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2024.05.14 03:46 Successful_Coast4454 English Teacher for 2 weeks in Chilgok English Village

Job Ad: Seeking English Teacher to start work July 29 at Daegu English Village in Chilgok.

Reason for Posting: We have a very busy two weeks this summer at the English Village and so we are hiring five (5) teachers to work for two weeks on a temporary basis. I’m the academic director here at DGEV. I have been here for two years and really enjoy working here.
Visa Requirements: Ideally we are looking for F-visas - but I believe some E-visas can qualify if they get permission from their current employer.
Position Covered by Labor Standards Act (LSA): are there more than 5 full time employees? yes.
Salary: ₩29,000 per class with a minimum of ₩1,566,000 for two weeks.
Training: ₩29,000 per class (12 hours provided the week of July 22 to July 26.
Grade level: elementary and middle school
Class length: 45 minute classes for elementary/50 minutes for middle school.
Class hours: how many total classes per week/month: minimum 27 classes per week.
Working Hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Break Time: 12pm to 1pm is lunch. There are also 10-15 minute breaks between classes depending on the level of student.
Prep Time: yes. If the teacher is available, teachers can come for paid prep/training the week before. 12 hours of training/prep time available. We provide teaching materials (powerpoints and workbooks and supplies).
Weekend Work: no
Overtime Pay: in accordance with LSA
Vacation Time: There is no vacation time allotted for this two week period.
Red Days: do you get them off? Yes - but it is not applicable in this scenario.
Sick Leave: no. This is a temporary position (but we are hiring full time as well)
Flight Allowance: in country applicants only for temporary (but full time can be out of country)
Pension/Insurance Coverage: for full time - yes, for temporary - no
Severance: for full time - yes, for temporary - no
Housing: Yes. We provide a dorm and three meals a day if the teacher wants it.
Other: open section for extra benefits: As mentioned above, we offer a dorm, meals are provided free of charge in the cafeteria (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) - and there is a shuttle bus service into town.
About the Workplace: English camp. We offer primarily situational based learning where students practice sentences and vocabulary words in fake environments - ie grocery store, bank, department store, post office, etc.
Opinion of Workplace: I have been working here for two years. I started out as a teacher and now I am the Academic Director. It is fun because we see new kids all the time and can practice teaching the same subjects over and over again.
submitted by Successful_Coast4454 to teachinginkorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:58 musical-amara Rip and Tear: A Decade of Doom

In the annals of gaming history, few titles command the reverence and adoration as the legendary Doom franchise. Born from the minds of John Romero, John Carmack, Adrian Carmack, and Tom Hall, Doom would go on to lay the foundations for just about every modern video game that exists. It was a true tour de force, a success story few could scarce ever imagine.
Released in 1993, Doom was an immediate smash hit, thanks in no small part to its shareware format, which allowed users to experience the first few levels of Knee Deep In the Dead, and then order the full game via the phone number included. Players could then share the floppy disk with their friends, and so on, and so on. It was a truly revolutionary system, and within a single year, Doom had sold over 2 million copies.
The history of the Doom franchise is one of innovation, ultra violence, and controversy (1999's Columbine High School Massacre), and that reputation is one that continued with 2016's DOOM. DOOM was officially revealed at Quakecon 2014, ten years after Doom 3. Players had long resigned to Doom being considered a dead franchise. A reboot had been in the works for a number of years prior, but never got released, having been quietly cancelled by id in 2010. The future was bleak, but the 30 second long teaser ignited a spark that had been burning dimmer every passing year.
Then came E3 2015.
The hype was unreal. The trailer had everything that fans could possibly want. Gore, intense violence, insane run n gun gameplay, a rip-roaring soundtrack and the MFING CHAINSAW. But fans had been let down before. Would it really hold up its promises?
Yes. Yes, it would.
PART I: Presentation
When DOOM burst onto the scene in 2016, it did so with a visual and auditory spectacle that left players awestruck. From the moment the game boots up, players are made aware that this is not your average shooter. You are greeted with a deep, commanding voice. "Rip and tear, until it is DONE."
Immediately, players are greeted with a scene of carnage and the Doom Slayer chained to a table, which, of course, he instantly breaks free from. A zombie attempts to relieve the Slayer of his life but is beaten to the punch with a prompt skull smashing. After putting the other zombies to rest, he interacts with the panel in the corner, is greeted by one Dr. Samuel Hayden, who attempts to justify the outbreak, and decides he would rather kill shit than listen to excuses and destroys the monitor.
That is the introduction to this game. It never wastes the player's time. We aren't here to listen to long droning monologues or watch MGS style cutscenes. id Software knew their audience, and knew what that audience wanted, and they deliver in spades. This introduction sets the tone for the entire experience: relentless action, unapologetic violence, and a protagonist who is as unstoppable as he is uncompromising. The Doom Slayer's disdain for exposition and his single-minded focus on annihilating demons resonate with players who crave a pure, unadulterated gaming experience.
By eschewing lengthy cutscenes and exposition-heavy dialogue in favor of fast-paced gameplay and visceral action, id Software delivers a game that respects the player's time and delivers exactly what they came for: non-stop demon-slaying action. In an era where many games are criticized for padding their runtime with unnecessary filler, DOOM stands out as a shining example of how to create a focused and engaging experience that keeps players coming back for more.
Rather than bombarding players with lengthy exposition or intrusive cutscenes, DOOM opts for a more environmental storytelling approach. Throughout the game, players can discover audio logs, read text-based terminals, and observe environmental details that provide context and background to the events unfolding around them.
The story of DOOM revolves around the Doom Slayer's mission to stop a demonic invasion unleashed by the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) on their Martian facility. As players progress through the game, they uncover details about the UAC's experiments with Hell energy, the origins of the demonic invasion, and the Doom Slayer's own mysterious past.
While the story may not be front and center in DOOM, it nonetheless adds depth and richness to the game world, enhancing the overall experience for players who choose to engage with it. And for those who prefer to focus solely on the action, the story remains secondary, allowing them to enjoy the game on their own terms.
That's all well and good, but what about the actual gameplay? Simply put, it is exhilarating. From the moment you are given control of the Slayer, players are thrust into a frenzy of blood and violence, and it never lets up. At its core, DOOM is a first-person shooter that harkens back to the genre's roots while injecting it with a healthy dose of modern flair. The gameplay is fast-paced, frenetic, and utterly unapologetic in its brutality. You're not just a player – you're the Doom Slayer, a force of nature hell-bent on eradicating every last demon in your path.
Central to the gameplay experience is the game's combat loop, which revolves around a delicate balance of aggression and strategy. In DOOM, there's no hiding behind cover or waiting for your health to regenerate – you're constantly on the move, strafing, dodging, and leaping across the battlefield as you unleash a torrent of bullets, rockets, and plasma upon your enemies.
Weapons include the iconic shotgun, heavy assault rifle, plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the devastating BFG 9000, among others. Each weapon offers different firing modes, such as single shot, burst fire, and continuous beam, providing players with tactical options in combat. A key aspect of combat is the Glory Kill system, which allows players to perform brutal finishing moves on staggered enemies. Glory Kills not only provide health and ammo but also contribute to the flow of combat by encouraging aggressive play. It is incredibly satisfying to watch the Slayer rip an imp in half or stomp their head into the pavement, and doing so rewards you with a large return of health.
The Chainsaw mechanic is another integral part of combat, allowing players to instantly kill most enemies and gain a large amount of ammo in return. However, Chainsaw fuel is limited and must be managed carefully. Like Glory Kills, watching the chainsaw tear demons apart is incredibly satisfying. Certain demons require more fuel but provide the player with more ammo in return. Balancing which demons you chainsaw and which ones you choose to Glory Kill is an important part of combat.
Exploration is key to progression and is rewarding to those players who choose to do. Hidden throughout the levels of the game are Argent Cells, Praetor Tokens, and Rune Trials. Each of these provide upgrades to your health/shield/ammo, suit, and passive abilities respectively. Also hidden throughout the game are levers that lead you to classic levels from Doom 1 and Doom 2, which then unlock the full level of its respective game, playable from the main menu. You can also find toy models of the Doom Slayer, which unlock various character models to view. On some of these models, the Doom Slayer will perform a unique action when picking it up, such as fist bumping the classic Doomguy. It's a nice and cute little touch added by the developers that does a little to add character to the Slayer, who is a silent protagonist.
id Software masterfully blends modern game design with a deep reverence for the classics, paying homage to the series' storied history while introducing new elements that propel the franchise forward. Central to this approach is the game's character design, which strikes a delicate balance between nostalgia and innovation. At its core is the iconic protagonist, the Doom Slayer, whose design pays homage to the original Doom Marine while incorporating modern updates that make him feel both familiar and fresh. With his battle-worn armor, imposing stature, and silent demeanor, the Doom Slayer is the embodiment of raw power and unrelenting rage.
The game's roster of enemies is a veritable who's who of classic Doom foes, reimagined for the modern era. From the lowly possessed soldiers to the hulking Cyberdemon, each enemy is lovingly crafted to capture the essence of its 1990s counterpart while introducing new mechanics and behaviors that keep players on their toes. Whether you're facing off against the agile Revenants, the relentless Hell Knights, or the grotesque Cacodemons, every encounter is a nostalgic trip down memory lane, punctuated by the satisfying sound of demon flesh being torn asunder.
But the main story is not where it ends. DOOM has an arcade mode, where players can run through the levels again, this time trying for high scores and medals while collecting 1 Ups. It's important to move fast and have accurate aim; the more kills you chain together, the bigger your score is. Getting hit reduces your score. At the end of the level, your score is tallied against others on a leaderboard. It's a great way to incentivize players to keep playing, in order to get a better and better score.
There is also multiplayer, where players compete in various game modes such as classic deathmatch, warpath and free for all. Players can become demons by collecting runes on the battlefield and this gives them a distinct advantage; demons are larger, stronger and more resilient. Players are bizarrely restricted to only two weapons and a loadout in multiplayer, which blew my mind. Loadouts. In a DOOM game. The demons are also massively unbalanced and if one team manages to get a particularly powerful demon such as a baron of hell, then it's a guaranteed win. All in all, the multiplayer just isn't great. You are better off replaying the story or arcade mode, or even SnapMap.
SnapMap is id Software's proprietary level editor, and it puts every other editor on the market to shame. SnapMap is an incredible, intuitive, easy to learn system allowing players to create their own multiplayer, co-op and single player maps. There is an extensive tutorial system that teaches users the basics, and goes up in depth, covering how to use AI triggers, switches, combinations, object layering, actions, recalls, audio cues, etc. Never have I ever seen such an in-depth interface on a console game before. While it is only surface level in the grand scheme of things, SnapMap is a great introduction to teaching users how game development works, and I urge everyone to try it out at least once.
Part II: The Music
In DOOM, the music isn't just a background accompaniment – it's a driving force that propels players forward, electrifying every moment of the gameplay experience. Composed by the incredibly talented Mick Gordon, the soundtrack of DOOM is a relentless onslaught of metal and electronica that perfectly complements the game's fast-paced action and visceral combat. From the moment you boot up the game, you're greeted by the iconic strains of the main theme, a haunting melody that sets the tone for the epic journey that lies ahead. As you traverse the game's environments, the music shifts seamlessly between atmospheric ambience and pulse-pounding metal.
But it's not just the composition of the music that makes it so memorable – it's also the way it's integrated into the gameplay itself. Mick Gordon's dynamic scoring system ensures that the music evolves in real-time based on the player's actions, ramping up in intensity during combat encounters and dialing back during quieter moments of exploration. This creates a sense of momentum and flow that enhances the overall pacing of the game
One of the standout features of the soundtrack is its use of unconventional instrumentation and sound design. Mick Gordon's signature sound combines distorted guitars, pounding drums, and industrial noise to create a sonic palette that is as brutal and unforgiving as the game itself. From the deep, guttural growls of the synth bass to the ear-shredding shrieks of the guitar solos, every element of the music is designed to evoke a sense of chaos and destruction, mirroring the relentless carnage unfolding onscreen.
Of course, no discussion of the music in DOOM would be complete without mentioning the iconic tracks that have become synonymous with the game. From the adrenaline-fueled "Rip & Tear" to the bone-crushing "BFG Division," each track is a masterpiece of composition and production, perfectly capturing the essence of the DOOM experience and elevating it to new heights. Mick Gordon's composition for the DOOM soundtrack is a tour de force in heavy metal and industrial electronica, meticulously crafted to evoke the essence of the game's frenetic gameplay.
The backbone of the soundtrack is the distorted guitar, which provides the driving force behind many of the tracks. Gordon's use of extended-range guitars and custom-tuned instruments gives the music its signature low-end punch, while his aggressive playing style adds a raw, visceral energy to the sound. In addition to guitars, Gordon incorporates a wide range of electronic and synthetic elements into his compositions, including synthesizers, drum machines, and sampled sounds. These elements are used to create atmospheric textures, rhythmic patterns, and dynamic effects.
One of the most innovative aspects of Gordon's sound design is his use of audio manipulation techniques, such as granular synthesis and spectral processing. These techniques allow him to deconstruct and manipulate audio in real-time, creating complex textures and effects.
Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of Mick Gordon's composition for DOOM is his dynamic scoring system, which adjusts the music in real-time based on the player's actions. This system, known as "MIDI-controlled dynamic music," allows the music to seamlessly transition between different layers and variations depending on the intensity of the gameplay. Gordon achieves this dynamic effect by dividing each track into multiple stems or layers, each representing a different element of the music (e.g., drums, guitars, synths). These stems are then triggered and mixed in real-time using MIDI data generated by the game engine, allowing the music to adapt and evolve dynamically as the player progresses through the game.
Part III: Building a Legacy
All too often in this industry, legacy franchises are either left in the dust to be forgotten, or brought back to a limp fanfare, only to be thrust back into the shadows of the past. This happens for a myriad of reasons, and I believe the biggest one is that they don't respect their legacy, and they don't respect the players who engage with them.
At its core, DOOM is a game that understands what players want: fast-paced action, engaging gameplay, and a sense of empowerment. By focusing on these core principles, id Software created an experience that resonated with players old and new, capturing the spirit of the original games while pushing the series forward. Central to this approach is the game's unwavering commitment to respecting the player. From its minimalist storytelling and streamlined level design to its intuitive controls and dynamic difficulty system, DOOM prioritizes the player's experience above all else, ensuring that every moment of the game is engaging, immersive, and satisfying.
One of the most notable ways that DOOM respects the player is through its approach to difficulty. Rather than imposing artificial barriers or punishing players for their mistakes, the game encourages experimentation and mastery through its responsive gameplay mechanics and adaptive enemy AI. Players are given the freedom to approach encounters in their own way, whether it's through brute force, cunning strategy, or a combination of both.
Another key aspect of DOOM's player-centric design is its emphasis on accessibility. From its difficulty settings and intuitive user interface to its robust accessibility features, such as colorblind modes and customizable controls, the game ensures that players of all skill levels and abilities can enjoy the experience without feeling excluded or overwhelmed.
But perhaps the most important way that DOOM respects the player is through its commitment to fun. At its core, DOOM is a game that prioritizes the player's enjoyment above all else, delivering a seamless and exhilarating experience that keeps players coming back for more. Whether you're blasting demons with a shotgun, exploring hidden secrets, or rocking out to Mick Gordon's pulse-pounding soundtrack, DOOM is a game that never stops prioritizing YOU.
DOOM's legacy is one of respect – respect for the player, respect for the franchise, and respect for the medium of video games as a whole. By prioritizing fun, accessibility, and player agency, id Software created an experience that not only honors the legacy of the original games but also sets a new standard for what a modern first-person shooter can be. And for that, we owe them a debt of gratitude.
submitted by musical-amara to Doom [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:01 jennyacosta09 Take my Statistics exam for me Reddit

If you are unable to Handle your online Exam, Assignments and full courses, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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Email: info@hiraedu. com
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submitted by jennyacosta09 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:39 Greedy_Ad6007 How to avoid repetition in academic writing.

How to avoid repetition in academic writing.
Repetition can make academic writing dull and less impactful. Here are some strategies to keep your language fresh and engaging:
1. Expand Your Vocabulary:
  • Use a Thesaurus: Find synonyms for overused words. But choose carefully – ensure the synonym fits the context and tone.
  • Vary Sentence Structure: Alternate between simple, compound, and complex sentences to avoid monotony.
  • Employ Parallelism: Use similar grammatical structures to create rhythm and emphasis (e.g., "Not only..., but also...").
2. Focus on Concise Writing:
  • Cut Unnecessary Words: Eliminate redundancies and phrases that add no meaning.
  • Combine Sentences: If two sentences express similar ideas, find a way to merge them elegantly.
  • Use Pronouns Carefully: Replace repeated noun phrases with appropriate pronouns, but ensure clear reference.
3. Rework Ideas for Clarity:
  • Summarize Instead of Repeating: When referring back to a previous point, offer a concise summary instead of restating the entire idea.
  • Use Transition Words: Words like "Furthermore," "However," and "In contrast" can help you connect ideas without verbatim repetition.
  • Restructure Paragraphs: If the same concepts appear repeatedly, consider reorganizing your paragraphs to group similar ideas together.
4. Get Feedback:
  • Peer Review: Ask a colleague to read your work and highlight any repetitive phrasing.
  • Read Aloud: Hearing your writing can help you identify areas where the language feels stale or redundant.
Remember, the goal is not to eliminate all repetition. Some concepts need reiteration for emphasis or clarity. However, by employing these strategies, you can ensure your academic writing remains engaging and impactful.
submitted by Greedy_Ad6007 to australiaessays [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:23 GregName Unit-a-Day Challenge, Native English Speaker Learning Spanish (but any language will do)

I'm trying to blitz out getting through Spanish on Duolingo. My trial for Duolingo Max is coming to an end, but it seems best to leave it in place with a subscription. My goal is to get through the 230 units in Spanish and see where that takes me in learning Spanish.
I've seen earlier posts about people trying to set a pace of a unit a day. I was using the free Duolingo when I started, but I quickly discovered that the ads just slow things down too much. Plus fighting for hearts was annoying. Somewhere with either Super or Max, I picked up the ability to drill with the little barbell icon. This is very valuable to me.
I've seen posts from people talking about people cheating in leagues. Some of the posts talked about how fast someone was making XP. To give away my secret, here we go. This last week, I hit over 20,000 XP during the week. In the week, I knocked out my unit-a-day goal. I'm on day 18 and on Unit 10 in Section 2. Moving through the lessons rapidly causes the opportunities for the x2 XP period of time, which is 15 minutes. Once I get in the x2 XP period, I move directly to drilling. The "biggest bang for the buck" in drilling is "Speak." It's actually wonderful that this is the best pick, because there are many that believe that the weakness of an online app is not getting to speak.
When drilling when not in the x2 XP period, I listen to what is said, and try again and again to get my speech correct using my own ear for feedback. I try to imitate even the tone of the character (e.g., I drone on like Lilly, I try to be a little kid, I talk really fast, I try to sound pompous, etc.). But during the x2 XP period, I take off immediately and read the sentence. If I'm moving, I can get through the 10 sentences in as low as 32 seconds, but mostly a bit higher (e.g., into the 40s and 50s). There is some turnaround overhead in getting going to the next round of speaking (perhaps 15 seconds), so if I am moving, in a 15 minute period, I can crank out over 1,000 XP, probably approaching 1,500 XP. If there was a real battle to win the league, I can spend 100 gems to get the 15 minute period extended. I have accidentally pressed this button to extend, only because the software on my iPad has this at right about the same spot as the Continue button. So, getting to 20,000 XP for the week is a pretty doable thing--no cheating required.
The voice recognition software is a little weak at times, so when drilling, I know I missed the pronunciation, but the system gives me credit anyway.
The little three-star games off to the side of the lesson trail helps me work on fast-matching my vocabulary. The software is set up just perfect for me to fail at the very end. The company wants be to spend 450 gems or buy a package of 1-minute extensions, but I'm not going that far. My gems would be all gone too quickly, causing a need to actually thrown down real money beyond the subscription to get that extra time boost.
So that's my league strategy. This website is about gamification, and gamification is going to be something I hope causes me to actively engage in a big way in order to compete at a high level. But the unit-a-day thing is just a whole other thing. People talk about immersion as the fastest way to learn a language, but I'm not leaving home anytime soon, so immersion is going to be more of a trick than a travel plan.
So, here is my immersion plan. No, I changed my mind. That will be some other post. I'll just keep this as the post about setting the challenge for doing a unit a day for my Spanish learning. It's likely I could fall off the path rather quickly. After all, Section 1 gives the student a false sense that progress won't be that difficult. Like doing something like the Pacific Crest Trail, there are many that sign their names up at the start, but a lot fewer that make it to the end.
So, if you want in on this challenge with me, send me a friend request in Duolingo. My handle is the same. Start from wherever you are, meaning if you are on 43 units in, and think you can take the challenge from there, you are committing to being at unit 50 a week later. Maybe we will all fail to reach this goal, but maybe just shooting for the stars will get us to the moon!
submitted by GregName to duolingo [link] [comments]

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If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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2024.05.12 03:19 Impossible-Shame-882 Non-native English speaker with native English partner in non-English speaking country

