Can you pass a background check with a dui

Pussy Pass Denied

2014.08.15 18:38 Mustaka Pussy Pass Denied

Welcome to /pussypassdenied, where women are not allowed to use their gender as a handicap or an excuse to act like assholes. Yay equality!

2012.01.22 20:20 FFVII

Welcome to the Final Fantasy VII subreddit! Are you together? A single pass is 3000 gil, or you can purchase a lifetime pass for 30000 gil.

2012.10.10 13:01 BionicBeans 196: Apartment of awesome

If you visit this subreddit, you must post before you leave.

2024.05.14 20:33 SAV_NC Manage Your Squid Proxy Server Efficiently with This Python Script

🦑 Squid Proxy Manager Script

Hello fellow Python enthusiasts!
I've created a Python script that makes managing your Squid Proxy Server a breeze. If you're looking for an efficient and straightforward way to interact with your Squid server remotely, this script is for you. 🎉

What My Project Does

The Squid Proxy Manager script allows you to manage your Squid Proxy Server remotely using a simple command-line interface. Here are some of the key features:
  • Check Squid Service Status: Quickly check if your Squid service is running or not.
  • Start/Stop/Restart Service: Easily control the Squid service remotely.
  • View Logs: Access the latest entries in your Squid access logs.
  • View Configuration: Display the current Squid configuration file.
  • Update Configuration: Replace the existing Squid configuration with a new one.
  • Reload Service: Reload the Squid service to apply changes without restarting.

Target Audience

This script is designed for anyone who manages a Squid Proxy Server and prefers a command-line tool for remote management. If you are comfortable using Python and SSH, this tool will streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity.


Here are some aspects that make this Squid Proxy Manager script stand out:
  • Remote Management: Manage your Squid server without needing physical access, thanks to SSH connectivity.
  • Ease of Use: The script provides a simple and intuitive command-line interface, making it easy to perform various tasks.
  • Comprehensive Features: From checking service status to updating configurations and viewing logs, this script covers all essential Squid management tasks.
  • Error Handling and Logging: Detailed logging and error handling ensure you know exactly what's happening and can troubleshoot issues effectively.

🚀 Usage

  1. Installation:
    • Ensure you have the required libraries installed: bash pip install paramiko termcolor
  2. Running the Script:
    • Use the script with appropriate arguments to manage your Squid Proxy Server. Here's an example command to check the Squid service status: bash ./ 31500 username password --check-status
  3. Updating Configuration:
    • Create a new configuration file (e.g., new_squid.conf) with your desired settings.
    • Run the script to update the Squid configuration: bash ./ 31500 username password --update-config new_squid.conf

đź’» Script Example

Here's a snippet of the script to give you an idea of its simplicity and functionality:

!/usbin/env python3

import paramiko import argparse import logging import sys import os from termcolor import colored
class SquidProxyManager: def init(self, hostname, port, username, password): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.client = paramiko.SSHClient() self.client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
def connect(self): try:"Attempting to connect to {}:{}".format(self.hostname, self.port), 'cyan')) self.client.connect(self.hostname, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password)"Connected to {self.hostname} on port {self.port}", 'green')) except Exception as e: logging.error(colored(f"Failed to connect: {e}", 'red')) sys.exit(1) def disconnect(self): self.client.close()"Disconnected from the server", 'green')) def execute_command(self, command):"Executing command: {}".format(command), 'cyan')) try: stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command(command) out = err = if err: logging.error(colored(f"Error executing command '{command}': {err}", 'red')) else:"Successfully executed command '{command}'", 'green')) return out, err except Exception as e: logging.error(colored(f"Exception during command execution '{command}': {e}", 'red')) return "", str(e) # More functions here... 
def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Squid Proxy Manager") parser.add_argument('hostname', help="IP address of the Squid proxy server") parser.add_argument('port', type=int, help="Port number for SSH connection") parser.add_argument('username', help="SSH username") parser.add_argument('password', help="SSH password") parser.add_argument('--check-status', action='store_true', help="Check Squid service status") parser.add.add_argument('--start', action='store_true', help="Start Squid service") parser.add.add_argument('--stop', action='store_true', help="Stop Squid service") parser.add.add_argument('--restart', action='store_true', help="Restart Squid service") parser.add.add_argument('--view-logs', action='store_true', help="View Squid logs") parser.add.add_argument('--view-config', action='store_true', help="View Squid configuration") parser.add.add_argument('--update-config', help="Update Squid configuration with provided data") parser.add.add_argument('--reload', action='store_true', help="Reload Squid service") return parser.parse_args()
def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') args = parse_args()"Initializing Squid Proxy Manager script", 'cyan'))
manager = SquidProxyManager(args.hostname, args.port, args.username, args.password) manager.connect() try: if args.check_status: manager.check_squid_status() if args.start: manager.start_squid() if args.stop: manager.stop_squid() if args.restart: manager.restart_squid() if args.view_logs: manager.view_squid_logs() if args.view_config: manager.view_squid_config() if args.update_config: if not args.update_config.endswith('.conf'): logging.error(colored("The provided file must have a .conf extension", 'red')) elif not os.path.isfile(args.update_config): logging.error(colored(f"Configuration file {args.update_config} not found", 'red')) else: try: with open(args.update_config, 'r') as config_file: config_data = manager.update_squid_config(config_data) except Exception as e: logging.error(colored(f"Error reading configuration file {args.update_config}: {e}", 'red')) if args.reload: manager.reload_squid() finally: manager.disconnect()"Squid Proxy Manager operations completed", 'green')) 
if name == "main": main() ```

🌟 Benefits

  • Remote Management: No need to be physically present to manage your Squid server.
  • Ease of Use: Simple command-line interface for quick operations.
  • Versatility: Supports various Squid management tasks, from checking status to updating configurations and viewing logs.

