Great usernames


2011.10.18 23:25 cjb6714001 Showerthoughts

A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar.

2008.01.25 04:52 Ask Reddit...

AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

2018.02.09 01:09 DuggarsSnark Subreddit

Welcome to DuggarsSnark, a board where you can snark on, make fun of, and criticize the Duggar Family, the far right, ultra-conservative, fundamentalist Christian family behind TLC's fabulously canceled Counting On and 19 Kids and Counting. This subreddit is NOT for fans of the Duggars, and is all in good fun. Come join the discussion!

2024.05.15 13:30 AutoModerator ANNOUNCEMENT - AVOID BEING SCAMMED

As the sub grows, so does it's exposure to scammers. As mods, we do our best to protect the sub, but need y'all's help as well. We are a community. We do not like reading modmails when our fellow members get scammed, but do know that most could have been prevented given they follow the tips we've laid out. Below are these tips on how to stay protected:
How to message the mods -
Banned and sketchy users -
* Always use PayPal/Venmo G&S when buying from someone with under 15 flair on the sub. A scammer will give a BS reason why they can't accept G&S. Anyone with under 15 flair MUST accept G&S as a form of payment according to the rules of the sub. This rule is non-negotiable. If they will not, please report them to the mods.
* Ask a potential seller to comment on your post. This proves that they are not banned from the sub. That doesn't always mean they are a scammer though. It could just mean that they do not meet the sub requirements to become an approved member. They still need to accept G&S though. Check the banned list and vet the seller through their profile.
* Ask for specific timestamped pictures. A "timestamp" is a picture a seller takes with a handwritten note including their username and date next to the item they are selling. Ask for this with "odd" requests such as a picture of the bottle on its side or with the cap off, etc. If they are not willing to provide that then avoid the transaction and report them to the mods. Scammers are becoming crafty and often try and photoshop the timestamp in with a picture they found on google. Be aware and inspect timestamps closely for evidence of photoshopping. Look for blurred edges of paper, shadows not matching up with others in the picture, etc. If you are in doubt, don't hesitate to contact us with the picture.
* "Sellers" who start the conversation off with "WTS (insert frag you're looking for)" are 99.99% most likely a scammer. Scammers will always give you a great deal, or ask you to name your price. Any "seller" who is willing to accept half payment upfront then the other half after delivery to avoid using G&S is most likely a scammer. If it seems to good to be true or fishy, it most likely is.
Please do your due diligence, folks. If you're ever in doubt, reach out to us. Stay safe!
submitted by AutoModerator to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:59 KillBilly1990 [Req] (100) - (#Oakland, Me, USA), (5/24/2024), (Cashapp)

Good morning all,
It’s a shot in the dark but I recently started a new welding job and it’s the best opportunity I’ve had thus far, great pay, benefits, plenty of overtime and great atmosphere.
I recently had my exhaust break as my rear catalytic converter is plugged and blew the pipe apart in front of it, the local police gave me a ticket and said if I’m seen driving it again, it will be towed. I live in a rural town and it’s my only option to get to work and I will do anything to keep this job as it’s the break I’ve been looking for.
It’s 15 miles each way and I can’t find a reliable ride to get by until the exhaust is fixed. I can buy the intermediate pipe and clamps and everything I need for roughly 97 dollars and I’m willing to repay 140 this coming Friday, even double if need be. I had someone help me a couple days ago but the exhaust was worse off than I thought and I need to replace the whole section in front of and the catalytic converter itself, going to get an aftermarket one so it will be cheaper.
I can do the work myself if I can just get the part if anyone would please help someone to keep their job. I can send you a video with a post-it with your username showing how loud my car is, and anything else to prove this is is very real. I’m a hard worker but I just started this job and haven’t received my first check yet and really will do anything to keep this job.
If anyone can please help, I’d 1000% pay you back and then some. Don’t know where else to turn as I am at my wits end. Killbilly90 is my cash tag and definitely can prove everything I’ve said.
If it applies to you, god bless and thank you for taking the time to read this as it truly means a lot!
submitted by KillBilly1990 to borrow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:55 iguessagoodusername Issues with cookies not being set on localhost, but are on postman. (nuxt 3 django 5)

Hello. I am currently working on implementing logging in functionality using django's built in session authentication system. I have managed to get it set up and working with a view like so:
 u/action(detail=False, methods=['POST']) def login(self,request): username =['username'] password =['password'] user = authenticate(request,username=username, password=password) if user is not None: login(request,user) sessionid = request.session.session_key return Response({'message': "Logged in!", 'sessionid': sessionid}) else: return Response({'message': "Invalid credentials provided",'username': username, 'password': password}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) 
When calling to this endpoint at ''" with the proper credentials, I get a 200 OK response on both the localhost and postman, with set-cookie headers in the response. On postman any further requests contain the cookie, however on the localhost, it does not. This is the login fetch and the fetch (getallmessages) that I use to check if it's working on the frontend:
export async function login({username, password}: {username: string, password: string}){ await $fetch(`${baseURL}/uselogin/`,{ headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, method: "POST", // credentials: 'include', body:JSON.stringify({ 'username': username, 'password': password }) }) } export async function getAllMessages(){ await $fetch(`${baseURL}/message/get_all`,{ method: 'get', credentials: 'include', // headers:{ // 'X-csrftoken': csrf // }, }) } 
The getallmessagesfetch is a fetch to this view on the backend:
u/action(detail=False, methods=['get'] , permission_classes=[IsAuthenticated] ) def get_all(self, request): messages = Message.objects.all() messages = self.serializer_class(messages, many=True) return Response( 
I made sure that the localhost is in CORS' allowed and whitelisted origins, cookie is in the allowed cors headers, CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS is True, localhost is running on https, I have the credentials:include attribute on my requests, the sessionid cookie has samesite none and secure True. All of this and still the same results. I also tried doing it on a different browser than firefox like microsoft edge, still same results. This is how the file (the fragment concerning cors and the session cookie) looks exactly:
# CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=['https://localhost:3000'] CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS = True SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE = 'None' SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS = [ 'Accept', 'Accept-Encoding', 'Authorization', 'Content-Type', 'Cookie', ] CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = [ "https://localhost:3000", ] 
Any advice on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated, feel free to ask any questions if I left out any important details.
submitted by iguessagoodusername to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:01 AutoModerator Women's Wednesday: Selfies and Singles

This is a thread for singles to chat and post selfies. Please keep photos safe for work.
Reminder: Imgur is a great hosting site for sharing images via links in threads. Please be mindful of your username if it is different than your reddit handle, and to choose whether you would like your post public or hidden.
submitted by AutoModerator to Actuallylesbian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:39 Quirky-Commission104 Need Suggestions on Islam

Hello Everybody, Hope you all doing good, and having a great day! So i have a very unique Islamic Username which is islam on Facebook, it's been years finding some way to spread good things via this page! if anyone here doing Islamic Design Stuff, or working on Islamic side who can post on my pages too, Please comment, or if you have any other ideas you want to suggest, will be really appreciated!
submitted by Quirky-Commission104 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 TryingToSurviveWFH Fitness app newbie seeks marketing magic!

Hi everyone,
I'm developing a fitness app that connects people to work out in groups, but I'm new to marketing and could use some guidance.
Also, when promoting on social media

Should I use the app's name as my username for branding or a personal profile for authentic engagement?

As a marketing novice, any insights or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by TryingToSurviveWFH to socialmedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:06 TryingToSurviveWFH Social Fitness app newbie seeks marketing magic!

Hi everyone,
I'm developing a fitness app that connects people to work out in groups, but I'm new to marketing and could use some guidance.
Also, when promoting on social media

Should I use the app's name as my username for branding or a personal profile for authentic engagement?

