cost effective and safe in the vegas area? I'm driving down so we will have a vehicle so as long as it's not crazy far away it should be fine.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by GSLLuis to vegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:17 bikersquid Do you get reimbursed for your food handlers permit?

Just curious what people think the norm is. My last job laughed at the idea but every other place I worked paid for it. Thoughts?
submitted by bikersquid to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:12 OcBaltboy Affordability of the US

Hello, I am an American, and I know we have a high cost of living here and that USD is strong. I am also lucky enough that my partner and I make an income that allows us to travel and afford to live in a mid-size US city in the Mid-Atlantic. How do people from other countries afford to travel to the US when our food and lodging prices are so high? This a legit question, and I want to see what people say.
Some background: A group of my friends and I just got back from Peru, where our food bills at restaurants were at a minimum half of what we pay in the US when we would do the conversion to USD, same with our hotels. These hotels we stayed at were nicer than what we would stay at in the US and we got them at like half of the cost. We even saw a new car ad that had the USD amount on it at 23k, which was tempting before you thought about shipping costs. We then would wonder how does someone from Peru afford to visit the US where they would have to pay double for everything?
I know I am very lucky and this could be classified as a "first world problem" but I generally think everyone should be able to travel and experience different cultures and that is should be affordable for everyone.
submitted by OcBaltboy to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:02 SanComics Destination bachelorette success! A few tips!

Just got back from my destination bachelorette in the Caribbean and had such a wonderful time celebrating with my people! All of my friends who went have reached out to me saying it was one of the best bachelorettes they’ve been on! I thought I would share a few tips that I think really contributed to the overall enjoyment of every girl.
submitted by SanComics to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:40 axel7530159 Why is cast iron good?

I'm moving into my own place for the first time and will have some kitchen supplies, but that doesn't include a cast iron. I see people all the time rave about it but ive never fully understood why. My biggest concerns is - Does cast iron not put rust or at the very least iron residue into your food? - The Pan has oil on it idly right, wouldn't that just become dirty from dust etc and transfer to food when you next cook? - How does it change or enhance cooking any different than just normal stainless steel?
I know they are hard..? To clean and take care of, or at least require steps and specific methods, but idk how that is worth when you are just cooking something. I got severe FOMO so gotta know what has Y'all hyped about this 👀
Edit: I do see quite a bit of info about the durability and usages of it, along with the ease of cleaning that seems to get easier the more you do it. I'll def likely be picking up a lodge or some other when I move in and add it to my array, never really did large baking or searing so will be cool to try out. Thank y'all, ive been converted ⭐
submitted by axel7530159 to castiron [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:32 ablik Trip report - 28 days in March - Tokyo, Nagano, Kanazawa, Kyoto, Hiroshima, etc (Part 2/2)

This is a continuation of the first half of my March trip, where I hit up Kamakura, Yokohama, Tokyo, Hakuba, Takayama, Kanazawa, and Kyoto.
These last two weeks of my trip I was in Hiroshima, Miyajima, Okunoshima, Kyoto, Nozawaonsen, Fujikawaguchiko, and Tokyo.
The first half of my trip, I was working full time and barely sleeping. This second half, I had a lot more freedom.
Some things I did: fed some bunnies, watched a baseball game, attended an anime convention, waited a long time for donuts, wait through transport delays, wandered through a forest
A large portion of my trip was planned on the fly which was why I was able to make some seemingly nonsensical travel decisions. If I'd planned ahead of time, I wouldn't have missed out on certain in-demand experiences, for example, seeing a band I badly wanted to see, or returning to the Ghibli Museum to replace the kodama figure I'd smashed. However, one of the benefits of solo travel is the flexibility of doing whatever one wants, and I certainly did that.
On that note, most of the other people I saw throughout my trip were traveling with friends or significant others. There were plenty of occasions where I wished there was someone to share the experience with (the fact that I was still carrying a torch for someone the whole time didn't help).
In general, the hostels in Japan also seemed far less interested in promoting social activities, compared other countries I've visited. There were exceptions, like the one place that was run by a European guy. People on the streets also tended to do their own thing; I was approached by strangers twice during my trip, both times cos I was carrying a box from a very trendy donut shop.
This probably isn't Japan-specific, but one of the biggest lessons I learned was leave ample time for travel delays. I got caught by unforeseen circumstances and each time I wished I hadn't scheduled things so tightly. If hurrying between cities, I'd also take the train over the bus next time. It might cost a little more, but worth it just to avoid being stuck in traffic.
Expenses (gonna use USD):
Credit card $2802 / Cash $855
Total spent $3657
I charged my card as much as possible, both for the travel points and for fear of running out of cash. I arrived with almost $1k in bills and actually ended up with a bit left over
Lodging - $746 for 28 days, ranging from several $16/night hostels to a $52/night ryokan
Shopping - don't know total cos I used both card and cash, but my biggest expense was $217 electronic device from Don Quijote, followed by $49 at Uniqlo
Food - also don't know total, but most expensive meals were $70 and $35 for two tofu dinners, and $50 for wagyu lunch. The majority of my meals were <$10.
Other - notably $334 for two-week JR Pass and ~$200 for private lesson
Mon 3/18 - Hiroshima, Miyajima
Took off for Hiroshima on the shinkansen first thing in the morning. I was pleasantly surprised to by how much the JR Pass covered for this leg; I barely paid for any transportation costs the next few days. My pass covered the sightseeing bus that takes you from Hiroshima Station to a bunch of tourist locations (my hostel was right by one of them), the train and ferry rides to Miyajima, and my trains to Tadanoumi. IIRC all that was left was the 100yen Miyajima visitor tax and the ferry ride for Okunoshima. Score. Once again, Japan Travel by NAVITIME was super helpful for figuring out covered routes.
I got off the tourist bus at Peace Memorial Park and checked into my hostel, then immediately headed to a nearby okonomiyaki place (Henkutsuya Horikawa). Damn, that ooey gooey chewy flavour bomb seriously hit the spot. I wasn't expecting to be served right on the griddle where the food was being prepared.
After that, I walked around Peace Memorial Park, full of solemn tributes for everyone affected by the atomic bomb. The museum painted a very vivid picture of what transpired the morning of the bomb. It's hard for me to write about this. I'll just say people should know the human toll of war.
The park was built near the bomb had detonated; now everything is beautiful and serene, with only a few eerie vestiges of destruction like the Atomic Dome (kinda eerie at night).
I'd lingered a little longer than expected at the museum (it'd take hours to read through everything) and had to rush off to Miyajima. First things I noticed after getting off the ferry were the deer, so chill unlike the entitled ones I'd encountered in Nara. These, I like.
I spent some time walking through the shopping street, plenty of seafood, snacks, and souvenirs were available. Also diddle around Itsukushima Shrine a bit, waiting around for sunset and high tide. The view of the Great Torii was quite lovely.
Had some very cheap udon and egg sushi at Ueda, an adorable mom-and-pop restaurant near my hostel. The old lady there was just hustling to serve me; I wanted to hug her so bad. There was also a Dodgers game was on, and the camera kept cutting to Shohei Ohtani. The love for this guy here is real; I want to watch him play in person now.
