Jab comix login

Help 🫴

2024.05.03 12:19 nilabilla Help 🫴

Help 🫴 submitted by nilabilla to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:51 ProfessionalSafe8657 how to use 1 account on multiple devices

mere dost ke pas aik jee ka course hai , aur vo hum dono ko use karna hai aik hi sath ,
but jab vo log in karta mein logout hojata , jab mein login karta vo logout hojata,
koi aisa tarika hai kya jisse dono aik sath login kar sake??
submitted by ProfessionalSafe8657 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:47 ProfessionalSafe8657 plss help, how to use 1 account on multiple devices

mere dost ke pas aik jee ka course hai , aur vo hum dono ko use karna hai aik hi sath ,
but jab vo log in karta mein logout hojata , jab mein login karta vo logout hojata,
koi aisa tarika hai kya jisse dono aik sath login kar sake??
submitted by ProfessionalSafe8657 to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 09:46 TubelightTrailblazer Iisc form query!

Iisc form query!
Registration karne ke baad jab login kiya toh yeh dikha raha hai. YouTube pe dekha toh unke screen pe kuch aur dikha raha hai. Aur kisika ese ho raha hai kya. Please thoda batao koi
submitted by TubelightTrailblazer to IATtards [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 20:20 yugaltyagi123 I'm working on my first project without any guidance, learning everything by myself. I hope you can help me.

mene login kra
login se phele signup hai or ussy phele 3 activity or hai
ab mai ye chata hu jab m login kru tho koi bhi activity open na ho or logout kru tho shuru se shuru ho
android studi
flag_activity_clear_top isse konsi activity mai likhu?
submitted by yugaltyagi123 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 23:40 dudigerii Asp.Net Identity Authentication and Authorization with React frontend

I have a problem that I can't figure out how to solve, and I couldn't find any working help online. I have an Asp.Net Web API with Ef and Identity, and a React frontend. I use Postman to generate the fetching methods for the API calls. Registering a new account works perfectly fine; the registered account shows up in the database, and I can log in via Swagger or Postman. My problem comes with the following: If I log in with Swagger or Postman, I can call authorized endpoints with no problem. But if I try to fetch with the method generated with Postman, I get a 401 unauthorized network error. My guess is that Identity uses cookies for authentication and authorization, and Postman and Swagger handle those just fine. However, I might have made a mistake with my React call, causing the token to somehow get lost or not sent back to the backend. I might be totally wrong.
The API call. The JSON has some weirdly integrated mock user data which is definitely in the database:
const handleLogin = async () => { const myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); myHeaders.append("Cookie", ".AspNetCore.Identity.Application=CfDJ8J3qJxRhS7BCp-kLUWa5SWHMm9HLNT2Qd3N9cVrUfHnBkY__jwcuf8HKHTz8UCCT2V-4mT5hubLBUyR_GWR0pJxupksRoXr_0ZDpZWmCWzV_7ApjMTXWXLXyom0pqf2Zx-lCvOzceG09q3d6AFsySAX9OadSvZzaw_OrFdUuLBU6sA1Nz3lRUviG4HqbJ29-X7EbUUcYAaf6i67Vu8J1EhekdPURxjgJjPWyTMdTLJExAiuOZQtuf4nJ4SkbBp7Cg3FGsTiWk4l92PwBqz00wpCujCex0bnGhjJgNteUVSLJipjWKzFDGxEUsG8Ofkq46XaKJXwcC--HHIqfVSL55G4TG7w5dhPZfliKaRE5cGiUiHDflzWVwoHElhgKBSPft08zMDMiTETKkYIy69-3vPojySa4Jgb0JC65Fyx_F15bLMb8HL2fXXR0UariQ7LXXf8LFYO0wJYBlY6ud5fvKXsRRDCIZUR2KVLs5zNGfWYYlsj5zPpXdsCzCMPu3f7EAMImKAL1-587iIZ3MQO_sRAikdBanWczlFW9Hucruotmw2HkJm3HRC8rO0yOs69UlGtGn_utdaNzSk73-0MpdDhvBT-hq91itsi6CvJ70hI9OJmcsNrz2-yZUI6073_W03csPymFaA0OdrJabSD7cn_mrXg6ukgskkex4AZGllkBOzBqyCN_1HO4Ziorao4XFmNaiFjM30YNWqb31M0RBOs"); const raw = JSON.stringify({ "email": "Bob, "password": "AsdAsd22?31.", "twoFactorCode": "string", "twoFactorRecoveryCode": "string" }); const requestOptions = { method: "POST", headers: myHeaders, body: raw, credentials: 'include', redirect: "follow" }; try { const response = await fetch("https://localhost:7114/login?useCookies=true&useSessionCookies=true", requestOptions); const result = await response.text(); console.log(result) console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); let path = `/customerProfile`; navigate(path); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; 
The endpoint I want to call after logging in and the redirection:
[Authorize] [HttpGet("getLoggedInUserData/")] public async Task> GetUserByName() { string? userId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); User? user = await this.userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId); if (user != null) { UserDataModel dataModel = new UserDataModel() { Name = user.UserName, Email = user.Email, PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber, Password = "********" }; return Ok(dataModel); } return NotFound("User not found!"); } 
My Program.cs. The CORS policy works for registration, so I don't think the problem lies there:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens; using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models; using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filters; using System.Text; using TemalabBackEnd.Models.EntityFrameworkModel.DbModels; using TemalabBackEnd.Models.EntityFrameworkModel.EntityModels; namespace BackendAPI { public class Program { private static void CreateDbIfNotExists(IHost host) { var services = host.Services; try { var scope = services.CreateScope(); var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(); var userManager = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService>(); DbInit.Init(context, userManager); } catch (Exception ex) { var logger = services.GetRequiredService>(); logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred creating the DB."); } } public static void Main(string[] args) { var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); builder.Services.AddCors(); builder.Services.AddAuthentication(JwtBearerDefaults .AuthenticationScheme) .AddJwtBearer(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options => builder.Configuration.Bind("JwtSettings", options)) .AddCookie(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options => builder.Configuration.Bind("CookieSettings", options)); builder.Services.AddAuthorization(); builder.Services.AddIdentityApiEndpoints() .AddEntityFrameworkStores(); builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options => { options.AddSecurityDefinition("oauth2", new OpenApiSecurityScheme { In = ParameterLocation.Header, Name = "Authorization", Type = SecuritySchemeType.ApiKey }); options.OperationFilter(); }); builder.Services.AddEndpointsApiExplorer(); builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(); var app = builder.Build(); // app.UseCors("AllowAllOrigins"); app.UseCors(x => x .AllowAnyHeader() .AllowAnyMethod() .WithOrigins("http://localhost:5173") .WithHeaders("Authorization", "Content-Type", "access-control-allow-origin") .AllowCredentials() .WithExposedHeaders("Authorization")); app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseRouting(); app.MapControllers(); app.MapIdentityApi(); if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseSwagger(); app.UseSwaggerUI(); } //app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseAuthorization(); CreateDbIfNotExists(app); app.Run(); } } } 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by dudigerii to dotnet [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 22:56 dudigerii Asp.Net Identity Authentication and Authorization with React frontend

