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2024.05.15 14:23 JojoDieKatze Where was I in that night?

When I was a kid, about like six years old, I had the smallest room in the house. My family had a small house in general. My two older brothers shared a room up to when I was about 10 and my middle sibling got the attic after it was renovated. Because my room was so small, I had a loft bed. Still because it stood against the inner side of the sloping roof it only gave a small room underneath it. But I made the best of it and stored many many boxes of Lego under it. On the foot and head side of the bed were small spaces. Only 20 centimeters wide but wide enough so I could climb up and down my bed with them. Another cool feature of the bed was the desk attached to it. It was facing the window on the opposite side of the door. It was supposed to be a place where I could do my homework, but as if I ever did my homework at that age. You may wonder why I am telling you all of this. Why you need to know how my room looked when I was a small child. But that’s were this one night came. I don´t remember how old I was but I guess I was seven. Far above the age when you can´t distinguish between a dream and reality. Far above the age when you put pieces of Lego up your nose and just in general are just a stupid child. And that’s what makes my experience even more weird.
I always had trouble falling asleep and still have. Back then I would always not close the door entirely, so a bit of light entered the room. I needed that because I was a bit of a squeamish kid. As it is usual when you have older brothers, they exposed me to many things I wasn´t ready for. My first time learning about World War two was when I watched a let’s play of Wolfenstein: The new order with my oldest brothers. When a scene showing the aftermath of human experiments came, he paused and said something along the lines of “Maybe you shouldn’t watch this.” This was after I had already seen BJ gun down countless soldiers and stabbing them to death. He took me down into the kitchen and told me about WW2. The whole time I was thinking about those corpses I had seen on his screen. To sum it up, I saw some shit at a young age and didn´t like falling asleep in total darkness. Now you know everything you need to know to understand this night. Or at least kinda understand it. Not even I fully grasp it.
It was the middle of the night. I woke up feeling the desire to go to the toilette. But something was off. My room was clad in total darkness. Not a single bit of light. The way to the toilette wasn´t long. Just walk down the ladder that was next to the door and walk through the small corridor and open the bathroom door. All in all maybe 7 meters to walk. But for some reason I didn´t took the obvious path. No. I raised my body and climbed down the small opening between bed and wall. My feet touched the ground and I let go off the wooden bedframe. Ahead of me was now a small path. The bed and the desk. Then I would get to the opening and could walk to the door. Of course, I didn´t see anything but with a room so small as mine, I knew every centimeter. I began to set one foot after the other. A second later I left could feel the desk. It touched my chest and was like a barrier I had to go around of. Another few steps and I would be finally able to go to the toilette.
I took those steps, expecting to feel the clearing. But the clearing didn´t came. Instead, the barrier I felt at my chest let me in a turn. “What?”, I asked myself. This wasn´t how I knew my room. My back was still touching the wall when normally I was touch the window. I felt dread creeping through my body. My throat became as dry as a desert. “This can´t be.”, I mumbled. I felt goosebumps on my arms but no matter what, I would reach the toilette. Maybe I just had turned around unknowingly and that was why it felt so weird. I reached out to the barrier and wall and began to walk again. Expecting to soon reach the clearing I upped my pace and walked further. But the clearing didn´t came. Just more wall and more desk. As if the space had been stretched out impossibly.
That’s when the fear broke me. A tear fell down my cheek. I was somewhere other than my room. I thought about just screaming but a small voice in my head told me: “What if you are just stupid? If you scream now, your parents will wake up and be very angry at you. Papa has to work tomorrow.” I felt so hopeless in that moment. Defeated there was just one exit. Try to get back to my bed. I turned around and took three or four steps. Suddenly my hand felt the bedframe. “What?”, I asked my self again. It just made the whole scene so much weirder. But I should be grateful. I reached out my hands and grabbed the upper part of the bedframe before pulling my self up and climbing back under my now cold blanket. Still crying a bit, I somehow fell asleep.
The next morning, I was woken up by my mom. Light filled the room and it looked just normal. So otherworldly stretching. I climbed down the ladder and walked down into the kitchen. Not mentioning the weird events of the night.
submitted by JojoDieKatze to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:20 x_dahunger 4 to 3 nap transition - what the heck do you do when short naps reign supreme ?

Lo is 5 months and has always been low sleep needs (lucky us)
We are lucky if we get 3 hours day time sleep and though sometimes we luck out with the occasional long nap, th average is 45 mins. Nighttime sleep varies from 9-10.5 hours a night.
On days where there are longer naps I can stretch his WW to get him to bedtime with three naps (bedtime is 7:30-8) but when he is standing strong with naps that are 30-45 mins it's impossible without having a 4 hour last WW so we squeeze in a fourth nap
I'm wondering if folks have just ridden it out improvising between 3 and 4 naps depending on the day, or if once you are trying to transition... you should really try to stick to the three despite it all?
If the latter, how the heck do you make this work? There are days where I can contact nap at least one of the naps to stretch it to at least 1h:20mins but even then it's hard to get us to the finish line
ALSO the sleep gods hate us and LO is often up between 5:30-630am so I end up stretching first WW to 8am for first nap
Our WWs are currently on the longer side 2 hours minimum and the longest one anywhere from 2.5-3hours before bed.
Please halp..or share what worked for you!
submitted by x_dahunger to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:19 throwaway_acc1010 i got my abg done 4 days ago, i hate my doctors and im miserable

i’m 17, was supposed to get this surgery when i was 11 but because of nhs wait times i didn’t get a date until now.
my surgery went well, but recovery has been going horrifically and none of my doctors seem to care. day one after the surgery they kept urging me to get up and walk to the toilet on my own even though i was insisting that my hip was in too much pain to move. i needed to go to the toilet so i tried getting out of bed but just by sitting up i got so dizzy that i started throwing up everywhere. my throat was already in so much pain from the breathing tube and vomiting just made that pain ten times worse. nurse came and just gave me anti sickness meds and left, didnt check in on me after that.
i got better at going to the toilet but it would be so unbelievably painful trying to walk there and it would take me 5 minutes to walk the 1m distance between my bed and the door. the doctors and nurses werent helping me, they’d just stand to the side as i painfully hobbled there and back relying on my mum to help me move. at one point the nurse came to help me move my legs off the bed but when she gentled pulled them about 10° to the left i felt so much pain that i immediately burst into tears and couldn’t stop crying for half an hour. it wasn’t until then that my doctors realised the only painkillers i had been given since coming out of surgery was a paracetamol drip, so they quickly put my on morphine (which for some reason didn’t help).
the next day my doctor came in to see how i was doing and he had the nerve to ask me ‘why do you look so miserable?’. again, i started crying and he just sat there and watched as i tried to piece together the words to say how exhausted i already was with recovery only 2 days in, and that i didn’t want to have to do this for another month. he just said that it will only be a week of recovery and that when younger children get this done they’d usually be home already (this was my second night in hospital, i had to beg my doctors to let me stay another night because i didn’t feel ready to go home and they reluctantly let me stay.) another doctor came in and repeated the sentiment, watched me cry with a blank face then left.
some more doctors came later and thankfully they were a lot more sympathetic to what i was going through. this is how i found out that they had actually done two procedures in one operation (closed the hole and the bone graft) which is why i had been in such extreme discomfort and recovery was going to slow. finding this out reslly pissed me off bc my doctors had been gaslighting me for days (at least that’s how it felt to me) into thinking i was overstating my pain and that i was slowing down my recovery because of how upset i was
final day at the hospital i still didn’t feel anywhere near ready to go home but i didnt bother arguing against it because my doctors were hellbent on me going home because i had already prolonged my stay. i walked around all day because my doctors insisted i would walk to the car myself (didn’t happen, ended up needing a wheelchair). my face and lips were still so swollen that i couldn’t drink water out of a glass because it would all just dribble out but i was vehemently forbidden from using a syringe and nurses would tell me off whenever they caught me.
i got home yesterday in the evening and still going through it. at one point i was so done with everything that i sat fully screaming and crying for about 40 minutes because i don’t know how to cope with this. im not getting any sleep because when im not waking up every 2 hours for meds, im waking up to clean up the blood that has leaked out my mouth down my neck. my face and hair feel vile, and im desperate to shampoo and cleanse the blood that’s still caked onto my hair from the surgery, but i know ill fall if i try to shower and i can’t lean my head back to get my mum to do it for me. worst of all is the hunger, my stomach is in so much pain because i have been starving for days. my diet is limited to melted ice cream and yoghurt and medications, plus soup and custard from the hospital. on my first night i didnt even eat anything of substance because the hospital gave me rice and curry that i couldn’t chew so i had to eat a yoghurt for dinner. now im home and struggling to find filling meals.
sorry if this is a bit nasty but i’ve desperately needed to get this out. i know that a lot of this is my own doing and i need to buckle down and just bear it but im so fucking tired and i wish i had never gotten this surgery at all. my doctors act like compassion and understanding is something i was meant to pay extra for, and whenever i raised an issue they’d bluntly tell me to just do xyz because they won’t ever know how painful and draining it is to drink more water or walk a lap or whatever. i’m only now realising how long this post is so please bear with me. thank you if you read this far.
submitted by throwaway_acc1010 to cleftlip [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:17 ImbecileOctopus I Can't Keep a Friend

I'm alone. All my life I've been able to make friends. But I always lose them, in third grade, I lost my two best friends because they switched schools and we just fell out of touch, in fifth grade I lost all my friends except for three, though this was also because of them moving, I made more friends in sixth grade and we remained friends for a good while. Freshman year my best friend from kindergarten and I stopped talking, she texted me one day saying that she didn't actually like me, and she never wanted to talk to me again. That hurt a lot, I got over it in about eight months and eventually was able to stop thinking about her everyday, and seeing her at school didn't bother me as much.
February the next year came, one year since my previous best friend and I stopped talking, maybe it got in my head, and I had been starting to feel suffocated by my current best friend at the time, I loved her, but she kept hurting me by not acknowledging my presence when we were in groups, no matter how hard I tried to contribute to the conversation, she kept leaving me and I just wanted a break from feeling like I was nothing to her. I just wanted some space. But I totally went about it in the wrong way. I picked a fight for no reason and said some awful things that I regret with every fiber of my being. At first, we stopped talking for a couple weeks, and I made two new friends, but soon after my best friend sent me an email telling me everything that was wrong with me, overbearing, pushy, and more I can't remember well, and I agree with her now, I've grown a lot and if she had said those thing recently, I could have come to terms with what she was saying, the things she pointed out were valid points that I should have looked into more, but I got defensive, this was when I thought she didn't want to be friends anymore because it sounded like she hated so many things about me... then what was there to like?
She had texted me a night before and said that she wanted to talk to me, with a specific teacher as a mediator, I refused, I am a very very private person and I do not like to share my feelings with anyone I'm not used to being around, and I wasn't yet familiar with this teacher. I told my friend that if she really didn't want to be friends anymore, that I would respect her decision. I was trying to protect myself, trying to make sure I broke it off before she did, I hate that my brain went there immediately. I wish I had tried to fight for her. She screamed at me while I sat there in a sort of calm daze, which completely gave off the impression that I didn't care... but I cared so much, she told me that I was self-sabotaging and was throwing away something that hadn't gone bad, she was screaming so loud, a teacher came in and told he she was disrupting classes, she was escorted out of the room and I heard her crying, and as soon as she left the room I burst out in tears too.
Our mutual friends, which was only two people, but they were my only other friends, stopped talking to me, and only hung out with her, but we were never on bad terms. I am beginning to resent them though. We stopped talking completely and soon summer vacation came. My cat died, I moved out of my narcissistic mother's house to my Dad's house, and his girlfriend accused me of stealing money, which I didn't, but my father took her side anyway and the entire time I was there they kept trying to blame things on me, and continuously scorned me for being antisocial, so eventually I moved out again when my father and I got in a huge fight, and I haven't talked to him since. I worked 80 hour weeks during the summer at two jobs, trying to keep my mind off my friend, my dad, and stay away from my mom, but it was okay because I had three friends who were from Mongolia, and two friends who were from Turkey working the same exact hours as me. But near the end of the summer, my two Turkish friends and I decided to plan a trip to go to Florida, I asked my mom and after some convincing she finally agreed, we got plane tickets, booked hotels, got car rental stuff, but the night before I left, my mom told me I wasn't allowed to go anymore, she has done this multiple times, but not of this magnitude, I told her that we had already paid for everything, but she told me that if I left, she would call the cops on me.
So I texted my Turkish friends and I told them what happened, but they wouldn't believe me... they blamed me and said "did you tell your mom?" I told them that I did, but they swore that I was lying, they told everyone, including my three Mongolian friends, so in the last month that my foreign friends were in the country, they all hated me, treated me terribly, constantly gave me dirty looks, and were scornful. It broke my heart, especially because they were so kind before, if I can make the kindest person hate me... then what kind of monster am I?
Finally, I came back to school, and it was so much harder than I thought it would be, seeing her everyday, happy with her friends while I sat there, alone and in misery, I had a couple friends, but they weren't in many of my classes. I was able to hold out for so long. One day I just couldn't take it anymore. I just completely gave up, seeing her was too much to bear, she didn't care about me anymore, I didn't have any close friends, just people who wouldn't really care if I lived or died. Everyday was a struggle. I stopped going to school, stopped going to work, and just curled up in my bed and decided that I had enough. I was on a course to graduate that year, a whole year early which got screwed up as well, ruining my chances of doing so.
I skipped work for almost three weeks, but I eventually came back because my boss said she missed me and reassured me that no body was mad. I haven't been to school in about two months, I don't know how I could go back anymore, it would be humiliating... like, what would I say? What if people asked questions? I'd just come off as so pathetic. I've ruined my life, I have little chance of a diploma, and no chance if I don't go back, I've been labeled as "truancy" or whatever. I was also supposed to go to Spain and Italy for a school trip, but I wasn't able to go because of my lack of attendance, so I ended up wasting 4,000 dollars.
My two friends that I made after my last best friend and I broke up called the cops on me because she thought I was going to kill myself, and I was so mad and embarrassed I cried the whole way to the hospital with my mom in the car and was able to go back home after some tests, after I got home, I went off on them, I was so so upset, and I honestly still am, I know they were only doing what they thought best, but I told her that I didn't want to talk to her until she would apologize, because all she kept saying was "I'm sorry you feel that way" so I told her to stop apologizing for how I felt, and apologize for what she did. She didn't, so I told her that I wasn't going to talk to her until she apologized. And the other friend who was in on it too, I texted her angrily and she said "womp womp" I immediately blocked her, I was so mad, words cannot describe my level of fury at that moment. It wasn't funny, that was not the time for jokes.
I have no friends, only my narcissistic mother, I don't even have a father anymore, my oldest sister isn't in contact with him either, for a different reason... I've just been working, and trying not to think. But I can't take it anymore. Have I really screwed everything up? Is my life worth anything anymore? Friendship is dead. Family is overrated, and I have never been able to keep a friend, I do not want the pain of loosing another one, I have people who I enjoy being around, I have coworkers, I have my sisters, and I have two people I hang out with sometimes, but really, none of them are my friends. I never want to make another friend, I refuse, I know they consider me their friends, but if I put a real label on it, it'll hurt too much when they leave and begin to hate me. What do I do? Am I destined for failure? Why do I always end up alone? Not only does everyone hate me, but I'm hating myself more and more by the passing day. I don't know what to do... can somebody, anybody help me? I'm just so lost.
submitted by ImbecileOctopus to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:16 Eve_Of_The_End Looking to extend my Destiny Famliy

