Best friends haiku


2023.09.16 02:57 LizardBoiOfficial BestFriendsToday

Best Friends Today FR

2012.09.07 04:25 NJSStout The Hypest Subreddit on the Internet

A place where fans of the content that Matt, Pat, and Woolie provide come to talk about their content and anything revolving around that.

2012.03.16 19:19 YouTube Haiku

Poetic and/or funny YouTube videos under 30 seconds. Brevity is the soul of wit. Videos 14 seconds and under are known as Haiku videos and 15-30 seconds are Poetry.

2024.05.14 09:41 christinahannonMiyan Best Box Dye To Lighten Dark Hair- Top 3 Products

Blondes have more fun, and if you are a brunette, you probably want to shake up your look and step into the light. If you are a little jealous of your blonde best friends, you may want to get the best box dye to lighten dark hair and experience once and for all just how it feels to be blonde.
submitted by christinahannonMiyan to WomenEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:40 New_Activity_1363 Please help

My sister is pregnant and I don’t know what to do. I’m shocked that she is even pregnant at all but I do want to voice my opinion in the matter. So, I really believe that an abortion is ultimately one of the best options for her. She is genuinely immature and irresponsible. She ran away for a few days and didn’t tell anyone where she was going, my family honestly thought she got kidnapped or killed. But no, it was all of her own accord. Then brings a random guy she met down in Alabama- not the actual place, back to my grandmas house. (She lives with my grandma because my grandma will bend over backwards to help my sister, someone has a favorite grandchild). They date till my sister decided he was just too immature for her and became friends. They get a dog but neglected tremendously. My sister and her ex boyfriend would sleep till 1pm and have the dog in a cage till they woke up. The dog got sick and died because it had worms and neither of them took the dog to the vet. Fast forward to this weekend, she revels that she is a couple weeks pregnant. Where is her ex boyfriend? Playing a game in my cousins room while she is delivering life changing news and when she got two plates to eat, he said she was eating the whole house when he knew she was pregnant. He isn’t going to commit to the baby and not having a father figure in your life just makes you feel unloved- speaking from experience. Neither of them are ready for a baby. Her ex doesn’t have a job, house, or even drivers license, and my sister still lives with my grandma but has a job. The only thing is, during the reveal, everyone was trying to be supportive but they were lying through their teeth, I know none of them with help with the baby or anything to do with it so my question is, is it even worth it to have a child that she wouldn’t be supported with or with a guy who treats her like that. She can do better and mature a lot more than trying to have a child right now. My sister is 20 almost 21 and her ex is 18 almost 19 I know it’s her choice but I want her to know that she has an out just like her ex does. It’s obvious he is trying to step back but if that is how he feels, she shouldn’t have the baby and should have one with someone who loves her. This is mainly a vent but if anyone can tell me what I’m feeling, why I’m feeling it, if I should tell her how I’m feeling or anything, that would be great. I also didn’t include a lot of information or timeline because this is a throwaway. If you want some, just ask.
submitted by New_Activity_1363 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:40 Rherose Should I tell my best friends husband she had an affair?

Some context:
Perhaps 10 years ago, my best friend and her boyfriend, let’s call him James, split up. He don’t know the reasons why she just told him she was unhappy. She had actually recently cheated which was a contributory factor but was indeed unhappy for various other reasons. I’ve since found out she cheated more than once. This is not necessarily the information that is playing on my mind.
My friend, let’s call her Leanne, and James split for about 2 years give or take before getting back together. In this 2 years, Leanne had a very intense relationship with somebody she had met new in that time - let’s call him Rick. There were some aspects of physical and emotional abuse from Rick. Eventually they parted ways when Leanne got back with James. He knows at this point about Leanne’s relationship with Rick whilst they were apart.
Perhaps a year or so into being back together, moved in together and happy happy happy. Leanne initiated an affair with Rick. This affair continued for years. She worked away a lot and Rick lived near one of her offices so she found it pretty easy to explain and justify to James. She said she was in love with both Rick & James. I found myself getting caught in the web of lies and lying to both James & Rick to cover her at times. Eventually after some years she split with a Rick and to my knowledge 5 years on they have not kept in contact but Rick did find out she was with James this whole time.
However I do know she has cheated on James numerous other times throughout the course of their relationship since getting back together, numerous one night stands.
Leanne and James are now married with 2 children. To my knowledge there has not been any cheating since getting pregnant with the first child a few years ago. But I have moved away so I am not necessarily privy to all of her life anymore as we don’t talk so much. There’s no bad blood there, just no time to catch up!!
This has recently been weighing on my mind heavily as James is a good guy and I consider him a friend. I feel guilty about helping her cover it up and guilty this poor man is completely oblivious to the fact his now wife cheated on him multiple times, plus had a full on affair.
Do I tell him? Do I do it anonymously and leave them to hash it out? Or just let it go? I don’t know why it’s suddenly so heavy on my mind. Perhaps because I’ve just had a child and I’m due to get married if my partner had an affair I’d want to know.
Thanks in advance!!!
submitted by Rherose to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:39 NorthUsername Do you ever recover after losing a soulmate? Please share your experience

