Sam walton scholarship application

advice for ucla scholarship apps?

2024.04.29 01:33 anonymoushippo13 advice for ucla scholarship apps?

hi! does anyone have any advice for the personal statement of the UCLA scholarship general application? it is a part of the profile portion and just says "Please include any additional factors or information you would like the selection committee to know about you. This may include family obligations, extenuating circumstances, or extraordinary experiences (500 words)."
I am happy to do that but wasn't sure if people wrote it the same way as they did their college apps... thank you!
submitted by anonymoushippo13 to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:32 loveyujungp CSC scholarship (Master’s)

Hello! Seeing this is one of the few places I can actually find some info about the csc scholarship I wanted to see if there’s anyone here who applied to the scholarship in January that is now waiting for the results. Let me give you some context: -I’m currently studying the last semester of my bachelor’s (graduating in July) and in January I applied to both a university in Beijing and the csc scholarship (type A, which means it was through the Chinese embassy on my country) to study a Master’s next semester. -My application went smoothly as I submitted everything on time to both the university and the csc. -Last month, I received an email from the university in Beijing with my pre-admission letter. I was so surprised because honestly I didn’t think I would get admitted so fast. They told me they wished me luck with my results regarding the csc scholarship. -From what I’ve read and seen, the results come out in the summer, around June-July (feel free to correct me if i’m wrong).
I’m just a nervous mess and with the fact that I’m finishing school soon and I could get the results around my graduation time I wanted to see if anyone could tell me what my chances of getting the scholarship actually are, keeping in mind that i’m wrapping up my studies in July, I’ve been pre-admitted to the university and that I applied for a type A scholarship.
submitted by loveyujungp to ChinaLiuXueSheng [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:15 sageghostt LSE undergraduate scholarship application

I recently submitted my application form to the financial office, but my referee hasn't submitted the academic reference for me yet as he was pretty busy with work. Does anyone know if its alright for a referee to submit it past the initial deadline of 28th April? I believe UCAS has a system where referees can submit references later so idk if it applies here.😭😭
submitted by sageghostt to LSE [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:09 Phoenixlauj Deducted Orientation fee!

Upcoming freshmans who identify as asian/native/desi american or pacific islander. Could apply to be a part of FULL CIRCLE PROJECT at sac state. THEY PAY A PORTION OF ORIENTATION FEE. And u get access to scholarships too! LINK TO THE SAC STATE APPLICATION.
submitted by Phoenixlauj to CSUS [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:08 Healthy-Ring-4208 Rennaissance

Rennaissance submitted by Healthy-Ring-4208 to kunsthistory [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:32 Beneficial-You5404 Scalia Law Email?

I'm an R & R applicant, so I know that when schools reach out this late to encourage people to apply, they're usually trying to pad their stats, but I have received a couple emails from GMU/Scalia Law encouraging me to apply over the last couple days. They specifically state that they have A's and scholarship $$$ still available.
I'm still waiting to hear back from some schools, riding some waitlists, and have some acceptances. I have always been attracted to the DC area for multiple reasons, and with their rise to #28 in the rankings, see little downside to applying.
Anyone have any thoughts? Or have also received similar communications?
submitted by Beneficial-You5404 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:30 cirriculum Worried about entering the field

I am a grade 12 student in Canada, and I have been accepted into 3/4 universities I've applied to for accounting programs. I need to fill out a scholarship application and it requires me to talk about my career goals, so I (of course) turned to google to give me some inspiration on what would help lol. I was met with some threads from this subreddit and honestly it was really disheartening. Basically everyone had said that they were becoming accountants just for the money and their only goal was to retire early. This worries me because I am concerned I have the wrong idea about what accounting is actually like. In my mind I would like to possibly explore forensic accounting and white collar crime. Moreover however, I would like to explore the avenues of private practice and working/consulting with small business and help to uplifit the local economy and community of where I live. I won't know how I feel about working for large corporations until I get there, but I have personal values that make me despise a lot of large corporations. I'm not much of the stereotypical "business" person lol, I care very little for making money and helping large corporations (I'm more of an "eat the rich" type of girl lmfao) and I guess I'm mainly worried about not having community within where I work and that I'll hate my job and I'll just be slaving away for the corporate big wigs. I'm sure not all accountants only care about making money, so I guess I'm just curious as to if I will find a community that cares more about ethics and implementing change and being helpful to those who do not understand finances and need a lot of help with those things.
I've proofread this once and I have no clue if what I am trying to say is even getting across properly- sorry if its not easily digestible.
submitted by cirriculum to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:04 DBurner16733 I’ve (24M) been led on by an engaged woman (24F) who has used me and lied to me. What do I do next?

