Answers to wiley plus accounting assignment 2

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2024.05.14 19:23 TheEternalVortex r/SpidermanPS4 Moderator Applications - May 2024

Hi, everyone!

Hope you are all doing great!
I would like to make an announcement that as of today, SpidermanPS4 will be opening up moderator applications!
This has been overdue for a while, I think, but I’m hopeful that this will be a huge step in trying to reestablish stable and efficient moderation on the subreddit.
I’m sure many of you know that moderation isn’t where it could be and from a moderator standpoint, I feel like we could be doing better, especially since the mod team has been dwindled down to one or two of us.
Ideally, I’d like to add 2-4 moderators who are willing to actively engage with the community and the other moderators. Those selected will start off with limited permissions, but I intend to remove those restrictions once a sense of trust is built.

SpidermanPS4 Moderator Applications - May 2024

The applications will run from the 14th May 2024 to 28th May 2024.
You will need a Google Account to access the form. This is a preventative measure to avoid multiple applications per user.
All applicants will be reviewed once the deadline is over. Successful applicants will be contacted through their provided accounts.
If you have any questions on any of this, or perhaps even other queries, suggestions or concerns, I’d be willing to answer them or hear your feedback.
submitted by TheEternalVortex to SpidermanPS4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:17 ashakar Listen up management, stop wasting money on AI search

When there are lots of other things that AI could do to increase our effectiveness. For starters, we should be focusing on using AI for things that we know AI/LLMs can be good at, not spitting out 50 useless references.
So management, here are some things that would actually be useful to us to help bring down the backlog and greatly improve quality. All of these would also be a much better use of those IT development funds than AI search:
1) Automatic checking of 112 antecedent basis, and writing of the rejection. A single button push, and we just read it over and remove anything we don't agree with. We can implement with #3, and the applicant/attorney can handle most of it before it even makes it to an examiner.
2) Train a LLM that we input our best 1-5 references(that we believe teaches all the claims) into and it does the mapping and drafts the rejection. This is within the realm of what LLMs are capable of. Most of us are really good at searching, and writing the rejection is the most tedious part of this job. We have millions of rejections to train a LLM to do this. It doesn't have to be perfect, and if it can't put together something sensible for a claim, then we can either correct it, find another reference, or indicate allowability.
3) Have a user (stakeholder) facing version of PE2E so that we are all working with the same stuff. This way firms and companies can use this to manage their IP portfolios and assign work (we all know some are still using excel spreadsheets and secretaries). This also allows both sides to benefit from tool advancements in PE2E, and also would allow the examiner to contact the attorney who's actually assigned to the case. There is no reason to have a completely different system for the applicants. You can even create an API so companies can feel free to make their own customized front end versions to suit their specific needs if they want to.
4) All referenced parts of references in an OA should automatically be hyperlinked. In conjunction with #3, you could just click and it would open the reference in a new window, and highlight the referenced portions. You could also add a button that opens all the references used in an OA and highlights all the referenced figures and paragraphs. This would save examiners, attorneys, and inventors time. This can also work with attorneys arguments and can reference parts of any other document in the file (i.e. the arguments can hyperlink to parts of the OA)
5) One click analysis of IDS prior art. Essentially it's like #2, and it then shows you the highlighted pertinent part of those references (if any). This would be incredibly useful for any IDS, but moreso for those 800 reference ones.
6) Automatic checking of the application for grammar and matching of references to figures. This could be incorporated with #3 so that the applicant/attorney can potentially address these problems before it ever makes it to an examiner. Most of us don't bother checking this as it is, so this is a pure quality enhancement.
7) In SEARCH, as a part (or advancement to #2), the examiner should be able to highlight a portion of a reference, right click, and be able to associate that part with specific claim(s). It would also be smart enough to automatically associate similar claims, like if claims 2, 12, and 22 are basically the same, then you only need to click claim 2. Honestly, limit the selection menu to just the unique claims with an "expand" option in case we need it.
8) If you have #2 and #3, you can then present the applicant with a potential rejection for their amendments before they even submit it. This will eliminate poor amendments that don't really advance prosecution. You could even expand this to analyze the applicants entire spec and highlight potential portions that don't seem to have associations with the references used in the rejection.
9) Automatic checking if art is prior art for an application. We should also have a one click filter in search to limit all results to only prior art for that application. I shouldn't have to input a date or any of that crap, search is already associated with an application, so just automated this for us. This should also highlight or mark any references that are potential prior art exceptions.
10) Automatic checking for ODP. This can be done with #2s prior art and every application/patent associated with the same inventors/assignee that isn't prior art. It then writes up draft rejections for all conflicts it finds. With #3 the applicant should be able with a single click to automatically populate a TD based off the ODP rejections and submit it.
11) With #3, automatic checking and warning to the applicant/attorney for things that are missing in their response.
12) Automatic analysis of applicants claims, spec and figures such that I can highlight and right click a claim and select "show support", and it will show me only the parts of the spec and figures it believes is associated with that claim. This will save us time when we need to try and figure out what a claim actually means. This could also be expanded to write potential new matter rejections and/or with #3 and #8 to present potential issues to an applicant before they even submit an amendment.
13) Automatically attach search SEARCH history to the associated OA. Why do I need to manually do this for every OA? Same thing with IDSs, bib, and stamped amendments for being entered or not.
14) Automatically populate the OA summary form using the associated rejection. In addition auto populate the "3" for months to respond.
15) Put AIR requests on our docket as either their own tab or under "expedited". It's beyond stupid that this goes through email and isn't integrated with PE2E. This can even be more simplified for requesting an interview (either by the examiner or applicant) with #3.
All of these things are doable, and would be way more useful for the Office, examiners and applicants than dumping more and more money into useless "AI" search. Plus, if you have #2, then you can actually start to better evaluate automated search results and show pertinent portions in association with claims, which without this, any automated search is essentially useless anyway.
I'm sure other people here can add to this list of realisticly achievable things that can bring the office into the modern age and that are needed.
submitted by ashakar to patentexaminer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:13 severe_system_shock To Students and To Edgenuity Themselves

Should someone involved in the inner running of Edgenuity be reading this, know that it is not mindless criticism. I have some things I do genuinely like and prefer about your site, which I mention. Consider reading, if you much care for the opinions of a highschool senior about to graduate.
I get why they want students to 'actually learn' and stuff, but they've been going super hard to crack down on userscripts and extensions. I know a lot of people used scripts to pull them through classes, but I mostly had them for QoL (Quality-of-Life, for you non-whippersnappers) changes that I have a hard time working without, such as skipping the little audio bits on assignments and auto-advancing through completed segments and videos.
I honestly wouldn't be so upset about the total blocking of scripts if these changes were implemented into Edgenuity itself, though I doubt they'd even consider that. I do my own work, answer the questions myself, write my own essays, etc.
From the looks of it (at least from the way Edgenuity has been systematically blocking userscripts before this 'academic integrity' block), someone with involvement in the development and operation of the site occasionally references this subreddit to see what they need to block. Maybe one of them will read this. Like I said, I understand wanting students to actually retain information from their classes.
I do really appreciate how Edgenuity lets me work on my own time and keeps all my work in one place, but I definitely think that the site and service as a whole could stand to be improved. A fair bit of the content is outdated (in that it's more than 5-10 years old, by the looks of it), but of course I know that updating all of these classes would be expensive and largely redundant since most of the information still holds up.
My biggest grievance is, like I mentioned before, just how slow the work gets when small QoL alterations are missing that I had added via userscript. It moves from manageable to an absolute slog when I have to listen to the beginning and end audio clips (that really add nothing of value, might I add, as a majority of them just say 'read the question and answer' which is... obvious) and manually click through the videos. This is fine when there are 2-4 segments, but it can get annoying quickly, especially when I've seen some 'Direct Instruction' assignments have upwards of 15 segments, a majority of which are videos that are only 2-3 minutes long.
Now, maybe I haven't been the most integrous student. Maybe I've used Brainly for a few answers, but (although I respect the teachers wholly) I cannot for the life of me sit through these lecture videos and actually listen to gather information myself.
I understand that reading through a scripted curriculum isn't exactly thrilling, and it's nearly impossible to engage with content when the teacher treats their subject matter with the same love, care, and attention as the man that throws bags into the rear of a garbage truck (so to say, without much care at all).
Also, might I add in regard to literature-based classes, so much of it is very linear despite literature and writing being one of the most varied and subjective subjects in education. Much of these classes asks questions based on interpretations of writing, as if there are single correct interpretations of something that is, notoriously, not a subject with objective answers.
I myself am not autistic, though I occasionally have issues discerning meaning and tone through text (and I can imagine this is only amplified for people who ARE on the spectrum of autism) which makes classes revolving around reading and interpreting literature very difficult for me. Getting an answer wrong simply because I have a different interpretation or understanding of a text is infuriating.
I do not have solely negative feelings for Edgenuity. As I mentioned before, I appreciate having all of my schoolwork in one place and in order (I used to lose assignments quite often when I attended physical school). I appreciate how flexible it allows my schedule to be, especially as a highschool senior who is actively studying for my permit and is taking on quite a few new responsibilities as I turn 18 soon.
Edgenuity is to school what watching a movie at home is as opposed to in a theater, because of how much more control over your situation that it offers. Need to go to the bathroom? No teacher to ask, you're in your own home. Hungry? It's lunch time all the time, and anything's on the menu. Need a break? Take it, and pick up where you left off on your work. I do greatly appreciate this.
I don't expect Edgenuity to remove the block on extensions and userscript usage, but a few small additions purely for QoL would make it a vastly better experience, at least for myself. Who knows? Maybe I'm alone with how I feel about Edgenuity.
Whether you're a student or staff (which I doubt will've read this), I'd like to hear your input on the state of things.
The school year is wrapping up (for me, atleast, I'm unsure if it differs for other people) and I hope all of you, even the ones super behind and in the educational dumps, can push through and make this your year.
To all my fellow seniors, the class of 2024, we made it. Through hard work, stress, pandemics, and all the other crazy shit that's been going on for the past 12-13 years of our lives, we've made it. Hopefully you all feel as accomplished as you should.
submitted by severe_system_shock to edgenuity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:12 Mean-Ad6687 Core 1 and 2 Help

Hi I am just beginning week 2 of core 1 and 2 fast track. I was planning on quitting my job anyway at the beginning of this month so I though it would be a good idea to take core 1 and 2 together to save time. My problem is I’m not sure if I have gotten in over my head. It’s been four years since I completed my degree so I pretty much forgot everything. I’m really struggling to re gain all the technical competence assigned in the readings each week. I think I can do the case writing in that I can usually spot requireds but I don’t have the technical skills to address them I think.
My question is should I dial back my efforts and just defer the exam for core 2 so I have a better chance of passing? Everyone says I should be able to do both classes because I’m committed full time to these courses but they’re not taking into account how rusty I am. I already bought some supplemental materials from PASS that have been helping a bit but I’m very overwhelmed. Does anyone have any advice?
submitted by Mean-Ad6687 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:00 Big-Guidance8151 Everything that rises must be analyzed

This post has heavy spoilers to the story of the version 2.2 and maybe to something else. Good luck to read all of this. I yap for Ena and maybe repeat myself little too much. Mentioned characters:
Mentioned Aeons:
Mentioned organisations:
Beyond the Sky Choir
Astral Express
In loving memory: Ena the Order “The one who transcends the many”
In loving memory of Tazzyrronth the Propagation “The Sand king”
In loving memory of the Great Tatalov “The Garbage King”
So, the original intent behind this post was to create a lot of puns about Order and Sunday (for example something like Golden Order Radagon Sunday, “I will have order” with Sunday and a falling train instead, Sunday working in a delivery and saying that someone’s order was cancelled).
But then I started remembering all parts of Penacony storyline that have fascinated me. And one particular part master stroked me. When Sunday used his “tell the truth or die in 24 hours voice magic” he used not the power of Order, but Harmony – the Path he supposedly deliberately left behind and betrayed.
How can I be so sure, that he didn’t use the power of Order, making it look like the power of Harmony? Well, nor Dr. Ratio, nor Aventurine, nor Welt, nor (most importantly) Robin didn’t notice any sign that the Order was used and that the power on display did in fact belong to Harmony. And mind you, all of them are quite clever, experienced and hard to deceive. And in Aventurine’s conversation with Acheron in the Horizon of existence, Acheron (who as Self-Annihilator isn’t affected by the illusions of Order and can see through them) referred to the brand, used on Aventurine as the “brand of Harmony”. And the last proof is that when Sunday uses this power, he makes a call (or if you are a pun enjoyer like me, “an order”) to Xipe, referring to THEM as “Triple-faced soul”.
So, this was a really long and a roundabout way to prove that even with his supposed devotion to Order, Sunday still remains the Pathstrider of Harmony (and the laws of the HSR universe dictate, that you become a Pathstrider by following a philosophy of a particular Path). While being a Pathstrider of two Paths is not called impossible in the game, and Harmony and Order mostly overlap, there are some key differences between them. It means, that Sunday to some extant still believes in a philosophy of Harmony and is not a complete devotee of Order, how some people could have believed.
So, the goal of this post is to delve on the philosophy of Ena and Harmony through Sunday’s story, words, thoughts and actions. And to make some obnoxious theories, but that’s later.
So, let’s begin!

