Happy 4 month anniversary

r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization!

2011.09.28 00:48 r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization!

Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make ricers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a Thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how pretty your computer can be!

2008.04.08 02:06 /r/Vegas - The Original Reddit Las Vegas

The original Las Vegas subreddit run by people who live in Las Vegas. Locals and visitors welcome.

2020.09.23 18:10 Krokodrillo Music Anniversary

Please start your post with a date and leave out ‚xx years ago’ so everybody can search what happened on special days by tipping the date. This community is a place you can list every anniversary that deals with Rock, Pop, Alternative, Jazz, Blues, Classical etc music. Contact mods if you got questions.

2024.05.15 14:31 uz3r H5075 Thermometer increasingly intermittent issues capturing data

I have two H5075’s and have loved them but after about 10 months of ownership they are both failing to capture and sync data. I am finding I have days, maybe a couple of weeks that are missing when I try and sync with the Govee app. This happened once a few months back which I disregarded but now it’s happening more and more - I have maybe 50% of data from the last month. I sync regularly - maybe every 2-4 days. Battery levels are about 30-40%.
Anyone else experiencing this?
submitted by uz3r to Govee [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:29 Confident_Suspect894 Not sure next steps

Throw away account. Mom died in November. I (m45) was POA over financial and medical and she lived with me for 5 years prior. I paid for all bills as I also worked from home full time. The deal was she bought the groceries. My 17f daughter also lived with us and helped out. 6 months before mom passed Dad had a heart attack (divorced lived close by) and I was bouncing back and forth caring for both. At that point I started paying my dtr for care when I was at dads because she had to toilet and feed her. My sister 49f would swoop in and make a big production but never actually help. Dad died in September and my sister made it all about her. She was always the golden child I was the second fiddle. Right after Dad died my girlfriend (we didn’t live together) died in a car accident. I’m dealing with double grief so I put my Mom in a nursing home because it was just to much. My mom and sister acted like I was a problem and bad mouthed me to anyone who would listen to the point that my dtr and I just packed up and moved across the country in October. Mom ended up in the hospital and my sister told everyone she was in charge even though I showed up with living will and POA. She actually moved her without telling me even though I had made it clear to the hospital I had concerns she would do this (reported them to state they got in trouble). My Dad had nothing, he rented and lived off Ss. My Mom had sold her house years ago and as advice of lawyer the money was placed in my name. We flew in for mom’s funeral and my sister made a big production of what she did for mom and not a single family member spoke to my dtr or me and acted like we were horrible people. Day of funeral she texted me telling me to put all the money into mom’s account and give her blank checks. (Mom and I had a joint account with about 5k in it) I told her no if there were bills I would pay them and just offered to give her half. She flipped out saying how dare I talk inheritance on the day of her funeral. I hear nothing for two months. I text her I’m flying in and going to close the account how would she like her money. She states I’m not allowed to do that she called an attorney she is executor and she has questions. We meet and she provides a list of questions. She said my dtr was under 18 and therefore couldn’t be a caregiver and demanded she pay it back. She questioned Amazon charges and 600 cash that we got when we sold her car. She demanded receipts for every purchase ever made with moms money (I guess poa said I had to keep receipts). I got visibly upset and said I didn’t steal. She told me I had two weeks to get them or the lawyers would make me. (The entire estate is worth about 75k). My sisters husband is a doctor and makes loads of money I’m a single dad making less a year than the estate is worth. 3 weeks later she sent a nasty letter demanding all these things and saying I had a week to produce them or the lawyer was coming after me. Luckily between calling around and going online I was able to get almost every receipt for last 5 years. I did uncover that my sister used my moms ss# to obtain online access for moms and mine joint account. (Bank offered to transfer me to fraud). My mom had also gifted my aunt 15k a few years back (aunt is now dead) and me 30k when I bought my house a few years back. The paper trail shows mom signed and withdrew the money but I’m afraid my sister will claim as poa I should have stopped her (she had early dementia). I put everything on a thumb drive and mailed to my sister certified mail on 4/1. Had no idea she was on a cruise so they said they would redeliver but never did. I have no idea if the package was delivered and the post office is like to bad. I’m afraid to ask my sister if she got it. It’s been 6 weeks and I’ve heard nothing. I don’t want to ask my sister because she will think I need the money and just drag it on. I also got a 5k insurance check I’m afraid to cash because she will accuse me of stealing. Now I didn’t do anything wrong but towards the end I’ll admit I was buying extra things at the grocery store such as toilet paper (which I had previously bought with my money) make up for my dtr and a take outs (mainly because I was pissed at my sister and thought less money for her). I’m terrified a lawyer is going to hold me to the 45k and say I shouldn’t have done that and I’ll end up having to take out a loan and give my sister additional money. What if they make me pay back anything I can’t produce a receipt for? I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing and my anxiety is terrible. I wanted to buy my dtr a car with some of my half and now I have to wait. Any advice please. I have no one left in this world but my dtr.
submitted by Confident_Suspect894 to inheritance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:29 OkPicture3702 Job Reposted a week after interview