So before my question, I would like to give a bit of background info about us.
I'm the non-native speaker (Vietnamese) and my bf is a native (English/German). We are currently residing in Taiwan. We are both multilingual. He speaks English and German perfectly; his Chinese and Indonesian are probably upper-intermediate level. He has left Europe for ~20 years and has lived in Taiwan for ~10 years. He manages to keep his native language(s) used all the time, facilitated by his hobbies (e.g., writing, composing, listening to political news...).
I'm Vietnamese who previously lived/worked/studied in English-speaking countries where, at that time, my English was at its peak (pretty much C2-C1). Since I came (back) to Taiwan to be with my bf, of course, I started learning Chinese and I must say within <5 years, my Chinese is (kinda) slightly better than his (thanks to Vietnamese and Chinese sharing some similarities). When I was still in Vietnam, although, of course, I spoke Vietnamese perfectly generally, I was never a good speaker. I don't master my language the same way my bf masters his. (Does it make sense?!). He's not just 'fluent', his vocabulary is very sophisticated. I'm also much more introverted so I don't speak as much as him. Also, apart from us both being academics and having to write more academic stuff (thus my writing is better than speaking), I don't have similar hobbies that involve the use of languages.
The bottom line is that at this point, my Vietnamese and English are getting worse by the day, despite having a native English partner. I mix English & Chinese when I speak with him. I mix Vietnamese & English when I speak with my Vietnamese friends. And with my parents who don't know English, I speak Vietnamese only but no longer naturally and fluently. I always have to stop to think before I can finish a sentence, which is really embarrassing... Meanwhile, my bf has no problem switching languages. It's really sad because I don't feel right speaking Vietnamese but at the same time not completely fluent in English/Chinese either. I just feel disfuncional sometimes...
Previously, I never wanted to have a child but now (I guess) my biological clock is driving my baby fever crazy and I've been thinking nonstop about having a baby perhaps after I get permanent residency here (in 4 years). We've decided to have me speak Vietnamese and him speak German (much more difficult compared to English) if we have a baby together. And I'm worried about my Vietnamese.
I know our backgrounds already give away the answer as to why my bf is a much better language learner but still... My question is, have any of you encountered similar problems and would you recommend anything to help not just as a parent trying to teach their child the native language, but also as a language learner trying to not lose their languages...? T_T I'm just worried about not being as successful as my partner in raising our child (language wise)...
Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Impossible-Shame-882 to multilingualparenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:27 MirkWorks Excerpt from The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch (The Narcissistic Personality of Our Time)

II. The Narcissistic Personality of Our Time
Narcissism as a Metaphor of the Human Condition

Theoretical precision about narcissism is important not only because the idea is so readily susceptible to moralistic inflation but because the practice of equating narcissism with everything selfish and disagreeable militates against historical specificity. Men have always been selfish, groups have always been ethnocentric; nothing is gained by giving these qualities a psychiatric label. The emergence of character disorders as the most prominent form of psychiatric pathology, however, together with the change in personality structure this development reflects, derives from quite specific changes in our society and culture - from bureaucracy, the proliferation of images, therapeutic ideologies, the rationalization of the inner life, the cult of consumption, and in the last analysis from changes in family life and from changing patterns of socialization. All this disappears from sight if narcissism becomes simply “the metaphor of the human condition,” as in another existential, humanistic interpretation, Shirley Sugerman’s Sin and Madness: Studies in Narcissism.
The refusal of recent critics of narcissism to discuss the etiology of narcissism or to pay much attention to the growing body of clinical writing on the subject probably represents a deliberate decision, stemming from the fear that emphasis on the clinical aspects of the narcissistic syndrome would detract from the concept’s usefulness in social analysis. This decision, however, has proved to be a mistake. In ignoring the psychological dimension, these authors also miss the social. They fail to explore any of the character traits associated with pathological narcissism, which in less extreme form appear in such profusion in the everyday life of our age: dependence on the vicarious warmth provided by others combined with a fear of dependence, a sense of inner emptiness, boundless repressed rage, and unsatisfied oral cravings. Nor do they discuss what might be called the secondary characteristics of narcissism: pseudo-self-insight, calculating seductiveness, nervous, self-deprecatory humor. Thus they deprive themselves of any basis on which to make connections between the narcissistic personality type and certain characteristic patterns of contemporary culture, such as the intense fear of old age and death, altered sense of time, fascination with celebrity, fear of competition, decline of the play spirit, deteriorating relations between men and women. For these critics, narcissism remains at its loosest a synonym for selfishness and at its most precise a metaphor, and nothing more, that describes the state of mind in which the world appears as a mirror of the self.
Scribe Note:
I think the moment Pathological Narcissism is taken as an opening through which contemporary culture and subjectivity can discussed, in concrete relation to socioeconomic or historical particularities, is the moment the Pathological Narcissus is transformed into a metaphor. Here I understand the metaphor as intrinsically concrete. Serving as a connective tissue, medium, and threshold. Alternatively a meeting place. The shape of the Pathological Narcissus orients and organizes. Find Lasch’s approach implicitly architectural. He approaches his work as a craftsmen. Reading Lasch I envision a series of papers detailing seemingly disparate cultural phenomena unfolding and filling in a human-outline, this outline is the Pathological Narcissus. Flipped right-side up, the Pathological Narcissus reveals the real framing device. Contemporary technologies and the move away from the Industrial without properly buffering the agrarian or the small and mid-sized manufacturing that contained/shaped the animating brilliance, innovativeness, and sociality of the American peoples. The Pathological Narcissus cannot be concrete without the abstract as its genesis. Abstract in so far as it is an atomized or segregated sequence of symptoms (an individual reduced to his symptoms) that emerges into view within the transferal space(eros-field) of the analyst’s office. Detailed and expounded upon in the literature. The grounding is perhaps necessarily abstract (to clarify, my usage of the term is distinct from spectral).
Lasch appears at the verge of anticipating and integrating the easy criticism one might levy against him, that this all rests on the presupposition that psychoanalysis has any genuine scientific validity, that Melanie Klein and Otto Kernberg’s contributions to psychoanalysis serve as the standard bearer of psychoanalytic theory and practice (concretely if I’m not mistaken this is absolutely the case in the United States) and more to the point that the psychoanalyst is a trustworthy authority - into his own Criticism. In my reading of The Culture of Narcissism and The Minimal Self, Lasch spirals around this particular critique and the implications. As if it’s a thread we mustn't risk pulling on lest the whole thing unravels. Serves almost like a therapeutic fiction or ‘noble lie’. Still I think it’s implicit in Lasch’s broader critique. In the essay From Mirror to Window: Curing Psychoanalysis of its Narcissism, James Hillman (who I believe had a superior approach to the question of the Image or Icon compared to Lasch who expresses a stunningly consistent Anglo-Germanic and Reformationist contempt for imagery, indeed Lasch’s Iconophobia is nigh Islamic) notes as much,
“Eminent culture critics - Karl Krauss, Thomas Szasz, Philip Rieff, Christopher Lasch, Paul Zweig, and the notorious Dr. Jeffrey Masson - have each seen that psychoanalysis breeds a narcissistic subjectivism inflicting on the culture an iatrogenic disorder, that is, a disease brought by the methods of the doctors who would cure it.”
The “personality disorder” viewed in this light is a diagnostic category that could only come about thanks to the faddish popularity of psychoanalysis. The mother-tongue and womb-religion of the narcissist is psychoanalysis.
The metaphor serves as the site of agonism. Что делать? What is to be done?
What Lasch does here, in my opinion, is update the Narcissus. Can see why this continues to prove a difficult task. One of the issues with the Metaphor is that it becomes very very difficult to differentiate it from the Phantasmatic Type. Especially once it enters into popular usage. Danger of using psychoanalytic terminology in this manner outside of the institution of psychoanalysis. The Pathological Narcissus is that thing the other person is. The tinge of recognition is painful. Or perhaps the greatest danger comes from over identification with the Spectral Narcissus which is easily syncretized with seductive literary or cinematic types i.e., the Superfluous Man or whatever Woody Allen is- and/or falling into a masochistic hypochondria loop of psychic despair. Important to have the example of what an actual Pathological Narcissist is.
Psychology and Sociology
Psychoanalysis deals with individuals, not with groups. Efforts to generalize clinical findings to collective behavior always encounter the difficulty that groups have a life of their own. The collective mind, if there is such a thing, reflects the needs of the group as a whole, not the psychic needs of the individual which in fact have to be subordinated to the demands of collective living. Indeed it is precisely the subject of the individuals to the group that psychoanalytic theory, through a study of its psychic repercussions, promises to clarify. By conducting an intensive analysis of individual cases that rests on clinical evidence rather than common-sense impressions, psychoanalysis tells us something about the inner workings of society itself, in the very act of turning its back on society and immersing itself in the individual unconscious.
Every society reproduces its culture - its norms, its underlying assumptions, its modes of organizing experience - in the individual, in the form of personality. As Durkheim said, personality is the individual socialized. The process of socialization, carried out by the family and secondarily by the school and other agencies of character formation modifies human nature to conform to the prevailing social norms. Each society tries to solve the universal crises of childhood - the trauma of separation from the mother, the fear of abandonment, the pain of competing with others for the mother’s love - in its own way, and the manner in which it deals with these psychic events produces a characteristic form of personality, a characteristic form of psychological deformation, by means of which the individual reconciles himself to instinctual deprivation and submits to the requirements of social existence. Freud’s insistence on the continuity between psychic health and psychic sickness makes it possible to see neuroses and psychoses as in some sense the characteristic expression of a given culture. “Psychosis,” Jules Henry has written, “is the final outcome of all that is wrong with a culture.”
Psychoanalysis best clarifies the connection between society and the individual, culture and personality, precisely when it confines itself to careful examination of individuals. It tells us most about society when it is least determined to do so. Freud’s extrapolation of psychoanalytic principles into anthropology, history, and biography can be safely ignored by the student of society, but his clinical investigations constitute a storehouse of indispensable ideas, once it is understood that the unconscious mind represents the modification of nature by culture, the imposition of civilization on instinct.
Those who wish to understand contemporary narcissism as a social and cultural phenomenon must turn first to the growing body of clinical writing on the subject, which makes no claim to social or cultural significance and deliberately repudiates the proposition that “changes in contemporary culture,” as Otto Kernberg writes, “have effects on patterns of object relations.” In the clinical literature, narcissism serves as more than a meta-phoric term for self-absorption. As a psychic formation in which “love rejected turns back to the self as hatred,” narcissism has come to be recognized as an important element in the so-called character disorders that have absorbed much of the clinical attention once given to hysteria and obsessional neuroses. A new theory of narcissism has developed, grounded in Freud’s well-known essay on the subject (which treats narcissism - libidinal investment of the self - as a necessary precondition of object love) but devoted not to primary narcissism but to secondary or pathological narcissism: the incorporation of grandiose object images as a defense against anxiety and guilt. Both types of narcissism blur the boundaries between the self and the world of objects, but there is an important difference between them. The newborn infant - the primary narcissist - does not yet perceive his mother as having an existence separate from his own, and he therefore mistakes dependence on the mother, who satisfies his needs as soon as they arise, with his own omnipotence. “It takes several weeks of postnatal development…before the infant perceives that the source of his need…is within and the source of gratification is outside the self.”
Secondary narcissism, on the other hand, “attempts to annul the pain of disappointed [object] love” and to nullify the child’s rage against those who do not respond immediately to his needs; against those who are now seen to respond to others besides the child and who therefore appear to have abandoned him. Pathological narcissism, “which cannot be considered simply a fixation at the level of normal primitive narcissism,” arises only when the ego has developed to the point of distinguishing itself from surrounding objects. If the child for some reason experiences this separation trauma with special intensity, he may attempt to reestablish earlier relationships by creating in his fantasies an omnipotent mother or father who merges with images of his own self. “Through internalization the patient seeks to recreate a wished-for love relationship which may once have existed and simultaneously to annul the anxiety and guilt aroused by aggressive drives directed against the frustrating and disappointing object.”
Narcissism in Recent Clinical Literature
The shifting emphasis in clinical studies from primary to secondary narcissism reflects both the shift in psychoanalytic theory from study of the id to study of the ego and a change in the type of patients seeking psychiatric treatment. Indeed the shift from a psychology of instincts to ego psychology itself grew partly out of a recognition that the patients who began to present themselves for treatment in the 1940s and 1950s “very seldom resembled the classical neuroses Freud described so thoroughly.” In the last twenty-five years, the borderline patient, who confronts the psychiatrist not with well-defined symptoms but with diffuse dissatisfactions, has become increasingly common. He does not suffer from debilitating fixations or phobias or from the conversion of repressed sexual energy into nervous ailments; instead he complains “of vague, diffuse dissatisfactions with life” and feels his “amorphous existence to be futile and purposeless.” He describes “subtly experienced yet pervasive feelings of emptiness and depression,” “violent oscillations of self-esteem,” and “a general inability to get along.” He gains “a sense of heightened self-esteem only by attaching himself to strong, admired figures whose acceptance he craves and by whom he needs to feel supported.” Although he carries out his daily responsibilities and even achieves distinction, happiness eludes him, and life frequently strikes him as not worth living.
Psychoanalysis, a therapy that grew out of experience with severely repressed and morally rigid individuals who needed to come to terms with a rigorous inner “censor,” today finds itself confronted more and more often with a “chaotic and impulse-ridden character.” It must deal with patients who “act out” their conflicts instead of repressing or sublimating them. These patients, though often ingratiating, tend to cultivate a protective shallowness in emotional relations. They lack the capacity to mourn, because the intensity of their rage against lost love objects, in particular against their parents, prevents their reliving happy experiences or treasuring them in memory. Sexually promiscuous rather than repressed, they nevertheless find it difficult to “elaborate the sexual impulse” or to approach sex in the spirit of play. They avoid close involvements, which might release intense feelings of rage. Their personalities consist largely of defenses against this rage and against feelings of oral deprivation that originate in the pre-Oedipal stage of psychic development.
Often these patients suffer from hypochondria and complain of a sense of inner emptiness. At the same time they entertain fantasies of omnipotence and a strong belief in their right to exploit others and be gratified. Archaic, punitive, and sadistic elements predominate in the superegos of these patients, and they conform to social rules more out of fear of punishment than from a sense of guilt. They experience their own needs and appetites, suffused with rage, as deeply dangerous, and they throw up defenses that are as primitive as the desires they seek to stifle.
On the principle that pathology represents a heightened version of normality, the “pathological narcissism” found in character disorders of this type should tell us something about narcissism as a social phenomenon. Studies of personality disorders that occupy the border line between neurosis and psychosis, though written for clinicians and making no claims to shed light on social or cultural issues, depict a type of personality that ought to be immediately recognizable, in a more subdued form, to observers of the contemporary cultural scene: facile at managing the impressions he gives to others, ravenous for admiration but contemptuous of those he manipulates into providing it; unappeasably hungry for emotional experiences with which to fill an inner void; terrified of again and death.
The most convincing explanations of the psychic origins of this borderline syndrome draw on the theoretical tradition established by Melanie Klein. In her psychoanalytic investigations of children, Klein discovered that early feelings of overpowering rage, directed especially against the mother and secondarily against the internalized image of the mother as a ravenous monster, make it impossible for the child to synthesize “good” and “bad” parental images. In his fear of aggression from the bad parents - projections of his own rage - he idealizes the good parents who will come to the rescue.
Internalized images of others, buried in the unconscious mind at an early age, become self-images as well. If later experience fails to qualify or to introduce elements of reality into the child’s archaic fantasies about his parents, he finds it difficult to distinguish between images of the self and of the objects outside the self. These images fuse to form a defense against the bad representation of the self and of objects, similarly fused in the form of a harsh, punishing superego. Melanie Klein analyzed a ten-year-old boy who unconsciously thought of his mother as a “vampire” or “horrid bird” and internalized this fear as hypochondria. He was afraid that the bad presences inside him would devour the good ones. The rigid separation of good and bad images of the self and of objects, on the one hand, and the fusion of self- and object images on the other, arose from the boy’s inability to tolerate ambivalence or anxiety. Because his anger was so intense, he could not admit that he harbored aggressive feelings toward those he loved. “Fear and guilt relating to his destructive phantasies moulded his whole emotional life.”
A child who feels so gravely threatened by his own aggressive feelings (projected onto others and then internalized again as inner “monsters”) attempts to compensate himself for his experience of rage and envy with fantasies of wealth, beauty, and omnipotence. These fantasies, together with the internalized images of the good parents with which he attempt to defend himself, become the core of a “grandiose conception of the self.” A kind of “blind optimism,” according to Otto Kernberg, protects the narcissistic child from the dangers around and within him - particularly from dependence on others, who are perceived as without exception undependable. “Constant projection of ‘all bad’ self and object images perpetuates a world of dangerous, threatening objects, against which the ‘all good’ self images are used defensively, and megalomanic ideal self images are built up.” The splitting of images determined by aggressive feelings from images that derive from libidinal impulses makes it impossible for the child to acknowledge his own aggression, to experience guilt or concern for objects invested simultaneously with aggression and libido, or to mourn for lost objects. Depression in narcissistic patients takes the form not of mourning with its admixture of guilt, described by Freud in “Mourning and Melancholia,” but of impotent rage and “feelings of defeat by external forces.”
Because the intrapsychic world of these patients is so thinly populated - consisting only of the “grandiose self,” in Kernberg’s words, “the devalued, shadowy images of self and others, and potential persecutors” - they experience intense feelings of emptiness and inauthenticity. Although the narcissist can function in the everyday world and often charms other people (not least with his “pseudo-insight into his personality”), his devaluation of others, together with his lack of curiosity about them, impoverishes his personal life and reinforces the “subjective experience of emptiness.” Lacking any real intellectual engagement with the world - notwithstanding a frequency inflated estimate of his own intellectual abilities - he has little capacity for sublimation. He therefore depends on others for constant infusions of approval and admiration. He “must attach [himself] to someone, living an almost parasitic” existence. At the same time, his fear of emotional dependence, together with his manipulative, exploitive approach to personal relations, makes these relations bland, superficial, and deeply unsatisfying. “The ideal relationship to me would be a two month relationship,” said a borderline patient. “That way there’d be no commitment. At the end of the two months I’d just break it off.”
Chronically bored, restlessly in search of instantaneous intimacy - of emotional titillation without involvement and dependence - the narcissist is promiscuous and often pansexual as well, since the fusion of pregenital and Oedipal impulses in the service of aggression encourages polymorphous perversity. The bad images he has internalized also make him chronically uneasy about his health, and hypochondria in turn gives him a special affinity for therapy and for therapeutic groups and movements.
As a psychiatric patient, the narcissist is a prime candidate for interminable analysis. He seeks in analysis a religion or way of life and hopes to find in the therapeutic relationship external support for his fantasies of omnipotence and eternal youth. The strength of his defenses, however, makes him resistant to successful analysis. The shallowness of his emotional life often prevents him from developing a close connection to the analyst, even though he “often uses his intellectual insight to agree verbally with the analyst and recapitulates in his own words what has been analysed in previous sessions.” He uses intellect in the service of evation rather than self-discovery, resorting to some of the same strategies of obfuscation that appear in the confessional writing of recent decades. “The patient uses the analytic interpretations but deprives them quickly of life and meaning, so that only meaningless words are left. The words are then felt to be the patient’s own pression, which he idealizes and which give him a sense of superiority.” Although psychiatrists no longer consider narcissistic disorders inherently unanalyzable, few of them take an optimistic view of the prospects for success.

According to Kernberg, the great argument for making the attempt at all, in the face of the many difficulties presented by narcissistic patients, is the devastating effect of narcissism on the second half of their lives - the certainty of the terrible suffering that lies in store. In a society that dreads old age and death, aging holds a special terror for those who fear dependence and whose self-esteem requires the admiration usually reserves for youth, beauty, celebrity, or charm. The usual defenses against the ravages of age - identification with ethical or artistic values beyond one’s immediate interests, intellectual curiosity, the consoling emotional warmth derived from happy relationships in the past - can do nothing for the narcissist. Unable to derive whatever comfort comes from identification with historical continuity, he finds it impossible, on the contrary, “to accept the fact that a younger generation now possesses many of the previously cherished gratifications of beauty, wealth, power and, particularly, creativity. To be able to enjoy life in a process involving a growing identification with other people’s happiness and achievements is tragically beyond the capacity of narcissistic personalities.”
submitted by MirkWorks to u/MirkWorks [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:16 PLUTO_HAS_COME_BACK Vibhajjavāda and Sarvāstivāda: Analysing the Heart Sutra from Theravadin Perspective: 2.8. —Part 5

2.8. Saṅkhāra:

Saṅkhāra (Theravada glossary):
Formation, compound, fashioning, fabrication - the forces and factors that fashion things (physical or mental), the process of fashioning, and the fashioned things that result. Sankhara can refer to anything formed or fashioned by conditions, or, more specifically, (as one of the five khandhas) thought formations within the mind.

Paramattha & Saṅkhāra

Existence is made of paramattha (reality, real things) and saṅkhāra (activity).
Four Paramatthas are Citta, cetasika, rūpa, Nibbāna.
Saṅkhāra is either natural or intentional.

The Four Noble Truths

The Catusacca (the Four Truths or Facts) are Ariya-Sacca (the Noble Truth, the Ultimate Truth). These four truths are the true nature (sbhāva) of paramattha and saṅkhāra.
The Catusacca Daḷhī Kamma Kathā composed by the Elder Revata (2491 Sāsanā Era) is a must-read:
The Buddha had to acquire the ten perfection (pāramis) over four asankheyyas and a hundred thousand kappas; a paccekabuddha, over two asankheyyas and a hundred thousand kappas; a Chief Disciple or Mahāsāvaka, over one asankheyyas and a hundred thousand kappas. To what end? To attain to the Four Noble Truths. Why? Because it is only knowledge of the Four Noble Truths that leads to the realization of Nibbana, which makes one secure against the hazards of repeated (birth), ageing, disease and death and the natural tendency of all worldlings to fall into the four miserable states (apāya). One should therefore follow the example of those Noble Ones who have entered Nibbana and strive for the knowledge of the Truth.
Two truths:
  1. The paramattha-sacca (the ultimate truth, or reality that really exists in nature);
  2. The samuti-sacca (the conventional truth, or the conventions and beliefs that really exist among us);
Sacca : truth; Truth also means a statement or speech is truthful or of a noble person.
the Buddha uses to address himself. He is “thus come” (tathā āgata) in the sense that he is neither an emissary of any divine being (God, etc) nor prophets, but arises as the most highly evolved being amongst us as the natural process of spiritual evolution and awakening. He is “thus gone” (tathā gata) in the sense that, just like the truth he proclaims, he dies, thus authenticating the reality that he and we commonly are. (Sacca) Tathāgatā Sutta (Piya Tan)

Nāma and Rūpa

There are five aggregates of clinging.

