Moore x150 garage door opener

best garage door opener

2013.11.26 15:00 anodanuar best garage door opener

Finding the best garage door opener for your home can be a drawn out task at time, as there are so many different models available now. There are several things that you need to consider before buying any garage door opener to make sure that you are getting the one most suitable for your home.

2019.02.25 14:59 mrmyst3rious A place to track news on the MyQ

Universal Smartphone-Controlled Garage Door Opener Open and close your garage door from anywhere with your smartphone. Easy-to-add functionality with existing garage door openers. Core features such as opening, closing, and receiving garage door status notifications

2016.01.27 01:40 5heepdawg A place to find service options and opinions for Garage Doors

Garage Door service advice. If there is an issue with your Garage Door, ask a question. Use as much detail as possible. In the industry? Feel free to share experiences and advice to fellow Garage Door experts.

2024.06.07 21:40 internetMan54 Father In Law doesn’t want to provide his insurance

I got into a small accident recently in my father in laws vehicle. As I was pulling into a parking spot this lady in the next spot opened her door and smashed the side of my car.
At the time she admitted it was her fault, gave me her insurance info, never asked for mine.
Now a few weeks later I got the estimates for the repairs to send to her and she asks for my father in law’s insurance because she didn’t tell them it was her fault and wants insurance to decide.
She’s being completely dishonest about the situation. My father in law is pissed about her lying and doesn’t want to provide his insurance . I think he’s worried somehow his insurance will go up or he will lose the insurance judgment.
What am I supposed to do here if he doesn’t want to provide the insurance? I get that he kind of has to…
submitted by internetMan54 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 Mikey_Pajamas open it right now

open it right now submitted by Mikey_Pajamas to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 BenefitGrand1074 Finding a Reliable French Door Fridge: Samsung Farewell, Bosch in Sight?

I just had it with my Samsung fridge (never going back!). After only 5 years, the freezer died, and now the whole fridge is toast.
I'm on the hunt for a new French door fridge with a water dispenser and ice maker, but forget the fancy smart features - they're just asking for trouble. My budget is around $3,000.
Anyone have recommendations for reliable French door fridges in that range? I've been considering the Bosch 800 series, but I'm open to other options!
submitted by BenefitGrand1074 to Gadgetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:38 hopingforgood4 confused and scared

Getting this out there to stop ruminating - hoping for helpful perspectives.
TL;DR My boyfriend has lied a lot about his ex, now says she raped him 6 times. I want to help him but I’m scared he’s lying.
I (29F) have been in a relationship with a guy I deeply love (28M) for a year and some months. I met him (let’s call him Charlie) around six months after a relationship I was in for 6 years ended in a way fitting for a Netflix docuseries, with me realizing I really never knew the man I was engaged to and had lived with for five years. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but Charlie came along and was really just gentle, and kind. There was no lovebombing, which I would’ve been really sensitive to, just easygoing falling in love. Things definitely moved quickly, but not in any overdramatic sense. I felt at peace for awhile.
I told him from the very beginning that I can’t handle lying. That he doesn’t even have to tell me the truth about anything - just please don’t lie to me. I had been so badly hurt and was trying to heal my ability to trust. And I understand that people lie sometimes without meaning to, to protect others/themselves, I really get it. Out of consideration for both of us, I set that boundary early so that if it was something he couldn’t do, he’d know I’m not the person for him and that’s okay. I just asked for the respect.
And I didn’t uphold my own boundary. That’s on me. I should’ve left at the first lie, but I just had this gut feeling that he really does love me. The lies mainly revolve around his ex (someone he was with for 9 months, around covid). Right after meeting him (2 weeks), he had lunch with her for ‘closure’, as she had just moved back from out of state. I had encouraged him to do this, because he had expressed not being sure if he’s over it. I really liked him, so I said hey, I totally understand, but I don’t want to continue with you if that’s an open door. Go see her, you don’t owe me anything but the respect of a clear decision. He went to have lunch and came right back, saying all the perfect things and grateful that he could now say he was sure.
A few months later, I started to notice inconsistencies about how he spoke of his past. This was really triggering to me, and he knew that. He went from saying she broke his heart when she broke up with him to he knew he never loved her while with her, found her unattractive and easy, and that they never spent time together. He said the entire thing was faked by them, made up to convince their friends and family that they were mature and had their lives together. He told me he was using dating apps the entire time, always to sext and snapchat other girls. He showed me the childishness of their texts, and I noted that he tried to initiate sexting and talked about sex a lot with her. She seemed disinterested, only really engaging for validation. It definitely did not read as intimacy, or like they knew each other at all. Just a lot of middle schoolish plays for attention and detached romance. Weirdly, he also told me that when they would talk about moments they shared, they had actually not even seen each other. The moments hadn’t even happened…he claims they were just cosplaying a relationship, essentially.
Fast forward - he went from saying that girl broke his heart when she broke up with him to that girl raped him multiple times. Now, big disclaimer - the doubt I am about to express is not by any means doubt that men are raped by women. I am a survivor myself, and know that victims and abusers can be any gender, size, sexuality, etc. I also know that the way victims cope can be denial, as well as many other things. But I am really afraid that my boyfriend is lying and accusing an innocent person of rape. He claims they had sex consensually one time and he hated it, and that the rest of the times there was any sexual contact (6 times), she raped him. He said she wasn’t a sexual person, and that it was always very matter-of-fact and business-like. That she didn’t make a sound, just started touching him - according to him, he’d say no and try to push hand away, but she would silently just continue. She would then straddle him, pin him down, and also get a condom on him at the same time? He says all of this was without a sound, just more forceful if he tried to push her off or get up. And this happened six times, according to him. He said each time he froze more and more.
I remember from their texts that she talked about how she feels bad that she never orgasms when they have sex, and assured him that only one guy in her past was able to get her off. And over text, he was always the one bringing up sex - sex they had (that he now says were complete fabrications, though she just played along), sex he wanted to have with her, etc. And she just seemed to put up with it at best, but mostly bored. He was the one who wanted to hang out with her, the main initiator of contact. And after the relationship ended, that was still true. He seemed to idealize her, kept reaching out, etc. She would either ignore him or react when she wanted attention.
Something just feels so off. He ended up retracting that she raped him, then said the retraction was a lie because he could tell I have doubts and just wanted to put my mind to rest because he knows it doesn’t make sense. I don’t know what to believe. I want to help him through this…but what if he’s lying? It seems he is a compulsive liar, and I’m just so scared of being hurt. Does anyone have any experience with any part of this?
submitted by hopingforgood4 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:38 Master_of_Yeet Both in Northeast Kansas. One in a rock bed and the other over my garage door key.

