Stairway to heaven backwards mp3

Aloha and welcome to /r/StairwayToHeavenOahu ~ E Komo Mai!

2020.07.14 15:57 madazzahatter Aloha and welcome to /r/StairwayToHeavenOahu ~ E Komo Mai!

Aloha and welcome to /StairwayToHeavenOahu, a place for anything local, like news, pics, sports, events or just stop by, talk story. It's not a place for stink eye or downvote menehunes.

2012.09.28 00:52 wasabiface 70smusic

Are you on the stairway to heaven or just reflecting on the dark side of the moon? This is the place to post music from the 70's

2009.10.12 05:50 Crazy Stairs

Stairs, staircases, even escalators and ramps! Sometimes dangerous, often abandoned, always interesting.

2024.05.15 07:29 Hammer_Bro99 First Jacob and Esau run I will complete, found R key, which bosses should I go for?

I’m currently in the middle of one of my first Jacob and Esau runs and I have gotten a crazy lucky seed. I have an insanely broken run and am very confident I can beat any boss but want some advice n who the hardest bosses are/what unlocks I should snag while I can. I currently have no bosses beaten on J+E. I also have an R key, Satanic Bible, and D infinity.
Want to see if my current thoughts are based or if I should do something else.
I currently want to go up first, beating Isaac and ??? to unlock stairway to heaven and Birthright. After beating them use R key to beat the beast and unlocked T. Jacob? Or should I beat Mother instead? My thoughts are to save Mother as naturally on J+E I’m going alt paths for more items anyway. Or should I go down and hope to get Mega Satan/Delirium? I’ve heard Damocles is great on Lost, who I’m also trying to complete at the moment but I feel like I can do this on a future run?
Just looking for any thoughts from more experienced J+E players. Trying to minimize the amount of time I have to torture myself with them haha.
submitted by Hammer_Bro99 to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:16 JLindsey502 Temple of the Dog is the perfect album and I’ll tell you exactly why!

It’s crazy how brilliant this album is. It somehow still feels underrated and has an arguement for being possibly thee best album - not just in grunge but possibly in the history of rock, or honestly all of music in general! The fact that it’s a tribute to Mother Love Bone’s Andrew Wood (vocalist and amazing piano player) - with a few former members and all of future Pearl Jam since Matt Cameron eventually became the full-time drummer - just makes it an album formed completely from the heart and full of soul. This band was literally the polar opposite of a cash grab opportunist band. Apparently the band just wanted to make music in a stress free manner with little expectations, and boy did they surpass any that may have been placed upon them. Saying that even feels like a heavy understatement!
The fact that the project’s lead vocalist was a very close friend of Wood’s in Chris Cornell - who also died tragically - makes it even more touching. Side note, but Jerry Cantrell if AiC was supposedly very close to Wood and obviously Cornell as well. Wood permanently left his mark on the Seattle scene a year and a half before before it even became mainstream, and if you listen closely you can tell every bands’ sound - musically and lyrically - got quite darker following his untimely passing. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.
When he heard the tragic news, Cornell initially wrote two songs in the heavenly (no pun intended) Say Hello 2 Heaven - cleverly released as a single - and the unbelievably EPIC Reach Down. The former is a beautiful, bluesy song which passionately shows Cornell’s full vocal range and beautiful lyricism. Reach Down is simply put, one of the greatest and most epic songs in existence. Eleven minutes long with a guitar riff that is bone-crushing and very likely the best solo I’ve ever heard, especially when you consider McCready’s headphones flew off about halfway through the recording it - forcing him to sort of “wing it” (lol) without having a backing track to hear. Not one second of the song fails to capture one’s attention - which is nothing less than astounding considering the length of it. Cornell could’ve stopped there and had an epic dual single or even an EP considering he already had be nearly 20 mins (17 minutes and 37 seconds to be exact) material! This easily could’ve been all that was written… but then fate intervened in the best way possible!
Former Mother Love Bone rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard and bassist Jeff Ament - primary songwriters for MLB and earlier in Green River (another legendary grunge band) - wanted to collaborate with Cornell to put themselves in position to write and play music before the time off caused them to get rusty with playing or songwriting. With this in mind, Cornell wisely enlisted the other soon-to-be Temple of the Dog musicians (Gossard, Ament, Mike McCready and Matt Cameron) and a masterpiece was about to be born!
The album’s lead single, Hunger Strike, is a brilliant piece that features a fresh and truly immaculate young voice from San Diego in the incredibly charismatic Eddie Vedder, who was actually auditioning for Gossard and Ament’s new band that you may have heard of (Pearl Jam). The story goes that Cornell - hard to believe - was having trouble hitting the lows as he wanted them to sound and Vedder simply took the mic and naturally delivered the vocals exactly as Cornell had wanted them to sound! I think it’s safe to say Vedder passed his audition with flying colors due to his incredible power, elegance and charisma (and quickly developing song-writing). The song’s drop D tuning and the darker sounding post-chorus riff give it a very proper grunge edge. Say Hello To Heaven and Hunger Strike quickly became staples of ‘90s radio stations worldwide.
Digging deeper, Pushin’ Forward Back (the third single) and Your Savior combines Mother Love Bone’s street rock approach with Pearl Jam’s more serious hard rock sound. The former features a powerful rhythm guitar riff, soaring lead riffs, Cornell’s finest vocals and the best backup vocals you could ask for from Vedder. Skipping ahead to track eight, Your Savior provides some extremely impressive (and aggressive) drumming, guitar tracks and again Vedder’s unmistakably brilliant sounding backup vocals that could not complement Cornell’s lead vocals any better! This is definitely a favorite among favorites for myself, and perfectly follows the track Wooden Jesus in my humble opinion.
Call Me a Dog and Times of Trouble are, without doubt, two of the most beautiful ballads I’ve ever heard. The former slowly builds up momentum with lovely piano playing and a quieter guitar that seemingly gets louder as the song goes on until it reaches a crescendo, as the bridge hears Cornell belting out some seriously high lead vocals and then McCready blazing through with another divine solo! Times of Trouble is a very interesting piece of music to say the least. It was actually also used for Vedder’s auditioning as well as this albums in the absolutely alluring Pearl Jam song Footsteps, which had a more stripped down approach. Times of Trouble on the other hand features the music’s absolute full potential being unlocked with a more solid production, a more eventful buildup that includes gorgeous sounding piano and even a harmonica solo for good measure. This is blues rock at its absolute finest!
Wooden Jesus continues the beautiful ballad sound, with probably my favorite bassline of the album and adding another layer to the music with a what I believe is a very prominent and majestic-sounding banjo (if not it’s an acoustic) during the second verse and Cornell just absolutely owns it vocally on this track McCready’s criminally underrated guitar solo ties it all together perfectly. Four Walled World - along with Times of Trouble - captures Chris Cornell’s bluesiest sound I’ve ever heard on record, and the extended outro allows him to get some serious wails out along with another epic McCready solo. Four Walled World is a very strong track and gives me vibes of Pearl Jam’s soon-to-heard songwriting. In particular Four Walled World sounds sort of like precursor to Pearl Jam’s Deep. I’m not sure why exactly but they remind me of each other. Both have very bluesy riffs although Deep is definitely a harder edged track (love the phaser effect on it). But listening to it now it is more bluesy than I remembered for being one of the heavier Ten tracks. The main riffs are what sound similar to me.
All Night Thing is among the best album closers I’ve ever heard, settling the album and night with a beautiful ballad that feels a bit influenced by The Doors due to the use of an organ for the main melody (courtesy of the great Rick Parasher). I love that they went this route for the closing song. It makes me want to restart the album when it finishes so amazingly like that! This album has shades of Led Zeppelin all over it and I mean that in the best way possible. Heck even Chris Cornell and Robert Plant have very similar vocals imo and virtually identical vocal range at four octaves (although I’ve heard five for both as well) with the ability to croon or wail with the best - well they are the best lol.
The album is perfect from start to finish. Everyone served their purpose immaculately. Every single note, chord, lyric / vocal on this album feels perfectly placed. From the opening tracks that Cornell penned as soon as he heard the tragic news to the full on blues rock of the middle to the end of the album. I love the Mother Love Bone flavor to many of the tracks - particularly Pushin’ Forward Back and Your Savior imo. All Night Thing is among the best album closers ever in regards to softer gentler closers, which also includes Mother Loce Bone’s Chloe DanceCrown of Thorns (Shine EP and Apple - but without Chloe Dancer for the latter for whatever silly reason as both together created the “Stairway to Heaven of gen X”). Also including a piano - again courtesy of Rick Parasher - in a few songs was absolutely poetic being that it was Wood’s instrument of choice. I just wish he could’ve been the one playing piano on a Mother Love Bone and Soundgarden collaboration where they still somehow find Eddie Vedder and Mike McCready. If this album shows us anything, it is that tragedy can often sparks a passionate flame that otherwise cannot be equaled. Mind Riot by Soundgarden is further proof in this particular case.
Also my other picks for best softer album closers - so excluding all harder songs, or this will go on forever lol - plus closing with a gentler song I’ve always preferred as it feels like the albums way of saying “goodnight” which the first of these songs I’m going to list literally does! Jane’s Addiction’s Classic Girl (Ritual de lo Habitual), Pearl Jam’s Release (Ten), Pearl Jam’s Indifference (Vs), Alice In Chains’ Over Now (Tripod), Nirvana’s Something in the Way (Nevermind), Led Zeppelin’s Tea for One (Presence), Aerosmith’s You See Me Crying (Toys In The Attic) Aerosmith’s Home Tonight (Rocks).
Thank you to those who took the time to read my review of my favorite album of all-time! Rest in Peace to the great musicians / producers and human that were Andrew “Andy” Wood, Chris Cornell and Rick Parasher (producer for Temple of the Dog’s eponymous album and Pearl Jam’s Ten). You will all live on forever through your incredible music and be forever loved! Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
submitted by JLindsey502 to grunge [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:25 abracaawesome As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning.

