Colin cowherd wife kim


2024.05.29 03:20 UnmovableFeast Pitchforks

It happened. He didn't deny that. Not like he was a suspect or anything—not yet—but he never denied it to himself. At the same time, this all happened over a decade ago—twelve years to be exact.
He didn't think of it every day; in fact, sometimes an entire month would go by where it barely crossed his mind.
In a way, that whole experience—he thought of all the abductions and murders as a singular event—now felt as if it belonged to somebody else.
It was a time in his life when he was confused, mixed-up, searching; a dark time, you know, like a phase. Who didn't have one of those in their past?
Plus, he was married now. His wife, Dee, obviously didn't know about it and he felt no obligation to tell her. Did he ask about her former lovers?
Sometimes there are things in the past and you just let them be. Whether it was Dee losing her virginity to the quarterback of the football team in the backseat at a drive-in or him using multiple black garbage bags and masking tape on that thing he didn't have time to bury in rural Tennessee, everyone has things they would rather forget about. Sometimes you just leave things where they lie.
So that's what Ned Doyle did.
Until that Sunday morning, November 6th, 1988.
He was a having a glass of Dee's pulpy homemade orange juice, waiting for his coffee to percolate, when he opened his heavy weekend edition of the New York Times (probably Ned's greatest extravagance—he liked its heft; and how the Arts & Leisure section made him feel culturally superior to his Ohio townsfolk, “the Philistines of Findlay,” he called them) when he saw the article buried in the back.
The country was two days from heading to the polls for the General Election—Bush v. Dukakis—so most everything else that week had been relegated to the back.
He read the article twice before he could even begin to make sense of it. It seemed to be a story about something called "DNA fingerprinting" and a 27-year-old baker in Great Britain named Colin Pitchfork who had confessed to raping and murdering two 15-year-old girls, in separate incidents a few years apart, after a new scientific process had been used to extract information from semen which he, Colin Pitchfork, had left at the crime scenes (likely inside the victims) some five years earlier.
Now if they could do all that after five years, why not ten years—or maybe even… twelve?
"Interesting story here," he said to Dee. It wasn't uncommon for Ned to read a news story twice—once for himself and a second time aloud to Dee while she brewed his coffee and burnt her toast. But this was his third reading and Ned acted as if it were his first.
"What do you make of that?" he asked. It somehow got worse each time he read it. After the third time, he felt as if he had been sucker punched in the stomach.
"Science Fiction is what it sounds like," Dee said matter-of-factly, pouring Ned his coffee in a mug that bore the Marathon Oil insignia. Findlay, Ohio was Marathon’s headquarters although there had been rumors circulating about a move to Texas.
"And unconstitutional," he said. "Cops running a dragnet like that, taking blood samples from 5,000 townspeople. Thankfully, that would never pass the muster here."
"They did catch the killer so maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea," she said, buttering her burnt toast. "Otherwise, who knows? They could have convicted the wrong man.”
Ned had already gotten lucky once – astonishingly so. Griffin Gerald Jones, the famed “I-75 Corridor Child Killer,” had claimed responsibility for all but one of Ned’s victims before dying in Florida’s electric chair.
"You can't have police in this country running around, sticking everyone with needles, drawing blood for some sort of science experiment,” he said. “Nevermind the Constitution, what about AIDS?”
“What about it?” she asked.
“There's been hundreds, thousands of cases now where people have been infected by giving blood,” he said. “That's a medical fact. Get accused of a crime and AIDS too?"
"It doesn't sound like any of the townspeople there in England got AIDS, darling. Unless there's more to the story, besides what you read to me."
He watched her spread orange marmalade over her burnt toast and take a bite. She had a dead tooth and he saw it every time she opened her mouth. He loved Dee but had never been sexually attracted to her. Not in the way he had been attracted to others.
"It really is just a matter of time before that stuff makes it over here," she said with her mouth full. "To this side of the pond, as they say." She took a sip of his orange juice. "Isn’t that how it always works? Things start over there in England, or in California, and then phht, before you know it, it makes its way to Findlay."
He held his hand over his stomach. She saw him wince.
"Was it my orange juice again? Was it still pulpy? I squeezed it by hand and even strained it twice this time."
"It’s not your fault,” he said. “I think it’s me. Orange juice is getting too… acidic for me." He looked at the clock on the coffee maker. "I'm going to be late."
He turned the page.
He played the 8 o'clock Mass by rote as he had many a bleary-eyed Sunday morning. It was pure muscle memory at this point. He made a few mistakes here and there, missed a key or two, but it was nothing the organ's sustain pedal couldn't mask – not that anyone would complain (not at the 8 o'clock anyway).
On Sundays Ned had four Masses: the 8, the 9:30, the big one at 11, and the 12:30 for the dilettantes who couldn't get their acts together for the 11.
He turned the page.
Today he was using Glory and Praise, AKA "the blue hymnal" for songs he knew by heart.
Turning the pages of his sheet music, reading each note, he was able to keep his mind off it.
Ned abhorred cliches (especially those involving sports) but he made an exception for “Out of sight, out of mind.” For Ned, that wasn’t a cliché; it was a way of life. He was a man who preferred to be heard, not seen, which made St. Bartholomew (or St. Bart’s) the perfect home for him.
In a spectacular architectural oversight, the church's pipe organ was situated so the organist's back was to the altar and pews. The organist of course needs to see what's going on in the Mass to read certain non-verbal cues but the arrangement suited Ned just fine. The congregation was comprised of many young families who had many young children—boys in particular—and it wasn't so much that he couldn't control himself because he was now firmly in control of all that; it was more that he didn't need any reminders of that time when he couldn't.
Especially during church.
So to see the altar behind him, Ned had installed an actual rearview mirror, the type you'd find on an old Buick, and he used a special type of putty to affix it to the mantle of the pipe organ. Having been the church organist at St. Bart's for nine years, he seldom needed it anymore—he could do it in his sleep—but it came in handy today as he found his attention drifting and he nearly missed the oratory refrain at the 9:30 Mass.
His real problems didn't start until the 35-minute break between the 8 and 9:30.
He was reorganizing his sheet music after the first wave of churchgoers had cleared out, when he began thinking about Colin Pitchfork again. The article said he was a baker in England somewhere—did it say he baked cakes or was that Ned's invention?
Even though no picture was provided in the Times article, Ned spent the balance of the 9:30 service picturing the 27- year-old ex-rapist/murderer working in his small English bakery, quietly going about his business, baking his cakes, when the police (Bobbies?) came.
Was he expecting them?
He played the offertory hymn, "On Eagle's Wings," as the ushers began taking up the collections and a family of parishioners he’d never seen before brought the gifts up.
And what was going through Pitchfork's head when he saw the Bobbies there? When they began asking him about rapes and murders that happened almost five years ago? The article said that he had initially given investigators someone else's blood when “the enquiry” began. Had he somehow caught wind of this “DNA Fingerprinting?”
There was a new usher, Ned noticed, in his makeshift rearview mirror.
The Times article said that one of Pitchfork's co-workers at the bakery had taken the blood test masquerading as Pitchfork because Pitchfork had told the co-worker that ‘he could not give blood under his own name because he had already given blood while pretending to be a friend of his who had wanted to avoid being harassed by police because of a youthful conviction for burglary.’ This story was later overheard by a woman in a pub who immediately went to the police.
Ned realized he had missed the homily twice now. Not that it mattered. Heard one you've heard them all and Ned was pretty sure there would be no surprises. Plus, he'd have two more chances to catch it. He knew he would have to really focus for the 11 o'clock. That was always the main event. He was going to play "I Will Raise Him Up," a complex hymn, which required his full attention. He would scratch that one now if he hadn’t read that article and if the Sunday programs hadn't already been printed. People liked that one –it was a real barn burner, as they say—and if he skipped it, there might be questions.
The last thing Ned needed right now were fucking questions.
Who was this new usher, by the way?