I have a problem that I can't figure out how to solve, and I couldn't find any working help online. I have an Asp.Net Web API with Ef and Identity, and a React frontend. I use Postman to generate the fetching methods for the API calls. Registering a new account works perfectly fine; the registered account shows up in the database, and I can log in via Swagger or Postman. My problem comes with the following: If I log in with Swagger or Postman, I can call authorized endpoints with no problem. But if I try to fetch with the method generated with Postman, I get a 401 unauthorized network error. My guess is that Identity uses cookies for authentication and authorization, and Postman and Swagger handle those just fine. However, I might have made a mistake with my React call, causing the token to somehow get lost or not sent back to the backend. I might be totally wrong.
The API call. The JSON has some weirdly integrated mock user data which is definitely in the database:
 const handleLogin = async () => { const myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); myHeaders.append("Cookie", ".AspNetCore.Identity.Application=CfDJ8J3qJxRhS7BCp-kLUWa5SWHMm9HLNT2Qd3N9cVrUfHnBkY__jwcuf8HKHTz8UCCT2V-4mT5hubLBUyR_GWR0pJxupksRoXr_0ZDpZWmCWzV_7ApjMTXWXLXyom0pqf2Zx-lCvOzceG09q3d6AFsySAX9OadSvZzaw_OrFdUuLBU6sA1Nz3lRUviG4HqbJ29-X7EbUUcYAaf6i67Vu8J1EhekdPURxjgJjPWyTMdTLJExAiuOZQtuf4nJ4SkbBp7Cg3FGsTiWk4l92PwBqz00wpCujCex0bnGhjJgNteUVSLJipjWKzFDGxEUsG8Ofkq46XaKJXwcC--HHIqfVSL55G4TG7w5dhPZfliKaRE5cGiUiHDflzWVwoHElhgKBSPft08zMDMiTETKkYIy69-3vPojySa4Jgb0JC65Fyx_F15bLMb8HL2fXXR0UariQ7LXXf8LFYO0wJYBlY6ud5fvKXsRRDCIZUR2KVLs5zNGfWYYlsj5zPpXdsCzCMPu3f7EAMImKAL1-587iIZ3MQO_sRAikdBanWczlFW9Hucruotmw2HkJm3HRC8rO0yOs69UlGtGn_utdaNzSk73-0MpdDhvBT-hq91itsi6CvJ70hI9OJmcsNrz2-yZUI6073_W03csPymFaA0OdrJabSD7cn_mrXg6ukgskkex4AZGllkBOzBqyCN_1HO4Ziorao4XFmNaiFjM30YNWqb31M0RBOs"); const raw = JSON.stringify({ "email": "Bob, "password": "AsdAsd22?31.", "twoFactorCode": "string", "twoFactorRecoveryCode": "string" }); const requestOptions = { method: "POST", headers: myHeaders, body: raw, credentials: 'include', redirect: "follow" }; try { const response = await fetch("https://localhost:7114/login?useCookies=true&useSessionCookies=true", requestOptions); const result = await response.text(); console.log(result) console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); let path = `/customerProfile`; navigate(path); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; 
The endpoint I want to call after logging in and the redirection:
 [Authorize] [HttpGet("getLoggedInUserData/")] public async Task> GetUserByName() { string? userId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); User? user = await this.userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId); if (user != null) { UserDataModel dataModel = new UserDataModel() { Name = user.UserName, Email = user.Email, PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber, Password = "********" }; return Ok(dataModel); } return NotFound("User not found!"); } 
My Program.cs. The CORS policy works for registration, so I don't think the problem lies there:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens; using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models; using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filters; using System.Text; using TemalabBackEnd.Models.EntityFrameworkModel.DbModels; using TemalabBackEnd.Models.EntityFrameworkModel.EntityModels; namespace BackendAPI { public class Program { private static void CreateDbIfNotExists(IHost host) { var services = host.Services; try { var scope = services.CreateScope(); var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(); var userManager = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService>(); DbInit.Init(context, userManager); } catch (Exception ex) { var logger = services.GetRequiredService>(); logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred creating the DB."); } } public static void Main(string[] args) { var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); builder.Services.AddCors(); builder.Services.AddAuthentication(JwtBearerDefaults .AuthenticationScheme) .AddJwtBearer(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options => builder.Configuration.Bind("JwtSettings", options)) .AddCookie(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options => builder.Configuration.Bind("CookieSettings", options)); builder.Services.AddAuthorization(); builder.Services.AddIdentityApiEndpoints() .AddEntityFrameworkStores(); builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options => { options.AddSecurityDefinition("oauth2", new OpenApiSecurityScheme { In = ParameterLocation.Header, Name = "Authorization", Type = SecuritySchemeType.ApiKey }); options.OperationFilter(); }); builder.Services.AddEndpointsApiExplorer(); builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(); var app = builder.Build(); // app.UseCors("AllowAllOrigins"); app.UseCors(x => x .AllowAnyHeader() .AllowAnyMethod() .WithOrigins("http://localhost:5173") .WithHeaders("Authorization", "Content-Type", "access-control-allow-origin") .AllowCredentials() .WithExposedHeaders("Authorization")); app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseRouting(); app.MapControllers(); app.MapIdentityApi(); if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseSwagger(); app.UseSwaggerUI(); } //app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseAuthorization(); CreateDbIfNotExists(app); app.Run(); } } } 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by dudigerii to csharp [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 21:58 mcpierceaim ComiXed v2.0.0-1 is now available!

I'm happy to announce that ComiXed v2.0.0-1 is now available for download:
This is a HUGE release for us, including the following features:
As always, please be sure to backup your data before running any new release of CX. And thanks to everybody for their feedback and support!
[1] H2 continues to be provided, but only for evaluating the project, since on Windows H2 is too prone to errors. Users are strongly advised to use an external database.
[2] This is preliminary, and we're looking forword to working with others to start building up a catalog of plugins.
[3] The ComicVine support that previously came built into ComiXed is now provided by a separate project. Please see the QUICKSTART.md file for notes on how to install it.
submitted by mcpierceaim to comixed [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 15:56 Responsible-Tiger363 About the admit cards

