Third grade triviahird grade tr

Welcome Back to Third Grade!

2017.11.05 19:08 Welcome Back to Third Grade!

For jokes/images/memes/anything where someone used excessive and pointless swears.

2012.10.17 07:03 Mr. F's Third Grade Class

Ask a third grade class anything. Provide us with insightful questions and 24 8-year old students will take a crack at it.

2021.07.05 23:39 quite_whoreish BrainSwapFi

This is the community of BrainSwap Finance. A third generation yield farm on the Polygon Network. The first to bring you Balancer Pool Token farms on MATIC. High Grade Yield Farming for High Grade Degens.

2024.05.14 11:22 killosama22 Join a world

Just looking for a couple people who what to join a game, my friend and I are still figuring out some parts of the game. So if anyone (18+) wants to join got 2 spots on it. Not in new game + yet. At grade 3 gear too
submitted by killosama22 to GroundedGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:21 StrategyCharacter995 How do I start my syllabus

Hello everyone,now since the results are out and I have hopefully passed to the next grade, I have some doubts on whether how to start my chemistry and physics syllabus i have started maths but I confused from where I should start and some tips for class 11th, I am not going for any coaching and any tution for chem and phy, any advice will be helpful.
submitted by StrategyCharacter995 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:20 drabhishekyadav What Is Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty liver is a medical condition in which excess fat builds up in your liver. Metabolic disorders like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hyperlipidemia with or without alcohol consumption lead to excess fat deposition. Fatty liver is also known as hepatic steatosis.
Read this blog to know about the fatty liver disease grades, definition, causes, types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
submitted by drabhishekyadav to LiverDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:19 IulianHI Produse Smart TP-Link Tapo: Solutii Inovatoare pentru Casa Ta

În era tehnologiei avansate, soluțiile smart home devin tot mai populare, oferindu-ne confort și eficiență în viața de zi cu zi. aduce o gamă variată de produse TP-Link Tapo, menite să îmbunătățească experiența utilizatorilor printr-o serie de dispozitive inteligente și ușor de folosit.
Aceste produse se remarcă prin calitate, funcționalitate și accesibilitate, oferind soluții pentru diverse nevoi ale casei tale inteligente.

Becurile Inteligente Tapo

TP-Link Tapo L510E

Tapo L510E este un bec inteligent Wi-Fi cu intensitate reglabilă, oferind control complet asupra luminii din casa ta prin intermediul aplicației Tapo.
Acest bec permite ajustarea luminozității pentru a crea atmosfera perfectă pentru orice moment al zilei, fie că este vorba de o cină romantică sau de o seară relaxantă. Funcția de programare permite setarea becului să se aprindă și să se stingă automat la ore prestabilite, economisind astfel energie și oferindu-ți un plus de siguranță.

TP-Link Tapo L530E

Tapo L530E este un bec inteligent Wi-Fi RGB care îți permite să alegi dintr-o gamă largă de culori pentru a personaliza atmosfera casei tale.
Cu ajutorul aplicației Tapo, poți controla nu doar culoarea și intensitatea luminii, dar și să creezi scenarii personalizate pentru diferite activități sau momente speciale. Funcția de sincronizare muzicală adaugă un plus de divertisment, becul ajustându-și lumina în funcție de ritmul muzicii.

Camerele de Supraveghere Tapo

TP-Link Tapo C200

Tapo C200 este o cameră de supraveghere Wi-Fi cu pan-tilt, oferind o acoperire completă a încăperii tale. Cu o rezoluție Full HD 1080p, această cameră asigură imagini clare și detaliate, chiar și pe timp de noapte datorită funcției de vedere nocturnă.
Camera poate fi controlată prin aplicația Tapo, permițând rotirea și înclinarea pentru a acoperi un unghi de 360 de grade. Funcțiile de detecție a mișcării și de notificare instantanee asigură protecție și siguranță, alertându-te imediat în cazul unei activități suspecte.