Tues 3/19 - Okunoshima
Set off bright and early for a day trip to Rabbit Island for some eye bleach, and that was what I got, sorta. I'd bought some carrots and lettuce for feeding at the konbini beforehand, but you can buy bags of food pellets as well. The bunnies there were not shy at all; they come running out straight to you soon as they detect human presence, probably because they are so dependent on us for food. There were pans of presumably food and water around the island, which put my mind slightly more at ease.
Rabbits aren't all Rabbit Island is known for. It also used to be a secret island used for poison gas production, but maybe Poison Gas Island doesn't have the same appeal to it. There are still some creepy abandoned buildings and other traces of its martial past scattered around. I visited the poison gas museum, which was tiny but informative. Many of the plant workers suffered from ailments or straight up died here. There is now a resort where some of stuff took place.
Dark past aside, it was a nice quiet day of walking up and down trails. There are some decent views of the surrounding islands from the top of the hill.
Wed 3/20 - Tokyo
Well, today was a little unusual. About a week or so ago, I got the idea of seeing a baseball game in Japan. Was originally thinking the Hiroshima Toyo Carp but their schedule didn't work for me. Then I found out the historic Meiji Jingu Stadium, home of the Tokyo Yakult Swallows, might get torn down soon, and I wished to see it before that happens. There was a home game today that fit my schedule. Also - I'd decided previously that I wanted to hit up another ski resort at some point for more riding, and my JR Pass was active this week. Yeah so that's how I found myself leaving Hiroshima for a pit stop in Tokyo, then finishing the day in Nozawaonsen.
Left hostel around 6am to catch the Shinkansen to Tokyo Station, where I found a locker to dump my bags. Quick tempura soba lunch at Tendon Tenya, then off to Meiji Jingu Stadium. I was 15 min late to the 1pm starting time, right as it was starting to rain.
It'd been a few years since I last saw a baseball game, and this turned out to be a great experience. The fans were super into it, singing and chanting every few minutes. They also did the Tokyo Ondo dance with their tiny ass umbrellas at the 7th inning and whenever the Swallows scored, so adorable. Concession fare was not bad either; I got udon and matcha parfait instead of hot dogs for a change, and it was funny to see the players hamming it up.
Home team won, a few rounds of Tokyo Ondo were sung, now it's back to Tokyo Station to take the Shinkansen toward Nozawaonsen. Now Japanese trains are renowned for their punctuality, with the average train delay less than one minute a year - well my train was two hours late to arrive. It was very windy and rainy that day, and a fallen tree had blocked the way or something. I arrived at my Iiyama stop way too late to catch the last bus and the taxi stand was empty. It was snowing hard outside and I thought I was SOL. Thankfully, a station attendant was able to call up a cab for me. What was supposed to be a $4 bus ride turned into a $50 cab ride but, shou ga nai. I was so so happy when I finally entered my room at Miyasakaya at 11pm and found a kotatsu and heater waiting for me.
Thu 3/21 - Nozawaonsen
I chose this place because it was a cute little village with both a ski resort and over a dozen public baths. Despite the travel mishaps the day before, I was glad I came. The village was very compact and it was only a short walk to the resort. I felt very fortunate to have fresh pow both times I went riding.
After that was over, I set off to explore the village a bit. Everything was beautiful and serene from the freshly fallen snow. There was Ogama, a hot spring used by locals as an open air kitchen for cooking food. Only villagers are allowed in, probably for good reason.
I tried one of the 13 free public bathhouses where, as is customary in Japan, the baths are gender-separated and everyone strips down completely. Big yikes. It seemed like elderly (locals) had no trouble wading right in whereas the younger generation, myself included, had to struggle a bit to acclimate to the high temperature of the water. I decided one bath was quite enough for me and went to enjoy a hearty dinner that included an onsen egg and the local pickled nozawana.
BTW, I understand the serious dangers that come with backcountry riding, but the dourness of this poster just sent me.
Fri 3/22 - Kyoto
Well, I ended up deciding I wanted to visit Fushimi Inari on this trip after all (but mostly I wanted an excuse to eat more tofu), so back to Kyoto I went. First stop was Nishiki Market which had a very wide delicious-looking assortment of food stands. The freshly fried tempura and freshly prepared seafood looked especially good; too bad I was full.
Then up some shopping streets, quick stop at Ippodo to buy some matcha which I forgot to do the week before. Afterwards, back to Kyoto Gyoen to scope out the tree situation. Well there was one big cherry blossom tree that was in partial bloom; nevertheless it was surrounded by people taking pictures (hey we take what we can get).
Hopped on the train to Fushimi Inari and got there in the late afternoon, still lots of people around. I started climbing the steps, stopping only for a city vista with the orange glow of sunset. The crowds were petering out, awesome. By the time I reached the top (~50 min later), it was already dark, peaceful, eerie almost. I'd never seen this place at night and was glad I came. (It's technically open 24/7 but there are warning signs about wild boars out at night.)
The rest of the night was kind of a bummer. I went back to the restaurant where I first had tofu dinner eight years ago. The only tofu set available included seafood which I was allergic to. I inquired about potential substitutions and there must've been some miscommunication; what I ended up getting was a plate of wagyu and rice, which was obviously quality but my heart was set on tofu. I was probably mostly mad about my failed listening comprehension. Oh well, things don't always turn out when traveling.
Sat 3/23 - Tokyo
Back to Tokyo, where I would stay for much of the remainder of my trip. This was the last day of my JR Pass so no more stupid bouncing back and forth after today.
There were two concerts I'd really hoped to attend happening today, primarily King Gnu at Sapporo Dome. (They had an international ticket sale late last year, way before I'd decided on this trip.) Knowing how slim my chances are as a foreigner to get tickets, I hedged and bought a day pass to the AnimeJapan 2024 convention instead. It was only ~$16, way cheaper than any anime convention back home, a cost I would happily eat if I managed to score a concert ticket.
I was aiming to make it into the convention by 10:25 which alas did not happen. I had a chance to see the voice actor of my favourite anime in person but the wait to get in took too long and I missed the panel completely. Oh well... This was actually my first anime convention ever and it was certainly a interesting if not overstimulating experience. The place was completely packed with attendees, giant screens, loud noises. Many anime that I recognised, many that I did not. There was also a decent number of cosplayers; this one's my favourite. Oh yeah I also had the least-satisfying meal of my entire trip here (aside from non-tofu).
The rest of the day was less interesting - visited the life-size Unicorn Gundam, wandered into a random tulip festival nearby, checked sukiyaki off my list, arrived at my hostel in Chiyoda. I was pleased to have milked that JR Pass until the very end, an 11pm ride on the Yamanote line.
Sun 3/24 - Tokyo (Akihabara)
First stop of the day was the National Museum of Modern Art, which I ended up enjoying quite a bit. Modern art is sometimes known for being inscrutable, but this museum offered accompanying text for almost everything and I felt engaged the whole time. There was also a cherry blossom special exhibition going on, and they provided low benches to simulate the hanami experience, such a nice touch.