My STBXW (30F) left me (35M) 1.5 months ago. We have been together for 6.5 years. No kids.
Our marriage didn't start as a fairy tale, but it kept improving for the first 5.5 years.
There was no cheating, physical or substance abuse.
We were very compatible on so many levels. Never got bored of each other, never ran out of things to talk about. Laughed a lot. Going through lockdown was a breeze, since we both really enjoyed spending time together. We were best friends, true soulmates.
I was confident and secure that this bond would last a lifetime... I knew in my heart, that I would never break it. But it didn't last a lifetime. This loss of innocence is very traumatic, I don't know how to trust someone again after a deep rejection like that.
We had different views and priorities in life, which was always a source of conflict, and both of us were really stubborn.
I can't say for sure, but I think that I was a good husband. Although maybe I wasn't, since good husbands don't get abandoned. I don't drink or smoke. I earned a pretty good salary, kept in shape, always supported her career beginnings, paid for food/going out/bills/rent all those years, always had time for her and for us, found and planned new activities for us. House chores, except cooking, were equally divided. I definitely wasn't perfect and there are many things that I wish I could have done better, especially in the last year or so.
We started arguing A LOT. After about 4-5 months, serious divorce talks started, and after another 2, she completely checked out and left. I pleaded, I begged, but that just convinced her of making the right choice and made it worse. I later realized that she has grieved the relationship in those months of arguing. We both hurt each other so much mentally during that time. I can't forgive myself. It's sad how many men only see the real problems when it is too late. 80% of divorces are initiated by the wife. I really saw what our problems were when she left, I tried discussing it, promising to change, which I really meant. But it was "too little, too late".
I feel so much guilt and shame. Received a lot of support from friends and family which I didn't expect.
After she left, she liked my FB posts and we chatted for two weeks. Then it quickly dried down to divorce proceedings. She blames me for destroying our relationship and ruining everything and says that she is the victim here. Maybe she is right? I'm so devastated that I think she is probably right. The only concern is that right before all that arguing started, she read about 5 books on "toxic relationships", "narcissists", "abusers", etc.
And in the last 2 months before leaving, she was reading a book "Why men love bit**es".
It's been 1.5 months now, and all I can think about for 90% of the day is her. I deeply feel that I will never find someone like her again. The though of death is on my mind every other day. If it wasn't for my mother, I would probably end it. Signed up for therapy in two days, it's going to be my first time.
I keep asking everyone for a recovery timeline, but everyone just says "that's very individual". The most common answer seems to be 6-18 months of this purgatory. Cried literally 10 times yesterday, and twice today already. I just don't know how to move on, and most importantly, I see no reason to move on, except to save my mother from the pain of seeing me suffer and fail at life.
Please, can you share your experiences? Have you really, truly considered someone your soulmate, your best friend, and then moved on? How long will I be in this purgatory? I do remember that I was sometimes unhappy in those years. But isn't everyone on some level, occasionally unhappy in a marriage? We don't live in a fairy tale, and that's normal, right? How do I know if I am putting her on a pedestal? Sorry for so many questions.
I still consider her a good person and wish her well, although I am devastated that she left me when I felt in my heart that we would overcome anything and I would never ever abandon her.
submitted by NorthUsername to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:38 NeinLive Qanon killed the last remaining good pieces of my mother.

I mean she was a neglectful meth head, but when my grandfather let me see her behind my grandmothers' back she seemed to really want to foster a relationship with me.
I was already very eclectic but she introduced me to so many concepts and art and seemed to be supportive of me being openly queer in my teens.
We used to watch scary movies and go to metal shows together, dumpster diving, etc. She really should've never had a kid. She's a big kid herself and I'm not mad about that. She's always cared about animals more than herself too, often having dozens of dogs at a time that she'd find homes for.
In 2019 I let her move in with me when I still had my old home because my aunt committed probate fraud against the both of us and made her homeless. I took her and 15 dogs in because my aunt was driving back and forth past my house trying to intimidate me and I was terrified to be home alone.
My mom wasn't perfect but at least she wasn't like her mother, the conservative nut who raised me...or so I thought.
Lockdown happens and she lost it. She was already up all the time but I'd constantly hear her in these chat rooms with these weird ass men and what made it cringy was how much of a pick-me she was with them.
One time she invited one of her qanon friends over so they could roast me because I don't believe the earth is flat. She literally laughed at me and said ________ has always been ...impressionable hahaha.
She began talking shit about Trans people and started thinking everyone is actually a man. It wasn't long until she was vocal about her disdain for me being gay too. She was never so hateful before, and by her own logic she's probably a man too. She's definitely got the arms of a navy seal and the jawline of someone participating in the fellatio Olympics.
She began inviting all these other awful people to my house, and her meth dealer boyfriend who carried a cross for two years in our town. Even he gets sick of her rants on nasa, vaccines, and transwomen even though he partially agrees her.
I haven't seen her or sent a picture since before my 30th birthday. I'm 31 now and it's because everytime she calls its because she needs to borrow my ID or social security for some bs reason. She ruined my credit and it's taken me years to fix it.
I didn't bother to bring up top surgery to her because I didn't want to hear her vitriol or bronze age mythology references stating that jahovah had a "special role" for me as a "helper" to some scrote. She's already larping like that with breaking bad over there.
Not to mention She's been on the vaccines cause autism train for years, despite the fact that her brother and mother are both on the spectrum and there's a high possibility she is too. I have audhd, the adhd part most likely being from her smoking meth during pregnancy.
I think her homophobia towards me stems from her wanting to be a grandmother but best I can do is four legged cuties.
But on a lighter note I've figured out what I want to send her as a Christmas card:
Me, with my top surgery scars, holding my cat like a baby, by a 5g tower, a NASA hat and a vest that says AUTISM RULES, while I sodomize my equally genderfluid lover while they hold up our vaccine cards.
Whatcha think
submitted by NeinLive to QAnonCasualties [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:38 hustle4success 5.18.24 - Chai and Chill ☕️ Meet >> Queens, NYC