TP-Link Tapo C310

Tapo C310 este o cameră de supraveghere Wi-Fi pentru exterior, proiectată să reziste condițiilor meteorologice dificile. Cu o rezoluție Ultra HD 3MP, această cameră oferă imagini extrem de clare, iar funcția de vedere nocturnă permite monitorizarea pe timp de noapte până la 30 de metri.
Instalarea este simplă și rapidă, camera fiind compatibilă atât cu conexiuni Wi-Fi, cât și Ethernet. Funcțiile de detecție a mișcării și de notificare te țin informat despre orice activitate în zona supravegheată, oferindu-ți liniștea necesară.

Priză Inteligentă TP-Link Tapo P100

Priza inteligentă Tapo P100 îți permite să controlezi de la distanță dispozitivele electrice din casa ta. Prin intermediul aplicației Tapo, poți porni sau opri aparatele conectate, seta programe pentru funcționare automată și monitoriza consumul de energie.
Funcția de control vocal, compatibilă cu Amazon Alexa și Google Assistant, adaugă un plus de confort, permițându-ți să controlezi priza doar cu ajutorul comenzilor vocale. Această priză este ideală pentru a spori eficiența energetică și pentru a gestiona mai eficient dispozitivele din locuința ta.

Hub-ul Inteligent TP-Link Tapo H100

Hub-ul inteligent Tapo H100 este inima ecosistemului Tapo, oferind o conexiune centralizată pentru toate dispozitivele tale smart. Acest hub permite integrarea și controlul ușor al tuturor produselor Tapo printr-o singură aplicație.
Cu o rază de acțiune extinsă și o conexiune stabilă, hub-ul asigură funcționarea eficientă a tuturor dispozitivelor din casa ta, simplificând gestionarea lor și oferind o experiență smart home completă.

Senzor de Mișcare TP-Link Tapo T100

Senzorul de mișcare Tapo T100 este un dispozitiv compact și eficient, ideal pentru monitorizarea activităților din locuința ta. Acesta poate detecta mișcările pe o rază de până la 7 metri și poate fi configurat pentru a activa automat alte dispozitive Tapo, cum ar fi becurile sau camerele de supraveghere.
Instalarea este simplă, senzorul putând fi montat pe orice suprafață cu ajutorul suportului inclus. Funcția de notificare instantanee te ține informat în timp real despre orice activitate detectată, oferindu-ți un plus de siguranță.

Becuri LED cu Conectivitate Wi-Fi

Becurile LED Tapo oferă o combinație ideală de eficiență energetică și control inteligent. Prin conectivitatea Wi-Fi, aceste becuri pot fi controlate de la distanță prin aplicația Tapo, permițând ajustarea luminozității și a temperaturii culorii pentru a crea ambianța dorită în fiecare încăpere.
Funcția de programare și temporizare te ajută să economisești energie, configurând becurile să se aprindă și să se stingă automat la ore prestabilite.

Avantajele Utilizării Produselor TP-Link Tapo

Produsele TP-Link Tapo oferă numeroase avantaje, făcând viața de zi cu zi mai confortabilă și mai sigură. Integrarea facilă a dispozitivelor într-un singur ecosistem smart home permite un control centralizat și eficient al întregii locuințe.
Funcțiile avansate de detecție, notificare și programare asigură un nivel ridicat de securitate și economisire a energiei, contribuind la un stil de viață sustenabil și modern.
Compatibilitatea cu asistenții vocali populari, precum Amazon Alexa și Google Assistant, adaugă un plus de comoditate, permițând controlul dispozitivelor prin comenzi vocale simple.


Gama de produse TP-Link Tapo de pe reprezintă soluții ideale pentru transformarea casei tale într-o locuință inteligentă și modernă. De la becuri și prize inteligente, la camere de supraveghere și senzori de mișcare, aceste dispozitive oferă funcționalități avansate și o utilizare simplă și intuitivă. Investind în tehnologia smart home de la TP-Link Tapo, vei beneficia de confort, securitate și eficiență, îmbunătățind considerabil calitatea vieții tale.
Descoperă întreaga gamă de produse TP-Link Tapo pe și transformă-ți casa într-un spațiu inteligent și conectat.
submitted by IulianHI to OfertaRomania [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:18 wondertacomaster (rant) Why does the professor you have matter so much?

