Killings short story summary

FanFiction Abomination

2011.08.26 13:34 bkbusters FanFiction Abomination

With millions and millions of FanFiction stories floating around online, there's bound to be a lot of terrible, so-called 'stories' to make fun of. From Rick and Morty to Kingsman, My Hero Academia to Voltron: Legendary Defender, anything is welcome as long as it's terrible! Share, critisise or just laugh at these horrible attempts at creative writing.

2020.06.23 20:47 5x5equals RateMyBookCover

Essentially if anyone uses this I see it working two ways. 1. You can post the Cover of a Book you like(or don’t) and debate if it successfully sells the premise or if it failed. 2. If if you’re a writer who makes their own covers, post them here with a short summary of your story and see if people like it or not.

2018.07.21 06:08 Theclash160 Civocracy

A general discussion subreddit where civility is king.

2024.05.14 09:20 glim-girl Differences in what survival means between men and women; does it influence the abortion debate?

Im not sure if this is more a discussion or debate about the differences in mentality that shapes the issue of abortion. I welcome whatever opinions people have on this topic.
We teach men and women fundamentally different things about their own bodies and their personal protection.
For example, self defense.
Men are taught to fight and if two guys get in a fight then one may overpower the other or scares one off. They are taught to beat each other and inflict damage but not permanent damage to stop the other. They are also more likely to be cleared when it comes to killing in self defense.
Women are taught to fight but self defense is considered a separate type of learning, because the chances a women holds her own against a man in a regular fight according to rules isn't great. Adding a weapon may give her an advantage but can lead to her being charged with murder over self defense.
So self defense for a woman includes fighting with the intention to incapacitate or kill your attacker. You attack areas that could blind or cripple someone. You are also taught that you claw, bite, leave marks across them or get their blood on you so if you lose, they can find the person that attacked or killed you. It's better to die at the sight of the attack vs being taken to another location.
If a woman doesnt think that she can cause that level of harm without a good change of success or isn't comfortabled thinking she might kill someone, then she is told to do whatever she needs to to survive. That usually leads to, well you must have wanted it, you didn't fight back or hard enough.
Men are taught that people, police or healthcare, will listen to them, take them seriously, and help them.
Women are taught that people, police, and healthcare, won't and that what happens. Rapes aren't investigated, kits go untested, womens fear is seen as being emotional, or that health issues arent that bad she just complaining.
So bringing that over to abortion, women see another situation where they will have to go it alone. Where help is dependent on if people believe you vs need. Where help might not exist because women are suppose to give birth so it doesn't matter what they go through, theyre built to deal with that, and whatever other nonsense people believe about women and pregnancy.
We just had an entire debate about a strange man and a bear where it was made clear death isn't the part most women fear. That there are worse things than death to them. Is it a surprise then that death of the unborn is seen as a lesser evil than giving birth into abusive or other less than ideal circumstances or for cases where the child will likely die before birth/shortly after and have a life of pain?
Do you think that the differences in how we teach men and women about protecting themselves along with the way we are obviously treating each other is leading to this vast divide in beliefs?
submitted by glim-girl to AbortDebate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:19 among_flowers A rant about social media and systemic issues.

DISCLAIMER This is nothing more than my opinions based off of observation of recovery content from five different platforms. There are likely things that I have missed, gotten wrong, or you disagree with and I am open to discuss that. ALSO, I am in recovery myself(not recovered), so I apologise if any of this appears to be disordered.
It is so horrible that social media must now serve as a platform for the theatrics of eating disorders, it is so highly disturbing. It certainly adds another layer of complexity to the illnesses, as those who have never sought attention for their disorder are taunted to by whoever promotes it on social media. I wish that governments would take this as a sign that more awareness of EDs are needed, but they are never even mentioned.
Treatment NEEDS to adapt to the effects of social media, and needs to stop encouraging those who are discharged to create recovery accounts (I have heard stories of this.)
These poor girls and boys are literally killing themselves in front of an audience, one that is uneducated and unaware of what their response to that content may have on the creator.
Furthermore, the constantly recurring posts of ‘symptoms of EDs that are never spoken about’ are almost always the most common, however that is not what angers me. What angers me is that awareness of eating disorders is so low, despite the fact that social media has made it easier than ever for organisations to spread a message. If awareness of the effects of eating disorders was raised, recovery creators would have no reason to be the awareness themselves. Many recovery accounts use the excuse that they create their content for others to not feel alone, which should NEVER be the responsibility of the sufferers. Those who have recovered or are treatment providers, who have the mental capacity and flexibility to recognise the true effects of their eating disorder should be the voice regarding ED awareness. Those who are still in their eating disorder, no matter how far in recovery they are- until they can confidently announce that they are recovered and their behaviour constantly reflects that (not just 90% of the time), they should not be trying to spread awareness. Most of us in this sub have suffered from an ED, and know that posts can be ‘ED-coded’ subconsciously and unintentionally, in a way that only other disordered individuals may perceive.
Finally, I believe that the transformation videos, i.e. before and after, regardless of body checks, can actually do more damage to those who are not already suffering than recognised. These videos also do damage to those with eating disorders with less ‘severity’. For those who are not disordered, these videos can almost make them feel as though they must suffer in that same way so that they can achieve that utmost happiness in life, similarly to how many EDs may promise recovery after a certain milestone. Whilst I can understand reaping the benefits of recovery is obviously helpful as an oversight, it majorly depends on the content provided as to whether or not it will cause more harm or help.
PS: I will likely edit this as responses come through, as I am very curious to see other people’s opinions and annoyances.
submitted by among_flowers to EDRecoverySnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:19 solid-blue Starlink functional even though not officially working?