Next up was the Sumida Hokusai Museum, which only has replicas in its permanent exhibition but was still very informative about the many artistic periods of the man's life (he also went by over 30 names, depending on the period!) I especially liked this display on process behind the the Great Wave Over Kanagawa.
I'd originally gone to Asakusa for lunch at Ichiran around noon, but noped out after seeing the line out the door and around the corner. Returned right before 5pm, the queue was only 6 people long, score. All I can say is that it was GOOD to be back. My bowl was customised to perfection; it's still my favourite ramen chain.
After dinner, walked over to Akihabara to explore a bit. The streets were lined with a ridiculous number of girls trying to hand out flyers and get people into their maid cafes (also a couple of guys for butler cafes); I was just glad they were allowed to wear jackets and carry umbrellas standing in the cold. Already tried the maid cafe experience last time; being addressed as "your majesty" once was more than enough.
My hope was to locate a Gintama figure. I saw lots and lots of figures on display in various stores but sadly nothing for what I wanted. One of my stops was the eight-floor Mandarake complex. That place... was an experience. So much stuff, including a sorta creepy floor with customisable dolls. BTW, you might think all the hentai would be hidden at the top or something. Haha well, just don't take your kids into the fourth floor. On that same note, how DARE they defile Frieren like that!
I wandered around a bunch of other shops and saw and hundreds and hundreds of figurines, e.g. Gundam, One Piece, Spy X Family, all the shounens, etc. It was still fun to explore.
Mon 3/25 - Tokyo (Asakusa, Akihabara)
Today's schedule was relatively light as I'd planned to go hiking at Jimba today; however the rain kinda blew those plans away. Instead, I got some cardio in by running the Imperial Palace 5k loop. It was really pleasant, a lot of urban scenery to take in. Maybe a little pleasant - I stopped several times to snap pictures. If you go, make sure you run counterclockwise to not look like a knob!
Afterwards, I headed back to Asakusa to pay a visit Senso-ji. As expected, the place was completely packed, with good reason: every direction you turn, there was a pretty view. Honestly I didn't even mind the crowds; they added to the energy. This place is just so invigorating I would visit it every time I'm in town.
Also got matcha gelato at Suzukien right behind Senso-ji. The level 7 matcha really hit the spot, was totally worth the hype.
For dinner, I ventured back to Akihabara to try Japanese-style spaghetti at Spajiro. As a lover of noodle soup, it really hit the spot for me. Afterwards, picked up some stuff at Uniqlo and Donki (gotta love that duty-free shopping) before calling it a night.
Tues 3/27 - Tokyo (Shibuya, Shinjuku)
It poured all day, which was rather unfortunate. I had plans to visit the Tokyo National Museum, and it seemed that many other tourists also got the idea that being indoors was better than wandering around Ueno Park today. Cue the hourlong queue.
The contents of the museum were as expected: many cultural treasures that they were (rightfully) proud of. I particularly enjoyed the beautiful folding screens, kimonos, calligraphy, and woodblock prints (including actual Hokusai ones). There's also a nice garden, which I almost had all to myself bc only one or two other people wanted to step out in the pouring rain.
Now for the crummy part: I had reservations in the afternoon for Shibuya Sky, but visibility was terrible. The rooftop was also closed due to rain. It was hard to see far, but at least the immediate surroundings, e.g. the crossing, were still easy to see.
Before going up the tower, I'd passed by this place called "I'm donut ?" that had a ginormous line. After the tower, line was gone so I went in to check it out. There was literally one single donut left and they closed up shop after I bought it. As I stood outside enjoying my pleasantly not-too-sweet chocolate spelt donut with the texture of fluffy bread, several other people came by and stared hungrily at my treat. Awkward...
This evening I was headed to Shinjuku's Golden Gai for dinner at Ramen Nagi, the first place I'd ever eaten at in Japan. It was eight years ago, way past midnight, and this cramped second-story ramenya was the first place we saw open on the way to our lodging. We were flustered by having to order off a machine for the first time, but the anchovy broth and curly ribbons of noodles, unlike any ramen we'd eaten back home, promised only more surprising delights to come for our trip... Anyways. It was as cramped and delicious as I'd remembered. I was happy.
After dinner, wandered around Kabukicho a bit, wondering what was going on inside all these buildings of the red-light district. The place was already very loud and bright from all the signs around, but the reflections off shimmering wet streets made things seem doubly so.
Walked through Omoide Yokocho, where I found myself getting pulled into one of the stalls. Goddamnit, I just ate. I politely ordered two skewers and the bill, which includes a 500 yen table charge, came out to be around 1100 yen. Well I guess it was worth it for the "unique" experience - the guy grilling the skewers was casually just reaching into the snack mix bin and smoking a cigarette at the same time, that's the kind of place this was.
Saw something on Google Maps about a giant Godzilla head, which took me to a nearby movie theatre. Instructions unclear, watched Dune: Part Two instead.
Wed 3/26 - Tokyo (Ginza), Koga
First half of today would be Ginza, followed by a day trip to Koga in Ibaraki Prefecture to visit a trio of octogenarians I'd befriended at a cave in Vietnam.
I like Ginza. Very pretty and walkable, obviously you don't actually have to buy anything.
First stop was Kimuraya, supposedly the oldest bakery in Japan, originator of anpan and whatever the hell this is. Munched on shrimp katsu sando at their cafe on 2F and watched the passersby below.
Next, walked around the Kabukiza Theatre and checked out the free little kabuki museum in the tower behind it. Kinda cool angle of the theatre too. Didn't have time this trip, but I remember catching part of a kabuki show was a pretty nice experience, plus you can just buy tickets for a single act and then peace out.
Lunch at Ginza Hachigou, the reason I came today. It took me two weeks to get that reservation, basically the same experience as fighting bots for concert tickets. I ordered the one with the foie gras ravioli, which at $14 would be my most expensive ramen this trip. And, it was really good. Each part of it was prepared well; I especially enjoyed the flavourful lightness of the consomme and the pillowy softness of the ravioli (honestly feels more like a wonton to me). You only get 30 min of seat time and I took it pretty slow to savour everything.
Walked around a bit more to take in the glimmering architecture. There was a giant mass of people outside the Michael Kors store; apparently some kpop idol was inside and fans were trying to catch a glimpse of her.
A place I ended up really liking was the free Shiseido Gallery, which provides solo exhibition space for various artists. When I went, the featured artist was Zai Nomura, whose work really spoke to me. There was one interactive piece that invited visitors to submit their own photographs, which I gladly did.
Mid-afternoon, I hopped on the train to Koga to see my cave buddies. It was an hour and a half ride, and they picked me from the station to go to the local park. There was a peach blossom festival going on, with orchards of mostly Barbie-pink fluff as far as the eye could see. We took a lovely sunset stroll at the park, then headed off to a nice Japanese restaurant. I had input my order and gone to the restroom, when they decided that ordering off a tablet was too confusing and we should go somewhere else. (Like many of the elderly I'd encountered here, they are healthy and spry, but still utterly befuddled by technology.) Instead we went to a Chinese restaurant and I must say, the Chinese food I've tried in Japan has continued to disappoint me; at least the company did not. It was also nice hanging out in an average, non-touristy city for a change.
