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2013.08.11 17:13 ReubenMcHawk_ Cookie Clicker

A subreddit for the popular cookie-clicking game.

2015.01.14 03:03 h4pp33 Dragon Mania Legends

Dragon Mania Legends mobile game by Gameloft

2024.06.07 21:54 Internet-Such RANT: Honest feelings about the OnePlus 8 Pro (from a long term user)

Since we are at the end of the 8 Pro's life cycle, I wanted to share my experiences with the device. I think we got the short end of the stick with this device. The 8 Pro was situated perfectly in the phone market when it launched in April 2020. It packed a smooth 120hz with a crispy 1440p OLED display during a time when other phone manufacturers only delivered 60-90hz or, in some instances, a 120hz display with the condition that 1080p must be enabled. It had a great build quality, came in good colour variants, had a nice frosted back glass and a (rather subjectively) great design overall. It was equipped with a TSMC-built Snapdragon 865 (if you know anything about the 888 and 8 Gen 1, you will appreciate this fact).
But the absolute best feature of the 8 Pro was the software - OxygenOS 10 offered a no-bull stock Android experience. The software was refined and ironed out. It was insanely smooth and polished, had practically no bugs, was greatly customizable, aesthetically pleasing and had minimal bloat (I only remember Netflix being installed). It was the ultimate high-end stock Android experience that I had been craving for a long time. All that for a starting price of $899. The price did spark controversy in the OnePlus community. Considering that the 8 Pro was the OnePlus' first true flagship, I would argue the price was justified, especially when you look at what the competition offered at the time. The S20 Ultra offered an "arguably" less desirable user interface, a more boring design (no frosted glass + colours being black or grey, intrusive text on the camera array), no 120hz with 1440p and the Exynos 990 practically being a scam, all for no less than $1,399. In some ways, the S20 Ultra was better than the 8 Pro, but the 8 Pro felt like an absolute steal compared to Samsung's offering. So what went wrong with this seemingly beast of a phone?
It all started to fall with the release of OxygenOS 11. Frankly, it wasn't the worst update in OnePlus history. It gave us AoD, but it still made some odd changes. Every OnePlus app had a major unnecessary visual overhaul that came at the cost of fluidity. The user interface in OxygenOS 11 felt more jagged than in OxygenOS 10. I also heavily disliked the new font (OnePlus Sans) - was it impossible to keep the old font (OnePlus Slate) as an option? You could only choose between Roboto and the new font, both of which I despised. I also much preferred the lock screen as it was on OxygenOS 10. I wasn't a fan of the clock being located at the top left of the screen. Having it in the middle was so much nicer. Why not give users the ability to change the clock to the original? Fundamentally speaking, OxygenOS 11 functioned nearly identical to OxygenOS 10. It just had a disappointing UI overhaul. I eventually got used to the new design, thinking it would be ironed out in the future, but then it quickly went downhill.
The launch of OxygenOS 12 was absolutely devastating, and there was no way it would ever recover. I'll briefly go over the nuisances:
I am probably forgetting a few more things, but these were the ones that plagued me the most. The only positive thing about OxygenOS 12 is that the app open/close animation was greatly refined. The animation even worked when the phone was in landscape. The Scout widget was also neat, but it was shortly removed in the next software update.
Then OxygenOS 13 came along and fixed a slew of the bugs. The battery drain was less severe, the UI wasn't as laggy anymore and the PIN was moved down again. Perhaps one of my favourite aspects of the update was the new Quick Settings (although I'm bummed that you still can't view your Data usage). You can finally change individual icons again, but the menu has become less intuitive. The sorting of icons is random and shuffles every time you access the menu. Not only that, but you can only see the first 250-300 icons, so the feature is practically useless. A new font was added (One Sans), and it's (again, subjectively) better than OnePlus Sans from OxygenOS 11. OxygenOS 13 is, in many ways, a good Android skin. It is smooth, the animations are refined, the UI is consistent, and it doesn't get more bug-free than this. The problem with OxygenOS 13 is that it isn't what I spent my money on in 2020. If I wanted the experience I have now, I would have just bought the Find X2 Pro instead.
And this is what I mean when I say we got the short end of the stick. OxygenOS 14 is now here, and it has been slowly adding stuff back that was taken away from the 8 Pro. You can now change the clock style on the Lock screen back to the original from OxygenOS 10. There is also an option to enable 120hz at all times. You can technically already do that, but that requires an app that lets you do that, taking up space. Not to mention that the app (I'm using SetEdit) will revert any change if the phone is shut off or if Power saving mode is enabled, meaning you must enable 120hz again. It's annoying but not a major hassle.
The 8 Pro had a fantastic launch, but unfortunately, it wasn't long until the ultimate stock Android experience was replaced with a generic Chinese user interface. A lot of people believe OnePlus peaked with the 7 Pro but I would argue it peaked at the 8 Pro with OxygenOS 10, mostly because the 8 Pro had fewer weaknesses and was more capable.
submitted by Internet-Such to OnePlus8Pro [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:52 torree_b Marvin Harrison Jr is a CHEAT CODE