Hello all, this summer we are coming to Greenland and will work for a non-profit organization. Long story short, we are going to be in some remote locations where Starlink would be extremely useful also for safety reasons, weather forecasts etc (we have used it in other countries). I am aware that it is not officially allowed/working in Greenland, however we will be in locations where the state company does not offer any kind of connectivity so we are not taking away from their business. We'll be happy to buy the local SIM cards and use those while in locations with coverage. So the question is, does Starlink still work? Is it widely used? And do you know if there are plans to get it completely banned in the country? There are lots of countries where Starlink internet officially is not allowed and it still works, however there are countries (like Turkey) where it is completely geofenced and will not work. We do have a secondary satellite communications system (Iridium), however it is much slower and more expensive.
submitted by solid-blue to greenland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:17 No_Read_1320 I (20M)still worry about what my (20F) gf did in the past with influence from her toxic best friend.?

Hello, I have a problem with some things that my gf used to do when she was still friends with her female best friend.
I wanna keep this short but I gotta go back to when we met 7 months ago. She had this toxic friend which she was very close with. I mean very close. My did not really have many friends outside of her best friend and thus she listened to a lot of shit she told her that its right to do.
A couple of things that stand out that made me feel kinda bad, is that when we started dating she used to tell her that I am not worth it. Also her best friend had a bf, a friend of mine from college, I forgot to mention, so it was kind of an 4 people relationship cause the toxic girl wanted us to hangout 24/7 with them, even sleep all the time in the same house.
Now that it’s clear I want to point out the things that made me feel bad, my gf used to call me ‘this guy’ through text instead of just mentioning me by my name, which I find a little disrespectful, also she cursed me one time, not badly but still. She sometimes when we were together, all 4 of us, her friend was being ignored by my friend, so she always wanted to take my gf away from me so we dont get to sit one next to the other or talk between us,and my gf did just followed her “orders” everytime. And the thing that was the worst for me is that, the day we met, we met randomly through mutual friends on a monday night at my gf house. Prior to that, she and her best friend had a ‘date’’ in the same day but in the morning with 2 boys. My gf did not like the guy she went out with and she didnt want to go out again with him, but her friend wanted to pursue the other guy and pressured my gf to text the guy my gf went out with, to meet again, all 4 of them. So that was before I met her, a few hours before. But after we met, after a couple days, this guy texted my gf to go out again, and the toxic friend told her to day yes, so they can all go out again because the toxic friend wanted to pursue the other guy, but didn’t want to go alone so she insisted on all 4 of them going,and my gf texted him back saying they could go out again sometime, all 4 of them.I do believe her not wantig to because she was not interested in that guy, but her friend pressured her to do it.
And when I pointed out these things to her now she says she is really sorry, and I want to believe that her friend influenced her to do this shit. Because she did the same with her bf(my friend) she treated him like shit.
Now I want to believe her because her friend was really toxic, i cant describe in words but trust me, i got to know her and she was a piece of trash. You could not even talk to her to tell her if something was wrong because she would either start crying or making a big ass scandal. She was horrible to be with.
Fast forward and after about 4 months there was a big scandal between all of us and my gf ditched her best friend for me, cause her friend really didnt like me and told her she spent way too much time with me and not with her. So long story short, she chose me and we are really happy together and things go so well.
And we communicate all the time and we talked about these things, and like I said she is sorry for what she did, but I dont know what to do. Is she really sorry, should I fully trust her from now on? I need some advice please, Thank you for reading and sorry if this was too long.
submitted by No_Read_1320 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:17 Spiritual-Safe-7416 we don't work for we for the company.