About the admit cards
Bhai nta walon ka system itna kharab hai ki koi bhi unki sites ko bas purani sites ke domain name change karke access kar sakta hai ( jeemain jahan pe likha hai usko jeemainsession2 kardo, city intimation bhi aise hi nikali thi maine :D ), ab inhone admit card ka link hi deactivate kardiya cause sab unke link relase karne se pehle hi admit card download kar rahe the, and ab VPN se bhi access nahi kar sakte.
Pata nahi kis gadhe ke bache ne website banayi hai, mai to bas url change karke nta ke server ko access kar pa raha hoon, frontend tha url me, usko backend kardiya, bc nta ki login site aa gayi.
Jinhone download karliya hai already vo ek baar official notice aane ke baad dubara download karelena iss haramkhor NTA ka koi bharosa nahi pata chale ego me aake shifts change kardi ho, chances are very slim tho, still do it just to be safe. Ab reddit se ja raha hoon, direct 8 April ko milunga, admit cards ki tension mat lo jab sabke upload hojayenge ye jhatu organisation release kardegi official notice ke saath, sab padhte raho aur sabko best of luck 99%ile ke liye (badle me mere liye 99%ile ki dua maangna)
submitted by Responsible-Tiger363 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 11:04 SLEPTWITHMEMES CALM DOWN GUYS ABHI CHANCE H (nta wale kutte kamine saale jitni gaali do utni kam)

Mene city information slip open kara tha around 1 am aur open hogaya mera. My retarded ass didnt take a screenshot but open hua tha. Mene login bhi kiya 2nd session k lye and Final Submit dikha rha h. Ab jab me check kar rha hu to record not found show kar rha h.
Around 1 month ago mene login ki koshish kari thi into 2nd attempt and password rest nhi ho rha tha due to internal server error. Mene pucha logo se and finally discord pe Nermal bhai bataya ki shayad data udgaya server se. Mene nta to 1 week straight call lagaya while my mental health was declining due to stress. Finally pick up kara and mene bat bataai apni.
They said ki koi dikat nhi h kaam hojaayega and me exam de paaunga. So i left it there only.
submitted by SLEPTWITHMEMES to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 21:53 TinyCock42069 Help City information ke link me No Record Found aa raha hai

mai jab login kar raha hu toh "Sorry, No record found" likha aa raha hai.
kya karu ab koi bata do.
kisi aur ke saath bhi ho raha hai kya
submitted by TinyCock42069 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 21:53 TinyCock42069 Help City information ke link me No Record Found aa raha hai

mai jab login kar raha hu toh "Sorry, No record found" likha aa raha hai.
kya karu ab koi bata do.
kisi aur ke saath bhi ho raha hai kya
submitted by TinyCock42069 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 05:22 Ransom_Red NTA ki bakchodiyan........

NTA ki bakchodiyan........
Yaar login karne ki koshish kar raha hu to kehra raha hai ki password galat hai......... Jab password forget kar raha hoon to ye chutiyap dikha Raha hai kal se.......... What am I expected to do??????
submitted by Ransom_Red to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 10:50 eatmeseokjin Help me with this one doubt! 🛐

Help me with this one doubt! 🛐
Application no yaad ho chuka he yaar itni baar me login ki😭 so kya me form fill up me proceed kar sakti hu selected courses ke sath? Jab correction window open hoga hum new courses and programs from different uni se add or delete kar sakte he na? As I want to opt for more courses. Koi answer kardo ye doubt ko yaar😭😭🛐
submitted by eatmeseokjin to CUETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 04:21 ball_jeet I've applied for both sessions, but...

applied for both the sessions but second session me jab login kr rha toh incorrect password show hora and change password pe kar rha toh invalid candidate dikha rha, pls help me out
submitted by ball_jeet to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 04:31 try_catch_error [SOLVED] Dependent Visa application, receipt claim, and appointment

[SOLVED] Dependent Visa application, receipt claim, and appointment
This post is about how I solved the issue for my dependent B1/B2 application in the new portal launched in India. I don't want to claim that I am an expert and that this solution will work for your problem. But in case you are in a situation identical to mine, then yes I do think you read along.
My problem:
  1. I created an application for myself and my dependent to secure a B1/B2 visa application on the old portal.
  2. I had used the same email address for me and my dependent in the old portal.
  3. I paid the fee for both of us using Axis Bank Cash ($370 in a single receipt transaction)
  4. I took an appointment which was at that time scheduled for some date in 2025
The new portal migration happened and the following happened:
  1. My dependent's profile lost connection with my new profile
  2. I created a new profile for them (which didn't work for whatever reason)
  3. I followed many posts from Reddit, groups on telegram/facebook, tried using travel agents, etc. that led creation of multiple profiles - all of which didn't help! In fact, I believe the case got more complicated.
  4. I tried working with the US Visa Scheduling service but it wasn't going anywhere. I would say here, that everyone is cursing them on the internet, but there are some members in this team, that helped me come to a resolution.
  5. There was a time when I wasn't able to claim a receipt and not make a new payment. And when I did, I lost the money.
Roadblock 1: One painful twist in the journey: At one point, I was able to reschedule my appointment to Feb 2024 and I genuinely thought that my dependent and I were all set and go for the interview. The appointment confirmation page showed:
- The sections "Primary Applicant Details" and "Family/Group Members" showed both applicant details:
But the "Appointment details" sections showed "Number of OFC/Consular appointments: 1" and NOT 2.