Hi, my name is D [24]. Let me provide some quick background on me. I work in marketing and social media in the recovery field. I was very successful in school (graduated 2nd in my class in high school and very successful in college). I’ve been pretty introverted my whole life, I am a high functioning autistic, but most (to be honest all) people can’t tell unless I say it. I tend to do better when surrounded by other people, I feed off them in a good way. I am a big video gamer, I can be really funny and extroverted once I am comfortable but I have a hard time doing that. I get lonely at night and have really bad anxiety at times. A lot of my friends I don’t live close to after college, so I spend most of my time working or gaming. This story is heavy, so if I miss anything or if anything’s confusing - please ask away. About 6 months prior to this, I broke up with my girlfriend of two and half years. One of the hardest things I have ever done. I wanted to break it off because I knew I wanted kids and she didn’t (on top of other long term goals). There was more to it, but that’s the most important. This choice had no short term benefit, but I did it for a better future for me. It was a really healthy relationship, she was great - but I wanted my forever person. I promised myself my next partner would be that (or hopefully would be that). We are still friends to this day.
My main game used to be World of Warcraft. I needed help with something and I asked around and met a girl named Samantha (Sam) Ingrid [24]. Total circumstance. She was incredible. I have done online dating/LDR before, I didn’t want it again, but this sort of just happened. I didn’t ask for it. She lives in Kentucky. I live in New England.
We talked nonstop, we had great healthy communication, we had a lot of similar interests and goals. It was very flirty from the start and we had a ton of chemistry. We could call, leave voice memos, and talk all day and night. It was very hyper focused and intense compared to the start of most relationships. We talked about dating and both wanted that soon, but decided it would be best to wait to meet up. A few weeks into talking, she let me know she had 3 daughters. She didn’t let me know at first because I guess we weren’t serious enough. I didn’t care after thinking about it and was willing to try it out and see how it goes. Things went great, we agreed we would begin dating before meeting up because we both were so into each other. Next few weeks go by and things are great. We were talking about meeting up soon (no set plans), but she’s starting a new job and it would be easier to meet. We would talk and play all day. She introduced me to an online friend named J. J and her used to flirt back in middle school days, but never dated, she said. He was just a friend. She didn’t want him to know about us dating so he wouldn’t feel like a third wheel. I was okay with this at first because I know how that feels. But I would always get into my head and get a little jealous, but she reassured me they were just friends. But, we all had a ton of fun together and had a small friend group. Also, Sam and I to clarify (to my knowledge) were fully boyfriend and girlfriend.
One day, it appears I’m randomly blocked out of nowhere.. When she blocked me, I reached out to our group chat while anxiously spiraling. He noticed I really wasn’t okay so he messaged me privately, asking if I was dating Sam. He told me the truth.
Her nickname “Sam” is true, but it was a different first name and last name. Sam actually has 4 kids (she didn’t mention she also had a son) and she’s engaged. The youngest 2 of the children are with her fiancé. Her son does not live with her and her fiance “C.” I went through her Facebook and it seems she was acting herself to me, but just keeping any secret involving him. They have been engaged for multiple years. He showed me her Facebook. He explained back when they were teenagers (14), she catfished him under the name “Anna” and they dated for almost a year. One day, she just vanished. Two years later, she came back on Facebook and apologized. They were acquaintances, but when she was on WoW, she reached out and they were friendly and started playing together. He forgave her because they were so young and figured she would never do it again. He said he’s on my side and was also mad because she told him that I was just a flirty friend and to ignore my flirting. So she lied to us both to keep us at bay, but at the same time wanted us all to be friends. Really manic behavior.
She called us very drunk the next day and I had to pry the truth from her. She wouldn’t admit it on her own. C (the fiance) saw all of the messages and they got into a big fight. They ended up drinking and she just kept drinking because of the pain. Her best friend took her to the mental hospital. She also told J that C had choked her out (and provided a photo), but once sober and a few days later said that was C’s brother and not him. I still don’t know if this is fully true, but I do have a photo of the choke marks.
She called me in the hospital (I can confirm she was really there and a patient) and things seemed to be a little better. She gets diagnosed with Bipolar and Psychosis. At first she wanted to end it with C forever. I felt good about this because I loved her, and I could reestablish boundaries and if she wanted me back in her life. A day later, she told me after thinking about it more, she’s decided she doesn’t know what she wants. This hurt a ton because I had been so good to her. I never yelled even after she lied to me about a ton, I was so respectful, and I could tell how happy she was around me. She said it was so easy to talk with me. When she got out, she didn’t respond to my messages.I had J check Facebook (FB) to see if she was online and she was. She messages him that she’s out, but to keep it on the “down low” from me. This pisses him off and they get into a fight where he calls her out and they block each other on everything and I get blocked on a few things and she messages me I was working with him to get information from her and it’s “triggering” for her. This is not entirely true and we talk a little and she says she was planning on calling when C (fiance) wasn’t around. I asked why didn’t you just let me know that and she dodges that. Eventually, she says she will call when he’s not around, but never does.
It was really rough for me. I feel I lost all sense of agency and control. When I thought I would be able to set boundaries, she just vanished with no care for me. I cried on the phone to J every night worried sick about her. And she just cut me out like that. I broke down with an anxiety attack a few days later and almost had to go somewhere. Eventually, I found a therapist and I am still talking with him. A week passes and I saw she was on WoW and she was on for the first time since everything. I asked J and he said I should reach out because I wasn’t blocked and get some closure I never got. She responded and we talked for four hours in the game. Part of me wanted to reach out because on social media, it seemed she/her family blamed everything on her diagnoses. But, I knew if she never got caught she would keep going and going. And I was right. She confirmed she chose him, but we agreed to talk more if she reached out first. I made a burner discord and she would uninstall and reinstall discord if he wasn’t around.
They continued their unhealthy relationship (they fight a ton, their son doesn’t live with them, total mess as a reminder) as we talked. It was good for a few days she said between them, but eventually their toxic thing went back to toxic. A week or two passes of us talking and calling and now video calling (I can confirm she is really the person on FB and all images she has EVER sent, were really of her). She told me she’d like to be with me and end things with him. I said okay I’d be interested in exploring that but we would need to be friends after she dumps him for a bit so we can rebuild trust. I knew I really fucking loved this girl and would move mountains for her. We talk all the time (when he’s not around) and whenever he’s not around we call and talk as much as possible. She even makes up excuses to leave the house so we can talk. A few weeks pass and they still are fighting. She gets drunk one night and insists I add her on snapchat. I do and he finds it going through her phone later that night. He doesn’t know it’s me but it causes them to argue more. She confirms she still wants to be with me and is taking steps towards that. This past week her communication has been way worse, we talk way less, and she seems more focused on hiding me, then my feelings and wellbeing. She is very busy with the new job and that’s our primary time to talk. As the week progresses - for the first time ever, she is also leaving me to read or ghosting me. Either because he’s around and he can’t see or because she’s just not as interested anymore. I know she's not mentally well. But I love her and it’s hard to let go, especially not having many people in my life. A boundary I set is to please not post him on your story because I don’t want to see. On Friday, they went on a date and she posted to him like 6 times. It felt so rude and disrespectful to me. All of this, while ignoring me because he’s around. She told me she'd be back later that night two days in a row and she never showed up so I was worried. On Saturday, she leaves me delivered all day and then opens my message and blocks me. This hurt because I set three boundaries when we started talking again - don’t use me, don’t hurt, and don’t leave me for good if you choose that without telling me why. And she broke all 3 of those at that time. This morning she reached out on the last application I am not blocked on (Discord burner) and said this before blocking me. She said, “I wanted to talk to you about this. We went to dinner and had a long talk. I chose him. I think in the back of my mind, I was always going to choose him. I love him with everything in me. And I’ve not been very good for him. I should have kept it strict and gave you the closure you wanted and that’s it. You are a great person, D. You will find someone to give you their all, and that’s not me.” I was glad she let me know, but it hurts that she wasn’t even sorry to me for anything. I know it was honest and it really hurts, but is also really telling she didn’t apologize to me and just cares about his feelings. She has fully cut communication now and probably forever. I am so jealous of C, but I am not after seeing how she can lie. I doubt I would be able to fully trust her in a relationship anyways. My therapist says we all have a sense of ego and that’s why I have had a hard time letting go, also a lack of closure. This was a little closure, but not exactly. Does she love me? Did she just use me? What exactly changed? I will never get answers to these and this is why it’s so hard for me to process (even over that 2 and a half year relationship with my ex).
I feel stuck, I feel devoid of purpose, I’m not the person I used to be. Not anymore. She broke me. I’d be open to moving on, but all I do is work and I’m never out of the house. I don’t even want to fold laundry or eat. A lot of my friends live far away, or just have moved on since college. But idk if I’m ready for something new, I’m so jealous of him but at the same time not because she keeps cheating on him with me. It just hurts being her backup boyfriend or whatever. I feel so sad and so lonely all the time. I guess I am here for advice or just your perspectives.
Should I reach out and tell C we have been talking again (I doubt he knows)? Part of me wants to because I’d want to know, but I feel it would be more revenge on her then wanting the best for him. My therapist says I shouldn’t because for once I should just protect my heart and not worry about everyone else over myself. If I do that, I potentially rehash a lot of shit. How can I move on easier? Part of me wants to go on a small vacation from work to get away, but I have nobody to go with or nowhere to go. I just feel very stuck, empty, and I have no ambition or goals anymore. Thank you for reading this all (almost 2500 words). I wish I could write papers this fast. If you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know. I need advice and support right now so I appreciate you reading this.
submitted by DBurner16733 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:36 DBurner16733 I (24M) got used by my “girlfriend” (24F) who was secretly engaged with children. I’m feel empty, what do I do next?