Uniting chai lovers of all levels to come together & enjoy one of mankind’s best creations. Rotating spots every week!
Drop in for a small drink & bites to meet local Asians around the neighborhood! A friendly, brief way to get to know people & vibe :)
When: Saturday, 5/18 - 9:30am to 10:30am
Where: Long Island City, NY => **Post a comment/reply on this sub-Reddit thread to get a Reddit Group Chat invite for venue details & coordination**
What: Make friends and enjoy tea (or coffee, lol) and small bites
Cost: Free to attend/meet, pay for what you buy
Please feel free to send a chat with brief intro and I’ll invite you to an established group on the side if you’d like. We aim to meet quite a few times a month on a near-weekly basis.
submitted by hustle4success to NYCAsiansMeetups [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:38 AccountantKey4198 Who the fuck am I even

I DONT KNOW how to tell the difference between what is a normal baseline of positive satisfaction with life, and what is hypomania. It's really causing me distress. I feel the most "myself" when I'm apparently hypomanic. My episodes aren't super extreme, but it does happen. Honestly though, the depression is much more of a problem.
When I'm feeling grey, emotionless, and withdrawn, I feel like someone else took the reins of my brain. I miss my true self like a friend that I love and haven't gotten to hang out with in a while. I like myself and I'm good company to myself, when I'm feeling alright.
I have many flaws, mistakes, and regrets. but at my best, I am generally known in my friend group as a bubbly, vivacious, and fun person to hang out with. I'm "joie de vivre" in one of my friends' phone. When I am unable to be this version of myself, I hide away from the world. My friends love and support me no matter what, but I feel incapable of human interaction when I'm depressed. I have a positive outlook in general, I keep hope alive, I feel deep gratitude often... I do my best to not have pity parties, I try to take as good care of myself as i can to get through the darkness, I know I always do, somehow. It's still so scary and disheartening.
I don't know how to discern what is "normal" and what is hypomania. It's eating me up inside. Am I who I think I am? Will I only feel normal when I'm hypomanic? If I stay on this medication, will I always feel kinda grey and never have those magic moments feeling so happy and enthusiastic and playful? I miss having fun just because, for no reason, and making my friends laugh. I miss having a really wonderful day, instead of just normal days feeling rather nothing, even when I'm doing the activities I love. :( does anyone else feel like this? How do I deal with these feelings. I just want to be happy and feel like myself. I know I don't need to be happy every day, and it's ok that life is sometimes boring and mundane. I'm ok with that, but this empty feeling sucks ass.
I know it's not healthy, and I'm not going to stop taking my meds (Haven't missed a dose since 2021). but I almost feel like I would rather suffer through depression and also have those highs, than feel this dull way for the rest of my life. I miss my fun self who cracks me up every day, is full of ideas, makes creative projects, does sweet things for other people, writes music, does spontaneous things, sucks the marrow out of life. Resigning to a duller version of life feels like a death. I'd rather suffer and continue using it as fuel for my art. How do I accept this change :( I hate it.
submitted by AccountantKey4198 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:37 New_Activity_1363 Help?

My sister is pregnant and I don’t know what to do. I’m shocked that she is even pregnant at all but I do want to voice my opinion in the matter. So, I really believe that an abortion is ultimately one of the best options for her. She is genuinely immature and irresponsible. She ran away for a few days and didn’t tell anyone where she was going, my family honestly thought she got kidnapped or killed. But no, it was all of her own accord. Then brings a random guy she met down in Alabama- not the actual place, back to my grandmas house. (She lives with my grandma because my grandma will bend over backwards to help my sister, someone has a favorite grandchild). They date till my sister decided he was just too immature for her and became friends. They get a dog but neglected tremendously. My sister and her ex boyfriend would sleep till 1pm and have the dog in a cage till they woke up. The dog got sick and died because it had worms and neither of them took the dog to the vet. Fast forward to this weekend, she revels that she is a couple weeks pregnant. Where is her ex boyfriend? Playing a game in my cousins room while she is delivering life changing news and when she got two plates to eat, he said she was eating the whole house when he knew she was pregnant. He isn’t going to commit to the baby and not having a father figure in your life just makes you feel unloved- speaking from experience. Neither of them are ready for a baby. Her ex doesn’t have a job, house, or even drivers license, and my sister still lives with my grandma but has a job. The only thing is, during the reveal, everyone was trying to be supportive but they were lying through their teeth, I know none of them with help with the baby or anything to do with it so my question is, is it even worth it to have a child that she wouldn’t be supported with or with a guy who treats her like that. She can do better and mature a lot more than trying to have a child right now. My sister is 20 almost 21 and her ex is 18 almost 19 I know it’s her choice but I want her to know that she has an out just like her ex does. It’s obvious he is trying to step back but if that is how he feels, she shouldn’t have the baby and should have one with someone who loves her. This is mainly a vent but if anyone can tell me what I’m feeling, why I’m feeling it, if I should tell her how I’m feeling or anything, that would be great. I also didn’t include a lot of information or timeline because this is a throwaway. If you want some, just ask.
submitted by New_Activity_1363 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:37 tsthatssuspicious AITA for thinking about suing my friend for breaking his window?