In his childhood, Sunday alongside Robin, was called by the Dreammaster “two best interpreters of the Great One”. That means, that as a child, Sunday was extremely close to the philosophy of Harmony.
Let’s remember what Harmony embodies as a philosophy:
“Then, they say, O you who have reached the end, enter into the paradise that envelops all! Join this great choir and feast, listen to the beating of billions upon billions of hearts, holding you in THEIR embrace...”
“To battle the brutality of the laws of the universe, intelligent lifeforms must discard their cowardly selfishness and the differences between individuals, fusing into one singular melody — to have the strong help the weak, and to protect life with death.”
That is what Harmony preaches and Sunday was a follower of this ideology. Harmony preaches selfless people not only helping and uplifting each other to build “the paradise” (a prominent theme in Sunday’s thoughts) bit also welcoming every other willing person. Harmony philosophy is about acceptance, forgiveness, cooperation, that no person is beyond redemption, that in every person has inside of them the force that genuinely cares for others and strives for good. Harmony preaches something like this: “Because if it is possible for every person to become a member of Family’s shared paradise, then we should at lest try to welcome them in it.” That’s why Harmonic Strings (Emanators of Xipe) are not people and are actually manifestations materialized as the responses to the Hive Mind’s demands. It is a seemingly naïve and romantic ideal for the sometimes and indifferent brutal universe of HSR that requires great kindness, compassion, understanding, belief in other people, ability to see the better in other people and uplift them. And Sunday-follower of Order reflects on that:
"When I appeared as a child, my speech, mindset, and soul reflected immaturity and innocence."
"As I grew into adulthood, I left behind my childlike side."
Sunday (as shown in the quest) was a person of great understanding, compassion, and love for other living beings, full of desire to protect them (bird, Robin, other people). He was able to embrace even the worst people if they would show even the slightest glimpse of desire to redeem themselves and change for the better, like people who allegedly sold their own children. It is notable that he both acts as a follower of Harmony and an enforcer of Order conspiracy because of these very character traits. The motivation is the same, just the choice how to act based on this motivation is different between him and Robin because of different experiences.
As the ardent believer of Harmony, the seed of doubt in his mind was planted ironically by the very followers of the Harmony -the Family. And the disillusionment about Harmony also began, when his belief in other people was tested. When asking Xipe to clear his doubts, Sunday asks three questions:
“Who can judge the strong when their power hides their crimes?”
“Who can vouch for the weak when they will pay any price to survive?”
“If "the strong defending the weak" is truly the foundation of paradise, then who is responsible for the suffering and anguish in this wretched world?”
The questions display that the preached Harmony doesn’t work as intended. The extremely hard ideal to follow was exactly too demanding for numerous people who couldn’t stand up to the responsibility that came with upholding it. Also, as displayed both in the main quest of Penacony and in numerous events and side quests, flaws and imperfections of Family(note: of the Family on Penacony) are numerous. We have an entire “Ode to Fool” in the Grand Theatre about internal bloodthirsty war between the Family, where two of the seven families of Penacony ceased to exist. When even Family: those who preach the Odes of Harmony don’t act as they preach, are not harmonious, don’t show compassion and forgiveness, it is extremely hard to still believe in its teachings. And from that, the belief in people starts to slowly crumble as the very belief in a possibility of a paradise preached by the Xipe, is tested.
That is what turns him to Order. The feeling that while the paradise of Harmony is theoretically possible, how much suffering must people experience before it actually arrives. And when will it arrive? And IF it will arrive? These doubts in human inherent desire to change for the better leads to the idea: “And what if they don’t change? Then why take the risks? Why not to create something that guarantees their safety, happiness and protection?” His desire for Order is still born from his love for humanity.

And while the shift in beliefs did in fact happen, it wasn’t completed and some beliefs in Harmony remain, alongside doubts about the philosophy of Order.
To prove that, let’s remember the Grand Theatre part of the quest (“Everything that Rises Must Converge”).
Before that Dreammaster has a particularly interesting conversation with Sunday. Sunday not only changes their plan, taking Robin’s place in the plan and then he asks Dreammaster why Penacony was the chosen planet to bring “paradise” of the Order. If he was completely convinced, why would he pose these questions?
Sunday several times brings the part of 107,336 souls of the Oak Family in his monologues. Why? Because he uses them to give self-validation to his beliefs. It comes not only from his desire to grant “paradise” to everyone (and this guys as stated dreamed about the paradise of Order), but also from his self-perceived responsibility as the Head of the Oak Family to stand up to wishes and desires of his subordinates, to protect them, and as the man with greatest position among them, to fulfil the hardest task. Because if people he is in charge of follow and support his views, not only it gives him more belief in his set of beliefs(ha), but also gives him even greater responsibility to prove that their faith in him, in Order is not misplaced.
In first two acts he displays before us shortcomings of the Harmony, trying to display himself as the ardent believer of the Order:
In the first act “Ode to Prisoner” he says that the freedom was not really achieved in Penacony’s great Independence War, posing a doubt that the ideal of Harmony even existed in Penacony since the very beginning.
In the second act “Ode to Fool” the theme of not so harmonic Harmony remains. Sunday talks about internal civil war between the Family, that eradicated two of the seven families on Penacony. How “harmonic” it is!
But in the last and most important act “Ode to Order” has a surprisingly different theme, hidden in it.
It is supposedly talking about the future of Penacony, but there is something more if you listen to its content once again:
General: “Without a ruler who would protect the weak and fight back against the tyrants?”
Chansellor: “We must assist each other in protecting the weak, just as we must assist each other in opposing the tyrannical.”
This dialogue argues that the very measures Sunday preaches, are not required for the coexistence and unification are also an option. Case of how differently Order and Harmony solve one problem.
Jester: “Without a ruler, who will make the stars follow their paths, the tides rise and fall, and allow life to grow?”
C: “These things did as they will long before the ruler appeared, just as they will continue to do with rulers gone.”
Where the Order requires an all-mighty divine king, controlling the world (like God-Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer), Harmony simply says that actually such beings are not needed.
Minister: “However, now that we have bid farewell to our ruler. Who shall take their place?”
C: “We no longer require a ruler, for we were originally all rulers who stand above all things.”
Once again, order preaches about the ruler on the top of everything, the one who has all of the rights and makes all of decisions. But harmony doesn’t work that way. Harmony preaches that if every person has equal rights to enter its paradise, then they are essentially equal. Where Order differentiates people and treats them differently according to THEIR criteria, harmony does not as THEY are all-embracing.
The choice of the position of Chansellor as the one giving answers is deliberate. It is another innuendo on differences between Harmony and Order. In Order king takes the power and pushes everyone under his control. Chancellor, as the representation of Harmony in this argument, is a position not a person. He is subject to change, unlike king. Unlike king, Chancellor is chosen among the people, by the people. He serves as one man being the voice of many people, for they have chosen him as a Chancellor because their ideals are the same and thus, they have entrusted him to fulfil their ideals in reality in their stead.
Some people were not satisfied that the arguments were not posed against Sunday by the Astral Express. Well, this entire act serves as a counter to his arguments, showing the point of view of Harmony arguing against the necessity of ideals of Order. Most importantly, they don’t disprove hid arguments completely, but rather pose a possible alternative take on things.
The Clockwork doesn’t work on puppets because they are “satisfied”. But what gives satisfaction: Order or Harmony? In my opinion, Harmony. Remember: in THEIR paradise there is “peace bestowed, sorrows and strife released.”
The “king” in the text obviously refers to Ena the Order, and the last talk from the “Future” in the act is about “final rites” to the king, that there is no need to seek THEIR existence, nor remember THEM. It illustrates the final confusion of Sunday: if Ena didn’t fight back while being consumed, if the philosophy of Harmony prevailed in the confrontation among the Paths, why try to restore the Order?
And after that particular act he chose to reveal to us the finale of Ena’s story. That THEY were banished to oblivion by the united will of the people who defied Order. And THEIR death was praised alongside praises for the appearance of Harmony – the ideal that prevailed on Penacony in the end.
And that is what actually 3 is actually about. Puppets(Members of the Beyond the Sky Choir) ask what they and everyone else should do after the “king(Ena)” disappeared.
They feel no safety and out of their comfort zone when the one that controlled everything about their lives suddenly disappeared. And Chancellor’s answers are the representation of the ideology of Harmony, that you don’t need to be controlled to strive in life, for that there is more to universe and that the “king” is not actually required for betterment of society, that society can harmonize and evolve on their own, that the unity of people can replace the “king”. Ironically, “the Ode to Order” doesn’t glorify Order but rather disproves it from being the one and only universal truth.
In this act Sunday actually reveals, intended or not, that he doesn’t disprove Harmony’s ideal, that he subconsciously feels that it can stand on par with the ideal of Order.
Then, Sunday poses between us three questions, each one has different answers depending on your set of believes: order or Harmony. Notice, that Sunday doesn’t give his own answers to the questions.
“Is darkness equal to daylight?”
This question is very metaphorical. Radiance and light, eradicating darkness and giving protection to those under the light are a repeated theme in the ideology of the Order (“I shall ascend to the heavens, becoming the scorching sun. Bathed in my light, my people shall flourish, while all evil shall be eradicated” / “Those who live in the shadows do not bear the right to tread the illuminated stage.” / “I now permit you to gaze into the sun [hardest line in the game btw]”) But radiance is also a term sometimes used to describe Xipe. The greatest difference lies in the fact that what Order will not tolerate (“darkness”), harmony will be able to co-exist with and eventually embrace. So for Order they are different, but for Harmony not at all.
“Are sinners equal to the righteous?”
Order punishes the unjust and uplifts the righteous. For it, they are not equal. But for Harmony they are, mostly because before Xipe the very concept of sinners doesn’t exist. Harmony is all-embracing, for everyone can change for the better and be redeemed.
It is a discourse in philosophy: first question was about whether are you able to tolerate something that goes against you. While Harmony can, Order cannot (Sunday can as literally shown in the quest so he leans more to Harmony in that part). Second question was about whether people can change for the better and be redeemed. Order doesn’t believe in it, Harmony does.
“If you are born weak, which god should you turn for solace?”
It is another question to choose between philosophies because Sunday struggles to choose himself. If you are weak and you bow before someone(“king”) for the protection then this is a choice befitting Order, but if you choose to cooperate with others, uplift one another and “listen beating of billions of hearts holding you on their embrace” then this is the choice of Harmony.
Notice, that Sunday doesn’t consider us as enemies at all. As he says: “I genuinely wish to avoid a violent clash with my esteemed guests from afar.” When Astral Express team asks Sunday why did he invite us to the duel, he responds: “Because our shared goals give equal weight to the beliefs we strive for.” He regards everything happening more like a debate of two equally valid philosophies. Even in the fight with him (second one) he still invites us to join his chorus of Order. And he says “our final talk is concluded” only when he turns into his Embryo of Philosophy form, when literally everyone who could has risen against him. And then he reveals his true emotions:
“If your ‘paradise’ can save more people, sever my path with your hands”
He knows he is not infallible, that his plan can be wrong, that there is a possibility of making better choices, better decisions. And he asks us to prove, that Harmony after all is a stronger concept then that of Order. And his quote before that really makes everything extremely ironic:
“If we had never experienced solitude, how could we embark on different paths?”
Once again, this solitude refers to the times when he still completely followed Harmony. Yet he was the only person on the entire Penacony because of his great compassion, who actually followed what Xipe preached. Yet, in this he was alone. How can you be in Harmony with anyone, if you are alone. The irony is in the fact, that if Robin didn’t leave Penacony, of if he met another genuine believer, he wouldn’t have turn to Order and he would remain under Xipe. With many similarities of Order and Harmony: the epitome of Order is loneliness, being a sole ruler of everything, the epitome of Harmony is a unity of numerous people.
“And thus, my talk about Sunday has concluded. Next part is about Ena.”