Edit: sorry for poor grammar in title.
Hi, my name is D [24]. Let me provide some quick background on me. I work in marketing and social media in the recovery field. I was very successful in school (graduated 2nd in my class in high school and very successful in college). I’ve been pretty introverted my whole life, I am a high functioning autistic, but most (to be honest all) people can’t tell unless I say it. I tend to do better when surrounded by other people, I feed off them in a good way. I am a big video gamer, I can be really funny and extroverted once I am comfortable but I have a hard time doing that. I get lonely at night and have really bad anxiety at times. A lot of my friends I don’t live close to after college, so I spend most of my time working or gaming. This story is heavy, so if I miss anything or if anything’s confusing - please ask away. About 6 months prior to this, I broke up with my girlfriend of two and half years. One of the hardest things I have ever done. I wanted to break it off because I knew I wanted kids and she didn’t (on top of other long term goals). There was more to it, but that’s the most important. This choice had no short term benefit, but I did it for a better future for me. It was a really healthy relationship, she was great - but I wanted my forever person. I promised myself my next partner would be that (or hopefully would be that). We are still friends to this day.
My main game used to be World of Warcraft. I needed help with something and I asked around and met a girl named Samantha (Sam) Ingrid [24]. Total circumstance. She was incredible. I have done online dating/LDR before, I didn’t want it again, but this sort of just happened. I didn’t ask for it. She lives in Kentucky. I live in New England.
We talked nonstop, we had great healthy communication, we had a lot of similar interests and goals. It was very flirty from the start and we had a ton of chemistry. We could call, leave voice memos, and talk all day and night. It was very hyper focused and intense compared to the start of most relationships. We talked about dating and both wanted that soon, but decided it would be best to wait to meet up. A few weeks into talking, she let me know she had 3 daughters. She didn’t let me know at first because I guess we weren’t serious enough. I didn’t care after thinking about it and was willing to try it out and see how it goes. Things went great, we agreed we would begin dating before meeting up because we both were so into each other. Next few weeks go by and things are great. We were talking about meeting up soon (no set plans), but she’s starting a new job and it would be easier to meet. We would talk and play all day. She introduced me to an online friend named J. J and her used to flirt back in middle school days, but never dated, she said. He was just a friend. She didn’t want him to know about us dating so he wouldn’t feel like a third wheel. I was okay with this at first because I know how that feels. But I would always get into my head and get a little jealous, but she reassured me they were just friends. But, we all had a ton of fun together and had a small friend group. Also, Sam and I to clarify (to my knowledge) were fully boyfriend and girlfriend.
One day, it appears I’m randomly blocked out of nowhere.. When she blocked me, I reached out to our group chat while anxiously spiraling. He noticed I really wasn’t okay so he messaged me privately, asking if I was dating Sam. He told me the truth.
Her nickname “Sam” is true, but it was a different first name and last name. Sam actually has 4 kids (she didn’t mention she also had a son) and she’s engaged. The youngest 2 of the children are with her fiancé. Her son does not live with her and her fiance “C.” I went through her Facebook and it seems she was acting herself to me, but just keeping any secret involving him. They have been engaged for multiple years. He showed me her Facebook. He explained back when they were teenagers (14), she catfished him under the name “Anna” and they dated for almost a year. One day, she just vanished. Two years later, she came back on Facebook and apologized. They were acquaintances, but when she was on WoW, she reached out and they were friendly and started playing together. He forgave her because they were so young and figured she would never do it again. He said he’s on my side and was also mad because she told him that I was just a flirty friend and to ignore my flirting. So she lied to us both to keep us at bay, but at the same time wanted us all to be friends. Really manic behavior.
She called us very drunk the next day and I had to pry the truth from her. She wouldn’t admit it on her own. C (the fiance) saw all of the messages and they got into a big fight. They ended up drinking and she just kept drinking because of the pain. Her best friend took her to the mental hospital. She also told J that C had choked her out (and provided a photo), but once sober and a few days later said that was C’s brother and not him. I still don’t know if this is fully true, but I do have a photo of the choke marks.
She called me in the hospital (I can confirm she was really there and a patient) and things seemed to be a little better. She gets diagnosed with Bipolar and Psychosis. At first she wanted to end it with C forever. I felt good about this because I loved her, and I could reestablish boundaries and if she wanted me back in her life. A day later, she told me after thinking about it more, she’s decided she doesn’t know what she wants. This hurt a ton because I had been so good to her. I never yelled even after she lied to me about a ton, I was so respectful, and I could tell how happy she was around me. She said it was so easy to talk with me. When she got out, she didn’t respond to my messages.I had J check Facebook (FB) to see if she was online and she was. She messages him that she’s out, but to keep it on the “down low” from me. This pisses him off and they get into a fight where he calls her out and they block each other on everything and I get blocked on a few things and she messages me I was working with him to get information from her and it’s “triggering” for her. This is not entirely true and we talk a little and she says she was planning on calling when C (fiance) wasn’t around. I asked why didn’t you just let me know that and she dodges that. Eventually, she says she will call when he’s not around, but never does.
It was really rough for me. I feel I lost all sense of agency and control. When I thought I would be able to set boundaries, she just vanished with no care for me. I cried on the phone to J every night worried sick about her. And she just cut me out like that. I broke down with an anxiety attack a few days later and almost had to go somewhere. Eventually, I found a therapist and I am still talking with him. A week passes and I saw she was on WoW and she was on for the first time since everything. I asked J and he said I should reach out because I wasn’t blocked and get some closure I never got. She responded and we talked for four hours in the game. Part of me wanted to reach out because on social media, it seemed she/her family blamed everything on her diagnoses. But, I knew if she never got caught she would keep going and going. And I was right. She confirmed she chose him, but we agreed to talk more if she reached out first. I made a burner discord and she would uninstall and reinstall discord if he wasn’t around.
They continued their unhealthy relationship (they fight a ton, their son doesn’t live with them, total mess as a reminder) as we talked. It was good for a few days she said between them, but eventually their toxic thing went back to toxic. A week or two passes of us talking and calling and now video calling (I can confirm she is really the person on FB and all images she has EVER sent, were really of her). She told me she’d like to be with me and end things with him. I said okay I’d be interested in exploring that but we would need to be friends after she dumps him for a bit so we can rebuild trust. I knew I really fucking loved this girl and would move mountains for her. We talk all the time (when he’s not around) and whenever he’s not around we call and talk as much as possible. She even makes up excuses to leave the house so we can talk. A few weeks pass and they still are fighting. She gets drunk one night and insists I add her on snapchat. I do and he finds it going through her phone later that night. He doesn’t know it’s me but it causes them to argue more. She confirms she still wants to be with me and is taking steps towards that. This past week her communication has been way worse, we talk way less, and she seems more focused on hiding me, then my feelings and wellbeing. She is very busy with the new job and that’s our primary time to talk. As the week progresses - for the first time ever, she is also leaving me to read or ghosting me. Either because he’s around and he can’t see or because she’s just not as interested anymore. I know she's not mentally well. But I love her and it’s hard to let go, especially not having many people in my life. A boundary I set is to please not post him on your story because I don’t want to see. On Friday, they went on a date and she posted to him like 6 times. It felt so rude and disrespectful to me. All of this, while ignoring me because he’s around. She told me she'd be back later that night two days in a row and she never showed up so I was worried. On Saturday, she leaves me delivered all day and then opens my message and blocks me. This hurt because I set three boundaries when we started talking again - don’t use me, don’t hurt, and don’t leave me for good if you choose that without telling me why. And she broke all 3 of those at that time. This morning she reached out on the last application I am not blocked on (Discord burner) and said this before blocking me. She said, “I wanted to talk to you about this. We went to dinner and had a long talk. I chose him. I think in the back of my mind, I was always going to choose him. I love him with everything in me. And I’ve not been very good for him. I should have kept it strict and gave you the closure you wanted and that’s it. You are a great person, D. You will find someone to give you their all, and that’s not me.” I was glad she let me know, but it hurts that she wasn’t even sorry to me for anything. I know it was honest and it really hurts, but is also really telling she didn’t apologize to me and just cares about his feelings. She has fully cut communication now and probably forever. I am so jealous of C, but I am not after seeing how she can lie. I doubt I would be able to fully trust her in a relationship anyways. My therapist says we all have a sense of ego and that’s why I have had a hard time letting go, also a lack of closure. This was a little closure, but not exactly. Does she love me? Did she just use me? What exactly changed? I will never get answers to these and this is why it’s so hard for me to process (even over that 2 and a half year relationship with my ex).
I feel stuck, I feel devoid of purpose, I’m not the person I used to be. Not anymore. She broke me. I’d be open to moving on, but all I do is work and I’m never out of the house. I don’t even want to fold laundry or eat. A lot of my friends live far away, or just have moved on since college. But idk if I’m ready for something new, I’m so jealous of him but at the same time not because she keeps cheating on him with me. It just hurts being her backup boyfriend or whatever. I feel so sad and so lonely all the time. I guess I am here for advice or just your perspectives.
Should I reach out and tell C we have been talking again (I doubt he knows)? Part of me wants to because I’d want to know, but I feel it would be more revenge on her then wanting the best for him. My therapist says I shouldn’t because for once I should just protect my heart and not worry about everyone else over myself. If I do that, I potentially rehash a lot of shit. How can I move on easier? Part of me wants to go on a small vacation from work to get away, but I have nobody to go with or nowhere to go. I just feel very stuck, empty, and I have no ambition or goals anymore. Thank you for reading this all (almost 2500 words). I wish I could write papers this fast. If you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know. I need advice and support right now so I appreciate you reading this.
submitted by DBurner16733 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:25 Notdennisthepeasant A Brief History of Sam Walton

