Sample recruitment letters for a physical therapist

/r/SampleSize: Where your opinions actually matter!

2012.02.21 18:58 okayyeah /r/SampleSize: Where your opinions actually matter!

A place for surveys and polls to be posted. Research studies for school purposes are welcome as well as opinion polls We are also a place for people who enjoy responding to surveys to gather and help people obtain responses for their research. Questions about a mild level of statistics or wording of surveys are also permitted.

2012.01.22 22:06 rookayyy Reddit's Bodyweight Fitness Community 🏸

Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Start your fitness journey with one of the recommended routines in our wiki! Join our Discord Server! Discord:

2012.02.10 07:33 Topics in Physical Therapy

If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. This is a sub for practicing physical therapists to discuss cases, research, old and new tricks, or other therapy-relevant topics. Requests for advice or education regarding your personal health issues will be removed and you may be banned. These questions should be discussed directly with your physical therapist.

2024.05.14 21:06 zackswack Dizziness Journey

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
submitted by zackswack to VestibularMigraines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 sunnylane28 Should I tell my cousin I caught her in a lie?

My Cousin(38F) and I(34F) have been very close all our lives, like sisters. She visited me this past weekend and it was great to get together as we haven't really had much one on one time since pre pandemic. After I left I found out that she had been telling me a big lie about this romantic story that she went on and on about the whole weekend. I literally feel like I'm in a twilight zone and I don't know whether I should mention it to her or not. I want to be helpful to her and not make her feel embarrassed or isolated.
Some backstory: She's always been a big drinker. Our past visits have usually had at least one night where shit kind of hits the fan and she's super wasted and just acting like an alcoholic. This trip she didn't drink at all which was great because I was prepared for a shit show. She's also always been a bit of a liar- nothing crazy big, but just lies to avoid confrontation, make situations seem different than they are, lies of omission, etc. I feel like the lying is something that goes along with the addiction and also a somewhat traumatic upbringing (some physical/emotional abuse from her parents). This visit was really nice because it's the first time she's visited me and my daughter and it was nice to have time to show her that she is an important part of my daughter's life and that just because she's not married/with kids doesn't mean that she's not special. I don't want a confrontation about the lie to ruin the nice weekend.
So essentially the first day of the visit she tells me she barely slept because she had just professed her love for her coworker and was up thinking about it. She tells me the whole story- they've been flirting for 10 months, they take all their breaks together, they text and there's lots of sexual innuendos, etc. She walks to and from work and he's offered her a ride home a few times. So he gives her a ride home the day before she visits me and she says she finally decided to go for it and tell him how she feels. She told him she wanted to kiss him, they have a long hug, there's an awkward pause, etc but no kiss. So the whole weekend she's asking me, "I know he has feelings for me but he'll never make the first move- should I just go for it and kiss him?" etc etc etc. So we're dissecting the whole situation throughout the weekend, she's making little funny remarks about her and "Bob" dating, etc. I told her my stance was like, "well you already laid it all on the line and told him how you feel, I think the ball is in his court and if he can't get some courage to make a move then forget about it because he's not worth it." And she's basically just like, "I'm gonna go for it!" Dropping her off at the airport she even joked that she'll be pregnant with "Bob's" baby in 6 months. WELL after she leaves I'm curious to find more info on him just to see like what his deal is. I search the people she follows on IG and found his account. HE'S MARRIED WITH AN 8 MONTH OLD BABY. And she has liked MANY of his photos of him and his kid, he's wearing a ring in all his photos, his wife is all over his page, etc. There is no guessing or doubting here. I had also asked her straight up if she knew whether he was single or not (because why would he not make a move after all this time and tension) and she said yes, he's single.
A few things I'm considering... it makes me sad that she feels that this is all she is worth. I want to tell her that she deserves better than being the "other woman" and I also want her to know that she'll never find what she wants if she can't be honest with herself. It is a completely different situation if she came to me and said, "I have a crush on my coworker, we have a great connection, but he's married and I don't know how to handle it." Then we'd start talking about boundaries, how she deserves more than a scumbag who's clearing crossing some lines, we could maybe get into why she's attracted to someone off limits (self sabotage, self worth, whatever). This is not her first time that she's been hooking up with a guy in a relationship. It also makes me feel fucking weird to be lied to like that. (I don't take the lying personally, but like I said it's a twilight zone feeling.) Like why bring it up at all? Dude just go about your day being a home wrecker but keep it to yourself and I would never know. I feel like lying about it is her way of trying to hear the answer she wants to validate her choice to do something she knows is wrong. It's all so fucked up on her end let alone the dude who is sexting someone else while his wife goes through her postpartum time. Gross.
*I also should mention that during this trip she told me that for the past 2 years she's had some 1-2 week stints of pretty intense depression where she doesn't know her purpose, doesn't know the point of life, she's not suicidal but she's super depressed. I asked if she's gone to therapy for it (which we've talked about many times before) and she said, "No, but I don't think it will happen again." She's also said many times over the years that she's blocked out most of her childhood. Like, there's some deep issues here and it breaks my heart because she is a wonderful person.
I want to say something, but I don't want to negate the good weekend we had. I also am fully aware that there is a 99% chance that what I say won't make a difference, won't magically get her to go to therapy, won't fix her problems, etc. There have been many times in the past that I've wanted to say something (usually about her drinking) but I haven't because of those reasons. Of course no one can predict her reaction, but is there any safe way to bring any of this up without making her mental health worse? I kind of want to say something like, "It makes me sad that you felt the need to lie about Bob's situation that he's married with a baby. I want to support you but it's hard for me to do that when I don't know the truth of what's going on. You are a wonderful person and you deserve more than what you're giving yourself. I want to be there for you through this, but based on what you said about having some intense depressive episodes the past couple years will you consider reaching out to a therapist?" OR maybe I just text her like, "I don't think you should pursue Bob considering he's married with a baby. He's crossed some lines but you deserve better than to be the other woman. It's not too late to do the right thing." She has such low self worth that I fear that calling out the lie will bring her down even more. There's also a part of me that's just never spoken up about stuff and I worry about being too passive/an enabler. Like I want to feel good about the choice I make either way.
submitted by sunnylane28 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:05 zackswack Dizziness Journey