I was interviewing for a role at microsoft.
March 15, 2024 the job was posted for the first time.
March 18 I ask for a referral from a friend of mine.
18 April I get a call from recruiter
At this point, the job page says no longer accepting applications.
Till 9 May, I go through 4 rounds of interviews including HM round.
Havent received an acceptance/rejection so far but now today I see on 15 May job was reposted.

Does this mean I am rejected, or does Microsoft portal automatically re opens the position after every 2 months if the role isnt filled?

Someone please help me understand this, thanks. 🙏
submitted by OkPicture3702 to microsoft [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:29 untitled_jack The person F27 that I M33 like is thinking about getting back with her ex, but I think we should give us a chance. Any advice with my situation?

The person F27 that I M33 like is thinking about getting back with her ex, but I think we should give us a chance. Any advice with my situation?
The person(27f) that I(33m) like is thinking about getting back with her ex, the thing is we both have really good chemistry together and we both really REALLY like each other. She told me yesterday and I was taken back by it, and I just stood there and accepted the news. After it all sunk in, I asked if we could talk about the situation more, because I really like her and I think she's worth fighting for. And I pretty much just let her know how I felt about her and that if we both like each other as much as we say we do, we owe it to ourselves to give us a chance. Admittedly, she dated her ex for 8 years, but has been separated for a year before we started talking and I don't really know the other guy or anything but , he's really done a number on her self esteem. She thinks she's a piece of shit, she thinks she's ugly. Everything thing she thinks that is wrong with herself all comes from him. She told me he doesn't make her feel happy when she's with him, and she's kind of just there with him. but when she's with me. She's happy, but nervous. Nonetheless after we talked, she seemed open to the possibility of us being couple. 8 years with someone is kinda hard to argue against 😅. Is it crazy for me to tell her not to get back with her ex of 8 years and to take a chance on me, when we've only been talking for maybe 3ish months ? But everything is there. The physical attraction, the mental connection. I make her laugh, and she makes me laugh. If she's sad I can almost always cheer her up, and she does the same for me? I acknowledge that it's crazy, she's had a whole ass life with this guy. So, it's for sure a normal situation for her. And me on the other hand, she'll have to build up another relationship and maybe we won't work out or maybe we'll work better than her and her ex.But I know I'll treat her way better than her ex, and I think she knows that as well. Naturally, I told what she decides to I'll obviously respect her decision. But, I'm not gonna. I really like her and I hope we end up together.
submitted by untitled_jack to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:29 szygis Help me understands icon cards and their "aura"

TOTY Matthaus. What makes that card good? He's 4/4, dribbling is meh, he has only 6 playstyles total (2 ps + and 4 ps) yet he's around 1.6m. I understand the price only reflects his rarity but is he worth anything close to that?
I packed him from the Icon SBC a month ago but, I don't play him because I have a lot of better cards (in theory) from TOTS.
Another similar case is TOTY Ferdinand he is great for me and performs well but also it seems like there are a lot of TOTS defenders that should be better YET there's an "icon aura"? What even is that?
submitted by szygis to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:28 OutdoorLadyBird Experience Getting off of Mini Pill (Jencycla, Norethindrone .35 mg)