As a marketing novice, any insights or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by TryingToSurviveWFH to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 Lazyvicc [Online] [5e] [Tuesday 5PM CT weekly] [$20/Session] Lunar Cataclysm New player friendly, Light homebrew rules, 1 Open Spot.

Call me Vicc, I've been DMing for over the course of 3~ years for about 2500~ hours with the intent for improvement and I believe I've become good enough to even consider charging for it. Two of my players dropped out recently and meeting new people is great for improving my skills.
Currently the world setting is 1000 years in the future of my last campaign which ended with a giant metal rod being shot into the moon, turning it into a ring surrounding the planet. Current time most of the material plane resides in the underground city Myristyl as the surface world is generally inhospitable and traversed almost solely in airships. Currently Level 9, I keep the party level the same and run with milestone, 1 Rare magic item on first character creation,
As mentioned in the tagline, the sessions happen every Tuesday and with an attached price that is low enough to cover my subscription costs so the only thing I'm losing is my time when planning for the sessions, this will be paid through Paypal since it keeps things simple.
My DM style has been evolving over time but recently I've been trying to adapt a willingness to bend the rules for the rule of cool with additional overall rulings that have come from my players and them playing Balder's gate 3. With the world setting all that is fact has come from me stating something, a character mentioning it, or it being made in their backstory so feel free to come to me with ideas.
If you're interested in joining or have questions send me a private message with your discord username or have me send you mine. We use a server on there for communication rather than roll20, I would gladly work on your character with you before you join that way you don't just show up and rush things the day of.
Having finished reading this post I thank you for your time whether or not you are interested, hope to see you at my games.
submitted by Lazyvicc to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:52 Calledinthe90s The Mortgage, Part 3