By the start of the 11 o'clock Mass, Ned wondered whether anyone would even show for the 12:30, seeing that it was already standing room only. The 11 was always the most popular Mass, but today felt different; it was packed like Christmas Eve. What was the occasion? Was the predominantly conservative town that afraid of Dukakis winning the presidency? Ohio was a swing state after all and that image of the little Greek man in the tank was unnerving, sure, but was it enough to warrant this sort of turnout for the 11 AM Mass at St. Bart's in Findlay?
Or was something else going on?
Ned didn’t believe they had come to hear his rendition of "I Will Raise Him Up."
Or could there be another reason? Maybe they had all read the same Times article. Maybe there had long been simmering suspicion of Ned in the community and maybe the article finally prompted the townspeople to join together and take arms. With pitchforks.
On March 31, 1892, the only known lynching in the history of Hancock County occurred when a mob of 1,000 men, many "respectable citizens," broke into the county jail in Findlay. They lynched Mr. Lytle, a man who had killed his wife and two daughters with a hatchet the day before. The townsfolk hanged the man twice (first from the bridge, then a telegraph pole) and then, in a classic case of overkill, shot his body over a dozen times. The authorities had intended to transfer the prisoner out of town at 1 o'clock in secret, where a train was scheduled to transport him to Lima, but someone talked.
Ned had only confessed what he had done to one person – a priest eight years prior. The priest was set to retire as he was dying of pancreatic cancer and visiting from a nearby parish. For years Ned had heard this priest was “of the old school” – i.e., your word to God’s ear, and it went no further. He was as safe as they come. Still, even then, Ned used the screened side of the Confessional, lowered his voice a full octave, and spoke of what he had done obliquely and in generalities. They were mortal sins. His penance severe: to repent and refrain from repeating the act again. The priest was now long dead. There’s no way he could have tracked Ned down and told anyone. Was there?
The last one was named Derek. That was the only one left unsolved.
He would play "I Will Raise Him Up" during Communion. Because of the crowds, he knew the communion lines would be longer and would thus require him to stretch the already difficult song a few minutes longer. If he was going to supply the masses, he was going to need a bigger yield. In a way it was like baking a cake, wasn't it?
He met Derek at a Dairy Queen in Paducah, Kentucky. It was Labor Day 1976. It must have been 100 degrees out, but it felt even hotter with the humidity. It was a real scorcher.
Derek had a bicycle with an American flag banana seat. It was the summer of Bicentennial Fever. The Dairy Queen was in an area known as Noble Park. It had a tin canopy that kept cars cool in the shade.
Ned missed a note as he turned the page. He stepped on the sustain pedal and his mistake sounded deliberate and beautiful even.
It was early evening; fireflies were out in full force and Ned was blotto. He had been drinking beer—cans of Schlitz—all day at the picnic of a friend (technically, the friend of an acquaintance so basically a stranger). A born introvert who still lived alone (this was pre-Dee), Ned was very drunk and primed for small talk. You must also remember this was a very different time. This was back when you still opened cans with an opener; drunk driving was frowned upon but not the cardinal sin it is today; and a grown man could still park outside a Dairy Queen and strike up an innocent conversation with a prepubescent boy on a bike.
"What da ya' got there?" Ned asked.
"Butterscotch Sundae," the boy said. The boy was blonde with brown eyes.
"Butterscotch, eh?"
The boy licked his plastic spoon and stared somewhere beyond the pea-green 1974 Buick Riviera Ned had inherited from his old man after he had kicked the bucket.
"For the life of me, I can't remember if I like butterscotch or not," Ned said. "That probably sounds pretty screwy, I bet."
"Get a free sample at the window,” the kid said. “They're free."
"Looks awfully busy over there. Mind if I have a taste of yours? I don't have any cooties, I promise."
The kid dragged his spoon over his ice cream as he mulled it over. Maybe seeing that he was almost done with it anyway, he figured what's the harm. He handed Ned the Styrofoam cup.
Ned looked at the boy as he stirred it a little and then placed the curved side of the spoon on his tongue and kept it there.
"I do like butterscotch," Ned said, giving it back. "Thank you for sharing that with me, that was awfully kind of you—say, what is your name?"
"Derek," the boy said.
"Derek. What a nice boy you are. Do you like dogs, Derek?"
"Sure," Derek said.
"Do you have a dog?"
"Not anymore. Used to. We had a beagle named Eleanor but she went blind and then lame and then..."
"What kind of dog was she?" Ned asked.
"A beagle," the boy said.
"A beagle, yes you said that. You like Golden Retrievers?"
"Sure," the boy said.
"Cause I have a Golden Retriever. It's a girl too. A bitch."
Derek smiled.
"She's pregnant. I mean she was. But… she just gave birth."
"To puppies?"
"You betcha. It was just a few weeks ago. She had a whole litter of 'em. Boys, girls. Cutest little pups you've ever seen. The thing is, Derek, I don't know what to do with them all. You're a nice boy. You just shared your Butterscotch Sundae with me and I'd care to return the favor. Would you… like a puppy?"
"How much?"
"For nothing,” Ned said. “For free.”
"You'll give me a puppy for nothing? And I can pick the one I want?"
"Sure can. They're at my place just down the road. Thing is, it's probably too far to bike there. And you're going to need both hands to hold on to the puppy. Hop in, I’ll give you a lift."
"What about my bike?"
"We could put it in the trunk but we're not going to be long. We'll be right back. It'll be safe here. People don't take things that aren’t theirs around here – especially when there's a lot of people around."
He remembered waking up on the floor of his apartment disoriented. He was late for work. He was still working as a salesman at the piano store. There was a big Labor Day sale still going on. Labor Day was always a big day for retail. The owner was a nice man and Ned wanted to call him and apologize but he wasn't sure what to say yet.
He hadn't planned on sleeping in. Forgetting work on Labor Day. The irony.
He saw the boy's underwear on his floor. They were tighty-whities from Fruit of the Loom. He thought of that every time he saw an ad for that company afterward.
They weren’t bloody but they were torn.
He remembered the sound of the filter on the aquarium he used to keep in his apartment. It was noisy but sometimes that was a good thing. He was very into Japanese Fighting Fish for a while until it became too expensive as they always killed each other.
There were no puppies obviously.
His apartment did not allow dogs.
His sense of disorientation and the ensuing panic prevented him from experiencing any of the usual remorse he felt afterward.
There would be plenty of time for that later.
The boy's body was in the bathroom just off the bedroom and he needed to get rid of it. He needed to get out of town. Out of Paducah. Out of Kentucky.
He placed the boy in a hardshell Samsonite suitcase, carried it out of his apartment, walked down the one flight of steps. He saw no one and he was confident no one had seen him. The suitcase was lighter than it should have been—a detail he never forgot—and he walked out to the carport where he saw his Riviera parked sloppily between the lines. He felt a wave of nausea come over him but he suppressed it. He opened his trunk, placed the suitcase in the back, and then looked around the apartment complex before walking back inside. He cleaned up with bleach. Showered. Hit the road.
There were no police gathered outside the Dairy Queen. It wasn’t a crime scene. He didn't look to see if the boy’s bike was still there; he didn’t want to appear suspicious.
He needed to get out of Paducah so he headed toward the freeway.
For a moment he briefly considered the Shawnee National Forest, which was to the north, but he stuck to his gut and took the newly-constructed Interstate 24 East toward Tennessee. Aside from getting out of Kentucky, he didn't have a plan. The asphalt was brand new and at times he felt as though he were floating across the highway. It took about two hours to get to the state line and once he was over, he filled up at a 76 Station in Clarksville, Tennessee. Only when he was filling his tank and had a moment to reflect, did he think about what was in the trunk. He imagined he had Superman's X-Ray vision and pictured the suitcase in the back, the boy's tiny body folded like a pretzel inside.
He missed both the readings, the Gospel, and the homily again. Then came the Consecration which was over before he knew it. It was time. He began to play "I Will Raise Him Up." In his rearview, he saw the communion lines forming and he thought he caught a glimpse of the new usher staring at him, but he couldn't be sure. He needed to concentrate on the song. People knew this one; people wanted to hear it exactly as they remembered it, and it was a full house, so the sustain pedal wouldn't save him this time.
Once he made it through the chorus, he knew he could relax a little.
The "DNA fingerprinting" in Pitchfork's case came from semen that was left inside of the victims.
Ned had made it to the outskirts of Nashville faster than he expected. He still hadn't checked in with Mr. Cory, the owner of the piano store. He desperately needed an alibi. Old Mr. Cory could probably send Ned to the electric chair if he wasn't careful.
He got on Highway 386 and headed north. After 20 minutes, he exited in Gallatin and drove around until he found an area he thought was remote. There was a road called Cages Bend.
He liked the sound of that.
It sounded hopeful.
He took that until he came to a gravel road, which looked as if it led to an even more secluded wooded area.
In the rearview, he remembered the cloud of dust kicked up by the tires of the Riviera he had inherited from his father, the drunk, who had done to him what he had gone on to do to others.
In the rearview, the communion lines were still going strong. No sign of that new usher.
He came upon a bend in the road that looked totally secluded, as if no one had been there in years. He cut the engine and listened for a moment. The invisible cicadas high up in the trees made it sound as if a giant rattle snake was slithering around him, preparing to strike. He got out of the car.
He didn't know if it was the trees or the fields of tall grass, but something smelled like semen.
He opened the trunk with his keys and pulled out the hardshell suitcase. When he closed the trunk there was a rustling in the tall grass but when he looked, he saw only a herd of white tail deer scattering.
Initially he had planned on dumping the body and taking the suitcase home with him. He didn't think to bring a shovel. Then he heard the sound of a bush hog—a piece of farm equipment with spinning blades that cut vegetation and cleared the land. He couldn't tell which direction it was coming from. He checked to make sure his suitcase didn't have any labels on it or name tags. He then two black trash bags in his back seat and wrapped the suitcase – one bag around the top, the other on the bottom, and secured it with masking tape. Then he carried it into the woods and set it down in some brush. He began snapping tree branches off to make cover but as the bush hog got louder and closer he panicked, leaving it only partially covered.
The communion lines had dissipated. Everyone was sitting now, even the priest.
Everyone always knelt until the priest sat and Ned should never be playing if the priest was sitting but somehow, Ned had missed his cue.
He concluded "I Will Raise Him Up" softly, using the sustain to ease himself out.
He looked in the rearview and saw the priest staring at him.
As was the rest of the congregation.
They would all be coming for him soon enough.
Unless he could make it back down to Tennessee and get rid of that thing once and for all – assuming it hadn’t been found yet.
Somehow, deep down, Ned always knew it was going to happen.
He was raised up, alright.
Now it was just a matter of time.
submitted by UnmovableFeast to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:24 IpseVenenaBibas1 Jefferson Kim is back with a THIRD wife(!) and a message of love for the GSK

Jefferson Kim is back with a THIRD wife(!) and a message of love for the GSK submitted by IpseVenenaBibas1 to gammasecretkings [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:55 Shiplapprocxy Why Lord Debling Will NEVER Be Colin Bridgerton

I hated Lord Debling before the season even aired, and now I am back, with definitive proof, that that man is not right for Penelope, just as Colin says. Let's begin!
When Lord Debling first meets Penelope, they mirror one of the interactions that introduced us to the Polin dynamic, by having Debling witness Cressida "accidentally" ripping Penelope's dress just as Colin witnessed Cressida "accidentally" spilling lemonade on Penelope's dress in S1. Lord Debling leaves Penelope with her bully while Colin in the S1 scenario steps in to take Penelope away from her bully, sizing up Cressida and giving her the cut by refusing her a dance, and lightening Penelope's mood in one of the most joyful dances of the series. Point - Colin.
Bonus Point Colin- When Colin sees Penelope running out of the ball with her torn gown, he immediately goes after her, telling the bros he's talking with that Pen doesn't look ok. The Mr. Bridgerton scene only happens because Colin stepped out to check on her welfare, even if he does tell Penelope he's just getting fresh air to save face. When Colin says "he will leave you" about Debling, it's a quality in him that's present even in their first interaction.
Debling is absent, which you would think would mean I have nothing bad to say, but I can always find something. In this case, it's the fact that he saw her get her dress ruined and wasn't enough of a gentleman to call on her in the meantime to see if she was ok. Lord Debling wasn't nearly as taken with Penelope upon first meeting her as we're lead to believe, as he doesn't seem to think about her again until they run into each other at another party. Colin, however? He's already activated stalker mode. Point- Colin
Lord Debling continues to humor Cressida Cowper throughout this episode, but if there's one thing Colin makes clear in this season, he cannot comprehend enjoying her company, even in a friendly way. The last time we saw him interact with her it was to steal her necklace, and if Colin gets to call her the biggest bitch England has produced like he does in the books, he will earn an extra point from me. I will say I was rooting for Crebling in this episode though. When they bonded over crappy families I could see the vision. Anyway Point - Colin. And negative point Debling for not being able to see through Cressida's BS with the fake ankle injury.
At the Hawkins Balloon incident Lord Debling runs away and leaves Penelope standing in the way of danger. He doubles back for her, but it's only after he thought of himself first. Even for a guy who's not in love with her, a gentleman should look after a lady's safety, but once again Colin was right. "He will leave you." Meanwhile Colin "I will always look after you" Bridgerton is only looking out for Penelope at this event. The rope pull is his obvious heroic moment, where he has his eye trained on her and any possible dangers to her, but fishing for information about Debling from his bros is also a way of looking out for Penelope in a more subtle way. Point- Colin
Penelope's rambling awkward flirting about grass and sparrows is obviously a turn off to Lord Debling. You can see his annoyance with her in his body language. But Colin? When he watches her flirting failures his heart eyes never drop for a minute. You can tell he thinks it's the most adorable thing in the world even when she's awkward. Colin never gets the ick when it comes to Penelope. Point- Colin
Lord Debling gets Penelope a fern. Point- Colin On a serious note, getting such a romantic person a fern rather than a bouquet of flowers shows their incompatibility so well. Debling likes Penelope because he thinks she's compatible with his outsider lifestyle, but I think this is what a lot of Pebling shippers get wrong as well. Just because Penelope can cope well with being an outsider doesn't mean she doesn't want what other women want. He got her a fern because that's what he is into, but Penelope is the type of girl who would dream of flowers. It reminds me of "Marina does not like tomatoes." At any rate, Debling is not a man who can give Penelope passion and love like Colin can, but with the fern he's also showing he's not a man who can give her romance even on a superficial level either.
He asks Penelope if there's a story of a man who goes traveling for a long time and his wife is happy to stay behind keeping house, which means he does not know about the Odyssey, in which the dutiful wife's name is LITERALLY Penelope. You know who would know about this story? Colin Bridgerton, who's well versed in the greek classics, as he referenced the myth of Leander and Hero in Season 1. Point- Colin
He point blank tells Penelope that he wouldn't be able to love her more than his work. Colin is unemployed, he can love Penelope full time. Point- Colin
Lord Debling doesn't have enough attachment to Penelope to even fight for her even when he's so far involved that he was ready to propose. Colin? Colin pushes past his douchebag friends, defies propriety to cut in on the middle of their dance, loudly tells Penelope she's making a mistake by being with him in the middle of a crowded dance floor, and chases down a horse drawn carriage to confirm that his attempt to keep them from getting engaged actually worked. All with him being under the impression that Penelope might not like him romantically at all. Colin was more than ready to fight for her without any guarantees, while Debling gave up on his all but settled fiancee pretty much immediately as more trouble than she was worth. When it comes down to it, all the "Penelope should've chosen Debling" conversations don't even matter, because Debling did not choose Penelope. He dumped her. She was not worth the fight to him. Point- Colin
In Conclusion- 100000 points to Colin Bridgerton, Debling you will never be him!!!
submitted by Shiplapprocxy to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:46 SeasonNo3107 Every reference in we didn't start the fire!

i love this song but i was like, who the hell is shinzo abe? So I popped the lyrics in chatgpt and here's a lil breakdown for yall :)