At the VFS, when I sent both applicants to the appointment - my biometrics were collected but my dependent was not allowed to enter. In fact, I was asked to proceed with my Consular appointment but asked my dependent not to go.
As suggested, I went ahead for my appointment and took my dependent with me just in case, again my dependent wasn't allowed to enter. However, I secure B1/B2 visa for me. And it was only then I started the process to remedy the situation for my dependent (see below how) and now both of us have Visas.
Current situation: Both applicants have B1/B2 visas now. So I know that it worked.
Disclaimer: Before I provide a solution, a couple of pointers - don't blame me if it doesn't work for you. I am just sharing my journey hoping it helps others, and I recommend working with the US Visa Scheduling support team for your issue, yes it's hard and painful; what really helped me was explaining to them transparently all the things I had tried (including hacks of changing passport numbers, using extra digits or alphabets, etc.), and they were able to help solve my situation based on every single detail I shared. The only thing I'll say here, be patient, explain your situation clearly to them, and always keep your passport and the Ticket Case numbers handy for them to help you properly.
Solution: If your pains are similar and your setup was the same as mine, here's what I did that helped resolve the issue:
Objective 1: Find the account that is associated with the paid dependent application - what this means is not accounts you have created, or accounts that are tagged with the passport BUT rather the email account associated with the dependent application which currently has the paid receipt associated with it. Here is my situation, and what I did to find that key profile:
  1. I had 7 accounts created on the usvisascheduling site that were attached to the same passport - these were created by me using my own creativity, following steps from social media channels (telegram, Facebook, Reddit, etc.) and through travel agents.
  2. I opened each account and repeated the steps below:
    1. clicked on "Close application and start .." but didn't actually start a new application.
    2. when to "Manage applications" and checked if there was any application open either as "Primary" or "Dependent"
    3. I repeated the above steps until I found an application that I was unable to close no matter what I did (see 2nd screenshot below). And once you locate the account that has this application, you have achieved your objective. For the sake of simplicity, we'll refer to this account as ["abc@gmail.com](mailto:"abc@gmail.com)". In my case, the [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com) was the same account that I had used to create my application in the old portal.
Objective 2: Associate the dependent applicant with another email address. It's harder to do this than it sounds. Please see the steps involve sending the support team multiple emails and calling them as well. And with each email, you have to attach the Passport copy and refer to the case number that you are responding too, and during the phone call, these details should be handy. Below are the steps I took:
  1. Once you have your version of [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com) (see Objective 1), send an email to [support-india@usvisascheduling.com](mailto:support-india@usvisascheduling.com) from [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com) requesting the steps to take to link the dependent applicant profile with another email (attach the dependent's passport). What you really need from this step is the Case number that gets generated, let's it was CS1.
  2. Wait 24 hours, and call the support team, tell them the Case Number CS1, and confirm with them that in their systems it is indeed [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com) that is associated with the original payment made for the dependent's passport. Again, I gave them all the 7 email addresses to check and they confirmed that [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com) was the one.
  3. Create a new email address but don't "Sign-up" on the UVS portal. I found creating new email accounts on Gmail to be stressful, so I used outlook.com to create my new accounts. It was remarkably simple.
  4. I sent an email to UVS support mail (same as step 1) from [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com), referred to Case CS1, attached the dependent's passport, and wrote "Re-link dependent profile to new email" (subject) and said "Please help re-link my dependent of with the new email [xyz1@outlook.com](mailto:xyz@outlook.com). Let's say the new Case was CS2.
  5. I waited 24 hours and got confirmation the profile had been re-linked.
  6. I got confirmation the profile has been re-linked and that I should sign-up on the UVS portal using the new email address.
Roadblock 2: As soon as I saw this message on the portal, I got excited and immediately started to sign up using my new profile - [xyz1@outlook.com](mailto:xyz1@outlook.com) but when I tried to login and answer my secret questions, it said my answers didn't match. I was like what just happened? Now, here's my hypothesis of what could have gone wrong:
  1. When Signing up I didn't follow the steps shared by the Support by the book.
  2. I started to fill up the sign-up form and clicked on "Send Code"
  3. While waiting for the code, I filled up the rest of the form
  4. I had then received the OTP on the new email - I entered and click on "Verify"
  5. And then directly clicked on Submit
All this while it was clearly mentioned, in support team's response it was clearly mentioned, fill the form in order:
  1. choose a username
  2. verify email
  3. fill rest of details
  4. and click on create account
It was either that or another hypothesis mentioned on reddit, that you have to wait 3 hours before doing the above process. Not sure if this entirely true.
Resolution: Here's what I did next:
  1. Create a new email account - [xyz2@outlook.com](mailto:xyz2@outlook.com) (but didnt sign up on UVS portal)
  2. Sent an email from [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com) (again) to UVS support (referred to Case CS2 and attached the passport) and mentioned "Request to re-link dependent profile again" and said "my previous to link the dependent profile was a failure, please link my dependent's application to new email address - [xyz2@outlook.com](mailto:xyz2@outlook.com)". Let's say the case was CS3.
  3. I waited 24 hours, and at this time, I got a response to send the Mailing address details i.e.
    1. Mailing address 1
    2. Mailing address 2
    3. City
    4. State
    5. Postal Code
  4. So, I sent another email from [abc@gmail.com](mailto:abc@gmail.com) (citing CS3 and attached dependent's passport) with Subject "mailing address details", and wrote "Referring to CS3, please see the mail address details below".
  5. I got confirmation after 24 hours, the dependent profile has been re-linked to [xyz2@outlook.com](mailto:xyz2@outlook.com).
  6. I waited for another 12 hours after receiving the confirmation (because I was so tired and my patience levels had grown very high)
  7. Started the sign-up process, followed each step in order and patiently and I was able to login.
AND EUREKA!! After login, my dependent's profile was already visible there. I saw a brand new option "Information Correction" on the left side, which walked me through the process of re-entering some of the details like the DS-160 reference number, Mailing details, Visa type, etc etc.
After carefully following the steps, my dependent's receipt was automatically detected. And I saw the long-awaited "Schedule Appointment" link. I scheduled the appointment, my dependent went for her interview and she has the visa now.
A few additional details:
  1. The UVS portal can get very very slow at times. Patience is the only solution, wait until you see an error. At times, I waited for 10 days for someone to respond to my ticket or listen to the music of customer care for 1 hour before my phone was disconnected without help but for the website, I had to wait maybe 1-2 minutes max before I saw an error. The website either always loaded successfully or I saw an error message.
  2. When talking to UVS Support over email or phone, always attach the applicant's passport and refer to Case numbers, the process is way more efficient that way.
Roadblock 3: Appointment Scheduling: After this success, the next available appointment I saw was in March 2025. And I was like OMG! I didn't schedule an appointment (but hey that was my decision).
  1. I checked the UVS portal every 3-4 hours hoping something early would show up. Sometimes I saw appointments for Nov 2023 and even Aug 2023. But I was scared to lose my ability to reschedule, lose my fee, and go through the pain again for something that distant.
  2. I waited for 2-3 days and then around 12 pm IST, on one of the days, I saw an appointment that was in 2 weeks, Mar 1, 2023.
  3. I immediately rushed to book it, and of course, many people were trying to book it because the website was super slow. But I had something that other people didn't have "endless patience towards waiting". I didn't refresh the page, just waited for the result to load or an error message to show up.
  4. I scheduled the OFC appointment successfully on Mar 1
  5. Now, I waited for the Consular appointment to show up, but the page errored this time. DONT HIT REFRESH.
  6. I went to the Home page (waited some time for it to load), clicked on "Reschedule appointment" and was taken directly to the Consular appointment page
  7. I waited for 2 minutes on that page for the applicant details to load (it seemed like a lifetime), and the details loaded. I reserved the Consular appointment for Mar 4.
Yes, it was painful, you will need to grow endless patience. Embrace the fact, that sometime JUGAAD doesnt work especially when you return from an appointment empty handed. Lose $185 in extra fee paid, etc etc. Understand that, the support team is under tremendous pressure and they are doing their best. And there's something about 12PM IST, I got all my successes on that time, where it was while talking to support team or looking appointments. Or maybe it's just a coincidence.
And to motivate you all, that you can do this, here's a little wisdom for you:
Asaflta ek chunauti hai, ise sweekar karo, kya kami reh gayi, dekho aur sudhar karo Jab tak na safal ho, neend chain ko tyago tum, sangharsh ka maidan chod kar mat bhago tum Kuch kiye bina hi jai jai kaar nahi hoti, koshish karne walon ki kabhi haar nahi hoti
Hope it helps.

submitted by try_catch_error to usvisascheduling [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 05:40 Bhuvanesh05 Social Media Meltdown: Facebook and Instagram Back Online After Hour-Long Outage