While his monologue about history of Ena can also be interpreted as parts above, it is much more interesting to discuss it when talking about Ena THEMSELVES.
“Let us commence with the dawning of the world… After the Dusk Wars, darkness veiled the sky, and chaos consumed the earth. Ena the Order emerged, destined to restore all existence. That marked the first day.”
The Dusk Wars are one of the most ancient (if not the most) periods of history we know about. Ena emerging at that time, makes THEM one of the oldest Aeons alongside Long, Hooh, Qlipoth and Oroboros.
” THEY gathered nebulae and forged them into picks, thus creating a grand lyre with black and white keys. Strike the white keys, and the sun rose. Strike the black keys moon and the rose. And so the cycle of day and night arose. That marked the second day. “
“THEY transmuted streams of stars into inked nibs, creating symbols to be pronounced and counted. THEY molded stardust into flowing rivers, assigning the righteous upstream and the unjust downstream. Thus, all things were marked and the world learned to discern between good and evil. That marked the third and fourth days. “
“THEY used the planetary rings to establish the law, forging a code of conduct among the masses. A grand lyre with black and white symbols of articulation and numerical notation took the form of musical notes. The downward-flowing river became a melody, and the cannon of law dictated the form. Thus, all mortals found their unique place within this symphony. That marked the fifth and sixth days. “
Ena, as we know was a control freak, at much bigger scale and extent, then Sunday could have ever hoped to become. We know that «Ena's harmonic songs seems to align within a three-dimensional framework, akin to an emperor maintaining hierarchical order among all creatures» Not only people, but the movement of celestial bodies were under THEIR control. THEY wanted to and almost controlled everything in the known cosmos. So, THEY were the only person responsible for everything. And when THEY were consumed, the manager of everything disappeared and the scales of order and discord lost their balance. That is why Hooh intervened and took THEIR responsibilities.
“THEY imbued world with meaning, perfecting all things in the heavens and earth. Then, THEY rested from the labors of creation. Yet, all beings cried to Ena – ‘Under the banner of the Order, you have defined all things in the Cosmos… but this made us realize that we are but puppets in your hands!’ – Thus, on that day, all beings united and cast the Aeon into the abyss of oblivion. That marked the seventh day. “
And this is the most interesting part. We know that Ena was consumed by Xipe, so why does Sunday refer to THEIR death as an action, made by humans?
As we know, Xipe “hails from multiple harmonious celestial words”, “a plural Aeon” and “THEY are the amalgamation of thousands of entities”. Thus, I pose that Xipe ascension was not a process of accension of a one person who somehow become an Aeon, but rather that several beings in a moment of unity (of “harmony”) were ascending as one. Next bit is purely theoretical:
But who could provide such unity before the existence of Harmony? Only the Beyond the Sky Choir – followers of Ena could understand the true extent of Ena’s control over everything and unify to create a change. Thus, mortals ascended into Aeon, befitting their shared beliefs, and from the Beyond the Sky Choir, Xipe arose with a new symphony of Harmony.
Also, some other interesting bits from 2.2. storyline:
The most overlooked part of 2.2 quest for me is that part before boss battle when Sunday says that he doesn’t intend to either resurrect Ena or become a new Aeon of Order. While the actual possibility of such actions remains “enigmatic, we can now speculate that it could be possible to take control of a masterless Path or revive its master. I speculate that when we finally reach strongest Emanators level of poweallies/etc. the enemies we will be facing before actual Aeons will be unique beings like that: fallen Aeons in the process of resurrection or people in the process of becoming a new Aeon of a Path without one.
Another interesting bit of lore about Ena is that while she was “consumed” by Xipe, her Path still lingers in the cosmos masterless. While it was known about Paths of other fallen Aeons it is interesting that even assimilation by a broader concept Aeon isn’t enough to completely eradicate the Path from the face of the cosmos.
Some other connections that I noticed about Sunday while rewatching 2.2 quest were surprising even for me. Name a planet where the ruler intentionally left their subordinates in ignorance about the truth about the events for the sole reason of protecting them? It’s Belobog with Bronya and Seele (I could talk about similarities and differences of Bronya and Sunday but that would make already long post even longer). And this is why Ena was able to persuade Qlipoth. Because Qlipoth shares with THEM that general theme of protection. Because their Paths partly overlap. Because Preservation is about keeping everything dangerous behind the walls (in this case dangerous information about Cocolia), and everything inside the walls is safe, protected, or you could say “in Order”.

P.S. I feel like in this quest there is still so much more to discuss(and I could write EVEN MORE), but this long wall of text is already too out of character from me as a humble follower of Enigmata.
submitted by Big-Guidance8151 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:59 Chi2Oak What are best practices on LLC to C Corp conversion (as well as personal capital investment) to mitigate tax liability?

Hello there, I'd love a CPA or experts assistance in determining how best to proceed with my startup LLC to C Corp conversion. I founded it in 2022 and am working on filing tax returns for both 2022 and 2023 (extensions). Below are two options presented by my lawyer. Which should I choose if I'm optimizing for tax liability mitigation? I've invested ~72K in personal capital in the biz since 2022. The biz has only yielded ~10K in revenue thus far, with $30K in ARR since its a subscription model. Trying to solidify prelim Cap Table with new members of the Founding Team as well.
From lawyer:
"How have you documented the $73K in the tax returns? Since your co is a single member LLC, owned by you, it’s a pass thru disregarded entity for tax purposes, so it passes through to you.
The cap table is helpful to understand the goal. The main issue now is figuring out the fair market value of the equity, which depends on the financials. There are a couple of options high level – both not easy with their own pros and cons. The numbers are assumptions and used for illustration purposes.
My colleagues and I discussed a few other options such as you selling your interest in the LLC, but if it’s a low price, you’d be selling at a loss and it doesn’t really look good to future investors. This is due to the issue of valuation – the company has been operating and is generating value.
Currently you’re the owner of your LLC, so you hold the decision making power, particularly if you’re fronting the costs of the business. We can use options instead, but the question remains – what’s the value of the interests? That’s determined by the financials of the business, capital accounts, etc.
Is the CPA helping you with figuring out capital accounts? What does the books say?"
What do you suggest in terms of how best to convert from an LLC to a C Corp and treat the personal capital investment? A reimbursable loan? Shares in the new Corp? THANKS in advance for your help, and YES I do need to hire a CPA so it's a good opportunity :)
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submitted by Chi2Oak to llc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:48 WallyShrugged Latest pod

Old man rant incoming.
BUT finding out Lemaire got his $80k in student loans forgiven was a kick in the nuts.
Hear me out. I like Lemaire, and have zero problem with him personally. That said, he clearly didn’t belong in college, like a lot of people these days. It did him no good. He admitted (like most people I knew who did GSL’s in college) he wasted a lot of that money on non-educational spending.
Now the rest of us will pay back that money. The Lemaire’s of the world just got freed up to make some more bad life & financial choices & hard working Americans will be poorer for it.
I know many younger people who are struggling right now. Trying to get a reliable car, afford rent, start a business…and they’re gonna get worse than nothing. They’re gonna have all their same problems PLUS they’re gonna help pay off student loans for ‘educations’ they didn’t get.
Worst of all, many that will benefit from this aren’t even poor. Most will come from upper middle class backgrounds and have advanced degrees.
Finally, I’ll add that as a college graduate I’m no longer convinced that it’s necessary for success…in most cases the opposite is true. And unlike many parents who think college has become a waste, my 19 & 20 year olds aren’t in college. Both are gainfully employed making $23+ an hour with full benefits.
I’m 53 and worked all of my adult life, I grew up on a farm where my folks worked 2&3 jobs on top of farming to pay bills. I know how hard it is to save $80k. I know how much I pay in taxes. Biden didn’t just give away $80k of Gov money…he gave away $80k of our money. And like the old saying goes…time is money, and money is time. He just robbed us all of time…and you can’t get more of that back.
We’re in deep 💩. The lack of accountability & bailing out bad choices will be the destruction of us. I know this isn’t funny or fun…but neither is life sometimes.
Those of you who don’t care or disagree with my views will no doubt be amongst those who have no responsibility or accountability in their lives.
submitted by WallyShrugged to MSsEcReTPoDcAsT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:47 PeaceLoveSmithWesson [MOD PSA] Wanna make the sub better? We are currently accepting mod positions.

Send us a modmail, answer the following:
  1. your experiences?
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note minimum of 1 year account age
submitted by PeaceLoveSmithWesson to FoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:47 Snoo80971 Firefly Comp vs Another DPS Comp (Jingliu Hypercarry)

For this setup, I am using Ruan Mei at E0S0, Gallagher at E6S0, Harmony MC at E5S0, Bronya at E1S1 as the supports.
Jingliu and Firefly are both E0S1.
Firefly is going to have 10 rolls of BE, 4 rolls on spd and 7 rolls of attack on substats and the rest are wherever Jingliu is going to have a total of 25 rolls on crit stats and 5 rolls on atk.
Why Gallagher? For fairness of this comparison, Im using Argenti as the boss to fight against. Damage that will be computed is only for the 0th Cycle.
Firefly is using RM, HMC and Gallagher. Enough said.
Jingliu Team is Bronya, RM and Gallagher. Gallagher to help break Argenti faster since Jingliu would then suffer from the Broken Multiplier from being 90%. RM also here is a bit better than Pela so I did not bother changing her for Pela. (Plus we will be back to the Weakness break argument again about the Broken Multiplier)
Crit Rate and Crit Damage in here are from Base Character page while BE is after RM + MC + Watchmaker are up
This is a fight wherein I am only taking into account the damage vs Argenti himself and not including the shields.
The boss Argenti has a toughnes of 480 and on a MoC setup even. With these in mind, below are the result of the damage per cycle:
I included the Boss remaining toughness so that everyone has an idea on how much toughness gauge is left. X on the table is a marking wherein damage would be considered irrelevant. I was tempted to put X on Jingliu's normal skill but alas, presented it for everyone to see that irrelevant damage is even lower than that.
The big spike in damage for both Firefly and Jingliu when enemy toughness becomes 0 is due to Ruan Mei. And for Firefly, both Ice Break from RM and her own Fire Break Damage procd.
The comp for Jingliu is her best performing comp vs Argenti that has a sustain.
Right side is the Ice Break Damage of Ruan Mei for the Jingliu comp.
What people fail to realize is that, on the Firefly comp, everyone is capable of doing Super Break damage. And for the AoE scenario, Firefly has an advantage over any other unit as she breaks multiple enemies fast thanks to her Blast hit and huge toughness reducing damage.
For a more clear view of how much toughness reducing damage each does before weakness break efficiency takes in effect. Also is the reason why she used Gallagher. Coz Jingliu's weakness breaking capability is quite weak.
From the tables above, the Firefly comp is already doing almost 2x the damage of a Jingliu comp. This level of damage is higher than Imbibitor Lunae and is on par with Acheron. This is why, if Firefly either gets the ability to crit consistently while keeping her stats above or is able to proc Super Break by herself then her team is going to leave behind every single DPS comp in the game.
And keep in mind, Jingliu had almost max investment on her offensive stats while Firefly has so-so investment that there is a difference of 9 rolls that Firefly can still give to her BE substats for even higher damage.
I made this post as I have seen several people saying that if Firefly gets buffed, shes going to be atleast DHIL/Jingliu level. I take that as an offense, since as an E6S5 Jingliu owner, I have never seen my Jingliu hit for the amount of damage the Firefly comp does overall that is. Of course i compared my E6S5 Jingliu with an E2S1 Firefly with E1S1 RM and such so I presented an E0S1 variation of both of em.
The gap would be wider as well if RM is E1 as multiple characters on the team are doing Super Break Damage.
Yes, her team comp might be super restrictive, but 2 technically free characters, Firefly and a Harmony character that every content creator recommended others to pull for 5 months ago. I would say, for the amount of damage the team is doing, theyre quite F2P friendly.
submitted by Snoo80971 to SamMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:46 _briz_the_wiz_ Resume Help Needed