Hello, 41 F, started Jencycla last year for heavy periods. While taking this medicine, it did lessen the flow of my periods, but it was very irregular. I decided to stop it in November.
I just stopped on a random day in my cycle because everything says that you can just stop it whenever. I immediately got back on after 5 days because I was so irritable.
In March, I decided to try again because I realized that ever since I had started, my mood had been really low, very difficult to get up in the morning, anxiety was high, I started seeing a therapist, my appetite was gone. My tolerance for things was very low. So, anyway. I stopped it in March, on day 1 of my cycle. Knowing how the first time went, I wanted to see if that would make a difference. I made it to day 12 because around day 5-7, I had terrible anxiety. The kind where you just pace and appetite totally gone. Once back on, it took me about 2 weeks to feel better and then another 2 weeks to feel "normal".
Well, this month, I had had enough. I have been spotting constantly since January with some periods thrown in. I felt dull. Brain fog was awful, my emotions were muted, libido totally gone. So, I stopped on March 4. This time, I decided to taper. This was not advised by anyone, I just saw a post on here about it, and thought I'd give it a try. So, I took half a tablet for 5 days before stopping for good. I had a much more elaborate plan to taper, but after 5 days on half a tablet, I thought, I can do this.
So, once stopped, even on the half tablet, I felt better. Easier to get up in the morning, more energy. I have had brief feelings of overwhelm and anxiety but they are brief. I was driving around a couple of days ago, and this feeling came over me like, "Oh wow. This is me! I'm back!" and it's all good. I just feel like I did a year ago, before starting the medicine. My thinking and brain processes all feel like I used to.
I have been to doctors and have asked them about these symptoms before stopping the pill, and everything from the appetite to the brain fog was either attributed to Long Covid (had covid in Sept 23) or "sadness". They didn't even consider that maybe the medicine I was on was having an affect.
TL/DR: I stopped the mini pill and feel way better. 10/10 recommend.
submitted by OutdoorLadyBird to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:28 Hot_Engineering_4821 I have no motivation to work hard, I feel bad and I don’t know how to fix it

I’m 21 years old, next year I’ll graduate from software engineering, I have already done one 4 months long internship. I don’t have any motivation to work hard or to put effort into my career, I know that I don’t want to get married or end up as a house wife because that is not me, but it’s just hard to be motivated, all my friends are working and trying their hardest to get more internships and to work harder but I couldn’t care less. I don’t feel like me trying does anything, for my career, which most of my jobs are CS, the jobs market has been so bad, I’ve been rejected from jobs where I have the full experience needed, it’s always the same companies posting for positions and they always reject me, under one internship post there would be 1000+ applicants and that post would be posted like 24hrs ago, I genuinely don’t know how to pick up my slacks and care because I need to care in order to succeed in my field but things aren’t looking up at all.
submitted by Hot_Engineering_4821 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:27 Ok-Reach5969 What is wrong with me really.

It has been almost five months. Yes, we were together for four years, but why can’t I accept the failed relationship and move on? He has he is happily living life with his co-worker while I am here reading books about healing and feeling like there is no way out of this pain. Every day, I wake up with the unhappy feeling of why he had to do this to us, to me, to a partner who was kind, loyal, empathic, supportive, communicative, and loving. Yes, I know I am not perfect; I don’t have many hobbies, don’t cook, etc. Really why? How can he consciously be happy knowing he hurt me? And why do I keep dwelling if his behavior was so trashy the last two months of our relationship? Why can’t I just fucking move on? It is annoying, and it is frustrating. For the record I do therapy, I have gone on trips, I have read, I have read love books, and I have started working out. I don't know what is wrong with me. Why can't I move on like other people do?
submitted by Ok-Reach5969 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:27 ConsistentResist3610 22[M4F] India - Looking for a girlfriend.

Hey, Hope everything is going good at your side, all is well and good at my side too.
Life is getting pretty much sorted now a days, earlier understanding adulting was kind of difficult, for me, it, for now boils down to 4 Simple things and have enough money, to do good work,to have good sleep, take good care of self and spend time with good friends. It is at peace for now and wanna build some good memories to not to suffer in future and build a bank to rekindle when we look back into the past.
So yeah, kind of short philosophy for a simple and happy life.. but yeah I have higher level meaning for life...which is a secret,only the closer ones knows😁😁😁
A bit about me: I have built myself differently, so I am Vegetarian, Got Very Health Concious, Loves to Exercise and Read, I am strictly against intoxication and I like to travel, spend time in nature, write some poetry, draw and listen to good music, read and listen some good science related or helpful, philosophical stuff.
I am 5'8" and 63Kgs, Its a good BMI, can say I am kind of Fit. Not very Religiously but into the philosophy of Sanatan Dharma and Buddhism, I respect all religions tho.. I worship Science and Wisdom.
Professionally, I am in Tech Sector with a Creative Role.😉
I am looking for friends who also share values like me and open minded. Simple, Meaningful and Quality in Life.
Hope to hear from you and get to know you better.😊
In India, I am based of Hyderabad.
submitted by ConsistentResist3610 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:27 Busy_Information_994 Home in Indian Hills East Cobb - Planning to Buy