I'm EE. It's so fucking unfair that different professors conduct class so different, some even teach different/adjacent materials. The difference in the grading system and how harsh they are. It's all so fucking dependent on the professor. Is it even fair?
I have no idea how they determine the effectiveness of a professor as a teacher. But I swear bring back something like those state testing back in highschool. Maybe every major class should have common midterms/finals. That way each professor could be evaluated simply based on the exams. However that would put the students with worse professors at a disadvantage. And the professor should not write their own exams.
Idk anything. I'm just ranting.
submitted by wondertacomaster to CalPoly [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:17 esteban-colberto Microsurgery Vs Laparoscopy

I've grade 3 varicocele on left and grade 1 on right. I consulted 2 doctors. One of them recommend microsurgery and the other laparoscopy. Can you suggest which one is better in effectiveness and reduce recurrence? I want to increase quality and quantity of my sperms to enable natural conception within 1 year.
submitted by esteban-colberto to varicocele [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:17 crunchygrapes_524 How do i tell my abusive mom i failed an easy subject.

Today, I recieved an e-mail from my school informing me about how I am required to attend a summer program for I have failed Art. For context, I'm an only child with severe ADHD and I study at one of the most prestigious schools in the Philippines. The summer program costs 6,000 PESOS/$103 and lasts for about 2 weeks. With that information, I really need advice on how to break the news to my mom. (My mom is a single parent and provides for almost the whole family.) I know that it will break her and just make her absolutely ballistic, and don't get me wrong she has the absolute right to. But recently her ways of "teaching" me discipline has gone way worse. Just a few days ago, My teacher returned my work and it was a really low grase and she constantly hit me, slammmed my head, pulled my hair, throwed my stuff (ex: laptop, phone, anything she can grab basically) at my FACE at 7 am in the morning before she left for work. After she left and just about 3 hours in, she called me and kept texting me, saying things like "I wish I never gave birth to you" swearing at me, etc. That day, I had plans of comitting suicide, I was trying to choke myself, possible stab my self and just thought of all ways to unalive myself. It was alot. I love my mom, if anything I'd take a bullet for her. But this thing has been going on SINCE I WAS A TODLER. Grades are everythjng for my mom. She takes my friend as a "great" example just because she has good grades, now I'm not shaming my friend but she is an absolute bop. She gets with a new boy every week. While I'm viewed as a dissapointment because of my grades. (NOTE: I KNOW. That this is a little thing that eill eventually pass but I'm absolutely sick of it. And I have thought of running away for YEARS.) PLEASE feel free to leave any advice and opinion.
submitted by crunchygrapes_524 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:17 Suspicious-Layer-395 INTD358 final grade

hey guys is it normal that I still don’t have my grade for INTD358? it’s may 14th, aren’t they supposed to have a deadline to upload the grades on minerva ?
submitted by Suspicious-Layer-395 to mcgill [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:16 Knalxz For those wondering, odds are, the cute soldier likely escaped in Halo Reach

