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PS1 RPGs and Why You Should Play Them

2024.06.01 15:30 DariaRPG PS1 RPGs and Why You Should Play Them

Ok so this is a weird cross post from PSX. Another user requested some of the definitive RPGs for the system with a description of why they should play them. I took a bit of time writing this is up... to crickets. Annoying, but thought maybe someome here would be interested in what the system has to offer outside of Squaresoft.
Breath of Fire 3 - Probably the best of Breath of Fire series. A gorgeous 2D adventure with memorable characters and systems. Dragon summons, fishing, dungeon puzzles. If you love it follow it up with Breath of Fire 4 which is also amazing and somewhat darker and mature.
Valkyrie Profile - Also extremely pretty 2D. You play as a Norse Valkyrie tasked with gathering the souls of fallen warriors to fight in the battle of Ragnarok. The story structure has you play through these warriors final moments. A lot of sad, some funny; an amazing game.
Alundra - Another really impressive 2D game. Action RPG and spiritual successor to Landstalker on the Sega Genesis. You have the ability to jump into people's dreams and literally defeat their inner demons. The story revolves around a single town with very fleshed out NPCs. You get to know them individually and so when you do the dream hopping thing you really care whether or not you can help these people (spoiler alert: sometimes you can't). Tear jerker.
Suikoden 2 - incredible story about friends caught in opposing sides of war. Just play it.
Star Ocean 2 - ok super fun super gorgeous sci-fi RPG that plays out a bit different depending on which characters you choose for your party. And choosing some characters locks you out of choosing other characters. So you're probably meant to play it twice for the full story, but it's also like 100 hours long so good luck with that. I love the battle system hectic action characters constantly running all over the field spamming arte attacks and shouting. Immersive crafting systems, and a lot of skits between characters fleshing out stories and relationships.
Tales of Destiny 2 - oh God. Just another amazing game. One of the best of the Tales series. You find an alien girl who has dropped from the world hovering upside above the one you live in. Ensue globe trotting adventure with a lot of heart.
Lunar Eternal Blue - both Eternal Blue and Silver Star Story are solid adventures. I prefer the second one a bit more for the party members. But really either are a lot of fun. Translation has aged a bit poorly but I think they still have a lot of humor between character interactions.
Thousand Arms - weird RPG meets dating sim. When this was current gen there really wasn't anything else like this one. Humor can be crass at times, and the game is pretty misogynistic but I think it's worth an experience. Story is you're a sort of blackmith that has to imbue weapons with the power of love, which you do by dating all the women in your party. The game recognizes that Meis (main character) is sort of sexiest jerk and makes fun of him for it. Lots of humor.
Koudelka - RPG meets survival horror. 18th century period piece that has a psychic Gypsy, pompous Bishop, and cynical atheist exploring a haunted mansion. They do not get along and the dialogue and interpersonal conflicts are pretty entertaining. Voice acting is incredible especially considering how bad other PSOne dubs were. Tactical battles sadly don't provide much challenge.
Dragon Warrior 7 - this is a long one. I'd say it's one of the best of the series, but they're all consistently good. Story is broken up into vignettes, you travel to an island see there's a problem and then travel back in time to solve it. A lot of these mini-stories are well written. Some funny, some sad. Like Lunar these also a lot of good banter and chemistry between the party members.
Rhapsody - this is another weird one. Gameplay sadly sucks. It's just really easy, and the dungeons used a ton of recycled assets. Think budget game. But, and this is a huge but the game is adorable. You play as Cornette, a girl who lost mother but has the ability to speak to puppets. She then recruits these puppets to help her on her quest to rescue the prince she loves from a bumbling band of sexy witches. She also sings. It's like a Disney musical meets JRPG.
Azure Dreams - this is the other Dating Sim RPG on the PSone. But it's a mystery dungeon roguelike. And a monster collector. And town sim. So you scale a tower, collecting and hatching eggs, and dating town girls while investing money in rebuilding the town. Hard, but addictive.
Persona 2 - "modern day" (circa 25 years ago) a crazed maniac named Joker is murdering high school children. There's also a sort of pandemic going around that turns rumors into reality. You are a group of investigators trying to figure out what's going on, also you control demon versions of yourself in battle (personas). Dark. Very dark.
Honorable mentions to Wild Arms (western fantasy RPG), Vandal Hearts (tactical RPG based on the French Revolution with blood fountains squirting out of dead enemies), and Guardians Crusade (cute cozy 3D RPG with a baby dragon).
submitted by DariaRPG to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:07 Retaker The new portraits.

Pictures of the new character portaits /=/ Pictures of the old character portraits
Nobody asked and I don't care, My opinions/roasts of the new character portraits in order;
And that's that. My opinion. I am not a proffesional, I'm not even an amateur, but I like to think I know what looks good & bad to me. Perhaps you agree with me.
Scream your opinions at me. In caps.
submitted by Retaker to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:47 Decent-Student-7709 NANA4D AGEN TOGEL TOTO MACAU TERPERCAYA

Nana4D adalah situs togel resmi terbesar dan terpercaya di Indonesia dengan hadiah utama 4D mencapai 10 juta rupiah. Berapapun kemenangan Anda, pasti akan dibayarkan di situs Nana4D. Dengan bermain di situs terpercaya ini, Anda akan merasakan pengalaman bermain yang berbeda dan menyenangkan dibandingkan dengan situs lainnya. Tidak perlu khawatir lagi, Nana4D memastikan keamanan bagi semua pemain.

Pasaran Togel Terbesar di Nana4D

Sebagai agen togel resmi terbaik, Nana4D menyediakan berbagai macam pasaran togel terbesar dan terlengkap. Saat ini, Nana4D menawarkan 94 pasaran togel yang sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Berikut beberapa pasaran togel yang bisa Anda mainkan:
Tidak hanya pasaran di atas, masih banyak lagi pasaran togel lainnya yang bisa Anda coba di situs Nana4D. Dengan deposit hanya 10 ribu rupiah, Anda sudah bisa menikmati berbagai pasaran togel dan permainan yang ada di situs Nana4D. Selain itu, Nana4D juga menyediakan berbagai macam permainan yang mudah dimainkan dan memberikan peluang besar untuk memenangkan hadiah utama 4D sebesar 10 juta rupiah.

Beragam Permainan di Nana4D

Nana4D menyediakan berbagai jenis permainan yang dapat dimainkan dengan mudah. Berikut beberapa permainan yang bisa Anda temukan di situs Nana4D:
Dengan minimal deposit 10 ribu rupiah, Anda sudah bisa menikmati berbagai permainan yang tersedia di situs Nana4D. Semua permainan ini hadir dengan lisensi resmi dari WLA, sehingga Anda bisa bermain dengan aman dan nyaman.