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
submitted by zackswack to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:03 Subject_Direction23 Advice on how to deflect negative energy from narcissist dad

My siblings and I were raised by a narcissist father who was abusive physically and emotionally to our mom and us. Our mom is traumatizing to us in her own way - in the way she sticks by our dad and leans on us from a young age to protect her but I feel a lot of sympathy and compassion for her. We moved to the US as kids so we felt a lot of obligation to help out and take care of our parents, into our adulthood. However, in the past 6 years, there were a few incidents that led to our dad shunning our brother, getting into a big spat with my sister and then eventually I also got fed up with him. When we all stopped talking to them, he got desperate. We insisted on family therapy and after a while, he agreed. It wasn't that helpful - he spent the entire time ranting about how he's such a victim and gaslighting everyone about how much he hit or how hard he hit everyone.
Despite that, my siblings and I were willing to move forward. My brother has a wedding coming up and we just wanted to move forward. So people are speaking again and my siblings have both visited home. I'm planning a visit to my sister's around Memorial Day when they are visiting her in the Bay Area. I am also planning a trip for them as a mother's day gift. But when I called during mother's day, my husband and I noticed that he's stone faced and clearly something is brewing. My sister then shared that she thought he was mad at me for something - probably because I haven't gone to visit them yet. I start fuming, thinking how dare he feel so entitled when we are already being so forgiving and letting the past go and trying to move forward. I'm personally only doing this so I can spend time with my mom. Anyway, before long, we realize we are sucked back into the toxic dynamic where we are already dreading his mood and dreading what it'll do during the long weekend visit that I was previously looking forward to. I realize that his classic move is to get everyone in his orbit / under the same roof / in the same physical space as him and then let his moods be known until people have to deal with what it is he wants from everyone.
I've been doing a lot of work on my mental health and wouldn't be interacting with them if I didn't feel like I could handle it. I know there's parts of me that want connection to my mom and to some extent, my dad. My therapist encourages me to try this out since I expressed an interest. She says I should just not receive things that I don't want. "Say no thank you" to his bad energy, attempts to hurt, manipulate, etc. I like that in concept a lot but would love advice. I want to see my mom and worry she'll not be healthy for long. I also want to enjoy my time with my sister and her kids. How do I do that while my dad does his best to be a tyrant/baby who tries to ruin the mood and day of everyone around him? Thank you in advance everyone.
submitted by Subject_Direction23 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:02 zackswack Dizziness Journey

TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
submitted by zackswack to panicdisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:02 zackswack Dizziness Journey

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
submitted by zackswack to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 zackswack Dizziness Journey

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
submitted by zackswack to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 zackswack Dizziness Journey

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
submitted by zackswack to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:59 zackswack Dizziness Journey

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
submitted by zackswack to Dizziness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:59 zackswack Dizziness Journey