Both in Northeast Kansas. One in a rock bed and the other over my garage door key. submitted by Master_of_Yeet to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 g_onuhh "there's two sides to every story" I have a tough time coping with this thought

I'll just start by saying that I actually do not believe that there are always two sides to a story. I think it's a very dangerous path to go down in situations of abuse, because it opens up opportunity to blame the victim or attempt to pick out moments in the story where someone can say "well, I can see why [the abuser] would feel or say _____" and somehow justify the abuse. But abuse is cumulative, it's often death by a thousand cuts, and victims stay in the cycle because their abusers convince them of that very same idea, that somehow they are entitled to act the way they do because [insert some flimsy exuse that deflects responsibility onto the victim here].
My backstory is my best friend was a covert narc. Shit hit the fan, she discarded me. Looking back, I can see exactly who she is. But we have many mutual friends who all still love her (and maybe still love me too, I don't know, I left the friend group), who wanted to "stay neutral." And while I understand the concept and I think that's a noble, mature stance in most situations, in the case or narcissistic abuse, this is how narcissists are able to keep doing what they do. They bank on other people being willing to stay neutral or give them a free pass. And, as abuse goes, it's very difficult for the victim to explain what happened behind closed doors because of plausible deniability, because emotional abuse is hard to spot or explain, because everything looks perfectly fine on the outside, because sometimes we don't even know what's happening until we are discarded.
I was met with most all of our shared friends saying this same thing to me-- "I don't want to get involved, I want to stay neutral" etc etc. And I was unendingly frustrated by this. I understand they don't see the truth of the narcissist, but I do now, and I needed to leave and get away from these people who don't see what I see so I could heal. And so I left my entire community (oftentimes scapegoats choose to their leave entire family for the same reason!). It's beyond painful to have to leave otherwise well-intentioned people behind because you know what you know about the narcissist, but they haven't seen it yet, and you don't know if they ever will. And when you leave, you open yourself up to the intense vulnerability of criticism and judgement from literally everyone who doesn't understand, and you trailblaze your own path, guided by the truth you have inside you. It's fucking scary, and lonely, and I can't even say I've grieved it all yet. I'm certain that those I left behind have labeled me as childish "she just wanted me to take her side" nonsense, but the truth is that we can only heal from abuse in environments where we can be fully honest about what happened to us, call it by its proper name ABUSE, and be fully believed and championed by the people surrounding us.
I've watched some reels on Instagram of people explaining their situations where they were being blatantly abused, like fully financially abused or physically abused or emotionally abused, or all of the above, and people are literally in the comments saying "there's two sides to every story..."
What the fuck??
Like a person says their spouse of nearly a decade makes $250k a year, but they have access to none of it because they are locked out of bank accounts and have to ask for money when they need it, and they don't even receive enough allowance to cover monthly bills. Blatant financial abuse. But there are people in the comments saying "well she's probably buying expensive handbags and jewelry and that's why she's cut off... there's two sides to every story..."
Another example...A woman is telling her story about how she found out her husband was cheating on her, so she confronted him and he bashed her head into a wall... There's literally people in the comments saying "well there's two sides to every story...she was probably unfaithful first..."
I struggle with this concept so much. Like...YES it's important to consider all the details, and we shouldn't just choose sides willy nilly. But at the same time, when someone is being literally abused and seeking help and support, and then they get hit with "I want to be neutral...there's two sides to every story" it just blows my mind.
Furthermore, oftentimes emotional abuse is so subtle and manipulative that we don't even realize what's happening. Sometimes its our therapist that points out, "hey, it sounds like you're being emotionally abused." Or it's our parent. Or a friend. Or a spouse who calls out an abusive friend. Whatever the case, sometimes noninvolved parties can witness what's happening from an outside view and label what's happening as abuse, and hopefully support the victim to get the hell out of dodge.
And after I was discarded, it took a few months to figure out who this covert narcissist was, but it started to click and I told my friend "that person was abusive...I'm seeing it now for what it was" and she literally said "well, I haven't had time to get to know this person yet." This same "friend" is someone who often wants to look at all sides of the story, and she watched me get bullied and exiled in the name of "staying neutral." So I left that friendship. Because I firmly believed that there wasn't two sides, and she wasn't "neutral," she was complicit.
I don't even know why I'm writing all this. My head spins when I think about this concept. Yes, of course, neutrality is good when we don't know all the details. But what about when someone - the real victim, not the one playing the victim - realizes they are being abused and needs support? And that's the scary part. Sometimes we don't know if we're dealing with the real victim or the one playing the victim, and I guess that's why we should stay neutral until we have all the information.
I am just so wary of this phrase nowadays. It's all a mindfuck.
submitted by g_onuhh to LifeAfterNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 Ambitious_Growth_9 Projector help for garage set up!

