Phim sex xxxx

Rèn luyện thói quen

2024.05.13 03:40 Tam-Vu2k2 Rèn luyện thói quen

Như tít, từ nhỏ tới giờ, t có cái thói rất hư là k bao giờ tập trung đc vào bất cứ cái gì, kiểu nếu có đi tập gym thì chỉ chăm chỉ đi tập đc 1 tuần, các tuần sau đi đc lúc k lúc có trong khi gói tập đóng 1 năm 🙄. Lúc tự học cũng vậy, hay mất thời gian vào mấy thứ vô bổ kiểu đọc truyện xem phim sex bla bla ngồi hết buổi mà đ đc cái gì 😗. Thấy như loser vậy, có cách nào giải quyết đc cái thói hư này k sẽ, t nản bản thân lắm rồi🥲
submitted by Tam-Vu2k2 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:54 Efficient_Use_1198 legit check pls <3

legit check pls <3 submitted by Efficient_Use_1198 to HystericGlamour [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:59 4ayo Discovering autism and I'm ...flabbergasted

I'm on a bit and long mental health and self-discovery travel. First labelled with [C]PTSD (still working on it), depression, anxiety then giftedness, ADHD. I encountered by luck two books that made me discover autism, the latter was Aspergirls by Rudy Simone. I was like "huuu what ?".
I did the tests on this website : and I'm scoring high on every one of them, to my surprise.
Without mentioning the tests, I told my psychologist I might be on the spectrum as well. She was mostly like "I don't think so because I don't feel like you have relationship problems, do you ?". I let it go because it wasn't the main topic of the session anyway and I'm getting used to people telling me "it's not possible you have xxx". No one believed me whe I was diagnosed with ahdhd anyway.
About the social part I know that :
But humans are my obsession so yes I'm able to look at your eyes brievly when you speak, I'm able to nod, I'm able to listen to what you say to me. I'm able to play the small talk even if I don't care about it. Hence, I'm able to answer adequately to someone speaking to me and I'm able to make the conversation flow.
After doing the online tests, some child flashbacks / memories came back to me (because most of the time memory is hidden due to PTSD) :
There are probably more points but already with these few I'm like "huuu, that MIGHT explain"...
Unfortunately, I always viewed autism to be the guy banging the head into the wall, so I'm still learning. Thank you for existing and making me learn :)
submitted by 4ayo to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 05:14 BrilliantOk8154 What exactly happened in this case?

I've been following a case in my area because I know the defendant. Not well enough to get insider info on his case from his friends and family so I've been following the public case records. I know very little about criminal law and court proceedings so I'm curious to know what happened in the case. Defendant is facing multiple charges for CSC and other abuse charges. He was scheduled to go to trial later this month. Just checked to see if there were any updates and see all this...what happened exactly?
CANCELLED The following event: JURY TRIAL - CRIMINAL scheduled for 05/xx/2024 at x:xx am has been resulted as follows: Result: CANCELLED Judge: XXX Location: XXX
SCHEDULED Event: SENTENCE DATE Date: 05/xx/2024 Time: x:xx pm Judge: XXXX Location: XX CIRCUIT COURT- COURTROOM #000
PLED DAY OF STATUS CONFERENCE The following event: FINAL STATUS CONFERENCE scheduled for 04/xx/2024 at x:xx pm has been resulted as follows: Result: PLED DAY OF STATUS CONFERENCE
submitted by BrilliantOk8154 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 11:11 OpenConversation3764 Passport

So i bought a passport book thinking it was a cover for my own passport. As it will look cute. I didn’t expect it to be Saeran’s own passport that i bought 😭. but the content inside it is so cute that i have no regrets.
submitted by OpenConversation3764 to mysticmessenger [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 12:21 Accurate-Message-469 TO LOVE AND DIE IN L.A. A TWO CHAPTER STORY TITLED: THE LETTER