Hi Everyone,
I had moved to Atlanta 4 months ago with my wife and son. Since then we have been searching for a home. We explored a lot of places like Alpharetta, Milton, Cunming, Woodstock, Kennansaw and finally realized that East Cobb is the best choice given its school and its proximity to my office. We focused on Pope, Walton and Lessitor school districts and looked at around 40 homes ranging from 600K-900K. Finally, we have liked a home in Indian Hills community in Walton school district. Its a ranch and we really like it. Its a big lot of almost 1 acre. But only thing that worries me is this home is from 1970. It looks well maintained and it does not seem to have any major structural problems. Talked to a friend and he was like why would you pay 850K for a home from 1970 and I also feel it could require perhaps more maintainence than a newer home. Anyone who has bought older homes and what was the experience? PS: Reatlor says its a desirable area and given the lot is 1 acre and its walton, it will preserve its value. Moreover, except big mansons with 1.5MM price tags, pretty much all homes we have seen so far in thesr three school districts are from 1980's and 90's. This one is from 1970. I also noticed, in Indian hills, majority homes are from early 1970's.
submitted by Busy_Information_994 to Marietta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 No-Recipe-8294 Was I an mkultra/ human trafficking subject in the 80s, 90s and 2000s? Pt 2

Chapter 2
Before doing a deep dive into my memory flashes to discover and how and why my life unfolded the way it did I think I’ll do a timeline. This will help me and the reader (if anyone follows along at all) put the pieces in chronological order.
I was born to a teenage mom, a month after she turned 16 and a barely drinking age dad. No memory, so these early years (before the court) will be what I’ve been told.
“Had the perfect family and the mom who adored me”
At two they decided to break up and it was very ugly. My paternal grandparents paid for the best lawyer in all of the state to get my dad custody. He was accused of molesting me (my mom’s argument in court) I don’t know why it was so ugly but during the trial I was placed in a facility and only allowed short visits. Here is an excerpt from their website.
“We are a behavioral health agency specializing in the treatment of families, children and their caregivers who are struggling due to issues of divorce, homelessness, child abuse/neglect, family violence or other crises. Our highly trained staff specializes in trauma-informed treatment methods that create a safe and comfortable environment in which our clients can heal. We serve children, youth and their families struggling with mental and behavioral health issues that impact their success at home, school and in their community.”
I was then allowed to be with my maternal grandparents while the case continued. She had an in home daycare. My grandpa was not by blood. She had divorced my mom’s dad when my mom was just a baby. He was dark and satanic, into satanic rituals and things like that. A biker. And a pedophile. I never knew him.
My dad won the case and my mom lost all custody and was not granted any visitation at all. (And I didn’t see her or speak with her again until I was around 5. Then again at 14. Then again at 16.)I lived with my dad and his parents and siblings and saw maternal grandparents every other weekend.
At three, I went to a private preschool.
At four I attended a public school where my paternal grandma was a principal and my maternal grandma was a teachers aid as well. Here I stayed for preschool through half of second grade.
My grandparents decided they were no longer happy where we were. My grandpa moved to the mountains and my grandma moved to Georgetown in DC to attend the Jesuit college.
My dad met Jennifer (name changed) at this time and we moved into her downtown apartment. I changed schools. Finished my 2nd grade year and half of third grade.
We moved from the apartment back into my childhood home and I changed schools again. Finished my 3rd grade and half of fourth grade at a new school.
Half way through my fourth grade year I was sent to Georgetown with paternal grandma and aunt. My dad and Jennifer stayed at home. We lived in the basement of a multimillion dollar home in the heart of where the wealthy live. Cobblestone streets. Beautiful houses and lots of money. Like from a movie. I went to a very elite small elementary school with only one class per grade. I finished fourth grade and fifth grade here.
The summer of sixth grade my dad had broken up with Jennifer and moved to the mountains with my grandpa. I moved back with them. I went from super ritzy upscale city life with two women, to a small house in the mountains with barely even indoor plumbing with 2 men. The town was small and secluded. Everyone knew everyone type of place. only one elementary school and the middle school was on the same premises of the high school. I was here 6th grade through half of 9th grade. My dad then met Candace (name changed) and moved thirty minutes away to slightly bigger town with her. These years I went every summer to stay with my grandma who had moved from DC to Arlington, VA and lived in crystal city.
Over the summer I was sent to live in New York City with my aunt. When summer was over, we got an apartment in staten island so I could attend school and she commuted to the city everyday by ferry. This school had thousands of kids and seemed like hundreds of classes. This was when 9/11 happened. I was in my language class (Italian) when the news came over the intercom. My auntie worked near the world trade center by only blocks. She made the last ferry out and came to the school, which was on lockdown, for me. I didn’t go back to the city for the remainder of 2001.
In March of 02 my dad came to NY packed us both up and we drove across the country to cali to drop her off then back to southwest. I moved back to the small town with my dad and Candace. And finished the last months of my sophomore year commuting the thirty minutes to my old school. They were a violent and toxic couple so I begged to move back to grandpas in the mountain town.
I changed schools again for my junior year. I went to one of two high schools in the slightly bigger town where my dad and Candace lived. Close to my senior year my dad came to my work one night and said he and Candace had broken up. He had a small apartment. A one bedroom. I was welcome to stay and he would take the couch. He knew 18 was close and he wanted me to live with him before I was out on my own. I did. I met my husband this year as well. He lived close to where I was born. We stayed long distance until I turned 18. When I turned 18, I found a charter school in my original hometown and we got an apartment.
The rest is history. My adult life is another novel of its own and I’m exhausted.
I fear posting this. If anyone were to come across it by chance they would know immediately it was me. And the memories I hope to uncover are to humiliating and intense and known by no one. I have never spoke about them to anyone. The other obvious issue is if in fact I was a victim in mkultra/child trafficking, it automatically implies my family must have had some kind of knowledge. Which would imply they did this to me. And if it’s not true everything I write and all the memory flashes are just me being a slut and having zero self worth. It would be that I’m was the problem the entire time.
And why did I never finish a school year any where? Lol
No, maybe this is a mistake. Maybe everything is better left unsaid and uncovered. I’m exhausted now.
submitted by No-Recipe-8294 to MKUltra [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 GreatGrub Should I wait or follow up?