Being a personal care assistant can be tricky knowing ur limits are a plus but u know what u bitches counting days is up pulling ya fucking cards. u I got money for help but can't bathe my mama or even eat a fuckin meal with them kill me. I been doing this 20 years I enjoy it but now I'm gonna tell it all because fuck it if I told u wouldn't believe me and I can't make this shit up. If u do this work chime if u curious really chime if u tell me your stories I'll tell u mine. Relax this our safe space our Haven remember we all we got. Till tomorrow. Confessions of a PCA good night,,
submitted by Spiritual-Safe-7416 to confessionsofaPCA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:17 Psychological_Tie603 Schmerzensgeld? Lohnausfall? Wie umgehen mit belegtem Pfusch nach der OP

Wie komme ich an mein Geld?
Hallo liebe Gemeinde, ich habe ein Problem.. falls das hier nicht hingehört, bitte löschen oder verschieben?
Ich hatte vor 4 Jahren einen Arbeitsunfall bei dem ich mit Bänder und sehnen im Fuß gerissen habe, wurde in einer Uni Klinik operiert und hatte die nächsten 3 Jahre Ultra schmerzen und nur Probleme.. Long Story, short: hatte von der BG eine erwerbsminderungs Rente von 20% bekommen, natürlich befristet, danach zur Nachuntersuchung (weil ich immernoch schmerzen hatte) und dann kam am 02.02.24 raus, weil ich nicht locker gelassen habe, dass damals in der Uni Klinik was verkackt wurde und quasi die Sehne und Bänder mit einem Faden erfasst wurden und dadurch schmerzen und weitere Schäden entstanden sind.. Ich bin seit Anfang des Jahres im Streit mit der BG, da ich mindestens diese 20% EWR weiterhin bezahlt haben möchte, und frage mich ob ich irgendwie Schadensersatz oder Schmerzensgeld fordern kann, da ich seit der OP in der Uni Klinik über schmerzen klage und von keinem ernst genommen wurde, ich zum Psychologen geschickt wurde da ich mir alles einbilden würde, und ich schlichtweg zu faul zum arbeiten wäre. Ich solle mich nicht so anstellen und einfach mal ibo nehmen wenn ich schmerzen hätte 🤡 Bestehen dort irgendwelche Chancen oder ist man damit komplett verloren?🤦🏽‍♂️
submitted by Psychological_Tie603 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:16 Alkyanne [A4F] I'll get the groceries! [Established relationship] [Personality switch] [2 speaker in a way] [Supermarket] [Shopping anxiety]

Author’s note : Everything’s free to use and monetize or paywall as you wish, just remember to credit me please. As I’m not a native English speaker, you can feel free to make slight changes to make it better, as long as it doesn’t change the whole story of course.
Summary, listener’s perspective : Your partner went grocery shopping a long time ago and you’re calling them to check up on them. Apparently a lot of things happened and stressed them a little too much, but they got help and they’ll finish it to prove to you they can handle it.
[ ] = stage directions
** = sound effects
[The speaker is at the supermarket wandering around, feel free to put crowd sounds, riding the cart etc… through all the script]
*Phone ringing\*
Uhm… Hello? Who is this?
You should be mistaken, I don’t have a girlfriend.
Yes. That’s my name. How… Oh. Wait. Did I… ?
Ah fuck…
Yes, we’re fine Ma’am. Don’t sound so worried.
I understand but…
Oh! Shut up for a minute!
Too many questions. So, I don’t know. I guess we’re shopping since I have a cart in front of me and we seem to be… In a supermarket..
Yeah, so why are you asking if you already know we were supposed to go grocery shopping!
Whatever… No, I don’t know which one… They’re all the same honestly… Let me walk around to see if I can identify something…
[Speaker is walking around for a few second without saying anything]

[Speaker is stopping, they tone changed]
Hi baby!! How are you doing? Why are you calling? Or did I call you?
Oh you did? Why?
Yes, it’s me. What’s wrong?
Oh… Really?
I’m sorry. But it’s fine, I promise.
I know baby but…
Why do you want to come? I can do this!
No I mean alone! I prepared a list and all, I can’t forget anything!
Uhm… wait.. Let me search for it…
[Speaker is searching in their bag]
Where did I put it…
[Speaker is getting quieter]

[Back to the first tone of voice]
Ok. Ma’am. I don’t know where we are, really.. But it’ll be fine. We’re just going to finish this and go back home.
A list? Yes, I have one in my hand, it’s alright, please calm down.
I know, I can sense them around, they’re not far. It’s alright.
Oh god…
Ok… Toilet paper… Sexy…
Where is that…
[Speaker is walking again, searching for the stuff on the list]
Uhm… Ok, there we are… That’s done and then some soap…
Well, I’m staying with you on the phone because you seem completely panicked. So I’m showing you we got this.
Look… I don’t know what exactly happened that triggered it… But we’re alone in a big space full of strangers. Doing something important. I’m guessing that it’s a lot of stress for them and they needed me… It’ll be alright though.
Yeah, of course they’ll tell you they can do it. I’m sure they believe they can. And I’m sure they wanted to impress you and make you proud. But sometimes it’s fine to ask for help too.
Not like that! You don’t have to come, I’m here now. I got this. You don’t even know where we are. And you’re not going to come with your car. Have you not seen the price for gas?
I might not be around often but I keep an eye on the news.
Why do we need so many strawberries?
Uhm… I’m taking bananas too, I like that better.
[Speaker is getting quiet again, just walking]