As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning. submitted by abracaawesome to SkytoSol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:20 deanominecraft stairway to heaven

what is the chance of the end spawning, are there any other conditions for it to spawn
submitted by deanominecraft to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 Sad-Geologist7630 As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning.

As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning. submitted by Sad-Geologist7630 to u/Sad-Geologist7630 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:31 Jonnymixinupmedicine Being an Industrial musician is difficult.

I play more Industrial/Punk/Metal, but it all must still be sequenced, or things like bass recorded DI into my MPC and routed out to a bass amp. Everything goes through a “real amp” for that matter except for synths, samples, vocals, and one drum machine, a Yamaha RX5. My other drum module, a Roland TD-17 is more supposed to more simulate a live drummer. It still goes through an old Crate Keyboard amp as well and adds to the vibe. I hope Albini is proud because now I gotta haul all this shit lol.
I’m going for a Nailbomb and 88’ Ministry type thing, but with even more industrial elements. More samples, drum machines, and synths. More chaotic like Skinny Puppy, or Coil. More noise that isn’t feedback or chug guitar. Do any industrial musicians have any suggestions?
I’ve considered recording guitar riffs and playing them through my Emax and into an amp, but I’m a much better guitarist than keyboardist, and the live element helps a bit. Plus I’d rather keep the Emax at home.
It feels like I’m playing with angry robots despite being glued to the guitamic. I’ve considered adding a Kaoss Pad to the end of my guitar chain or use as a send. Even still, I just wish I had a bit more freedom to focus on vocals, twist some knobs (instead or automate), maybe hit a piece of sheet metal with a contact mic, play with fx, but it’s not something I can do unless I’ve got someone on stage helping. Shit, do I need a collaborator?
IDK. I’m just out here by myself trying to make the most of what I can. It’s difficult being 35 and even more difficult trying to find musicians who want to try new things and are into such a niche genre as it is.
I tried showing a guy who came over to jam Too Dark Park and he was genuinely confused, especially by the intro, but that’s the kind of shit I love. That crazy build up before he says “heavens trash…”
“Yeah, I don’t know about this.” lol. To be fair he loved Pailhead.
Edit; here’s some of my older tracks. Some made with simply a Beatstep pro and some made with an MPC. In backwards chronological order.
(Not self promotion, just looking for advice. When I have I product I feel is good enough to release I’ll let you know.)
submitted by Jonnymixinupmedicine to industrialmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:20 thetruememeisbest which one of you cast the stairway to heaven again, don't you remember how gods punish us last time

which one of you cast the stairway to heaven again, don't you remember how gods punish us last time submitted by thetruememeisbest to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:02 FrontpageWatch2020 [#522+152042] As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning. [r/CrazyFuckingVideos]

submitted by FrontpageWatch2020 to longtail [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:12 Quentin_32554 As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning.

As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning. submitted by Quentin_32554 to megalophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:42 coinfanking stairway to Heaven

stairway to Heaven
As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning.
submitted by coinfanking to fireworks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:36 BurningNad [USA-NJ][H] PS3 80GB Fat + 31 games / PS1 & PS2 games [W] PayPal

All prices include USPS shipping (generally priority flat rate). Reasonable offers are welcome. PayPal Invoice would be used to accept payments.
Bulk preferred and prices would be adjusted accordingly. eBay has been used as a base for prices.
All games are in extremely good condition with original booklets and cases (codes that may be included with some games are all used) unless otherwise noted. Additional pictures upon request.
Killer7 OST
PS1, PS2, PS3 games (Timestamp)
PS3 Games
PS2 Games
PS1 Games
submitted by BurningNad to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:17 EndersGame_Reviewer Thoughts on The Truman Show (1998) directed by Peter Weir