Jenis Taruhan dan Hadiah Terbesar di Nana4D

Nana4D menawarkan 4 jenis taruhan dengan hadiah terbesar. Berikut adalah daftar jenis taruhan dan hadiah yang bisa Anda dapatkan:

Hadiah Taruhan Penuh

Hadiah Bet Diskon

Hadiah Prize

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Hadiah Taruhan BB (Bolak-Balik)

Itulah daftar jenis taruhan dan hadiah terbesar yang tersedia di Nana4D. Selain itu, agen togel terpercaya ini juga menawarkan berbagai promo dan bonus yang menarik.

Promo dan Bonus di Nana4D

Berikut adalah beberapa promo dan bonus yang bisa Anda klaim di Nana4D:
Masih banyak lagi promo dan bonus lainnya yang bisa Anda nikmati. Segera daftar dan jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini untuk bergabung dengan Nana4D dan nikmati berbagai keuntungan yang ditawarkan.
submitted by Decent-Student-7709 to u/Decent-Student-7709 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:17 BroUtrippen Price change

Island was 20 bucks and for the anniversary they are acting like they are giving you a better deal
submitted by BroUtrippen to DragonCity [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:26 VenomCruster DMT Breakthrough: Jesters, Robed Mantis, Council of Entities - Deception and Trickey abound?

DMT Breakthrough: Jesters, Robed Mantis, Council of Entities - Deception and Trickey abound?
I initially talked about this trip report on another subreddit, but I have gained new insights after churning on my experiences and reading about other experiences, and I am slowly consolidating my knowledge on this topic. I have discovered that many people have had similar experiences to mine with the same motifs, details etc. despite me never coming across these stories and reports beforehand.
The DMT just serves up the experience on a platter, and then kicks you out. It's up to you to figure out what went on while also battling with trip amnesia. I didn't even know the entity I saw was a robed mantis until months after (more on this later...)
My DMs are open to anyone wanting to discuss any of this, I have many ideas and theories which I only slightly covered here about the DMT space and the entities I have experienced too. I think I have almost figured out the jester. I'm slowly homing in on the Robed mantises too. My hopes with posting this story on this subreddit is to gleam new insight and to have more discussion about all of this. If you have anything to say, please comment.