Saṅkhāra as the three built environments:

2.8.1. Three types of saṅkhāra:

Kamma Saṅkhāra (Intentional Activity)

In Samyutta Nikaya Sutta 12.25 the Buddha said “With ignorance as condition, either by oneself, Ananda, one wills bodily intentions (kāya Saṅkhāra), following which arises internally pleasure and pain; or, because of others one wills bodily intentions, following which arises internally, pleasure and pain.” [CONDITIONED ARISING OF SUFFERING (Ven. Dhammavuddho Mahāthera)]
One casts three types of saṅkhāra (construct/activity) all day long.

Saṅkhāra Examples:

Avijjā-paccaya saṅkhāra (ignorance conditions/supports construct/activity):

2.8.2. Cetasikas (Mental Factors):

Cetasika is a paramattha. It exists as it is.
A being is made of rūpa (solid, liquid, gas and heat), citta (viññāṇa) and cetāsika (vedanā, saññā, saṅkhāra). However, one does not need akusala-cetasika (avijjā). By removing akusala-cetasika (avijjā), one attains kusala-cetasika (vijjā) and the binding (saṅkhāra) is unbinded.
Sankharakkhandha (the fifty cetasikas which are not vedana or sanna) is real; it can be experienced. When there are beautiful mental factors (sobhana cetasikas) such as generosity and compassion, or when there are unwholesome mental factors such as anger and stinginess, we can experience sankharakkhandha. All these phenomena arise and fall away: sankharakkhandha is impermanent. [Nina Van Gorkom. Chapter 2 - The five khandas]

Aññamañña Paccayo (PAṬṬHĀNA)

Aññamañña paccayo: Paccaya RECIPROCATES WITH paccayuppanna
paccayuppanna : (adj.) arisen from a cause.
paccaya : (m.) cause; votive; requisite; means; support.
[Ledi Sayadaw] Lokuttara, or supramundane consciousness, is the noble mind (ariya-citta) which has become free from the threefold desire, and has transcended the three planes, kāma, rūpa, and arūpa. It is of two kinds, thus: noble consciousness in the path (of stream-entry, etc.) and noble consciousness in the fruition (of stream-entry, etc.). [Ledi Sayādaw Mahāthera. The Manual of Insight Vipassanā Dīpanī; The Wheel Publication No: 031/032]

Akusala Cetasikas (unwholesome mental factors)

Abhidhamma (Ashin Janakabhivamsa)
Factor 9 - Issa (envy)
Factor 10 - Macchariya (jealousy, selfishness)
Factor 11 - Kukkucca (remorse)
Among the akusala cetasikas are the ten kilesā (akusala cetasika) shown with bullet points.

Hetu paccayo

Lobha, dosa, and moha are called akusala hetus and alobha, adosa, and amoha are called kusala hetus. These latter 3 hetus if they arise with abyakata dhamma they are called abyakata hetus. Lobha is also known as tanha, upadana, samudaya and so on. Moha is sometimes called avijja. Alobha is sometimes refered to dana or offering but it is non attachment. Adosa is metta or loving kindness. Amoha is pannindriya cetasika and simply called panna and is sometimes called vijja. Htoo Naing. Patthana Dhamma: Chapter 5 - Hetu paccayo (or root condition). Htoo Naing. Patthana Dhamma (a different book): Hetu paccayo (page 15)
Kilesā occur in three levels:
1/ anusaya-kilesa: low level, latent, like sediments waiting to be stirred up. 2/ pariyuttana-kilesa: medium level arising only in the mind due to causes and conditions. 3/ vitikkakama-kilesa: coarse level, manifesting in unwolesome speech or action, breaking precepts. [Defilements (kilesā) (Thanh Huynh - Honolulu Dhamma Community)]

Anusaya Kilesas (latent tendency):

If you don’t remove or destroy [latent tendency or defilements (anusaya kilesā)] with Path Knowledge, the khandhas and samudaya (i.e., taṇhā) are always sticking together. [Buddhavada (Mogok Sayadaw); also see 4.2. ANUSAYA]
Comparing with Mahayanist concepts:

2.8.3. The Role of Saññā

Saññā is a type of cetasika. Other cetasika are vedanā and saṅkhāra. Cetasika is a reality (paramattha).
Saññā is memory (events) and perception (a form of mano-saṅkhārā). However, saññā and saṅkhārā must be different. Saññā must not be saṅkhārā (construct). Saññā must be a raw material. Although saññā and saṅkhārā are similar, saññā must not be saṅkhārā or a product of saṅkhārā.
Saññā as the past events is memory. Events are not imagined. Events occur at the present are reality (not memory).
Saññā can exist as the future events or future memory, like a plan. If a plan is possible to be carried out, then some future events are predictable. In that sense, some future events are knowable.
A Buddha can analyse an individual's mentality and potentials. Based on that knowledge, a Buddha can know and prophesies some major events about an individual or the world. However, a Buddha cannot know the potentials of all the individuals with weak mind (Iddhipāda) and faculties (indriya) who travel randomly any direction into the dark.
This is what the Buddha said about those going into the dark:
The chance for a being in a hell to be reborn as a human is less than that of a blind turtle, surfacing once a century, to happen to put its head through a ring moved by the winds across the surface of the sea. Even if a human rebirth is attained, the person will be poor, ugly and ill, and will tend to do evil actions which will send him or her back to hell (M. iii.169; Bca. iv.20)
PETER HARVEY. AN INTRODUCTION TO BUDDHIST ETHICS: Foundations, Values and Issues. Page 30 University of Sunderland
The Buddha advised the monks to go into the relief from the burden of nāma and rūpa:
“Monks, that’s how rare it is to get reborn as a human being. That’s how rare it is for a fully enlightened Buddha to be born into the world. That’s how rare it is for the Dhamma and training taught by a Buddha to shine in the world. Now, monks, you have been reborn as a human being. A fully enlightened Buddha has been born into the world. The Dhamma and training taught by a Buddha shine in the world.


iddhiyā pādo iddhipādo, i.e., root or basis of attaining completion or perfection (success or potency). [79] [The Venerable Ledi Sayādaw. The Requisites of Enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiya Dīpanī), Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy • Sri Lanka, The Wheel Publicaton No. 171/172/173/174.]
4. Iddhipāda Sutta.-The path mentioned above should be practised, accompanied by concentration and effort, compounded with desire, energy, idea and investigation. S.iv.365.


  1. Faculty of faith (saddh’- indriya) [Nyanatiloka Mahāthera. Guide through the Abhidhamma Piþaka, Page 18]
Avijjā-paccaya saṅkhāra; Saṅkhāra-paccāya vinnānam;

Saṅkhāra is construct and construction.

Mano-saṅkhāra can also be understood as percept.

Saññā and Vipassanā

Saññā can be understood as sense-datum, outside object, perception, and memory.
The sense-datum is an object immediately present in experience. It has the qualities it appears to have.
A controversial issue is whether sense-data have real, concrete existence. Depending upon the version of the sense-data theory adopted, sense-data may or may not be identical with aspects of external physical objects; they may or may not be entities that exist privately in the subject’s mind. Usually, however, sense-data are interpreted to be distinct from the external physical objects we perceive. The leading view, in so far as the notion is appealed to in current philosophy, is that an awareness of (or acquaintance with) sense-data somehow mediates the subject’s perception of mind-independent physical objects. The sense-datum is the bearer of the phenomenal qualities that the subject is immediately aware of. [Sense-Data (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)]
Lifeforms (nama-rūpa complexes) and the law of life (Paticcasamuppada) have existed in the past infinity. Saññā as memory can be recalled or accessed by anyone. Some arahants can recall the past 500 lives. Some arahants recalled several eons of the past Earths. A Buddha can recall with no limit in a very short moment. The Sakyamuni Buddha said, even if He spent His entire lifetime, He would not reach the beginning (of existence), which is considered non-existent.
Inthe Western thought, the natural memory can be improved by training [Javier Vergara / Procedia (Page 3513) - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 ( 2012 ) 3512 – 3518)]. In the Theravada teaching, a liberated mind (which attained arahantta phala) can recall at least the past 500 lives.
Saṅkhāra and saññā belong to cetasika, which is a paramattha (reality). However, they are impermanent. That begs a question: How can the impermanent saṅkhāra and saññā be accessed? They are impermanent in theory, as they will be forgotten. The physical destruction of the memory of the past events might not happen.
As though written down into books, the memories (including sense-data) seem not to have disappeared. The fact is each of us can recall the memory, which stays with us for a lifetime. We are forgetful and cannot recall our memories whever we want to; however, they are present, and our minds revisit them sometimes. Our inability to explain how memories exist should not prevent us from admitting the fact that memories exist and can be recalled. These noble ariyas can know others' minds and access the past memories and forsee the future events.
Avijja-paccaya sankhara (ignorance conditions/supports a construct; e.g. sakkāyadiṭṭhi).
Saññā (memory) is like the soil and fertilizer. Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or thought acts like a signal (reminder).

Indriya-samvara-sila and Vipassanā

"In seeing there is merely seeing. In hearing there is merely hearing. In sensing there is merely sensing. In cognizing there is merely cognizing. In this way you should train yourself. "Bāhiya, when there is only seeing in seeing, hearing in hearing, sensing in sensing, cognizing in cognizing, then you will not be 'with that.' When you are not 'with that,' you will not be 'in that.' When you are not 'in that,' you will be neither here nor beyond nor in between the two. Just this is the end of suffering." [The Bāhiya Sutta (Douglas C. B. Kraft)]

Four Types of Capacity for Path Attainment

It is stated in the Puggalapaññatti (the “Book of Classification of Individuals,” (p. 160) and in the Aṅguttara Nikāya (AN 4:133) that, of the beings who encounter the Sāsana, i.e., the Teaching of the Buddha, four classes can be distinguished, viz.:
A padaparama is an individual who [...] cannot obtain release from worldly ills during this lifetime. If he dies while practising samatha (tranquillity) or vipassanā (insight) and attains rebirth either as a human being or a deva in his next existence, he can attain release from worldly ills in that existence within the present Buddha Sāsana.
niyata : one who has obtained a sure prediction made by a Buddha.
aniyata : one who has not obtained a sure prediction made by a Buddha.
aniyata neyya individuals can attain release from worldly ills in this life only if they put forth sufficient effort [...] within the present Buddha Sāsana.
(The Venerable Ledi Sayādaw. The Requisites of Enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiya Dīpanī))

2.8.4. Our concern:

Our concerns are our own mental, verbal and bodily activities:
Due to delusion (avijjā), we do not know where we have been and what we should do during this lifetime. The purpose of life in general is to practice selfishness to ultimate level.
One builds a life only to lose it to the death. Nobody can reclaim his/her previous life, properties, wealth and works. Rebirth in dugati-loka does not allow rebuilding life. One must get another opportunity in sugati-loka.
Due to clinging (upādāna) to self, one cannot separate from the new life, which is now. One always clings to the new life because of sakkāyadiṭṭhi (sakkāya-diṭṭhi). The past life is like yesterday.
Remember the following:

The Buddha warns us to reflect the following:

"The five facts that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained..."
'I am subject to aging, have not gone beyond aging.'
'I am subject to illness, have not gone beyond illness.'
'I am subject to death, have not gone beyond death.'
'I will grow different, separate from all that is dear and appealing to me.'
'I am the owner of my actions,[1] heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir.'
[Upajjhatthana Sutta— AN 5.57 (Thanissaro Bhikkhu)]

Upādāna (clinging) manifests as mano-saṅkhāra (mental activity/construct):

We cling to live body and dead body. We have seen enough pain in society in good time and bad time.
Upādānakkhandha:[m.] the factors of clinging to existence.
The five upādānakkhandha: rūpakkhandha, vedanākkhandha, saññākkhandha, saṅkhārakkhandha, viññāṇakkhandha
We take the body for self; thus we cling to rupakkhandha. We take mentality for self; thus we cling to vedanakkhandha, to sannakkhandha, to sankharakkhandha and to vinnanakkhandha. If we cling to the khandhas and if we do not see them as they are, we will have sorrow.
Saṅkhārakkhandha (m.) the aggregate of mental coefficients
In Samyutta Nikaya Sutta 12.25 the Buddha said “With ignorance as condition, either by oneself, Ananda, one wills bodily intentions (kāya Saṅkhāra), following which arises internally pleasure and pain; or, because of others one wills bodily intentions, following which arises internally, pleasure and pain.” [CONDITIONED ARISING OF SUFFERING (Ven. Dhammavuddho Mahāthera)]

Anusaya Kilesas: Bhava-Taṇhă to Bhava-Saṅkhāra

Three types of taṇhă: kama-taṇhă, bhava-taṇhă, vibhava-taṇhă.
'Wherever in the world, there are delightful and pleasurable things, there this taṇhă (craving) arises and takes root.' [...] By 'taking root' is meant that, failing to contemplate on the impermanent nature of pleasurable things, craving for them lies dormant, taking root to arise when favourable circumstances permit. This latent craving, lying dormant in sense-objects which escape being contemplated on, is known as ărammananusaya. [U Ko Lay. Discose on the Wheel of Dhamma - Part 5: Maha Satipatthăna Sutta. SukhiHotu Dhamma Publication,1998)]

The Effect of Anusaya Kilesās: Kāmataṇhā and Kāma-loka:

After the destruction of a world of beings, either by a cosmic fire, flood or storm, only darkness remains in space, completely empty and void.
After forever and an aeon, and after cosmic condensation and precipitation, at the same place another human world will be reborn as a body of liquid just like the previous ones. This water body, as big as a planet, will gradually become suitable to support life.
Some of the Brahmas, who have lived their lifespans, will be reborn as humans in that new human world. The first-ever generation of humans are sky-dwellers, with brahma-like body, brahma-like rays, brahma-like lifespan and brahma-like lifestyle. Their auras can shine like the moon and the sun.
Gradually, after passing forever and an aeon, the water mass will condense into physical nutrition. Seeing that beautiful physical food and breathing its nice smell for forever and an aeon, these beings will eventually lose control due to their anusaya kilesa stirring and rising in their minds.
One of them will taste it, eat it and persuade others to do the same—that is how eating is the first religion and politics.
  1. ... It was endowed with colour, smell and taste. It was the colour of fine ghee or butter, and it was very sweet, like pure wild honey. [Aggañña Sutta (DN27 On Knowledge of Beginnings) (Pali Canon Online)]
All things must come to an end one day. This is the impermanent nature of everything, anicca. So also the world [...] During the destruction of the world, all living beings become Brahmas and dwell in Brahma which is not affected by [the destruction.] [Ashin Janakabhivamsa. Part 2 - How The World Came To An End.]
submitted by PLUTO_HAS_COME_BACK to Theravadan [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:52 bonapartenxx IELTS Writing Streak 1: A Career I'm Interested In, Write about a career you are interested in and why.

How to improve:
  1. Understand the Task: Carefully read and comprehend the task prompt. Identify the type of essay required (e.g., argumentative, discursive, descriptive) and the specific instructions provided.
  2. Plan Your Response: Take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas and create an outline before you start writing. Organize your thoughts logically, and decide on the main points you will discuss.
  3. Focus on Structure: Ensure your essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence, supporting details or examples, and a concluding sentence.
  4. Develop Cohesion and Coherence: Use cohesive devices such as conjunctions, transition words, and referencing to connect ideas and maintain coherence throughout your essay. Ensure there is a smooth flow of information between sentences and paragraphs.
  5. Use Varied Vocabulary: Demonstrate a range of vocabulary by using synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and academic vocabulary relevant to the topic. Avoid repetition and strive for precision in your language use. Find online a list of adjectives, adverbs, and verbs. Learn and use them in your writing exercices.
  6. Maintain Accuracy: Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Use a mix of simple and complex sentence structures, and be mindful of subject-verb agreement, tense consistency, and word forms.
  7. Support Your Ideas: Provide relevant examples, evidence, or personal experiences to support your arguments or opinions. Use specific details to illustrate your points and make your essay more persuasive.
  8. Manage Your Time: Allocate time wisely between Task 1 (if applicable) and Task 2. Aim to spend approximately 20 minutes on Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2. Practice writing essays within the given time limits to improve your speed and efficiency.
  9. Review and Edit: Leave some time at the end to review your essay for errors and make any necessary revisions. Check for coherence, accuracy, and clarity of expression. Ensure your handwriting (if taking the paper-based test) is legible.
submitted by bonapartenxx to IeltsWritingStreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:36 Embarrassed_Agent_40 The Tale of Condor, or "Why a friend can be infuriating"