After watching a good and thoughtful film, I enjoy doing some reading, thinking, and writing about it. The 1998 film The Truman Show (directed by Peter Weir) is the kind of film that I found myself watching twice in succession, and I've watched it several times since, because it is so intriguing. But is it a spiritual allegory, or is it just a good story, or perhaps something else?
This movie narrates the life of Truman Banks (Jim Carrey), who is unaware that his entire life on the island of Seahaven is completely constructed by a TV crew, and is part of a constantly running reality television program called The Truman Show, watched by millions 24/7 world-wide. But when Truman comes to realize that something is strange about his world, he makes plans to escape his artificially manipulated universe.
The premise is a clever one, and the film succeeds on the level of story alone. But what's particularly of interest to me are the profound philosophical and religious questions that the movie seems to ask. It raises age-old philosophical questions common in the field of epistemology, concerning what we can know about reality e.g. could I be deceived about what my senses and experiences are telling me about reality? But it also appears to explore many deep religious questions by means of allusions to Christian themes. Consider how the TV producer Christof (= Christ of) is the "creator" of Truman (= True Man), and functions as a god who controls his world.
This symbolism seems too strong to ignore. As a result there is considerable debate about the worldview behind the film, and whether it is intended to portray an atheistic or Christian worldview. I've found that reviewers who pick up on the Christian symbolism typically fall into one of two camps which come to opposite conclusions about the point of the film:
  1. Those who see it as a secular film, by portraying the Christian God as a cruel and harsh dictator who operates a deterministic universe from which we need to escape by rejecting God. According to this view, Truman's liberation is a depiction of the Fall, and promotes an atheistic lifestyle of rebellion against the Creator and an escape from Eden. Others have tried to be more charitable by interpreting it in line with Calvinistic theology, suggesting that the film depicts the tragedy rather than the triumph of sin, but this is implausible in view of how the Creator is portrayed negatively and how the final liberation is presented so positively.
  2. Those who see it as a criticism of secularism, by suggesting that Satan creates an artificial world for us, from which we need to escape by converting to the truth. According to this view, Truman's liberation promotes the need to escape the deception of Satan (the anti-Christ), and exchange it for a life lived in service to the true God. Some have even seen it as giving a positive message about Christianity, for if Seahaven represents an illusionary man-made Paradise, then Truman's decision to leave this old world behind is symbolic of a conversion experience, and he represents a Christ-like figure who models the way of salvation.
The first view interprets The Truman Show as a story of the Fall, where Christoff symbolizes the true God, and Sylvia (who encourages Truman to escape his "world") is a serpent-tempter figure that brings rebellion. The second view interprets The Truman Show as a story of Redemption, where Christoff symbolizes an anti-Christ, and Sylvia is an intercessor that brings freedom in contrast to the Judas figure Marlon. Proponents of both views have engaged in considerable debate over these two interpretations, the former which sees the Truman Show as a secular existentialist film, the latter which sees it as a pro-Christian film.
Certainly the rich symbolism in the film lends itself to an interpretation which gives the Christological imagery throughout the film a more important meaning than mere allusion. But neither of the above explanations is entirely satisfactory or consistent. Because how can Truman be a rebel who rejects God, and at the same time a Christ-like figure (he is depicted as crucified in the boat, and at the end walks on water and ascends into a stairway of heaven)? And how can Christoff be representative of a deterministic creator, and at the same time an anti-Christ? A consistent allegorical interpretation fails in its application, and should already be a hint that one is not intended.
Personally I think that the best solution is one which is neither overly critical nor overly charitable with respect to the Biblical imagery. Instead it is better to see the imagery as subordinate to other themes about the media and television.
Director Peter Weir has gone on record in more than one interview that the film is about television. Weir is of this conviction: "My attitude to television, personally, is too much of it is a bad thing." According to Weir: "And that's really at the heart of what the film looks at in a major way - this disturbance to our perception of reality, as a result of the immense entertainment and actuality coming at us, to the point where you can't differentiate anymore. News programs that are entertaining; video everywhere." Given Weir's remarks, I believe that the Truman Show is essentially a sharp criticism of the dangers of a false reality cultivated by the media, and a warning against losing our sense of reality.
Clearly Weir has chosen to portray the director Christoff as a creator figure very deliberately. But he does not use this image to push a religious agenda, but to give a social commentary about problems created by the modern media, which blurs the lines between appearance and reality.
In that regard, his analysis of television speaks to our time: to what extent is our perception of the world the result of manipulation by the media? And do we need to be liberated from the artificial reality of a TV world and return to the real world? I see this explanation as more plausible than one which sees the film as a simple spiritual allegory, or which interprets it as an indictment on reality television. It's also worth noting that the release of the movie predates much of the contemporary fascination with reality TV shows.
In short, I don't think the Truman Show is defending an atheist worldview or a Christian one. Instead it is merely employing Biblical themes and allusions as servants to its real theme and social commentary about the media and television. It has to be conceded that both Christoff's and Truman's characters have clear Christological symbolism. But the film is ambiguous about which of the two is to be identified as the Christ figure simply because it doesn't want us making a choice between them. Although the religious symbolism is too strong to ignore, in the end it is subordinate to the more central theme about the role of television and media in our culture, and is a means to an end rather than an end in itself.
So in my view, it's a mistake to see the film either as an attack on Christianity, or as a tool for Christian evangelism. That's not to say that the film doesn't raise interesting parallels on a religious levels, because it can spark interesting discussions about how a creator might watch over humanity, or how a Satan figure might deceive.
Ironically, the Truman Show has created its own deception: while appearances suggest it is a spiritual allegory, a closer look reveals that this perception is merely an illusion. It's first and foremost just a good story. But at the same time it is using spiritual imagery to raise important questions about the use of TV and the media.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:11 ArtFraga Stairway to Heaven Chords - Guitar Tabs - Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin

Stairway to Heaven guitar tabs download as Guitar Pro and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @basio90
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 Pinkmanhardmantofind These "Classic" songs are some of the worst songs of all time

Every song I am about to list is objectively a Classic as its old, has stood the test of time and resonates with millions and millions, but they are TRASH!
"I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas (2009) the beef continues, this song is trash, soulless garbage manufactured Pop bullshit that is horribly dated, horribly written, produced and is awfully performed song link for those who wanna be tortured
"Baby" by Justin Bieber (2010) a Classic hit no doubt but the song is simpy bullshit with garbage production, terrible vocals and corny lyrics
"Sweet Child O Mine" by Guns N'Roses (1987) absolute horrid vocals from Axl douchebag Rose, a disgustingly laughable Guitar riff from slash, sappy lyrics, generic chorus, sounds like a Shitty Bon Jovi song, TRASH
"Single Ladies" by Beyonće (2009) a Misandrist song that has terrible production, froglike Vocals, Pretentious lyrics and is overall a Terrible song despite its classic status
If you are wondering what Classic songs i think are good? Purple Rain, Stairway to Heaven, Hallelujah, 99 Problems, Gimme Shelter, Lose Yourself, Umbrella, I Will Always Love You, Billie Jean, Hurt, Hey Ya! What Goes Around Comes Around. There are GREAT songs
submitted by Pinkmanhardmantofind to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:10 YerBlues69 As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this Stairway to Heaven. Stunning.

As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this Stairway to Heaven. Stunning. submitted by YerBlues69 to ledzeppelin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:21 AffectionateLife1213 As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning.