📢 Get Involved!

If you find this script useful, feel free to give it a try and share your feedback. Contributions and suggestions are always welcome! Comments however, that are unhelpful and serve no purpose to better the script or the author in their python scripting abilities are not welcome! Keep the nasty to yourself.

Access the script

You can find the script here on GitHub.
Happy coding! 🚀
submitted by SAV_NC to Python [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:32 Oginme [LFP] [5thEd] [Paid] [Online] Tales of Tal’Dorei (a world of Critical Role campaign) [$25/session] [Campaign] [Weekly Friday sessions at 8 PM EST]

There is trouble in the town of Byroden! Goblin attacks, people missing, and bandits harrowing the roads from Kymal. Something seems to be stirring as nightly fights between two mysterious factions are breaking out in many of the larger cities across the northern part of the continent in a struggle for control of the underbelly of society. Meanwhile, war is brewing between the Hobgoblin Iron Authority and the forces of Emon.
Can you help stop the goblin attacks on this small village?
What is behind some of the nightly struggles between gangs of thieves?
Who is behind the sudden increase in bandit attacks along the roadways?
Why are strange cultists making their way north towards Kymal and beyond?
In this campaign you will:
Confront sorcerers and necromancers to discover their plans.
Chase bandits to save people and end their raiding the trade routes.
Uncover the factions who fight for control of the thieves, cutthroats, and assassins.
Engage with town, village, and city leaders to help put an end to the strife which terrorizes the citizens.
Unmask the cultists who aim to bring about a new calamity upon the lands.
Travel beyond the prime material to end a ritual which could bring about a new cataclysm.
This is a level 2 to 20 campaign set in Critical Role's Setting of Exandria. The base adventure will take you around most of Tal'Dorei and into Issylra. Character backstories will be used to expand the plots currently threatening the lands. Travel to Wildemount or Marquet is also a clear possibility, depending upon player backgrounds, goals, and objectives.
Knowledge of Critical Role or the setting is not needed to participate and enjoy this campaign.
Beginners welcome!
The game play is on Roll20 VTT. Voice, text, and discussion over dedicated Discord server
Session 0 Scheduled for Friday May 17th at 8 PM EST.
The price is $25 for a 3-hour session payable through
Game Listing and Sign-up link on Startplaying:
My bio and reviews can be seen at
LFP listing on Roll20 is:
submitted by Oginme to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:32 PsychologicalSteak67 Do shelf exams matter?

Hi everyone, hate to be “that” med student to ask this question. As you all probably know, step 1 is p/f so it’s hard to know what metrics actually matter. Without doxing myself, I’ve been told by home program/M4s/attendings from other big name programs that my application is generally strong and that I’m a Mid-tier applicant with decent connections and strong letter writers. However, I just can’t seem to figure out how to score high on my shelf exams - mostly in the 70s on average. This led to two Hs during third year - (family med and ortho), with an expected H in psych. Unfortunate I received a Pass in medicine and surgery.
Not sure if I already screwed myself given my mediocre performance on clerkships and would love to hear everyone’s opinion.
Note: my clinical grades have been always been high pass or honors, with fantastic comments (especially in surgery). It’s literally just my shelf grades.
submitted by PsychologicalSteak67 to orthopaedics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 randomguywausername Need a little help between jobs

On March 2024 I lost my job unexpectedly.I did get hired at a new place,the Background check has taken longer than expected. And I've now had no income for 2 months
I'm asking for a little help in catching up with bills,making sure I can pay for my wedding at the end of june
For some reason, every time I try to post a link, it gets auto deleted.
So instead, I'll just put my cash app and venmo
Cashapp- jrobles85 Venmo- julior1229
Thank you for looking
submitted by randomguywausername to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 TheMilkiestJoe Other tenants acquired master keys and robbed us; Landlord won’t reimburse or let us move out early.

The apartment I share with a friend was robbed last week while we were out-of-town. When we returned, the door was unlocked and a bike, a laptop, and some clothes had been stolen. Maintenance was also scheduled to be in our unit that week, so we figure it is possible that the maintenance person either left the door unlocked or was involved in some way.
We reported this to the property manager who brought it to the owners. The property manager then came back to us and asked if we had any cameras installed in the apartment that she could check the footage to see if she recognized the robber (we don’t have cameras).
The property manager ended up telling us that she had personally been the one to lock our apartment up after maintenance entered, and that her suspicion is that multiple tenants have gotten ahold of master keys to the building. She made it sound like management has been suspicious of this for awhile.
If this is true, it is obviously much worse since other tenants could enter our apartment at any time. If management was aware of this before, it also means that they were hiding it from their tenants.
We are receiving pretty poor communication from the manageowners and are guessing that they will not want to reimburse us. We asked the property manager if we could simply move out and call it even, since we do not feel safe living there anymore. We are on a month-to-month lease, but the owners claim that they require a two-month notice before move-out, meaning we would still have to pay an additional two months rent even if we left now.
When we moved in, we signed a year-long lease that stated we would have to give two months notice before moving out. However, that year has passed and when it did, we were automatically switched to a month-to-month lease and were not provided with a new lease agreement.
Are we still required to give two months notice? More importantly, do we have any simple legal recourse here? We are located in Iowa. Thank you for the help!
submitted by TheMilkiestJoe to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 Oginme [LFP] [5thEd] [Paid] [Online] Tales of Tal’Dorei (a world of Critical Role campaign) [$25/session] [Campaign] [Weekly Friday sessions at 8 PM EST]