My retold story

It was sometime in October last year. I was experimenting with DMT, trying to discover the truth about reality because of a strong inkling I've had from when I was a child that some high strangeness is going on in this reality, before I was ever familiar with such concepts...
It was nighttime and my bedroom was lit by my small lamp on my bedside. I consumed 2 grams of Syrian Rue seeds orally to get some MAOI in my system (MAOI slows down the metabolism of DMT, so it remains in your system longer). I waited around an hour, before vaporizing 25mg of yellowish DMT. I laid down and slipped on my eye-mask as the carrier wave ringing set in, the sensation of dissolving reality crept in, and the coursing energy rattling the atoms of my body began...
I found myself in a grand palace which had a black and white checkerboard pattern, and there were jester faces in the walls pursuing me which were ahead of me, while my soul travelled linearly down the palace...
Now, the jester is an entity that for some reason I have experienced every single time I have taken DMT. It is always in these black and white checker pattern textured settings. I've seen it in square tunnels, toroidal caves, and now this big palace. It's some sort of disembodied face and it has these big bulging eyes with thick black eyeliner, where the pupil is a black dot, and the white sclera part is big. It has a big mouth which switches from frowning to smiling wide in a few seconds, and some sort of tongue it sticks out at you. It has eyebrows too. It has a very mocking and sinister yet also at times childish vibe, and it seems to try and attempt to scare you, but I've never been particularly phased by it. I don't think it's ever clearly communicated to me telepathically. It just seems to stare at you and give you all its attention.
So, I'm in this palace, and these jester faces are in the walls following me. They're sticking their tongues out at me and I do the same back at them. Nothing particularly interesting happens, and the trip ends in around 14 minutes thanks to the MAOI extending it a bit. I found myself unimpressed, having consumed Syrian rue and taking precious DMT and not really getting much out of it this trip. I spend the next 10 minutes debating if I should go deeper, and I decide to do so. I also decide to experiment with music, and I play 'Shpongle - Divine Moments of Truth(DMT)' wanting to see if music influences anything. I load up 30mg, vape it, lay back and slip on the eye mask again.
Immediately I'm back in the checkered palace. The jesters are there too where they had just been. All my trips have involved this jester, and it doesn't seem particularly interesting. I'm completely disinterested in it and sort of ignore it, and I say to myself "What a f*king circus", commenting on the palace, as it always seems like these clowns/jesters are in these befitting circuses, and I was completely disenfranchised with them at this point. I was completely sick of them and essentially turned my attention away from them. Then suddenly, something started to happen...
(I later read about people doing something like this, where they divert their attention from the jester and ignore them, and seemingly try to "look ahead" of them. This supposedly lets you get past them especially as one of their purposes is allegedly to stop you from going further. Though in my case, I think the larger DMT dose was taking time to kick in [The jesters are allegedly sub-breakthrough entities and disappear at the higher doses]. These Jester environments are possibly the waiting room.)
The jesters and the checkerboard pattern vanished, and the trip suddenly started transforming with color and geometry. If you've ever seen those videos of physical film tape bubbling and dissolving, this is sort of what I experienced; the checkerboard palace and jesters disintegrated in front of me. I was quite surprised, as I had never actually experienced much other than the jester and the black and white pattern up until this point, and I thought I was doomed to have my DMT experiences forever intertwined with them.
This kaleidoscopic, beautifully geometrical circle / mandala of color, primarily pinkish and purplish with a tinge of green, started manifesting in front of me (Which I now believe is likely the chrysanthemum people see). It grew larger and larger as my 'soul' moved towards it. Suddenly, this massive keyhole shaped portal/door materializes in the middle of it, and behind it there were more doors. Eventually they all opened, and this humanoid entity walked through them...
"Is that her?" I asked myself. I had previously seen a pink and very feminine curvy figure on a spinning pedestal for a brief moment in a jester cave before and she seemed to be idolized/revered by them. I have never interacted with her, only seen her for a glimpse moment. But this was not her.
Instead, this humanoid entity had a green head which seemed like an inverted triangle. It was quite unattractive and honestly ugly, looking like some sort of insect. But it wasn't vomit-inducing or grotesque. I initially explained it to others as having a "bull shaped head", as I didn't get to look at it for very long. Instead, I primarily had my focus on what it was wearing. It donned this wizard looking purple/pinkish/maroon robe or cloak, and the seams had some golden alien inscriptions/letters on them (In retrospect, this might have been the golden medallion people see them wearing, but I have seen someone else describe these gold inscriptions before similar to the way I have). Its clothes are scintillating with its purple/pink color palette in flux, and its head I would like to say almost had a sheen to it? I felt that it was an old entity wielding great power and high status. It moves closer and closer towards me, while I too am gravitating towards it, before suddenly everything vanishes; it felt like this entity had intercepted me. I'm teleported somewhere...
Everything is very dark, and I don't recall any visuals exactly. I feel like a purer form of consciousness/awareness at this point occupying a singular point in space, and my ego is objectified (as in I'm still aware of my human identity, but I'm not attached to it). It also feels as if I'm at the end of time, the conclusion of the universe. The fireworks were set off, and now there's nothing. Time had actually stopped working the way it does in consensus reality anyways while I was still in the presence of the jesters.
(An interesting experiment anyone who takes DMT should try: Take a sufficient dose where you can still keep your eyes open but you're at the verge of going deeper, and look at something like a timer on your phone, and witness your mind be stupefied as it attempts to decipher the meaning of the numbers you're looking at. You literally forget the concept of time.)
I feel the presence of a council of entities surrounding me, and I am in the middle of them all. They sort of feel subordinate to me, and short of stature. (I'm frustrated I don't really remember what I saw during this part of the trip. They could have been the blue imps people see, or mantis beings, or elves, etc. I just know that they felt very familiar) Suddenly, a monsoon of information is "downloaded" into my brain, and everything is completely overwhelming.
I don't recall much but the kernel of what they were basically 'saying' telepathically is that "You are the eternal ultimate awareness which has always existed, and everything exists as a form of entertainment and/or experiences for you, as there is nothing else to do. You have been doing this for all of eternity." What is strange is that I already sort of deduced this was the purpose of reality long before I tried DMT, so they may have just been feeding back to me the assumptions I already had about reality. This is a common motif I've read about, where the entities just use what you know against you. The suspected motive for this? I'll explain later.
I remember the saying "Once you get the message, hang up the phone" being pushed to the forefront of my mind during this whole thing, and me responding "No, I'm coming back later to check again". That sums up the essence of ultimate consciousness I guess, it keeps coming back for more experience rather than resting in peace. That is the implication IF what they were telling me was true, I guess.
I then react by saying "Are you serious‽ Is that all this is‽ " because I always wanted to be wrong about what I thought about reality, but instead this council was basically reaffirming my beliefs. They basically replied "Well, what else were you expecting?" and I felt one of the entities in the council get sad I'm assuming due to my reaction, I sort of 'reached out' to them and quickly apologized "No! I'm sorry, don't be sad." That's the last thing I remember while in the presence of that council.
The apex of the trip is over. They disappear and it feels like I'm thrown down the DMT realms, sort of floating in a black void behind my closed eyelids which I'm becoming aware of (I didn't have a body nor eyelids when I was in those places). I'm quite comfortable there, it feels like a womb. My lucidity of our consensus reality increases more and more. The music starts to reappear, I don't ever recall hearing it while I was in the trip.
(Unrelated but interesting side note. I remember I was in this comedown state for a while and had become aware of my body but chose to keep my eyes closed. I did this little experiment where I scrunched my eyes really tight, and when I did this my teeth started chattering and I saw this flat 2D magic-eye texture in front of me that was dark green and had a sort of diagonal chain-link pattern to it. The Qualia Research Institute has done research on DMT, they identified 6 levels to the experience: Threshold, Chrysanthemum, Magic Eye, Waiting Room, Breakthrough, and Amnesia. I believe I was in this sort of Magic Eye level at this point on the comedown. I also did not experience DMT in that specific order of levels, for me the chrysanthemum is after the waiting room. Another thing to note is that this institute identified DMT geometry as being hyperbolic which is something that can exacerbate the phenomenon of not remembering trips properly, as the brain struggles to make memories of it)
I found myself agitated and frustrated. I ripped off my eye mask and got out of my bed. I started swearing at everything in my room lol, and I also said unusual things which I reflect on to this day. For the record, the trip lasted about 17 minutes.
"Do whatever the f*k you want" As in if you wanna climb mount Everest, go do that, if you wanna be a musician, go do that. This trip made me feel like anything is possible, and a person is limitless.
"God exists, I created him" I was speaking from the perspective/ in the context of being the ultimate awareness, implying that the ultimate consciousness invented God, which is interesting. A while after the trip I had come across a concept of the distinction between God and the Godhead from Meister Eckhart which is probably what I was for some reason referring to in this moment, but I never delved much into the topic, so I am not sure.
"Why the f*k are you scared of the dark lol" I have a fear of the dark from when I was a child which stems from being exposed to those screamer flash games where the woman from the Exorcist movie flashes on the screen etc. which has mentally scarred me to this day as an adult lmao. but post-trip me had a revelation that this was silly, though it's still hard to get over my fear of the dark that occasionally creeps in.
I wrote up an initial trip report after I had calmed down from my annoyance, and I noted down that "All the hate you show onto others is reflected onto yourself, likewise the same with love." Due to feeling this sense of interconnectedness with everyone I had during that trip afterglow.
Here is the paragraph at the end of my first reddit trip report I posted. It will tie into the next section of this post.
"So now to the present moment, I had some strange synchronicities and events recently which lead me to discover that humanoid entity I saw was in fact a mantis entity, as it weirdly matches other people's typical descriptions. Green head, purple robe, feeling a presence of a council of entities etc. I had never researched it nor really heard of the mantis aliens before this trip, so it is interesting that I saw it. I was always referring to it as the humanoid entity with a cow shaped head, lol. I don't know who that mantis being was, it was only in front of me for a few seconds before it whisked me away to the council, and it never telepathically spoke to me. Me learning about the mantis beings prompted me to share this experience, as I would like to hear what others have to say. Thanks." 
Now I didn't really want to add these to this post to prevent it from getting too long winded, but I may as well. All I really wanted was to repost this trip on this subreddit.
Stick with me here. Think about the theme of the DMT experience. It's about humor, 'the cosmic joke', absurdity, amusement, and so on. What is the prime entity people see on DMT? The Jestetrickstejokeclown and the various names it has, and what better character to represent DMT. A mischievous, cunning, almost sinister entity that showers you in its attention as it tries almost to overwhelm you, all the while mocking you. It seemingly does this so as to grab your attention and make you become preoccupied with it. For some people, it tosses them around to completely discombobulate them, or even puts people in a sort of 'Jack-In-the-Box'. When I saw that Mantis at the kaleidoscope, it was as if it had a mission to intercept me to prevent me from going out of bounds on my own. Where does it take me? To a place where my beliefs are regurgitated and fed back to me. "Well, what else did you expect?" one of the entities told me when I was there. Why would an entity say that if not to try and dissuade me from digging deeper? They didn't seem to want me to come back, just fed me my assumptions to try and satiate me and sent me on my merry way.
The Mantis never communicated to me, introduced itself, etc. It just manifested itself into existence and intercepted me at the kaleidoscope. I literally didn't even learn it was a mantis until months later. I have seen them commonly being referred to as 'Overseers'. Like administrators. They don't like to reveal themselves and rather remain in the shadows, but I forced their hand by taking a large DMT dose and getting close to the other side. They never wanted me going there. But they can't stop me from learning about them.
To these entities on the other side of the veil, it's all about humor. It seems like it's what they value the most. You have absolutely no reason to trust them. They'll lie to you to get their laugh all the while herding you back into place to stop you from seeing what's really on the other side. They don't want us going too deep into the DMT space. What are they stopping us from seeing?
It's taken some retrospection and deduction to get to this point, but it's time to ignore the bs and cognitive dissonance people have. Something is going on here.
All I really know is that THIS, this experience, is happening right now, you are reading this right now, all of this is possible because all of this is currently happening. All the suffering, pain, discomfort, etc. This is reality. I just want to make sure I don't come back to this, not until I have the full picture. I pity my higher self if such a thing exists, if it was so bored out of its mind it actually voluntarily decided to live human lives on Earth.
A photo of the sort of texture you see in the Jester's environments. Though for me I feel the texture is slightly more regular, like a checkerboard. But this photo contains the vibe you get in these Jester places. Credit to u/theshponglr
Keywords for the search function: Mantid, mantis, green, portal, council, purple, robes, robed, cape, capes, cloak, cloaked, golden, gold, inscription, letters, portal, clown, jester, checkers, checker board, checkered, black white, mocking, insectoid, insect Edit: Minor improvements
submitted by VenomCruster to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:29 udipta10 My card collection ( cricket ,WWE , Pokemon etc)