Currently work for a contractor for another company
Applied for an apprenticeship with the main company and it appears my cv was acceptable as I had an email from a recruiter telling me they happy to move forward and that I may be offered an interview/assessment on a assessment day which I know the date of and its in about 2 weeks
I have not heard back or been offered an I terrier yet so I'm a bit worried I may have been unsuccessful. This apprenticeship was only added about a month ago to their website and I applied pretty much as soon as it went live. Should I follow up with the recruiter to see what's happening or should I just wait?
submitted by GreatGrub to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 dreaa4200 Dts

I know this might be quite stupid but I was sober for 4 months after really bad delirium tremons that almost killed me. I was a binge drinker and kindling caught up fast. I relapsed and drank last night and my anxiety is telling me if I'm at risk for dts. I regret everything and I'm not touching alcohol again but the anxiety the next day s awful I feel like crap and disappointment.
submitted by dreaa4200 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 Successful_Top_8052 Walnut Danger!

Walnut Danger!
It has been almost like more than 4 months or so since I have planted this Chandler Walnut but recently it developed this on the leaves! Looking for answers of cause, care and treatment. No self watering rain watering Plant recieves direct sunlight.
submitted by Successful_Top_8052 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 No_Dot1145 My experience with Toothsi

Hi there! I've been using toothsi aligners for 6 months now, and I'm really happy with how they're working. At first, I wasn't sure if they'd be any good, but they're actually super easy to use. I can take them out easily when I need to eat or brush my teeth, and hardly anyone notices them because they're clear. But the best part is seeing the changes in my smile! My teeth are getting straighter, and it's making me feel much more confident. Even though it costs some money, I think it's worth it for the convenience and the great results. If you're thinking about getting your teeth straightened, I'd say give toothsi a try!
submitted by No_Dot1145 to TeethTorre [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 untitled_jack The person F27 that I M33 like is thinking about getting back with her ex, but I think we should give us a chance. Any advice with my situation?

The person(27f) that I(33m) like is thinking about getting back with her ex, the thing is we both have really good chemistry together and we both really REALLY like each other. She told me yesterday and I was taken back by it, and I just stood there and accepted the news. After it all sunk in, I asked if we could talk about the situation more, because I really like her and I think she's worth fighting for. And I pretty much just let her know how I felt about her and that if we both like each other as much as we say we do, we owe it to ourselves to give us a chance. Admittedly, she dated her ex for 8 years, but has been separated for a year before we started talking and I don't really know the other guy or anything but , he's really done a number on her self esteem. She thinks she's a piece of shit, she thinks she's ugly. Everything thing she thinks that is wrong with herself all comes from him. She told me he doesn't make her feel happy when she's with him, and she's kind of just there with him. but when she's with me. She's happy, but nervous. Nonetheless after we talked, she seemed open to the possibility of us being couple. 8 years with someone is kinda hard to argue against 😅. Is it crazy for me to tell her not to get back with her ex of 8 years and to take a chance on me, when we've only been talking for maybe 3ish months ? But everything is there. The physical attraction, the mental connection. I make her laugh, and she makes me laugh. If she's sad I can almost always cheer her up, and she does the same for me? I acknowledge that it's crazy, she's had a whole ass life with this guy. So, it's for sure a normal situation for her. And me on the other hand, she'll have to build up another relationship and maybe we won't work out or maybe we'll work better than her and her ex.But I know I'll treat her way better than her ex, and I think she knows that as well. Naturally. I told her, I'll respect whatever she does. But man, hope we end up together.
submitted by untitled_jack to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 lostinlymbo Prefab Purchase Experience