This is Chapter 1 of a Two Chapter story. My version of how events played out over the course of Castle and Beckett's stay in L.A. For fun I pulled some dialogue from other episodes. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Letter
Kate and Castle had been sitting on the couch having a glass of wine reminiscing stories about Royce. When all of a sudden Castle had blindsided her with the most beautiful words she had ever heard and ended with "And your hotness" Kate smiled inside because that was so Castle, and it broke the tension.
She heard herself say, "You're not so bad yourself Castle", then realized that statement could open up a big can of worms, so she got up and told Castle she was going to bed. As she walked towards her room, she heard Castle blurt out "Kate", she grabbed the handle of the door, and just stood there. She stood there for what seemed like hours and put her forehead against the door and thought to herself, "If Only...If Only...If Only". Kate couldn't get those words that had been in Mike Royce's letter out of her head.
She already knew that she probably loved Castle and had since the freezer incident. He was such a good man, good son, good father. He was loyal to a fault, and the best partner that she ever had, but she also knew that being in a relationship with him took her way out of her comfort zone. She seemed to perpetually be in relationships with men that she didn't love. They were easy, one foot out the door, never really had to let them into your heart. Castle was so different from any man she had ever known. He wore is heart on his sleeve, hell on his whole body. He would be all in and would expect the same from her, and that frightened the hell out of her, and yet if she was ever going to find true happiness wouldn't she eventually have to put her heart out there? "If Only".
Kate took a deep breath and turned around and walked over to Castle. She looked into his eyes, she smiled to herself, his eyes were so full of love for her, and he looked like a deer in headlights right now. He was still sitting on the couch as she walked over to him. Kate smiled down on him and ran her hands thru his hair in a comforting gesture. She peered down to him and smiled and said "Castle, can you do me a favor"?
"Sure Kate, anything", he replied.
Of course he would she thought, that was her partner thru and thru. Kate reached down and kissed him on his forehead and said, "I need you to do a couple of things for me. One, I need you to talk to your friend Maurice and ask him if he can get us a murder board for in the morning. We have to wrap this up and take Ganz into custody tomorrow before Roy throws the book at us. Two, do you think you could extend our stay here for another couple of days? I've got vacation days stored up, so if you can stay longer, maybe we could take a mini vacation.
"Yeah, Kate I can stay", Castle happily replied. "Alexis is at Prinston getting extra credits for her last year in high school, and mother is, well mother. I'm hoping she hasn't burned the loft down, so yeah, I have time, what are you thinking"?
"Just see if you can change our flight to a couple of days later. I'm sure you know a guy", she chuckled. "So now I have one thing to do and then I'm going to bed because we will have a long day tomorrow. You get your chores done and head off to bed yourself".
"Okay Mom I'll do my chores and go to bed", Castle laughed.
Kate smiled as she walked to her door, then turned to Castle and flirted, "I Can't have you being a naughty boy...and least not yet", Then she turned and laughed as she scurried into her bedroom.
Castle mumbled under his breath, "Yeah, you better run, you evil woman".
Kate entered her bedroom and looked at her phone, she noticed Ten missed phone calls from Josh. She heaved a big sigh, because she was not looking forward to this conversation.
On just the first ring, like he'd been ready to pounce, Josh blurts out, "What the hell Kate, what the fuck is going on and why are you out in LA"?
Kate tried to keep her tone even, "How did you even know I was out in L.A. in the first place"?
"When you stopped answering your phone, I got worried, so I went down to the precinct and asked that Irish detective friend of yours".
Kate dripping with sarcasm said. "Is it all too much that you remember that a good friend of mines name is Ryan? Forget it, you'll never remember because it's not important enough to you". She continued to explain. "A very important person in my life Josh, has been murdered and I'm out here to bring his killer to justice".
Josh sighed, "I'm sorry about your friend Kate, but can't they handle it out there, it's not even in your jurisdiction. I had a couple of days off and I thought we could spend some time together.
"I'm not at your beckon call Josh, and my friend deserved for me to bring his killer in, me and only me. So just deal with it please".
Josh huffs, "Okay fine, so when will you be home"?
Kate took a deep breath and said, "Josh will you play a little game with me? Just a couple of questions I have for you, nothing difficult, just questions that a boyfriend would know after being in a relationship for nearly 8 months. They're very easy".
"How did we get from why you are out in L.A., and why didn't you have the courtesy to call me to let me know, to playing a game"?
Kate replied "I think if you play the game you'll come to understand the other stuff. So, are you going to play or not"?
"Fine", he yelled in total frustration.
Kate started "Okay, first question. What is my favorite color"?
"OMG you're killing me here", Kate could see in her mind that he was running his hands thru his way to long hair. "Umm, Green"?
"No Josh, its purple. Next question. What's my favorite flower?"
Josh with more confidence says, "Thats easy, Roses. I always get you Roses because you love them".
"No Josh, I don't. My favorite flowers are lilies just like my mothers were, but you never asked me, you always assumed".
"You are fucking kidding me, right? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Why didn't you ask, or even care to find out"? Kate replied.