[Change of tone, back to the partner one]
Baby? Are you here?
Yes, it’s me, I’m back. How did the cart fill itself?
Ohhh… But.. I could have.. I can do it!
I… There was this lady… She was searching for something and asked me. I didn’t know… I don’t know this place very well…
I don’t know why I didn’t go to the usual place!
Oh wait… They were out of gas! To put on the car. Did you see the price now?!
Oh… ok…
They might have seen it then… Yeah… I guess.. It was stressful because I didn’t know what to do. Where to go.. To get it.
Oh. I continued driving for a while… Because I… kinda froze. And I couldn’t park to look with the gps where to go… Well.. I could have! But.. Brain was silly and I couldn’t do it..
After a while I saw a sign for another supermarket and I followed it. I guess that’s where I am now.
What’s that noise?
Baby! It’s alright! You don’t have to come! I can do it! Especially if I’m not alone anymore. I mean.. I have help, we’ll do this!
I swear! There are not many more things on the list anyway. We can do this!
Wait… Why are there bananas here? I don’t like them. I’m going to put it back.
[Speaker is walking back to the fruits to put the bananas back!]
Alright. That’s done. So what’s left?
Some juices… It's on the other way. What else? Eggs, butter…
Ok! Let’s go!
It should be around here… Yes, got it! Then… That shouldn’t be far…
[Speaker is switching again]

Uhm… What the hell… Why am I here… What’s on the list? Eggs… How many… Hey! Ma’am? Still here?
Good, how many eggs do you want?
Alright, I got them.. What’s left? Juices… It’s on the other side… Wait! Where are my bananas!
I don’t care if they don’t like them! I do! I front sometimes! I can have things I like too! That’s not cool to only think of themselves!
I mean… That’s a fair point… But… I can’t know when I’ll be here! I’m here now.. And I want bananas…
What if I just took 1 or 2? Not too much, won’t be expensive!
Thank you, you’re kind. Crazy. But kind.
Have you not seen how you reacted earlier?! You *are* crazy!
I told you we’re fine. I bet they told you too. Have a little faith in us.
Yeah yeah… I understand… But honestly, we’ll tell you if it was that bad. We’re handling it quite well so far. Yes, a moment was overwhelming. And I had to come. But now we’re doing well.
Oh by the way! How do we pay? By card?
Do you know the code? In case that’s me in front when we’re at the checkout…
Alright, noted.
No not really, like in my head.
Really girl… I can memorize 4 digits!
Alright, alright… Give me a minute..
[Searching in the bag to get a pen and a piece of paper]

[Back to the partner tone]
I’m listening…
Uhm…. Baby, I know the code of my own card… Why do you want me to write it down?
Oh… Well, I just have the juices to get now. I think it’ll be fine.
Yeah… I’ll write it down anyway, just in case. I’m putting it on my right pocket, ok? You’ll tell them if they’re here and search for it?
Thank you baby. And…. I’m sorry about this… I wanted to do this…
I don’t know… To prove I’m capable..
I know. I am but it was just… A little too much I guess… I don’t think it would have happened if I could have gone to our usual place…
It’s alright though! I’ve got the juices! I have everything now. I’m going to the checkout and I’m coming home.
I’ll have to hang up while I’m paying.
Yes, I’ll call you back right after.
I promise. You’re the one who will call me if I don’t anyway!
Yeah, if you have to that means it’s probably not me on the other end…
But I’m not far away, baby, I’m not leaving. It was just too much for one time…
Oh yes, I’d love that! Thank you!
Yes yes! I’ll hurry up!
Love you too baby!
submitted by Alkyanne to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 No_Read_1320 I (20M)still worry about what my (20F) gf did in the past with influence from her toxic best friend.?