A Brief History of Sam Walton
I don't remember Robert ever doing a video on the founder of Walmart, which is weird in retrospect seeing as how Walmart itself continues to do enormous damage to our communities and contribute in horrible ways to global warming and international problems through massive consumption and pollution. I found this clever video on tiktok and I think it's a good primer on the bastard. Enjoy.
There's that bot that tells me I need 150 words. I'm not sure what I need to say to hit the 150, but I hope that this video gets left up because I think it is definitely behind the bastards category content. Anyway I hope this is enough words.
submitted by Notdennisthepeasant to behindthebastards [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:20 DBurner16733 My “girlfriend” was secretly engaged with him and I became a homewrecker

Hi, my name is D [24]. Let me provide some quick background on me. I work in marketing and social media in the recovery field. I was very successful in school (graduated 2nd in my class in high school and very successful in college). I’ve been pretty introverted my whole life, I am a high functioning autistic, but most (to be honest all) people can’t tell unless I say it. I tend to do better when surrounded by other people, I feed off them in a good way. I am a big video gamer, I can be really funny and extroverted once I am comfortable but I have a hard time doing that. I get lonely at night and have really bad anxiety at times. A lot of my friends I don’t live close to after college, so I spend most of my time working or gaming. This story is heavy, so if I miss anything or if anything’s confusing - please ask away. About 6 months prior to this, I broke up with my girlfriend of two and half years. One of the hardest things I have ever done. I wanted to break it off because I knew I wanted kids and she didn’t (on top of other long term goals). There was more to it, but that’s the most important. This choice had no short term benefit, but I did it for a better future for me. It was a really healthy relationship, she was great - but I wanted my forever person. I promised myself my next partner would be that (or hopefully would be that). We are still friends to this day.
My main game used to be World of Warcraft. I needed help with something and I asked around and met a girl named Samantha (Sam) Ingrid [24]. Total circumstance. She was incredible. I have done online dating/LDR before, I didn’t want it again, but this sort of just happened. I didn’t ask for it. She lives in Kentucky. I live in New England.
We talked nonstop, we had great healthy communication, we had a lot of similar interests and goals. It was very flirty from the start and we had a ton of chemistry. We could call, leave voice memos, and talk all day and night. It was very hyper focused and intense compared to the start of most relationships. We talked about dating and both wanted that soon, but decided it would be best to wait to meet up. A few weeks into talking, she let me know she had 3 daughters. She didn’t let me know at first because I guess we weren’t serious enough. I didn’t care after thinking about it and was willing to try it out and see how it goes. Things went great, we agreed we would begin dating before meeting up because we both were so into each other. Next few weeks go by and things are great. We were talking about meeting up soon (no set plans), but she’s starting a new job and it would be easier to meet. We would talk and play all day. She introduced me to an online friend named J. J and her used to flirt back in middle school days, but never dated, she said. He was just a friend. She didn’t want him to know about us dating so he wouldn’t feel like a third wheel. I was okay with this at first because I know how that feels. But I would always get into my head and get a little jealous, but she reassured me they were just friends. But, we all had a ton of fun together and had a small friend group. Also, Sam and I to clarify (to my knowledge) were fully boyfriend and girlfriend.
One day, it appears I’m randomly blocked out of nowhere.. When she blocked me, I reached out to our group chat while anxiously spiraling. He noticed I really wasn’t okay so he messaged me privately, asking if I was dating Sam. He told me the truth.
Her nickname “Sam” is true, but it was a different first name and last name. Sam actually has 4 kids (she didn’t mention she also had a son) and she’s engaged. The youngest 2 of the children are with her fiancé. Her son does not live with her and her fiance “C.” I went through her Facebook and it seems she was acting herself to me, but just keeping any secret involving him. They have been engaged for multiple years. He showed me her Facebook. He explained back when they were teenagers (14), she catfished him under the name “Anna” and they dated for almost a year. One day, she just vanished. Two years later, she came back on Facebook and apologized. They were acquaintances, but when she was on WoW, she reached out and they were friendly and started playing together. He forgave her because they were so young and figured she would never do it again. He said he’s on my side and was also mad because she told him that I was just a flirty friend and to ignore my flirting. So she lied to us both to keep us at bay, but at the same time wanted us all to be friends. Really manic behavior.
She called us very drunk the next day and I had to pry the truth from her. She wouldn’t admit it on her own. C (the fiance) saw all of the messages and they got into a big fight. They ended up drinking and she just kept drinking because of the pain. Her best friend took her to the mental hospital. She also told J that C had choked her out (and provided a photo), but once sober and a few days later said that was C’s brother and not him. I still don’t know if this is fully true, but I do have a photo of the choke marks.
She called me in the hospital (I can confirm she was really there and a patient) and things seemed to be a little better. She gets diagnosed with Bipolar and Psychosis. At first she wanted to end it with C forever. I felt good about this because I loved her, and I could reestablish boundaries and if she wanted me back in her life. A day later, she told me after thinking about it more, she’s decided she doesn’t know what she wants. This hurt a ton because I had been so good to her. I never yelled even after she lied to me about a ton, I was so respectful, and I could tell how happy she was around me. She said it was so easy to talk with me. When she got out, she didn’t respond to my messages.I had J check Facebook (FB) to see if she was online and she was. She messages him that she’s out, but to keep it on the “down low” from me. This pisses him off and they get into a fight where he calls her out and they block each other on everything and I get blocked on a few things and she messages me I was working with him to get information from her and it’s “triggering” for her. This is not entirely true and we talk a little and she says she was planning on calling when C (fiance) wasn’t around. I asked why didn’t you just let me know that and she dodges that. Eventually, she says she will call when he’s not around, but never does.