Been looking to level up the golf sim in the garage and need help with a projector. I’ve considered getting a $2-300 Amazon one but heard I’m better off looking used for a higher quality.
I’ve stumbled upon a few on marketplace and I wanted to see if anyone has any experience with any of the following:
ViewSonic PX700HD 1080p Home - $350 EPSON - model H558a - $300 Epson 1060 - $350 Epson EX3280 - $350 BenQ MW824ST DLP - no remote - $300 Sony VPL - CW275 - $350
Here’s a few pics of my space during the day with the garage open. I deff don’t expect perfect image quality or anything especially during day time but something viable will be more than ideal.
submitted by Ambitious_Growth_9 to projectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 hopingforgood4 confused and scared

Getting this out there to stop ruminating - hoping for helpful perspectives.
TL;DR My boyfriend has lied a lot about his ex, now says she raped him 6 times. I want to help him but I’m scared he’s lying.
I (29F) have been in a relationship with a guy I deeply love (28M) for a year and some months. I met him (let’s call him Charlie) around six months after a relationship I was in for 6 years ended in a way fitting for a Netflix docuseries, with me realizing I really never knew the man I was engaged to and had lived with for five years. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but Charlie came along and was really just gentle, and kind. There was no lovebombing, which I would’ve been really sensitive to, just easygoing falling in love. Things definitely moved quickly, but not in any overdramatic sense. I felt at peace for awhile.
I told him from the very beginning that I can’t handle lying. That he doesn’t even have to tell me the truth about anything - just please don’t lie to me. I had been so badly hurt and was trying to heal my ability to trust. And I understand that people lie sometimes without meaning to, to protect others/themselves, I really get it. Out of consideration for both of us, I set that boundary early so that if it was something he couldn’t do, he’d know I’m not the person for him and that’s okay. I just asked for the respect.
And I didn’t uphold my own boundary. That’s on me. I should’ve left at the first lie, but I just had this gut feeling that he really does love me. The lies mainly revolve around his ex (someone he was with for 9 months, around covid). Right after meeting him (2 weeks), he had lunch with her for ‘closure’, as she had just moved back from out of state. I had encouraged him to do this, because he had expressed not being sure if he’s over it. I really liked him, so I said hey, I totally understand, but I don’t want to continue with you if that’s an open door. Go see her, you don’t owe me anything but the respect of a clear decision. He went to have lunch and came right back, saying all the perfect things and grateful that he could now say he was sure.
A few months later, I started to notice inconsistencies about how he spoke of his past. This was really triggering to me, and he knew that. He went from saying she broke his heart when she broke up with him to he knew he never loved her while with her, found her unattractive and easy, and that they never spent time together. He said the entire thing was faked by them, made up to convince their friends and family that they were mature and had their lives together. He told me he was using dating apps the entire time, always to sext and snapchat other girls. He showed me the childishness of their texts, and I noted that he tried to initiate sexting and talked about sex a lot with her. She seemed disinterested, only really engaging for validation. It definitely did not read as intimacy, or like they knew each other at all. Just a lot of middle schoolish plays for attention and detached romance. Weirdly, he also told me that when they would talk about moments they shared, they had actually not even seen each other. The moments hadn’t even happened…he claims they were just cosplaying a relationship, essentially.
Fast forward - he went from saying that girl broke his heart when she broke up with him to that girl raped him multiple times. Now, big disclaimer - the doubt I am about to express is not by any means doubt that men are raped by women. I am a survivor myself, and know that victims and abusers can be any gender, size, sexuality, etc. I also know that the way victims cope can be denial, as well as many other things. But I am really afraid that my boyfriend is lying and accusing an innocent person of rape. He claims they had sex consensually one time and he hated it, and that the rest of the times there was any sexual contact (6 times), she raped him. He said she wasn’t a sexual person, and that it was always very matter-of-fact and business-like. That she didn’t make a sound, just started touching him - according to him, he’d say no and try to push hand away, but she would silently just continue. She would then straddle him, pin him down, and also get a condom on him at the same time? He says all of this was without a sound, just more forceful if he tried to push her off or get up. And this happened six times, according to him. He said each time he froze more and more.
I remember from their texts that she talked about how she feels bad that she never orgasms when they have sex, and assured him that only one guy in her past was able to get her off. And over text, he was always the one bringing up sex - sex they had (that he now says were complete fabrications, though she just played along), sex he wanted to have with her, etc. And she just seemed to put up with it at best, but mostly bored. He was the one who wanted to hang out with her, the main initiator of contact. And after the relationship ended, that was still true. He seemed to idealize her, kept reaching out, etc. She would either ignore him or react when she wanted attention.
Something just feels so off. He ended up retracting that she raped him, then said the retraction was a lie because he could tell I have doubts and just wanted to put my mind to rest because he knows it doesn’t make sense. I don’t know what to believe. I want to help him through this…but what if he’s lying? It seems he is a compulsive liar, and I’m just so scared of being hurt. Does anyone have any experience with any part of this?
submitted by hopingforgood4 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 AuraBlazeOfficial Aura Blaze - Any Open Door [2024] neo-'60s sunshine psych, just released today