So, I made this clan for myself basically.. I'm not really into this huge selling point trying to promote myself or others.. I tend to run with randos, or I'm by myself doing content. But, I would like for that to change..
I'm generally an average-good patient player with limited deaths for the most part in everything I do.. Im not eso, but Im decent enough to have at your side, I have a smart brain, prob the world's chillest introvert you'll ever meet.. Have most exotics and growing my arsenal. I kinda would like the same from my members.
Played alot of D1, Have raid completions, up until some of the recently added ones. But here's ideally what I'm looking for, one be yourself. Would like atleast one Sherpa in the clan that can lead the group and teach others. Would love it if we could do all the roles in all raids, etc.. Two, be just a mature, respectful, person.. I'm looking for loyalty, and determination to grow my clan into something more then just myself.. A tight-knit one.. I don't need hundreds of people. Just 6-8 active guardians who are usually Solo, but are skilled and have more knowledge of the content that I missed.
Summary is this.. I'm a introvert thats looking for skilled dudes, I dont pvp that much. But i will. Not very good at pvp.. But i wouldnt mind some hardcore pvper's in the clan.. Def looking for Raiding Sherpa's trying to complete master runs, challenges, growing and teaching other's.. That said, I don't deal with drama. Keep that -blam!- to yourself. I def don't need or want destiny -blam!-, lil kids, whiners, ragers, or any toxic guardian for that matter. Everyone wants to smash content, but you first need to have a focused team. And that's what I want to create. A team of people that have fun, are courteous, helpful, hella smart, funny asf, and just want grind out for Godrolls, adepts, etc. I want a destiny family.. 😔..
I prefer only Ps5 players, so we can join a party. I do not do discord or any other mentally deranged social media outlets.
Message me on here if your interested..
submitted by Eve_Of_The_End to Fireteams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:15 SignificanceWild8259 BLACKI❌ ABCD✅-DMS IIT Delhi is the future.

I would put a few points justifying my conviction.
  1. Placements - DMS ,IIT Delhi is clocking median placements near to IIM Shillong and IIM Indore. It has diversified tremendously. The biggest cohort is now made up of marketing professionals rather than operations enthusiasts. In the times of recession, older iims are struggling with summer internships, while DMS is able to place everybody with a median stipend(2 months) of 2.7 months. All premium consulting companies are visiting the campus including McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Pwc and Accenture strategy for backend roles. Some of them have shown interest in hiring for frontend roles also. Blackrock, State Street is skipping older IIMs and visiting DMS for asset management roles. Placecoms don't have to worry about companies because there are already 300+ companies visiting for btech recruitment. They have to influence only 25 companies from the group companies visiting.
  2. Multiple sources of funding- DMS has proved that what government institutions can do if they are provided funding. Iit delhi started to focus on MBA program from early 2010. The program was running from last 2 decades also. But now it has taken central stage. DMS is most well funded department after the Computer Science one(you can check the annual reports of iit delhi). While newer iims are dependent on only fees, DMS is getting research grants, a good proportion of IIT Delhi budget and donation from the vast IIT alumni network. It is amazing that people who were B. Tech graduate 20-30 years ago are showing interest in donating to the programme.
  3. Startup Culture - DMS has produced more startups than many IIMs combined. It is able to leverage the vast startup ecosystem of IIT Delhi. Young people are meeting with venture capitalists and getting opportunity to raise funds for their ventures. Low fees also adds the attraction towards startup culture because of very less debt obligations.
  4. QS world rankings- DMS is fourth after IIM ABC in QS ranking of business studies. Most people would argue that DMS is getting advantage because of research points. Who cares if it is getting more marks in one criteria. Main point is it is earning reputation in the world. Who would have thought the Blackrock would visit DMS 5 years ago, it is the international rankings that are luring the companies. My friend from DMS IIT delhi told me that recruiters from Microsoft, Google are connecting with him because of reputation of IITs worldwide. I don't think people from other colleges have that much privileages. Probability of getting selected in Google, Netflix is pretty high if you are from DMS.
  5. AI, Automation push- DMS is poistioning itself in a very comfortable position with the advent of AI. They are already very good in analytics and quote confident of occupying the AI space. It is an insider information that DMS is laying out a plan to thrive in the world of AI consulting and Automation consulting. This year students reported that inverviewers were very serious about AI. They kept on digging students for their interest in AI. Older IIMs are still thinking about conventional way of sales. DMS is already researching about predicting consumer behaviour by AI(refer to their research papers). They know that Ai would penetrate all aspects of business whether it is finance, operations and markeing.
  6. Strongest cohort among major B-schools- Last time, avg cat percentile was 97.6( refer to the placement reports). You can guess what was the average percentile of GEMs.This time the average percentile of candidates will increase as they are rejecting people with 99.4 percentile. 53 percent people in the last batch were from IIT/NIT/SRCC. 23 months was the average experience of the batch. They are already taking people who are over-achievers. You can think what kind of exposure you would get in DMS IIT Delhi.
submitted by SignificanceWild8259 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:13 Eve_Of_The_End Looking to extend my Destiny Famliy.

So, I made this clan for myself basically.. I'm not really into this huge selling point trying to promote myself or others.. I tend to run with randos, or I'm by myself doing content. But, I would like for that to change..
I'm generally an average-good patient player with limited deaths for the most part in everything I do.. Im not eso, but Im decent enough to have at your side, I have a smart brain, prob the world's chillest introvert you'll ever meet.. Have most exotics and growing my arsenal. I kinda would like the same from my members.
Played alot of D1, Have raid completions, up until some of the recently added ones. But here's ideally what I'm looking for, one be yourself. Would like atleast one Sherpa in the clan that can lead the group and teach others. Would love it if we could do all the roles in all raids, etc.. Two, be just a mature, respectful, person.. I'm looking for loyalty, and determination to grow my clan into something more then just myself.. A tight-knit one.. I don't need hundreds of people. Just 6-8 active guardians who are usually Solo, but are skilled and have more knowledge of the content that I missed.
Summary is this.. I'm a introvert thats looking for skilled dudes, I dont pvp that much. But i will. Not very good at pvp.. But i wouldnt mind some hardcore pvper's in the clan.. Def looking for Raiding Sherpa's trying to complete master runs, challenges, growing and teaching other's.. That said, I don't deal with drama. Keep that shit to yourself. I def don't need or want destiny douchebag elitists, lil kids, whiners, ragers, or any toxic guardian for that matter. Everyone wants to smash content, but you first need to have a focused team. And that's what I want to create. A team of people that have fun, are courteous, helpful, hella smart, funny asf, and just want grind out for Godrolls, adepts, etc. I want a destiny family.. 😔..
I prefer only Ps5 players, so we can join a party. I do not do discord or any other mentally deranged social media outlets.
Message me on here if your interested..
submitted by Eve_Of_The_End to PSNFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:11 VeterinarianInside28 Unbearable downstairs neighbors

What more can I do? The people who live under me insufferable. they constantly complain to me about me making noise! It started by them saying my dog barked all night the first night he was left alone. I got off work 4 hours early that night (2 am) and didn't go inside for about an hour because i was enjoying the cool night. And I wanted to see if he was barking, but he didn't make a peep. Additionally the neighbors on either side listened for him after I left for work at 6 pm (and we can all hear eachothers tv's) but they didn't hear him. They (all 3 neighbors) had my number but nobody texted. They just complained when I saw them the next day.

Almost every time the people under me see me they complain about the noise. So I've done everything in my power to keep it quiet while actively making every effort to avoid them. My dog stays at my moms house most nights when I'm working and when that's not possible and he's home alone he's got his bark collar on and I give him his anxiety medication to help him sleep. They still say he runs around all night but that's not possible because he's crated. i thought it could be the cats but when I'm home the cats sit in their tree and sleep and that's all they do all night until about 6 am when they get their morning treat.

I put some area rugs down to try to help. But that hasn't done anything.

I even did these neighbors a favor and let them use my washer and dryer (even though they did 3 times as many loads as I do alone) to try to get on their good side until they started complaining about cat hair allergies and I didn't want to risk one of them passing out in my apartment so I had to put a stop to it.

This morning at 5 am the woman texts me that she heard my dog running around and he's kept them up all night. No. last night I was home and I watched my dog and cats, nobody ran around. Nobody made noise. Nobody barked. Nobody meowed. I paced back and forth to the bedroom a few times when I needed to, and I try to step as light as I can but I have a bad leg. I limp so it's probably not as light as a normal person could walk. if she heard anything it was me. Everyone else was asleep and I was in my chair with my leg propped up watching twitch most the night. I can only do so much. I'm not going to make myself uncomfortable by tip toeing around my own apartment that I pay for. But if it really kept you up all night why did you wait until 5 AM to say something?

I sent an email to the office and asked to swap apartment because I don't want to disturb them anymore and I know two ground floor apartments are going to open up over here soon. But I know they aren't going to let me. The office staff is the least professional group of people I've ever met and they don't like work.

And don't get me wrong... I mean I get it. I know it's an old apartment complex. It's poorly insulated. and I'm sorry if they really do hear noise from up here. but what else can I do? I'm seriously not making much, if any noise. The only thing that's making any noise is my fan. but I can't imagine how they could be hearing that. I'm doing the best I can. When you move into a bottom apartment isn't a little bit of noise to be expected? I would understand if we were really being disruptive, playing loud music, barking, or even running around and playing all night I could see where that kind of thing would be disruptive. But we aren't. I wake up in the afternoon, do my cleaning, cooking, until 9 or 10 and then sit down and watch twitch until i'm tired enough to go back to bed sometime in the morning. I'm depressed as hell, I literally have no desire to do anything. Unfortunately I do still care about others.

The person on my right has told me to not worry about it, she's told me they complain about everyone. And honestly that statement was proven as for the couple weeks they were doing laundry at my apartment. The woman started to buddy up to me and complain about other residents. I suspect at least part of the complaints are really because I no longer letting them use my laundry. But it still makes me feel bad. Suggestions? i don't know what to do to make these people happy.

All i really want is to be left alone and in peace. I try to be quiet. I try to be as helpful and respectful as I can be to other people. I don't ask anything of anyone. I don't complain. when my apartment needs a repair I usually don't even call maintance if it's not an emergency because I don't want to bother anyone. what am i supposed to do? maybe it's the depression but more and more things just keep going wrong and those dark thoughts keep creeping in. i don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by VeterinarianInside28 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:10 SnooEpiphanies6763 [A3] [Recruiting] [OPTRE][MILSIM] [New Player Friendly] 89th Joint Task Force

[A3] [Recruiting] [OPTRE][MILSIM] [New Player Friendly] 89th Joint Task Force
An Auburn Skyline A Halo Arma 3 Machinima. - YouTube
The 89th Joint Task Force wants you to help defend humanity! Founded in the Late 2490's to combat the growing insurrection threat across the outer colonies, the 89th JTF served as a premiere expeditionary force in readiness for the UNSC. Even now, in the early 2530's, aboard the 6th Battle Group, we stand ready to put down rebel threats and alien incursion alike. The 89th Joint Task Force is a MILSIM OPTRE unit. With a good handful of our members and leadership either active military or prior-military, we're able to tune the unit to scratch the more realistic itch our members have while also keeping it casual enough for our more easy going members. We are also new player friendly; whether you are new to Arma or an Arma Veteran, our extensive Instructor Corps will be happy to teach you everything you need to know to join the fight.
The 89th Joint Task Force is a highly active and ever-expanding unit. We are seeking recruits who have a drive to be as active and dedicated as the highest echelons of our command, so we may continue to grow and establish ourselves as a community. We offer those who meet this requirement a place where they can feel they belong, where they will grow close with their squadmates and be ever ready to utilize their camaraderie to ensure mission success. As an expanding unit we look for those who have a drive to lead, for our next team, squad, and platoon leaders. We look for those who not only want to be part of our unit, but for those who wish to help us succeed! If you think you've got the right stuff, come join, and take your place in the unit.

This sounds great! What do I need to join?
A willingness and dedication to being an active member.
Minimum 18 years of age
A working mic and headset.
Ability to speak and understand English.
A level of patience and the willingness to learn.
A commitment to being a consistent member and team player. Activity minimums for the active component is one(1) main operation a week, and for the reserve component two(2) operations a month.
What We Offer:
3 Main Operation Days every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 7:00pm (1900) EST.
A dedicated server and TS open 24/7
Fun, Story driven Zeus-ran campaigns with attention to lore detailing, as well as fun/side operation sporadically hosted by a number of our dedicated zeuses.
Available Slots
ANVIL Company: 24 Total
Friday & Sunday: 15
Friday only: 4
Sunday only: 5
Bastard Company[LAR] (Saturdays Only): 17
submitted by SnooEpiphanies6763 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:08 Ah1293 Tried sleeping without any meds. Here's what happened.