Thu 3/28 - Tokyo (Shibuya)
No real plans today other than wandering around Shibuya and eating. With only a few days left on my trip, this was gonna be my lazy weekender foodie day. Skip if you don't want to read me yammering on about food.
Took a stroll through Nakameguro to catch some cherry blossoms. The trees lining the streets were indeed coming along quite well, but the ones along the river were still barren. Everyone's been waiting expectantly but the recent cold snap delayed the blooms by a week.
Next up was a visit to the Kyu Asakura House, a well-preserved local politician's estate from the early 1900s where they absolutely do not want you touching anything. It really was a nice home that takes you back in time, even if barren of furniture - and the garden was even nicer.
Realising the house was only a 6 min away from the Shibuya I'm donut ?, I returned, again to a long orderly line (Japanese people really do not mind their queues). So I figured, already tried one donut of theirs that was good, why not see if the rest were worth the hype?
55 minutes later... I didn't notice it last time, but this particular branch was like an atelier of donuts; everything was arranged in such a beautiful, bougie fashion. And there were dozens of interesting flavours too! I picked out six and decided to save worrying about how to eat them all for later.
Next stop: Nanaya. The intense matcha and black sesame gelato I had at Suzukien was so enjoyable I decided to get it again, at Nanaya. (The 7 levels of matcha gelato was a collab between the two.) So good, made me wish there were a level 8 or 9...
At this point, I figured I should get some real food in my belly before I fill it up completely with sweets. Aoyama Flower Market Tea House, which charmed the hell out of me a few weeks ago, was nearby so I went back for an actual meal. The flower arrangements for the place had changed, but my omurice lunch was as aesthetically pleasing and delicious as expected.
Next up was Latte Art Mania that was recommended to me by a barista I'd met at the hostels. Their deal is that they specialise in latte art (duh) and their drinks are pitch black (charcoal, most likely). Apparently I got the same design as my friend, a swan, but the drink itself was very good and it tripped me out to see my matcha latte the colour of tar.
Rest of the day was just wandering around Shibuya, lots of big brand stores, lots of trendy boutiques, lots of people to see. Walked through Harajuku, which was not as busy as I'd remembered, maybe bc it was late afternoon.
I saw a sign for Harry Harajuku hedgehog cafe that included pictures of otters, some of my favourite animals, so I went upstairs to it for a peek. There were indeed otters outside, but most of them were running in circles restlessly in small pens. It was a little unnerving for me and I decided not to enter.
Next up, Shibuya PARCO, which had Pokemon Center, Nintendo Store, Jump Shop, Capcom Store, etc all on the same floor. It was, expectedly, crowded as hell, so I didn't stay too long. It was cool to see full-size statues of Mewtwo, Luffy, Link, and others though.
Took another obligatory Shibuya Crossing video (this time from the Mark City bridge) and decided I was done with crowds for the day. It was surprising to see how uncongested everything was even just 200m away from the crossing.
Tried to walk into Tofu Cuisine Sorano for you-know-what, but they were sold out for the night, four hours before closing. :( Instead I settled for a hearty plate of napolitan at Spaghetti no Pancho, which I doused in Kewpie mayo and parmesan until I felt bad about myself. And then I got to work on the donuts, which turned out to be very much worth the hype.
Fri 3/29 - Tokyo (Ginza, Shinjuku), Fujikawaguchiko
I returned to Shiseido Gallery in Ginza. As previously mentioned, Nomura-san's exhibit had an interactive portion, which invited users to submit photographs of the deceased to be "printed" into a tank of water at a scheduled time. Hard to explain. My grandmother had passed the month before and it was a cathartic experience for me.
Before leaving, I stopped at Ginza Ginger for this exquisite bowl of shaved ice. It was a seasonal sakura theme, delicate in flavour and varied in texture, a beautiful treat. The hot strawberry ginger drink was an excellent accompaniment as well.
Speaking of sakura, more were finally getting into bloom in Tokyo so it was time to visit Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. The park itself was pretty vast and there were a lot of people, mostly crowded under the clusters of blooming sakura. I only had an hour, which was enough to see plenty of trees, but had to skip revisiting the Garden of Words pavilion.
I was on a tight schedule today. I had to catch my bus to Fujikawaguchiko and make it to my hostel by 8pm to check in. Based on the bus schedule, I should've made it on time, but alas traffic conditions prevented that from happening; I got off at 8:15 and reception was closed. This was a sleepy resort town with dark streets, and I legit started worrying having to find a hotel way out of budget, if any were even open, or the safety and legality of sleeping outside.
I wandered into an izakaya at the bus station that was open to ask for help and someone said they would call around for me. I sat around awkwardly for half an hour with my luggage before realising I'd only eaten a donut all afternoon, so what a pleasant surprise it was to find this place had tofu stew and horse sashimi, my two comforts, on the menu.
At around 9:30, the employee returned and said he found an available place ~2km away if I'd be willing to sleep at a hostel. Uh, are you kidding me??? I quickly agreed and he made arrangements for me. Thank you, tenin-san from Uotami Fujisan Station, for saving the day!
I walked 20 min the dark to get to this place and not a single car passed by. At $35, it'd be one of my more expensive lodgings this trip (and eating the cost of the original hostel) but who cares right now. I arrived at Cabin & Lounge Highland Station Inn and wow the place was way nicer than I'd thought, more of an upscale capsule hotel than a hostel. Spacious capsules with lots of lighting and charging options, huge lockers, the whole place was immaculately clean, vending machines, laundry machines, plenty of showers with soaps, lotions, dryers, etc. I slept very soundly that night (sheer relief may have also factored in here).
Sun 3/30 - Fujikawaguchiko
First stop of the day was the iconic Chureito Pagoda at Arakurayama Sengen Park. The earlier to go the better - I arrived around 7:30am and a few dozen people were already up there, plus I was kinda flushed after climbing the 400 stairs in the sun.
I realised that my trip was nearing its end and there was still nary a shred of evidence (screenshot of drained bank account maybe?) that I was in Japan. So, a photo here would have to do. Mt. Fuji - check, pagoda - check, cherry blossom - still in hiding. Eh, 2/3 ain't bad.
I hadn't noticed in the dark of night, but Mt. Fuji was so close by, casually looming over everything; just face the right direction and there it was, in your face. Pretty neat to experience.
Checked out of the capsule hostel and made it to Kawaguchiko Station to dump my luggage. It was a total zoo there and all the lockers were already occupied. I kept walking a few buildings down and found plenty of vacant lockers across the street from the 7-Eleven.
After securing bags, I went for lunch at the popular Hotou Fudo across the street from the station. Ordered the local specialty hoto miso noodle soup and horse sashimi, both of which I loved. It was a hearty and delicious meal.