TLDR: I have had non spinning dizziness for 3 years, did every test, saw a world expert in dizziness at Mayo clinic, diagnosed with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, possibly Vestibular Migraines from a neurologist, but not PPPD, and I accept it finally.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to share my story with dizziness as I have read many others on many different forums and hope that this can help others like others have helped me!
I have experienced dizziness for over three years now (28M) that is non-spinning in nature, it is an up and down feeling like you are on an elevator, on a boat, or walking on sand as some may describe it, typically while walking, standing, or slight position adjustments while sitting or laying down. It has caused anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, heart palpitations, arm/leg numbess, neck tingling, neck pain, muscle spasms, brain fog, hearing sensitivity, headaches, fevers, and others I am probably forgetting.
I recently visited with Dr. Staab at Mayo Clinic who is one of the best in the world at looking into problems with dizziness, among many countless providers over the last three years. Dr. Staab specifically researches and treats dizziness, and recently diagnosed me with Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, but NOT Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) as I don’t completely fit the criteria. The reason I was given was that I did not have a typical reason such as an ear infection or other PPPD pre-cursors, and that certain motion does not trigger dizziness in me like typical PPPD patients (I can play video games and watch movies with no issues). I for sure thought I had PPPD, but regardless, treatment is relatively the same with or without that diagnosis for my symptoms.
The best way it was explained to me was that my initial dizziness episode three years ago was a panic attack where the first symptom was dizziness followed by other physical symptoms, and heightened anxiety/panic over this dizziness caused my body to be overly alert/sensitive to the space/movement around me, creating a loop of constant dizziness. While my anxiety has improved tremendously and I have only experienced less than 10 (being generous with this) panic attacks my whole life, the dizziness has improved but remained, as it is described as basically a residual effect of the initial anxiety/panic attacks that my body has not yet corrected.
I also saw Dr. Beh who is a neurologist that specializes in vestibular disorders and migraines, and he further diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraines (which Dr. Staab says is a possibility but he doesn’t have enough evidence to diagnose me with it).
My current treatment includes taking Venlafaxine (going to 75mg soon) to directly treat the dizziness and help with any remaining anxiety/panic issues, receive therapy (psychoeducation and CBT) by a therapist with a PhD preferably, and vestibular rehab. Dr. Staab also said massages (light on the neck) could be helpful as dizziness can cause neck and back muscles to tighten due to the body stiffening over time to try to avoid dizziness sensations.
I was told to take Vitamin B12 (400mg) and venlafaxine in the morning. In the afternoon I take COq10 (200mg) after lunch and 200mg after dinner. Before bed, I take magnesium glycinate (500mg) and effexor. I take other supplements, but these I specifically take for migraine/dizziness related issues.
I have seen Dr. Staab, Dr. Beh, the Vestibular Psychologist Emily Kostelnik, have watched the Steady Coach on youtube, looked into the dizzy cook, and have seen multiple Neurologists, ENT’s, Cardiologists, PCP’s, Physical therapists, audiologists, gastro’s, even an allergist. I was misdiagnosed with POT’s, but otherwise every test that was done came back normal except that I have a hiatial hernia, fatty liver, low vitamin D, and a deviated septum.
I’ve had the brain scans, blood tests, heart monitoscans/ultrasounds, tilt table, ear tests, balance tests, epley maneuver, rotary chair, basically every test you can think of (some multiple times) and have tried basically every supplements/lifestyle changes you can think of as well. I have also done a lot of the above tests at Mayo Clinic in their dizziness program that I was accepted into in Minnesota.
My dizziness began at work 3 years ago when it felt like I was bouncing up and down just while standing and my body proceded to panic. I went from having this kind of episode once a month, to once every few weeks, to every day, to basically dizzy any time I stood or walked. Because of the dizziness, I stopped going to stores, didn’t shower as much as I should have, did not workout, and took off of work as it was so difficult to just walk. I currently work full time, workout, am in a relationship, and can do so much that I felt like I couldn’t do. I still have days where I need to take a break, and you won’t catch me on a boat for awhile as that triggers me GREATLY!
Two things that have for sure helped me so far, walking and time. Going for walks was a hard thing to start being dizzy, but that is something I can for sure say I’ve noticed helps without a doubt. And time; my dizziness didn’t improve overnight, it’s been three years, and i still deal with it! I’ve learned it isn’t going to hurt me and to simply learn to live with it (for now) and to push myself baby steps at a time.
Also, parasympathetic breathing has helped me tremendously as well as guided meditation to relax and practice mindfulness. I pay for an app called Downdog which has great guided programs (and yoga!) and currently get it for free for being a student.
Don’t give up, even if it feels like you are just trying to survive. Don’t let doctors write you off, advocate for yourself. If the doctor doesn’t listen or help, find new ones. Lean on your support system. Help others and share your story so there is more awareness and research for dizziness. It is one of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose. And it is just that, a SYMPTOM! You are you and not your symptoms or diagnoses!
If you have any questions, I will try my best to respond to everything no matter the question or if it is 10 years from now. There is SO much to this journey, and attempting to fit it into one post feels impossible. One thing that bothered me was people posting about their symptoms and never giving updates/responding to others, so I will try my best to do so…
submitted by zackswack to pppdizziness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:58 Outside-Way6206 In need of advice/ some validation