Aura Blaze - Any Open Door [2024] neo-'60s sunshine psych, just released today submitted by AuraBlazeOfficial to SoundsVintage [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 emmanuellsun Why is it so hard to wave back ?

It's a thing I get from younger ladies, when I pick up in a crowded area I usually wave at who I think is my rider so If they don't wave back I assume it's not my rider.
Today this young lady did not wave back or acknowledge my communication attempt then proceeds to stand by the door asking me to open the trunk as if she was confused why it wasn't open.
Gave her 2* cause wtf lol I wouldn't care if uber rates weren't low but just adding unnecessary drama isn't cool especially when you are probably not going to tip ( she didn't tip)
submitted by emmanuellsun to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 Ambitious_Growth_9 Projector help for garage set up!

Been looking to level up the golf sim in the garage and need help with a projector. I’ve considered getting a $2-300 Amazon one (or does anyone have any recommendations here?) - but heard I’m better off looking used for a higher quality.
I’ve stumbled upon a few on marketplace and I wanted to see if anyone has any experience with any of the following:
ViewSonic PX700HD 1080p Home - $350 EPSON - model H558a - $300 Epson 1060 - $350 Epson EX3280 - $350 BenQ MW824ST DLP - no remote - $300 Sony VPL - CW275 - $350
Here’s a few pics of my space during the day with the garage open. I deff don’t expect perfect image quality or anything especially during day time but something viable will be more than ideal.
Thanks! Hit em straight ⛳️🏌️
submitted by Ambitious_Growth_9 to Golfsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 hopingforgood4 confused and scared