Good evening, all!
So, a few months ago I had posted this: https://www.reddit.com/japanlife/comments/19abx5z/advice_on_prefab_rooms_aliexpress_port_pickup/
It took a few months to figure out, but finally got my workshop dropped off in my front yard this morning, and I couldn't be more please. Actually, if it was slightly cheaper I'd be slightly more pleased, but that goes for most things.
In the end, decided against importing something. It just wasn't going to be cost effective and would have been a much larger headache - and could have potentially took more than 4 months.
My own journey would have been faster if I didn't try to go local. I went with a prefab shop up the road. They had a used unit I wanted, they said they need to send a driver to check to see if the truck can approach my house. That took weeks. Then getting anyone to communicate at all took more weeks. Then they messaged saying that the unit I wanted was sold.
So, went with another shop, less local but still Saitama. Took about 2 months due to schudling and customization. Y803,000 after customization, adding an a/c, tax, and delivery.
The delivery was smooth and painless. Done in less than 30 minutes by a couple of super nice oyajiz.
Finally, I can reclaim a lot of space inside the house and from the carport.
In case anyone needs a recommendation, these guys were prompt and responsive and friendly every step of the way. https://www.rezunahouse.com/shosai.html?no=109
Hope you all have a good evening. :)
submitted by lostinlymbo to japanlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 No-Recipe-8294 Was I an mkultra/ human trafficking subject in the 80s, 90s and 2000s?

Chapter 2
Before doing a deep dive into my memory flashes to discover and how and why my life unfolded the way it did I think I’ll do a timeline. This will help me and the reader (if anyone follows along at all) put the pieces in chronological order.
I was born to a teenage mom, a month after she turned 16 and a barely drinking age dad. No memory, so these early years (before the court) will be what I’ve been told.
“Had the perfect family and the mom who adored me”
At two they decided to break up and it was very ugly. My paternal grandparents paid for the best lawyer in all of the state to get my dad custody. He was accused of molesting me (my mom’s argument in court) I don’t know why it was so ugly but during the trial I was placed in a facility and only allowed short visits. Here is an excerpt from their website.
“We are a behavioral health agency specializing in the treatment of families, children and their caregivers who are struggling due to issues of divorce, homelessness, child abuse/neglect, family violence or other crises. Our highly trained staff specializes in trauma-informed treatment methods that create a safe and comfortable environment in which our clients can heal. We serve children, youth and their families struggling with mental and behavioral health issues that impact their success at home, school and in their community.”
I was then allowed to be with my maternal grandparents while the case continued. She had an in home daycare. My grandpa was not by blood. She had divorced my mom’s dad when my mom was just a baby. He was dark and satanic, into satanic rituals and things like that. A biker. And a pedophile. I never knew him.
My dad won the case and my mom lost all custody and was not granted any visitation at all. (And I didn’t see her or speak with her again until I was around 5. Then again at 14. Then again at 16.)I lived with my dad and his parents and siblings and saw maternal grandparents every other weekend.
At three, I went to a private preschool.
At four I attended a public school where my paternal grandma was a principal and my maternal grandma was a teachers aid as well. Here I stayed for preschool through half of second grade.
My grandparents decided they were no longer happy where we were. My grandpa moved to the mountains and my grandma moved to Georgetown in DC to attend the Jesuit college.
My dad met Jennifer (name changed) at this time and we moved into her downtown apartment. I changed schools. Finished my 2nd grade year and half of third grade.
We moved from the apartment back into my childhood home and I changed schools again. Finished my 3rd grade and half of fourth grade at a new school.
Half way through my fourth grade year I was sent to Georgetown with paternal grandma and aunt. My dad and Jennifer stayed at home. We lived in the basement of a multimillion dollar home in the heart of where the wealthy live. Cobblestone streets. Beautiful houses and lots of money. Like from a movie. I went to a very elite small elementary school with only one class per grade. I finished fourth grade and fifth grade here.
The summer of sixth grade my dad had broken up with Jennifer and moved to the mountains with my grandpa. I moved back with them. I went from super ritzy upscale city life with two women, to a small house in the mountains with barely even indoor plumbing with 2 men. The town was small and secluded. Everyone knew everyone type of place. only one elementary school and the middle school was on the same premises of the high school. I was here 6th grade through half of 9th grade. My dad then met Candace (name changed) and moved thirty minutes away to slightly bigger town with her. These years I went every summer to stay with my grandma who had moved from DC to Arlington, VA and lived in crystal city.
Over the summer I was sent to live in New York City with my aunt. When summer was over, we got an apartment in staten island so I could attend school and she commuted to the city everyday by ferry. This school had thousands of kids and seemed like hundreds of classes. This was when 9/11 happened. I was in my language class (Italian) when the news came over the intercom. My auntie worked near the world trade center by only blocks. She made the last ferry out and came to the school, which was on lockdown, for me. I didn’t go back to the city for the remainder of 2001.
In March of 02 my dad came to NY packed us both up and we drove across the country to cali to drop her off then back to southwest. I moved back to the small town with my dad and Candace. And finished the last months of my sophomore year commuting the thirty minutes to my old school. They were a violent and toxic couple so I begged to move back to grandpas in the mountain town.
I changed schools again for my junior year. I went to one of two high schools in the slightly bigger town where my dad and Candace lived. Close to my senior year my dad came to my work one night and said he and Candace had broken up. He had a small apartment. A one bedroom. I was welcome to stay and he would take the couch. He knew 18 was close and he wanted me to live with him before I was out on my own. I did. I met my husband this year as well. He lived close to where I was born. We stayed long distance until I turned 18. When I turned 18, I found a charter school in my original hometown and we got an apartment.
The rest is history. My adult life is another novel of its own and I’m exhausted.
I fear posting this. If anyone were to come across it by chance they would know immediately it was me. And the memories I hope to uncover are to humiliating and intense and known by no one. I have never spoke about them to anyone. The other obvious issue is if in fact I was a victim in mkultra/child trafficking, it automatically implies my family must have had some kind of knowledge. Which would imply they did this to me. And if it’s not true everything I write and all the memory flashes are just me being a slut and having zero self worth. It would be that I’m was the problem the entire time.
And why did I never finish a school year any where? Lol
No, maybe this is a mistake. Maybe everything is better left unsaid and uncovered. I’m exhausted now.
submitted by No-Recipe-8294 to u/No-Recipe-8294 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 josaline Fit check please