Marvin Harrison Jr is a CHEAT CODE
This has to be the best card in the game, he’s absolutely unstoppable 😭
submitted by torree_b to Madden [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:51 XTingleInTheDingleX New boot goofin

New boot goofin
I’ve been itching to build a comp style rig so the obvious choice was to buy some 1.8 wheels and cut up my DJcrawler tires.
I stuck them on a cheat code xl build to play around with while I wait for my body. Eventually there will be a prophet designs echo v2 sporting these I think.
Hard park 6 shooter Outlaw 1.8 carbon fiber wheels.
I couldn’t get a jig because i forgot to order one and they sold out in the couple days i waited for an email reply to my request to add one to the order.
I took the rear ring and centered it on the tire. These tires are all tread where they get sandwiched between the ring and the inside aluminum.
You can’t really draw on the tread so I eyballed it and picked reference points and went for it. i think it went well for my first tire massacre. I might take them apart and play with the foam as I kinda just jammed them in but overall I really like them.
There are a few brands out there. I just like Hardparks stuff for some reason.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
submitted by XTingleInTheDingleX to SCX24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:49 Dependent-Ad5638 Memory leak with recreate()

I have a question to understand memory leaks.
Just for a test, I ran this single activity in an app, which contains nothing else than this code:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) recreate() } 
Basically all it does is constantly recreating itself, which causes a memory leak. Why exactly does it cause a memory leak? The activity has no attributes, listeners, etc. I thought that recreate() calls onDestroy() and later onCreate() is called, which shouldn't cause any objects to be remaining in memory.
I attached the LeakCanary output for this app in the images. By the way, this leak only happens on one (of my two) physical devices but in none of my virtual ones, what might be the reason for that? The leak occurred on an Android 11 smartphone (but not on emulators with the same API).
submitted by Dependent-Ad5638 to android_devs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:44 DrChicago69 J.cole of a basic guitar is a cheat code

Red Leather
Free Fall
Losing my Balance
Just made Bail
submitted by DrChicago69 to Jcole [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 beezlebutts complete gameshark ntsc ps2 cheat list?

In Duck you can make cheat files using the old game genie and gameshark codes but I want to find a complete ps2 NTSC gameshark list instead of hunting down each game. There use to be Genie Bibles back in the NES days but idk if shark ever had a complete game cheat guide. Anyone know of a complete ps2 ntsc gameshark cheat list?
submitted by beezlebutts to Roms [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 Mr-Critique Had ( have ) high expextations

As someone who wanted a great football game which is non pay to win / heavily scripted / momentum cheated / cash grabber / code manipulated / without a online server play but peer to peer like ( Fifa is )
I was very eager to try UFL - for an Open Beta I think it is pretty great obviously there is a LOT to improve as they are fresh in the genre.
As for now The gameplay feels too heavy and non responsive ( playing on PS5 ) for now I will pass on this and maybe try again like in a year after the updates etc. I have a lot of Hope for the future as it has tremendous potential But for now after playing all day I don’t have the urge to play more in the near future.
We all beleive in you UFL keep on rocking and improving! Lots of Love🙏👏👏
submitted by Mr-Critique to UFLTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:26 Efficient_Log1681 Debt collection EU

I rented a car a month ago in the Middle East, more precisely in Oman and had an accident. Nothing serious happened, the headlight was broken and the front bumper got a bit. Of course, it was not my fault, but after a few hours the police let us off with a receipt and said that all costs would be covered by insurance.
On the other hand, the owner of the rental company said that I should pay more than 700 euros for the damage. After a few days, we met kind people who also work at the car rental company and they told us that they were trying to cheat us because they themselves do that with tourists. Also, I would like to add that those people who helped us from another insurance company saw to it that the policeman gave completely different information from me and from the conclusion it appears that I am responsible for the accident. I don't want to go any further into this topic because it is very extensive and the whole thing has been unclear to me from the beginning, but there is nothing to expect this is not Europe.
We were also not sure if we signed any contract with the insurance company because the contract was you could say on a large sheet of notebook paper in Arabic and a few sentences in English. The website says that the car is insured, meaning it has CDW, LDW, but there was no such information anywhere on the contract. But under the Arabic code they told us that the car is fully insured, as anyone who rents must fully insure the car. They also explained that the insurance works in such a way that it covers all costs, similarly, the police officers said. They advised us to either leave the car in front of the rental company and leave the keys or argue with them. When we left there was no one there, so option
A came out. Of course, they tried to take money from me from the bank, but the transaction was rejected and blocked automatically due to suspicion of extortion. Many people complained in the reviews that they took money from everyone's account as they went home. After a month, I received an email from a company in Cyprus who operates their bank transfers and asks for 700 euros.
The story is a little long, but I wanted you to know the background of the events. My question is, what can this company do to get this money from me ? I don't think it will do that because it is trying to scare me into giving it back, but I prefer to prepare myself for plan B. As far as I know, in order for a company or person from another country to collect money from me, they must file a request and the court must approve it in my country, Poland. Then the debt collection company or bailiff will enforce the judgment issued, or do I misunderstand?
submitted by Efficient_Log1681 to LegalAdviceEurope [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:49 saoiray Do you prefer games with options to increase difficulty or games that allow for things like cheat codes to save you time and/or make you OP?