Hello, I have a problem with some things that my gf used to do when she was still friends with her female best friend.
I wanna keep this short but I gotta go back to when we met 7 months ago. She had this toxic friend which she was very close with. I mean very close. My did not really have many friends outside of her best friend and thus she listened to a lot of shit she told her that its right to do.
A couple of things that stand out that made me feel kinda bad, is that when we started dating she used to tell her that I am not worth it. Also her best friend had a bf, a friend of mine from college, I forgot to mention, so it was kind of an 4 people relationship cause the toxic girl wanted us to hangout 24/7 with them, even sleep all the time in the same house.
Now that it’s clear I want to point out the things that made me feel bad, my gf used to call me ‘this guy’ through text instead of just mentioning me by my name, which I find a little disrespectful, also she cursed me one time, not badly but still. She sometimes when we were together, all 4 of us, her friend was being ignored by my friend, so she always wanted to take my gf away from me so we dont get to sit one next to the other or talk between us,and my gf did just followed her “orders” everytime. And the thing that was the worst for me is that, the day we met, we met randomly through mutual friends on a monday night at my gf house. Prior to that, she and her best friend had a ‘date’’ in the same day but in the morning with 2 boys. My gf did not like the guy she went out with and she didnt want to go out again with him, but her friend wanted to pursue the other guy and pressured my gf to text the guy my gf went out with, to meet again, all 4 of them. So that was before I met her, a few hours before. But after we met, after a couple days, this guy texted my gf to go out again, and the toxic friend told her to day yes, so they can all go out again because the toxic friend wanted to pursue the other guy, but didn’t want to go alone so she insisted on all 4 of them going,and my gf texted him back saying they could go out again sometime, all 4 of them.I do believe her not wantig to because she was not interested in that guy, but her friend pressured her to do it.
And when I pointed out these things to her now she says she is really sorry, and I want to believe that her friend influenced her to do this shit. Because she did the same with her bf(my friend) she treated him like shit.
Now I want to believe her because her friend was really toxic, i cant describe in words but trust me, i got to know her and she was a piece of trash. You could not even talk to her to tell her if something was wrong because she would either start crying or making a big ass scandal. She was horrible to be with.
Fast forward and after about 4 months there was a big scandal between all of us and my gf ditched her best friend for me, cause her friend really didnt like me and told her she spent way too much time with me and not with her. So long story short, she chose me and we are really happy together and things go so well.
And we communicate all the time and we talked about these things, and like I said she is sorry for what she did, but I dont know what to do. Is she really sorry, should I fully trust her from now on? I need some advice please, Thank you for reading and sorry if this was too long.
submitted by No_Read_1320 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 navi2188 Naghahabol. Hi mga Attorney/Sir/Mam. Anyone po na pwede matanungan or mahingan ng tulong.

For context. May lupa/part ng bundok na binenta nanay ko. To make the story short sa lolo ko po yun then na embargo. Walang gusto magbayad/hulog sa kahit sino sa mga kapatid ng Nanay ko. Kaya ang ginawa ng lolo ko (patay na) sinabi po sa nanay ko na sya ang magbayad para sa kanya na lang.
Binayaran naman ng nanay ko then after pinasukat tapos nagka title under her name. Tapos binenta nya after ilan years.
Ngayon nag hahabol yung mga kapatid ng nanay ko dun sa lupa.
Then nagpa barangay sila sa hometown ng nanay ko sa quezon province. Pero dito na po kami nakatira sa Rizal.
Ngayon May 17, sya pinapatawag sa barangay. Kaso wala pwede sumama sa nanay ko dahil may mga trabaho kami.
Pwede kaya magpadala na lang ng sulat or ano po pwedeng gawin namin. Salamat
Magpa kape na lang po ako kung sino makatulong smin.
Salamay ng madami mga Attorney.
submitted by navi2188 to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 YoLoMaN2510 [REQUEST] [PS5] Horizon Forbidden West $49.99 (22nd ATTEMPT)

Hello everyone at GiftofGames, how are you all doing!!
I recently graduated from college and I'm struggling to find a job. It's really demoralising for me receiving rejection letters, I'm a big gamer and playing games is the only thing that has kept my morale up during these tough times. My financial situation is pretty dire right now, I can't afford to buy a lot of new games.
I'm currently looking to buy Horizon Forbidden West on my PS5. This is my 22nd attempt at requesting for this game. I played the first game on my PS4 and loved it. The standard edition of the game is currently on sale at $49.99. I'm looking for a $50 PlayStation gift card of US region.
The sequel to 2017's Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West is set in a post-apocalyptic version of the Western United States recovering from the aftermath of an extinction event caused by a rogue robot swarm. The player can explore the open world and complete quests using ranged and melee weapons against hostile machine creatures.
Basically the game takes place in the far future where humanity almost gets destroyed by their advanced robotic creations. But it seems humanity have sort of gone backwards with their primitive clothing, implying that they haven't got the previous knowledge of their ancestors. The first game Horizon Zero Dawn, the protagonist Aloy discovers secrets about what happened to humanity, and its sequel is the continuation of this first game where she explores the far west of modern day america.
The reason why this game appeals to me is the setting. I find it soo interesting how humanity was able to be on the brink of extinction and somehow managed to survive (I can't anymore due to spoilers). And after surviving, civilisation sort of went backwards instead of continuing on from the ancestors. I watch a lot of lore videos on youtube about this game, and there are many different stories hidden in the game world which tells us different perspectives of people on the situation. Even though its humanity that is in trouble, everybody has a different view on how to tackle the problem. But this is only touching the surface, there is also the robot machines created in these giant cauldrons that is a big mystery to this day.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and will give my thanks if I receive the gift card from you. Here is my PSN ID:
Game link:
submitted by YoLoMaN2510 to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:07 Personal_Respond6879 Need help/advice…please!!