Kate continued, "Remember that day when you came into the precinct to pick me up for dinner and Castle and I had been looking at comic books, and you sauntered over and looked down on my desk and acted like an ass and said, "Isn't it ridiculous for an adult to have comic books"? (Kate remembered laughing when Castle replied, "Ridiculously awesome)".
Josh not sure where any of this was going said, "Yeah I remember thinking that it was stupid for a grown man to collect that stuff".
"Well for your information half those comic books were mine Josh. Castle and I were betting on whose collection was better. I love the character Electra and he loves Batman, but after your lame criticism I chose to hide that from you because of your holy than though attitude of comic books".
Josh, was stunned and said," You like comic books Kate? The most driven cop in New York"?
Kate ignored him and continued, "Remember me asking you to go see Forbidden Planet with me a movie that I just love. I asked about 4 times, and you kept turning me down. You kept saying you had to work, but I called down at the hospital and found out you volunteered to work, just to avoid going with me".
Josh sighed and replied, "I'm sorry Kate, I'm just not into that stuff, but I should have told you".
Kate laughed and said, "Hey it's alright, I went with Castle, and we had popcorn and candy and then we went to Remy's and had a shake and we talked for hours about our love of the movie, and I had one of the best times I've ever had".
Josh now steamed belted out" So let me get this straight, you have a boyfriend, but you chose to go to the movies with another man".
Kate kept laughing, "Yeah, and you want to know what else? The first time he ever bought me flowers, because he knew I'd had a bad day, they were lilies, and for my birthday he got me a purple scarf, he knows my favorite tv soap opera, my favorite bad sci fi tv show, I've never told him any of these things, but he listens to me, and he cares about me, way more than my so-called boyfriend does."
Castle had just walked back into the room from doing his chores. He walked over to Kate's room to see if she was still awake to tell her that everything had been arranged. As he got near the door, he heard her starting to get loud.
"So, just to get this all straight, your shadow that follows you around like a lost puppy, the writer of bad pulp fiction, knows all these things about you that I don't, ...Wait a minute, is he out there in L.A with you right now"?
Kate now had lost all reasoning with him, and she started to yell out. "Yeah, Josh he's with me like he always is, and let me tell you what you fucking jackass, I'm proud to have been the inspiration for his books and I'm proud to be his partner. I love Nikki Heat, I loved Derek Storm, I loved the book " In A Hail of Bullets, and "When It Comes To Slaughter".
"My mother loved his books, and when my father turned into a drunk, and when my mother was murdered, I went down a deep rabbit whole so bad that I really didn't care if I woke up the next day. Then I read the last book my mother was reading before she died, "In a Hail of Bullets", and it saved my life. He wrote about the wicked being vanquished by the righteous, that good willed out against evil, and I read every book he wrote, over and over. Its why I became a cop. He literally saved my life".
Castle had heard enough. The tears poured down his face. He hated so much how she had suffered and how far gone she had once been. He loved her so much, and it killed him knowing all the people that had let her down. He turned to go to bed, though he knew that sleep would never come, as he would think only of the beautiful brunette in the other room, and how his words had helped her. He put his hand over his mouth as he started to sob.
Kate wiping the tears from her eyes calmly said, "You know what Josh, my biggest mistake was running back to you when Castle and I were rescued from the freezer. I knew then that neither one of us were really committed to each other. Everyone thinks I'm this bad ass cop, but no one realizes that I love magic, I love comic books, I love to cuddle, and feel a strong arm around my waist instead of him rolling over and facing the other way, I love to feel the rain coming down on my face on a hot summer's night. I'm Detective Beckett, but I'm also Kate, and you never seemed to get that. You come over, we have sex sometimes, we make casual conversation, and we go to bed, then start it back up the next day. That's not a relationship, that's just a bunch of one-night stands strung together, and it's not enough anymore".
Josh sighed and said, "Wow, I wish you had said something earlier. For what it's worth I'm sorry that I didn't try harder, but as soon as you get back, I promise to be a better boyfriend".
Kate trying to regain so semblance of normalcy said, "Josh, are you at my apartment now"?
"Yeah", he replied, "I let myself in when I was looking for you".
Kate took a deep breath and said, "Okay, now here's what I need you to do. Put your key on my kitchen counter, then take whatever you think is yours, there shouldn't be much, then walk out of my place and lock the door before you leave. Then go have a good life, find someone that you can get to know better, but don't contact me again. Do you hear me"?
Josh not understanding this whole turn of events says, "I can't believe this Kate, you're actually breaking up with me for him"?
"No Josh, I'm breaking up with you for me. I need to find someone that thinks I'm special, that wants to go to a movie with me, because he enjoys my company, that enjoys the things that I do, and by the way Castle's ten times the man that you are and I'm sorry it took me this long to see it". With that Kate hung up and stumbled into bed and fell asleep, thinking about her writer and best friend.
chapter 2 coming up
submitted by Accurate-Message-469 to CastleTV [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 18:20 hzkoo-369 Tại sao những người tài năng họ đều xuất ngoại hết chứ ko ai ở lại xây dựng, phát triển nước ta?