Noble team is attached to the UNSC's army unlike most other Spartans who're navy elements that often work with the marines in typical navy fashion. The troops you work with for the majority of Reach are soldiers, not marines or seamen. (Spacemen? IDK if that changes in the future) This changes near the end of the game where the army force that Colonel Holland is tied to has clearly taken massive casualties and Noble Team starts working with ODST's, a marine element, and on the final mission are working with the spread-out marines of the Pillar of Autumn.
By the time new Alexanderia is lost the battle for Reach is as well and the UNSC starts to hard focus on asset denial and not victory meaning noncritical troops are being pulled out like Noble Teams supporting army elements. Special forces units like ODST's and Spartans are clearly hanging behind for those burn ops with marines taking up posts to ensure extraction onto the Navy vessels as the last mission showed but it's clearly not a full-on battle but a slow retreat.
As Halsey mentions by the end of the game Noble seemed like they weren't under Holland's command anymore and if anything during the last missions Noble was in a way being transferred to the crew of the Pillar of Autumn to not only get them off world but to deliver their package. This means Holland likely had all of the assets he's told to worry about close to his chest. His soldiers are unable to keep in the fight from casualties, his troops unable to deal with hostile supremacy and operational tasks beyond them with a retreat being sounded. While we don't have a confirmation, he made it off Reach, Holland likely got his people together and left the planet. Again, as Halsey stated, events beyond his grade were happening, so his roles and tasks were being circumvented and with him nor his units critical to the fight anymore they likely pulled out.
Now for those scared that the cute marine could likely be one of the many casualties, I'll let you know that mass casualties for a batllion of troops is 2 people being wounded. That ceases battlion operations because of what is one of the funniest domino affects. It goes like this.
"Oh no, my fireteam has two guys wounded, now my squad leader doesn't want to stay in the fight because he's at half power. Oh no, we're down a squad so now the platoon is at 3/4's power and doesn't won't to risk engaging while weak so they're pulling out of the fight! OH NO! We're down a platoon so now the Company is at 3/4's power and the captain doesn't want to risk advancing with such a weak force. OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The battlion lost an entire company because 2 guys in a team got wounded so the squad leader didn't want to press so the platoon leader didn't want to press and thusly the captain didn't want to press so no the LTC has an entire company down of his battalion so they're at 3/4 power and don't want to press! OH DARN!"
This is of course what happens in modern war, but you get the idea. If casualties are what pushed the army elements of Noble out of the fight it's likely not as grievous as you might think. We don't really do the whole WWII/Vietnam levels of casualties anymore; we learned our lesson of not charging into machine guns, letting the enemy just bomb us or pressing with half a platoon into hostile space.
So while the cute soldier does seem like a go-getter, they likely weren't KIA. Odds are they pulled back with the rest of the army, left with Holland and went to Earth. The reason we didn't see them in Halo 2, 3 or ODST is they weren't apart of the marines and not in Africa. If anything, the special unit Noble was a part of has some rather insane clearances being tasked with not only adding Spartans, having elite pilots in the Sabre program but defending Sword Base she and any survivors were likely moved to a hush post somewhere where ONI was safe. If anything the force that was with Noble might be one of the most secure units to be apart of in the UNSC.
So yes, you can write your fanfic of her survival and eventual turn into a Spartan IV muscle Mommy who makes Sarah Palmer look like a chump because she worked directly with Noble Team during the battle of Reach and has the example of real Spartans.
submitted by Knalxz to halo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:15 Mammoth-Fix7423 I hope that everyone facing academic problems can achieve good results in the end

I hope that everyone facing academic problems can achieve good results in the end
I posted a post two years ago expressing my concerns about my academic grades. I was still a freshman at that time, and I didn't know how to adapt to university studies and find learning methods. When I received the RTW, I felt like my world was destroyed. I may have been a failure and unable to complete my studies. But in fact, RTW did not affect me much. I tried to find new learning methods, worked hard to plan every course, and achieved satisfactory results in the following two years. Although I am not an excellent student, this grade results from my hard work, and I should feel happy. Recently, many people have asked me what to do if I get RTW, and I want to say that it's not a big deal. This doesn't mean you're a failure. It would be best if you worked hard to plan your studies and, most importantly, set goals so that you can make improvements. University is difficult, but it's not the whole thing in your life. JUST FUCK IT.
submitted by Mammoth-Fix7423 to uAlberta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:15 HealthyYard6559 Otkrivenje 1:1-3