  1. Captain Planet: An animated environmental superhero TV series from the 1990s.
  2. Arab Spring: A series of pro-democracy uprisings across the Arab world starting in 2010.
  3. L.A. riots: Violent protests in Los Angeles in 1992 following the acquittal of police officers filmed beating Rodney King.
  4. Rodney King: An African American man whose beating by LAPD officers in 1991 was videotaped and widely broadcast.
  5. Deep fakes: AI-generated fake videos that can depict people doing or saying things they never did.
  6. Earthquakes: Natural disasters caused by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates.
  7. Iceland volcano: Refers to the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010, which disrupted air travel across Europe.
  8. Oklahoma City bomb: A domestic terrorist truck bombing on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995.
  9. Kurt Cobain: The lead singer of Nirvana who died by suicide in 1994.
  10. Pokémon: A media franchise created by Nintendo, featuring video games, trading cards, and an animated series.
  11. Tiger Woods: A professional golfer who became famous in the late 1990s and faced personal scandal in the 2000s.
  12. MySpace: A popular social networking site in the early 2000s.
  13. Monsanto, GMOs: Monsanto is a company known for producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  14. Harry Potter: A globally popular book series by J.K. Rowling about a young wizard.
  15. Twilight: A book and film series about vampires and werewolves by Stephenie Meyer.
  16. Michael Jackson dies: The pop star Michael Jackson died in 2009.
  17. Nuclear accident, Fukushima, Japan: The 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima following a major earthquake and tsunami.
  18. Crimean Peninsula: The region annexed by Russia from Ukraine in 2014.
  19. Cambridge Analytica: A data firm involved in a major Facebook data scandal during the 2016 US elections.
  20. Kim Jong Un: The Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011.
  21. Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man: Actor Robert Downey Jr. revitalized his career by playing Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  22. More war in Afghanistan: Refers to the prolonged conflict in Afghanistan that began in 2001.
  23. Cubs go all the way again: The Chicago Cubs winning the World Series in 2016 after a 108-year drought.
  24. Obama: Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
  25. Spielberg: Steven Spielberg, a renowned filmmaker.
  26. Explosion, Lebanon: Refers to the massive explosion in Beirut in 2020.
  27. Unabomber: Ted Kaczynski, who conducted a nationwide bombing campaign in the US.
  28. Bobbitt, John: John Bobbitt was famously assaulted by his wife Lorena in 1993.
  29. Bombing Boston Marathon: The terrorist bombing at the 2013 Boston Marathon.
  30. Balloon Boy: A 2009 hoax where parents claimed their son was trapped in a runaway balloon.
  31. War on Terror: The international military campaign launched by the US after 9/11.
  32. QAnon: A conspiracy theory alleging a secret plot against President Trump.
  33. Trump gets impeached twice: Donald Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives in 2019 and 2021.
  34. Polar bears got no ice: Refers to the melting ice caps affecting polar bear habitats.
  35. Fyre Fest: A fraudulent luxury music festival in 2017.
  36. Black Parade: Refers to the album by the band My Chemical Romance.
  37. Michael Phelps: An Olympic swimmer known for winning 23 gold medals.
  38. Y2K: The Year 2000 problem, a computer bug related to the formatting of calendar data.
  39. Boris Johnson: The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
  40. Brexit: The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union.
  41. Kanye West and Taylor Swift: Refers to Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift's VMA acceptance speech in 2009.
  42. Stranger Things: A popular science fiction TV series on Netflix.
  43. Tiger King: A true crime documentary series about exotic animal owner Joe Exotic.
  44. Ever Given, Suez: The container ship that blocked the Suez Canal in 2021.
  45. Sandy Hook: The 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.
  46. Columbine: The 1999 school shooting in Columbine, Colorado.
  47. Sandra Bland and Tamir Rice: Both African Americans whose deaths sparked nationwide protests.
  48. ISIS: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, a terrorist organization.
  49. LeBron James: A professional basketball player widely regarded as one of the greatest.
  50. Shinzo Abe blown away: Refers to the assassination of Japan's former Prime Minister in 2022.
  51. Meghan Markle: An actress who married Prince Harry and became the Duchess of Sussex.
  52. George Floyd: His death in police custody in 2020 sparked worldwide protests against police brutality.
  53. Burj Khalifa: The tallest building in the world, located in Dubai.
  54. Metroid: A popular video game series by Nintendo.
  55. Fermi paradox: The apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial civilizations and various high estimates for their probability.
  56. Venus and Serena: Venus and Serena Williams, famous tennis players.
  57. Michael Jordan, 23: Refers to Michael Jordan, a legendary basketball player who wore the number 23.
  58. YouTube killed MTV: The rise of YouTube led to the decline of music television (MTV).
  59. SpongeBob: An iconic animated TV show.
  60. Golden State Killer got caught: Refers to the arrest of the Golden State Killer in 2018.
  61. Michael Jordan, 45: Refers to Jordan's brief return to basketball wearing the number 45.
  62. Woodstock '99: A music festival that ended in riots and fires.
  63. Keaton, Batman: Michael Keaton, who played Batman in the 1989 film.
  64. Bush v. Gore: The controversial 2000 US presidential election.
  65. Elon Musk: Entrepreneur known for SpaceX, Tesla, and other ventures.
  66. Kaepernick: Colin Kaepernick, who protested police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem.
  67. Texas failed electric grid: The power grid failure in Texas during a 2021 winter storm.
  68. Jeff Bezos: Founder of Amazon and a prominent billionaire.
  69. Climate change: The ongoing global issue of climate alteration due to human activities.
  70. White rhino goes extinct: The Northern White Rhino was declared functionally extinct.
  71. Great Pacific Garbage Patch: A massive area of marine debris in the Pacific Ocean.
  72. Tom DeLonge and aliens: Former Blink-182 member known for his interest in UFOs.
  73. Mars rover: NASA's robotic vehicles exploring Mars.
  74. Avatar: James Cameron's 2009 blockbuster film.
  75. Self-driving electric cars: Autonomous vehicles powered by electricity.
  76. SSRI's: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a type of antidepressant.
  77. Prince and The Queen die: Refers to the deaths of musician Prince and Queen Elizabeth II.
  78. World trade, second plane: Refers to the 9/11 attacks when the second plane hit the World Trade Center.
submitted by SeasonNo3107 to FallOutBoy [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:48 NymphadoraLupin20 Why do fans hate having Penelope pine?

I just rewatched S1 and as messy and morally gray as it was, I also found what Penelope did for Colin with the Marina pregnancy reveal to be so beautifully romantic - she literally ruined her own life to save him from a loveless marriage. And while I do believe she was jealous, I also got the impression she would have stepped aside (however painful it was) if he and Marina had truly been mutually in love. It was him being tricked and made a laughingstock of that she couldn’t stand - as evidenced by the scene where she becomes distraught and says to her sisters, “Do not laugh at him! She makes a fool of him already!” and then when she asks Eloise “But what of Colin?” at the garden party even though her own family’s reputation is in ruins. I still have issues with how her actions impacted Marina (not that I hate Pen for it - and I know she felt remorse) but honestly in one sense what she did was truly heroic.
But this brings me to wonder why so much of the fandom seems to hate seeing the female main character suffer unrequited love or wants Colin to “beg.” I used to very much have this type of reaction to love stories as well—always wanting the man to be the one who loved more and did the heroic deeds. I think it’s because younger me was so insecure that once I identified with a female character I almost physically couldn’t bear for her to not be loved - that hit wayyyy to close to home. Now, at 43, as a happy, long-married mom and wife, I think I’m more able to stand back and enjoy the beauty of EACH of them longing for the other.
I also think modern media very rarely depicts lovesick women as like relatable or anything other than tragic and cringe, so we’re not used to seeing it. In literature from the 19th century and before, the lovesick woman or the woman who “fell first” was more of a common figure - thinking of Anne Elliot from Jane Austen, Jane Eyre, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Agnes from David Copperfield (a classic she fell first, he fell harder), numerous characters from Shakespeare (Mariana, Ophelia, and Viola to name just three), the Lady of Shalott from the Tennyson poem, even the Little Mermaid from the fairytale and Echo from Greek myth.
Would love to hear others’ thoughts on this dynamic!
submitted by NymphadoraLupin20 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:05 Phouza Song of the Week #574: In Your Head

Welcome everybody to the fourth and very last SotW of May! We havn't featured a track from 'Revival' in a pretty long time but that changes today, as StrangerAlert112 selected 'the zombie track', 'In Your Head', as this week's featured track.
On 'In Your Head', Em reflects about his regrets throughout his career. In particular, it appears that he’s most frustrated with his Slim Shady persona. His alter-ego, as described by Em, was his evil, yet funny side of him:
Slim Shady is just the evil thoughts that come into my head. Things I shouldn’t be thinking about. Not to be gimmicky, but people should be able to determine when I’m serious and when I’m fuckin around. That’s why a lot of my songs are funny.
Because of his persona, he blended real-life problems with his music. The most popular example would be 'Kim', where Em kills his wife out of frustration. He also had no issues with beefing with others. Even at the peak of his career, he’s made it evident that he would say whatever he wanted. On 'Drug Ballad', he rapped:
I just say whatever I want to whoever I want
Whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want
His actions finally began to catch up to him on this song, as he’s remorseful for what he’s rapped about.
On January 15, 2018, a month after this track was released, Dolores O'Riordan, the singer of the hook, was found dead in her London hotel room. The cause of death was not immediately made public, but an inquest held on the 6th of September ruled that she died as a result of accidental drowning in a bathtub, following sedation by alcohol intoxication.
Every week there will be a new song that gets featured at the top of the subreddit. Users can leave a comment and the song that gets the most votes might be the new Song of the Week. Suggestions for improving the next post are encouraged.
This week's Nominator: StrangerAlert112
The Song: In Your Head - iTunes
In-App link(s) spotify:track:5qykEZTHAcplCLrynoLRnN
Featuring Artist(s): None
Length: 3:02
Recorded: 2016 - 2017
Release: December 15, 2017
Album(s): Revival - iTunes
In-App link(s): spotify:album:0U6ldwLBEMkwgfQRY4V6D2
Sample(s): The Cranberries - Zombie
Media: Album: Cover - Back
Label(s): Shady Records, Aftermath, Interscope
Format: Digital, Disc, Vinyl
Producer(s): Scram Jones
Extra: Lyrics Video: Fan-made Video - Lyric Video Full header image
Live Performances: None
This is an open thread for you to share your thoughts on the current SotW or to nominate a new song. Avoid vague statements of praise or criticism. This is your chance to practice being a critic.
submitted by Phouza to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:42 lnwildeagle85 New Issue Out Today!
Emmerdale takes front cover in next week's Issue. Headline: Dales Mayhem as there is a lot to pack in, particularly Matty being framed of Samson's knife attack accident (what a way start to married life) of being accused of something he didn't do. Forget Kim v Rose, it's Kim v Ruby as Caleb's wife has revenge in mind in what's set to start off in the Summer. Is Marlon and Rhona's marriage set to be over for good? Perhaps the Counsel meeting didn't work out? And Liam revisits his past.
submitted by lnwildeagle85 to Emmerdale [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 15:01 williedills My Journey as a NOFX die hard fan to being Mike's bud