I am a 27f currently working at a hospital. Before starting this job, I was remote for 3 years. I took this job to further my education and prepare for a PHD program, also to make connections with doctors is def a bonus. I'm about 3 months in and I unfortunately have gotten written up for being late 3 days in a row. I know this may seem very small, but I am extremely embarrassed by this. So much so that the entire rest of the day I've felt like hiding. When I started I had issues adjusting to coming into the office (i.e., traffic, parking and walking to office), it also wasnt super helpful that I didnt have a set schedule. My day is determinant on patients and their appointments, sometimes they get delayed, cancelled or are brought in early. So I had talked with my supervisor and she gave me a window to be in by (7-9). Of course right after we established that I had a lot of life things happen (most of which were out of my control) which caused me to be late (nothing crazy though, like 15 min late). When I talked with her today I could immediately feel my anxiety rear up as soon as she told me about the write up and that it was the doctors that had brought up the tardiness. The anxiety was only furthered when she emailed the letter for me to sign and return to my boss. I didn't say much about my tardiness, because honestly there isnt much of an excuse other than life happens. And I feel so helpless and frustrated because the things that made me late was out of my control and I was raised with the work ethic of "no one cares about your personal life and what problems you have, everyone does".
Like I said, I know this is something so small and easily fixable. I feel nothing but motivation to redeem myself but I can't help but feel so embarrassed because I know I'm capable of doing this. Any advice on or validation would make me feel better about this situation : , )
P.S. Slight note, I do take sertraline for my depression and anxiety. I also take adderall XR during the work week which can fuel my anxiety to a point of a panic attack (if its that big of a situation). My doctor and therapist are aware of this and I'm currently working with both of them on how to keep myself stable when I'm in these types of situations.
submitted by Outside-Way6206 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:49 TheBookofBrands Any brands ready for Pop Ups?

Are there any brands or designers in the community that feel that they're ready for pop ups? Kind of want to get a gauge of how people are feeling about them. We plan on hosting 3 - 4 big pop ups a year the first being in Chicago this October. We will also be looking at New York, LA, London, Canada and Paris in the future. So we're looking for new brands to work with and wanted to see how people feel about them.
If you haven't hosted your own pop up or have been a part of one here are some benefits:
I should note that you don't need a crazy collection or anything as well. We have seen plenty of brands use them as a way to introduce themselves, get rid of extra product, or promote current releases.
submitted by TheBookofBrands to streetwearstartup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:48 Canitrusthimagain674 Looking for separation advice

I’m looking for some advice from partners that chose to separate right after their first or second Dday- either living in two different homes or within the house. Did it help? Were you able to support his recovery while living with him or did you need to physically live separately?
My (34m) husband of five years has evidently been struggling with compulsive sexual behaviors, mostly porn for over 10 years and I just found out the fullextent of it and how bad it’s been about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I immediately asked for us to separate and he’s been staying elsewhere and also looking for an apartment. He’s told me that after he finds a place he’ll be getting scheduled with a CSAT and he has referrals to reach out to from a couples counselor we were seeing just a month ago. He’s letting me check his phone and devices if I feel the need to and we installed accountability software. but that’s really all he’s said so far about what he’s going to do to recover and work on himself. I’ve read the betrayal bind and your brain on porn by Gary Wilson and I do feel like I understand how this addiction started. He was physically and emotionally abused as a child and has had ADHD for most of his life. Evidently this makes him very susceptible to this addiction. I understand but I’m so heartbroken and it feels hopeless.
Most of the times we’ve tried to talk the last 2 weeks It’s turned into a huge argument and I’m left sobbing on my own. We have one toddler and are having to co-parent and he’s been very helpful but it’s all been so hard and stressful. But last night we set boundaries and took a break from it all and had a great evening together and it’s making me doubt whether we need to live separately. It’s honestly making me doubt all of my decisions. living separately is going to be a huge extra expense financially because I’ve been a stay at home mom and the cost-of-living is so high where we live. I don’t know what to do. I just constantly need space and then I want him around and I flip flop between anger and loneliness…I feel crazy some days. This was/is a huge shock for me. I can’t believe I didn’t catch him sooner.
How long does it take to feel stable again? Any advice? I have my own therapist and I’m also starting to see a CSAT at the end of the month. My close friends and my siblings know and I’m getting support. I just don’t feel capable of working right now but I’m also not sure if I’m capable of living with him right now.
submitted by Canitrusthimagain674 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