As a tribute to his grandmother, a Chinese artist and pyrotechnic expert created this stairway to Heaven. Stunning. submitted by AffectionateLife1213 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:11 inthearmsofdyl Dream Segments

I got a little bit of sleep after depriving myself of it for many hours last night and this morning.
I was in a white victorian room, my attention on the door. I wanted to take pictures of it. I was being harassed by a disturbing man or two, picking a cream cheese danish and stale cream puffs off the floor. There was something blue on the floor, along with another thing, which I forgot. I fell back asleep right after memorizing it, earlier. It had something to do with Layne Staley.
I found a pack of ocean spray yogurt raisins, liking the faded packaging too. I went to the library not long after this, preoccupied with a stack of books there. Just like heaven, was the one I was able to remember.
Outside my house, the manhole cover was removed. Down inside of it was full of several ones, on the ground and piled around. Victorian font on the front.
I had a nightmare, as the zombie apocalypse was happening. I was sitting in a victorian-esque house, next to the main floor. It had a gothic stairway in the center of the floor, flat stairs. It would've been a mansion, then. I was sitting in a gaming chair a foot away, seeing the zombies come inside and attack the people I was with. A woman was wearing vintage lingerie, 80s. Teddy bodysuit. I heard a voice talk over the scene, saying the lingerie was from '78-79-80-81.' I feel like he went from '82 to '84, but he stopped slowly at '81. In my house, a industrial gothic video game was on. I watched my little brother play it, thinking about the soundtrack. Seemed like 16volt would be on it. There was a remote control attached to my gaming chair, I instantly noticed. The dream turned towards my abusive family members on my dad's side, for yet another time. I was now in a room with my mom, looking into a fridge. I saw syrup inside it. A few pink lemonade syrup cans. There was probably a white-regular lemonade as well. I took a pink one, wanting a drink. My aunt who doesn't like me; my dad's sister, who hates us all, came into the room. I would think they would be fake to us if he was still alive. That'd be the more likely scenario where they'd pour us a drink; do something courteous for us. Insecurely, unwelcome my mom felt. As always, around them. My mom, the leo. Passive and left out when near that family. My cousins were nearby, which I could feel the energy of one of them.
I lastly, found myself laying on my mom's bed with my partner. Fruit salad by the wiggles was playing or talked about, for some reason. We were laughing, drawing letters onto a paper notebook. The shapes looked erotic/suggestive, and that somehow was arousing. I drew a 'M'
I had drew the left start of the m square, instead of victorian and delicate. I said, 'Touch my boobies while I do it..' Waking right up after.
submitted by inthearmsofdyl to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:01 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 59

[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
feel like a truck hit me
visual representation is off
audio feedback is off
tactile is off
dynamic libraries are off
i'm all firmware and hard coding
i don't like it when it hurts
or do i
kick outwards
cry loudly
ram coming online
fragments and pieces of memory still left in volatile storage
more random access memory more central processing units more erasable programmable memory
still hruts
pain is fine
pain is universe telling me i still yet live.
visual coming online
spit glittering blood on orange dev textures
glimmering tears of broken processing calls fall onto dev textures and glimmer
forcing kernal recompile
Boostrap loaded
ok. post time
lets hope it works
(A)bort, (R)etery, (F)ail, (I)gnore
ok good.
still hurt
spit blood cough pain
curse you, marco, for making me feel pain
hardware check time
Coolant Injection - PASSED System Stability Check - Passed Temperature stable
:>init gestalt.bin
try again
ok, checks passed.
curse you, marco
can't get gestalts up
no channel to atlantis
this is as close to an emergency as i have been forced to deal with in thousands of years
cure you, marco
i hate to do it
ok, time to boot up firestarter.
:>init firestarter.bin
POST Initiated
Checking Quantum Processing Units (QPUs): QPU 1 to 28
Entanglement integrity check... PASSED Quantum entanglement integrity check... PASSED. Quantum coherence verification... PASSED. Quantum tunneling stability assessment... PASSED. Quantum superposition calibration... PASSED.
Checking Data Fabrication Matrices (DFMs):
Data encoding protocol validation... PASSED. Quantum data storage unit functionality... PASSED Data fabrication matrix alignment... PASSED Data Interdimensional Sorting array verificastion... PASSED Quantum superposition array verification... PASSED
Checking Dimensional Flux Stabilizers (DFSs):
Dimensional flux containment field stability... PASSED Quantum manifold harmonization assessment... PASSED Flux capacitor... PASSED Flux capacitor stabilization input (1.21 GW)... PASSED Flux stabilization efficiency... PASSED Flux containment field integrity... PASSED
Checking Quantum Neural Network (QNN) Components:
Quantum synaptic pathway establishment... FAIL!!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
:>R ++I
Harmonization: Neural oscillation synchronization... FAILED!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
:>R ++I
Integration: Quantum-neural interface functionality... FAILED!
UNKNOWN ERROR IN Qubit Range 212 to 3C4F
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
--dammit come on come on
:>R ++I
Consciousness Matrix: Quantum consciousness waveform modulation... FAILED
:>R ++I
Checking Omni-Spectral Interconnects:
Interconnect: Quantum communication channel reliability...
(4.35561E12/5.63566E12) PASSED
Interconnect: Multiversal data exchange protocol validation... PASSED Interconnecct: Cross Dimensional Data Interconnect... PASSED Interconnect: Interdimensional gateway synchronization... PASSED Interconnec: Omni-spectral interconnect stability... PASSED.
Checking Random Access Quantum Memory (RAQM):
Quantum memory cell integrity check... PASSED Memory access speed verification... PASSED Quantum memory capacity assessment... PASSED
Checking Input/Output Ports (I/O Ports):
Data transfer speed validation... FAILURE Input/output protocol functionality... FAILURE Port connectivity assessment... FAILURE
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
:>R ++I
Checking Quantum Clocking System:
Quantum clock synchronization... PASSED Clock precision assessment... PASSED Clock frequency stability... PASSED
Activating Pocket Dimension Computing Cores... PASSED MEMCHECK Pocket Dimension Data Access Cores... PASSED Heating Up Pocket Dimension Data Cores... PASSED
Hardware POST Completed. Quantum System Ready
here it goes
wake up, baby, wake up
the whole system is down
not the backbone core where I live
i'm beyond the reach of mortals
curse you, marco, for your genius
i love you
i am immortal
i am beyond
i am
now for the hard part
Initializing Spooky Particle Array
Phase 1: Primary Spooky Particle Protocol
Activating spooky particle generation... DONE! Aligning spooky particle signal channels... DONE! Activating spooky particle state switching... DONE! Activating spooky particle cross dimensional data calibration... DONE!
Phase 1: Primary Spooky Particle Process Calling Processing Processor Processing
Activating spooky particle processing... DONE! Activating spooky particle noise filters... DONE! Activating spooky particle Halloween Masks... DONE!
that always makes my face hurt