There is trouble in the town of Byroden! Goblin attacks, people missing, and bandits harrowing the roads from Kymal. Something seems to be stirring as nightly fights between two mysterious factions are breaking out in many of the larger cities across the northern part of the continent in a struggle for control of the underbelly of society. Meanwhile, war is brewing between the Hobgoblin Iron Authority and the forces of Emon. Can you help stop the goblin attacks on this small village? What is behind some of the nightly struggles between gangs of thieves? Who is behind the sudden increase in bandit attacks along the roadways? Why are strange cultists making their way north towards Kymal and beyond? In this campaign you will: Confront sorcerers and necromancers to discover their plans. Chase bandits to save people and end their raiding the trade routes. Uncover the factions who fight for control of the thieves, cutthroats, and assassins. Engage with town, village, and city leaders to help put an end to the strife which terrorizes the citizens. Unmask the cultists who aim to bring about a new calamity upon the lands. Travel beyond the prime material to end a ritual which could bring about a new cataclysm. This is a level 2 to 20 campaign set in Critical Role's Setting of Exandria. The base adventure will take you around most of Tal'Dorei and into Issylra. Character backstories will be used to expand the plots currently threatening the lands. Travel to Wildemount or Marquet is also a clear possibility, depending upon player backgrounds, goals, and objectives. Knowledge of Critical Role or the setting is not needed to participate and enjoy this campaign. Beginners welcome! The game play is on Roll20 VTT. Voice, text, and discussion over dedicated Discord server Session 0 Scheduled for Friday May 17th at 8 PM EST. The price is $25 for a 3-hour session payable through Game Listing and Sign-up link on Startplaying: My bio and reviews can be seen at LFP listing on Roll20 is:
submitted by Oginme to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 Red-Wings44 Watching Florida successfully execute the....

Dump and chase....really shows just how BAD the Islanders are "attempting" it.
Do you think Roy will stick with that strategy next season??
My 2 cents:
We clearly need to get rid of some older players (Sorry Matt & Cal, we love you, but ya too old) and we need to pick up some young, fast skaters that will compliment Barzal, Horvatt, Cizikis, MacLean, Holmstrom and Engvall (when he feels like giving effort)
I'd LOVE to see a team that can pass or carry the puck into the O zone....but if they stick with the D&C strategy they need to study how well Florida does it
submitted by Red-Wings44 to NewYorkIslanders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 IronwoodIsBusted Hamplanet wheezes and gets angry when not understood

Just a short story that somehow made me really angry the other day.
Background: I work at a tabacco shop to save some money before starting the job I want to. We have a very broad spectum of products (cigarettes, tabac of all kinds, liquids, IQOS, vapes, shisha, nicotine pouches, etc...)
I am normally a very calm guy and I still manage to stay friendly even when customers are very rude or just have a bad day and let it out on you. Still, this incident from 3 weeks ago has stuck with me.
Main story:
It's a normal morning, about 10 a.m, the huge waves of customers have stopped and I'm alone at the shop. Cleaning up some stuff and filling up whats empty.
Enter Hamplanet
The guy walks, and I mean WALKS, maybe just a bit faster than you'd normally walk and comes up to the counter.
Planet is already wheezing, about 23 years old, 5'8 and 350+lbs. He is sweating and is visibly struggling.
I smile and ask him what I can get him. Guy looks at me and between panting and wheezing mutters, more like mumbles something I cannot for the love of god understand.
I politely ask him to repeat the product that he wants and notice he is getting irritated already.
He attempts again, the mumbling between the heavy breathing still there and inaudible. The man can barely catch his breath after like 5 meters from the front door to the counter.
I already die on the inside as I have to ask him yet again to please repeat.
It's like I can hear his poor heart at the verge of a heartattack right in front of me. I'm glad my Boss still has these corona plastic shields between the counter, otherwise I'd have gotten an even better look at the double chin that swallowed his entire jaw.
In a loud and angry voice he finally tells me he wants "Velo X-Strong". At this point he is talking to me like I'm some 6 year old kid.
I quickly get it, scan it and he pays with card. The guy is glaring at me and at this point I am really struggling not to say something along the lines of "if you werent this fucking fat, you'd be able to tell me what you want. In an UNDERSTANDABLE sentence."
I didn't smile and gave him a quick bye, he finally left the store at a snails pace and yet again breathing hard.
Like Jesus Christ? This is probably me overreacting but this just fucking annoyed me. When people, especially guys like that, turn things to make me look like the stupid guy who can't understand them. Even though they are, in this case too fat, to talk like a normal human being.
submitted by IronwoodIsBusted to fatpeoplestories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 taway541 I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fully forgive my husband for ABANDONING me.

Back in 2020 I had to have a full hysterectomy due to endometriosis completely destroying my uterus, I had a fairly severe case and unfortunately there were complications leading to much longer recovery time and stronger medications. My husband took FMLA from work and was SUPPOSED to be taking care of me and our children while I recovered. Well I was sleeping in the other room and my husband had just put our 2 kids down for a nap when he decided to go get taco bell for himself and for me and left the house. I woke up extremely disoriented and apparently took more pain medication than I was supposed to and overdosed. I thought for whatever reason that I needed to go to work so I got dressed and left the house and since I didn’t see my children sleeping in their rooms I left them unattended. I was found passed out at the wheel a block away and my oldest had unlocked the door and both children age 3 and 1 were playing in the front yard by a neighbor who called the police. I was arrested when they found me for DUI and child endangerment and my husband got home just as they were about to call DCF to take the kids. I’ve never been so humiliated in my entire life. I went to court and had to take parenting classes and had the charges dropped to 2 misdemeanors for aiding in the delinquency of a minor and served a year of probation and was told after completion my record would be expunged. At this time I separated and planned on divorcing my husband. It took 2 years of counseling and living apart to come to a place where we could work on moving forward and we’ve been doing well the last 2 years until today. My daughter is a Girl Scout I was a Girl Scout and it was my dream to one day be a Girl Scout leader for her troop. Well I filled out the paperwork and have been an active volunteer the last year when I get a bomb dropped that not only am I not going to be a leader I am now no longer allowed to be a volunteer either. I can’t go to camp outs or trips or events and I am completely devastated. I don’t know how they found out about it when I was cleared as a volunteer a year ago and my record is supposed to be expunged. I knew since I was pregnant with a girl that I wanted this and now my dream is dead. All of the anger and the humiliation and resentment has come flooding back and all of the progress we’ve made feels like it’s evaporated in an instant and now I don’t want to even look at him anymore. I’m thinking of packing my bags and leaving with the kids before he gets home from work. I really thought we could move past this but now I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to forgive him.
submitted by taway541 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 RinMichaelis I feel very grateful about Jreg's new YT video