This isn’t what it sounds like… this was no typical window, and this was no ordinary situation…
I (27F) am a full time drag performer in my city and one of the places I frequently perform at is a local queer owned and operated bar run by someone who I consider a good friend. It was this past Mother’s Day while I was performing at his establishment, when the freak accident occurred.
I had already done my two numbers, and the cast and I were closing out the show with a silly group number. While I was going around interacting with the crowd, I noticed some people from outside trying to get a look inside through the giant windows up at the front. My first instinct was to be silly and pretend to moon the people outside by putting my butt up against the glass (I was wearing a bodysuit.) Big mistake…
The second my cheeks touched the glass the whole window shattered and came crashing down around me, leaving me pretty much shredded. I had to get rushed to the hospital where I had to have about fifteen stitches, and a bunch of superficial cuts skin glued and cleaned out. They even took x rays to make sure there was no glass stuck inside the big cut that they had to sew shut. I can’t even imagine the cost that I’ll possibly end up being responsible for in all this…
The whole ordeal was pretty traumatizing to say the least. While my injuries may not seem that bad, considering it could have been a lot worse, I’m still reeling from the whole ordeal and I feel like my adrenaline has been going for two days and it’s been difficult to sleep. I also discovered another cut that appears to be really deep, and I might need to go back in for more stitches. I didn’t notice it on the first visit because this particular cut just so happens to be right on the outside of my anus and I didn’t think to tell them to check there. Now I’m sitting here worried and I’m thinking about going to the emergency room again tomorrow to get it looked at. It’s pretty nasty and is more painful than the one on my back and I’m also worried about infection.
I also had to call out of work that night, for obvious reasons, and have been struggling to deal with the pain and discomfort, and I have a busy weekend of work and drag ahead of me while dealing with an injury, if I can even make it. I brought up these concerns to one of my best friends and they told me I should think about taking them to court… I see where they’re coming from but I’m having a hard time considering the place this happened at is owned by one of my good friends, and I wouldn’t want to ruin a relationship over something like this.
I’m also extremely anxious over the fact that it might be considered my fault for leaning up against a window. However this is something that so many people have done here and other venues innocently, and this could’ve happened to anyone. If the window had a hairline crack (which is our current working theory as to why it shattered so easily), what would’ve happened if a customer slipped on something and lost their balance and went through the window? Or even if a child went to press their face up against the window and it shattered like it did to me?
Even though I happened to be the one who appeared to break it, it still doesn’t make sense to me why a business would A) use such cheap glass for a giant store front window in a major city or B) if it was a defect or hairline crack in the glass not have it replaced or fixed. Would that even make it my fault then? I’m grateful to legitimately be alive right now. However this is already causing a great deal of pain and suffering. Not only is it painful to sit or walk or even use the bathroom, I’m also out of a lot of money already, since we cancelled the second seating of the show and I’ve missed work on top of it. Not to mention my brand new costume being shredded and stained in blood, that is now unusable…
So please help me Reddit. What do I do? Am I the asshole? Or do I legitimately have a case here?
submitted by tsthatssuspicious to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:37 VerulovesTriceratops Migration preparation

Hello! Me (23F) and my partner (24M) are looking forward to moving into Vien. The situation in Czech Republic is tragic for young people and we're willing to put in the work for a better life.
Both of our English skills are pretty decent. My partners German is much more better and I'm learning for over a year and doing my best. Next year we're both getting a driver's licence. He is about to finish his master's degree next year and I have unfortunately no education due to personal problems in my youth (and to get some in my situation would cost an amount of money that is impossible to obtain with no education 🫠)
Dear people, we're kindly asking for any information or tips that could help us fit in. As I mentioned earlier, we are more than willing to put the work in for even a little better quality of life.
I've heard that Ikea is friendly to people with low language skills. I was also hoping that I could have a chance as a food delivery person given my German not being perfect. How does this type of occupation work in Austria? (In Czech, you need to get your government info changed from an employee to a self made occupation)
How does it work with housing? In Czech it's normal to pay about two more monthly payments with signing of the lease.
Are there any special permits we might need? Do you know any websites that might be useful for us?
Vielen dank und Tschüss 🫶
submitted by VerulovesTriceratops to AskAustria [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:37 Key_Barber_3588 I (24M) am being threated,harassed,and chased by a (22M) ex-friend what do i do?