I was 13 and taking a photography class at Academy of Art College in SF. At the time I was really into Nirvana and Pearl Jam and the music my mom liked growing up. The class was mixed between high school kids and college kids looking for summer credits and I was the youngest of the whole bunch. One guy I really looked up to said to me "Hey, listen to this new record I just bought" and put headphones on me and pressed play. The album was Punk in Drublic and the song was Linoleum. It changed everything.
I was already a bass player at the time but my first band was trying to sound like all of our grunge idols.
(I'm the guy in the middle with long blond hair)
That band broke up and I joined my first "real" band soon after and the vibes had changed. We wanted to be fast and loud and punk. During that period I saw NOFX live probably 100 times. My Walkman was always playing my homemade tapes with NOFX on one side, Op Ivy on the other and probably Green Day in there as well. I learned every song, knew every lyric and slam danced my heart out every time I saw them. I got to see NOFX at the Fillmore, Bottom of the Hill, Slims, Gilman, Warp Tour, and even at little ass clubs like Thee Parkside. NOFX was on the stereo at all of our high school parties and Fat Mike was a mythical figure in my mind.
Then my band broke up again and my best friend and drummer were looking for a new project. My friend Chuck Worthy reached out and said a band called The Flipsides needed bass and drums so we texted Sabrina the lead singer and set up an audition. We put the record on for about 20 minutes before she showed up at our practice studio and learned the first few tracks. She walked in and asked us if we knew any of the songs, we said, yeah, totally. Colin (Drummer) counted in and we absolutely nailed the entire first couple songs in a row. Sabrina stopped and said, "So we have a tour opening for the Groovie Ghoulies and I want you guys." Turned out The Flipsides was signed to Pink and Black which is a subsidiary of Fat. So that's how I first met Fat Mike.
I don't think Mike really remembered me from that first meeting. I was just the new bass player for The Flipsides but we toured the record and he was aware of us. He even came to see us a few times. Side note, some of the bass on that record was done by Mike Dirnt and we had some heat behind us. It was a fucking great time on the road. The Ghoulies are the best and I loved that entire experience but when we got back Colin wanted out. He didn't feel satisfied with the songs and he was my guy so I told Sabrina I was out too. I still wonder what would have been if we had stayed with that lineup because we were solid on stage and killed it at every show. On to the next though, Colin and I joined a band with a couple of Irish lads from Sligo and started The Hooks. That band carried me through the next decade or so and they are still playing today.
Here's where it gets weird. Some how during all of this I got really into golf and started a worldwide golf league called the Mediocre Golf Association with my also best friend Jon Morley. It began as just a few friends playing golf together and now we have over 100 chapters around the world and almost 8000 members. Each year we hold a World Championship in Las Vegas that's attended by around 600 people at this point. Anyway, that other best friend Colin, my drummer, married Michelle who is a lockneck girl (some of you may know) in Mexico and Fat Mike was at the wedding. While we were body surfing on the beach one day I realized that I was just chilling next to Mike and everyone else had gone back to shore. I had heard somewhere that he was a golfer so I shot my shot and I asked if he wanted to golf while we were in Mexico and he absolutely lit up when I asked. He told me to meet him the next morning at 7am for breakfast and we would taxi to some course near by. I told my now ex-wife and she seemed not that interested but I couldn't fucking sleep. I popped out of bed ready to hang out with Fat Mike and golf in Mexico and it was everything I could have asked for and more.
We ate pretty quickly, had some semi-awkward conversation which I have no memory of and hopped in a Mexican taxi to the course. The course was nice. Like, really fucking nice but of course I had no clubs, no balls, no nothing. We rented a bunch of shit and each paid for ourselves (this will come up later). All told I think I spent almost 700 bucks which was a lot for me but nothing was gonna stop me from having this day. The round was amazing. I told Mike all about this thing I had started called the MGA, and he was into it! We talked about punk bands we liked, why bass is definitely the best instrument, we both sucked at golf, the course was immaculate, and we bonded. He became Mike my homey and not Fat Mike from NOFX. He's just a cool dude who is really fun to hang out with. The rest of the Mexico trip he was my buddy Mike...who also knew every other famous person there and kept introducing me and lives a totally different and probably cooler life than most people.
Cut to, I'm back home. Mike tells Kent (the NOFX manager) about the MGA. Kent loves it even more than Mike. Kent becomes a true friend and an MGA champion. We all start golfing all the time and through them I meet a bunch of people I now fully consider lifelong friends. They both come to Vegas for our World Championship. Mike, myself and Jon Morley the co-founder of the MGA do a cover for Golf Magazine which blows up the MGA even more. We're now just straight up golf buddies but Fat Mike is still Fat Mike who I grew up idolizing but he's become a normal buddy who just has a cool job in a way. I love that man. He sucks at golf and so do I but after he sucks at golf he writes hit records! He's great at being Fat Mike but he's also great at being a friend and now that they're doing the last tour I just feel like people should know this story.
Mike is famous as fuck in my world. I know in the big world that's not SF punk kids he's not a household name but for me, meeting him the first time was like meeting Michael Jackson, with less molesting. Some molesting, consensually if you're part of the scene, but less molesting. He's gone out of his way for me. He told me much later he wanted to pay for that first round of golf we played in Mexico but he didn't know me well enough yet. The important part there is he thought about that enough to tell me later. He held onto it like I do with so many things. When you hang with him and he does know you he pays for dinner, golf rounds, etc. but not do act cool, because he has money now and he wants to just use it to do fun things with his friends. It's so selfless and he's treats it like a lot of people say they would if they ever got money but then don't. He does. He's just a good dude. Again, terrible at golf but a good dude.
I've heard that you shouldn't meet your heroes. Who said that? Whoever they were their heroes were dicks but luckily my hero was Fat Mike and I'm so glad I met him. If I told this story to a 13 year old me he'd probably say, "I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened."
If you did read all this thank you for listening.
Bonus extra story - at the MGA World Championship in Vegas Mike took a shit next to a tee box, put a tee in it just so everyone would probably see it and no one was mad at him. I guess that's the one rock star thing he does sometimes is do something outrageous just to see? If I did that people would not be okay with it.
Bonus Bonus extra story - once after a round of golf Mike was driving me home and had to pick up his daughter at school. She was probably 5 or 6 at the time. He took me into the school, into the classroom, and every kid was so excited to see him but so confused as to who I was. Mike seemed un-phased. That's my guy.
edit - I reread this and it kinda sucked so I made it tighter. This is who I am.
submitted by williedills to nofx [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:16 Ishika2337 What To Watch After Queen Of Tears? Here Are 5 K-Dramas To Add To Your Watchlist

TVN’s drama Queen of Tears, starring Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won as the lead couple, recently ended on a high note. The drama revolves around a married couple Baek Hyun-woo (Soo-hyun), who is the director of the legal department of the conglomerate Queens Group and his wife Hong Hae-in (Ji-won) is the chaebol heiress, who runs Queens Group’s department stores. The husband is tired of his over-ambitious wife and overbearing in-laws and ultimately decides to divorce Hae-in. That’s exactly when he learns that she has just three months to live.While it may seem like just another romantic K-drama in which the lead couple ultimately gets their happy ending, Queen of Tears is much more than that. It’s a story of marital discord, one-sided love, reconciliation, and revenge. The K-drama’s season finale also broke records by reaching a national viewership of 24.85 % in Korea and becoming the highest-rated drama finale in the channel’s history. The K-drama also remained in Netflix’s non-English global top 10 chart for weeks.
While it may seem like just another romantic K-drama in which the lead couple ultimately gets their happy ending, Queen of Tears is much more than that. It’s a story of marital discord, one-sided love, reconciliation, and revenge. The K-drama’s season finale also broke records by reaching a national viewership of 24.85 % in Korea and becoming the highest-rated drama finale in the channel’s history. The K-drama also remained in Netflix’s non-English global top 10 chart for weeks.

Chief Detective 1958

The ongoing MBC action thriller is set in the era between the 1950s and 1960s. It revolves around four brave and honest detectives played by Lee Jehoon, Lee Dong-hwi, Choi Woo-sung and Yoon Hyun-soo, who join hands in solving some of the most complicated cases under their jurisdiction. Chief Detective 1958 is the prequel series to a popular South Korean detective show titled Chief Inspector.
The K-drama has created quite a stir amongst the action drama lovers for its gripping storyline as it involves solving crimes without the usage of modern technology, and solely based on the detectives’ innate capabilities, adding an element of suspense to the drama. So far, eight episodes have been aired which are also available on Disney+ for streaming and the series will have a total of 10 episodes.

Lovely Runner

Byeon Woo-seok and Kim Hye-yoon’s romantic drama has been all over social media for having all the familiar tropes of a classic South Korean drama. While Lovely Runner is a time-travel story, the adorable chemistry between the two leads takes viewers on a captivating journey. The K-drama is adapted from the web novel Tomorrow’s Best and revolves around Woo-seok’s character Ryoo Seon-jae, who despite being a successful K-pop idol, isn’t happy with his life.
Meanwhile, Im Sol, played by Hye-yoon, is a die-hard fan of Seon-jae and is left heartbroken when her favorite idol dies. Im Sol then decides to travel back in time to meet her idol when he was young and change their future. The tvN drama can be watched on Viki.

The Atypical family

The Atypical Family revolves around a family whose members once possessed supernatural abilities. However, due to modern-day lifestyle and chronic diseases like insomnia and depression, the family loses their power. The fantasy drama stars Jang Ki-yong, Chun Woo-hee, Ko Du-shim and Claudia Kim in main roles and is available for streaming on Netflix.
Bok Gwi-joo (Ki-yong) once had the ability to travel back and forth in time and relive his happy memories, but as he loses his powers, he gets depressed. However, the arrival of Do Da-hee (Woo-hee) marks the beginning of a series of changes in the Bok family.
Also Read: Goosebumps

The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

The Midnight Romance in Hagwon was just released and has already captivated the audience with its unique plot. The most anticipated romantic K-drama stars Wi Ha-joon and Jung Ryeo-won as the protagonists, and has garnered high ratings. The plot revolves around the life of veteran cram school instructor Seo Hye-jin (Ryeo-won) whose life takes a turn when she once again crosses paths with her former star student Lee Joon-ho (Ha-joon).
The latter leaves his high paying job and returns to the academy, where he had studied, as an instructor. Hye-jin had earlier helped him get into a prestigious university and when Joon-ho leaves his big shot job, it gives him the chance to get closer to his first love. The Midnight Romance in Hagwon showcases the lives of these two individuals who navigate their emotions and the challenges of their newfound relationship. The tvN drama is available for streaming on Viki or Viu in selected regions for international viewers.

The Midnight Studio

The Midnight Studio is based on a novel by the same name and the life of a photographer. The fantasy romantic drama stars Joo Won, Kwon Nara, Yoo In-soo, and Eum Moon-suk in pivotal roles. The Genie TV drama received praise from the audience for its captivating concept. International viewers can watch it on Viki.
Seo Ki-joo (Joo Won), is a photographer who is the seventh owner of a small photo studio that only serves ghosts. His job is to click pictures of the deceased who come to his store. Han Bom, played by Kwon Nara, is a passionate lawyer who stands firmly for justice and ends up partnering with Ki-joo’s unique photo studio.
submitted by Ishika2337 to u/Ishika2337 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - May 28th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:57 DankuBot they did her dirty

they did her dirty submitted by DankuBot to dankmemesdaily [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:08 Anonymouse-o- Why does everyone here hate Zach?

Why does everyone here hate Zach?
I just finished my rewatch and was wondering why everyone hates zach.
Yes yes annoying when the band forms when Lane and him aren’t together. But after that he’s nice and respectful. Apart from the whole thing where he broke up the band.
  1. He doesn’t pressure lane and respects her decision to not have sex before marriage.
  2. He works hard on the song with Mrs Kim.
  3. After they find out they are having twins, he thinks it’s Siamese twins and still is cool about it. 🤣
  4. He’s cool with Mrs Kim moving in.
  5. He subs for lane when she’s pregnant at her job.
  6. When he has to leave for tour with vapour rub he makes sure that his wife and kids are allowed on the tour too. When lane says no, he decides to cancel the tour until lane convinces him not to.
** I’m not saying I love Zach. But I think he was a good partner for lane all in all. And a good character for storylines as well.
submitted by Anonymouse-o- to GilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:50 autobuzzfeedbot 14 Celebs Whose Family Members Are On Their Payroll

  1. Taylor Swift's younger brother, Austin Swift, manages her music licensing for film, which is how "Message In A Bottle" ended up in the DC League of Super-Pets end credits or how "My Tears Ricochet" ended up in the It Ends With Us trailer.
  2. Additionally, Taylor Swift's parents, Scott and Andrea Swift, reportedly help run 13 Management, her management company.
  3. Jillian Demsey is an accomplished makeup artist, and her husband, Patrick Demsey, is one of her clients.
  4. Angelina Jolie is producing The Outsiders on Broadway, and her 15-year-old daughter, Vivienne Jolie-Pitt is volunteering as her assistant.
  5. Miley Cyrus's mom, Tish Cyrus-Purcell, is her longtime co-manager.
  6. Kayleen McAdams is a celebrity makeup artist, and her sister, Rachel McAdams, is one of her clients.
  7. Since 2001, Vin Diesel's sister, Samantha Vincent, has been the president of One Race Films, the production company he founded in 1995.
  8. In 2023, Pink shared that her then-11-year-old daughter, Willow Hart, "has a job on tour."
  9. Even before their Keeping Up with the Kardashians days, Kris Jenner has been the manager — or "momager" — for her children Kim Kardashian, Khloé Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian Barker, Rob Kardashian Jr., Kendall Jenner, and Kylie Jenner. She reportedly gets 10% of everything they earn from their beauty brands, licensing deals, and modeling gigs.
  10. Katherine Heigl's mom, Nancy Heigl, is her manager as well as the co-founder of her production company, Abishag Productions.
  11. Property Brothers stars Jonathan and Drew Scott have an older brother, JD Scott. He hosts HGTV's online behind-the-scenes videos for his brothers' competition show, Brother Vs. Brother.
  12. Heidi Klum's dad, Günther Klum, is the managing director of her company Heidi Klum GmbH & Co. KG.
  13. Sharon Osbourne has been Ozzy Osbourne's manager longer than she's been his wife. Her father managed Black Sabbath. Then, in 1979, Ozzy was kicked out of the band, and Sharon took over as his manager and encouraged him to go solo.
  14. And finally, Megan Thee Stallion's mom, Holly Thomas, quit her full-time job to manage her daughter's career until her death in 2019.
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:58 DanSha38 The Amazing World of Gumball Characters as South Park Characters