Getting this out there to stop ruminating - hoping for helpful perspectives.
TL;DR My boyfriend has lied a lot about his ex, now says she raped him 6 times. I want to help him but I’m scared he’s lying.
I (29F) have been in a relationship with a guy I deeply love (28M) for a year and some months. I met him (let’s call him Charlie) around six months after a relationship I was in for 6 years ended in a way fitting for a Netflix docuseries, with me realizing I really never knew the man I was engaged to and had lived with for five years. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but Charlie came along and was really just gentle, and kind. There was no lovebombing, which I would’ve been really sensitive to, just easygoing falling in love. Things definitely moved quickly, but not in any overdramatic sense. I felt at peace for awhile.
I told him from the very beginning that I can’t handle lying. That he doesn’t even have to tell me the truth about anything - just please don’t lie to me. I had been so badly hurt and was trying to heal my ability to trust. And I understand that people lie sometimes without meaning to, to protect others/themselves, I really get it. Out of consideration for both of us, I set that boundary early so that if it was something he couldn’t do, he’d know I’m not the person for him and that’s okay. I just asked for the respect.
And I didn’t uphold my own boundary. That’s on me. I should’ve left at the first lie, but I just had this gut feeling that he really does love me. The lies mainly revolve around his ex (someone he was with for 9 months, around covid). Right after meeting him (2 weeks), he had lunch with her for ‘closure’, as she had just moved back from out of state. I had encouraged him to do this, because he had expressed not being sure if he’s over it. I really liked him, so I said hey, I totally understand, but I don’t want to continue with you if that’s an open door. Go see her, you don’t owe me anything but the respect of a clear decision. He went to have lunch and came right back, saying all the perfect things and grateful that he could now say he was sure.
A few months later, I started to notice inconsistencies about how he spoke of his past. This was really triggering to me, and he knew that. He went from saying she broke his heart when she broke up with him to he knew he never loved her while with her, found her unattractive and easy, and that they never spent time together. He said the entire thing was faked by them, made up to convince their friends and family that they were mature and had their lives together. He told me he was using dating apps the entire time, always to sext and snapchat other girls. He showed me the childishness of their texts, and I noted that he tried to initiate sexting and talked about sex a lot with her. She seemed disinterested, only really engaging for validation. It definitely did not read as intimacy, or like they knew each other at all. Just a lot of middle schoolish plays for attention and detached romance. Weirdly, he also told me that when they would talk about moments they shared, they had actually not even seen each other. The moments hadn’t even happened…he claims they were just cosplaying a relationship, essentially.
Fast forward - he went from saying that girl broke his heart when she broke up with him to that girl raped him multiple times. Now, big disclaimer - the doubt I am about to express is not by any means doubt that men are raped by women. I am a survivor myself, and know that victims and abusers can be any gender, size, sexuality, etc. I also know that the way victims cope can be denial, as well as many other things. But I am really afraid that my boyfriend is lying and accusing an innocent person of rape. He claims they had sex consensually one time and he hated it, and that the rest of the times there was any sexual contact (6 times), she raped him. He said she wasn’t a sexual person, and that it was always very matter-of-fact and business-like. That she didn’t make a sound, just started touching him - according to him, he’d say no and try to push hand away, but she would silently just continue. She would then straddle him, pin him down, and also get a condom on him at the same time? He says all of this was without a sound, just more forceful if he tried to push her off or get up. And this happened six times, according to him. He said each time he froze more and more.
I remember from their texts that she talked about how she feels bad that she never orgasms when they have sex, and assured him that only one guy in her past was able to get her off. And over text, he was always the one bringing up sex - sex they had (that he now says were complete fabrications, though she just played along), sex he wanted to have with her, etc. And she just seemed to put up with it at best, but mostly bored. He was the one who wanted to hang out with her, the main initiator of contact. And after the relationship ended, that was still true. He seemed to idealize her, kept reaching out, etc. She would either ignore him or react when she wanted attention.
Something just feels so off. He ended up retracting that she raped him, then said the retraction was a lie because he could tell I have doubts and just wanted to put my mind to rest because he knows it doesn’t make sense. I don’t know what to believe. I want to help him through this…but what if he’s lying? It seems he is a compulsive liar, and I’m just so scared of being hurt. Does anyone have any experience with any part of this?
submitted by hopingforgood4 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 AuraBlazeOfficial Aura Blaze - Any Open Door [2024] neo-'60s sunshine psych, just released today

Aura Blaze - Any Open Door [2024] neo-'60s sunshine psych, just released today submitted by AuraBlazeOfficial to psychedelicrock [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 Creative_Glass_9602 Yeah