Before we begin, here's some links to the previous stories:
The Tale of Skeptic
The Tale of Mess
The Tale of Sicko
The Tale of Ego
And now, let us begin with this recollection fo tales concerning another friend of mine.
Warning: mentions of meltdown, truly insane conspiracy theories, and slight bigotry.
When I started writing this one, I knew it was going to be looooooong, for there is a couple of premises to be made:
First of all, I do not hate the (sometimes) problem player I will talk to you about.
He is my friend, but I need to vent and ask for advice, for he is often unwillingly infuriating to talk to, not to mention to have at a table.
Second of all, both him, I, and everybody in our playing group are on the spectrum.
The problem is that in my country, Autism is still heavily misunderstood: some people think it's just a made-up excuse to try and be “weird and disobedient”, and it can be literally “healed” via physical violence; others formed their entire “knowledge” on the subject matter by watching “Rainman” once; still more think it's just a synonym for whatever completely unrelated mind condition they THINK they understand.
This is NOW.
Imagine fifty and more years ago, when my friend was born; the ignorance about Autism was insanely pervasive, to the point that many literal medical schools actively refused to teach about it, because someone decided that it wasn't real.
This led to my friend, whom I shall call “Condor”, never having a chance to actually work on his condition, and it bloody shows.
Now, his autism is not THAT severe, in many aspects: cognitively-wise, he has no issues, and he knows how to pass off as neurotypical in public.
However, in other aspects, his condition proves to be heavier than a Neutron Star.
The biggest issue is that Condor doesn't have opinions: he KNOWS how things are and how they should be.
Anything that doesn't conform to his personal vision of the world, even if it is just a fictional element of a fantasy series, is automatically objectively wrong.
Practical Example: he HATED “Puss In Boots 2: The Last Wish” because... Kitty's name wasn't Nyx and she wasn't Baba Yaga's familiar.
For those not in the know: Baba Yaga isn't even featured in the movie at all, and the name change would have a negative amount of impact on anything, but since the movie was not made with these insanely specific minutiae in mind, it's shit.
Try and make sense of this.
This lack of ability to comprehend that his insanely specific and niche point of view isn't the objective truth, can lead him to be incredibly offensive, while using the patented Ben Shapiro excuse of “I'm not being offensive, I'm just stating facts, and if that hurts you, that's because you can't handle facts”.
The problem is that Condor genuinely believes it.
Still, he seems to understand that some things he says can be offensive, so he sometimes manages to keep them to himself.
The key word being “sometimes”.
Just to give you another, more detailed example of how his mind functions, there was the time the rest of the group and I were watching some Mortal Kombat XI cutscenes; we just started, so it was the scene in which Evil Raiden was torturing Shinnok with his lightning powers.
Once we explained to Condor the context, he made up an absolutely apeshit narrative about how and why that scene was put in the game that way.
Brace yourself, it's gonna get a little weird, gonna get a little wild:
*Evil Raiden's lightnings are red.
*Therefore, they don't look like lightning (???).
*Therefore, the developers wanted to make sure that not-lightning looks evil.
*Therefore, the purpose is to make actual lightning look good by contrast.
*Therefore, it is all a plan to make people not suspicious of electricity when the 5G will start making us all infertile.
*Therefore, since gay couples can't have biological children by having sex, they're part of this conspiracy.
*Therefore, the entire modern part of the Mortal Kombat Franchise is being pressured by the Gay Lobby and the 5G Industry to promote their ideologies and goals.
All because, at the time, he was obsessed with the dangers of 5G, therefore EVERYTHING had to have to do with it, no matter how little sense it actually made.
It doesn't matter that there is a HEAVILY less demented explanation (aka that red is more easily associated with danger and negative emotions, therefore Evil Raiden was simply being color-coded), he didn't even consider this point of view, and started spewing the conspiracy theory.
It is what he believes, therefore it is a proven fact, and everything that disproves it is a deep-fake.
Of course, that never applies to anything that he can use to prove himself right.
On another occasion, this man literally picked up random data, stated that they proved him right without even consulting them, and when someone pointed out that they actually proved him wrong, Condor said that “data need to be interpreted”.
As if 2+2=4 is open to interpretation.
Before anyone asks: yes, I am still his friend, because I know there is no active malice in the way he acts or speaks, and because, despite his clearly COMPLETELY MENTAL vision of many, MANY aspects of the world, he is not a bad person, and when he doesn't allow his obsessions to distract him, he tries and often manages to be genuinely helpful (more on that at the end of the tale).
That doesn't mean he can't do damage, especially when he tries to help, ironically, because, as they say, “The Road to Hell” and so forth.
He literally actively caused a meltdown to another autistic person, because he decided that it would help said autistic person to vent and then feel better.
How could that be the wrong thing to do? It was what Condor DECIDED to do, therefore (and justly) it was objectively right.
And after a way too long premise, necessary to understand the individual, let's get into the parts relevant to this subreddit: the TTRPG-related ones.
First of all, during our homebrew 5E campaign, the one mastered by Guild, he fucked up badly in a pretty important social interaction scene on purpose.
The party needed to play their card wisely, using a delicate combination of wits, charisma, bribing, truths, lies, and calling in old favors, in order to create an alliance between two factions (the High Academy and the Merchants Guild) that had bad blood running since times unknown.
While my Warlock was doing his best Jack Sparrow impression (you know the one, when he starts being “diplomatic” with the use of complacent big-sounding words to make everybody think he is on the side of each and every one of them specifically), Condor decided that, since the scene was tense and serious, it meant that everybody at the table was on the verge of an anxiety attack, they just didn't know that, yet, and so he had the SOLEMN DUTY to actively ruin the atmosphere of the scene by trying to steal from the insanely influential factions we were bargaining with.
Because, since in his mind a touch of comedy was what was needed, he just HAD to try and be the most actively disruptive Rogue stereotype imaginable.
THAT is Condor's issue: once he gets an opinion on something, forcing that opinion in the current situation, even if it has nothing to do with it, or if it is bound to make the situation worse, becomes mandatory, because he genuinely believes that it would help all the parts involved.
By the way, I'm not assuming his intentions: he later explained them to me in great detail, and of course he decided that the only reason our GM, Guild, was annoyed was because Guild was “being autistic”, not because Condor literally wanted to ruin the mood.
Because Condor is never at fault.
Another time I was telling him some ideas I had for an attempt at an original TTRPG (yes, I'm trying, thank you), but when I started to describe the playable races, he was having none of that.
See, his most prevalent “special interest” at the time was a pseudo-mystical theory that a human is a human even if his soul transmigrated to a non-human body, so, in his mind, just by stating that a game had different sentient species, each and one of them with physical traits, I wasn't just wrong, I was actively attacking him for being right: he was obsessed with the fact that biology is less important than the spirit, therefore stating that a game had races with biological traits was a mistake he HAD to correct.
He offered absolutely 0% constructive criticism, only saying that I was wrong because, basically, I didn't plan the game in advance to be an extension of his own obsessions du jour, and when I decided to end the subject there (because I realized that it would go nowhere and that I would only manage to get aggravated), he even got offended, as if I had some sort of duty to agree with him and to let him shit on my ideas until he said the entire speech he had to say.
Another TTRPG experiment of mine is a ruthless satire about the very concept of battle boarding and power-scaling: I admit it, I'm kind of a weeaboo myself (people who read my other posts might notice an unhealthy desire to master a game based on the Nasuverse, FFS), but nonetheless, I can poke fun at the genre.
Basically, the game would be set in a future version of our world (more or less) in which, after a properly pyrotechnical war with enough explosions to satisfy an entire space-time continuum made entirely of Michael Bays, regular humans became so grotesquely enamored with super-powered individuals, that social stature is now directly linked to how much powerful you're agreed upon to be by the general public.
Basically, if you have vast enough legions of fanboys praising you for being able to atomize a moon by looking at it with mild annoyance, you're seen as deserving to rule a nice chunk of the setting.
The satirical aspect comes from the fact that a world like this is barely functional, because being powerful doesn't equal being a responsible and capable leader, but the vast majority of people in the setting actively refuse to acknowledge this evident fact.
One of those leaders literally has a negative amount of fucks to give about making his dominion work, because he only likes to fight, and can only be forced to do his duty when the few people who can match him in combat threaten to stop sparring with him if he doesn't get his shit together and at least pretends to be a responsible adult.
Yes, he is a Goku parody, why do you ask?
There is also an element of existential horror in the fact that, in a world of Gokus, Pegasus Seiyas and the most inanely broken of Isekai Protag-kuns, the players are (at least at the beginning) relatively normal people, the ones that, in a battle shounen, would be annihilated by the mere presence of basically everybody with a power level in the positive digits, so that the BIG, RELEVANT CHARACTERS can shine more.
So, it should be crystal clear that the entire premise is that this world is decidedly demented specifically and exclusively because almost everybody values big, spectacular super-powers above anything else, right?
Well, Condor managed to miss the point entirely, or, more probably, he actively ignored it because it wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear and see.
Basically, he told me that my setting needed a heaven-like place where you can only enter if you're weak, and that all the powerful characters ACTUALLY want to get there, and are stopped by the fact that they're strong, which makes them understand that power holds no value whatsoever.
He downright stated that my setting was bad if I didn't add this thing, and that if I defended my original idea I was “being close-minded and autistic, unable to see what is actually right and necessary for the story to be good”.
Who gives a shit if, thematically and narratively, the existence of a place where power isn't valued, and that is objectively better than the regular world, completely screws the meaning of the game over, sideways and under?
Condor had an idea, therefore that idea was the only good one.
People, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm not gonna lie: in both occasions, I was this close to literally physically attacking him, and had to repeat to myself “He means no harm, he is not actively trying to hurt your feelings” to refrain from hitting him.
I'm not proud of having thought to assault him, but I was feeling like shit: ideas I liked, that I thought had the potential for one day become actual, published TTRPGs, and on which I already spent time and effort to make them work... were being shat on because they were not what he wanted, and I was basically being insulted for defending myself.
Then there was the time he asked my help to create his own idea for a TTRPG.
Against my better judgment, I decided to at least hear his idea out.
And boy oh boy, the premise was, unironically, delightfully insane and over the top.
Basically, in a far future, in which mankind joined other alien races and we all together managed to become the absolute masters of both science and magic, basically gaining god-like powers, we met an obstacle: we expanded to the limit of this plane, and now we can not conceptually evolve or expand further, therefore we are about to end the natural resources of the entire Universe because we grew too insanely big an powerful to sustain ourselves.
Then, primordial fish-dragons made of stars from beyond conventional space-time decided that it would be fun to give us the means to access Hell to go and plunder, using our exaggerated super-powers to export some gigatons of democracy towards the forces of Inferno.
I read his ideas, and while they needed work, they could basically be described as “If literally every single battle shounen and fantasy beat'em-up tried to be DOOM, but refused to even pretend it was an even slightly realistic thing”.
Picture this: the Doom Slayer could be all out of ammo, heavily injured, and surrounded by more demons than the entire DOOM franchise canonically hosted... and then he would just ZA WARUDO the scene to have time to get some health back, shoot a string-theory-imbued Kamehameha in the Icon of Sin's face, and finish the massacre by summoning a sentient fairytale on steroids to roundhouse kick Ascended Demon Prince Josif Dzugasvili “Stalin” Vissarionovic in the front teeth.
One of the things you could do is to force matter to have both Baryonic and Non-Baryonic properties at the same time, thus basically giving a middle finger as powerful as the attraction force of a Quasar to a couple of fundamental laws of physics.
A relatively “normal” combat scene could very easily be some “Asura's Wrath”-level madness, only with the protagonist of “Dante's Inferno” as a trans-human mutant with the power of the metaphysical concept of memes, while in another point of the battlefield a cybernetically-enhanced Immortal of Taoism (who is also a living mummy from Space Atlantis) calls upon the aid of the 300 Spartans but redesigned by Tetsuya Nomura.
THAT is the kind of ludicrous fuckery we're talking about.
Heck, your party could be comprised of equivalents of a Space Marines special character, Lord Liu Kang, a Mighty Morphing Power Ranger and The Fastest Gun in the West but able to channel the power of Nyarlatothep by shoving a tuning fork on his rifle as a bayonet.
I'm sorry if I gave you too many unrequested details about the game, but it is to make it clear how much I loved the concept, and why.
If WarHammer 40K rewritten by Kinoko Nasu, a High Fantasy-themed DOOM mod, and every single combat-focused fantasy ever, had an Epic Metal Child, and the adventures of said child were written to make “Axe Cop” or “The Adventures of Dr McNinja” look tame by comparison, without actually going into full-fledged self-parody territory, the end result would be this game.
I'm not gonna lie... all of that could actually work.
Maybe this was the time Condor actually managed to consider how to make a thing that someone else could like, instead of just deciding that whatever HE wanted was what everybody was SUPPOSED to want!
Therefore, I had an almost mathematical certainty that this could be turned into one Hell of a working game.
I wuz WRONG.
I send him some ideas with an e-mail.
His answer was four pages long, with a single sentence addressing my ideas (and proving he barely read them) and the rest was a series of disjointed rambling about principles of theoretical physics that he was adamant to implement in the game, despite admitting he wasn't understanding them at all.
I was now starting to be afraid that any attempt at doing exactly what he asked me to do would be a waste of time and effort.
But, being I the optimistic cretin that I am, I endured and kept trying, because I'm a masochist and simply crushing my ballsack with a sledgehammer is too mainstream.
I started creating monsters for the players to face... and he didn't care about my efforts.
Like, at all.
His only comment was that he didn't like the name I chose for said category of enemies.
They were “The Impure Ones”, semi-sentient, animalistic monsters born from coagulated impurity... and he decided that they should be called “The Incoherent Ones”, despite the name not making sense with their concept, simply because “coherence” is what I like to call “his autistic magic word”, a word he thinks he can use to mean everything and the opposite of everything and to justify anything he fancies.
Finally, we abandoned the project after he insisted that every weapon shouldn't have stats of any sort, but just a list of how the physical principle “force=mass X acceleration” influenced it.
Which made it all but unplayable.
You may now ask why do I and my group keep subjecting ourselves to his company, right?
Well, two reasons.
The first is that, whenever he manages to keep his obsessions in check, he can be INSANELY insightful and helpful, giving solid advice on every subject, be it narrative, games, or even how to face a difficult IRL situation.
The second reason, more relevant to this subreddit, is that... whenever he is a DM, he becomes pretty much THE perfect Game Master.
He never fully shoots down a character concept, but manages to help every player make the character fit as much as possible in the adventure, he crafts genuinely creative and entertaining campaigns, and he is genuinely excellent at making sure everybody is having a blast at the table.
Heck, he managed to make my very first TTRPG character actually work in a serious mistery-themed Mages Chronicle.
Which is one Hell of an accomplishment, since my dumb young self created, as a character...
I created the electricity-manipulating gunslinger pimp, whose first interaction with the other characters was saving one of them from being framed for a murder... by convincing the police that said character was, at the time of the crime, busy being dommed by one of the pimp's girls.
I was young and a cretin, alright?
This to say that Condor can be pretty darn good and friendly, when he wants, and for now, it is enough to forgive his “less tolerable” outbursts.
As of now, I have only two tales left to recount.
One will be significantly shorter... and the last one will be, at least in my opinion, just the worst.
Be seeing you...
submitted by Embarrassed_Agent_40 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 02:20 megamunch One Year's Worth of Unsolicited St Pete Restaurant / Bar Reviews

Let's get it all out of the way up front. I know, no one asked. No one cares. What kind of A hole can afford to eat at all these places. Yada yada.
The fact is the culinary scene is changing by the month here in St Pete. I view this as a good thing. After reading the 100th question asking where to eat and drink around town I thought I would document some places I've been to around St Pete for those who are interested. I enjoy spending my finite disposable income and leisure time exploring local eats & drinks with good company.
I am in no way qualified to be providing these unsolicited opinions. My opinions are probably all over the place and inconsistent - some will speak to value and others quality. These are in no particular order. There are hardly any chains on this list - I would much rather support local spots. Ready? Let's go.
Three Birds Tavern: Love the vibe of the outside patio. They even have a British telephone booth out there. Solid tavern / bar food. The lamb burger is fantastic. Shepherd's pie is not bad. Servers are so nice and bubbly. Worth it for lunch or brunch. Martini deals on Thursdays (I think they're $5).
Pin on Cafe: My go to lunch spot. Unfortunately they are moving down central a mile but they have fantastic pad Thai and a great value lunch menu, where you can build your own meal. Probably eaten here 30 times. Very friendly staff.
Bodega: If you're into Cuban sammies (don't hurt me but they're not my favorite) then this is the place. I'm told they're fairly authentic. Good speakeasy in the back. More on that below.
Bohemios: New Spanish tapas restaurant off central. Don't let the lingering BurgerFi sign fool you - the food here is exceptional. A tad expensive but good quality. They have been slow since opening but the chef & servers are super nice and love chatting to patrons. The chef is an especially awesome dude and a fantastic cook. Got the lobster cargo, empanadas, flank steak, meatballs, and lamb lollipops. All bangin'.
Frog Pond: Great family spot for breakfast or lunch. No frills / nothing fancy, just a good familial vibe and frogs painted on the walls. Got the BLT and pancakes. Both yummy.
Lure: Pretty cool place, but I still can't figure out what their "thing" is. Is it a sports bar? Billiard Hall? Sushi bar? Apparently it's all three. Surprisingly solid food (including the sushi), good music, fun place to hang out with a big group of friends before a show at the Floridian. Great happy hour and food specials.
Lemongrass: Solid Thai food. Went here for a date, and while that didn't go super well the food was again solid. Not mind blowing. But solid. Did I mention it was solid?
Zaytoon Grill: I love Mediterranean food. I had a kefta kabob, hummus, rice, salad. I admittedly need to try it again. It was decent, I've had much better kabob. But again, want to give it another try. I ordered takeout so can't comment on the place itself but I hear the staff are great.
EngineNo9: I was told this was the "best burger in town". This is false. Well, maybe for the money it is. After having just about every burger on the menu, I can say without a doubt the best burger in town is in fact Left Bank Bistro's Burger. My gawd. I think they sprinkle crack in the brie they put on top. Anyway, this is engine9. If my expectations were lower initially I think I would recommend it as a value play. Good place to watch sports. Jambalaya is meh. Sriracha wings are delicious though. So are the tots.
Tony's Pizza: A very solid pizza place always slinging deals on door dash. They have nice wide, thin slices, similar to NY style.
Gateway Subs: really good subs and creative too. For instance, you can get crushed Doritos on your sammy.
Brooklyn South: Middle of the road sandwiches for the price.
Mangosteen: I've only gotten takeout and thought their sushi was decent. This place and Lure seemed similar in their food offerings. When I walk by the vibe looks pretty cool. They do BOGO deals on door dash too.
Maple Street Biscuit Co: The hangover cure you've been looking for. Great biscuits & gravy. They have this fried chicken biscuit with a pepper jelly type thing and it's... Hang on I need a minute... Utterly delicious. Instead of giving them your name when you order, they ask you a thought provoking question, which is kind of fun (e.g. who in all of history would you want to meet?).
11 Chicks: Great Venezuelan food. Get an arepa and some of those to die for deep fried cheese things. Don't sleep on the 11 Chicks bowl. A little pricey for chicken and rice but the quality is chef's kiss.
Fresh Kitchen: Decently healthy, solid food. Like a healthy chipotle. You're in and out of there fast. If you need a somewhat healthy $12 bowl go here. Also everyone who eats there is somehow a fitness model and/or gorgeous.
Pacific Counter: Also a decently healthy, solid fast casual place serving poke bowls. Staff is super nice. Bring your dog - they will spoil with salmon skin treats.
Hotdog Stand (8th & Central): I haven't caught her name, but she slings awesome street hotdogs and puts a lot of love into the fixings on top. Bring up the TB Lightning or bring your dog and you will be her favorite.
Pia's: I know, it's in Gulfport. Fantastic Italian food. Sit out on the patio if you can - there is a good red/white checkered tablecloth vibe out there. Saw someone get engaged there. It's that kind of place, immersive, familial, and delicious. The shank and lasagna were heavenly.
Paul's Landing: Worth it to check out the view of the pier and pool while at the Vinoy. Grab a drink and some very good American food here with a date, or for brunch.
Sauvignon Wine Locker: Pasta - yes. Wine - fuck yes. Half off bottle deals on Sunday I believe. Definitely a nicer place and a draw for the rich old snowbirds. I hear some local billionaires frequent the place. Kind of a cool entrance, walking down a (safe) alley before climbing the stairs to get to it.
Fortu: Clubby, upscale asian fusion spot. Expensive but also very good. The wagyu potstickers are great. Go here for date night and pay way too much for cool drinks and very good Asian food. But your body will be swaying from the music and sexy vibe.
Social Roost: Fun spot, feels kind of like you're walking into a Great Gatsby party. Creative and delicious dishes and the price is about right. It's loud and social and a high energy place so go with friends or a date on a Friday or Saturday.
Datz: Very solid bar / American / brunch food. I got a fried chicken salad and it was really good. I know there's more to try and I will do so.
Ford's Garage: Great burgers. If you're a car person, it's definitely worth checking out. Even the bathroom has a tire for a sink.
La V: Highly recommend this place. Vietnamese, French fusion. Good Pho, banh mi, and rolls. Get the beef bourgingon- like dish and soak up the broth with a toasty french baguette. Baby, you've got a stew goin'.
Calida: super small but absolutely delicious spot. A husband and wife cook and run the place, and they only have one other server who is equally awesome. They make you feel like family and live to serve people good food. Menu changes often based on ingredients that are in season. Had the short rib, Icelandic fish dish (forget the name), and duck panang. My gawd was it yummy. Great wine list too. Oh, they're only open three nights a week so make a rezzy in advance.
Bavaros: Pretty good pasta, a little pricey for the portion. Was a fan of Bolognese and penne vodka. Fun outdoor vibe with the sidewalk seating. Sometimes I'll bring carry out to cellarmasters.
Pizza Box: super tiny pizza spot but REALLY good meatballs and quality pizza made in a legit pizza oven. Get it with hot honey and a glass of wine.
Left Bank: Lit'rlly the best burger in town. The prices are exhorbinant for what you get, but the quality is hard to beat. $40 for beef bourgingon pissed me off, but again the food is really good. Go here for brunch and sip French rosé, get a croque madam, or take a date here for steak frites.
Il Ritorno: Upscale Italian. For the price, it was decent. Compared to olive garden it's excellent. Liked Bonu better. Pretty upscale spot for a date night. For the money, I think there are better spots. Please don't hurt me.
Bonu: Very refreshing vibe, open and airy and filled with cool lights and plants. Really good menu - lobster ravioli and penne vodka were great. Try some of their more creative dishes as well, you won't be disappointed.
Wild Child: I only went once for a date and I think we walked in after a fryer fire or something. Seriously, when we walked in we were assaulted with an intense funnel cake-like fryer smell and thin layer of smoke. Food was okay, I can't even remember what we got. I will agree to go back and try it again since I keep hearing good things and I'm pretty sure this was a one off experience. The date went well though. Not that you care.
Cassis: Solid French bistro with a restaurant and a quick eats side to it serving ice cream, chocolate, and pizza. Pretty banging.
Bella Brava: Great pizza! Was surprised how good since its in a touristy spot on Beach drive. Good pasta too. I think they have a good deal on Tuesdays or something.
Allelo: Upscale and very high quality Mediterranean food and wine list. Loved this place. Get the octopus, lamb Bolognese, and/or rabbit & glass of red and you won't be sorry.
Shrimp Store: Very good local, fresh seafood + rice, beans type place. Stop by for lunch and try the grouper. Fish & chips and hush puppies are great. Good prices too. Definitely good value.
Teak (Pier restaurant): I know the pier is touristy. But it's also gorgeous. The view of the water from the restaurant is unmatched. You can see Tampa Bay and st Pete skylines really well, watch the sailboats, and small planes fly by. The food is surprisingly good here. It's worth checking out even if you're a local.
Doc Ford's: I'd call this place upscale beach shack food. It's good quality, prices are slightly high as it is a more touristy spot on the pier. Good live music and good vibes.
Trophy Fish: I really enjoyed how fun and unique this place is. It's all outside but kind of covered, and really fun looking at night with all the lights and plants. Big bar you can sit around and you order seafood out of the truck/shack behind it. Have to say it was pretty expensive for what it was but definitely high quality.
The Studio Public House: Come here to see some great British rock and euro futbol memorabilia. Fish and chips are great, as is the shepherds pie.
Hook's on 9th: Sushi & Thai food with a great sushi menu. Great quality for not much money. $10 sushi and/or dishes for lunch. Get some takeout, try the beef bulgogi and a couple rolls. You won't be sorry.
Rumfish Grill (St Pete Beach): they have an awesome floor to ceiling aquarium right in the dining room. It's mesmerizing and a little bizarre watching the (huge) fish swim around while eating their cousin. Good seafood. Worth a visit.
Urban Stillhouse: Very upscale dining and I have to say the quality and experience were well worth the money. The building itself is unimpressive from the outside, yet when you walk in you are transported to the fanciest mountain / lodge / chalet type vibe you can think of. Multi level restaurant serving up great lamb, steak, and sides. Bonus points if you stop by Lolita's before.
Mazarros: A St Pete staple, and very crowded. But really good sandwiches made there and high quality Italian grocery options. Awesome wine room too - sometimes they do tastings. They do cooking classes here but haven't tried them yet. Worth checking out once, there's no place quite like it.
Lolita's: such a cool building they've moved in to, right next to the bike trail. Very artsy vibe since they share the space with Morean. Very creative dishes and cocktails, gorgeous patio on which to enjoy them.
Paradise Grill (pass-a-grille): the beach shack place right on the beach. I don't know how you can beat their grouper sammy, ice cold iced tea, and that beach view steps away from the water.
Ted Peter's: smoked fish isn't my favorite I admit, but even I liked it. I had some of their non-smoked fish and it was banging. Ask to go see where the smoking is done next door, it's a unique way they cook fish there. Been around for 80+ years.
Poppos : I live nearby and have been here a few times. Was described to me as a "local chipotle". I really wanted to like it. It's average. The portions are small for what you pay for. Their bowls, like literally the paper bowl itself, has a huge indent and is raised from the bottom so it fits a lot less food than you'd think. Staff was super kind though.
Drinks/Bar Only:
Intermezzo: This is the date night spot. Lots of love put into each drink. Nice jazz music. Visiting during Christmas is a must as they deck the place out. They're moving right nearby in the coming months.
Cellarmasters: My favorite watering hole in town. By now you know I enjoy wine. This place isn't your typical wine bar - it's divey, hipster, and awesome. Bring a sub or takeout here and listen to the incredibly cool wine staff pick and pour you the perfect glass. They have a great selection of old world for $20-40 a bottle.
No Vacancy: Outdoor Clubby place, usually a good spot for a DJ and to rip shots / crash bachelor or bachelorette parties.
Steve's: cash only no frills/old school bar. Go grab a bud light in a bottle and roll with the sticky floors. A staple on central ave that's been there forever.
Tryst: Decent bar. Had a boat load of tequila there.
The Landing: Pre or post Jannus show it's a must to continue your high octane weekend night with music and dancing. Bathroom lines get real long so wear a diaper or get in line early. Or try to bribe others in line with a fiver.
Bar Chica: If you like craft cocktails, it's a must visit. Classy bar slinging really cool drinks. You walk thru Bodega to get to it.
Lost and Found: Great spot for a drink and live music. Food truck and big backyard to enjoy a drink under the stars. They were playing Terminator 2 on the TV there which shows you how cool the place is.
Enigma: I typically see this suggested (as a joke) to out of towners asking for a low-key place to have a drink. Well, joke's on them. Enigma is so fun. It is a gay bar, but assuming you're progressive enough to deal with that the drinks, music, dancing, and people are fantastic.
It's all culminated in this. My favorite restaurant in town. Bin6South! ... You will spend $100+ and still walk out hungry. It is not a value play. It is a quality play. There are only 6 barstools and one table fitting 6 people. Reservations are not easy to come by. This place is the product of a retired couple who wanted to make awesome food, pour good wine, and have a communal feel for locals. It's not for everyone. But if you like a chef's table vibe, try it. You can shoot the shit with the chef, owner, and sommelier while they serve you amazing food you've never tried and pour you delicious wine. Their venison and pork shoulder are banging. They also have lots of fun culinary and wine events so check that out.
If you like coffee, the following places are a must try for either the quality of their espresso, local art, and/or vibe:
The Shop & Coffee House
Black crow
Book & Bottle
Bad mother
Fray's donut house for donuts and breakfast sammies too
Bonus Tampa restaurants:
Oxford Exchange: A Harry Potter feeling to it with good brunch food. It has a library quality to it, you feel like British royalty eating here. Great place for a cheeky day glass of rosé or bubbly. Take a walk along the river walk before or after.
Berns: A must try. It's been there for 80+ years. The building itself has such cool decorations and pictures on the walls, and each room has a different theme. While their steak is just okay, for the price comes with French onion soup and onion straws. The best part of Bern's is their wine list. My gawd. They have over 500,000 bottles on site and more in their other building / cellar. I think it's the largest restaurant owned wine collection in the world. Because there are so many bottles, they often can't keep up with pricing for all of them. We got three different bottles from 1975 - 1987 for under $50 each. Their dessert room, cellar tour, and kitchen tours are a must. Check out my post history as I have something in there from the wine subreddit.
Oh and not in Tampa but best Chinese food around is Zom Hee in Seminole. Get their NY strip dish. It's banging. Cool old school spot.
Places I want to try: Rococo, Beau & Mo's, El Cap, Cappy's, Harvey's, Sammy's, Hookin' Ain't Easy, The Chattaway, Brick & Mortar, naked farmer, violet stone, Jack's London Grille, Bascoms, food trucks (Go Stuff Yourself), Nueva Cantina's fundido burger, eat art love, German Knodle, Ceviche, The Burg, Sara's Kebab House, Baba / Barbouni
Agree? Disagree? Any other places you'd add to the list? I will likely keep editing this post as other places pop in my mind that I've forgotten, and/or I eat somewhere new. Cheers.
submitted by megamunch to StPetersburgFL [link] [comments]

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2024.05.10 21:16 AliciaWrites [TT] Theme Thursday - Summoning

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”

Happy Thursday writing friends!