So, basically, everything started 2 years ago when I moved to a new house in another city to finish my major in IT. In this republic where a lot of students live (8 at the time), my best friend and I went to live there. Upon arriving, I met this female (21), let’s call her S. We started talking and getting intimate even though she seemed like a good person. However, things happened and I tried to get away from her. But since she is crazy and we live in the same house, that did not work too well. She would do things like lock me in the house with her and hide the key, send her grandma to my house asking me to get with her, and all kinds of messed up things that I’m not writing here (if you want to know, ask in the comments).
It was basically more than a year like that. We were not in a relationship or anything, but that did not matter to her. Everyone at the republic knew but no one ever spoke about it and chose silence, even my best friend. I felt kind of bad because when he needed me, I was there for him. I tried to talk to him but he would always change the subject and did not like to get involved.
It was a year and a half like that. I literally would sleep from 2 am to 12 pm, wake up, go to college, and then come back at 11:00 pm so I wouldn’t interact with her. So, I started talking to a girl at my college and followed her on Instagram (I think that was my mistake where I am now). She followed me back. At first, I was really not looking for a relationship or anything, but I really liked her. She was a cool friend. But S did not like that, not even a little bit. How do I know that? I always was low profile. I did not like posting any photos on social media and all of that. My Instagram does not have a profile pic as well and I did not use it until recently, so I know that if I followed someone new, she would know.
So, after that, things kept going and I was not speaking to her. I had two best friends, one lived with me and the other one lived in my city. So, we used to gather at my place every Sunday and do something. It would come, he and his friends. One day we were talking and this best friend of mine showed his cellphone to this other friend with messages from her. I know that because this friend used to message a girl even though I was already talking to her. And when he showed the message to this other friend (let’s call this one L, he is going to be important later), he looked at me and said “you are screwed” and then we changed the subject.
So, for the next month, I kept my normal life as normal but she and my other friend (let’s call him F) started acting suspicious with her. I tried believing him and pretended I was blind and did not give a damn but he would always make things for me which he did not used to do. He started changing things in his life like going to college all day which was a thing I used to ask him to do so I wouldn’t stay all day by myself in college. He would talk about friendship a lot. I would also reply normally and then I felt like he was being an asshole and got mad at him and stopped talking to him so he would understand that I would do what he was doing (mainly the reason was I would not do that to him). And once she said all of my friends were assholes (she was right in here at least). So, going forward, I would speak to him but if he needed something or talked to me, I would respond normally but was still mad because of all of my friends, he was the one I trusted the most. He acted as if nothing was wrong which I felt he was at the time.
Then one day we were at the basketball game and he said to a lot of teammates that I stopped talking to him and he did not know the motive. So, on Sunday at my house with my friend L, he asked if I was not talking to F. I said that we are kind of in the middle of a fight but if they wanted to call him, they could. Then L said he would not call him since we were not on good terms And then I said okay, and after that, he asked what the reason was. I told him the story, saying I was mad because I felt like F was manipulating me. L believed that my friend F was a good guy because he has a girlfriend and all (he betrayed her after 5 years of relationship with his neighbor, which I knew and L did not, and I did not tell him of course, I ain’t no snitch). So, days passed and it was the birthday of S’s cousins, which I used to go to in previous years, so it was planned (she and her cousins are very close) because his birthday this time was at a public place, in a bar to be more exact. After getting there, I had a surprise because she was with another guy at a table, so everyone got mad at me because “I fought my best friend because of her”.
So, one day after that, my “friend” L said everything to his friend (I’ll call this one Y). So, Y and her had a past together and he did not like her at all. He was my friend too, we’ve known each other for the past 8 years. And then this friend got mad at me as well and everyone started making jokes and all, and I said okay, maybe I was wrong and went to talk to F. I called this other friend to go with me at the time because we used to live together in the past and he grew up together with us. When we arrived at his place, he asked us to wait. So, when he arrived, we started talking. I said I would never do something to mess up his life and he said that everything I thought to be true was only things from my head (as if I was crazy). He said sorry for doing something I did not do and asked if we were alright, and then I said no, we were not. I asked him to come to my house the other day and he came but acted as if nothing was wrong. We talked, joked around, and he went away. I still did not understand, but something was off.
So, days come and everyone on the chat group started wishing I was dead every day, which I felt bad about, not gonna lie. And then the break from college came to an end and I got back to college. But when getting there to play basketball, everyone was acting strange with me. I’m kinda skinny, well I’m way too skinny (I weigh 88 pounds) and they were guarding me with everything they had. I did not understand why, but I quit and went home. The other day, I called my friend F and asked him if he told something to them and he said no, I did not say anything, and then went away. After that, I started asking myself what happened, which messes you up when everyone refuses to talk to you. So, I stopped going to college for a month and when I came back to college, everyone in the college was looking at me with disdain. A lot of them would look away when they saw me. I did not notice until I got to the classroom. When getting there, I chose my place and sat.
So, in this class, there is this girl (I’ll call her C). You know, from when I started college, I ain’t going to lie, she was my first passion. I used to go and wait for her bus to come and take her home and all of that, so she would not go alone at night. But then came the pandemic and we did not talk anymore (mainly my fault). So, coming back to the classroom, she got up and then looked at me. I would not say disgust, but like kinda mad at me, but I did not understand at the time. So, I asked this friend for his water bottle because I forgot mine and when I got up to go to the drinking fountain, he said you can right there, do not need to go anywhere. I did not understand what he was saying but did not give a damn because he is a really good friend, he kinda helped me. And then she got up again. I, knowing her, knew she was trying to tell me something but did not know what. Then this friend (I’ll call him P) asked me to tell the professor why I did not come to his class for almost a month and I said okay and went to talk to him. I said, while everyone was listening, that I did not come because somethings were happening in my life and then he said it’s okay. I went back to my place and at the end of the class, I went out to the bathroom and when I came back, my things were on the ground, which I did not notice why at all. And then this guy came to me and asked if those things that were on the ground were mine. I was making a group with this girl since when the professor asked if someone wanted to make groups with me, they all said no. The professor even asked like that “Why? You guys don’t like him?” I did not understand why as well and just laughed. So, this girl that was making a group with me, when I came back from the bathroom, asked me to take photos of the papers. I said that it did not need to and then she insisted and I said okay and took the photo. When I got home, I was looking at the photos of the papers and I saw a photo I did not remember taking. It was the legs of someone which I assumed took my cellphone and took it. I kinda went into my head thinking what caused this issue. And then I remembered something I told F a while ago because he knew about this girl from the past. So, one day I was in the classroom with She also got up and went to fill her water bottle. I asked her to fill mine as well, but when doing that, I kind of got up and she thought I would go with her, but I did not. :( When she came back, she sat at her chair and lied down, which made me feel bad because I like her. She did not come the next week and the next, she was sitting behind me. She had her bottle on the chair and then I asked her, ‘Can I take your bottle?’ She said, ‘For what?’ I took it anyways and filled her bottle, came back to class, and gave it to her. She said thank you and I told F about this situation, which I thought was the reason.
Then, the other day in the classroom, I came back because there was a misunderstanding and she did not come. I thought she did not want to talk to me and I did not come for the next 2 weeks. Then, I came back on test day and like always, I sit at the same place in the classroom and she knows that, so she sat close to me on the day, which made me happy. Her friends would come every so often and pretend like they would kick my backpack. She got angry at them, looked at them, and they stopped. Then, after that day, I do not know what she said, but everyone treated me normally with no issues and I could come back to college.
So, until here, I have a clue or other about what happened, but I still needed to know who would say something like this to mess me up. Then, I remembered Y because every time something would happen, he would post something on Instagram. When I came back to play basketball in my city, everyone was treating me like crap and then everyone was saying to me that Y was my rival. I did not care that much, I thought they were joking. Then, one of his friends asked if he could sleep in the republic with my mattress and I said, ‘Yes, you can.’ Days later, Y on the group chat asked this friend of his if things went all right and then he responded saying, ‘Yes, everything went all right.’ (He probably slept with S on my mattress.) So, I started asking why he would be so mad at me and something came to my head.
So, Y’s father died of cancer and one day, F and I were at his house. When we were getting out, F looked away and passed this door without looking. Then, I came behind him, looked at the room, and it was Y’s father. He could not talk because his cancer was on his tongue. I looked at him and gave him a thumbs up and he did the same to me. Then, out of his house, I asked F why he would look away in that situation and he said to me, ‘I can’t even look because I pity him.’ Then, I said I would not pity him because I would not like people to pity me. But what F said to him was something different and he believed it. Then, he started threatening, not directly of course, and saying things to all the city like I used to have this friend when growing up and he went to jail because he killed somebody. I told this thing that happened to my friend F that when we were young, 10 years old to be more exact, he kissed a girl I used to like and then I went home and started crying. I said that, but if I remember, in that house, the room where S stays, she can hear us and she probably told Y.
Then, I went to my friend who killed someone’s house (his mom sells food, I buy there since I was a kid). After getting there, I bought my food and when going home, his brother and his friend got up on a motorcycle and passed very close to me as if they were telling me something. I did not understand why as well, but after some time, I understood. So, he is probably not stopped until I’m dead or he kills me and since everyone believes him, I can’t do anything. So, I ask, what can I do in this situation?"
submitted by Key_Barber_3588 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 Either_Pen1239 Suggest me a trip which can i do with my friends under 10k