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2024.05.14 20:40 Delicious-Stretch836 School list reccomendations & Chances?

Hi, everyone. I've been on this sub for a while and would greatly appreciate some advice from the community on whether I should apply this cycle and on a good school list for my stats. I am dead set on becoming a physician-scientist. Open to MD-PhD programs in addition to MSTP's
Bio Data: URM Not low-ses CA CC T20 (non-trad) Junior Undergraduate Physical Science Major & Minor
MCAT: 505
GPA: 3.2 Cumulative (post-bac not needed transfer institution GPA is 4.0) 3.7 sGPA
Research Stats: 5,000 Hours (Across four laboratories) Field - Organic Chemistry & Biological Chemistry I'm at the level of a second or third-year chemistry graduate student; my letters reflect that. My bio work is 500 hours of that total and reflects that difference in ability.
Publications: 2 in review at Nature/Tetrahedron for roughly 4 and 2 months respectively.
Presentations Oral/Poster: 12 in a mix of school and national conferences. Always the only presenter.
Volunteering/Community Service: 1,000 hours in one org I plan to stay in for the foreseeable future
Leadership: 300 Hours—I am President of my school's chapter of a national URM STEM organization. This organization is active and community service-oriented.
Work Experience: Medical Clinic Receptionist 4 Years Tutor 600 hours (all the math through differential equations/Linear and all the chemistry/physics)
Clinical Experience: 500 hours in a program for premed students meant to give undergrads clinical experience. It's hands-on, lots of vitals, abulating, feeding, bathing, bonding with patients. Note: This was during the pandemic and shortly after. For the past year, I have not participated.
Shadowing: 40 hours across 4 Specialties Note: This is all within the past four months
Honors/Awards: Transfer College awards for Outreach and Research/Academic Excellence Presenter awards for posters from transfer college and national conferences NIH Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) recipient 3 REUs (2 are MSTP specific, if that matters)
Letters: STEM/Non-STEM professors who I know very well (strong letters) I was thinking of 2 STEM 2 Non-STEM, but would that be too many? Should this just be 1:1?
1 letter from the Coordinator of org I volunteer with (strong letter) 3 letters from PI's (strong letters) 1 letter from a Physician (Only known me for a month) 2 letters from formecurrent MSTP directors who know me well (strong letters, but not sure how much weight these have)
Other stuff: Academic probation due to low GPA from years ago at community college for several semesters.
submitted by Delicious-Stretch836 to mdphd [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:39 carrot_cat8 Mental health support after stroke

I (21f) am going on 4 months now since my stroke. The whole experience in healthcare has been nothing but traumatic. Living in Canada I am grateful I haven’t had hospital bills, but the system is under stress and I had to advocate for myself at every step of the way (being a young woman, people not believing I had a stroke, getting misdiagnosed multiple times, etc).
I have reached a point now were I am mostly recovered but I am looking for more mental health support. Does anyone here have any advice on how to find a therapist who has specific experience in health related trauma, anxiety and PTSD? I asked my neurologist but that didn’t lead to much lol. I started antidepressants which have helped a little with migraines and depression, but not bad dreams / PTSD.
This whole experience has honestly inspired me to consider social work as a potential career - specifically in psychotherapy to help those undergoing medical trauma, brain injury, stroke, etc. It is something so lacking for survivors and their loved ones. There is so much focus on physical recovery but not mental health. Strokes are really sudden, life altering events. They are not always the fault of the person either.
To anyone out there who is younger like me and has suffered a stroke, especially due to factors completely out of their control (unrelated to diet, lifestyle, etc.) - I relate to you so much, and I feel for you too.
submitted by carrot_cat8 to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:39 spermstudy [Repost] [Academic] SPERM Study - University of Colorado Anschutz (Male; 18-35; Denver-metro area, CO, USA)

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is currently recruiting participants for a study focusing on how early life experiences and stressful events affect the physical and genetic characteristics of human sperm. Compensation provided.
You may be eligible if you are
If you are interested and would like to see if you may be eligible to participate, please complete this survey.
submitted by spermstudy to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:36 ThrowRA777123 Read! MTHFR Gene Mutation?