So sorry for the delayed post, friends. I had a bit of a sick day! I hope you like this new theme. <3 Good luck and good words!
[IP] [MP]


(These constraints are not required! If your story is better for not including them, please do what’s best for your work!)
Constraint: (10 pts)
Your story should include a character that spills a secret. Please note at the end of your post whether you’ve included this constraint!
Word of the Day: (5 pts)
  • blatantly and disdainfully proud : having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior

Here's how Theme Thursday works:

  • Use the tag [TT] when submitting prompts that match this week’s theme.
Theme Thursday Rules
  • Leave one story or poem between 100 and 500 words as a top-level comment. Use to check your word count.
  • Deadline: 7:59 AM CST next Wednesday
  • No serials, established universes, or stories that have been written for another prompt or feature here on WP
  • No previously written content
  • Any stories not meeting these rules will be disqualified from rankings and will not be read at campfires
  • Does your story not fit the Theme Thursday rules? You can post your story as a [PI] with your work when the TT post is 3 days old!
  • Vote to help your favorites rise to the top of the ranks! I also post the form to submit votes for Theme Thursday winners on Discord every week! Join and get notified when the form is open for voting!
Try out the new genre tags!
Theme Thursday Discussion Section:
  • Discuss your thoughts on this week’s theme, or share your ideas for upcoming themes.
  • On Wednesdays we host Theme Thursday Campfire on the Discord voice lounge. Join us to read your story aloud, hear other stories, and have a blast discussing writing!
  • Time: I’ll be there 7 pm CST and we’ll begin within about 15 minutes.
  • Don’t forget to sign up for a campfire slot on discord. If you don’t sign up, you won’t be put into the pre-set order and we can’t accommodate any time constraints. We don’t want you to miss out on outstanding feedback, so get to discord and use that !TT command!
  • There’s a Theme Thursday role on the Discord server, so make sure you grab that so you’re notified of all Theme Thursday-related news!
As a reminder to all of you writing for Theme Thursday: the interpretation is completely up to you! I love to share my thoughts on what the theme makes me think of but you are by no means bound to these ideas! I love when writers step outside their comfort zones or think outside the box, so take all my thoughts with a grain of salt if you had something entirely different in mind.
(This week’s quote is from Christopher Reeve)

Ranking Categories:

  • Word of the Day - 5 points
  • Bonus Constraint - 10 points
  • Weekly Challenge - 25 points for not using the theme word - points off for uses of synonyms. The point of this is to exercise setting a scene, description, and characters without leaning on the definition. Not meeting the spirit of this challenge only hurts you! This includes titles and explanations/author's notes.
  • Actionable Feedback - 15 points for each story you give detailed crit to, up to 30 points
  • Nominations - 10 points for each nomination your story receives
  • Ali’s Ranking - 50 points for first place, 40 points for second place, 30 points for third place, 20 points for fourth place, 10 points for fifth, plus regular nominations (On weeks that I participate, I do not weight my votes, but instead nominate just like everyone else.)
  • Voting - 10 points for submitting your favorites via this form (form will be open after the deadline has passed.)

Last week’s theme: Ravenous

First by GingerQuill* Second by MaxStickies* Third by kazemakase

Notable Newcomer:


Crit Superstars:*

News and Reminders:

  • Want to know how to rank on Theme Thursday? Check out my brand new wiki!
  • Join Discord to chat with prompters, authors, and readers!
  • We are currently looking for moderators! Apply to be a moderator any time!
  • Nominate your favorite WP authors for Spotlight and Hall of Fame!
submitted by AliciaWrites to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 15:43 boutell New US and Canadian CHAdeMO chargers in April 2024

Welcome to the March new chargers report, fellow Chadoomers!
Almost all of you are my fellow Leaf owners, hoping for just one new chargepoint on your favorite route, before the great dwarven CHAdeMO forges beneath the earth go cold for all time. Here's an update.
Here are all of the new US and Canadian CHAdeMO (Leaf fast-charging) stations that rolled out in April, according to the Alternative Fuels Data Center. You can fetch the data yourself here. Feel free to report inaccuracies to the AFDC.
For comparison's sake: in the US, there were 200 "new" (or updated) CHAdeMO stations added in March, with at least 200 chargepoints. To put it in perspective, there were 102 new or updated US stations in April of 2023. This month's report is surprisingly strong, given how late we are in CHAdeMO's lifecycle. It is unclear if this is due to a large number of refreshed stations, or a large rollout of new stations that happen to include at least one CHAdeMO chargepoint, but it may be the latter thanks to Inflation Reduction Act funding. In any case, it is good news for those of us with legacy vehicles.
Keep in mind that even EVGo has started to roll out stations where only some of the bays support CHAdeMO. This makes sense given that only Nissan still sells a CHAdeMO pure-battery-electric car in the US, and the newer Nissan Ariya model is CCS. The Mitsubishi Plug-In Hybrid Outlander PHEV also supports CHAdeMO.
Some of these chargepoints will be "refreshes," e.g. the provider replaced them with faster chargers etc. Some may be incorrect. This report is only as good as the Alternative Fuels Data Center data.
If you'd like to know about new chargers along your routes right away, or reading these monthly reports is just frustrating in your state, I've set up a free service that provides email notifications only when new stations actually open. You can sign up at I built it to help EV owners like myself (especially my fellow Leaf owners). You can pick other plug types as well.
To streamline this post, multi-chargepoint locations are listed with the number of chargepoints first. Some stations may actually have more CHAdeMO chargepoints than reported here, but most won't, because even EVGo has started to reduce the number of CHAdeMO chargepoints per station. So in the case of CHAdeMO I make a pessimistic assumption to avoid creating unrealistic expectations.
Even so, for actual trip planning I recommend using PlugShare. This report is mainly useful to understand trends.
If you get a chance, do check out reported new stations near you and add PlugShare reviews, which helps everyone.
➡ AB (1) MD SMOKY RIVER DCFC STATION 1 701 Main St SW Falher, AB T0H 1M0 ➡ AR (1) Evt 1425 ohlendorf rd Osceola, AR 72370 ➡ AZ (1) HYUNDAI PEORIA PUBLIC LEVEL 3 8425 W Bell Rd Peoria, AZ 85382 ➡ BC (1) 7Charge - Abbotsford 1915 McCallum Rd Abbotsford, BC V2S 3N1 (1) Honda Burnaby - DC 5723 Marine Way Burnaby, BC V5J 0A6 (1) Bill Howich Chrysler - Smart DC 2777 North Island Highway Campbell River, BC V9W 2H4 (1) Honda Surrey - Smart DC 15291 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V3R 3P3 (1) QUADREAL CA STALL 128 658 Homer St Vancouver, BC V6B 2R4 (3) QUADREAL CA STALL 110 658 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2R4 ➡ CA (2) WC ACURA CPE250-2 8375 E La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 (1) Tony's Pizza 10701 CA-178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (1) Banning Farm's House Restaurant 6261 Joshua, E Palmer Dr Banning, CA 92220 (1) Solar Express 2434 San Pablo ave Berkeley, CA 94707 (3) LOVES CA BORON DCFC 1 27201 Boron Frontage Rd N Boron, CA 93516 (1) Flitway - Gordon Ranch Marketplace 2545 Chino Hills Pkwy Chino Hills, CA 91709 (1) 99 Ranch Chino Hills 2959 Chino Ave Chino Hills, CA 91709 (1) Flitway - East Lake Village Center 2220 Otay Lakes Rd Chula Vista, CA 91915 (1) Hilton Concord 1970 Diamond Blvd Concord, CA 94520 (1) Flitway - Inter-Community Hospital 212 W San Bernardino Rd Covina, CA 91723 (1) CULVER HONDA CPE250 BL 9055 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90232 (1) Delhi Unified School District 16491 Schendel Avenue Delhi, CA 95315 (2) DOWNEYHYUNDAI CPE250 2 7550 Firestone Boulevard Downey, CA 90241 (1) Chevron Elk Grove Gas Station 9299 Bond Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 (1) Sierra Plaza 815 Kern St Fresno, CA 93706 (1) Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce - 1600 Fulton 1600 Fulton Street Fresno, CA 93721 (1) Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport 5090 East Clinton Way Fresno, CA 93727 (1) Ridgemark Gold Club & Resort 3800 Airline Hwy Hollister, CA 95023 (1) Flitway - Trabuco Community Center 5701 Trabuco Rd Irvine, CA 92620 (1) The Elysian 1115 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90012 (1) Motel 6 North Hills 15711 Roscoe Blvd North Hills, CA 91343 (1) Pacoima Van Nuys Blvd 13520 Van Nuys Blvd Pacoima, CA 91331 (1) Palmdale City Hall 38250 Sierra Hwy. Palmdale, CA 90245 (1) Foodsco Northgate #355 3625 Northgate Blvd Sacramento, CA 95834 (4) LOVES CA CA SALINAS DC 4 1264 De la Torre St Salinas, CA 93905 (1) Sunny Plaza 529 E Valley Blvd San Gabriel, CA 91776 (1) Seven Trees Shopping Center 4060 Monterey Hwy San Jose, CA 95111 (1) FREEWAY HONDA DC FAST 01 1505 Auto Mall Dr Santa Ana, CA 92705 (1) SJCHA Sierra Vista Phase 1 1520 Eleventh Street Stockton, CA 95206 (1) SJCHA Sierra Vista Phase 2 2439 Volney Street Stockton, CA 95206 (1) HACSJ Tracy Homes 340 W 4th St Tracy, CA 95376 (1) Sheraton Universal Hotel DC 333 Universal Hollywood Dr Universal City, CA 91608 (1) Brian Allen 128 E Chestnut Ct Visalia, CA 93277 (1) City of Los Angeles Lot 696 835 N Avalon Blvd Wilmington, CA 90744 ➡ CO (1) SCVHISTSOC PIONEER TOWN 1 388 S Grand Mesa Dr Cedaredge, CO 81413 ➡ CT (2) 365 E MAIN ST CPE250 2 365 East Main Street Branford, CT 06405 (1) GURUKRUPA GI LLC EV-1 85a Hemingway Ave East Haven, CT 06512 (1) Pomfret Town Hall - SmartDC 5 Haven Rd Pomfret Center, CT 06259 ➡ FL (1) Orange County Health Department 12050 E Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32826 (1) Evermore Orlando Resort 1570 Evermore Way Orlando, FL 32836 (1) Evermore - EVA 3 2420 North Beach Lane/Flats Orlando, FL 32836 (2) BMW SARASOTA FAST CHARGE 2 5151 Clark rd Sarasota, FL 34233 (2) C-HYUNDAI CPE1 3810 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33614 (1) Hammock Landing 4311 Norfolk Pkwy West Melbourne, FL 32904 ➡ GA (2) GEORGIA POWER AMERICUS DC1 202b U.S. Hwy 19 Americus, GA 31719 (1) ABM Electrification Center 2715 Ronald Reagan Blvd Cumming, GA 30041 (2) GENESIS CUMMING STE1 750 Peachtree Parkway Cumming, GA 30041 (2) GEORGIA POWER DONALSON DC2 209 Cherry St Donalsonville, GA 39845 (2) GEORGIA POWER GEORGE DC1 1 Main St Georgetown, GA 39854 (2) GEORGIA POWER RICHLAND DC 2 26 Stewart St Richland, GA 31825 ➡ HI (1) Kapolei Commons provided by Hawaiian Electric Company 4470 Kapolei Parkway Kapolei, HI 96707 ➡ IA (1) Indian Creek Nature Center 5300 Otis Rd SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 (1) Storm Lake 1250 N Lake Ave Ste 2 Storm Lake, IA 50588 ➡ ID (1) BRONCO HYUNDAI FV L3 #2 9250 Fairview Ave Boise, ID 83704 (1) BRONCO HYUNDAI FV L3 #1 9250 Fairview Avenue Boise, ID 83704 ➡ IL (1) Jo-Carroll Energy - Elizabeth 311 East Myrtle Street Elizabeth, IL 61028 ➡ IN (2) ANDY MOHR HYUND SERVICE 1441 Liberty Dr Bloomington, IN 47403 (1) Madison 590 Ivy Tech Dr Madison, IN 47250 (1) STOOPSEV 480V EV CHARGER 4055 W Clara Ln Muncie, IN 47304 ➡ KS (1) EVERGY @PRSONCITY-437A 1600 Main St Parsons, KS 67357 ➡ MA (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMEP1-1 4 W Service Rd Boston, MA 02210 (6) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMERP2-3 400 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMEP2-2 410 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (2) CAPE_ASSOCIATES MONOMOY 782 Main Street Chatham, MA 02633 (1) ALDEN BUICK GMC ALDEN LV3 #1 6 Whalers Way Fairhaven, MA 02719 (1) WFSU SCIENCE STATION 577 Western Avenue Westfield, MA 01085 ➡ MD (1) BGE - CCBC Essex 7201 Rossville Blvd Baltimore, MD 21237 (1) Skipjack Art Studios 329 Cannon Street Chestertown, MD 21620 ➡ MN (1) Cannon Falls 650 Main Street West Cannon Falls, MN 55009 (1) Chisholm 201 West Lake Street Chisholm, MN 55719 (1) City Of Crosby Library 101 1st Street Southeast Crosby, MN 56441 (1) WASC 425 Winnebago Avenue Fairmont, MN 56031 (1) City of Faribault 17 3rd Street Northeast Faribault, MN 55021 (1) Service Foods 321 West Lincoln Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 (1) City of Fosston 220 1st Street East Fosston, MN 56542 (1) Burger King 2200 10th Street East Glencoe, MN 55336 (1) Grand Marais Public Utilities City Hall Parking Lot - South Side 15 Broadway Grand Marais, MN 55604 (1) City Of Little Falls NaN null Dewey Parkway Little Falls, MN 56345 (1) Mankato Area Foundation 115 South 2nd Street Mankato, MN 56001 (1) Schmelz Countryside Volkswagen 1180 Minnesota 36 Maplewood, MN 55109 (1) 36Lyn Refuel Station 3551 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 (2) Nelson Auto World 1625 Como Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 (1) Noodles & Company 922 Holiday Drive Moorhead, MN 56560 (1) Motley Motel 165 Riverfront Lane Motley, MN 56466 (1) City of New Ulm 541 2nd Street North New Ulm, MN 56073 (1) City Of Owatonna 215 Walnut Avenue South Owatonna, MN 55060 (1) Fresh Thyme Farmer's Market 1615 1st Street Southwest Rochester, MN 55901 (1) City Of Saint Peter 114 West Nassau Street Saint Peter, MN 56082 (1) Saint Peter Food Cooperative 228 West Mulberry Street Saint Peter, MN 56082 (1) City Of Springfield 601 East Rock Street Springfield, MN 56087 (1) City Of Saint Cloud 501 1st Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303 (1) Doc's Sports Bar and Grill 88801 Warbler Lane Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 (1) Northern Lights Casino - Walker 6800 Y Frontage Road Northwest Walker, MN 56484 (1) Waseca Utilities NaN null 19th Avenue Northwest Waseca, MN 56093 (1) White Bear Lake Superstore 3880 U.S. 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (1) WSU - Integrated Wellness Complex 118 West Mark Street Winona, MN 55987 ➡ MS (2) NECDC STATION 2 (R) 101 Dempsey Rd. Byhalia, MS 38611 (2) CLW 5TH ST 1 (L) 301 5th Street South Columbus, MS 39701 ➡ NB (1) St. Hubert Express 890 Saint Anne St Bathurst, NB E2A 6X2 (1) Irving 1735 Hanwell Rd Hanwell, NB E3C 2B8 (1) Tesla - 13995 - Miramichi 2485 King George Hwy Miramichi, NB E1V 6W7 (1) Gateway Plaza 2 Gateway Dr Oromocto, NB E2V 4S3 (1) Visitor Info Centre 34 Mallard Dr Sackville, NB E4L 4C3 ➡ NC (1) City of Asheboro Library 201 Worth St Ashboro, NC 27203 (1) Parkside Town Commons 7129 O’Kelly Chapel Road Cary, NC 27519 (1) Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians 946 Tsalagi Rd. Cherokee, NC 28719 (1) Town of Franklin 95 E Main 95 E Main St. Franklin, NC 28734 (1) DEP Pierce and Co 4229 Sam Potts Hwy Hallsboro, NC 28442 (1) Richmond Community College 1042 W Hamlet Ave Hamlet, NC 28345 (1) City of Hickory-DCFC 306 MAIN AV NW Hickory, NC 28601 (1) Pilot Travel Center 683 1800 Princeton-Kenly Road Kenly, NC 27542 (1) dba Piggly Wiggly 61 2715 Hwy 11/55 Kinston, NC 28504 (1) City of Lowell 519 Park Cir Lowell, NC 28098 (1) Catawba Vale Collaborative LLC 96 Commerce St. Old Fort, NC 28762 (1) Triangle Stop - Saluda 1484 Ozone Dr Saluda, NC 28773 (1) City of Sanford - 101 East Humber st 101 E Humber St. Sanford, NC 27330 (1) Haywood CC West Waynesville An 23 Hendrix St Waynesville, NC 28786 (1) 402 S Bridge St 402 S Bridge St Wilkesboro, NC 28697 (1) Blacks Tire Service 1407 Castle Hayne Rd A Wilmington, NC 28401 (1) Quality Oil Company 1980 Pecan Ln Winston Salem, NC 27284 (1) City of Clinton 110 Loop St clinton, NC 28328 (1) Quality Mart 62 - 1736 NC 67 1736 NC 67 jonesville, NC 28642 ➡ ND (1) Simonson Station Store Minot 1310 South Broadway Minot, ND 58701 ➡ NJ (2) LIBERTY TOYOTA STATION 2 4397 U.S. 130 Burlington, NJ 08016 (2) BOARDWALK HONDA CPE250 1 6807 Tilton Rd Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 (2) WALDWICK PUBLIC DCFC #2 15 E Prospect St Waldwick, NJ 07463 (1) QUICKCHEK CP- QC186-2 3483 U.S. 22 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (1) QUICKCHEK CP-QC186-1 3483 U.S. 22 Whitehouse station, NJ 08889 ➡ NM (1) COLUMBUS EV PARK 1 216 Broadway Deming, NM 88030 (2) AVANYU AVANYU LEFT 618 N Riverside Dr Española, NM 87532 ➡ NY (1) NYC FLEET DPRWFMARNA_1_L3 1 Marina Road Queens, NY 11369 (4) KENNETH DR Q KENNETH DR 1 375 Kenneth Drive Rochester, NY 14623 ➡ ON (1) Crowe’s Car Wash 8461 County Road 45 Alderville, ON K0K 2X0 (1) CenterLine Corporate - DC 415 Morton Drive LaSalle, ON N9J 3T8 (1) OXFORD DODGE DODGE L3 S1 1249 Hyde Park Road London, ON N6H 5K6 (1) IDEAL HONDA FAST CHARGER 1700 Toyo Cir Mississauga, ON L4W 0E7 (1) Myers Barrhaven Subaru - Fast Charger 4151 Strandherd Drive Ottawa, ON 45.2653 (4) IKEA EV FLEET 2 1475 The Queensway Toronto, ON M8Z 1T3 (1) Winash Limited Partnership - SmartDC 5550 Baldwin Street South Whitby, ON L1M 0M5 ➡ OR (1) WCEH Banks 660 Main Street Banks, OR 97106 (1) WCEH Detroit 220 D St Detroit, OR 97342 (1) WCEH McMinnville 499 NE Davis St McMinnville, OR 97128 (1) ARCO - Market Street NE, Salem 2979 Market St NE Salem, OR 97301 (1) WCEH Woodburn 2900 Tom Tennant Dr Woodburn, OR 97071 ➡ PA (2) BENNETT HYUNDAI SALES 2101 Cumberland St Lebanon, PA 17042 ➡ QC (1) Canadian Tire - Jonquière 2290 Blvd René Lévesque Jonquière, QC G7S 5Y5 (1) DION CHEV EV CPE250C-625-CCS 2200 Rue Sherbrooke Magog, QC J1X 4Z6 (1) RECHARGECO ST-LEONARD 01 7150 Boul Langelier Montréal, QC H1S 2X6 (2) HARDY RINGUETTE #4 1842 3e Avenue Val-d'Or, QC J9P 7A9 ➡ SD (1) Northwestern 117 Mitchell Boulevard Mitchell, SD 57301 ➡ TN (2) SPRFLD ELECTRIC STATION 1 (L) 401 N Main St. Springfield, TN 37172 (2) MLEC STATION 2 (R) W 210 West Main St Waverly, TN 37185 ➡ TX (1) AZTEC EV AZTEC CHEVROLET 772 U.S. 181 Beeville, TX 78102 (1) GROUP1AUTO CPE250 2 10155 Southwest Fwy Houston, TX 77074 (1) GROUP1AUTO CPE250 ALONE-3 10455 Southwest Fwy Houston, TX 77074 (1) Gigahub - Katy Fwy, Westlake 14401 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77079 (2) WHOUSTON 250 GENESIS 2 16803 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77094 (1) KV MAIN CAMPUS KV RETAIL DC 2 145 Avery Rd Kerrville, TX 78028 (1) HONDAOFCLEARLAK EXPP PUBLIC 1 2205 Gulf Fwy S League City, TX 77573 (2) MESSER HYUNDAI CPE250-PAIR2 4025 West Loop 289 Access Road Lubbock, TX 79407 (1) WORLD AUTO CHEVYPECOS 181 South Interstate 20 Frontage Road Pecos, TX 79772 (1) Target San Antonio #T0771 2810 Southwest Military Drive San Antonio, TX 78224 ➡ UT (1) DAVIS COUNTY UT DCG EAST 61 South Main Street Farmington, UT 84025 ➡ VA (1) LYNX VENTURES STATION 14 DC 0 E 4th St Richmond, VA 23224 ➡ VT (1) Grace Cottage Hospital 185 Grafton Road Townsend, VT 05353 ➡ WA (1) KIA OF EVERETT KIA OF EVERETT 229 Southwest Everett Mall Way Everett, WA 98204 (1) WCEH City of Pateros 203 Pateros Mall Pateros, WA 98846 (1) ARCO 7091 - 104th Drive NW, Stanwood 26930 104th Drive NW Stanwood, WA 98292 (1) Sumner Cannery Way 13608 Cannery Wy Sumner, WA 98390 ➡ WI (1) TOB CHARGEPOINT SHOWROOM LOT 20655 W Capitol Dr Brookfield, WI 53045 (1) Cadott River Country Plaza 641 Wisconsin 27 Cadott, WI 54727 (1) City of Eau Claire 122 East Madison Street Eau Claire, WI 54703 (1) 29 Pines 5872 33rd Avenue Eau Claire, WI 54703 (1) Hampton Inn And Suites 2610 Pearson Drive Hudson, WI 54016 (1) HEISER TOYOTA 1 CPE250 11301 W Metro Auto Mall Milwaukee, WI 53224 (1) Prime Bar Family Dining null N7294 Service Road Trego, WI 54888 (1) Kwik Trip 1760 Temte Street Helmen, WI 54636 
submitted by boutell to leaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 15:33 boutell New US and Canadian CCS chargers in April 2024