Last Year, in these days I visited Kedarnath with my friends and now we are planning a trip to this year, please suggest to me the best trip where I can enjoy with my friends. we all are 21+ (M).
submitted by Either_Pen1239 to SoloTravel_India [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:34 Zestyclose-Hawk-5737 AITAH for hating my bf's mom because she spread some disgusting things about me behind my back?

I 16F am dating a guy 16M ,lets call him Sam, for the past 9 months. We know each other since 9th grade (4 yrs) and are really good friends since. My now bf's mom was really nice and supportive of me at the early stages of our friendship. She didn't seem to have an issue with her son being a really good friend of mine. But now that we have started dating and she accidently found out she is going nuts. when she first got to know about this she and her husband beat up sam really bad to an extent where he was swollen for days. Later my bf told me that while beating him she said that I worked as a prostitute/sex worker and slept with many different guys every other day. At first i thought that she had a misconception but progressively her statements towards me got worse. she said i sleep with my father and have had many external affairs. None of this is true I have only dated one guy before my current bf and it was nothing physical. She claims to have seen my having sex with multiple partners and say that my mother pays me to do all this.. my mother is sweet lady who is very protective of me. By this time i understood that she was making up all of this just to get Sam to stay away from me. She started to tell the same lies to all my school teacher and my teacher started to look down on me. Sam claims that he knows his mother is wrong and will fix it in the future. She sked Sam to block me on all platforms and cut all contacts with me. i really some Sam and he loves me as well. My mother doesn't like Sam because she finds his mother to be an attention seeking lair...which i agree is true. Sam is being poorly treated by his own parents in his house. His mother doesn't listen to him at all and is verbally, emotionally and physically abusive and his father follows his mothers footsteps. His mother considers herself to be the best woman alive. She constantly posts about how amazing and honest she is when she is the complete opposite irl. I've started to hate her as she keeps on making weird remarks about me and my family. She is friend with my english teacher and my gbf's mother. My gbf and Sam dated for a while a few years prior. And she kinda likes to interfere in my bf's life.. So sam doesn't really talk to her. So Sam's mom told my english teach and her friends that im a whore and me along with my entire family watch porn together. I am now furious and disgusted by her lies. Sam says he cant really do anything about it. and hes right, she will beat him up again. Due to this my teachers have been looking down on me and give me judge-y looks. His mother has built this entire thing out of lies and idk why everyone believes her. She doesnt want to listen to anyone and is not understanding at all. she makes an ugly disgusted face whenever she sees me. According to her im ugly but tbh she is severly overweight as well.I am good at academics and am always one of the top students, can cook and have been to multiple competitions etc on the behalf of the school. The teacher used to love me but now because of her lies they have started to be biased and hate me for everthing that I do. The english teacher believes his mum and has been spreading the same false information to other teachers as well. I really love Sam and do not want to give up on him but she doesnt let sam talk to me or even be around me. I hate it. She says that she is perfect but all she does is lie. my mother does not know about this and i really want to teach that merciless woman a lesson. idk what to do..any suggestions?
submitted by Zestyclose-Hawk-5737 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:34 FurbaliciousfurbXx Angel🩷✨