,, Otkrivenje Isusa Hrista, koje dade Njemu Bog, da pokaže slugama svojim šta će skoro biti, i pokaza, poslavši po anđelu svom sluzi svom Jovanu, Koji svedoči reč Božiju i svedočanstvo Isusa Hrista, i šta god vide. Blago onome koji čita i onima koji slušaju reči proroštva, i drže šta je napisano u njemu; jer je vreme blizu"
Jovan je dobio Otkrivenje od anđela kog je Gospod Isus poslao zato što su anđeli službeni duhovi koji pomažu ljudima:
,,Nisu li svi službeni duhovi koji su poslani na službu onima koji će naslediti spasenje?"
i o tome čitamo u prvom stihu a i u drugom stihu vidimo o čemu je Jovan svedočio:
,,Koji svedoči reč Božiju i svedočanstvo Isusa Hrista, i šta god vide."
Ovde prvo primećujemo da je Jovan svedok ali odmah zatim vidimo i šta je on svedočio.Nije on svedočio neke njegove misli ili ideje ili neko učenje nekog ,,mudrog učitelja" već jasno piše da je svedočio,,reč Božiju i svedočanstvo Isusa Hrista, i šta god vide.".Isus mu je poslao objavu i Jovan sada svedoči i to je karakteristika nanovorođenih ljudi koji su poslati od Boga da svedoce ono što im je Bog objavio i pokazao.
,,Jer koga Bog posla, onaj reči Božije govori: jer Bog Duha ne daje na meru."
Jovan 3:34
Ovo njihovo svedočanstvo ne mora po pravilu da bude estetski lepo,svedok ne mora da bude neki školovani propovednik ili super rečiti govornik bitno je da prenese ono što Bog želi ,,Reč Božiju".Ovakvih primera ima u Bibliji i možemo o tome čitati a primer za ovo su: Mojsije koji je bio spor u govoru,čak se Bogu žalio:
,,A Mojsije reče Gospodu: Molim Ti se, Gospode, nisam rečit čovek, niti sam pre bio niti sam otkako si progovorio sa slugom svojim, nego sam sporih usta i sporog jezika."
1 Moj.4:10
prorok Jeremija je bio mlad:
,, A ja rekoh: Oh, Gospode, Gospode! Evo, ne znam govoriti, jer sam dete."
Pa i Petar i Jovan su bili neškolovani ali su bili izuzetni Božiji svedoci koji su bili nanovorođeni, ispunjeni Svetim Duhom ,verom i naukom koju su propovedali a ta nauka je ,,reč Božija"
Evo šta je Petar rekao Timoteju:
,,Zaklinjem te, dakle, pred Bogom i Gospodom našim Isusom Hristom, koji će suditi živima i mrtvima, dolaskom Njegovim i carstvom Njegovim:Propovedaj reč, nastoj u dobro vreme i u nevreme, pokaraj, zapreti, umoli sa svakim snošenjem i učenjem;Jer će doći vreme kad zdrave nauke neće slušati, nego će po svojim željama nakupiti sebi učitelje, kao što ih uši svrbe,I odvratiće uši od istine, i okrenuće se ka gatalicama."
2 Tim.4:1-4
On ga savetuje da propoveda ,,Reč" iako zna da velika većina ljudi neće da ga slušaju ili neće da ga razumeju šta prica.Ljudi će sebi uvek naći neke popularnije teme o kojima će slušati a reč Božiju će zanemariti ili naći neki zdravorazumski odgovor i opravdanje da se opravdaju i ne poslušaju.I nije čudo jer je Reč Božija istina:
,,Osveti ih istinom svojom: reč je Tvoja istina."
Jovan 17:17
a Sotona se bori protiv istine i trudi se da laž prikaže kao istinu i on sad svoju istinu plasira lepo upakovanu i mnogi su skloni da njemu poveruju a zanemare Božiju istinu.Međutim i pored toga Božija istina ne propada bez obzira što je većina ljudi odbacuje ili zanemaruje.
,, Kao prerođeni ne od semena koje trune, nego od onog koje ne trune, rečju Živog Boga, koja ostaje doveka."
1 Petr.1:23
Božije sluge Reč Božiju slušaju ,veruju šta je Bog rekao i praktikuju rec a za one koji slušaju Sotonu piše da nisu Božiji.
,,Ko je od Boga reči Božije sluša; zato vi ne slušate, jer niste od Boga."
Jovan 8:47
i evo šta će jednog dana sa njima biti pošto će uporno odbijati Reč Božiju:
,,I zato će im Bog poslati silu prevare, da veruju laži; Da prime sud svi koji ne verovaše istini, nego voleše nepravdu."
2 Sol.2:11-12
Jovan je objavljivao reč Božiju ali i ,,svedočanstvo Isusa Hrista" i zato je Jovan bio bačen na Patmos.
,,Ja Jovan, koji sam i brat vaš i drug u nevolji, i u carstvu i trpljenju Isusa Hrista, bejah na ostrvu koje se zove Patam, za reč Božiju i za svedočanstvo Isusa Hrista."
Jovan je objavljivao ono što će biti dakle imao je duh proroštva kojim je objavljivao Isusa u slavi u kojoj će doći i događaje koji će se desiti:
,, I padnuvši pred nogama njegovim poklonih mu se; i reče mi: Gle, nemoj, ja sam sluga kao i ti i braća tvoja koja imaju svedočanstvo Isusovo. Bogu se pokloni; jer je svedočanstvo Isusovo Duh Proroštva."
Dakle Duh Sveti nam objavljuje buduće događaje preko Jovana a o ovim obećanjima Gospod Isus je rekao :