Here are all (*) of the new US and Canadian CCS (Level 3 fast-charging) stations that rolled out in April 2024, according to the Department of Energy. You can get the data yourself here.
These chargers are suitable for most new EVs on the market, except for:
  1. Tesla drivers who haven't bought the official CCS adapter yet. Certain older Teslas need additional work done to accept the adapter.
  2. Leaf owners like me, owners of the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, and some owners of older cars that also use CHAdeMO. If you drive such a car, see my matching post in leaf.
Some of these chargepoints will be "refreshes," e.g. the provider replaced them with faster chargers etc. Some may be incorrect. This report is only as good as the Alternative Fuels Data Center data.
There were 330 CCS charging stations with a total of 682 chargepoints added or refreshed in April 2024, which is a major uptick in both stations and chargepoints. There were only 166 new CCS charging stations in April 2023, with only 267 chargepoints. Things are trending dramatically upwards.
Some part of this is due to Tesla Magic Dock stations. Previously Tesla didn't report these to the AFDC as CCS, but now they do. And that makes sense because all CCS drivers can use them.
NOTE: most Tesla Superchargers do NOT have magic dock as of this writing (all those shown in this report should have it). I recommend using PlugShare to locate compatible stations for your vehicle.
(*) "What about other Tesla Superchargers? Can't everybody charge with NACS now?"
It's coming for many makes and models, and for newer Ford models as well as a few other manufacturers charging at v3 and v4 Superchargers is already an option with a free adapter from the automakers. GM should release their adapter in the coming weeks. But since they are not open to all CCS vehicles, this report is not the place for them. Tesla's app provides the best guide to their locations, including locations that work with non-Tesla vehicles.
Other Notes
To streamline this post, multi-chargepoint locations are listed with the number of chargepoints first.
For serious trip planning, I recommend PlugShare. But by all means check out these reported new locations and submit reviews on PlugShare, which makes things better for everyone.
If you'd like to know about new chargers along your routes right away, or just prefer not to check this list monthly when new openings are rare in your area, I've set up a free service that provides email notifications as soon as they open. You can sign up at Or not! I don't really have a business plan here, I built it to help EV owners like myself. PlugShare has a similar feature.
➡ AB (1) MD SMOKY RIVER DCFC STATION 1 701 Main St SW Falher, AB T0H 1M0 ➡ AR (3) Evt 1425 ohlendorf rd Osceola, AR 72370 ➡ AZ (1) HYUNDAI PEORIA PUBLIC LEVEL 3 8425 W Bell Rd Peoria, AZ 85382 (1) Coulter Cadillac Tempe 7780 SOUTH AUTOPLEX LOOP BUILDING 200 TEMPE, AZ 85284 ➡ BC (4) 7Charge - Abbotsford 1915 McCallum Rd Abbotsford, BC V2S 3N1 (1) Honda Burnaby - DC 5723 Marine Way Burnaby, BC V5J 0A6 (1) Bill Howich Chrysler - Smart DC 2777 North Island Highway Campbell River, BC V9W 2H4 (1) Honda Surrey - Smart DC 15291 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V3R 3P3 (1) QUADREAL CA STALL 128 658 Homer St Vancouver, BC V6B 2R4 (3) QUADREAL CA STALL 110 658 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2R4 ➡ CA (2) WC ACURA CPE250-2 8375 E La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 (2) Tony's Pizza 10701 CA-178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (1) Banning Farm's House Restaurant 6261 Joshua, E Palmer Dr Banning, CA 92220 (2) Solar Express 2434 San Pablo ave Berkeley, CA 94707 (3) LOVES CA BORON DCFC 1 27201 Boron Frontage Rd N Boron, CA 93516 (2) Flitway - Gordon Ranch Marketplace 2545 Chino Hills Pkwy Chino Hills, CA 91709 (6) 99 Ranch Chino Hills 2959 Chino Ave Chino Hills, CA 91709 (4) Flitway - East Lake Village Center 2220 Otay Lakes Rd Chula Vista, CA 91915 (6) Lowe's of Concord 1935 Arnold Industrial Way Concord, CA 94520 (2) Hilton Concord 1970 Diamond Blvd Concord, CA 94520 (4) Flitway - Inter-Community Hospital 212 W San Bernardino Rd Covina, CA 91723 (1) CULVER HONDA CPE250 BL 9055 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90232 (2) Delhi Unified School District 16491 Schendel Avenue Delhi, CA 95315 (2) DOWNEYHYUNDAI CPE250 2 7550 Firestone Boulevard Downey, CA 90241 (4) Chevron Elk Grove Gas Station 9299 Bond Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 (8) 46365 West Panoche Road (US-NF8-DC8-4B) 46365 West Panoche Road Firebaugh, CA 93622 (2) Sierra Plaza 815 Kern St Fresno, CA 93706 (8) Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce - 1600 Fulton 1600 Fulton Street Fresno, CA 93721 (8) Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport 5090 East Clinton Way Fresno, CA 93727 (2) Ridgemark Gold Club & Resort 3800 Airline Hwy Hollister, CA 95023 (4) Flitway - Trabuco Community Center 5701 Trabuco Rd Irvine, CA 92620 (3) Rolls-Royce Motorcars San Diego 7440 La Jolla Blvd La Jolla, CA 92037 (4) The Elysian 1115 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90012 (1) DRIVE 1 SATILLITE STORE 11074 Sepulveda Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 91345 (8) Motel 6 North Hills 15711 Roscoe Blvd North Hills, CA 91343 (1) Chawanakee Unified School District 26065 Outback Industrial Way O'Neals, CA 93645 (1) Pacoima Van Nuys Blvd 13520 Van Nuys Blvd Pacoima, CA 91331 (2) Palmdale City Hall 38250 Sierra Hwy. Palmdale, CA 90245 (4) Foodsco Northgate #355 3625 Northgate Blvd Sacramento, CA 95834 (4) LOVES CA CA SALINAS DC 4 1264 De la Torre St Salinas, CA 93905 (3) Sunny Plaza 529 E Valley Blvd San Gabriel, CA 91776 (6) Seven Trees Shopping Center 4060 Monterey Hwy San Jose, CA 95111 (6) Almaden Plaza 4950 Almaden Expy San Jose, CA 95118 (1) FREEWAY HONDA DC FAST 01 1505 Auto Mall Dr Santa Ana, CA 92705 (2) SJCHA Sierra Vista Phase 1 1520 Eleventh Street Stockton, CA 95206 (2) SJCHA Sierra Vista Phase 2 2439 Volney Street Stockton, CA 95206 (2) HACSJ Tracy Homes 340 W 4th St Tracy, CA 95376 (2) Sheraton Universal Hotel DC 333 Universal Hollywood Dr Universal City, CA 91608 (2) Brian Allen 128 E Chestnut Ct Visalia, CA 93277 (4) City of Los Angeles Lot 696 835 N Avalon Blvd Wilmington, CA 90744 ➡ CO (1) SCVHISTSOC PIONEER TOWN 1 388 S Grand Mesa Dr Cedaredge, CO 81413 (2) San Isabel DCFC 8900 Interstate 25 Rye, CO 81069 ➡ CT (2) 365 E MAIN ST CPE250 2 365 East Main Street Branford, CT 06405 (1) GURUKRUPA GI LLC EV-1 85a Hemingway Ave East Haven, CT 06512 (2) New Country Motor Cars Group = Porsche Greenwich 241 West Putnam Ave Greenwich, CT 06830 (2) Pomfret Town Hall - SmartDC 5 Haven Rd Pomfret Center, CT 06259 ➡ FL (4) Carrabelle Fire Department 105 Tallahassee St Carrabelle, FL 32322 (1) Ed Morse Cadillac Delray Beach 2300 S.FEDERAL HIGHWAY DELRAY BEACH, FL 33483 (4) Flying J 624 29933 State Road 52 Dade City, FL 33576 (4) Chipotle Beach and University 5801 Beach Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32207 (2) Miller Electric - Electric Vehicle Innovation Design Center (EVIDC) 6811 Southpoint Pkwy Jacksonville, FL 32216 (2) Tom Bush BMW Jacksonville 9875 Atlantic Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32225 (2) Tom Bush BMW Orange Park 6914 Blanding Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32244 (1) Ford Midway Mall 8155 West Flagler Street Miami, FL 33144 (4) Palmetto 57 Volkswagen 16825 NW 57 Av Miami Gardens, FL 33055 (2) Orange County Health Department 12050 E Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32826 (1) Evermore Orlando Resort 1570 Evermore Way Orlando, FL 32836 (2) Evermore - EVA 3 2420 North Beach Lane/Flats Orlando, FL 32836 (1) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Tampa Bay 3255 Gandy Blvd N Pinellas Park, FL 33781 (2) BMW SARASOTA FAST CHARGE 2 5151 Clark rd Sarasota, FL 34233 (2) C-HYUNDAI CPE1 3810 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33614 (2) BRANDON FORD LVL 3 #2 (CP) 9090 East Adamo Drive Tampa, FL 33619 (4) Hammock Landing 4311 Norfolk Pkwy West Melbourne, FL 32904 (12) Audi West Palm Beach 2101 Okeechobee Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33409 ➡ GA (2) GEORGIA POWER AMERICUS DC1 202b U.S. Hwy 19 Americus, GA 31719 (2) GEORGIA POWER SHALLOWFORD EXP 4404 North Shallowford Road Atlanta, GA 30338 (9) ABM Electrification Center 2715 Ronald Reagan Blvd Cumming, GA 30041 (2) GENESIS CUMMING STE1 750 Peachtree Parkway Cumming, GA 30041 (2) GEORGIA POWER DONALSON DC2 209 Cherry St Donalsonville, GA 39845 (2) GEORGIA POWER GEORGE DC1 1 Main St Georgetown, GA 39854 (2) GEORGIA POWER RICHLAND DC 2 26 Stewart St Richland, GA 31825 (1) Walker-Jones 2700 MEMORIAL DRIVE WAYCROSS, GA 31503 ➡ HI (2) Kapolei Commons provided by Hawaiian Electric Company 4470 Kapolei Parkway Kapolei, HI 96707 ➡ IA (2) Indian Creek Nature Center 5300 Otis Rd SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 (3) JUNGE FORD - DCFC 525 Madison Avenue North Liberty, IA 52317 (2) Storm Lake 1250 N Lake Ave Ste 2 Storm Lake, IA 50588 ➡ ID (1) BRONCO HYUNDAI FV L3 #2 9250 Fairview Ave Boise, ID 83704 (1) BRONCO HYUNDAI FV L3 #1 9250 Fairview Avenue Boise, ID 83704 (2) HOMETOWN CHEVROLET BUICK GMC 1011 NW 16TH ST Fruiland, ID 83619 (2) ROGERS CDJR L3A ROGERS DODGE PL 1824 Main Street Lewiston, ID 83501 ➡ IL (2) Jo-Carroll Energy - Elizabeth 311 East Myrtle Street Elizabeth, IL 61028 (1) Harvard Ford-DCFC 5250 South Route 14 Harvard, IL 60033 (1) Community Honda of Orland Park 8340 West 159th Street Orland Park, IL 60462 ➡ IN (2) ANDY MOHR HYUND SERVICE 1441 Liberty Dr Bloomington, IN 47403 (1) Max Platt Ford-DCFC 1002 West North Street Kendallville, IN 46755 (4) Madison 590 Ivy Tech Dr Madison, IN 47250 (1) STOOPSEV 480V EV CHARGER 4055 W Clara Ln Muncie, IN 47304 (1) TEAM CHEVROLET, INC 1856 W US HWY 30 VALPARAISO, IN 46385 ➡ KS (1) EVERGY @PRSONCITY-437A 1600 Main St Parsons, KS 67357 (6) 2774 N Greenwich Ct (US-M5P-NN9-3B) 2774 N Greenwich Ct Wichita, KS 67226 ➡ KY (2) BUCEES RICHMOND RICHMOND 9-10 1013 Buc-ee's Blvd Richmond, KY 40475 (2) BUCEES RICHMOND RICHMOND 7-8 1013 Bucees Blvd Richmond, KY 40475 (4) Flying J 663 1670 Waddy Road Waddy, KY 40076 ➡ LA (1) GM - Ross Downing Cadillac 1301 S Morrison Blvd. Hammond, LA 70403 ➡ MA (4) PCCJEEP PL-3-R 556 Yarmouth Rd Barnstable, MA 02601 (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMEP1-1 4 W Service Rd Boston, MA 02210 (6) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMERP2-3 400 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMEP2-2 410 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (3) Autel - Charlton Service Plaza Eastbound 80 Massachusetts Turnpike Charlton, MA 01507 (2) CAPE_ASSOCIATES MONOMOY 782 Main Street Chatham, MA 02633 (1) ALDEN BUICK GMC ALDEN LV3 #1 6 Whalers Way Fairhaven, MA 02719 (12) Comfort Inn - Tesla Supercharger 4 Fisher St Foxborough, MA 02035 (4) Autel - Framingham Rest Stop Westbound 114 Massachusetts Tpke Framingham, MA 01701 (2) Autel - Lee Service Plaza Westbound Massachusetts Tpke Lee, MA 01238 (2) Autel - Lee Service Plaza Eastbound Massachusetts Turnpike Lee, MA 01238 (12) Lynnfield Marketplace - Tesla Supercharger 28 Broadway Lynnfield, MA 01940 (2) Autel - Natick Service Plaza Eastbound 117 Massachusetts Turnpike Natick, MA 01760 (6) FORDOFNORTHMPTN PL-3-R 968 Bridge Road Northampton, MA 01060 (1) WFSU SCIENCE STATION 577 Western Avenue Westfield, MA 01085 (2) Quik Charge Charging Station 850 Washington St Weymouth, MA 02189 ➡ MB (4) BIRCHWOOD FORD DC-2 1300 Regent Ave W Winnipeg, MB R2C 3A8 ➡ MD (1) BGE - CCBC Essex 7201 Rossville Blvd Baltimore, MD 21237 (1) Skipjack Art Studios 329 Cannon Street Chestertown, MD 21620 ➡ ME (8) Rockland Plaza Shopping Center - Tesla Supercharger 75 Maverick St Rockland, ME 04841 ➡ MI (3) Brighton Ford - DCFC 8240 West Grand River Avenue Brighton, MI 48114 (3) Moran Chevrolet Clinton Township 35500 South Gratiot Ave Clinton Township, MI 48035 (4) Tanger Outlets - Howell, MI North End 2 DCFC 1475 North Burkhart Road Howell, MI 48855 ➡ MN (2) Cannon Falls 650 Main Street West Cannon Falls, MN 55009 (2) Chisholm 201 West Lake Street Chisholm, MN 55719 (2) City Of Crosby Library 101 1st Street Southeast Crosby, MN 56441 (2) WASC 425 Winnebago Avenue Fairmont, MN 56031 (2) City of Faribault 17 3rd Street Northeast Faribault, MN 55021 (2) Service Foods 321 West Lincoln Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 (2) City of Fosston 220 1st Street East Fosston, MN 56542 (2) Burger King 2200 10th Street East Glencoe, MN 55336 (2) Grand Marais Public Utilities City Hall Parking Lot - South Side 15 Broadway Grand Marais, MN 55604 (2) City Of Little Falls NaN null Dewey Parkway Little Falls, MN 56345 (2) Mankato Area Foundation 115 South 2nd Street Mankato, MN 56001 (2) Schmelz Countryside Volkswagen 1180 Minnesota 36 Maplewood, MN 55109 (2) 36Lyn Refuel Station 3551 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 (4) Nelson Auto World 1625 Como Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 (2) Noodles & Company 922 Holiday Drive Moorhead, MN 56560 (2) Motley Motel 165 Riverfront Lane Motley, MN 56466 (2) City of New Ulm 541 2nd Street North New Ulm, MN 56073 (2) City Of Owatonna 215 Walnut Avenue South Owatonna, MN 55060 (1) Superior Ford-Plymouth-Series 9700 56th Ave N Plymouth, MN 55442 (2) Fresh Thyme Farmer's Market 1615 1st Street Southwest Rochester, MN 55901 (2) City Of Saint Peter 114 West Nassau Street Saint Peter, MN 56082 (2) Saint Peter Food Cooperative 228 West Mulberry Street Saint Peter, MN 56082 (2) City Of Springfield 601 East Rock Street Springfield, MN 56087 (2) City Of Saint Cloud 501 1st Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303 (2) Doc's Sports Bar and Grill 88801 Warbler Lane Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 (2) Northern Lights Casino - Walker 6800 Y Frontage Road Northwest Walker, MN 56484 (2) Waseca Utilities NaN null 19th Avenue Northwest Waseca, MN 56093 (2) White Bear Lake Superstore 3880 U.S. 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (2) WSU - Integrated Wellness Complex 118 West Mark Street Winona, MN 55987 ➡ MO (1) Pinegar Chevrolet Buick GMC 163 Adair Road Branson, MO 65616 (3) Lou Fusz Ford - DCFC 2 Caprice Drive Chesterfield, MO 63005 (2) AMI AM CHEVY - DC 1901 W Business U.S. 60 Dexter, MO 63841 (4) 14897 MO-38 14897 MO-38 Marshfield, MO 65706 (2) LIBERTY EMPIRE NEOSHOSVCCTR FW 1501 Industrial Dr Neosho, MO 64850 (1) Bommarito Cadillac 4190 N SERVICE RD ST PETERS, MO 63376 ➡ MS (2) NECDC STATION 2 (R) 101 Dempsey Rd. Byhalia, MS 38611 (2) CLW 5TH ST 1 (L) 301 5th Street South Columbus, MS 39701 (2) Turan Foley Chevrolet Cadillac Buick 11123 HWY 49N GULFPORT, MS 39503 ➡ MT (2) Corwin Motors Of Kalispell 2565 Hwy 93 North Kalispell, MT 59901 ➡ NB (2) St. Hubert Express 890 Saint Anne St Bathurst, NB E2A 6X2 (3) Irving 1735 Hanwell Rd Hanwell, NB E3C 2B8 (2) Tesla - 13995 - Miramichi 2485 King George Hwy Miramichi, NB E1V 6W7 (3) Gateway Plaza 2 Gateway Dr Oromocto, NB E2V 4S3 (2) Visitor Info Centre 34 Mallard Dr Sackville, NB E4L 4C3 ➡ NC (2) City of Asheboro Library 201 Worth St Ashboro, NC 27203 (5) Parkside Town Commons 7129 O’Kelly Chapel Road Cary, NC 27519 (2) Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians 946 Tsalagi Rd. Cherokee, NC 28719 (1) Town of Franklin 95 E Main 95 E Main St. Franklin, NC 28734 (2) DEP Pierce and Co 4229 Sam Potts Hwy Hallsboro, NC 28442 (2) Richmond Community College 1042 W Hamlet Ave Hamlet, NC 28345 (2) City of Hickory-DCFC 306 MAIN AV NW Hickory, NC 28601 (4) Sun Valley 6461 Old Monroe Rd Indian Trail, NC 28079 (5) Pilot Travel Center 683 1800 Princeton-Kenly Road Kenly, NC 27542 (2) dba Piggly Wiggly 61 2715 Hwy 11/55 Kinston, NC 28504 (2) City of Lowell 519 Park Cir Lowell, NC 28098 (2) Catawba Vale Collaborative LLC 96 Commerce St. Old Fort, NC 28762 (2) Triangle Stop - Saluda 1484 Ozone Dr Saluda, NC 28773 (2) City of Sanford - 101 East Humber st 101 E Humber St. Sanford, NC 27330 (1) Haywood CC West Waynesville An 23 Hendrix St Waynesville, NC 28786 (4) 402 S Bridge St 402 S Bridge St Wilkesboro, NC 28697 (2) Blacks Tire Service 1407 Castle Hayne Rd A Wilmington, NC 28401 (2) Capital Ford Wilmington 4222 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (2) Quality Oil Company 1980 Pecan Ln Winston Salem, NC 27284 (2) GM - Modern Chevrolet 5955 University Parkway Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (2) City of Clinton 110 Loop St clinton, NC 28328 (2) Quality Mart 62 - 1736 NC 67 1736 NC 67 jonesville, NC 28642 ➡ ND (2) Simonson Station Store Minot 1310 South Broadway Minot, ND 58701 ➡ NH (1) Grappone Hyundai 514 Route 3A Bow, NH 03304 (6) 10 Benning St (US-M4C-8KT-2C) 10 Benning St West Lebanon, NH 03784 ➡ NJ (2) LIBERTY TOYOTA STATION 2 4397 U.S. 130 Burlington, NJ 08016 (1) NIELSEN CHEVROLET 1 Route 46 W Dover, NJ 07801 (2) Open Road Acura of East Brunswick 1041 Rt 18 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (2) BOARDWALK HONDA CPE250 1 6807 Tilton Rd Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 (1) BMER, LLC dba Flemington BMW 216 Rt 202 & 31 N Flemington, NJ 08822 (1) Manahawkin CDJR 188 New jersey 72 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 (1) Park Ave Acura Service 247 West Passaic St Maywood, NJ 07435 (1) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Philadelphia 100 Route 73 Palmyra, NJ 08065 (2) WALDWICK PUBLIC DCFC #2 15 E Prospect St Waldwick, NJ 07463 (2) Open Road Acura of Wayne 1425 Route 23 South Wayne, NJ 07470 (2) Open Road Acura of Wayne 1425 rt 23 s Wayne, NJ 07470 (1) QUICKCHEK CP- QC186-2 3483 U.S. 22 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (1) QUICKCHEK CP-QC186-1 3483 U.S. 22 Whitehouse station, NJ 08889 ➡ NM (1) COLUMBUS EV PARK 1 216 Broadway Deming, NM 88030 (2) AVANYU AVANYU LEFT 618 N Riverside Dr Española, NM 87532 ➡ NY (1) Shults Hyundai 181 E. Fairmount Avenue Lakewood, NY 14750 (1) ABM Tradeshow Units One Liberty Plaza, 7th Floor New York, NY 10006 (1) NYC FLEET DPRWFMARNA_1_L3 1 Marina Road Queens, NY 11369 (4) KENNETH DR Q KENNETH DR 1 375 Kenneth Drive Rochester, NY 14623 (1) Paragon Acura 56-02 Northern Blvd Woodside, NY 11377 (4) NEW test by jimmy 23 E 91st Street ny, NY 10128 ➡ OH (2) KERRY FORD, INC FORD ISLAND #3 155 West Kemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45246 (2) KINGS FORD, INC FORD L3 PUBLIC1 9555 Kings Automall Drive Cincinnati, OH 45249 (3) Byers Ford DCFC's 1101 Columbus Pike Delaware, OH 43015 (3) Elyria OH 905 LORAIN BLVD ELYRIA, OH 44035 (2) Bob Boyd Ford DCFCs 2840 North Columbus Street Lancaster, OH 43130 (3) Coughlin Ford Pataskala DCFC's 9800 Worthington Road Pataskala, OH 43062 (1) Wooster Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram 2626 Cleveland Road Wooster, OH 44691 ➡ ON (2) Crowe’s Car Wash 8461 County Road 45 Alderville, ON K0K 2X0 (1) CenterLine Corporate - DC 415 Morton Drive LaSalle, ON N9J 3T8 (1) OXFORD DODGE DODGE L3 S1 1249 Hyde Park Road London, ON N6H 5K6 (1) IDEAL HONDA FAST CHARGER 1700 Toyo Cir Mississauga, ON L4W 0E7 (1) Myers Barrhaven Subaru - Fast Charger 4151 Strandherd Drive Ottawa, ON 45.2653 (1) Hal Wright Chevrolet Cadillac GMC Buick 202423 Hwy 6&21 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N7 (4) IKEA EV FLEET 2 1475 The Queensway Toronto, ON M8Z 1T3 (1) Winash Limited Partnership - SmartDC 5550 Baldwin Street South Whitby, ON L1M 0M5 ➡ OR (3) WCEH Banks 660 Main Street Banks, OR 97106 (1) WCEH Detroit 220 D St Detroit, OR 97342 (1) WCEH McMinnville 499 NE Davis St McMinnville, OR 97128 (6) ARCO - Market Street NE, Salem 2979 Market St NE Salem, OR 97301 (4) WCEH Woodburn 2900 Tom Tennant Dr Woodburn, OR 97071 ➡ PA (2) 93 AdvancedPower 93 Sharon Road Greenville, PA 16125 (2) BENNETT HYUNDAI SALES 2101 Cumberland St Lebanon, PA 17042 (1) Sylvester Chevrolet Inc 1609 Main St Peckville, PA 18452 (1) Faulkner Cadillac 4447 E STREET RD TREVOSE, PA 19053 ➡ QC (4) BRCC - Boucherville - Parc Pierre-Laporte 510, Chemin du Lac Boucherville, QC J4B 6X6 (4) Canadian Tire - Jonquière 2290 Blvd René Lévesque Jonquière, QC G7S 5Y5 (1) DION CHEV EV CPE250C-625-CCS 2200 Rue Sherbrooke Magog, QC J1X 4Z6 (2) BRCC - Mont-Saint-Michel - Parc du village 95 rue Gravel Mont-Saint-Michel, QC J0W 1P0 (1) RECHARGECO ST-LEONARD 01 7150 Boul Langelier Montréal, QC H1S 2X6 (8) HARDY RINGUETTE #1 1842 3e Avenue Val-d'Or, QC J9P 7A9 ➡ SC (2) Beach Buick GMC 922 Frontage Rd E Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 (2) GPM Southeast, LLC/Scotchman 3894 2454 Mounty Holly Rd Rock Hill, SC 29730 ➡ SD (2) Northwestern 117 Mitchell Boulevard Mitchell, SD 57301 ➡ TN (2) MB COLLIERVILLE MBC EXPP PL 4651 South Houston Levee Road Collierville, TN 38017 (2) Rusty Wallace Ford 134 Sharon Drive Dandridge, TN 37725 (2) SPRFLD ELECTRIC STATION 1 (L) 401 N Main St. Springfield, TN 37172 (2) MLEC STATION 2 (R) W 210 West Main St Waverly, TN 37185 ➡ TX (1) AZTEC EV AZTEC CHEVROLET 772 U.S. 181 Beeville, TX 78102 (1) Rolls Royce Dallas Service 2425 W Northwest Hwy Dallas, TX 75220 (1) Bert Ogden Cadillac Edinburg 4801 S I-69C Edinburg, TX 78539 (4) Enel X - ZIP IN ZIP OUT Truck Stop 1414 Palacios St El Campo, TX 77437 (1) ABM test site 1 for Yoka N Glenbrook Dr Garland, TX 75040 (2) Grubbs Volvo Cars Central Houston 7620 Washington Ave Houston, TX 77007 (2) AM Premier Test Site 11311 N Gessner Dr Houston, TX 77064 (1) GROUP1AUTO CPE250 2 10155 Southwest Fwy Houston, TX 77074 (1) GROUP1AUTO CPE250 ALONE-3 10455 Southwest Fwy Houston, TX 77074 (24) Gigahub - Katy Fwy, Westlake 14401 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77079 (2) WHOUSTON 250 GENESIS 2 16803 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77094 (1) KV MAIN CAMPUS KV RETAIL DC 2 145 Avery Rd Kerrville, TX 78028 (1) HONDAOFCLEARLAK EXPP PUBLIC 1 2205 Gulf Fwy S League City, TX 77573 (2) MESSER HYUNDAI CPE250-PAIR2 4025 West Loop 289 Access Road Lubbock, TX 79407 (2) Gene Messer Chevrolet 1303 S Loop 289 Lubbock, TX 79412 (1) WORLD AUTO CHEVYPECOS 181 South Interstate 20 Frontage Road Pecos, TX 79772 (6) Target San Antonio #T0771 2810 Southwest Military Drive San Antonio, TX 78224 (2) RM FORD WEST MFW L3 SERVICE 7111 Northwest Loop 410 Serving Parking San Antonio, TX 78238 (2) RM FORD WEST MFW L3 AUX BLDG 7121 Northwest Loop 410 Auxilary Bldg San Antonio, TX 78238 (2) RM FORD RMF L3 EVB 8333 West Interstate 10 EV Building San Antonio, TX 78257 (2) RM FORD RMF L3 SHOWRM 8333 West Interstate 10 Showroom San Antonio, TX 78257 (1) Silsbee Ford - public 1211 U.S. 96 Silsbee, TX 77656 ➡ UT (1) DAVIS COUNTY UT DCG EAST 61 South Main Street Farmington, UT 84025 ➡ VA (4) Swift Creek 13501 Hull Street Rd Midlothian, VA 23112 (1) LYNX VENTURES STATION 14 DC 0 E 4th St Richmond, VA 23224 ➡ VT (4) Norwich EV - Bradford Charging Center 22 N Main St Bradford, VT 05033 (8) Manchester Center 4993 Main St Manchester, VT 05255 (2) Grace Cottage Hospital 185 Grafton Road Townsend, VT 05353 ➡ WA (2) Yoke's Fresh Market - Deer Park 810 S Main St Deer Park, WA 99006 (1) KIA OF EVERETT KIA OF EVERETT 229 Southwest Everett Mall Way Everett, WA 98204 (1) WCEH City of Pateros 203 Pateros Mall Pateros, WA 98846 (6) ARCO 7091 - 104th Drive NW, Stanwood 26930 104th Drive NW Stanwood, WA 98292 (4) Sumner Cannery Way 13608 Cannery Wy Sumner, WA 98390 (1) RAG - Honda of Sumner 16302 Auto Lane Sumner, WA 98390 ➡ WI (1) TOB CHARGEPOINT SHOWROOM LOT 20655 W Capitol Dr Brookfield, WI 53045 (2) Cadott River Country Plaza 641 Wisconsin 27 Cadott, WI 54727 (2) City of Eau Claire 122 East Madison Street Eau Claire, WI 54703 (2) 29 Pines 5872 33rd Avenue Eau Claire, WI 54703 (2) Hampton Inn And Suites 2610 Pearson Drive Hudson, WI 54016 (1) HEISER TOYOTA 1 CPE250 11301 W Metro Auto Mall Milwaukee, WI 53224 (2) Prime Bar Family Dining null N7294 Service Road Trego, WI 54888 