Hi all,
I’ve posted in another sub-Reddit group (Lymphoma) before but I’ll give a short back story. My dad’s (64M) going through his third relapsed DLBCL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment and has been put on a combination therapy of Bendamustine and Polatuzumab Vedotin.
Now, due to complications, he’s been given the two drugs separately (1 cycle in 2 weeks) and has currently only finished 2 cycles.
However, since things never go smooth for his treatment, he developed a Staphylococcus aureus cough infection and has been taking Levofloxacin + Linezolid for the past 10 days. His cough had gotten a bit better until today, when he’s been coughing every 10 mins, with phlegm. Moreover, we are so scared for him because he’s been having very low blood cell counts:
Platelets: 20,000-30,000/cu mm Hemoglobin: 7.6 gm/dL Lymphocytes: 6% Neutrophils: 90% T3: 61 ng/dL TSH: 8.50 uIU/mL Creatinine: 2.1 mg/dL
Overall, he is in a very frail and low energy state. His oncologist has postponed his chemo because of his weak state and kidney issues. He said he might do a platelet infusion if the counts go below 20,000. My dad’s also been taking Eltrombopag for platelet production, among other million medications.
We are just very frustrated and scared for my dad. Some days it feels like he is getting better and the other days, my heart wrenches to see him get worse. I don’t wanna lose him. Please someone help or give any advice on what this condition could be 😭😭
He is also not a candidate for Bone marrow transplant because of his general weak health condition and his age.
His platelets just won’t go up and it’s been 5 days that they just won’t deviate beyond this range.
Please let me know if someone else had the same experience!!
submitted by Personal_Respond6879 to AskMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:05 kahaanicompany Papa Kyun Kehte Hain?? Short Film Story of Love At First Sight Ft. Rutpanna Aishwarya

"Step back in time to the nostalgic 90s with our heartwarming and hilarious short film! Join our protagonist on a rollercoaster journey of love, laughter, and mishaps as he navigates failed exams, unexpected career paths, and a charming neighborhood crush. With twists, turns, and plenty of comedy along the way, this tale of young love in the 90s will leave you smiling from ear to ear. Don't miss out on the feel-good vibes of our retro romance comedy – hit play now and let the laughter begin!"
A Film By: Piyush Sharma
Watch Now:

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submitted by kahaanicompany to u/kahaanicompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:04 Personal_Respond6879 Need help/advice…please!!!

Hi all,
I’ve posted in another sub-Reddit group (Lymphoma) before but I’ll give a short back story. My dad’s (64M) going through his third relapsed DLBCL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment and has been put on a combination therapy of Bendamustine and Polatuzumab Vedotin.
Now, due to complications, he’s been given the two drugs separately (1 cycle in 2 weeks) and has currently only finished 2 cycles.
However, since things never go smooth for his treatment, he developed a Staphylococcus aureus cough infection and has been taking Levofloxacin + Linezolid for the past 10 days. His cough had gotten a bit better until today, when he’s been coughing every 10 mins, with phlegm. Moreover, we are so scared for him because he’s been having very low blood cell counts:
Platelets: 20,000-30,000/cu mm Hemoglobin: 7.6 gm/dL Lymphocytes: 6% Neutrophils: 90% T3: 61 ng/dL TSH: 8.50 uIU/mL Creatinine: 2.1 mg/dL
Overall, he is in a very frail and low energy state. His oncologist has postponed his chemo because of his weak state and kidney issues. He said he might do a platelet infusion if the counts go below 20,000. My dad’s also been taking Eltrombopag for platelet production, among other million medications.
We are just very frustrated and scared for my dad. Some days it feels like he is getting better and the other days, my heart wrenches to see him get worse. I don’t wanna lose him. Please someone help or give any advice on what this condition could be 😭😭
submitted by Personal_Respond6879 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 Low-Independent2590 Is it time to cut ties?