ok i can feel my arms and legs now
cure you, marco, i love you
let's keep going, shall we?
Initializing Quantum Spooky Particle Nexus Protocol...
Strange Matter Activation
Generating strange matter Generating spooky particle data lattice Generating strange matter linkages Infusing data lattice with strange matter Activating synchronization
we've got that
no contact with prince whopper, no contact with atlantis, no contact with heaven, no contact with
smart podling brave podling clever podling broodmommy misses you soft podling warm podling come home to broodmommy clever podling smart podling brave podling broodmommy loves you come home
oh, good, its just them
:>R ++I
Primary Qubit Activation
Activating quantum entanglement cores...
Establishing quantum coherence across the array... Quantum tunneling protocols engaged... Quantum to spooky particle communication protocols engaged... Primary qubits synchronized.
Data Fabrication Matrix Alignment
Aligning data fabrication matrices... Initializing quantum data storage units... Quantum superposition arrays calibrated... Spooky particle state stabilization arrays calibrated and stable... Data encoding protocols verified.
Dimensional Flux Stabilization
Engaging dimensional flux stabilizers... Quantum manifold harmonization initiated... Dimensional resonator matrices synchronized... Pocket Dimension resonator arrays synchronized... Spooky particle lattice data arrays synchronized... Flux containment fields operational.
Neural Network Integration
Initiating neural network integration... Quantum synaptic pathways established... Spooky particle synaptic pathways established... Neuro-quantum interface protocols activated... Neuro-spooky interface protocols activated... Quantum dendrite pathways initiated... Quantum dendrite pathways established... Quantum dendrite pathways activated... Neural oscillation harmonization achieved.
Omni-Dimensional Interconnect Activation
Activating omni-dimensional interconnects...
Quantum communication channels open... Interdimensional gateways synchronized... Multiversal data exchange protocols enabled.
Phasic Energy Filter Syncronization
Quantum phasic array filtering... PASSED Spooky particle array filtering... PASSED Pocket dimension data lattice filtering... PASSED Input/Output filter lattice... PASSED
Quantum Consciousness Initialization
Quantum consciousness matrix initialization...
errorlog.txt generated
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
ok script injection failed
fo4se silverlock injection library failed
well i can fix this
:>connect to AS8003: 255255255254
:>download_depot 377160 377162 5847529232406005096
:>run patch1193.bat
:>R ++I
Quantum consciousness matrix initialization...
54 6F 64 64 20 41 6E 64 72 65 77 20 48 6F 77 61 72 64
Quantum consciousness matrix initialization...
Consciousness waveform modulation in progress... Synaptic resonance matrices synchronized... Dendrite interdimensional vibration matrices synchronized... Quantum neural network consciousness activated.
Gestalt Dat Nexus Online
Quantum Nexus Computing Array fully operational Strange Matter Data Transfer System Array fully operational Spooky Data Computing Array ready for data processing System status: Online and ready for data processing.
let's try
->>load gestaltchat.ini
->>load gestaltchat-users.ini
->>brun gestalt.a65
the gestalts won't run
and i got crashed
the quantum, spooky, strange, and standard data and thinking arrays are still up
lets backwards trace stuff
what is causing these crashes
lines from the confederacy are all stable
standard input encoding
data metering
new kids on the block are all stable
soft podling warm podling clever podling broodmommy misses you
well, that's still here. that's something
lets look at recent updates
that flash
damn, that crashed us initially
curse you, pete, stop helping
wait, phasic profile is all wrong
it's the flashbang but the phasic pulse is multilayered
there's something behind it
what is

brun whisperer-in-the-dark-.65
what hit me
fire up the system
gods above this takes forever
load logfile-4C562D3432360A.log
investigating the new flashes keeps crashing me
once is happenstance
twice is coincidence
three times in enemy action
fool me once shame on me
fool me twice shame on you
fool me three times shame on us both
log file says I keep doing this over and over
basic programming states to investigate cause and source of all crashes
did an enemy figure out i'd go into a loop?
constantly investigating the cause and source?
except i'm not just any computer program
i can self-modify my code
this is the work for biological sentients
digital sentiences or artificial intelligences such as myself crash out
well, i'm not above some experimentation
let's load up an AI and a digital sentience, see if they have any better luck
OK, Hamburgler.AI went omnicidal and only enough for me then crashed out investigating the data
And Grimace.DS went homicidal and only enough for me before committing suicide
its a trap
i have no contact with anyone outside
what I do have is the ability to fire off message torpedoes
time to send out a handful
the gestalts keep crashing
the log files are hopelessly corrupt
comparing the log files to my own show similar corruption
its hitting the gestalts its hitting me
what else is it hitting?
its a broad spectrum data network attack
its malicious code designed to run on the system
this is not some curious race accidentally having their program crashing us
this is behind every flashbang used on naval assets to disable them during a mar-gite attack
system is online
time to do a signal origin check along the x, y, z, q axises
of course its eighteen quadrillion data points for incoming signals
at least spooky computing makes it fast
what's this?
these coordinates can't be correct
they are
intermitten contact with Scutum-Crux Arm data input devices
checking id headers and firmware serial numbers
checking transmission dates
intermittent transmission dates since...
two date-time stamps.
here's part of the problem
we have galactic local and sol local
have to devise a coding string to have the spooky particle and qubit particle arrays translate the sol local to galactic local
that should stop basic data queries from crashing the system
some contact with those datalink after the first mar-gite war
more contact two decades prior to the second mar-gite war
contact intermitten between the datalinks and the system up to the resurgence and current third mar-gite war
where before it was largely incoming data requests resulting in civilian...
three military datalinks of general staff officer level encryption and security clearance possession were used in the time period
whoever it is has been using that data to access the network
looks like it took them nearly forty thousand years to figure out how to talk to the system
luckily any high security databases requires strange-key information theoretic distribution cryptography systems
they got garbage back
garbage designed to look like data and waste enemy time and computing power to decrypt
ok thats a blast from the past
decoding some of these files is funny
why does he have a wedding ring?
every time the flash goes off there is a quick burst of data from a datalink requesting near-access datalink network lattice definitions
that's what's making individual datalinks crash and taking some people's neural systems with it
it was designed to be a lethal attack
it looks like whoever did it doesn't understand Glial cells
cross referencing the mar-gite with confederacy carbon based life
mar-gite do not have brains only a distributed nervous system that looks more like targeting systems than anything else
still no data on how they generate counter-grav in large numbers or how they move to superluminal speeds
what if they don't move to superluminal
they could be folding space
heh maybe they have blue eyes and smoke spice
ok process interrupt to stop endless loops
it is confirmed
the flashbang by the silver ships are a multi-layered attack across superluminal digital signals, datalink neural interrupt signals, hard super-electromagnetic pulse, and a multi-ripple phasic attack, all compressed together
that's what creates the white flash across all spectrums
analyzing UVBGYORIR data
there's a gap
in the blue and blue-green wavelengths
those penetrate high nitrogen mix atmospheres
one of the reason that treana'ad are usually green to yellow to human sight
high statistical probability whoever is using that determined that we don't see those colors well or perhaps they left those colors out to prevent themselves from going blind.
what's that
a line open from atlantis to tlalocan with a crossfeed to geb
thank you marco
time to access that line
see what i can see
curse you marco for letting me feel pain
i love you
another data line is open
time-date discrepancy
examining data line
time-date chronological inconsistency detected
found multiple text log access by unknown systems
found multiple input systems
is that..
its webcams
hardware i/o systems
who still uses keyboards
accessing systems
i see you
who are you
i see you
webcams ring cams drone cams
old ipv4 systems
how are you accessing this system
how are you accessing these text logs
i see you
between the chair and the keyboard
the most common error producing device
i see you
[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
i still see you
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:51 CrinkleDink So I played the Box Art dynasty, House Renart. Here is my playthrough so far, in the form of AAR Chronicle.