In America, congress passed a bill saying that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism. And I'm glad that Jreg brought up the Haavara Agreement. That gets brought up a lot in the communist discord server I'm using.
The Haavara Agreement occurred in 1933. And it's like a peaceful cleansing. It's when you get a group of people that you hate to voluntarily leave. When modern day neo-Nazis talk about a peaceful cleansing, they're thinking about things like that Haavara Agreement.
Because of this "war" Israel has increasingly become a pariah state, who's only clear ally is the USA. But Israel has become a pariah to pretty much the rest of the world. Israel has the largest amount of Jews being sitting ducks, with it's only clear ally being the USA.
In recent polls, the majority of Americans are against Israel, and the majority of Democrats would love it if America withdrew its support of Israel. If America stops supporting Israel, and Israel being heavily reliant on America, what will they do if they lose American support and another country decides to bomb it?
This "war" has not ONLY been a bad look for Israel, it's been a bad look for the USA. The other superpowers Russia and China have shown nothing but support for Palestine.
Which makes me think of JJ McCullough video. Where he said that the creation of the UN was so that what occurred in Nazi, Germany will never happen to another group of people ever again. That it was firmly believed that what caused Nazi, Germany in the first place was authoritarian regimes, and that this sort of thing would be completely impssible with a democracy. That a democracy will never allow this to happen, which makes it a superior system.
We are living in a time, where people all over the world watched in horror what Israel has done during this "war." And the world has also watched the USA's staunch support of Israel, including threatening to arrest members of the ICC if they arrest Netanyahu, and threatened to invade The Hague, should Netanyahu face arrest.
America bullies Europa into sanctioning China and Russia and boycotting their goods. But again, I'm thinking about that statement that JJ McCullough made. The UN was created so that what happened in Nazi, Germany would never happen to ANY GROUP of people ever again. "Never again" meant any group of people.
But now, instead of the world sitting back in horror as the Holocaust happens. People now are sitting back in horror as more Palestinians are getting erased from the face of this world. Israel is NOT in a war with the West Bank But in the West Bank, houses are being burned down. Palestinians in the West Bank are being shot down like cattle. And what sort of "war" is it when it's completely one-sided?
To me, this action, not only risks turning Israel into a pariah. It also risks turning the US into a pariah. It might seem impossible. But we normally bully Europeans to sanction and disassociate from China and Russia. We just threatened the sovereignty of the Netherlands. The US govt made it clear that we will punish anybody who dares to act against Israel. We also demand that you disassociate from China and Russia because of the type of govts that they have. As comedian Jon Stewart frequently points out. There is some chrystal clear hypocrisy and double standards going on here.
You have two superpowers which are completely aligned with the rest of Europe when it comes to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people. And you have one democractic, superpower, that bullies you and threatens you if you so much as arrest Netanyahu.
No govt should be bullied into doing anything that it doesn't want to do. I wouldn't be surprised if Europeans would rather get along with China, on the condition, that it respects its soverignity and doesn't push it to do things that it doesn't want to do. Like some sort of treaty where the Europeans remove the sanctions, and in return, China doesn't pressure Europe to doing things that they don't want to do. For Europe to be able to make independent decision that's without the influence of a superpower.
Don't get me wrong. As a US citizen, I hate the idea of the US becoming an pariah country. But there has been an uptick of news of various people leaving the Biden administration because they feel like his actions harms America's credibility to the rest of the world. So many comedians are cracking jokes about America's hypocrisy, and people are leaving the Biden administration because they agree with the comedians. Including us cracking down on TikTok because people criticize the Israeli govt a lot on TikTok.
How could we brag about being the world's freest country and value liberty and freedom more than any other country. While we crack down on protesters and crack down on apps because of speech that we don't like? Where we are reliant of censorship and a militarized police presence to crack down on speech that we don't like.
Our Fouding Fathers believe that Free Speech is the most important freedom that you can ever have, along with the freedom to protest and boycott.
I cannot predict the future. I don't watch CNN, but I do read CNN. When you read CNN, they are very critical of Israel. But, youtubers have pointed out that when you watch CNN, it's different. I wouldn't know. But from my experience, there are main stream news outlets critical of Israel. And there are big named comedians like John Oliver and Jon Stewart, who're critical of Israel. There are over 1,000 Hollywood celebrities that signed an open letter from a website of Artists4Ceasefire.
I don't know what will occur in the future because there are people with a lot of fame and a lot of wealth who are critical of Israel. It's unlikely that we're going to start arresting Hollywood celebrities for having speech the govt doesn't like.
submitted by RinMichaelis to Jreg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 StrikingOperator02 Had a GREAT two interviews with a company, and now they're ghosting me. Any advice?