,,A kad dođe On, Duh istine, uputiće vas na svaku istinu; jer neće od sebe govoriti, nego će govoriti šta čuje, i javiće vam šta će biti unapred."
Jovan 16:13
Centralna osoba ovog proroštva je u stvari Gospod Isus koji je ,,Duh proroštva"tj.,,Svedočanstvo Isusovo" o kome je Jovan svedočio zbog koga je završio na ostrvu Patmos.Jovan je bio prebačen u budučnost i anđeo mu je pokazao buduće događaje jer piše,,I šta god vide".I ovo podrazumeva veoma veliki broj događaja koje je Jovan video o kojima piše Otkrivenje da nama pokaže šta će biti do samog kraja sveta i početka novog neba i nove zemlje pa sve do večnosti.
,,Blago onome koji čita i onima koji slušaju reči proroštva, i drže šta je napisano u njemu; jer je vreme blizu"
Nastavak počinje blaženstvom jer piše,,blago" a to znači sretan,blagosloven je onaj koji sluša ono što kaže Gospod Isus Hrist .Evo šta je Gospod Isus rekao:
,,Blago siromašnima duhom, jer je njihovo carstvo nebesko;Blago onima koji plaču, jer će se utešiti;Blago krotkima, jer će naslediti zemlju;Blago gladnima i žednima pravde, jer će se nasititi;Blago milostivima, jer će biti pomilovani;Blago onima koji su čistog srca, jer će Boga videti;Blago onima koji mir grade, jer će se sinovi Božji nazvati;Blago prognanima pravde radi, jer je njihovo carstvo nebesko. Blago vama ako vas uzasramote i usprogone i kažu na vas svakojake rđave reči lažući, mene radi"
,,Blago mrtvima koji umiru u Gospodu od sad..."
,,Blago onome koji je budan i koji čuva haljine svoje, da go ne hodi i da se ne vidi sramota njegova."
,,Blago onima koji su pozvani na večeru svadbe Jagnjetove. I reče mi: Ove su reči istinite Božije."
,,Blažen je i svet onaj koji ima deo u prvom vaskrsenju; nad njima druga smrt nema oblasti, nego će biti sveštenici Bogu i Hristu, i carovaće s Njim hiljadu godina."
,,Blago onome koji drži reči proroštva knjige ove"
,,Blago onome koji tvori zapovesti Njegove, da im bude vlast na drvo života, i da uđu na vrata u grad."
Iz ovog stiha vidimo ,,Blago onome koji čita " i to je Božije obećanje namenjeno svim onim koji čitaju Otkrivenje i ostale knjige koje nam je Bog poslao i sledeće što zapažamo je da piše ,,blago onome koji čita" dakle čita stalno a ne pročita jednom i misli da je sve naučio.Ova knjiga se čita, proučava i analizira jer na taj način Bog nam pruža informacije svaki put kad ovo radimo.
Osim čitanja o ovoj knjizi i objavi koja je napisana može i da se sluša a za slušače čitamo.Blago ,,i onima koji slušaju reči proroštva".Ovo je napisano u vremenu kada mnogi ljudi nisu bili pismeni i nisu znali da čitaju pa je jedini način da saznaju šta je objavljeno u Otkrivenju slušanje onoga što su ljudi koji su znali da čitaju tumačili ili čitali izvorni tekst.Dakle iz ovih stihovima vidimo da nije bitno da li neko čita ili sluša objavu blagoslovi su isti.
Na kraju stiha piše i blago onima koji ,, drže šta je napisano u njemu; jer je vreme blizu" i ovde je normalan sled događaja jer onaj koji čita ili sluša biva prosvedočen objavom:
,, Ko hoće Njegovu volju tvoriti, razumeće je li ova nauka od Boga ili ja sam od sebe govorim."
Jovan 7:17
i oni će se truditi da držie i želeće da praktikuju ono što Bog od njh očekuje. jer su oni prepoznali Isusa kao spasitelja:
,,Ljubazni! Sad smo deca Božija, i još se ne pokaza šta ćemo biti; nego znamo da kad se pokaže, bićemo kao i On, jer ćemo Ga videti kao što jeste."
1 Jov.3:2-3
I stigli smo do kraja stiha gde piše da ,,je vreme blizu" što znači da trebamo čitati,slušati i praktikovati nauku jer je vreme koje je opisano u Otkrivenju veoma blizu pogotovu za nas jer mi možemo na osnovu znakova vremena jasno videti da je poslednje vreme veoma blizu toliko blizu da možemo videti znakove koji se ispunjavaju pred našim očima u realnom vremenu,za nas to više nije proroštvo več događaji koji se desavaju i potvrđuju istinitost onog što je objavljeno u poslednjoj knjizi Biblije Otkrivenju.
Događaji koji se odigravaju i upozorenje ,,da je vreme blizu" treba samo da nas ojačaju u veri i mi trebamo da praktikujemo ono što je zapisano u drugoj Petrovoj poslanici.
,,I imamo najpouzdaniju proročku reč, i dobro činite što pazite na nju, kao na videlo koje svetli u tamnom mestu, dokle dan ne osvane i danica se ne rodi u srcima vašim."
2 Petr.1:19
submitted by HealthyYard6559 to u/HealthyYard6559 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:15 Decent-Extension-153 Dating advice