I accidentally posted this to my username instead of my subreddit so here is is:
The Mortgage, Part 3
“Fuck,” I said as I drove to work in the old beater that only started on the fourth try because it could tell that I was pissed off. Ray’s case started at two o’clock, and I was heading to the office to get ready. “Fuck fuck fuckity fucking fuck. Fuck.” I’d wanted to tell Angela about Ray’s case, and how I was sorry that I hadn’t wanted to help him, but now I would, I would help him, and I would win, but then I’d gotten her all riled up on something else, something totally different, something way more serious.
My wife had given me a triple ultimatum: fix things up with her father, save idiot Ray from Sy-Co Corp., and somehow find a downpayment for the place she wanted to buy, in the little townhouse infill project in Bixity. It was like demanding I do a double bank shot, and then run over to the baseball diamond and hit a home run after first pointing to where it would land, Babe Ruth style.
Angela was mad at me, seriously mad. She’d slipped out that morning before I was even awake, sliding quietly past me on the couch. I didn’t realize she was gone until I heard the faint click of the front door closing. I jumped up, tripped over a blanket, and by the time I got up and my robe on, the elevator down the hall dinged, and Angela was gone before I opened the apartment door.
I swore at myself some more and pounded the steering wheel, “I fucked up,” I said, several times as I hit the wheel over and over again, until I accidentally honked it, and then looked all sheepish when the guy in front of me gave me the finger. I reached my office without further incident, but instead of walking in the front door, I went further down the hall, and into the office of Mark Cecil-Rowe, Barrister, LL.D, the man with the finest speaking voice I ever heard. When I entered his office I forgot for a minute about Angela and her father and sleeping on the couch the night before. I forget about everything, except the reason that I had come to Cecil-Rowe’s office: to stump him with a legal problem that I had solved, but which I was pretty sure he could not. In other words, I had come to preen and to brag and to boast. No one likes a showoff, and I had come to show off. I put my hand on the door and turned the knob. After a brief pause, I flung open the door.
“I’m a goddamn genius,” I said as I strolled into the older man’s office.
I noticed the echo of a hastily closed desk drawer hanging in the air. In Aaron’s office, where I rented space, a sudden act of concealment implied cocaine, but with Cecil-Rowe, the item in question was probably a mickey of vodka. I had the sense that he’d been drinking a bit before I arrived, but his powers of observation were unimpaired, and when he looked into my face, his expression showed sympathy, and actual pain.
“What have you done now?” he said, as set the papers before him to one side, and readied himself to hear my latest tale of legal brilliance.
“I’m a genius,” I said.
“Oh dear. Have a seat.”
“No really, I am. I’m a genius. I got this case that everyone says you can’t win, but I’m gonna win it, and when I do, I’m gonna look like a genius.” Cecil-Rowe gave me a sad indulgent smile.
“Whenever you tell me you’re a genius, I am always concerned about what is to follow. When you get wrapped up in what you call your genius, you tend to ignore the more mundane things we lawyers have to do to win a case. You think you’re going to win by genius alone.”
“Let me tell you why I’m a goddamn genius.” With effort I wiped the smug, self-satisfied expression that was on my face.
“Tell me why you’re a genius,” Cecil-Rowe said, “while I pour us a coffee.” He heaved his bulky body up from his chair and shuffled over to a counter. He picked up a carafe of hot coffee sitting on a hot plate, and poured two cups. “Speak,” he said, handing me one. I took a sip of the coffee, and told Cecil-Rowe the tale of Cousin Ray: his purchase of a franchise from Sy-Co Corp, its swift demise, the crash and burn in Commercial Court, the Minutes of Settlement, the seventy-one kilometer limit, and lastly, Sy-Co’s motion scheduled for two p.m. that very day, seeking an interim injunction shutting down Ray’s place.
Cecil-Rowe absorbed all this without the need to take notes. Instead, he sat back while he eyed me, taking the occasional sip of coffee, and smiling at the extravagant flourishes and details that brought out Ray’s story to full effect.
“Obviously Ray is dead on arrival,” he said, “but I guess this is the part where you tell me how you’re going to win.”
So I told him how I was going to win, but it didn’t have the desired effect. “I told ya I’m a genius, Mr. C,” cueing him to applaud, to admit what a brilliant lawyer I was. But there was no applause from Mark Cecil-Rowe. He looked at me without so much as a smile.
“You can cling to that genius notion as a consolation prize, after you get whipped this afternoon in court.”
“No way,” I said, “not a chance. I got this thing won hands down. I’m gonna kick ass in court today and--”
“And how exactly do you plan to do that, if you don’t have evidence?”
“Evidence, Calledinthe9os. It’s what lawyers like me use to beat geniuses like you.”
“But I’m gonna win without proof. I don’t need proof. The argument I’m gonna make, relies on simple facts that are totally obvious, so the judge is gonna--” Cecil-Rowe stuck up his hand.
“Stop right there. I know what’s coming. You’re going to ask the judge to take *judicial notice.”
And he was right. That was exactly what I was going to do.
There are some things so obvious that you didn’t have to prove them, things that everyone knew. You didn’t have to prove that water froze at zero degrees and boiled at a hundred, or that Bixity was between West Bay and East Bay.
“You got it,” I said, “judicial notice all the way.”
“You’re going to tell the judge that the centerpiece of your argument, the lynchpin of your case is a fact known to pretty well everyone, and so you don’t need proof.”
Exactly,” I said. Cecil-Rowe took another sip of his coffee, and left me hanging in the silence for a while before he spoke.
“If that’s true, then why does coming up with that argument make you a genius?”
“Oh, I said,”I didn’t think of that.”
“It is acceptable to rely on judicial notice for minor, ancillary points. But you never should walk into court thinking that the court will take judicial notice of your entire defence. It’s just too risky.”
“But how am I going to rustle up a witness in time for this afternoon?”
“Worry about that after you leave my office. I can’t help you with that. What I want to know, is why you’re doing this at the last minute.”
“What makes you think I’m doing this at the last minute?”
“Because you never would have resorted to judicial notice if you were properly prepared. If you’d opened this case a bit earlier, you’ve have everything lined up. But you got to work on it late, and so you want to rely on judicial notice. You’ve messed up, Calledinthe90s, and you know what my rule is when you mess up.” Cecil-Rowe didn’t extend aid to me, until I admitted the error of my ways. It was infuriating, but he was inflexible. So I fessed up.
“My idiot cousin Ray’s been trying to retain me for almost two weeks, but I was putting him off because I was mad at him. So now my wife’s mad at me, and if I don’t win this case, I’m dead. Plus her dad’s mad at me too and --” My brain roared into overdrive, a mess of family and law and fear, and at the centre of it, thoughts of Angela’s anger and her father. My mind took off, and then came to an instant halt at a helpful destination.
“Yes?” Cecil-Rowe said.
“Sorry. I just realized how to solve the evidence problem. Look, can I ask you about the thing I actually came here to ask you about?”
“You have a problem that’s worse than having no evidence? What could be worse than -- oh. You don’t have a retainer. Your client doesn't have any money.”
“Exactly. How do I get paid? That’s the problem.” I explained that Ray had no money, as in none, and that if he did have money, he wouldn’t spend it on me. Instead, he’d go back downtown and throw his cash at some big firm, who would take on his case, and proceed to lose it in a calm, careful, sober manner, ending in a reporting letter to Ray telling him that he’d lost.
“Now that’s a problem I can solve,” Cecil-Rowe said.
“Really? ‘Cause I can’t see a way around it. I think I’m gonna have to do this for free, and that really pisses me off.” Cecil-Rowe shook his head.
“You may or may not get paid, but you can set things up so that if you win, you’ll win pretty good.”
“How? Ray’s a deadbeat. Tapped out.”
“But is he desperate?”
“Totally. The first time he failed, he lost his own money, but if he goes under this time, he’s taking family money with him, and he’ll be the black sheep forever.”
“And he’s using family to emotionally blackmail you into helping him?’
“Like no shit. That’s the part that pisses me off the most. I’m like a goddamn slave, being forced to work for free.”
“Never fear, young apprentice. I have just the thing in mind.” He reached into a drawer, and pulled out a form. “Fill in the blanks, and have him sign.”
I looked it over, and saw that the document was a retainer agreement. I whistled. “Holy shit. If he signs this, he’s almost my slave.”
“Close, but not quite” Cecil-Rowe said, “the Latin term for this is "contractus pro venditione animae"”. It’s the ultimate retainer agreement. Once Ray signs that, you own any cause of action he has against the person suing him. You can settle the case on any terms you like, and you get to keep whatever proceeds there are.” Cecil-Rowe placed the folder back in a drawer, and from his manner you could tell that the interview was over.
“Awesome, Mr. C. I’ll call you from Commercial Court when we’re done.”
Commercial Court?” he said.
“Yeah, Commercial Court.”
“This just keeps getting worse. Take notes, Calledinthe90s, while I school you on Commercial Court. Commercial Court is a jungle, and without preparation, you’ll get savaged.”
“That’s what happened to Ray when--”
“Take notes, young apprentice,” he said, tossing me a pad and a pen. He started to lecture, and I took notes that I have with me to this day, in a safe deposit box downstairs in the vault at Mega Bank Main Branch.
* * *
By the time Cecil-Rowe finished schooling me, it was close to ten, and the case started at two. I didn’t have much time. I ran down the hall to my office, and called Ray’s restaurant. No answer. Then I called Ray’s house. I expected to get Ray’s wife, but the man himself answered.
“You’re not at work. Why aren’t you at work?”
“Sy-Co Corp served all my employees with a cease and desist letter. They all got scared and took off. The place is shut down.”
“You gotta fax machine at home?” He did, and asked why.
“I’m taking your case, but only if you sign the paper I’m about to send and fax it back.” I sent the fax, and five minutes later it came back signed, and it was official: Ray had sold me his legal soul.
I went out to the parking lot, got into my beater and drove fast. In less than thirty minutes I reached my destination. I knocked on the door, and when it opened, my diminutive mother-in-law poked out her head. “What a pleasant surprise,” she said.
“Sorry, Mrs. M, but I’m in a super hurry. I gotta rush to get to court to help Ray. But first, I gotta speak to Dr. M.”
“He’s not here,” she said.
“Not here?”
“He’s on his way to his bridge game. He left just a few minutes ago.”
“Where’s the club?”
“He’s walking there,” she said, and pointed down the street.
“Thanks.” I got into my car and headed where Mrs. M had pointed, passing big houses and new project with an “Opening Soon” sign. And walking past it was the figure of Dr. M.
“Hey, Dr. M,” I called out the window. He stopped and looked around, startled. But he didn’t see me, not at first.
“It’s me, Dr. M. Me, Calledin90s.” He leaned forward as if to see me better. I got out of the car.
“Is something wrong with Angela? Or the baby?”
“No, no not at all, sorry to scare you, it’s nothing like that. I need your help.”
“Oh.” He started walking again, and now it was my turn to be a bit stunned, watching my father-in-law walk away from me. I caught up with him in a few quick strides.
“Listen, I really need your help.”
“And I really need to get to a bridge game.”
“This isn’t about me. It’s about Ray.” That brought him to a halt. He turned to me, angrier even than he’d been the night before.
“Did you drive all the way out here just to make fun of me? To remind me of how you won, distracting me with nonsense about Ray’s case?”
“I mean it,” I said, “I can win Ray’s case. I can prove it in a few words.”
“Prove it, then.” So I did. I spoke words, only a few words, but they were the right words to speak to Dr. M, for the words I spoke were in his language, words that he understood perfectly.
“I understand,” he said, “you’ve come to boast some more, to prove that you were right after all.”
“I want to win Ray’s case, but I don’t have any proof of what I’m saying.”
“You don’t need to prove that two plus two is four.”
“This, I gotta prove, and I need you to help me prove it. I need you to come to court with me, as my witness.”
“I can’t do that. I didn’t witness anything.”
“As my witness. My expert witness.” Unlike a normal witness, an expert witness can give an opinion. An expert is there not to advocate, I explained to Dr. M but to instruct, to teach.
“My bridge partner won’t be very happy,” he said.
“But Ray will, and so will Mrs. M and Angela and--”
“Very well. Do you have a cell phone? We can call the bridge club from my car.”
* * *
We were on the highway getting close to the downtown exit, when my wife called my cell phone. Back then cell phone service was super expensive and my wife only used it for emergencies. Or when she was really angry. I picked up the phone, wondering which it would be.
“I’m so happy that you made things up with my father,” she said.
“How did you know?”
“My mother called. She says you took him with you, that you went out together.”
“He’s with me right now,” I said.
“Where are you going?”
“To court. Going to court to win Ray’s case for him.”
“And you brought my father with you to watch?” She was so happy, I could hear in her voice that she was smiling. “That’s a great way to bond with him, Calledinthe90s. Look, I’m sorry I got so mad at you earlier, I really am. My dad’s a bit too sensitive and--”
“Sorry, Angela, your dad’s not coming to watch me.”
“Why is he with you, then?”
“He’s my witness,” I said.
“His expert witness,” Dr. M said, loudly enough for Angela to hear.
My wife’s anger exploded into the phone. She wanted to know how I could expose her elderly, vulnerable father to the stress of a court case. I tried to tell her how I needed him, how there was literally no one else I could turn to, that her father was an expert, a true expert, and the judge was legally bound to believe him, but Angela heard none of this.
“Look,’ I said, “I promise you that--” And then I lowered the phone and pushed the red button, terminating the call. I’d learned that the best way to hang up on someone, was to do it when I was doing the talking. That way it looked like the call had dropped.
“I’m going to steal that move,” Dr. M said.