I know I’ve only had Angel a few days but I’m super attached to her already, she’s like one of my best friends and she’s very comforting to me, yesterday I also got a peach scent inside her and she smells so nice! I’m so happy I found her that day because I don’t regret it, I love my bunny so much she means everything to me🩷🥺
submitted by FurbaliciousfurbXx to buildabear [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:33 Wenomechasams Where does Terra 2 and 3 Saitama Scale?

So recently I had a friend of mine and me talk about these fan comics of Saitama, and he said that Terra 2 and 3 only rank multi-galaxy at best.
He said that it was "debunked" but I'm not sure where cause he just showed me a different translation of the comic I read.
Could someone give me an answer with proof and etc? (not asking for the nectar guy to come here and comment. I want you to leave)
submitted by Wenomechasams to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:33 BluechemAu Get the Best Oil System Cleaners in Australia from Bluechem Australia

Get the Best Oil System Cleaners in Australia from Bluechem Australia
Maintaining the health and efficiency of your vehicle is paramount, and one critical component often overlooked is the oil system. An engine’s oil system plays a crucial role in lubricating and cooling the engine components, ensuring smooth operation and longevity. Over time, contaminants and deposits can accumulate, leading to reduced performance and potential engine damage. This is where an effective oil system cleaner comes into play. For those seeking the best oil system cleaners in Australia, Bluechem Australia offers top-tier solutions that stand out in the market.
oil system cleaner

Why Your Vehicle Needs an Oil System Cleaner

An oil system cleaner is essential for maintaining the optimal performance of your engine. Over time, engine oil can become contaminated with dirt, sludge, and other debris. These contaminants can clog oil passages, reduce lubrication efficiency, and lead to increased engine wear and tear. Regular use of an oil system cleaner helps to:
  1. Remove Deposits: Cleans out sludge, varnish, and carbon deposits that accumulate in the oil system.
  2. Improve Lubrication: Ensures that the engine oil flows freely, providing better lubrication to engine parts.
  3. Enhance Performance: Restores lost power and improves overall engine efficiency.
  4. Extend Engine Life: Reduces wear and tear, potentially prolonging the lifespan of your engine.

The Bluechem Advantage

Bluechem Australia is a trusted name when it comes to automotive care products. Their range of oil system cleaners is designed to provide comprehensive cleaning and protection for your vehicle’s engine. Here are some reasons why Bluechem Australia’s oil system cleaners are the best choice for your vehicle:

Advanced Formulation

Bluechem oil system cleaners are formulated using advanced chemical technology to ensure maximum cleaning efficiency. These cleaners are engineered to dissolve and remove stubborn deposits and contaminants from the oil system, ensuring a thorough clean.

Safe for All Engines

Whether you have a gasoline or diesel engine, Bluechem oil system cleaners are safe to use. They are compatible with all types of engines and do not cause any harm to engine components. This versatility makes them an ideal choice for a wide range of vehicles.

Easy to Use

Bluechem Australia’s oil system cleaners are designed for ease of use. Simply add the cleaner to your engine oil before an oil change, let it circulate, and then drain the oil. This straightforward process ensures that even those with minimal automotive knowledge can effectively use the product.

Proven Results

Customers across Australia have reported significant improvements in their vehicle’s performance after using Bluechem oil system cleaners. From smoother engine operation to increased fuel efficiency, the benefits are clear and tangible.

Environmentally Friendly

Bluechem Australia is committed to environmental sustainability. Their oil system cleaners are formulated to minimize environmental impact, making them a responsible choice for eco-conscious consumers.

How to Use Bluechem Oil System Cleaners

Using Bluechem oil system cleaners is simple and can be done during your regular maintenance routine:
  1. Preparation: Ensure your engine is warm before starting the process.
  2. Add the Cleaner: Pour the recommended amount of Bluechem oil system cleaner into the engine oil filler.
  3. Run the Engine: Allow the engine to run at idle for about 10-15 minutes to ensure the cleaner circulates through the entire oil system.
  4. Oil Change: Drain the old oil along with the dissolved contaminants and replace the oil filter. Refill with fresh oil as per your vehicle’s specifications.