Hôm nay t sẽ nói Trần Anh Hùng-vị đạo diễn gốc Việt khiến t cảm thấy "ngạo nghễ Việt Nam" vl nhưng đồng thời cũng dấy lên trong t những bức xúc về chế độ sv này


T ko phải nhà phê bình phim, t ko đủ trình độ để phán xét xem 1 bộ phim là hay hay chán cả. Nhưng dưới góc nhìn của cá nhân t, phim của Trần Anh Hùng rất đáng xem, hầu hết đều vừa yên bình vừa nhẹ nhàng, chậm rãi nên có thể hơi chán, phù hợp cho những lúc ta muốn chậm lại, muốn nhìn nhận thế giới 1 cách tinh tế, qutam hơn để quên đi những bộn bề cuộc sống. Hình ảnh thì đẹp mãn nhãn, miễn chê, cảm giác vừa thơ mộng vừa rất thực. Ông đạt được khá nhiều giải thưởng, gần đây nhất là giải đạo diễn xuất sắc nhất trong LHP Cannes với tác phẩm Muôn vị nhân gian ( The taste of things )
Và tác phẩm mà t ưng nhất của ông chính là Xích Lô ( Cyclo ), quay tại VN, đạt giải sư tử vàng trong LHP Venice, lần đầu xem ko nghĩ là phim của Trần Anh Hùng luôn, vì nó khá khác lạ so với những bộ phim khác của ông. Xích Lô bị cấm chiếu ở nước ta, lí do theo t tìm hiểu được thì là vì nó phản ánh xã hội đau thương, bạo lực không đúng với thực tế Việt Nam ??? Trần Anh Hùng sau đó còn bị coi là "chống chế độ" và bị cấm về VN trong 1 tg dài, Xích Lô của ông cũng vấp phải những đả kích lớn đến từ ngành văn hóa, bị chỉ trích thậm tệ. 1 tài năng xuất chúng mà bị đối xử thế đấy!? Ông chia sẻ với tờ báo Thanh Niên rằng giới văn hóa VN kiểm duyệt quá nặng nề, bóp nghẹt các ý tưởng sáng tạo, làm cho ông cực kì căng thẳng khi quay phim tại đây.
Những lời ấy khiến t ko khỏi ngẫm nghĩ. Những thầy cô ở Mĩ luôn thích đc lắng nghe những ý kiến, trải nghiệm riêng của học sinh, họ ít khi phán xét, và luôn động viên con trẻ hãy là chính mình ( t thấy v ). Nhưng tại Việt Nam, mấy khi m đc nghe câu đó ( t thì chưa baoh ), chỉ cần có những ý tưởng hơi khác biệt, lập tức bị bác bỏ ngay, lí do thì 3 xàm 3 láp t nghe chả hiểu mẹ j. Thế thì dân chủ, tự do cái nỗi gì ở đây? Hài dón là nhiều thằng cứ nghĩ đất nước màu hồng, thiện lành, sung sướng lắm cơ. Mĩ bạo lực, xả súng ầm ầm, Nhật thảo mai, nghiện sex...🤡 đc sinh sống ở VN là quý hóa quá, vâng, quý hóa với những thằng vô tri, đầu óc rỗng tuếch như bò đỏ chúng mày thôi, có chết mục ra trong nghèo đói, dốt nát nhưng "được" chết ở VN vẫn là quý hóa. Đất nước này tuyệt đến thế thì tại sao chẳng thằng nào muốn ở lại mà cứ thích bay nhảy rồi định cư ở mấy nước "hèn hạ" hơn là thế nào nhỉ? Hay lại vẫn nghĩ cno ngu si, dốt nát, sính ngoại, me Tây, đu càng...? À t còn nhận ra 1 điểm chung của bò đỏ cmay nữa nhé, lên mạng chửi đổng 3 que, share/tim Dòng Máu Vịt 🦆, đi đâu cũng ngạo nghễ VN, yêu quê hương đất nước nhiệt tình lắm nhưng nước ra sao thì kệ mẹ nước, bố đéo qutam, bố là cứ phải "thùng rỗng kêu to" cho sướng cái mồm bố đã, phát triển đất nước là việc của thằng khác mà thằng nào thì đéo biết
submitted by hzkoo-369 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 09:07 Fearless-Seat-9200 Phim sex education season 4 release date bình đại 2024