Ambled along Lake Kawaguchi to where the cherry blossom festival was supposed to take place this weekend; however because the trees were still stubbornly refusing to blossom, there were barely any people around. I felt kinda bad for the people with booths out. It was a pleasant stroll along the lake but in all honesty, I wish I'd spent the day at Fuji-Q Highland amusement park.
Visited the Kawaguchi Asame Shrine, dedicated to the goddess of Mt. Fuji. This place is remarkable for having seven tall, healthy cedar trees clustered closely together, each one named and over 1,200 years old.
Went back to station to grab my bags and got picked up by the kind owner of my next hostel, Michikusa-ya. This place had a very lovely window seat.
Sun 3/31 - Fujikawaguchiko, Tokyo
Last full day in Japan!
There's this shrine on the lake called Rokkakudo that can only be accessed when the water level is low; other times it's on an islet. The inside of the shrine is bare but being able to get to the place was kinda cool on its own.
The majority of the day would be spent in Aokigahara aka Sea of Trees aka Suicide Forest. I was in a weird state of mind when I decided on this for the end of my trip. I had the two-day bus pass that gave unlimited rides on the red, blue, and green sightseeing buses. It's purchasable at Kawaguchiko Station or online, and is worth it for anyone making multiple stops.
I took the bus to the Bat Cave, closest stop to the forest entrance. There was an information center that naturally had three rooms full of Batman posters.
The forest really lived up to its name; the trails were clearly marked, but I did feel at numerous points as if I was standing amidst dense, undulating waves of trees. The forest floor is composed of impenetrable volcanic rock; thus most of the tree roots are splayed across the ground as tripping hazards. Though vast, there were plenty of exits to main roads or rest stops. I didn't think I'd meet a toilet I didn't like in Japan, but I was wrong.
At some point I decided that was enough forest and hopped on the sightseeing bus to the Narusawa Ice Cave. It was exactly as the name implied, a cave that naturally contained ice. I'd say it was borderline worth the price of admission: a cool phenomenon but you're also in and out in under ten minutes. I skipped the wind cave, which I think is similar.
With 24 hours left in Japan, it was time to head back to Kawaguchiko Station so I could catch the bus back to Tokyo and squeeze in last-minute activities. In hindsight, I should've taken the train. Just as the bus had taken longer to arrive than expected, it was stuck in traffic returning to Tokyo as well - this time delayed by three hours :/
I decided to spend my evening at Rikugien Gardens, which was specially lit up at night for sakura season. It was quite lovely and peaceful, in spite of the crowds, in spite of cherry blossoms not yet being in full bloom.
Final dinner was the familiar comfort of Marugame's nikutama bukkake udon, piled high with scallion and tempura bits. Also threw in vegetable kakiage and burdock root tempura since we don't have those items back home.
Watched the trains ride off into the night as I walked back to my hostel. Love you, Yamanote Line <3
Mon 4/1 - Tokyo
My flight was a little past 2pm but I wasn't quite ready to be done yet. Walked over to Ueno Park at 8am, where the trees were finally teasing pink and white cotton candy splendour. It wasn't very crowded yet since all the food stands wouldn't be open for another hour or so, but a bunch of people were already camping out their hanami picnic spots. I would've killed for a few more days...
I enjoyed Rikugien so much at night that I wanted to take the opportunity see it during the day as well. It was a peaceful stroll through a well-maintained garden; barely even register the dead grass anymore.
And with that, it was off to Narita. I wanted to give Ippudo a second chance and tried the akamaru ramen this time - much better flavour, and the chashu was perfection. After that, just hitting up the souvenir shops and making one final konbini run for my airplane "lunch". (Everything was fantastic except for the weird-tasting grapefruit gummies.) Also shoutout to Shiroi Koibito, the biscuits have a delightful buttery texture and they pack a good number into the boxes.
And that's the end of this trip. I didn't really want to go on it but I'm glad I ultimately went. Japan just has this certain charm makes you temporarily forget your troubles because you're so filled with wonder by what you're experiencing. Will probably return much sooner next time, to see the autumn leaves, and/or eat my way through Hokkaido and make use of pass at Niseko. Or go back to Koyasan, still a magical place for me. So many possibilities.
Anyways, that's it. Sorry it got kinda long. Thanks for reading, if you got this far.
submitted by ablik to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:00 ComprehensiveWorry87 Elks to cater Altona Pride!

Elks to cater Altona Pride!
Wonderful update since my last post about food trucks pulling out of attending Pembina Valley Pride in Altona due to companies and performers receiving threats. The Altona Elks Lodge 447 have offered to have BBQ hot dogs, chips, and drinks available by donation! All money raised goes to supporting kids through The Elks & Royal Purple Fund for Children. It just goes to show how awesome this community group is! Make sure to show your local Elks some appreciation and attend Altona Pride if you can make it!
submitted by ComprehensiveWorry87 to Winnipeg [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:58 ComprehensiveWorry87 Elks steps up to cater Altona Pride

Elks steps up to cater Altona Pride
Wonderful update since my last post about food trucks pulled out of attending Pembina Valley Pride in Altona due to companies and performers receiving threats. The Altona Elks Lodge 447 have offered to have BBQ hot dogs, chips, and drinks available by donation! All money raised goes to supporting kids through The Elks & Royal Purple Fund for Children. It just goes to show how awesome this community group is! Make sure to show your local Elks some appreciation and attend Altona Pride if you can make it!
submitted by ComprehensiveWorry87 to Manitoba [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:39 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 85 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good! :D
A big thanks to for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to ! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to ! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you , or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you ! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you ! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris as characters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
Thank you to for their wonderful work of several LoM fanfics!
First Prev. Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Taikel, Venlil Farmer, Venlil-Human Exchange Host
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 20th, 2136
Stars above a paw with good news would be appreciated.
The Warren was silent but for the click-clack of Renkel’s claws on my pad as I sat at the island, staring down at my now cold bowl of crispy brown vegetables. Rensa had fallen further over the last paw, sinking well past where she had been after her accident. I think hope, fear and Renkel were the only things keeping me from stumbling into the night beside her.
My attention tracked across the living room as I swiveled the stool around to focus on the window she was sat in front of, with all I could see being the thread of a shadow slowly bringing the glass to her mouth; the only sign to tell me she was still there at all. I’d thought about replacing the gin with something gentler this waking, it had worked for a glass, keeping her marginally more lucid before she’d decided to refill it herself. Then before too long she was back to the same torpid drift she’d lost herself in these last few paws.
The clink of my skewer against the side of the bowl in front of me split the solemn, cold air of the kitchen as I let out a sigh, turning to look at the beads tic-tacing against each other in front of the open window beside the hearth. My eyes hung on the open thread waiting, almost eagerly, to be filled, for the news of our loss so that sordid black bead could find its new home.
My heart sank at the thought of receiving that message.
Of being informed that they really were gone.
Of having to confront the reality of our loss.
Having to explain to Renkel that his sister was never coming home, that Chris would never share his stories with him again.
That two of his best friends in the world had been taken from him.
Rensa falling even further, spiraling well beyond anything I could ever truly help her recover from.