Social Media Meltdown: Facebook and Instagram Back Online After Hour-Long Outage
Hey there, social media enthusiasts! If you were frantically refreshing your Facebook and Instagram feeds or scratching your head while trying to sign in to YouTube recently, you weren't alone. The digital world experienced a minor meltdown as these popular platforms suffered a significant outage, leaving users in a frenzy.
Instagram and Facebook are down for users across the world.
What Happened?
For about an hour, users worldwide found themselves unable to access Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and even faced sign-in issues on YouTube. Meta Quest users also encountered login problems with their headsets. It was an unexpected halt to our daily dose of social connection and entertainment.
Elon Musk and the X Factor
As the outage hit, Elon Musk's X platform saw a flood of posts from affected users, prompting Musk himself to humorously acknowledge the situation, taking a subtle jab at his competitors. Meanwhile, some YouTube users reported errors preventing them from logging in, adding to the digital chaos.
The Return to Normalcy
Thankfully, the outage was short-lived. Facebook, Instagram, and Threads swiftly restored their operations, bringing relief to millions of users worldwide. Meta Quest users also regained access to their accounts. Some YouTube users found that simply clicking the "Retry" button resolved their sign-in issues.
In response to users' concerns, the platform's team assured everyone that they were diligently working on fixing the issues. It was a brief hiccup in the digital landscape, but one that certainly caused a ripple effect across social media circles.
User Reactions: From Panic to Relief
During the outage, users took to various platforms to share their experiences and reactions. Some found humor in the situation, sharing memes and light-hearted anecdotes about the sudden digital blackout. Others, however, expressed genuine concern and panic, fearing potential cyberattacks or hacks.
However, as the dust settled and clarity emerged, users realized that it was indeed just a temporary glitch. Relief washed over those who feared their accounts had been compromised. The power of social media, both in connecting and amusing us, was momentarily disrupted, but it didn't take long for the digital world to bounce back.
Acknowledgment from Meta
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, acknowledged the issue in a statement, reassuring users that they were actively addressing the problem. It was a reminder of the intricate infrastructure that supports our digital interactions and the occasional bumps along the way.
In conclusion, the recent outage serves as a gentle reminder of the digital realm's fragility. While it may disrupt our routines momentarily, it also underscores the profound impact these platforms have on our daily lives. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media, let's remember to embrace both its wonders and occasional hiccups with grace and resilience.
Stay connected, stay informed, and let's keep the conversations flowing, both online and off!
submitted by Bhuvanesh05 to u/Bhuvanesh05 [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 07:19 CycloneDensity Augmentation Restrictions