Xem phim sex education season 4 release date bình đại 2024 full mới nhất. Mùa cuối của Sex Education 4 là bước tiến cuối cùng của băng bạn Moordale, những người đã đồng hành cùng việc "giáo dục giới tính" cho thanh thiếu niên thông qua màn ảnh từ năm 2019.
submitted by Fearless-Seat-9200 to u/Fearless-Seat-9200 [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 09:03 Fearless-Seat-9200 Phim sex education season 4 release date mộc châu

Link xem phim sex education season 4 release date mộc châu full 2024. Các tập 1 2 3 4 5 của phimSex Education” (Giáo Dục Giới Tính) đã được khởi chiếu. Phim Sex Education luôn là một loạt phim không chỉ tập trung vào nhân vật chính. Mỗi nhân vật trong bộ phim đều có câu chuyện, tính cách và số phận riêng, thu hút sự quan tâm của khán giả, từ những người bạn của Otis đến mẹ của cậu và các phụ huynh khác.
Dù có những cảm xúc mãn nguyện hoặc thất vọng, nhiều khán giả theo dõi loạt phim đã lâu cũng đã cảm thấy xúc động khi phải nói lời tạm biệt với những nhân vật họ yêu thích sau khi mùa cuối của Sex Education kết thúc.
submitted by Fearless-Seat-9200 to u/Fearless-Seat-9200 [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 00:14 random8690 Is this gaslighting/emotional abuse?

I tried to explain to my partner that I feel scared to tell him how I feel or if he has done something to upset me because he shouts a lot and says I'm making things complicated.
He then proceeded to tell my about 6 reasons why he is nearly done with me. That it's a logistical nightmare having sex with me( recently diagnosed with crohns and have serious fatigue as a symptoms, also on antidepressents)
That he's sick of all this bullshit and I make everything complicated and why do I have to tell him how i feel all the time. That has hasn't got time for my bullshit.
Then he said that he is sexuallu frustrated because we didn't have sex this week and its not acceptable and I shouldn't be leaving him like that. Why wpuld I feel close if he shouts at me like that?
I am very anxious to speak how I feel because he just shouts at me and swears and slams doors. It's very rare that I shout back mostly I just sit and take it, cry and then go to bed. Sometimes I try to calmly stand up for myself but I don't shout or swear I am very careful hoe I speak to him.
He is addicted to alcohol and also cannabis.
I pay for more bills, all the food pretty much. He borrows money from me nearly every month.
After this argument I said I couldn't take anymore and went to bed.
Then, because I hate going to sleep when things aren't cool i sent this message and this was the reply. Is this gaslighting? This was less than one hour after he said all this stuff.
Me: please, I don't want to go to sleep not cool, I want to have a nice day tomorrow. I love you xxxx
Him: I didn't realise we weren't cool???
submitted by random8690 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 17:36 hzkoo-369 Cmay thấy sao về việc trẻ em VN được dùng điện thoại quá sớm