My card collection ( cricket ,WWE , Pokemon etc) submitted by udipta10 to IndiaNostalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:10 Joshh170 MultiVersus Reveals Free Rewards for Returning Players

MultiVersus Reveals Free Rewards for Returning Players
MultiVersus has revealed that gamers who played the open beta will get the Season 1 premium Battle Pass for free. In addition to detailing the freebies that MultiVersus players will receive, devs of the 2D side-scrolling platform fighter also detailed monetization changes.
The wait for MultiVersus is coming to an end, because after going on hiatus, the anticipated release will finally happen on May 28. The road to launch day has been filled with announcements, such as the addition of Mark Hamill's Joker to MultiVersus, along with Friday the 13th's Jason Voorhees, and Matrix's Agent Smith as playable characters. MultiVersus players can also expect the PvE Rifts mode, which will be available at the game's launch, as well as combat changes.
Now MultiVersus has revealed that it will give a premium Season 1 Battle Pass to returning players who log in by June 11. With this, MultiVersus players will have the chance to unlock Jason Voorhees, which will be the first reward of the premium tier. Players who participated in Multiversus open beta and return to the game at any point will get the Snow Suit Finn skin, special editions of the Rising Stars ringout, and the Banana Guard announcer. MultiVersus surprised players by announcing the Banana Guard, which will be given to players who complete the game's tutorial. Finishing the seven-day challenge will reward the Lady Banana Guard variant.
MultiVersus Reveals Free Rewards and Monetization Changes
In addition to showing the free rewards and that Jason Voorhees will be in MultiVersus as a reward for the Season 1 battle pass, the devs revealed that the pass will give players the chance to win Gleamium in both the free and paid tiers. The Battle Pass, in turn, will be available for eight weeks, and when it ends, Jason will be available for purchase with character tokens or in-game currency. The devs also announced that four types of currency will be available at MultiVersus' launch: Perk, Fighter, Prestige, and Gleamium. Players returning to MultiVersus will receive Prestige based on the number of cosmetics purchased during the open beta.
There is great anticipation for the return of MultiVersus, which presented a captivating idea by bringing together characters from Warner Bros. properties in Super Smash Bros. style matches. MultiVersus will have substantial changes available at launch, with others coming soon. One of these is the addition of new stages and the potential arrival of characters like the Powerpuff Girls. This way, MultiVersus aims to face the challenge of offering a substantial experience to players.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:24 itzyagirl69 Joker event - what happens if you don’t fill orders in time?

Joker event - what happens if you don’t fill orders in time?
I’m on the third step, if I don’t complete the timed order in time will it just reset to level 1 and I can try again?
submitted by itzyagirl69 to TravelTown [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:53 Bulldoger_true They stole my Rivals of Aether moveset...

They stole my Rivals of Aether moveset...
Hi- I make mods for a game called Rivals of Aether (an indie 2d pixel art platform fighter), and one of them was DC Joker, which I made about a year ago. So when I saw an announcement about him being in Multiversus, I was naturally curious! ....Turns out they took inspiration from a bunch of my moves! How cool to see!
This is the mod in question for those who have rivals btw:
disclaimer: i'm not angry for this or anything just wanted to point out the similarities with what i made a year ago
submitted by Bulldoger_true to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:52 HJAC The Legend of Korra could benefit from a live action remake to fix issues with story, pacing, and plot that prevented it from surpassing its predecessor

Last night I finished the TLOK series. I didn't know anything about the shows weaknesses going into Book One. That first season made me feel so excited for the remainder of the story! It explored interesting themes in a beautiful setting, asked thoughtful questions, and introduced a compelling villain whose motive made a ton of sense and was a perfect antagonist to the Avatar. Amon was so compelling, I found myself actually rooting for him sometimes!
However, I was dissatisfied with how the writers chose to wrap up Book One. This could be an entire conversation unto itself, but to put it simply, I felt that Book One was building up to a moment that said "Hey, the bad guy is actually mostly right. Maybe the correct solution to this conflict is a third option that the two sides had not considered before." I was hoping the climactic battle / action sequence would be something like Batman vs Joker in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, wherein victory in the fist fight was actually a victory in buying time for the people of Gotham to prove their humanity. But instead of a battle over the soul of the city, Amon's 3-dimensional character was flattened into a 2D caricature through exposition: he doesn't really have a grounded philosophy worth exploring, he's just another water-bending baddie with daddy issues!
Similar build up and disappointment played out in each season. And after reading discussions on this subreddit, I can see how a lot of that was due to production issues with Nickelodeon. Not knowing if the show was going to be renewed each season didn't help. And, frankly, I think creating a follow-up to the gold standard of western animated television introduces challenges both internally (writers feeling they need to one-up the size and ambition of the story at the risk of making the show bloated) and externally (viewers always comparing TLOK to ATLA).
Remaking ATLA is nice but unnecessary. I feel bad saying this because, like a lot of you, I've seen how fun all the actors are off-screen and really feel they deserve better. Ultimately, there isn't much that needed to change about the animated series, so the odds of NATLA being worth watching was always going to be a longshot.
Remaking TLOK, on the other hand... I see a lot of potential for a remake to improve upon the original. Unlike for ATLA, condensing the story and characters would actually be a good thing! Fewer characters; only 2-3 side stories; a main villain arc that threads the entire series together; a live action Korra is really fun to imagine!
submitted by HJAC to TheLastAirbender [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:43 CConsler Bruh