For background check my posts. This is my second fight with Insomnia/sleep disturbance after 6 years of sleeping good. The first fight started because I was injected with adrenaline during an EP study of my heart - lasted 8 months and by a miracle I got better - this was 6 years ago.
I believe this time my sleep disturbances and insomnia started after i took a high dose methyl b complex (sounds stupid but just search reddit and methyl b insomnia) - apparently there's something called overmethylation. Many people get better and a few have long lasting issues with adrenaline and sleep disturbances/insomnia - which seem permanent. I wish I'd had accidentally taken poison instead of this seemingly harmless vitamin complex.
The only thing that puts me to sleep all night is lorazepam. However I know it will eventually stop working and give me more issues so after a week using it on and off, I've decided not to take it any more.
The other med I'm prescribed is mirtazipine - 7.5mg being the dose to put me to sleep, does it help? Sometimes yes sometimes no. If it does I wake up every 3hrs and after 5hrs of total sleep, I can't sleep further. It really messes me up in the day. I can't function. I become numb.
I realised one thing in all of this. There's not one med for sleeping that doesn't have a pay off where it will mess another part of your life up or cause you other illnesses or cause withdrawal. It's a cruel condition with cruel medications.
Last night, I tried sleeping without a single med - because this was the only way I got better 6 years ago, by allowing my body to recover itself - will it recover this time? I'm not sure and I have a feeling it won't and that something is permanently damaged from the vitamins I took. I didn't feel anxious last night but you're always told you are anxious by others and that anxiety is always the root cause of insomnia - many fail to realise it's the byproduct of insomnia and not the cause - anyway I was too tired and drowsy to feel anxious. I've slept soundly in stressful situations throughout my life so how anxious could I be really?
Anyway, I did sleep (if that's what you wanna call it)... Here's how it went - I dreamt so vividly and the dream felt like it lasted 8 hours. However I realised in reality I slept only 20 mins. The whole night was spent in 20 minute sleep cycles with vivid dreams that felt like forever. I must have woken up about 15-20+ times sleeping 20-30 mins at a time.
If anyone else has gone through this then you know my pain.
I've been advised to get off reddit as its probably not helping anxiety towards sleep and the obsession around it. But this feels like more than just anxiety. I believe there's something more mechanical going on which is affecting my sleep - I assume it's to do with the nervous system - namely the system that controls fight or flight/adrenaline. If it's a biological issue, then no amount of cbt-i or sleep hygiene or whatever will help.
I've seen so many people find their magic bullet here. For some it was GABA supplements, for another it was potassium gluconate, for another it was metropalol (a beta blocker), for another it was moving to his girlfriends house and sleeping for the first time, I've even seen someone say they have to eat unhealthy foods before bed and they sleep.
I don't know if I'll ever find my magic bullet. I believe there's something physiological going on but it's beyond the understanding of modern medicine.
If you can sleep 5-6hrs naturally and consider it bad. Maybe my sleep of only 20 mins x 20 will make you appreciate your solid 4-6hrs.
Probably my last post, if this doesn't kill me indirectly (yeah I know, the whole everyone thinks insomnia will kill them) - then I'll be lucky. My mums side has cardiac issues genetically and lack of sleep increases that risk.
I've been through so much with my health and sleep was my escape. Now I don't have that. If anyone is sleeping less than 2-3hrs a night or having 20-30 mins sleeps cycles. I honestly feel your pain.
I'm not sure of the future, but right now I wish I was with my deceased relatives.
Ps I'm a husband and father of two children. This has taken all the joy away of being either. I hope it returns one day.
submitted by Ah1293 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:08 Insightful-Geek Puravive Customer Review [Warning] Is Puravive Actually Legit?

Puravive Customer Review [Warning] Is Puravive Actually Legit?
A Genuine Customer Review for Puravive: Sophia's Transformation Journey
In the calm of the early morning, as the sun began to rise, Sophia sat on the edge of her bed, feeling the weight of her 39 years pressing down on her.
Sophia had lived a life filled with ups and downs, but she knew deep inside that her best years were yet to come. As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't ignore the toll that time and neglect had taken on her.
Her once vibrant spirit felt overshadowed by doubts and self-criticism, especially when it came to her weight.
Over the years, Sophia had tried countless diets, exercise routines, and supplements, each promising to be the solution she longed for.
But none had delivered the lasting change she desired.
Then, one day, her friend Sophia suggested Puravive, a natural supplement that claimed to support weight loss and overall well-being. Sophia was skeptical but hopeful, and she decided to give it a chance.
The first few days went by without any noticeable changes. However, as the weeks passed, Sophia started to experience subtle shifts in her life.
Her energy levels soared, and she found herself naturally gravitating towards healthier food choices.
She began taking refreshing walks in the evenings, relishing the sensation of movement and the crispness of the air.
As the pounds started to melt away, so did the layers of self-doubt and insecurity that had held Sophia back for far too long.
A new image of herself emerged—a woman who was not defined by her weight, but rather, a strong and capable individual with boundless potential.
Months flew by, and Sophia's transformation was nothing short of remarkable.
She had not only shed weight but, more importantly, gained an unwavering confidence, self-love, and a renewed sense of purpose.
No longer did Sophia dread facing her reflection; instead, she greeted it with open arms, a testament to how far she had come.
OFFICIAL PURAVIVE WEBSITE 👉🏻 ****[CLICK HERE**](https://productinfoview.com/puravive)
On Sophia's 40th birthday, she didn't just celebrate another year of existence but a year of profound growth and transformation.
She had shed more than just pounds—she had shed the limitations she had imposed upon herself for far too long.
Sophia knew that her journey was far from over, but with Puravive by her side, she was ready to confront any challenges that lay ahead, armed with a newfound strength.

What is Puravive ?

Introducing Puravive: Empowering Weight Loss the Natural Way
Puravive is a plant-based weight loss supplement that utlize the power of tropical nutrients and plants to target the underlying causes of weight gain, particularly low brown adipose tissue levels.
Unlike other weight loss products, Puravive is safe for individuals of all ages and is free from negative side effects. In this review, I will delve into the effectiveness and value of Puravive in aiding weight loss.

Puravive Reviews: Examining the Legitimacy of This Natural Weight Loss Supplement!

This supplement, manufactured in the USA, is carefully packaged to ensure secure delivery to customers. Puravive catches the eye with its quality appearance, transparent ingredient label, and overall presentation, exuding a sense of reliability. However, it's important not to judge solely based on appearances but to conduct a thorough analysis to determine its effectiveness as a weight loss supplement.
Given the widespread issue of obesity, the demand for effective weight loss solutions continues to soar. With countless options available, it is crucial to select the best one to suit individual needs.
Based on positive reviews, Puravive appears to be a trustworthy weight management formula. To gain a better understanding of its potential benefits, we will explore its mechanisms, ingredients, production standards, pricing, refund policy, and more. For further information on Puravive, visit the official website.
Supplement Name: Puravive
Type: Weight loss formula
Form: Capsules
Quantity per Bottle: 30 capsules
  • Luteolin - Supports healthy weight loss by boosting brown adipose tissue.
  • Kudzu - Rich in antioxidants, it elevates BAT levels for weight management.
  • Holy Basil - Enhances BAT levels while reducing stress for effective weight loss.
  • White Korean Ginseng - Supports immunity, reduces oxidative stress, and increases BAT.
  • Amur Cork Bark - Promotes BAT and aids digestion, reducing bloating.
  • Propolis - Boosts BAT levels and provides antioxidants for overall health.
  • Quercetin - Enhances BAT levels and supports healthy blood pressure.
  • Oleuropein - Supports artery health, maintains cholesterol levels, and increases BAT.
  • Supports healthy weight loss
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Promotes better sleep patterns
  • Reduces stress
  • Enhances overall health
Side Effects: No reported side effects
Dosage: Take 1 capsule daily
  • Plant-based ingredients
  • Reasonable prices with discounts
  • 180-day money-back guarantee
  • Manufactured in the USA under FDA and GMP standards
  • Convenient capsule form
  • Not suitable for individuals under 18
  • Exclusive availability on the official website
Price: $59
  • Bonus #1: 1-Day Kickstart Detox
  • Bonus #2: Renew You
Refund Policy: 180-day, 100% money-back guarantee
Availability: Only on the official website 👉🏻 CLICK HERE

Introducing Puravive: A Natural Weight Loss Solution

Puravive is a natural weight loss supplement designed to combat obesity by boosting metabolism and promoting natural fat burning. With clinically proven ingredients, this supplement targets the root cause of unhealthy weight gain without any adverse effects.
This herbal formula comes in convenient capsule form, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. It is free from GMOs, chemicals, toxins, and stimulants, ensuring a safe and natural approach to weight loss. Puravive stands out by addressing the underlying issues that contribute to obesity, offering a unique solution.
Manufactured in the USA in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility, Puravive maintains high manufacturing standards. Each bottle contains 30 capsules, providing a month's supply. For optimal results, it is recommended to take one capsule per day.

The Science Behind Puravive's Effectiveness

Puravive offers a better alternative to exhausting diets and intense workouts. Many natural weight loss remedies fail to deliver long-lasting results because they do not address the root cause of the issue. Research has shown that low levels of brown adipose tissue (BAT) are linked to unhealthy weight gain.
Individuals who are overweight tend to have lower BAT levels, while lean individuals have higher levels of BAT. BAT is a special type of fat that actively burns calories, thanks to its high concentration of mitochondria. It is known as the most calorie-burning cell in the body.
Puravive enhances BAT levels, effectively boosting metabolism and promoting the fat-burning process. The natural ingredients in this supplement are carefully chosen to naturally increase brown adipose tissue levels.
In addition, Puravive supports the body in converting food into energy more efficiently, resulting in improved energy levels throughout the day. Say goodbye to fatigue and sluggishness with Puravive's unique approach to weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions about Puravive

  1. How long does shipping typically take?
For US customers, Puravive orders usually arrive within 7 to 10 days. International orders may take around 10 to 15 days for delivery.
  1. What should I do if I forget to take a dose?
If you forget to take a dose of Puravive one day, there's no need to worry. Simply resume taking the supplement as usual starting the next day.
  1. Will I be charged for additional shipments?
No, there are no hidden charges or subscriptions associated with Puravive. It is a one-time payment only.
  1. Which package is recommended for purchase?
You can choose any package that suits your needs. However, many customers find the six-bottle package to be the best value. It includes a discount, free shipping, and bonus items.
  1. Is Puravive suitable for vegans?
Yes, Puravive is vegan-friendly. It only contains natural herbal ingredients that have been clinically tested and are free of chemicals and stimulants.

Experience the Difference with Puravive

If you're curious about Puravive and seeking a natural and effective weight loss solution, give it a try. Addressing the root cause of weight gain with its unique approach, Puravive offers a safe and reliable way to achieve your weight loss goals. With proven ingredients and high manufacturing standards, Puravive is here to support your journey towards a healthier and happier you. Click Here to visit official website
submitted by Insightful-Geek to reviewsarena [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:07 KhariKub Subtle Ways to show part of the community

Hi all, I apologise if this sounds like somewhat of a dumb question but what are some subtle ways to show that I am a part of the littles/caregivers community (especially to the possible vanilla communities)?
For context, I have been single for about 8 years now and starting to feel the effects of singleness so I am thinking of putting myself back on dating apps or trying to meet people in person (those would probably be considered vanilla communities idk) but I am wondering what the best way to show I am in the littles community would be without outright saying since a lot of people may not have the best idea of it (obviously if I connect with someone later I can explain further).
I don't really think it would be appropriate (especially on the dating apps) to have photos of myself with pacis or diapers so I am wondering what kinds of clothing I could wear that's very subtle hinting (which also leads me to ask, what kinds of stuff can I wear as someone who is 5'8 and 265lbs) ? What kinds of photos and/or things can I post on dating profiles that won't scare people off or make them assume I either have issues or that this is some kind of k1nk? Any advice on what to do irl situations too with bringing up in convos and whatnot?
I am also wanting to explore my CG side which may be a little harder to explain and since I don't have any past experience with it (both being a CG or ever having one) I was wondering if there were any tips on how to navigate that side too?
My roles in the community are completely non-s3xual so I would ideally like to avoid going down the "k1nk community" route even though I am probably more likely to meet others there rather than vanilla settings/everyday life.
If anyone has any past experiences with dealing with this I would be very open to hearing thoughts/tips/advice!
submitted by KhariKub to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:06 PairIllustrious2526 Is this 450k EIDL fraudulent? Overseas employees?

A friend's relative keeps giving money to a relative on other side of the family. They asked me to look into the person's ppp and eidl loans.
The person got an EIDL for over 450k and two ppp for 60k each.
The kicker is is that from my research they run a marketing company with an address that appears to mainly be used for virtual offices and their out sourced/contract "employees" are located in Philippines, but their addresses are all listed as Chicago where edil/ppp sneak is located.
If their EIDL claimed the overseas workers as employees is that fraud? What about putting a possible virtual office as physical location?
submitted by PairIllustrious2526 to EIDLPPP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: Lay your cards on the table...