We rolled into the parking lot. I grabbed the cloth bag out of the back of my car, the bag that held my law robes and shirt and tabs, plus the other stuff I needed for court. It was one-thirty, still thirty minutes to go, not a lot of time to get robed and ready for court. It was just past one-forty five when I, with Dr. M in tow, opened the door to a courtroom on the eighth floor of an old insurance building that had been converted into a courthouse, the home of Commercial Court.
“Commercial Court is an exclusive club,” Cecil-Rowe had explained to me earlier that day, “the legal playground of the rich and powerful. They’ll know instantly that you’re not one of them.” And he was right. It was clear from the moment I walked in that I did not belong, for I was the only lawyer in robes. Everyone else was wearing a suit, and not some cheap thing off the rack like I wore.
There were a half-dozen lawyers present, and after they saw me, they exchanged knowing looks about the stranger amongst them. I ignored them, and walked up to the Registrar. I told him the case I was on, and he signed me in.
“First time in Commercial Court?” he said, eyeing my robes. “You know you don’t have to be robed in Commercial Court.” In other Superior Courts, you always had to bring your robes and get all dressed up. But Commercial Court had its own set of rules, and in the court for rich people, their lawyers did not have to wear robes.
“You’re here on the Sy-Co case?” a young woman asked. She was a junior like me, give a year or two either way. She was dressed in the finest downtown counsel fashion, some designer thing that Angela would know if she saw it.
“Just got retained,” I said.
“You know there’s no adjournments, right? We don’t do adjournments in Commercial Court. I’m just trying to be helpful, because I don’t think you've been here before. You know you don’t have to be robed, right?
“So I heard.”
“So where’s your material? You haven’t served anything, so how do you plan to argue your case?”
“I gotta witness,” I said.
She smiled. “There’s no viva voce evidence, either. Affidavit only.”
“We’ll see what the judge says.” There was a knock from the other side of the door to the judge’s chambers, and then the man himself entered.
I was amazed to see that even the judge wasn’t wearing a robe; instead, he was wearing a light coloured suit and a bright blue bow tie. He was dressed as good as the lawyers, all part of the downtown Commercial Court club, the playground of the richest and most powerful corporations in the City.
“Commercial Court’s not like other courts,” Cecil-Rowe told me earlier that day, explaining that most cases were over in fifteen minutes or less. A plaintiff showed up with some papers, and had a short consultation with the judge. The judge signed an order granting an injunction, or taking away a man’s business, or freezing his money. Commercial Court is where you went to get quick and simple court orders that eviscerated your opponent before the case even got going.
Defendants would appear sometimes in Commercial Court, Cecil-Rowe explained, but it was usually their last time up. Defendants always died a quick death in Commercial Court.
The judge took his seat, and then looked over the lawyers before him. His eyes moved along, and then stopped when they reached me, the one lawyer who was not like the others.
“You don’t need robes in Commercial Court,” the judge said to me.
“I’ll remember that for next time,” I said.
“What case are you on?”
I told him.
“He’s filed no responding materials,” my opponent said, “nothing at all.”
“I’m just vetting the list,” the judge said, “I’ll circle back to you two in a few minutes.” I listend while the judge vetted the rest of the afternoon list: a Mareva, plus a Norwich order, with counsel on those cases sent away in a matter of minutes.
Now the courtroom was almost empty, just the judge, two lawyers, the registrar and my star witness and father-in-law, Dr. M, who sat in the back of the courtroom dressed in an old business suit, put on hastily at his place two hours earlier, when I urged him to hurry it up, to not waste so much time on picking a suit.
“Back to you,” the judge said, addressing my opponent, “I thought this was an uncontested matter. That’s what your confirmation sheet said.”
“I’m sorry, Your Honour, but I didn’t know until I got here that the case was defended.”
“I got retained at the last minute,” I said, “barely three hours ago, the day after I read the papers. But I’m ready to go, ready to argue the case on the merits, so long as you grant me an indulgence, and let me call my witness, to let him testify in person instead of by affidavit, there being no time for me to draft anything.”
Opposing counsel was on her feet. “That’s not how things are done in Commercial Court,” she said, “or any court that I know of, for that matter. My friend (that’s what they make lawyers call each other in court, ‘my friend,’ even though you might hate the other guy’s guts),” the lawyer said, “my friend should have served his responding materials and filed them with the court. Instead, he’s taken us totally by surprise.”
“I’m sorry my friend is surprised by opposition,” I said, “but then consider, it’s my client’s livelihood that’s at stake. If my friend gets her injunction, Ray Telewu’s business is dead, and he loses everything. So yes, my client opposes the injunction, and yes, I’d like to call evidence.”
The judge didn’t consult the papers before him nor the books, but instead, he looked up at the big white clock on the courtroom wall. Its hands said two-fifteen.
“How long will your witness take, counsel?”
“In chief, ten minutes.” I’d practiced with Dr. M on the way in, and I was pretty sure he could do it in five, but I gave him a bit of extra time, just in case.
“We’ve got about two hours,” the judge said, “but I want to be fair to you and your client. Let’s take a fifteen minute recess so you can get instructions. Either we go ahead today with viva voce evidence, or we adjourn, and that will give Calledinthe90s time to file responding materials.”
When everyone came back, the junior’s boss was there, Senior Counsel, a heavy weight, one of those big guys downtown. Plus they brought this guy from Sy-Co Corp, the head of some bullshit division, with some bullshit title, Head of whatever, so that’s the title I’ll give him here. He was The Head. He was the man, the big cheese, the signer of the affidavit on which Sy-Co relied that day.
“What’s he doing here?” I asked Senior Counsel.
He stared at me, all lean and steel grey, looking every inch the hard hitting lawyer that commanded the biggest fees. “If you’re calling a live witness, then so can we. The Head will give evidence today, in advance of your client, so that the judge hears it from him first.” His junior smirked at me, and the two of them sat down, delighted that they’d thought of a way to one up me.
Except that they’d done it by exposing their client to cross-examination. The judge came in, allowed the Head to testify, and when he was done, I stood up.
“Just a few questions,” I said. Senior Counsel was stunned for an instant, and then he stood.
“This serves no purpose, Your Honour. The witness has confirmed the simple facts of his affidavit, and there’s no disputing it. Ray Telewu opened a restaurant less than seventy-one kilometres from Bixity City Hall, and that’s in breach of the Minutes of Settlement he signed.”
I did not bother to respond. Instead, I just stood, and I started to ask questions.
“Have a look at that map in your affidavit,” I said, and he did. I picked up my copy, and tore the map out of it. I passed it up to him.
“What do you notice about this map?”
“That it’s accurate,” the Head said, repeating his evidence in chief, amplifying it, talking about how the map contained perfect measurement.
“You will notice that the map is flat,” I said, laying it on the witness box before him.
“Of course it’s flat. That’s what maps are. Maps are flat.”
“But the earth is round,” I said, “or more properly, a sphere.” Senior Counsel was on his feet in an instant.
“What difference does that make?” he said.
“What you’ll hear from my expert witness, is that a flat map cannot accurately show Earth’s curves. A flat map distorts distances, and in this case, reduces them.”
“But that can’t be by very much.”
“In this case, by just over twenty meters,” Dr. M said from the back of the court.
“That’s my expert witness, the esteemed Dr. M.” I didn’t actually say Dr. M. Instead, I said his real name. But I’m not going to use the real names of my family here, so I’ll just keep calling him Dr. M. “Dr. M was a professor of Physics at the University of Bixity for almost thirty years. He has published numerous papers on particle physics, and is the first Canadian winner of the Wolf Prize for physics.”
It went downhill after that for Sy-Co Corp. My father-in-law testified, explaining in simple language, language that even a child could understand, that the Earth was a sphere, that the shortest distance between two points on Earth was a curve, not a straight line. He summarized his calculations in plain English, dumbing down the math, so that everyone present imagined, if only for the moment, that they shared his understanding of a difficult mathematical equation.
Senior Counsel tried to cross-examine Dr. M, but it did not go well, my father-in-law indulging him, gently chiding him, continuing his explanations until the lawyer sat down, defeated by Dr. M’s mastery of the subject,his own lack of preparation and his inability to improvise. When counsel said that he had no further questions, the judge addressed us all.
“I’m not going to reserve, and I don’t think I need to tell everyone why. I think it will take about a minute for me to write a decision saying that the Earth is not flat. I’ll give you some more time after that, but after fifteen minutes, I”ll be back to render my decision.” He rose, everyone bowed, and he disappeared behind the door to judge’s chambers.
I pulled a piece of paper out of my file, and slammed it on the desk before Senior Counsel and his junior. “Fill in the blanks, and sign,” I said.
Dr. M’s head shot up at the commotion, and he shuffled over to see what was going on.
“What’s this?” Senior Counsel said, picking up the paper I gave him..
“Minutes of Settlement. You fill in a number, a big number, for the costs you gotta pay me. Your client signs, and then we’re done.” Senior Counsel opened his mouth to bargain, but I overrode him.
“You know your client’s going to lose; the judge made that obvious. Hurry up if you want to settle; we don’t have much time.”
At the end of most Canadian court cases, the loser has to pay at least part of the winner’s legal fees. That’s the way it’s been since forever, and I think it’s a good rule. Sy-Co Corp had lost, so it had to pay a good chunk of Ray’s costs, and Ray’s costs were somewhere between whatever bullshit figure I claimed they were, and where they actually ought to be. Senior Counsel took the paper over to his client. There was a brief discussion, and then they came back, with the form signed, and a number written in the blank space.
I’ll give it to Sy-Co Corp and their lawyer. It wasn’t a bullshit number, a low ball number. They gave me a real number, a number more like something I’d actually accept, a number that made sense to pay me in costs, in light of the success I’d had, and how I got it. It was a respectful number, a common sense number, and I appreciated it an awful lot.
I tossed the paper back at them.
“Add a zero,” I said, continuing on when Senior Counsel blanched, and his junior retreated a step. “I know what’s going on here. Your client sold mine a bullshit franchise, one with a history of failing.” The franchise had opened up again under a new owner not long after Ray had lost it and then it promptly failed again. Like I said at the start of this story, it’s an old story. It’s how some franchise companies make money. “Your client makes more money selling bullshit franchises doomed to fail, then it does from the honest ones that make money. So add a zero to that number, or Ray’s gonna sue you, class action and all that, for all the people you’ve fucked.”
The Head stepped forward from the benches and spoke to me.
“We get threats like that all the time, but no one follows through. They don’t have the money to fight us, and neither does your client. So go ahead and sue.”
“It’s true that Ray doesn’t have jack shit,” I said, “not a pot to piss in, but he’s my cousin, Ray is, and even if he doesn’t have money, he’s got me. Ray’s family, and for Ray, I’ll sue you guys for free. Hell, I’ll even pay the expenses. Plus I’m gonna put a jury notice in, too, come to think of it, ‘cause juries--”
Senior Counsel cut me off, and moved his client to the back of the courtroom. There was a brief discussion, and then they came back. I watched as Senior Counsel wrote a single digit on the Minutes, a zero, written right where I wanted it.
“You’ll have to initial the change,” I said to the Head of Sy-C0, and it gave me great satisfaction to watch him sign.
“Don’t forget,” I said the moment his pen stopped moving, “for the settlement to be valid, I need to get the money today. Right now.”
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” the Head said.
“Not if you want the settlement to stay in place. I’ll follow you back to your office, and you can put a cheque in my hands.”
“What’s this?” my wife said when I entered the apartment later that day, after I’d driven Dr. M home, stopping first at a local pub for beers.
“It’s an absurdly expensive bunch of flowers,” I said, “although no flowers, however beautiful, however expensive, could expiate my--”
She took the flowers, and gave a kiss.
“My mom called. She told me what happened. You fixed things with my dad.”
“Yup,” I said. I had certainly done that. I’d made Dr. M a professor again, if only for a few minutes. Not only a professor, but an expert witness. The judge had declared him an expert in plain terms and Dr.M had beamed when he’d heard those words.
“And you won Ray’s case, too. But my mom didn’t know how, and I don’t know how you did it either.”
“I’ll tell you over dinner tonight,” I said.
“But we agreed no more dinners out; we have to save money, now that a baby’s coming.”
I passed her the envelope that I’d received a few hours before. She opened it, and took out a cheque, a cheque drawn up for an amount I specified, made payable to Mr. and Mrs. Calledinthe90s.
The moment I got that cheque, all I could think about was how my wife would react when I put it into her hands. I could not wait to see her eyes bulge, to hear her voice say “oh my god,” to hear her laugh.
She did none of these things. Instead, she cried.
“Does this mean we can buy a house?” The money wouldn’t be enough to buy a house, not nowadays, with prices being so crazy. But things were different back then in the 90s. Sure, the internet was barely a thing and cell phones were super expensive and a lot of things sucked, but I’ll give the nineties one thing: houses were cheap.
“I think so,” I said.
submitted by Calledinthe90s to Calledinthe90s [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:24 Technogg1050 [Online][5e][LGBTQ+ Friendly][Saturday 10am-2 or 3pm PST] Looking for one maybe two more players to join a campaign every Saturday!