Short Story Author's Note: Some of you might remember the GTS, so feel free to guess how things will go from here. Stay tunes, because this world's story isn't over yet!
It was another boring day at the Galactic Trade Syndicate Legal Matters Bureau building, and one particular case agent was going through the motions as they always did. This agent, whose specialty was reviewing cases tied to cybernetically enhanced individual cases, sat at his desk with a cigarette held delicately between his powerful pincers as he took short puffs from it. His current task was to await his next case file to appear on his terminal but in the interim he thought it safe to sneak in a smoke break. For him this was entirely ordinary, and sometimes might even be a sign that the case assignment department was jammed up again. He let out a sigh as he thought about spending the next two hours staring at a blank screen again.
His boredom was short lived when he heard the sound of sneakers squeaking against the polished tile floor outside of his room. Out of all of the species that the office employed only humans continued to manufacture rubber bottomed shoes, and of the two humans that worked there only one worked on the same floor as him and would bother coming by his lonely place of work: Chelsea from the support team. Knowing that she wasn't pleased by the smell of smoke, he took one last drag before allowing it to fall into his claws to be crushed in his grasp on its way down into the trash. One of the perks of being covered in a durable shell was not feeling the embers on your shell. His eyes moved from the screen down to the trash as he watched the cigarette fall, but when he looked back to the door he was surprised to see that the human was already there and smiling at him.
She spoke in a voice that rang in the square room, a trait of hers she attributes to her years as a singer. “Howdy Haakar! Long time no see!” she quickly stepped into the room and stole a seat next to him, riding along on its wheeled frame over to him and using his shell as an anchoring point. She chuckled and knocked on his shell a few times, a form of greeting she had conjured up specifically for him.
Haakar's voice was quite the opposite to Chelsea's and was more like a low growl that came from the depths of his broad frame. “Likewise, but weren't you here last week? Doesn't seem like a long time to me.” He returned their special greeting by reaching up with one of his more dexterous lesser limbs and curling it into a four-fingered fist for her to make a mock strike against with her own hand. It was a silly gesture, especially with how she splayed her fingers out and made a comical explosive sound, but he enjoyed her creative greeting nonetheless.
She made a false pout and crossed her arms. “A week is a long time, mister grumpy claws. Typical of an old crab to think that way.” She huffed and turned her head away, slowly spinning on the chair until she made a full rotation.
“First of all,” he began while placing his large pincer on the chair to halt her idle spinning, “I'm barely one of your Earth years older than you and our species have similar age cycles. Second, a week is a while but not that long, so quit your pouting already. Third, and this might be a shock to you, but I'm not a grump, I'm a crab, so if anything I'm being crabby.”
Chelsea's fake frown slowly fell apart as she fought to contain a laugh, but in the end her jovial nature could not allow her to ignore his attempt at humor. She chuckled and slapped the top of his shell in delight, which did not cause him any discomfort, then used her toes to scoot the chair closer to him. “Gosh, how could I be so blind?”
Haakar adjusted his stance so he could face her better, his segmented carapace twisting to give a bit more space in the small room as well. “So what brings you here anyway? It's a bit early for you to be down here unless there's a delivery.”
“Yeah, our system is on hold while that Marstech AI does a security sweep again, so I was told to go down to the tech department and help them. Turns out with him roaming our systems It's causing some lag in the system and you need to reboot your station.” She nodded towards the sleek black box sat beneath his monitor, her eyes flicking from his own to the glowing white power button.
He let out an irritated sigh as he jabbed the little glowing circle, a distinct click sounding as it began to reboot. He grumbled in annoyance, “Typical IT, not telling us ahead of time that old Edgar would be doing sweeps.” then turned back to his friend, who had an awkward purse to her lips. “So… is that all you came here for?”
The question caused her to shrug and turn her chair from side to side gently. “Officially yes, but since the support room is closed I've got nowhere else to hang out. You don't mind the company, do you?” Her eyebrows raised expectantly, knowing that he humored her.
“You can stay. It's not like I've got anything going on either.” He tried to smile for her despite his face lacking the muscles or flexibility to do so, so the result was more as though his two sets of jaws had bent incorrectly. His attempt made her smile which was all he wanted anyways.
The computer made its announcement that it was awake again by ringing out with a delicate jingle, followed by a cacophony of alert sounds as the many security systems cried out in alarm. Neither employee reacted to this as it was normal for the computer to have a panic attack when the system was being checked, but the sound was not pleasing to either one's ears. Haakar reached over the screen and began typing in his credentials to access the network while Chelsea averted her eyes to not see his login, but when he hit the confirm key he was met with a notification that new case files had arrived. He let out a sigh and took stock of the number of files waiting, silently cursing himself for taking that smoke instead of checking in with the IT team down the hall.
Chelsea leaned over and took a look at the inbox, letting out a low whistle. “Dang, they really got you working overtime now don’t they?” She leaned forward and put her weight on the table with one arm, marveling at the huge packet of filenames waiting for him. “You gonna stay overtime for all of this or can you tell ‘em that this is overkill?”
“Probably going to have to tell them of the communication error that occurred, but they’ll undoubtedly send someone in to remind me that the service phones exist.” He remembered the last time something like this had happened and he was reprimanded for poor productivity, then thought of how the very next day he was told that the case registry was locked anyway so his overtime to catch up was practically meaningless. He didn’t want that to happen again, but he was wiser now than he was back then and knew he could stretch the truth to a degree. “I can tell them that I was doing physical file sorting when the pile up happened so they think I was still busy.”
“Lying to the company is bad, crab.” She poked his face with her finger, then smirked as she pointed to one of the filenames. “I’ll vouch for you if you let me read these with you.”
Hakaar opened the selected file without a word and silently read over the contents of the case. As was usual with these documents they would open up with a review over some kind of incident report where an augmented individual was involved and go over who did what and why, and then sometimes come with an inspection team’s report on a thorough probing and scanning of the person. The first file was cut and dry for Hakaar: someone had robbed a store using an internally concealed firearm and shot the clerk. He didn’t even need to read the rest of the report and simply hit the accept button, sending the case file directly to the bin of cases waiting to be pursued.
Chelsea was not as avid of a reader as the crab man, so she had yet to see all of the details he had. “Why’d you pass that one so fast?”
“Because any weapons installed in a person are illegal unless they’re former military. That guy had a non-military configuration as well, so even if he was a veteran he was in violation for that too. Either way he’s out of the law’s care and needs to have it removed.” he clicked on the next file and began to scour it as quickly as he had the first one, clicking on the approve button almost immediately
Chelsea scoffed as she didn’t get past the first sentence. “You’re making this really boring really fast you know.” She pouted and puffed her cheeks out, giving her friend a bothered look.
Hakaar didn’t like this look or that he was bothering her, so he came up with a reasonable excuse to use. “I’m just going to skip the boring ones for you, alright? That one was someone with an intentionally malware-filled data jack. They blew up a server rack because they got fired and decided to give them a parting gift.” He skimmed over the file numbers until he saw one he knew she’d like, then pointed to it to get her attention to it. “I’ll do some more boring ones to get caught up, then we can read over some really wacky stuff I know you’ll like, okay?”
“Okay.” Was all that was said in response, though her unamused look did not change. Hakaar took this as a sign that he should put in extra effort for her sake, and for the first time in weeks he opted to use his species’ dual brain capabilities to review the field by twos. This usually gave him a bit of a migraine, but if it was to make his human companion happy he would do so readily.
Two cases opened simultaneously, each being ready by a different set of eyes on the sides of his head. A case about a rogue doctor performing back alley surgery and a case of a military veteran getting a parking violation, the doctor being in the wrong for unlicensed practice and the veteran being overlooked for being up to code on his augments. Another duo, one about a teenager attempting to outrun the law and another about a woman attempting unlicensed flight, both passed on as clear cases of misuse. Two more cases slid on the screen, then another pair, then twelve sets more until Hakaar felt his head feel strained. He put his head in his claws and rubbed at the soft underside of his shell, using his smaller arm to open the case file for Chelsea to read. “There, give that one a read while I get some Naxtin.”
He pulled open a drawer and got himself a few tablets of nanomachine laced pain relievers, popped them into his mandible covered mouth, then waited with closed eyes for the five minute activation time to pass and his headache to magically vanish. He rolled his eyes after opening them and looked to the woman leaned over his desk, his eyes darting from her knee length jeans to her loose fitting shirt with a graphic design of a strange Earth cat holding a large golden coin. Humans dressed in such odd clothing, which was strange to him as his kind seldom wore more than a wide skirt-like article that covered their midsection to the ground and sometimes a shirt over their own multi-limbed torso. He shook his head and looked back to the screen she was fixed to, reading everything she had in a fraction of the time.
Surprisingly he had gotten to the end of the page and had seen nothing in the report that mentioned what kind of augmentation this individual had, but the fact that there had been over ten officers of various species involved in the physical restrainment of the suspect it was apparent that they were housing something of great mechanical strength. Before continuing further he turned back to Chelsea and produced his credit band to her, tempting her with a wager. “Wanna bet on what sort of tech this one’s running?”
The human smirked and showed her own, an answer already on her mind. “30 units says construction worker implants, the real big kind!” She flexed an arm to show her own musculature, then put her band on the desk.
Hakaar had a prediction that it was military grade and could guess the exact model it was likely to be, but for the sake of such a vague answer he would be as open ended as her. “Orbital drop soldier implants with the high spec actuators, and I'll match that bet.” He placed his next to hers and a green screen appeared with the number thirty in the center. The good thing about those bands was that they listened in and had a smart program to understand what was said, but until both parties agreed on things they wouldn’t confirm the transfer. Hakaar liked that feature greatly, as he won many bets like this but could decline the winnings if he felt like it.
He tapped the keys for the next page to appear with the expectation of being right, but instead of the typical augmentations he expected he was met by the ugliest specimen of a modified human he had ever seen. Bones replaced by high durability mesh, organs removed to make room for expanded power banks and thermal control modules, and all muscle made redundant by the massive hydraulic frame surrounding the nearly entirely mechanical man. Hakaar slightly gagged at the sight of this abomination of flesh and metal while Chelsea simply blinked slowly as she studied the image.
She turned to look at him with an impassive face and a bored tone in her voice. “Borgophile, and a pretty screwed up one at that. Looks like we were both wrong about the bet after all, cause those look like shipboard hydraulics to me.” she looked back to the image and shook her head in shame. “Loony SOB, turning yourself into a junk heap like that.”
Hakaar scowled at the image once more before skipping to the next page, then took a deep breath to steady himself. “I don’t get why some humans do that to themselves. Never has any species reported having individuals replacing their entire bodies with mechanical components, yet you humans seem to have an unending supply of them.” He paused as he realized how rude his words were, wishing to take them back now that he saw his error. “I don’t mean that as an insult to your species, it is just a statistical fact.”
Chelsea remained unbothered, then surprised the crab man by making a nonchalant shrug. “It’s alright, I know whatcha mean. Back before we joined the GTS there were a lot less of them because it was so damn risky of a procedure, but the rise in med tech gave a lot of ‘em the option to skip all the hard work of getting strong naturally and just jump straight to bein’ a super soldier. Then there’s the ones who saw how big and scary some of the aliens were and thought that they’d turn against us one day and the only way to defend themselves was to be bigger and stronger than them. Looks like it worked out pretty great for this fella, being dogpiled on until his junkyard mech parts went and bent under the weight.”
Hakaar thought about her words for a moment, looking at his own menacing claws and hard shell as he considered it to be intimidating to someone as soft and delicate as a human. “You aren’t like those humans, are you? I don’t scare you?” He tilted his head towards her as she chuckled, causing his eyes to narrow in confusion.
“Hakaar, sweetpea, you’re about as scary to me as a puppy. You’re too cute and round to be menacing, and those big ol’ eyes of yours are adorable. Maybe if you were maybe three feet taller and your claws weren’t just big hands in disguise I’d be worried, but seeing as I know how you are I can’t seem to see you as much of a danger to anyone.” To emphasize her point she held out her fingers spread with the middle and ring finger separate, then with surprising dexterity moved only her pinkie and index fingers outward and inwards in a way he was incapable of.
He mimicked the motion by opening his large claws pointed towards her, then tensed the muscles to split the upper and lower sections of his claw into a larger form of his dexterous hands. Snapping them shut made a hollow clacking sound that brought a smile to her face and a sense of relief to his heart. Searching the next page of the incident report he took stock of the things this person had done and the extent of their uncontrolled rampage through a suburban area, then noticed the detailed psyche evaluation that had been done when the suspect had yet to undergo whatever transformation led to their hulking size. He let out a sigh as he realized how many different branches would be involved if this case were pushed forward.
Sensing he was agitated, Chelsea read the page over faster as she spoke. “Why’re you getting so worked up? Can’t you just approve this one and be done?” She noticed different details than Hakaar had, namely the location where the homemade augments were looted from and some of the supposed weapons that were on their person.
“This case is a mess. You have a civil worker not properly diagnosing a mentally injured individual or offering proper care, a looted military dump site full of decommissioned weaponry and equipment, and local law enforcement officers who were injured by the suspect. If I just hit approve and this falls on the desk of some rookie caseworker they’re going to lose their job if this gets improperly covered, so I have to do more of the casework myself if I want to avoid that.”
He continued on, his large pincers clenching as he scoured another page. “This is why we have so many restrictions on modifications. People either do dumb stuff like turn their arms into chainsaws and cut off another person’s leg or try to install an oversized flight system into themselves without a permit and wind up crashing into an office. It’s rarely the enhanced one who gets hurt and almost always has someone else being the one injured. This whole situation was avoidable, but one measure after another failed until we got to the point where someone got hurt. It’s honestly a miracle they were able to bring them in alive, but I don’t even know if they can be reverted at this point. Gods of the stars, this is a disaster.”
Chelsea thought about this for a moment, then she saw a linked section on one of the reported weapons. The model number and listen type of item prodded at one of her memories, so she pointed to it. “Hey, click that one.” When he did so and opened the file for her she couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief. “I think this case might be a bit easier than you think.”
Hakaar read the file in an attempt to understand her sudden cockiness. These were just schematics for some kind of broad-use tools and ship-mounted cannons he had never seen before all tied under the name of Gravity Guns. he skimmed the page until he saw the signature at the bottom of the screen and realized that he knew that name as the other human who had recently begun working in the office. Hakaar turned around with his mouth open ready to speak, only to clamp his mouth shut when he saw Chelsea had her communicator open.
With a snap the line connected to the the image of a disheveled human sitting on a public transit ship’s viewing deck, his hair slicked back and a straw in his mouth. “Thomas here, what’s cookin’ Chel?” He winked at the screen and smiled, pushing his mustache up slightly.
“Nothing much, I just have a work related request. I’m in Hakaar’s office and we’ve got a mess of a case he’s got on screen, but it actually involves an augment using one of your gravity guns to do some harm to some cops. We were wondering if maybe we could pass this one on to you and your partner personally since you’ve got some understanding of how this legal trashfire’s gonna go.”
Thoman grimaced through the on-screen picture before turning to his side. “Hey Mavu, you wanna do an augment case when we get back? Uh-huh… yeah…” he nodded a few times before looking back to the screen with a wide smile. “We’ll take it once we get back from this current case. Tomorrow work for you guys?”
Chelsea nudged Hakaar for him to answer, which he sputtered out hastily. “Y-yeah! Uh, if it’s not a problem for you, mister Thomas. Thank you.”
Thomas blew his lips together to make a buzzing sound the communicator didn’t quite register, then replied. “No problem! A friend of Chel is a friend of mine. By the way, you can just call me Tom. Oh, got to go, landing time! See ya Chelsea!”
“Bye Tommy.” The screen went dark as Chelsea turned to look at Hakaar, her teeth bared in a gleeful grin. “Now you don’t have to worry about that case anymore! Tom’s a genius, and from what he’s said about his partner she’s a senior agent around here, so the two of them can handle that case easy.”
Hakaar let out a sigh of relief, then nodded in agreement. “Thank you Chelsea, I was beginning to become upset about this case. It reminded me of…an unpleasant thing that happened.” He bowed his head and looked to the floor, both ashamed that he had gotten worked up and hoping he could push the memory aside.
A hand patted at his shoulder, and the soothing voice of his companion calmed his nerves. “It’s alright, happens to the best of us. I know, how about I go and put in an order for lunch and you can have a smoke while you forward that to Tommy? Give yourself a little break from that stuff and run a few dozen small cases before I come back and we do another doozy. Does that sound good?”
She didn’t need to wait for an answer before Hakaar was reaching into his drawer for another smokestick and she was out the door. With a deep puff of smoke he let out a sigh and pressed the necessary keys to forward the case file to a specific agent. He didn’t realize it at the time, but despite his usual inability to smile as Chelsea did his face was still curled in such a way that it felt organic and natural to be smiling. He was just glad to have a human friend, one that wasn’t a cyborg or half machine of any kind, the same one that made him smile and reassured him. The day was no longer as boring as it had once been, and for that he was happy.
submitted by CycloneDensity to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 08:32 Effective-Draw-5338 Posting This Because Mom Said To