It was really rough for me. I feel I lost all sense of agency and control. When I thought I would be able to set boundaries, she just vanished with no care for me. I cried on the phone to J every night worried sick about her. And she just cut me out like that. I broke down with an anxiety attack a few days later and almost had to go somewhere. Eventually, I found a therapist and I am still talking with him. A week passes and I saw she was on WoW and she was on for the first time since everything. I asked J and he said I should reach out because I wasn’t blocked and get some closure I never got. She responded and we talked for four hours in the game. Part of me wanted to reach out because on social media, it seemed she/her family blamed everything on her diagnoses. But, I knew if she never got caught she would keep going and going. And I was right. She confirmed she chose him, but we agreed to talk more if she reached out first. I made a burner discord and she would uninstall and reinstall discord if he wasn’t around.
They continued their unhealthy relationship (they fight a ton, their son doesn’t live with them, total mess as a reminder) as we talked. It was good for a few days she said between them, but eventually their toxic thing went back to toxic. A week or two passes of us talking and calling and now video calling (I can confirm she is really the person on FB and all images she has EVER sent, were really of her). She told me she’d like to be with me and end things with him. I said okay I’d be interested in exploring that but we would need to be friends after she dumps him for a bit so we can rebuild trust. I knew I really fucking loved this girl and would move mountains for her. We talk all the time (when he’s not around) and whenever he’s not around we call and talk as much as possible. She even makes up excuses to leave the house so we can talk. A few weeks pass and they still are fighting. She gets drunk one night and insists I add her on snapchat. I do and he finds it going through her phone later that night. He doesn’t know it’s me but it causes them to argue more. She confirms she still wants to be with me and is taking steps towards that. This past week her communication has been way worse, we talk way less, and she seems more focused on hiding me, then my feelings and wellbeing. She is very busy with the new job and that’s our primary time to talk. As the week progresses - for the first time ever, she is also leaving me to read or ghosting me. Either because he’s around and he can’t see or because she’s just not as interested anymore. I know she's not mentally well. But I love her and it’s hard to let go, especially not having many people in my life. A boundary I set is to please not post him on your story because I don’t want to see. On Friday, they went on a date and she posted to him like 6 times. It felt so rude and disrespectful to me. All of this, while ignoring me because he’s around. She told me she'd be back later that night two days in a row and she never showed up so I was worried. On Saturday, she leaves me delivered all day and then opens my message and blocks me. This hurt because I set three boundaries when we started talking again - don’t use me, don’t hurt, and don’t leave me for good if you choose that without telling me why. And she broke all 3 of those at that time. This morning she reached out on the last application I am not blocked on (Discord burner) and said this before blocking me. She said, “I wanted to talk to you about this. We went to dinner and had a long talk. I chose him. I think in the back of my mind, I was always going to choose him. I love him with everything in me. And I’ve not been very good for him. I should have kept it strict and gave you the closure you wanted and that’s it. You are a great person, D. You will find someone to give you their all, and that’s not me.” I was glad she let me know, but it hurts that she wasn’t even sorry to me for anything. I know it was honest and it really hurts, but is also really telling she didn’t apologize to me and just cares about his feelings. She has fully cut communication now and probably forever. I am so jealous of C, but I am not after seeing how she can lie. I doubt I would be able to fully trust her in a relationship anyways. My therapist says we all have a sense of ego and that’s why I have had a hard time letting go, also a lack of closure. This was a little closure, but not exactly. Does she love me? Did she just use me? What exactly changed? I will never get answers to these and this is why it’s so hard for me to process (even over that 2 and a half year relationship with my ex).
I feel stuck, I feel devoid of purpose, I’m not the person I used to be. Not anymore. She broke me. I’d be open to moving on, but all I do is work and I’m never out of the house. I don’t even want to fold laundry or eat. A lot of my friends live far away, or just have moved on since college. But idk if I’m ready for something new, I’m so jealous of him but at the same time not because she keeps cheating on him with me. It just hurts being her backup boyfriend or whatever. I feel so sad and so lonely all the time. I guess I am here for advice or just your perspectives.
Should I reach out and tell C we have been talking again (I doubt he knows)? Part of me wants to because I’d want to know, but I feel it would be more revenge on her then wanting the best for him. My therapist says I shouldn’t because for once I should just protect my heart and not worry about everyone else over myself. If I do that, I potentially rehash a lot of shit. How can I move on easier? Part of me wants to go on a small vacation from work to get away, but I have nobody to go with or nowhere to go. I just feel very stuck, empty, and I have no ambition or goals anymore. Thank you for reading this all (almost 2500 words). I wish I could write papers this fast. If you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know. I need advice and support right now so I appreciate you reading this.
submitted by DBurner16733 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:09 Affectionate_Sun_764 Trying to Decide But Why is a UCLA’s Grant/Scholarship Lower For Me?