First: https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/14vo5lb/troublemakers_deaths_pity/
*previous:* https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/1crq34h/troublemakers_buried_secrets_bolster_the_weak/
Go'mon strutted around the command center, a cape of deep purple silk flowing about his shoulders as he wore his gilded armor. An ornate helmet underneath one arm, the faceplate forged into the visage of a snarling Rak'nal beast. He peered over the shoulders of drone pilots, observing the carnage on the streets in front of the mansion. His black scimitar hung at his belt, the palm of his war gauntlet resting on the hilt, eyebrow crests rising as he saw the expeditionary general's Buzzard explode.
"Casualty report on General Gra'vos?"
He stated to the small Geknosian woman who deftly piloted her drone closer to the wreckage to pull data from the onboard recorder. Her eyes sparkled, reflected in the screen as the data was streamed directly into her brain through a neural implant.
"Deceased, Just like you planned, his provided pleasure slave threw him from the craft and stole the det-sphere you clipped to his belt. You seem to know a lot about how these humans fight."
Go'mon touched the small grooves underneath the elastomer skin of his face where that parasite had shot him with a concealed gun. He laughed bloodily and purred.
"Failure is the greatest teacher in the universe, these parasites have taught me everything they know. Now we just need to see what their true fighting strength is."
"Understood sir, orders?"
"Get a view on the inner courtyard and report to the commanders of the second and third waves their positions and weaponry."
A young lieutenant called out.
"Sir! Twelve UHM-60 Blackhawks en-route to the enemy base! Advise!"
Go'mon stalked over, peering over the satellite observer's shoulder as he followed a chevron of twelve helicopters loaded down with ancient, obsolete human war-droids. He rapped the claws of his war gauntlet against the handle of his scimitar with a purr.
"Send orders to Commander Mar'tek to equip three of his Gallicks with anti-air weaponry, and orders for Commander Rak'don to equip his light attack craft with visual lock on missiles."
"Yes sir, relaying orders now."
Go'mon patted his subordinate on the shoulder hard enough to make them wince as he stepped back to gaze up at the massive map of Golgotha on the big screen. Small purple dots converging on a black dot that symbolized the human base of operations. He noticed that Mar'tek's forces were delayed, having only made it roughly halfway to their staging area. Walking over to the Comm's desk he asked.
"What's taking Commander Mar'tek so long to get into position?"
"A small group of human Saboteurs dropped a pair of buildings across the roadway, they're still clearing the rubble sir."
Go'mon nodded, picking idly at his metal teeth with the sharp point of his war gauntlet's index finger.
"Hm... I thought the parasite's response was oddly punctual, color me surprised they had the wherewithal to keep scouts. Move Mar'tek to the rear of the attack plan and tell Rak'don he's up next."
Go'mon chuckled haughtily, exiting the command room and returning to his field office. Setting his helmet on top of his desk he picked up the communication stick for sylva.
"Sylva, Would you kindly deal with that gate once you've landed?~"
There was a pause before.
"I'm too injured to follow that order sir."
Go'mon raised an eyebrow crest at the monotone voice that echoed back through the device.
"you've never refused a command before darling, would you kindly take care of the gate?"
The pause was longer this time, much longer this time. Then, a different, much younger voice came through, filled with fear, but also tainted with determination.
"Fuck you, Go'mon. These are our friends."
The sound of penny whistles and drums accompanied the words before the comms device popped in his gauntlet with the sound of a musket shot. Impossibly thick gray smoke pulsing from the speaker as he snarled and tossed it to the side.
"Bobby, Would you be a dear and retrieve your sister for me?"
The almost seven foot tall brute slowly nodded, eyes dull behind his ceramite mask as he stomped from the command center, bulky combat armor clattering and clunking with each step. Go'mon pressed his metal teeth together with a hiss. That damned warrior corrupted everything he touched with delusions of free will. Go'mon grabbed a fungal cigar from the box General Da'kos had given him as a thank you gift. The sweet, smoky flavor filling his maw as he lit it with the glowing hot blade of his gauntlet's thumb. He relaxed into his chair, flicking his cape out from beneath him as he enjoyed the cigar to relieve some momentary stress. His body suddenly flared with tingling power as the voice of Conquest growled in his ear.
"Kill that boy before he realises your plan. if he finds out your intentions he won't hold back."
Go'mon puffed the cigar and pulled it from his lips, letting it burst into purple flames and crumble away into cinders as he rose from his chair. He stepped out into the command center and commanded.
"Get me a buzzard to that battlefield, Order's from Conquest herself!"
There was a moment of silence as he let his aura roll over the command room, several of the comms officers immediately setting up a Buzzard for his departure.
Dust kicked off the ground as Drake's jump pack slowed his fall meters above the ground, He hit the ground and tore it from his back, whipping it into a group of soldiers and hitting it with a jet of pale flames.
The pack detonated in ball of orange fire that vaporized the soldiers, his cape fluttering in the backdraft before he whipped his sword from it's sheath, keen edges wreathed in pale flames as he took a Geknosian's arm off at the elbow as they tried to stuff a blaster pistol in his face. He snatched the blaster pistol from the air, using it to put a kinetic bolt into the faceplate of a powerarmored soldier with a Warhammer, Crumpling it inwards as he slid a foot back, another warhammer crashing into the ground where he'd just been standing. Another kinetic bolt tore off the soldier's pauldron as the hammer swung up at his face, making him reel back as another hammerhead caught him at the small of his back and knocked the air from his lungs. Another hammer slammed into his faceplate, forcing him to kick himself into a flip to land back on his feet. Ears ringing he deflected a Warhammer with his sword before putting another blaster bolt into the wielder's faceplate. But even as they fell back, another hammerblow hit the side of his helmet and smacked him down. Drake rolled out of the way as twenty millimeter high-explosive rounds shredded his assailants, allowing him to get to his feet as the war-bots formed a lethal semicircle, sending high explosive firepowerinto the rear column of the Geknosian assault at a blistering pace. Drake shook his head clear and vaulted over the back of one, hearing it's gun fall silent as he landed in it's cone of fire. Several flowing chops decimated a small squad of Geknosians as he tried to fight his way to the center of the column where the Gallicks hammered the gate with kinetic penetrators. The armored gate shuddering with each blow as Drake dodged war gauntlets and hammers, retaliating with fast slashes and blinding thrusts. Purple blood drenching him as his heart began to pound with battle lust.
He heard a mighty roar and crackle as one of the flying machines opened up with it's chin gun, harassing a gallick with 20mm High explosive rounds to get it's attention off the gates. It's shadow passing overhead with a Buzzard in pursuit as it slalomed low through the buildings to come back for another gun run. There was a ground shaking Boom! as something exploded beyond the rooftops, a Buzzard, smoking from one engine buzzing overhead and away from the battlefield. Drake quickly returned his focus to the battlefield, Smacking a Warhammer to the side with the blaster pistol before thrusting the blade right beneath the soldier's chin, twisting, and pulling free as a war-bot fell forward, a molten pit of slag glowing in it's back as he turned his head to face another column of armor and armored soldiers as they rounded onto the battlefield, a Buzzard painted the deepest, most royal purple he'd ever seen hovered low in front of them.
A geknosian in gold and purple armor fell from the open door, Cape of purple silk flowing behind them as they landed with one palm against the ground, Dark scimitar slashed out to the side as a crescent blade of purple energy was slung straight at Drake. Death's chosen slashed upward at the crescent, but it flowed around his blade, cutting across his chest and bringing with it a foul, draining weakness as a cold, familiar voice called out.
"That one's mine boys!~ all mine!~"
Drake hadn't recognized Go'mon in the ornate armor, but now there was no mistaking it. He tried to take a step forward but his legs buckled beneath him, sending him to his knees as a festering cold spread from the wounds made by the crescent blade that never touched his armor. He looked in confusion at his sword as the pale flames flickered out, then up just as Go'mons armored shin cracked into the side of his helmet, flinging him through a building as his mind reeled with confusion. He pulled himself from the rubble around him, stumbling to the side as a blade of purple energy sliced through the rubble he'd just been buried in without leaving a mark. He tossed the blaster pistol to the side, bringing the free hand to his mouth, intending to rip a ring off with his teeth. But as Go'mon slung another blade of purple energy with a cackle, He missed the ring, biting off his left index finger, ring and all as a boost of power burned the creeping cold away. He spit the severed digit to the ground as the ring still on it puffed into smoke.
"Feeling weak boy?!~ like your power's been drained?~"
Go'mon purred as he took a step forward, aura swelling with power as he held up the black sword.
"The blade of greed will do that if you let it touch you~"
Go'mon took an unfamiliar stance, Blade arched over his head and pointed down as he fell into a low, wide stance, one arm pushed forward as the blades on his war gauntlet's fingers glowed orange with heat. Drake fell into his peasants guard, gripping his sword in two hands as he glared at Go'mon. His gaze flickered off go'mon for a split second as he thought of everyone still in the mansion and the Geknosian chosen surged forward in a flash of purple light to run drake through before kicking him through the back wall of the building, Drake's power draining away like the blood pouring from the hole in his Lorica. He barely deflected Go'mons black blade as Conquest's chosen surged forward with a brutal slash, unable to focus for the split second required to dissipate a ring and refresh his power. Go'mons aura blooming with power with each blow of that black blade. Drake burst through a wall and into an empty street, tumbling ass over head as he desperately held onto his sword.
Angry red blood spilled from the hole in his armor as he got his elbows under him, a pair of golden boots clomping into view as Go'mon gloated, a softly flickering bloom of pale purple flames in his palm.
"All this power, and you don't even know how to properly control or wield it... Don't worry, you won't have it long~"
Drake manage to dissipate the remaining rings on his left hand, an intoxicating burst of power allowing him to launch himself back away from Go'mon as his wounds knitted closed, severed finger growing back with a crunching, fleshy noise. He could feel Go'mons grin behind the snarling visage of his helmet as he fell into a peasants guard, feeling far too weak for having removed five rings. The two stared at each other silently, one of the flying machines spinning to the ground before exploding into a fireball behind Go'mon. Drake fet a deathly calm fall over him as he twisted his sword up into a high guard.
He had to make it back to his people, no matter what. The thumb and pinkie ring on his right hand puffed into smoke as he felt those corvid like wings form at his back, a cold cage of festering ice around the burning sun of rage in his heart. Go'mon took a simple offensive guard, twirling the scimitar with obvious skill in a figure eight in front of him.
The two chosen launched themselves at each other, Drake wreathed in black smoke as Go'mon exploded with pale purple light; the pavement cracking beneath their feet with the violence of the action.
Martha tended to the mounting wounded in the infirmary as fast as she could, back splayed open as small gossamer arms allowed her to work on several wounded at once. Many of the ex-slave women helped, binding wounds with clean bandages and splinting broken limbs like they had back at the plantations. Hearing the large wooden doors of the ballroom infirmary slam open, she looked up as Destrier and Caz hauled in a pale remin and a Brutalized young woman. Keeping one hand holding a bundle of gauze against the bleeding wound she was attempting to close up, The young man looking up at her with fear, pain, and hope on his face as he helped hold the gauze down. Pointing to two empty beds she called out.
"Set them there! Where's Drake?! We could really use the walking embodiment of Death right now!"
Destrier hoarsely called back, setting Remin into a bed as the old man struggled to keep his eyes open.
"He's fighting his way towards us from the rear!"
Caz helped the battered young woman into a bed where she curled into the fetal position before the Markswoman swept back out of the infirmary, Huntress humming as she slammed a new flechette into the barrel. Martha continued tying off tattered blood vessels, trying to keep the young man from bleeding out as Cassius appeared next to her, shaking his hands dry after scrubbing them with antiseptic to help close up the gnarly gash in the stomach of the wounded man behind her. Martha's heart pounded in her throat as she finally managed to sew the wound closed before hitting the fighter with a sedative to ease his pain and knock him out. She wanted to cry but held in her tears as she turned around to focus on the same patient as Cassius, but even as she did, the young man placed a bloodied palm on her forearm. She felt a lone tear drip down her snout as she looked at the mans deathly stillness, eyes closed in quiet acceptance of his fate, a grim smile on his face.
Her legs felt weak beneath her as she leaned on Cassius, watching Destrier rush out of the infirmary out of the corner of her eye.
"we're going to need a miracle if we want to make it out of this alive..."
She whimpered as the din of battle echoed dully from outside. That was when a wounded man sat up, grunting as he held the bandages across his torso. She rushed over to stop him from tumbling out of bed when he simply fell through the floor, an odd superposition happening where he was there and not for a split second. But when it faded, there was a note left on the ground, scrawled in blood red, blotchy words.
"I'll be back, and I won't be alone."
Martha could only hope that was true as she turned to continue tending the wounded, Despair filling her heart as more wounded were brought in from the ramparts.
Halcyon held the gate, rifle spitting hatred from behind one of the wall's crenellations as one of his Hellions fell next to him, skull split open by gauss slug. Halcyon glanced down at the gate where Thomas and another hulking agri-droid held it against the wall, the gate rattling with each impact of a Gallick's kinetic penetrator, apples of sunlight spreading across the ground where they'd simply sailed straight through. The Geknosian reinforcements turning an already blistering hail of various projectiles and beams becoming an impassable force as several of their light cruisers fired on the helicopters that circled over the battlefield. Missiles streaking upwards and shredding the soft-skinned aircraft, forcing them to take evasive maneuvers and stop the pulse-pounding barrage of their rotary cannons. Halcyon's attention was drawn to the sky as an impossibly loud crash of steel on steel accompanied a streak of pale purple light and void black as they shot into the sky. The black streak getting slammed down by a brutal, unseen strike that made Halcyon's heart leap into his throat. What kind of monster could go toe to toe with Drake, and appear to be winning.
Halcyon, peaked past the cranellation he had his back against, a gauss slug taking his eye out and making him shout in pain as he jerked his head back. Ripping a bundle of gauze from his medi-pack, he rolled it out and bunched it up, pressing it against his vacant and shattered eye socket as a bout of lightheadedness turned the edges of his reduced vision dark.
One of his men crouched beside him flinching when chips of stone exploded from the crenellation they'd been taking cover behind, some sort of heavy weapon having been aimed at them as they darted for Halcyon. Halcyon looked into their eyes, face just as dismayed as he felt, their words barely audible over the din of battle.
"what do we do, sir...?"
Halcyon let out a sigh, shouting over the roar of gunfire.
"Pull back! secure the mansion!"
The fighters didn't need to be told twice as the ramparts were abandoned, leaping from the walls to sprint back to the mansion, The agri-bots forming a phalanx behind them to cover their retreat. But Halcyon couldn't help but feel this is exactly what the Geknosians wanted.
But even as the fighters swarmed into the Mansion, Two figures walked past them.
A hulking man in dark samurai armor wielding an lmg and a smaller woman with a flowing furred cloak and white mask, carrying an ornate rail rifle walked past them through the doors.
Halcyon watched in dismayed confusion as Caz and Destrier stepped out into the sunlight, a jump pack freshly mounted on Destriers back beside his kanabo. Another smaller figure appeared as if from thin air, Cassius spinning the weight at the end of a chain attached to a kama menacingly as the doors closed behind them, massive metal shutters sealing them out as the mansion was locked down. He couldn't help but smile grimly.
There was a reason they were Drake's friends, and it wasn't because they were the best fighters.
It was because when everyone else ran away, they ran towards the fight... regardless of their own safety.
Part 109: will be linked here upon release.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:00 PenguinGreat Ranking how attractive every Nikke I have is