Could this help change your life? You might be able to take something to help effects of your MTHFR Gene Mutation.
Hiiiii. 🤣 Please read this! 🫠 It’s long but it’s worth it.
Important! Do you have MTHFR gene mutation?
If you do, your body may not be efficient at the process of methylation (the body’s process of “detoxifying” itself) and it could be contributing to symptoms of SCT. Please read this! Let me know what you think.
I’m going to try to share some of my blood results in the comments if I can, I see a connection to this. Please note that my Bones, Heart, Calcium, Iron, Eyes, Joints, Metabolism on the Rootine platform all read NORMAL. Please read comments.
(Before you run away, this isn’t based on a natural medicine thing, although I like that stuff. This is real deal science.)
I think it’s interesting. It’s a lot and a lil complex but I think it’s intriguing! I wrote this quickly and I’m still learning so don’t flame me too hard plz.
As I try to reclaim my life in some ways lately, I’m doing lots of reading. I’m totally not saying that this is a cure for SCT/CDS or ADHD. What I am saying is that maybe this could help some of us and alleviate some of our symptoms. I’m just throwing this out there as it might be helpful to some of us. I do think it’s worth the read though. Also, I really want to share my Rootine blood test results. I think you’ll find them interesting and I see some type of correlation with this information I found.
Long story short, I remembered I had taken a test from the company Rootine quite a few years back. I’m doing everything I can to help my severe depression and moderate anxiety so that’s why I was looking at it. I never even thought I’d find something relating to SCT/CDS. Basically, the concept of Rootine is to give them a blood sample. They test your genes to help create vitamins for you blah blah blah.
I have a poorly working MTHFR Gene. Basically, my body really sucks at the body’s natural process of detoxification. The Rootine test isn’t that specific but it shows that I have this issue. I want to get tested further to learn more about this, I’m pretty confident I have a MTHFR Gene Mutation. Notably, there is a lot of mental health issues as well as physical issues they describe in videos I posted in my family.
I’m literally just learning about it now so forgive my huge amount of ignorance. Apparently, having this gene mutation can cause/contribute to a lot of mental and physical issues, some even pointing to ADHD. (Paraphrasing majorly here for simplicity). The concept is a bit technical so I’m still navigating it.
Basically, in layman’s terms, my body is very poor at “detoxing” itself (for lack of a better term)- methylation process. Not like “natural detox” but the body’s natural process of detoxification. Apparently, this can cause a lot of issues as well as issues pertaining to mental health.
From what I gather, it’s said that folic acid is basically my enemy as my body cannot process folic acid (a synthetic substance). Apparently, my body can process folate (a natural substance in vegetables etc.) It’s a little tricky because a lot of websites will say folic acid when they actually mean natural folate in vegetables, etc. However, it appears that folic acid is in a lot of “enriched” and “fortified” foods. Think pasta product/cereal etc. I don’t know all the foods. So I’m gathering that I need to avoid folic acid like the plague. Apparently, organic foods and stuff you don’t really find so much of folic acid. I guess folic acid (this is synthetic) is added to food. FOLATE (naturally found in some foods) is good for me but not folic acid (synthetic form) because my body can’t process it.
Then there’s high homocysteine levels….. changes in the MTHFR gene can cause increased levels of homocysteine (I’m still connecting the dots). However, mutations of the MTHFR gene can significantly affect your ability to turn vitamin B12 and folate into forms the body can utilize.
Apparently, my body isn’t good at “detoxifying” itself. Eating folic acid can make this even worse. To help my body detox and aid in its process of methylation, it’s suggested that I take b12 in the form of l-methylcobalamin and folate in the form of l-methylfolate.
Like I said, I’m jussssst learning about this and it’s pretty complex. I just kinda wanted to share this. I’m gonna take what is suggested and I’m also going to avoid eating folic acid (remember this is the synthetic) as much as I can. I really wanna dive even more into this but I’m just trying to get myself healthy enough to go back to work right now. Lemme know your thoughts if you’d like.
There’s a lot of videos on MTHFR but I found these to be really simple to understand so far so I’m sharing them. Just go to YouTube and search MTHFR.
(Before anyone flames me too much, these next two links are from Joe Rogan podcast but they are very simple to understand. I think that they throw a lil shade at Adderall in the clip. I’m not knocking mainstream healthcare in any way, I took Adderall today. So just be advised.)
submitted by ThrowRA777123 to SCT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 Daired My son won’t go to school!