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2024.05.10 14:12 Andre3000RPI Yahoo Morning Briefing

Friday, May 10 Good morning! The Dow saw its seventh straight day of gains as the S&P 500 saw the other side of 5,200 for the first time in a month, finishing Thursday up 0.5% at 5,214. Jobless claims rise: Thursday's weekly jobless claims data showed filings spike unexpectedly, adding to the April jobs report's evidence that the labor market is cooling off. With investors hoping this leads to moderating inflation and a 2024 rate hike, investors celebrated, taking the S&P 500 back above 5,200 and turning the one-month chart into a "U" shape. ‌
Sentiment check: The University of Michigan's consumer sentiment numbers mark Friday's lone economic release of note, but the number we're watching closest isn't its key optimism/pessimism metric. Instead, we're focused on where the survey's respondents see inflation in 12 months. Last time out, consumers judged inflation was getting the better of the Fed, as April's reading jumped to 3.2% from March's 2.9%. ‌ Mortgage rates fall: Mortgage rates finally fell for the first time in five weeks. For anyone trying to buy a house, this is cold comfort: The average rate on a 30-year fixed is still well over 7% on average. And for Fannie Mae's revised year-end mortgage forecast of 6.4% to materialize, homebuyers would need to see the Fed cut rates twice. ‌
Broadening rally: Tech may be responsible for the broad shape of the year's stock market rally, but Thursday saw a few lagging sectors take up the mantle. The unloved Real Estate sector got a boost from the falling mortgage rates and the "catch-up" trade our Josh Schafer wrote about yesterday continued to push Utilities higher. Meanwhile, the Technology and Communications Services sectors took their turn lagging the broader index. ‌
"Bumpy" is back: San Francisco Fed president Mary Daly brought back Fed Chair Jay Powell's go-to phrase, noting that "inflation is going to be a bumpy ride." In his last few appearances, Powell had conceded that the mostly unidirectional inflation data this year had shown the Fed's progress stalling. But two labor market reports in a row have shown a contrast to April's streak of hot data. Just in time for next week's all-important April CPI reading. What we're watching Morning Brief is written and edited by Ethan Wolff-Mann. For the web version, click here. Follow all the action throughout the day on Yahoo Finance and on the Yahoo Finance app. Big banks complete climate analysis for Fed while Powell tries to avoid becoming climate policymaker. ‌ 'A whole generation of hardcore Bud Light shoppers' may be lost. ‌ Real estate brokerages seek final approval of landmark settlements with homebuyers. ‌ Disney, Warner Bros. try to 'follow the consumer' with yet another streaming bundle. ‌ The big battle over whether to snatch Russia’s billions. ‌ Reddit is maturing as a company, CEO says.‌ What marijuana reclassification means for the US cannabis industry. What we're reading AD • SPONSORED BY SMART ASSET7 Mistakes People Make When Hiring a Financial AdvisorWorking with a financial advisor can be a crucial part of any healthy retirement plan. But choosing the wrong one could wreak havoc. Avoid these 7 mistakes when hiring one. See the list.
Today's Takeaway is by Julie Hyman, Anchor. ‌ Shares of Roblox plunged yesterday after the gaming platform company gave disappointing bookings guidance. ‌ You’d never know Roblox isn’t doing well in my house. My teenager — and especially my tweenager — bounce around between games like Blox Fruits and Pet Simulator X. My younger son’s birthday presents mostly consisted of a stack of gift cards for Robux (in-game currency), although they might have been evenly split with V-Bucks (for Epic Games-owned Fortnite). ‌ On the other hand, the majority of people reading this are about to google “what is Roblox,” as they do every quarter, before forgetting. (It’s an online gaming platform where users can build and play games.) ‌
Roblox (RBLX) only came public in 2021, and its stock has fallen from a high above $130 a share in November of that year to around $30 now. That’s as its annual sales growth rate has moderated into the mid-twenties percentage range. ‌ It feels like the jury’s still out on whether the Roblox craze ends up being a flash in the pan or a lasting trend. It’s tempting as an investor to buy what you know, as Warren Buffett has famously said. And when it comes to trends that we interact with, see, and judge on a regular basis, we develop opinions. ‌ But what if the trend you know ends up being just a fad? ‌ There are a few high-profile examples as of late. Take Peloton (PTON), that pandemic-era darling that may be going the way of Jazzercise or Tae Bo (Google it, kids). That stock’s collapse makes Roblox’s look like a gentle slide — from a closing high of $162.72 two days before Christmas 2020 to just above $4 now — a slump of 97%.
There’s a good business in there somewhere, as we’ve written in this newsletter, but somewhere the order of magnitude got misunderstood. ‌ Or consider Beyond Meat (BYND), whose shares have fallen by about the same amount since the record it set during the height of grilling season 2019. The plant-based meat maker’s stock tumbled yesterday after it posted its eighth straight quarter of declining year-over-year sales. ‌ Counterbalancing the expensive stationary bike now acting as a clothes hanger, or the glut of faux meat in the grocery freezer, are the initially questionable propositions that ended up becoming integrated into our lives. ‌
The once-ridiculed AirPods. Uber, which faced resistance from taxi drivers and riders alike — not to mention outrage over revelations that it was tracking users after they exited vehicles. Or Airbnb — you want to rent your house out to strangers? ‌ Discerning a fad from a more permanent fixture of our economy looks like a zero-sum game. And with 20/20 hindsight, you can see why stuff worked. Apple forced the adoption by giving its users an ultimatum: Cut the cord or get an Android. Uber used a VC war chest to subsidize its way into adoption, aided by a good idea users liked and actually found useful. Airbnb ended up spurring a new kind of real estate investing for the supply side and a smoother experience than renting a house or apartment for the demand side. ‌ And sure, Peloton can bump along with its core user base. I still buy Beyond Meat burgers on occasion. The companies remain going concerns. But for investors, either the trend hits sustainably or it might as well not hit at all. ‌ So check back with me in a few years to see if Robux is still on the gift list — or if the next generation of kids has sustainably replaced mine playing Adopt Me or one of the other tens of millions of games on the Roblox platform. Why trends are so intoxicating for investors — and dangerous
Weekly unemployment claims hit their highest level in nine months last week, surprising Wall Street and adding to signs that a red-hot labor market to start 2024 may be cooling. ‌ Initial weekly jobless claims hit 233,000 in the week ending May 4, the highest level since August 2023 and well above the 212,000 economists had expected, per Bloomberg data. ‌ But given claims have been low for much of the year, including in recent weeks, economists were hesitant to overreact to one week of data in a historically volatile series of economic data. Chart of the day
"We do not think that this is necessarily a sign of rapidly deteriorating conditions in the labor market," Jefferies US economist Tom Simons, who had been projecting a labor market slowdown at some point this year, wrote in a research note following the report. ‌ He added, "The prints of the previous two weeks were the lowest for initial claims since mid-February, and claims remain locked in an improbably tight range for the last few weeks in the interim. They were bound to break at some point." ‌ Oxford Economics lead US economist Nancy Vanden Houten said that given the surprise uptick, it will be important to follow the data series in the weeks ahead. ‌
"If the higher level of claims persists or if claims rise further, it would be a sign of a further loosening in labor market conditions," Vanden Houten wrote in a note following the release. "However, one week of data doesn't change our call for the Fed to keep interest rates at current levels until September." ‌ — Josh Schafer, Markets Reporter
submitted by Andre3000RPI to DeercreekvolsBlog [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:15 clavicon Newby Attempt at Comparing 6XX and Sundara. Sundara might not be the best fit for me?

TL;DR: Prefer 6XX build, comfort, warmth characteristics, has obvious low-end deficiency for my desires even with EQ. Sundara gets closer on the low end I want especially with EQ, has some very nice separation of elements, but may be too bright for me and I dislike the feel/build. I won't return the 6XX but may return Sundara, if I can find a different headphone that achieves more of the elements I desire. Willing to spend more money. Not sure how much yet.
Alright so some initial thoughts on the 6XX vs Sundara. I bought the 6XX used on Ebay for $160 (no cosmetic/audible problems), Sundaras are new from Amazon for $300. Schiit Magni Unity DAC/AMP.
First of all some background on my playback situation:
  • I think I've got Peace + EAPO down a bit better. I finally realized I can EQ the USB out to my Magni Unity. I thought the USB-out would prevent any modification of the outgoing stream for some reason, so that only the DAC could affect the sound. But I was totally wrong. So instead of analog out from PC to AMP RCA IN (bypassing DAC), with USB source my output is clean even at max level 3 gain. I usually stay on gain level 2, knob max, with volume in Windows somewhere between 50% to 80%. Set the Schiit output to 24bit 192khz.
  • I'm doing a trial period of Tidal so I've got highest quality sources I can on my test samples.
  • For specific EQ settings, I'm using the recommended oratory harman curve EQ for both the 6XX and Sundara.
  • I can appreciate that there is a noticeable elevation to the 6XX's low end with this EQ, but I think it doesn't come near the depth I want. Any further EQ it seems to create a negative effect in even moderately complex layering and makes it muddy. So I recognize the 6XX just has that limit.
  • I would not have described myself as a bass head but... maybe I am? Even the Sundara + EQ, which has an obviously superior low-end compared to the 6XX may not be enough for my taste. Sundara is definitely able to sustain the sub-bass and mid-bass within layering well. But I'm greedy I want more :) I have a dual SVS-2000 subwoofer setup in my office room I'm in here with KEF Q150 for my L/R. The KEFs aren't expensive by any means, but they are really cool for spatial/soundstage effects. I've got the subwoofers placed and balanced for my room and my specific listening position with a miniDSP 2x4HD parametric EQ for each sub that I tuned using Multi Sub Optimizer with measurements from a UMIK-1 microphone. Anyway, I'm saying that to illustrate that I guess I really do care about bass to whatever degree that is.
  • In certain tracks I've sampled, I think I can appreciate the more comfortable warmth of voices on the 6XX, but the Sundara seems to be able to shine in separation of voices and instruments, especially with bright instruments (I hope I'm using that term right). However, the Sundara may go too far in the upper end somewhere to my ear. Maybe a little more sibilance? It doesn't seem to be due to the EQ. I try to flip it off and on in different test situations to see how much I can tell the difference.
  • I think I originally had an un-realistic expectation of what "soundstage" (or do I mean "imaging"?) is really achievable with headphones. I thought maybe it was up to the headphone design to be able to really project like it was coming from 'in front' of me but I think I may have to adjust my expectations a bit. The Sundaras present the sound better in the front of my face and into the middle of my head, where the 6XX would stay more between my ears and the back of my head. Sundaras also maybe can sometimes reach further out left/right from my ear a little bit. But nothing like I was hoping where its similar to spatial effects of a good stereo setup.
  • Physically/build-wise/comfort: I definitely prefer the 6XX. Visually I like the ovally-ish design and don't mind plastic at all. The head adjustment feels better to me. It's lighter. The ear cups my ears better on the 6XX. Even though my whole ear fits in the Sundara, I just don't feel like it's 'fitting' my ears, it's just on the side of my head kinda. It's not uncomfortable exactly, but it also doesn't feel quite right. I also dislike the build style and 'feel' with the thin angular metal. Anyway, that's probably enough about that.
  • Overall, I currently expect I'll be sending back the Sundaras, but maybe not until I order something else that may fill in some of the deficiencies that I feel about it so I have time to compare and see. I'm kinda open to the idea of spending a bit more money, but I'm going to have to reach out to the reddit gurus and see if they can interpret the sound signature I'm going for. I don't have a great vocabulary yet.
submitted by clavicon to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 02:06 megustanlosidiomas Does anyone have the syllabus for either Elementary Spanish I or II?