Hi all! I am part of a campaign and we are looking for a 5th maybe 6th player to join our merry band of adventurers.
Campaign will be a sandbox style game in a homebrew setting. **We will be using DnD Beyond and Above VTT on Chrome** so you'll need a computer and a free DnD Beyond account. Our DM has a campaign link for content sharing so you don't need to buy any of the DnD Beyond content yourself.
Setting will be your usual fantasy world, with many races and whatnot. There is a homebrewed version of the god pantheon so you'll need to read up on that in the server if we get that far if you decide to play a character where the gods are important. Other lore is also available in the DM's server for you to get a feel for the world before session 0 this Saturday.
The DM has a somewhat think Scottish accent but is super understanding with people like myself who might need him to repeat stuff at times. I just wanted to make it known so you know what to expect.
So far our party consists of a sorcerefighter, a barbarian, and a great old one warlock, with one player still undecided. Just in case this party composition gives you any ideas of what you'd like to play.
If interested, PM me the following information here on reddit:
Name you wish to be called: (including discord username)
Preferred Pronouns:
TTRPG Experience:
Favorite Movies/Games/Shows/Books/etc.:
If you're open minded about a couple LGBTQ+ people in your group:
If you can consistently make the scheduled time: (most of the time obviously, as life does happen)
Any further questions or comments for me:
submitted by Technogg1050 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:07 Ok-Scar6018 Help Needed: Lost Desktop Files After OctoBrowser Installation and Deletion