I am losing my mind!!
I had cancer before my son started kindergarten and thought he would really struggle being away from me, but school started and he was fine.
1st grade had a rough first week but again, he was fine.. both years he’d jump from the car and run inside, stopping only to waive goodbye.
2nd grade started different because we ended up fostering my siblings’ kids. Two of them go to the same school as my son. It seemed great at first, he was getting better grades than before and was more active in class… then just after Christmas break something changed and for the first time ever he completely refused to go to school.
The last 4-5 months have been a roller coaster. At first it was once every 2-3 weeks he’d refuse. Then he started throwing fits when it came time to get out of the car. Now it’s a nightmare! Mondays he won’t even get dressed, throws himself on the floor and cries. If I can get him dressed, he won’t get in the car and has even tried stopping me from taking the other kids to school. For maybe 3 weeks he would get dressed and in the car, but wouldn’t get out when we got to school. He got sick and missed a week and now it’s worse than ever.
We got the school to help, they would pull him from the car and take him inside, letting him sit in the office until he was ready to go to class. Last week they said that they couldn’t do it anymore, that he had to be willing to go to school himself. Yesterday I sat in the office with him for 30 mins just trying to talk him into going to class.
His reasoning is that he doesn’t want to be away from me. He’s afraid that something will happen to me while he’s gone or that CPS will show up and take him (now he knows it’s possible because of his cousins). I’ve tried explaining that I’m okay, and CPS took his cousins because their parents weren’t being parents. It doesn’t matter what I do or say, he still won’t go.
I tried mommy and son dates, which worked for 3 weeks and then didn’t. I tried toys if he went to school each day and a larger reward at the end of the week. He gets no electronics if he doesn’t go and has to sit around doing homework all day but that doesn’t do anything. We’ve got him seeing a therapist and she says it’s separation anxiety but I still don’t know what to do. He’s got signs of stress from the days where we physically force him to go to school which makes it harder because I don’t want to traumatize him. School is almost out but his grades will drop if he keeps missing, I can’t keep doing this. Homeschool is not an option.
Posting here in hopes that someone else has gone through this and that there is a light at the end of this horrible tunnel.
submitted by Daired to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 ZenotheFlow Height is fluctuating about 3 inches on a day-to-day basis. Frequently weight lift with history of flat feet.

Hey all,
I know I should probably go to the doctor. But I haven't the slightest clue which specialty to check out.
Last year for my physical, I am 5'9" (69 inches). My girlfriend is 5'7.5" (67.5). Recently, over the past 6 months or so, my girlfriend has made comments of "you look my height today" or "you look taller today". I can't stress enough it's not an insecurity of mine, so this isn't a psychological-based question. I bring her into it because she was the "control group" and the one who noticed it. I chalked it up to the shoes I'm wearing or the shoe's she is wearing. One day however, around January both of us were in her apartment and we looked to be about the same height, both had no shoes. She measured me on the wall in her den and I was 67 inches exactly. I didn't think much of it and just said "huh, maybe I'm 5'7". Didn't go much else into it. Another day a few weeks later it was the same situation in her apartment except her thoughts were "you're tall" and we used the same wall. I was 70 and (1/4) inches. I had stretched my legs HEAVILY that day and did dead hangs in the gym. Told her that, to which she made a comment that my height should not be fluctuating that much.
Since then, "the wall" has heights as follows; 67in, 69.25in, 68.5in, 68in, 70.25in, 69in, and finally today I was MUCH shorter at 66.75 in. The range here is 66.75-70.25in. I am fluctuating slightly more than 3 inches on a day-to-day basis. All these measurements were taken with no shoes, on the same wall, with the same flexible measuring tape.
The reason I bring weightlifting into this is because as of late I feel like my legs have been getting super tight specifically in my glutes, IT band, and inner thigh muscles (sartorius/addutor longus) post-leg day. I have been weightlifting for 5 years on/off but last January I really started taking it seriously (bodybuilder prep-type serious) and log progress and use progressive overload to increase my weightload. About 6 months ago when this all started is also when I started to get way more tightness (not soreness) than usual. I also have extremely tight hamstrings. I've tried stretching more during my warm-ups and using a foam roller frequently. I notice my height seems to be on the taller range the same days/day following a long stretch/foam roll session. I seem to be my shortest a day or two after my leg days. I had flat feet as a child and wore orthotics. And have never had any foot pain until recently. It's not pain per say but on the days I have tightness in my legs I also have tightness in the bottom of my foot where my arch should be. Equally, I work at a desk job and experience lower back tightness that I try to stretch out as much as possible.
What doctor should I go to for this? Podiatrist? Physical therapist? Orthopedic Doctor? Please help.
TL;DR: Have been lifting for 5 years, very serious about it for 1.5 years. 6 months ago, my leg workouts started yielding much tighter than normal hamstrings/adductors/glutes out of nowhere. Around this time 6 months ago my height also started fluctuating within a range of 3 inches on a day-to-day basis. Also around this time 6 months ago I started experiencing tightness in where my arches are on bottom of my feet. Also experience low-back tightness from sitting in a desk. Not sure which doctor I should go to for medical treatment. Thank you!
submitted by ZenotheFlow to flexibility [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 Timely-Smell-9113 Resume Critique and General Questions