T thì thấy cực kì tai hại. Nhìn ngay vụ thk lồn 2k9 đâm chết ny nó, vớ đc cái đt chat chit yêu đương 3 lăng nhăng hết lên r đụ đẻ, có bầu sướng dữ chưa? Bọn nó đc tiếp xúc với mxh quá sớm, lại chẳng ai dạy bảo thành ra tốt xấu như nào đéo biết, mà cái tuổi mười mấy ấy còn rất thích hùa, thích thể hiện mình ngầu. Có những thk mới học c1 nch về sex t nghe mà phát sợ luôn, đầu cno tưởng tượng ra đủ thứ trong khi vẫn chỉ lớp 4 lớp 5. Bọn c2 thì đụ đẻ ầm ầm đến mức t thấy bthg khi nghe tin lại có 1 con vị thành niên hoặc bé hơn có bầu ( t đang nói trường hợp cả 2 tự nguyện nhé ) r thì chụp ảnh quay clip gửi cho trai xem như mấy con đĩ, nhiều con lúc biết bị lộ vẫn ung dung bthg như đéo có chuyện j. Chưa kể, xem phim, tiktok quá nhiều khiến cno bắt đầu bị hoang tưởng, tự nhận mình bad boy, trap girl, hãnh diện vì từng qua đêm với nhiều thằng, nhiều con 🤡? làm thì đéo chịu làm nhma lúc nào lớn cũng phải cưới chồng giàu, đẹp trai, chiều chuộng. Toàn chỉ biết đòi hỏi, ảo tưởng. Còn có thể loại vì fame mà con cặc j cũng up lên mxh, từ chuyện riêng tư, yêu đương,học hành đến gđ để kể lể. Ko biết cmay như nào chứ t là t đéo muốn dính dáng j đến loại đấy, vì sơ hở ra là câu chuyện về m sẽ đc bế lên lảm nhảm, mổ xẻ vì vài ba cái tim, cái like trên media của bọn nó. Vẫn còn nhiều cái khiến t khó chịu nữa, nhma thôi. T muốn nghe ý kiến của cmay
submitted by hzkoo-369 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 18:18 ASleetHippyDippyWW Trans Bill of Rights V3+ and starter bill

  1. The right to access gender affirming hormones and surgery shall not be infringed or abridged.
Clarification: bills like South Carolina’s HB 3730 (the Millstone Act) and Texas Senate Concurrent Resolution 3 of 2023 aim to attack trans adults access to healthcare.
Justification: see above.
  1. The right of youth determine the level of gender affirming care necessary, in accordance with guidelines set by professional organizations, shall not be infringed or abridged.
Clarification: professional organizations meaning the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association and the World Professional Agency for Transgender Health who have all set guidelines for trans youth accessing hormones and puberty blockers.
Justification: legislation such as Florida HB 254 (passed), Texas SB 1690 and Oklahoma SB 129 aim to not only set a minimum age of 18 to access gender affirming care, but they also aim to take custody, kidnap, youth of parents who aid them in their transition - if the parent isn't transphobic and does everything in their power to delay the transition.
  1. The right to change names and identification markers without unnecessary arduous processes, violations of privacy or cruel and unusual requirements, shall not be infringed.
  2. The right to life, without the threat of violence shall not be infringed. The Trans Panic Defense shall not be recognized in the United States.
  3. The right to be recognized and treated as one's authentic gender under the law in all legal matters, including incarceration, shall not be infringed or abridged.
  4. The right to hold any government position or office shall not be abridged based on one's gender identity.
  5. Employment and housing shall not be denied based on one's gender identity.
  6. The right to participate in sporting events per one's authentic gender.
Clarification: authentic gender meaning what one identifies as, for lack of better language.
Justification: self explanatory.
  1. The use of a public bathroom, without undue intervention or harassment from the State, shall not be infringed or abridged.
  2. Amended: The use of the bathroom corresponding to one's gender identity, without undue intervention or harassment from the State or by private persons, shall not be infringed or abridged, whether in the public or the private sphere.
The above will be used to craft the bill below for the Michigan Legislature, before pushing for copycat bills.
Michigan Senate Bill No. XXXX
Introduced by Senator X
A bill to establish a transgender bill of rights in the State of Michigan.
WHEREAS the State of Michigan is home to over 32,000 transgender and gender diverse people and
WHEREAS the transgender community faces an onslaught of discrimination in employment, housing and day to day life,and where it is the duty of thr State to protect and uphold civil liberties,
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: Sec.1 (a): Section 102 (1) of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (Public Act 453 of 1976), The opportunity to obtain employment, housing and other real estate, and the full and equal utilization of public accommodations, public service, and educational facilities without discrimination because of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status as prohibited by this act, is recognized and declared to be a civil right, is hereby amended as follows:
The opportunity to obtain employment, housing and other real estate, and the full and equal utilization of public accommodations, public service, and educational facilities without discrimination because of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, height, weight, familial status, or marital status as prohibited by this act, is recognized and declared to be a civil right.
(b) Section 201 of the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act (Public Act 453 of 1976), As used in this article: (a) “Employer” means a person who has 1 or more employees, and includes an agent of that person. (b) “Employment agency” means a person regularly undertaking with or without compensation to procure, refer, recruit, or place an employee for an employer or to procure, refer, recruit, or place for an employer or person the opportunity to work for an employer and includes an agent of that person. (c) “Labor organization” includes: (i) An organization of any kind, an agency or employee representation committee, group, association, or plan in which employees participate and which exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours, or other terms or conditions of employment. (ii) A conference, general committee, joint or system board, or joint council which is subordinate to a national or international labor organization. (iii) An agent of a labor organization. (d) “Sex” includes, but is not limited to, pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth that does not include nontherapeutic abortion not intended to save the life of the mother,is hereby amended as follows:
As used in this article: (a) “Employer” means a person who has 1 or more employees, and includes an agent of that person. (b) “Employment agency” means a person regularly undertaking with or without compensation to procure, refer, recruit, or place an employee for an employer or to procure, refer, recruit, or place for an employer or person the opportunity to work for an employer and includes an agent of that person. (c) “Labor organization” includes: (i) An organization of any kind, an agency or employee representation committee, group, association, or plan in which employees participate and which exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours, or other terms or conditions of employment. (ii) A conference, general committee, joint or system board, or joint council which is subordinate to a national or international labor organization. (iii) An agent of a labor organization. (d) “Sex” includes, but is not limited to, pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth that does not include nontherapeutic abortion not intended to save the life of the mother. (e) “Gender identity" includes, but is not limited to, transgender, non-binary,gender non-conforming, or individuals questioning or in gender transition.
Sec. 2 (a):
to be finished
submitted by ASleetHippyDippyWW to trans [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:02 loserlovver I feel crazy. Am I falling in love too fast ?