Fit check please
So my husband and I have a number of carriers now for our 4 month old, mostly gifted. So far, husband likes this one best but LO seems not to easily maintain M shape that I can see. But the black makes it really hard to tell to me. The other ones I’ve had him try so far are less comfortable for him. Is this one actually safe for her? Does she need to be less tight into him in order to have the M? I’m not sure what to tell him -either needs a different carrier or adjustment?
submitted by josaline to babywearing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 Dapper_Difference663 [PC SERVER][ASE][PVE] New Beginnings Fresh Cluster Launch

Greetings survivors!
New Beginnings will be launching a all new ASE 5 map cluster later this month! We graciously invite you to join us as we finish up beta testing and prepare for our community launch party! If your looking for something new and fresh in ASE then we might be exactly what your looking for!
With enhanced endgame content that brings purpose and reason for dedicated endgame breeding with powerful overworld custom bosses that's promised to put your maxed breeds to the test, these challenging bosses come in 1 of 3 tiers, but you will need good compisition, maxed stats, and capped saddles to down the highest tiers!
We also have a very large database of quests that will reward you as you play and reach milestones in your adventure while also giving you something more to chase after well into end game.
Occompanying these wonderful features to bring a new and fresh endgame atmosphere we also have a variety of admin hosted server events to keep your time with us as fun and enjoyable for months and years to come!
We would love to share our launch and experience our new beginning with you, and offer a lot for both battle harden veterans and new players alike with a very noob friendly enviroment that understands all too well waking up on a unknown world for your first time. So join us as we push forward through beta testing and be sure to be there for our launch party later this month!
```Mod lists:```
```Server settings:```
3x XP
5x Harvest
10x Taming
30x Breeding
30x hair growth
4x crop growth
Boosted player stats!
Weight 15x
Movement speed 5x
Fortitude 5x
crafting 5x
water consuption 0.5
Food consuption 0.5
Wild dino Food consuption 1.5
Tamed dino Weight 15x
Tamed dino movement speed 5x
```Plugins used:```
SafeZones (Event Map TBA)
Discord: https://discord.gg/CWYHK3BUvP
Salty Carrot #9775
DM me if you have any questions, always glad to assist!
~Happy Hunting!
submitted by Dapper_Difference663 to ARKServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 Accomplished_Ad_6447 Paid for concert ticket months ago and friend cancelled and never paid back

So, back in November my boyfriend bought 4 tickets for me, him, and two of our friends. We all agreed to go to the concert happening in May (this month), and we all agreed to pay him back. Unfortunately, one person didn’t pay him back.
She had told him countless times, “I get paid next week, so that’s when I’ll send you the money”, but she never did.
Recently about a month or so ago, she decided she wasn’t going to come. I’m unsure of the reason, but she cancelled. This was worrisome because here we have an extra concert ticket that wasn’t paid for ($360).
Immediately we tried to sell it. We even went down on the price because nobody would take it, and the concert tickets naturally went down in price as we got further and further towards the actual date of the concert.
Eventually and unfortunately, nobody bought the ticket. We didn’t just offer it on ticket master, we offered it on other websites as low as $100 (trying to stay within the range of the current concert price range).
This was my boyfriend’s first concert experience and he was so stressed out trying to sell this ticket.
Now, currently it’s the day after the concert. It makes me feel sad that he’s out $360, and there’s nothing he can really do about it.
So my question is, what could we do next time if this happens again? Is there anything you recommend doing right now?
submitted by Accomplished_Ad_6447 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 valoline AITAH for telling my spoiled older brother and little sister that not everything is a about them