The image of their stars drifting on the basin brought pooling tears to the corners of my eyes, pulling at the threads binding my heart like Night’s whipping winds.
I could feel them threatening to fall as I wrenched my eyes from Kalthet hanging in the window, squeezing them shut to push the horror away, to do anything and everything I could for my family.
For Rensa, for Renkel.
For them.
Come on, gray coat, do it for the-
The familiar chime of my pad drifted from Renkel on the couch, perking my ears to the distinct tune as he mewled curiously, locked onto the pad just as I was.
Was that Tais-
PAPA!” My son squealed, leaping from the couch to fill the Warren with the rapid pitter-patter of his paws on hardwood followed along with a rapid beat of chime after chime from the pad he all but threw at me.
My heart swayed for a moment, a growing sprout of hope blooming as I gently plucked the pad from his paws, my tail slipping around him, pulling him close as I stared down at the noisy pad. The wheels in my mind spun on slick ground as panic, elation and worry filled my thoughts, my breath hitched, trying to push me onward to read even the first message as they came rushing in like a fresh harvest. Before long they stopped, messages about them going up to a peak to watch, the food Darlene had made, how much she hoped she’d see us again, terror at the Arxur’s arrival, jubilation that the federation had been driven away.
And then they turned to a tide of growing worry as her messages asked where we were, what was going on and how the town was holding up. Questions asking if we were getting the messages flooded in next, creeping closer and closer together before one finally broke the chain with an >Embarassed.< tail sign emote. A heavy sigh of relief tumbled from my mouth as I pulled Renkel a little closer, reading the message aloud to the pup with high ears and a blooming warmth in my chest.
“Hey Papa, looks like relays have been down for… a while. I’m ok, Chris is… mostly ok. I don’t know when you will get this, but whenever you do, I want you to know we’re coming home soon. I love you.”
My attention swung back to the window and the shadow hanging on the curtains between us as Renkel’s paws flew into the air, the pitter-patter of his feet on the hardwood racing around the living room, scooping up his book and bolting upstairs with an elated squeal. My tail fell into an excited wag before I looked back to the pad, the biting worry for Rensa gnawing a little harder at my gut dulled by the fact that they were alive! My daughter and Chris were, seemingly, safe. As worried as I was about reports of the Arxur on Earth, I couldn’t help but be elated at the news. Which certainly didn’t stay my claws from typing out a field of questions of my own as they sprouted to mind.
Oh thank the stars you’re ok, Oil-Spot!
What happened with the ship crash, the U.N. said it started a giant fire???
Are you two safe?
What are the Arxur doing there?
Where are the Arxur?
Where are you?
Her chat-flower bloomed after a few agonizingly long moments, setting the coiled tension in my heart loose as joyful tears slipped free into my wool. I hadn’t thought that little purple flower opening and closing could simultaneously elicit so many emotions.
Papa! Stars above I was worried something had happened.
Venlil ship rammed a fed light cruiser, lit the forest and mountainsides on fire real bad. We spent the last two paws doing our best to help put that out. Its contained and almost gone now so we’re getting shifted.We’re safe, mostly. We’ve got a worrying shipment with a few aid crews for the next paw or two but we’ve been approved to return to Heartwood after that is done.
They helped push the feds back and now they’re helping >Disbelief.< with the rebuilding efforts. Neither of us are particularly pleased with that.
Not sure about all of them but at least three of them are going to be on Polani. >Anger. Worry.<
We’re at Chris’ families, getting Polani ready to go get started with our ‘aid teams’.
How’re Mama and Renkel?
My heart stuck in my throat as I looked up at the window again, peering at Rensa’s shadow as the sound of Renkel excitedly foraging in his room met my ears, searching for the best words to say. I settled on the truth.
Renkel is currently running about the house like he’s had a cup of Chris’ ‘coffee’ again squealing happy. Your Mama is… not doing great right now but hopefully this news helps!
Any idea when you two will be home?
As soon as we can, not sure of exactly how many paws but I promise I’ll keep you updated.
Please let Mama know we’ll be home as soon as we can be.
I will, stay safe for me, Oil-Spot.
We’ll do our best, Papa. Love you.
Love you too.
I set the pad down and found myself staring at the Kalthet again, focusing on the empty space, ecstatic that another black spot wouldn’t yet truly fill our lives.
But it has filled the lives of others. Those people in the shelters… How many have lost family they know they’ll never see again?
>Enough.< A small nod bobbed my chin as I turned, padding up stairs to find Renkel. We’d been cooped up in the Warren long enough; it was harvest-time for all of us to get out and start helping. Besides, stars and I know that if that boy was good at anything other than foraging for new facts it was being a beacon of light in the world.
[Advance Transcript by Time Unit: 1.5 Hours]
Renkel let out an excited giggle, bouncing on his feet as I poured another glass for Rensa, splashing a claw of gin before diluting it with water and fire-fruit oil. Hard stopping hadn’t worked last time and it wouldn’t this time either, not without her howling in pain for paws on end… I couldn’t put her through that for another minute, let alone a few paws. But if I eased her down then it’d be better, it’d be tolerable for her and I was sure that Taisa and Chris’ return would snap her out of her stupor and break the fire just as fast as it’d started.
Or at least I hoped as hard as I could that it would.
Renkel bounds to the door, still jumping in place as his tail lashes about behind him excitedly, barely containing his squeaks as I open the door and wave him on outside. The cool twilight air flows into my wool as the beautiful golden rays dance in my eyes, casting the sky in a beautiful tapestry of colors. I’d seen it a thousand times, every waking of my life and yet, right now, it felt like the first time in forever.
Renkel doesn’t slow, bolting to the truck and calling out an upbeat whistle to Rensa as I stoop at her side, gently extracting the now-empty glass from her paws and replacing it with the new one before nuzzling her crown with an excited, hopeful mewl. “Taisa’s alright darling, they’ll be home in a few paws! Renkel and I are going to the shelter to try and help… do you want to come?”
A noncommittal, foggy grunt of acknowledgment was all I received alongside a weak return of my affections. The knot of pain in my chest tightened down again at the sight of my love, steeping in the fog hanging in her mind. It hurt to see her like this again, especially with the knowledge that the fear and anguish, the very cause of her pain, wasn’t true. Aside from patience and doing my best to gently lift her from the pit she’d dug to hide herself there was little I could do to truly help her.
So patience and a steady paw was what I would provide.
I gave her crown a small lick before I rose, gently easing her back down into her seat with the strongest purr I could manage. “We’ll be back soon, love. Get some rest, things will get better from here, I promise.”
The crunch of gravel beneath bolting paws reached my ears as I turned toward the truck, the excited squeaks, chirps and whistles erupting from Renkel faltered as he slowed to a stop at my side. His voice was a whisper as I turned him to pad to the truck, concern in his voice mirrored in how tight he clutched his book to his chest. “I-Is Mama coming with us?”
“No, Rekan, Mama’s still tired so she’s gonna stay home this time.” I whispered back, my paw squeezing his shoulder as my tail wrapped around his wrist. “But she wants us to go have all the fun we can at the shelter!