Im a senior (11th grade) in high school and I really like this girl, I wanna take her out but really I have no idea what to say I’ve had the worst luck previously with girls and I don’t want that type thing to happen again. However I have an issue that being i hooked up with her at a party a while back around third quarter last year septemberish. And I kind of regret it because I feel like that might have like ruined my chances if you get what I mean but we still talk frequently so I thought it really wouldn’t be too bad if I did and I don’t really know how I should go abt it. Thoughts?
submitted by Decent-Extension-153 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:14 mugg74 Should Mods delete grade polls without a just checking option?

While not the most scientific polls to begin with (I've seen polls with more grade votes than enrolments) not having a just checking option throws them out further I believe.
Now that I can delete them as part of the Mod team I am tempted to do so! So would I have your support? Or can you convince me otherwise? They can always be reposted with a just checking option.
Vote and comment if needed.
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submitted by mugg74 to unimelb [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:14 arnounacxon Haven’t seen this online any idea how much this could be worth, has a whole page of basketball cards

Haven’t seen this online any idea how much this could be worth, has a whole page of basketball cards
Title: Hoop Magazine (1995) Issue: [Issue Number]
Condition: Very Fine Minus (7.5 - 7.0) (self grade) Flaws: Blunted and slightly bent/creased corners. Stress on spine, including ever so slight rips along it. Creases on the cover. Wear on spine. Complete with all pages, including a page of basketball cards.
submitted by arnounacxon to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:12 crunchygrapes_524 Failing a class, how to tell parents?