Hey everyone. As the tittle says I kind of feel a bit crazy because I’m developing feelings FAST. For context I (26F) have been single by choice for the past almost 3 years. After my last relationship ended I obviously didn’t want to jump straight into a serious thing again, so for about a year and a half after that I dated and hung out casually with men. After some unfortunate events and some unfortunate men, I realized I wasn’t gaining anything nor did I feel good with the people I wqs seeing or the things that I was doing. So again by choice, I decided that I wanted to try a year of “celibacy”. Beyond sex, I didn’t even talked to any men or flirted or entertained the idea of seeing anyone. I just focused on myself, my friends, I took the time to let go of all that had happened and also think what I really wanted from my dating life. It was a wonderful year.
Towards the end of last year I met a friend of a friend. My friend inmediatly told me “he is very much your type” I wasn’t really gonna do anything since I hadn’t reached the year yet, but because I thought he was cute I just followed him on instagram. About a month passed by I made the year mark, and from what I saw from this guy he seemed really nice and interesting. After failled conversations with my friends I didn’t know how to approach him since I was out of the game for quite a while and also grew quite comfortable being single. But suddenly he texted me and we started talking. I have never felt so comfortable talking to someone and having so many easy going conversations just getting to know each other. Eventually through our mutual friend we met in person again and I realized I definitely liked this man and he definitely liked me back. We had our first date and It was amazing. To summarize we had the best of times, we clicked, we bonded you knowww. He started to tell me he really really liked me and was developing feelings. I had never been with a man who is so open about what he feels, so obviously I had my doubts what if he is lying? What if he just have some sort of weird attachment?. For a while I kept this toughts to myself, but things just kept escalating and becoming more feeling and serious rather than just two people “casually” getting to know eachother. So we finally had that deep conversation yesterday and he in many ways let me know we was dead serious. He really does feel those things for me, he means it, he is also lowkey scared at how fast we are bonding and how much we like each other. This gave me the reassurance I needed so I confensed I also liked him and care for him, but I am scared things will implode and die if we let ourselves get carried away by how fast and how much we feel. He feels the same but says he’d rather be honest and let me know the truth because he has never feel like this and thinks its somehow special. I feel great with him and although h none of us are particularly romantic feely people yet here we are being romantic feely people making plans and wanting to fall in love and possibly have a relationship. Its weird because I’m usually a very rational human and part of me is telling me “you are crazy dont trust yourself or his feelings give it time so things can develop organically” but another part of me thinks “fuck it, go for it, throw yourself into this and enjoy this wonderful thing that makes me feel amazing and that doesnt happen everyday”. I feel crazy I dont know if this is normal ? Like can people really fall in love this fast and still keep a rational mindset ? Do people actually fall in love this fast ? Is this actually what meeting the right person feels like ? Aaaaaa help I just wanna read some outsider perspective. Thanks xxxx
submitted by loserlovver to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:20 truthseeking444 Should I send a letter to my friend/coworker that is in jail?