Gumball = Stan Marsh
Darwin = Kyle Broflovski
Julius = Eric Cartman
Anton = Kenny McCormick
Idaho = Butters Stotch
Penny = Wendy Testaburger
Richard = Randy Marsh
Nicole = Sharon Marsh
Tina/Rachel = Shelley Marsh
Harold = Gerald Broflovski
Jackie = Sheila Broflovski
Anais = Ike Broflovski
Ms. Simian = Mr. Garrison
Rocky = Chef
Banana Joe = Jimmy Valmer
Sussie = Timmy Burch
Tobias = Clyde Donovan
Bobert = Craig Tucker
Teri = Tweek Tweek
Hot Dog Guy = Tolkien Black
Mr. Small = Mr. Mackey
Banana Barbara = Liane Cartman
Mr. Rex = Stuart McCormick
Felicity = Carol McCormick
Polly = Karen McCormick
Daniel Senicourt = Stephen Stotch
Mary Senicourt = Linda Stotch
Masami = Bebe Stevens
Molly = Heidi Turner
Alan = Pip Pirrup
Carrie = Pete Thelman
Jamie = Henrietta Biggle
Clare = Michael
Billy = Firkle Smith
Leslie = Red McArthur
Sarah = Scott Malkinson
Carmen = Nichole Daniels
Clayton = Towelie
Ocho = Mr. Hankey
Frankie = Jimbo and Ned
Principal Brown = Principal Victoria
Patrick = PC Principal
Judith = Strong Woman
Granny Jojo = Marvin Marsh
Louie = Father Maxi
Yuki = Mayor McDaniels
The Doughnut Sheriff = Officer Barbrady
Sal Left Thumb = Harrison Yates
Colin and Felix = Terrance and Phillip
Gary Hedges = Big Gay Al
Mr. Corneille = Mr. Slave
Mr. Robinson = Lu Kim
Mrs. Jötunheim = Dr. Mephesto
Banana Bob = Skeeter
Marvin = Ms. Crabtree
Coach Russo = Ms. Choksondik
Nurse Markham = Nurse Gollum
Larry = Darryl Weathers
The Tree Librarian = Grandma Stotch
Teri = Kyle Schwartz (Teri doubles as Tweek and Kyle Schwartz)
William = Nathan
Hector = Mimsy
Jamie = Trent Boyett (Jamie doubles as Henrietta and Trent Boyett)
Rob = Scott Tenorman
Hector = Satan (Hector doubles as Mimsy and Satan)
Mrs. Robinson = Saddam Hussein
Leslie = Gregory of Yardale (Leslie doubles as Red and Gregory)
Juke = The Mole
Alan = Gary Harrison Jr. (Alan doubles as Pip and Gary Harrison Jr.)
submitted by DanSha38 to gumball [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:51 ElizabethKenobi0621 When families play favorites and hurt feelings

My nephew was engaged to be married. The wedding was supposed to be in 2022. One saturday in June my nephew called my dad to inform him the wedding is now in one week, the following Saturday. And. Its a secret. Before you start the guessing of shotgun for secret pregnancy. We thought that too. And no they just were ready to get married.
The wedding was 2 hours away. We were told to arrive by 3 for a 6 pm wedding. Thats fine. My other sister rode with us.
We arrive. And its hurry up and wait. My dads ex wife arrived. My sisters mother in law and brother in laws family arrived. This is when shit gets bad.
For my whole 36 year existence my brother in laws family was ALWAYS a priority. My sisters mom/dads ex wife was priority 2. And we were not even a priority. I never called my siblings “half sister”.
All family holiday gatherings were centered around BIL’s family events. So they have always been special
When BILs mom arrived, it was “nanna do you need a seat” “nanna are you hungry” “nanna do you need anything”. That being said. She is able bodied and not a feeble old woman. Perfectly capable.
The groom insisted on photos with nanna. Him and her. Him his brother and her. His mom and dad and nanna. Dad and nanna. You get the picture. Pun intended 🫠
I had to suggest the other grand parents get photos. The photographer took photos with nanna. I took the photos on my phone of the other family. The tension was palpable. You could FEEEEEL the favoritism.
So the groom went to get ready and the bride was ready to come down. We were told to “turn around face the wall and close your eyes and dont you dare look at the bride”
Heaven forbid we see the bride.
So she came down and walked outside. In public. For everyone to see her. But never us. Make it make sense bruuuuhhhh
I took photos and sent them to my mother who was unable to attend. My sister and BIL both came to me separately telling me DO NOT POST THOSE ANYWHERE. Taken aback i said i was sharing the moment with my mother. They both told me “TELL HER TO SHOW NO ONE”. Oooookkkkkkkk
They have the wedding it was simple and beautiful. She was lovely and my nephew was happy.
After the wedding. Favoritism was back on display. My dads ex wifes husband/my sisters step dad died 2 years prior and my BILs father died in 2020. To memorialize them, my nephew and the grandmothers released butterflies. My BILs father was first.
Nephew and BIL sobbed like babies. I respect their grief. However. It was absolutely obvious who was loved more. After my nephew and his father kim kardashian ugly cried, it was time for the other grandfather. When it came to him it was smiles and “oh look at the butterfly!” Kinda thing.
Photos were done. And we left. No reception.
They sent out the we eloped card with a photo from the wedding. And then went facebook official. I saw this as the time to post photos i took since they had already posted photos the day before. I did. And my sister texted and said bride wanted my photos removed now. I didnt open the text i just went to facebook and privated it. Since i didnt OPEN the text she called to tell me take them down. I said i already did. I got slapped on the wrist for being proud my nephew married.
Fast forward to April 2024 and my nephew was about to be a father!!! While i am excited for him, its still the same favoritism except this time. His wifes family is top priority. Seeing how he grew up playing favorites, he sees no issue. The baby was born and she is beautiful.
The wifes mother held her the night she was born. While my sister wasnt allowed. I text her days after birth asking for a “grandma and baby photo”. She said she hasnt met her yet.
After being discharged, the wifes mother stayed at their house to help for like 4-5 nights. When the baby was around a week old my sister met her.
Today is may 27 and my parents and sisters mom have just met the baby. Im sick and didnt go so not to infect the baby.
None of the grandparents were allowed to hold the baby. They just saw her.
It really hurts the heart of a person who goes above and beyond to celebrate people, give my all and then some, pour love into people and get bare minimum in return. My nephew has always been one of my favorite people. So is my sister brother in law and their other son. Ive always given them gifts and showed love. Only to get shit on in the end.
submitted by ElizabethKenobi0621 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:20 RandomThoughts606 Why London?

After the number of years that my wife has been playing this show on repeat so many times, one thing that always perplexed me.
Why London?
I could fully understand the idea of Mitchum sending Logan to London to get him away from Colin and Finn, and I'm not going to sit here and believe that he was doing it to split him and Rory because I always looked at things that Mitchum just treated women as disposable pleasures, and just could honestly care less who Logan was involved with, seeing it as unimportant compared to the business.
But still, we see that the Huntzburger home is in Hartford or around Hartford, just judging by the accessibility they all have to Richard and Emily and each other, and I would imagine if the family ran a giant media empire of newspapers and magazines, their main office would probably be in New York City.
Now I'm not saying they won't have an office in London, but outside of trying to get Logan away from his friends and the life and death brigade, it just seemed logistically silly to have him go all the way over there as opposed to New York City. Even if Mitchum wanted to do a hands-on mentorship of his son, it would be easier having him in New York City where they can be close and accessible as opposed to overseas.
Again, it was obvious this was more about a storyline of separating Logan and Rory for a long period of time, and I'm still going to say I don't believe that Mitchum cared who Logan was with when he did this, but is there any real logistical and realistic reason Mitchum would send Logan to London as opposed to New York City or something?
submitted by RandomThoughts606 to GilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:32 yelgiuq88 So if Polin do win the baby race...

Would that make their son Baron Featherington or Bridgerton? Genuine question. I would guess it would be Bridgerton but maybe the Featherington name is part of the package?
Would this mean there would be a Viscount and Baron Bridgerton living across the road from each other? AND LWD?!They'd be the most powerful family in the ton.
Would she have to move back into her Mums?... Though it would be her sons place now I guess.
I don't know how others feel about this, I'm a little unsure because I would like Penelope to get away from her family. Some independence and happiness would be nice but also, she'd no longer be the kicked puppy. She'd be the lady of the house with Colin "my wife" Bridgerton there to stand up for her.
Also I think it would be funny to see her sisters being in the mix a little more. They've been such entertaining comedic relief this season that I want to see what they get up to next especially if one of them do win baby race. Imagine them as lady of the house? Little nightmares.
I see a plot point soon where the sisters get their periods but don't realise that means they aren't pregnant. A continuation of "insert it where?" you could say.
Right now though, I can only see this ending with a Baron Bridgerton.
What does everyone's else think?
submitted by yelgiuq88 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:27 PiyushPrakash [In the body] My tier list , couldn't get the image in high quality