No comments
submitted by CConsler to leversandchests [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:44 Retroid69 [lyrics] Botticelli Blue

verse 1:
bigger spoilers than a beautiful mind could offer,
call it my sixth sense, but i’m blind as an author
i broke the chains that bound my mind to the earth,
mix the lazuli with white and yellow, bind for gold’s worth
call it Champagne for Breakfast, get Meyhem on the line,
wrap my STI in the blue paint, pay him by design
painter due for his payment, i pass him my greens,
rich as emerald, he’ll get high by any means
chaos at my fingertips, i chose to be complacent,
sonic speed, a dozen rings on my digits, all adjacent
infinite rings like Draupnir, i blow them all with my lungs,
spearhead a Spartan campaign, show them all my golden guns
bonds in the casino safe, sky fell on my poker table,
only live twice, my diamonds are forever, joker’s fable
ashes to ashes, like the smoker’s fatal,
hashes for cashes, i call that a gold portrayal
rashes on my hands cuz i worked them to the bone,
working with silver to make gold, turning blue like the stone
the stone of lapis, priceless like the statue of Nike,
it’s all Greek to everyone but me, value of Aphrodite
for the love of god, keep focused, all nighters,
spoil the child, spare the rod, gall the writers
nah i spoil the hot rod and spare the child, ballin’ fighters,
dump the gas in the tank, not the pit, fall with lighters
my words float light as helium, truth be told,
but the stories are dense like a mountain gold
rhyme schemes like blueprints to the Museum of the Future,
even my opps do buy my music though, don’t call me a moocher
schmoozer perk in my skill tree, i get full discounts,
check the bottles ‘fore i check out, never skip the fluid ounce
that blue paint is worth more than your life times a million,
but i guess zero times a million is still zero, leave you on vermilion
verse 2:
the vermilion Vuitton bag, the Botticelli Burberry coat,
all these colors, but the personality’s gray, Mercury choate
all these designer brands, but Prada was non grata,
couldn’t secure the license unlike the beat, fly to Nevada
bet all deals on Vantablack 13, turn your luck upside down,
can’t see slots, get your face shot, go to a lakeside town
lake waters were clear as your personality, ain’t gray no more,
take matters into my own hands, can’t stay no more
trouble in paradise, pickpocket my pocket watch to waste my time,
diminished returns like you slipped the chord in the middle of the line
the progression’s all fucked up, but still sounds incredible,
2D to 3D, that’s some big leap for grounds dimensional
intentional jail time, brought a flip phone behind bars,
not that 2000s shit, i mean the luxury flipper, defined stars
crack your bones like i cracked your phones, lost contacts,
no backups for your drug dealers, costs contracts
rack up consecutive years with bigger clips, extended sentence,
emptied the cab, hit the floor taking shots at the bar, no dependents
drank all my wine, no more to make the ancient paint,
don’t give me ultramarine, too bold for gold, patron saint
Catherine of Bologna’s on the line, she’s trynna phone ya,
said she saw your side skirt Antonia, she’s trynna bone ya
stone ya to the ground, cuz you’re unfaithful to the arts,
moan your name like a bitch, hitch the rich to the hundred charts
hot ones sauced in the penthouse like i filled the pool with buffalo,
dip some boneless wings in that hot shit, squatter in the bungalow
i felt the undertow of your words, because you thought you were spitting fire,
i’ll cop you to the ground like you’re a shitting liar
dire need of fitting into society, that’s all you have to think about,
a bout of doubt to find a way out of town, you’re a pussy the shrink cut out
of his little black book of degenerates who try to repair their own lives,
drivin’ round the Botticelli Subie while my drug phone vibes
submitted by Retroid69 to Songwriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:56 ShornVisage [Warhammer] Laying a Minefield: How Games Workshop blundered into creating its least popular products, and why they won’t just stop selling them

Man, a sort-of-hobby-history post. From me. Who’da thunk it? I’ve tried to source this up better so it won’t get removed by the mods this time, but we’ll see how it goes. And do bear in mind, since a fair bit of this is about capturing player sentiment, a lot of the sources will be ancient, dead forum threads where players ‘theorycrafted’ reasons for their outrage. Let’s get started.

What is Warhammer?

Warhammer is… a lot of things. On its most basic level, it’s a set of two tabletop war games, but on another much more real level, it’s about so much more that saying it’s about two games is unforgivably reductionist. Spanning multiple universes with common and distinct elements, Warhammer comprises four universes, five settings, a hundred series of novels and comic books and video games, several expansive repositories of lore, and a thousand micro-communities that, together, comprise one overall community that spans the globe.
But let’s not get masturbatory (leave that to Slaanesh); all of these things exist to prop up the one, central point of Warhammer: Minis for a game you play on the table. But as you fall inexorably down the pipeline towards the hobby’s tootsie center, you will hear one warning, again, again, and again: Don’t waste your hobby money on Finecast models.

Why is Warhammer so expensive?

Look, I won’t lie to you: Collecting Warhammer, whatever the setting or side game, is never cheap. But the prices aren’t arbitrary, despite popular player sentiment. It’s easy to say offhand that these little bundles of plastic are more expensive than you’d think, but let’s consider all the production that goes into a single Warhammer model for a minute. (Mostly taken from here!)
The initial phase of modern model creation is that someone has an idea. Generally, that idea gets described to an artist, who creates a 2D rendering of what they’d have the model look like. Maybe this appearance prescribes the lore, maybe the lore prescribes the appearance.
Either way, a bundle of those renderings get passed to a 3D artist who turns renderings into something they can print. Maybe they do only a handful of these for a single character model. Either way, that highly-detailed 3D sculpture gets 3D printed as a large master mini, and sent to the crew in R&D.
Because half the enjoyment of the hobby comes from assembling the models yourself, this team has to figure out the best way to break down the components into multiple parts that fit together when cut from a single-piece plastic grid, called a ‘sprue’. If there’s no way to make it work, even if you split the model bilaterally down the side, the model is rejected and sent back to the 2D guy to make some new renders.
If the model passes the ‘breakdown’, however, another 3D artist reverse-engineers the model, breaking it down into component parts as agreed, and arranges them onto a sprue file.
At this stage in production, Games Workshop, being the only industry giant able to practically afford this part, rents supercomputers to run an advanced fluid dynamics simulation on the sprue file. Since melted plastic is injected into molds during production, they need some assurance that there won’t be constant production errors where a certain pocket doesn’t fill, and that the pressure won’t build too high and cause the machines to burst scalding plastic onto factory workers. If they find out that the injection won’t work, it’s time for the breakdown crew to get cracking again, and if they’re out of ways to skin that cat, this entire process starts over from the very beginning.
However, if the sprue simulation gets the green light, the file is 3D printed to create the master sprue, which is used to create a master mold, which is used to make the molding plates for the company factories and then lovingly placed in careful storage. Wouldn’t want to waste all that work, now.
This is the kind of rigor that modern GW products need to pass to finally be sold, and in the face of covering the costs of all of that, plus the actual production of the model you bought, plus the extreme cost of shipping low-density, low-weight products possibly overseas, is $40 USD for a single dude on foot and $55 for a squad of ten dudes really so bad? I say no. Although since I started updating this project to fit the subreddit rules, another price increase has been announced.
That is, unless something is wrong with the dude being sold on a more fundamental level.