In a world where the stormy summer nights never end. The clouds form funnels that form wind velocities more moving than a love ballad. If you know me I have a strong will like an ox, if you ask me to move when you do, you’ll find it’s like meeting a dead end. It’s stronger than my pride, even though my pride can be intestines rolled up inside, if you unwind from the core it will travel around the world five fold. It’s stronger than my pride, as I grow leviathan, the strength of my faith is like a building muscle in the supernatural whilst I stop and have an starring eye competition with the face of adversity. The whirlwinds begin to discontinue enraged noticeably and I start feeling like I’m ablaze unmoved and unharmed, but I can smell myself a little now, as I can say to the winds now that; Yeah; I’m a spirit and I faced the storm, but it finally subsided! You left me alone too long to die. You left me behind, because I seem lowly and incapable to a crimson tide. Yeah, I feel like it will never get old to you. Yeah, it hurts more than you know. Yeah, at times I find it excruciatingly hard to mend my broken heart and mind, to not bleed through the thread of people I know, and then hold on. Yeah, it’s hard for me not wanting to be like you and blend in with the rest, and blame the Devil later, when it’s not even there anymore beside me, the word of god; the word of man; the worst, yeah, you can make out of it what you want, but oh, why should I be discouraged about living with my mysterious mind that often seems to wonder off to a daydream that I have to shake myself out from the reigning powers of over my mind and vision? Yeah, we all know imperfections rise and fall with each hour approaching our footsteps. Yeah, I probably laugh out loud when I should not, but everyone including the powers that be knows my full burning testimony and for what ever reasons are it doesn’t seem to strike you it’s my right; responsibility for me to take care of my wellbeing, because I understand that; yeah; if you were the one and the only one of the receiving end of everything messed up, you would want to laugh out at the worlds small setbacks. Yeah, I said what I said and I am; having being a defeated battle much too long, but I am not worried about your fetishized personality for the fine things you think you always need to have over your neighbors. Yeah, I think father’s are the worst thing, pinning someone else against their own because of agitation that they can’t coexist with the power supervising the child with their own but nobody to relate to; play with; rely on, is it over? This bitter judgement, yeah I know that one day you will see the truth and the eye blinding light. I don’t have to settle down for anything harsh like this beautiful suicide you want me to focus on, you will focus on, be my guest. I’m not settling for the cult of trying so hard to mold the perfect child, you punish me even when there’s no need, yeah, I have had to battle many giants in my lifetime after you, yeah I’m fine it’s not my fault for not calling someone to take me away from the wrath of your heart because you know nothing about bringing a life into delivery you just want us to die. Yeah, I’m trying to say something. You don’t understand, or know how difficult it is for a young black Pegasus to grow into something stronger and resilient or responsible as a millennial in racist country. I’m so sure that I’m done with you. Yeah, because even though it is all I give up on you, because you don’t believe in heaven anymore, yeah , I know that sometimes the darkness comes up so vastly it’s dominating the light of hope. And the last word of hope and faithfulness becomes a blur in the backseat of my memory; it’s faint; on the tip of my head, but I feel like I’m a freshman and new to this law, I barely can feel myself breathing out the fear, breaking our sole tithes apart won’t be easy, yeah, well I know that now. Yeah, I know about extreme fearfulness of the ghost of you pulling me into a familiar place inward in which is unsafe I don’t want to be, I know enough to cut you off. The ranting; scolding; screaming, condemning me for trying to unlock the door to the dread that I am surrounded with water overflowing me, but it seems helpless I feel comfortable with complacency in sinking into liquid flames, my dreadful world you’d rather not live on, but that of I am in chains and chaos doesn’t seem to trigger anything to your consciousness, yeah. I know you want me dead but defeated too. If I am conquered, then it’s not worth raising me up, for a life of punishment all over again, yeah, I know you want to be my god of again, my god in which I can’t escape from the silence of the night. Damn the silence. Damn the darkness. Damn the day, when angels turn against me, because you’re a hazard to yourself and everyone around you touch with your hands or your black soul. Yeah, I have heard that the wages of sin are death, but what about for a divided world? I can’t serve one mad man and please the other for being the only one that has to behave and believe what keeps opposing me through this odd leadership you never see. I have to admit I have already died from the wool but for you it’s not enough, yeah I know can withstand hell and high water, but it doesn’t mean I want to, you will remember me when I’m gone. Yeah, I’m a living testimony; a living sacrifice to what beautiful becomes when devalued and unappreciated unapologetically too long, yeah, yet I know that I am not worthy to blame. I’m not selfish for only my health, but I need time away to make some sense of things, yeah I’m just saying you love to throw things out at me and make believe that I’m a narcissist, yet you don’t even begin to know what it means, you don’t understand what is written down in red, and you misinterpret something’s so simple you just don’t like to face it when it comes out. Yeah, I get it, you just can’t live without playing mind games, but that’s just how you are, even though nothing else is ever about you. Yeah yeah yeah, I already got off your number, you just didn’t seem to come across as rude and abussive. Yeah, we live, and we learn from long suffering and hardships that never untangle from our internal organs. Yeah, after all the pain and strife these wounds enlarge, to make me feel humble and simplified. Whilst I’m living on within it doesn’t mean you’re justified; yeah; I’m willing to forgive myself for allowing this stranger to patrol my doorway, to find I’ve been robbed of life within loving arms and hands that give the way to freedom. Yeah, it’s crazy cool, but it’s your mentality that keeps you a prisoner. It’s just I’m all in to be the poltergeist, yeah, let me in to introduce you to a world of no light, as the darkness fills your eyes, so does your soul, and your mind is open to the darkness that makes madness a familiar place. I want you to know how it feels to be driven by an endless darkness, and unknown force, enticing, divine is it’s stronghold upon the world underneath beyond a human comprehension too dark for my own words, yeah, too good to be. Yeah, I think it’s time for a change in your heart, but I am lousy and unforgiving; I won’t let go, I am an evil angel, it seems, with unfinished business, but you’re the job that makes days prolonged for hues of despair that wrought with the Devil inside the wicked truth as closed eyes are opened to see I’m grateful for you teaching my only weakness is bad choices, that drift me into the hands of bad company that leads to horrible consequences that backfire upon me and transgress the spirit that I rise to see. Yeah, I go to sleep with a broken heart, I wake up to myself in the past trauma of all the awful and awkward things you’ve allowed me to endure, then I romance in leaving you behind, for me the same as you did with all those you gave life unto; the hatred you prophesied life unto over my soul has dethroned the condition and, conscience to love, I fear that I will be denied for forgetting to love your ways, I am likely never to remittance that life without parole, you never know when the road will change it’s mind that will lead me into the pathway straight from me to another stranger that cares any less of me, yeah, for some odd reason they too feel it’s their divine right to conquer me, as I am the enemy within, but without purpose I do this towards myself as I pull myself apart, trying not to give you a yeah, when you make a purposal to take away my freedom. Why I can’t ignore myself at the stoplight, and have a sudden attack of self consciousness within is none of my business but yeah to the nature to, praise and worship the reigning pain; it’s all the hierarchy that I have to make me stronger. Reflecting over time I find how much more I have grown, but I walk with a greater vengeance, through this new order of world salvation I am shining through the darkness and creating within me a clean heart that’s purifying me, giving it all that I have, with every fiber of my being, until the next dawn of raindrops I wash myself Snow White clean of you , cleansing my soul with the highest possible light, a glorious day from the start until the end, you ask me will I pick up my cross and follow you? Yeah yeah yeah; you know everything inside of me says yeah, I’ll follow you; follow you. Giving up my will to bare these scars, yeah I’m giving up on pitty; petty; yeah I know you would like to hold me captive, but I don’t necessarily have the strength to give you the power that is within. Yeah; it’s been a long time coming but you need to hear it from me. Because everything you stole the redeemer is giving it back to me. Yeah. Yeah, I am a driven obsessive poltergeist with no endgame I am thankful to be bound to the soil underneath my ghostly body, turning up the fire, I want total possessive control order over all you are, to drive you up the walls until you become drained of energy and the will to resist the darkness which lye beside you in the night. Don’t fight it, open up your heart and unlock the hate to throw your world into a place that gives us ultimate power over our lives we didn’t choose, but somehow feel urged to create around. Yeah I look in the mirror and hate you a little more than less, but the new me and the old answer yeah, with feeling brings me to find myself in the darkness along the night. Yeah, I look back afterwards everything else I have triumphs over, and think to myself. Yeah, I did that. Yeah, I don’t have any regrets weighing down my mind for living my own life, yeah, you can choose your own way out, but this is mine. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! My desolation; your loss. Your success; my storm. My anxiety; your pleasure, whatever happens if I rewrite this equation to fix you, because of a lesson of learned behavior I have learned not to be afraid to sentence you the same as with great woe, and sorrow, if the sparrows don’t give away you the secret , then I am not real. Yeah I have successfully outlived a fairytale, but it was all in vain. I’m not supposed to have acceptance from everyone, so yeah, I don’t have to be like you to know I’m a whole different function of fun. Yeah I’m in constant use to spread my wings and fly over the ground. Yeah, I strongly believe that is the way it should be for me you see. Yeah, you love to put me down out of pure pleasure, but I’m more than just potential, so yeah, get it all out of your system ; look at me, and scream out loud you’re better! Yeah I’m confident that isn’t my insecurities pointing at me. Yeah yeah yeah.
Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes ©Dr. Dashaun Snipes ® Yeah
submitted by Creative_Glass_9602 to notebooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:34 Grand-Wallaby-6532 Ants