Ranking how attractive every Nikke I have is
I'm very much expecting to be roasted for my great taste. Do your worst.
I've been playing for nearly six months. Many of the characters I've really come to really enjoy. So, I wanted to go through each Nikke I have pulled and discuss how attractive they are.
Attraction has two big components for me, how physical attractive they are and how attractive their personality is. I will refer to these as "beauty" and "personality"
I will rank both on a 1-10 scale and combine for a total score. Note that I will only be reviewing Nikkes that I have pulled. Hard for me to review characters I don't know very well.
Tier list for summary:
Let's start with the top tier "Spend the rest of my life with". These are the best of the best and most attractive girls with scores 18.5 and up.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 10/10
Total score - 20/20
Starting with best girl Rapi. The only girl I give a perfect score to in both categories. She's the poster girl for the game for a reason. Just so beautiful and adorable. Just a great design and outfit. Love her cute cap especially.
In terms of personality, she also knocks it out of the park. I have a big weakness for characters that appear cold on the outside but are actually just softies. Rapi pulls this off perfectly. I also really enjoy characters that are really disciplined and loyal to what they believe in. I also really enjoy the "straight man" role she plays with Anis and Neon's antics.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 9.5/10
Total score - 19.5/20
Maybe it's the tight white pants, maybe it's the midriff, maybe it's the fact that she looks like a hot teacher I had when I was 14 but I think Marciana has one of the most attractive appearances of any Nikke. She has a great demenor and I will always have a love for dark haired girls.
Her personality is also fantastic. I love her stern and cold appearance on first viewing. Much like Rapi, I just love a girl who is tough on the outside but a big softy on the inside. She was extremely adorable in her bond story and I loved seeing that other side of her you may not expect.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 19/20
There is no more attractive combo than black hair + red eyes. This combo will kill me every time I see it. Now I liked D before, but once she got her new SSR she rocketed up my beauty rankings. She is the most attractive looking girl in all of Nikke without a doubt. Her black dress is to die for. Plus she reminds me a bit of Yor Forger which is always a good thing.
As you can probably tell from above, I really love girls who seem really cold and rigid. I feel D may not show her soft side as much as Marciana or Rapi but the odd time it does come it is absolutely adorable. I also really appreciate her strong discipline and wanting to get her job done and do it correctly. Not to mention a girl who can kill me is always a plus.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 8.5/10
Total score - 18.5/20
Maxwell marks the last Nikke in my ranking to receive a 10 for beauty, and she absolutely deserves it. Every part of Maxwell is just amazing to look at. Her toned abs are the highlight for me as I really love an athletic girl, as well as having my ideal chest size. She's free to examine me as much as she wants. Not to mention her design is also extremely adorable and I love the little cap she has on.
Her personality also does quite well for me. I really enjoy the straight man role she has with her quirky teammates. A valuable role to have as it is needed to keep them in check and to not go overboard.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 18.5/20
Ah the bunny girls, of course Blanc's beauty will be high! Blanc is absolutely adorable! The white skin, hair, and suit mixing with those beautiful yellow eyes is truly breathtaking. The adorable collar and tie she has is amazing as well. My favourite part of her whole design has to be the little fang she has. It just destroys me.
I really love how outgoing, extraverted, and friendly she is. This side of her does really well playing off Noir and giving them a fun dynamic in how opposite they are in many way. Someone just very enjoyable that I would love to see on my screen at any time.
That concludes our top tier and my top 5. Next we will go to the still great but "Near perfection". This includes scores of 17-18.
Beauty - 9/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 18/20
Privaty is super adorable. She has my favourite blush out of any girl in the game. Also love her adorable twintails, sexy yellow eyes, and her larger than sometimes expected chest. Her maid SSR is fantastic and really helps show off her adorableness and her assets.
I adore tsunderes and Privaty does it perfectly. She would be so fun to tease as you would always get a great reaction. Like stated previously, I really love a girl who seems rigid at first but actually really cares.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17.5/20
Diesel is really pretty and quite beautiful. Her conductor outfit is very cute and fits her very well. Her smile is always a joy to see and should always be protected.
I adore how sweet she is. Someone who you just want to see keep smiling and never frown. I really enjoy her because she is just a joy to be around. Even in her sader moments, it is still great to see her be able to move on and keep a smile.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 8.5/10
Total score - 17/20
Crown is very elegant and beautiful. I love the dignified aura her design holds. Her outfit is great too, as it really does well in both showing her curves but still giving her a regal and professional feel.
I think Crown is hilarious with how she can often mess up basic words and concepts. Otherwise, I really love how disciplined she is and how dedicated she is to being a leader.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 17/20
Rosanna has a fantastic design. Split white/black hair is great and man those eyes are killer. Her outfit is also fantastic. The mafia boss style is cool and sexy, and she has great midriff and cleavage that are very alluring. Don't even get me started on those thigh high boots.
Her personality is also good, even if not as great as who I have mentioned before. I love how forward she is with what she wants. Just straight up telling the commander she wants to hook up in her bond story was awesome. I also love how protective she can really get. Again I really love a girl who can kill me.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17/20
Exia is such a cutie. The oversized shirt is adorable and oddly quite sexy. The messy hair, dazed look in her eyes, and exposed thighs are also really good.
I'd love to waste the rest of my life playing video games with Exia. Just waste away from responsibilities and society by just playing games. This is the ideal scenario in my mind.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17/20
Isabel has a killer body and a very kissable face. I really love her beautiful long purple hair and how it blends with her beautiful eyes and outfit so well.
Yanderes are always fantastic. Isabel can lock me in her house and throw away the key for all I care. She just needs some love and to have a stable happy family in her life (I mean I don't know how stable of a life you could have with Isabel but at least we have similar life goals).
Those are the 6 in my second tier. Next we have the "Beautiful" tier for those scoring between 15-16.5.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 8/10
Total score - 16.5/20
I'm not normally into the whole nun thing and I'm also not typically into blondes but Rapunzel is so gorgeous that I overlook that. She has a very lovely smile and a very alluring outfit that shows her great proportions very nicely.
Her normally holy design and behaviour being taken over by her dirty thoughts is always funny too see. She reminds me a bit of Darkness from Konosuba in that way. With the impure thoughts just constantly invading her mind.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 8/10
Total score - 16/20
Mihara really activated something in me that I didn't know I had. Her outfit is quite lewd but also very attractive. The black goes really well with her lovely black hair. You can really tell she mean business.
Masochism is great, right? I definitely like giving pain rather than receiving so this works for me. Not to mention that I really like her voice. Goes right through my ears and into my brain.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 15/20
The 2nd best of the bunnies, she is good but not nearly as good as Blanc. She has quite the attractive appearance but I feel her chest is a bit too large for what I normally like in a girl. Otherwise the black bunny suit is really great.
Personality also isn't as good as blank. I don't tend to enjoy someone who is overly shy and reserved. I do appreciate how kind and caring she is and how she is trying to improve.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 15/20
Yuhla's design overall is very good but it is her sharp teeth that appeal to me most. Something about them is just very attractive and suits her quite well. Not to mention her outfit gives her great midriff and even shows off some cool scarring.
I really appreciate hard workers and while she doesn't have the most friendly personality, she still wins me over with how spicy she got in her bond story.
That ends this tier of characters. Next we start to fall off a bit with the "Almost good" tier. This tier has scores from 13.5-14.5.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 14.5/20
On paper Helm's design should by a 10/10 for me. The outfit, the hair, the thick thighs all really appeals to me. Just something about her feels a bit... off? Maybe it is her posture and how she is a bit hunched over that makes it look odd to me. Still overall I like her design but I just feel it is not as good as it should be.
I really appreciate how disciplined she is. Anytime a girl has strong discipline and loyalty she will really appeal to me. Other than that she is a little bit boring. I remember her bond story being a bit meh.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 6.5/10
Total score - 14.5/20
Naga has a great design. Schoolgirl outfit is very cute and the unbuttoned top and short teasing skirt are very alluring. I really like her hairstyle with one of her eyes being covered by her hair.
Naga's personality doesn't quite hit for me. I like how she tends to act more on the mature side but in reality I just found her to be really really boring most of the time. A few times she was good but it wasn't often enough for me to give a higher score.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 6.5/10
Total score - 14/20
Noise is another girl with a very attractive design. It is really good all around and I can see how people would really like her, but for me it is good rather than great. I'm not a big fan of the blonde she has in her hair. If her hair was all dark I think it would look better.
Her personality is very bland. On paper I like the idea of a one hit wonder trying to get another hit but Noise just doesn't have the personality to get me invested. No an awful one but not great either.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 13.5/20
Mast has a great design. Very sexy and very cute. Reminds me a bit of Marine from Hololive. The twintails are super cute and the fang is fantastic.
For personality, I haven't done her bond story yet so I don't know it too well. Her ranking may change when I play it. For now I think a 5 is fair as from what I have seen, she seems average.
This ends the first half of tiers. Now we start getting into those I don't like. Next is the "Average at best. Bad at worst". Scores will be 11-13.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 13/20
Quiry is very cute and I really like her outfit. One major drawback of her is that I am not a huge fan of pink hair. Otherwise the design is pretty solid all around.
I don't know too much about her as I haven't done her bond story but I do like her quirk of having poor eyesight. Cute and endearing but I just don't know her well enough.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 13/20
Soda has two very big reasons to like her design. The thing holding her design back for me is that her head just looks empty. Like just a blank face with no other thoughts behind it. Normally I like a smile but she looks less dumb without one.
Her personality is a bit annoying. I like a bit of clumsiness but hers just is way too much. Really brings down her score for me. Otherwise she seems cute and kind.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 4.5/10
Total score - 12/20
If there was an award for most forgettable SSR, I would give it to Julia. I completely keep forgetting she exists even tho I do really like her design. It is very beautiful and elegant. I really like the violin as well.
Maybe because I haven't done her bond story but what I have seen just seems really boring to me. As I learn more about her, she may go up but for now I can only give a 4.5.
Beauty - 5.5/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 11.5/20
Yuni's design doesn't hit super hard for me. A bit too small in stature for my personal preference but she is quite cute. Plus again not huge on pink hair in general.
I don't like receiving pain (at least not physical) so that relly does turn me away from her a bit. Otherwise she is cute enough but not my cup of tea.
Beauty - 6/10
Personality - 5.5/10
Total score - 11.5/20
Now I know some won't be happy with this one. Anis is very ok but is 100% overrated. She is quite cute but she really doesn't live up to the hype that some people give her. I do like her hat a lot tho.
For personality she can be annoying at times. She can be funny but for the most part I think a lot of her jokes fall flat.
This ends the average tier. Now we can get into girl I don't like in the "Why do people like them?" tier. This has scores between 5-10.
Beauty - 5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 10/20
I know Brid has 2 big reasons that people like her, but for me they are a bit too big and I don't really like anything else she has going for her. Not huge on the hair even tho I am normally a big fan of white hair.
Personality is a bit boring. I like how she is a hard worker but she really puts me to sleep.
Beauty - 5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 10/20
Very meh design. Not a fan of the hair, or the army gear. If she wore the sunglasses rather than having them on her forehead, it would improve my opinion.
Personality is just plain boring. I appreciate discipline but I would rather watch paint dry. I have heard she give something at the end of her bond story tho... but not enough to redeem her.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 4.5/10
Total score - 8.5/20
Way too much pink on her. The pink jumpsuit I could live with but the pink hair just makes it a bit too much for me. With a different hair colour or different outfit colour she may appeal more to me.
I thought she was cute at first but got really annoying quickly. Her voice also just begged the heck out of me and made me want to put the game down.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 4/10
Total score - 8/20
I don't really like her design. Schoolgirl is normally really good but hers just isn't appealing. Not a fan of the haircut and the look on her face has always bugged me a bit.
She is very annoying. Like really she just gets on all my nerves. Not even sure why but she just really grates on me.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 3.5/10
Total score - 7.5/20
Neon is easily the worst Counters member. I wish it had been someone else. Exia I think would have been a good choice. Her design really doesn't do much for me. I usually like hats but hers I always thought looked really bad on her. Needs a change of outfit and to actually face the camera.
Her personality is very annoying as well. Feels like she is so one note for someone who is a main character. Just talking about firepower and not a ton else. Just in the game way too much.
Beauty - 3.5/10
Personality - 4/10
Total score - 7.5/20
Honestly I think she is kind of ugly. The big smile makes her looks super dumb and a bit like a bimbo. That's just what I get from her design. Don't find her attractive at all.
Her personality also seems really annoying and was making me roll my eyes when she's on screen.
That is the end of this tier. I know I have made some enemies for these placements. The next tier is the "Pass" tier. I'm not going to go through each girl here as they are all ones I just don't have an interest in. Most because the design just looks too young for me and I don't want to talk about their attraction level. There are some however who I really like the characters of. For example, Liter is great and I'd love to complain about the youth with her. Soline is also special to me as she was the first Nikke I pulled.
The final tier is the "Extremely attractive but I hate them as characters so I wouldn't go close to them". These are the worst offenders of all. Characters who have the design but just awful personality.
Beauty - 9/10
Personality - -5/10
Total score - 4/20
Sin is insanely hot. A top 10 design in the game IMO. The yogo pants are wild and I really think the mask looks good on her.
Here is the problem. I HATE manipulative women. Nothing is more aggravating and a bigger turn away than someone manipulative. Taking advantage of someone's kindness like that is just cruel and evil (and not evil in the sexy way). I just can't like someone like that.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - -7/10
Total score - 2.5/20
Viper is even a worse case. She was the reason I started playing the game in the first place. My disappointment when she turned out to be manipulative and cruel just upset me greatly. A great design wasted on garbage.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - -8/10
Total score - 0.5/20
I hate Crow. She has a great design that is attractive but I really hate her. I don't want to explain further because of spoiler reasons but she is everything I hate in a character and personality.
This concludes all the Nikke girls I have and how attractive I find them. So, how's my taste?
submitted by PenguinGreat to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:57 Famous-Pepper5165 Is GDP PPP a good metric?