“Ok!” The pup’s ears perk, his tail wagging enthusiastically with the answer, tiny claws prodding me onward to the truck before tossing his head over his shoulder to shout to Rensa. “Lets go! Love you Mama! I’ll tell you all about it when we get home!”
A placid >You too.< was all he received.
That didn’t steal the shine from his field though, the joyful sound of his whistling accompanying the rapid prodding of his claws as he pushed me onward to the truck. The passenger door gives its usual whining squeal as it swings open, reminding me once again to call Parnel…
Later. Right now we help.
Renkel’s voice danced with enthusiasm as I hefted him up off his feet and into the seat beside mine, strapping him in as he sang and whistled Taisa’s chime. Before long I found myself joining him as I stepped back, gently swinging the door shut before padding to the drivers side, the hopeful tune dancing in the air around me as I climbed in alongside my son, gently pulling him close for a moment and earning a surprised mewl in return.
“You all ready, Rekan?”
The truck’s engine shudders to life as Renkel props his book up on his lap, happily reading aloud to me about a new ‘fishy’ the ‘Blue Whale’. The rumble thrums through the truck as I slip it into gear, the familiar sound accompanied by the crunch of gravel under tread before it fades into the whispering hum of slow tires on asphalt. I turned my eyes for a moment, harvesting another look at Rensa lounging beside the Warren’s door.
And that little bloom of hope grew just a bit larger at the thought of them home, of her whole again. Of us whole again. I could handle this, in a paw or two she’d be lucid enough again. Then she’d be happy again.
And stars above that’s all I ever wanted.
Memory Transcription Subject: Christopher A. Dewey, Human Merchant Ship Captain, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 20th, 2136
They’re late.
The heft of my loading suit felt like little more than a heavy coat as I stood at the top of Polani’s ramp, alone. Taisa was still up in the helm, likewise suited and strapped as we waited for the grays to arrive, along with their U.N. Handlers. Neither of us was particularly excited about any of this but we still had to do it. Still had to bend the knee every time the U.N. called us up.
We’d done everything they’d wanted us to do, hauled a few thousand souls off the Cradle, more’n that off Earth in the last few days, a quarter of which from places that just weren’t anymore…
And I still didn’t know if Anna was alright. They couldn’t, or wouldn’t, tell me a definitive answer about what happened to her or the museum’s bunker, and it was eating me. Ma’n Pa’d told me I should wait, do my best to keep a level head, keep myself on track and I’d tried. Tried to keep everything straight in my head, to focus on helping people where I could and… and I still couldn’t stop the knife in my gut twisting at losing my little sister.
Patience… Anna’s always been lucky, she’ll be alright. She will.
My eyes turned skyward, looking up at the drifting plume of smoke and ash that still hung in the northern sky. The ash, dust, debris and dreams of a few hundred million people stained the sky that awful gray-brown that stretched for hundreds of miles. Each crater that’d once been a city had looked like over-eager paint smudges from orbit. Looking down at them and biting my lip was about all I could do to keep from crying my eyes out at the idea of what was left of Anna drifting along with… everyone else.
“Still don’t see them, Love!” Taisa whistled through our suit’s comms channel, the upbeat, hopeful lilt dancing in her voice, pulling me from the darkening rapids in my mind. I could practically hear her wagging tail as I shifted to look both ways across the Tarmac, spotting a quartet of white vans and a few loaded cargo trucks.
Damn shame. Would’ve rather just gone home to help Ma an’ Pa rather’n taxi some fuckin’ ‘gators around.
“Hate to rain on our parade here, Darlin’, but I don’t think we’re gettin’ out of it that easy… Fuckin’ half hour late or not.”
Her voice deflated as I heard her sigh filter through the suit’s speakers, a note of fear replacing the hope that’d sung just a moment before. “Ah Speh… and we were so close.”
“Another half hour and I’d’ve called it.” I grumbled back, the heavy clunk of my suit’s boots against the ramp echoing through the cavernous hold as I walked down to the tarmac below. “Stay up in the helm, I’ll get the aid workers, and the fuckin’ ‘gators, settled fast as I can manage.”
“Ok, Love.” Was the only response I received, the fear in her voice building to the point that all I wanted to do was slam the hold shut and comfort her rather than play host to the U.N.’s next great idea for our lives.
Unfortunately that wasn’t an actual option.
The quartet of vans slowed to a stop a hundred yards away, followed by the cargo trucks shuddering to a stop on either side of them, sliding open to reveal the first two were entirely filled with Peacekeepers, Human and Zurulian aid workers and a handful of bags, equipment and medicine, the other pair were packed to the gills with Peacekeepers and Arxur. Suddenly everything felt awful familiar as the horde of scaled bastards slunk from their trucks, their attention bouncing all around the space-port before finally settling on Polani and me.
Some of them bickered back and forth in that grating, growling language as it gutting the air just outside my translator's range and set my nerves alight as they pointed up at the star on Polani’s flank. I could feel the tension in my shoulders growing as they approached, following a few yards behind the first Peacekeeper in the bunch and the pair of shaking Zurulians practically beneath her feet. At least they were a few familiar faces amongst the gray tide rising toward me.
“Captain Dewey! Good to see you again! Was worried about you.” Colonel Connolly called to me, Kelfen and Metek’s scared eyes snapping to me, the pair seeming to relax at least a little.
“Colonel, it's good to see you’re alright as well, I hope things have been better for you than us. Kelfen, Metek, good to see you as well.” I replied with a wary voice, my eyes not leaving the horde lingering behind them.
“That’s a word for it.” Metek grumbled, his ears darting about as he shot worried glances behind him, nervously fiddling with his backpack’s straps. “C-Can we still use the room we were using before? We need to set up which teams a-are going where.”
“Certainly, I presume you know the way?”
“Hop to it then.” I stated, inviting them past me as Kelfen shouted over her shoulder, calling the other aid workers and a handful of peacekeepers to follow them before they padded upstairs, followed closely by a myriad of Humans, Zurulians, Yotul, Venlil and, surprisingly, a few annoyed looking Arxur.
“Now, onto the cargo.” Connolly stated, stepping up beside me to look out at the gathered trucks. “ORF-SP’s got a few cargo-shovers on the way over we’re good to use for the transfers today. Them and the load should be sub-size for your hold so we’ll still have space for our new friends to stay downstairs with a few of my Peacekeepers. We’ll have you loaded up and on our way in a few minutes at the most.”
“Good.” I stated, not taking my eyes off of the grays as I heard the throaty hum of cargo-shovers rolling around Polani’s bow to take up station behind the cargo trucks, slipping their loads free of the trailers with ease. “Faster this is done the faster I can get Tai somewhere that neither of us are on the edge of a breakdown.”
“Agreed.” She stated, leaning to whisper in, what she assumed, was the suit’s ear. “I’m not exactly a fan of the lizards either, Cap’ but… if they’re willing to help haul people out of the rubble, and behave, then I’m willing to take the help.”