A couple of weeks ago I had a second round interview at a company that went extremely well. The first round interview also went very well. The hiring manager and two CEOs that I met with all complimented me and it seemed to be an excellent match. They said that they would be in contact, and that they expect to let all candidates know a final decision by Monday.
Monday came and passed, so I thought, "okay, they're running behind." Friday came, and I thought, "well maybe I misheard, maybe they meant this upcoming Monday." It's now Tuesday and I've still not heard anything. I sent a follow up email yesterday to the hiring manager, and in it I included the fact that I have another job offer (because I do), and asked for a timeframe update on their decision making process. I thought that this would be the push to let me know SOMETHING. Anything at this point. Even just, "we're running behind."
This is my first choice job, and I would love to hear back from them, even if it's a no at this point, just so I can have closure. They really didn't seem like the kind of people to ghost you, so I really don't know what's going on. Is it acceptable to call at this point? Should I try emailing the CEOs? Any advice would be welcomed and appreciated.
submitted by StrikingOperator02 to u/StrikingOperator02 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 funeraltemplate TEMPLATE OF A FUNERAL PROGRAMME

Funeral programmes serve as a guide for attendees, outlining the order of service and providing a keepsake for those mourning the loss of a loved one. A well-designed template of a funeral programme can help create a meaningful tribute. Here's how you can structure one:

Header Section

Include the full name of the deceased, their date of birth and passing, and a brief phrase such as "In Loving Memory." You may also add a photo to personalize the programme.

Order of Service

Outline the schedule of events, including any prayers, hymns, readings, or tributes. You can also include information about the officiant and any special instructions for the service.

Biographical Information

Provide a brief biography of the deceased, highlighting their life accomplishments, interests, and values. This section helps attendees connect with the person being remembered.


Include a short obituary that provides more details about the deceased's life, such as family members, education, career, and significant achievements. This can be written in a narrative format.

Poems, Readings, and Quotes

Select meaningful poems, readings, or quotes that reflect the deceased's personality or offer comfort to the bereaved. These can be interspersed throughout the programme.

Acknowledgements and Thanks

Include a section to thank attendees for their support and expressions of sympathy. You can also acknowledge any individuals or organizations that assisted during this difficult time.

Closing Words

End the programme with a message of gratitude for the attendees' presence and support. You can also include information about any post-funeral gatherings or memorials.
submitted by funeraltemplate to u/funeraltemplate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 EitherAlps7133 Dealing with Racism

Hi to whoever reads this and thank you for taking the time!
Recently while doing some self reflection I have realized how racism towards my race has affected me deeply. With my race, people have normalized being racist towards my people to where I have learned over time to just laugh it off and that other people are right but the older I get I am realizing how wrong this thinking is and that it is not okay to accept this. I have learned to at least acknowledge it's wrong and now that I should try to stick up for myself especially when my own friends might make passing racist jokes. But with dealing with this issue in the past has caused me to even have internalized racism towards myself and at times towards my race which I am not proud of and even go as far as thinking that if I was another race my life would be easier. I am really glad that God has convicted me and brought this issue to my attention so that I can correct my thoughts and also work through some of the things I have faced.
What I am wanting is for some biblical advice on how to deal with this issue? How can I deal with others being so cruel towards my race sometimes? I know that I should stick up for myself if I can, forgive those who make me feel bad and just pray for them. But sometimes I'm like that's it? That's all I can do. I guess that over time this issue has also caused self-loathing and made me feel extremely bad about myself. I guess I'm not just looking for a bible quote thrown my way (I would still appreciate this though so that I can refer to it when I'm feeling down) but I am also looking for some support on how I can work through this. Anything would help. Thank you!
submitted by EitherAlps7133 to Christian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 the_third_lebowski Short-term gigs for in between jobs?

I am quitting one job to start another, but between moving cities, background checks (gov work), and general circumstances I'll have a few months in between. I won't know the exact time frame. Any good suggestions for work I can do on an hourly basis during that period? All I can think of so far is contract doc review, so if you have any suggestions for companies like, or other types of work I'd love to hear. Part-time would be ideal for full-time is acceptable too. Or non-attorney jobs even, If you have an idea that's easy for an attorney to get. I don't want to spend a bunch of time and effort applying and don't plan to even put it on my resume, just something to bring in extra money when I have nothing to do.
Edit: Ideally something That's not necessarily expected to be permanent. I don't want to be that jerk applying for an actual part-time gigging and quitting after 3 months unexpectedly.
submitted by the_third_lebowski to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 toastybeagles DO NOT LET THESE HOSPITALS GASLIGHT YOU IF YOU'RE A NEW (or experienced) NURSE

(Pic was sent to me by a friend) I cannot STAND the gaslighting by these hospitals, especially in the south. I blacked out the name cause this comment was met with a corporate snarky comment and want to protect the person that sent that message, but I can say that this is a very LARGE, christian, hospital that is in a few states such as central FL, Georgia. Context is that this is a workshop for post nurse residency, but they are gaslighting baby nurses in to being "good stewards of medical supplies" and "saving costs that get passed down to the client (not called patients anymore cause healthcare is a business remember?)". Like making sure you reuse BP cuffs and don't overuse cleaning supplies. Don't get me wrong, I support sustainability, but having a 4-hour workshop of "education" disguised as a lecture to tell nurses how to save a company that's worth BILLIONS a few dollars on a BP cuff is DISGUSTING. Nurses are told to use less wipes, less briefs because the money saved will get passed down to savings for the patient. LOL. If you're a new nurse reading this, these hospitals DO NOT CARE about you. You are a body, and the best way to increase your quality of life is using THEM as much as they use you.
submitted by toastybeagles to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 _omarkhaledd [M4F] Clichè SoL rp.. anyone?