I am a recent retiree from the Army. I have been interviewed for one position I did not get, and I am looking for pointers on improving my resume. I also use the resume creator when required. I have 15+ years of operations experience up to the Sergeant Major level but also just graduated with an accounting degree with honors. I am trying to leverage my education and experience, but also applying to the fields separately. I keep getting conflicting advice on my resume, so any help is appreciated.
Citizenship: Yes - United States Citizen Security Clearance: Active Secret Clearance Availability: Full-Time/ Permanent
Accomplished leader with over 15 years of experience in operations, strategic planning, and team leadership. Dedicated to driving organizational excellence through dynamic strategies aligned with institutional objectives. Proven track record of adept leadership, fostering cohesive teams, and ensuring timely project delivery. Skilled in problem-solving and communication, adept at identifying and resolving operational challenges. Proficient in fiscal management and cost optimization, resulting in budget-friendly solutions and improved profitability. Experienced in organizational development, enhancing work culture, and boosting employee engagement and retention.
[U.S. Department of the Army](): Senior Operations Manage Operations Sergeant Major 1-314th Infantry Battalion - Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ April 2022 to Retirement (40 Hours per Week)
~Duties & Related Skills:~
U.S. Department of the Army: Senior Operations Manage Future Operations and Planning Lead & First Sergeant Fort Drum Garrison Headquarters & 10th Mountain Division Headquarters - Fort Drum, NY September 2019 to March 2022 (40 Hours per Week)
~Duties & Related Skills:~

U.S. Department of the Army: Senior Operations Manage Current Operations Lead & First Sergeant 1-504th Parachute Infantry Regiment & 82nd Airborne Division Headquarters - Fort Liberty, NC December 2015 to August 2019 (40 Hours per Week)
~Duties & Related Skills:~
Institute: Southern New Hampshire University Degree: Bachelor of Science – 2024 Major: Accounting Honors: Summa Cum Laude (3.9 GPA)
Basic, Advanced, and Senior Leadership Course U.S. Advanced Airborne School Air and Unit Movement Officer U.S. Air Force Air-load Planner Combat Lifesaver Emergency Medical Technician
· U.S. Defense Counterintelligence & Security Agency – DOD Mandatory Controlled Unclassified Information, Awareness & Reporting · U.S. Department of the Army – Information Security Program, Army OPSEC Level 1 · U.S. Department of Defense – Certified OPSEC for EOP Operators/ OPSEC Awareness for Military Members, DoD Employees & Contracto Combating Trafficking in Person for Investigative Professionals/ Combating Trafficking in Person General Awareness/ Combating Trafficking in Persons for Acquisition & Contracting Professionals/ Level 1 Antiterrorism Awareness, Military Occupational Code, Managing your Transition, Financial Planning for Transition, Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition, Identifying & Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information PII, Introduction to Privacy Act 1, 2, & 3
· Demonstrates comprehensive understanding and proficiency in deployment and mobility operations, including wartime contingency plans and adherence to relevant instructions, regulations, directives, and local operating procedures.
· Proficient in handling classified and/or protected documents, with adeptness in utilizing various automated data management systems.
· Proficient in budget analysis and administration, encompassing knowledge of budgetary methods, practices, policies, procedures, regulations, and precedents, as well as the accounting system for budgetary information.
· Skilled in implementing security methods, rules, regulations, and principles, supporting security administration, resolving security-related issues, and performing diverse security assignments.
· Proficient in providing authoritative consultation and conducting complex training administration, with the ability to assess program needs, evaluate status, and recommend/implement improvement solutions.
· Proficient in applying tact and diplomacy in advising individuals and high-level officials on complex and sensitive issues, related to planning, organizing, and directing functions of small organizations.
· Demonstrates entry-level proficiency in applying basic principles, concepts, and practices of the occupation.
· Effective communication skills in conveying factual and procedural information clearly, both orally and in writing.
· Proficient in assessing and measuring organizational trends, concerns, and needs, identifying gaps in services, and providing recommendations for effective plans and tools.
· Ability to analyze problems, identify significant factors, gather pertinent data, and utilize critical thinking skills to recognize solutions.
· Skilled in conducting one-on-one training, group presentations, and training sessions through oral communication.
· Demonstrates ability to plan, organize work, follow instructions, and manage multiple ongoing projects effectively, with proficiency in locating, assembling, and composing information for reports, inquiries, and limited technical correspondence.
· Proficient in identifying training needs, instructing personnel, and communicating effectively both orally and in writing.
Budget Analyst 2022 [– ]()2024 Knowledge Management Officer 2016 – 2018 Digital Master Gunner 2016 – 2018 Army Instructor 2011 – 2013 DTS Authorizing, Certifying, and Reviewing Official 2008 – 2024
Eagle Scout Bronze Star Medal Meritorious Service Medal (4) Army Commendation Medal (6) Army Achievement Medal (5) Army Good Conduct Medal (7) Drill Sergeant Identification Badge Combat Infantryman Badge Expert Infantryman Badge Command Cyber Readiness Award First Army Commanding General Award Friends of Lynn Woods Cyrus M. Tracy Award
National Eagle Scout Association Veterans of Foreign Wars National Infantry Association 82nd Airborne Division Association
Habitat for Humanity 2022 - Present Salem Hospital 1992 - 1996
Organizational Leadership, Leadership Communication, Operations Management, Principles of Management, Human Relations in Administration, Principles of Finance, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting I II & III, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Auditing Principles, Auditing and Forensic Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, Business Valuation, Federal Taxation, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Business Law I & II, Global Business Dimensions, Driving Business Opportunities, Critical Business Skills for Success, Applied Marketing Strategies, Data Analytics for Financial Professionals, Statistics, and Technology in Society.
submitted by _briz_the_wiz_ to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:43 AdInteresting2401 Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) - Interview with Prof. Dr. Knut Brockow

Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is the subject of heated debate. How are mast cell activation syndromes defined? Which diseases are included? What is the diagnosis and treatment of mast cell activation syndrome? Prof. Dr. Knut Brockow, Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology at the Biederstein, Technical University of Munich answers these questions in an interview with MeinAllergiePortal.
Mast cell activation syndrome: The most important facts!
-The prototype of mast cell activation syndrome is recurrent anaphylaxis
-Other forms of idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome are being sought; however, there are mainly symptom descriptions where the diagnosis cannot be made
-Clinical suspicion of MCAS is based on recurring allergy-like symptoms on the skin, nose, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and circulation
-The diagnosis of MCAS is made according to recognized international criteria based on three criteria
-MCAS is often suspected even when symptoms are inappropriate and the diagnosis is unclear; the suspicion is then not helpful for patients
-The same medications are used to treat MCAS as are used to treat allergies, in particular antihistamines and cromoglicic acid
Prof. Brockow, what kind of disease is MCAS?
Mast cell activation syndrome is not an established diagnosis, but rather a concept. Historically, this concept arose because an increasing number of patients came to the doctor's office with complaints that gave the impression of having been triggered by mast cells. These patients sometimes showed symptoms similar to those of allergic reactions, anaphylaxis or mastocytosis, but a clear diagnosis for these diseases could not be made. Nevertheless, it was suspected that there could at least be a connection with mast cell diseases. Unfortunately, the term MCAS created more uncertainty than understanding. This is because MCAS is now thrown around as a diagnosis for many patients with many symptoms and an unclear diagnosis. This is not helpful for patients and fuels short-term hope of diagnosis and cure, which cannot be fulfilled later.
Is MCAS an autoimmune disease?
No, in autoimmune diseases mast cells are not primarily involved and not as lead cells, but lymphocytes that attack the body's own structures, in some cases by forming antibodies.
Is there a connection between mast cell activation syndrome and autoimmune diseases?
No, there is no known connection between MCAS and autoimmune diseases. It has also been claimed by specific authors that other diseases, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) are related to mast cell activation syndrome. However, there are no good arguments for this. Unfortunately, such claims are easy to make and difficult to refute.
What is the cause of mast cell activation syndrome?
Mast cell activation syndrome is actually more of a symptom description than a diagnosis in its own right. Mast cell activation syndrome is fully applicable to recurrent anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions in several organ systems such as the skin, respiratory tract, digestive tract and circulatory system), for example due to insect bites. All the criteria for mast cell activation syndrome are met here. Severe allergic reactions are the most common cause of MCAS. However, although the term MCAS is correct in this context, it does not provide any additional information, as patients with such events are better described as patients with a diagnosis of anaphylaxis or allergy, and the term MCAS is somewhat confusing.
Is mast cell activation syndrome genetic?
MCAS itself is not genetic, but patients with the genetic disease mastocytosis often suffer from anaphylaxis, particularly to insect venom, and therefore MCAS. In addition, it is currently being investigated whether people with genetically determined hereditary alpha-tryptasemia suffer more frequently from MCAS.
How did the term mast cell activation syndrome come about?
There were many patients without a clear diagnosis, some of whom predominantly showed the symptoms typical of mast cell diseases. Accordingly, the experts dealing with mast cell diseases saw the need to develop a concept that took into account the “undiagnosable” symptoms of the patients. In the course of this, the terms “mast cell activation” and “mast cell activation syndrome” were defined. In addition, an attempt was made to sort all mast cell diseases into a classification with regard to mast cell activation. However, the difficulty in classifying these complaints is that many of the complaints described by patients are subjective, relatively non-specific and can be both organic and psychosomatic.
How have you defined mast cell diseases and which diseases do they include?
Mast cell diseases are defined as recurring chronic symptoms that are compatible with mast cell activation.
Mast cell activation is classified on the basis of three criteria:
Recurrent typical clinical symptoms in at least two organ systems
An increase in mast cell mediators can be detected in the blood, most frequently by determining the serum tryptase level during an acute attack
Good response of symptoms to anti-mast cell mediator-directed therapy, especially H1 antihistamines
What types of mast cell disease are there?
The classification of mast cell diseases associated with mast cell activation syndromes defines three groups:
1. primary mast cell activation syndrome
Primary mast cell activation syndrome is explained by a clonal expansion of mutated overactive mast cells. It manifests as systemic or cutaneous mastocytosis. If these criteria are not completely fulfilled, but clonal mast cells have been detected, it is referred to as monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome.
2 Secondary mast cell activation syndrome
Secondary mast cell activation syndrome is present when clear triggers of mast cell activation are known. There are established terms for secondary mast cell activation syndrome that we are more familiar with, such as “anaphylaxis” to a known trigger. The classification in the second group of mast cell diseases is therefore merely a reclassification. Examples of mast cell activation are physical urticaria or cold urticaria. Allergies such as pollen allergies are also secondary mast cell activations, as hay fever also causes symptoms typical of mast cell diseases. In pollen allergies, mast cell mediators are found in the blood serum and drugs directed against mast cells have a good effect. If the symptoms recur in several organ systems, this is referred to as mast cell activation syndrome.
3. tertiary or idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome
Tertiary or idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome refers to mast cell diseases whose triggers are unknown. This group would include, for example, chronic spontaneous urticaria, which has additional symptoms in other organs. Here we know that mast cells are activated, but not by what. This group of idiopathic mast cell activation syndromes would also include patients with as yet undescribed clinical pictures who do not fulfill the diagnostic criteria of known mast cell diseases, e.g. allergy, anaphylaxis, but in whom the disease is triggered by mast cells. In these patients, however, the connection between the symptoms and the activities of the mast cells must be proven.
Does this mean that tertiary or idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion?
Idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome can be described as a diagnosis of exclusion insofar as the prerequisite for the diagnosis is that there is no other disease causing the symptoms. However, the symptoms described are often very, very unspecific and could also be caused by a variety of other diseases. However, there are the three criteria for mast cell activation syndrome already mentioned. If these are not all fulfilled, this diagnosis cannot be made.
How common is mast cell activation syndrome?
Anaphylaxis and severe recurrent allergies are not uncommon and represent the vast majority of appropriate cases for MCAS. In addition, mastocytosis patients often have multiple anaphylaxis and therefore also MCAS. However, our initial idea of finding a new disease, idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome, has not yet been confirmed. There are many patients with many symptoms for whom a clear organic diagnosis cannot yet be made. However, it is almost never possible to prove that a defect in the mast cells is primarily responsible for the symptoms. Many of these patients describe symptoms that could fit, and in some patients anti-allergic drugs also have a positive effect. But in only very few patients can an increase in mast cell mediators be detected during an acute attack. I now believe that somatic stress disorders could play a significant role in many of the patients examined.
Histamine intolerance is also a diagnosis of exclusion, is there a connection with mast cell activation syndrome?
Histamine intolerance can cause similar symptoms, but is not a mast cell disorder and has nothing to do with MCAS. When mast cells are activated, the messenger substance histamine is released, which in turn can cause symptoms. In histamine intolerance, the mast cell is not activated - it is not involved in any way. Rather, histamine intolerance describes patients with an increased sensitivity to histamine, which is supplied, for example, via the diet. This can lead to similar symptoms, but in contrast to mast cell activation syndrome, histamine intolerance has a clear trigger, histamine. As a result, the symptoms occur after eating histamine-rich foods, but disappear again if the patient follows a low-histamine diet. A test is also available to diagnose histamine intolerance.
So there are also patients with suspected mast cell activation syndrome who cannot be assigned to a classification group, even though they have corresponding symptoms?
There are many patients in whom no mast cell activation syndrome can be detected despite suspicion. They do not fit into one of the three groups. However, this also used to include monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome. These patients showed anaphylaxis and a KIT mutation, but not the full criteria for mastocytosis. In the meantime, a separate disease diagnosis has been created for these patients. The independent accepted disease of these patients therefore lies between mastocytosis and normal findings.
We thought that there might be other forms of idiopathic MCAS with clinical pictures that have not yet been described. However, this is not supported by the findings to date. There are patients who show symptoms but do not meet the necessary criteria for idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome. In these patients, the diagnosis remains unclear. In how many of these patients functional physical complaints play a role still needs to be investigated.
Are there risk factors that favor mast cell activation syndrome?
There are hardly any recognized studies on this. In a study conducted by Cem Akin in the USA, patients were examined who met the three criteria for idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome. They had the right symptoms, there was an increase in mediators and their symptoms improved with treatment. It was shown that many of these patients suffered from urticaria factitia, a scratch-induced urticaria, abdominal pain and flushing.
Recently, a genetic trait was discovered, hereditary alpha-tryptasemia with elevated basal serum tryptase levels. In patients with this trait and insect venom allergy, the severity of the allergic reaction appears to be increased. It is also discussed that the frequency of mast cell activation syndrome is increased in patients with this genetic trait. However, the published studies are not yet unanimous in this respect.
What symptoms can occur with MCAS?
The following symptoms could be signs of mast cell activation syndrome:
MCAS symptoms on the skin:
Appearance of sudden intense redness (flushing)
wheal formation
Deep wheal formation (angioedema or Quincke's edema)
MCAS symptoms on the nose:
Nasal congestion
Nasal itching
MCAS symptoms in the airways:
Swelling of the upper airways
Shortness of breath
MCAS symptoms of the digestive tract:
abdominal pain
Systemic MCAS symptoms:
Syncope - where you suddenly lose consciousness, but only for a short time
Sudden drop in blood pressure
Allergic shock
These symptoms can occur together or individually. In principle, symptoms must occur in two or more organ systems for MCAS. These symptoms, together with the typical skin changes and anaphylaxis, are also typical of mastocytosis.
Are muscle pain and hair loss also symptoms of MCAS?
No, why would anyone think that these symptoms are primarily caused by a malfunction of mast cells? Mast cells are not important cells for muscle pain and hair loss.
How is MCAS diagnosed?
MCAS is a diagnosis of exclusion, i.e. there is no mast cell activation syndrome test. However, this does not mean that all other diseases must be ruled out before a diagnosis of MCAS can be made.
When testing directly for mast cell activation syndrome, three criteria would be examined, all of which must be met, not just two:
First, there must be a matching of symptoms to see if the above symptoms are leading, recurrent and occur in at least two organ systems.
Is there a substantial or complete improvement in the clinical symptoms when taking anti-allergic medication, antihistamines or cromoglicic acid? Then this criterion would apply.
The blood levels of tryptase in the serum can now be examined at two different points in time. This would check whether there is an increase in mast cell mediators or tryptase in the blood serum in a highly symptomatic phase or during a seizure compared to a time when there are no symptoms.
What does the tryptase level in the blood mean in the diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome?
If the mast cell mediator tryptase rises by 20 percent of the basal value, i.e. the initial value, + 2 ng/ml during such an episode, the diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome has been made without the need to rule out other diseases beforehand. However, taking blood samples to determine the tryptase levels is very time-consuming, because a blood sample should be taken in the normal state and then another blood sample should be taken during a seizure or a highly symptomatic episode. This means that the patient must see a doctor in good time for a blood test during the acute phase. If these tests are negative, mast cell activation syndrome cannot be confirmed.
Elevated tryptase levels also play a role in anaphylaxis, is there a connection with mast cell activation syndrome?
Anaphylaxis is an extremely strong mast cell activation, the “prototype” of mast cell activation, so to speak. The tryptase level rises, so that it is considered an indicator of anaphylaxis. Here too, the basal value is measured and compared with the value during an episode. The relevant factor is the resulting increase in the tryptase value. The therapy against mast cells is effective in this case. In this respect, anaphylaxis is the classic form of mast cell activation syndrome.
The tryptase value also plays a role in the diagnosis of mastocytosis, what are the correlations here?
Mastocytosis patients also have an elevated baseline tryptase level. This is therefore an indication of mastocytosis and an indication for a final diagnosis by means of a bone marrow biopsy. However, there is also a mastocytosis-independent correlation between tryptase and anaphylaxis. People who have a higher number of mast cells often develop more severe anaphylaxis than people with fewer mast cells. The tryptase basal value is therefore considered a kind of indicator for the total mast cells in the body. For example, insect venom anaphylactic patients with elevated basal mast cell tryptase levels in the blood are at increased risk of severe anaphylaxis.
What can be done against MCAS and which medications help?
The aim of treatment for mast cell activation syndrome is to slow down the effect of the overactivated mast cells and to calm the mast cells. In particular, the avoidance of allergic triggers is available for this purpose.
Histamine receptor blockers are tried as medication to block the effects of mast cell activation by histamine. Mast cell stabilizers or blockers of mast cell release, cromoglicic acid, can also calm the mast cells. Cromoglicic acid is also used in mastocytosis patients. It is important to know that the use of cromoglicic acid is not advisable if the attack has already run its course. On the other hand, many patients achieve a significant improvement in symptoms if cromoglicic acid is taken continuously as a preventive measure and in a sufficiently high dose. This has also been shown to be the case with antihistamines.
Another option would be leukotriene receptor antagonists and corticosteroids in the short term, but never over a longer period of time.
Unfortunately, many patients with previously unexplained complaints are given a suspected diagnosis of MCAS in the hope that this knowledge will lead to better treatment or perhaps a cure. However, apart from the drugs mentioned, which can also be used on a trial basis in cases of suspected MCAS, there are no other useful drugs available. In this respect, the suspicion of MCAS unfortunately does not offer patients any additional treatment options.
Are there foods that activate or deactivate mast cells?
No such foods are known in humans. Of course, it is possible to bombard mast cells in a test tube with high concentrations of food and measure whether the natural activation of mast cells is increased or reduced. However, such tests are generally not meaningful for humans when consumed.
Can naturopathy help with mast cell activation syndrome?
I don't know how it could help. Naturopathy is the attempt to achieve a positive effect through naturally occurring active substances. Is the avoidance of allergens in our natural environment already naturopathy?
Could certain vitamins, for example vitamin C, be beneficial for MCAS?
This is claimed by a few doctors without any convincing results. Vitamin C is also said to help against seasickness. After all, vitamin C, taken in normal amounts, is not harmful and is beneficial. Sometimes the conviction that a substance is good for you also helps. That's why the experiment doesn't bother me.
Is it possible to prevent mast cell activation syndrome?
Yes, by avoiding MCAS with a known trigger. This is the case with allergies. In the case of allergies and recurrent anaphylaxis as a form of MCAS, omalizumab, an antibody against immunoglobulin E, can also be used in individual patients.
Prof. Brockow, thank you very much for this interview!
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:26 LeRoixx3 First time rep buyer - Review

I almost gave up entirely on replicas, this community reddit and all other rep-wikis and thought everyone was high and was just egging on one scammer to the next. I have engaged with 1 failed seller and I am still engaged with 1 seller that has produced lack luster QC that now we are discussing about a different bag brand and model entirely - so my experience as a newbie and first time here is really tough.
I started on the last days of Mar 2024 and have only received today a very delayed handbag bday gift meant for the first week of May.
Nicole was patient with me as I have told her my bad to worst experience with other sellers. I asked her about my Paypal account not having any "Friends & Family" option and most of my credit cards & bank accounts based in SGP. Nicole worked with me on this and she has helped me to proceed via a Paypal transfer.
I was interested to get a YSL Loulou Medium in Quilted Leather - specifically from Orange Factory or Pomegranate Factory. Nicole provided .
Within 2 to 3 days of choosing and agreeing on the handbag product, she sent me a video file and that is how we performed the QC. After I confirm, I answered a google form which is mostly providing my complete Shipping Details. Within the next 5 days I have received the package here in SGP.
The handbag is elegant - even with poor lighting conditions for the photo shoot.
Here are all of Nicole's contact details: Nicole
+86 131 2825 8383
submitted by LeRoixx3 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 interquast I am dying here, please help me tell my boss how to simplify this process (we use Shopify)