All names are fake names So this goes back to a few days ago me and my twin brother where playing a video game my twin got from our auntie we are 4 siblings me ash (15 m) twin brother Cole (15 m) my older brother max (17 m) and little sister Sofia (13 f ) Me and Cole where playing in our room since we share one Sofia walked in pushing his childhood toy on the floor laughing then saw the game and wanted to play Cole said no bc it's his game and he wants to play first she got mad and ran out to our b max telling him Cole won't let her play max came in yelled at us when Cole said no he went to tell our mom she came In our room and said "you can't play before you clean the room your bathroom and do your homework" which we already had in between when our Sofia got max Cole had picked up the thing she pushed down she yelled at us to get off Cole said "we already done all that" she yelled to let Sofia and max Play so we just went to sit in our beds max and Sofia came in and played in our room being loud me and Cole made a deal to everytime we are in our room we do it at our dests and take the whatever the food was in right out but mom bought Sofia and max snacks that normally make a big mess after they finished playing both went to their room and didn't clean up the mess we told mom and she yelled at us to clean it ourselves and called us spoiled brats so we did after that it became dark we both went to sleep the next day was a long school day for me and Cole when we came home our room was a mess everything was laying everywhere like someone had thrown our stuff around to find something we both looked at our hide spots for money everything that we had made from our job was gone Cole had around 4500 and I had 6700 which is a lot where I live we went to our mom saying it she said she let Sofia and max take it then grounded us for "talking back" which we did not do we went to our rooms and called our favorite auntie who gave Cole the game she said she would talk to our mom half an hour our mom came running in our room yelling we said we wanted our money back and she gave us since she made a lot from her job then left our siblings came into our room wanted to show off what both bought we didn't care and they got mad Sofia went to mom crying and max went to his room mad cole wanted to play but saw his PlayStation which is what we play on was gone we called our auntie again and Sofia came in our room saying we wouldn't ever get it back then left I got really mad and Cole got sad since he used a lot of his money on it a year ago of course he made more money but it was still annoying our mom called for dinner and I asked where his PlayStation was our mom said she gave it to Sofia and max because they deserved it more because "Sofia got amazing grades and max got on the football team" which Sofia got 42 out of 100 and max only made it because he gave the pe teacher the money he stole from us I said it wasn't fair and we never got anything when we did something our mom said "what have you ever got or won then" Cole got sad that she didn't remember anything we told her so I said "oh let me tell you Cole got 100 on english math and history exams he won three volleyball games in the past two months and is on top of his class I got 97 on english exams 93 on math exam I won two basketball games in the past week I'm on second in our class we cleaned the whole house everyday alone got 100 on all our homework " she looked shocked and said "well your brother have gotten a job and your sister have gotten a boyfriend" I said "max got fired for stealing from the store he works at on the first day and Sofia is cheating on her boyfriend with 6 different mem" our mom got shocked and said "well I'm sure there is a reason" Sofia laughed and said "yeah your just jealous because you can't get a girlfriend" and max said "for real just give up and see that we are the favorite" after I yelled "mom can't you see how a bad mom you are and you two not everything is about you " and went to my room pulling Cole along who was crying at this point our mom yelled that we are grounded for three months only thing we are allowed to do is go to school work and games
I will update If anything happens
submitted by valoline to AITAH [link] [comments]