Hi everyone,
I need urgent help with a data loss issue. Last week, I downloaded OctoBrowser and mistakenly placed the executable on my desktop. This cluttered my desktop with many unwanted folders, so I carefully deleted them, making sure not to touch my important documents. I then emptied the recycle bin.
Thinking I had deleted the necessary executable, I re-downloaded OctoBrowser. Upon launching it, a message asked if I wanted to delete the old version, and I clicked "Yes." Unfortunately, this erased my entire desktop. Now, only OctoBrowser and two application shortcuts remain, and even my wallpaper is gone.
I've tried various data recovery tools, but nothing has worked. I can't locate my desktop files. When I open Word and try to access recent files that were on my desktop, it says the location is unavailable (C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Desktop...). The shortcuts to my files give the same error.
Does anyone have any idea how I can recover my documents, or if there's a way to access them through Word? I'm desperate to get my files back. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
submitted by Ok-Scar6018 to datarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:01 Ok-Scar6018 Help Needed: Lost Desktop Files After OctoBrowser Installation and Deletion

Hi everyone,
I need urgent help with a data loss issue. Last week, I downloaded OctoBrowser and mistakenly placed the executable on my desktop. This cluttered my desktop with many unwanted folders, so I carefully deleted them, making sure not to touch my important documents. I then emptied the recycle bin.
Thinking I had deleted the necessary executable, I re-downloaded OctoBrowser. Upon launching it, a message asked if I wanted to delete the old version, and I clicked "Yes." Unfortunately, this erased my entire desktop. Now, only OctoBrowser and two application shortcuts remain, and even my wallpaper is gone.
I've tried various data recovery tools, but nothing has worked. I can't locate my desktop files. When I open Word and try to access recent files that were on my desktop, it says the location is unavailable (C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Desktop...). The shortcuts to my files give the same error.
Here’s some additional context: - My desktop was only on OneDrive, even though I had desynced it from my computer in 2021. The path where I stored almost all my documents was (C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Desktop\rangement). - My computer is an ASUS ZenBook with an SSD drive. - Since the incident, I have tried to write as little as possible to my desktop. Everything I've downloaded since then has been saved to an external hard drive.
Given this information, is there any other possible solution to recover my lost desktop files? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
submitted by Ok-Scar6018 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 Ok-Scar6018 Help Needed: Lost Desktop Files After OctoBrowser Installation and Deletion

Hi everyone,
I need urgent help with a data loss issue. Last week, I downloaded OctoBrowser and mistakenly placed the executable on my desktop. This cluttered my desktop with many unwanted folders, so I carefully deleted them, making sure not to touch my important documents. I then emptied the recycle bin.
Thinking I had deleted the necessary executable, I re-downloaded OctoBrowser. Upon launching it, a message asked if I wanted to delete the old version, and I clicked "Yes." Unfortunately, this erased my entire desktop. Now, only OctoBrowser and two application shortcuts remain, and even my wallpaper is gone.
I've tried various data recovery tools, but nothing has worked. I can't locate my desktop files. When I open Word and try to access recent files that were on my desktop, it says the location is unavailable (C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Desktop...). The shortcuts to my files give the same error.
Here’s some additional context: - My desktop was only on OneDrive, even though I had desynced it from my computer in 2021. The path where I stored almost all my documents was (C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Desktop\rangement). - My computer is an ASUS ZenBook with an SSD drive. - Since the incident, I have tried to write as little as possible to my desktop. Everything I've downloaded since then has been saved to an external hard drive.
Given this information, is there any other possible solution to recover my lost desktop files? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
submitted by Ok-Scar6018 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 PrioritizeSleep 26 [F4M] U.S. (Central Time) F is for friends who do stuff together - U is for you and me - N is for anywhere and anytime at all - Down here in the deep blue sea

Why shouldn’t you trust trees? They seem shady, but you can trust me!
I am a college graduate and work full-time, so at times, my responses may be slow. I will always try to respond as quickly as possible. My job does require long hours but one of my current goals is to achieve a better work-life balance. I usually watch a movie/show/YouTube video every night and if we hit it off after chatting for a bit (Chats preferred over Messages), watching something together sounds really fun. I don't have many forms of social media, so to move the conversation away from Reddit my only other options are WhatsApp and Telegram, or we could just text like the good ole’ days. P.S. I don’t use Snapchat and will not download it.
My hobbies include:
Now, this part splits into two, the infamous what I am looking for (DISCLAIMER: I believe that relationships start from a great friendship):
I am looking for someone older (preferably between 30-40) as I tend to be able to communicate more effectively with those who are older. I reside in the U.S. and would like to chat with others in the U.S. as well to not have to work around too many different time zones. I would like to have a conversation flowing throughout the day as opposed to one message a day. Also, wouldn't it be great to be able to send and receive funny TikToks throughout the day? (Extra Bonus Points for iPhone users. iMessage and FaceTime are both fantastic) Someone with similar core values as myself. I value honesty and would much rather have a brutally blunt answer than sugarcoat something. I don't believe in lying even if it is just what most consider "a little white lie". I am an extremely motivated and goal-oriented person and would hope that my friends are passionate about whatever it is that they want to pursue. With that being said, to put it bluntly, I am not looking for someone who plays video games and watches anime for hours on end.
Relationship (take everything above + some extra fluff):
If you are interested, please send me an introduction about yourself as opposed to “hey” or “hi”. I will not respond to a lacking introduction. A great conversation is a two-way street.
Note 1: Due to the number of creeps on here, please send a picture of yourself, fully clothed, I may add, so I can ensure you’re not an 80-year-old man looking for some adult time. I will also send one in return.
Note 2: Some unpopular Reddit opinions; I am not into video games or anime (old-school Nintendo games and board games can be fun though). Politically, I lean right. I do not believe a person’s political views should be a deal-breaker in friendship but then again, this is Reddit.
submitted by PrioritizeSleep to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 AutoModerator ANNOUNCEMENT - AVOID BEING SCAMMED

As the sub grows, so does it's exposure to scammers. As mods, we do our best to protect the sub, but need y'all's help as well. We are a community. We do not like reading modmails when our fellow members get scammed, but do know that most could have been prevented given they follow the tips we've laid out. Below are these tips on how to stay protected:
How to message the mods -
Banned and sketchy users -
* Always use PayPal/Venmo G&S when buying from someone with under 15 flair on the sub. A scammer will give a BS reason why they can't accept G&S. Anyone with under 15 flair MUST accept G&S as a form of payment according to the rules of the sub. This rule is non-negotiable. If they will not, please report them to the mods.
* Ask a potential seller to comment on your post. This proves that they are not banned from the sub. That doesn't always mean they are a scammer though. It could just mean that they do not meet the sub requirements to become an approved member. They still need to accept G&S though. Check the banned list and vet the seller through their profile.
* Ask for specific timestamped pictures. A "timestamp" is a picture a seller takes with a handwritten note including their username and date next to the item they are selling. Ask for this with "odd" requests such as a picture of the bottle on its side or with the cap off, etc. If they are not willing to provide that then avoid the transaction and report them to the mods. Scammers are becoming crafty and often try and photoshop the timestamp in with a picture they found on google. Be aware and inspect timestamps closely for evidence of photoshopping. Look for blurred edges of paper, shadows not matching up with others in the picture, etc. If you are in doubt, don't hesitate to contact us with the picture.
* "Sellers" who start the conversation off with "WTS (insert frag you're looking for)" are 99.99% most likely a scammer. Scammers will always give you a great deal, or ask you to name your price. Any "seller" who is willing to accept half payment upfront then the other half after delivery to avoid using G&S is most likely a scammer. If it seems to good to be true or fishy, it most likely is.
Please do your due diligence, folks. If you're ever in doubt, reach out to us. Stay safe!
submitted by AutoModerator to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:22 Mindl0ss My(17M) girlfriend(17F) is convinced i look at other girls on insta.