I genuinely am not sure if this is the right sub but I'm at my wits end with this and I am seeking help.
I have a job where I do the ecommerce for a small chain of clothing boutiques in Florida. This is not a field I know a ton about and the job kind of happened to me on accident. The owner hires sales associates, then if they are "tech savvy" she will train them to do onlines.
The owner has 5 locations including a warehouse. At one of the locations, which is typically slower and doesn't see as much foot traffic, she has the "online girls." These are the employees that process all her online orders. There are 3 of us.
I am the only full-time "online girl." The other two work 1-2 days a week typically. Sometimes 3 if I am lucky.
Her online process is... really crazy and I've not been doing this job long enough to be able to figure out where I can even begin to fix it.
Basically, this is her process:
  1. Order comes in
  2. I have to log on remotely to a PC in the warehouse to manually search for each item in our inventory and I have to write down in the Shopify order notes which locations have the items, and where we are going to ship the order from. I then have to adjust these items out of inventory. Roughly 50% of the time someone is using that PC and I have to wait. Sometimes its easier for me to do this at 1am when everyone is asleep.
  3. If there are items on the order that cannot ship from the same place, we split the shipment and buy multiple labels.
  4. I email the stores where I am pulling items from with a list of the items I need for this order.
  5. The stores search their flooback room for the items, and then they respond back with the SKU, price, and weight.
  6. If they do not have all the items because inventory was incorrect (it nearly always is), I have to pull the item from a different store, repeat the process.
  7. If all items are accounted for then I send them the label.
  8. If there are items that are showing up as out of stock companywide, we have to make a list of these items and send them to our company group chat and tell all the stores to search their flooback room for these items. We have to send this same list to the owner and email all the stores with it.
  9. If the stores cant find these items still, we have to see if our boss can order it directly from the vendor, and then email the customers to let them know there will be delays.
  10. If it will take too long to order the item, we can email the customer with a list of "replacement options." We have to email the customer every day for 3 days until they answer. If they don't answer, we have to call them and ask them what they want as a replacement for their out of stock item. We aren't allowed to refund them unless they tell us they don't want a replacement or they don't answer their phone.
I could go further but I won't. This is a multi million dollar business and she's had it for 18 years.
Where do I even begin with this? Orders are almost always delayed. Customers are constantly getting the wrong things in their shipments. People are always complaining. I have to work crazy amounts of overtime to make any of this work. The "online girls" are all on the verge of quitting.
I have tried documents. My boss says she "doesn't do documents." She does most things through text message.
I have been here 6 months. It's not sustainable. I need to convince her there's a much easier way to do this but I don't know how.
Anybody have any immediate thoughts?
submitted by interquast to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 tempmailgenerator Implementing Direct Email Functionality in Flutter via PHP

Exploring Email Integration in Flutter Apps

Integrating email functionality within Flutter applications offers a seamless way for users to communicate directly from their mobile or web applications. Flutter, being a versatile framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, provides developers with a plethora of options for incorporating external services such as email. This capability is especially crucial for apps requiring user verification, support communication, or the ability to send notifications directly to users' email addresses. By leveraging Flutter's robust ecosystem, developers can enhance user engagement and provide a more cohesive application experience.
On the other hand, PHP stands as a powerful server-side scripting language that's widely used for web development and can serve as a backend for sending emails. Combining PHP with Flutter enables developers to create a secure and efficient email sending mechanism. This integration allows for handling the email sending logic on the server side, thereby offloading the heavy lifting from the client application. It ensures that the email functionality is not only efficient but also secure, as it leverages PHP's advanced features for email delivery, including handling SMTP protocols and securing email content against potential vulnerabilities.
Command/Function Description
mail() Sends email from a PHP script
SMTP Configuration Server settings for sending email
Flutter Email Package Flutter package for sending emails

Enhancing Communication in Flutter Applications

Integrating direct email functionality into Flutter applications opens a new realm of possibilities for app developers and business owners. This feature is not just about sending messages; it's a strategic tool for enhancing user engagement, providing support, and facilitating transactions. For instance, a Flutter app that allows users to directly contact customer support or receive transactional emails without leaving the app significantly improves the user experience. This direct line of communication can be crucial for feedback collection, user retention, and even for marketing purposes. By implementing email functionalities, developers can craft personalized user journeys, send updates, or promotions directly to their users' inboxes, thereby fostering a stronger connection between the user and the application.
From a technical standpoint, the integration of email services within Flutter apps involves a combination of client-side and server-side operations. While Flutter provides the frontend interface, the backend, possibly powered by PHP, handles the actual email sending process. This separation of concerns not only makes the application more scalable but also enhances security by keeping sensitive information on the server side. Furthermore, it allows for more complex email functionalities to be implemented, such as automated emails triggered by specific user actions or scheduled newsletters. By leveraging these capabilities, developers can create more dynamic, responsive, and engaging applications that stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Email Sending Function in PHP

PHP Scripting

Flutter Email Integration

Flutter Development
import 'package:flutter_email_sendeflutter_email_sender.dart'; final Email email = Email( body: 'Email body', subject: 'Email subject', recipients: [''], cc: [''], bcc: [''], attachmentPaths: ['/path/to/'], isHTML: false, ); await FlutterEmailSender.send(email); 

Streamlining Email Capabilities in Flutter Apps

Implementing email functionality within Flutter applications offers a significant advantage, providing a direct and efficient communication channel between the app and its users. This feature can elevate the overall user experience, offering immediate access to support, information, and services directly through email. The integration facilitates various functionalities such as account verification, password resets, notifications, and promotional communications, which are essential components of modern mobile applications. It not only enhances user engagement but also supports a robust framework for personalization and targeted communication strategies.
The technical integration of email services in Flutter involves leveraging existing packages and server-side technologies like PHP for backend processing. This approach ensures a secure and scalable system for handling email operations, including sending and receiving emails, managing templates, and automating communication flows based on user actions or preferences. Moreover, the ability to incorporate advanced features, such as attachments, HTML content, and custom headers, allows developers to create a comprehensive email solution that can adapt to various business needs, making Flutter an even more versatile platform for app development.

FAQs on Email Integration in Flutter

  1. Question: Can Flutter apps send emails without opening a mail client?
  2. Answer: Yes, by using backend services like PHP to handle the email sending process, Flutter apps can send emails directly without requiring the user to open a mail client.
  3. Question: Is it secure to send emails from Flutter apps?
  4. Answer: Yes, when implemented correctly with secure backend services for email sending, it's secure. It's crucial to ensure data protection and privacy measures are in place.
  5. Question: How can I implement email functionality in my Flutter app?
  6. Answer: Implementing email functionality involves using Flutter packages for email sending and configuring a backend service (like PHP) to process and send emails.
  7. Question: Can I send emails with attachments from Flutter apps?
  8. Answer: Yes, emails with attachments can be sent from Flutter apps by handling attachment uploading and email sending on the server side.
  9. Question: How do I handle email templates in Flutter?
  10. Answer: Email templates are usually managed on the server side (e.g., PHP). The Flutter app can trigger emails based on user actions, and the server processes the template sending.
  11. Question: Can Flutter apps receive emails?
  12. Answer: Directly receiving emails within a Flutter app is not typical; instead, email interactions are usually managed through backend services.
  13. Question: What are the best practices for sending emails from Flutter apps?
  14. Answer: Best practices include using secure and reliable backend services, ensuring user data protection, and providing clear user consent for email communication.
  15. Question: How can I test email functionality in Flutter during development?
  16. Answer: Use testing and development services like Mailtrap to simulate email sending and receiving without spamming real users.
  17. Question: Are there any limitations to email integration in Flutter?
  18. Answer: The main limitations stem from the backend email service used (e.g., rate limits, security policies) rather than Flutter itself.
  19. Question: Can email functionality in Flutter be used for marketing purposes?
  20. Answer: Yes, with proper user consent and adherence to email marketing regulations, Flutter apps can utilize email for promotional communications.

Final Thoughts on Flutter's Email Integration Capabilities

Email integration within Flutter applications represents a pivotal enhancement in how developers can interact with their user base. By facilitating direct email communications through the app, developers unlock a myriad of functionalities that significantly contribute to the user experience. Whether it's for verification, support, or marketing purposes, the ability to send and manage emails directly can drive engagement, improve customer support, and boost the overall utility of the application. Moreover, the combination of Flutter's frontend flexibility and PHP's robust server-side processing offers a balanced approach to implementing these features securely and efficiently. As mobile applications continue to evolve, integrating such comprehensive communication tools will be crucial for developers looking to create more interactive, user-friendly experiences. This capability not only demonstrates the versatility of Flutter as a development platform but also highlights the importance of effective communication channels in the digital age.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:18 Professional_Area320 I need life advice. Happiness or financial stability?!

My fiance and I have been together for 11 years. I have been engaged for 7 of those years. It’s never been a wonderful relationship but rather we stuck it out because of the hardships that we were faced with and helped each other get through them. We’re more like good friends rather than lovers. We’ve been through a lot. Family issues, moving around, him and I cheating on each other, deaths in the family, marriages in the family… etc. but we stuck it out despite all of that. I find comfort in him in ways but I am not in love with this man. I went through 6 years of school and got my associates and bachelors degree in the medical field so that we could have a better life (he is 9 years older than me and never established himself. He’s nearly 40 now). With my career, I was able to buy a very nice home. He paid half of the closing costs and now pays half of the bills but is not on the title or the mortgage (all of the bills are in my name and he just transfers money into my account each month). I thought that if we had better we would be better as a couple but I’m finding out that it’s not as I had planned it out to be. It’s not the situation of which I’m living in, it’s him. I cannot stand him half the time. I’m feeling stuck. I can’t afford this home alone without being house broke. Plus, legally, I would have to evict him considering he is a co-occupant of this establishment. I’m also scared of losing him in a way because he’s been part of my life ever since I was 17 but deep down, I know this relationship is over and has been over for a long time. The only problem is even though I have mentioned that I wanted out before, he does not want to lose me. He is very much attached to me and does not want out of the relationship. So here are my options:
  1. Do nothing. Stay in the relationship because it’s comfortable even though I’m not in love with him.
  2. Ask him to leave - pay him back whatever he put towards the house and continue to live in the house and have financial hardship until maybe the economy gets better?!
  3. Sell the house and move back home with my mom or into an apartment - I really love my house and worked so hard for it - not to mention, I got a really good deal with my interest rate - this would be a really hard decision to make even though financially is a better option if I were single.
  4. Tell him the relationship is over but continue to live with him as “room mates” to allow both of us to figure it out in a timely manner?!
Any other options are welcomed. I just need help figuring out what to do.
submitted by Professional_Area320 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 MD_anon_1768 MD Payment??

I submitted a MD 2 or 3 years ago and never received payment. I had a follow-up diary published a few months ago and have still not been paid. I submitted everything I was asked for out of the gate (routing and account numbers and a screenshot of my banking app for “proof of service) but R29 has been back and forth with me over 15 times trying to schedule a Zoom call to confirm all the details I already sent 8+ weeks ago (at first they didn’t give a heads up on when they’d be calling, so I’d unknowingly deny the calls because they registered as spam, and then they’d get annoyed that I didn’t pick up).
We finally got on the phone today and they were asking for all the same info, plus the full account number of my old bank account that doesn’t even exist anymore, and the number of the invoice they sent me (???). It felt scammy and I’m tired of taking time out of my work day to blast my bank info over the phone in a public environment. Eventually I told them to forget the payment and hung up.
Has anyone else had to jump through hoop after hoop to get their agreed upon payment?
submitted by MD_anon_1768 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:16 gamingdiamond982 Update on Taubot V2

Firstly gonna start with the least technical stuff and get more in the weeds as I go on.

Bots Metadata

The current working name is "taubot-v2" it's boring and I'd like to see it change, but truthfully don't have any ideas, I'd like to hear any suggestions you may have if I don't hear any "taubot-v2" it is.
Ideally the name would be currency agnostic, I want the bot to be able to simulate other economies on other servers, to enable better diplomacy between other online democracies.

An Overview of what I want the bot too look like.

This is just my current working plan, I'd like to hear suggestions and I'll weigh up the technical feesability of the change and it's potential benefits.
I've planned firstly to as I previously mentioned, to be able to host different economies on the same bot.
These economies will be able to span multiple servers.
Note: I don't currently have any plans for interactions between economies, I want this to ideally be done by people - maybe it could be automated with the planned API - but more on that later
users will have to explicitly open accounts user's will be able to be banned from opening accounts explicitly due to how I've designed the permissions system - more on that later
accounts will be able to transfer funds from their account to other funds, this has the potential to be taxed I've per-implemented the possibility of wealth taxes, income taxes and VAT, this list could be extended with ease as long as the taxes can conform to a relatively simple data structure.
scheduled recurring transfers will be a thing - this will probably end up behaving like the post tho, I'll be able to confirm it happens within a few hours of the scheduled time.- this could probably be made very consistent with relatively little work, that's for after the initial release tho.
The Permissions system
Permissions in the bot will be modular, meaning individual permissions can be granted and removed.
each permission will have a scope meaning it can apply to the entire bot, just a specific economy or a specific account within an economy.
This is different from V1 and the concept of an "admin" account isn't around.
I plan on extending this so certain bot permissions can be associated with different roles but that will not be coming with the initial release.
In cases where permissions conflict, i.e. a user is banned from transferring funds from a specific account but has permission to transfer funds on all accounts in an economy, the permission with the broadest scope will take precedent.
Planned API
I plan to release an API in a future release, Nothing I say in this section is anywhere near concrete but it's my current working plan.
For those who don't know an API is a way other bots can be written that interact with the economy programatically.
My current working plan is to have users grant permissions to specific bots via a command in the discord server, this will allow programs to act on their behalf in a restricted manner using an API key.
Because of the trust this involves, I'd like to manually vet those who want an API key, so I do not plan on having a publicly facing registration service.