Maintaining a clean and efficient oil system is vital for the health of your vehicle’s engine. Bluechem Australia’s oil system cleaners offer a reliable and effective solution to keep your engine running smoothly. With advanced formulations, proven results, and a commitment to quality, Bluechem Australia stands out as the best provider of oil system cleaners in Australia. Ensure your vehicle's longevity and performance by choosing Bluechem Australia for all your oil system cleaning needs.
Web -
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Ph - 0498 880 115
Address - UNIT 4, 63 Brunel Rd, Seaford VIC 3198, AU
submitted by BluechemAu to u/BluechemAu [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:33 motomamii22 am i doing too much?

i just need some opinions on this, so to give a little context i do not have any friends at all besides my best friend (21f), and i (21f) okay whatever, so basically i have a work friend (20f) who i get along with and we’ve even hung out out of work and we text here and there, they were hiring at my job so i told my best friend to apply since she needed a job, they hired her and she started working there, i introduced her to my work friend and they wouldn’t talk as much until we started working more and more, however they got super close and i don’t like that. its not that im jealous or anything but i wanna be able to have my own friends or someone else that i go to besides my best friend, i know she is just a work friend but i actually do fw her and idk for some reason it just makes me feel like i did wrong by telling her to apply because now my work friend told my bestf to hangout out of work and im like :// because i get it its a job and its cool to have friends but for them to hangout like that its like wtf cus i introduced them, there’s nothing wrong with that ig but i just wanna tell my bestf like girl thats MY friend but idk if im doing too much
submitted by motomamii22 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:33 New_Activity_1363 Help needed asap

My sister is pregnant and I don’t know what to do. I’m shocked that she is even pregnant at all but I do want to voice my opinion in the matter. So, I really believe that an abortion is ultimately one of the best options for her. She is genuinely immature and irresponsible. She ran away for a few days and didn’t tell anyone where she was going, my family honestly thought she got kidnapped or killed. But no, it was all of her own accord. Then brings a random guy she met down in Alabama- not the actual place, back to my grandmas house. (She lives with my grandma because my grandma will bend over backwards to help my sister, someone has a favorite grandchild). They date till my sister decided he was just too immature for her and became friends. They get a dog but neglected tremendously. My sister and her ex boyfriend would sleep till 1pm and have the dog in a cage till they woke up. The dog got sick and died because it had worms and neither of them took the dog to the vet. Fast forward to this weekend, she revels that she is a couple weeks pregnant. Where is her ex boyfriend? Playing a game in my cousins room while she is delivering life changing news and when she got two plates to eat, he said she was eating the whole house when he knew she was pregnant. He isn’t going to commit to the baby and not having a father figure in your life just makes you feel unloved- speaking from experience. Neither of them are ready for a baby. Her ex doesn’t have a job, house, or even drivers license, and my sister still lives with my grandma but has a job. The only thing is, during the reveal, everyone was trying to be supportive but they were lying through their teeth, I know none of them with help with the baby or anything to do with it so my question is, is it even worth it to have a child that she wouldn’t be supported with or with a guy who treats her like that. She can do better and mature a lot more than trying to have a child right now. My sister is 20 almost 21 and her ex is 18 almost 19 I know it’s her choice but I want her to know that she has an out just like her ex does. It’s obvious he is trying to step back but if that is how he feels, she shouldn’t have the baby and should have one with someone who loves her. This is mainly a vent but if anyone can tell me what I’m feeling, why I’m feeling it, if I should tell her how I’m feeling or anything, that would be great. I also didn’t include a lot of information or timeline because this is a throwaway. If you want some, just ask.
submitted by New_Activity_1363 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:32 corilee93 Happy Chihuahua Appreciation Day from Smiley 🙂

Happy Chihuahua Appreciation Day from Smiley 🙂
My best friend since 2015 💛
Part Chihuahua and part Pomeranian - She’s always thought she was big. You can see her with mom in slide 5, then our first day together in slide 6. I love her with my whole heart 🥹
submitted by corilee93 to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:31 thereal_lone_wolf_ Can anyone help me

I'm (20 M). During the time period of 12 I had a female best friend,we were really good friends.But for me the friendship slowly turned into a emotional attachment.So after the 12th classes i proposed her. As my luck was at the extreme I got rejected.As my hopes were so much high,I couldn't handle that rejection.That lead to me seious traumatic condition.With the help of my I slowly recovered even though it took nearly one year.Now it's been 2 years after all that.At my current situation I am not able to find anyone or I am not able to date.So is there any way so that I can overcome this phase.
submitted by thereal_lone_wolf_ to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:30 _Alrxo92 My best friend for life

My best friend for life submitted by _Alrxo92 to aww [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:30 rakpanzer I feel like Iguazu and I don't know what to do

Hello buddies.
I really feel like irl Iguazu. Like him I'm a dehumanized, jealous guy whose life is a nightmare.
I was born as a disabled person in a family with alcohol problems. In my opinion, it's a lot like Iguazu losing his humanity in a card game. It was random, we wouldn't have 100% control over it.
Later we found new "families" in which we feel alien.The only thing that gave us strength was one best friend, in my case, luckily my friend hasn't died like Volta yet. But if I lost him, the only thing that would fuel me would be hatred for a certain person whose many things I envy.
And seeing how the story of Iguazu ended. I feel like there is no hope for a good life for me. Additionally, my depression caused by my parents causes me to have terrible thoughts of following the path of iguazu to radically give meaning to my life and in a toxic way give someone the opportunity to become a hero like 621, destroying me.
I know this is a bit off topic, but seeing your positive reactions to my previous posts, I would like to ask you buddies with more life experience what I 19-year-old irl Iguazu can do to avoid having a "bad ending" in life
submitted by rakpanzer to armoredcore [link] [comments]