Short version is as asked.
Longer version below:
This is coming up as I've been messing with a lot of games. Some, such as Roguebook or Monster Train, only have options to have the game even more difficult. I've noticed this trend on a lot of games and am curious if it's what the majority prefer?
As for me, I'm the type that prefers cheats instead. I greatly miss how games had things like the Konami Code added to games that let us do a wide arrange of modifications to the game. Whether it be unlimited money, making character's heads big, making people look like Donkey Kong, becoming invincible, spawning a rhino tank, or whatever.
I kind of wish games had a balance of both, allowing people who might struggle or just want to relax and have fun to be able to enable "cheats." Or otherwise people who want to go some thrill seeking route of trying to beat the game against impossible odds or with random challenges could do that. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to happen anymore....
submitted by saoiray to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:37 ElijahDaneelGiskard Need help deciding laptop -- Budget is around 80 to 90 k

WHICH LAPTOP TO BUY - around 80k budget
I'm a jee 24 tard and will be going off to college (Hostel) in a couple of months . Mostly for cse , maybe ece.
I just want a good , very fast smooth laptop which can run all applications smoothly .
Like VS code , and other heavier IDEs , android studio or something , and right now I think I might be going into AI/ML or robotics ... I wanna explore everything in CSE and do diff stuff in clg.
*** What I want - Light , portable and LONG Battery life(if i wanna go to library) , decent build quality.
Screen size 14 or 14.5 or MAX 15
Some people have told me to avoid a mac book because its tougher to hack into the system to do shit and manipulate, some applications are expensive/not available and its harder to boot linux on it .
What I have seen online :
Asus VivoBook 14s or Asus Zenbook 14 or Asus Zenbook 14x
Do you have any other recommendations, and if not , which is the best of these three?
Budget isn't a big issue tho it's flexible but I don't wanna waste money either
Thank you!
submitted by ElijahDaneelGiskard to UnboxParadigm [link] [comments]

submitted by Significant_Okra5683 to Kings_Fellowship_Ada [link] [comments]

submitted by Significant_Okra5683 to Kings_Fellowship_Ada [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:55 UnityAssets_new_bot Multiplayer Top-Down Shooter Template (Netcode, Lobby, Relay) : Documentation PC Demo Mac Demo Android DemoMultiplayer for 2-4 playersPlayer settings: name, colorPublic game sessionsPrivate game sessions with code accessAbility to change server regionAuto updates of available regions. Once i

submitted by UnityAssets_new_bot to UnityAssets [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:40 -Meridian OneNote notebook sync errors - no permission

I started getting OneNote notebook sync errors across two Windows and two Android devices. In Windows 11 (Office 2013 Pro) I get the following error when trying to sync: We're sorry, something went wrong during sync. We'll try again later. (Error code: 0xE01901F7). Clicking the notebook URL opens a web page saying "Sorry, something went wrong. Our server is having a problem. We're working to fix it as soon as we can, so try again in a few minutes." On the Android devices I get the following error: "You no longer have permission to access this notebook."
I logged in to OneDrive via browser, and the OneNote notebooks are not shown under My files but are shown under Recent and I am listed as the owner. When I click the files to open them I get the following: This item might not exist or is no longer available. This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to view it. Contact the owner of this item for more information.
I've don't use OneDrive outside of the functionality built into OneNote (i.e., OneNote has handled all file management).
Appreciate any help resolving this.
submitted by -Meridian to OneNote [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:30 Ok-Seat-9779 Lottery Defeater Software For Android. Lottery Defeater Login Free. Lottery Defeater Software App Free Download

Lottery Defeater Software For Android. Lottery Defeater Login Free. Lottery Defeater Software App Free Download
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submitted by Ok-Seat-9779 to smartconversations [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:30 jayubc Traveling soon? Use JAY5299 to claim your $1 esim on Airalo!! Europe, USA, Asia and more!!