Finally, let’s talk about Fineca- wait, shit, material history.

Like I said, that’s the modern production process. Several of those steps were impossible in, say, the 90s.
For one thing, Warhammer in the modern day is not sold primarily through a company-produced Sears catalog called White Dwarf, (although that magazine is still kicking around, amazingly) but via the internet. For another, model molds don’t have to be carved by hand by artists into green blocks, so a lot of finer detail and less awkward proportions are possible. And because less awkward proportions are possible, they’re able to use less crude materials than what they started out with.
You see, early Warhammer models were sold in White Dwarf, if not in your local hobby store, and the molds did have to be hand-carved, and so awkward proportions were the best their artists could do, so they did have to use a more basic material: Metal.
That’s right, early minis were made through a much more traditional kind of molding, not a stone’s throw away from how medieval blacksmiths made swords, where melted metal was more poured than injected into the molds and then refined in the factory, with byproducts that were punched out or shaved off the sprues getting recycled.
In other words, metal did the job just fine, but the medium was evolving by the late aughts, and Old Man GW was falling behind. With them resting on their laurels, other companies had started to leverage new tech, and profits were hitting a gulley. Then, around 2010, some overpaid fellow in R&D came across an alternative: Resin.

Enter stage left

It is very difficult to say how it happened, of course; model companies are understandably cagey about their preferred material formulas. What we do know is that GW saw resin as the upgrade it needed, and the benefits seemed pretty clear.
So in May 2011, GW announces the switch, and it’s out with all metal production, in with the newly-dubbed Finecast Resin (So named after all that fine detail it can pull off). It should be a slam dunk, right?


What you may have noticed in that last paragraph was that I didn’t say, “Games Workshop conducted a long series of tests to ensure that Finecast was up to the task of replacing metal across the entire model line,” and that’s because they didn’t. GW already had perfectly good mold plates; why bother checking every single one for production issues? Just swap the metal with the resin pellets and start printing the money.
And the answer for that “why bother?” is that when you change from melted metal to resin, you reveal the limits of those made-for-metal molds in a way that the old material was crutching for. Resin, you see, is prone to a lot of problems.
For example, the edges of those fine details tend to fray, and all of the thousands of micro-bumps in the old molds were revealed by our wonderful Finecast™ seeping into cracks the metal simply wouldn’t, coating all the mini parts in little bumps that paint dutifully rests on top of without obscuring anything, due to how closely it hugs the new material. This has the infuriating effect of replicating the appearance of spray-on paint ‘primer’ that wasn’t sufficiently shaken (Seen here on a modern model); in other words, it makes your mini look like it was done by an amateur.
For another, resin is more flexible, but it’s too flexible. Loads of old metal minis had relatively large, heavy parts attached to thin, weaker points on their model. This didn’t matter because they were made of metal, but now those metal models simply aren’t, and our wonderful, bendy resin droops the wings something fierce on every dragon and bloodthirster in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle range.
Yet despite that flexibility, extremely small or thin bits like pointing fingers and the shafts of weapons are still too brittle to bend, so between that and the constant fraying, bits broke off more often, not less.
And of course, simply making the switch led to a swathe of production errors. Especially early on, Finecast was prone to bubbling or being warped fresh out of the box. You could correct that second problem with heat, or you could melt the whole kit into unusable plastic sludge. You know my favorite part of this hobby where I already have to do all the assembly and painting myself? Having to fix production errors for the factory as well.
But hey, at least it’s cheaper, right? One of the big motives for switching to resin was economical; resin is not just lighter, but cheaper to harvest and make. So the minis are less expensive now, right?
GW has spent the leadup to releasing Finecast advertising it exclusively as a sleek, lightweight luxury product, so these new Finecast versions of old models have come with a healthy 30% price bump.

The worst game in town

Now, in the age of shrinkflation and trickflation and greedflation, you might not see how this translated to disaster for GW. “What do you mean,” you ask me incredulously, “that making a product that is unambiguously worse, replacing the entire line with it, and jacking up the price would cause business to crash?” But you must understand, this was before covid and the gig economy. If customers didn’t want to buy something, it was tough noogies for the company, not the customers.
All of the ‘luxury product’ marketing in the world couldn’t distract from the fact that Finecast resin sucked ass to work with, and made models decay like they’d been blasted by a hairdryer. (Which, ironically, is the best method for correcting it) It’s simply not worth buying, and all of the hard work in developing this new material earned it the ignominious nickname, 'Failcast'.
This caused a terrible buying pressure on the few remaining metal minis, which meant direct orders through GW’s Web 1.5-looking site and White Dwarf were drying up, and hobby stores quickly experienced a rush that depleted all their metal minis. If you ran a store that sold miniatures, the overwhelming pattern in 2011 was for someone to walk into your shop, ask "Do you have any metal minis?", get told no, and then walk out. Or worse for GW, they buy from a competitor.
Games Workshop tried to stem these problems by asking local distributors to check their finecast orders before putting them on shelves, but that worsened their relationship with vendors significantly. I mean, imagine you run a shop, and you order a case of GW models, and you get a pile of complaints from your best customers about the quality issues. You call your sales representative, and instead of giving a real apology or even sending a memo up the corporate chain, he says the onus is on you and your customers to do quality assurance for the company.
And because nobody wants to buy resin minis, and stocking resin minis mostly serves to prompt refunds, hobby shops start refusing to order more kits from GW, and running sales just to get the stock out of the damned store already. Many stores are only buying from GW’s competitors. Maybe they buy just enough to keep in touch with their sales rep, so they don’t burn a bridge before GW gets their shit together.
Shockingly, GW does that.

Res dead! Redemption?