[In the body] My tier list , couldn't get the image in high quality
but here's a spreadsheet version of it
One of the Best
Cant see cant hear but love, hive, FFF-Class Trashero, fist demon of mount hua, Gosu (The Master), i am really not the demon gods lackey, If You Lay A Hand On My Brother, You're All Dead, love advice from the great duke of hell, Mosquito wars, One punch man, Rooftop sword master, Weak hero, Way to heaven.
Pretty Good
Villainess no more, A Gate Opened on my First Day as a Politician, 99 Wooden stick (manhwa), Barbarian Quest, Another Typical Fantasy Romance, Blood and Butterflies, boss in school, bowblade spirit, Cheolsu Saves the World, Demonic Emperor, Dead Life, doctors-rebirth-, Ebony, Efforts Never Betray, Empress Wi Mokhwa, existence, heavenly-demon-cultivation-simulation, hectopascal, house without time, How To Get My Husband On My Side, I am a mom, I am not that kind of talent, I am the fated villain, I grow stronger by eating, I have become the villainous empress, I tamed a tyrant and ran away, I don’t love you anymore, I'm a Martial Art Villainess but I'm the Strongest!, Legend of the northern blade, lookism, Jujutsu kaisen, Martial artist lee gwak, Memoir of the king of war, My home hero, My mother's contractual marriage, Murim login, Philomel the fake princess, Path of the shaman, Peerless dad, Planetary human, Player, Player who returned after 10,000 years, Pigpen, Records of the swordsman scholar, Resetting lady, saihater no paladin, Superhuman era, Rental hero, Horizon, SSS class suicide hunter, return of the mount hua sect, shotgun boy, sword sheaths child, duchess of the glasshouse, skeleton soldier couldn’t protect the dungeon, the flower dances and the wind sings, The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud, The end is a game to me, The broken ring, If you so desire my despair, The ember knight, The return of the crazy demon, The tower of god, Worthless regression, Transfer student storm bringer, Twilight poem, True education, what it means to be you, whats wrong with you, duke?, the disloyal subject saves the country, duchess of the attic, omniscient reader's viewpoint.
A Post-Apocalyptic Journey, abyss rage, a modern man who transmigrated into the murim world, A Villain Demands to Be Loved, Actually, I was the Real One, academys undercover professor, absolute sword sense, An Extra In The Family Is The First To Be Abandoned, Angelic Lady, Another World Nation Archimaira The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army, ashtarte, brutal satsujinki, berserk of gluttony, bully in charge, bones, boundless necromancer, Castle, cheating men must die, Chronicles of Heavenly Demon, chronicles of narnia, chronicles of the martial gods return, Cigarette and cherry, Circumstances of Changing Bodies, Chronicles of the demon faction, Dear Boy, Dear us who used to be, Death God, Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess, death row boy, demon prince goes to the academy, descendant of bowbladed, Devil Sword King, Demonic master of mount kunlun, dogman, Dokgo, dreaming freedom, Dreamland Adventure, dungeon odyssey, Earth Savior Selection, Earthchild, eleceed, emperrors sword, escape room, Even Though I'M The Villainess, I'Ll Become The Heroine!, Everyone Else is A Returnee, Everything was a Mistake, Father, I Don't Want to Get Married!, fight class 3, For Stella, Garbage Hero, god tribe, Happy Ending for the Time-Limited Villainess, Heavenly Sword's Grand Saga, heavenly-demon-cant-live-a-normal-life, Hellbound, her majesty's swarm, Hero x Demon King x Villain, Dead queen, horading in hell, how dare you, How to Fight, How to Live as a Villain, Hypnosis School, i am not a regressor, I Am Reborn As The Sword God, i am the evil lord of an intergalactic empire, I am the Precious Daughter of the Greatest Villain in the Fantasy World, I Became an Evolving Space Monster, I Became The Sacrificial Princess, i became the tyrant of a defense game, I Became the Ugly Lady, I don't want to be Empress!, I Exploit Bugs, I Failed To Throw The Villain Away, I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon, I Reincarnated As The Crazed Heir, I Used to be a Boss, I Will Fall With The Emperor, I Won't Accept Your Regrets, ijime no jikan, i-killed-an-academy-player, I'm A Middle Schooler Becoming The Demon Lord, I'm a Villainess, Can I Die, Infinite Level Up in Murim, is it my fault that i got bullied, Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita, Juvenile offender, Judge lee han, Just Because My Apprentice Is the Strongest, Doesn't Mean I'm Strong Too!, Juujika no Rokunin, Killing Killer, Lady to queen, Legendary Fossil, legendary youngest son of the marquis house, Living with One Leg, Lonely Attack on the Different World, Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute manhwa, Lumine, Mage again, Manager kim, Martial wild west, My beloved oppressor, My fiance is in love with my little sister, My husband who hates me has lost his memories, Midwood, Mom i am sorry, Mujang, My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending, My Gift LVL 9999 Unlimited Gacha, Nano List, Naraku no futari, Never die extra, Overpowered sword, Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai Desu, new-suitor-for-the-abandoned-wife, Newbie management, nyanta to pomeko, One Day, Suddenly, Seoul Is, one hit teacher, Neon Revenge, Nano Machine, Myonghara, My office noona, My wife is the empress, My insanely competent underlings, Preview, Pick me up gacha, Plaza, The villainess's stationery shop, Please show up, Please marry me again, Posion dragon asura, Prison lab, the priest of corruption, Psycho face, reality quest, reaper of the drifting moon, rebirth, reincarnation of the veteran soldier, rengoku no karma, remarried empress, ryuu kusari no ori, devil returns to school days, second life of trash princess, skeleton warrior, return of the bloodthirsty police, she's hopeless, Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou Sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga manhwa, terminally ill genius dark knight, surviving the game as a barbarian, strong representative, study group, taming of the shrew, Survive as the Hero's Husband, The Bad Ending of an Otome, the great master, the greatest in the world, the tutorial is too hard, the one within the villainess, dungeon majesty, The lazy prince becomes a genius, You're a Supporting Character, Just Love Me, the villainous warrior, to not die, zombie x slasher, Yondome Wa Iya Na Shizokusei Majutsushi, Your Eternal Lies, The Knight King Who Returned with a God, wizard's martial world, why i quit being a demon king, the maid and the vampire, The Executed Sage is Reincarnated as a Lich and Starts an All-Out War, the new gate, The President'S Special Instructions, The Predatory Marriage Between the King and the Paladin, unordinary, webtoon character na kang lim, the tyrant's tutor, under the oak tree, there were times when I wished you were dead, the legendary mechanic, the novel's extra, the mistress runs away, the king and his knight, the great mage returns after 4000 years, the invincible man, weak teacher, the unwelcomed guests of house fildette, volcanic age, trapped in a webnovel as a good for nothing, the trash of the count's family, Ultimate Outcast, This is the law, Please kill my husband, Regression instruction manual, Regina rena to the unforgiven, Shadow Queen, The real daughter is back, The wold lord's lady, The hero who seeks revenge shall exterminate with darkness, Your majesty please don’t kill me this time, the reason she lives as a villainess, witch's hopeless wish, untouchable lady, villainess lives again, the absolute god's game, so I am a spider so what?, the spark in your eyes, The sacrificial princess, The revolutionary princess eve, Tales of a scribe who retired to the countryside, the duchess with an empty soul, solo leveling.
Not Good Not Bad
everyone regressed except me, A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly, So I Broke, A Story About A Grandpa and Grandma Returned Back to their Youth., bad ending maker, a-villainess-revenge-is-sweeter-than-honey, Baek XX, Archmage Transcending Through Regression, Android have no blood, Before It'S Too Late, can-we-become-family, Book Eater, Clever Cleaning Life Of The Returned Genius Hunter, Climbing the Tower that Even the Regressor Couldn't, cry-for-me-crown-prince, deathcord, Demon Lord's Martial Arts Ascension, devilish duke cant sleep, Dungeon House, Dungeon Seeker, Enemies, Escort Warrior, golden mage, guard pass, heavenly martial god, Helmut-The-Forsaken-Child, HERO Vs Cultivator, How the Knight Lives as a Lady, how to live as an unlicensed healer, how to survive as a dragon with time-limit, carsearin, Heavenly Grand Archive's Young Master, i became a renowned family's sword prodigy, I Became the Mad Emperor, I Became The Tyrant'S Secretary, I have Twin Girlfriends, I Killed Him, I was Told to Relinquish My Fiance to My Little Sister, and the Greatest Dragon Took a Liking to Me and Unbelievably Took Over the Kingdom, i will be the matriach in this life, I'll be Taking a Break for Personal Reasons, I'll Raise You Well In This Life, Your Majesty!, infinite mage, ingrid-the-white-deer, king game, Kuro no Maou, Level 1 Player, Leveling My Husband to the Max, Leveling With The Gods, limitless, Maria no danzai, Money Game, Mookhyang dark lady, My dad is too strong, My daughter is the final boss, necromancers evolutionary traits, otome game no mobu desura naindaga, nozomanu fushi no boukensha, My Body Has Been Possessed by Someone, moonlight sword, my lover was stolen and i was kicked out of the hero’s party, My wife is back, Nidome no yuusha, Nihonkoku shoukan, My younger brother is the academy's hotshot, Please Take Care Of Me In This Life As Well, Poisonous healer, Psycopath hero, return of the scholar, surviving as a fish, Reincarnated Into A Warlock 66,666 Years Later, re life player, The Long Way Of The Warrior, Taming the Absolute Tyrant, surviving the hero's wife, the strongest ever, the 31st piece turns the tables, the emperor reverses the time, The Lady and Her Butler, the undefeatable swordsman, the scholar's reincarnation, the girl who married the big snake, The Brave Jet Black Wizard I Got Betrayed By My Comrades So I United With The Ultimate Monster, x and ash, the world is money and power, villain to kill, the constellations are my disciples, villainess level 99, when night falls, wind spirit, when the villainess loves, the reincarnated assassin is a genius swordsman, the terminally ill young master of the baek clan, The Villainess's Butler I Raised Her to Be Very Cute, the villainess turns the hourglass, The Newlywed Life Of A Witch And A Dragon, The runaway lead lives next door, master of the martial arts library, taming the marquess, survive-as-the-hero's-wife, Recoords of the demonic path return, The S-Classes That I Raised, The Protagonist's Hidden Strength, Reborn as the enemy prince, The genius assassin who takes it all.
Not That Bad
Aire, Bad Boy, arma, cell, damn reincarnation, demon in mount hua, Estio, f class destiny hunter, Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-jin, Ha Buk Paeng's youngest son, Heavenly Inquisition Sword, I Can Copy Talents, Lucky coin, Limit Breaker, Overpowered healer, moonshadow sword emperor, My School Life Pretending To Be a Worthless Person, painkiller, records of the war god, re:monster, reincarnated war god, reincarnation of the murim clans former ranker, savage castle, the sword master's youngest son, revenge of the iron blooded sword hound, shinsu jeil sword, tallent swallowing magician, seoul station necromancer, the sleeping ranker, strongest fighter, sword fanatic wanders throught the night, textbook of revenge, the advanced player of the tutorial tower, the book of lagier, the storm inn, the world after the fall, the lone necromancer, the heavenly demon destroys the lich king's murim, the max levelled hero will return, tears of a jester, The lazy swordmaster, weapon maker, transmigrating to the other world once more, The worlds best escort bureau, the tyrant's guardian is an evil witch, the story of the thorny spear.
Auto Hunting With My Clones, Heavenly Demon Instructor, I Regressed As The Duke, I'm Divorcing My Tyrant Husband, kill the dragon, My mom is my constellation, past lives of thunder god, return of the disaster class hero, strong gale mad dragon, sword demon island, duke pendragon, The-Max-Level-Players-100th-Regression.
head over heels, Heavenly Demon Bakery, On the emperor's lap, The Star of a Supreme Ruler
submitted by PiyushPrakash to manhwa [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:10 starting_to_learn Taylor Swift and the Confessional Poets Department: An Anti-Hero's Confessional Journey from Midnights to TTPD

Taylor Swift and the Confessional Poets Department: An Anti-Hero's Confessional Journey from Midnights to TTPD
Taylor Swift’s music has long been branded “confessional.” When people call Taylor’s work “confessional,” they might mean that her music is emotionally confessional. But when it comes to Taylor Swift, this belief that her music is emotionally confessional is closely tied to the belief that she is delivering an autobiographical accounting of her life through her lyrics. Her music is perceived as grounded in real events and real people, peppered with “clues” that, if followed, will lead you to the True Story she is telling.
Interesting to consider in light of TTPD, the term “confessional” as applied to art actually has its roots in poetry. The confessional poets were a small group in the late 1950s-1960s who changed the face of American poetry, shifting towards a much more personal, autobiographical style. They included Robert Lowell, Anne Sexton, and most well-known today, Sylvia Plath - amongst others. The central breakthrough of their work was in “removing the mask” that had previously hidden the poet from view in their work. The confessional poets grounded their work in their own personal experiences and laid bare the most intimate details of their inner lives, delving into “taboo” subjects like mental illness and childhood trauma. This was seen as a major change for poetry to be so grounded in the poet’s interior life and personal history as the explicit subject. These poets became literary celebrities with much attention paid to the details of their personal lives - or in Plath’s case, her death.
After falling down a rabbit hole learning about the confessional poets, I believe that Taylor drew inspiration from this group on TTPD and crafted the album, at least in part, as a meditation on the concept of “confession.” I think her treatment of confession on TTPD is multi-layered - simultaneously pulling back the curtain towards a sincere unveiling of inner truth, while also, on a more meta level, examining what it means to create confessional art and, more broadly, what it means to confess. I’d argue that TTPD is all at once a personal act of confession, a performance of confession complete with a clue package so on-the-nose People Magazine only needed a day to crack it, and - if you’re keeping an ear out for those red herrings - a subversion of the expectations for confessional art. Which, as it turns out, is not so different from what the confessional poets themselves did.
After examining TTPD through this lens, I also revisited Midnights - and I hear the beginnings of this confessional journey stirring on that album, laying the groundwork for TTPD. Within the 321 “exile ends” countdown theory, this means that she began this confessional journey at 3 (Midnights) and ramped it up at 2 (TTPD). Where do we go from here? She just might be on the road to confessing her truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters.
So, my fellow Gaylors, if you’d like to join me down this rabbit hole - I stand before you with a summary of long-ass dissertation on my findings!
  • I was inspired to do this research based on initial connections between TTPD and Sylvia Plath I've seen percolating (i.e., these posts), plus the Ted Hughes poem, Red, that Florence posted as "recommended by Taylor.”
  • I am not an expert on the confessional poetry movement. I learned a lot through my research for this post, and I'm sure I've still barely scratched the surface of this rabbit hole, so I'd welcome anyone with more expertise who can build on these connections!
  • My main goal in this post is to analyze Midnights and TTPD through this confessional lens. When drawing connections to the confessional poetry movement, I’m going to deal with the movement broadly and focus on how this work was collectively understood, perceived, and talked about - both by the literary establishment and by these poets themselves. Dealing in broad strokes means I’ll be missing nuance in the specifics of each poet, and it is not my intention to mischaracterize any of their work. It’s just the only way to keep the post manageable.

What is confessional poetry?

The term "confessional" was first used to describe Robert Lowell's Life Studies, which was considered a "tell-all" on his troubled youth and ongoing mental health struggles. In his review of Life Studies, M.L. Rosenthal defined confession as an act of “removing the mask.” He wrote, “[Lowell’s] speaker is unequivocally himself, and it is hard not to think of Life Studies as a series of personal confidences, rather shameful, that one is honor-bound not to reveal.” (Source)
Robert Lowell became the top literary celebrity of his time, and the confessional genre the most popular genre of poetry. Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton were Lowell’s students at Boston University and this group all drew inspiration from one another. While the trope of the tortured artist certainly predates this group, it’s notable that, for these poets, “tortured” was and is a central part of how the public understood their identities as artists. Interestingly, Lowell, Plath, and Sexton were all hospitalized (repeatedly) at the same psychiatric hospital, McLean Hospital in Massachusetts, and wrote about their experiences. Plath wrote of her experiences there in her famous novel The Bell Jar. One of Lowell’s most famous poems, Waking in the Blue, was written based on his experience at McLean. McLean was described as “America’s most literary hospital” in this article from The Atlantic titled "The Mad Poets Society."
There is a complicated legacy to the term “confessional” in art, beginning with these poets. Most of them absolutely hated the term. There was a sense that it reduced their art to a mere regurgitation of feelings without craft. There was a tendency to treat their work as very literal autobiography, to reduce it to a reporting of facts, though these poets themselves repeatedly said that, while their work was grounded in personal truths, it was not necessarily always literally factual. There came to be a mythos around these artists - not on the same scale as the Taylor Swift Cinematic Universe, but the parallels are there.
At the same time as artists resisted the word, the public is undoubtedly hungry for these personal confessions. Today, we need only look at Taylor Swift’s massive star power to see the draw of so-called confessional art.
Note before we move on: I’m going to use the word “confessional” throughout this post because, right or wrong, it’s the word that is commonly used to describe this type of art, and I also think Taylor is specifically playing with different meanings of the word. I don’t mean any disrespect towards the poets who didn’t like the term.