I nodded, letting out a long sigh as I stepped aside to let the first cargo-shover crawl up the ramp with its load, cresting into the hold before settling down with a sharp hiss from its pneumatics. “Neither are we. If any of them fuck’s with me or Taisa…”
“They’ll have to go through me and my Peacekeepers, Cap’; trust me I won’t let that happen if I can help it. Besides, once you’ve dropped us off you’re off the hook for any more Arxur loads, just aid moving for a few days. Old Moose says he’s trying to limit his crews to one Arxur flight each. About how long will it take to get to NYC?”
“‘Bout an hour or so.” I replied, a small smile crossing my face at the mention of the Mercy’s giant of a Captain. It wasn’t often I met someone bigger than me but God and Stars above if that man didn’t make me feel small. “Well I’ll have to thank him for that, next I see him. Still owe him and Charlie a drink; need to sort that out.”
“I’m sure the both of them would be happy with whatever you bring along at this point. Anyhow, you’ve got a ship to fly and I’ve got a bunch of idiots and lizards to wrangle.” She replied, waving the Peacekeepers and Arxur aboard with a shout as the last of the cargo-shovers crawled to a stop and settled down to the decking. “ALRIGHT, NO ONE TOUCHES ANYTHING YOU AREN’T ASKED, OR TOLD, TO! HANSEN, AKSEL, ANTOINE, GET YOUR SECTIONS TOGETHER AND REA-”
I shook my head with a small laugh at the familiar display, turning to walk upstairs to Taisa and the Helm. The sooner this was done and all the ‘gators were off our ship the sooner either of us would feel safe again. The hall to the helm was nearly empty as I crested the stairs, finding only a handful of figures standing around Kelfen and Metek as the pair organized the rescue and aid parties around a few other qualified medics. From how they were talking I figured the pair would be doing much the same on the ground, a small swell of pride filled my chest as Metek looked up, meeting the woman at his side’s eyes as she asked a question, hardly stuttering as he answered.
Though my mood was quickly soured as I noticed a mass of gray scales and scars that’d ‘strayed’ away from the group towards the helm. Even in my suit it was still taller than me by a full head while hunched over staring down at the angular pad in its grip.
And I didn’t much care.
“Back to your group.” I grumbled, the thumping clang of my suit boots on the decking punctuating my words as I passed. “Wouldn’t want you missin’ anyone down there.”
A low, rolling growl tumbled from its throat as it turned its head, looking down to meet my eyes before the sound shifted into a throaty chuckle that sounded far more like an actual ‘gator than I cared for. “I assure you, Captain, I’ve reviewed the documents as thoroughly as should be expected.”
“I hope so, Arxur.” I replied, turning back to the helm and forcing myself forward.
“You know, Human, I was surprised to learn that the very ship that would deliver me to aid this world was the very one I’d tried to drop a building on.” The Arxur purred, stopping me in my tracks as their voice rolled through the air like a saw through a cedar. “Odd that my second went missing shortly after she’d decided to board it.”
“Hmph.” I grunted in return, shifting to look over my shoulder and past them to the light pink stain on the bulkhead. “That’s what’s left of her, if’n you wanna pay your respects.”
The Arxur followed my eyeline, studying the stain and the small indent the shell had left behind before letting out a grating chuff of laughter. “She was overconfident and underskilled as a hunter. I’ve no respects to pay to weaklings such as her. You have done me a favor in ridding me of her.”
“Well I’d rather not have to do any more favors for you. Keep yourself, and your men, out of trouble and away from my helm.”
The Arxur narrowed its eyes, staring at me for a long moment before nodding, a horridly jagged smile splitting its lips. “It is good to finally meet a Human with a spine. I will keep my hunters out of their way and away from your pre- friends.”
“Good.” I stated, turning on my heel to trudge into the helm, the auto-door hissing and clacking shut behind me as I stepped out of sight and inside to join Taisa. She was all but curled up in her seat; clad in her suit she looked more like an over-sized armadillo than a Venlil. Her Tail fell stiff as I stepped in, her eyes whipping around to stare at me before her ears perked, a sigh of relief flooding the comms as she relaxed back into the seat.
“Thank Polani! You’re ok. Are we ready to fly, Love?”
“Yea, we’re ready. Let’s get this shit over with.” I grumbled before powering down the suit and sliding myself free of its confines. My pilot’s seat welcomed me as I slid behind the helm, running through Polani’s starting sequence before turning to meet her eyes again. “I’m feelin’ like we need a fuckin’ dog, Darlin’.”
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submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:12 HRJafael All events for the upcoming 2024 Fitchburg Civic Days

All events for the upcoming 2024 Fitchburg Civic Days
Just one month until Fitchburg Civic Days 2024!
🍻 Nashua River Brewers Festival Saturday June 29th at Riverfront Park from 1pm–6pm. Tickets are now on sale at:
🇺🇸Fitchburg Civic Days Block Party, Wednesday July 3rd all across Main Street 4pm–10pm. A free community event with music, entertainment, The Pro Wrestling Super Show, rock climbing, Car Show, Animal Adventures, thrills, food trucks, vendors, local businesses, bouncy houses, games, and a little bit of everything for the whole family to enjoy! 🛍️Still accepting food trucks and vendors until the 16th! Apply at:
🎆 After the Block Party, the ultimate Fireworks show will be shot off of Rollstone Hill on Wednesday July 3rd at 9pm!
🎉 The 4th of July Parade will be from 10am-noon starting at Summer Street and going to the Upper Common. Parade applications are open now. Juried prizes for best float. $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place and $150 for 3rd place! There is no fee to join for non-political entries. Apply at:
⚾WooSox Day, Mets @ WooSox - Fitchburg, Leominster & Gardner Town Takeover at Polar Park on Saturday July 6th at 4pm. Each ticket purchased through this link:
will benefit The Fitchburg, Leominster & Gardner Boys & Girls Club.
🧢🦆To Cap off Civic Days 2024 off we will have the Amazing Duck Race on Sunday July 7th from noon to 3pm at Riverfront Park. Get your ducks and watch them race down the Nashua River. If you’re a lucky duck you could win big prizes!
🍀🦆1st Place $1,000 - Plus a chance to win $5,000 if the winning duck is the 'Lucky Duck', 2nd Place $750, 3rd Place $500, 4th Place $250, 5th Place $100
Plus the ‘Lazy Last Duck’ gets a big prize! More prizes coming soon!
Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!
submitted by HRJafael to FitchburgMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:02 lauratakestheL resume

hi everyone! i'm Laura, i am a high school junior and i want to apply for some jobs this summer.
however, i wanted to ask... how do i create a résumé? i know it might be a stupid question, but... i'm pretty confused on how to list things on it and overall just put one together. for example, i have a MOS 2019 associate certification as well as a MOS 2019 expert certification. also, i have a servsafe food handler's certification. how would i put those on a resume? i also heard when making a resume the simpler it looks (no fancy graphic design or anything) the better. is that true? i'm thankful for any help, i'm super new at this🙏
submitted by lauratakestheL to jobsearchhacks [link] [comments]