People like to point out that GDP, in nominal terms, is not a good way of comparing economies, and GDP PPP is better at taking into account price differences.
People give the Haircut example: How a haircut in India costs way less than a haircut in Denmark, even though the end product is the same: a new hairstyle.
But I see a flaw in this analogy. Within the SAME country, there may exist 2 different Hair Saloons who do the job for very different prices: One which does the job in some back-alley in a shack, and the other in a premium mall with good airconditioning and bg music and stuff.
When calculating GDP, it would be reasonable to expect that the premium saloon would add more to the bottom line of a country's GDP, BUT WAIT, for the purpose of this comparison, doesn’t the hair saloon in Denmark get to call itself a "premium" saloon by virtue of the fact that the society that encloses it is a developed one, and how the customers get to breathe clean air while being worked on, how they have functioning legal recourse if the barber ends up hurting them, and how they can be assured that the employees of the establishment are being paid a decent wage, and kinda also the fact that Denmark is, on average, a more desirable place to live in than India, and the customers of the Danish Saloon are virtually paying the extra costs as a kind of fee for getting to live in such a desirable place to live. The saloons in India, on the other hand, provide them with none of that. This "extra" value being provided to the customer is a very tangible good, but proponents of GDP PPP ignore all this and apparently equate the value of the product - a "Haircut" - being produced in either economy because, according to them, at the end of the day, it's the same old "Haircut".
What do you think about this? Is GDP PPP an honest metric or does it just expand to Please Pretend we're not Poor.
submitted by Famous-Pepper5165 to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:56 MehmoodHaneef Looking for faux leather jackets suggestions

I've multiple leather jackets (real/fullgrain) and thinking to try faux leather jacket for the first time. I understand that faux leather jackets doesn't last long but I'm okay with that.
My questions are;
  1. Which brands make a good faux leather jacket/most demanded brands
  2. What should be the ideal price for a average to good faux leather jacket (I've seen brands are selling at $30 to $200 -- Not sure if there is a big quality different or just a brand name markup.
submitted by MehmoodHaneef to leatherjacket [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:56 In_Yellow_Clad If At First You Don't Succeed -- Part 110

As it stood, my crazy plan certainly seemed to resonate with the gathered leaders, though they did offer their own suggestions as to how best to implement improvements and contingencies. I of course welcomed each and every one of them, then debated their merits and as the hours flew by we weeded out the ideas that simply would not work and expanded on those that would.
It was quite honestly refreshing to not have to do all the thinking for once, it felt nice to do a little outsourcing as one might describe it. Besides, as many would say I only had one point of view, well, two if we’re being literal, that of a human and an arachne, the former coming from a world without magic and monstrous beings like those I had surrounded myself with.
Their unique viewpoints had offered a wealth of possibilities and were in their own ways invaluable to the war effort. I am glad that they all managed to get along as well. I had seen no hint of animosity or long held grudges between any of them, not even the age old and quite frankly stereotypical hostility between the elves and dwarves had reared its head. In fact, the two races had seemingly fed into each other's ideas with excited glee, and I had almost expected there to be a bout of mad cackling near the end of their ramblings.
Of course now the meeting was over and we were all starting our preparations. The basic prep wouldn’t take that long, ensuring our warriors were all well supplied, their weapons and armor at peak quality before the battle was paramount. It was everything else about the plan that would take time, time we must ensure we had if we were to succeed. And so I headed for the Aberrant Spire, a place I had not been in a long time.
As I followed the streets I was reminded of my first delve into this city, back when it was fully under the control of vile abominations. I paused, looking at a short building on my right, large claw marks scoring the wall near the lip of the roof. I remember one of those beasts had attempted to climb up to get me as I traversed the rooftops.
Remembering that I felt a shiver run down my spine and issued a silent word of thanks that such horrors no longer existed in my new home, that vibrant life had returned to these hallowed streets. It was a place of hope now, not terror.
It was with this remembering of certain facts that I began looking for a faster means of travel to reach the Spire, as walking would be a long and arduous task indeed. Thankfully this was something that was already thought of, for as I meandered through the streets in my search I came across a somewhat raised walkway, except this walkway had a pair of lines worked from crystal or metal, I couldn’t rightly tell which, running through it.
I paused, wondering how I had never seen this thing before and in doing so I bore witness to its purpose. A merchant with a large wagon approached a circular pattern on the walkway, ensured his wares were well secured and then spoke a destination. At once a ball of energy surrounded him and the wagon, raising it all off the ground and then sending him zipping along, following the right hand line. Even as I watched, another traveler came from the opposite direction, the magic wrought into the pathway depositing them gently off to one side and they continued on their merry way.
I had to wonder why thing wasn’t around the first time I had come here, though the more I looked at the construction the stone looked somewhat fresh, perhaps it was simply a new addition and not something from the city’s past. Either way, it looked mighty useful so I stepped into the circle and took a deep breath.
“The Aberrant Spire.” I spoke clearly, and felt myself go weightless. The magic ball of energy formed around me, lifting me off solid ground and leaving me floating, which certainly triggered a slight fear response from my arachnid instincts. I was moved into position and then shot forward. It took all I had to not scream, sudden fear turning into excitement as my human experiences harkened back to several amusement park visits as a kid and getting to ride the roller coasters.
Though instead of loop the loops and corkscrews it was naught but straight lines and gentle curves that weaved through and over the city streets. Everything was a blur and yet I hardly felt it, really all that I felt was a vague sense of motion in my gut and the wind pulling at my hair, but that was it. I did see the spire come into view however, and steadily it grew larger and larger till at last it dominated the skyline.
My breakneck pace started to slow and just as it had with the other traveler, the magic gently shifted me to one side and then put me down softly. I found my legs were incredibly wobbly and as such I simply stood there and waited for the wobbling to cease. Once it had I stepped off the platform and down onto the street proper, finally taking in the sights as it were.
If the areas around the palace and the rest of the city were for merchants, common folk and nobility, then this area was almost exclusively inhabited by those with magical talents. I saw robed figures flitting to and fro, some hovering along on disks of light or wind, one even walked into a shadowy patch and vanished, presumably reappearing elsewhere. And over it all loomed the Spire, still as pretty and strange as it had been, though it seemed to glow with newfound life and vigor.
The teleporter complex seemed in working order as well, though it would have to be since new mages had taken up residence in the spire above. I made for the complex, many mages who had been engrossed in walking and thinking doing double takes as I passed. I simply nodded at each in turn and continued on my merry way, entering the complex and getting bombarded by the sounds of a busy building. Pages and mages zipped about, conducting their various tasks as they did, stepping into or out of the teleporters as needed. It felt almost like that one time I’d visited Grand Central, boy hadn’t that been fun.
I decided that I should probably get some directions to the person that would be most suited to help me with my plan, really whomever happened to be in charge of this place would be perfect for that and so I stepped up to a circular desk that seemed to be staffed by a mixture of elves, dwarves, humans and even a slime person, the latter wobbling in place and simply shifting their features about to face anyone that spoke to them.
I stopped before an elf, the woman looking up and recognition dawning on her face as she beheld me.
“Y-Your majesty! What brings you all the way out here?” She stammered even as she made to stand and bow. I waved her back down into her seat with a smile, the elf sinking back down into her seat.
“I have business with whomever is in charge of the Spire and I have found that I have no idea who that happens to be. I was hoping to change that, and get directions as well.”
The woman nodded, still a bit frazzled thanks to an unannounced visit by royalty.
“I-I can do that, a moment please your majesty.” She said, hunching over a large book that sat before her and furiously flipping through it. Once she found what she needed, she opened a drawer and pulled out what looked like some sort of talisman, setting it down before me on the desk. “Firstly, this will identify you as not only an authorized visitor to the spire, but also as royalty. Granted we all know you are but the spire itself wouldn’t and so would treat you as an intruder if you didn’t carry this with you at all times. And considering your authority over us all, it will allow you to access areas that would be otherwise restricted to normal visitors.”
As she explained its function I picked the talisman up and looked it over. It was a simple thing, not too gaudy though I couldn’t help but notice a coat of arms upon it that had a distinctly arachne flavor to it. I could swear I’d seen it before somewhere else, perhaps that would have to be something else I looked into later.
“I can call an escort for you, they can guide you right to the Archmage.” The receptionist spoke, snapping me from my thoughts as I affixed the talisman to my breast.
“That won’t be necessary, a map will suffice. I am an adventurer first and a queen second after all.” Chuckling, I watched her nod and pull a sheet of parchment towards her, a hand hovering over the surface and magic flowing from her palm onto the page. What looked like ink appeared on it, which then took the shape of the current room I resided in. Words even appeared, informing me that I could use any of the teleporters I wished.
“The man you are looking for is Archmage Yesric. As far as I know he doesn’t have any pressing duties today so you should find him sequestered in his office.” The receptionist rose and bowed again, keeping her hunched over pose even as I started to walk away.
“Thank you, you’ve been most helpful.” I said. I took a subtle look over my shoulder and was relieved to see that she’d sat back down and was currently in the midst of furious conversation with her coworkers. Which was fair, not every day a member of royalty comes asking for help right?
Stepping into the teleporter I was promptly deposited into the halls of the Spire, which now bustled with activity. Mostly staff it seemed, though I spotted several gaggles of younger folk all dressed in something reminiscent of school uniforms rushing through the halls, their expressions belying a desperate desire to reach their destination as quickly as possible. I had heard nothing about the spire being used as some sort of school, though I suppose it only made sense to train the next generation of magic users in a place where magic was dominant.
Looking down at the map I’d been provided, I was pleased to see that my current position was reflected upon its surface. But now there was a handy dandy guiding line that pointed down a hallway to my right. And so without further ado, I followed it. People naturally got out of my way, though whether that was because I took up most of the hall or because they knew who I was I wasn’t sure, either way I did my best to not impede their progress too much.
Turning a corner I was suddenly met with an empty hallway, one that slowly began to fill with black smoke. My gut twisted and my head felt heavy, my eyes began to flutter and then I blinked, the hallway was bustling with people, no longer filled with the smoke. I licked my lips, trying to shake the ghosts of the past and move forward, though my legs couldn’t help but shiver slightly with every step I took.
Floor by floor I made my way closer to my target, till eventually I was directed through a door into what looked like every executive's office that I’d ever seen, just with a fantasy twist to it. Or rather, it was the little office for a secretary that I entered, which presumably meant that through the next door was what I was looking for.
A bespectacled goblin lass looked up from a large tome and blinked at me, her eyes rather enlarged thanks to the lenses that sat before them.
“Can I help you?” She drawled tiredly, and I stepped up to a good distance from her desk.
“Yes, I’m here to speak with the Archmage.”
“I do not recall setting any meetings today. May I ask who wishes for this audience?” She said, flipping through another much smaller tome that sat nearby.
“Safa Eventra.”
She continued to look through this smaller book, before freezing, her head slowly turning towards me. Now she really seemed to be looking at me and I could only smile politely back at her.
“A-Apologies your majesty, a moment if you please, I must inform the Archmage of your presence.” She said, hopping down off her chair and scampering hurriedly towards the other door. I didn’t say anything, instead just engaging in the arachne equivalent of rocking back and forth on my heels. She slipped through the door and I could hear muffled speech before several loud thuds and some not so muffled cursing ensued. The goblin secretary appeared, leaning against the door after closing it.
“The archmage will see you in just a moment, your majesty.” She said, resuming her post and doing her best to look professional for me.
“That’s quite alright, I’m in no rush.” I responded, humming softly to myself as I looked around the room. A moment later, I heard a voice call out from the office and since that was my cue, I bowed my head to the secretary and stepped through the door into the archmage's office.
submitted by In_Yellow_Clad to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Family Resorts New England