So i go to hunt for items and i come back to my house and i open the door in the corner by my chest is a worker ant its my pet now ☺️
submitted by Grand-Wallaby-6532 to GroundedGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:32 veteran_junior97 Is Disneyland Genie+ worth it?

Hello, I bought a One-Day , 2 Park Ticket for Disneyland on's going to be a party of I am being told to buy Genie+ in order to skip the long lines for those high-demand rides. Is it worth it? I was told to get it
We plan on being at the park when the door opens (8am)
We are gonna experience as much rides as we can
Do you highly recommend I get Genie+
submitted by veteran_junior97 to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:32 Beytres Neighbor’s dog roams around

Hi all, I wanted to know the best way to go about talking with a neighbor in regards to their dog roaming.
TL;DR - We moved in a new home and would like to address neighbors that let their dog roam. My dog is professionally trained GSD, but still naturally has some territorial boundaries. I don’t want to make it seem my dog is aggressive, but don’t want my dog to hurt them as we never had to encounter this before. So I am not sure how he would react.
My husband said a few weeks back that he has found dog pop in our back yard. While we have a GSD, our dog’s poo is much bigger than the ones we had found and I have been meticulous about picking up after my dog’s poo since we got our new house and I didn’t want it piling up.
My husband initially was thinking it was our neighbor to my side, but they are two small dogs. They wouldn’t have that big of poo.
Yesterday I saw a dog cross my porch from the inside and headed towards the side of my house. I went out to see where he was going and he was headed towards my back yard. He was a size dog that would fit the poo size we saw. I call him over to see if I could divert him from going any further. He was a friendly dog, he had a bit of a noticeable limp but he did look on the older side.
I was pretty sure who’s dog it was but went to double check on the collar. He didn’t have a name tag or a shock collar of any sort. Just a plain collar. I was going to go get my leash but he had started walking away and didn’t come back after trying. I watched him walk across the street into the neighbor’s yard who I thought the dog belonged to and immediately he poops in their yard.
I confirmed that it was their dog when it walked around their house after doing their business, went in their garage for a couple of minutes and came back out and was starting to cross the street again towards my side to my next door neighbor’s yard. Before he was able to do that, the lady of the house saw him and calls his name and was asking why he was in the street. That he is so silly he shouldn’t be in the street.
I’ve seen this dog previously come from their back yard to the front to go to potty on the tree of their next door neighbor’s tree and go straight back to the back of their house, presumably to go back inside.
Anyway, my main concern is more of their dog coming into our yard when our dog is out. We don’t have a fenced in back yard but we do have him on a runner chain. We keep a shock collar on him and he was professionally trained. Despite this, he still is very territorial naturally. I would hate for him to hurt their dog. I wouldn’t say he is aggressive, we just have never encountered this possibility before in our own yard.
submitted by Beytres to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:32 MR_M47 AITA for cracking my mum glass table (btw this is an long story)