Hello! Im James, 18+ so im expecting my partner to be 18 as well.
Im looking for a female (actual female please, not a guy playing a female character) to be my longterm writing partner. I've been on the hunt lately for someone looking to do a slice of life roleplay. Because in a sea full of fantasy, sci-fi and supernatural elements stories.
I think there are people out here like me who were never into writing these, and just looking to do an everyday romance type of story.
I've been roleplaying for over 4-5 years, were introduced to it over omegle but as it shut down, reddit helped me find more detailed partners and helped me be more literate and descriptive. As for my writing style, i write in first person present tense as it's the only way making sense to me. Let's be real, we're all tired of working seriously all days of the week and this is where we relax and live what we wanna live. I prefer if my partner writes the same but if not then that's fine.
As for my writing length, i basically pass discord's limit over twice for my starter, as it contains a backstory and everything. But for the regular replies, i can write 4-12 lines based on my availability and the context. Im not that serious about the length, as long as you give me something to work with. Im not expecting a mutli million dollar movie script nor a one line. English isn't my first language, but i thankfully have little to no mistakes, but forgive me if i have any.
I believe communication is the most important aspect in anything in life, so im looking for my partner to be communicative, about her preferences, availability, about anything before and mid the roleplay.
I have been through lot of bad experiences so if you're someone who just wanna strictly roleplay and someone who ghosts, please don't bother messaging me.
I know we're all adults and have a life, and i appreciate that some of you would be using their free time in talking with me, but im active these days and im NOT looking for someone that's gonna reply once every few days. To sum it up, im looking to make a friend out of my partner, have a lot of OOC chats and not just strictl roleplaying like robots. And also someone available these days.
The tropes im interested in are:
-childhood bestfriends. -enemies to lovers. -bestfriend's siblings. -fake dating.
And alot more!
I love how organized discord is, so im looking to roleplay over there.
I think i got it all now? Feel free to ask me anything, and reply to me with your favourite chocolate to make sure you read everything.
Im interested to hear from each and everyone of you.
submitted by _omarkhaledd to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 _omarkhaledd [M4F] Cliche SoL rp.. anyone?

Hello! Im James, 18+ so im expecting my partner to be 18 as well.
Im looking for a female (actual female please, not a guy playing a female character) to be my longterm writing partner. I've been on the hunt lately for someone looking to do a slice of life roleplay. Because in a sea full of fantasy, sci-fi and supernatural elements stories.
I think there are people out here like me who were never into writing these, and just looking to do an everyday romance type of story.
I've been roleplaying for over 4-5 years, were introduced to it over omegle but as it shut down, reddit helped me find more detailed partners and helped me be more literate and descriptive. As for my writing style, i write in first person present tense as it's the only way making sense to me. Let's be real, we're all tired of working seriously all days of the week and this is where we relax and live what we wanna live. I prefer if my partner writes the same but if not then that's fine.
As for my writing length, i basically pass discord's limit over twice for my starter, as it contains a backstory and everything. But for the regular replies, i can write 4-12 lines based on my availability and the context. Im not that serious about the length, as long as you give me something to work with. Im not expecting a mutli million dollar movie script nor a one line. English isn't my first language, but i thankfully have little to no mistakes, but forgive me if i have any.
I believe communication is the most important aspect in anything in life, so im looking for my partner to be communicative, about her preferences, availability, about anything before and mid the roleplay.
I have been through lot of bad experiences so if you're someone who just wanna strictly roleplay and someone who ghosts, please don't bother messaging me.
I know we're all adults and have a life, and i appreciate that some of you would be using their free time in talking with me, but im active these days and im NOT looking for someone that's gonna reply once every few days. To sum it up, im looking to make a friend out of my partner, have a lot of OOC chats and not just strictl roleplaying like robots. And also someone available these days.
The tropes im interested in are:
-childhood bestfriends. -enemies to lovers. -bestfriend's siblings. -fake dating.
And alot more!
I love how organized discord is, so im looking to roleplay over there.
I think i got it all now? Feel free to ask me anything, and reply to me with your favourite chocolate to make sure you read everything.
Im interested to hear from each and everyone of you.
submitted by _omarkhaledd to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 Oginme [LFP] [5thEd] [Paid] [Online] Tales of Tal’Dorei (a world of Critical Role campaign) [$25/session] [Campaign] [Weekly Friday sessions at 8 PM EST]

There is trouble in the town of Byroden! Goblin attacks, people missing, and bandits harrowing the roads from Kymal. Something seems to be stirring as nightly fights between two mysterious factions are breaking out in many of the larger cities across the northern part of the continent in a struggle for control of the underbelly of society. Meanwhile, war is brewing between the Hobgoblin Iron Authority and the forces of Emon. Can you help stop the goblin attacks on this small village? What is behind some of the nightly struggles between gangs of thieves? Who is behind the sudden increase in bandit attacks along the roadways? Why are strange cultists making their way north towards Kymal and beyond? In this campaign you will: Confront sorcerers and necromancers to discover their plans. Chase bandits to save people and end their raiding the trade routes. Uncover the factions who fight for control of the thieves, cutthroats, and assassins. Engage with town, village, and city leaders to help put an end to the strife which terrorizes the citizens. Unmask the cultists who aim to bring about a new calamity upon the lands. Travel beyond the prime material to end a ritual which could bring about a new cataclysm. This is a level 2 to 20 campaign set in Critical Role's Setting of Exandria. The base adventure will take you around most of Tal'Dorei and into Issylra. Character backstories will be used to expand the plots currently threatening the lands. Travel to Wildemount or Marquet is also a clear possibility, depending upon player backgrounds, goals, and objectives. Knowledge of Critical Role or the setting is not needed to participate and enjoy this campaign. Beginners welcome! The game play is on Roll20 VTT. Voice, text, and discussion over dedicated Discord server Session 0 Scheduled for Friday May 17th at 8 PM EST. The price is $25 for a 3-hour session payable through Game Listing and Sign-up link on Startplaying: My bio and reviews can be seen at LFP listing on Roll20 is:
submitted by Oginme to DnDLFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 _omarkhaledd Clichè SoL rp.. anyone?