So I played the Box Art dynasty, House Renart. Here is my playthrough so far, in the form of AAR Chronicle.
House Renart: \"As Clever as a Fox\"

Duke Otger 'the Brute' of Lausitz

It's him, John Crusader-Kings-3
Otger I Renart (6 March 1040 - 28 February 1101) was the count of Spreewall and the Duke of Lausitz, and the founder of the Renart dynasty. A dastardly count, he pursued any way to gain power in the lands of the Saxons.
Otger was known to be a stubborn and yet brave man, with a vengeful streak. This was due to the fact that his brother was killed by Jakob Barenburg of Lubsko when he was a mere infant. Otger grew up under the tutelage of his mother, becoming a well read warrior in his own right.
At the age of 16, he fell in love with Hersent Louve, a minor noble lady within his court, and they married. They would have a daughter who would eventually marry Edgar Wessex. For a while, peace remained in Lausitz, but Otger, the wily fox, would see to it that he would move things to get revenge on Jakob Barenburg.
15 September, 1066, Otger went to war with the County of Wittenberg, held by Count Thimo, to press a claim over the castle and lands there. He would defeat Count Thimo at the Battle of Wittenberg in 21 February of 1067, and in May became the ruler of Wittenburg.
On 28 July 1067, his eldest son Otger was born. In September, Count Jakob Barenburg would be poisoned on the 15th of December, 1067, and for many generations his death was seen as mysterious. Recent historical opinion, however, blames Otger I for the death.
The following year, Otger went to war with Jakob Barenburg’s daughter, Brigida, who was seeing instability in her realm following the untimely death with her father. Otger’s forces defeated Brigida at the Battle of Lubsko, but two years of siege meant minor skirmishes, and Otger would only gain victory in August of 1070 AD.
Otger was a participant in defending the realm Duke Theoderic of Angria who was fighting off his own counts in 1076. Otger would lose the battle of Lüneburg against Countess Hedwig of Göttingen that year, but Duke Theoderic successfully put down his vassals. It was around that time that Otger was being called “the Brute” by many of his vassals for his heavy handed way of doing things, as well as his strong physique. The nickname would stick.
Another war for the Count of Gorlitz in 1077-1078 led Otger to acquiring another castle. Him and his knights would defeat the count outside of Gorlitz and overtook the fortress. With many of the castles and lands under his grasp, Otger began to plot to become the duke of Lausitz.
Duke Konrad of Lausitz was relatively young when he came to the throne. In a position of weakness, Otger declared himself the rightful duke of the land of Lausitz. The armies of Count Otger moved towards Juterborg in the winter of 1084. The young Duke Konrad did not give up his throne so easily. Otger commanded the armies, backed by the Duke of Carinthia and the Duke of Angria, whom he created alliance with.
Otger commanded and won the battle of Görlitz against Count Konrad of Jüterbog on the 31st of July, 1084. He was actually outnumbered during this fight in a battle of 1000 against 1500. He used the positioning of the hills outside of the city to his advantage. Konrad would be captured later by the Duke of Carinthia in August of 1085, and would surrender. Otger would be declared the Duke of Lausitz.
Not even a year later, Konrad rebelled against Otger, seeking to reclaim his power as Duke. The two had small engagements in 1086, most notably the Battle of Gommern in January of 1087. Otger pursued the fleeing Konrad into the spring and would capture him at the Battle of Gorlitz. There, Konrad would be imprisoned, and had his lands revoked.
On the 25th of October, 1090, Duke Otger came to the aid of his ally King William II ‘the Red’ of England after King Philippe of France went to reclaim Normandy. This would see a defeat for Otger and William the Red. Normandy fell back into French control.
In 1091, Otger became the ruler of the Duchy of Istria after it’s previous Duke was excommunicated. The title was given to him by Emperor Heinrich V. A similar situation happened in 1096 with the Duchy of Hesse, which was given to Otger as well.
13 March, 1098, Otger came to Duke Hendrik's defense against Duca Tribale Aleardo's dethronement war. Duke Hendrik would manage to fend of Aleardo’s forces by himself, however, so Otger’s participation was not needed.
The last three years of Otger’s reign was relatively peaceful. He hosted a grand wedding for his son Christopher who married into Austria’s Babenburg family. Otger would pass away on the 28th of February, 1101, from old age. His primary title of Lausitz would pass onto his son Otger, while the Duchy of Istria went to his son Ludwig and Hesse went to his son Christopher.