The company's response was, of course, nothing like the speed of the modern day, but as soon as it became clear that 'Failcast' wasn’t the ten point stock rise they’d been hoping for, they must have started R&D on its replacement. By late 2013, GW was producing brand new models using only computer-designed CNC-machined sprues, made with plastic injection molding.
But wait, if GW recognized their mistake and made a heel-face turn as fast as corporate bureaucracy will allow, why is Finecast resin still being sold?
The answer lies in a number of boring economic realities and incentive structures:


It’s been more than a decade since Finecast’s replacement came in, so those resin models are a lot more rare on the webstore than they were in the past. It has gotten easier to just luck your way through a series of transactions that never see you waste a dollar on GW’s worst material.
Players have, of course, (mal)adapted, and they know the signs of Finecast resin in a way that was harder to spot way back when. (e.g. If a model looks old and shitty it probably is, some of the Finecast product pages mention the material) Heck, although the new website got a lot of criticism, it added the ability to sort by material, so you can remove finecast from the shop view entirely.
But make no mistake, plenty of people still lose an arm and a leg spending on Finecast, as they do in real minefields. And yes, I am ending on that corny pun.
submitted by ShornVisage to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 12:21 Icy-Werewolf1918 What dragon should I summon?

submitted by Icy-Werewolf1918 to DragonCity [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:18 billykopp [US][SELLING] Blu-Ray and 4K Movies For Sale

[US][SELLING] Blu-Ray and 4K Movies For Sale
I have more 4K & Blu-Ray movies for sale. $4 flat rate shipping on all orders within continental US. Please note that no slip covers or digital copies are included, unless indicated. Open to offers.
2001: A Space Odyssey Blu-Ray $5 Aladdin (Animated) Blu-Ray $5 Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Blu-Ray $5 AVP: Requiem Blu-Ray + DVD $5 Batman 4-Film Collection Blu-Ray $10 Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker Blu-Ray $5 Batman Begins Blu-Ray $5 Black Panther 4K + Blu-Ray $10 The Bourne Identity 4K + Blu-Ray $10 The Bourne Supremacy 4K + Blu-Ray $10 SOLD The Bourne Ultimatum 4K + Blu-Ray $10 SOLD The Bourne Legacy 4K + Blu-Ray $10 Jason Bourne 4K + Blu-Ray $10 Captain America: Civil War Blu-Ray $5 Conan The Barbarian Blu-Ray $5 Conan The Destroyer Blu-Ray $5 The Dark Knight Blu-Ray $5 The Dark Knight Rises Blu-Ray $5 The Departed Blu-Ray $5 Doctor Strange Blu-Ray (2D + 3D) $5 Dumb & Dumber To Blu-Ray + DVD $5 Full Metal Jacket Blu-Ray $5 Get Hard Blu-Ray + DVD $5 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Blu-Ray + DVD $5 Gladiator Blu-Ray $5 Godzilla Blu-Ray + DVD $5 The Great Gatsby Blu-Ray + DVD $5 Hot Tub Time Machine 2 Blu-Ray + DVD $5 The Hunger Games 4K + Blu-Ray $10 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt. 2 4K + Blu-Ray $10 Inception Blu-Ray $5 The Iron Lady Blu-Ray $5 Jingle All The Way Blu-Ray $5 The Jungle Book Blu-Ray + DVD $5 The Last Starfighter Blu-Ray $5 Looper Blu-Ray $5 Men in Black Blu-Ray $5 The Naked Gun Blu-Ray $5 The Nightmare Before Christmas Blu-Ray + DVD $5 Orgazmo Blu-Ray $5 Pirates of The Caribbean Blu-Ray $5 Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Blu-Ray $5 Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End Blu-Ray $5 Predators Blu-Ray $5 Digital Copy bonus disc The Punisher (2004) Blu-Ray $5 Rambo 4-Film Collection Blu-Ray $10 Rocky I-VI Blu-Ray $10 Roots Blu-Ray $5 Scrooged Blu-Ray $5 The Shawshank Redemption Blu-Ray $5 Star Trek I-IV Blu-Ray $10 Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy Blu-Ray + DVD $10 Team America: World Police Blu-Ray $5 Terminator: Genisys Blu-Ray + DVD $5 Tomb Raider 4K + Blu-Ray $10 Top Gun Blu-Ray $5 2D + 3D SOLD Toy Story 3 Blu-Ray $5 Transformers: The Movie Blu-Ray $5 Widescreen + Fullscreen TwistePoseidon/The Perfect Storm Triple Feature Blu-Ray $5 The Wizard of Oz Blu-Ray $5 The Wolf of Wall Street Blu-Ray + DVD $5 The Wolverine Blu-Ray + DVD $5 Wonder Woman 4K + Blu-Ray $10 X-Men Trilogy (2000's) Blu-Ray $10 X-Men Origins: Wolverine Blu-Ray $5 Digital Copy bonus disc Zombieland Blu-Ray $5 Digital Copy bonus disc
submitted by billykopp to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 16:43 Commercial-Hat-5975 IMAX Releases left thru Dec 2024 - What did I miss?

(hopefully more A24 re-releases coming as well)
Kingdom of The Planet Apes 10 May The Blue Angels May 17 Beach Boys 21 May Uncut Gems 22 May Furiosa: 24 May Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle (2024) 31 May Bad Boys: Ride or Die 7 June Inside Out 2 14 June 3D & 2D Fancy Dance (2023) 21 June? A Quiet Place: Day One 28 June Despicable Me 4 3 July 3D & 2D Twisters 19 July In 3D (conversion) and 2D Paris Olympic Opening Fri 26 July Deadpool & Wolverine Fri 26 July Borderlands, 1 HR 42 MIN, Aug 9 Alien: Romulus opens Aug 16 The crow Aug 24? Kraven the Hunter Aug 30 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Sep 6 Transformers One animation Sep 13 Wolfs September 20 The wild Robot Sept 27 “Interstellar” Sept. 27 Joker: Folie a Deux Oct 4 Venom: The Last Dance 25 Oct Gladiator 2 22 Nov Wicked: Part One 27 Nov The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim 13 Dec Mufasa: The Lion King 20 Dec Nosferatu (2024) Dec 25
submitted by Commercial-Hat-5975 to imax [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 07:07 Joshh170 MultiVersus is Adding Mark Hamill's Joker to the Roster