My in-laws live a few towns over from us. To make a long story short, my husband and I have had to set up some personal boundaries that they are not very happy about. Since then, they have been giving us the cold shoulder. My husband has reached out a few times with no response. I know it really hurts his feelings that his parents are acting like this towards him. He eventually stopped reached out because it seemed like it was a lost cause and has been very troubling to him emotionally. It’s been almost 6 months where we haven’t heard anything from them.
With Mother’s Day this last weekend, he decided he would try again. He sent my MIL a card in the mail beforehand and on the day of, he sent a text, in the morning, wishing her a happy Mother’s Day and had tried twice to call her, within the day, to which she didn’t respond. I even sent her a happy Mother’s Day message as well that went ignored. Just short of randomly showing up on their doorstep, we really did try to reach out. So we figured, there’s not much more he can do if they’re not willing to also make an effort.
Fast forward to today: MIL calls my husband and just rails into him about how dare he not spend Mother’s Day with her and there’s nothing he can do that will fix the pain he caused from ignoring her. They talked for over an hour, to which she mostly just tried to guilt trip him by bringing up events that happened within the past 6 months that he missed because he didn’t care to be a part of their lives, and how he never calls, and we never see them. And I’m thinking, first of all, there are several times where he has intentionally tried to reach out and we never heard from them. Second of all, relationships should go both ways and they put all of the responsibility of maintaining it on his shoulders. If they wanted us at certain events, why weren’t we told about them?
It was a very unproductive conversation and now he is more distraught than he was when we just didn’t talk to them. He doesn’t want to cut ties with them but it’s feeling like it’s coming to that stage of the relationship to me if this is how it’s going to be.
Any suggestions on how to handle this and what our next steps should be?
submitted by Low-Independent2590 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 AnimateDuckling An example of Anti Israeli Propaganda

As you most of you have already heard the UN has revised their casualty numbers. Seemingly because they have been able to more reliably count casualties via ID'ing bodies. This development has been controversial for a few reasons but chiefly because it shows that the ratio of Child casualties has been greatly exaggerated.
Now while scrolling I have ,while also seeing the repeated posts of one samharris user trying desperately to discredit this story, I also came across this post on chomsky.
It strikes me as a such a dishonest attempt at rewriting the criticism attached to this story by pretending everyone is in fact complaining about something they are not.
"After the Gaza health ministry’s revised totals of those killed first appeared on the website of the UN’s office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (Ocha), they were quickly seized on as proof by pro-Israel media and commentators that the UN had previously been exaggerating the toll."
"They showed 24,686 dead which appeared to be a downward revision from the figure of about 35,000 which had been reported earlier in May, with 7,797 children and 4,959 women confirmed dead, about half the toll cited in previous reports. But the UN said on Monday that estimated overall death toll remained about 35,000."
This frustrates me because this is not what is happening, this is not the complaint. everyone can see the total toll is the same and that 10,000 are just listed as unidentified. Yet this is what is being leaped on to say "look at those sneaky pro Israeli sources pushing fake propaganda about the UN dropping the total death tally"
This is happening while the real complaint is what I wrote above, the ratio of child casualties and woman casualties being vastly lower.
This also has reminded me of another story that has gone viral as "proof" of Israeli propaganda,
Continues in comments...
submitted by AnimateDuckling to samharris [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 kahaanicompany Baat Patey Ki The story of a lonely man in soulful streets of Banaras a hindi shortfilm

Don't miss the chance to watch this beautiful story of a man in Banaras. Unfold now. What happens when you want to be noticed by people? Sometimes you act to be lost. Witness the emotional journey of a man battling loneliness in this hindi short film.
A Film By: Rohit Tiwari Produced By: Shah A Khan / Pankaj B Singh
Watch Now:

oldage #loveyourself #alone #lifehacks #lonely #cinema #banaras #care #emotions #story #life #movie #mentalhealthawarness

submitted by kahaanicompany to u/kahaanicompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 Beligerent-vagrant A single lone krork is discovered on an uninhabited world. Who finds him and what happens?

I’m working on a short story about this and wanted to see what you guys came up with. In mine a tech priest looking into a strange energy signature finds him, along with a single ultramarine escort and a psyker. The encounter goes from a tense stand-off to the marine on the floor pretty quick. And the long conversation that follows ends with the priest and his retinue leaving having vowed to tell no one. The marine out of respect and a confidence that the krork is trapped there. The priest because the tech is beyond him (it’s the krorks armor) and the psyker having a new subliminal urge to lead orks to the planet. As the krork was under the assumption he was the last. But now he sees a new battle. And must prepare.
But nonetheless. How would you do this story?
submitted by Beligerent-vagrant to 40kOrkScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 AutoModerator Kill of the Week!

o7 Capsuleers
In this thread tell us about your kill of the week. It may be a kill you were involved in or one you heard about. Comments should include a killmail link and ideally a story about what happened and why it's noteworthy.
Feel free to also post about the one that got away - maybe your point burnt out or your guns were dry, but you would have got him you swear!
No shame here, just pure bragging rights and toasts to the victors!
Please give this post some love with your up arrow to increase visibility!
#Don't forget to check out this months contest:
submitted by AutoModerator to Eve [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 KokemushitaShourin My recent run through of MGS Snake Eater