Today, I recieved an e-mail from my school informing me about how I am required to attend a summer program for I have failed Art. For context, I'm an only child with severe ADHD and I study at one of the most prestigious schools in the Philippines. The summer program costs 6,000 PESOS/$103 and lasts for about 2 weeks. With that information, I really need advice on how to break the news to my mom. (My mom is a single parent and provides for almost the whole family.) I know that it will break her and just make her absolutely ballistic, and don't get me wrong she has the absolute right to. But recently her ways of "teaching" me discipline has gone way worse. Just a few days ago, My teacher returned my work and it was a really low grase and she constantly hit me, slammmed my head, pulled my hair, throwed my stuff (ex: laptop, phone, anything she can grab basically) at my FACE at 7 am in the morning before she left for work. After she left and just about 3 hours in, she called me and kept texting me, saying things like "I wish I never gave birth to you" swearing at me, etc. That day, I had plans of comitting suicide, I was trying to choke myself, possible stab my self and just thought of all ways to unalive myself. It was alot. I love my mom, if anything I'd take a bullet for her. But this thing has been going on SINCE I WAS A TODLER. Grades are everythjng for my mom. She takes my friend as a "great" example just because she has good grades, now I'm not shaming my friend but she is an absolute bop. She gets with a new boy every week. While I'm viewed as a dissapointment because of my grades. (NOTE: I KNOW. That this is a little thing that eill eventually pass but I'm absolutely sick of it. And I have thought of running away for YEARS.) PLEASE feel free to leave any advice and opinion.
submitted by crunchygrapes_524 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:11 stata_ke Need academic help? Get personalized tutoring and unlock your academic potential. Master foundational principles, conquer advanced topics, and achieve academic success.

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submitted by stata_ke to ValenciaCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:10 Icy-Resolve-3726 9700/22 predicted grades

nitrate question was a whole yap session by cambridge
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submitted by Icy-Resolve-3726 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:10 stata_ke Need academic help? Get personalized tutoring and unlock your academic potential. Master foundational principles, conquer advanced topics, and achieve academic success.

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submitted by stata_ke to vce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:09 stata_ke Need academic help? Get personalized tutoring and unlock your academic potential. Master foundational principles, conquer advanced topics, and achieve academic success.

Improve your understanding, tackle assignments, projects, research papers, essays, tests, quizzes, exams, and online classes with confidence, and boost your grades.
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submitted by stata_ke to UTM [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:09 stargazinglyn Moodle university website

Hi guys, is there any possibility to hack the system to have a look at my grade? Like the corrected document already got uploaded by my professor but it shows that it isn’t approved for students to look into it for atleast another month but I am genuinely curious and impatient….
submitted by stargazinglyn to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:08 stata_ke Need academic help? Get personalized tutoring and unlock your academic potential. Master foundational principles, conquer advanced topics, and achieve academic success

Improve your understanding, tackle assignments, projects, research papers, essays, tests, quizzes, exams, and online classes with confidence, and boost your grades.
Learn smarter, not harder! My affordable online tutoring can help you grasp complex concepts and develop critical thinking skills. Let's work together to ethically achieve your academic goals
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submitted by stata_ke to UPenn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:08 Dramatic_Ad_8310 Got Cooked/ results day

I’m genuinely scared for results day guys 😭😭😭 my AS results weren’t the best and this exam season I got cooked., for A2 the p4s weren’t easy at all. And p5s are like Mid.
I don’t know how I’ll face my family And etc, my brain already classified my grade as something I can’t even imagine in a bad way. I’m so done with alevels 😭😭😭😭😭 it’s time to think about backup plans coz in no way im resisting those papers, what a headache 😭 if anyone knows what someone does after alevels other than foundations when they don’t have the required grades pls tell me Other pathways
Tmmrw I have chem p5 and next week English, but yeah each time I do P5 I have a flashback of my p4
submitted by Dramatic_Ad_8310 to alevel [link] [comments]