MultiVersus is Adding Mark Hamill's Joker to the Roster
Warner Bros. Games has announced the Joker as the latest character to join the playable roster in the upcoming 2D platform fighting game MultiVersus. It was also revealed that the Joker will be voiced by Mark Hamill, who portrayed the Clown Prince of Crime in the animated Batman television series and the popular Batman: Arkham video game franchise.
First announced in 2021, MultiVersus was made available to players in early access testing from July 2022 to June 2023. The game features a number of characters within the Warner Bros. library, and allows players to battle it out in comedic chaos across a number of colorful 2D levels. With the full version of the game scheduled to launch in just a few weeks, Warner Bros. is drumming up fan enthusiasm with surprising announcements, including one of the most iconic villains of all time.
Adding to a growing roster of classic characters, the Joker is set to enter the fray in MultiVersus, joining his longtime nemesis Batman and his romantic interest Harley Quinn. MultiVersus already features a number of beloved characters from franchises like Scooby-Doo, Looney Tunes, and more, and the DC Comics offerings are expanding with the most iconic villain from Batman's rogues gallery. The Joker, who will be voiced once more by legendary actor Mark Hamill, will be one of many characters players can choose from when experiencing the free-to-play platform fighting game MultiVersus. Fans have begun celebrating the milestone announcement, with many elated to be able to hear Mark Hamill's Joker and the late Kevin Conroy's Batman facing off once more.
MultiVersus Trailer Offers First Look At The Joker
In the official reveal trailer for the Joker in MultiVersus, fans can get a sneak peek at Mark Hamill's reprisal of his iconic role as Batman's greatest nemesis. The trailer shows a stone-faced Batman approaching a glowing green fog, as he walks past other playable characters, like Scooby-Doo's Shaggy and Game of Thrones' Arya Stark. Upon reaching the edge of the fog, Batman hears the all too familiar voice of the Joker taunting the Caped Crusader with hysterical laughter. Fans get just a brief glimpse at a gun-like weapon on the ground before the Joker flashes a dazzling smile and rushes towards the camera. Audiences will be able to play as the Joker and more characters in MultiVersus when the game releases on Tuesday, May 28.
Fighting games have proven to be incredibly popular for decades, dating all the way back to early arcade cabinets. Over the years, game studios have devised new mechanics and styles to draw in fans of the fighting game genre and newcomers alike. MultiVersus will bring combat changes and classic characters, offering fans an exciting take on beloved platform fighters.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 12:54 Phantom0729 The Joker

The Joker
Got this The Joker No. 14 variant B cover showing the many faces of the Joker during yesterday's FCBD.
submitted by Phantom0729 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:40 PowerWisdomCourage07 Man, so many cartoons get right what Sonic The Hedgehog gets wrong.

It's an ordinary day in insert place name until the heroes cause problems trying to do something, or a villain causes problems. The hero needs to solve the problem by overcoming some kind of hurdle and being creative and growing as a person, and things might be happening in an interesting situation. Danny Phantom has to help his jealous friend see what jealousy is turning him into thanks to the corrupted wish of a Ghost Genie. Ben 10 isn't just dodging weak lasers and punching identical goons in a dark parking lot, he's fighting alien cryptid monsters at the bottom of the ocean to save an underwater hotel and he just turned into the worst possible alien for this situation forcing him to be creative. These shows don't just do the same thing over and over. Even Tom and Jerry knows to switch up the formula sometimes by putting everyone in another country or time period.
It's an ordinary day in Mobius or Earth and Eggman is having his Eggman Robots do stuff Sonic needs to stop by going fast and hitting stuff hard, stuff he can already do. Maybe someone needs to give him a ring or Chaos Emerald or plane ride first.
Could you imagine how boring Batman TAS would be if he only had one villain who just kept doing the same thing over and over again? Oh no it's Joker and the Jokerbots and the Jokerlings and his wife and his kid and Batman's evil clone and Joker's evil clone and some one off goons gooning for the Joker and an ancient god or four tricked into working for the Joker who might betray the Joker later because this is the Joker Batman comedy hour and nothing is allowed to happen without Batman and Joker being there.
Sonic Underground, Sonic X, SATAM... At least Sonic Boom and AOTSTH were funny. It's like the series is afraid to try new things even though its core identity is constantly changing its core identity to chase trends. 2D, 3D, swords, motorcycles, motion controls, Mario Galaxy, Mario 3D World, Mario Party, Mario RPGs, you'll find more consistent lore in a cereal box mascot. Shadow can teleport with or without an emerald but he forgot about that when the ARK was raided by the ATF and they failed to do anything about the Death Star laser. eggman already built a Death Star in sonic 2, why is he using his grandfather's one? Why did Gerald and Maria and Black Doom (yes thats his name) have to be tied to Eggman?
I swear I love the Sonic series, but man, this series needed 200CCs of creativity and like 40 more villains YESTERDAY. No, 20 out of 30 years ago. No wonder the comics try so hard to make up new characters and bring back old ones, especially villains.
submitted by PowerWisdomCourage07 to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:57 A4Arkham_ Lots of theatre/cinema used posters popping up on EBay for anyone with £100 to spare!! Lots for people in UK and US.

Lots of theatre/cinema used posters popping up on EBay for anyone with £100 to spare!! Lots for people in UK and US. submitted by A4Arkham_ to Joker_FolieaDeux [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:19 staclol [mobile/android] [2013-2019] a game where there are superheroes and other troops against zombies

Genere: it was a tower defense, 3 person.
Estimated year of release: 2013-2014
Graphics/atr style: It was a 2d game made of cubes and cartoony.
Notable character: On the heroes side there was Batman, Daerdevil, Ironman and Hulk, and the only zombie I remember is the Joker.
Notable gameplay mechanic: it was a tower defense where there is always a single line in which you can launch your troops, build at the same time as the zombie side does the same: build and send troops.
Other details:I remember the basic zombie was a purple zombie and the first hero you unlock is a redhead girl with a katana (I think) part of the game name is civil (don't know if that helps) when I was looking for it for heroes vs zombies in the play store I could find it (This is the third time I've published this, if I'm missing something from the template, please tell me ;-;)
submitted by staclol to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:51 _heisenberg__ [USA-PA] [H] Random Batman related issues (detective, rebirth, new 52, etc.) [W] PayPal

Just cleaning out some long boxes. $20 minimum please!

Titles Issues Price
Batman New 52 12, 21 (2d print), 23, 27, 29, 33, 38, 40, 50, 51, 52 45
Batman’s grave 1-6 (2 and 6 are variant B) 23
Flashpoint Beyond 0-3, 5-6 variant B 35
The Joker (tynion) 1-9 (6,8,9 are cover b) 34
DK3 hardcover collectors editions 1-3 45
legends of the dark knight (2021) 1-3 (2 is cover b) 6
the next Batman second son mini 1-4 (1-3 cover b) 17
the next Batman future state 1-4 20
dark detective future state 1-4 20
Batman/the maxx Arkham dreams 1-3 15
detective comics 934, 935, 982-989, 991-999, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1035, 1043, 1062-1072, 2022 annual 65
dark nights metal 1 and 2 2nd printing, 4 13
Batman white knight Generation joker 1-6, von freeze, red hood 1 & 2, 6 33
Batman the world hardcover 13
Dc comics zero year hardcover 15

submitted by _heisenberg__ to comicswap [link] [comments]