Mom has specially asked to post this as a reminder for all those who have paid for session 1 and 2 together to Final submit their application for Session 2 as today is the last date and also requested all of you guys to remind your peers and other friends who might not be here for the same.
Context :- Mom reminded me ki final submit hogaya he na today is last date. Maine kaha haan. Then she said ki bohot logo ke boards are going on and the circular for session 2 was released right around the answer keys and result eff ups so many wouldn't know and many would have forgotten or would be procrastinating so post it so others can also benefit. I said toh kya hua,bhul gaye toh thodi competition kam ho jayegi...So she got upset and a bit angry, that if you want to win then win fair and square, why do you want to win by running alone. I said why are you upset at me,what did I do wrong and she said something which I think I am taking to be as my beacon of light for a healthy and satisfactory life, she said, "I am upset because you are afraid that there is someone better then you or someone who is as good as you but might perform better then you. This is life, there are uncountable people better then you whom you don't know but you don't feel intimidated by them as they are not a threat to you or your life choices in anyway. However you feel threatened by fellow aspirants(also strangers) because you know they can take your seat. However this is not the case, life of every individual is an independent event and sooner or later everyone gets what they deserve for their hardwork,persistance and diligence. This is what we call the luck factor. It ensures everyone gets what they deserve,the real concept of karma. Only people who are delusional and trying to cheat themselves pr others try to blame their failures on luck. Everyone deep down knows they are getting what they deserve, whatever mask they are putting on their identities for others. Never feel threatened by people better then you, always strive to reach that level. You will not always be able to get there but surely you will get what you deserved on how much hard you tried. Most importantly always be happy and satisfied that you gave your 100% and did everything you could and you got what you deserved and can never be compared to what other person received as it is an entire different event. But never overestimate yourself and take impossible tasks at hand, as however hard you try,you are going to end up as feeling incompetent,underconfident and unsatisfied. REMEMBER, SOMETIMES THE LIFT MAY BE AT CAPACITY OR GOING THE OTHER DIRECTION, SO YOU MAY NEED TO TAKE THE STAIRS. YOU CAN WAIT FOR THE LIFT TO COMEBACK BUT THERE IS NO TELLING THAT IF IT WILL BE EMPTY OR COMEBACK AT ALL IN TIME(IT MAY STOP AT DIFFERENT LEVELS BEFORE COMING BACK TO YOU). BUT THE STAIRS WILL GUARANTEE TO GET YOU TO YOUR DESTINATION AT TIME, SURELY WILL REQUIRE EXTRA EFFORT ON YOUR PART. SO NEVER SACRIFICE HARDWORK AND YOUR PRECIOUS TIME FOR A SEEMINGLY SIMPLER OPTION, AND YOU WILL BE A SURE SHOT TO SUCCESS, WHICH IS AGAIN RELATIVE BUT YOU ARE MATURE ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THAT I HOPE." So here I am.
TLDR :- Read the first para and skip the rest if you are short on time. Do suggest Reading the rest whenver you feel free, because it is really eye opening and helpful and you might find it good.
Edit :- Bhai bohot log keh rahe hai ki nahi karna hai, saath main hogaya hai etc. etc. I really don't know but I for sure know One thing and that is ki Final submit ka option aa raha hai, toh agar kuch bhi change nahi karna toh waise hi final submit kar diya hai to be on safer side and fir SS le liya hai jab firse final submit pe dabate hai tab ki your application is received and application form download kar diya hai. Kyunki NTA ka kuch bharosa nahi hai, kab kya kar de pata nahi. Phir NTA ko koste rehna aur jee bhar ke gali dena, kyunki we clearly know NTA doesn't listen and doesn't care. It will simply not give a F but you might not be able to sit in exam, toh mujhe jitni gali deni ho do par apne end se dekh lena AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.
Also someone down has shown how to get the final submit option. Thanks to him/her. I am copy pasting it here with some modification:-
  1. Login
  2. Click on application (left side in Desktop)
  3. Click on final sumbit (left side in Desktop,last in drop down menu under Application)
  4. Click on final sumbit after reading details (no need to read if you filled everything correctly in session, but to be on safer side 5 minute bigaad ke dekh lo ek baar)
  5. Click to registration, there it will show three ticks and below will be download application form, download form from them
  6. If you are paranoid like me, Once again click on final submit it will say something like your application is submitted. Take SS of this such that date,time and JEE Main Session 2 is visible in background.
Now you can get back to studying. All the best 👍
submitted by Effective-Draw-5338 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 12:11 sh-333 worst time for this to be happening