Best Family Resorts New England
Best Family Resorts New England Welcome to our guide on the best family resorts in New England!Get ready to embark on a journey through the region, as we unveil incredible destinations for unforgettable family vacations.As fellow travelers and parents, we understand the importance of finding the perfect place that caters to everyone's needs.So, let's dive in and discover these amazing resorts together, where endless possibilities await.Let's make memories that will set us free!Key TakeawaysElk Lake Lodge offers a rustic and screen-free vacation experience with a crystal-clear lake and abundant flora and fauna.The Tyler Place Family Resort is an all-inclusive resort that caters to families with activities for children of all ages and developmentally appropriate programs.Rocking Horse Ranch Resort is an all-inclusive dude ranch-style resort with a supervised children's program and a wide range of activities for the whole family, including horseback riding.Woodloch Resort is a lakefront resort in the Poconos Mountains that offers activities for all ages and interests, with options for pampering treatments at The Lodge at Woodloch.Elk Lake Lodge (North Hudson, New YorkWe absolutely love Elk Lake Lodge in North Hudson, New York; it's a rustic Adirondack lodge on 12,000 acres of privately owned forest preserve. The lodge offers the perfect getaway for those seeking outdoor activities and forest exploration. As soon as you step foot onto the expansive property, you'll be surrounded by the beauty of nature.The crystal-clear lake is a haven for water enthusiasts, with free kayaks, canoes, and rowboats available for guests to use at their leisure.But it's not just the lake that makes Elk Lake Lodge special. The surrounding forest is teeming with abundant flora and fauna, providing endless opportunities for exploration. You can hike through the dense woods, keeping an eye out for deer, beaver, and even bald eagles. The lodge encourages guests to disconnect from technology during their stay, creating a screen-free environment that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the natural surroundings.Elk Lake Lodge operates seasonally from mid-May through mid-October, offering a unique experience depending on the time of year you visit. In the spring, you'll witness the forest come alive with vibrant colors and blooming flowers. Summer brings warm days perfect for swimming in the lake and picnicking under the shade of towering trees. And in the fall, the foliage transforms into a breathtaking display of reds, oranges, and yellows.If you're looking for a getaway that allows you to reconnect with nature and explore the beauty of the Adirondacks, Elk Lake Lodge is the perfect destination.The Tyler Place Family Resort (Highgate Springs, VermontAt The Tyler Place Family Resort in Highgate Springs, Vermont, families can expect a wide range of developmentally appropriate activities for children of all ages.From nature walks and lake swimming to lawn games, there's something for every child to enjoy.And while the kids are entertained, adults can unwind in a hammock, relax in a Jacuzzi, or join a yoga class, ensuring that everyone in the family has a chance to relax and have fun.Developmentally Appropriate ActivitiesOne of the family resorts, The Tyler Place, offers developmentally appropriate activities for children of all ages. At The Tyler Place, children have the opportunity to engage in nature exploration and participate in creative workshops.They can go on nature walks, exploring the lush greenery and discovering the wonders of the outdoors. Creative workshops allow them to express their artistic side, whether it's through painting, pottery, or even theater. These activities are designed to encourage children to learn and grow while having fun in a safe and inclusive environment.The Tyler Place understands the importance of providing activities that are suitable for each child's age and developmental stage, allowing them to explore their interests and talents. It's a place where children can truly be themselves and experience the freedom to discover and express their unique abilities.Accommodations for AllOur family enjoyed the spacious suites and cozy cottages at The Tyler Place, where accommodations cater to all guests. The resort amenities were outstanding, with something for everyone in the family to enjoy.For the kids, there were numerous family friendly activities to keep them entertained, from nature walks and lake swimming to lawn games and a children's program. Meanwhile, the adults could unwind in a hammock, Jacuzzi, or yoga class.The rooms were comfortable and well-appointed, providing a relaxing atmosphere for our stay. We appreciated the attention to detail and the thoughtfulness that went into creating a space that catered to the needs of families.Overall, The Tyler Place provided a perfect balance of relaxation and fun for our entire family.Relaxation Options for AdultsWe thoroughly enjoyed the variety of relaxation options available for adults at The Tyler Place Family Resort. From lounging in a hammock to indulging in a soothing Jacuzzi or joining a rejuvenating yoga class, there was something for everyone seeking a moment of tranquility.The resort also offered spa treatments for those looking for a little extra pampering. We loved the serene atmosphere of the adult-only areas, where we could unwind without any distractions. Whether it was sipping a refreshing drink by the pool or taking a leisurely stroll through the beautiful grounds, we felt a sense of freedom and calmness.The Tyler Place Family Resort truly understands the importance of providing adults with the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate in a peaceful environment.Rocking Horse Ranch Resort (Highland, New YorkRocking Horse Ranch Resort in Highland, New York is the perfect destination for families looking for a fun-filled and all-inclusive vacation.With over 100 resident horses, horse-crazy kids will have the time of their lives exploring the interlocking trails for walking, trotting, and cantering.But the fun doesn't stop there - the resort also offers a water park, nightly entertainment, and an arcade, ensuring that there's never a dull moment for the whole family.Horse Activities for KidsThe Rocking Horse Ranch Resort in Highland, New York offers more than 100 resident horses for horse-crazy kids to enjoy various horse activities. From horseback riding lessons to pony rides, there is something for every young equestrian enthusiast.At the resort, children can immerse themselves in the world of horses and experience the joy of riding and bonding with these majestic animals. The supervised children's program ensures a safe and fun environment for kids to learn and interact with the horses.To give you a glimpse of the incredible horse activities available at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, here is a table highlighting some of the options:Horse ActivityDescriptionAge GroupHorseback RidingLearn proper riding techniques6 and upPony RidesGentle rides for younger kids2 to 5Trail RidesExplore scenic trails on horseback8 and upWith such a wide range of horse activities, kids can create lasting memories and develop a lifelong love for horses. So come and join us at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, where freedom and adventure await you and your horse-crazy kids.Water Park and ArcadeLet's head over to the water park and arcade at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort and have a blast!This family-friendly water park is the perfect place to cool off and enjoy some thrilling water slides. With multiple pools and splash zones, there's something for everyone in the family to enjoy.The arcade is filled with exciting games and prizes, providing endless hours of amusement. From classic arcade games to state-of-the-art virtual reality experiences, there's no shortage of fun here.Whether you're racing against each other in the go-kart track or challenging each other to a game of air hockey, the arcade at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort is sure to keep the whole family entertained.All-Inclusive Family EntertainmentWe can explore all the options and decide on which activities to participate in during our stay at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort. This all-inclusive dude ranch-style resort in the foothills of the Shawangunk Mountains offers a wide range of family-friendly amenities and outdoor recreational activities. From horseback riding to water park fun, there is something for everyone to enjoy.To emphasize the variety of activities available, here is a table showcasing some of the options:ActivityDescriptionAge RangeHorseback RidingExplore the beautiful trails on one of the resort's 100 resident horsesAll AgesWater ParkSplash and slide your way through the resort's exciting water parkAll AgesNightly EntertainmentEnjoy live shows and performances every eveningAll AgesArcadePlay a variety of games in the resort's arcadeAll AgesSupervised Children's ProgramKids can participate in age-appropriate activities and make new friendsChildrenWhether you're a horse lover, a thrill seeker, or simply looking for some quality family time, Rocking Horse Ranch Resort has it all. Get ready for an unforgettable vacation filled with fun and adventure.Woodloch Resort (Hawley, PennsylvaniaAt Woodloch Resort in Hawley, Pennsylvania, we can enjoy activities for all ages and interests, such as a petting zoo, playground, go-karts, pools, and a lake for boating and swimming. Woodloch Resort is the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a fun-filled family vacation. Whether you're a nature lover or an adrenaline junkie, this resort has something for everyone.For those who love the great outdoors, Woodloch Resort offers a wide range of activities to explore the surrounding natural beauty. Take a hike through the lush forests, go fishing in the lake, or try your hand at archery. If you're feeling adventurous, hop on a bike and explore the scenic trails or challenge yourself on the ropes course.After a day of adventure, you can relax and unwind at one of the resort's family-friendly dining options. Enjoy a delicious meal at the main dining room, where you can indulge in a variety of dishes made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. For a more casual dining experience, head to the snack bar or grab a quick bite at the poolside grill.At Woodloch Resort, freedom is the name of the game. With activities for outdoor enthusiasts and family-friendly dining options, this resort offers the perfect balance of adventure and relaxation. So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and get ready for an unforgettable vacation at Woodloch Resort.Mohonk Mountain House (New Paltz, New YorkExploring the grand Victorian castle of Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, New York, and enjoying outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and horseback riding are top on our agenda. The Mohonk Mountain House is a breathtaking sight, with its imposing architecture and beautiful surroundings. Here are three reasons why this resort is a must-visit for those seeking outdoor adventure and Victorian charm:Outdoor Activities: Mohonk Mountain House offers a wide range of outdoor activities for all ages and interests. Whether you prefer hiking along the scenic trails, casting a line in the pristine lakes for some fishing, or taking a leisurely horseback ride through the meadows, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The resort also offers tennis and golf for those looking for additional recreational options.Victorian Charm: As we explore the Mohonk Mountain House, we're transported back in time to the Victorian era. The antique furnishings, stone fireplaces, and private balconies in the rooms add to the charm and elegance of this grand castle. Every corner of the resort exudes a sense of history and beauty, making it a truly unique and memorable experience.Hudson River Valley's Agricultural Bounty: One of the highlights of dining at Mohonk Mountain House is the emphasis on the Hudson River Valley's agricultural bounty. The menus feature locally sourced ingredients, showcasing the region's rich culinary heritage. From farm-fresh produce to artisanal cheeses and locally raised meats, guests can indulge in a true taste of the Hudson Valley.The Glen House (Gorham, New HampshireLocated in New Hampshire's Presidential mountains, The Glen House offers a panoramic deck where guests can relax and enjoy the stunning views. The mountain theme of the resort is evident in its spacious guest rooms, which reflect the natural beauty of the surrounding area.But it's not just the views that make The Glen House a great destination for families who love the outdoors. The resort is conveniently located next to the Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center, where families can explore a variety of hiking trails that wind through the picturesque mountains. And for those looking for a more thrilling adventure, the famous Mount Washington Auto Road is just a stone's throw away.After a day of exploring the mountains, guests can unwind in the lobby, which boasts floor-to-ceiling windows and a cozy stone fireplace. The resort also offers a fitness center, bike rentals, and an indoor saltwater pool for those who want to stay active.But the real highlight is the panoramic deck, where families can gather to watch the sunset over the mountains, creating memories that will last a lifetime.Kennebunkport, MaineWe can experience hands-on family activities like tie-dye workshops and ping pong at Hidden Pond Resort and Tree Spa in Kennebunkport, Maine. This charming resort offers a variety of family-friendly amenities that will make your vacation truly unforgettable.Here are three things you can look forward to at Hidden Pond Resort:Tie-Dye Workshops: Get creative and unleash your artistic side with tie-dye workshops offered at the resort. You and your family can create unique and colorful designs on t-shirts, towels, or any other fabric you choose. It's a fun and interactive activity that everyone can enjoy.Ping Pong: Challenge your family members to a friendly game of ping pong at Hidden Pond Resort. The resort provides all the equipment you need to get started, so grab your paddles and get ready for some friendly competition. It's a great way to bond with your loved ones and create lasting memories.Family Glamping: For a unique and adventurous experience, try out the family glamping option at Hidden Pond Resort. You can spend the night in a cozy tent on a private screened-in porch, complete with sleeping bags and lanterns. It's a chance to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with nature while still enjoying the comforts of a luxurious resort.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Pets Allowed at Elk Lake Lodge?Yes, pets are allowed at Elk Lake Lodge.Our rustic Adirondack lodge nestled on 12,000 acres of privately owned forest preserve welcomes furry friends.We offer pet-friendly accommodations and amenities to ensure a comfortable stay for both you and your four-legged companion.Explore the crystal-clear lake together, with free kayaks, canoes, and rowboats.Enjoy the abundant flora and fauna, including deer, beaver, and bald eagles.Experience a screen-free vacation where your pet can roam and unwind in nature.Is There Wi-Fi Available at the Tyler Place Family Resort?Yes, there's Wi-Fi available at the Tyler Place Family Resort.This all-inclusive resort offers a range of activities for the whole family, from newborns to high schoolers. While the children enjoy nature walks, lake swimming, and lawn games, adults can unwind in a hammock, Jacuzzi, or yoga class.The resort provides roomy suites or cozy cottages for accommodation.Additionally, if you're looking for nearby hiking trails, the Glen House, located in New Hampshire's Presidential mountains, is a great choice.What Is the Average Size of the Suites at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort?The suites at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort are spacious and comfortable, making it one of the best family resorts in New England.With a variety of suite sizes available, families can choose the option that best fits their needs. Whether you're looking for a cozy retreat or a larger space for the whole family, Rocking Horse Ranch Resort has you covered.Enjoy the resort's all-inclusive amenities and activities, knowing that you have a spacious suite to relax in at the end of the day.Can Guests Bring Their Own Boats to Woodloch Resort?Yes, guests can bring their own boats to Woodloch Resort. The resort offers boating facilities, including a lake where guests can enjoy boating and swimming.So, if you have your own boat and want to explore the beautiful lake, you're more than welcome to bring it along.It's a great opportunity to have the freedom to go out on the water and create unforgettable family memories.Are There Any Nearby Hiking Trails at the Glen House?Yes, there are nearby hiking trails at The Glen House.As outdoor enthusiasts, we love the variety of outdoor activities available at this resort.The hiking trails offer stunning views of the Presidential mountains and the surrounding natural beauty.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hiker, there are trails suitable for all skill levels.ConclusionIn conclusion, the best family resorts in New England offer a diverse range of experiences for all ages.Whether you're seeking adventure in the great outdoors or relaxation by the lake, these resorts have it all.From the rustic charm of Elk Lake Lodge to the all-inclusive family fun at The Tyler Place Family Resort, there's something to suit every family's preferences.So pack your bags and get ready to make unforgettable memories at these incredible destinations!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:53 Professional-Coast66 I am hallucinating demons from stress

I'm sitting in my nice apartment in the favorite city with my handsome boyfriend and my cuddly cat, crying. I can't find a job and I'm scared. It feels like I am washing away my achievements with every tear that runs down my face. I can't see beyond this hurdle to the beautiful life around me, but I refuse to relax until I get that offer letter. Maybe I'm acting entitled, but I can't help but fearfully imagine that without a job, this life in front of me could be taken away. I know I am not alone but that doesn't give me camaraderie, rather sheer hopelessness and panic. Shouldn't a job be more of a right than a privilege?
I am on a ride with the universe. Every 10 days or so, I feel a spark of hope with an enlightened new venture that could pan out. A dream job posting, a new email from a recruiter, a LinkedIn notification, a friend who knows someone. Often it's just a grand promise of an opportunity from yet another charlatan that I always fall heavily for. The bottom feels endless, with hundreds of applications rotting in some forgotten inbox. Currently left unread by my last application spree, resources tapped out, zero opportunities on the horizon paired with a rolling wave of bad surprises. New charges, prices rising, emergencies, taxes, rent, health, bills. Normal stuff I could handle if I had a job! It just all feels so heavy and I have no foundation to hold it up anymore.
Every night, I battle with myself to try and fall asleep. Pills, vitamins, tinctures, teas, meditations, exercises, ASMR, cooking videos, anything. Now it's just a mixture of it all along with trying to soothe my nerves enough to trick my brain that it's tired and needs to stop chattering. Once I finally get to sleep, I usually startle awake around 3:30, scared out of my wits, my nerves are on fire and I am visualizing something in the room with me that is somehow evil and staring at me. I try to calm myself down with a bathroom trip, a prayer, and eventually more phone time feeling the side of my face burning from fear, my stomach tossing in knots. I lay still in the light of my phone while I try not to let the feeling that something is going to pop out and grab me. Too scared to have my feet feel the air outside of the covers so I don’t get dragged by whatever evil thing is at the foot of my bed or watching me from the walls.
This started during the pandemic. I was so stressed out I started having hallucinatory night terrors. It resumes itself whenever I am stressed. My body turns on me at times when I need peace, startling me awake for fear of a dark shadow demon with long fingers near the window or a spindly witch with ear-to-ear pointed teeth at the top of my wardrobe. Objects and reflections transform into evil entities that startle me awake in fear. My body is in fight or flight mode, my neck is tingling, all the hairs on my body are standing to attention and I feel every muscle in my body tense. I can't wake anyone up because I am frozen within my terror. The most I can do is ignore it and run towards the real evil, my phone. A pacifier for anxiety that only feeds my fear more and more every time I use it. I can't stop turning towards it because I would have to sit and stare at the nightmarish demon taking the form of the curtains on my window that night. The demon always seems so real when it approaches me, when it wakes me up to watch me suffer.
I know my night terrors are just a symptom of a bigger issue, my stress. I also know they are genetic. My dad would wake up screaming in the night and my mom would flip the lights on to snap him out of it. My brother would take different forms of his night terrors often sitting in front of the TV in his usual spot when we were younger. Now his wife describes him waking her up in the middle of the night by removing her "live laugh love" decor and putting it in the garage. I wish my night terrors would just let me redecorate. I am in an impossible position, my stress is causing my night terrors, but my money problems are causing me stress. So essentially, the demon in the corner of the room is a figment of my bank account, my rejected applications, my dead-end wishes for a career, my student loan debt, and astronomical rent. How can I, an unemployed and overly anxious person, finally crush this demon? Well, I've bought some sage today. That's a start.
In my dream apartment with my boyfriend and my cat, I find myself in tears, scared, and jobless. Each tear feels like an erasure of my achievements. I’m terrified of losing everything without a job. I feel alone and panicked. Despite the occasional flicker of hope with a potential opportunity, the reality is hundreds of untouched applications and a constant wave of financial difficulties.
Sleep is a struggle, with anxiety-induced insomnia and night terrors. Each night, I wake up in fear, hallucinating terrifying entities. These terrors, a manifestation of stress, are inherited. My father and brother experienced similar episodes. Now, my stress and financial woes fuel these night terrors. I’m caught in a vicious cycle - stress causing night terrors and financial troubles causing stress. How can I, unemployed and anxious, overcome this? I've started by buying some sage.
submitted by Professional-Coast66 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:53 forest-of-ewood Roaring Kitty tweet roundup 14th May - A humble apes opinion