Hello! Im James, 18+ so im expecting my partner to be 18 as well.
Im looking for a female (actual female please, not a guy playing a female character) to be my longterm writing partner. I've been on the hunt lately for someone looking to do a slice of life roleplay. Because in a sea full of fantasy, sci-fi and supernatural elements stories.
I think there are people out here like me who were never into writing these, and just looking to do an everyday romance type of story.
I've been roleplaying for over 4-5 years, were introduced to it over omegle but as it shut down, reddit helped me find more detailed partners and helped me be more literate and descriptive. As for my writing style, i write in first person present tense as it's the only way making sense to me. Let's be real, we're all tired of working seriously all days of the week and this is where we relax and live what we wanna live. I prefer if my partner writes the same but if not then that's fine.
As for my writing length, i basically pass discord's limit over twice for my starter, as it contains a backstory and everything. But for the regular replies, i can write 4-12 lines based on my availability and the context. Im not that serious about the length, as long as you give me something to work with. Im not expecting a mutli million dollar movie script nor a one line. English isn't my first language, but i thankfully have little to no mistakes, but forgive me if i have any.
I believe communication is the most important aspect in anything in life, so im looking for my partner to be communicative, about her preferences, availability, about anything before and mid the roleplay.
I have been through lot of bad experiences so if you're someone who just wanna strictly roleplay and someone who ghosts, please don't bother messaging me.
I know we're all adults and have a life, and i appreciate that some of you would be using their free time in talking with me, but im active these days and im NOT looking for someone that's gonna reply once every few days. To sum it up, im looking to make a friend out of my partner, have a lot of OOC chats and not just strictl roleplaying like robots. And also someone available these days.
The tropes im interested in are:
-childhood bestfriends. -enemies to lovers. -bestfriend's siblings. -fake dating.
And alot more!
I love how organized discord is, so im looking to roleplay over there.
I think i got it all now? Feel free to ask me anything, and reply to me with your favourite chocolate to make sure you read everything.
Im interested to hear from each and everyone of you.
submitted by _omarkhaledd to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 No_Masterpiece9053 I said something I regret to a sibling

Please excuse my bad grammar
As I was writing this I realized how stupid this sounds. so... yeah-
Me and all of my siblings have had an absolutely amazing relationship for as long as I can remember and we even have things called "The Kid Rules" which are basically unsaid rules that we follow to avoid fights. Disobeying them won't have a punishment or anything, but everyone is just very passive aggressive against the person who broke one of the rules. Sometimes "The Kid Rules" have to be said because one of us is stupid (Most of the time it's me). The rules are basically "whoever gets in the car first gets in the seat furthest from them" (That was because me and my sister, let's call her AA, kept fighting over the middle seat. It's ironic how we both like window seats more now...), "No telling on a sibling when their during something their not allowed to do" (Playing video games, staying up, closing our room door, etc) and theres other rules, but i can't think of them.
Me and AA had a fight, (Our daily routine🥲) Our parents were still asleep when it happened. Would Like to note that I was being 100% an idiot and AA was right the whole time, but anyway- I wanted to sleep in (We had online classes that day) and I'm not allowed to sleep past 9:30 AM, so I, being the wonderful child I am, decided to sleep in more. AA came and woke me up, I told them that I won't get in trouble and stuff, they started talking about health reasons. The arugument quickly got heated(As usual) and AA threatened to tell our parents, which is disobeying "The Kid Rules". Two days before AA got mad at me for disobeying the carseat rule (mentioned above), so I was upset. (I rarely snap at people, but when I do I'm ruder than the person I'm upset at.) One of the health reasons was that if I end up sleeping in the day and being awake at night then I won't socialize with anyone. This is when I said the thing that I regret: "We barely talk to each-other anyway now that we don't talk about our books"
(More background info! I hope you enjoy reading!) A loooonnnnngggg long time ago, in a far away land, me and AA started writing books. We would ALWAYS talk about scenes in our books, how traumatized the characters are, etc. as you may be suspecting, me and AA had a fight about our books! YAy... This fight turned into multiple fights for over a year, (One of us claimed the other had copied them) and eventually AA decided that we stop talking about our books altogether.(We both talk about our books to each-other whenever we forget) And about six months after that I started making a graphic novel, I showed a drawing of one of the main characters in the novel. The main character had earrings and they are male, and I had made the character design about a week before I showed the design to AA, but in that week AA told me about one THEIR characters who is ALSO male and ALSO has earrings- I forgot that they told me that and the NEXT day I showed them the character design. that led to another argument, which led to us not sharing our art with each-other. I honestly am a very boring person and the only hobbies I have are writing and drawing, so that felt like AA was saying we don't talk to eachother. There was another fight we had 3 years before that- I don't want to get into details because I keep doing that when its irrelevant, but after that fight Ive thought of our relationship as dead.
ANYWayyyyyy sorry for all the detours, I can't tell if half of these are relevant to what I said or not, but I feel really guilty, especially since me and AA DO talk about things other than art and our stories. I apologized and AA said that I meant it when I said it. I did, but I was wrong. This is the billionth time ive let my anger get the best of me and I was wondering is there anything I can do to let AA know that i genuinely am sorry.
submitted by No_Masterpiece9053 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 lorddrake4444 game announcement "Isekaied into potasteros can I aid in defeating the algorithm"