What Makes Midnights and The Tortured Poets Department Confessional Works

MIDNIGHTS: "Meet Me At Midnight"
A return to autobiographical writing was a central part of the sales pitch for Midnights. She wove this message into promotional appearances, for example the Jimmy Fallon interview where she describes Midnights as her “first directly autobiographical work in a while.” The album announcement branded Midnights “the story of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life.” She closes the announcement with “Meet me at midnight.” This return to direct, explicit autobiography, combined with the promise of personal revelations implied in “Meet me at midnight,” places us squarely within the confessional mode.
This messaging is especially interesting when we consider that Taylor’s previous work, with the exception of folklore/evermore, is widely considered to be a faithful autobiographical recounting of events from her life. Fans receiving this invitation to meet her at midnight might ask themselves: But haven’t we already met you? Haven’t you already revealed your innermost feelings and the private details of your life in your songwriting for years? The implication seems to be: no, you haven’t met me yet, but you will. The implication is that she is on the road to revealing herself in some new way that will invite us to truly meet her. This calls to mind the imagery of “removing the mask” from Rosenthal’s review of Life Studies, pulling back the veneer to reveal what is underneath. Pulling back the curtain, perhaps?
Importantly, it’s not just us, the public, who are implied to have not met Taylor. It’s also implied that she is estranged from herself: “For all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit and go searching - hoping that just maybe, when the clock strikes twelve, we’ll meet ourselves.” Midnights represents her first step down the road towards meeting herself - and an invitation for us to join her.
While we did not meet her on Midnights, the songs on this album did begin to pull back the curtain. The entire concept of this album, exploring things that keep her up in the middle of the night, suggests a new kind of vulnerability. Taylor herself said of Anti-Hero: “I don’t think I’ve delved this far into my insecurities in this detail before…this song is a real guided tour through all the things I tend to hate about myself…I like Anti-Hero a lot because I think it’s really honest.” (Source) We also have Maroon and Hits Different - the two most obviously sapphic songs she’s released that she herself classified as “autobiography.” We have Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve, a searing exploration of lost girlhood.
Towards the end of the album and into the 3AM edition, she starts to explicitly grapple with the concept of confession. Interestingly, Taylor has not used the word “confess” that often in her discography. Midnights contains two mentions of the word, the most of any TS album at the time of release.
The first mention comes in Mastermind when she says: “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid / So I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since / To make them love me and make it seem effortless / This is the first time I’ve felt the need to confess.”
Mastermind closes the standard edition of Midnights on this note - that this is the first time she’s felt the need to confess, signaling a new type of revelation. In this context, she is playing with legal imagery. She’s been scheming like a criminal, and now she is confessing to the “crime” of masterminding her career to make everyone love her.
Then we transition into the 3AM edition, which contains even more themes of confession. We get our second use of the word on Paris, where she longs to confess her truth: “I want to transport you to somewhere the culture’s clever / Confess my truth in swooping, sloping cursive letters.”
Finally, the 3AM edition closes on Dear Reader. While she does not explicitly use the word “confess” here, she is very much operating in the confessional mode. The bridge, in particular, recontextualizes the entire album as an act of confession. She describes the songs on Midnights (“these nights” that she wanders through) as the “desperate prayers of a cursed man spilling out to you for free.” She is spilling confessions out to us on this album in the form of desperate prayers. And then she makes a further confession - “you wouldn’t take my word for it if you knew who was talking.” She begs her audience not to take her at her word, to instead hear her “desperate prayers” and see what she is “hiding in plain sight.” Dear Reader is arguably the most confessional song on the album - and it tees us up perfectly for TTPD, where she will take these confessions even further.
“Confession” is a word with several meanings. I believe that Taylor is exploring all these different meanings of the word on TTPD:
  • Most broadly, a personal intimate revelation
  • A religious sacrament: the confession of sins
  • A legal statement: confessing to a crime
It’s apt, then, that the term “confessional” was first applied to Lowell because he existed at the intersection of all definitions of the word. His struggles with mental illness were well-known in the literary community. He was a Catholic convert. And he was well-known for having served time as a conscientious objector to WWII. The other poets who came to be dubbed “confessional” tended to share some of these traits with him - a lengthy public struggle with mental illness, a preoccupation with religion, and/or brushes with the law. These subjects were explored in the confessional poets’ work.
I’m going to focus below mainly on how TTPD is exploring these different facets of confession. There are layers to the treatment of confession on this album. I would argue that TTPD is all at once a sincere act of confession; a performance of confession, targeted to the public; and a subversion of that performance in the form of “red herrings.”
She is so productive, it’s an art! Let’s dive in.
The confessional poets pushed the boundaries of what you could say in a poem. Particularly at the time, the topics they were known for writing about were considered quite taboo and improper - and this was part of what made this “breakthrough” new and exciting. Consider this quote from Sylvia Plath, then an up-and-coming poet, and how she describes Lowell and Sexton’s work:
I've been very excited by what I feel is the new breakthrough that came with, say, Robert Lowell's Life Studies, this intense breakthrough into very serious, very personal, emotional experience which I feel has been partly taboo. Robert Lowell's poems about his experience in a mental hospital, for example, interested me very much. These peculiar, private and taboo subjects…I think particularly the poetess Anne Sexton, who writes about her experiences as a mother, as a mother who has had a nervous breakdown, is an extremely emotional and feeling young woman and her poems are wonderfully craftsmanlike poems and yet they have a kind of emotional and psychological depth which I think is something perhaps quite new, quite exciting. (Source)
On TTPD, Taylor is similarly pushing the boundaries of what you can say in a song - and she is certainly pushing the boundaries past what she has previously said in a song. She is delving deeper into the most intimate and painful elements of her interior life, evoking imagery and subject matters the confessional poets are known for with lyrics like:
  • “I was supposed to be sent away / but they forgot to come and get me / I was a functioning alcoholic / til nobody noticed my new aesthetic”
  • “If I can’t have him / I might just die, it would make no difference”
  • “Stitches undone / two graves, one gun”
  • “I want to snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me / you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me”
  • “The hospital was a drag / worst sleep that I ever had”
In addition, Taylor delivers some of her most explicit lyrics on Guilty as Sin. We have unbridled rage in Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, even the way she calls out “the most judgmental creeps” on But Daddy I Love Him. We also have a healthy dose of homicidal ideation with lyrics like: “Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her” and “I did my best to lay to rest / all of the bodies that have ever been on my body / and in my mind, they sink into the swamp.” “Is that a bad thing to say in a song?” she asks. She says it anyway. The mask is off.
Art as a Sacred Catharsis: “This writer is of the firm belief that our tears become holy in the form of ink on a page. Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it. And then all that’s left behind is the tortured poetry.”
The word “confession” calls to mind the religious confessional, where one confesses their sins to be absolved of them. In the Catholic tradition, it’s only through confession that one can be free of their sins, achieve holiness, and re-establish communion with God. Sin constitutes a separation from God; confession allows for “wholeness.”
The above excerpt from Taylor’s post about TTPD evokes this religious imagery, where writing music is the act of confession. Our tears become holy when we shed them as ink on a page; when we confess our saddest story, we are free of it. TTPD is that act of confession - a sacred catharsis.
She spells this out on the album’s concluding track, The Manuscript, where she describes the catharsis of channeling agony into art. Once she’s confessed this story, she is free of it. It isn’t hers anymore.
In this religious context, TTPD as an act of confession implies the existence of a sin to be confessed. She explores this theme heavily on the album - what it means to be guilty as sin and what it means to be holy.
Love as Holiness: “What if the way you hold me is actually what’s holy?”
The true nature of holiness and sin is a major theme on TTPD - contrasting traditional notions of holiness and sin against how the author defines these words for herself. While this theme is absolutely rampant on TTPD, it’s not the first time a TS album has asked these questions. This theme blossomed on Lover before reaching new heights on TTPD.
On Lover, her love is positioned as sacred. She sings on Cornelia Street: “Sacred new beginnings that became my religion.” False God expands on this theme by drawing a contrast between this sacred love and the concept of a “false god” - an act of idolatry, a sin. She seems to say: even if they consider this love to be a sin, WE will still worship this love. We will still make this love our religion. “Confession” on False God is the act of making amends with her lover, re-establishing communion between them. “Got the wine for you” calls to mind the act of receiving holy communion, the body and blood of Christ - which, according to Catholic tradition, you are not allowed to receive when in a state of mortal sin. You must first receive the sacrament of confession before you can partake in communion. On False God, this love is her God - and they make confessions to break down the separation between them and achieve oneness.
This contrast from False God - between how others perceive her love as sinful, while she considers it her true religion - carries forward onto TTPD. On Guilty as Sin, she contrasts the “long-suffering propriety” they want from her with “the way you hold me” - and she insists this is actually what’s holy. She takes it a step further on But Daddy I Love Him. Here, she points an accusing finger back at those who would accuse her of sinfulness. She casts the Sarahs and Hannahs as the guilty ones - guilty of hatred, raising you to cage you, “vipers in empaths’ clothing.” They don’t need to pray for her because she is not the sinner. They are. This condemnation carries forward onto Cassandra, where she castigates the pure greed of the “Christian chorus line” who “never spared a prayer for [her] soul.” On The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, this man wears a “Jehovah’s Witness suit” - a predator peddling a false idea of holiness.
What began on Lover as honoring the holiness of her love transforms on TTPD into a castigation of those who would say it’s a sin. Lover is reverence; TTPD is a righteous fire of judgment sent to engulf a fallen world, a la the End Times.
So, we know what TTPD doesn’t consider to be her sin. The question remains - if she is confessing, then what is she confessing to? What sin is she seeking absolution for?
The Original Sin: “Forgive me, Peter.”
Peter is the only song on the album where we hear her ask for forgiveness: “Forgive me, Peter.” This evokes the words you would say in a confessional: “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”
What is her sin? Leaving Peter behind - her “lost fearless leader in closets like cedar.” Preserved in the closet where she left him. She asks Peter to forgive her because she didn’t truly want to leave him there: “I didn’t want to come down / I thought it was just goodbye for now.” She believed that Peter would grow up and come find her, that they would be reunited - but it hasn’t happened.
The second and final time she asks Peter for forgiveness comes at the end of the song. She asks his forgiveness for turning out the light: “Forgive me, Peter / Please know that I tried to hold on to the days when you were mine / But the woman who waits by the window has turned out the light.” Here, turning out the light symbolizes giving up hope for Peter’s return.
Her sin, then, is two-fold: leaving Peter behind and then giving up hope that they could be reunited. And I’d argue that this is no ordinary sin - this separation from Peter is the original sin of the TTPD universe, akin to the original sin of Adam and Eve that separates mankind from God - the root of all suffering. On Peter, she compares herself to Adam, missing a rib: “The goddess of timing once found us beguiling / She said she was trying / Peter, was she lying? / My ribs get the feeling she did.” The implication is that Peter is the Eve to her Adam, carved out from her rib - and, in their separation, she feels the hollowness of this missing part of her. The Prophecy evokes this same Adam and Eve imagery: “I got cursed like Eve got bitten. Was it punishment?” This is a direct reference to the concept of original sin and the punishment that followed. The punishment is exile - being cast out of the garden. She can only return there in her mind (“secret gardens in my mind”).
This all gets very interesting and poignant if we posit that she is singing to a lost part of herself on Peter - that she is in exile from herself. (There have been a number of great analyses of this song through that lens; i.e., this one.) Her original sin of denying herself created this rift within her, which caused her suffering. She confesses in order to return to communion with herself. To become whole again. “Forgive me, Peter.”
This calls back to the Midnights foreword, the sense of estrangement from herself and the search to find herself: “For all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit and go searching - hoping that just maybe, when the clock strikes twelve, we’ll meet ourselves.”
Importantly, in the Christian tradition, the crucifixion/resurrection was God’s answer to original sin, building a bridge for humanity to once again be one with God. So, these lyrics from Guilty as Sin are quite relevant here: “What if I roll the stone away? They’re gonna crucify me anyway.” The willingness to be crucified in the name of rolling the stone away - revealing this reborn version of herself - is the answer to original sin. Rolling the stone away is how she meets herself. And, in this context, rolling the stone away is, in essence, confession. It’s removing the mask, revealing what lies underneath. It’s exiting her tomb of silence.
Is TTPD the act of confession that will bring her back to herself and allow her to return to the garden? God, I hope so.
I said earlier that while I think TTPD is a sincere piece of confessional art, I also think that it is intentionally crafted as a performance of confession. By this I mean - TTPD is crafted to give the people what they want and expect from confessional art, particularly Taylor Swift’s confessional art. And what do the people want? They want the scoop. The gory details of her personal life. They want her to name names and tell them exactly what went down. In other words, they want to trace the evidence.
The performance of confession on TTPD hinges on the evidence she feeds the audience and how she directs us to use it. To understand this performance, we have to explore how TTPD navigates the third definition of the word “confession.” It’s time to go to court.
The Hearing: “At this hearing, I stand before my fellow members of The Tortured Poets Department with a summary of my findings.”
Since announcing TTPD, Taylor has been teasing the concept of this album as a hearing. She spoke of “entering into evidence.” She presented the artifacts. And now here she is, standing before the public, making a “plea of temporary insanity.”
This imagery introduces yet another layer to the concept of this album as “confessional.” Here, we are in a courtroom, and she is confessing to a crime. She is presenting us with the evidence to support her plea.
I think there are two layers to the courtroom imagery. The first is the defendant herself trying to make sense of the losses she has sustained, sorting through the evidence. Hits Different off Midnights introduces this language: “I trace the evidence, make it make some sense why the wound is still bleeding.” This language continues onto TTPD - i.e., in So Long London, she asks, “You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?” This is in line with how Taylor has spoken about using music to make sense of her life.
But the second layer is that this isn’t just Taylor trying to make sense of things on her own. She is confessing directly to an audience - her fellow members of the tortured poets department, the public. She is again breaking the fourth wall, like on Dear Reader.
Importantly, this courtroom imagery bookends the listener’s experience of the album. It served as the audience’s first introduction to the album at the start of the promotional cycle. And she closes the album with this imagery via the epilogue poem. The whole album is framed as a court hearing.
This is fascinating within the context of the Taylor-verse because this framing directly parallels the way the public engages with her music. Her lyrics are treated as a factual, autobiographical accounting of her life (particularly her love life), which the public scours for evidence in an investigative mission to uncover the True Story she is telling vis-a-vis what we know of her personal life. And her music is, in fact, often reduced to an investigation into her love life. To most media outlets and fans, analysis of a Taylor Swift song seems to mean examining which man the song is about. The lyrics serve as evidence, rather than art.
So, when Taylor tells her audience that she is entering something into evidence, we are primed; we know what to do. Time to pull out the magnifying glass and every pap photo of Taylor taken in the last two years. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that she gave us so much “evidence” to work with over the course of the last year? So many public sightings of her to expertly match up with the lyrics on TTPD. Not to mention the Eras Tour as an opportunity for non-stop Easter egging. She presented her information-hungry audience with a veritable buffet of evidence to pick through and match up with the album.
And the album itself is chock-full of “clues” linking lyrics back to real-life figures in the TSCU. She already knows that her audience will follow those clues; it’s what happens every album cycle. But this time she doesn’t just lay the bait and wait for everyone to take it. She lays the bait and tells us to take it. She says that she is entering this evidence for us to review. She stands before us with a summary of her findings. She directs us to conduct the post-mortem.
When was the last time she so brazenly invited speculation? I’d argue that this brings us right back to the beginning of her career, hiding secret messages in the liner notes and directing her audience to decode the messages to find out who or what the song was about. She said she wanted people to read her lyrics. But the end result was that people read her lyrics without really reading them. Her lyrics that she was so proud of were not treated as art. They were reduced to clues, evidence linking the song to this man or that. And we need only read the Reputation prologue to know how she came to feel about that:
So, it begs the question - Why is she directing her audience to follow the trail of evidence she laid out? Why evoke the language of the courtroom if she doesn’t want her music to be paternity tested in the court of public opinion? Why enact this performance of confession that seems to play directly into the public’s worst impulses?
Well, you know what they say: if it feels like a trap, you’re already in one.
Red Herrings: “And so I enter into evidence my tarnished coat of arms; my muses, acquired like bruises…”
Along with teasing the concept of TTPD as a court hearing from the very beginning, Taylor also introduced the suggestion of “red herrings” the same day she announced the album. This is no coincidence. A “red herring” is both a literary device AND a rhetorical device used in legal settings to distract or divert attention away from the main issues of the case. (Source) So, red herrings are a perfect fit for an album that centers on confession, playing in sandboxes both literary and legal.
If you’re in this corner of the internet, you likely believe that Taylor has been using red herrings in her work for quite some time as a tool to obscure and distract from her real-life muses. Naming a song “Style” is a perfect example of how she might very overtly hint at a public-facing muse in order to distract from the true inspiration. But, importantly, no matter how obvious we think these past red herrings were, TTPD marks a first: the first time she has explicitly pointed to red herrings in an album as part of the promotional cycle. The Rep prologue took us halfway there with the assertion that everyone who tried to paternity test the songs would be wrong. But now she’s saying: I am entering this evidence for you to review, but the evidence itself contains red herrings. I am planting evidence that is going to lead you to the wrong conclusion. Again: If it feels like a trap, you’re already in one.
Why do this? Why intentionally misdirect and then TELL us that’s what she’s doing? I can only assume that she wants us to see it. If she directs her audience to trace the evidence and tells us there are red herrings - well, then we will look for the red herrings. Or at least some of us will. And if we look closely enough, we’ll find them.
thanK you aIMee is a perfect example. There are three layers here: First, we have the subject of the song identified as Aimee. Then we have an old-school Taylor “hidden clue” in the title of the song - capitalizing letters to spell out Kim. Everyone sees that very obvious “clue” and pats themselves on the back for “solving the case”: the song is about Kim Kardashian. But then we have this line in the song: “I changed your name and any real defining clues / and one day, your kid comes home singin’ / a song that only us two is gonna know is about you.” Seems a bit contradictory, huh? She says she changed any real defining clues, but surely capitalizing letters in the song title to spell out someone’s name is a pretty defining clue. I smell a red herring. It could be that the capitalized letters are a red herring. It could be that the line in the song about not leaving any defining clues is a cheeky misdirection meant to cast doubt on the “clue” she left. I’d argue it’s probably both. Either way, the obvious contradiction built into this particular song serves to cast doubt on the history of Easter egging song subjects in the TSCU. This song takes us right back to the early days of Easter egging, capitalizing letters in lyric books to spell out secret messages. If this is a misdirection, who's to say there weren't misdirections built into the Easter eggs from the beginning?
The Alchemy is another example. This song falls near the end of the album, the final “muse-coded” song of the standard edition of TTPD. And if you’ve been tracing the evidence through the songs up until now, you’ll find matching “clues” in this song that seem to point at Matty Healy: themes of returning to a lost love, drug references in “heroin but this time with an E.” But wait - now she’s using a bunch of football references? There’s beer sticking to the floor while your friends lift you up over their heads because you just won the big game? The football imagery is so heavy-handed that it took very little time for every entertainment media outlet in creation to post a carousel of TayloTravis images along with lyrics to the song. But if you can keep yourself from getting distracted by the “Tayvis” fanfare, you might ask yourself - what the heck is going on in this song? Is it about Matty or Travis? Is it about both of them? The inherent contradictions point to another red herring, “clues” planted to mislead. And, well, if there are misdirections about the identities of her romantic muses built into this song…then who’s to say there aren’t misdirections built into the others? Who’s to say that anything you think you “know” about the identities of her muses is true, even if she’s the one who planted the evidence? Who’s to say that she is telling you the truth?
This line of questioning cracks open the entire foundation of muse-driven Easter egging in the TSCU. Following the trail of evidence to the red herrings she planted about muse identities will lead you to question the entire enterprise of following the evidence in the first place. And I think that’s precisely the point. You’re in a trap, and she wants you to know it. Because this practice of attaching public-facing male muses to all of her work has Taylor in a trap, too. As she says in Mastermind, she’s spent her whole career “scheming like a criminal to make them love [her] and make it seem effortless.” This is the first time she’s felt the need to confess. She’s copping to the scheming, pointing us to the red herrings. She’s asking us to accept her plea of temporary insanity on account of her restricted humanity. Asking that we understand the plight of the caged beast, driven to do the most curious things.
And if we’re going to understand, then we must understand this: we’re all in a trap. If her fans are going to embrace her rolling the stone away, they have to first see that tomb of silence for what it was: a trap ensnaring us all, limiting her artistic expression, and preventing her audience from hearing the core truth in her music.