For some context I 25f started a new job a few months ago and quickly became friends with my coworker 25m, we have a lot of common interests in hobbies, music, etc. and just instantly clicked. But he recently went to jail and I was thinking about writing him because I would want to talk to people if I were in that situation but I’m hesitant. Like I said at the start we instantly clicked but it was more than friends we hooked up like the first week we met each other and it was great we have a lot of the same kinks and we both hadn’t had sex like that in a while, the problem is he has a girlfriend. We ended up having sex twice but then I cut it off and told him we could only be friends and I couldn’t keep hooking up since he has a girlfriend. I know it’s shitty we even hooked up at all I’ve never been that girl before and I’ll never do it again I feel so guilty about it. But anyway I am still friends with him so I’m wondering if I should write him or should I take this time separated as a sign I probably shouldn’t even be friends with him after all that. Advice please !!!! Thanks xxxx
submitted by truthseeking444 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 09:27 Fearless-Seat-9200 Phim sex education season 4 release date đồng tháp

Full link phim sex education season 4 release date đồng tháp, em sinh viên năm nhất yêu đơn phương thầy giảng viên trẻ đẹp trai hàn quốc
submitted by Fearless-Seat-9200 to u/Fearless-Seat-9200 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 09:24 Fearless-Seat-9200 phim sex education season 4 release date australia ko che

phim sex education season 4 release date australia ko che
Bản full Mùa 4 của Sex Education trên Netflix không chỉ là mùa phim mới nhất mà còn là mùa cuối cùng của loạt phim giáo dục giới tính nổi tiếng này. Dư luận đánh giá về mùa 4 này có sự phân cực và đa dạng ý kiến - có người rất thích nhưng cũng có người cảm thấy thất vọng. Tuy nhiên, không thể phủ nhận rằng bộ phim đã cố gắng truyền đạt những thông điệp ý nghĩa.

phim sex education season 4 release date australia ko chê
submitted by Fearless-Seat-9200 to u/Fearless-Seat-9200 [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 05:58 SpecialFootball350 Bằng chứng ngoại tình

Tôi có bằng chứng quay phim nhiều đoạn tin nhắn chat sex nhưng không có video qhtd. Xin hỏi khi ra toà có thắng kiện được không? Video tôi quay có tài khoản zalo và số điện thoại, có cả tin nhắn hình ảnh chân dung của 2 người. Con tôi mới 2 tuổi, dù con có phải sống không có mẹ tôi cũng nhất quyết ly dị con tiện nhân này. Xin giúp đỡ ạ
submitted by SpecialFootball350 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 07:49 AssociationHorror394 OMG THIS EXISTS

OMG THIS EXISTS submitted by AssociationHorror394 to ScottPilgrim [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 09:01 sleepinqzzz one of the dumps of all time

one of the dumps of all time submitted by sleepinqzzz to WeDoALittlePosting [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 06:11 poopygirI keep getting a yeast infection with same guy

hi queens this is something really weird happening at the moment to me and i asked the askdocs reddit to no avail. please help a girl out. heres the context:
this guy isn’t my boyfriend and we’ve had sex twice on separate occasions. first time, we had threesome (unprotected) then afterwards, me and him had sex just us. we both got thrush after that, the other girl from the threesome didn’t, so we just thought it was a side effect of having a threesome without protection. i got it treated with the creams and pessaries and it all went away. then we had sex again 2 months later (unprotected again) and we’ve both got a yeast infection again.
NOW THE THING IS!! in the time since the threesome, he started having regular having sex with another girl (stopped before we had sex again) and he says neither of them got a yeast infection when they were doing it. he says they were having unprotected sex as well.
i’ve been with other guys before and this never happened with them, unprotected or not, so why now?? everything had been fully treated so i don’t understand why it’s coming back with this specific guy only and why he is also getting it as well.
btw we’ve both been tested for stds and have both come back clean. also my bad for not using protection, oversight on my part. queens don’t judge me for my messy sex life please. i’m just worried there is actually something wrong with me. how can i fix this??? why is it happening?? yall let me know if you need to know anything else, thank you girls xxxx
submitted by poopygirI to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 13:46 alsbexx xnxx xmxx
submitted by alsbexx to yourpornsites [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 13:45 alsbexx pakistani porn
submitted by alsbexx to hotshortsx [link] [comments]