Hey Cobras!
Snake Eater was my first ever MGS game that I purchased and completed, and it was back in the PS VITA days. Years and years ago I tried playing the MGS demos for PS1 and just couldn’t get on with them.
I saw they’re remaking Snake Eater and wanted to play through it again, so I got the original off the Steam store.
What a fantastic experience! I’m in my 30’s and felt like a teenager again. I couldn’t wait to get back on for a few hours and follow the story. It still holds up, albeit the mechanics are a little clunky, especially entering view mode with the guns and toggling ADS which needed resetting after each reload… a nightmare with the M1911. I loved the foraging for foods from mushrooms, snakes, frogs and birds.. never managed to successfully use the mousetrap on a rat though!
There’s so much detail considering when this originally came out. Hideo made a masterpiece, but then again, when doesn’t he! I enjoyed finding different camouflages and face paints, using the colonel make to beat Volgin was hilarious 😂. Eating rations and curing injuries was enjoyable too, honestly Hideo makes the most tedious mechanics actually interesting and fun in a strange sort of way. I’m sure you Death Stranding players know what I mean. I played around a lot with Tranq’in soldiers and dropping them down boopy traps, hiding in the vent under Granins lab and sniping as many soldiers as I could coming to find me in the little courtyard area, then I realised they just keep coming lol.
The Boss fights are awesome. I couldn’t help but love Ocelot and his pedantic gun slinging and arrogance. The Pain, The Fear, The Fury, they were all great but The End was my favourite! Unfortunately I didn’t manage to unlock his Mosin-nagant by sneaking up and ‘Holding him up’ but the thermal goggles and sniper came in handy for this fight. I couldn’t work out how to kill Volgin till I YouTubed it and went with the Colonel mask and TNT.
There’s so many hidden secrets to this game. Apparently if you blow up with ammo sheds and the helicopter just next to it, the soldiers are less equipped and the helicopter doesn’t show up later in the game?
I had great fun and already want to do another play through. I think this time I’d try and be less guns blazing and use frogs, scorpions, bee hives and books a lot more for distractions and be as non-lethal as I can. I’d definitely try and get the Mosin-Nagant from The End.
I’m 16% through Phantom Pain and loving that too, but I’m finding the story more difficult to follow.
I’ve slept on MGS for too long, but playing old school Snake Eater was just was the doctor ordered.
Shout out to EVA or Tatyana or whatever you want to be referred to. That crazy girl is a Man Eater! 🕷️
submitted by KokemushitaShourin to metalgearsolid [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 Torta951 Cousin assaulted tj cop

To make a long story short, my cousin ended up assaulting a cop. He was outside of his house with some friends and some sort of altercation occurred. Cops came out and things escalated. He ended up kicking one of the cops. They didn’t take him in but they threatened him that they know where he lives and what he drives. How concerned should he be?
submitted by Torta951 to tijuana [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:57 Johnsharara1 I love akira and shin interactions

I love akira and shin interactions
A super underrated friendship in the whole story imo.
We see them mainly interact during the JCC arc and I like how Suzuki made it so shin was the one to ease Akira of the tension she was having being in a new environment where everyone who has enrolled has been training for years if not decades.
Ofc she would feel abit out of place and it was fairly obvious with how Extremely anxious she was at the beginning of the arc, but then we start to see her less anxious, more positive and taking initiative to help shin to get info on the jcc database .
When Akira gets a conclusion to her current revenge quest, I would love if she continued being an important character so I can add to my collection of Akira and shin interactions but a man can only dream🫡
(Quick side note. I’ve noticed Shin is quite the social butterfly when it comes to the younger side characters.) -Lu -the Sakamoto family -heisuke -seba -Akira -amane -mufuyu -Toramura
He practically formed strong bonds with these in a relatively short amount of time
submitted by Johnsharara1 to SakamotoDays [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:55 batt84 Handling irregular availability

Greetings, Travelers.
My group struggles with scheduling, to the point where our last session was at least half a year ago. Long story short, the players want to improve the situation and commit to a biweekly schedule.
Except one player who can't schedule regular sessions reliably due to a pretty inconsistent work schedule. She doesn't want the party to miss out because of her, but she wants to be included whenever she can, ideally continuing her Tiefling Bard.
All the players at my table are new, and I as GM have not that much experience. I am comfortable with writing a character out and back into the story for a prolonged absence and have done so very successfully before, but I don't know if I can keep this up with irregular attendance on a session by session basis. I also don't feel very comfortable with me taking control of the character in her place, as I have seen in podcasts.
Do you have any advice for me on how best to handle the situation?
submitted by batt84 to DnD [link] [comments]