Hello Apes.
Back with another review of all the tweets sent from memelord and cat inspiration, Roaring Kitty.
If you missed my first review for 13th May, you can find it here.
To reiterate, the description of each tweet is to the best of my knowledge the references made and the speculation is pure speculation on my part, this is just for fun and shouldn't be taken as any financial advice, make your own decisions, I just like the stock. If you have anything to add feel free to in the comments and I'll do my best to update the post.
11am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790396654971224430
Description: The infamous scene from the movie Troy where Achilles rather reluctantly at first, comes forward to fight the mighty Boagrius. Achilles runs at him, defending against a few spear throws then with one epic jump and slide, stabs Boagrius with this blade killing him in one clean strike. The music dubbed on this clip is Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of the War Drums by A Perfect Circle.
Speculation: Chosen warrior blessed by the gods comes forward in front of the masses and takes out the big baddie. You could make the speculation that the song could reference something to do with DRS (A Perfect Circle) and SHFs bleeding out (counting bodies like sheep).
11.30am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790404203715887238
Description: First of all we have a cat talking to itself in the mirror stating the words, "Don't be the bigger person today, be the person that helps them understand that sometimes when you f**k around, we find out...". We then cut to arrested development where Buster who is portrayed as a bear has something to say, "i wanna shoot down everything you say, so i feel good about myself. cause i'm an uptight [insert copious amounts of swearing].
Speculation: First part DFV knows they (Shorts) have messed around again and have been doing it dirty. The gig is up again, time to close and pay up. The second part is a funny scene from arrested development where Buster, a character who just cannot fit in properly goes AWAL to try and show he has a nasty side, it just comes across as way too far. DFV just poking fun at bears here no doubt.
12:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790411757120561628
Description: First we have a scene from The Town where Doug says to James, "I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people." and James replies, "Who's car are we going to take?" Then it cuts to Mad Max where there are a load of sand buggy cars going nuts with flame throwers and all sorts of chaos with the song Du Hast by Rammstein playing in the background.
Speculation: I haven't seen the Town but from reading online this scene showed the amazing friendship between Doug and James when James simply replies, who's car are we going to take? in response to what sounds like a risky ask for help from Doug. Then with Mad Max: Fury Road we have a film about a post apocalyptic survivor in Max Rockatansky who eventually brings down a warlords Citadel (hmmm).
12:30pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790419301976903884
Description: First we have the whistling of Omar from The Wire, then we have a scene from the Kingsmen where they are locked in a pub with Galahad and the quote "Manners maketh man" and finally we have a scene from Oldboy with a big fight scene cut alongside some anime which is from demon slayer
Speculation: The whistling is synonymous with Omar and is to the tune of a nursery rhyme, "the farmer in the dell", anyone that watched The Wire would know instantly that this means Omar is coming and this means you best get out the way as he is coming with his double-barreled shotgun and he certainly won't hesitate to use it. The Kingsmen scene where they are locked in the pub is a particularly violent scene and it's an interesting film to reference, the plot *Film spoiler here* is essentially about a boy named Eggsy from a lower-class neighbourhood who's father dies and he finds out that his father was part of an elite inner circle of upper class. After trying to be part of this group, Eggsy discovers their secret plot to take over the world and takes it into his own hands to save the day. u/ ThePhenomNoku talks about the last 2 referenced films; "So the anime is demon slayer. It’s about a kid who has everything taken from him and trains to learn how to fight demons. Though as a sidenote he kind of carries one around with him. It’s complicated.The other movie with the guy holding the person, & the fight scene is the original Oldboy, and without giving too much of the plot away it’s about a dude who is falsely imprisoned for a couple of years or so, and then enacts his revenge."
1:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790426851409817615
Description: Firstly we have the scene from Oceans 11 where Danny Ocean is chatting to Rusty Ryan right in the initial stage of their plan to heist the casino. He talks about how it's never been done before, will need planning and a large crew and Ryan asks if they are going to use guns, he replies "not exactly, there's lots of security" and finally Ryan asks "what's the target?". We then cut to a film i'm not aware (anyone help here?) of where an older gentleman shows a calculator to a young woman and the calculator says "Just up" on it then the woman says "yes that looks correct"
Speculation: In Oceans 11 there was a lot of planning and variables that had to happen for everything to work. It was a high risk high reward plan with a lot set up to go against but it's possible. The target has always been "just up", DFV just reiterating what he said in the first place.
1:30pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790434400494116873
Description: First we have a scene from Old School where he states, "A loophole?" "Yes. Well, it's interesting, sir. As stupid as they appear, they're actually very good at paperwork. It's quite an anomaly." then it cuts to a scene from the same film with the C&C factory everybody dance now song and a cheerleading dance attempt
Speculation: Of course with the loophole stuff it could be about all of the DD that has been done on what has gone on over the years but it could equally be about SHFs finding loopholes to get out of the mess they are in with the stock. The second part the judges clearly don't feel the attempt of the cheerleading or gymnastics piece they are portraying is any good but they are giving it a go and it's suppose to a comedy. Note the school is the cougars, cat links again of course.
2:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790441953659687421
Description: The first part is taken from The Batman and has Batman's monologue running and when the Batman signal is fired into the sky, a kitty shadow is shown instead of the Batman logo. It ends with an emphasis on "Fear is a Tool".
Speculation: Batman was of course a good hero who would rid the streets of criminals, they would scare just at the sight of the batman signal being fired knowing that they were about to get wrecked. In this clip, two years has been replaced with three years in the monologue and the kitty signal is of course a nice touch.
2:30pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790449499506192405
Description: This clip is taken from Mr Robot and is where Elliot plays eXit, a text based computer game that requires him to answer a series of questions in a text based game.
Speculation: I think it's best just to give the description of what happens in this scene taken from the fandom page. Elliot chooses to sit down with the friend in the dungeon. He lights a match and reads the note "Don't leave me here." Elliot chooses to stay. The alarm shuts off. An explosion happens nearby. Robot opens the door to find a fire raging outside. He concludes it's too late. Both of them sit down. They each say "I love you." Explosions rage around the room. "It's an exciting time in the world," Elliot says. Fade to red. Take from that what you will.
3:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790457051115847720
Description: This scene is taken from the movie Scream (2022), a direct sequel to Scream 4. A lot of the text has been changed but to summarize, one person states "he is making a requel" then there is some talk about the squeeze movie that came out last year and how most people in the actual know hated it and how "squeeze mid" pissed on their "covidhood", how the main character is a mary sue? Then a few cuts of Scream and how real squeeze movies have meta slasher whodunnits and that to some people the original is their favorite thing in the world
Speculation: A requel is A movie which revisits the subject matter of an earlier film but is not a remake or a linear continuation of its plot (i.e. a sequel or prequel). So essentially what is happening right now with the stock is not exactly the same of what has happened before but it is essentially a revisit of the same subject regarding squeezes. A mid squeeze implies that it wasn't as high as the squeeze could have gone and the theme of slashers and murdered people really suggests heads will roll (SHFs hopefully).
3:30pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790464599575167004
Description: This is a scene from Candyman where he has come for the woman. There is some cat flashes and images going on and the Woman in this is tagged as a bear (that is someone who is down on a stock or market, usually would short). Candyman talks about how there is no need for the bear to leave yet and that he was obliged to come then he says "be my victim" and a bumble bee comes out of the word be.
Speculation: Time is running out for the bear, they can hang around for a while longer but they will be the victim. This is more of the DFV is coming for you as he dresses himself up as a rampaging murderer targeting the bear in this case. Not sure on the bee, whether that is DFV just having some fun or if it's that a sting is coming in some sense.
4:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790472153470759217
Description: Taken from No Country for Old Men, Carson states he is a day trader and that Anton doesn't have to do this (Anton is going to kill him) tell him he could just go home. Carson continues that Anton could have 14 grand out of an ATM and just walk away before finally stating "do you have any idea how crazy you are?". Anton replies, "you mean the nature of these memes?" to which Carson says "I mean the nature of you!" The scene ends with the phone ringing.
Speculation: DFV putting himself into the mode of Anton from No Country for Old Men is quite the statement. For those who haven't seen this movie, Anton is a wrecking ball of a killer and adheres by his rulebook to seek out different people through the movie to take out. Carson being the desperate short seller here who is not understanding why DFV isn't just playing by the usual financial rules and taking his gains and going. The phone ringing at end could be an implication of margin calls ringing for the desperate short seller.
8:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790532552828289526
Description: This is taken from Braveheart and the prisoner (William Wallace) is asked to say a word in a famous scene where WW shouts "FREEEEDOM" only in this clip its "GAMESTOOOOOOOP".
Speculation: This is the first direct reference to Gamestop word for word and it should be noted that this is the scene where William Wallace is about to be executed. Could mean that DFV is willing to risk it all for Gamestop like William Wallace martyring himself for the freedom of Scotland.
Hope you enjoyed.
Love ya DFV
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2024.05.15 13:49 businesses_for_sale How to find a ‘hidden gem’ business to buy

How to find a ‘hidden gem’ business to buy
Finding the perfect investment isn’t easy - but if you know what to look for, there are plenty of hidden gems out there. In this article, we’ll show you how to spot them.
Finding the right business to buy can sometimes be a long process. Searching for an investment in the right location, at the right price, and which fits all the criteria you’re looking for isn’t always easy - especially when you consider there are more than 56,000 listings here on BusinessesForSale.com.
But there are sure to be some ‘hidden gems’ out there. Maybe they’re businesses with huge potential for growth that might not be immediately apparent at first glance. Perhaps they’re selling at a reduced price due to a retiring owner, or other personal reasons.
For this article, we spoke to business brokers working across the international spectrum and asked them – what makes a business a ‘hidden gem’? And how exactly can buyers ask the right questions to go about finding them?
Subscriptions, partnerships and property
Matthew Trinder, a UK broker who is Managing Director of Sovereign Business Transfer, says businesses which operate on a subscription model are often hidden gems. “Any business with steadily recurring income that can generate continuous cashflow will be a good investment,” he says. That could mean B2C subscription services to things like food boxes, as well as IT, financial services, or even dental practices.
Another thing Trinder says buyers should always ask early in the process of investigating a business is why the owner has decided to sell. “It isn’t easy to filter for this, but if you can find a business that is selling for personal reasons, you’re much more likely to get a good deal on it,” he says. “That might mean the owner has split from their business partner, is retiring, or has just decided they want a change of direction – in all three cases they’ll be looking to sell the business quickly.”
Lastly, Trinder says that businesses which are freehold as opposed to leasehold – meaning you own the land the business sits on indefinitely rather than for a set period of time – are heavily favoured by banks. “Banks love property,” says Trinder. “So you’re much more likely to get finance to help you buy a business that is a freehold. In general, they’re less sure of the value for leasehold businesses, so they’ll be looking for security, personal guarantees and higher deposits.” Finding a business which is a freehold but still affordable could be a way in to finding a hidden gem, then.
Emerging markets, digital businesses and risk
Maurice Muise, an experienced Canadian business broker who is President and CEO of Muise Mergers & Acquisitions Inc, says that buyers should keep an eye out for businesses that operate in growing markets. He gives the example of cafes and restaurants which have a strong gluten free or vegan offering: “They might not shout about it when they’re selling the business, but if they’re catering effectively to a specialised market like this, that can have big potential for growth under a new owner.”
Muise also points towards online businesses as potential treasure troves for ‘hidden gems’. Buying a website might not be the first thing that comes to mind for entrepreneurs looking to invest in a business, since it doesn’t come with any of the staff, premises or day to day management. But website traffic can lay the foundation for a much larger enterprise, and investing in a successful, growing digital business could reap unexpected rewards.
Lastly, Muise says buyers should keep an eye on the level of risk associated with any business they’re investigating. “They should really drill down into any operational or financial risks associated with the business, and that can be used as leverage to reduce the asking price in some situations,” he says. In this way buyers could make a business a ‘hidden gem’ for themselves.
Word-of-mouth marketing
Another green flag buyers should be on the hunt for is strong word-of-mouth marketing. Party Bag World, the subject of a recent BusinessesForSale.com success story, is a great example of this. Husband and wife duo Kerry and Jason Craddock created a business which sold customized party bags – initially just to children’s parties, but branching out to other kinds of events as they gained more and more customers.
Party Bag World had a savvy, self-perpetuating marketing model. The party bags were full of surprising toys and treats which the children were excited to show off to their parents when they came home from a friend’s party, and those parents then became customers themselves. “We spent very little on marketing, and had hardly any presence on social media,” says Kerry. “People found us – one day we got a phone call from McDonald’s after one of the kids must have had a birthday party there. They put in an order for thousands – it was quite surreal!”
While not every business can work with this kind of marketing, there will be some hidden gems out there which can. Buyers should keep an eye out for businesses which offer something unique and surprising which their customers will be excited to recommend. It could help keep marketing costs low, and give you a stable base of repeat customers.
What makes a business a ‘hidden gem’?
In summary, there are a few things buyers should keep an eye out for when looking a business to invest in. Businesses with subscription models can generate continuous cashflow, while freehold businesses are looked on favourably by banks.
Companies which are being sold for personal reasons, or which come with higher levels of risk, might be ones you can get for a lower asking price. Those which operate in emerging markets, as well as digital businesses, can also have huge potential for growth that might not be immediately obvious.
Lastly, business which operate with strong word-of-mouth marketing can help costs down and generate new customers at a consistent rate. While you’re unlikely to find a business that ticks all of the above boxes – it’s worth keeping some of these questions in mind while you search for the perfect investment.

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