Resume Critique and General Questions
I'm deep in the process of trying to get my first actuarial job and I'm looking for advice on my resume/cover letter. Also I'm trying to understand what exactly recruiters are looking for so I can tailor the content of my applications towards that. I would also like to know how I stack up against other entry-level applicants so I can determine if I should get a placeholder job in the meantime. Thank you for any and all input.
(P.S.) I am specifically interested in P&C and committed to the CAS Exam Track
submitted by Timely-Smell-9113 to actuary [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:24 runnerdewd Chasing 'mold' through ERMI, pathway and air sampling only to never find a source

Sorry for the long post...
Hey everyone! I'm curious to know if anyone has ever had symptoms of mold exposure and even tested positive for mycotoxins, but no evidence shows in the home as to where the mold may be?
Back story, my wife has slowly had her health fail over the last 25 years. At first, she was diagnosed with a gluten allergy. We went gluten free and her health did seem to improve quite a bit for approximately 5 years. Since then it seems to be one thing after another, culminating in her pretty much feeling horrible most of the time. Her symptoms can range from gastro to burning arms and legs, coughing after eating, etc....She's told me on many occasions that she feels like she is dying. COVID didn't help our situation and we're still pretty restricted because we can't imagine adding the flu or COVID to how she already feels. When there is an opportunity to do something, she feels too horrible to even consider doing anything other than resting.
We have known for years that she was exposed to mold in her classroom, our first home and second home. We would bring these exposures to the forefront when seeing the multiple doctors we've seen over the years, but all have dismissed mold as a culprit, although they've not had any solutions for her continued failing health. We've spent likely over 200K seeing MD's, specialists, functional doctors and naturopaths. No one has an answer. Typically the relationship with these doctors ends with them thinking she is bringing these symptoms on herself and that she just needs to de-stress, meditate or take depression medication. Spoiler, none of these things have helped.
Fast forward to today. We're now working with a functional chiropractor who ran multiple tests and found that she has elevated Lyme bacteria and is positive for mold mycotoxins. This doctor asked us to run an ERMI test on our current home and it came back showing that there was mold detected, but not elevated. In his words, "Typically not a problem, but for you we should probably remediate." We brought in a mold company and they took air samples. Their air samples showed elevated mold in certain spaces, so they did visual inspections in those areas. No evidence of mold has been physically observed anywhere in our home. We then proceeded to spend 20K for a remediation company to clean our home using the HEPA sandwich method, removing all insulation from our attic space, remediation of that space including phogging and new insulation blown in. We also had a company who specializes in methods to clean mold from HVAC systems come in and clean our entire system.
After remediation we waited 6 weeks and took another ERMI test. Much to our surprise, the results were far worse than when we started. The ERMI now detected high levels of mold in our home. My wife has not felt better and in fact is probably even worse since remediation. She is going through treatment for for mold and so this may be due to herxmi or MCAS. Anyway, after the second ERMI came back worse we had the mold company come back out. Their air samples, again, found elevated mold in certain places. They even cut back dry wall in those spaces and found nothing. In all cases, everyone has said our house looks brand new. We plan to take another ERMI test as we've waited more than 6 months since the last. If this ERMI comes back high, we are considering moving.
So after this very long post, has anyone been down this path before? Where there is no visual evidence of mold in your residence even though testing keeps showing there may be? I understand the challenges with ERMI, air samples, feels like we are chasing a ghost to be honest. At this point in the process and if we purchased a new home, we will have spent north of 600K trying to figure out if mold is an issue. While I have no issues doing such a thing if needed, how in the world are we ever to know if there is an issue if the issue can never be seen and therefore properly removed?
submitted by runnerdewd to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]