Trying to Decide But Why is a UCLA’s Grant/Scholarship Lower For Me?
I was on the UCB sub and would like to hear this one’s perspective as well, especially since I originally wanted to accept UCLA’s offer.
For context, I’m a CC transfer student from a low income household who got into all her applied schools and has been treated pretty well by the FAFSA. I’m now debating between UCLA and UCB, the former said I qualify for 30K worth of aid and UCB said I qualify for 44k ($43, 9834). I have applied to no additional scholarships that would otherwise be contributing to these numbers beyond what the schools are willing to give out automatically. The difference is making me nervous since I originally wanted to go to UCLA but 14K seems like a lot of money to potentially leave on the table.
Now, I say potentially because I was wondering if what happened here was that LA’s lower living expenses made it so that the difference in aid would amount to me paying the same amount at either schools? I checked and the extra money mostly this thing called the “UC Transfer Scholarship” that only shows up on UCB but not LA’s financial aid packet. The grant award stayed the same so it seems that UCLA just isn’t giving away an extra 12K to their transfer students in addition to other things.
However, not much point in getting extra money if I had to spend it anyway and now I’m far away from home in a city I don’t care for. As someone who wants to live in a studio apartment within a 20min drive from the campus, do you think 30K is enough to cover for tuitions and living expenses? Because what’s freaking me out is that based on the estimates I would have to pay for another 11K yearly compared to Berkeley’s 3K. Also, currently the UCLA system has me listed as living on campus which I don’t plan to do, if I tell them I’m going to live off campus will they reduce the aid money?
Any insight is appreciated, as someone who wants to go to law school I want to keep my student debt to a minimum pursuing my bachelors so this is pretty important to me. Thank you for reading!
Also, I’ll be at Bruin Day to ask more questions for anyone who’s also going!
submitted by Affectionate_Sun_764 to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:32 theonewhoistheone00 what are my chances (super nervous... pls help)

hey guys! I'm a current junior who has been striving to get into a bs/md program for the past few years. I'm really nervous because I feel like others have so much more competitive things due to science competition stuff which I never participated in due to family issues. I would love for advice on things to do this last summer to buff up my application. I'd also like to know if I'm even competitive to apply. thanks yall <3
(also this is a throwaway account...)