Confessional Art: How much is confession? How much is art?

So, we’ve established these core precepts of the TTPD Universe: TTPD is a sincerely confessional album, representing a continuation of our anti-hero’s journey towards “meet me at midnight.” At the same time, TTPD is not necessarily based in literal, factual truths - and Dr. Swift has confessed that to us, too.
Is that a contradiction? Do the red herrings she planted exist in opposition to confessional art? I would argue, no, they do not.
The public’s foundational understanding of confessional art is that it is faithfully, literally autobiographical. It tells us the factual truth about the author. But just how true is that? For the confessional poets, when it came to truth in art, facts were besides the point. Consider this quote from Robert Lowell about his artistic process (emphasis mine):
“They're not always factually true. There's a good deal of tinkering with fact. You leave out a lot, and emphasize this and not that. Your actual experience is a complete flux. I've invented facts and changed things, and the whole balance of the poem was something invented. So there's a lot of artistry, I hope, in the poems. Yet there's this thing: if a poem is autobiographical—and this is true of any kind of autobiographical writing and of historical writing, you want the reader to say, “This is true.” In something like Macaulay's History of England, you think you're really getting William III. That's as good as a good plot in a novel. And so there was always that standard of truth which you wouldn't ordinarily have in poetry—the reader was to believe he was getting the real Robert Lowell.” (Source)
Here, Lowell seems to say that a core part of his artistic mission was to write poetry that would be experienced as true. He crafted his poems to deliver the experience and impression of the “real Robert Lowell.” And this is separate and distinct from delivering factual truth. In fact, he “tinkered with fact” as part of this artistic choice - to create a poem that would be experienced as true, even if it technically was not in the strictest sense of the term.
Anne Sexton made similar comments about her poems - that she did not always adhere to literal facts. In one interview, she described these untruths as “little escape hatches” so she would “always have an out.” She goes on to say: “I can tell more truth than I have to admit to because I can tell the truth and say, after all, ‘This was a lie’ or ‘Of course not all of my poems are true.’” These escape hatches, then, opened up room for her to tell more truth. Perhaps not always the literal kind, but the sincere core truth that audiences recognize and respond to as “true.”
The use of “red herrings,” then, is not in opposition to the confessional mode. Red herrings can actually enhance confessional art when changing factual details allows room for the author to share pieces of themselves that they otherwise would not. And, further, the experience of truth for the audience does not hinge on strict adherence to literal facts. The audience needs to feel that they are getting the real Robert Lowell. The real Taylor Swift.
Maybe we haven't met the real Taylor Swift yet. But I think TTPD brought us several steps closer.
submitted by starting_to_learn to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

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911191 Fun Fastik Handy Eating Snacks Candy 🏓 ASMR Eating show👄 #satisfyingasmr #childhood #snacks #candy #sweet
submitted by Hayate-kun to mukbang [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:34 leadwithlovealways Why do you think Colin…

Why do you think Colin chose to propose instead of courting(i meant calling) her in the morning and ask for Portia’s hand?
I know this is Chaos Colin, but like what was running their his head? They really do everything backwards 😂 love them. Anyways… yeah was he excited to tell his family that very second? He didn’t think to talk more first? He was legit like SHES NEEDS TO BE MY WIFE NOW.
I swear that still from the show that they’re in a church, I wonder if they’ll try to get a special license and say fuck it to everything and just want to he together as soon as possible 🥹
Ugh i keep daydreaming stop me
EDIT: I said courting, but I meant call on her 😂 love y’alls responses though!
submitted by leadwithlovealways to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 01:29 edillcolon Gil wouldn't be surprised

Gil wouldn't be surprised submitted by edillcolon to nbacirclejerk [link] [comments]