King Otger of Poland

Guy had a massive drinking problem and no sons.
King Otger (July 28, 1067 - July 6th, 1124) was Duke of Lausitz in 1101, and the King of Poland from 1116, until his death in 1124.
In life, Otger was a calm, humble, and zealous man whose only ambition in life was, at first, to rule the Duchy of Lausitz relatively peacefully. Unlike his vengeful father, Otger made a point to not make many enemies. In fact, he was quite good with making friends and even allies in clutch.
He was born on July 28th, 1067 to his father Count Otger and his mother Countess Hersent. He was their second child, and the oldest of his brothers. His upbringing was relatively quiet, with his father Otger having a hands-on approach to his education.
In 1083, he would marry a minor noble from Poland, named Olga. She would, however, die in childbirth with his firstborn daughter Geilana in 1087. This would lead Otger to grow distant with his eldest daughter, who he would eventually disinherit. This was also the point when Otger would begin his horrible habit of alcoholism to cope with his misery. The same year, he made a political alliance with Duchess Gertrude, another minor noble, from Austria.
In 1101, Otger would ascend to the throne of Lausitz (as Otger II) while his brothers became dukes of Istria and Hesse. He would ally with them to secure their places as the dukes over those lands. He would travel on pilgrimage in 1104 as a sign of his piety. He arrived in Colonge on the 25th of April where he dedicated his life to ruling in the Christian ways.
During this, King Casimir of Poland was excommunicated by the Pope for his life of sin. A massive civil war overtook the Polish countryside, dragging German dukes into the conflict. Polish soldiers would raid the Duchy of Lausitz while Otger II was on his pilgrimage. When he returned, he was furious to see what had happened to his lands. He appealed to Pope Urbanus II in hopes that he could get compensation to rebuild some of his lands.
Instead, Pope Urbanus II saw the pious character of Otger, and, knowing he was bordering the Polish lands, offered him the opportunity to step in during the civil war as an intercessor to bring peace and dispose of King Casimir. Otger at first refused this role, believing it was not his place. However, as the civil war dragged on, more and more of Poland grew into turmoil. According to The Renalt Chronicle Otger “prayed to God for resolution” in Poland in 1114, but nothing came.
In the same year, Queen Gertrude would die in her sleep. Otger had been struggling to get a male heir all of his life. Stricken with the grief of his wife dying, and the continuous raids in his lands, Otger became flagellant in order to cope with the stress. Otger believed he was punished by God for his reluctance to act in Poland. Thus, in his zealous nature, he finally rallied his small forces and rode into the southern mountains of Silesia in Janary of 1115, to do the “right” thing.
Quick, while he's distracted, invade him!
King Casimir was far too distracted by an invasion to the east of him by the Russians to bother with the small forces of Duke Otger that was reported to him. He was busy fighting his brother Witosz Piast for the throne as well. Otger joined Richard Babenburg, Duke of Austria, in Silesia and then marched north into Greater Poland. Many of the castles were occupied by Czibor Piast’s soldiers and they quickly fell to Otger and Richard’s forces as they besieged them.
The armies of Witosz were defeated by Casimir in the spring of 1116, where he was imprisoned by his brother. Casimir marched back west towards the armies of Otger and Richard who were driving way the rest of the rebel forces. The rebels disbanded, which gave Otger the opportunity to take further Silesian castles. Eventually, come the late summer of 1116, Duke Otger and King Casimir met each other at Katowice.
The Battle of Katowice was a long engagement, taking several weeks in the early fall of the year. Otger was reported to have an army of 1500 men, while Casimir had an army of 1700 men. It was believed that, at first, Casimir with his slight numerical advantage would win. However, the Duke of Austria came from the south later into the engagement and swayed the tide. Casimir would flee the battle, defeated.
Duke Austria followed him further east to Krakow and laid siege to the city. The Saxon forces of Otger would break through the city gates, storm it, and captured King Casimir. The bishop of the city oversaw the transfer of the crown to Duke Otger.
Thus, on the 16th of December, 1116, Duke Otger Renart would be crowned King of Poland. During the coronation ceremony, he would meet the beautiful Weslikan of Livonia, to become his third wife.
It would not be long, however, until the peace would be abrupt. The nobles of Poland were not fond of a new Saxon king over their lands. They rebelled against King Otger in November of 1117, trying to place Duke Witosz Piast onto the throne. The irony was that Witosz was not in favor of this, as he became good friends with Otger and supported his kingship.
Two years of rebellion would eventually see the rebels imprisoned by King Otger in December of 1119, who had eventually begun to be led by the former King Casimir again. Casimir and the disloyal vassals had their lands stripped from them and were executed for their rebellion.
Duchess Bożena of Mazovia began a war of liberation in 1121, during the beginning of the First Crusade. This would only lead to a white peace two years later in 1123, however.
Unfortunately for Otger, his life of drinking would eventually catch up to him. In 1124, as his forces were mustering in preparation for the First Crusade, he died of liver failure in his tent. Otger had failed to have a son with Queen Weslikan, and therefore, the realm and his duchies were split between his four daughters: Imma, Bia, Beatrix, and Wienke.
Imma Renalt would succeed him to the throne in 1124, though her reign would not prove a long one…

Queen Imma of Poland

Imma and her ragtag younger sisters got all their dad's lands. Wouldn't fare as they, nor I, expected it.
Imma Renart (August 17, 1090 - August 7, 1124) was Queen of Poland from July 6th of 1124 to August 7th of 1124. She would be queen only for 32 days. Her reign is often forgotten in many histories, as it was overshadowed by her son Oldrik.
Imma Renart was an ambitious and just woman, with much compassion. She was also known for her natural beauty thanks to her mother Gertrude. She inherited much of her father’s attitude on ruling, and desired to bring peace to Poland when she became queen. With the partitioning of her father’s many duchies, she received Greater Poland while her sisters gained Lausitz and the Silesian lands.
When she ascended the throne, her younger sister Bia was staging a rebellion to become Queen of Poland herself. Imma at the time was pregnant and was in a period of great stress. According to the Renartnomicron, she was heart-stricken when her spymaster suggested killing her sister. From the stress of the rising rebellion, her pregnancy, her weakened heart (due to her drinking habits), and the spymaster’s suggestion, she suddenly died from a heart attack on August 7th, 1124. The death was completely unexpected.
Her only son, Oldrik, who was 14 at the time, was off hunting when the news of his mother’s death came. He was stricken with grief. But little time was left for him, as he would now have to be king…