Demographics: female, competitive public school (class of maybe 700-800 students), Texas resident
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1480 at the moment but trying for a 1520+ in august
UW/W GPA and Rank: UW: Around a 98.4; W: 109.2; no rank right now, but I'd estimate maybe top 2%
Coursework: AP Courses: Human Geo (5), Bio (5)
-Current: Chem, Physics 1, Art, US History, Calc BC, Gov, Econ, English Lang
-Future: English Lit, Physics C, Stats, Psych, Enviro Sci.
- an art international award
- a medical community service award (state level; 200 hours+)
- silver key scholastic art award
- 5 gold medals for art (regional)
- i got awarded a $10,000 scholarship, but should I include that in my resume? (community service based)
- A district level volunteer certificate of 125 hours+ (gold level) & another one for 75 hrs+ (silver)
- top 10 in a competition for anatomy and physiology (state)
Extracurriculars: not in a particular order
- 2 summers of researching at a biomedical research lab that is connected to a very good medical school in Texas. Might not publish anything, but I got a lot of data to do poster presentations later on this year
- founder of a non-profit organization that posts videos online helping patients with a certain something (don't wanna reveal much info, sorry!). also interacting with these patients to help with exercises, etc.
- got selected into an internship that was pretty competitive in my city. It's just a bunch of medical stuff for 3 years.
- Shadowing/medical volunteering for over 200 hours; helped out family practice physicians with whatever they needed, but also shadowed at the same time. Also got to shadow surgeons for a bit too.
- internship at a consulting company (around 100 hours); I honestly talked with the CEO a lot because it's a smaller company, so I might be able to get a letter of rec...
- a small program where I just did mock surgeries on fake stuff haha
- dance for like 7 years (noncompetitive but really dedicated to it); performed at various places
- hospital volunteering for 4 months (12 hrs/week); just normal hospital volunteering stuff
- tutoring for small kids for like 3 months-ish (4 hrs/week); not much to say about this, but it was pretty fun
- president of 2 clubs that are medical related: care cards, item-donations, etc (no $$ raised though)
- volunteered at a bunch of health fair camps (have really cool experiences.. totally recommend!)
- NHS (volunteering at elementary schools) & Science NHS (no volunteering.. just fun science events)
- part of student council too for 2 years (historian)

I would totally appreciate it if I could get feedback over what else I should do in my last summer. BS/MD programs have literally been my dream for such a long time, but I'm so nervous to apply in the coming months. Any advice and feedback is greatly appreciated!
submitted by theonewhoistheone00 to bsmd [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:08 Hot_Cauliflower2108 Is staying in my psych research lab worth it?

I want to be a psychiatrist, so my main interest is psychology. I didn't plan on starting research this semester but a professor asked me to join their lab and I wasn't going to say no to that. I have over 100 hours with them, but all I have been doing is lit reviews and interviews and transcribing/data collection. It is not a lab focused on the hard sciences at all, certainly nothing to do with chem/bio/phys etc. My plan was to apply to a chem, bio, or at least neuro research lab for my senior year, but I sort of waited to long to start doing that and I think it might be too late to get accepted anywhere. My options are:
  1. Stick it out in the psych research lab for another semester. I would probably get to present a poster, maybe get my name on a paper, and she is encouraging me to apply for a scholarship to continue research with her. I have taken a very active role in this lab so far.
  2. Take my chances on getting a spot somewhere else. I'm sure a more 'scientific' lab would look better to med schools. But if I waited too long and can only do it for my last semester senior year I would barely get any hours.
For the scholarship I mentioned, I need to decide by 5/3, which is way too early to know for sure if I would be accepted into another lab considering I haven't even reached out to any professors. That's why I sort of have to take my chances and give it my best guess. Hopefully that makes sense. I would appreciate any advice on what makes the most sense and what look best on my future application:)
submitted by Hot_Cauliflower2108 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:58 Existing-Vast9264 I got a scholarship!

I applied to one program because I had absolutely no time to apply for more. Then I started regretting it after seeing all the discussions here, and how everyone has a very high cGPA while mine is only 2.9 and one year of work experience, plus the program is very competitive. Despite me believing that my application was good, I wasn’t confident enough after all. But then yeah, I received an email that I got the scholarship :)) I am so happy and I can’t even believe it Don’t lose hope, work hard on your application, and hopefully you will get what you deserve.
submitted by Existing-Vast9264 to Erasmus [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:39 bostonnickelminter How to write a statement of financial need if we're lowkey rich 😅

TLDR: title
As I'm applying for scholarships, basically every one has financial need as the number 1 factor. The thing is, there's a few big reasons that the application readers could have to evaluate my financial need as low:
Here's a few reasons I would want the money
Also, I won't lie about my financial need. In fact, I can't because the Barry Griswell scholarship, for example, requires the submission of a 1040 lmao
Before anyone downvotes, I know that I don't deserve scholarships as much as some people, but do you think I'm just gonna let this opportunity for much-needed money slip by??
Any tips for this situation would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by bostonnickelminter to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:10 GlobalDetail561 St. La Salle Financial Grant For Current Student

Hello! I am currently an ID123 student trying to apply again on SFA since I was not accepted last year. Do you think DLSU will open an application for current students this year or do they usually do that every year? How likely will I get accepted? Badly need it talaga since mabigat na yung tuition ko for us.
I also saw a post on the freedom wall saying that DLSU Puso has a full scholarship? If that is available how can I apply?
I really need a scholarship badly because I don't want to be delayed again :(( please help me.
submitted by GlobalDetail561 to dlsu [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:02 periwinkle-grey Is applying to USC as an international hoping for a scholarship worth it?

Like the title says, I’m wondering if it would be worth applying there and hope to get a scholarship because I can’t pay full tuition or if it would be a total waste of my time and application fee money.
submitted by periwinkle-grey to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:01 cndoitwitbrokenheart DLSU Scholarship

Helloooo!! super anxious whether i'll wait for dcat results and scholarships (since there's still no guarantee), bec admu has set a deadline for their scholarship offer. Usually, how long is the scholarship application process after dcat results po? tyia!
submitted by cndoitwitbrokenheart to dlsu [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 17:44 Mysterious_Pack8801 The 2024 Shubhra Kar Linux Foundation Training (LiFT) Scholarship Program Deadline: May 1, 2024 at 12:44 pm NPT



The Shubhra Kar Linux Foundation Training (LiFT) Scholarship Program aims to increase diversity in open source technology by providing access to training courses and certification exams for deserving individuals at no cost to the recipient. Since 2010, the Linux Foundation has awarded over 2,100 scholarships for millions of dollars worth of specialized, technical training to those who may not have the ability to afford this opportunity otherwise. The program was renamed in memory of long-time Linux Foundation CTO Shubhra Kar, who we tragically lost in early 2022.