Senator Hazzy's questions from the senate floor

  1. How far off completion are you?
This will probably be a continuously evolving project, but I could probably get an initial release out by the week's end - with recurring transfers, taxes, permission management, and multi-server support.
  1. Would it be possible to transfer control of the bot over to someone other than yourself?
Yes - However, they would need to be sufficiently technically capable to deploy the bot, it's not too hard and I would have no issues ensuring the transition was smooth.
They would also need to rent a cheap VPS if the API is ever implemented and be technically capable of configuring firewalls correctly etc, again I have no problem helping to make this as smooth as possible, but they are skills a host would need were they to take over.
  1. Would it be possible to only grant certain users control over specific aspects of the bot such that on one person has total control over it?
Yes the new permissions system allows for allocating of specific permissions to specific users - however and there is no getting around this, the host will have the ability to modify data in the database directly, the role will always be one that requires trust.
  1. How effective will maintenance of the bot be? How likely is the bot to break? This is a difficult question to answer, I've designed the bot following clean code principals it has two dependencies the library and sqlalchemy potentially a third for the API when I get around to that. has been around for years with more or less the same API, the only major changes were made after discord completely revamped their end and added slash commands etc.
it's unlikely any major changes will happen to that break the bot.
SQLalchemy is one of the most used SQL backends for python, its older than and still maintains their legacy versions.
again I'd make a similar case that any changes are unlikely to break the bot.
But like all code cobwebs form if you leave it long enough something will break.
I can tell you that in fifteen years it'll break due to some quirks with SQL datatypes and discord IDs - however that will only apply to newly created accounts and servers.
I've been methodically testing every aspect of the codebase, and am confident that once it's running it shouldn't break easily, issues may arise when libraries are updated etc, but we get warnings about those kinds of things well in advance.
  1. Are there any other flaws you've seen in the proposed bill? Truthfully no, I think it largely falls outside my area of expertise, i.e. the policies surrounding the new economy, but everything needed is technically feesable and will be in the initial release.

How will this attempt be different from a development standpoint.

The biggest change is that I know what we need and what broke with taubot, back when I was actively maintaining it I was the one resolving the issues with the initial implementation, as such I've learned alot about what's needed and what can go wrong.
There were many unused features of the old bot that I had to maintain in order to ensure backwards compatibility - the biggest of which was the fact that the old bot stored balances as fractions meaning you could have arbitrarily precise balances, this will not be a feature in the new bot, it caused countless headaches ensuring that at no point the data was ever converted to a less precise format a few times during testing I'd realised I'd accidentally created infinite money glitches - it was gaining about a millionth of a cent each time you made a transfer but still not ideal.
The old ledger based system couldn't scale, I had ten to twenty minute startup times as the number of transactions increased and while it did make auditing the bot easier, it was significantly slower and audits were never conducted.
I did retro fit a similar database to the current design onto the old bot because I felt the issues with the ledger were becoming insurmountable, however I had to build it in a manner that ensured it behaved as a direct piece swap for the ledger.
I've designed the current code in a manner that follows what I understand to be best practices for maintainability taking aspects I liked from the original bot and trying to keep things as modular as possible so that new features are easy enough to implement.
submitted by gamingdiamond982 to SimDemocracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:15 hypertyper85 PUK - Informant forms - My mom didn't write much!

My mom doesn't really believe in adhd and isn't the best person to ask, but I felt I had no choice. I'd have much rather have picked my husband who I've been with since I was 17 (i'm 39) and lived with for 16 years. So yeah, my mom is against me having an assessment and she answered no for everything except 2 questions, where she wrote a short sentence for her answer. I don't think that's much to go on for the assessor!
I kinda feel like she's bias to her own opinion and not being helpful or honest. :( If when I get the assessment and then results, I've already decided I'm not even going to tell her or mention it again unless she asks. She reads the dailymail for god sake. Need I say more?
I've been on the waiting list since last June, I don't know whether I should just wait and see if they ask me for more info at which point I could offer for my husband to fill in another form.. or if I should attempt to ask now, but I feel like I've not got anyone assigned to me and so will just be ignored until I get an appointment.
submitted by hypertyper85 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 Flametang451 The Primordial Paradox, Religious Diversity, and Free Will

In the modern age, I think one of the biggest questions anybody has had to deal with in a increasingly interconnected world from a religious perspective is the nature of how religious diversity came to be- not just internally, but externally.
The quran seems to at times explain religious diversity as a natural consequence and even ordainment upon humanity (5:48 and 10:99 come to mind here- if both are linked with each other than such would mean that some nations are meant to be as they are- even if they are what we would categorize as non monothiestic.
Quranically, such a nation could be seen potentially in Surah Yusuf. Egypt in this time is clearly implied to be pagan with Yusuf's conversation with his cellmates (12:36-42), and again in how the king's laws were different from Yusuf's (12:76). Yet the people in this verse seem to almost solely call on Allah only (when the egyptians speak of divinity, the word lilahi is used in places such as 12:31 and 12:51). If we assume the Wife of Al Aziz (Zuleikha as she is spoken of in exegesis, but also Rael) is speaking in 12:53, she does the same. In contrast, Egypt in the time of Musa amongst those who followed the Pharaoh mention waālihataka in the context of divnity- translated to multiple gods by most*).*
This could be a henotheistic situation like with the Quraish, but Prophet Yusuf aside from the prison does not do much preaching. There is a mention in Surah Ghafir (40:34) that Yusuf was rejected by the folk of Egypt, but this opens up more questions than answers (Egypt was not destroyed in Yusuf's time nor punished, nor does the quran call it's folk of that time disbelivers or mushrikeen....despite clearly being pagan. Neither does god state at any point that Yusuf was ordained to preach in Egypt. Yusuf likely was in Egypt during the Second Intermediate or Middle Kingdom Periods based on the ruler being referred to as a king if we attempt a historical contextualization, which were both dominated by pagan orthodoxy in the country.
Any criticisms on religion come from people that god narrates speaking, but not god themselves. It seems a small, but significant difference in comparison to how other nations in the quran are spoken of. 40:35 seems to continue on from this- but this verse may be unrelated to the matter (it also seems to be essentially be an allusion to cult like practices- the verse itself reads in what appears to be an orwellian matter in that folk should not question revelation at no point ever- it seems to follow in the maxim of such- "blessed are the minds who do not doubt, and cursed are those who do". Thus, it likely can and has been used to justify corrupt religious orthodoxies and institutions by silencing concerns of the layfolk, by arguing people do not have authority to question scripture or what it means. Essentially, it isn't blind following in all cases that the quran dislikes, but blind following of the right path is fine (and what "right" is can thus be made subjective to satisfy end goals). At the very least, from this verse solely. This would also likely be a favorite verse of those looking to justify spiritual abuse under the guise of well intentions.)
but at other times sems to argue that humans at some point recognized god for what they are, and that they chose to accept some kind of trust which seems to be in relation to living as humans, almost subliminally arguing that all people are somehow secretly aware of allah. Yet the quran also mentions that many folk can also be unaware or not know of god, that cities were not punished because they did know of a matter- that is the whole point of sending messengers. This in itself is an established point in jurispedence.
The verses that seem to indicate this are 7:172 and in 33:72. 33:72 seems to indicate man was very hasty in taking on said trust, to an almost shortsighted degree. However, 7:172 essentially opens up a serious question about personhood.
The claim that all folk somehow were brought forth in a primordial state to testify to god is a quran only claim- it is not as if we can go and ask somebody this happened. More importantly, considering that the quran directly shows evidence of god's interference with human consciousness by sealing hearts and ordaining paths or belief systems upon nations, we would not be able to gain a verifiable answer anyway. Since ideologies and understandings of the world are what influence actions (not the other way around, as a choice taken is always made in due part due to the convictions of a person), then it stands to reason that god sets both the cause and effect.
This would also justify fatalism (I've seen some try to argue for qadr allowing free will, but most arguments seem to be that there is a script but you can influence it a tad....which means we are mostly still bound by outside forces. The quran is even more confusing on this matter- at times it argues god is the only reason people believe or not, yet when the quraishi pagans use this very argument, they are accused of being decietful. The quran seems to want to uphold god's omnipotence and free will, and yet since the two will clash, seems to bungle both. The fact that the quran implies god created men to be upon the earth also seem to imply that humanity's acceptance of this trust and the expulsion of adam and hawwa seems to imply either events may not have been entirely free will oriented, but rather parts in a script that were unalterable (the fact that shaytan somehow managed to slink his way into heavean even after being banished seems to suggest that). Puppets on a stage, if you will, with long enough string that it looks like they have free will.
As for the issue of the primordial, what makes this so confusing is that it seems something from before birth (the opening of the book of deeds), is being taken into account in judgment. Generally, life is assumed to have begun at birth, not before.
The only way I could see this working is one of 3 methods- 1) mass mind wipes, 2) dharmic-style reincarnation, 3) ship of Theseus.
If we assume mass wind wipes were done prior to birth, then one should wonder why a person with no memories is being beholden to somebody who had said memories. Would the latter have done the same as the former? If we look at today, most wouldn't take up something so high stakes (existing as a human). Anti-natalism is a philosophical current in the modern day for a reason.
If we assume dharmic style reincarnation (the prototype souls were all regressed from being sapient to being infants), then essentially a lesser form of death has been experienced (the former cannot be seen as fully equivilent to the latter, and it cannot be possible to state either state would do the same actions in taking up the trust).
If we assume a ship of Theseus situation- god replaced each component of the old proto-souls with something new then but kept the same form- are those the same person as before? Is the delineation point form over substance? It doesn't seem like they are.
The only way that I could see this working is that the recognition of god is merely a recognition of the absolute in some form. How that happens in the living world is wildly dependent on various factors as enshrined by god or human actions. What may appear to be non belief in god may be in a sense, belief in some of his attributes. This is a mostly akbarian approach from what I can tell (though islam as a whole would be the most ideal path to take, it does not negate or subsume the others), but it seems to help avoid issues of mass damnation of humanity, and overall uphold god's mercy and salvation for other peoples.
Though one can argue since the quran mentions hell will be filled up, with all the nature of people being chosen to be guided or not, it could very well be the quran is arguing to a Calvinist style elect which would be seriously grim). Sometimes I wonder if in reading the quran pessimistically, is that perhaps how we should read it? It would lend itself to a more misotheistic understanding of god (as being evil or useless, but since the abrahamic god is all powerful, the former is the only possible approach in such a thought cycle- all actions would need to be reanalyzed as being conducive to some malevolent end.).
Of course, such a being would need to be rejected- if such a being would truly exist, and god was truly that- the only worship they deserve is to have their worship thrown into a fire and burned to never rise again. Essentially, allowing for the trust to be accepted by humanity was but the beginning of a series of malevolent machinations. To what end would be unknowable, but nothing good in general. It would be the inverse of the muslim thought process which argues even if we do not know something's occurence, there may be good in it. I'm not sure if this would be pessimism or simply being realistic or optimism vs cynicism sometimes between the two approaches.
Some would likely call such a view bizarre, but others would likely call it liberation from oppression, the only logical way to see faith, and an end to the evils of faith. I do wonder the modern day, the very concept of god by some is seen as having been the source of all, or perhaps most, evils. Granted, governments that espoused atheism were hardly better, but one could easily argue they made a cult out of their leaders, and thus see that as some kind of faith and condemn that.
If a prophet were to be sent down today, they wouldn't be dealing with people who would see miracles and scoff at them being of demonic origin, they would argue that and that even if they were from god, there's no guarantee god is good, citing history as their defense, or analogies to god as being an abuser, or that faith in anything at all in a religious context is a harmful thing. I wonder sometimes how a prophet of the past would react to that sentiment. It's not as if people are worshipping themselves, and even if they did try that argument of being beholden to one's desires- people would probably argue back that such an argument usually is used to justify abuse of people by depriving them of freedoms and safety, citing examples to do so. Or perhaps arguing in that god's mercy always comes with a price, or maybe by arguing heaven and hell both are eldritch hellscapes that lead to loss of self and existential horrors, or that faith in itself demands orwellian adherence and mindless obedience in one way or another- thus, corruption in religious institutions and the stifling of free thought isn't a bug, but a feature of faith. Granted, I'm sure all of these could be argued against in one way or another.
Ultimately, I think overall, god must be seen as being of mercy firstly. Otherwise, if this is overpowered at all times by other attributes, we wind up with all kinds of uneasy implications.
submitted by Flametang451 to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 aizlynskye Potential Elder Fraud dating back to summer 2022. Unauthorized ACH from CU acct to Wells Fargo Mortgage discovered after Grandma’s death