My (17M) girlfriend (17F) and I have been together for a year. The relationship has been going great with minor problems usually resolved over time.
Around a 2 months mark into our relationship we have given access to each others instagram account ( i had only 1, she had 2, but gave me one). Even though j didnt find it exactly fair i never brought it up, since she has me in her bio and we match usernames ( on the account i dont have).
Around 6-7 months into our relationship i have created a new account to follow my nerdy chess things and it was approved by her. I didnt give her access to that account because a) she didnt ask for it b) i didnt rly want to since i dont have her second account and it seems fair like this.
Now, to be clear. I LOVEEE my girlfriend. I adore everything about her and a thought of someone else hasnt ever crossed my mind. I have never looked at anybody neither irl nor online, because the pictures i have of her is more than enough for me to look at. I never ever cared about anyone else.
A few days back, she got sad i followed some girls ( from school, we both know them) and as a sign of trust and love i gave her my second account and unfollowed all of them. I didnt have anything to hide nor in my liked videos nor in dms, so i didnt think twice.
Today, she has REALLY upset me with something. I wont go into details, but she shared something rly private without my consent with her guy friend. I forgave her after a bit of back and forth, and in the evening, while we were on call she opened my account and clicked on explore page. ( i never once used it) She saw some girls there and was sad. I showed her my fyp ( reels and tiktok) and explained to her that i dont use explore page and dont rly have conteol over it . On my fyp there wasnt a single girl no matter how much she scrolled. she stopped talking to me nonetheless and no matter how hard i trued to comfort, or explain, or be logical about it she wouldnt talk to me. just said goodnight and thats that.
Should i even try explain something or what do i do?
submitted by Mindl0ss to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 businessnewstv How to Use Instagram and Pinterest to Promote Your Pet Supplies Business

Introduction to Instagram and Pinterest

Instagram and Pinterest are two popular social media platforms that can be highly effective in promoting your pet supplies business. With their large user bases and visually-oriented formats, these platforms provide the perfect opportunity to showcase your products and connect with potential customers. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage Instagram and Pinterest to reach a wider audience, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive more sales for your pet supplies business.

Benefits of using Instagram and Pinterest for business promotion

Instagram and Pinterest offer several benefits for promoting your pet supplies business. Firstly, these platforms have a large user base, providing you with a wide audience to showcase your products. Additionally, both Instagram and Pinterest are visually-oriented platforms, allowing you to showcase your pet supplies in an engaging and eye-catching way. Furthermore, these platforms provide features such as hashtags and tags, which can help increase the visibility of your business and reach a larger audience. Lastly, Instagram and Pinterest offer various advertising options, allowing you to target specific demographics and promote your pet supplies to the right audience. Overall, utilizing Instagram and Pinterest for business promotion can significantly enhance your brand visibility and attract potential customers to your pet supplies business.

Target audience on Instagram and Pinterest

Instagram and Pinterest are two powerful platforms that can help you reach your target audience and promote your pet supplies business. With their large user bases and visually-driven content, these platforms are ideal for showcasing your products and engaging with potential customers. On Instagram, you can use high-quality photos and videos to showcase your pet supplies in action, while Pinterest allows you to create visually appealing boards that can inspire pet owners and drive traffic to your website. By leveraging the power of business marketing and design on Instagram and Pinterest, you can effectively promote your pet supplies business and connect with your target audience.

Creating an Effective Instagram Profile

Choosing a catchy username and profile picture

When it comes to choosing a catchy username and profile picture for your pet supplies business, it is important to consider the tone you want to convey to your audience. A professional communication is key in building trust and credibility with your customers. Your username should reflect the nature of your business while also being easy to remember. Consider using keywords that are relevant to your industry, such as 'pet supplies' or 'animal lovers'. Additionally, your profile picture should be visually appealing and representative of your brand. It should be clear, high-quality, and instantly recognizable. By choosing a catchy username and profile picture, you can make a strong first impression and attract the attention of potential customers.

Writing a compelling bio

Writing a compelling bio is essential for promoting your pet supplies business on Instagram and Pinterest. Your bio is the first thing potential customers will see when they visit your profile, so it's important to make a strong impression. Start by introducing your business and what sets you apart from the competition. Highlight the unique features of your pet supplies, such as eco-friendly materials or locally sourced ingredients. Use keywords like 'group home support' to attract customers who are interested in supporting businesses that give back to the community. Additionally, consider including a call-to-action in your bio, such as 'Shop now' or 'Follow us for pet care tips'. By crafting a compelling bio, you can effectively showcase your pet supplies business and attract the right audience on Instagram and Pinterest.

Optimizing your Instagram feed

Optimizing your Instagram feed is crucial for business success. By carefully curating your content and using relevant hashtags, you can attract a larger audience and increase engagement with your posts. Additionally, posting consistently and engaging with your followers can help build a loyal community around your brand. To further enhance your Instagram presence, consider collaborating with influencers or running targeted ad campaigns. By implementing these strategies, you can leverage Instagram to promote your pet supplies business and achieve business success.

Using Instagram Stories and Highlights

Creating engaging and interactive stories

Creating engaging and interactive stories is an essential strategy for promoting your pet supplies business on Instagram and Pinterest. By leveraging the power of visual storytelling, you can captivate your audience and create a strong connection with pet owners. One effective way to engage your followers is to create fashion logo that reflects the personality and style of your brand. A well-designed logo can instantly grab attention and make your brand memorable. Additionally, incorporating interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and behind-the-scenes footage in your stories can encourage audience participation and foster a sense of community. By consistently sharing engaging and interactive stories, you can effectively promote your pet supplies business and attract more customers.

Highlighting your products and promotions

Highlighting your products and promotions is crucial for the success of your pet supplies business. By effectively showcasing your offerings, you can attract the attention of potential customers and increase sales. One effective way to highlight your products and promotions is through email marketing. Email marketing allows you to directly reach your target audience and communicate the value of your pet supplies. For nonprofits, email marketing can be especially beneficial as it enables you to engage with supporters, share updates, and promote fundraising initiatives. By leveraging the power of email marketing for nonprofits, you can effectively highlight your products and promotions to a wider audience and drive success for your pet supplies business.

Collaborating with influencers through stories

Collaborating with influencers through stories is a powerful strategy to promote your pet supplies business. By partnering with popular influencers on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, you can leverage their large following and engaged audience to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Influencers can create engaging and authentic content featuring your pet supplies, showcasing their benefits and encouraging their followers to check out your business. Additionally, collaborating with influencers through stories allows you to tap into the storytelling aspect of these platforms, creating a more personal and relatable connection with your target audience. This can help establish trust and credibility, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business. If you're looking to start a pet supplies business in all 50 states, collaborating with influencers through stories can be a highly effective marketing strategy to reach a wide audience and drive business growth.

Leveraging Pinterest for Business Promotion

Setting up a business account on Pinterest

Setting up a business account on Pinterest is an essential step for any e-commerce business looking to promote their products. With a business account, you can access valuable features such as Pinterest Analytics, which provides insights into your audience and their interests. Additionally, you can create rich pins that showcase your products with detailed information and direct links to your website. By leveraging the power of Pinterest, you can expand your reach, increase brand visibility, and drive traffic to your online store.

Creating visually appealing boards

Creating visually appealing boards is crucial for promoting your pet supplies business on Instagram and Pinterest. These platforms are highly visual, and users are drawn to eye-catching images and graphics. By curating boards that showcase your products in a visually appealing way, you can attract the attention of potential customers and increase engagement with your brand. One tool that can help you in creating visually appealing boards is Canva. Canva is a graphic design platform that offers a wide range of templates, fonts, and images to help you create stunning visuals for your boards. With Canva, you can easily customize your designs and make them stand out, ensuring that your boards capture the interest of your target audience. Whether you're highlighting new products, showcasing pet-friendly tips, or promoting special offers, Canva can be a valuable asset in your visual marketing strategy.