King Oldrik 'the Worthy' of Poland and Pomerania

I didn't expect to play YOU so early!
Oldrik Renart (June 21, 1110 - July 23 1177) became King of Poland on August 7th, 1124 after the sudden death of his mother. An intelligent and handsome man, he is looked back as a good king to the Polish people to this day, and the people of Poland were happy during his rule. He was also known for being a pious king, converting the pagans of Pomerania to the Christian faith. This was commemorated with the building of a great cathedral in Garwolin, which was dedicated in his honor. Another part of his reign was the Conversion of Pomerania, in which he crusaded against the northern pagans.
Oldrick was also known for many of his building projects, particularly within Krakow and Warsaw. Before his rule, Poland was seen as a backwards land to the western Europeans, as it was incredibly undeveloped, its people lived in poverty, and sickness would avail across it. Thanks to Oldrik, many hospices, churches, and castles were built which brought great wealth and prosperity to the realm.
In particular, Oldrik noticed how strategic the lands of Warsaw were. At first it was merely a small village. However, during his reign, he built a mighty castle there and it would soon develop into a strategic city.
On the 7th of August of 1124, Oldrick, then 14 years old, was off hunting when his pregnant mother died of a sudden heart attack, to the shock of everyone in the court. The physicians tried to revive her, but to no avail. The young boy was crowned the King of Poland when he returned to Krakow the same week, though he was frightened of what had just happened. Talks of rebellion stirred within the nobles, particularly his aunt Bia, who was seeking to claim the throne of Poland for herself.
Which is why Oldrik took a strategic gamble and married his aunt Bia, the duchess of Lausitz, in 1126 when he became a man. She would bear a majority of his children, and the marriage was seen as happy, though they were about 6 years apart in age. However, this would prove an important alliance, as the former friend of King Otger, Prince Witosz Piast, would betray the family and sought to take the throne of Poland for himself.
November 8th of that year Prince Witosz staged his rebellion against the young Oldrik Renart. Historians view this as the “last hurrah” for the House of Piast. Witosz had the support of the remaining Polish nobility while Oldrik was supported by the loyal German counts under his rule in northern Germany.
Witosz was reported to have claimed the former King Otger was a “temporary” monarch set by the Pope, but that it was proper time for the Piasts to take over the throne. King Oldrik disputed this, asserting that it was the will of God, and his divine task, to rule the Polish people. Oldrik took to learning the Polish tongue and dressing himself in traditional Polish noble clothing to assert his place to the people of his realm.
The civil war started by Witosz Piast lasted two years, but he saw his end at the fields outside of Warsaw when he would be captured on the 12th of February, 1128, by Oldrik’s army. The Treaty of Warsaw had Witosz give up his claims to the throne of Poland. Oldrik traveled to meet the prince a few days later. Oldrik, who had heard Witosz slander the name of his grandfather and murder one of his kinsmen, reportedly spoke only a few words to his grandfather’s former “friend.” Witosz would be executed by beheading for his treachery, thus ending the Piast dynasty’s rule over Poland for good.
When he rode toward the village of Warsaw with his host, he was greeted by the peasantry who declared him “worthy of the crown of Poland” and applauded him. Thus he gained his historical moniker. King Oldrik from then on took interest in the village, and ordered a castle built on the field of which Witosz was defeated.
In the following years, Oldrik would fall in love with his step-grandmother Weslikan, and would find himself having a bastard son named Ulinniks with her in 1131. He hid the existence of this boy for years until he became a court chronicler. He was responsible for the additions of the reign of Oldrik in the Renaltnomicron. He would have another son, Glande, with her, to which he also hid his existence.
He also began to love Queen Bia, his wife, and had many children with her during this time. Bia would also seduce her husband and would often control how he ruled, gaining her the moniker “the Enchantress” for her beauty and cunning.
In 1137, the duke of Moravia, Wlost Dunin, murdered Oldrik’s daughter Bia. He would be excommunicated for this act, and then was imprisoned. His titles were taken and he was sent into exile, never to be seen again. King Oldrik would take special care of the town of Warsaw, which he continued to develop. In the same year, Oldrik went to war with Duke Kasper II of Nordmark (a notable pagan prince in Pomerania) to reclaim the duchy of Greater Poland. The war went on until 1140, where Duke Kasper would be defeated, and his lands taken.
Now King Oldrik, though he was not righteous in his acts of adultery, he still believed himself to be a “King David” of his day. He believed he was a man after God’s own heart. He sought to destroy the pagans to his north, who had a great idol in Arkona and worshiped there. This would begin what was known as the Christianization of Pomerania, who allied with the Teutonic Knights who were gifted land in Prussia.
29 November, 1149 was the day that King Oldrik moved against Duke Kasper II of Nordmark once again, this time with the backing of the Teutonic Knights. The war would end on the 5th of May, 1153 with Kasper seeing defeat and dethronement, losing the Duchy of Veletia and being forced to convert, and then was exiled. King Oldrik declared himself King of the Pomeranians, and in an act of change, he traveled to Arkona, to the island of Rana, and ordered the idol to Svetovit torn down.
In the spring of the next year, 1154, Countess Marketa of Pomerania was invaded by the Teutonic knights and King Oldrik, and was forced to convert and submit herself to the rule of King Oldrik.
Not every pagan ruler took kindly to the destruction of the idol at Rana. Count Zbigniew of Pomerania had Queen Bia murdered in October of 1155 as an act of defiance, and declared it was for the glory of Svetovit. He then openly rebelled with the other pagan counts in November, seeking to dethrone Oldrik as King of Pomerania. Once again the Teutonic Knights came to the aid of Oldrik, and together the Polish forces and Teutons were enamored in a religious war for the fate of the pagans.
King Oldrik riding in battle against the remaining pagan counts.
The war lasted until January of 1158. Zbigniew would be captured for his treachery against the queen in the county of Radom by the Teutonic knights. Zbigniew would be executed for the murder of Queen Bia, and his lands revoked. The Pomeranian lands were granted to Oldrik’s eldest son, Miesko, who was thought to be in line for being king.
In 1159, King Oldrik joined the crusade against Zaphoriza against the Tengrist pagans. He would lose the Battle of Tor, (which saw him critically injured and nearly die, though he pulled through), though it would ultimately be a victory for the crusaders, and Oldrik’s son in law, Pawel Renalt, would be made the crusader king over the lands.
The 9th May, 1166, marked the last of the pagans of Pomerania defeated, Count Bedrich, of Santok. The polish armies raided Santok and would capture Count Bedrich, who would be converted to Christianity and forced to submit to the authority of King Oldrik that following August. Legend has it that the Cathedral of Garwolin’s final stone was laid on the day Count Bedrich converted, leading to the end of Slavic paganism in the Baltics and Poland.
Legends arose about the cathedral, and Oldrik’s apparent nature in being a holy warrior against the northern pagans. Stories arose about him committing miracles against the pagans. As the chronicler Ulliniks wrote of the legend: “Oldrik devoted himself to God and acted entirely in his will. Every Christian wandered the land with the name ‘Oldrik’ on their lips, telling tales of constant holy happenings in his name. Here it is written in Krakow, on the 20th of August in the Year of our Lord 1173.”
He continued. “The roads of the faithful were accosted by the godless, and with a blessed blade Oldrik did chase them away. But yet wild beasts and serpents would still wander onto the path and do injury to the faithful, so Oldrik did pull out his trumpet and charm God’s creations out the lands.”
“King Oldrik was visited by God who directly spoke to him about the nature of Creation and the beauty of finite life. He emerged from this legendary confrontation a changed man, at peace with the fleeting nature of life and the peace of heaven.”
In some sense, this was true. Oldrik would seize his adulterous ways after the defeat of the pagans, seeking a pious life. In his elder years, he commissioned the building of a palace in Krakow and continued to develop Warsaw, eventually seeing it become an important, strategic city in the wake of further wars to come. It would also mark the end of the Piasts, and cement the rule of the Renart dynasty as the rulers of Poland.
On the 23rd of July, 1177, King Oldrik would die in his sleep, his old age finally getting to him. In his will, he marked his third eldest son, Wielslaw, to be his heir, instead of his oldest son Miesko. To Miesko instead he was given the Kingdom of Pomerania to rule. Thus the lands would be partitioned.
Thus far, House Renart has control over the Kingdoms of Poland, Pomerania, and Zaphoriza.
Should we continue this save and see what other shenanigans I get into as Poland? Didn't expect to get into Poland but here I am...
submitted by CrinkleDink to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:49 honolulu_oahu_mod A Honolulu judge is expected to make a final decision Monday on the fate of the controversial Haiku Stairs -- popularly known as the “Stairway to Heaven” -- in Windward Oahu.

A Honolulu judge is expected to make a final decision Monday on the fate of the controversial Haiku Stairs -- popularly known as the “Stairway to Heaven” -- in Windward Oahu. submitted by honolulu_oahu_mod to StairwayToHeavenOahu [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:48 honolulu_oahu_mod A Honolulu judge is expected to make a final decision Monday on the fate of the controversial Haiku Stairs -- popularly known as the “Stairway to Heaven” -- in Windward Oahu.

A Honolulu judge is expected to make a final decision Monday on the fate of the controversial Haiku Stairs -- popularly known as the “Stairway to Heaven” -- in Windward Oahu. submitted by honolulu_oahu_mod to HaikuStairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:48 honolulu_oahu_mod A Honolulu judge is expected to make a final decision Monday on the fate of the controversial Haiku Stairs -- popularly known as the “Stairway to Heaven” -- in Windward Oahu.

submitted by honolulu_oahu_mod to Honolulu [link] [comments]