Hi im 20m and these past few days we been getting some work done to our house i work an night shift (for extra pay to save up for an car and plus im an night owl). On Monday there where 2 workers coming to do some work one coming at 1pm and 2nd coming at 3pm i woke up at 12.30pm waiting for the 1st guy but he balied (and said hes coming at half 9 on Tuesday witch my brother was home for) witch was pretty annoyed cuz i could have gotten an hour of sleep but i made food and took an long shower i came out the shower at 2.55pm given me 5 minutes to get changed i looked at my phone the workers came at 2.30pm witch they didn't tell me and my mum blowing up my phone whilst in the shower i called my mum and she went ape shit on me eventually they came and did some maintenance. Nothing happened on Tuesday.
On Wednesday an guy was coming early in the morning witch im gunna be asleep so i cant open the door but my brother said he gunna be home soo he answered he lied woke up at 2pm with 12 miss call from my mum saying why i didn't open the door calls her gose complete madness saying shit like i let her down and i have no respect and i need to fix up but then i told her my brother lied and said he gunna be home then cuts off the phone then texted me at 11pm an worker coming at 9am soo after my shift ended (btw it ended at 3am) i went straight home put an alarm on at 8.55am went straight to bed.
On Thursday (yesterday) i got up was tired af i got about 6 hour off sleep got changed and i waited for this guy 9am didn't come 10am didn't come 11am didn't come called my mum she said he coming at half 12 pissed off that i could have gotten some sleep but i was tired half 12 didn't come 1pm i became very pissed saying that where is he im tried mum says he coming at 2 i was like fine made lunch 2 comes around didn't come 3 comes around didn't come 4 comes around didn't come i was soo pissed off and my tiredness catches up 5pm comes around my brother comes home and passed the responsibility to him and went on an walk to calm myself down then at 7pm came home with sum coffee got ready for work went to work came home looking half dead got ready for bed it was 5am at that point.
On Friday (today) my brother woke me at 11am saying he need to go somewhere and an workers was coming this broke the camel back and i was soo pissed and tired i wasn't thinking straight there was an box on top off my mum glass table and i went full ape shit on that i didn't care whats in it but when i slamed my fist down i missed the box and hit the glass table 1/4 off the glass panel was cracked cuz off that my brother took an photo and told my mum an out of context story saying i woke up angry and smashed the table i told my mum my side off the story and she said what that gotta do with my table and that i dont respect her and her belongings and there no excuse for what i did.
Thanks for listening sorry if this is too long or you cant understand it i just want your advice.
submitted by MR_M47 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 KXrider30 [Landlord - US-CA] fridge full tenant power turned off

My tenant moved out April 30th, turned off power and left the fridge full, I was out of town and did not get the utility turned on until May 10th but the damage was done, the house smelled horrendous and I had massive cleaning fees.
Is that on them or on me? Ie if I left the back door open and moved out and possums came wouldn’t it be my fault? If you left the house in a way it needed tending?
submitted by KXrider30 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 IObserveAndLearn 2024 Ford Edge Fob Issues

I’m transcribing this story from someone else currently in possession of the car, so I may not have access to all the details.
Essentially- the driver is in a field which works with children, and one of her clients messed with her key fob in their appointment yesterday. Since then, the driver side door seems to be in some permanent lock mode- it will not open to the proximity monitor, if the unlock button on the fob is pressed, or if the unlock button inside the car is pressed. The only way to unlock the driver side door is by using the handle in the door and it relocks upon closing.
My question is this: is there some kind of hard lock mode that can be engaged with the key fob, and how would one go about turning it off? It doesn’t make much sense for it to be a hardware issue since it’s just the one door, so I’m assuming it has to be software. Sorry if this doesn’t fit here.
submitted by IObserveAndLearn to Ford [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 Adastraultraque 🐊

🐊 submitted by Adastraultraque to KGATLW [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:30 Firepanda Visibility options for people who cannot turn their neck left or right?

My dad cannot turn their neck due to a medical condition (Ankylosing spondylitis, bones have fused), and has limited mobility to turn his body. So looking left and right at junctions is very hard, yet he is still able to drive.
Motability has been unable to help, and there are no products on the market really to help solve this problem. Only trash cameras from China (which are made for trucks), and look like a pain to install.
We've tried mounting a camera to the door window and running the feed off a phone, but it's unreliable.
He's also asked inside Halfords, and every time he's been at the garage having work done on the car to no avail.
Does anyone know of any genius solution to this problem?
submitted by Firepanda to drivingUK [link] [comments]