worst time for this to be happening
bhai maine ye email use krke cet ka acc khola ab mujhe jee bhi dene ka man kar raha hai par ye in logo ne mera account hi uda diya... i know ki mai jee ke liye seedha dusra account khol sakta jab tak iski apeal accept nahi hoti par agar sab ek hi account se ho jata to achha hota
maine is email se sirf cet ka registration kiya tha air kuch bhi nahi kiya ye kya bakwas hai
cetcell wale website pe login kar pa raha hu par waha email edit karne ka koi option nahi hai
anybody else having similar issues
submitted by sh-333 to mht_cet [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 19:34 shpdg48 "Dr. Charles Hoffe Faces Upcoming TRIAL for Telling Truth About COVID “Vaccine” Damage"

"A prominent Canadian doctor who is bravely speaking out about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" damage he is observing in many of his patients is facing trial this March over accusations of professional misconduct.
Dr. Charles Hoffe is the subject of persecution at the hands of the corrupt Canadian government, which disapproves of his efforts to tell the ugly truth about how COVID jabs are destroying lives. Dr. Hoffe's trial is scheduled for March 4-8, as well as for March 11-15, and the general public can watch the trial via Zoom starting at 9 a.m. PST on March 4, 2024.
In a letter that was shared to X, Dr. Hoffe explains how the Canadian government is accusing him of spreading "misinformation" simply because he continues to go public about the COVID jab injuries he is witnessing destroy the lives of many of his patients.
"My brilliant lawyer, Lee Turner, is planning to put public health on trial, to reveal their scientific fraud, the cover-up of evidence of harm and gross ethical violations of the vaccine rollout," Dr. Hoffe says.
"I have eight highly qualified expert witnesses, from Canada the U.S. and the UK, who will be giving testimony in my support."
(Related: Check out the report we published about a year ago covering Dr. Hoffe's persecution at the hands of the Canadian government.)

Tell the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC that you're watching

While the general public is free to view Dr. Hoffe's trial over Zoom, the Canadian government is making it really hard for people to do this. First of all, one must apply for a Zoom link at least seven days before the trial starts – which means you will want to apply now if you would like to participate in watching the proceedings.
"The College clearly does not want people to be watching this and has made it as difficult as possible to get a link," Dr. Hoffe warns. "Public opinion is their Achilles heel."
"And it is critically important that as many people as possible get this video link, and login periodically. The college needs to know that the world is watching them. Their corruption and dishonesty will be revealed.""
submitted by shpdg48 to VaccineMandates [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 16:46 Miss-spotlight Highly disappointed—-I guess it’s all fixed ….ye bik gayi hai Sony tv

Highly disappointed—-I guess it’s all fixed ….ye bik gayi hai Sony tv
So called fanpages(apparently paid PRs /andhbhakts ) are sharing how to vote from foreign countries…..if possible plz share this for creating awareness how this chomu is having unfair advantage
submitted by Miss-spotlight to JanabMadamIbrahim [link] [comments]