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Again the code is JAY5299
submitted by jayubc to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:28 Initial_Rush6042 Frameworks/Gems/TechStacks that make sense for utilizing Rails with iOS apps [Newbie][Rails][iOS development]

I'm still a newbie overall, I got trained in rails+react at my bootcamp but they terminated my contract after they realized they would have to put in some effort to sell a fresh developer in that particular tech stack. I haven't used ruby+rails since last summer when i got axed, and I've mostly been working in C# (game dev) and I've been teaching myself swift+swiftui for making ios apps. I'm looking through my options at the moment, and I wanted to ask the great devs of the reddit are there any sensible tech stacks or frameworks that utilize/integrate rails for mobile devices (id like to work on ios and android eventually). I'm fine with sounding stupid if this is an obvious question, or if I'm overthinking it.
As an addendum I have a few apps ideas whose details, features, functionalities that I'm mulling over right now. And some of them would require web app integration with the ios app just acting as a UI with some limited clientside logic for my API calls.
Making your own stuff from scratch is hard especially with virtually no professional experience...its fun don't get me wrong but boy does it have me scratching my head a lot. I often feel like I'm doing stuff wrong because I'm spending more time doing research, debugging, or tweaking the structure of my app's design instead of actually writing the code.
Anyway thank you in advance for anyone who answers!
submitted by Initial_Rush6042 to rails [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:04 rrmdp 📢 ETHICS CODE is hiring a Android Developer!

📢 ETHICS CODE is hiring a Android Developer! submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:00 one_ugly_dude Got my first role... now what?

Weird thing happened last month: I was minding my own business (I'm a comedian and improv guy) and a friend was like "they are shooting a film. Text this random dude. You'd be great for the role." So, I did and they gave me the role.
Here's the problem: I NEVER did acting before. Maybe a school play when I was in 3rd grade. That's it. A few months of improv, if that counts. And, sure, I've been doing comedy for two years, but I still take my notebook on stage :-o. I'm probably in over my head lol.
But, I still want to do this well. Any advice? Whether its something as stupid as etiquette or cheat codes on remember your lines or anything else. Hell, I don't even know if I'm getting paid lol. I just know that a movie credit looks good on a comedy resume so ANY knowledge you can share will be greatly appreciated
submitted by one_ugly_dude to acting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:55 ElijahDaneelGiskard WHICH LAPTOP TO BUY - around 80k budget

I'm a jee 24 tard and will be going off to college (Hostel) in a couple of months . Mostly for cse , maybe ece.
I just want a good , very fast smooth laptop which can run all applications smoothly .
Like VS code , and other heavier IDEs , android studio or something , and right now I think I might be going into AI/ML or robotics ... I wanna explore everything in CSE and do diff stuff in clg.
What I want - Light , portable and LONG Battery life(if i wanna go to library) , decent build quality.
Screen size 14 or 14.5 or MAX 15
Some people have told me to avoid a mac book because its tougher to hack into the system to do shit and manipulate, some applications are expensive/not available and its harder to boot linux on it .
What I have seen online :
Asus VivoBook 14s or Asus Zenbook 14 or Asus Zenbook 14x
Do you have any other recommendations, and if not , which is the best of these three?
Budget isn't a big issue tho I don't wanna waste money either
Also , which is better AMD or intel (AND HOW TO UNDERSTAND AMD RYZEN chip names , they are so fckig confusing?)
Thank you!
submitted by ElijahDaneelGiskard to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:57 FlPulsar Help needed for making a cheat file.

So, I’m trying to restore the collision array data from Sonic 1 in the Sonic 2 nick arcade prototype and this is the set of game genie codes that restore the data:
Any idea how to use this to make a RetroArch cheat file?
submitted by FlPulsar to RetroArch [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:50 NoradIV Running car tuning software on a tablet

Hello linuxquestions,
I am trying to integrate a car tuning software into my car. I was thinking about putting a windows computer and run it from there, but that would be expensive, complicated and seriously overkill.
The software in question is available in "Linux ARM64 (64-bit)", which I might make this easier and not require emulation.
I like the idea of running it off an android tablet, which would mean I can do this fairly cheap and would boot much faster. It would also be easier to integrate to a car. However, I would need a USB connection to connect to the programmer. I do not know where to start, how to directly interact with the CLI of android? Can I install this application without the source code and re-compiling? Can this be done fairly easily?
Has anyone some experience with this? How well is the end result? Any pointers on where to start?
submitted by NoradIV to linuxquestions [link] [comments]