You must meet one of the following categories to be eligible to apply to the program:
  • Open Source Newbie: Full-time college student studying to be an IT professional, taking at least 4 college-level classes per semester, or an IT professional with less than two years experience, who has learned the basics and is looking to continue to expand their open source knowledge and skills through additional training and pursuit of certification.
  • Open Source Tech Teen: Full-time student between the ages of 16 and 19 who has started using open source technology and wants to get a head start on a career in the field. NOTE: If you are under 18 years old, a legal guardian's permission is required to take a certification exam.
  • Woman in Open Source: A woman, working full-time as an IT professional with open source technology, seeking additional IT training and certification to advance her career.
  • Open Source Girl: A girl, between the ages of 16 and 19, who is a full-time student and using open source technology, who wants to get a head start on an open source IT career. NOTE: If you are under 18 years old, a legal guardian's permission is required to take a certification exam.
  • Open Source Volunteer Developer: An open source developer who volunteers as an IT professional with a community-based organization, or NGO, working with and/or building open source software or technology to assist their local community, who wants to learn more to advance their volunteer work.
  • SysAdmin Super Star: A systems administrator, employed full-time, seeking to take additional training in open source technology and earn a new certification to advance their career.
  • Hyperledger Innovator: An IT professional, currently employed full-time, in a role using Hyperledger technologies who wants to take additional training and earn a new certification to advance their career.
  • Cloud Champion: An IT professional, currently employed full-time, in a role using open source cloud native technologies, seeking to take additional training and earn a new certification to advance their career.
  • Networking Innovator: An IT professional, currently employed full-time in a role using open source networking technologies, who wants to take additional training and earn a new certification to advance their career.
  • Node.JS Innovator: An IT professional, currently employed full-time in a role using open source JavaScript software, who wants to take additional training and earn a new certification to advance their career.
  • RISC-V Innovator: An IT professional, currently employed full-time in a role that includes working with RISC-V from a hardware or software perspective, who wants to take additional training and earn a new certification to advance their career.
  • Cybersecurity Defender: An IT professional, currently employed full-time in a role that focuses on defending hardware and/or software from cyber attacks, who wants to take additional training and earn a new certification to advance their career.
  • Linux Kernel Contributor: Anyone who has contributed to the Linux kernel. NOTE: Awardees in this category will receive a scholarship for an instructor-led course.
  • Open Source College/University ProfessoResearcher: A College/University professor and/or researcher whose course teaching and/or research are focused on open source technology, who seeks additional training and a new certification to keep their knowledge and skills current.
  • Unemployed Open Source Professional: An unemployed IT professional currently seeking a new job, who was previously employed as a full-time IT professional, who wants to take additional training and earn a new certification to demonstrate they are a lifelong learner and committed to a career in open source technology.
  • Public/Government Open Source Innovator: A public/government sector employee or member of the military, in a role using open source technology to build and maintain open source technology, who would like to learn more and earn a new certification to advance their career.

Program Deadline

  • April 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM PDT (Midnight)
  • May 1, 2024 at 12:44 pm NPT
P.S.: The application for the program opens every year on April 1st.
submitted by Mysterious_Pack8801 to technepal [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 17:18 Layla_boss8 Is there a way to track my scholarship application once the deadline is over?

I submitted my scholarship application more than a month ago and got an email from the uni confirming that they received my application. I could check the application status from the funding page when you click check and apply, but since the deadline for application was over I can’t see anything about the scholarship application anymore. Is that normal ?!
submitted by Layla_boss8 to UCL [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:50 Curejoker Sciences Po & UC Berkeley Dual Degree vs University of Toronto

Context: Canadian from Toronto area. I'm in a torturous state and in deadlock. This is assuming I get into the foundation yr program at UofT that would be a big career booster (for local...canadian....politics.) After undergrad I have NO clue what I want to do... (rn thinking? MPP or Masters in Urban Planning) also don't know if i WANT to stay in Canada. My dream is American politics, I particularly love mass media and urban planning in the USA (think working for a company like fox news! dream job!)
Intended Major:
Politics/Govt, Urban Studies, Public Policy
Sciences Po & UC Berkeley Dual Degree
It's UC Berkeley and Sciences Po hello? I get two bachelor degrees at the end of the program.
I get to move and travel around Europe at the age of 18! even though I don't already love europe I've never been
I like San Francisco I think. I really would love to be in such a politically charged city for the 2028 primaries, and having an American degree would help with getting American employment
Opportunities to work with the Canadian Embassy in France/USA!
Extremely international network and reputation, which could be very helpful. I'll know someone in each part of the globe after 2 yrs at sciences po
I'm thinking it's easier to go international -> local than the other way around?
i was admitted to the Reims campus of Sciences Po and its actually a village. I hate tiny towns and everything closes at 8. not a good location fit
Estimated costs $250k CAD. my parents are planning on selling assets to pay... so no loans
At Sciences Po, students arent really involved in governmental activities or the city in general. They do moreso social charity work, but I’d want to do PR or Government stuff
Nobody knows sciences po in North America? Even tho it’s the best politics school in Europe
Hard to get employed abroad as a Canadian
French instruction structure and Sciences Po administration is garbage
Most of my gripes are obv with Sciences Po lol, but its the best decision financially. I can go to Berkeley for 4 years but i pay full price
University of Toronto
Only $70-80k CAD total cost of attendance (Free tuition bc scholarships!)
If admitted to foundation year:
I LOVE TORONTO WITH MY WHOLE HEART AND SOUL my whole commonapp was about it
I get to live in a dorm which is better than apartments/coop housing in the other choice
FOMO will wear off eventually, and I could "upgrade" for grad school
Close but not TOO close to home
I know people in the University already who will be in the clubs/orgs/foundation yr, so ez network

The people at the university know ME. I would love a complete fresh start
It’s my safety school. I will need great mental fortitude to tell ppl that I am going here. Literally everyone is going here. I could have breathed and got here. I did not need to grind or do IB. initial perceptions will kill me for a solid 5-9 months
What if i get trapped in a Canada bubble and I never move out from the GTA and I never realize my dreams of working in the USA for an NYC congresswoman or FOX news or the white house!
huge undergrad population (sciences po has a smaller one, Berkeley has a big one but I'd be a Dual Degree Guy so id be a jellyfish in the sea ig)
imagining saying "eeeyah i turned down Berkeley to go here" gives me the CREEPS!
I imagine the regret would hit diff here. Like crying in a lambo (sciencespo/berkeley) vs crying in a honda civic (uoft).
student life is lacklustre compared to sciences po and Berkeley
I'm scared i cant stand out from the crowd despite being Munk One (foundation yr). At Berkeley i would stand out in applications bc of dual degree status
I have done many events on campus and i didn't like the campus too much. also, what if i get sick of Toronto my beloved
submitted by Curejoker to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]