Optimizing your pins for search

Optimizing your pins for search is crucial in order to increase your visibility on platforms like Pinterest. By implementing relevant keywords, you can improve the chances of your pins being discovered by users who are actively searching for content related to your pet supplies business. One important aspect to consider is how Google makes money. Understanding Google's revenue model can help you strategize your pin optimization techniques and target the right audience. By incorporating the right keywords and optimizing your pin descriptions, titles, and tags, you can enhance your chances of appearing in search results and driving organic traffic to your business.

Driving Traffic and Sales with Pinterest

Using rich pins to showcase your products

Using rich pins is a great way to showcase your products on both Instagram and Pinterest. With rich pins, you can provide more detailed information about your pet supplies, such as pricing, availability, and product descriptions. This helps potential customers get a better understanding of your offerings and increases the chances of them making a purchase. Additionally, rich pins make your products stand out in the feed, making it more likely for users to engage with them. By utilizing rich pins on both Instagram and Pinterest, you can effectively promote your pet supplies business and attract more customers.

Promoting your products through Pinterest ads

Pinterest ads are a powerful tool for promoting your pet supplies business. With millions of users actively searching for inspiration and ideas, Pinterest provides a unique opportunity to showcase your products to a highly engaged audience. By utilizing Pinterest's advertising platform, you can reach potential customers who are specifically interested in pet supplies and create visually appealing ads that capture their attention. With the right targeting and compelling visuals, you can drive traffic to your website and increase sales. Additionally, Pinterest offers various financial management tools that can help you track the performance of your ads and optimize your advertising budget. By leveraging these home-based business financial management tools, you can make informed decisions and maximize the return on your advertising investment.

Collaborating with other businesses on Pinterest

Collaborating with other businesses on Pinterest can be a powerful strategy to promote your pet supplies business. By partnering with complementary brands and sharing each other's content, you can reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility. Consider reaching out to pet bloggers, pet influencers, and other pet-related businesses to explore collaboration opportunities. This can include creating joint boards, cross-promoting each other's products, or even hosting joint contests or giveaways. Collaborating with other businesses on Pinterest not only helps you tap into their existing followers but also allows you to showcase your expertise and build credibility within the pet community.


Summary of the benefits of using Instagram and Pinterest

Instagram and Pinterest offer numerous benefits for promoting your pet supplies business. With these platforms, you can reach a large audience of pet owners who are actively searching for products and inspiration. One of the key advantages is the ability to showcase your inventory management skills. By using visually appealing images and videos, you can highlight the wide range of pet supplies you offer and demonstrate your expertise in managing inventory effectively. This can attract potential customers who are looking for specific items or unique products. Additionally, Instagram and Pinterest provide a platform for engaging with your audience through comments, likes, and shares, allowing you to build a loyal customer base and increase brand awareness. By leveraging the power of these social media platforms, you can take your pet supplies business to new heights.

Tips for successful promotion on Instagram and Pinterest

Instagram and Pinterest are powerful platforms for promoting your pet supplies business. Here are some tips for successful promotion on these platforms:

Future trends and developments in social media marketing

Social media marketing is a rapidly evolving field, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments is crucial for businesses looking to promote their products and services effectively. In the future, we can expect to see even more innovative features and tools on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest that will further enhance the marketing capabilities for businesses in the pet supplies industry. These platforms may introduce new advertising options, improved analytics and targeting capabilities, and enhanced shopping experiences to help businesses reach their target audience more efficiently. As social media continues to play a significant role in consumer behavior, it is essential for pet supplies businesses to embrace these future trends and developments to stay competitive in the market.
In conclusion, starting a pet supplies business online can be a lucrative venture. With the increasing demand for pet products, there is a great opportunity to tap into this market. By following the step-by-step guide provided on our website, you can learn how to start your own pet supplies business and achieve success. Don't miss out on this chance to turn your passion for pets into a profitable online business. Visit our website today and get started!
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:08 Crafty-Writing5316 STILL can’t add friend on PC

STILL not able to add friend on PC
I haven’t been able to play Helldivers with my friend for a couple months now. He is on PC and I am on PS5. I bought the game to play with him, and when I first added him it worked great. Fast forward a few weeks, I accidentally pressed “remove friend” instead of “join game”. Since then, I haven’t been able to add him back.
When I search his friend code he shows up, but his name is grayed out. It lets me send the request, and sometimes he receives it, but cannot accept it. We’ve tried countless times. Now, all of a sudden, we have appeared on each other’s “blocked” list. There is unfortunately no “unblock” button when we select the username. Only the option to report the player.
We’ve both submitted numerous reports to Arrowhead Game Studios over the past months, and we have never gotten a response. It is very frustrating because I only bought the game to play with him. I don’t play the game now and feel I’ve wasted my money :(
If anyone has any possible ideas or suggestions, please let me know!
submitted by Crafty-Writing5316 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:47 Severalize Permanently banned for "cheating", is there anything I can do?

Hello, I made a post here about it before. But I recently (A month or two ago maybe?) got permanently banned on my first game back with my friend. (I'm not sure If you can see it here, but people are going to request my username/r6 tracker so here (sijosmh)) Truthfully, I truly suspect the reason of this ban was because a week prior to getting banned on R6 I used a program to reset my HWID and It flagged that program for a cheating software of some sort. I'm not sure. But I can tell you, I was not cheating, I had just reinstalled the game to play with a friend, and I got banned after a few rounds. (I'm also reinstalling the game as I'm making this post in-hopes I can show the replay of the game)
I contacted support and got the same copy & pasted response I've seen plenty of other posts get. I kind of just let it go and was like, whatever, but recently a coworker I've been getting close with brought up how they play R6 and I wanted to play with them. But, hey, I'm banned!
Is there literally anything I can do? Do I just need to keep contacting them over & over until they genuinely look into my case and see that I wasn't cheating? Do I just need to buy a new account? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Severalize to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:55 Creepy-Stress9601 A great chance for both of us to get up to $300💵!! Accept my invitation by searching this code in the SHEIN APP : y9agee. C4C Shein MAGIC DRAW username landsharkrebel will do any Shein or Temu code in exchange

MAGIC DRAW Game Can you do me a favor? Click to accept my invitation in the SHEIN app, and win up to $300💵 for each of us!!
submitted by Creepy-Stress9601 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:37 Crafty-Writing5316 STILL not able to add friend on PC

I haven’t been able to play Helldivers with my friend for a couple months now. He is on PC and I am on PS5. I bought the game to play with him, and when I first added him it worked great. Fast forward a few weeks, I accidentally pressed “remove friend” instead of “join game”. Since then, I haven’t been able to add him back.
When I search his friend code he shows up, but his name is grayed out. It lets me send the request, and sometimes he receives it, but cannot accept it. We’ve tried countless times. Now, all of a sudden, we have appeared on each other’s “blocked” list. There is unfortunately no “unblock” button when we select the username. Only the option to report the player.
We’ve both submitted numerous reports to Arrowhead Game Studios over the past months, and we have never gotten a response. It is very frustrating because I only bought the game to play with him. I don’t play the game now and feel I’ve wasted my money :(
If anyone has any possible ideas or suggestions, please let me know!
submitted by Crafty-Writing5316 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:10 teogeorgiou FT: Shiny Legendaries, normal shinies, mythicals (including a PoGO Diancie), events, legendaries, etc. LF: Few remaining shinies, plus a non-shiny Pharaoh Furfrou

Looking for shinies I'm missing (plus some extras at the bottom of the post), and willing to overtrade for the more rare ones:

Special stuff for trade:
More in my trade sheet.

PoGO shinies still in GO: sheet
Shinies already in HOME (mostly from trades):
More in my trade sheet.

Apriballs, ability patches, and gold bottle caps:
submitted by teogeorgiou to pokemontrades [link] [comments]