My Grandma recently passed away. Her estate wasn’t complicated and so was set up with NO will and NO trust - everything was set up POD/TOD/Beneficiary. I am the next of kin and have a (Colorado) small claims affidavit entitling me to any assets discovered under $82K.
Two weeks after Grandma’s passing we discovered a local credit union checking + money market account that no one knew existed. A statement was sent to my Aunt (by marriage, since divorced, Uncle passed in 2020) showing the accounts and a ~$2400 ACH transaction from the credit union to an unknown Wells Fargo Mortgage account. No one knew this account existed. There is no TOD/POD/beneficiary. No one had any idea to check this account or that these deductions were coming out.
My grandma had no mortgages. She did bank with Wells Fargo but they confirmed in writing that she has no open accounts and never had any mortgage products. I have also been to the tax assessors office who confirmed Grandma owned no other property or had no other mortgages in the state. My Aunt and I are the last living members of the family. I am legally next of kin but splitting any unassigned assets with Aunt as was Grandmas wish.
From what little I’ve been able to gather (given that I do not have personal representative or executor paperwork), the credit union account once stood at $40K and has been depleted down to $1K since the ACH deductions began in June 2022. Grandma was in an assisted living & memory care facility beginning January 2021.
I have visited both institutions multiple times over the past week. Wells Fargo is opening a case and will assign a case manager today. Theoretically they will then call me to get any info and begin their investigation. I am told they are “working on” stopping the ACH on their end, but my personal banker contact isn’t able to provide a timeline or process for what this looks like. The banker I’ve been working with indicated this may take a year or longer to resolve.
I brought the paperwork from Wells Fargo confirming no accounts/mortgages in Grandma’s name to the credit union today in hopes they can stop the ACH on their end. The next withdrawal will be June 2 if neither institution is able to stop this, putting the credit union account negative and accruing fees as a result. I am unable to dispute transactions from the credit union side and have basically been told that it’s in legal’s hands.
I’ve been told the credit union account must legally be closed within a year of Grandma’s passing and I’m hopeful we can get the funds returned to this account within that timeframe. Otherwise my understanding is that any funds may be provided via check to the “estate” thus requiring expensive and time consuming probate, which we very much hope to avoid.
I know this is a super rare and strange situation, but it is infuriating bouncing from bank to credit union and back and getting no further in the process. What is the likelihood of recouping these funds? Of stopping the ACH? Is there anything else I can or should be doing to get resolution here? Any wisdom would be appreciated.
submitted by aizlynskye to Banking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 Trick-Boat-4354 What are your strongest mono or multiclass builds at 10th level?

Hi all, this is my very first post in the 2-3 years I've had reddit. Title says it all, I want to flex my build but also want to know what you think are the strongest mono or multiclass builds, without accounting for any powerful magic items. If you can provide numbers too that would be dope because I certainly will in my following build.
So my build is Rune Knight fighter (5)/Giant Soul Sorcerer (5). My character has great weapon master and uses a maul. I rolled pretty great for them, but to make it even across builds let's assume everyone uses standard array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8). I'll put 15 in str, 14 in cha, 13 in con, 12 in dex, 10 in Wis and 8 in int. Bumping str to 17 and Con to 14 with race asi (my character is a Harengon). At fighter 4 I took great weapon master, at sorcerer 4 Id take an asi to bump my strength to 19.
Base damage is 4d6+8 (+20 more if I do gwm on both attacks). With giants might that's another 1d6, for 5d6+28 (assuming I gwm all my attacks).
With action surge that's 9d6+56 Plus 2d6 for fire rune for 11d6+56 Plus a bonus action, quickened attack (booming blade, fireball, etc). Let's assume I booming blade, 13d6+1d8(+2d8 more if they move after)+70.
Pretty crazy if I can manage all my abilities on a NOVA round, but even consistently 4-5d6+28 is pretty great.
Please share your most op or busted builds with me! They don't even need to be damage dealing builds, I'll take movement builds, AC builds, etc into account!
submitted by Trick-Boat-4354 to 3d6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:10 BlinkSpectre My ex GF messed me up mentally and emotionally and I’m still trying to recover

This isn’t something I would normally post but I am hoping it’ll be cathartic for me. This might be a long one and a bit of a mess so feel free to skip if you’re not interested in the read.
I 28f up until last August I was in a relationship with who we’ll call ‘M’ 24f for almost 2 years. We met on hinge. In general I’m very shy and not very confident person, and definitely new to dating as I spent most of my teens and early 20’s in the closet due to internalized homophobia. So I don’t have much experience dating. That context is important for the story. By all accounts, M was probably out of my league, (that’s what I told myself, again I have zero self confidence ) she was attractive, smart, came from a good family and on the surface a nice girl. The beginning the relationship was fine, she was in uni for medicine and her school schedule was pretty demanding. We’d only see each other maybe one every month in the beginning of the relationship, I understood she was busy with school and honestly I was still feeling lucky that she chose me to date.
A few months go by and we still remain only seeing each other once a month because her school schedule was so demanding. This is when the red flags start to wave, her school schedule was so demanding yet she was in multiple choirs that she would sing in once a week. She made time for choir but when I asked to hang out I was made to feel like a bother. Plus she played DND with at least 2 different groups of people.
Early in the relationship we were in her car after she dropped me off I asked if we could see each other a little more and she had a strange reaction, I didn’t want to seem needy so I backed off and later apologized via text. She responded with; “sometimes I just like to be alone.” Which as an introvert; I get 100%, so I let it be. But like….we only saw each other once a month as it was… could you possibly be alone any more??? I was always the one to ask to hang out, always. And every time I did I would sheepishly ask if she had some free time that weekend to hang out, because I felt like such a bother to her. I’m not exaggerating when I say we would easily go 3-5 weeks without seeing each other in person. We would text every day. But seeing her in person was a luxury. But don’t worry she always had time for choir every single week. Twice a week. Or DND. But seeing her girlfriend was too much strain on her school schedule.
I was always the one to text first. Whether it was good morning, or saying good night. Later in the relationship I wouldn’t text her just to see how long it would take her to text me that day, most time it wasn’t until 3-4 pm that I heard from her.
We never had sex, we barely even kissed.(which isn’t really important to me but damn). It was so difficult to have alone time with her so there was quite literally never an opportunity for intimacy. Towards the end of our relationship we would watch the bachelorette with her mom at her place, so we never had alone time for the last 3 months of dating.
For both valentines days we were together I sent flowers and chocolate to her house. She didn’t get me anything. For my 27th birthday we went out with my friends, and a small part of me wondered if she would offer to pay for my meal. Nope. She also didn’t get me a birthday gift or even a card. Flash forward to Christmas I get her a 250$ makeup palette that she always talked about and a blanket from her favourite K-Pop band. I got an xbox gift card and a cookbook. I need to emphasize that I DO NOT CARE ABOUT presents, I just literally wanted any sort of acknowledgment that she cared about me at all. I also feel the need to point out she has money, both her parents are lawyers and they are very well off and she gets paid to go to school because her field is very specialized. I was raised by a single mother and while I have my own career now, I’m far from rich. But I always went above and beyond to make her feel special and she did the bare minimum. Sometimes not even the bare minimum. This next one really bothered me; its my 28th birthday and I hadn’t mentioned it was coming up. A sick part of me wanted to see if she would remember, I know it’s stupid to test people in a relationship but I was genuinely curious to see if she would remember. It comes the day of my birthday, and I don’t hear from her until 3:30 pm. “Happy Birthday!” That was it. I was floored. A couple days later she managed to squeeze me into her schedule and we go out for dinner. Again, didn’t pay for my meal. For her birthday we went to a nice restaurant and I paid for the entire fucking thing it was almost 150$. Don’t worry she got me an xbox gift card though……..
But the worst part, beyond not seeing each other was how she treated me and made me feel. In the beginning she was very nice and kind, but slowly I think her true colours came out. She’s very smart, but she needs to be right all the time. Like literally every single conversation she needs to come out as right. I was never allowed to have my own opinions, she would make me feel stupid and correct me every time. I’m a bit of a goof and like to be silly, but she would look at me like I was an idiot, if I did a pretend British accent she would criticize it and tell me to stop. In the end I felt like a shell of myself. I was terrified to say something stupid. She would call out every single thing I did, if I merged a lane early while driving, called out (that actually happened). If I wiped my mouth after every bite, called out. If I said something she would have to google it to prove she was right or at least prove that I was wrong.
I would participate in her family activities, like birthdays and holidays. Side note: her family is lovely. I got especially close with her mom. Her mother is a sweetheart, a lovely human being and she treated me better than her daughter ever did. Her mom and I even snap chatted every day. M wouldn’t open my snaps for days and I could see when she was online. As weird as it might seem, I would have rather hung out with her mom than her. There were a couple times when we were with her mom, that M would call me out on something trivial and even her own mother was picking up on the vibes.
I had convinced myself I really liked this person, once I told her I loved her. Why, I’ll never know. She responded with “thanks, I’m not there yet but thanks for telling me.” I was gutted. I didn’t love her. I never did. In the end I hated her.
I would lie to my friends about her and say I was happy, my mom liked her which was the worst part because it would break her heart if she knew how I was feeling and being treated. I would make it seem like I was happy and she was this lovely person, but deep down I was dying. Towards the end of our relationship I was hanging out with a good friend of mine and someone who helped me a lot through my journey of accepting my identity as a lesbian. She asked me about my relationship and how it was going, and I honestly couldn’t say anything positive. This was the first time I was honest with someone in my life about how unhappy I was and I wasn’t sure how to process it.
Eventually she broke up with me; she said she felt like she made me nervous and that I cared about her more than she cared about me. Initially it hurt, and I felt bad. But after an hour, I wanted to do a freaking backflip. I was elated to be free. For the past 2 years I had felt like less of myself than I had ever been. It was the worst 2 years mentally of my life. I had twisted myself up into this sheepish person who just felt lucky to be chosen by someone. My self worth was so low that I thought this was the relationship I deserved, that I would never find anyone else and I should just be grateful that she chose me.
As the title says I’m still trying to recover and heal. It’s been about 9 months since I last saw her and I’m working on myself. That relationship showed me how compromised my mental health was and that I need to take care of myself. I have been seeing a therapist. Now don’t get me wrong I have struggled with mental health my entire life, but those 2 years were the worst of it. I’m not dating right now because I want to focus on myself and my personal goals first.
I’m still embarrassed for how the relationship went and that I let her treat me. If anything I learned a lot from this relationship.
If you have made it this far props to you because this was kind of a hot mess and wayyy too long. But it’s been bothering me even more lately and I guess I just felt like this might help. Even if no one reads it.
She didn’t want a relationship, I don’t know what she wanted. She used school as a buffer to limit the amount she saw me. I feel bad for the next person she dates and I hope they come to their senses quicker than I did. I deleted her off everything and I hope to never see her again. In closing, I fucking hate her guts.
submitted by BlinkSpectre to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]