I couldn't find any pdf's online. I could only find this, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for. If anyone has the syllabus for either I or II would it at all be possible to send it to me?
I'm going to be tutoring someone who wants to take the placement exam, and I wanted to know what topics are taught in elementary Spanish (i.e. what topics they would need to know to be ready for intermediate Spanish; what tenses you learn, grammatical concepts, vocabulary, etc.).
submitted by megustanlosidiomas to rutgers [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 22:39 Heide____Knight The true meaning of boss runbacks no one is talking about

Boss runbacks belong to one of the most unpopular game elements in Souls and Soulslike games. And in fact, if one compares the original Souls games with the newer ones one can see that runbacks are used less and less frequently in the younger Souls games. And they have been removed even almost completely in the most recent Soulslike Elden Ring but were replaced by respawning points (most often) directly in front of the fog wall to the boss instead (Stakes of Marika). So if you die to a boss you can immediately try again. Fair game, is it not? Well, in my opinion boss runbacks have a particular function in a Souls game and their overall bad reputation is mostly unjustified.
To explain this, let us take a look what actually happens when one is fighting a new boss. Irrespectively of whether the boss is easy or difficult, if it is an early game boss or a late game boss, one needs to 'learn' what the boss is capable to do. One needs to learn the attacks, his movesets, timings, positionings, etc. And this summarises best what playing a Souls game is in general: it is a game about learning 'and' more precisely adaptive learning (I get to this latter point shortly). Playing a Souls game and mastering the bosses is 'not' about to 'git gud'! This is a meme that has been spread without seeing the actual difference between a Soulslike game and an action game or any type of competitive E-Sports games where one really needs to develop some skills to become better. But in Souls games, in PVE mode, all you need to do to beat the game is: learning.
In order to explain the role of boss runbacks and how they interfere in this process of learning, let us switch to an analoguous process to learning a boss for a second. Namely, assume that you need to learn a stack of vocabulary (easy boss: few and simple words, hard boss: many and more difficult words). In most cases you need to browse through the different words at least once in order to memorise all of them. But if there are many words there will be always a few ones which one doesn't quite memorise very well. And what I usually did in order to learn them better (and I think this is a common technique that you might have applied as well) is to write down the difficult words separately, so I could repeat them 'more frequently'. That is, you can learn difficult vocabulary better if you go through them in shorter time intervals.
Now assume that you can't do this and that there will be even a time delay in between each time you can go through the vocabulary. This time delay is the boss run (switching back to the actual problem) and it prevents you from learning a boss effectively. So a boss runback makes it harder to memorise boss patterns than if you could see them in a shorter time interval (by the aid of Stakes of Marika, e.g.). And this can be particularly problematic if one of the bosse's moves is a very difficult and hard punishing one, such as Malenia's Waterfowl Dance attack. Because if the attack kills one instantly, one is unable to learn to dodge such a move effectively. Especially if an attack needs to be responded by a very specific series of actions, like in the Waterfowl Dance case.
Besides boss runs there are also other elements in a boss fight which can have the same effect of getting in the way of effective learning of all the moves. One of them being bosses who have two or more phases. Normally the first phase is an easy one and the second one is more difficult. Yet, in order to learn the second phase one always has to go through phase one again, so if phase two has difficult moves one will have a hard time learning them. This is essentially the same distraction from the learning process that a boss run has, just multiple phase bosses are more popular, I guess.
Yet, what can a player do in order to learn bosses better (getting back to the adaptive learning approach mentioned above)? The most important thing to do is to level up vigor to a level where one can not be killed instantly anymore even by the most punishing attacks. Then one has a realistic chance to see all the bosse's moves more often during one attempt. Also, the number of Estus flasks or other healing items should be the higher the more difficult a boss is (which is the normal case in the progression of a Souls game). The opposite to this approach is trying to beat a Souls game with a non leveled character, btw. Which is why doing SL1 runs as a first playthrough is never a good idea and I recommend everyone who wants to learn all boss moves by doing this with wielding a weak (maybe unupgraded) weapon, but using a leveled character instead.
There are very few cases where it is possible to regulate the boss movesets in Souls games. As an example, I had a hard time beating the Fume Knight in my first SL1 run in DS2. While the boss run is fine, he (normally) has two phases and it was always one of the moves in the second phase (with the fire buffed sword) that instakilled me. However, there is one way to actually skip phase one completely and directly start the fight in phase two. Namely, buy Velstadt's helm from Maughlin's shop (accessible after having defeated Velstadt in the Undead Crypt) and wear the helmet during the boss fight. This lore based feature was crucial for my victory over the Fume Knight on SL1, because now I could 'learn' the phase two moves much better than before.
There are also external tools to make adjustments in boss fights in the Souls games (only available to PC players, however). Namely there are trainer programs which can make one invincible so that even when getting hit all the time one can fight a boss technically an infinitely long time, the ideal setting for being able to learn all moves. And, as far as I have seen, it is even possible to adjust the frequency of certain attacks with such programs. For example, it is possible to let Malenia do her Waterfowl Dance attack over and over again. Even the best Souls streamers GinoMachino or Distortion2 are using or have been using those programs. And this, I think, had an enormous impact on them being able to do difficult challenge runs in the no-hit or speedrun category.
In summary, boss runbacks are one way of the game to hinder the player to learn a boss effectively. They are thus technically not different from other such barriers, like bosses with multiple phases or bosses which have hard punishing (instakill) attacks that make it harder to experiment with the correct responses to the most difficult attacks due to the longer time intervals between each such attacks. A player who gets annoyed by boss runbacks needs to adapt his approach of learning the boss. Adaptive learning, this is the core skill that needs to be developed for beating a Souls game in a nutshell.

submitted by Heide____Knight to fromsoftware [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:46 wealthyGorgeousYoung The Rights & Wrongs of Apartheid (Setting Apart), Segregation, Quarantines & Solutions

The Rationale for Quarantine is containment for health & healing
When a patient is suffering from a contagious disease they are quarantined from the general population or set apart (literally what apartheid means).
This age-old practice in medicine is rational, scientific, practical, ethical, implementable & works. While the contagious patient is under quarantine (or set apart from other unwell folk as well as the generally healthy) it is expected that the infected will not reproduce thereby passing the contagion to the new born. The patient may or may not agree, comply or cooperate with the quarantine - & despite this it is highly moral (& aligned with all ethical principles) that patients may be quarantined & treated (humanely, with dignity & without doing harm as per the Hippocratic oath) with or without their consent (for the well being of the patient & the general population) with the goal that one day the patients will be restored entirely to health.
This much most rational, reasonable, educated people will agree with. What one too many people may be unused to is : what if there is quarantine set up between SEEMINGLY & then sometimes ENTIRELY healthy peoples?
First we will deal with apartheid (segregation or setting apart) between ENTIRELY healthy peoples:
  1. we may set apart honor students & students with advanced course works from students who are not or students who are in need of special attention (or special education). It is agreeable & moral as long as every good faith effort (& extra expense at a greater cost to society) is made to help students who are in need of special education with the hope that one day all will be equally gifted & blessed.
  2. we set apart management or people with higher education, degrees or resources from people who are not as specialized, educated or resourceful. This is agreeable & moral as long as every good faith effort is made to help those who are behind to catch up, improve, get ahead, get trained, get educated etc. with the goal that one day all will be equally educated, degreed, resourceful & have excellent backgrounds.
  3. we may segregate school children activities (playing, singing) from untrained strangers & adults (smoking, drinking) with the hope that one day the adults will no longer have to smoke nor have to imbibe but will be as innocent, sweet, loving & ethereal as children.
  4. we may even segregate women's activities (education, socialization etc.) from men's activities & social events with the hope that one day men will be gentrified, beautified & worthy of the love of the fairer sex.
  5. there is a setting apart (segregation) of military vs civilian personnel. A military service member may be allowed in zones that civilians may be excluded from. This is because the serviceperson has the training & the value systems & the trust of fellow personnel that allows them access to military sights & secrets that civilians are not allowed access to. The armed forces are civilization's attempt at regularized conflict & the hope is that one day none will have to be trained so & this form of apartheid will hopefully end (as predicted in the texts where the instruments of war are become instruments of peace with civilian purposes).
  6. there is religious wisdom, knowledge & there are zones accessible to the trained, conditioned & trusted : for e.g. certain areas are only accessible to high clergy in various religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) with the hope that the clergy will help bring about a Kingdom of Heaven so there is no need for ritual, religious acts & all enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven as in the days of Eden & the upcoming reign of the Messiah (Masih akbar sahih) or Christ. The ancient Roman Patricians kept areas of their temples & their holy books (the Sibylline Prophecies) out of reach of the traumatized, unfortunate, poor Plebeians because the ability to deal with this knowledge, these instruments & wisdom is more conducive to an able, whole, healthy, loving, innocent, equality-loving, just & psychologically whole person. The Jews have areas of their temples accessible to the Levites, while the Muslims have an entire geography (Haramain Sharifain) cordoned off to people who have surrendered & submitted to a set of values. The Christians have books, areas of study & conferences restricted to those learned in the vocabulary & equipped with the training & where with all (resources, finances) to access that which has been deliberately hidden behind Greek & Roman symbols & terminology.
There are many such examples of setting apart based on skill-sets, education, financial resources (those who come into a corporation with investments & resources are oft set apart from those who have to be paid & trained) with the proviso that one day there will be equality.
The gentle & patient reader might begin to see that apartheid or setting apart remains moral as long as a good faith, all-out effort is made to ensure that the quarantined or unwell populations are healed. There are exceptional cases where society is so broken & medicine is not advanced enough that cures are unknown which is a scenario that is too unhappy to consider. This unhappy scenario is not in accord with the religion of Ibrahim SW (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) which espouses that every disease no matter how unusual has a cure.
Now we may deal with the concerns of including SEEMINGLY healthy peoples:
There are instances through history where people may object to quarantine between seemingly healthy peoples. For e.g. people opposed the segregation of seemingly healthy whites & non-whites in various parts of the world (be it the US, S. Africa, Middle East, Asia, British colonies etc.). This opposition arose most likely because in some cases there were quarantines & segregation or apartheid in place but there were entirely too few (or half-hearted) attempts at healing of the quarantined non-whites to health, equality (i.e. whiteness). When it comes to setting the oppressed apart from the privileged it may happen once too often that out of sight is out of mind, when we need to pay MOST mind to healing, compensation & restoration of those who have been oppressed into non-whiteness (in most cases generational non-whiteness).
Briefly non-white races (& the various races) were created via oppression by the idolaters after the age of Peleg (200 years after the flood). The idea was to subject people to harm by marking them darker or non-white & using them as receptacles of vices (anger, lust, violence) so as to break them, humiliate them, torment them. It is assumed that the reader understands that non-white people though they may think that they are just as good as (&even better than) whites (& they may be in some areas) are actually unwell due to generational oppression. It is assumed that the reader is erudite enough to know that non-white people have been historically oppressed & race-harmed from whiteness to non-whiteness & are as a result become unwell & carriers of a variety of vices & conditions, if the reader is unware of this then they are referred to the writings on racial justice & on ending upstream/downstream inequalities, however brief summaries will be reiterated in the appendix upon request.
We include the oppressed because it helps raise them higher without resulting in any decline of the larger society (including the oppressor). If including the oppressed results in harm (in any way) of any member of society (be it the oppressor) then inclusion may not be desirable. Now some readers may be too eager to ask for harm for the oppressors but this is a gentle reminder that harming the criminal element for their crimes is contrary to positive or restorative justice & results in long-term harm to everyone (for a explanation of how or why, the reader is referred to the work on restorative or positive justice, for in-depth explanations are beyond the scope of this piece, however brief summaries may be included in the appendix upon request).
However, opposition to segregation or apartheid or quarantine & healing of the race-harmed may stem from a variety of other reasons & may result in undesirable outcomes.
What good may opposition to quarantine & healing of the vulnerable (& even contagiously) unwell from the healthy do? why may someone oppose quarantine & healing of the unwell ? who are we enabling & empowering by viewing the vulnerable, oppressed, non-white ethnic folk as equal to the healthier, privileged (even at times including the oppressive) white folk ? why would certain white people wish to remain themselves white and prefer it if other non-whites remain non-white?
  1. By opposing quarantine AND healing for the non-white oppressed & treating the wronged as though they are the same as the oppressor the race-harmers are excusing the wrongs done to the oppressed. Furthermore opponents of healing & quarantine are enabling the race-harmer who may continue to make others ill (an act which may help the criminal but is to the detriment of humankind in the long run).
  2. If a race-harmer pretends that the oppressed non-white folk are equal to privileged white folk they are effectively ignoring the enormity of the wrongs done to nonwhites & as a result the race-harmer may continue to avoid consequences (or rather treatment) for their wrongs against society
  3. the race-harmer may resent the healing of their victims or treatment & restoration of their victims to health.
  4. the race-harmer & their allies (& unwitting proxies) may truly be misguided & view the contagiously unwell as healthy.
Let me remind the gentle reader that all manner of criminals (even & particularly race harmers & their unwitting proxies or allies) deserve compassion, understanding & forgiveness & positive justice ( so they are healed, restored & compensated along with their victims). If this is not obvious then the reader is referred to the writings on restorative (positive) justice.
How can someone convince the various parties that a patient is healthy & impart the illusion of seeming health?
They may create the illusion of seeming health & undermine society by:
  1. convincing the race-harmed that they are healthy. The deluded contagious oppressed non-whites may then go around spreading contagion ( when people avoid or exclude the contagious one too many unwell are likely to start crying discrimination & racism, while taking umbrage ).
  2. force the larger healthier population to include the unwell (pretending to or under the illusion that they are healthy or "equal") spreading contagion & dragging the entire society's health down (accusing the health-conscious avoiding spread of disease as "exclusive" & "elitist" & even "racist").
Why did S. African & US Apartheid have issues?
A High Gradient or high Disparity between Races
A major reason why the work of racial justice was paused in the US is due to the huge gradient & contrast between white & black races. To recap for the beginner: On the continuum of race-harm if Xanthocroid races (white, blonde, blue eyed) are the healthiest & least race-harmed, while the Australoid races are most harmed. Following is a rough list sorted by most healthy to most harmed:
  1. xanthocoid (light white) (found in the hyperboreal region or extreme north)
  2. melanochroid (dark white) (found in the Mediterranean region)
  3. mongoloid (Asiatic)
  4. australoid (mostly in Africa)
If two races that are on the opposite ends of health & harm are brought together the likelihood of healing & organized restoration are reduced. How is that? Imagine someone is a beginning student in college who is given the task of mastering advanced ideas. In order to get the student to advanced subjects the student is slowly & gradually exposed to increasingly complex & advanced concepts. If a beginning mathematics students is thrown into an advanced graduate level class they are going to be overwhelmed, stressed & come up with short cuts to learn the subject hastily (in order to catch up). If you want to climb a ladder it is easiest & fastest if the rungs are closer together than if the rungs are far apart.
Similarly with the task of restoring the harmed & racial justice. If a light white race is exposed to the darkest of African races they are likely to be overwhelmed, stressed & come up with short cuts to catch up. Racial -justice & healing of the oppressed races must be evident & the progress should be clear, a path ought to be sketched out in the open & progression made. The task should be incremental & not stark (nor overwhelming).
It must be noted that there are advantages to having such a high contrast or high disparity in racial health but those advantages are not long term & perhaps immoral.
A Lack of Prohibition on Reproduction of non-whites
Even when segregation & quarantine was implemented the non-whites were not prevented from reproduction (even though miscegenation was at times prohibited). Even today many misconception exist. For e.g. some women (ethnic ones in particular) obtain health benefits from becoming pregnant even when they realize that their off spring have health issues & are not considered desirable. The solution is to end in-utero births & encourage in-vitro conception, gestation & births while providing women with health care that equals or exceeds the healing they receive from becoming pregnant. Population management is important to bringing about racial equality or any kind of equality.
Viewing Non-whites as a "Resource" (or exploitable human resource)
As a way of incentivizing the act of racial justice the xanthocroid races of US & S. Africa were increasingly convinced into viewing the oppressed stigmatized as an exploitable human resource. Even when slavery was ended the ethnic races are often cast as useful workers in athletics, rap-music or some other endeavor. The main goal ought to be to heal & restore the ethnic non-whites not to use them as a "resource" in one industry or the other.
A Myriad of Excuses
There are a variety of reasons cited :
  1. not very practical : a reason cited is that it is easy to undermine segregation. This happens due to lack of enforcement, poor border security & enforcement. In the US when the first instances of breaches happened the response ought to have been (a) addressing the grievances of non-whites who have lived for decades without seeing improvement in their race (a1) altering the structure of society so individuals value the larger society over themselves & their families & gather around their benefactors irrespective of family or race (b) enforcing with measures those who undermine order & public health & safety. This has still not happened with illegal infiltration a little too rampant & breaches in the border a little too chronic.
  2. costs : the xanthocroid folk though they are the healthiest have historically yearned for economic & financial equality with the melanochroid of the Mediterranean (Rome). Despite making unprecedented economic gains they continue to sacrifice their environment, their race & morality for the sake of short-term economic gain. In fact it is so endemic that profit is used as an excuse for or against one too many endeavors (& was broached by a Scottish gentleman Adam Smith who himself wanted parity with the English gentry & was mistreated at their hands while at Oxford). It is anticipated that this inclination will likely taper. The best wishes & success is wished for them & theirs because they are likely going to be instrumental in bringing about justice.
Where Indian Apartheid/ Segregation went awry.
The caste-system or apartheid in the idolatrous parts has transformed into abuse, humiliation & unkindness towards the oppressed. This aggravates racial injustice & ensures that apartheid will continue in some form or another even if there is public outcry against the caste-system & attempts are made to ban it overtly. The same applies to attempts at quarantine & healing made anywhere in the world. The Indians are now trying to convince one another that caste systems were meant to be fluid & people ought to be able to move between the castes easily. This works only with the goal that eventually the oppressed lower castes will one day come to an end through this movement.
The reasoning for Islamic gender-based Segregation
Hazrath Umar RA broached the idea of gender-based segregation & veiling due to the influx of Muslim converts from the most oppressed parts of the world (Africa or Habsh). This was meant to protect the white women folk of Arabia (who were in those days whiter than they are today). The solution ofcourse is to help make everyone white but Islam as a religion does not have the science to implement climate change (yet) or does not want to (or is not allowed to) implement climate justice. The Islamic lands primarily occupy what the idolaters termed "hades" (or heck): barren hot deserts or hot & humid tropical lands (which are worse for disease transmission since heat increases bacterial activity & growth & the humidity facilitates ease of aerial transmission of bacteria through the presence of water droplets in the air). An important solution to racial inequity is changing the climate to become cold & snowy (cold heals & discourages bacterial growth, then kills bacteria once temperatures fall below the freezing point; heat does the opposite it encourages bacterial growth, mutation & adaptation till boiling point- in the process of sterilization heat may scar, burn & permanently mark, at the same time regions in the shade are not likely to reach boiling point whereas cold penetrates the coldest nooks & sterilizes without scarring but by preserving).
A Solution For Bringing About Racial Justice
RECAP: Two hundred years after the flood during the age of Peleg the one land mass (Pangea) on earth was separated into the various continents by the idolaters & three climate zones were created by them.
The first zone was called the "middle earth" with temperate climes & benign lifeforms (mediterranea or literally middle earth), the next zone was a cold zone called "hyperborea" (or extreme north) which served as purgatory (the cold sterilized or diminished the bacteria & virii & other diseases of body that also create psychological conditions & vices). The third zone was known as "hades" (the ancient name for heck or h_ll, heat on the other hand increases bacterial & viral growth & activity (worsening the condition)). This was where the earth was extremely hot & is the region around the equator , the tropics. Unlike the Mediterranean Hades (hot) & Purgatory (cold) have various functions. (the various advantages & disadvantages of hot vs cold to heal are discussed in the origins of upstream/downstream locales& are beyond the scope of this text but will be elaborated upon if requested).
The idolaters placed "middle earth" or mediterranea in the center while they placed "purgatory" (or hyperborea separate from hades (or heck) in the northern hemisphere, reversing these zones in the southern hemisphere. This is likely because they wished to control who they wanted to be healed & who they wanted to condemn. The solution to racial-inequity ought to be obvious.
We have to end the climate prevailing in hades or (heck) & heal people through the climate prevailing in purgatory or hyperborea (or "extreme north"). Once racial equality is reached hyperborea (or extreme cold) ought to be tempered & the one - temperate climate that prevailed in the pre-palegiastic era ought to return.
  1. Setting folk apart (apartheid / quarantine) & healing in medical context.
  2. Apartheid or setting apart & healing people who are healthy
  3. Apartheid or setting apart & healing peoples who are "seemingly" healthy
    1. how would someone discourage quarantine & healing of the unwell &
    2. why would the race-harmer go about discouraging quarantine & healing of the unwell
  4. why did the attempts at quarantine not continue in the US & S. Africa.
  5. current attempts at reforming the apartheid systems in India
  6. Islamic gender-based segregation & solutions
  7. Solution for bringing about racial justice : end race-harm (hades) & bring about purgatorial cold, restore to the one climate earth that prevailed with Pangea.
submitted by wealthyGorgeousYoung to PAK [link] [comments]