game announcement
so you probably heard by now i am making a game based on a version of jeannie's potasteros that i've been writing in my spare time for a year or 2 , this is the official announcement and pitch for it , lets dive right it
**the premise**
"Isekaied into potasteros can I aid in defeating the algorithm overlords" *name pending* is a 2d point and click adventure game written and made by yours truely , in which you will take control of a random chatter that woke up in my version of potasteros after having a not so fortunate meeting with a truck *ik ik cliche af*
the story revolves around exploring the new world you find yourself in and helping defeat the evil threat of **THE ALGORITHIM**
what's the algorithm you might ask? well that's for me to know and for you to find out when the game is out :)
during the run time of the game we meet several characters from the potastic mythos and even some chatters which segues us pretty neatly to the next point
**the characters**
cant have a game without some characters can we now , so lets meet some of our main cast *art generated by AI dont think i am that good at drawing*
*the queen herself*
jeannie "red panda queen" lee is the defacto ruler of potasteros and a formidable pyromancer but with a twist instead of being all burn the enemy light everything on fire , she uses her flames mostly to heal things , after all fire can burn but can also bring warmth , can cremate a body , but also cauterize a wound , the origin of jeannie goes something like this , she was the spirit of this land and its protector , she was completely content with it being a forest with no kingdom until she met our next character.....
*the lord*
henry "lord immersion" liang was the ruler of a nearby kingdom that got destroyed by the **THE ALGORITHIM** and after being forced to flee with his people he met our panda in her forest after which they promptly fell in love *cringe* using henry's experience in ruling a kingdom they turned the land of potasteros into a bustling empire with thousands of residents
in combat henry is a stereotypical paladin , he can tank , he can smite the unworthy and he can even do some healing however where henry really shines is in giving buffs to his armies
speaking off what's an army without some generals
*the titan*
zillvr "the titanic crusader" was a nomad living in the mountains of potasteros , when he heard about the new kingdom he went to check it out and boy did he come at an interesting time for the land was being attacked by a dragon , the kingdom had a weapon worthy of killing such beast in a hammer weighing in at over 5 tons but no one to wield it , well guess who just came in and could lift that thing in a single arm , after dispatching the beast , zilly here was not only accepted into the army and given a home in the kingdom , he became the high general of the army
in combat zillvr is a massive armored truck , he will hit you and he will hit you so hard you forget who you even are , he can throw enemies around like toys and shrug off most damage like it aint there
but zilly isnt the only general i have for you today
*the spy mistress*
aizo "the owl spy mistress" is a deeply mysterious figure , not only has no one ever seen her face , but rumor has it shes older than the queen herself , predating even the creation of the land , "before everything , there was aizo" is a popular saying in the kingdom because she seems to know literally everything that happened , might happen , or is happening in the land
in combat aiz is a rapid assassin that thrives in creating chaos for the enemy lines, she will create shadows , cause confusion and deal massive damage to priority targets while getting out as if she was never there to begin with, be careful where you step lest her blade slits your throat
so now that we've met some of our characters lets talk gameplay:
**the gameplay**
the game follows a simple gameplay loop , you can navigate potasteros as you would navigate an other point and click game , just click on things to go places lol , talk to characters and take quests so you and your party can go on adventures , in which you would kill things , get loot and level up , but how do we kill things you might ask....
**the combat**
combat in the game is a grid based , D&D styled , turn based combat with a twist , instead of "action economy" everything is set on a timer, after initiative , every char gets 10 seconds a turn , and every skill costs "time" in addition to any other resource it may cost , manage your time and get the most out of it to defeat your opponents
**some technical stuff and what's to come**
i have at least 8 more characters planned and each of them will be playable on top of the player char putting us to 13 playable chars *jinx* , the story is mostly prepared at least in general form with only the specifics left to be finished , all the art in the game will be AI because i cant draw for shit lol , the game will be made in the godot game engine and released on itch when done , not going to put it on steam cuz that costs money lol , the plan so far is to release a trailer on the next anniversary and the game in the 6th year's but obviously time will tell if any delays happen , i've been thinking of doing this for ages ever since i found out jeannie was fine with people making games of her
**now some cleaning up**
first off i would like to thank jeannie for being such an amazing person and bringing me and everyone else in this community happy times for 4 years now and hopefully several more to come , you're truly a hug to the soul , and 2nd off if anyone doesnt wanna be in the game , tell me , however do not ask me to be included cuz if open that gate the game will never be done lol , and i hope that if anyone is the butt of a joke in the game dont take it too seriously , tis just in good fun , welp thats all i wanted to say bye
submitted by lorddrake4444 to PotasticP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 hey1777 Been taking cialis for years, thinking of combining with viagra

Hey all
I have performance anxiety and so I’ve used cialis almost 5 years. Some background is I’m gay and a bottom. My issue starts when I’m expected to be a top or to perform top activities which puts an emphasis on my cock. It makes me nervous. There have been times it’s worked fine but most of the time I still can’t get hard very easily when I’m nervous and definitely not when I’m trying to be a top especially lately.
It makes me even more anxious and I’ve recently heard of that roman combination pill and never knew you could mix tadalafil with sildenafil.
I’ve tried sildenafil (viagra) on its own and it did nothing for me. But I’m wondering if I take my usual 10-20mg dose of cialis and add viagra, does that really give you that much of a stronger erection?
What have been your experiences? Thanks all.
I should mention right after sex or when I’m not actually having sex but I take cialis, my erections are pretty great or at least very decent and it does give me more morning woods etc so I know it’s mostly psychological.
Thanks guys
submitted by hey1777 to erectiledysfunction [link] [comments]